Oversikt over fysioterapeuter med doktorgrader pr. mars 2015 Oversikten er utarbeidet på bakgrunn av det Fondet er kjent med, og er derfor ikke komplett Navn Tittel på dr.gradsarbeidet The human tibia with regard Ljunggren, Elisabeth to functional anatomy of long bones Pelvic floor muscle exercise for the treatment of female stress Bø, Kari urinary incontinence Dahle, Ranveig Engelsrud, Gunn Hagen, Kåre Birger Kolnes, Liv Jorun Sandborg, Kirsten Vasseljen, Ottar Holm, Inger Arbeidsdeling - makt - identitet: betydningen av kjønn i fysioterapiyrket Kjærlighet og bevegelse. Fragmenter til en forståelse av fysioterapeutisk yrkesutøvelse. Physical work load and perceived exertion during forest work and experimental repetitive lifting Kvinner og toppidrett : om kjønn, kropp, seksualitet og relasjoner i toppidretten Maly women. Suffering, struggle and strategies Work-related shoulder and neck pain with reference to muscle activity, individual factors, and psychosocial exposures. Quantification of muscle strength by isokinetic performance Myofunctional and emotional aspects Krogstad, Berit Schie of temporomandibular disorders Grad dr.philos Institusjon Universitetet i Oslo dr.scient. Norges idrettshøgskole 1990 dr.polit. Universitetet i Trondheim 1990 dr.polit Universitetet i Oslo 1990 dr.med.vet Karolinska Institutet 1994 dr. scient Norges Idrettshøgskole 1994 dr.polit Universitetet i Oslo 1994 dr.philos Universitetet i Trondheim Universitetet i Oslo dr.philos Universitetet i Oslo dr.philos År 1977 1995 1996 1998 X:\Administrasjon\Oversikter\Dr.grader - pr. mars 2015 kronologisk Side 1 Navn Mengshoel, Anne Marit Graver, Vibeke Moe-Nilssen, Rolf Risberg, May Arna Thornquist, Eline Fredriksen, Per Morten Jørgensen, Lone Råheim, Målfrid Strand, Liv Inger Bergland, Astrid Tittel på dr.gradsarbeidet Pain, fatigue, and the effects of aerobic exercise and patient education programs in patients with fibromyalgia Long-term results and predictors of outcome in lumbara disc surgery Trunk accelerometry. A new method for assessing balance under various task and environmental contraints Evaluation of knee function after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Conceiving function. An investigation of the epistemological preconditions, conceptualizations and methodologies in physiotherapy Physical functioning in children and adolescents with congenital heart disease Fragile bones in patients with stroke?: Bone mineral density in acute stroke patients and changes during one year follow up Kvinners kroppserfaring og livssammenheng. En fenomelogiskhermeneutisk studie av friske kvinner og kvinner med kroniske muskelsmerter. Assessment tools of pain activity limitations in musculoskeletal conditions Falls suffered by the elderly living at home Grad Institusjon År dr.philos Universitetet i Oslo Universitetet i Oslo dr.philos Universitetet i Bergen 1999 dr.philos Universitetet i Oslo 1999 dr.philos Universitetet i Oslo 1999 dr.scient. Norges Idrettshøgskole 2000 dr.philos Universitetet i Tromsø 2001 dr.philos Universitetet i Bergen 2001 dr.philos Universitetet i Bergen 2001 dr.philos Universitetet i Oslo 2002 dr.philos 1998 1999 X:\Administrasjon\Oversikter\Dr.grader - pr. mars 2015 kronologisk Side 2 Navn Tittel på dr.gradsarbeidet A study of patients with pain disorders: psychological and bodily characteristics, psychotherapy Monsen, Kirsti outcome and patterns of change Lifestyle and health in a cohort of Norwegian adolescents with special emphasis on school journeys and low Sjølie, Astrid Noreng back pain The importance of the psychosocial work environment in preventing Torp, Steffen musculoskeletal symptoms Grad Institusjon dr.psycol Universitetet i Oslo 2002 dr.philos Universitetet i Bergen 2002 dr.philos Universitetet i Bergen 2002 Validation of electrophysical agents in pain management by identification of Bjordal, Jan Magnus their dose response patterns dr.philos Universitetet i Bergen 2003 Bunkan, Berit Heir The comprehensive body examination dr.philos Universitetet i Oslo 2003 Demmink, Jan Hendrik Therapeutic ultrasound: theoretical backgrounds and clinical applications Universitetet i Utrecht 2003 dr.philos Universitetet i Bergen 2003 dr.philos Universitetet i Bergen 2003 dr.scient. Norges Idrettshøgskole 2003 dr.philos NTNU 2003 dr.scient. Norges Idrettshøgskole 2003 Kvåle, Alice Morken, Tone Myklebust, Grethe Mørkved, Siv Storheim, Kjersti Measurement properties of a Global Physiotherapy Examination in patients with long-lasting musculoskeletal pain Musculoskeletal disorders in the aluminium industry Anterior cruciate ligament injuries in team handball: from injury to prevention Urinary incontinence during pregnancy and after delivery Patients sick listed for sub-acute low back pain; characteristics, prognostic factors and effect of exercise and cognitive intervention År X:\Administrasjon\Oversikter\Dr.grader - pr. mars 2015 kronologisk Side 3 Navn Helbostad, Jorunn Jahnsen, Reidun Moe, Siri Dagfinrud, Hanne Fallang, Bjørg Fjærtoft, Hild Grotle, Margreth Tittel på dr.gradsarbeidet Motor functioning in communitydwelling older adults Being adult with a "childhood disease": A survey on adults with cerebral palsy in Norway Bevegelse, arbeid, kunnskap. Om kroppsbevegelse ved anvendelse av ulike former for teknologi Ankylosing spondylitis: Diseases impact and research evidence of physiotherapy interventions Development in infants born preterm. A study of characteristics of reaching and postural control Organisering av helsetjensten viktig for pasienter med hjerneslag Clincial course nd prognostic factors in patients with low back pain and disability: A methodological and clinical study Injuries in team handball: Risk factors, injury mechanisms and prevention Subjective health complaints and Steingrímsdóttir, Ólöf their relation to muscle responses in a Anna working population Physical therapy for pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain: underlying principles Stuge, Britt and effects of treatment Functioning and disability in young children with cerebral palsy: a study of everyday activities and the influence of motorimpairments and Østensjø, Sigrid environmental modifications Olsen, Odd Egil Grad Institusjon År dr.philos Universitetet i Bergen 2004 dr.philos Universitetet i Oslo 2004 dr.philos Universitetet i Tromsø 2004 dr.philos Universitetet i Oslo 2005 dr.philos Universitetet i Oslo 2005 dr.philos NTNU 2005 dr.philos Universitetet i Oslo 2005 dr.philos Norges Idrettshøgskole 2005 dr.philos Universitetet i Oslo 2005 dr.philos Universitetet i Oslo 2005 dr.philos Universitetet i Oslo 2005 X:\Administrasjon\Oversikter\Dr.grader - pr. mars 2015 kronologisk Side 4 Navn Blakstad, Helene C. Emaus, Nina Tittel på dr.gradsarbeidet Grad Revising rules and reviving knowledge: adapting tierarchical and risk-based approaches to safetyrule modifications in the Norwegian railway system dr.ing. Longitudinal changes in forearm bone mineral density in women and men from 25 to 84 years dr.philos Children with developmental problems and disorders: selected aspects of motor and multidisciplinary Iversen, Synnøve assessment and intervention Physiotherapy after stroke - a lifetime Langhammer, Birgitta endeavour Magnussen, Liv Returning disability pensions with Heide back pain to work Life after severe multiple injuries Søberg, Helene multidimensional functioning and the Lundgaard rehabilitation process Recovery after stroke. Assessment and treatment; with focus on motor Askim, Torunn function Mensendieck Somatokognitiv terapi ved langvarige underlivssmerter hos kvinner, en randomisert kontrollert Haugstad, Gro Killi behandlingsstudie Steinsvik, Kari Van den Bergh, Graziella From blessing to burden: coping with the fertile body in times of AIDS: Adolescent girls in western Tanzania at the turn of the millennium Institusjon År NTNU 2006 Universitetet i Tromsø 2006 dr.philos Universitetet i Bergen 2006 PhD Universitetet i Oslo 2007 PhD Universitetet i Bergen 2007 PhD Universitetet i Oslo 2007 PhD NTNU 2008 PhD PhD Universitetet i Oslo ? 2008 2008 dr.polit Universitetet i Bergen 2008 X:\Administrasjon\Oversikter\Dr.grader - pr. mars 2015 kronologisk Side 5 Navn Øberg, Gunn Kristin Bentzen, Hege Høivik, Dordi Jamtvedt, Gro Jensen, Roar Kaale, Bertel Rune Nilsson, Birgitta Blakstad Paulsen, Gøran Roaldsen, Kirsti Skavberg Stray, Liv Larsen Tittel på dr.gradsarbeidet Fysioterapi til for tidlig fødte barn. Om sensitivitet, samhandling og bevegelse Prevention of hip fractures in nursing homes. A comparative study of the adherence with and effect of softshelled and hard-shelled hip protectors Health, Safety and Environment Culture in the Petroleum Industry in Norway Physiotherapy in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Clinical practice compared to findings from systematic review Patellofemoral pain syndrome Studies on treatment modality, somatosensory function, pain and psychological parameters Clinical aspects in the late stage of whiplash injury Effects of group-based high-intensity aerobic interval training in patients with chronic heart failure. The Norwegian Ullevaal model Exercise-induced muscle damage in humans: Heat shock proteins and inflammation in recovery, regeneration, and adaptation Factors influencing physical activity in patients with venous leg ulcer Motor problems in Children with ADHD and clinical effects of Methylphenidate as assessed with the MFNU Grad Institusjon PhD Universitetet i Tromsø 2008 PhD Universitetet i Oslo 2009 PhD Universitetet i Bergen 2009 PhD Universitetet i Oslo 2009 PhD Universitetet i Bergen 2009 PhD Universitetet i Bergen 2009 PhD Universitetet i Oslo 2009 Norges Idrettshøgskole Karolinska PhD/Med.Dr Institutet PhD PhD Universitetet i Stavanger År 2009 2009 2009 X:\Administrasjon\Oversikter\Dr.grader - pr. mars 2015 kronologisk Side 6 Navn Giske, Liv Moholdt, Trine Tegdan Tittel på dr.gradsarbeidet (En)gendering body politics. Physiotherapy as a window on health and illness Functional assessments - A study of functional ability in a population, and structured assessments in general practice Faster, better, safer? Studies of safety, workload and performance in naval high-speed ship navigation Sustained low-level muscle activity related to discomfort/pain in the neck and upper extremities among forest machine operators. Prediction of cerebral palsy in young infants. Computer based assessment of general movements Pelvic floor muscle function and pelvic organ prolapse Knee function and rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament injury. Early functional assessments and interventions Born too soon or too small: Motor problems in adolescence Chronic musculoskeletal pain; mechanisms and pain reports Aerobic exercise in coronary heart disease Robinson, Hilde Stendal Pelvic girdle pain and disability during and after pregnancy. A cohort study PhD Sudmann, Tobba Therkildsen Østerås, Nina Gould, Christian S. Østensvik, Tove Adde, Lars Brækken, Ingeborg Hoff Eitzen, Ingrid Evensen, Kari Anne Indredavik Grad Institusjon År PhD Universitetet i Bergen 2009 PhD Universitetet i Oslo 2009 PhD Universitetet i Bergen 2009 PhD Universitetet i Oslo 2009 PhD NTNU 2010 PhD Norges Idrettshøgskole 2010 PhD Universitetet i Oslo 2010 PhD NTNU 2010 PhD Universitetet i Oslo 2010 PhD NTNU 2010 Universitetet i Oslo 2010 X:\Administrasjon\Oversikter\Dr.grader - pr. mars 2015 kronologisk Side 7 Navn Tittel på dr.gradsarbeidet Arm Lymphedema after Axillary Lymph Node Dissection in Breast Cancer Patients. A study of measurement techniques and the results of Physical Therapy Sagen, Åse Interventions The influence of physiotherapy and climate on functionning in Multiple Sclerosis. Aspects of physical performance, fatigue and healthSmedal, Tori related quality of life Intensive group training in a local community setting for children with cerebral palsy. Methodological aspects and change in motor Sørsdal, Anne Brit functioning Symptoms and signs in patients with Wilhelmsen, Kjersti long-lasting dizziness Motor control in whiplash and chronic Woodhouse, Astrid non-traumatic neck pain Change and Communication Longterm Norwegian PsychoMotor Physiotherapy Treatment for Patients Øien, Aud Marie with Chronic Muscle Pain "My own way of Moving" The Movement Experiences of Children Bjorbækmo, Wenche with disabilities Measuring outcomes of shoulder surgery in patients with rheumatic Christie, Anne diseases Patients with subacromial shoulder Engebretsen, Kaia pain; treatment and predictors of Beck outcome. Grad Institusjon År PhD Universitetet i Oslo 2010 PhD Universitetet i Bergen 2010 PhD Universitetet i Bergen 2010 PhD Universitetet i Bergen 2010 PhD NTNU 2010 PhD Universitetet i Bergen 2010 PhD Universitetet i Oslo 2011 PhD Universitetet i Oslo 2011 PhD Universitetet i Oslo 2011 X:\Administrasjon\Oversikter\Dr.grader - pr. mars 2015 kronologisk Side 8 Navn Tittel på dr.gradsarbeidet Functioning, disability, and management of patients with hip Fernandes, Linda osteoarthritis Classification and targeted treatment of patients with Non Specific Chronic Fersum, Kjartan Vibe Low Back Pain The role of physical exercise as a stress-coping resource for persons with functionally incomplete spinal Lannem, Anne cord injury Nesvold, Inger-Lise Opheim, Arve Rugseth, Gro Sylliaas, Hilde Grad Institusjon PhD Universitetet i Oslo 2011 PhD Universitetet i Bergen 2011 PhD Norges Idrettshøgskole 2011 Universitetet i Oslo 2011 Karolinska Institutet 2011 Universitetet i Oslo 2011 Universitetet i Oslo 2011 Universitetet i Oslo 2011 Universitetet i Bergen 2012 Universitetet i Oslo 2012 Arm and shoulder problems in breast cancer survivors. Measurement and relationship to aspect of quality of life PhD Walking in adults with spastic cerebral palsy – the relation to pain, fatigue, gait and balance med dr Overvekt som livserfaring. Et empirisk - teoretisk kunnskapsbidrag PhD Fall and hip fracture among older people living at home. PhD Knee osteoarthritis and knee function after anterior crucicate ligament Øiestad, Britt Elin reconstruction. Long term results PhD Treadmill walking with body weight Aaslund, Mona Kristin support in patients post-stroke PhD Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain: reproductive risk factors and Bjelland, Elisabeth K. prognosis. PhD År X:\Administrasjon\Oversikter\Dr.grader - pr. mars 2015 kronologisk Side 9 Navn Tittel på dr.gradsarbeidet Recovery of arm motor function in the subacute phase after stroke. Aspects of assessment, treatment and Brunner, Iris reorganization. Development of a Self-report Questionnaire in the Context of Norwegian Psychomotor Dragesund, Tove Physiotherapy Pregnant: Healthy or sick? “Normal Fredriksen, Eva pregnancy complaints” and eligibility Haukeland to protection Measures of symmetry in gait. Hodt-Billington, Methodological principles and clinical Caroline choices Pustebesvær under anstrengelse Røksund, Ola Drange grunnet obstruksjon i strupen Stafne, Signe Nilssen Exercise during pregnancy Motor control exercises for patients with low back pain Unsgaard-Tøndel, Monica Mechanisms of injuries in World Cup Bere, Tone Tufte alpine skiing. Physical activity, mortality and breast Borch, Kristin cancer risk – The Norwegian Women Benjaminsen and Cancer Study Physical activity, Exercise, HealthRelated Quality of Life and Physical Function in Older Adults Leaving Brovold, Therese Hospital Effect of treadmill training with body weight support on walking and Høyer, Ellen transfer after severe stroke FEASIBILITY OF HIGH-INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING IN CARDIAC Inger L. Aamot REHABILITATION Grad Institusjon År PhD Universitetet i Bergen 2012 PhD Universitetet i Bergen 2012 PhD Universitetet i Oslo 2012 PhD Universitetet i Bergen 2012 PhD PhD Universitetet i Bergen NTNU 2012 2012 PhD NTNU 2012 PhD Norges Idrettshøgskole 2013 PhD Universitetet i Tromsø 2013 PhD Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus 2013 PhD Universitetet i Bergen 2013 PhD NTNU 2013 X:\Administrasjon\Oversikter\Dr.grader - pr. mars 2015 kronologisk Side 10 Navn Tittel på dr.gradsarbeidet Grad Leivseth, Linda Biophysical and biological effects from infrared Low-Level-Laser-Therapy PhD Å berøre og bli berørt – å bevege og bli beveget. Om fysioterapeutstudenters læring om og gjennom kroppen PhD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; lung function, respiratory symptoms, and mortality PhD Moe, Rikke Helene Clinical Aspects of Hand Osteoarthritis – Non-pharmacological management, clinical assessment and disease impact. PhD Joensen, Jón Langaas, Anne Moksnes, Håvard Mæland, Silje Normann, Britt Stedenfeldt, Mona Stensrud, Silje Funksjon og radiologiske forandringer i kne etter fremre korsbåndsskade hos barn 12 år eller yngre PhD Sick leave for patients with severe subjective health complaints – challenges in general practice PhD Physiotherapy and professional clinical guidance in an out-patient clinic for people with multiple sclerosis. Body and movement in sense making and professional development PhD Obstetric anal sphincter injuries : risk factors, episiotomy characteristics, and pelvic floor dysfunction PhD Knee function and exercise in middleaged pastients with degenerative PhD meniscus tears Institusjon År Universitetet i Bergen 2013 Universitetet i Oslo 2013 NTNU 2013 Universitetet i Oslo 2013 Norges Idrettshøgskole 2013 Universitetet i Bergen 2013 Universitetet i Tromsø 2013 Universitetet i Tromsø 2013 Syddansk Universitet, Odense, Danmark 2013 X:\Administrasjon\Oversikter\Dr.grader - pr. mars 2015 kronologisk Side 11 Navn Tittel på dr.gradsarbeidet Grad From helplessness between «either – or» to confidence in «both – and» – Experiences of self-understanding Sulheim Haugstvedt, among people living with long-lasting Karen Therese health problems PhD Taraldsen, Kristin Activity Monitoring in Older Persons – Methodology and Clinical Applications PhD Making sense of chronic muscle pain. Analyzing gender in illness narratives PhD Socio-demographic predictors of childhood overweight and obesity in Biehl, Anna Månsson Norway — an epidemiological study PhD Supervised exercise after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty for intermittent claudication – associations and effects on physical function and health-related quality of Bø, Elisabeth life PhD Ahlsen, Birgitte Gjelsvik, Bente Grindem, Hege Heiberg, Kristi Elisabeth Trunk control in stroke. Aspects of measurement, relation to brain lesion and change after rehabilitation. PhD Knee function and sports participation after nonoperative and operative treatment of anterior cruciate ligament injuries. PhD Recovery of physical functioning after total hip arthroplasty PhD Institusjon År Universitetet i Oslo 2013 NTNU 2013 Universitetet i Oslo 2014 Universitetet i Oslo 2014 Universitetet i Oslo 2014 Universitetet i Bergen 2014 Norges Idrettshøgskole 2014 Universitetet i Oslo 2014 X:\Administrasjon\Oversikter\Dr.grader - pr. mars 2015 kronologisk Side 12 Navn Nilstad, Agnethe Tittel på dr.gradsarbeidet Grad Pelvic floor muscle function in pregnancy and after childbirth and the effect of postpartum pelvic floor muscle training on urinary incontinence in women with and without major defects of the levator ani muscle. PhD Injuries and risk factors in elite female football – implications for screening and prevention PhD Nytrøen, Kari Chronotropic responses and effect of high intensity interval based aerobic exercise in heart transplant recipients. PhD Universitetet i Oslo 2014 Røe, Yngve Shoulder pain within the ICF framework; patient experiences of functioning and assessment methods PhD Universitetet i Oslo 2014 Skare, Øystein Sveaas, Silje Halvorsen Study design and outcome measures for evaluation of the treatment for SLAP lesions in the shoulder. PhD Physical fitness, disease activity and cardiovascular health PhD Universitetet i Oslo 2014 Universitetet i Oslo 2014 Universitetet i Oslo 2014 Universitetet i Bergen 2014 Universitetet i Oslo 2014 Hilde, Gunvor Svege, Ida Sviland, Randi Tamber, Anne Lise Long-term effects of exercise therapy and patient education in patients with mild to moderate hip osteoarthritis PhD Norwegian Psychomotor Physiotherapy and Embodied Narrative Identity. A theory generating study. PhD Persons with dizziness: Symptoms, functional ability, and quality of life PhD Institusjon År Norges Idrettshøgskole 2014 Norges Idrettshøgskole 2014 X:\Administrasjon\Oversikter\Dr.grader - pr. mars 2015 kronologisk Side 13 Navn Tittel på dr.gradsarbeidet Measuring health-related physical fitness in patients with musculoskeletal conditions in outpatient physiotherapy practice – a Tveter, Anne Therese methodological study Visnes, Håvard Risk factors for jumper’s knee Sæter, Rannei Wojniusz, Slawomir Johannessen, Hege Hølmo Hanvold, Therese Nordberg Sund, Terje Clarsen, Benjamin Magnusson, Karin Assessment of trunk control in children and adolecents with cerebral palsy. A neglected perspective? Effects of gonadotropin releasing hormone´s signaling on cognitive development during the peripubertal period Anal incontinence in primiparae: Prevalence, predictors and Quality of Life Mechanical workload and neck and shoulder pain at the start of working life Powered Mobility Devices in a Nordic Context: Service Delivery, Effectiveness and Methodological Development Overuse injuries in Sport – Development, validation and application of a new surveillance method Hand osteoarthritis, pain and body weight – associations and potential mechanisms Grad Institusjon År PhD PhD Universitetet i Oslo Universitetet i Bergen 2014 2014 PhD NTNU 2014 PhD UiO 2014 PhD NTNU 2014 PhD Universitetet i Oslo Doctor of philosophy in medical science Universitetet i Lund 2015 2015 PhD Norges Idrettshøgskole 2015 PhD UiO 2015 X:\Administrasjon\Oversikter\Dr.grader - pr. mars 2015 kronologisk Side 14
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