Hardangerfjordseminaret 2014 Thon Hotel Sandven, Norheimsund, 21. november Media skriver: “Lakselusmedisin tar knekken på rekene” – Stemmer det? Resultater fra prosjektet “FLUCLIM - Effects of diflubenzuron on Northern shrimps (Pandalus borealis) at ambient and future climate conditions” IRIS Biomiljø Lab-team: Renée K. Bechmann, Shaw Bamber, Emily Lyng, Stig Westerlund, Sree Ramanand, Marianne Nilsen Elisa Ravagnan - Modelling NIVA Katherine Langford – Analysis of DFB Jannicke Moe & Dag Ø. Hjermann - Modelling University of Leicester Paul Seear – Genomics Université du Québec à Rimouski Piero Calosi – Scientific advisor Finansiert av Forskningsrådet Havet og Kysten (2014-2016) Markus J. Thonhaugen nrk.no The Problem ….. The envirnomental Challenge Ambient climate pH 8.1 7C Future climate Ocean acidification (pH 7.6) and increased temperature (10C) Shrimps Pandalus borealis Diflubezuron from medicated fish feed Log Kow 3.8 A chitin synthesis inhibitor Benzoylurea pesticide Anti-parasitic drug against salmon lice Controls: Normal fish feed Shrimp larvae are exposed to DFB from suspended particles + dissolved DFB: Negative effects? How can shrimps be exposed? 14 days treatment of salmon to get rid of salmon lice Medicated fish feed Positive effect for salmon: Salmon lice die during moulting (Re)suspended particulates Dissolved DFB from fish feed Experiment done spring 2014 Pilot test spring 2014 Main experiment next year Adult shrimps eat feed waste, feces and sediment: Negative effects on non-target epibenthic crustacean? Feed waste Feces from salmon Sediment Continuos flow exposure system 10°C Temperature controlled seawater Heat exchangers 7°C + CO2 Aqua Medic system Pressure regulator Connection plug C Solenoid valve CO2 Stock solutions of sediment slurry with medicated or clean fish feed Main DFB exposure: Medicated fish feed (0.66 g DFB/kg) 2g 3.5 mm pellets Flow: 200 ml/min A little extra DFB: 8% fish feed in sediment: 0.5 mg/L Shrimp larvae were exposed to the pellets for 2 weeks from hatching Tr e a t m e n t s & T i m e : Ambient Climate DFB DFB at Ambient Climate Future Climate DFB at Future Climate DFB -14 -7 0 7 14 21 7°C, pH 8.1 x6 7°C, pH 8.1 x6 10°C, pH 7.6 x6 10°C, pH 7.6 x6 28 Age of larvae (days) Climate acclimation of shrimps (females with embryos) Hatching Two weeks exposure to medicated pellets with DFB Ambient climate: 7°C and X6 pH 8.1 Exposure to DFB X6 Future climate: 10°C and Exposure to DFB X6 X6 pH 7.6 200 200 200 200 X6 X6 X6 X6 batches Control batches DFB batches OA/T batches OA/T + DFB Analysis of DFB by Katherine Langford, NIVA Total concentration of diflubenzuron in the aquaria (dissolved and on particles) 1 mm mesh 0.2 L/min (288 L in 24 h) After 4 hours: 2 µg/L After 24 hours: 1 µg/L 1.32 mg DFB in 2 g pellets Conc. of DFB Fish feed after 24 h in the cylinder: 15 litre 3.5 mm pellets Analysis of DFB by Katherine Langford, NIVA Concentration of diflubenzuron after 4 h and 24 h Total Concentration of DFB in the aquaria (mean + SE) i.e. DFB attached to feed particles and dissolved in the water µg/L DFB 3,0 2,5 2,0 4h 1,5 1,0 4h 0,5 0,0 n=3 24 h n=3 Ambient Climate + DFB 24 h n=3 n=3 Future Climate + DFB Controls samples: <0.01 – 0.02 µg/L DFB was analyzed at NIVA by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) S U RV I VA L fo r s h r i m p l a r v a e Mean percent survival for 6 replicate batches of shrimp larvae exposed to DFB at two climate scenarios Percent survival of shrimp larvae 100 80 Ambient Climate Control - 25 % Future Climate Control 60 - 56 % 40 Ambient Climate + DFB 20 - 82 % Future Climate + DFB Exposure to DFB or clean pellets 0 0 5 10 15 Days post-hatch 20 25 30 Development time (zoeal progression) for shrimp larvae The tail of the shrimp larvae change when they develop from stage II – III - IV Photo: Tandberg & Arnberg Stage I zoea Stage II zoea Stage III zoea Stage IV zoea Time Shrimp larvae go through five pelagic zoea stages and one megalopa stage before they settle as post-larva We followed them until stage 4 L A RVA L D E V E LO P M E N T T I M E f o r t h e s u r v i v o r s % stage II % stage IV % stage III 100 0 No stage III No stage II No stage IV DFB Control 20 DFB 40 Control 60 Control Ambient Climate DFB 80 100 80 0 Day 6 Day 9 Day 13 Exposure to medicated (DFB) or clean (control) pellets Day 17 DFB Control DFB Control DFB Control DFB 20 Control 40 DFB Future Climate Control 60 Day 19 Day 27 Day no = age of shrimp larvae 1 litre Feeding rate for stage II and IV larvae 5 shrimp larvae and 150 Artemia nauplii in 1 litre seawater. Pandalus borealis larvae Wait 5 hours. Count remaining Artemia. Artemia nauplii Feeding rate for the survivors Stage II zoea Stage IV zoea 6 Number of Artemia eaten per shrimp larvae per hour Number of Artemia eaten per shrimp larvae per hour Control Control 5 DFB DFB 4 Control Control 3 No stage 4, these are stage 3! DFB 2 DFB 1 0 Ambient Climate 1 2 Future Climate 3 4 Ambient Climate 5 6 code B Future Climate 7 8 Shaw Bamber, IRIS BST «Bamber ’s Swimming Test» Light IR light Detector Shrimp larvae are photo-positive (they swim towards the light) - Will DFB affect swimming activity at ambient or future climate conditions? Shaw Bamber, IRIS Swimming activity Future Climate Ambient Climate • Similar swimming activity for control and DFB exposed STAGE I and II larvae. • STAGE I: Similar swimming activity for control and DFB exposed larvae. STAGE II: Lower swimming acitivity for DFB exposed larvae than control larvae. STAGE I: Before first moult STAGE II: Those that survived first moult Control (future climate) DFB (future climate) Example - Raw data Conclusions from the shrimp larvae experiment DFB medicated pellets caused high mortality of shrimp larvae and negative effects on the surviving larvae More mortality and more negative effects on the survivors at future climate - What about the adult shrimps? - Are they more tolerant to DFB? Pilot experiment Effect of DFB exposure on post-hatch moulting • Shrimps in large tanks and in 15 litre aquaria • Exposed to a few grams of medicated or clean fish feed in the water for 2-4 weeks Upubliserte resultater fra HAVKYST prosjekt #234407/E40. Prosjektleder: Bechmann, IRIS Biomiljø. Pilot experiment Control shrimps moulted successfully in the lab a few weeks after all eggs had hatched Shrimp exit Pilot experiment Pilot experiment Shrimps died during moulting when exposed to medicine pellets containing DFB (diflubenzuron) Flubenzurones are chitin synthesis inhibitors: they stop the organism from casting its exuvium during the molting process resulting in death. Exposed to a few grams of medicated fish feed in the water for 2-4 weeks The Score Controls – DFB exposed Successfull moults: 14 Dead of unknown cause: Dead during moulting: vs - 0 1 - 3 0 - 13 Oppsummering! Medisinfôr med flubenzuroner Rekelarver og andre krepsdyr i planktonet kan få i seg dette… Rekelarver er veldig følsomme for diflubenzuron fra medisin-fôr! Fôr - spill Strømmen tar med seg rester av medisin-fôr, feces og forurenset sediment Voksne reker kan spise dette og få problemer under skallskiftet Lite metaboliseres Alt skilles ut raskt Feces med flubenzuroner Flubenzuroner har «lang holdbarhet» i det marine miljø Konklusjon! Både rekelarver og voksne reker dør under skallskifte når de utsettes for medisin-fôr med diflubenzuron Mer negative effekter ved høyere temperatur (framtidig klimascenarie) Så svaret er: Ja! Lakselusmedisin kan ta knekken på rekene hvis for mye slippes ut i fjordene våre. - So what? - Kan vi både beskytte ville krepsdyr og laksens helse? ? - Bør vi bruke «føre-var-prinsippet» hvis vi er usikre på hvor mye flubenzuroner lokale krepsdyrpopulasjoner tåler? Eller bør vi forske mer? - Kan vi kun bruke andre metoder enn pesticider for å kvitte oss med lakselus …. mens vi venter på lakselus-vaksinen til Frank Nilsen & co? …. eller i hvert fall droppe pesticider med lang holdbarhet og høy toksisitet for ville krepsdyr? Please! On-going project work: Genomics The aim is to develop a genetic marker for exposure to chitin synthesis inhibitors in shrimps Paul Seear is working with the shrimp genomics Future(2015) project work: Main experiment with adult shrimps Future(2016) project work: Elisa Ravagnan Jannicke Moe & Dag Ø. Hjermann Modelling …. analyse the multiple stressors impacts of increased temperature and OA together with DFB exposure on Northern shrimp populations Takk til dere som hørte på! Thank you for the money: NFR HAVKYST Thak you for the science: Partners The local crowd Photo: Elisabeth Tønnessen Stig Westerlund Emily Lyng Shaw Bamber Elisa Ravagnan Marianne Nilsen Sreerekha S. Ramanand Renée K. Bechmann Katherine Langford, Jannicke Moe Dag Ø. Hjermann University of Leicester Paul Seear Université du Québec à Rimouski Piero Calosi More info: rkb@iris.no
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