1 Third quarter results 2015 30 October 2015 Peter A. Ruzicka, President & CEO Improved performance in the third quarter 2.3% organic growth1 15% EBIT (adj.)2 growth in BCG 57% increase in EPS 2 1Reported 2EBIT growth adjusted for FX and M&A (adj.) = Operating profit before other income and expenses Highlights: Continued growth in the quarter • Group EBIT (adj.)1 increased by 13% to NOK ~1 billion • Increase of 57% in EPS to NOK 0.80 • Improving performance in Branded Consumer Goods • • 2.3% organic growth2 EBIT (adj.) growth of 15% in BCG • Strong contribution from associates • • All-time high sales and operating profit in Jotun YTD Continued underlying EBIT growth in Sapa • Delivering on strategy • • • 3 1EBIT Continued progress within supply chain restructuring Cederroth acquisition approved and completed Integration of NP Foods ongoing (adj.) = Operating profit before other income and expenses growth adjusted for FX and M&A 2Reported Branded Consumer Goods Q3 2015: Organic growth in three out of four business areas Organic growth performance1,2 2.5% 2.3% 2.3% Orkla Foods 1.1% 4.2% 0.7% Orkla Confectionery & Snacks Orkla Home & Personal Orkla Food Ingredients -2.8% 2011 4 2012 1Reported 2For 2013 2014 YTD Q3-15 Q3-15 growth adjusted for FX and M&A organic growth, data before Q4-14 include Orkla Brands Russia 1.2% -2.6% 4.0% Examples of innovations and relaunches in Q3 2015: Orkla Foods: New launch “Pizzabakeriet” in Norway Examples of innovations and relaunches in Q3 2015: Orkla Confectionery & Snacks: Hand-cooked crisps Examples of innovations and relaunches in Q3 2015: Orkla Home & Personal: wool essentials for the autumn season 7 Branded Consumer Goods Q3 2015: Margin negatively impacted by dilutive effects from acquisitions EBIT (adj.) margin change Q3 2015 per business area Reported EBIT (adj.) margin 12.6% 12.2% 11.6% 11.8% Orkla Foods 12.0% 0.9%-p. Orkla Confectionery -1.3%-p. & Snacks Orkla Home & Personal -1.3%-p. Orkla Food Ingredients 2011 8 1RTM 2012 20131 2014 R12M as of Q3-15 EBIT (adj.) margin diluted due to the acquisition of Rieber BCG total 0.5%-p. -0.1 %-p. Branded Consumer Goods Q3 2015: EBIT (adj.) growth in line with target Breakdown of BCG EBIT (adj.) growth Q3 2015 Weakening NOK1 15% 6% 9% Reported EBIT (adj.) growth 9 1Based Currency translation effects EBIT (adj.) growth in constant currency on monthly average exchange rates from Norges Bank • Positive currency translation effects • Higher input prices, especially for Norwegian companies Branded Consumer Goods Q3 2015: Reducing our factory footprint One integrated supply chain Steady pace in factory rationalisation 14 2 2 BCG production sites 10 8 2 2014 Q1-15 Q2-15 Q3-15 Acc. as of Q3-15 Delivering on strategy Improved performance • • • • Delivering on • initiated and • ongoing structural • processes Operational focus going forward 11 1EBIT • • Group EBIT (adj.)1 increased by 13% 2.3% organic growth2 in BCG EBIT (adj.) growth of 15% in BCG Strong performance from associates Continued progress in supply chain restructuring Cederroth acquisition approved and completed Integration of NP Foods ongoing Activities that drive organic growth and improve margins Centralise supply chain and reduce factory footprint (adj.) = Operating profit before other income and expenses growth adjusted for FX and M&A 2Reported 1 2 Financial performance Jens Bjørn Staff, CFO Group EBIT (adj.) improved by 13% to NOK ~1 billion in Q3 Amounts in NOK million Key figures Q3-14 Q3-15 YTD 14 YTD 15 Operating revenues 7 271 8 381 21 480 23 627 EBIT (adj.) 879 993 2 207 2 507 Other income and expenses -44 -96 2 -268 EBIT 835 897 2 209 2 239 Profit/loss from associates and JV 126 239 373 1 022 Net financials and other -54 -67 -215 -117 Profit/loss before tax1 907 1 069 2 367 3 144 Discontinued operations2 -155 - -98 - EPS (NOK) 0.51 0.80 1.69 2.50 1From 13 continuing operations and Orkla Brands Russia are classified as discontinued operations 2Gränges Broad-based EBIT (adj.) improvement Amounts in NOK million Branded Consumer Goods: +NOK 135 million +29 -5 -16 993 Orkla HQ Group EBIT (adj.) Q3-15 +13 +21 +72 879 Group EBIT Orkla Foods Orkla Orkla Home Orkla Food Orkla (adj.) Q3-14 Confectionery & Personal Ingredients Investments & Snacks 14 1 5 Branded Consumer Goods Positive organic growth Amounts in NOK million 8,064 6.7 % 6.5 % 6,984 2.3 % BCG operating revenues Q3-14 Organic growth1 16 1Reported growth adjusted for FX and M&A FX M&A BCG operating revenues Q3-15 Orkla Foods Strong performance in Orkla Foods compared with soft third quarter last year Amounts in NOK million 2014 Operating revenues +4.2% OG1 EBIT (adj.) EBIT (adj.) margin (%) +3.4% OG1 8,861 9,428 2,900 3,261 Q3 2015 1.022 357 YTD 1.140 12.3 13.2 11.5 12.1 429 Q3 YTD Q3 YTD • Broad-based growth across geographies and channels • Sales growth and continuous efforts to drive savings programmes led to broad-based profit and margin expansion • Driven by both volume and price. Positive contribution from new launches and the distribution of Tropicana juice • The weaker NOK increased purchasing costs and put pressure on margins • Results compared with soft Q3 2014 performance • Front-loaded campaign programme H2 -15 17 1Reported growth adjusted for FX and M&A Orkla Confectionery & Snacks Growth in Orkla Confectionery & Snacks Amounts in NOK million 2014 Operating revenues +1.2% OG1 EBIT (adj.) margin (%) +1.9% OG1 3,539 529 3,995 448 217 1,228 1,452 Q3 EBIT (adj.) 2015 YTD • Organic growth mainly driven by Denmark, as well as Norway and Sweden 18 1Reported growth adjusted for FX and M&A Q3 17.7 16.4 12.7 13.2 238 YTD Q3 YTD • EBIT (adj.) growth in Q3 mainly driven by strong sales performance in Denmark • The acquisition of NP Foods had a dilutive effect on EBIT (adj.) margin from Q2 Orkla Home & Personal Mixed picture in Orkla Home & Personal Amounts in NOK million 2014 Operating revenues -2.6% OG1 EBIT (adj.) EBIT (adj.) margin (%) -1.3% OG1 3,710 3,894 661 1,254 1,410 Q3 2015 256 YTD • Weak organic sales performance in Q3 caused by Lilleborg and Pierre Robert Group • Improvement for Orkla Health but markets remain challenging 19 1Reported growth adjusted for FX and M&A Q3 677 20.4 19.1 17.8 17.4 269 YTD Q3 YTD • Profitability in all segments negatively affected by a weak NOK • Margin in Q3 and YTD diluted by the inclusion of Cederroth Orkla Food Ingredients Continued strong progress in Orkla Food Ingredients Amounts in NOK million 2014 Operating revenues +4.0% OG1 EBIT (adj.) EBIT (adj.) margin (%) +3.6% OG1 298 5,483 4,713 1,638 1,989 Q3 2015 • Broad-based sales growth • Strong market positions, stable raw material prices and improved product mix 20 1Reported growth adjusted for FX and M&A 4.8 225 90 YTD 6.0 5.5 5.4 119 Q3 YTD Q3 YTD • Main driver of the EBIT growth was the organic revenue growth supported by positive translation effects from a weak NOK • Strong season for the ice cream ingredients business in Q3, opposite effect expected in Q4 2 1 Orkla Investments 22 Share portfolio Real estate Hydro Power Sapa (50%) Jotun (42.5%) Orkla Investments Financial investments Sapa (50/50 joint venture) Solid underlying EBIT growth in Sapa Amounts in NOK million 2014 Operating revenues 2015 Orkla’s share of net profit after tax Underlying EBIT 106 42,536 34,493 1,279 707 11,603 13,907 Q3 54 54 404 201 YTD Q3 YTD Q3 YTD • Strong demand in North America • Positive contributions from improvement programmes and restructuring efforts • Stable demand in Europe • Positive currency effects • Restructuring agenda continues ahead of plan 23 47 Jotun (42.5%) Growth across all segments and regions in Jotun Amounts on 100% basis in NOK million Operating revenues 2014 2015 Operating profit 1,630 10,753 8,660 978 January-August • Improved sales volumes with growth across all segments and regions • Strong growth in the Marine Coatings segment 24 January-August • Increased margins from cost improvements • Positive currency translation effects on both sales and profit Hydro Power Historically low power prices 2014 GWh produced Spot prices (NOK/MWh) 2015 EBIT (adj.) (NOK million) 891 715 688 609 558 568 252 246 211 680 263 73 264 5856 177 123 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q4 Q2 Q3 27 Q4 • All time high production volumes in Q3 • Power prices at the lowest level in 15 years • Substantial snow melting and rainy summer in Q3 • Volume sold on spot market is exposed to regional prices in NO1 (Oslo) and NO2 (Kristiansand) 25 Source: Nord Pool Spot, Monthly System Price 46 39 Q1 Q2 22 Q3 Q4 • Extremely low power prices in the quarter resulted in lower EBIT (adj.) 2 6 Net debt Change in net debt 2015 Amounts in NOK billion 8.9 0.4 0.5 2.2 2.2 2.6 5.7 0.2 Net debt 31 December 2014 27 Expansion and sale of companies Cash flow from operations Sale of shares Net paid to Tax, dividends and financial shareholders received, net assets financial & other FX effects Net debt 30 September 2015 2 8 Summary Peter A. Ruzicka, President & CEO Summary Delivering on our strategy and increasing performance Keep the strategy on track Deliver organic growth at least in line with market growth Target annual adj. EBIT growth of 6-9%1 in BCG Maintain a stable dividend of at least NOK 2.50 per share 29 1Including add-ons, excluding currency effects and large acquisitions and divestments 3 0 Q&A Peter A. Ruzicka, President & CEO Jens Bjørn Staff, CFO 3 1 Appendices Group income statement Amounts in NOK million Q3-14 Q3-15 YTD-14 YTD-15 7 271 879 -44 8 381 993 -96 21 480 2 207 2 23 627 2 507 -268 835 126 -68 14 897 239 -78 11 2 209 373 -238 23 2 239 1 022 -159 42 Profit/loss before taxes Taxes 907 -207 1 069 -240 2 367 -505 3 144 -550 Profit/loss for the period continuing operations Profit/loss from discontinued operations 700 -155 829 0 1 862 -98 2 594 0 Profit/loss for the period 545 829 1 764 2 594 Earnings per share diluted (NOK) 0.51 0.80 1.69 2.50 Operating revenues EBIT (adj.) Other income and expenses EBIT Profit/loss from associates and joint ventures Interests, net Other financial items, net 32 Net financial items FY 2014 Q3-14 Q3-15 Net interest expenses Currency gain/loss Result from Share Portfolio and dividends Other financial items, net -363 0 93 -93 -68 -2 29 -13 -78 -3 36 -22 Net financial items -363 -54 -67 33 Balance sheet Amounts in NOK million 31.12.2014 30.09.2015 Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment Investments in associates and joint ventures etc. Non-current assets 14 598 9 484 13 026 37 108 17 450 10 256 12 587 40 293 Assets held for sale Inventories Inventory of development property Trade receivables Other receivables Shares and financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Current assets Total assets 22 3 873 200 4 413 1 147 734 2 615 13 004 50 112 22 4 824 188 5 242 586 1 192 1 105 13 159 53 452 Paid-in equity Earned equity Non-controlling interests Equity 1 993 29 066 245 31 304 1 992 29 709 411 32 112 Provisions Non-current interest-bearing liabilities Current interest-bearing liabilities Trade payables Other current liabilities Equity and liabilities 3 699 8 510 598 3 221 2 780 50 112 4 083 10 310 370 3 711 2 866 53 452 34 Cash flow Amounts in NOK million YTD-14 YTD-15 Operating profit Amortisation, depreciation and write-downs Change in net working capital Net replacement expenditures 2 257 691 - 918 - 587 2 165 841 - 283 - 659 Cash flow from operations Cash flow from operations, Financial Investments Tax Dividends received, net financial and other 1 443 45 - 354 459 2 064 127 - 668 240 Cash flow before capital transactions Paid to shareholders, net purchase/sales own shares 1 593 -2 345 1 763 -2 666 Cash flow before expansion Expansion investments Sold and acquired companies Net purchases/sales shares and financial assets - 752 - 65 499 204 - 903 - 236 -1 952 225 Net cash flow Currency translations net interest-bearing liabilities - 114 281 -2 866 - 401 Change in net interest-bearing liabilities Net interest-bearing liabilities - 167 8 329 3 267 8 928 35 Sapa (joint venture) – figures on 100% basis Amounts in NOK million Q3-14 Q4-14 Q1-15 Q2-15 Q3-15 350 322 353 358 341 11 561 11 890 14 134 14 494 13 895 201 -55 392 483 404 66 -79 -145 -158 -95 Other excluded items -70 -546 -47 -260 -135 Sum excluded items -4 -624 -191 -418 -230 EBIT 198 -679 201 65 174 Net income (attributable to majority) 107 -719 89 14 109 Sales volume (1,000 tonnes) Revenues (NOK million) Underlying EBIT Excluded items: Unrealised derivative positions 36 Strong balance sheet and financial flexibility Net interest bearing debt (NOK million) 0.28 10,645 37 0.24 0.18 0.19 Q4-14 Q1-15 5,661 4,786 2012 0.28 8,928 8,496 2011 Net gearing 2013 2014 Q3-15 Q3-14 Q2-15 Q3-15 Debt maturity profile Amounts in NOK million Average maturity 3.6 years 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 Unutilised credit facilities 38 2019 2020 Drawn amounts 2021 Later Funding sources Amounts in NOK billion 1.8 4.3 5.4 5.3 Unutilised credit facilities Banks Bonds and CP Cash, cash equivalents and interest bearing assets 40
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