Readings – Oslo and Akershus University College of applied

Readings – Oslo and Akershus University College of applied sciences
Course code: MALKA 213 Name of the course: Laboratory and Practical Exercises
Academic year: 2014-2015
Semester: Spring 2015
Study programme: Master in Learning in Complex Systems
Faculty: Department of Behavioral Science
Coordinator: Erik Arntzen
Ajour: 2015-03-11 (libr./lmb), Citation style: APA 6th
Required readings.
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington: American Psychological Association.
Catania, A. C. (2013). Learning (5th ed.). New York: Sloan.
[Kapittel 5-13]
Pierce, W. D. & Cheney, C. D. (2013). Behavior analysis and learning (5th ed.). New York:
Psychology Press.
[Kapittel 1-10]
[Finnes også som e-bok: ]
Ray, R. D. (2003). CyberRat (Version 2.0) [Computer software]. Winter Park, FL: (AI).
I tillegg kommer den litteraturen som studentene selv legger opp i forbindelse med skriving
av artikkelen som er eksamen i dette emnet.
Readings – Oslo and Akershus University College of applied sciences