Venue: Clarion Hotel & Congress Trondheim Time: 25 – 26 August, 2015 Program Tuesday August 25th 09.45 – 10.15 Registration for the conference 10.15 – 10.30 Welcome to Trondheim by Dean Espen Gressetvold, Trondheim Business School (TBS) 10.30 – 11.30 “The travel from the beginning to the end … “ What you should and should not … Speakers: Professor Barbara Czarniawska, Gothenburg University & Professor Frode Mellemvik, Handelshøgskolen, Universitetet i Nordland 11.30 – 12.30 Lunch 12.30 – 13.30 «The travel from the beginning to the end ...” “The importance of networking and how to do it …” Speakers: Professor Ingeborg Astrid Kleppe, Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH) & Professor John Burns, University of Exeter 13.30 – 13.45 Coffee break 13.45 – 15.30 Parallel sessions 1: Strategy and Management, room 3C 2: Marketing and International Business, room 3D 3: Management Science, room 1 (by the service desk) 4: Economics, room 3B 5: Finance, room 2 (by the service desk) 6: Accounting and Management Control, room 3 (by the service desk) 1/6 15.30 – 15.45 Coffee break with refreshments 15.45 – 16.55 Parallel sessions continues 1-6 17.00 – 18.00 Parallel workshops and supervisor meeting: 1. Quantitative research (Associate Professor Tor Georg Jakobsen, TBS), room 3B - Special and innovative focus on applied research using statistics 2. Qualitative research (PhD student Per Christian Ahlgren, TBS), room 3C - Innovative data collection strategies in qualitative research: some thoughts on conducting intensive field studies in PhD-projects. 3. Financial Econometrics (Professor Sjur Westgaard, NTNU), room 3D Quantitative and Empirical Methods in Finance - New Research Topics 18.40 Bus departure from the hotel 19.00 Reception/dinner at Trondheim Business School Wednesday August 26th 08.40 – 09.00 Plenary session for PhD students - Presentation of new PhD student board members (Stine Øyna from UiA and Alexander F. Hem from NHH) 09.00 – 10.30 “Academic writing – How to publish?” – Chair Professor Ole Gjølberg, NMBU Panel debate with three editors of scientific journals: Scandinavian Journal of management, Editor Hans Hasselbladh, Örebro University Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, Editor John Burns, Exeter Business School Journal of Commodity Markets, Editor Sjur Westgaard, NTNU 10.30 – 10.45 Coffee break 10.45 – 13.05 Parallel sessions 1-6 2/6 13.05 – 14.00 Lunch 14.00 – 15.10 Parallel sessions 1-6 15.10 – 15.20 Coffee break 15.20 – 15.55 Parallel sessions 1-5 End of program Keynote speakers and workshop leaders Barbara Czarniawska Barbara Czarniawska holds an MA in Social and Industrial Psychology from Warsaw University and a Economic Sciences from Warsaw School of Economics. She is Doctor honoris causa at Stockholm School of Economics, Copenhagen Business School, and Helsinki School of Economics. At present, she is Torsten & Ragnar Söderberg Professor of Management Studies at Gothenburg Research Institute, School of Business, Economics and Law at University of Gothenburg, Sweden. In her research she applies a constructivist perspective on organizing, with the focus on action nets. Her methodological interests concern fieldwork techniques and the narrative approach in social science studies. Latest publications in English and Swedish: Coping with Excess (ed. with Orvar Löfgren, 2013); Social Science Research From Field to Desk (Ute på fältet, inne vid skrivbordet, 2014), and A Theory of Organizing (En teori om organisering, 2014/2015). 3/6 Frode Mellemvik Frode Mellemvik is Director of the High North Center for Business and Governance and Professor at Bodø Graduate School of Business, University of Nordland. Mellemvik is Doctor Oecon, and has written many books and articles associated with the fields of accounting, management, government, education, research and industry cooperation, and on topics related High North. He has worked at academic institutions in Europe and the United States, and is Honorary Doctor and Honorary Professor at several universities. Mellemvik has also in practice worked with leadership and management, and has been rector at Bodø University College (University of Nordland) for 10 years. He has participated in several boards and councils. Currently he is for instance in the board of the European Accounting Association, the board of Comparative International Government Accounting Research, the board of Center for High North Logistics, the board of Innovation Norway Nordland, chairman of the board of Helgeland Hospital, chairman of the board of the research programme Petrosam 2 at Norwegian Research Council, the board of the Norwegian - Ukrainian Camber of Commerce, the Council for the Norwegian - Russian Camber of Commerce. Mellemvik has also participated in several Ministry committees, and was a member of the Norwegian Government's expert committee for the High North, and chairman of the Norwegian Government’s High North Council. Ingeborg Astrid Kleppe Professor Ingeborg Astrid Kleppe at NHH-Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen holds an MBA and a PhD in marketing from NHH and a MS in sociology from the University of Bergen, where she was research assistant at the pioneering Institute for Women Studies in Norway. Kleppe has extensive international experience from universities in Canada, USA, Sweden, and Australia. She has also worked in the World Bank, has been elected member of the Bergen City Council, and was a prominent member of the activist group initiating Women’s refugee centers in Norway in the late 1970s. She has held managing positions at NHH and was for many years leader of the board for The Norwegian National Institute for Consumer Research (SIFO). Kleppe has taken her interdisciplinary and international experience into her research. Currently she is doing research on public health activism in Sub-Saharan Africa and pioneering research on the collaborative economy. Kleppe has also published on gender, family decision making, and international marketing. Kleppe teaches on topics in social media marketing, the collaborative economy, and qualitative research methods. 4/6 John Burns John Burns joined Exeter Business School in 2010, before which he has also held academic positions at Dundee University, the University of Colorado and Manchester University. Broadly, his research interests include: organisational change, strategic management, sustainable business practice, new product development and design, and management accounting. He adopts processual methodology, uses qualitative research methods, and frequently draws on institutional or structuration theory to ‘unpack’ and make sense of his empirical findings. John’s publications have appeared in journals such as Accounting, Organizations and Society, Organization Studies, Management Accounting Research, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, and European Accounting Review; and he has also published numerous practitioner-oriented works for professional accountancy bodies such as CIMA and ICAEW. He is also the lead-author of a management accounting textbook, published by McGraw-Hill. John is co-Editor of Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, and ex- Associate Editor for both Management Accounting Research and Accounting and Business Research. He is the co-founder of the ‘European Network for Research of Organisational and Accounting Change‘ (ENROAC), a network that has enjoyed 9 international conferences and 7 doctoral summer schools since its formation in 1998. Finally, John has been a member of CIMA’s Research Board since 2000, and is a Visiting Professor at Trondheim Business School. Tor Georg Jakobsen Tor Georg Jakobsen is an Associate Professor at Trondheim Business School. He received his Ph.D. from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in 2011. His research interests include political behavior, peace research, and the study of ethnic relations. Jakobsen has authored and co-authored articles in, among others, European Sociological Review, Work, Employment and Society, and International Journal on Minority and Group Rights. Per Christian Ahlgren Per Christian Ahlgren is a PhD Student in management accounting and control at Trondheim Business School. His research interests are oriented at understanding accounting in its social and organizational context. His is now working on a research project concerning the role of accounting and development of control practices in interorganizational relations across administrative levels of the Norwegian health sector. His theoretical interests are within economic sociology and actor-network theory. 5/6 Hans Hasselbladh Hans Hasselbladh, professor in organization at Örebro University, Sweden. His research interests are institutional change, reforms, professions and power. Since January 2015 he is the editor-in-chief of Scandinavian Journal of Management. Sjur Westgaard Sjur Westgaard is MSc and Phd in Industrial Economics from Norwegian University of Science and Technology and a MSc in Finance from Norwegian School of Business and Economics. He has worked as an investment portfolio manager for an insurance company, a project risk manager for a consultant company and as a credit analyst for an international bank. His is now a Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and an Adjunct Professor at the Norwegian Center of Commodity Market Analysis NMBU Business School. His teaching involves corporate finance, derivatives and real options, empirical finance and commodity markets. His main research interests are within risk modelling of commodity markets and he has been a project manager for two energy research projects involving power companies and the Norwegian Research Council. He has also an own consultancy company running executive courses and software implementations for energy companies. Part of this work is done jointly with Montel. 6/6 Program Workshops, Tuesday August 25th at 17.00-18.00 1. Meeting room 3B: Quantitative research (Associate Professor Tor Georg Jakobsen, TBS) 2. Meeting room 3C: Qualitative research (PhD student Per Christian Ahlgren, TBS) 3. Meeting room 3D: Financial Econometrics (Professor Sjur Westgaard, NTNU) Tor Georg Jakobsen Workshop – Quantitative Research The topics of the workshop will include: The theory of science behind statistical method How to write quantitative research papers How to treat nested data Quantitative content analysis Per Christian Ahlgren Workshop - Qualitative Research Innovative data collection strategies in qualitative research: some thoughts on conduction intensive field studies in PhD-projects This presentation discuses innovative data strategies in conducting qualitative research, specifically directed at PhD projects. Some developments in qualitative research reflected upon, focusing on recent trends and specific choices PhD scholars face in designing their research project. The aim of the presentation is to problematize how we innovate in developing research strategies and –design for producing new knowledge through qualitative research, and case studies in particular. The central questions are thus what could innovation research strategies really mean, and how should we approach innovation, or originality, in PhD research. Sjur Westgaard Workshop – Financial Econometrics Quantitative and Empirical Methods in Finance – New Research Topics The workshop discusses topics within Quantitative and Empirical Methods in Finance. The workshop will include; - Data/ Markets Statistical software and techniques Research ideas How to write research papers within empirical finance We will also look at examples of empirical papers written by students and myself. 1/6 Programme: Accounting, room 3 Day One – Tuesday August 25th: Accounting - Parallel Sessions Room 1 – chair: Iris Stuart 13.45 – 14.20 Dynamics in a public sector joint venture and Marthe Holum (HiST) the challenges in adapting the management control system Discussant: Iris Stuart (NHH) 14.20 – 14.55 Moderating factors on performance measuresPer Ståle Knardal (HiST) a case of Norwegian symphony orchestras Discussant: Gudrun Baldvinsdottir (HiST) Evengii Aleksandrov (UiN/HHB) 14.55 – 15.30 Adoption of program-based budgeting in two Russian municipalities: “first mover” and Discussant: “follower” Inger Johanne Pettersen (HiST) 15.30 – 15.45 15.45 – 16.20 16.20 – 16.55 17.00 – 18.00 Coffee break with refreshments Exploring budgetary control initiative in a bank Accountingization and the creation of a visual culture: a case study in the Norwegian health care sector Workshops Danielius Valuckas Discussant: Gudrun Baldvinsdottir (HiST) Per Christian Ahlgren (HiST) Discussant: Frode Mellemvik (UiN/HHB) Day Two – Wednesday August 26th: Accounting - Parallel Sessions Room 1 – chair: Gudrun Baldvinsdottir 10.45 – 11:20 11.20 – 11.55 Changes in Ukrainian Local Budgeting Regulation: Who Made Those Happen? 11.55 – 12.30 12.30 – 13.05 13.05 – 14.00 14.00 – 14.35 14.35 – 15.10 15.10 – 15.20 15.20 – 15.55 The process of internalization and interplay between financial and operational control (case study: Telenor) Clinical managers as Guardians or Advocators of budgetary control? The role of clinical managers in defining the decision spaces in operational medical health care Lunch Importing Certified Management Accountant certification to a post-communist state: A case of Russia Coffee break Veronika Vakulenko (UiN/HHB) Discussant: Iris Stuart (NHH) Irina Roddvik (UiN/HHB) Discussant: Kari Nyland Charlotte Morland (HiST) Discussant: Kari Nyland Alena Golyagina (NHH) Discussant: Inger Johanne Pettersen (HiST) Programme: Economics, room 3B Day One – Tuesday August 25th: Economics - Parallel Sessions Room 1 – chair: Antonio Dalla Zuanna 13.45 – 14.20 Within and between cultural interactions in experiments: a survey 14.20 – 14.55 14.55 – 15.30 15.30 – 15.45 15.45 – 16.20 Do extrinsic rewards crowd-out prosocial behavior? Evidence from a large-scale natural field experiment on recycling Are people more willing to steal a given amount if they can take a little from many than if they can much from a few? Coffee break with refreshments Short-term salmon price forecasting Johan Birkelund (UiT) Discussant: Bertil Tungodden (NHH) Mikael Knutsson (HiST) Discussant: Bertil Tungodden Ingar Haaland (NHH) Discussant: Bjarne Strøm (NTNU) Daumantas Bloznelis (NMBU) Discussant: Gunnar Bårdsen (NTNU) 16.20 – 16.55 17.00 – 18.00 Workshops Day Two – Wednesday August 26th: Economics - Parallel Sessions Room 1 – chair: Po Yin Wong 10.45 – 11:20 11.20 – 11.55 Sources of Productivity Growth in Ethiopian Agriculture 11.55 – 12.30 12.30 – 13.05 13.05 – 14.00 14.00 – 14.35 14.35 – 15.10 15.10 – 15.20 15.20 – 15.55 Quality of service regulation, firm size, technical efficiency, and productivity growth in electricity distribution utilities Farmers’ risk perception and management strategies to cope with production risk in aquaculture: an empirical study from Bangladesh Lunch Like father, like son? The urban revolution and intergenerational social mobility in 19th century Norway Factors associated with farmers’ use of minimum tillage in Zambia: A double hurdle modelling approach Coffee break Anbes T. Kidane (UiN/HHB) Discussant: Are Oust (HiST) Senyonga Livingstone (NMBU) Discussant: Lars-Erik Borge (NTNU) Md Akhtarul Alam (NMBU) Discussant: Jon Olaf Olaussen (HiST) Sindre Myhr (UiT) Discussant: Antonio Dalla Zuanna (NHH) Hambulo Ngoma (NMBU) Discussant: Po Yin Wong (NHH) Programme: Finance, room 2 Day One – Tuesday August 25th: Finance - Parallel Sessions Room 1 – chair: Frode Kjærland 13.45 – 14.20 From Funding Liquidity to Market Liquidity: Evidence from Index Options Market 14.20 – 14.55 14.55 – 15.30 High-Frequency Paris Trading: The Case of Norway Product Market Threats and Payment Method in M&A Chunbo Liu (NHH) Discussant: Ole Gjølberg (NMBU) Andreas Mikkelsen (UiN/HHB) Discussant: Francisco Santos (NHH) Xiayu Zhang (NHH) Discussant: Frode Kjærland 15.30 – 15.45 15.45 – 16.20 Coffee break with refreshments How much of the buyout activity can be explained by tax savings? Erik H. Tvedt (NHH) Discussant: Svein-Arne Persson (NHH) 16.20 – 16.55 17.00 – 18.00 Workshops Day Two – Wednesday August 26th: Finance - Parallel Sessions Room 1 – chair: Svein-Arne Persson 10.45 – 11:20 11.20 – 11.55 The Impact of Central Clearing on Counterparty Risk 11.55 – 12.30 12.30 – 13.05 Customer Concentration and CEO pay Testing Returns, Risks, and Liquidity relation using intra-day dataset Giovanni Bruno (NHH) Discussant: Snorre Lindset (NTNU) Yun Tang (NHH) Discussant: Sjur Westgaard (NTNU) Minh Dinh (UiT) Discussant: Francisco Santos (NHH) 13.05 – 14.00 14.00 – 14.35 14.35 – 15.10 Lunch Breaking bank: Why high bank leverage is optimal (for the bank’s shareholders) Do new government leaders really matter to financial markets? Nikhil Atreya (NHH) Discussant: Marie Steen (NMBU) Rakesh Rana (NHH) Discussant: Khine Kyaw (HiST) 15.10 – 15.20 15.20 – 15.55 Coffee break Programme: Management Science, room 1 Day One – Tuesday August 25th: Management Science - Parallel Sessions Room 1 – chair: Ivan Belik 13.45 – 14.20 Electricity Price Volatility: The Impact of Renewables. The case study of Germany 14.20 – 14.55 14.55 – 15.30 15.30 – 15.45 15.45 – 16.20 16.20 – 16.55 17.00 – 18.00 A multi-stage multi-horizon stochastic equilibrium model to make long-term infrastructure investment strategies considering short-term operations in multi-fuel energy markets Coffee break with refreshments Tactile decision-making on emission abatement regarding Sulphur emission control areas (SECAs) – a focus on dry bulk sector Workshops Evangelos Kyritsis, NHH Discussant: Sjur Westgaard, NTNU Zhonghua Su, NTNU Discussant: Verena Hagspiel, NTNU Yewen Gu, NHH Discussant: Gunnar Eskeland, NHH Day Two – Wednesday August 26th: Management Science - Parallell Sessions Room 1 – chair: Jonas Andersson 10.45 – 11:20 Stackelberg Equilibria in a Multi-period Reza Azad Gholami, NHH Newsvendor Model with Stochastic and Timedependent Demand Discussant: Yushu Li, NHH 11.20 – 11.55 Shapley-based Stackelberg Leadership Ivan Belik, NHH Formation in Networks Discussant: Ruud Egging, NTNU 11.55 – 12.30 The Global Potential for Carbon Capture and Yuanming Ni, NHH Storage from Forestry Discussant: Ivan Belik, NHH 12.30 – 13.05 Using CO2 Differentiated Vehicle Registration Shiyu Yan, NHH Tax to Reduce CO2 Emission Rate of New Passenger Vehicle in Norway Discussant: Jonas Andersson, NHH 13.05 – 14.00 Lunch 14.00 – 14.35 Sequential Investment in Alternative Energy Lars Helge Sendstad, NHH Technologies under Policy Uncertainty Discussant: Stein-Erik Fleten, NTNU 14.35 – 15.10 Dry bulk operator’s problem Vit Prochazaka, NHH Discussant: Kjetil Fagerholt, NTNU 15.10 – 15.20 15.20 – 15.55 Coffee break Programme: Marketing and International Business, room 3D Day One – Tuesday August 25th: Marketing and Int. Business - Parallel Sessions Room 1 – chair: Alexander Farestvedt Hem 13.45 – 14.20 Using the Johnson-Neyman Procedure to Detect Burak Tunca (UiA) Item Bias in Personality Tests: A Proposed New Method and Practical Guidelines for Data Discussant: Analysis Daniela Cristian (BI) 14.20 – 14.55 How will participation in self-production May Irene Furenes (UiS) activities and face-to-face feedback affect tourists’ outcome evaluation? Discussant: Marit Engeset 14.55 – 15.30 International Market Selection and the Social Amila B. Sirisena (UiA) Enterprise Discussant: Rutger van Oest 15.30 – 15.45 Coffee break with refreshments 15.45 – 16.20 Product aesthetics, hedonic experience and Jie Zhang (NHH) consumer attitudes of secondary product Discussant: Marit Engeset 16.20 – 16.55 How CSR can attract innovaters Linn-Therese Holsen (NHH) Discussant: Rutger van Oest 17.00 – 18.00 Workshops Day Two – Wednesday August 26th: Marketing and Int. Business - Parallel Sessions Room 1 – chair: Sigurd V. Troye 10.45 – 11:20 11.20 – 11.55 Carpe Diem: Examining the Effect of Daniela Cristian (BI) Indulgence on Prosocial Behavior Discussant: Burak Tunca (UiA) 11.55 – 12.30 On the proliferation of Latent Construct in Shan Lin (NHH) Consumer Research: A historical Perspective Discussant: Sigurd V. Troye (NHH) 12.30 – 13.05 External Resource and Radical Innovation: the Ruohao Sun (HBV) Moderating Role of Marketing Intelligence Discussant: Arne Morten Ulvnes (HiST) 13.05 – 14.00 Lunch 14.00 – 14.35 Governing alliance portfolios: alliance Mariia Koval (BI) termination decisions under relational risks and structural constraints Discussant: Arne Morten Ulvnes (HiST) 14.35 – 15.10 Associative Ability and Creativity: Moderating Afra Koulaei (HBV) Role of Achievement Motivation Introduction Discussant: Burak Tunca (UiA) 15.10 – 15.20 Coffee break 15.20 – 15.55 Programme: Strategy and Management, room 3C Day One – Tuesday August 25th: Strategy and Management - Parallel Sessions Room 1 – chair: Bjørn-Tore Flåten Deodat E. Mwesiumo (HiMolde) 13.45 – 14.20 Customer complaints in online brand communities: Netnographic study of the Discussant: potential triggers and consequences Ilan Alon (UiA) 14.20 – 14.55 14.55 – 15.30 Non-compete clauses: disentangling firm-level benefits from industry-level costs Dividend Policy, Foreign Ownership, and Expropriation in Chinese Listed Firms Cassandra L. Torgnes (NHH) Discussant: Grete Wennes (HiST) Jens Ørding Hansen (UiA) Discussant: Ilan Alon (UiA) 15.30 – 15.45 15.45 – 16.20 16.20 – 16.55 17.00 – 18.00 Coffee break with refreshments The CEO tenure and its effects on microfinance institution’s capital structure: The case of a global Microfinance industry Workshops Daudi Pascal Ndaki (UiA) Discussant: Kirsten Foss (NHH) Day Two – Wednesday August 26th: Strategy and Management - Parallel Sessions Room 1 – chair: Kirsten Foss 10.45 – 11:20 11.20 – 11.55 11.55 – 12.30 Pontus Engstrøm (UiA) Discussant: Grete Wennes (HiST) Nhien Nguyen (NTNU) 12.30 – 13.05 Discussant: Kirsten Foss 13.05 – 14.00 14.00 – 14.35 Lunch Xinlu Qiu (NHH) Discussant: Grete Wennes (HiST) Viacheslav Iurkov (BI) 14.35 – 15.10 Discussant: Bjørn-Tore Flåten (UiA) 15.10 – 15.20 15.20 – 15.55 Coffee break here Astrum Grill & Raw Bar in g Roo io n Liv r Cla sp Atmo m Participants 7th Research School Conference, Trondheim August 25th - 26th, 2015 Per Christian Pjotr Md Akhtarul Evengii Ilan Jonas Meron Nikhil Gudrun Ivan Johan Daumantas Lars-Erik Giovanni John Gunnar Daniela Barbara Lukasz A. Minh Natalia Ruud Marit G. Pontus Gunnar Kjetil Stein-Erik Bjørn-Tore Kirsten May Irene Reza Azad Ole Alena Espen Yewen Ingar Verena Jens Ørding Bente Tapuwa Ahlgren Akulinitsev Alam Aleksandrov Alon Andersson Assefa Arega Atreya Baldvinsdottir Belik Birkelund Bloznelis Borge Bruno Burns Bårdsen Cristian Czarniawska Derdovski Dinh Drozdova Egging Engeset Engstrøm Eskeland Fagerholt Fleten Flåten Foss Furenes Gholami Gjølberg Golyagina Gressetvold Gu Haaland Hagspiel Hansen Hansen HiST NHH NMBU UiN/HHB UiA NHH NMBU NHH HiST NHH UiT NMBU NTNU NHH UEP NTNU BI GU UiS UiT NHH NTNU HBV UiA NHH NTNU NTNU UiA NHH UiS NHH NMBU NHH HiST NHH NHH NTNU UiA HiST Ole.Gjø Participants 7th Research School Conference, Trondheim August 25th - 26th, 2015 Hans Grete Alexander Linn-Therese Marthe Liss Viacheslav Tor Georg Kevin Raj Anbes Tenaye Frode Ingeborg A. Per Ståle Mikael Afra Kh Mariia Valeriy Seidali Khine Evangelos Yushi Shan Kristina Snorre Chunbo Senyonga Frode Roy Andreas Idun Garmo Marta Charlotte Deodat Edward Sindre Daudi Pascal Hambulo Nhien Yuanming Kari Jon Olaf Hasselbladh Helle Hem Holsen Holum Iurkov Jakobsen Kaushal Kidane Kjærland Kleppe Knardal Knutsson Koulaei Koval Kunst Kurtmollaiev Kyaw Kyritsis Li Lin Lindh Lindset Liu Livingstone Mellemvik Mersland Mikkelsen Mo Morais-Storz Morland Mwesiumo Myhr Ndaki Ngoma Nguyen Ni Nyland Olaussen ORU NHH NHH NHH HiST BI HiST NMBU NMBU HiST NHH HiST HiST HBV BI HiST NHH HiST NHH NHH NHH HiOF NTNU NHH NMBU UiN/HHB UiA UiN/HHB HiST NTNU HiST HiMolde UiT UiA NMBU NTNU NHH HiST HiST Participants 7th Research School Conference, Trondheim August 25th - 26th, 2015 Svein Ottar Are Sujit Svein Arne Inger Johanne Vit Xinlu Rakesh Kristin Irina Linda Leif Francisco Lars Hegnes Amila Buddhika Per Bjarte Ingrid Onarheim Marie Andrej Bjarne Øystein Kjersti Iris Zhonghua Ruohao Yun Cassandra L Sigurd Burak Bertil Erik Hetland Arne Veronika Danielius Rutger Heidi Grete Sjur Po Yin Olsen Oust Pandey Persson Pettersen Prochazka Qiu Rana Ringvold Roddvik Rud Sandal Santos Sendstad Sirisena Solibakke Spjeldnæs Steen Stenšin Strøm Strøm Strømme Stuart Su Sun Tang Torgnes Troye Tunca Tungodden Tvedt Ulvnes Vakulenko Valuckas van Oest van Wageningen Wennes Westgaard Wong UiT HiST NHH NHH HiST NHH NHH NHH NHH UiN/HHB NHH NHH NHH NHH UiA HiMolde NHH NMBU NMBU NTNU HiOA HiST NHH NTNU HBV NHH NHH NHH UiA NHH NHH HiST UiN/HHB NHH BI NHH HiST NTNU NHH Svein Per Øystein.Strø Heidi.van Participants 7th Research School Conference, Trondheim August 25th - 26th, 2015 Shiyu Xiaoyu Jie Antonio Dalla Stine Yan Zhang Zhang Zuanna Øyna NHH NHH NHH NHH UiA
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