02 151007 Update 01 130516 Utkast Rev. Stein Risstad Larssen Anita Grimsrud Reason for Issue Date Prep. Torgeir Anda Checked Press Kit Jette well Wells 25/8-E-1 H og 25/8-D-1 AH T3 No. of Sheets: Doc. Type Code Revision Code Area Code KA NA Contract No. System Code Document Number: Project No. JT02 NA NA Originator Code DENOR- Discipline Code S Sequence No. ???? 01 Accepted 8 Status Code Det norske oljeselskap ASA Press Kit Jette Well PL 027D, PL 169C og PL 504 DOC. NO.: DG- DENOR-S-1233 REV. DATE PAGE : 01 : 16.5.2013 : 2 of 6 Table of Content 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 1.2 2 PURPOSE OF DOCUMENT ...................................................................................................................... 3 DET NORSKE OLJESELSKAP ................................................................................................................... 3 ABOUT JETTE WELL ................................................................................................................................ 3 2.1 2.2 2.3 A DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................................... 4 LOCATION............................................................................................................................................. 4 DISTANCES ........................................................................................................................................... 5 3 AVAILABLE VESSELS .............................................................................................................................. 5 4 NEXT OF KIN INFORMATION CENTER .................................................................................................. 6 5 THE ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES IN THE AREA .................................................... 6 Det norske oljeselskap ASA Press Kit Jette Well PL 027D, PL 169C og PL 504 DOC. NO.: DG- DENOR-S-1233 REV. DATE PAGE : 01 : 16.5.2013 : 3 of 6 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of document This document contains information about the Jette well. All material and images in the press kit are for free use for editorial purposes. 1.2 Det norske oljeselskap Det norske is a fully-fledged E&P company with exploration, development and production activities on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. We are building one of Europe’s largest independent E&P companies. Det norske is the operator for the producing fields Alvheim, Volund, Vilje and Jette. Det norske is also the operator of the development of the Ivar Aasen field, as well as partner in the Johan Sverdrup field. Det norske is partner in the enormous Johan Sverdrup field. Det norske has more than 500 employees. The company`s headquarters are located in Trondheim, with branch offices in Oslo, Stavanger and Harstad. Det norske is listed on Oslo Børs under the ticker “DETNOR”. 2 About Jette well Jette well spans three licenses, PL027D, PL169C and PL 504. Det norske is the operator with 70 percent interest. Petoro ASA is partner with 30 percent. Jotun B Illustration 1: Location of templates and pipelines at Jette. Jotun A Det norske oljeselskap ASA Press Kit Jette Well PL 027D, PL 169C og PL 504 2.1 DOC. NO.: DG- DENOR-S-1233 REV. DATE PAGE : 01 : 16.5.2013 : 4 of 6 A description The installation is on the seabed and consists of two production wells. Oil and gas from the wells will be transported from the two wells through two pipes, respectively 105 and 143 meters to a pipeline manifold (PLEM - Pipeline End Manifold). The oil will further be transported in a six kilometer pipeline to the Jotun B installation. In addition there will be a six kilometer cable (umbilical) from Jotun B to a subsea distribution unit (SDU) at Jette. There are both electrical and hydraulic cables, as well as gas from the distribution unit to the two Jette wells. The gas is used to increase the pressure and thus lift the oil up through the well. 2.2 Location The Jette field consists of two small separate oil accumulations, Jette north and Jette south. The two wells are located in block 25/7 and 25/8, 180 km west of Haugesund, and six kilometers south of the Jotun field. Water depth in the area is approximately 127 meters. Illustration 2: Location of Jette Det norske oljeselskap ASA Press Kit Jette Well PL 027D, PL 169C og PL 504 2.3 DOC. NO.: DG- DENOR-S-1233 REV. DATE PAGE Distances Distances and time of transit from Jette to various locations (approximately). 1 nautical mile = 1882 meters 3 Available vessels Available amount of dispersant: Stril Power (Jotun): 75 m3, Esvagt Capri (Jotun): 25 m3, Havila Troll: 50 m3, Esvagt Stavanger: 48 m3. A total of 198 m3 (Dasic NS). The actual quantities on board the boats may vary from these figures. Stril Power Esvagt Capri : 01 : 16.5.2013 : 5 of 6 Det norske oljeselskap ASA Press Kit Jette Well PL 027D, PL 169C og PL 504 Havila Troll DOC. NO.: DG- DENOR-S-1233 REV. DATE PAGE : 01 : 16.5.2013 : 6 of 6 Esvagt Stavanger 4 Next of kin information center The next of kin information center will be at Thon Hotel Sandnes. 5 The environment and natural resources in the area Key environmental and natural factors that have been identified are the following: • • • • • • • • • • • The flows are characterized by wind-driven surface currents and deep longitudinal currents from the Atlantic, mainly from the west / southwest. No deposits of coral and sponge environments. There may be seabirds in the area. The deposits on the sea will be spread. Environmental risk is assessed to be low and acceptable. There are several species of fish that spawn in this part of the North Sea, mainly during spring. Jette is within the spawning area for pollock. The mackerel spawns during summer (May-July), but spawning areas are located much further south in the North Sea. All relevant species in the area spawn pelagic and over large areas. Environmental risk to fish is very low. It may sometimes be small and larger groups of whales in the area. Jette is an oil reservoir with Jotun Tau oil. This is a paraffinic oil with a high wax content. Reservoir fluid will contain some gas which will be released by a possibly emissions. It is not identified specific challenges in this area that hampers mechanical or chemical control. Weather statistics shows that the significant wave height is less than 4 m Hs, respectively 89 percent, 98 percent, 85 percent and 75 percent of the time during spring, summer, autumn and winter season. The oil is dispersible, but has low potential for dispersal. The use of dispersants is included as a supplement to mechanical control. • Emergency preparedness systems at Jotun /Balder may be mobilized within two hours, with both mechanical and chemical control. Rented towing vessels will be used if necessary (standby vessels and supply vessels), tugboats from NOFO (supply vessels and fishing vessels) and rescue boats. An oil spill will most likely not arrive coastal areas (probability of 5 to 10 percent, some areas 10 to 15 percent), and drift time to the coastline is long. There are therefore no response time requirements for mobilization of oil spill systems in the coastal zone.
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