09.06.2015 Blå energi Tor Ivar Eikaas, Spesialrådgiver / NCP Energy, Forskningsrådet Blå vekst, Kr.sand, 2015-06-04 The Norwegian Horizon 2020 NCP-team 1 09.06.2015 Bistand fra Forskningsrådet National Contact Point (NCP) Hjelp og bistand, bl.a: Råd og veiledning Søknadsteknisk Strategisk Faglig veiledning / vurdering (med bistand fra bl.a. fagansvarlige) Nettverk, kontakter, partnersøk “Mock evaluation” / “Forevaluering” / Skisseevaluering Kontakt med kommisjonen Løpende prosjekter Workshops … Infobrev Prosjektetableringsstøtte (PES) http://www.forskningsradet.no/pes2020 Medvirkningsordningen (MVO) ENERGIX og CLIMIT Ulike incentivordninger The 3 Pillar structure of Horizon 2020 Excellent Science Industrial Leadership Societal Challenges European Research Council (ERC) Innovation in SMEs Health, demographic change and wellbeing Future & Emerging Technologies (FET) Access to Risk Finance Food security, sustainable agriculture, forestry, marine, maritime, inland water and bio-economy Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) Research Infrastructures (RI) Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT) • • LEIT ICT LEIT NMP+Bio • PPP EeB • PPP FoF • PPP Spire Secure, clean and efficient energy €5.931bn Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, environment, resource efficient and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure societies €24.4bn €17.0bn Spreading Excellence and widening participation Science with and for society €29.7bn €816m €462m Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs) - FCH JU €665m - … 2 09.06.2015 Horizon 2020 Is an instrument for the implementation of EU policies and strategies. therefore it is vital for the success of your proposal to know the EU policies and strategies, and emphasise how your proposed project contributes to those relevant to the call. 3. A resilient Energy Union with a forward-looking climate change policy 6 3 09.06.2015 H2020 Energy - policy context & drivers European Research Area (ERA) Europe 2020 – the EU’s growth strategy Flagship Initiatives Innovation Union Resource efficient Europe Energy 2020 - A strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energy Energy Roadmap 2050 2030 framework for climate and energy policies Energy security strategy Energy Union … SET-plan (Strategic Energy Technology Plan) Integrated Roadmap & Action Plan (cf. Energy Technologies and Innovation, COM(2013) 253) SET-Plan: Integrated Roadmap (IR) May 2013: Energy Technologies and Innovation (COM(2013) 253) Sep 2013-Dec 2014: Stakeholder and MS consultation Dec 2014: overview document "Towards an Integrated Roadmap“ Now: Action Plan First exercise: Mapping of MS priorities & investment vs Challenges/Themes in IR MSs identify areas of common interest In parallel: SET-Plan structure Role of EERA EIIs & ETPs 8 4 09.06.2015 Bio-based Economy Energy Environment ICT Production and Transport processes EATIP Biofuels WssTP ARTEMIS ECTP ACARE ETPGAH EU PV TP EUROP ESTEP ERRAC Food for Life TPWind ETP4HPC EuMaT ERTRAC Forest-based RHC ENIAC FTC Logistics Plants SmartGrids EPoSS SusChem Waterborne FABRE TP SNETP ISI Nanomedicine TP Organics ZEP Net!Works ETP-SMR NEM Manufuture NESSI Photonics 21 Nanofutures Industrial Safety http://cordis.europa.eu/technology-platforms/ 9 EERA Joint Programmes (JPs) Photovoltaic Wind energy Geothermal Smart Grids Bio Energy Carbon Capture and Storage Materials for Nuclear Advanced Materials and Processes for Energy Applications (AMPEA) Concentrated Solar Power Energy Storage Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Ocean Energy Smart Cities Economical, Environment and Social Impacts (e3s) Shale Gas 10 5 09.06.2015 Societal Challenge: Secure, clean and efficient energy High industrial success All proposals Main-listed proposals 12 6 09.06.2015 3 focus areas in the Energy challenge Energy Efficiency Low Carbon Energy Smart Cities and Communities H2020 Energy 2016-2017 ENERGY EFFICIENCY Heating and cooling Engaging consumers towards sustainable energy Buildings Industry, services and products Innovative financing for energy efficiency investments COMPETITIVE LOW-CARBON ENERGY Towards an integrated EU energy system Renewable energy technologies Next generation of renewable energy technologies (research) Innovative renewable energy technologies (demonstration) Market uptake of renewable energy technologies Fostering international cooperation in the area of renewable energy Enabling the decarbonisation of the use of fossil fuels Social, economic and human aspects of the energy system Supporting the development of a European research area in the field of energy Cross-cutting issues SMART CITIES AND COMMUNITIES Lighthouse 7 09.06.2015 H2020 Energy 2016-2017 SME instrument OTHER ACTIONS Inducement Prizes (e.g. CO2 reuse technologies) Ocean Energy 2016: increased performance and reliability of subsystems 2017: demonstrate part-scale or full-scale ocean energy subsystems Advanced research: LCE 7 – 2016/17 Demonstration: LCE 15 -2016, LCE 16-2017 Wind Energy 2016: wind control of wind turbines and farms and demonstration of innovative solutions for reduced maintenance and increased reliability and extended life time of wind turbines. 2017: support is for improved understanding of the physics of wind energy and also a better understanding of the environmental and societal impact of wind energy. Basic Research: LCE 6-2017 Demonstration: LCE 13 -2016, LCE 14-2017 Maintenance, life-time etc of wind farms: LCE 13-2016 8 09.06.2015 Societal Challenge: Smart, green and integrated transport H2020 Transport 2016-2017 Mobility for growth Waterborne Energy efficiency and emission control Lightweight materials Transport concepts Specialised vessels Infrastructure Port of the future 9 09.06.2015 Societal Challenge 5: Climate action, environment, resource efficency and raw materials The main areas for investment in 2016-2017 are: a) b) c) d) Systemic eco-innovation for a circular economy Climate Services Nature-based Solutions Raw Materials In addition - priority themes WP 2016-2017: i) Earth Observation ii) Water iii) Cultural heritage for sustainable growth iv) The Arctic Social Sciences and Humanities aspects should be integrated across the areas, where relevant. 10 09.06.2015 Translation into calls 2016-2017 I. Contribution to cross-cutting focus areas i. Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy ii. ‘Blue Growth – demonstrating an ocean of opportunities’ iii. Sustainable Food Security – Resilient Agri-food Chains Call on specific priority areas Raw Materials Climate services Nature-based solutions for resilience Earth Observation Cultural heritage for sustainable growth Water Eurostars 11 09.06.2015 Finansierer forskernettverk Åpent for alle fagdisipliner Nettverkene - COST Actions skal ha et klart formål Finansierer møter, korte forskningsopphold og konferanser, men ikke forskningen Åpne - alle medlemsland kan melde seg inn i nye nettverk To søknadsfrister i året: mars og september Norsk COST-kontakt: Trude Dypvik, Forskningsrådet tdy@rcn.no Mer info: www.cost.eu samt på Forskningsråds hjemmeside Relevante nasjonale programmer BIA - Bredt og uten tematiske føringer. Utgangspunkt i bedriftenes egne strategier Energix - Fornybar energi Climit - Fornybar energi Havbruk - Bærekraftig vekst i norsk havbruk. Nytt: inkluderer også alger Marinforsk - Økosystemer og effekter av menneskelige aktiviteter; mining Maroff - Maritim transport Polarprogrammet Bionær - Sjømat, bioøkonomi Biotek2021 - Blå bioteknologi Petromaks 2 - Offshore Demo2000 - Kvalifisere og pilotere ny teknologi Klimaforsk - Klimatjenester 12 09.06.2015 Noen relevante arrangementer Workshop: Klimatjenester – muligheter for norske forskere og brukere i EU Forskningsrådet, Lysaker, 17/6-2015 http://forskningsradet.pameldingssystem.no/klimatjenesterndash-muligheter-for-norske-forskere-i-eu «EU som polarforskningsarena – muligheter for norske forskere og brukere». Forskningsrådet, Lysaker, 26/8-2015 kl. 09:30 – 18:00 http://forskningsradet.pameldingssystem.no/mobiliseringsko nferanse H2020 Energy Work Programme 2016-2017 infoday Brussel, 14/9-201 Ulike NCP-team, EU-nettverk, Skyggegrupper, Kommisjonen etc planlegger kontinuerlig nye arrangementer. Følg med I våre nyhetsbrev! NCP-kontakter, bl.a: Tor Ivar Eikaas tie@rcn.no NCP Energi H2020 Programkomite Energi SET-Plan Styringsgruppe Ingunn Borlaug Lid il@rcn.no NCP Klima Mari Lyseid Authen mlau@rcn.no NCP Energi adm. Medvirkningsordningen Kim Davis kd@rcn.no NCP ICT Tor Einar Johnsen tej@rcn.no NCP NMBP (inkl PPP EeB, FoF, Spire) Marianne Haavardsholm Aandahl mhaa@rcn.no NCP med fokus på petroleumsnæringen Øystein Strandli ost@rcn.no NCP Transport 13 09.06.2015 EU finansiering med fokus Horisont 2020 Tor Ivar Eikaas, Spesialrådgiver / NCP Energy, Forskningsrådet Blå vekst, Kr.sand, 2015-06-04 Main project types (formally «Action types») • Research and Innovation Actions RIA • • • Innovation Actions IA Coordination and support actions CSA • • • • Activities aiming to establish new knowledge and/or to explore the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service or solution. They may include basic and applied research, technology development and integration, testing and validation on a small-scale prototype in a laboratory or simulated environment. Projects may contain closely connected but limited demonstration or pilot activities aiming to show technical feasibility in a near to operational environment. Funding rate: 100 % + 25 % flat-rate overhead Activities directly aiming at producing plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services. They may include prototyping, testing, demonstrating, piloting, large-scale product validation and market replication. Funding rate: 70 % (except for non-profit legal entities, where a rate of 100 % applies) + 25 % flat-rate overhead Actions consisting primarily of accompanying measures such as standardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising and communication, networking, coordination or support services, policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises and studies, including design studies for new infrastructure and may also include complementary activities of strategic planning, networking and coordination between programmes in different countries. Funding rate: 100 % + 25 % flat-rate overhead 28 14 09.06.2015 Prosjektetableringsstøtte (PES2020) Støtte for utarbeiding av søknad Støttebeløpene varierer, bl.a: rolle og budsjett, antall norske aktører og type prosjekt Støtten fra Forskningsrådet maksimalt 50 % av påløpte kostnader. Minimumskrav for støtte: Søknad vurdert som «eligible». Ekstra støtte dersom søknaden er vurdert til over minimumskravene (over «threshold»). Tilleggsstøtte for ferdigstilling av kontrakt. http://www.forskningsradet.no/pes2020 29 PES2020 – eksempler på maks støttebeløp KOORDINATOR Research & Innovation Action Innovation Action KRAV: H2020SØKNAD MÅ VÆRE FORMELT I ORDEN EKSTRA STØTTE EKSTRA STØTTE TIL STØTTEVERDIGE KONTRAKTSFASE SØKNADER 200.000 kr 50.000 kr 50.000 kr 40.000 kr 0 kr 0 kr 0 kr 150.000 kr 0 kr Fast Track to Innovation MSCA – ITN 120.000 kr 30.000 kr 50.000 kr Eurostars 120.000 kr 30.000 kr 0 kr 75.000 kr 25.000 kr 20.000 kr SMB Fase 1 (spesielle betingelser) SME Fase 2 (spesielle betingelser) CSA, PPI, PCP, COST 15 09.06.2015 ENERGIX: Medvirkningsordningen (MVO) Formål: Å fremme norske prioriteringer og forskningsagenda i det strategiske arbeidet inn mot EU og IEA Flere aktører Flere lederroller Bidratt i direkte strategiutforming og agendasetting Nasjonale skyggegrupper Indirekte effekt: Aktørenes posisjonering, nettverk og suksess Ny utlysning MVO: Høst 2015 Støtteordninger Stimuleringsmidler til EUs delprogram "Klima, miljø, ressursutnyttelse og råmaterialer". Norske institusjoner med ledende roller Denne utlysningen vil i nær framtid legges ut på Forskningsrådets nettsider. Søknadsfristen vil være løpende. 16 09.06.2015 Relevante nasjonale programmer BIA - Bredt og uten tematiske føringer. Utgangspunkt i bedriftenes egne strategier Energix - Fornybar energi Climit - Fornybar energi Havbruk - Bærekraftig vekst i norsk havbruk. Nytt: inkluderer også alger Marinforsk - Økosystemer og effekter av menneskelige aktiviteter; mining Maroff - Maritim transport Polarprogrammet Bionær - Sjømat, bioøkonomi Biotek2021 - Blå bioteknologi Petromaks 2 - Offshore Demo2000 - Kvalifisere og pilotere ny teknologi Klimaforsk - Klimatjenester Participant Portal: ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal 17 09.06.2015 User manuals • • • Organisation registration - User Manual SME self-assessment tool - User Guide Submission Service - User Manual Presentations • • • • Work Programme Topics Topic Identifier Specific Challenge Introduction to the Services of the Participant Portal Changes of the Identity and Access Management of the Participant Portal User registration: How to create an ECAS account … • Work Programme H2020 • WP Climate • … • WP Energy • Call • (Sub-call) • Topic Sets the context, the problem to be addressed, why intervention is necessary Scope Delineates the problem, specifies the focus and the boundaries of the potential action BUT without overly describing specific approaches Expected Impact Describe the key elements of what is expected to be achieved in relation to the specific challenge Type of action 39 18 09.06.2015 40 Proposals - Evaluation Excellence Impact Quality and Efficiency of Implementation Max 5 points per criterion Minimum requirements (threshold) (with some exceptions) Min 3 points for each criterion Min 10 points in total Some exceptions Innovation Actions, SME instrument: Impact weight factor 1,5 Impact first tie-breaker For first stage of a two-stage procedure, the experts only evaluate the criteria Excellence and (part of) Impact Templates: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/funding/reference_docs.html#h2020call_ptef-ef 41 19 09.06.2015 Interpretation of the scores 0 — The proposal fails to address the criterion or cannot be assessed due to missing or incomplete information. 1 — Poor. The criterion is inadequately addressed, or there are serious inherent weaknesses. 2 — Fair. The proposal broadly addresses the criterion, but there are significant weaknesses. 3 — Good. The proposal addresses the criterion well, but a number of shortcomings are present. 4 — Very Good. The proposal addresses the criterion very well, but a small number of shortcomings are present. 5 — Excellent. The proposal successfully addresses all relevant aspects of the criterion. Any shortcomings are minor. 42 Award criteria: RIA, IA, SME instrument Excellence Clarity and pertinence of the objectives Credibility of the proposed approach Soundness of the concept, including trans-disciplinary considerations, where relevant; Extent that proposed work is ambitious, has innovation potential, and is beyond the state of the art (e.g. ground-breaking objectives, novel concepts and approaches) Impact The extent to which the outputs of the project should contribute at the European and/or International level to:] The expected impacts listed in the work programme under the relevant topic Enhancing innovation capacity and integration of new knowledge; Strengthening the competitiveness and growth of companies by developing innovations meeting the needs of European and global markets; and, where relevant, by delivering such innovations to the markets; Any other environmental and socially important impacts (not already covered above); Effectiveness of the proposed measures to exploit and disseminate the project results (including management of IPR), to communicate the project, and to manage research data where relevant. Quality and efficiency of the implementation Coherence and effectiveness of the work plan, including appropriateness of the allocation of tasks and resources; Complementarity of the participants within the consortium (when relevant); Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures, including risk management and innovation management. Operational capacity to carry out the proposed work, based on the competence and experience of the individual participant(s). Bold: first-stage proposals under a two-stage submission procedure Ref: General Annexes, part H 20 09.06.2015 Fair process? At end of FP7: over 98% of FP7 experts rated the process satisfactory, good or excellent Over 2/3 considered EU system better than national or international systems 44 Prosjektideer og skisser 21 09.06.2015 Forskningsrådets EU-nettverk PROSIN Europe Prosessindustri ENIT - EU-nettverk for IKT i transport Transport Support Innovation in Norwegian healthcare sector by establishing collaboration and project financing using European funding tools Helse EU-nettverk Viken - Regionalt nettverk for økt deltagelse i Horisont 2020 Regionalt EU-nettverk Nordland Regionalt HORISONT2020 - TRØNDELAG Regionalt HORISONT VEST Regionalt FORSKNINGS- OG INNOVASJONSNETTVERK FOR EU Forskningsinstituttenes fellesarena Work as expert for the Commission? Register at Participant Portal Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Sum navn Cooperation Energy NO Tot % NO 3 104 2,9 4 327 1,2 3 294 1,0 0 66 0,0 4 157 2,5 2 128 1,6 1 162 0,6 17 1 238 1,4 % 47 22 09.06.2015 Relevant for energiområdet, bl.a: Tor Ivar Eikaas tie@rcn.no NCP Energi H2020 Programkomite Energi SET-Plan Styringsgruppe Ingunn Borlaug Lid il@rcn.no NCP Klima Mari Lyseid Authen mlau@rcn.no NCP Energi adm. Medvirkningsordningen Kim Davis kd@rcn.no NCP ICT Tor Einar Johnsen tej@rcn.no NCP NMBP (inkl PPP EeB, FoF, Spire) Marianne Haavardsholm Aandahl mhaa@rcn.no NCP med fokus på petroleumsnæringen Øystein Strandli ost@rcn.no NCP Transport Noen stikkord for å lykkes Kompetanse - Hva gjør deg attraktiv på EU-arenaen - Kunnskap, produkter, tjenester, etc. - Må synliggjøres Forankring - Ledelsesforankring - Egen strategi og planer - Langsiktighet - Ressurser Innsikt - Utlysningsteksten - Planer og bakgrunnsdokumenter - Prosjekter og sentrale aktører Nettverk - Bygge og vedlikeholde - Teknologiplattform, møteplasser, … - Kollegaer, «gode hjelpere» Mulighetsrom - Identifisere - Forstå - Prioritere Deltakelse - Prosjekter, fora, etc. - Bidra og vær synlig - Ekspert for Kommisjonen Medvirkning - Forstå mulighetsrom - Prioriter - Bruk tilgjengelige kanaler - Finn ditt ambisjonsnivå 49 23 09.06.2015 Forstå Horisont 2020 på under 5 min http://tinyurl.com/H2020-film Kontakt: Tor Ivar Eikaas, NCP Energi, tie@rcn.no • • • • Horisont 2020 (EC) ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/ Horisont 2020 (Norge) forskningsradet.no/horisont2020 Deltakerportalen ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/ Nyhetsbrev Horisont 2020 Energi Arkiv: http://tinyurl.com/h2020-energi-nyheter Abonner: tie@forskningsradet.no 24
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