Finnmark fylkeskommune ved vannregionmyndigheten Fylkeshuset 9815 VADSØ Trondheim, 8 May 2015 Your ref.: [Your ref.] Contact person: Sturla Brørs Our ref. : 2015/3742 Supplementary information to the Tana, Neiden, Pasvik/Paats River Basin Management Plan We refer to the Tana, Neiden, Pasvik/Paats River Basin Management Plan (2016 – 2021) and hereby send supplementary information regarding ecological status for anadromous salmonids. The Norwegian Environment Agency hereby presents supplementary information regarding ecological status of anadromous salmonids to be taken into consideration in the Tana, Neiden, Pasvik/Paats River Basin Management Plan, sent to Finnmark River Basin District Authority with a copy to Lapin ELY-keskus. The Norwegian Environment Agency has recently published results of the classification of selected rivers with anadromous salmonids in Norway. As these were published 20 April 2015, results were not included in the Commentary for the Public hearing of the Tana, Neiden, Pasvik/Paats River Basin Management Plan from the Norwegian Environment Agency. The classification was based mainly on results from 2014 from the evaluation of status for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Norwegian rivers by the Norwegian Scientific Advisory Committee for Atlantic Salmon Management ( ). The classification is restricted to rivers with adequate monitoring data, and the achievement of river specific spawning targets are used as an important parameter. The results of the status evaluation were supported by data collected from national databases and the status of Atlantic salmon is interpreted according to criteria for ecological status in the Water Framework Directive. For rivers with stocks of anadromous salmonids in Neiden, Tana and Pasvik/Paats, the classification of rivers with anadromous salmonids is as follows: REGINE 234.Z 234.ZY3 Sub district Tana* Tana River Ecological status QE fish (salmon) Tanaelva (the anadromous parts of Tana) Moderate Tana/Karasjohka Moderate Postal address : PO Box 5672, Sluppen, N-7485 Trondheim | Tel: +47 73 58 05 00 | Fax: +47 73 58 05 01 E-mail: | Internet: | VAT.No.: 999 601 391 Visiting address Oslo: Grensesvingen 7, N-0661 Oslo | Visiting address Trondheim: Brattørkaia 15, N-7010 Trondheim 1 234.ZY4 Tana Tana/Iesjohka Poor Tana/Maskejohka Moderate Tana Tana/Laksjohka Moderate 247.Z Tana Pasvik/Paats Langfjordelva (Gamvik)/Laggo Grense Jakobselv High Moderate 247.3Z Pasvik/Paats Karpelva Good Neiden Munkelva Good Neiden Klokkarelva Moderate 234.ZY5 234.ZY7 233.Z 244.4Z 243.Z Tana *For the river Tana the classification includes the anadromous parts of river Tana as a whole, as well as tributaries, Karasjohka, Iesjohka, Maskejohka and Laksjohka. The Norwegian Environment Agency presupposes that this new information is included in the classification of ecological status and risk evaluation for relevant water bodies in rivers in Neiden, Tana and Pasvik/Paats. We will hereby ask the Finnmark River Basin District Authority to add this classification as a basis when the plan is set to action, and if possible, include this information in the River Basin Management Plan. Best regards Norwegian Environment Agency This document has been signed electronically and contains no handwritten signature Raoul Bierach Head of section Sturla Brørs senior advicer Copy: Fylkesmannen i Finnmark/Finnmárkku Fylkkamánni Lapin ELY-keskus Klima- og miljødepartementet Statens hus 9815 PL 8060 96101 Postboks 8013 Dep 0030 Vadsø Rovaniemi OSLO 2
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