420156-DS-002-01 Extinguisher SDPE+6

27/02/15 VERSION 2.0
420156-DS-002-01 EXTINGUISHER SDPE+6
Model: NOHA SDPE+6
NOHA no.: 420156
We know fire. We know safety. We know
New! NOHA Eco Foam
NOHA Eco foam fire extinguisher is recommended for those who are concerned with
both safety and environment. The extinguisher is filled with 6 ltr eco foam composed of
C6 fluorotelomers and is biodegradable.
NOHA NORWAY AS was established in
1924, and began manufacturing hose reels
and cabinets in Stavanger, in the early
1950’s. We have since then, focused on
developing solutions to cover all fire
safety needs for the residential and
commercial markets. We are therefore
The extinguisher is suitable for class A and B fires. Class A is fire in solid materials,
proud to be able to supply fire fighting
such as wood, paper, textiles etc., while Class B is fluid fires in materials such as
equipment according to our customer’s
gasoline, oil, paint etc. Typical applications would be houses, schools, office buildings,
needs. And, we have the experience
hospitals, hotels, warehouses and shops, laboratories and petro chemical industries.
needed to come up with safe and smart
High Fire Rating
Effect class to an extinguisher is a measure of how much fire they can extinguish.
NOHA Eco foam fire extinguisher with its high effect class (34A / 183B) rapidly
Lagerveien 25
P.O. Box 8126 Forus
NO-4069 Stavanger
penetrates fibrous materials and extinguishes the fire efficiently. Foam has both a
cooling and suffocating effect on the flames, and therefor reduces the chance of re-
t +47 51 81 60 00
420156-DS-002-01 EXTINGUISHER SDPE+6
Robust design
The extinguisher is equipped with M50 threads and locking neck, contributing to a durable sealing and construction.
Service and maintenance
Fire extinguisher should be maintained regularly by a qualified person. Service and maintenance should be performed according to
NOHA Eco foam extinguisher is CE-marked, and licensed by DNV according to NS-EN3, European Standard for fire extinguishers.
420156-DS-002-01 EXTINGUISHER SDPE+6
Teknisk data / Technical Data
NOHA Artikkel Nr. / NOHA Item No.
Håndslokker Kode / Extinguisher Code
Slokkemiddel / Extinguishant
6 l Imprex Eco+
Drivgass / Propellant
Nominelle Fyllemengde / Nominal Charge
6 l Imprex Eco+
- Ladning nr.: 925 727,
- Charge No.: 925 727
Farge / Colour
Rød / Red (RAL 3000)
Brann Klasse / Fire Class
Effekt Klasse / Fire Rating
34A 183B
Temperatur Område / Temperature Range
0C to +60C
Testtrykk / Test Pressure
33 bar
Arbeidstrykk ved 20C / Operating Pressure at 20C
15 bar
Minimum Sprengningstrykk / Minimum Burst Pressure
55 bar
Minimum Tømmetid / Minimum Discharge Time
15 sec
Effektiv Tømmetid / Effective Discharge Time
52,8 sec
Sylinder Material / Cylinder Material
Stål / Steel
Total Høyde / Overall Height
541 mm
Innvending behandling / Internal finish
Polyetylen belagt sylinder /
Polyethylene line cylinder
Sylinder Diameter : Bredde / Cylinder Diameter : Width
Ø170mm : 236mm
Full Vekt (uten brakett) / Full Weight (exc. bracket)
11,05 kg
Godkjenning / Approval
Lisens nr. / License No.
NS-EN 3, PED 97/23/EC