Karmsund Havnevesen IKS Killingøy P.b. 186 N-5501 Haugesund T: +47 52 70 37 50 F: +47 52 70 37 69 www.karmsund-havn.no Welcome to Killingøy Subsea & Offshorebase, Haugesund www.karmsund-havn.no NAME: KILLINGØY OFFSHORE & SUBSEA BASE HAUGESUND LOCATION: KILLINGØY, HAUGESUND STATUS: OPERATIONAL “Killingøy offshore & subsea base is very suitable for any size campaign mob, demob or related activities. Large areas for indoor- and outdoor storage.” INFO ABOUT KILLINGØY OFFSHORE & SUBSEA BASE: Distance to airport: 14 km Driving time to airport: 18 minutes Distance to town centre 1,5 km Driving time to town centre 4 minutes Base overview Base is located in HAUGESUND: 59 25' N 005 16' E on the west coast of Norway between Bergen and Stavanger. Main port area covers 22,000 sq.m. with a total length of about 4,000 m in Haugesund. Harbour is under the authority of Karmsund Port Authority and is ISPS compliant: Ships with a valid ISSC are to berth always at an ISPS-approved port facility. The base is approved by the Norwegian Coastal Administration. The following port facilities are approved: Killingøy – 5 quay lines. The Main Gate is manned weekdays from 06:30 – 18:00 hours. Outside these hours is a designated escort arranged. The entire area has camera surveillance. Killingøy has very good access for all types of cranage from land- and seaside. In addition to standby services and planned maintenance, Killingøy is also the scene of much innovation activity. World records have been set as more and more operations occur in ever deeper waters. In addition to Statoil PRS (Pipeline Repair Systems), much of the region’s subsea environment is also established at the base. Karmsund Harbour Authority owns and develops both buildings and sites at Killingøy. Among the companies that are present at Killingøy are: Technip DeepOcean PRS Joint Venture DA, Technip Norge AS, DeepOcean AS, Olufsen Ship & Offshore AS, Reach Subsea ASA and Mera AS. Karmsund Harbour Authority administration offices are also located at Killingøy. At the base you will find a large range of forklifts and mafis, to very competitive prices. Click on the link below to download the harbour chart for Killingøy. Parking places can be rented for longer and shorter periods. Killingøy – Chart details – 1-1500, v2, rev 24-06-2015 Harbour charts must not be used for navigational purposes. Karmsund Havnevesen IKS / www.karmsund-havn.no Karmsund Havnevesen IKS / www.karmsund-havn.no Karmsund Havnevesen IKS / www.karmsund-havn.no Important numbers Fire Police Emergency Karmsund Port authority (Port Control) 110 112 113 +47 5270 3750 02800 VHF ch 12 and 16 Service providers Classification DNV GL, Haugesund Floating cranes Eide Marine Services AS Ugland Constructions Forwarders Bring Logistics AS Sea-Cargo TNR Johs. Lothe KTM Garbage Franzefoss Gjenvinning Ragn Sells Guard boat Karmsund Havn Lifting equipment Westcon Løfteteknikk AS Åkrehamn Trålbøteri Liner services North*Sea Container Line AS ( NCL) Euro Container Line AS (ECL) Sea Cargo AS +47 5270 3640 +47 5348 3500 post@eidemarine.com www.eidemarine.com +47 5156 4300 uc@jjuc.no www.jjcu.no post@lothe.no tga@ktm.no www.bring.no/logistics www.sea-cargo.no www.tnr.no www.lothe.no www.ktm.no +47 5273 9390 +47 5281 3100 +47 5270 0500 +47 5270 9300 +47 52856900 +47 5270 7370 www.franzefoss.no +47 08899 08899@ragnsells.no www.ragnsells.no +47 5270 3750 bmn@karmsundhavn.no www.karmsundhavn.no +47 5271 9300 www.wcl.no +47 5284 4560 post@tral.no www.tral.no (Husøy traffic port) +47 5270 0140 Eivind.bergland@ncl.no www.ncl.no +47 901 76188 ecl@wilsonship.no www.wilsonship.no +47 5510 8484 Tore.knudsen@seacargo.no www.sea-cargo.no Karmsund Havnevesen IKS / www.karmsund-havn.no NorLines AS Samskip +47 5184 5650 +47 6924 9615 Sigurd.ur@norlines.no Are.grathen@samskip.c om Marit.vardal@maersk.c om sales@cargow.com www.norlines.no www.samskipmultimod al.com www.maerskline.com Maersk Line +47 9164 9181 Cargo W +31 10 2944488 +47 5270 2200 mail@cjamundsen.no www.cjamundsen.no +47 5374 7740 mail@jacobsenmarine.c om www.jacobsenmarine.c om Mobile cranes Sarens Nordic Crane +47 9757 0760 +47 5277 0250 haugesund@sarens.no www.sarens.no www.nordiccrane.no Ship brokers R. G. Hagland AS Uno Offshore +47 5270 1220 +47 2141 4680 www.hagland.com www.unooffshore.no Johs. Lothe +47 5270 9300 offshore@hagland.com chartering@unooffshor e.no post@lothe.no Ship chandlers Euro Supply +47 5284 6484 www.eurosuplly.no Torkellsen AS +47 5282 8265 Sjur.lothe@eurosupply. no mail@shipsupply.no Tugs Østensjø Rederi AS Bukser & Berging +47 5270 4545 +47 5185 6200 post@ostensjo.no ops@bube.no www.ostensjo.no www.bube.no +47 99331500 post@brommeland.no www.brommeland.no +47 5284 6600 vico@vico.no www.vico.no +47 5270 6230 post@aoso.no www-olufsenskipsservice.no Marine Surveyors Carl J. Amundsen AS Jacobsen Marineconsult AS Ship electronics Brommeland Radio AS VICO AS Ship repairs A. Olufsen Ship & Offshore (at the base) Aibel Sludge/sewage Franzefoss Gjenvinning AS Taxi Haugaland Taxi www.cargow.com www.lothe.no www.shipsupply.no +47 8527 0000 www.aibel.com +47 5270 7370 www.franzefoss.no +47 5281 8181 Karmsund Havnevesen IKS / www.karmsund-havn.no Haugesund Taxi Husbandary agents Johs. Lothe Hagland Agency Security company (e.g. gangway control) Securitas +47 5280 8080 +47 5270 9300 +47 52 70 12 50 post@lothe.no agency@hagland.com www.lothe.no www.hagland.com +47 91338201 Hans.jacob.svendsen@s ecuritas.no www.securitas.no Karmsund Havnevesen IKS / www.karmsund-havn.no
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