Altech tilbakeslagssikring kategori 3 Monteringsanvisning og FDV-dokumentasjon Dimensjon 1 /2 ” og 3 /4” Generelt INNHOLDSFORTEGNELSE Innledning Altech tilbakeslagssikring kategori 3 Altech tilbakeslagssikring er utviklet og godkjent for å beskytte rent drikkevann mot forurenset vann i henhold til NS-EN 1717 etter kategori 3 (CA). Generelt s. 3 Virkemåte s. 4 Installasjon s. 5 Vedlikehold s. 5 Tekniske spesifikasjoner s. 6 Sortimentsoversikt s. 7 Tilbakeslagssikringen er egnet for installasjoner hvor tilbakeslag av forurenset væske utgjør en viss helsefare, fordi den inneholder ett eller flere skadelige stoffer. Anbefalt konstruksjon for tilbakeslagssikring i denne kategorien er at modulen er inndelt i 3 soner: En motstrømstrykksone, en mellomtrykksone med atmosfærisk trykk (drenerings åpning) samt en medstrømstrykksone. Ventilens innvendige komponenter Ved tap av vanntrykk i tappevannsystemet og/ eller motstrømsovertrykk fra for eksempel et varmeanlegg vil tilbakeslagssikringen kontrollert drenere ut det forurensede vannet gjennom mellomtrykksonen. Produktene er godkjent av SI NTEF 2 Altech tilbakeslagssikring Altech tilbakeslagssikring 3 dental flooding. recommends that the CA backflow protection device should be inspected at least once a year. Watts Industries • Provide a suitableofpipe to drain the evacuation of the which the (sand, devicecopper could possibly drain. is revealed with a The first indication malfunction, generally caused by fluid foreign debris or calcium…), • Check theleak discharge pipe to ensure you of the correct operation of the flow. permanent from the drain. • During installation it isatnecessary respect the direction of flow indicated by the arrow on the of the device. In the case of leakage the drain, to it is recommended to generate a major flow of circulation by body opening some taps for a few minutes: this is often sufficient to expel anythe foreign debris and bring everything backafter to normal situation. • For the protection of the public main water supply, backflow preventer must be installed the water meter, whereas order to the private water should at the limitbut of the areas where This leak isinmerely anprotect early warning andinternal definitely doesnetwork, not put itthe safetybeofinstalled the device at risk, it requires remothere may be contamination, for the example: filling of the central heating … ving and cleaning the device and upstream strainer. First check valve Virkemåte Installasjon BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICES BACKFLOW PROTECTION DEVICES Altech tilbakeslagssikring kategori 3 består av to tilbakeslagsventiler, Second check valve drenering ogDiaphragm filter i en modul. Tilbakeslagsventil 1 er plassert på Seat Discharge opening tappevannsiden, og tilbakeslagsventil 2 mot den delen av systemet CA 9C Standardization Water flow som er en potensiellCA forurensningskilde. 9C Standardization The protection device has been The pressure in CA the 9C water supply network ensures The CA 9Cinprotection device has been developed with opening EN1717. The CA 9C offers a simple andthat an the diaphragm keepsconformity the discharge developed in conformity with EN1717. The CA 9C offers aagainst simple pollution and an of efficient protection closed; then the first check valve is released from efficient protection againstsystem. pollution of Installation the drinking water supply the diaphragm. The water instructions flows to the second Installation instructions the water supply system. Install the CA 9C protection Thisdrinking protection device prevents check valve via the middle chamber anddevice lifts it Statisk trykk, ingen gjennomstrømning Install the CA 9C protection device This protection device prevents according to national installation backflow of polluted water fromfrom flowing its seat. Begge tilbakeslagsventilene er lukket, og dreneringsåpningen holdes according to national installation backflow of polluted water from flowing instructions. back into the drinking water supply instructions. back into the drinking supply system (fluid class 3). water The CA 9C has stengt av trykket som fortsatt er i ventilen. system class 3). Theconstruction CA 9C has a double(fluid non-return valve CA a double non-return valve with an intermediate relief construction valve and CA with intermediate valve and offersanprotection withrelief regard to Static backstate offers protection regard to backsiphoning as wellwith as backflow. Both check valves are now closed. The discharge siphoning wellespecially as backflow. The CA 9Caswas developed opening is always held closed. The CA 9C connections was especially developed for smaller to the water for smaller connections to the water supply system. supply system. Strainer Strainer First check valve First check valve Ventilens posisjon ved statisk trykk Back-siphoning When the pressure in the water supply network falls, the second check valve closes against the seat. The first check valve closes against the Normal gjennomstrømning diaphragm, the discharge opening opens to the Tilbakeslagsventil 1 åpnes først, ogSecond dette generererintermediate åpning avzone, tilbakeslagsventil 2. once enough overpressure is check valve Second check valve created. This creates an atmospheric Vanntrykket sørger for å holde ventilens dreneringsåpning lukket. Diaphragm Seat "interference" between the water supply network Discharge Diaphragmopening Seat and the contaminated water downstream. If the Discharge opening Water flowis contaminated, seepage is check valve Water flow in the water supply network ensures The pressure discharged via the opening. This prevents The pressure in thekeeps water the supply networkopening ensures that the diaphragm discharge contamination of the drinking water. that the then diaphragm discharge opening closed; the firstkeeps checkthe valve is released from closed; then theThe firstwater checkflows valvetoisthe released the diaphragm. secondfrom the diaphragm. water flows to the second check valve via The the middle chamber and lifts it check from itsvalve seat.via the middle chamber and lifts it from its seat. 17 17 Monteringsforslag Altech tilbakeslagssikring er ment for bruk i overgangen mellom drikkevannsnettet, og for Installation: Test : eksempel påfyllingen til et varme- / kjøleanlegg. A. Assemble thethe CA 9C after theerwater system has been cleaned and rinsed. Sørg forleak-tightness at vannet for partikler og Aim : To check ofrent thesupply second non-return B. Install theannet CA 9C horizontally. Theleak-tight CA 9C backflow valve. This valve must remain under allprotection types of device must be installed in such a manner that it can som kan påvirke ventilens funksjonalitet. be counter-pressures. easily accessed for inspection, for checking the proper functioning, and for maintenance purposes. Partikler i vannet kan føre til lekkasje i ventilens C. A shut off valve and/with draining device must be installed in front of the CA 9C. dreneringssystem. Ventilen skal monteres Execution : 1.opening Close the shut valve D. The relief must beoff connected to a discharge pipe of Ø 40 mm via the enclosed funnel. horisontalt, og ha en slik plassering i systemet Open the draining E. In case of2.installation without adevice. discharge pipe, the CA 9C should be installed at a height of at least 30 cm above 2 med 1 Kuleventil den letttokan og vedlikeholdes. If the continues drip,inspiseres this indicates leakage/contaminathewater uttapping Ventilen bør påmonteres kuleventil medbeen tion second valve. In this test, it has F. It of is the possible thatnon-return after installation and commissioning of the installation, the drain opening may leak some water, assumed downstream is place. present. uttapping, slikpressure atsettled den lett kan demonteres ogalso occur if due to insufficient flushing of the pipeline until thethat valve seats have in Leakages may network, kontrolleres. contaminants are not properly removed. The photographs, illustrations and descriptions contained in this brochure are given for information only. Watts Industries reserves the right to change the technical specifications or the design of these products without prior notice. Maintenance: Når anlegget kjøres i gang kan ventilens dreneringssystem dryppe litt vann. Dette vil and gi therefore requires periodical inspection. The backflow preventer is a health protection safety device WATTS INDUSTRIES France at least once a year. Watts Industries recommends backflow protection device should be inspected seg når ventilens that seterthefårCAsatt seg. Viderefør avenue Eiffel or - B.P. 40339is revealed with a The first indication malfunction, generally caused by06, foreign debrisGustave (sand, copper calcium…), alltid etof40 mm avløpsrør fra ventilens 28006 CHARTRES Cedex (France) permanent leak from the drain. dreneringsrør, og videre mot sluk eller avløpstrakt. In the case of leakage at the drain, it is recommended Tel. to generate a major flow circulation by opening taps +33 (0)2 37 25 11of00 - Fax +33 (0)2 37some 25 11 11 for a few minutes: this is often sufficient to expel any foreign debris and bring everything back to normal situation. E-mail This leak is merely an early warning and definitely doesSite not put the safety of the device at risk, but it requires remo- Re-order no. 51(3)-UK-08/03 Strainer ving and cleaning the device and the upstream strainer. Vedlikehold Test : Aim : To check the leak-tightness of the second non-return tilbakeslagssikring er en sikkerhet for of valve.Altech This valve must remain leak-tight under all types opprettholdelse av rent drikkevann, og krever counter-pressures. også derfor periodisk ettersyn. Det anbefales Static state Both check valves are now closed. The discharge Both check valves held are now closed. The discharge opening is always closed. opening is always held closed. Tilbakeslag, undertrykk i drikkevannsnettet Hvis trykket i drikkevannsnettet blir borte vil først tilbakeslagsventil 2 lukke, og deretter vil tilbakeslagsventil 1 lukke mot membranen. Dette medfører at dreneringsåpningen åpner mot mellomtrykksonen når overtrykket er stort nok. Back-siphoning Back-siphoning When the pressure in the water supply network When thesecond pressure in the water supply network falls, the check valve closes against the falls, check valve closes against seat. the Thesecond first check valve closes against thethe seat. The first valveopening closes against thethe diaphragm, thecheck discharge opens to diaphragm, discharge opening opens to theis intermediatethe zone, once enough overpressure intermediate once overpressure is created. Thiszone, creates an enough atmospheric created. This creates atmospheric "interference" betweenanthe water supply network "interference" betweenwater the water supply network and the contaminated downstream. If the and thevalve contaminated water downstream. check is contaminated, seepage is If the check valvevia is contaminated, seepage is discharged the opening. This prevents discharged via of the opening. prevents contamination the drinkingThis water. Ventilens posisjon ved undertrykk tilbakeslag contamination of the /drinking water. 4 Altech tilbakeslagssikring A1 B 2 at partikler/avleiring har samlet seg i ventilens innmat. ventilen The photographs, illustrations and descriptions contained in this brochureTest are av given for information only. Hensikten denne testen å sjekke Watts Industries reserves the right to change the technical specifications or the design of these med products without priorernotice. om Hvis ventilens plassering tilsier det kan tilbakeslagsventil 2 fungerer, og er tett. dette ofte utbedres ved å åpne ett eller flere Steng kuleventilen (A), og åpne deretter kule nærliggende tappesteder noen få minutter, ventilens France dreneringsventil (B). Hvis vannet renner WATTS INDUSTRIES uavbrutt når er gjort er det et tegn på slik at man får gjennomspylt ventilen. Selv 06, avenue Gustave Eiffeldette - B.P. 40339 lekkasje gjennom tilbakeslagsventil 2. Ventilen om dette skulle løse problemet anbefales det CHARTRES 28006 Cedex (France) må da demonteres, og rengjøres innvendig. likevel å demontere ventilen og rengjøreTel. +33 (0)2 37 25 11 00 - Fax +33 (0)2 37 25 11 11 Denne testen forutsetter at det er mottrykk mot ventilens innebygde filter og innvendigeE-mail tilbakeslagsventil 2. komponenter. Site Re-order no. 51(3)-UK-08/03 Ventilens posisjon vedstate normal gjennomstrømning Static Execution : at 1. Close theblir shutinspisert off valve og testet en gang per år. ventilen 2. Open the draining En indikasjon på at device. ventilen trenger ettersyn If the water continues to drip, this indicates leakage/contaminaer at det oppstår en lekkasje fra ventilens tion of the second non-return valve. In this test, it has been dreneringssystem. Detteis skyldes assumed that downstream pressure present. mest sannsynlig Altech tilbakeslagssikring 5 NON -CONTROLLABLE BACKFLOW PREVENTER CA TYPE Technical specifications : Nominal diameter : DN 15, DN 20. Connections : FF 1/2”, MM 1/2”, FF 3/4”, Approvals : MM 3/4”, F1/2”/M1”. provals : Working PN10. NF pressure P 43 009 :(pr EN 14367), ACS, KIWA, WRAS, Tekniske spesifikasjoner Min. pressure : 1 bar. Max. temperature : 65°C. Connection tundish : Ø 40. MediumBELGAQUA. : clear water. SVGW, SORTIMENTSOVERSIKT Altech tilbakeslagssikring P 43 009 (pr EN 14367), ACS, KIWA, WRAS, SVGW, BELGAQUA. Materials: • Nominell diameter DN15 og DN20 Technical specifications : description materials Beskrivelse Materiale chnical•specifications : Innvendige gjenger 1/2” og 3 /4” Body CuZn35Pb2Al-B (CB752S) Min. pressureAvsinkningsfri : 1 bar. messing Nominal diameter : DN 15, DN 20. Ventilkropp • Maksimalt arbeidstrykk Valve piston and Inlet fitting 10bar CuZn36Pb2As (CW602N) Min. pressure : 1 bar. minal diameter : DN 15, DN 20.1/2”, MM 1/2”, FF 3/4”, Max. temperature : 65°C. Connections : FF Kjegle Avsinkningsfri messing Sockets andMM fittings CuZn39Pb3 (CW614N) 1bar : 65°C. nnections•: Minste FF 1/2”, arbeidstrykk 1/2”, FF3/4”, 3/4”, tundish : Ø 40. MM F1/2”/M1”. Max. temperature Connection Anslutninger Avsinkningsfri messing Nuts CuZn39Pb3 (CW614N) • Maksimal medietemperatur 65°C Connection tundish : Ø 40.: clear MM 3/4”, F1/2”/M1”. Medium water. Working pressure : PN10. Spring Stainless steel 1.4310 Fjær Rustfritt stål Medium : clear water. rking pressure : PN10. på dreneringsstuss 40 mm • Dimensjon Membrane NBR (Nitrile) Membran NBR • Bruksområder (medie): Drikkevann, NBR (Nitrile) ValveMaterials: gasket and check-valve gasket Pakninger NBR terials: varme- og kjøleanlegg Check-valve POM (PolyAcetal, "Hostaform") description materials Tilbakeslagsventil Polyacetal scription materials Body CuZn35Pb2Al-B (CB752S) dy Valve piston and Inlet fittingCuZn35Pb2Al-B (CB752S) CuZn36Pb2As (CW602N) lve piston and Inlet fitting CuZn36Pb2As (CW602N) Sockets and fittings CuZn39Pb3 (CW614N) & range: ckets Dimensions and fittings CuZn39Pb3 (CW614N) Nuts CuZn39Pb3 (CW614N) ts CuZn39Pb3 (CW614N) Spring Stainless steel 1.4310 ring Stainless steel 1.4310 Membrane NBR (Nitrile) embrane NBR (Nitrile) Valve gasket and check-valve gasket NBR (Nitrile) lve gasket and check-valve gasket NBR (Nitrile) Check-valve POM (PolyAcetal, "Hostaform") eck-valve POM (PolyAcetal, "Hostaform") NRF nr. 5551481 Dimensjon 1/2 ” Varebeskrivelse Altech tilbakeslagssikring 5551482 3 /4” Altech tilbakeslagssikring Spesifikasjon CuZn35Pb2AI-B (CB752S) CuZn36Pb2As (CW602N) CuZn39Pb3 (CW614N) 1.4310 Dimensjoner og mål Dimensions & range: mensions & range: F/F 1/2” (15x21) ref. code : 30115 M/M 1/2” (15x21) ref. code : 30125 F/F 3/4” (20x27) ref. code : 30215 M/M 3/4” (20x27) ref. code : 30225 F 1/2” (15x21)/M 1” (26x34) ref. code : 30138 diameter type finish ref. code F/F 1/2” (15x21) backflow preventer CA9C + air gap self colour brass 30115 M/M 1/2” (15x21) backflow preventer CA9C + air gap self colour brass 30125 F/F 3/4” (20x27) backflow preventer CA9C + air gap self colour brass 30215 M/M 3/4” (20x27) M/M F 1/2” (15x21)/M 1” F (26x34) /F 1/2” (15x21)F/F 1/2” M/M 1/2” (15x21)M/M 1/2”F/F 3/4” (20x27) F/F 3/4” 3/4” (20x27) 1/2” (15x21)/M (15x21) (15x21) (20x27) 3/4” (20x27) backflow CA9Cref. + air gap self ref. colour brass 302251” (26x34) code : 30225 ref. code : 30138 ref. code f. codeM/M : 30115 ref.: 30115 code : 30125ref. code ref.: 30125 codepreventer : 30215 ref. code : 30225 : 30138 ref. code code : 30215 3 /4” F Tilbakeslagssikring 1/2” (15x21) / M1/2” 1” (26x34) Tilbakeslagssikring backflow preventer CA9C + air gap self colour brass 30138 ameter type diameter type F 1/2” (15x21) backflow preventer CA9C + air gap F/F 1/2” (15x21) backflow preventer Trykktapsdiagram M 1/2” (15x21) CA9C + air gap Flow rate : (15x21)backflow preventer M/M 1/2” backflow preventer F 3/4” (20x27) backflow preventer CA9C + air gap F/F 3/4” (20x27)backflow preventer backflow M 3/4” (20x27) CA9C +preventer air gap M/M 3/4” (20x27) backflow 1/2” (15x21) / M 1” (26x34) backflow preventer CA9C +preventer air gap F 1/2” (15x21) / M 1” (26x34) backflow preventer Flow rate : finish self colour brass CA9C self + aircolour gap brass CA9C self + aircolour gap brass CA9C self + aircolour gap brass CA9C self + aircolour gap brass CA9C + air gap ref. code finish 30115 self colour30125 brass self colour30215 brass self colour30225 brass self colour30138 brass self colour brass ref. code 30115 30125 30215 30225 30138 Flow rate : Vannmengde m 3/h Flow m3/h 6 Altech tilbakeslagssikring Altech tilbakeslagssikring 7 MER ENN 50 SERVICESENTRE Avdeling Besøksadresse TelefonFax Alta Arendal Asker Bergen - Godvik Bergen - Kanalveien Bergen - Nyborg Bjørndal Bodø Bærum Drammen Flekkefjord Fredrikstad Førde Gjøvik Gol Hamar Hammerfest Harstad Haugesund Jessheim Kongsvinger Kristiansand Kristiansund Langhus Lillehammer Mo i Rana Molde Mosjøen Moss Namsos Narvik Nordfjordeid Oslo - Bryn Oslo/Hovedkontor Larvik - Ringdalskogen Sandefjord Sandnes Sandnessjøen Ski Skien Skøyen Sogndal Stavanger - Hillevåg Steinkjer Stjørdal Stord Strømmen Svolvær Torshov Tromsø Trondheim - Heimdal Trondheim - Lade Tønsberg Verdal Ålesund - Color Line Stadion Ålesund - Fremmerholen Maskinsvingen 3, 9511 Alta Moland Park, 4846 Arendal Nye Vakåsvei 8, 1395 Hvalstad Leirvikåsen 51, 5179 Godvik Kanalveien 46, 5068 Bergen Langarinden 8, 5132 Nyborg Bjørnerudveien 13, 1266 Oslo Haakon VIIs gt. 108, 8008 Bodø Olav Ingstads vei 3, 1351 Rud Nedre Eiker vei 61, 3048 Drammen Drangeid 60, 4400 Flekkefjord Tomteveien 31 A, 1618 Fredrikstad Flovegen 3, 6800 Førde Kallerudlia 10, 2816 Gjøvik Elveveien 6, 3550 Gol Vangsvegen 201, 2321 Hamar Kransvikveien 5, 9600 Hammerfest Margrethe Jørgensens vei 1E Kvalamarka 23, 5514 Haugesund Industriveien 12, 2050 Jessheim Lerkeveien 40, 2209 Kongsvinger Stemmane 12 A, 4636 Kristiansand Industriveien 4, 6517 Kristiansund Regnbuen Næringsområde, Snipetjernv. 8,1405 Langhus Oskar Skoglys vei 2, 2619 Lillehammer Søndre gate 2, 8624 Mo i Rana Birger Hatlebakks veg 28, 6415 Molde Havnegt. 35, 8663 Mosjøen Årvollskogen 31, 1529 Moss Hestmarka, 7800 Skarvenesveien 12, 8514 Narvik Kaiveien 11, 6770 Nordfjordeid Brynsengveien 5, 0667 Oslo Brynsengveien 5, 0667 Oslo Ringdalveien 20, 3270 Larvik Peder Bogensgt. 4, 3238 Sandefjord Årsvollveien 18, 4312 Sandnes Novikveien 111, 8800 Sandnessjøen Haugenveien 5, 1400 Ski Nybergflata 5, 3737 Skien Drammensveien 130 Kloppavegen 5, 6854 Kaupanger Hillevågsveien 99, 4016 Stavanger Bomvegen 4, 7725 Steinkjer Ligaardvegen 4, 7500 Stjørdal Svartadalen 31, 5412 Stord Stasjonsveien 1, 2010 Strømmen Arkaden, Torget 9, 8300 Svolvær Chr. Michelsensgt. 65, 0474 Oslo Stakkevollveien 319, 9019 Tromsø Heggstadmoen 47, 7080 Heimdal Stiklestadveien 3, 7041 Trondheim Fjordgt. 5, 3125 Tønsberg Akerveien 1, 7650 Verdal Sjømannsveien 14, 6008 Ålesund Rødsetvegen 25, Fremmerholen, 6011 Ålesund 78456980 37058640 66776240 55506500 55506500 55608100 21022450 75506110 67171910 32265200 38324400 69363000 57829940 61131770 32073610 62543400 78421730 77001460 52708720 63983880 62823640 38149100 71572780 23194581 61246630 75126300 71202250 75176700 69363000 74226767 75801950 57862825 22725500 22725500 33133100 33483388 51822300 75046680 64878051 35504450 22132860 57679080 51201430 74134088 74901500 53001650 64845140 99234231 23234720 77664900 72593200 73994350 33301250 74602800 70104280 70175250 78437532 37023770 66859400 55931390 55290670 55182705 22625658 75520177 67132900 32836400 38322079 69945100 57821268 61185900 32077110 62523425 78426100 77070800 52712900 63971204 62815889 38096664 71685930 64867386 61263572 75169345 71213173 75172216 69234450 74274155 76954323 57862830 80041616 22658765 33193760 33469682 51624310 75046780 64873088 35546358 22732400 57672111 51585867 74161288 74824955 53417242 63817970 76072434 22719600 77680700 72590032 73533800 33310563 74072487 70127344 70147753 Med forbehold om trykkfeil og endringer i produktspesifikasjoner. 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