Curriculum Vitae (summary) – Trude Vrålstad PERSONALIA Date of birth: 10.01.1970, Norwegian citizen, married, 3 children. Mobile: +4793222380, work: +4723216247, e-mail: CURRENT POSITIONS Head of section, Section of Mycology, Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Oslo (since 2014) Senior scientist, Section of Mycology, Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Oslo (since 2005) Associate professor II (20%), Department of Biosciences (DB), University of Oslo, Norway (since 2006) EDUCATION Cand. scient (MSc.) in Biology (Mycology), June 1996, University of Oslo, Norway. Dr. scient (PhD) in Biology (Mycology), June 2001, University of Oslo, Norway. PREVIOUS PROFESSIONAL WORK EXPERIENCE 2004: Researcher in Mycology, DB, University of Oslo (UoO), Norway. 2001 –2004: Post doc in Mycology, DB, UoO, Norway, and Hasselt University, Belgium 2001- 2002: First consultant, 7th international mycological congress (IMC7), DB,UoO, Norway January 1997-June 2001: Doctoral research fellow in mycology, DB, UoO, Norway TEACHING, SUPERVISION, LEADERSHIP, ADMINISTRATION, COMMISSIONS May-Nov 2012: Completed the leader course “Entering leadership in research” held by the Institute for Co-creative Leadership Ltd ( Since 2009: The NVI's representative in the national Working Group for Freshwater Crayfish (WGFC) Since 2009: The NVI's representative in the National Reference Laboratory network for Crystacean Diseases – Annual meetings for Europe organized by the European Union Reference Laboratory for Crustacean diseases (EURL) in Weymoth, CEFAS. Since 2008: ◊ Main supervisor for one PhD student (graduated 2013) and three master students (graduated 2010, 2011, 2013). ◊ Evaluation committee member for scientific positions at the UoO, University of Tromsø and NVI. ◊ Adjudication committee member for one PhD thesis (UoO) Since 2007: Deputy Head of Section of Mycology, Norwegian Veterinary Institute. Since 2005: Responsible for crayfish plague diagnostics and related advisory support to the authorities Since 2003: Referee commissions for >25 international peer review journals Since 2002: ◊ Lecturer on bachelor, master and PhD courses in mycology/biology at UoO, University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway, & Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. ◊ Supervisor/co-supervisor for many bachelor- and master student projects, UoO and NVI. ◊ External examiner master exams (Univ. of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway). 2004: Main organizer of the NordForsk research training course for European PhD students “Identification of ectomycorrhizal fungi – from root tip to sequence” at UoO, August 2004. 2001-2002: Main coordinator of the 7th International Mycological Conference (IMC7) scientific program (~1200 international delegates), Department of Biology, University of Oslo, Norway 2001-2002: Board member of IMC7 the 7th International Mycological Conference (IMC7), DB, UoO FUNDED NETWORKS & RESEARCH PROJECTS 2015-2018: Project leader of the research project "Targeted strategies for safeguarding the noble crayfish against alien and emerging threats" (TARGET) funded by the Norwegian Research Council, Environment2015/Miljø2015 (243907). 8 partners, 6 countries. 2014-2018: Project participant in “FUNtox-SIS” - Fungi and mycotoxins in a "one health" perspective. FUNtox is a strategic institute scheme at the Norwegian Veterinary Institute established to provide a centre of excellence for research on fungi (FUN) and toxinology (tox). 2008-2013: Project leader of the research project "Advanced monitoring of the introduced crayfish plague (Aphanomyces astaci) for improved management of endangered freshwater crayfish" funded by the Norwegian Research Council, Environment2015/Miljø2015 (183986). 7 partners, 5 countries. 2008-2011: Project partner in the research network “Fungi in boreal forest soils”, NordForsk (080158) 2005-2009: Project partner in the Nordic-Russian network “New emerging mycotoxins and other metabolites in toxigenic fungi of Northern Europe” funded by NordForsk (nr. 040291). 2004-2006: Project leader of the research project: ”Identification of ectomycorrhizal fungi in Nordic forests”. (7 partners) funded by the Nordic Forest Research Co-operation Committee (SNS-92). 2003-2007: Project partner in the Nordic-Baltic network “Identification and Ecology of Ectomycorrhizal fungi” funded by NordForsk (nr. 020275). 2001-2005: Coordinating group member of UNITE (A Molecular database for the identification of fungi): 2001-2004: Project leader: ”Fungal genotyping, Cu-tolerance and host protection in ectomycorrhizal strains of the Hymenoscyphus ericae aggregate” NRC post doc (145324/432) 37 PUBLISHED PAPERS IN ISI-COVERED JOURNALS. Citation metrics (Web of Science, June-15): Citing articles without self-cites: 799, H-index: 16 SELECTED PUBLICATIONS IN PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS SINCE 2009 Aamot H, Ward TJ, Brodal G, Vrålstad T, Larsen GB, Klemsdal SS, Elameen A, Uhlig S, Hofgaard I. 2015. Genetic and phenotypic diversity within the Fusarium graminearum species complex in Norway. Eur J Plant Pathol. 142, 501-519. Negård M, Uhlig S, Kauserud H, Andersen T, Høiland K, Vrålstad T. 2015. Links between genetic groups, indole alkaloid profiles and ecology within the grass-parasitic Claviceps purpurea species complex. Toxins 7: 1431-1456. Thoen E, Vrålstad T, Rolén E, Kristensen R, Evensen Ø, Skaar I. 2015. Saprolegnia species in Norwegian salmon hatcheries: field survey identifies S. diclina sub-clade IIIB as the dominating taxon. Dis Aquat Org 114: 189-198 Vrålstad T, Strand DA, Grandjean F, Kvellestad A, Håstein T, Knutsen AK, Taugbøl T, Skaar I, 2014. Molecular detection and genotyping of Aphanomyces astaci directly from preserved crayfish samples uncovers the Norwegian crayfish plague disease history. Vet Microbiol 173: 66-75. Strand DA, Jussila J, Johnsen SI, Viljamaa-Dirks S, Edsman L, Wiik-Nielsen J, Viljugrein H, Enghdahl F, Vrålstad, T, 2014. Detection of crayfish plague spores in large freshwater systems. Journal of Applied Ecology 51: 544-553 Grandjean F, Vrålstad T, Dieguez-Uribeondo J, Jelic M, Mangombi J, Delaunay C, Filipova L, Rezinciuc S, Kozubikova-Balcarova E, Guyonnet D, Viljamaa-Dirks S, Petrusek A. 2014. Microsatellite markers for direct genotyping of the crayfish plague pathogen Aphanomyces astaci (Oomycetes) from infected host tissues. Vet Microbiol 170: 317-324. Svoboda J, Strand DA, Vrålstad T, Grandjean F, Edsman L, Kozák P, Kouba A, Fristad RF, Koca SB, Petrusek A. 2014. The crayfish plague pathogen can infect freshwater inhabiting crabs. Freshwater Biology 59: 918-929 Sandström S, Andersson M, Asp A, Bohman P, Edsman L, Engdahl F, Nyström P, Stenberg M, Hertonsson P, Vrålstad T, Granèli W. 2014. Population collapses in introduced non-indigenous crayfish. Biological Invasions 16: 1961-1977 Uhlig S, Egge-Jacobsen W, Vrålstad T, Miles O. 2014. Indole-diterpenoid profiles of Claviceps paspali and Claviceps purpurea from high-resolution Fourier transform Orbitrap mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 28: 1621-1634 Schrimpf A, Maiwald T, Vrålstad T, Schulz HK, Smietana P, Schulz R. 2013. Absence of the crayfish plague agent may explain coexisting populations of European and American crayfish in central Europe. Freshwater Biology 58: 1116-1125. Ali SE, Thoen E, Vrålstad T, Kristensen R, Evensen Ø, Skaar I. 2013, Development and reproduction of Saprolegnia species in biofilms. Veterinary Microbiology 163, 133-141. Makkonen J, Strand D, Kokko H, Vrålstad T, Jussila J. 2013. Timing and quantifying Aphanomyces astaci sporulation from the noble crayfish suffering from the crayfish plague. Vet Microbiol 162: 750-755. Carlsen T, Aas AB; Lindner D, Vrålstad T, Schumacher T, Kauserud H. 2012. Don't make a mista(g)ke: Is tag switching an overlooked source of error in amplicon pyrosequencing studies? Fun Ecol 5: 747-749. Strand D, Jussila J, Viljamaa-Dirks S, Kokko H, Makkonen J, Holst-Jensen A, D, Viljugrein H, Vrålstad T. 2012. Monitoring the spore dynamics of Aphanomyces astaci in the ambient water of latent carrier crayfish. Veterinary Microbiology 160: 99-107 2 Pârvulescu L, Schrimpf A, Kozubíková E, Cabanillas RS, Vrålstad T, Petrusek A and Schulz R. 2012. Invasive crayfish and crayfish plague on the move: first detection of the plague agent Aphanomyces astaci in the Romanian Danube. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 98: 85-94. Kozubíková E, Vrålstad T, Filipová L, Petrusek A. 2011. Re-examination of the prevalence of Aphanomyces astaci in North American crayfish populations in Central Europe by TaqMan MGB realtime PCR. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 97:113-125. Vrålstad T, Johnsen SI, Fristad RF, Edsman L, Strand DA. 2011. Potent infection reservoir of crayfish plague now permanently established in Norway. Diseases of Aquatic Org 97:75-83. Vrålstad T. 2011. ITS, OTUs and beyond – fungal hyperdiversity calls for supplementary solutions. Molecular Ecology 20: 2873-2875. Gjessing M, Davey M, Kvellestad A, Vrålstad T. 2011. Exophiala angulospora causes systemic inflammation in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L). Dis Aquat Organ 96: 209-219. Strand D, Holst-Jensen A, D, Viljugrein H, Edvardsen B, Klaveness D, Jussila J, Vrålstad T. 2011. Molecular detection of the crayfish plague agent Aphanomyces astaci in water samples- an approach for direct monitoring of aquatic environments. Diseases of Aquatic Org 95: 9-17. Uhlig S, Petersen D, Rolén E, Egge-Jacobsen W, Vrålstad T. 2011. Ergosedmine, a new peptide ergot alkaloid (ergopeptine) from the ergot fungus, Claviceps purpurea parasitizing Calamagrostis arundinacea. Phytochemistry letters 4: 79-85 Skov C, Aarestrup K, Sivebæk F, Pedersen S, Vrålstad T, Berg S. 2011. Non-indigenous signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus is now common in Danish streams; Preliminary status for national distribution and protective actions. Biological Invasions 13: 1269-1274 Bjorbækmo MFM, Carlsen T, Brysting A, Vrålstad T, Høiland K, Ugland KI, Geml J, Schumacher T, Kauserud H. 2010. High diversity of root associated fungi in both alpine and arctic Dryas octopetala. BMC Plant Biology 10, 244. Grelet GA, Johnson D, Vrålstad T, Alexander IJ, Anderson IC. 2010. New insights into the mycorrhizal Rhizoscyphus ericae aggregate: spatial structure and co-colonisation of ectomycorrhizal and ericoid roots. New Phytologist 188, 210-222. Johnsen, S.I. & Vrålstad, T. 2010. Introduced signal crayfish and crayfish plague in Norway – history, consequences and management actions. Vann 2:213-221. In Norwegian Abarenkov K, Nilsson RH, Larsson KH, Alexander IJ, Eberhardt U, Erland S, Hoiland K, Kjøller R, Larsson E, Pennanen T, Sen R, Taylor AFS, Tedersoo L, Ursing BM, Vrålstad T, Liimatainen K, Peintner U, Kõljalg U. 2010. The UNITE database for molecular identification of fungi - recent updates and future perspectives. New Phytologist 186, 281-285. Uhlig S, Botha CJ, Vrålstad T, Rolén E, Miles CO. 2009. Indole-diterpenes and ergot alkaloids in Cynodon dactylon infected with Claviceps cynodontis from an outbreak of tremors in cattle. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57, 11112-11119. Vrålstad T, Knutsen AK, Tengs T, Holst-Jensen A. 2009. A quantitative TaqMan® MGB real-time polymerase chain reaction based assay for detection of the causative agent of crayfish plague Aphanomyces astaci. Veterinary Microbiology 137, 146-155. SELECTED PRESENTATIONS AT CONFERENCES & MEETINGS (since 2008) Vrålstad, T. 2015. Crayfish diseases in Europe – The one significant and the remaining lurking in the shadows. Keynote lecture at European Crayfish conference: Research and Management; 2015-04-09 2015-04-12 Strand D & Vrålstad T. 2015. TARGET: Targeted Strategies for Safeguarding the Noble crayfish against alien and emerging threats. European Crayfish conference: Research and Management; 2015-04-09 2015-04-12 Vrålstad T, Strand D, Jussila J, Johnsen SI, Viljamaa-Dirks S, Edsman L, Wiik-Nielsen J, Engdahl F, Viljugrein H. 2014. Environmental DNA monitoring of the crayfish plague pathogen Aphanomyces astaci - news and views for research and management. Invited talk at 10th internation mycological congress (IMC10), Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC), Aug. 3-8. Vrålstad T, Grandjean F, Kozubíková-Balcarová E, Filipová L, Strand D, Delaunay C, Petrusek A. 2014. Culture-independent microsatellite genotyping of Aphanomyces astaci – a powerful tool for molecular 3 epidemiology studies of past and present crayfish plague epizootics. Oral presentation, 10th internation mycological congress (IMC10), Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC), Aug. 3-8 Vrålstad T, Negård N, Uhlig S, Kauserud H, Andersen T, Høiland K. 2014. Links between genetic groups, indole alkaloid chemistry and ecology within the grass-parasitic Claviceps purpurea species complex. Poster at the 10th internation mycological congress (IMC10),Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC), Aug. 3-8. Negård M, Uhlig S, Kauserud H, Høiland K, Andersen T, Vrålstad T. 2014. Indole alkaloid profiles in ergot (Claviceps purpurea): Is there a link between chemotype, genetic group and ecology? Poster, Metabolomics and Systems Biology Conference 2014, Texas, USA Strand DA, Vrålstad T. 2013. Status på prosjektet «Avansert overvåking av introdusert krepsepest (Aphanomyces astaci) for bedre forvaltning av truet ferskvannskreps». Miljø2015 konferansen IV 2013 «På TVERS av miljøkonfliktene». Radisson Blu Nydalen, 6.–7. februar. Strand DA, Vrålstad T. 2013. Water monitoring of the crayfish plague agent Aphanomyces astaci Results, Challanges and Possibilities, Oral presentation Crayfish Workshop/5th Annual Meeting of National Reference Laboratories for Crustacean Diseases - Tampere, Finland den 1.09.2013 Strand DA, Jussila J, Johnsen SI, Viljamaa-Dirks S, Edsman L, Wiik-Nielsen J, Viljugrein H, Engdahl F, Vrålstad T, 2013. Environmental monitoring of the Aphanomyces astaci sporulation dynamics in large freshwater systems. Oral talkt, Regional European Crayfish meeting, Sept 26-28, 2013 Rovinj, Croatia. Vrålstad T, Strand DA, Edsman L, Edvardsen B, Engdahl F, Fristad R, Holst-Jensen A, Johnsen SI, Jussila J, Klaveness D, Kokko H, Makkonen J, Viljamaa-Dirks S, Viljugrein H. 2012. Hunting the crayfish plague disease agent in water sources – challenges and possibilities. Oral talk, IAA19 International Association of Astacology (IAA) 19th Symposium, Aug. 26 – 31, 2012 Innsbruck, Austria Schrimpf A, Maiwald T, Vrålstad T, Schulz H, Smietána P, Schulz R. Absence of the crayfish plague agent may explain coexisting populations of European and American crayfish in central Europe. 2012. Poster, IAA19 International Association of Astacology (IAA) 19th Symp, Aug. 26–31, Innsbruck, Austria. Strand D, Jussila J, Viljamaa-Dirks S, Kokko H, Makkonen J, Holst-Jensen A, Viljugrein H, Vrålstad T. 2012. Aphanomyces astaci spore dynamics in the ambient water of latent carrier crayfish revealed using qPCR. Oral presentation, IAA19 International Association of Astacology (IAA) 19th Symposium, August 26 – 31, 2012 Innsbruck, Austria. Grandjean F, Jelic M, Mangombi J, Delaunay C, Filipová L, Kozubíková E, Viljamaa-Dirks S, Vrålstad T, Diéguez-Uribeondo J, Petrusek A. 2012. Isolation of microsatellite markers in Aphanomyces astaci: new perspectives for the identification of pathogen strains in infected crayfish. 2012. Oral talk, IAA19 International Association of Astacology (IAA) 19th Symposium, August 26 – 31, 2012 Innsbruck, Austria. Vrålstad, Strand D. 2012. Hunting infectious disease agents in water – from aquaria to lakes. Open seminar, National Veterinary Institute, Oslo, Norway, May 14th 2012. Vrålstad T, Strand D. 2011. Detecting alien signals - can novel methods improve the management of freshwater crayfish? Invited talk “IX National days of crayfish”, Economicum, 7 Arkadiankatu, University of Helsinki, Finland, Nov. 16th 2011 Strand D, Jussila J, Viljamaa-Dirks S, Kokko H, Holst-Jensen A, Viljugrein H, Vrålstad T. 2011. Dead or alive - American signal crayfish release crayfish plague spores continuously. Oral presentation 2nd Norwegian Microbiology Meeting, Hemsedal, Norway, Sept. 14-16 Strand D, Holst-Jensen A, D, Viljugrein H, Edvardsen B, Klaveness D, Jussila J, Vrålstad T. 2010. Detection of crayfish plague (Aphanomyces astaci) directly from aquatic environments. Oral talk, IAA18 - 18th Symposium of the International Association of Astacology, Columbia, MO, USA, July 18-23 Vrålstad T, Strand D, Edvardsen B, Holst-Jensen A, Jussila J, Klaveness D, Viljugrein H. 2010. Molecular detection of crayfish plague (Aphanomyces astaci) in aquatic environments. Poster at the IMC9 - 9th International Mycological Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, Aug 1-6. Strand D, Holst-Jensen A, Viljugrein H, Klaveness D, Edvardsen B, Vrålstad T. 2010. Detection of crayfish plague in water and environment. Poster, “Climate for Environmental Research - Enviroment 2015 conference II”. Thon Hotell Opera, Oslo Feb16-17 Vrålstad T. 2008. Advanced monitoring of introduced crayfish plague (Aphanomyces astaci) for improved management of endangered freshwater crayfish. Research for improved environmental management - Opening conference MILJØ 2015. Lillestrøm. Nov 18-19. 4 Vrålstad T. 2008. Recent advances in molecular detection of Aphanomyces astaci. Invited Keynote lecture, International Association of Astacology (IAA) 17th, Kuopio, Finland. Aug 4-8. SELECTED COMMUNICATION AND DISSEMINATION TO USER GROUPS AND PUBLIC Intervju med Vrålstad T. 2015. Krepsepest -ekstremt høyt smittepress. NRK Østlandsendingen 08.06.2015. Vrålstad T, Strand D & Johnsen SI. «TARGET» – Målrettet og moderne overvåkning av edelkrepsen og dens biologiske trusler? Seminar i Norsk vannforening "Vannmiljø og overvåkning - Lange tidsserier hvorfor er disse viktige?" Aker brygge, 2015-04-15 Johnsen SI, Garnås E, Skurdal J, Strand D, Vrålstad T. Edelkreps - Ettertraktet og sterkt truet. Jakt og fiske 2014 (8) p. 90-91 Vrålstad T, Strand DA. 2013. Høydepunkter fra prosjektet «Avansert overvåking av introdusert krepsepest (Aphanomyces astaci) for bedre forvaltning av truet ferskvannskreps». Foredrag for Arbeidsgruppa for ferskvannskreps 12. mars 2013, Fylkesmannen i Buskerud, Statens Hus, Drammen Vrålstad T. 2013. Kreps og krepsepest i Haldenvbassdraget - fortid, nåtid og framtid. Foredrag for Aremark og Marker Senterparti, Båtcafeen i Ørje 25. juni 2013. Strand DA, Vrålstad T. 2013 Jakten på krepsepesten. Foredrag på Nationell Kräftkonferens, Jönköping, Sverige, 27-28. November 2013 Vrålstad T. 2012. Use of qPCR for A. astaci diagnostics, carrier status analyses and agent detection in water sources. 2012. 4th Annual Meeting of the National Reference Laboratories of Crustacean Diseases. CEFAS, Weymouth, UK, Nov 1-2, 2012. Vrålstad T. 2012. Krepsekrigen – tilbakeblikk, oppdateringer og framtidsutsikter. Invitert foredrag til åpningen av utstillingen “Stopp pesten! Redd Edelkrepsen!” ved Kanalmuseet i Ørje, 15. august 2012 Intervju i Uniforum: Krepsekrigen i Haldenvassdraget. Uniforum 27.08.2012 Utstilling: Stopp pesten, redd edelkrepsen: . Åpnet 15. august 2012. Vrålstad har i perioden 2010-2012 bidratt med tekster, presentasjoner , bilder og faglig kvalitetssirking av sluttproduktet. Strand DA, Vrålstad T. 2010. Krepsepestjakten. 2010. Argus 1. s. 13 Johnsen SI, Vrålstad T. 2010. Introdusert signalkreps og krepsepest i Norge – historikk, konsekvenser og tiltak. Vann 02: 213-221 Vrålstad T, Johnsen SI, Strand D. 2009. If you can't eat them - beat them! I Norge skal pestkreps bekjempes, ikke nytes. Sopp og nyttevekster Årgang 5 - Nr. 4: 36-40. Interview with Vrålstad T. 2009. Signalkrepsen på golfbanen. Interview with Vrålstad T, Strand DA. 2009. Verdt å vite spesial: Krepsepest. NRK P2 12.okt. 2009. Sendt i reprise 6. aug. 2010. Vrålstad T, Strand A. 2009. Future diagnostic tools in crayfish plague surveillance. Invited lecture on the Crayfish disease seminar at the Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira, opening of Evira as appointed OIE reference laboratory for crayfish plague. August 13th-14th 2009. 9 REPORTS FOR THE AUTHORITIES (not shown due to space limitations – see CRISTIN link below) SCIENTIFIC AWARD 2002: The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences’ winner of “The Kings golden medal” for the PhD thesis “Molecular ecology of root-associated mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal ascomycetes” 126 registered results in CRISTIN (Current Research Information System in Norway): 5
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