ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION in accordance with ISO 14025, ISO 21930 and EN 15804 Owner of the Declaration: E.A. Smith AS Program operator: The Norwegian EPD Foundation Publisher: The Norwegian EPD Foundation Declaration number: NEPD-321-200-EN Issue date: 09.04.2015 Valid to: 09.04.2020 Ribbed bars made from reinforcement steel, in the form of mesh as well as straight and shaped E.A. Smith AS www.epd-norge.no NEPD-321-200-EN Ribbed bars made from reinforcement steel, in the form of mesh as well as straight and shaped bars, Smtih Stål AS 1 Umwelt Produktdeklaration Name des Herstellers – Name des Produkts General information Product: Ribbed bars made from reinforcement steel, in the form of mesh as well as straight and shaped bars Owner of the declaration: E.A. Smith AS Contact person: Terje Hals Phone: +47 33 37 25 19 e-mail: terje.hals@smith.no Program operator: The Norwegian EPD Foundation Post Box 5250 Majorstuen, 0303 Oslo, Norway Phone: +47 23 08 82 92 e-mail: post@epd-norge.no Manufacturer: E.A. Smith AS avd. Smith Stål Heggstadmoen 13, 7080 Heimdal Phone: +47 72 59 25 00 e-mail: firmapost@smith.no Declaration number: NEPD-321-200-EN Place of production: Norway ECO Platform reference number: - Management system: ISO 14001 ISO 9001 EN 1090-2-CE This declaration is based on Product Category Rules: CEN Standard EN 15804 serves as core PCR NPCR 013 Steel as Construction Material Rev 1 (08/2013) Organisation no: 816051142 Statement of liability: The owner of the declaration shall be liable for the underlying information and evidence. EPD Norway shall not be liable with respect to manufacturer information, life cycle assessment data and evidences. Issue date: 09.04.2015 Valid to: 09.04.2020 Declared unit: - Year of study: 2014 Declared unit with option (A1-A3 + A4): Per kg steel Comparability: Functional unit: - The EPD has been worked out by: Michael Myrvold Jenssen Annik Magerholm Fet EPD of construction products may not be comparable if they not comply with EN 15804 and seen in a building context. Verification: The CEN Norm EN 15804 serves as the core PCR. Independent verification of the declaration and data, according to ISO14025:2010 internal external Third party verifier: Approved Kari Sørnes, SINTEF Independent verifier approved by EPD Norway NEPD-321-200-EN Ribbed bars made from reinforcement steel, in the form of mesh as well as straight and shaped bars, Smtih Stål AS 2 Product Product description: Reinforcement steel is prefabricated at European steel works in the form of ribbed bars and shaped reinforcement bars and mesh. The reinforcement steel is then shaped according to customer specifics by cutting and bending at the manufacturer in Norway, without the need for welding. Technical data: The product certified is in accordance with standards: NS 3576-1, NS 3576-3 and NS 3576-4. Recycled content of steel: >99% steel scrap. Reinforcement steel is used in the construction of buildings and civil structures, and is used to strengthen concrete by keeping it in tension. Product specification: Typical product compostion for reinforcement steel is described in the table below: Materials Iron Carbon Manganese Silicone kg 0,98-0,99 0,005-0,002 0,03-0,07 0,02 % 98 - 99 0,05-0,02 0,3-0,7 0,2 Market: Norway Reference service life, product: Not relevant. LCA: Calculation rules Declared unit: Per kg steel System boundary: Cradle to gate (A1-A3) including transport from manufacturer to customer (A4). System boundaries are shown in the flowchart. Waste flows, especially cut-offs from the steel manufacturing in A3, are treated within the module they occur via system expansion. Data quality: General requirements and guidelines concerning use of generic and specific data and the quality of those are as described in EN 15804: 2012, clause 6.3.6 and 6.3.7. The data is representative according to temporal, geographical and technological requirements. Cut-off criteria: All major raw materials and all the essential energy is included. The production process for raw materials and energy flows that are included with very small amounts (<1%) are not included. This cut-off rule does not apply for hazardous materials and substances. Temporal: Data for use in module A3 is supplied by the manufacturer and consists of the recorded amount of specific material and energy consumption for the product studied. Specific data has been collected in 2014. Generic data has been created or updated within the last 10 years. Allocation: The allocation is made in accordance with the provisions of EN 15804. Incoming energy and water and waste production inhouse is allocated equally among all products through mass allocation. Effects of primary production of recycled materials allocated to the main product in which the material was used. The recycling process and transportation of the material is allocated to this analysis. NEPD-321-200-EN Ribbed bars made from reinforcement steel, in the form of mesh as well as straight and shaped bars, Smtih Stål AS 3 Geographical: The geographic region of the production sites included in the calculation is Europe. Technological: Data represents technology in use. Data for module A1 consists of specific data derived from environmental product declarations from suppliers. This data is then weighted according to the specific contribution in the final production mix in module A3. All other data are gathered from GaBi 6. LCA: Scenarios and additional technical information The following information describe the scenarios in the different modules of the EPD. The scenario for transport distances and transportation modes from suppliers to manufacturer represents both recorded and calculated routes and distances from factory gates in Europe to Smith Stål Øst in Holmestrand, Norway. Transport from suppliers to producer (A2) Type of vehicle Type Capacity utilisation (incl. return) % 85 40 48 65 Truck Railway Boat Barge Distance km Fuel/Energy consumption Truck, Euro5, 28-34t 2000t gross tonne train 1200-10000 dwt Canal, 1500t capacity Transport from production place to user (A4) Type of vehicle Type Capacity utilisation (incl. return) % Truck 88 2335 620 2760 700 l/tkm kWh/tkm l/tkm - Distance km Fuel/Energy consumption 600 - Truck, Euro4, 20-16t Value (l/t) - Value (l/t) - Transport in A4 represents a flat average calculated from 2013 fuel consumption and freight data from Smith Stål Øst. LCA: Results The results shows that the most significant impacts comes from the production of steel, given in A1. The steel is shipped from European manufacturers, giving a high impact in A2. Module A3 includes heating of the manufacturer's warehouse, cutting and bending of reinforcement steel, as well as the treatment of wastes. System boundaries (X=included, MND= module not declared, MNR=module not relevant) Replacement B3 B4 X X X X MND MND MND MND Reuse-Recovery-Recyclingpotential Repair B2 Disposal Maintenance B1 Waste processing Use A5 Transport Assembly A4 De-construction demolition Transport A3 Operational water use Manufacturing A2 Operational energy use Transport A1 Beyond the system boundaries End of life stage Refurbishment Use stage Assemby stage Raw materials Product stage B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D MND MND MND MND MND MND MND MND NEPD-321-200-EN Ribbed bars made from reinforcement steel, in the form of mesh as well as straight and shaped bars, Smtih Stål AS MND 4 Environmental impact Parameter GWP ODP POCP Unit A1-A3 A41 kg CO2 -eqv kg CFC11-eqv kg C2H4 -eqv 5,19E-01 2,81E-02 7,24E-08 1,92E-13 AP kg SO2 -eqv 1,94E-03 1,28E-04 EP kg PO43--eqv kg Sb-eqv MJ 3,86E-04 3,24E-05 1,17E-04 -4,27E-05 -2,94E-08 7,65E+00 1,30E-09 3,86E-01 ADPM2 ADPE 1 There is inherent flaw in the POCP results in the GaBi 6 software when datasets for trucks have been used with CML 2001. Negative impact results in this category essentially means that the use of transport will in effect clear smog formation. A4 recalculated with the ReCiPe impact assessment methodology gives 5,04E-05 kg NMVOC. 2 The negative numbers here is traced back to supplier EPD data used in A1. A similar negative result in ADPM has been seen in other steel EPD’s where Worldsteel datasets has been used. The consensus is that the ADP Elements impact category has some uncertainties, and the negative result is due to system expansion and crediting of by-products (EAF Dust – dust from recycled material in an electric arc furnace) in the Worldsteel data set. GWP Global warming potential; ODP Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer; POCP Formation potential of tropospheric photochemical oxidants; AP Acidification potential of land and water; EP Eutrophication potential; ADPM Abiotic depletion potential for non fossil resources; ADPE Abiotic depletion potential for fossil resources Resource use Parameter RPEE RPEM TPE NRPE NRPM TRPE SM RSF NRSF Unit MJ MJ MJ MJ MJ MJ kg MJ MJ 3 A1-A33 1,10E+00 1,09E+00 2,19E+00 9,43E+00 4,02E-05 9,43E+00 5,45E-03 2,56E-05 2,37E-04 A4 2,18E-01 3,03E-14 2,18E-01 3,88E-01 1,13E-13 3,88E-01 - m W 2,35E-01 2,10E-03 3 There is a discrepancy between TRPE and ADPE for A1-A3. The difference is traced back to the EPDs used as background data for A1. RPEE Renewable primary energy resources used as energy carrier; RPEM Renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials; TPE Total use of renewable primary energy resources; NRPE Non renewable primary energy resources used as energy carrier; NRPM Non renewable primary energy resources used as materials; TRPE Total use of non renewable primary energy resources; SM Use of secondary materials; RSF Use of renewable secondary fuels; NRSF Use of non renewable secondary fuels; W Use of net fresh water End of life - Waste Parameter HW NHW RW Unit kg kg kg A1-A3 A4 6,71E-02 1,46E-01 8,42E-04 1,84E-07 0,0000557 8,09E-07 HW Hazardous waste disposed; NHW Non hazardous waste disposed; RW Radioactive waste disposed End of life - Output flow Parameter CR MR MER EEE ETE Unit kg kg kg MJ MJ A1-A3 4,89E-02 2,86E-04 - A4 - CR Components for reuse; MR Materials for recycling; MER Materials for energy recovery; EEE Exported electric energy; ETE Exported thermal energy Reading example: 9,0 E-03 = 9,0*10-3 = 0,009 NEPD-321-200-EN Ribbed bars made from reinforcement steel, in the form of mesh as well as straight and shaped bars, Smtih Stål AS 5 Additional Norwegian requirements Greenhous gas emission from the use of electricity in the manufacturing phase The elecricity mix (NO) represents the average country or region specific electricity supply for final consumers, including electricity own consumption, transmission/distribution losses and electricity imports from neighboring countries. Data source GaBi v6.4.x Amount 0,0465 Unit kg CO2-eqv/kWh Dangerous substances The product contains no substances given by the REACH Candidate list or the Norwegian priority list The product contains substances given by the REACH Candidate list or the Norwegian priority list that are less than 0,1 % by weight. The product contain dangerous substances, more then 0,1% by weight, given by the REACH Candidate List or the Norwegian Priority list, see table. The product contains no substances given by the REACH Candidate list or the Norwegian priority list. The product is classified as hazardous waste (Avfallsforskiften, Annex III), see table. Indoor environment No tests have been carried out on the product concerning indoor climate - Not relevant Carbon footprint Carbon footprint has not been worked out for the product. Bibliography ISO 14025:2010 Environmental labels and declarations - Type III environmental declarations - Principles and procedures ISO 14044:2006 Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Requirements and guidelines EN 15804:2012+A1:2013 Sustainability of construction works - Environmental product declaration - Core rules for the product category of construction products ISO 21930:2007 Sustainability in building construction - Environmental declaration of building products LCA Report Life Cycle Assessment Report: Ribbed bars made from reinforcement steel, in the form of mesh as well as straight and shaped bars (NTNU SISVI Report 2015-03) NPCR 013-2013 Product Category Rules Steel as Construction Material Environdec EPD no.: S-P-00306 (2012) Celsa Steel Service AS: Steel reinforcement products for concrete (Norway) ift Rosenheim GmbH EPD-BMG-10.1 (2013) Baustahlgewebe GmbH: Betonstahlmatten und Gitterträger ift Rosenheim GmbH EPD-BS-10.0 (2013) Badische Stahlwerke GmbH: Betonstahl zur Bewehrung von Beton GlobalEPD 001-002.12 rev. 0 SN Seixal, S.A. Grupo Megasa Productos largos de acero no aleado para construcción laminados en caliente procedentes de horno eléctrico: barras corrugadas. Program operator The Norwegian EPD Foundation Post Box 5250 Majorstuen, 0303 Oslo Norway Publisher The Norwegian EPD Foundation Post Box 5250 Majorstuen, 0303 Oslo Norway Owner of the declaration E.A. Smith AS Heggstadmoen 13 7080 Heimdal Author of the Life Cycle Assessment Michael M. Jenssen and Annik M. Fet NTNU Institutt for industriell økonomi og teknologiledelse, 7491 Trondheim Phone: +47 23 08 82 92 e-mail: web Phone: post@epd-norge.no www.epd-norge.no +47 23 08 80 00 e-mail: post@epd-norge.no web www.epd-norge.no Phone: +47 72 59 25 00 Fax e-mail: firmapost@smith.no web www.smithstal.no Phone: +47 73 59 35 11 e-mail: michael.jenssen@iot.ntnu.no web annik.fet@ntnu.no www.ntnu.no/iot NEPD-321-200-EN Ribbed bars made from reinforcement steel, in the form of mesh as well as straight and shaped bars, Smtih Stål AS 6
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