Hvordan påvirke matvaretilbudet? Knut-Inge Klepp divisjonsdirektør Food reformulation Definition: • reformulating existing, processed foods to remove (e.g. trans fatty acids), reduce (e.g. sugars, saturated fat, salt, energy) or maintain/increase (e.g. fibre) certain food components while maintaining characteristics such as flavour, texture and shelflife (adapted from van Raaij et al. 2008) • Reformulation of foods is considered one of the key options to achieve population nutrient goals, and as such is also an important measure in order to prevent obesity WHO Commission for Ending Childhood Obesity (ECHO) • Initiatives by industry to reduce fat, sugar and salt content, and portion sizes of processed foods, and to increase the production of innovative, healthy and nutritious choices, could accelerate health gains worldwide • The Commission believes that real progress can be made by constructive, transparent engagement with the private sector, and encouraging policies that support the production of, and facilitate access to, foods and non-alcoholic beverages that contribute to a healthy diet…. Front-of-pack nutrition label: Choices • Product reformulation: Choices products: the results indicate a significant reduction in sodium, sugar and saturated fat. Dietary fiber was significantly increased • “The results indicate that the Choices logo has motivated food manufacturers to reformulate existing products and develop new products with a healthier product composition, especially where sodium and dietary fiber are concerned» (Vyth et al. 2010) • Potential impact: The replacement of regular products with products bearing the Dutch Choices logo resulted in a 15% decrease in energy intake, a 63% decrease in trans fatty acids, a 40% decrease in saturated fatty acids, a 36% decrease in sugar and a 23% decrease in sodium. Furthermore, increases in the intake of fibre (28%), calcium (17%), iron (13%) and folic acid (5%) were predicted. • «These results demonstrate the potential positive impact of the Choices Programme on nutrient intakes in the Dutch population» (Roodenburg et. al. 2009) Sunnere produkter (reformulering av mat)– mulige effekter Matmerking Ernæringsprofiler Skatter & avgifter Lovgivning forskrifter/ forbud Frivillig endring/ partnerskap Mat reformulering Omfang Tiltak | Endring i matvaretilbudet Innkjøp og forbruk Virkning/effekt Helseeffekter Erfaringer fra 3 tiltak i Norge • Nøkkelhullet • Ernæringsprofiler for å redusere markedsføring av usunn mat og drikke til barn • Offentlig – privat samarbeid for å fremme sunne kostvaner The Nordic keyhole - makes Healthy Choices Easy • Based on Nordic Nutrition Recommendations • Launched June, 2009 • Compared to other foods of the same type, products with the keyhole comply with one or more of the following requirements: Less and healthier fat Less sugar Less salt More dietary fibre and wholegrain • An important tool for developing new and healthier products • Revised regulation as of March 1, 2015 Products that can carry the Keyhole label • Packed foods eligible to carry the Keyhole label • Without packaging: Fish and seafood, fruits, vegetables and potatoes • Products labeled with the Keyhole must be accompanied by nutritional facts Number of available Keyhole labeled products and number of sold food units at grocery stores 2009-2014 (The Nielsen Company) 9000 805 mill sold units 8000 7000 Antall produkter 6000 Solgte enheter i 100 000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1978 products 1000 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Sales (NOK 1000) of Keyhole products in grocery stores 2011-2013 (Nielsen Company) Keyhole products constituted 23 % of total sales for diary products, fresh, frozen and products with long shelflife in 2013 18 000 000 16 000 000 17 062 046 14 000 000 12 000 000 10 000 000 13 651 470 12 041 524 8 000 000 6 000 000 4 000 000 2 000 000 - 2011 2012 2013 Accountability – Supervision What: • Compliance with regulations for the content of fat, sugar, salt and dietary fiber • Presentation of key branded foods in the store, advertisements and web sites How: • Extensive audit of importers, manufacturers, retail and chain offices • Product analysis Result: • Keyhole is largely correct • Consumers can rely on the guidance they receive when they choose buying keyhole-labeled foods Consumer Awareness Recognizes the Logo Country Dec 2011/Jan 2012 98% 98% 88% Den potensielle effekten av å bytte ut vanlige matvarer med Nøkkelhullsmerkede produkter • Effekten av å bytte ut ikke-nøkkelhullsmerkete matvarer spist i kostholdsundersøkelsen NORKOST 3 (2010-11) med nøkkelhullsmerkete matvarer for kostens innhold av totalt fett, mettet fett, kostfiber og energi • Er effekten forskjellig i forhold til kjønn, alder og utdanningsnivå L. Frost Andersen Results: Average change in percentage (n=1787) Change (%) Total fat (g/day) -13% Saturated fat (g/day) -26,5% Fiber, (g/day) 19,3% Energy (kJ/day) -4,3% Nofima.no Results: Energy distribution (n=1787) Proportion of energy from (E%) Change (%) Recommended (E%) Norkost3 Norkost3 Keyhole N3Keyhole - N3 Protein 17,7 18,9 1,2 10-20 Fat 34,3 31,2 -3,1 25-40 Saturated fat 13,1 10,1 -3,0 ≤10 Carbohydrate 43,6 44,8 1,2 45-60 Fiber, g/day 24,3 29,0 19,3% 25-35 g 9 The Keyhole… • Is an important tool for food reformulation across the Nordic countries • The governments sets the criteria and supervise its use • The label is recognized and understood by the public, independent of gender and educational level • Modelling indicate that a shift from regular to Keyhole products would lead to a substantial reduction in the intake of saturated fat, but also in the intake of total fat and energy and an increase in the intake of dietary fiber • Young men and men with lower educational level would benefit the most • The food industry is supportive of the Keyhole • However, from the industry it is reported that it is hard to meet the (new) criteria (particularly regarding salt and quality of fat), that the regulations are complicated, and that there is price pressure and low profitability Why address food marketing to children? • Food marketing to children is widespread and it works – has a negative influence on food choices and consumption patterns – undermines messages about healthy eating (e.g. in school) • Protecting children’s health and wellbeing – an ethical imperative – a basic human right • A cost-effective action to reduce NCDs • Less marketing improves the food environment for all children – may reduce social inequality in diet WHO publications on food marketing to children 2004-2013 2007 2009 2013 2007 2012 2006 2011 2004 2010 Developing a Norwegian nutrient profile model A working group was established December 2010 by the ministries of Health and Care Services and of Children and Equality The working group included members from: • Ministry of Children and Equality • Ministry of Health and Care Services Directorate of Health • Consumer Ombudsman • Food Safety Authority • Objective: Define unhealthy food and beverages • Application: restrictions on food marketing to children • Focus: Energy-dense and nutrientpoor foods • Sources/high content of fat/sugar/salt, foods considered unhealthy; like sweet beverages, chocolate, sweets, cakes, biscuits, snacks, unhealthy fast food • Include 8 food categories Matbransjens Faglige Utvalg (MFU) Forbud mot markedsføring overfor barn • Markedsføring av produkter, som er omfattet av produktlisten, skal ikke være særlig rettet mot barn under 13 år. Med markedsføring menes salgsfremmende tiltak. – Følgende anses ikke som markedsføring: – a) Selve produktet, inkludert emballasje – b) Alminnelig oppstilling av produkter på utsalgssted – c) Sponsing som kun innebærer bruk av sponsors navn, sponsors- eller et produkts varemerke, herunder utdeling av vareprøver etter samtykke fra foreldre eller andre ansvarlige – Reklame som sendes etter kl. 21.00 på TV vil ikke anses for å være markedsføring særlig rettet mot barn. MFU – Klageordning og offentliggjøring Send inn klage Dersom du mener at en markedsføringsaktivitet strider mot MFUs retningslinjer og veiledning kan du klage inn aktiviteten til MFU, Matbransjens Faglige Utvalg. Det vil da opprettes en sak på bakgrunn av de informasjoner som er gitt. Klager vil være anonym gjennom hele prosessen. Den innklagede virksomhet vil ha en svarsrett på klagen. Deretter vil klagen behandles i Matbransjens Faglig Utvalg. Vedtak vil bli meddelt den som klager inn. I tillegg vil vedtaket offentliggjøres på nettsiden til MFU. Ferrero Norway (Kinder sjokolade kampanje) og McDonalds (Happy Meal & www.HappyStudio.com) er blant selskapene som er felt av MFU siste året http://www.mfu.as WHO: European nutrient profile model WHO Euro has, based on the Danish and the Norwegian nutrient profiling models, developed a European nutrient profile model that was launched in February 2015 Private sector response April 13, 2015 Letter from Stephan Loerke, World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) on behalf of the EU Pledge signatories to the Director General, WHO Euro and copy to the EU Commission’s High Level group on Nutrition and Physical Activity …. «we are concerned that the exclusion of entire categories of products and very low thresholds chosen by WHO Europe mean that the nutrient profile model WHO Europe proposes not only discounts the contribution of many products to positive nutrition and healthy diets but also provides an intrinsic disincentive to companies to reformulate within certain categories» Helse- og omsorgsministerens næringslivsgruppe på matområdet • Mål: bli enige om tiltak som vil bidra til at vi når WHOs mål om en 25 % reduksjon i prematur dødelighet fra ikkesmittsomme sykdommer (NCD) innen 2025 • Medlemmer: inviterte næringslivsledere (produsenter og butikkjedene) Saker på gruppens 3 første møter: 1. 15 % reduksjon I saltinntaket innen 2018 (og 30 % innen 2025) 2. Matmerking 3. Mettet fett (fra dagens inntak på ca. 15 E% til det anbefalte maks 10 E%) Konklusjoner • Det er sterk støtte for og enighet om behovet for å utvikle sunnere matprodukter • Dette er et område hvor matvareindustrien kan spille en positiv rolle og bidra til å forebygge overvekt og fedme hos barn • Ernæringsprofiler og matmerking (Nøkkelhull) er viktige redskap for å stimulere til sunn produktutvikling • Matvareindustrien må holdes ansvarlig og publikum må etterspørre de sunnere produktene • Sunnere produkter må kunne konkurrere på pris for å unngå at det blir større sosial ulikhet knyttet til kosthold Takk for oppmerksomheten! Foto: Dreyer
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