marcus drake - Bristol Research

Du har nå muligheten til å møte
marcus drake
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Southmead Hospital and Bristol Urological Institute, Bristol, UK
12. mai 2014
Rica Nidelven
Havnegata 1, Trondheim
Astellas Pharma, Solbråveien 47, 1383 Asker
Mandag 12. mai 2014
17.30 – 17.40 Velkommen
17.40 – 18.30 Urodynamics;
When? What? Why?
v/overlege Marcus Drake
18.30 – 18.45Pause
18.45 – 19.00 Astellas innlegg
v/Anders Mohn
19.00 – 19.45 Workshop – “Urodynamics:
interpretation and Artefacts
19.45 – 20.00Pause
20.00 – 20.45 Forts. Workshop
20.50 Middag
Mandag 5. mai 2014
Hilsen Astellas Pharma
Anders Mohn
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Marcus Drake is Consultant
Surgeon at the Bristol Urological
Institute, Bristol, UK, subspecialising in Female and Reconstructive Urology, Neurourology and
Urodynamics. He is Senior Lecturer
in Urology at the University of Bristol,
and Visiting Professor in Health and
Applied Sciences at the University
of the West of England. He leads a
basic science research programme
in integrative neurophysiology
and functional urology. He is Chief
Investigator of the multicentre UPSTREAM and MeNiMS studies, and
the multinational NEPTUNE-2 and
BESIDE studies. His total career grant
funding awarded in basic science
and clinical urology is £3,000,000.
He has published 85 research papers
and reviews, 20 book chapters, and
has a book in press.
He is Chairman of the International
Continence Society’s Standardisation Steering Committee, a board
member of the European School
of Urology and a member of the
European Association of Urology
Guidelines committee for Male LUTS.
In 2012, he chaired the Neurogenic
Incontinence committee at the International Consultation on Incontinence and the Nocturia committee
at the Consultation on Male LUTS.
He is former Chairman for Urology/
Urogynaecology in the UK National
Health Service’s Comprehensive
Clinical Research Network. He
was Reviews Editor for Autonomic
Neuroscience and Website Editor of
BJU International.
He undertook his medical training
at the Universities of Cambridge
and Oxford and was awarded his
Doctorate Thesis by the University
of Oxford.