D06F-LF D06F-LF Blyfri trykkreduksjonsventil med balansert sete Leadfree pressure reducing valve with balanced seat Standard modell med justerbart settpunkt Standard pattern with set point scale Produkt datablad Product specification sheet Bruksområde Application 6 4 8 2 0 bar 10 According ENNS-EN 802-2802-2 pressure reducing valves of this type protect I henhold til benyttes denne type trykkreduksjonsventiler for beskyttelse av rørinstallasjoner i household water installations against excessive pressure from bolig, mot høyt trykk fra ledningsnettet. De kan også benyttes the supply. They can also be used for industrial or commercial i industri og kommersielle applikasjoner. applications within the range of their specification. Vedinstalling å installere trykkreduksjonsventil, skader damage på By a pressure reducing valve,unngås pressurisation is installasjonen forårsaket av høyt is trykk, i tillegg reduseres avoided and water consumption reduced. vannforbruket. Innstilt trykk holdes konstant, selv ved The set pressure is also maintained constant, even when there is betydelige svingninger i inngangstrykket. wide inlet pressure fluctuation. Ved å redusere arbeidstrykket og opprettholde det på Reduction of the operating pressure and maintaining it at a et konstant nivå, reduseres støy fra vannstrømning i constant level minimizes flow noise in the installation. installasjonen. Special Features Teknisk spesifikasjoner • DVGW, SINTEF and GDV approval in process DVGW GDV godkjenninger •• Sintef, Up to size 11/4og " approved for low noise, Group 1 without limi• Opp til DN32 har støysvak godkjenning, gruppe 1 uten tations begrensninger • The outlet pressure is set by turning the adjustment knob EN0H-1058GE23 R0315 • Subject to change •• •• Utførelse Construction Trykkreduksjonsventilen består av: The pressure reducing valve comprises: • Ventilhus med manometer-tilkobling på begge sider • Housing with pressure gauge connections on both sides • Utvendige gjenger • Threaded male connections • Komplett ventilinnsats med membraen og sete • Valve insert complete with diaphragm and valve seat • Fin-filter med 0.16mm masker • Fine filter with 0.16 mm mesh • Fjærhus med ratt for innstilling, visuell skala • Spring bonnet with adjustment knob and setting scale •Filterhus • Filter bowl •Justeringsfjær • Adjustment spring • Manometer er ikke inkludert (se tilbehør) • Pressure gauge not included (see accessories) Materialer Materials • blyfri messing • Ventilhus Leadfreei brass housing • blyfri messing • Kuplinger Leadfree ibrass threaded connections • i syntetiskmaterial høykvalitets • Ventilinnsats, High-quality synthetic valvemateriale insert • syntetisk • Fjærhus, Stainlesskomplett, steel fine ifilter meshhøykvalitet materiale • i rustfrittsynthetic stål • Filter High-quality material spring bonnet with adjustment knob and setting scale • Justeringsfjær i fjærstål Utgangstrykket settes ved åindicated vri innstillingsrattet The set pressure is directly on the set point scale Utgangstrykket vises direkte på skalaen på rattet The adjustment spring is not in contact with the potable water ikke isi kontakt med drikkevannet •• Trykkfjær The valveer insert of high quality synthetic material and can • Ventilinnsatsen er utskiftbar og er laget i syntetisk be fully exchanged høykvalitets materiale • Integral fine filter • Integrert finfilter 0.16mm • Easily retrofittable to convert valve to a reverse-rinsing filter • Kan enkelt utvides med blyfri tilbakeslagsventil (RV260) combination erwith balansert, vil derfor ikke •• Inngangstrykket Can be retrofitted an inletog non-return valvepåvirke utgangstrykket • Inlet pressure balancing - fluctuating inlet pressure does not • Lav vekt influence outlet pressure • Oppfyller kravene i 4MS og UBA • Light weight • Meets 4MS and UBA-list regulations for potable water Spesifikasjoner for bruk Range of Application MediaDrikkevann Medium Water Inngangstrykk max. 16 bar med klar filterkopp Inlet pressure max. 16 bar with clear filter bowl Utgangstrykk 1.5-6.0 bar (fabrikkinnstilt på 3 bar) Outlet pressure 1.5-6.0 bar (preset to 3 bar) Teknisk informasjon Technical Data Monteringsposisjon horisontal eller vertikal Installation position Horizontal and vertical installation position Arbeidstemperatur 40°C med plast silkopp possible 70°C med messing silkopp Operating temperature max. 40°C with clear filter bowl Minimum trykkfall 1 bar Minimum pressure drop1 bar Dimensjoner ½” – 2” 1/ " - 2" Connection size 2 • Membraen Clear synthetic filter bowl NBR • i fiberforsterket • NBR Spring adjustment spring • og steel EPDM forseglinger • Fibre-reinforced NBR diaphragm • NBR and EPDM seals http://ecc.emea.honeywell.com 1 with balanced seat D06F-LFD06F-LF LeadfreeLeadfree pressurepressure reducingreducing valve withvalve balanced seat Virkemåte Method of Operation Method of Operation Trykkreduksjonsventiler med fjær-membran system, Spring loaded reducing pressure valves reducing valvesbyoperate by of apå Spring loaded pressure operate means of means aer basert kraft-sammenligningsprinsippet. Kraften fra membraen, jobber force equalising system. of a diaphragm force equalising system. The force The of a force diaphragm operates operates mot kraften fra justeringsfjæra. Hvis utgangstrykket, dermed against theanforce of an adjustment spring. If the outletog pressure against the force of adjustment spring. If the outlet pressure kraften fra membraen faller grunnet vannforbruk, vil kraften and diaphragm therefore diaphragm force fallmedium becauseismedium is drawn,fra the and therefore force fall because drawn, the fjæra åpne ventilen. Utgangstrykket vil stige inntil kreftene fra then greater force of the spring causes theopen. valveThe to open. The then greater force of the spring causes the valve to mambran og fjær erincreases like igjen. until the forces between the outlet pressure then outlet pressure then increases until the forces between the Inngangstrykket har ingen påvirkning på åpning eller lukking av and the equal again. diaphragmdiaphragm and the spring arespring equal are again. ventilen. Derfor har variasjoner i inngangstrykket ingen påvirkning The inlet has pressure has no in influence in eitheroropening or The inlet pressure no influence either opening of closing of på utgangstrykket, og vi har derfor balansertclosing inngangstrykk. valve. of Because of pressure this, inlet fluctuation pressure fluctuation the valve. the Because this, inlet does not does not influence the outlet pressure, thus providing inlet balanpressure balaninfluence the outlet pressure, thus providing inlet pressure Modeller cing. cing. D06F-... LFA = Kuplinger med utvendige gjenger på inn- og utløp Options Options LFA = External Klar filterkopp, max 40 °C D06F-... threaded connection in- and outlet D06F-... LFA = External threaded connection set on in- set andon outlet Dimensjon Clear filter bowl up to 40 °C Clear filter bowl up to 40 °C Connection size Connection size 2.4 8 2 0 bar 10 3/ 4" 3/4” 1" 20 20 25 1.0 1.0 1.3 1"1” 11/4" 25 25 32 1.3 1.3 1.4 1/ " 111/4” 4 11/2" 3232 40 1.4 1.4 4.0 1/ " 111/2” 2 2" 4040 50 4.0 4.0 5.3 140 140 160 80 80 89 90 89 58 89 58 54 58 54 54 2.4 2.4 3.1 160 160 180 90 90 89 100 89 58 111 58 54 64 54 61 3.1 3.1 5.8 180 180 200 100 100 105 111 111 111 64 64 61 64 61 61 5.8 5.8 5.9 200 200 105 105 111 111 64 64 61 61 5.9 5.9 225 225 130 130 173 173 126 126 82 82 12.6 12.6 bar 10 M07M M07M M07M ZR06K ZR06K RV260-LFA RV260-LFA FN09S FN09S VST06-LFA VST06-LFA 2 http://ecc.emea.honeywell.com http://ecc.emea.honeywell.com 225 130 173 126 82 12.6 255 140 173 126 82 12.0 2"2” 5050 5.3 5.3 255 255 140 140 173 173 126 126 82 82 12.0 12.0 Tilbehør Accessories Accessories FM07MManometer ®filter Retrofit filter FN09S FN09S HABEDOHABEDO ® Retrofit Husdiameter 63mm, bakside G1/4” Reverse-rinsing filter fortilkobling retro-conversion Reverse-rinsing filter for retro-conversion to a filter to a filter Modeller: 0-4, 0-10, 0-16, eller 0-25valves bar combination unit of reducing pressure valves reducing combination unit of pressure 8 2 0 3/ " 2" 1/2” 4 15 15 20 0,8 0.8 1.0 6 4 6 4 1/ ZR06K Verktøy M07M PressurePressure gauge gauge For demontering/montering fjærhus ogthread Housing diameter 63 mm, rearavconnection Housing diameter 63 mm, rear connection thread filterkopp fra ½” til 2” 1 G /4".0Ranges: 0 - 4, - 10, 16 bar. or 0 - 25 bar. G1/4". Ranges: - 4, 0 - 10, 0 -016 or 00 -- 25 Please indicate upper value of pressure range Please indicate upper value VST06-LFA Kuplinger, Blyfriof pressure range when ordering when ordering Kuplinger med utvendige gjenger. Selges komplett som sett a 2muss stykk.die verwenBei Einsatz eines Manometers Bei Einsatz eines Manometers muss die verwendete Dichtung eine Trinkwasser-Zulassung dete Dichtung eine Trinkwasser-Zulassung RV260-LFAbesitzen Tilbakeslagsventil blyfri besitzen Kontrollerbar, utv.gjenger, kat 2 iht NS-EN 1717 Double ring wrench ZR06K ZR06K Double ring wrench Forofremoval of spring bonnet and filter bowl For removal spring bonnet and filter bowl RV260-LFA check valve RV260-LFA LeadfreeLeadfree check valve 1 Available in 1 Available in sizes R /2sizes " - 2" R /2" - 2" VST06-LFA connection set VST06-LFA LeadfreeLeadfree connection set Threaded connections Threaded connections EN0H-1058GE23 R0315 • Subject to change DN DN 15 kg kg 0.8 mm mm L L 140 l l 80 H H 89 h h 58 D D 54 L l H h D kvs-value kvs-value kvs-value 2 1R /R 2" EN0H-1058GE23 R0315 • Subject to change Connection size Diameter tilkobl. Connection size R Nominal size Nominell diameter Nominal size DN Vekt diameter diameter Weight Weight kg Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions mm D06F-LF Leadfree pressure reducing valve with balanced seat Installation Eksempel påExample installasjon Diameter tilkobl. Connection size R R DN DN mm mm W* W* /2” 2" 15 15 55 55 1 1/ /4” 4" 20 20 55 55 3 3/ 1” 1" 20 25 60 60 11/4” 11/2” 11/4" 11/2" 32 40 32 40 60 70 60 70 2” 2" 50 50 70 70 Minimumsavstand fra vegg * *Minimum distance from wall til tosenter centreav linerørledning of pipework Installation Montering Guidelines • Install in horizontal pipework with filter bowl downwards. • Installeres horisontalt eller vertikalt • Install shutoff valves • Installer stengeventiler • The device downstream should be protected by means of a • Etterfølgende installasjon bør beskyttes med en safety valve (installed downstream of the pressure reducing sikkerhetsventil (monteres etter trykkred.ventilen) Når valve). In these cases the delivery pressure of the pressure sikkerhetsventil monteres, skal innstilt utgangstrykk på reducing valve shall be set at least20% 20%under belowblåsetrykket the trykkred.ventilen justeres til to minimum response pressure of the pressure relief-valve acc. EN 806-2. på sikkerhetsventil(iht. NS-EN 806-2) •• Ventilen The installation location should be og protected installeres i frostsikre rom, ha enkelagainst tilgangfrost and be easily accessible • Manometer kan enkelt avleses o Pressure gauge can bepartikler read offog easily • Med klar filterkopp, vises fremmedelementer o With clear filter bowl, degree of contamination can be easily • Forenkler vedlikehold og service på ventilen seen • For optimal beskyttelse mot uønskede o Simplified maintenance and cleaningpartikler, anbefaler vi å montere et finfilter før trykkred.ventilen • For residential applications where maximum protection • Sørg for dirt et rett rørstrekkinstall minsta5fine x nominell ventildimensjon against is required, filter upstream of the etter trykkred.ventilen (iht. NS-EN 806-2) pressure reducing valve • Provide a straight section of pipework of at least five times the nominal valve size after the pressure reducing valve (in accordance with EN806-2) Flow Diagram Flow Diagram EN0H-1058GE23 R0315 • Subject to change [l/s] Typical Applications Typiske bruksområder Pressure reducing valves of this type are suitable for all types of Trykkreduksjonsventiler som her, er egnet for alle typer household water installations. i bolig. Trykkred.ventilene bruk i drikkevannsinstallasjoner Pressure reducing valves can also be used forapplikasjoner. industrial and er også eget for bruk i industri kommersielle commercial applications within the range of their specifications. Trykkreduksjonsventil bør monteres: Pressure reducing should be installed: • hvis det statiskevalves trykket er høyere en tillatt maximum trykk for installasjonen • If the static pressure exceeds the maximum permissible value • for hvisthe detsystem statiske trykket før en sikkerhetsventil, er høyere en av blåsetrykket for å oppnå samme trykkexceeds i kaldt- og If75% the static pressure upstream of an relief-valve 75% varmtvannsledningene of its response pressure. The pressure reducing valve shall • • be hvisinstalled det statiske trykketthe ved tappepunktet høyere 5 bar to achieve same pressure inercold anden hot (iht. NS-EN 806-2) water systems. trykksoner i f.eks bygg hvor det(in er •• Ifhvis theflere static pressure er at nødvendig, take off points exceeds 5.0 bar trykkøkningssystem) accordance with EN 806-2) • for å unngå variasjoner trykket • If several pressure zones are required when a pressurisation • system For å oppnå konstant inngangog on utgangstrykk is used (pressure reducers each storeypåof a builtrykkøkningssystemer ding) • If pressure fluctuations in the downstream system must be avoided • To achieve constant inlet and outlet pressures on pumped pressure boosting systems [m3/h] 50 10 R 11/2" R 2" 5 R 11/4" R 1" R 3/4" R 1/2" 10 5 1 0,5 1 0,5 Flow V V 0,1 0,1 0,01 0,05 0,1 0,5 1 5 10 [bar] ventil Δp PressureTrykkfall drop ini valve Δp http://ecc.emea.honeywell.com 3 D06F-LF Leadfree pressure reducing valve with balanced seat Reservedeler Spare Parts Trykkreduksjonsventiler D06F-LF, fra 2015 Pressure Reducing Valve D06F-LF, from 2015 onwards 1 2 4 3 Nr. Description Beskrivelse Ventil No. DimensionVarenummer Part No. NRF 1 dimensjon / 4”0901516 1” + 1 1 Spring bonnet complete 1/ " + 3/ " 1 Spring bonnet 0901515 2 4 with scale Fjærhus, ½”11+/2¾” 1 setting ” + 2” 0901515 0901518 5627063 complete with setting 1 / " 0901516 1" + 1 4 komplett 1”1 + 1¼” 0901516 D06FI-1/25627064 scale 2 Valve insert complete 1/12/”2"++¾” 0901518 5627065 1½” + 2”1 2" 0901518 1” + 1 /4”D06FI-1 (without filter) 1/ +" ¾” 3 " D06FI-1/2 Ventilinnsats, ½” D06FI-1/2 232Union Valve insert complete 4 seal washer (10 112/2”++ /2” D06FI-11/2 komplett (leveres (without filter) 1 1”1"+ + 1¼” D06FI-1 D06FI-1 1 /4 " 1 /2”0901443 uten filter) 1½” +"2” D06FI-11/2 D06FI-11/2 13/14/”0901444 2 + 2" pcs.) Pakninger ½” 0901443 5627066 3 1/ " 3 Union seal washer 0901443 2 1”0901445 (pose plug a 10 with stk) 4 Blanking ¾” 0901444 5627067 (10 pcs.) 3/1 " 0901444 14/4”0901446 1” 0901445 5627068 11/2”0901447 1" 0901445 5627069 0901446 1¼” 1 /4 " 0901446 5627071 12”0901448 1½” 0901447 1 0901447 5627072 0901448 2" Blindplugg R1/4” 4 O-ringInkl. R1/4” (5 pcs.) O-ring 3 41/2” +Blanking plug with O/4”0901515 (pose a 5 stk) 0901448 5627073 S06K-1/4 /2 " 2”1S06K-¼ ring R1/4" (5 pcs.) Finfilter 55Replacement filter 5 Replacement filter 5 6 Honeywell AS avd. ECC Automation and Control Solutions Besøksadresse: Terminalen 16, 3414 Lierstranda Automation and Control Solutions Postadresse: Honeywell GmbH Postboks 3514, 3007 Drammen Hardhofweg Telefon: +47 32 24 48 00 74821 MOSBACH E-post: Norge.ecc@honeywell.com GERMANY Phone: (49) 6261 810 Fax: (49) 6261 81309 http://ecc.emea.honeywell.com S06K-1/4 1 + ¾” 3 ½” 5627543 /2” + /4” ES06F-1/2A ES06F-1/2A 1/ " + 3/ " ES06F-1/2A 4 ES06F-1B 1”1” +2 1¼” 5627592 + 11/4”ES06F-1B 11/ ES06F-1B5627549 1"1 + 1½” + 2” 4" ES06F-11/2A 7 ES06F-11/2A 1 /2” + 2” " + 2" 0901246 ES06F-11/2A 11+/2¾” O-ring ½” 5627075 6 6 O-ring seta(10 pcs.)1/2” +13/4” 3 0901246 (pose 10 stk) 1” + 1¼” 0901499 5627076 6 O-ring set (10 pcs.) /2" + /4" 0901246 1” ++ 2” 11/4”0901499 5627077 1½” 0901499 1"1 + 11/4" 0901248 ” + 2” SK06T-1/2 0901248 Filterkopp, klart ½”11+/2¾” 7 0901248 5627563 1 /2" + 2" 3 1 + /4”SK06T-1/2 SK06T-1B 5627593 7 Clearglass filter bowl with 1”1/+2”1¼” SK06T-1/2 7 Clear bowl with /2" + 31/4" Inkl. filter O-ring O-ring 1” ++ 2” 1 /4”SK06T-1B 1½” SK06T-11/2 5627569 O-ring 1 " SK06T-1B 1" 4 SK06T-11/2 11/+2”1+/2” SK06T-11/2 11/2" + 2" Produsert av og for Honeywell Environmental and combustion controls Division of Honeywell Manufactured for and on behalf of the Technologies and Sarl Combustion Z.A. La PieceControls 16, 1180 Rolle, Environmental Division by its Authorized ofSwitzerland Honeywell Technologies Sàrl,Representative Z.A. La Pièce 16, Honeywell GmbH 1180 Rolle, Switzerland by its Authorised Representative © 2015 Honeywell Honeywell GmbH AS EN0H-1058GE23 R0315 Subject to change without notice © 2015 Honeywell GmbH
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