Intraoperative imaging in Neurosurgery with high quality 3D

Intraoperative imaging in Neurosurgery
with high quality 3D Ultrasound.
A time- and cost efficient method.
The Norwegian University Center in St. Petersburg in collaboration
with The Norwegian Consulate General welcomes You to the public
lecture by Prof. M.D. Geirmund Unsgård at the Norwegian University
Center office.
Time: 15.00 april 8. Wednesday.
Address : Kaluzhskij per. 3 M Chernyshevskaya St. Petersburg
Geirmund Unsgård
St. Olavs University Hospital,
Geirmund Unsgård is head of the Neurosurgical Department at St. Olavs
University Hospital, Trondheim. M.D.
(1974), Ph.D. (1979). Professor in Neurosurgery, NTNU (1989). Head of neuro-division (Neurosurgery and Neurology) St. Olavs University Hospital
(since 2003). Dean of the Medical Faculty, NTNU (1993-1998). Entrusted
different positions in National, Scandinavian and European Neurosurgical
organizations. Entrusted different professional advisory positions by the
National Government. Published more
than 150 papers in peer-review journals covering both cell biology and
medical technology. Research profile:
3D ultrasound in neurosurgery, MRtechnology and tumor and cell immunology.