Seminar: Brazil - a new super power in aquaculture

SINTEF Fisheries and aquaculture
August 20 2015, 16.00 – 19.00
Place: NTNU SeaLab
Brazil - a new super power in aquaculture
16.00-16.05 Welcome
Roger Richardsen
16.05-16.20 The SUSAQUA-Project:
Gunvor Øie, Research Director Marine Resources Technology, SINTEF Fisheries and aquaculture
Development of aquaculture sector in Brazil:
16.20-16.50 Brazilian Aquaculture National Plan (2016/ 2020)
Joao Felipe Matias, Vice Minister of Aquaculture in Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Brazil
16.50-17.10 Research and aquaculture development in Brazil
Eric Routledge, Head, Research and Development, EMBRAPA (Brazilian Agricultural Research
17.10-17.30 The shrimp industry and marine fish farming in Brazil
Alberto Nunes, Professor LABOMAR institute, Brazil
Development of new aquaculture cooperation Norway – Brazil
17.30-17.50 Salmon-a success story in Norway
The seminar is free of charge.
Interested participants are welcome.
Karl Almås, Norway
Registrations (before August 10th) and any questions to:
17.50-18.10 Experience of starting international aquaculture business
Mona Lannblad, e-mail:
Bjørn Myrseth, Vitamar AS
The seminar is supported by: NFR Havbruk and
18.10-18.30 Cooperation between Norway and Brazil
Helle Moen, Innovation Norway
18.30-19.00 Follow up – discussion and status for Brazil – Norway Cooperation Agreement in
Fisheries and Aquaculture by J. Williams, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries
Pål Myhre, Marine Design