Lillehammer University College Research and development at Lillehammer University College Forskning og utviklingsarbeid 2014 2014 ISSN 0809-1609 Information series no 42/2015 Questions regarding the report should be adressed to the individual research group, the research comittee or the rector. Editors: Yvonne Fritze, Lars Bærøe, Anne Sofie Lofthus and Sigbjørn Hernes Data processing: The Library, LUC Layout and editing: Gro Vasbotten Photographers: Anne Sofie Lofthus, Gunnar Furseth Klinge, Gro Vasbotten, Gunnar Veastad, Halldor Krogh, Ole Jacob Reichelt and Sigrun Danche Skaare Circulation: Published on - prints may be ordered. Download from is accepted. PREFACE The Research and Development at Lillehammer University College (LUC) hold high quality and provides basis for further reflection and reflective action capability. The research shall provide new insights in research issues on an empirical, theoretical and methodologically high level. Besides providing new knowledge, we also hope that our research can contribute to increase the quality and pace of innovation nationally and regionally. It is also the foundation of research-based teaching at our institution. The interaction between teaching and research contribute in such a way that the teaching is in accordance with the latest research. We therefor want to have permanent staff on hand who teach on the basis of their research. The most important research resource at LUC is the allocated R&D time that is part of the academic positions, and we want to keep it this way to stimulate increased quality and extent of research. LUC is dedicated to having an R&D profile where the priority areas are based on employee and institutional advantages and special expertise. In recent years, LUC has emerged as an institution with a social science and media profile. The three PhD-programs that are now accredited by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT), “Child and Youth Participation and Competence Development”, “Innovation in Services - in the Public and Private Sectors”, and “Audiovisual media” provide education at the highest academic levels within three areas that are central to LUC’s research activities. The Ph.d.-program “Audiovisual media” is based on an academic collaboration between the Faculty of Humanities at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the Department of Social Sciences at LUC. The program will be a joint degree between these two environments. Although we have had a decline in the number of publication points in the national database for documentation of research, the number of publication points per faculty member is still high. It is especially pleasing that 26% of our publications in 2014 were level-2 publications. This is significant for meeting the quality requirements in the future university and university college structure. It is important to remember that artistic development productions at the film school, and productions at the Faculty of television production are not included in the current system, this leads to a negative bias in our disfavor. The level of formal competence among academic staff is high. Above 60% of our faculty members are employed as associate professors and in professorships, and a fifth are professors. Furthermore, the Norwegian Film School has conferred doctoral degrees to candidates participating in the Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowship Program, which is equivalent to ordinary Ph.d.-programmes. LUC wishes to further its competence and research culture and also maintain and strengthen its position regionally as a research leader, with national and international leading academic environments in our academic focus areas. As this annual report shows, there is also considerable research and development activity within other fields and disciplines at LUC. As the rector of LUC, I wish to thank everyone who in various ways has contributed to furthering our institution’s research and development activities in 2014. Lillehammer, May 2015 Bente Ohnstad Rektor 3 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2014 CONTENT Preface .............................................................................................................................................. 3 Brief overview of the report .............................................................................................................. 5 PART A – MAIN FEATURES OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ....... 6 Why is high-quality R&D-activities important? ............................................................................... 6 Organization .................................................................................................................................... 6 LUC’s academic staff ........................................................................................................................ 8 Research groups and research centres ............................................................................................... 8 R&D production 2014 .................................................................................................................... 10 Doctoral programs ........................................................................................................................... 12 PART B - DOCTORAL DEGREES .................................................................. 16 Child and Youth Competence Development .................................................................................... 16 Innovation in Services – in the public and private sectors ................................................................. 16 The Norwegian Filmschool .............................................................................................................. 16 Audiovisual Media ............................................................................................................................ 16 Ph.D. fellows at LUC ....................................................................................................................... 16 Dissertations 2014 ............................................................................................................................ 21 PART C - PUBLICATIONS ............................................................................... 24 Selection of books published at LUC ................................................................................................. 24 Journals published at LUC ................................................................................................................. 27 Level-1 And Level-2 Publications ....................................................................................................... 28 Artistic development work .................................................................................................................. 33 R&D-seminar and conferences organized by LUC ............................................................................. 37 Selection of seminars and guest lectures at LUC ................................................................................. 37 FIGURES AND TABLES 4 Figure 1: Organizational chart LUC 2014 .......................................................................................... 6 Figure 2: Relation between R&D-intensity and educational intensity ................................................. 7 Table 1: Full-time equivalent (FTE) in education and research positions 2005-2014 ......................... 8 Table 2: Academic publications 2008-2014 ........................................................................................ 10 Table 3: Publication points by faculty 2010-2014 ............................................................................... 11 Table 4: Publication points by academic position 2010-2014 .............................................................. 11 Table 5: Publication points by academic position 2013-2014 ............................................................. 12 Table 6. Ongoing externally funded projects (*granted in 2014) ........................................................ 13 Table 7: LUC as project partner at EU, EEA, NFR /RFF projects, and also health trusts .................... 14 Table 8. Ph.d. Fellows at LUC ............................................................................................................. 17 BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE REPORT This report presents the main features of Lillehammer University College’s (LUC) research and development (R&D) activities in 2014. It also includes a more detailed account of doctoral projects, external research funding, and publication activities. Part A of the report describes main features of LUC’s research and development. Overviews of formal competence, research production and acquisition of external research funding are provided. It also presents LUC’s research centers, groups and committees. Part B includes information about LUC’s doctoral programs, PhD fellows and dissertations. Part C provides a more detailed overview of publications during 2014. Including a selection of books written by LUC faculty, journals published at LUC, a detailed overview of scoring and non-scoring publications, seminars and conferences organized by LUC and an overview over artistic development. This report is published in Norwegian and English. Both versions are available from LUC’s website, along with more information. We hope you will enjoy the report! Yvonne Fritze Head of Research / Provost 5 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2014 PART A – MAIN FEATURES OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT This section describes the main features of LUC’s research and development. Overviews of formal competence among the academic staff and research production in terms of publications and acquisition of external research funding are provided. It also presents LUC’s strategic research goals and gives a brief overview of the functioning of LUC’s research administration. WHY IS HIGH-QUALITY R&DACTIVITIES IMPORTANT? yyRecruit academic staff. Institutions that demonstrate excellence in research have an advantage both in terms of recruiting new and keeping existing faculty members yyInteract with national and international research communities, administrative bodies and businesses that provide new knowledge and ensure quality. yyEstablishing programs on the highest level. High academic competence is a requirement for the accreditation of Master and PhD programs. LUC’s aim is to offer education based on cutting-edge knowledge emerging from research, academic and artistic development, and experiential learning. Research-based education ensures students’ access to the best and most recent knowledge within the various academic fields. The ideal of research-based knowledge is both a prerequisite for meeting and a means to meet challenges that society in general, and our region in particular, are facing. In addition to resources and expertise, high-quality R&D actives depends on freedom in the choice of topics, independence from delegating authorities as well as high ethical research standards. LUC wishes to promote these values within research. Comprehensive and high-quality R&D activities are important in order to: yyProvide insight into the most current empirical, theoretical, and methodological questions within national and international research that might contribute to increase the quality and pace of innovation in regional and national activities. yyFulfill the obligation to offer research-based education. High-quality research-based education ensures recruitment of talented students. ORGANIZATION Lillehammer University College originates back to 1970, when Hedmark and Oppland Regional College was established at Storhove. In 1977, the college split in two regional departments, and Oppland Regional College emerged as FIGURE 1: ORGANIZATIONAL CHART LUC 2014 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE BOARD Study Committee RECTOR Central Research Committee Learning Environment Com. RECTORATE - DIRECTOR International Committee Ph.D. Committee Working Environment Com. Equal Opportunity Com. Appoinment Committee Central administration - University College Management Office and Archives Department - Organization and Personnel Department - Finance and Facilities Management Department - IT-section - Department of Academic Affairs - Library - Centre for Lifelong Learning Appointment Council Faculty of Social Science Faculty of Education and Social Work Faculty of økonomi og organisasjonsvitenskap Faculty of Film and Television production The Norwegian Filmschool Faculty Board Faculty Board Faculty Board Faculty Board Faculty Board Dean Dean Dean Dean Head of studies 6 Head of studies Head of studies Head of studies Dean Head of studies PART A – MAIN FEATURES OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LUC Lillehammer University College seen from east towards E6. a separate institution. In 1994 ORC became Lillehammer University College. university college board’s specialist body for research policy and management of support schemes. In the beginning of 2015, LUC had 4 717 enrolled students and 334 employees, thereof 195 in academic positions The student density is ~24 students per academic staff member, which is the second most of the public colleges. The head of faculty, dean, is responsible for the R&D activities at the faculties. The right and obligation to conduct research is related to the position, not the holder of the position. Professor and associate professor positions have 45% allotted time to R&D and lecture positions have 25% allotted time to R&D. LUC’s academic activities is organized in the following five faculties (see figure 1): Faculty of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Social Science, Faculty of Economics and Organizational Studies, Faculty of Television Production, and the Norwegian Film School. In addition, the Centre for Continuing Education (CEE) works within specially commissioned teaching, continuing education and development projects. The head of research / provost is responsible for the research at LUC, the rector and university college board are senior bodies. The central research committee is the The college wishes to keep this structure, but also accommodates for individual adjustments according to research production and grant acquisitions. Good working conditions including continuous research time is an important condition for the quality of research. Several people of the academic staff are part of research groups, both within the faculty, inter-faculty groups and research groups with members from different institutions. The principle of research-based teaching along with a R&D intensity FIGURE 2: RELATION BETWEEN R&D-INTENSITY AND EDUCATIONAL INTENSITY Educational intensity Comparison of Norwegian university colleges (acronym HiL = LUC) : X-axis (educational intensity) relation between number of students and number of academic staff. Y-axis – relation between publication points and number of academic staff (R&D-intensity). 7 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2014 relatively high time allotment for research, make LUC’s institutional profile share many features with the established universities. According to the Database for Higher Education (DBH), LUC differs from the other public university colleges by having a high level of both research and education intensity. LUC’S ACADEMIC STAFF Overall the level of formal competence is relatively high at LUC. According to statistics from the Database for higher education (DBH) of the academic staff as of 1.10.2014, positions at the full professor level amounted to 20% of the academic staff. In comparison the average is 10% for public university colleges and 25% for universities. Positions at the associate professor level make up 62.2 full-time equivalent (FTE) R&D-positions in 2014. In addition we have employed three post doc employees (2.5 FTEs). In sum, positions at the associate professor level or higher comprised 52% of LUC’s total academic staff in 2014. The percentage of woman at LUC is 12% full professors, and for the associate professor level (associate professor and senior lecturer) ~30 and 32%. This is somewhat lower then the average for public university colleges. LUC is working towards changing this imbalance through recruitment initiatives. However, among PhD fellows, woman amounted to ~65%. A similar trend can be found at other institutions in Norway and internationally. This will probably make it easier to recruit woman to the highest academic positions at LUC in the future. RESEARCH GROUPS AND RESEARCH CENTERS It is widely recognized that organizing researchers into research groups can improve the aspects of grant acquisitions and strengthen the quality of research. LUC therefor aims to facilitate the establishment of research groups and build local, regional, national and international networks. The Research Centre for Child and Youth Competence Development: Research areas that are emphasized in studies of child and youth competence development, vary over time depending on changes in the community, but also as a result of the research-related priorities done by the community and the various research environments. At the present time these practice areas emerge as the most important when it comes to studies of most children and youth competence development in our society: family practices, child care practices, peer practices, media practices, kindergarten practices and school practices. The Centre for Innovation in Services: The research conducted by CIS focus on innovation processes in private-sector services, public innovation systems and welfare innovation. CIS has organized several seminar series in collaboration with international experts. The Centre has also in collaboration with other research institution devoted considerable efforts into development of major research applications. Some of these applications have already received positive outcomes. The Centre also works purposely towards strengthening the relations with regional actors as well as national and international research communities. The National Innovation School (NIKOM) is academically rooted at CIS. NIKOM provides contact with the municipal level and opportunities for new projects. TABLE 1: FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) IN EDUCATION AND RESEARCH POSITIONS 2005-2014 (AS OF 31.12.14) 2005 FTE 18 2006 FTE 22,2 2007 FTE 24,6 2008 FTE 30,0 2009 FTE 32,8 2010 FTE 29,6 2011 FTE 34,1 2012 FTE 36,2 2013 FTE 34,7 2014 FTE 36,0 Professor II (Adjunct) 1,0 1,3 2,1 2,3 2,0 1,8 1,8 1,4 1,6 2,2 Professor (Dosent) 1,0 1,6 1,6 2,0 2,0 1,3 2,0 2,0 2,0 1,0 0,6 0,2 0,5 Professor Teaching professor (Høgskoledosent) Associate Professor (Førsteamanuensis) 35,5 38,0 37,0 38,4 48,7 53,3 45,2 47,2 47,9 47,9 Associate Professor (Førstelektor) 14,4 16,0 15,2 18,7 16,6 18,2 17,1 14,8 13,3 13,3 Assistant Professor (Amanuensis) 9,6 9,0 8,0 7,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 6,0 5,8 Assistant Professor (Høgskolelektor) 33,1 33,8 42,1 43,4 42,3 43,3 46,2 47,1 47,7 50,4 University College Teacher (Høgskolelærer) 11,4 10,4 9,1 8,0 10,0 9,1 7,6 8,2 7,9 8,3 Ph.d. fellow 12,3 13,0 13,4 13,6 16,9 21,0 25,7 24,7 29,7 27,2 1,0 1,0 1,5 1,0 185,7 188,5 192,3 195,6 Post.doc Totalt 8 136,3 145,3 153,0 164,9 177,3 184,1 PART A – MAIN FEATURES OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LUC A new head was appointed for CIS in 2014, with accession in April 2015. Also three academics within innovation were appointed in 2014. This will strengthen CIS’ capacity and competency in the future. Audiovisual media (VisMed) is a research group that work towards strengthening research, study portfolio and the regional and international network in the field of audio-visual media. The centre focus on seeking external research funding, develop online educational programs and create a meeting places for academics and practitioners in the field of media studies. The research group of Audiovisual media represented by professor Roel Puijk, assistant professor The centre is responsible for Brit Svoen, professor eva Bakøy and professor Yngve Nordkvelle. managing the PhD program Audiovisual media, which is a joint on physical capabilities; from the everyday functioning to degree between NTNU and LUC physiological and cell biological level. This is examined in cooperation with the Centre for Media Pedagogics at on both top athletes and on different patient groups. The LUC. The centre for audiovisual media has an academic research work is grounded in the research strategy "The profile that corresponds with the PhD program's core TrainsOME- human cells adaptation to training and the areas: the PhD program's core areas: the audiovisual media environment", which aims to develop methods for indiaesthetics, production conditions, history and didactics. vidual training guidance, focusing on the identification For the time being, the group manage a project financed of biomarkers. by The Research Council of Norway with the title How The research group for energy and natural resources to succeed in the private film and television industries. work with economical and political analysis of energy marResearch group for Tourism and experiences: The resekets and energy production, and sustainable utilization and arch group has a multidisciplinary character, and focuses management of natural resources. The analyses are based on different aspects of tourism. The research group inon approached from business economy, social economy cludes economist, geographers, sociologist and staff with and political science. The group focuses on analyses of other academic backgrounds. Key issues are innovation, markets for renewable and non-renewable resources, price entrepreneurship, second homes as a phenomenon and determination and production relations, management and industry, tourist behavior, destination image, development regulation of energy and raw-material production, energy of experiences and events in the context of tourism. The transport and trading, energy policy and international researchers participate in regional, national and internarelations, and innovation and renewal in the use of energy tional projects, teach courses, as well as disseminate to and natural resources. LUC researchers within the energy the public. Some projects are conducted in co-operation and natural resource group participate in several national with the tourism industry. The research group is associated and international research projects, publish internationally with the Centre for Tourism Research, a collaboration and convey information to the public. effort between The Eastern Norway Research Institute, Research on disability is a research area where the univerThe Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA), sity college for several years has contributed to knowledge Hedmark University College and LUC. development both nationally and internationally. Research LiME, The Lillehammer Research Centre for Medicine in this area is associated with LUC's PhD programs, but and Exercise Physiology: This research group consists appears and is presented as a separate area of research. of researchers from the department of sport science (LilResearch on disability at LUC has a multidisciplinary aplehammer University College), Innlandet Hospital Trust proach. Central topics in the research group are disabled’s and The Rheumatism Hospital. The primary focus is aimed right to participate and right of co-determination in their at identifying the effects of lifestyle and physical activity 9 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2014 own life and in different social arenas. Client participation, inclusion and empowerment are important key words. Researchers at LUC were central to the creation and management of the Norwegian Network on disability research (NNFF) in 2004, and in the Nordic network (NNDR) on disability research. LUC organized the first national conference in 2004, and the most recent one in 2014. The research group for counseling aims to bring forward different mindsets and skills that contributes to continuous improvement of services in counseling and career counseling in Norway. From left: Professor Ole Petter Askheim and professorIngrid Guldvik og førsteamanuensis Jan Andersen On an individual perspective we has research on diability as their main focus. focus on accessibility and quality uncil. The centre encompasses LUCs research activities of guidance and career counseling relating to media, technology and teaching, and is based services on the basis that individuals have different needs on a multidisciplinary cooperation. The centre manages during different phases in life. In a social perspective we the conference “Didactics and Technology” (Didaktikk focus on how services can be organized, directed and conog teknologi) and publishes the international, electronic trolled to be a tool for education, employment, health and journal “” ( which publishes social conditions policies. peer reviewed articles in English. Relevant research areas yyGuidance and career counseling in an individual, R&D PRODUCTION 2014 cultural and social perspective R&D work at a university college during a calendar year yyWork-oriented follow-ups and labor marked skills includes a multitude of activities within the different stages yyProcesses and working methods for leadership and of the research process. This R&D work includes grant guidance that promotes individuals, groups and learacquisition, various forms of preparation for the particular ning for organizations projects, including obtaining, processing and analysis of yyMeasures to promote social inclusion through emdata. Written descriptions of the conducted research are ployment and education published to communicate results to fellow researchers and yyCritical perspectives on career development and the public as well as for individual qualification. LUC’s counseling theories. total publications therefor act as one of LUC’s academic quality indicators. Centre for Media Pedagogics was established in 2003 by financial incentives form the Norwegian Research Co- These descriptions, which over time take the form of re- TABLE 2: ACADEMIC PUBLICATIONS 2008-2014 Type publikasjon 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 55 62 64 91 80 58 67 Articles in academic journals 6 11 4 14 13 7 23 Books / text books 15 25 19 15 18 19 15 Chapters in books / textbooks 81 87 28 71 60 56 41 Other academic reports published outside LUC 3 4 3 4 5 3 4 Articles in peer-reviewed journals Other academic reports published by LUC Lectures/papers presented at academic conferences 10 8 18 2 10 2 2 5 133 106 105 159 200 206 220 Total number of publications 301 313 225 364 378 351 375 Proportion of level-2 publication by publication points 98,7 111,2 105,3 132,1 123,97 95,2 91,2 Level 2 proportional 8,6 % 3,4 % 4,6 % 7,0 % 12,7 % 10,8 % 26,1 % PART A – MAIN FEATURES OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LUC TABLE 3: PUBLICATION POINTS BY FACULTY 2010-2014 Avdeling 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Faculty of Social Science 38,3 45,5 42,0 27,9 35,1 Faculty of Economics and Organisational Studies 20,5 42,6 32,8 23,4 18,8 Faculty of Education and social work 44,8 43,6 42,5 43,2 35,6 Faculty of Television Production 0,0 0,0 1,5 0,0 0,7 105,3 132,2 123,9 95,2 91,2 TOTAL ports, articles and dissertations, may be based on research from a previous year and has been made ready for publishing after being through a lengthy process. Therefore a lot of the research work carried out in the current report year, do not need to appear as published until several years later. Journals and publishers are divided into two categories, level-1 and level-2. A publication in a level-1 journal or publisher gives 1 and 5 point for articles and books respectively, and the equivalent for level-2 is 3 and 8 points. The change in the number of publication points, both for faculties and position categories are presented in table 4 and 5. We can see that LUC after the peak in 2011 have had a decline in publication activity three years in a row. This implies that the sum of research publications, published in a given calendar year, does not give an accurate impression of the total R&D work carried that year. The overview over published publications is still the most practical indicator of the R&D work carried out at LUC. There are differences between the different faculties and academic environments. The reasons for the decline are therefor most likely composed of several factors. The Central research committee has initiated a work report to get a better understanding of the causes for this decline. The Ministry of Education and Research’s registration of the extent of research conducted at the institutional level is based on a point scoring system for publications that are published by approved journals and publishers. TABLE 4: PUBLICATION POINTS BY ACADEMIC POSITION 2010-2014 Poeng pr stillingskategori 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Professor 49,1 61,1 66,9 41,7 22,8 Dosent (Dosent) 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 Teaching professor (Høgskoledosent) 2,8 5,2 1,5 4,5 0,2 Associate Professor (Førsteamanuensis) 29,7 36,5 31,8 33,4 47,3 Associate Professor (Førstelektor) 0,5 1,0 0,6 0,3 0,3 Assistant Professor (Amanuensis) 4,6 0,0 0,7 1,2 2,7 Assistant Professor (Høgskolelektor) 2,9 10,5 7,3 5,3 2,0 University College Teacher (Høgskolelærer) 0,3 0,0 0,5 0,0 0,0 Ph.d. fellow 13,7 17,3 9,5 7,4 12,1 Others 1,8 0,7 5,1 1,3 3,8 105,3 132,2 123,9 95,2 91,2 Totalt 11 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2014 TABLE 5: PUBLICATION POINTS BY ACADEMIC POSITION 2013-2014 Publication points 2014 FTE 2014 Points per FTE 2014 Publication points 2013 Difference 2014/2013 Samí University College 30,98 36,49 0,85 0,18 0,67 Telemark University College 226,47 376,38 0,60 0,39 0,21 Gjøvik University College 115,69 208,55 0,55 0,48 0,07 Buskerud & Vestfold University College 259,06 488,10 0,53 0,53 Narvik University College 62,62 123,15 0,51 0,56 -0,05 Volda University College 98,79 195,19 0,51 0,36 0,15 Oslo and Akershus University College 539,75 1134,81 0,48 0,41 0,07 Lillehammer University College 91,16 197,68 0,46 0,50 -0,04 Hedmark University College 145,15 315,46 0,46 0,33 0,13 Østfold University College 106,03 288,46 0,37 0,30 0,07 Ålesund University College 45,67 133,83 0,34 0,27 0,07 Sogn and Fjordane University College 71,26 212,71 0,34 0,19 0,15 Bergen University College 154,83 504,80 0,31 0,27 0,04 Sør-Trøndelag University College 136,58 491,04 0,28 0,32 -0,04 Nord-Trøndelag University College 70,20 272,97 0,26 0,33 -0,07 Harstad University College 20,97 88,40 0,24 0,22 -0,09 Stord/Haugesund University College 45,11 198,00 0,23 0,35 -0,12 Nesna University College 17,66 79,00 0,22 0,21 0,01 Mean value university colleges 0,42 0,34 0,08 Mean value Norwegian universities 0,98 1,01 -0,03 Source: Database for Statistics on Higher Education (DBH) DOCTORAL PROGRAMS Doctoral educations, PhD-programs, are formally considered as educational activities. However, the research training programs deserve a place in the annual report considering that the main content consisting of regular research activities that aim to bring forth a comprehensive dissertation. LUC has two doctoral programs, accredited in 2010 and 2011: «Child and Youth Participation and Competence Development» and «Innovation in Services - in the Public and Private Sectors” Both programs are placed centrally within LUC’s research activities. A third doctoral program, “The audiovisual media aesthetics” is developed in collaboration with NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). The Norwegian Film School has conferred doctoral degrees to candidates participating in the Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowship Program. This program offers training at the same level as ordinary PhD programs. Presently, LUC has received funds from the Ministry of Education and Research allocated for PhD-fellowships, equivalent to 22 yearly PhD-fellowships. In addition, some PhD fellowships are financed by external research funding. These are used for candidates who are enrolled in doctoral 12 programs at other institutions and our two own doctoral programs. Candidates and doctoral defenses are discussed in detail in part B. THE CENTRAL RESEARCH COMMITTEE The central research committee at LUC shall provide advice and recommendations on the development of LUC’s R&D policies and manage various support schemes for the research activities. The committee had the following members in 2014: Spring semester 2014 Yvonne Fritze (leader) Jon Helge Lesjø Leif Rydstedt Liv J. Solheim Harald Thuen Ragnhild Holmen Bjørnsen (ph.d.) Flemming Kristiansen (student) Fall semester 2014 Yvonne Fritze (leader) Jon Helge Lesjø Leif Rydstedt Liv J. Solheim Harald Thuen Øystein Skundberg (ph.d.) Sven Thomas Kalfoss (student)) Secretary: Research Advisor Lars Bærøe PART A – MAIN FEATURES OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LUC PHD COMMITTEE The overarching responsibility for administrating LUC’s Ph.D.- programs has been delegated from LUC’s board to a central Ph.D.- committee. The board had the following members in 2014: Spring semester 2014 Yvonne Fritze (leader) Eva Bakøy Harald Thuen Martin Rønningen Iben Kardel Anne Jørgensen Nordli (ph.d.) Fall semester 2014 Yvonne Fritze (leder) Eva Bakøy Harald Thuen Martin Rønningen Iben Kardel Bjørg Midtskogen (ph.d.) Secretary: Anne Sofie Lofthus Johanne Kielland Servoll RESEARCH FUNDING In addition to the regular budget funds, the research at LUC is funded by external delegators and contributors such as The Research Council of Norway (NFR), EU, health trusts, foundations etc. as well as competitive based assignments. of research activities and because it often leads to internationalization, participation in academic networks and increased competence development. Projects funded by the EU and NFR are especially important since the Ministry of Education and Research’s reward scheme in the performance-based budget component, imply that NFRprojects are granted an additional ~15 % of the project grant. EU-projects are granted an additional 107% of the project grant. The application activity for EU-projects is still low at LUC. LUC has as project owner crafted 13 applications during the period 1.1-31.12.2014, the majority of applications have been submitted to The Research Council of Norway (5) and the rest to various announcements; RFF-Innlandet (1), Extrastiftelsen (2), Utdanningsforbundet (1) and Helse sør-øst / Sykehuset Innlandet (1). Four applications were approved. As project partner, 8 applications has been registered, two of these have been approved. Approved applications with LUC as project owner amount to NOK ~1,2 mill. As project partner LUC’s share amount to NOK ~3,9 million, where a EEA (EØS) project make up the largest share with NOK ~2,7 million. External funding is important as it increases the extent TABLE 6. ONGOING EXTERNALLY FUNDED PROJECTS (*GRANTED IN 2014) Project name Project owner (italic) / Project partners Participants from LUC Durability PROJECTS FUNDED BY THE RESEARCH COUNCIL OF NORWAY Children living in families with parental illness and/or substance abuse Lillehammer University College/ APS Innlandet Hospital Trust Associate Professor Astrid Halsa, Associate Professor Kerstin Söderström, Professor Finn Skårderud, Ph.d.-fellowes Cathrine Grimsgaard og Ulrika Håkansson 2013-2016 How to succeed in the private film and television industries? A production culture perspective Lillehammer University College/ ASV/VisMed University Of Utrecht University West Of England University of Southern Denmark Professor Eva Bakøy, Professor Roel Pujik, Professor Jan Anders Diesen, Professor Tore Helseth, Associate Professor Audun Engelstad, Associate Professor Søren Birkvad, Associate Professor Jo Sondre Moseng, Ph.d.-fellow Stine Sand Eira og post. doc. Vilde S. Sundet. 2013 -2015 Making user participation work - from policy to practice. Lillehammer University College University of Bergen Professor Ole Petter Askheim, Professor Ingrid Guldvik Associate Professor Jan Andersen, 2014-2017 Municipal innovation research for institutional development Lillehammer University College Sintef Raufoss Manufacturing Gjøvik University College Professor Rolf Rønning, Professor Lars Fuglsang Associate Professor Ulla Higdem Associate Professor Aksel Hagen 2014-2017 PROSJECTS FUNDED BY THE REGIONAL RESEARCH FUNDS (RFF) * Better support for vulnerable children and youth in school – Innovation in school and the interaction between schools, child welfare and other agencies Lillehammer University College Øyer comprehensive school County Governor of Oppland Associate Professor Lene Nyhus 2014-2015 PROJECTS WITH OTHER FUNDING SOURCES User controlled personal assistance: Report / analysis of content, scope and effect of the scheme Tender The Norwegian Directorate of Health Professor Ole Petter Askheim, Professor Ingrid Guldvik Associate Professor Jan Andersen 2013-2014 13 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2014 Project name Project owner (italic) / Project partners Participants from LUC Durability Effect of poling motion specific training for poling performance in trained crosscountry skiers Olympiatoppen Associate Professor Bent Rønnestad 2014 The Order of Chaos. An investigation and expansion of the language of The Filmic Storyline Lillehammer University College Associate Professor Niels Pagh Andersen 2014-2016 * Suitable for physical training: 2X or not2X, is that the big question? Lillehammer University College Sykehuset Innlandet Professor Stian Ellefsen 2014 -2016 * Establishment of knowledge center for the cultural industry Ministry of Culture Project manager LUC) v. Tone Haraldsen. Eastern Norway Research Institute (ENRI), Lillehammer kunnskapspark, Uppsala University, Norwegian Festivals festivals Ramsalt Lab og Snøhetta Design. 2014-2018 TABLE 7: LUC AS PROJECT PARTNER AT EU, EEA, NFR (THE RESEARCH COUNCIL OF NORWAY) /RFF (REGIONAL RESEARCH FUNDS) PROJECTS, AND ALSO HEALTH TRUSTS (*APPROVED IN 2014) 14 Project name Program and project owner Participants from LUC Duration Supporting Lifelong Learning with ICT Inquiry-Based Education (LIBE) EU Lifelong Learning FP7 Roma Tre University Professor Stephen Dobson, Assistant Professor Brit Svoen, Associate Professor Anne Mette Bjørgen and project manager Vegard Meland 2014-2016 Innovasjon og vekst gjennom samhandling NFR - VRI3 Hedmark og Oppland fylkeskommuner Professor Martin Rønningen, Associate 2014-2016 Professor Hans Holmengen og Ph.d.-fellow Monica Breiby Citizen survey for central eastern Norway. The political landscape of central eastern Norway - residents , municipalities and regions. RFF Hedmark University College Professor Jon Helge Lesjø og Associate Professor Ulla Higdem 2014 Modelling and forecasting risk in electricity, carbon and related energy markets NFR – EnergiX NTNU Professor Gudbrand Lien, post.doc Erik Haugom and Ph.d.-fellow Steinar Veka 2010-2014 Mountain areas in Norway as attractive rural communities or urban recreational playgrounds: the challenge to a mountain policy NFR - Demosreg Eastern Norway Research Institute (ENRI) Professor Håvard Teigen Associate Professor Thor Flogenfeldt 2011-2014 What Buildings do: The Effect of the Physical Environment on Quality of Life of Asylum Seekers NFR – FriHumSam NTNU /SINTEF Associate Professor Einar Strumse Associate Professor Anne Sigfrid Grønseth 2012 - 2014 Innovative Approaches to Work with Neglected Families: Targeted intervention and support for high -risk families in child welfare Nordlandsforskning Lillehammer University College Sør-Trøndelag University College NTNU Professor Halvor Fauske 2013-2017 * Human, Agricultural, and Climatic impact on Ecological Rules EØS Norway Grants-Tsjekkia (EEA) Karls University Prague Even Tjørve Kathleen Tjørve 2014-2017 * Quality of Norwegian Higher Education: Pathways, Practices and Performances NFR - Finnut The Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU) Professor Yngve Nordkvelle 2014-2017 PART A – MAIN FEATURES OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LUC NATIONAL SCIENCE WEEK 2014 The National Science Week is an annual national research festival that was organized from the 17th to 28th of September in 2014. The theme of the 2014 festival was “Communication”. The aim of NSW is to encourage curiosity, interest in and understanding for research and the impact of research in people’s everyday lives. The Research Council of Norway organizes the festival in cooperation with universities, university colleges, research institutes, libraries, museums and trade and industry. LUC’s partners in 2014 were House of Literature / Lillehammer Library, Eastern Norway Research Institute and Jorekstad Aquapark. The following events were held: yyA showing of Digital research stories at Litteraturhus Lillehammer where the audience got a unique insight into the individual researcher’s own universe through a series of short films. The theme ranged from the researcher’s reflection on research issues, hypotheses, theories, history, choice of methodology, data collection, findings, etc. yyDebate Evening New forms of political communication where we talked about new media and the importance of political communication, and also public relation companies role and importance for political communication. yyDebate evening The most important thing is to win, not to participate on what is communicated in youth sports, is it ‘win or get lost’, and who and what gets attention. yyDigital research bath at Jorekstad Aquapark with a showing of the researchers’ short films with stories about their research issues, hypotheses, theories, history, choice of methodology, data collection, findings, etc. yyDigital research marked at Sigrid Undsets-plass in Lillehammer city centre with a showing of the researchers’ short films with stories about their research issues, hypotheses, theories, history, choice of methodology, data collection, findings, etc. Left/top: Marit Roland Udnæs and Karen Helene Fryjordet. Right: From an arrangement in the Library of Lillehammer. Left/bottom: Illustration drawn by the newspaper illustrator 'Herb'. Right: Facsimile of feature article written by Yvonne Fritze, Geir Haugsbakk og Yngve Nordkvelle. 15 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2014 PART B - DOCTORAL DEGREES Presently LUC has three active Ph.D. programs, BUK (Child and Youth Participation and Competence Development) and INTOP (Innovation in Services – in the Public and Private Sectors), and a third, VISMED (Audiovisual Media), which were accredited by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT) and approved and initiated by the Ministry of Education and Research. CHILD AND YOUTH PARTICIPATION AND COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT The PhD program in Child and Youth Participation and Competence Development is an interdisciplinary doctoral degree program. The aim of the program is to train researchers who want to build and disseminate knowledge about the participation and competence development of children and youth as they encounter a complex society. The program was accredited by NOKUT and approved by the Ministry of Education and Research in 2010. At the end of 2014, 19 candidates were enrolled in the program, an increase of 4 candidates from the previous year. INNOVATION IN SERVICES – IN THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTORS This PhD program focuses on innovation and innovation processes in service production in both public and private sectors. The PhD program includes the framing conditions, the instruments and the implementation processes linked to innovation. Policy changes and changes in political organization that have effects on services are studied as determinants of innovation activities. The program was accredited by NOKUT in December 2011 and approved by the Ministry of Education and Research in January 201 At the end of 2014, 12 candidates were enrolled in the program, an increase of 3 candidates from the previous year. THE NORWEGIAN FILM SCHOOL NFS confers degrees to candidates participating the Norwegian Artistic Research Fellowship Program. The program is parallel to other research educations organized as academic PhD programs. The Fellow must be associated with one of the Norwegian institutions offering one or more creative and/or performing art educations within dance, design, music, theater, visual arts and film. The basis for assessment is an artistic project in any format followed by critical reflection of the process until the final result «research through art». The final result must be publically available and of a permanent nature. 16 AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA The PhD program Audiovisual Media is a joint degree program between NTNU and LUC. The program focuses on the audiovisual media aesthetics, production conditions, history and didactics. The program will be starting up in the fall of 2015. PH.D. FELLOWS AT LUC At the end of 2014, LUC employed 50 PhD fellows, in addition to 8 candidates who presented their doctoral thesis during the year. Among these there were two who defended their dissertation at LUC, one at BUK and one at INTOP. The remaining 6 defended their dissertation at other degreeconferring institutions. All fellows have three years to work full-time on their degrees. Some fellows are employed in four-year fellowships. These fellowships include a 25% work duty component to be carried out for the faculty employing them (teaching etc.), or the required work is agreed upon during the period. The fellows are an important resource for the university college for many reasons. They conduct research at a high level, and develop new, fundamental knowledge in their fields. Development of new knowledge through scientific processes is one of the most essential characteristics of an academic institution, and consequently the fellows give an important contribution to the university college’s core activities, including teaching. The fellows bring about a vitalization of the research, partly because they are newcomers, carrying with them new academic impulses and represent a bridge to the universities at home and abroad. The fellows are admitted to PhD programs at LUC or at other institutions. When fellows are enrolled in programs at other institutions, their supervisors might come from those institutions or those institutions might appoint a LUC-faculty member to serve as supervisor. In the case of the former, a co-supervisor from LUC is also appointed. Below is a brief presentation of the PhD fellows and their research projects. PART B – DOCTORAL DEGREES Ph.d.-stipendiater ved HiL, fra venstre: Daniel Hammarström, Svein Erik Nordhagen, Sigrid Myklebø, Roald Undlien, Olga Høeg-Guldberg, Jonas Karlsen Åstrøm, Karen Parish, Gunhild Wedum, Iveta Malasevska, Bjørg Midtskogen, Erlend Aas Guldbrandsen og Olav Vikmoen. TABLE 8. PH.D. FELLOWS AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE PER 31.12.14 Starting date – up to and including 2011 Ph.d. fellow's name Bjerkeland, Ingvild Breiby, Monica A. Field of study Visual media Travel and tourism Blom, Tine Sonic Art Connolley, Steven Political science Dmitrow-Devold, Karolina Digital competence Engebretsen, Nanna Helene TV-science Eriksen, Håkon Glommen Philosophy Godeseth, Marit Social work Working title of dissertation Regional film production in Norway Aesthetics in nature-based tourism. Degree-granting institutions Main supervisor (M) Co-supervisor (C) Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) M: Audun Engelstad, LUC C: Gunnar Iversen, NMBU Norwegian University of Life Science M: Sjur Baardsen, UMB C: Christer Thrane, HiL Tuning into the world: Acoustic ecology, nature, inner resonance and technology Goldsmiths College/ University of London M: John Levack Drever, C: Prof. Janis Jefferies Liberal E-Democracy and Political Associations in Civil Society. University of Oslo M: Harald Baldersheim, UiO C: Jon Helge Lesjø, HiL LUC Doing identity, doing technology identity perforM: Pär Nygren, HiL mances, gendered discourses and digital competence C: Hilde G. Corneliussen, UiB development in the context of mainstream girlblog- C: Janneke van der Ros, LUC ging in Norway. TV-programmes that make the difference. Documentary production and capacity building within the context of Communication for Development. Karlstad University M: Roel Puijk, LUC C: Yngve Nordkvelle, LUC C: Thomas Tufte, Roskilde univ. Et bevisst profesjonelt forhold til egne motiver og verdier - om profesjonsetikk og subjektfilosofi University of Oslo M: Svein Aage Christoffersen “Språkspill møter språkspill” - en språkfilosofisk tilnærming til ivaretakelse av klientens perspektiv i sosialt arbeid Karlstad University M: Ole Petter Askheim, LUC C: Alireza Moula, KAU C: Ingrid Guldvik, LUC 17 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2014 Starting date – up to and including 2011 Ph.d. fellow's name Field of study Working title of dissertation Degree-granting institutions Main supervisor (M) Co-supervisor (C) Gran, Lillian Pedagogics/ Education Digital Buildung and Future learning LUC M: Geir Haugsbakk, LUC C: Yvonne Fritze Landry, Paulina Political science Central and Eastern European Countries as an energy sub-region and its influence on EU policymaking on energy security University of Oslo M: Ole Gunnar Austvik, LUC C: Dag Harald Claes, UiO Letrud, Kåre Philosophy Ascertaining the Learning Pyramid: A study of the origins, legitimacy, diffusion, authority and propagation of an educational myth University of Oslo Midtskogen, Bjørg Social work Barns og profesjonelles kompetanser i barnehage LUC M: Lene Nyhus, LUC C: Roger Mathiesen, LUC Myklestad, Synnøve Pedagogics Språkets betydning – Betydningens språk. Om språk og subjektdannelse i lys av Julia Kristevas perspektiver. NTNU M: Hansjörg Hohr, NTNU C: Øivind Haaland, LUC Sports Science Aktivitet etter måltid vs. aktivitet før måltid for å University of Oslo redusere blodsukker hos personer med høy risiko for M: Arne Høstmark, UiO type 2 diabetes C: Gerd Holmboe Ottesen, UiO C: Bent Rønnestad, LUC Paulsen, Kaia Social work Brukerperspektivet hos de ansatte ved et sosialkontor. En studie av på hvilken måte ansatte i sosialtjenesten har et brukerperspektiv i møte med langstidsmottakere av sosialhjelp. Schwind, Kai Hanno The Office sitcom - a case study in transnational TV and media studies format adaptation Syversen, Trine Løvold Political science Nygaard, Håvard Tolstad, Helene Kvarberg Veka, Steinar Vikmoen, Olav 18 Geography Financial studies Sport science Karlstad universitet M: Rolf Rønning, LUC C: Berith Nyqvist-Cech, KAU C:Lis Bodil Karlsson, KAU University of Oslo M: Birgit Hertzberg-Kaare, UiO C: Eva Bakøy, LUC Velferdsforvaltning i forvandling - en studie av etableringen av lokale velferdskontorer i forbindelse med NAV-reformen University of Tromsø M: Kjell Arne Røvik, UiT Innovation in Norwegian rural tourism. Focusing on networks and knowledge. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) M: Britt Dale, NTNU C: Martin Rønningen Price formation and risk premium in the Nordic electricity derivatives market Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) M: Gudbrand Lien, LUC C: Sjur Westergaard NTNU C: Stein-Erik Fleten, NTNU Effekten av styrketrening og muskelvekst på prestasjonen i løp og sykling og effekten av samtidig utholdenhetstrening på endringer i styrkeparametere og muskelmasse ved styrketrening Norwegian school of sport science (NIH) M: Truls Raastad, NIH C: Bent Rønnestad, LUC C: Stian Ellefsen, LUC PART B – DOCTORAL DEGREES Starting date 2012 – 2013 Ph.d. fellow's name Field of study Working title of dissertation Degree-granting institutions Main supervisor (M) Co-supervisor (C) Andersen, Christina Strandholdt Social education Empowerment i børnehøjde LUC M: Anne-Stine Dolva, HiL C: Ole-Petter Askeheim HiL Andfossen, Nina Beate Innovation, public sector Frivillig innsats i omsorgssektoren Høgskolen i Lillehammer (INTOP) M: Rolf Rønning , HiL C: Magnus Jegermalm, Ersta Sköndal hogs C:Marianne Skindal, HiG Bjørnsen, Ragnhild Holmen anthropology, Psychology Growing up in a life of global high mobilityExperiences for childhood and child rearing within the institutional framework of the Norwegian Foreign Service LUC M: Dag Leonardsen, LUC C: Frank Jarle Bruun, LUC Engen, Marit Innovation How to manage employee-driven service innovation? Creativity, knowledge and innovation LUC M: Lars Fuglsang, LUC /Roskilde C: Peter Magnusson, KAU Eira, Stine Agnete Sand Film studies How to succeed in the regional film- and television industry. NTNU M: Eva bakøy, HiL C: Gunnar Iversen, NTNU Child welfare Helsearbeidere som medforfatter i barns livsfortellinger. En studie av helsearbeideres samtaler med barn som har psykisk syke foreldre eller foreldre med rusproblemer Grimsgaard, Cathrine Determinants of intra-individual variation in adaptability to resistance training of different volumes, with special reference to skeletal muscle phenotypes Høgskolen i Lillehammer (BUK) M: Astrid Halsa, HiL C: Knut Ruyter, UiO The swedish school of health and sport sciences. M: Stian Ellefsen, LUC. C: Bent Rønnestad, LUC Hammarström, Daniel Sport science Halvorsen, Janne Wiken Social psychology Motivasjon, selvpresentasjon og kroppsbilder i trening- og kostholdsblogger – En studie basert på kvalitative intervju, tekst- og bildeanalyse Hoffmann, Martin Child welfare LUC Bruger- og praktikerperspektiver på deltagelse og M: Halvor Fauske, LUC læring i psykosocial døgninstitustionsbehandling for C: Randi Nygård Andersen, Univ anbragte børn og unge College Sjælland Holen, Inger Elisabeth Innovation, Innovation in the service sector – perspectives on measurement and economic performance LUC M: Gudbrand Lien, LUC C: Martin Rønningen, LUC Høegh-Guldberg, Olga Travel and tourism Dynamic perspective to innovative networks within tourism in the context of experience economy LUC M: Lars Fuglsang, LUC /Roskilde C: Martin Rønningen, LUC LUC M: Eva Bakøy, LUC Psychology Hold meg i ditt sinn - Små barn og mødre med rusproblematikk LUC M: Merete G. Øie, Innlandet Hospital Trust C. Finn Skårderud, LUC C: Kerstin Söderström, LUC Magnussen, Siv Care research Oppretting av lokalmedisinske sentra som interkommunal innovasjon. En studie av opprettelsen av tre lokalmedisinske sentra Høgskolen i Lillehammer (INTOP) M: Rolf Rønning, HiL C: Laila Tingvoll, HiG Malasevska, Iveta Innovation, travel and Innovative pricing strategies and decision models in tourism Norwegian tourism industry Høgskolen i Lillehammer (INTOP) M: Erik Haugom, HiL C: Gudbrand Lien, HiL Lmariouh, Nisirine Social anthropology, action research Håkansson, Ulrika Childeren’s development of their every day practices and competences in the tension between tradition and modernity - Participatory action in a Berber village in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. LUC M: Pär Nygren, LUC C: Frank Jarle Bruun, LUC 19 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2014 From left: Johanne Kielland Servoll who dissertated in 2014, deretter Bjørg Midtskogen, Nisrine Lmariouh og Ulrika Håkansson who are Ph.D.fellowes at LUC. Starting date 2012 – 2013 20 Ph.d. fellow's name Field of study Working title of dissertation Degree-granting institutions Main supervisor (M) Co-supervisor (C) Nordli, Anne Jørgensen Travel and tourism Innovation in Norwegian Tourism LUC M: Martin Rønningen LUC C: Christer Thrane LUC Pettersvold, Mari Pedagogics Barns medvirkning i barnehagen – til barnets beste LUC M: Halvor Fauske, LUC Learning how to manage systemic effects in the implementation of international strategy at higher education institutions LUC M: Hans de Wit (Nederland) C: Ulla Higdem, LUC C: David Wheat, NMBU Restad, Helge Organizations theory Somby, Hege Merete Pedagogics Elever med særskilte behov og deres utbytte av entrepenørskap i utdanningen LUC M: Rune S. Hausstätter, LUC C: Vegard Johansen, NTNU Slaaen, Christian social anthropology Ungdomsblikk: Deltakelse og kompetanseutvikling i multikulturelle kontekster LUC M: Anne Sigfrid Grønseth, LUC Valle, Rune Film- and media sciences Nye drama i NRK - En studie av intern og ekstern dramaserieproduksjon i NRK 2007-2012 NTNU M: Roel Puijk, LUC C: Jon Raundalen, NTNU C: Jo Sondre Moseng, LUC Vik, Stine Elisabeh Special need pedagogics Tidlig innsats som pedagogisk prinsipp LUC (INTOP) M: Rune Hausstätter Wedum, Gunnhild Innovation Samskaping i tjenesteinnovasjon - et virkemiddel til tjenestifisering i produktorienterte bedrifter LUC (INTOP) M: Martin Rønningen Åstrøm, Jonas Karlsen Innovasjon i reiselivsnæringen - Hvordan kan vi øke Innovation, travel and innovasjonsaktivitetene og hjelpe med å snu utviktourism lingen for å gjøre næringen mer lønnsom? LUC (INTOP) M: Terje Slåtten, HiL C: Martin Rønningen, HiL PART B – DOCTORAL DEGREES DISSERTATION 2014 Stein Amundsen defended his dissertation "Empowering leadership - leading employees to lead themselves" for the philosophiae doctor degree on November 14, 2014. In the dissertation he explores a distinct approach to leadership that emerged towards the end of the 1980s. This dissertation contributes to the leadership and empowerment literature by exploration of the empowering leadership construct, which emerged as a distinct leadership approach in the late 1980s as a response to changes in work life and society in general. A review of relevant literature indicates that two related main approaches to empowering leadership have laid the foundation for what we today associate with the construct; that is, the concept of superleadership and various approaches of leadership that emphasize different forms and degrees of power sharing (here called the classical approach). Despite its place as a contemporary leadership approach, it is only in the last decade that empowering leadership has received earnest attention in the academic management literature. Amundsen’s dissertation highlights various aspects of empowering based leadership that has not previously been examined. The dissertation was conducted at the Faculty of Economics and Organizational Studies. Amundsen attended the doctorial program at NTNU where he was supervised by Jonathan Reams. Øyvind Marthinsen at BI was the co-supervisor. Anne-Mette Bjørgen defended her dissertation ‘Digital practices in interaction between contexts’ for the philosophiae doctor degree on April 24, 2014, where she studied how pupils, 9 – 13 years of age, use, experience and interpret digital technology in transition between school and leisure time. One of the main objectives of the dissertation is to understand how pupils experience and make sense of various digital practices within the framework of school and leisure context. The secondary objectives are to enhance our understanding of digital literacy as a research area in formal education, and to contribute towards the field of school practice by shedding light on how individual framing affects technology use and the development of digital competences. The dissertation contributes to the development of digital literacy as a field of research within the framework of the school by taking a child's perspective as a starting point. This makes it possible to draw attention to children's own positions and perspectives on how and why they participate in digital practices. Hence, the study specifies more theoretical and normative representations of digital literacy. The dissertation was conducted at the Faculty of Education and Social Work, Lillehammer University College with Pär Nygren as contributing supervisor. The doctoral program was completed at the University of Oslo with Ola Erstad as supervisor. Svein Åge Kjøs Johnsen defended his dissertation "Using the Natural Environment for Emotion Regulation. Conceptual and Empirical Explorations" on October 17 at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology The topic of Kjøs Johnsen’s thesis is the use of nature for emotion regulation. This is investigated through a theoretical analysis, a field study, an experimental study, and a survey study with stimulus presentations. Kjøs Johnsen’s research shows that nature appears to possess a number of special properties beyond the capacities of simple activation of positive emotion, and reduction of negative emotion. The evidence reported in the articles included in this thesis leads to the conclusion that the use of nature for emotion regulation generally divides into 1.the regulation of negative emotion, which is associated with self-reported restoration and a perceived increase in self-control strength, and, 2.the regulation of positive emotion, which is also associated with restoration to some extent. One of the conclusions of the thesis is that using nature actively to regulate negative emotions may increase positive mood, but it should not be over-exploited because the strategy may be less effective over time. 21 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2014 Heid Nøkleby defended her dissertation ‘Symptoms of eating disorders and the use of doping agents among women and men in treatment for drug addiction’ for the philosophiae doctor degree on June 10, 2014. In this dissertation, Nøkleby has examined how widespread eating and body issues are among men and women in treatment for drug addiction. The material for the study is drawn from surveys, observations and qualitative interviews with men and women in the treatment institution Tyrili Foundation (Tyrilistifelsen) for addicts. The analysis emphasizes the poor control of emotions as the background for the development of both substance abuse and eating or body issues. In addition symptoms of eating disorders and the use of doping agents is looked upon as expressions of practices related to body and gender in our culture. Recommended implications for treatment include a greater focus on function and background of symptoms, observing symptom expressions in context, thus facilitating overall treatment to a greater extent. Nøkleby completed the PhD at the PhD program Child and Youth Participation and Competence Development, and was the first who defended her thesis from that program at LUC. The main supervisor for Heid Nøkleby was Finn Skårderud and Marie Nordberg was co-supervisor. Stine Jeanette Lien-Nasir defended her dissertation “Innovation Norway: Innovation policy tool or a symbol?” for the philosophiae doctor degree on August 29, 2014. The dissertation examines the importance of the innovation concept in relation with the decision to establish Innovation Norway as a policy instrument aimed at the Norwegian industry. The thesis is based on the basis that Innovation Norway was established at a time when the innovation concept received a lot of attention and was considered important for a country's wealth creation and competitiveness in an increasingly globalized world. The thesis examines the reasoning for the reorganization of the policy instrument and the launch of the innovation policy plan in relation to the concept of innovation, as well as the implications the innovation concept had on Innovation Norway’s organizational layout. The thesis research topics are examined empirically using documents and qualitative interviews with people who were either essential in the reorganization process or that are a part of Innovation Norway. The thesis examines this concept and demonstrates how it’s used in distinctly different ways by various actors, but also in different contexts, revealing an inconsistent operationalization and use of this policy instrument for economic growth. Lien Nasir completed the PhD at the PhD program Innovation in Services, at Lillehammer University College. The main supervisor was Noralv Veggeland (LUC) and the co-supervisors were Knut Mikalsen (UiT) and Martin Rønningen (LUC). 22 PART B – DOCTORAL DEGREES Maria Røhnebæk defended her dissertation "Standardized Flexibility" for the philosophiae doctor degree on April 4, 2014. The thesis examines how and to what extent NAV (Norwegian employment and welfare services) employees’ work is shaped through the organization’s ICT-support. There is a widespread tendency to assume that technology is cold and rational, while interpersonal relationships are warm. This also affects how employees talk about the system's role in their work. Several of those interviewed convey that the system requirements and expectations restrict the ability to see, identify and follow up individual users. Questions that form the basis for the thesis is, among others: What does the goal of more user-oriented services in NAV really imply? And is increased digitization of the employee's workday consistent with the goal of increased user responsibility? If we look closer at how technology is used in practice, it reveals a different picture. The study is based on six years of fieldwork at a local NAV office, as well as interviews and document studies. Overall, the study shows that the employees’ workday is largely shaped by ICT support, but this does not necessarily mean that services are not user-oriented. It is still evident however that the information systems plays a dominant part in the development of the counsil role in NAV, which in turn implies increased standardization. Meanwhile the goal of user-oriented services consists of more flexibility and discretionary powers. Røhnebæk completed the PhD program at the University of Oslo, with Tian Sørhaug as the main supervisor. The thesis work was carried out at the centre for Innovation in Services at LUC, with Lars Fuglsang as supervisor. Johanne Kielland Servoll defended her dissertation ‘The Norwegian auteur. A conceptual historical analysis.’ for the philosophiae doctor degree on December 9, 2014. The dissertation analyzes how a French term for the director as an artist has been adapted to the Norwegian film culture and charged with different experiences and expectations through four decades: from Arne Skouen in the 50s and 60s, through Paul Løkkeberg, Anja Breien and Per Blom in the 70s to Vibeke Løkkeberg in the 80s. The auteur concept is associated with film directors who give their films a personal, artistic touch, and is central to discussions about the director's person and role influence on artistic quality. In Norway, the term has been disputed since the late 1970s. The auteurs were accused of being behind the alleged wretchedness of Norwegian films - something phrases as "self-centered auteurs" and "auteur turkeys" indicates. Servoll’s dissertation highlights how the different situations and traditions of French and Norwegian culture life demanded various properties of a film artist to legitimize the concept. The thesis sheds new light on the Norwegian film history, while the history of concept method animates Norwegian film and cultural history in a broad perspective and nuanced way. Servoll carried out the PhD work at the Faculty of Television Production at LUC, and defended her thesis at the University of Oslo where her supervisor was Liv Hausken. The co-supervisor at LUC was Tore Helseth. Hallfrid Velure defended her dissertation ‘A project is a project is a project.’ on April 2, 2014, at the University of Bergen. What is a project? Why was not our grandparents' world a project world, while our children's world is? This dissertation examines the history of the project concept from the 1700s until today, and shows how the project concept has been used in the Norwegian language, in particular the use increased from the 1960s and onwards. Not only is it used more often, but also the variety of intentions and the contexts it is used in has increased. In the dissertation Velure examined the development of the project concept and the importance it holds in the Norwegian language, with main emphasis on the rhetoric of cultural policy and the discourse of stage arts. Several researchers have previously noted that cultural policy has become more project oriented the last fifteen years. However this new thesis claims that this is not the case. On the contrary, the policy has been surprisingly stable in the relationship between long-term institutional support and short-term project funding. ‘The Project’ therefore has a bigger rhetorical then practical politics function. This is the first dissertation in Norwegian that is consistent on history of concept in both theoretical design and methodical execution. The PhD work was carried out while Velure was affiliated with the cultural project community at the Faculty of Social Science at LUC. The research training was completed at the University of Bergen, where Keld Hyldig was the main supervisor. Tore Helseth was co-supervisor at LUC. 23 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2014 PART C - PUBLICATIONS Part C provides an overview of publications produced at LUC in 2014. A selection of books by LUC faculty members are presented, journals published at LUC as well as a detailed overview of publications that generate publications points. SELECTION OF BOOKS PUBLISHED AT LUC Birkvad, Søren. (2014). The Classical Documentary Film. From the spirit of self-sacrifice to the role of the victim in the Key Works of the Genre 1930-1960. Odense Syddansk Universitetsforlag. [Scientific monograph] In the book, The Classical Documentary Film: From the spirit of selfsacrifice to the role of the victim in the Key Works of the Genre 19301960, Søren Birkvad tells the story of a remarkable change of the development within society-oriented documentary film. Botten, Grete Synøve; Frich, Jan C; Hagen, Terje P.; Iversen, Tor & Nordby, Halvor. eds. (2014). The Health service’s new logic. Oslo: Akademika. [Scientific anthology] The health service’s new logic explains how the complexity of the healthcare system must be understood from a multitude of scientific perspectives. Christensen, Karen & Guldvik, Ingrid eds. (2014). Migrant care workers: searching for new horizons. Farnham: Ashgate. [Scientific anthology] The book Migrant Care Workers: Searching for New Horizons highlights how migrants (immigrants) who come to Norway and England can realize their individual life projects by getting into health care work. Through viewing migrants as individuals who actively construct their lives within the options and conditions they are given at any time, they bring an awareness to the discussion of what might be called ‘a new type of migrant’ one who is neither a victim or someone leaving family behind, but individuals using care work as a part of their own life project of potential self-improvement. The book also shows how migration policies, general welfare and long-term care policies constitutes the context that influence migrants’ adaptations. 24 PART C – PUBLICATIONS Fuglsang, Lars; Rønning, Rolf & Enquist, Bo eds. (2014). Framing innovation in public service sectors. New York: Routledge. [Scientific anthology] The book is a collection of case studies, mainly from the public sector. An important point in the book is to emphasize that context is important in the study of innovation. Framing innovation in public service sectors was made after the CIS (SIT) community at LUC wanted to be more visible internationally. The book is a result of collaboration between invited people in the academic community at the Service Research Centre in Karlstad and Roskilde University. Høstaker, Roar. (2014). A Different Society Altogether : What Sociology can Learn from Deleuze, Guattari, and Latour. Newcastle Cambridge Scholars Publishing. . [Scientific monograph] The book, A Different Society Altogether, is a study of ‘social ontology’, i.e. what society and social issues consists of. One of the main problems the book highlights is the fundamental anthropocentrism in existing social theory, which makes it difficult for this theory to integrate the effects of language and technical objects. This book suggests some solutions based on the anthropology of science of Bruno Latour and the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. Kaya, Mehmed & Fauske, Halvor eds. (2014). Immigrants on the outside of society. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag. [Scientific anthology] The book’s title, Immigrants on the outside of society refers to the situation that many immigrants find themselves in. They are ‘outside’ society and important social communities to a greater or lesser extent, and they are thrown into an integration process that consists of participation, marginalization and adaptation while they must safeguard their own traditions and ways of life. Kiuppis, Florian. (2014). Heterogene Inklusivität, inklusive Heterogenität Fallstudie über den Bedeutungswandel imaginierter pädagogischer Konzepte im Kontext Internationaler Organisationen: Waxmann Verlag. [Scientific monograph] The book's title reflects on that in a global context there is a different understanding of what inclusive education is and that a dominant version has heterogeneity of pupils as a starting point. This is a study based on archival material and interviews with participants involved in the development of ‘inclusive education’ since 1994. 25 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2014 Lie, Branka Marjanovic. (2014). Exceptional and Twice-Exceptional Students (Gifted Students and Gifted Students with Learning Disabilities. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. [Scientific monograph] The book provides a thorough description of gifted students with learning disabilities – a field that is unknown in Norwegian educational / psychological practice and educational research, which make the book unique in its kind. Nordby, Halvor. (2014). Collaboration in prehospital work. Gyldendal Akademisk. [Textbook] The book clarifies and discusses ethical issues and communication challenges in this part of medical practice. Nordby, Halvor & Gali, André. (2014). Cosmic debris: Meteorites and Jewellery Objects by Reinhold Ziegler. Arnoldsche publishers. [Textbook] A philosophical essay about the primary properties of art objects. Nordby, Halvor. (2014). Ethics and communication in ambulance work: 101 examples. Akademika forlag. [Textbook] Ethics and communication in ambulance work - 101 examples provides paramedics with practical knowledge about how they can make lasting choices in their line of work. Stavrum, Lorentz Petter & Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin eds. (2014). The Belief Foundation of the Norwegian Constitution – and particularly on the Jew Prohibition Provision. Hertervig Akademisk. [Scientific anthology] The Belief Foundation of the Norwegian Constitution was published in connection with the anniversary of the Norwegian Constitution, and focuses on the Jew Prohibition Provision. The book examines the preliminary work and history behind the provision and the development of the provision until today. 26 PART C – PUBLICATIONS JOURNALS PUBLISHED AT LUC NORDIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL RESEARCH Nordic Journal of Social Research was established in 2010 as a collaborative effort between the university colleges in Lillehammer, Gjøvik and Hedmard. NJSR is an English-language, level-1, open-access journal, which publishes research results and discussions related to social conditions in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland. ARTICLES IN 2014: yyHjelte, J. & Westerberg, K. The story of a knowledge-based and learning organization yyThagaard, T. & Stefansen, K. Expressions of commitment and independence: Exploring men’s emotional responsibility in heterosexual couple relationships. Ede, L. & Starrin, B. Unresolved conflicts and shaming processes: risk factors for long-term sick leave for mentalhealth reasons. Hjort, T. & Panican, A. Navigating the market of welfare services: The choice of upper secondary school in Sweden. yyFrederiksen, M. And mistrust take the hindmost: generalized trust in Denmark from 1990-2008. yyHøyer, H.-C. Implementing regional innovation policies: doctrines and factors of influence. yyHedegaard, T. Stereotypes and welfare attitudes: a panel survey of how ‘poor Carina’ and ‘lazy Robert’ affected attitudes towards social assistance in Denmark. yyÖrestig, J. Ageing towards meaningful work? Age, labour-market change, and attitudes to work in the Swedish workforce, 1979–2003. - International Journal of Media, technology & Lifelong learning, is an open access level 1-publication produced at LUC. ARTICLES IN 2014 (VOLUME 10): Nummer 1: yyRone, J. My Own Private Public Library. yyHug, T. Education for All Revisited: On Concepts of Sharing in the Open Educational Resources (OER) Movement. yyMissomelius, P. Educational Expectations and Media Cultures. yyDander, V. How to Gain Knowledge When Data Are Shared? Open Government Data from a Media Pedagogical Perspective. yyRasi, P. & O’Neil, C. Dinosaurs and fossils living without dangerous tools: Social representations of computers and the Internet by elderly Finnish and American non-users. Nummer 2: yyFriesen, N. Old Literacies and the “New” Literacy Studies: Revisiting Reading and Writing yyLund,M., Bakken, J. & Englien, K. Teacher education as design: technology-rich learning environments and trajectories. yyNordby, H. Philosophical speech act theory and challenges in interactive dialogue: Experiences of narrow communication. yyEriksson, M., Rasi, P. & Vuojarvi, H. Comparing the use of computer-supported collaboration tools among university students with different life circumstances. 27 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2014 LEVEL-1 AND LEVEL-2 PUBLICATIONS Level-1 and level-2 publications are articles written by LUC faculty in peer-reviewed academic journals or books or chapters published by select publishers. The journals and publishers are included in the national documentation system for Norway’s performance-based research funding scheme. This scheme has financial implications for LUC. An academic monograph produces 5 points (level 1) or 8 points (level 2), an article in an academic journal produces 1 point (level 1) or 3 points (level 2). A chapter in an anthology produces 0.7 points (level 1) or 1 point (level 2). The list below is in alphabetical order by the name of the first author in cases where publications have been co-authored. All level 1 and level 2 publications can be found at Amundsen, Stein & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2014). Self-other agreement in empowering leadership: Relationships with leader effectiveness and subordinates’ job satisfaction and turnover intention. Leadership Quarterly, 25 (4):784-800. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 2, Points: 0,75. Andersen, Christina Strandholt & Dolva, Anne-Stine. (2014). Children’s perspective on their right to participate in decision-making according to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child article 12. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 1 (Ahead of print). Andersen, Jan; Hugemark, Agneta & Bjelke, Bjarne Richter. (2014). The market of personal assistance in Scandinavia: hybridization and provider efforts to achieve legitimacy and customers. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 16 (Supplement):34-47. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 0,333. Askheim, Ole Petter. (2014). Fra empowerment til samproduksjon: vitalisering eller tåkelegging av empowermentperspektivet? I: Empowerment i helse, ledelse og pedagogikk - nye perspektiver: Gyldendal Akademisk. s.26-36. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Askheim, Ole Petter. (2014). Vernepleieren som aktør for en "empowerment"-orientert praksis. I: Vernepleierfaglig kompetanse og faglig skjønn: Universitetsforlaget. s.65-88. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Askheim, Ole Petter; Bengtsson, Hans & Bjelke, Bjarne Richter. (2014). Personal assistance in a Scandinavian context: similarities, differences and developmental traits. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 16 (Supplement):3-18. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,333. Berg, Anne Marie. (2014). Organizing for innovation in the public sector. I: Framing innovation in public service sectors: Routledge. s.130-147. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 2, Points: 1. Bergum, Svein. (2014). Avstandsledelse: karakteristika og utfordringer. I: Personalledelse i et kunnskapsbasert arbeidsliv: Oplandske Bokforlag. s.39-59. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. 28 Birkvad, Søren. (2014). Den klassiske dokumentarfilm: fra offervilje til offermentalitet i genrens hovedværker 19301960. Odense Syddansk Universitetsforlag. [Vitenskapelig monografi] Level 1, Points: 5. Bjørgen, Anne Mette & Erstad, Ola. (2014). The connected child: tracing digital literacy from school to leisure. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 10 (2):113-127. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5 Bonfils, Inge S & Askheim, Ole Petter. (2014). Empowerment and personal assistance - resistance, consumer choice, partnership or discipline? Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 16 (1):62-78. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1 Points: 0,5. Bregnballe, Anne. (2014). Marginalisering av borgernes systemutfordrende stemmer : en Foucault-inspirert studie av maktmekanismer i norsk miljøpolitikk. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning, 55 (3):261-290. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Breiby, Monica Adele. (2014). Exploring aesthetic dimensions in a nature-based tourism context. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 20 (2):163-173. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 1. Dobson, Stephen R & Hartberg, Egil Weider. (2014). Elevvurdering. I: Pedagogikk 8. - 13. trinn : profesjonsutdanning av lærere: Gyldendal Akademisk. s.290-304. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 1, Points: 0,525. Dolva, Anne-Stine; Kleiven, Jo & Kollstad, Marit. (2014). Actual leisure participation of Norwegian adolescents with Down syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 18 (2):159-175 [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1 Ellefsen, Stian; Vikmoen, Olav; Slettaløkken, Gunnar; Whist, Jon Elling; Nygård, Håvard; Hollan, Ivana; Rauk, Irene; Vegge, Geir; Strand, Tor A; Raastad, Truls & Rønnestad, Bent. (2014). Irisin and FNDC5: effects of 12-week strength training, and relations to muscle phenotype and body mass composition in untrained women. European Journal of Applied Physiology. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 0,5454. PART C – PUBLICATIONS Ellefsen, Stian; Vikmoen, Olav; Zacharoff, Erika; Rauk, Irene; Slettaløkken, Gunnar; Hammarström, Daniel; Strand, Tor A; Vegge, Geir; Nygård, Håvard; Fagernes, Cathrine Elisabeth; Hollan, Ivana; Hanestadhaugen, Marita; Whist, Jon Elling & Rønnestad, Bent. (2014). Reliable determination of training-induced alterations in muscle fiber composition in human skeletal muscle using quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 24 (4):e332-e342 [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 2, Points: 1,928 Engelstad, Audun & Moseng, Jo Sondre. (2014). Mapping a Typology of the Film Producer : Or, Six Producers in Search of an Author. I: Beyond the bottom line : the producer in film and television studies: Bloomsbury Academic. s.45-63. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 2, Points: 1. Engen, Marit & Holen, Inger Elisabeth. (2014). Radical Versus Incremental Innovation: The Importance of Key Competences in Service Firms. Technology innovation management review (April):15-25. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Fauske, Halvor. (2014). Minoriteter, marginalisering og inkludering . på utsiden av samfunnet. I: Innvandrere på utsiden av samfunnet, eds. Kaya, Mehmet Siddik & Fauske, Halvor Abstrakt forlag. s.11-30. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi (Innledning).] Level 1, Points: 0,7 Fu, Hua & Rønning, Rolf. (2014). Status, challenges and innovation solutions for elderly care in China and the Nordic countries. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research, 7:289-308. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,250. Fuglsang, Lars & Møller, Jørn Kjølseth. (2014). Framing innovation in postal services: developing a hybrid organization. I: Framing innovation in public service sectors, eds. Fuglsang, Lars; Rønning, Rolf & Enquist, Bo: Routledge. s.112-129. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 2, Points: 0,25. Fuglsang, Lars & Rønning, Rolf. (2014). Conclusion: Public Service Sector Innovation in Context. I: Framing innovation in public service sectors, eds. Fuglsang, Lars; Rønning, Rolf & Enquist, Bo: Routledge. s.218-233. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 2, Points: 0,5. Fuglsang, Lars & Rønning, Rolf. (2014). Framing Innovation in Public Service Sectors: A Contextual Approach. I: Framing innovation in public service sectors, eds. Fuglsang, Lars; Rønning, Rolf & Enquist, Bo: Routledge. s.1-17. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 2, Points: 0,5. Fuglsang, Lars; Rønning, Rolf & Enquist, Bo eds. (2014). Framing innovation in public service sectors: Routledge. Goodley, Dan & Kiuppis, Florian. (2014). Mapping the «Individual»: Invigorating Social Theories of Inclusive Education. I: Inclusive education twenty years of after Salamanca, eds. Kiuppis, Florian & Hausstätter, Rune: Peter Lang Publishing Group. s.271-284. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi ] Level 1, Points: 0,350. Grünfeld, Nina. (2014). Hvem tror du at du er? Ulike kjennetegn ved den personlige dokumentarfilmen. I: Hvor går dokumentaren? Nye tendenser i film, fjernsyn og på nett, eds. Bastiansen, Henrik G. & Aam, Pål Rune Fagbokforlaget. s.15-34. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Grønseth, Anne Sigfrid. (2014). Experiences of Pain: A Gateway to Cosmopolitan Subjectivity. I: We the cosmopolitans: Moral and existential conditions of being human, eds. Josephides, Lisette & Hall, Alexandra. : Berghahn Books. s.90-110. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi ] Level 2, Points: 1. Grønseth, Anne Sigfrid. (2014). Fra å være feilplassert til opplevelse av tilhørighet : tamilers forhandlinger om identitet og velvære. I: Innvandrere på utsiden av samfunnet, eds. Kaya, Mehmet Siddik & Fauske, Halvor Abstrakt forlag. s.107-127. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Guldvik, Ingrid. (2014). Facing Challenging Intimate Relationships. I: Migrant care workers: searching for new horizons: Ashgate. s.147-172. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi ] Level 2, Points: 1. Guldvik, Ingrid. (2014). Gendered Pathways and Care Worker Profiles. I: Migrant care workers: searching for new horizons: Ashgate. s.97-122. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 2, Points: 1. Guldvik, Ingrid; Christensen, Karen & Larsson, Monica. (2014). Towards solidarity : working relations in personal assistance. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 16 (S1):48-61. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,33. Gustafsson, Erni & Alawi, Nabil. (2014). “A once in a lifetime experience” : The practice placement in Palestine project (PPP)- A report. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 23 (1):36-54. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Gustafsson, Erni & Alawi, Nabil. (2014). ‘Aliens — but friends’: practice placement at Balata refugee camp, Palestine. European Journal of Social Work, 23 (1): 36-54. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 2, Points: 1,5. Haugom, Erik; Hoff, Guttorm, A.; Mortensen, Maria; Molnar, Peter & Westgaard, Sjur. (2014). The forecasting power of medium-term futures contracts. Journal of Energy Markets, 7 (3):1-23. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,10. Haugom, Erik; Langeland, Henrik Søyland; Molnar, Peter & Westgaard, Sjur. (2014). Forecasting volatility of the U.S. oil market. Journal of Banking & Finance, 47 (1):1-14. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,125. Haugom, Erik; Lien, Gudbrand; Veka, Steinar Svartskuren & Westgaard, Sjur. (2014). Covariance estimation using high-frequency data: Sensitivities of estimation methods. Economic Modelling, 43:416-425. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Haugom, Erik; Veka, Steinar Svartskuren; Lien, Gudbrand & Westgaard, Sjur. (2014). Estimating and evaluating Value-at-Risk forecasts based on realized variance: empirical evidence from ICE Brent Crude oil futures. Opec Energy Review, 38 (4):373-397. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 0,5. 29 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2014 Hausstätter, Rune & Jahnukainen, Markku. (2014). From Integration to Inclusion and the Role of Special Education. I: Inclusive education twenty years of after Salamanca, eds. Kiuppis, Florian & Hausstätter, Rune Peter Lang Publishing Group. s.119-132. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,35. Hausstätter, Rune & Thuen, Harald. (2014). Special education today in Norway. Advances in Special Education, 28:181-207. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Hausstätter, Rune & Vik, Stine. (2014). Fra "early intervention" til tidlig innsats. Utfordringer ved adopsjon av amerikanske intervensjonsprogrammer til norsk pedagogikk. Spesialpedagogikk (6):44-57. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1 (BUK). Higdem, Ulla. (2014). The co-creation of regional futures: Facilitating action research in regional foresight. Futures : The journal of policy, planning and futures studies, 57:4150. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 1. Høstaker, Roar. (2014). A Different Society Altogether : What Sociology can Learn from Deleuze, Guattari, and Latour. Newcastle Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [Vitenskapelig monografi] Level 1, Points: 5. Kaya, Mehmet Siddik. (2014). Hvordan håndterer andregenerasjonsinnvandrere sin identitet i Norge? Sosiologisk Tidsskrift, 22 (2):146-177. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Kaya, Mehmet Siddik. (2014). Kvinner med innvandrerbakgrunn og yrkesdeltakelse. I: Innvandrere på utsiden av samfunnet, eds. Kaya, Mehmet Siddik & Fauske, Halvor Abstrakt forlag. s.31-62. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Kiuppis, Florian & Hausstätter, Rune. (2014). Inclusive Education for All, and Especially for Some? On Different Interpretations of Who and What the «Salamanca Process» Concerns. I: Inclusive education twenty years of after Salamanca: Peter Lang Publishing Group. s.1-6. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi ] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Kiuppis, Florian. (2014). Heterogene Inklusivität, inklusive Heterogenität Fallstudie über den Bedeutungswandel imaginierter pädagogischer Konzepte im Kontext Internationaler Organisationen: Waxmann Verlag. [Vitenskapelig monografi] Level 2, Points: 8. Kiuppis, Florian. (2014). Inclusive Education for All as a Special Interest within the Comparative and International Education Research Community. International Perspectives on Education and Society, 25:53-63. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 1 Kiuppis, Florian. (2014). Risiko oder Gefahr, Bedarfe oder Bedürfnisse? Zur diskursiven Gleichzeitigkeit von sich widersprechenden Grundideen bei der Entwicklung bildungspolitischer Projekte im Kontext Internationaler Organisationen. Die Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften, 36 (2):243-264. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 1. Kumbhakar, Subal Chandra; Amundsveen, Roar; Kvile, Hilde Marit & Lien, Gudbrand. (2014). Scale economies, 30 technical change and efficiency in Norwegian electricity distribution, 1998–2010. Journal of Productivity Analysis:11. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,25. Lebeck, Carl. (2014). General Principles. I: The EEA and the EFTA Court : Decentred Integration: Hart Publishing Ltd. s.253-262. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi ] Level 2, Points: 1. Lebeck, Carl. (2014). Mot en rätt att bli glömd? – något om persondataskydd, informationsfrihet och sökmotorers ansvar i EU-rätten. NIR : Nordiskt immateriellt rättsskydd (6):644-660. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 2, Points: 3. Lie, Branka Marjanovic. (2014). Eksepsjonelle og dobbelteksepsjonelle elever: Begavede elever og begavede elever med lærevansker. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk. [Vitenskapelig monografi] Level 1, Points: 5. Marklund, Staffan; Aronsson, Gunnar; Johansen, Vegard & Solheim, Liv Johanne. (2014). Previous sickness presence among long-term sick-listed in Norway and Sweden: A retrospective study of prevalence and self-reported reasons. International Journal of Social Welfare:12. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 2, Points: 0,75. Mjøs, Ole Johan; Moe, Hallvard & Sundet, Vilde Schanke. (2014). The Functions of Buzzwords: A comparison of ‘Web 2.0’ and ‘Telematics’. First Monday, 19 (12). [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 0,333. Netteland, Grete & Nordkvelle, Yngve Troye. (2014). Korleis kan LMS medverke til auka kvalitet i høgare utdanning? I: Det mangfaldige kvalitetsomgrepet. Fjordantologien 2013, eds. Amdam, Jørgen; Helgesen, Øyvind & Sæther, Knut-Willy Oslo: Forlag1. s.37-65. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,350. Nordby, Halvor. (2014). Kommunikasjon og helseledelse. I: Helsetjenestens nye logikk, eds. Botten, Grete Synøve; Frich, Jan C; Hagen, Terje P.; Iversen, Tor & Nordby, Halvor Akademika forlag. s.35-46. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi] Level 1, Points: 0,350. Nordby, Halvor. (2014). Philosophical speech act theory and challenges in interactive dialogue: Experiences of narrow communication. : Media, technology and lifelong learning, 10 (2). [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Poeng;0,5. Nøkleby, Heid; Pedersen, Geir Feigum & Skårderud, Finn. (2014). Symptoms of Eating Disorders Among Females in Drug Addiction Treatment. Journal of Social Work Practice in The Addictions, 14 (3):225-238. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,333. Ohnstad, Bente. (2014). Alternativ behandling. Bakgrunn og begrunnelse for dagens lovregulering. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 17 (4):2-15. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 1. Pappens, Meike; Schroijen, Mathias; Sütterlin, Stefan; Smets, Elyn; Van den Bergh, Omer; Thayer, Julian F. & Van Diest, Ilse. (2014). Resting heart rate variability predicts safety learning and fear extinction in an interoceptive fear conditioning paradigm. PLoS ONE, 9 (9):1-9. PART C – PUBLICATIONS [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 0,047. Paulsen, Gøran; Cumming, Kristoffer T.; Hallén, Jostein; Holden, Geir; Rønnestad, Bent; Skaug, Arne; Sveen, Ole; Paur, Ingvild; Bastani, Nasser Ezzatkhah; Østgaard, Hege; Buer, Charlotte; Midttun, Magnus; Freuchen, Fredrik; Wiig, Håvard; Ulseth, Elisabeth Tallaksen; Garthe, Ina; Blomhoff, Rune; Benestad, Haakon Breien & Raastad, Truls. (2014). Vitamin C and E supplementation hampers cellular adaptation to endurance training in humans: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Journal of Physiology, 592 (8):1887-1901 [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 2, Points: 0,157. Puijk, Roeland. (2014). Tv og nett : en produksjonsstudie fra norsk fjernsyn. Norsk Medietidsskrift, 21 (1):2441. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift Oversettelse ]. Rijsdijk, Kenneth F.; Hengl, Tom; Norder, Sietze J.; Otto, Rüdiger; Emerson, Brent C.; Ávila, Sérgio; Lopez, Heriberto; van Loon, Emiel; Tjørve, Even & FernandezPalacios, José María. (2014). Quantifying surface-area changes of volcanic islands driven by Pelistocene se-levek cycles : biogeographical implications for the Macaronesian archipelagos. Journal of Biogeography, 47 (7):1242-1254. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 2, Points: 0,3. Røhnebæk, Maria. (2014). Translating client-orientation through ICT. I: Framing innovation in public service sectors., eds. Enquist, Bo; Fuglsang, Lars & Rønning, Rolf New York Routledge. s.148-170. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 2, Points: o,5. Rønnestad, Bent; Askestad, Arild & Hansen, Joar. (2014). HIT maintains performance during the transition period and improves next season performance in well-trained cyclists. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 114 (9):1831-1839. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 1. Rønnestad, Bent; Hansen, Joar; Vegge, Geir; Tønnessen, Espen & Slettaløkken, Gunnar. (2014). Short intervals induce superior training adaptations compared with long intervals in cyclists - An effort-matched approach. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 25 (2): 143–151. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 2, Points: 2,4. Rønnestad, Bent; Hollan, Ivana; Hansen, Joar & Ellefsen, Stian. (2014). Strength training improves performance and pedaling characteristics in elite cyclists. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 25 (1):89-98 [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 2, Points: 2,25. Rønning, Rolf. (2014). The diffusion of innovation : a question of power. I: Framing innovation in public service sectors: Routledge. s.201-217. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi ] Level 2, Points: 0,5. Rønningen, Martin & Lien, Gudbrand. (2014). The importance of systemic features for innovation orientation in Norwegian tourism firms. I: Handbook of Research on Innovation in Tourism Industries: Edward Elgar Publishing. s.27-55. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi ] Level 2, Points: 1. Sandbakk, Øyvind; Hansen, Mads; Ettema, Gertjan & Rønnestad, Bent. (2014). The effects of heavy upper-body strength training on ice sledge hockey sprint abilities in world class players. Human Movement Science (38):251261. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,25. Scheuren, Raymonde; Sütterlin, Stefan & Anton, Fernand. (2014). Rumination and interoceptive accuracy predict the occurrence of the thermal grill illusion of pain. BMC Psychology, 2 (22). [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 0,111. Selbekk, Anne Schanche; Sagvaag, Hildegunn & Fauske, Halvor. (2014). Addiction, families and treatment: A critical realist search for theories that can improve practice. Addiction Research and Theory, 23(3):196-204. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 0,33. Sipiläinen, Timo; Kumbhakar, Subal Chandra & Lien, Gudbrand. (2014). Performance of dairy farms in Finland and Norway from 1991 to 2008. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 41 (1):63-86. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 0,166. Slettaløkken, Gunnar & Rønnestad, Bent. (2014). High intensity interval training every second week maintains VO2max in soccer players during off-season. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 28 (7):1946-1951. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 1. Slåtten, Terje & Mehmetoglu, Mehmet. (2014). The Effects of Transformational Leadership and Perceived Creativity on Innovation Behavior in the Hospitality Industry. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 14 (2):195219. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Slåtten, Terje. (2014). Determinants and effects of employee’s creative self-efficacy on innovative activities. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 6 (4). [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 1. Slåtten, Terje; Connolley, Steven Patrick & Matovu, Barbara Rebecca. (2014). Four Drivers of Effective Sponsorship: A Case Study of the Birkebeiner Race in Norway. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 15 (3):220-235. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Smith-Solbakken, Marie & Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin. (2014). Jødenes situasjon i Norge fra 1851 og frem til 1945. I: Den norske Grunnlovens trosfundament : grunnlovens §2 - Jødeparagrafen: Hertervig Akademisk. s.113-131. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,35. Snævarr, Stefan Valdemar. (2014). Dylan as a Rortian: Bob Dylan, Richard Rorty, Postmodernism, and Political Skepticism. The Journal of Aesthetic Education, 48 (4):3849. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 2, Points: 3. 31 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2014 Stavrum, Lorentz Petter. (2014). Statskirke og menneskerettigheter. I: Den norske Grunnlovens trosfundament : grunnlovens §2 - Jødeparagrafen, eds. Stavrum, Lorentz Petter & Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin Hertervig Akademisk. s.164-177. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Stenseth, Geir. (2014). Noen komparative og historiske ekspropriasjonsrettslige betraktninger. Kart og Plan (2):112-120. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Stensløkken, Kåre-Olav; Ellefsen, Stian; Vasieva, Olga; Fang, Youhan; Farrell, Anthony P.; Olohan, Lisa; Vaage, Jarle; Nilsson, Göran Erik & Cossins, Andrew R. (2014). Life without Oxygen: Gene Regulatory Responses of the Crucian Carp (Carassius carassius) Heart Subjected to Chronic Anoxia. PLoS ONE, 9 (11). [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,111. Stuvøy, Kirsti. (2014). Human Security and Women’s Security Reality in Northwest Russia. I: Environmental and Human Security in the Arctic, eds. Hoogensen Gjørv, Gunhild; Bazely, Dawn; Tanentzap, Andrew & Goloviznina, Marina: Routledge. s.231-249. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 2, Points: 0,7. Stuvøy, Kirsti. (2014). Power and Public Chambers in the development of civil society in Russia. Communist and post-communist studies, 47 (3/4):409-419. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Thrana, Hilde Marie. (2014). Kjærlighet : en anerkjennelsesrelasjon i arbeidet med utsatt ungdom. Fontene forskning, 7 (14):4-17. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1 (BUK). Thrane, Christer. (2014). Modelling micro-level tourism expenditure : recommendations on the choice of independent variables, functional form and estimation technique. Tourism Economics, 20 (1):51-60. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 0,5. Thrane, Christer; Farstad, Eivind & Dybedal, Petter. (2014). International tourists’ decision timing: crossnational differences. Tourism Economics, 20 (2):227-240. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,166. Thuen, Harald. (2014). Familieillusjoner : Historiske modeller i oppdragelse av forsømte og vanskelige barn. Arr. Idéhistorisk tidsskrift, 26 (2):61-71. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Tolstad, Helene Kvarberg. (2014). Development of ruraltourism experiences through networking: An example from Gudbrandsdalen, Norway. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, 68 (2):111-120. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Tønnesen, Espen; Svendsen, Ida S.; Rønnestad, Bent; Hisdal, Jonny; Haugen, Thomas Andre & Seiler, Stephen. (2014). The Annual Training Periodization of Eight World Champions in Orienteering. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 0,166 32 Van der Ros, Janneke. (2014). Når kjønn er et valg : Transpersoners inntreden i verden. Fontene forskning, 7 (1):56-68. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Veggeland, Noralv. (2014). Social characteristics of regulatory regimes. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 5 (13):30-44. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift] Level 1, Points: 1. Vervoort, Tine; Trost, Zina; Sütterlin, Stefan; Caes, Line & Moors, Agnes. (2014). The emotion regulatory function of parent attention to child pain and associated implications for parental pain control behaviour. Pain, 155 (8):14531463. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 0,3. Vik, Stine. (2014). Barns deltakelse og tidlig innsats: et pedagogisk bidrag til forståelse av tidlig innsats i norske barnehager. Nordisk Barnehageforskning, 8 (2):1-13. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 1 (BUK). Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin & Aarek, Hans Eirik. (2014). Kvekerne og grunnloven. I: Den norske Grunnlovens trosfundament : grunnlovens §2 - Jødeparagrafen, eds. Stavrum, Lorentz Petter & Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin Hertervig Akademisk. s.149-162. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,35. Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin. (2014). Grunnloven, jesuitter og munkeordener. I: Den norske Grunnlovens trosfundament : grunnlovens §2 - Jødeparagrafen, eds. Stavrum, Lorentz Petter & Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin Hertervig Akademisk. s.132-148. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi.] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Weihe, Hans-Jørgen Wallin. (2014). Protestantisk etikk, Benjamin Franklin, Adam Smith og Ludvig Holberg. I: Den norske Grunnlovens trosfundament : grunnlovens §2 - Jødeparagrafen: Hertervig Akademisk. s.46-51. [Artikkel i vitenskapelig antologi ] Level 1, Points: 0,7. Westgaard, Sjur; Veka, Steinar Svartskuren; Haugom, Erik & Lien, Gudbrand. (2014). A note on the risk characteristics of european energy futures markets. Beta, 28 (1):5-19. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 0,25. Wiig, Eli Marie; Haugland, Bente Storm Mowatt; Halsa, Astrid Dagmar & Myra, Siv Merete. (2014). Substancedependent women becoming mothers: breaking the cycle of adverse childhood experiences. Child & Family Social Work:10. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 2, Points: 0,375 (Ahead of print). Wölk, Julian; Sütterlin, Stefan; Koch, Stefan; Vögele, Claus & Schulz, Stefan M. (2014). Enhanced cardiac perception predicts impaired performance in the Iowa Gambling Task in patients with panic disorder. Brain and Behavior, 4 (2):238-246. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 0,10. Ziljastra, F. R. H.; Cropley, Mark & Rydstedt, Leif. (2014). From Recovery to Regulation: An Attempt to Reconceptualize ‘Recovery from Work’. Stress and Health, 30 (3):244-252. [Fagfellevurdert artikkel i vitenskapelig tidsskrift ] Level 1, Points: 0,33. PART C – PUBLICATIONS ARTISTIC DEVELOPMENT WORK THE NORWEGIAN FILM SCHOOL The Norwegian Film School is the artistic education at LUC, and has developed an artistic development work program that the higher education act regards as equivalent to scientific research. The film school base themselves on the official definition of artistic development work: Artistic Development work covers artistic processes that lead to a publically available product. An explicit reflection of the development and presentation of the product can also be included in the activity. (The Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions “Emphasis on artistic development work”; 2007) The film school’s goal is that the teaching is based on artistic development work. This entails that almost all of the teachers are employed on a part-time basis and still are active filmmakers. They pass on their knowledge and experiences from artistic activities to their students through reflection and re-working material. In this way we obtain teaching based on artistic development work that is current and relevant. In addition several of the teachers carry out artistic development work that is not directly related to film projects, but rather development work that has a broad, immersive and reflective character in relation to the teacher’s field of study. Some examples of these works are listed below. An important part of the artistic development work at the Norwegian Film School takes place within the framework of the Norwegian Artistic Research Program. This program was established by art education institutions in Norway, including the Norwegian Film School, and consists of a fellowship program (more information in part B of the report) and a project program. The Norwegian Artistic Research Program shall strengthen artistic development work at the highest level. For the Norwegian Film School, who define itself as a storytelling film school, the teacher’s film work, research fellows and the artistic development work mentioned above is of great importance when it comes to adding new academic perspectives to the education and academic environment. Especially in the years to come when the school is undergoing a modernization with new bachelor and master programs, and further education possibilities for the industry, will it be important to expand the competence level of the academic environment through artistic development work. The Norwegian Film School is therefore active in searching for relevant projects and qualified people that can contribute in that area. During the last three years the Norwegian Film School has obtained funding for two major projects within the Project Program: yyErik Poppe; film director, project member: The subjective objective. An exploration of the possibilities of increased emotionality, the use of highly personalized and strictly subjectively point of view in conscious narrative film. yyNiels Pagh Andersen; film editor, main teacher: ”Order in Chaos. An exploration and extension of the language in the Filmic Storyline”. Other selected artistic development works at the Norwegian Film School: yyKjell Vassdal; cinematographer, main teacher. “Film photography in the change of time - from an analog to a digital expression” yyOlivier Rahmat; film editor, former main teacher, now a guest teacher: “VISIUAL NARRATIVE. A study of film language as dramaturgical tools”. yySveinbjørn Baldvinsson; screenplay writer, main teacher: ”Vikings – a television series that breaks with conventions. yyCecilie Semec; cinematographer, main teacher: The modern film image. A study of the modern film image from a film photographic perspective. yyEinar Egeland; film editor, main teacher; MANIPULATE ME - mind and emotion in cinema, a cognitive study in the art of film editing. 33 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2014 Ph. D.-fellow financed by LUC Rafal Hanzl: Ways of expression: the impact of VFX technology on modern storytelling in feature film production. 4-årig stipendiat fra 2014 ARTISTIC PRODUCTION 2014 Manus yySveinbjörn Baldvinsson: "Hraunið", (TV-drama) Direction Anders Hove yyDitte og Louise. Producer DR Danmarks Radio (TV) yyVandalism.(Hærværk) . Det Kgl. Teater København (Theatre) yySandmanden. Det Kgl. Teater Copenhagen (Theatre) yyThe Brigde (Broen). Produsent Dansk radio DR (TV) yyGeneral Hospital. ABC/Disney (TV) yyDen Som Falder - Det Kgl. Teater København (Theatre) Photo Cecilie Semec yyA Blank Slate. Producer: Payne Film AS (Short feature film) yyI’m the one you want. (Det er meg du vil ha) Producer: Motlys AS (Feature film) yyThis is every place. Producer: Tensta Konsthall (Short feature film) yyMoney back please. Producer: De jentene der Filmproduksjon (Short feature film) yy11 films for GUCCI. Producer: M&M Productions in Rome. (Short feature film) yyTrip Abroad. Produsent: Nils Bech. (Music Video) Film editing Niels Pagh Andersen yyBloodsisters (Blodsøstre). Producer: Malin Andersson Film Sweden yyThe Look of Silence. Producer: Final Cut for Real yyThe Yesmen are revolting. Producer: FeltFilm /Chili Films USA yyLeaving Africa. Producer: Guerilla Films Finland yyDemocrats. Producer: Upfront Film Denmark yyMasterClass og Roughcut-lab DocMontevideo yyMasterClass Nordisk Panorama Malmø yyMasterClass Helsinki Filmfestival Inge-Lise Langfeld yyManIslam. Producer: Integral film as (Documentary) yyAnna-Karenina. Producer: Orto Polare (Documentary) 34 yyNina’s children (Ninas barn). Producer: Gründer Film. (Documentary) yyLife is a moment. Producer: Blylaget Film&Movies (Feature film) yyBjørnøya. Producer. Produsent: Turbin Film (Documentary) Zaklina Sotyevska yySkumringslandet. Producer: Skumringslandet AS, Motlys AS (Feature film) yyA parson and a bother (En prest og en plage). Producer: f(x) produksjoner AS. (Documentary) yyAgg. Producer: AS. (Spillefilm) Sound Carl Svensson yyLetter to the King (Brev til kongen). Producer: Film Farms (Feature film) yySvenskjævel. Producers: Hummelfilm, Anagram and Cinenic (Feature film) yy17 000 Islands. Producer: Plym Serafin. (Documentary) yyAlbert Åberg. Producer: Maipo, A-film (TV cartoon) yyLa Mafar (No Exit) Produsent: Idioms Film (Documentary) Production design Jack van Domburg yyEyewitness. (Øyevitne). Producer: NRK (TV-drama) Rasmus Tjellesen yyFasandreperne. Producert: Zentropa (Feature film). Producer Martin Ersgård yyOne night in Oslo (Natt til 17.) Producer: Maipo Film AS (Feature film). FACULTY OF TELEVISION PRODUCTION The Faculty of Television Production have practical production oriented educations for television and is one of the leading television educations in Norway. The students are taught a number of relevant production roles, processes, methods and content production for professional television. Another important part of the studies is how to master complex narrative techniques and audiovisual narrative. In order to perform at the highest level, a central part of the education consists of skill developing exercises and carrying out practical productions of different lengths, formats and genres. In addition the students learn how to reflect about key issues related to television productions in a societal perspective, as well as their own role and performance in productions. The graduated students PART C – PUBLICATIONS shall through their professionalizing be able to contribute to renewal in the industry through the improvement of practice and development of knowledge. It is essential that those who teach and supervise our students have comprehensive and updated knowledge and a high level of expertise within this broad and changing industry. It is also important that they keep maintaining their level of expertise. Through artistic development work (including production), where they practice and perform, create and bring forth, they are able to maintain their professionalism at a high level. This benefits both the faculty and students through continuously updated knowledge, professional networks and new professional perspectives. Competence building and experiences from artistic development work help create an important dynamic education environment that stimulates the entire faculty. The Faculty of Television Production help to facilitate employees to work with practical and artistic productions that are relevant with our education programs. This takes place through the use of R&D time, arranged working hours, leave of absence and work experience schemes. It is a goal that artistic development will be available to all the teaching staff, through work planning and systematization of artistic development in education and long-term educational development. ARTISTIC PRODUCTION 2014 Produsent Finn Gjerdrum yyIn Order of Disappearance (Kraftidioten) Producer: Paradox Film (Feature film) yyThe King's Choice (Kongens Nei) Producer: Paradox Film (Feature film) yyThe Last King (Birkebeinerne) Producer: Paradox Film (Feature film) Music producer Halldor Krogh yyOpening of Hamar Culture Centre (Åpning av Hamar Kulturhus) Producer: NRK (TVentertainment) yyWhen The Norwegian Radio Orchestra (KORK) came to the village (Da KORK kom til bygda) Producer: NRK (TV-entertainment) yyOpening of Fosnavåg Culture Centre (Åpning av Kulturhuset i Fosnavåg) Producer: NRK (TVentertainment) yyAlf Prøysen 100 years. KORK at Det Norske Teatret. Producer: NRK (TV-entertainment) yyKlassisk Bjørn Eidsvåg. Concert in Oslo Spektrum. Producer: NRK (TV-entertainment) yyKORK at the Norwegian Peace Prize Concert. Producer: NRK (TV-entertainment) yyShark in the Kitchen, with Sverre Riise (CD music) Direction Andreas Dreyer yySound of Prøysen (Lyden av Prøysen) Producer: NRK (Music documentary) yyOpening broadcast Hamar Kulturhus (Åpningssending Hamar Kulturhus) Producer: NRK (TV-entertainment) Leiv Igor Devold yyThe Accidental Rock Star (Den tilfeldige rockestjerne) Producer: Medieoperatørene. (Documentary) Nina Grünfeld yyNina’s children (Ninas barn) Producer: NRK (Documentary) Erling Borgen yyA heart that never dies (Et hjerte som aldri dør) Producer: NRK. (Documentary series) yyThe Norwegian Nazi profiteers (De norske naziprofitørene) Producer: NRK (Documentary) Sound Billy Henningsen yyA Swan Lake. Co-production between the Norwegian National Opera, NRK and a Dutch production company. yyDebatten. Debate Program NRK. yyTrygdekontoret. Talkshow NRK. yyUnderholdningsavdelingen. Comedy NRK. yyHypokonderen. Oslo Nye Teater and broadcasted on NRK. yyLindmo. Talkshow NRK. yyOpening of Bodø Culture Centre (Åpningen av kulturhuset i Bodø) NRK production. 35 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AT LILLEHAMMER UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 2014 DISSERTATIONS AT LUC 2014 LUC’s two first dissertations from its own PhD programs in 2014. Heid Nøkleby defended her dissertation on June 10, 2014. In the picture to the left: Head of Research Yvonne Fritze and the first candidate for a doctorate at LUC, Heid Nøkleby. The picture was taken after the result was announced. Picture below: During the disputation. Read more about Nøkleby’s dissertation on page 22. Stine Lien-Nasir defended her dissertation on August 29, 2014. In the picture from the left that was taken after the disputation was completed: 1st opponent Professor Per Kristian Mydske, University of Oslo, Stine Lien-Nasir, the commission administrator associate professor Ulla Higdem and 2nd opponent Professor Roar Amdam, Volda University College. Read more about Lien-Nasir’s dissertation on page 22. 36 PART C – PUBLICATIONS R&D-SEMINAR AND CONFERENCES ORGANIZED BY LUC Snowball Conference 30 - 31 January 2014 yyThe development project within the travel industry in the Lillehammer region, Snowball, organized a conference at Maihaugen in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Lillehammer Olympics. The theme was ‘large events impact on business and society. NERA-Conference 5 – 7 March 2014 yyLillehammer University College organized the yearly NERA-conference (Nordic Educational Research Association) at Lillehammer. The theme was ‘Sustainable Education’. The background was the United Nations decade of sustainable education, which ended in 2014. The Conference took a closer look at what has been achieved by the goals the UN and UENSCO formulated ten years ago. Conference on hate crimes against disabled 5 - 6 May 2014 yyNorwegian Network for Research on Disabilities (NNFF) and the Centre for Lifelong Learning (SELL) at LUC hosted the 6th research conference in Lillehammer. The conference will highlight a less researched theme in Norway related to violence against disabled people. The theme is particularly relevant after people with disabilities received the same degree of protection under the current penal code in the summer of 2013, as other vulnerable groups. SELECTION OF SEMINARS AND GUEST LECTURES AT LUC yyJanuary 8: A local historic lecture ‘Interment in Lillehammer’ with associate professor Gudmund Moren. A personal story with a glance at the situation of German personnel in Norway after the capitulation. yyJanuary 22: Journalist and author Magnhild Bruheim talks about arriving in Lillehammer to attend school in 1968 in the lecture ‘Rural girl arrives in town’ yyJanuary 23: Half-day seminar on social media; current trends and challenges related to IT security. yyJanuary 30: The Norwegian film seminar is a meeting place between the film industry and academia. The theme was Norwegian film policy. yyFebruary 17: Open seminar at LUC on "Integrated education in the political context of Macedonia" with representatives from Nansen Dialogue Centre Skopje in Skopje and in cooperation with the Nansen Peace Centre. yyFebruary 17: Open seminar about the social anthropologist, biologist, system and communication theorist Gregory Bateson and relational thinking. Bateson's daughter Nora, showed the documentary she made about her father and talked with the participants about her father's thinking. yyFebruary 20: Middle East expert Cecilie Hellestveit gave the yearly ‘Lektor Fjords’ memorial lecture on the theme "How to understand the conflict in Syria?" yyApril 2: Students and staff at International studies organized the seminar "The Palestinian State Building-Project and the Role of International donors: Is Palestine a Sustainable State or Utopia Project?" yyApril 4: In conjunction with the Constitutional Anniversary, Parliamentary President Olemic Thommessen held a lecture on the constitutional importance of democracy and human rights, with particular emphasis on future developments. yyJune 3: One of the world's most influential innovation researchers, Professor Bengt-Åke Lundvall lectured at LUC on the status of innovation research and on future challenges in the field. yyOctober 2: The Law Society at LUC organized an imperfect lecture about being less perfect, in collaboration with World Mental Health Day. yyNovember 4: Niklas Modig gave an open lecture about «LEAN-service and LEAN-leadership» Modig has been a researcher at Stockholm School of Economics since 2004, speaks Japanese fluently and has worked in Toyota’s service organization. yyDecember 10-11: Professor Stephen Osborne from The University of Edinburgh Business School held an open guest lecture about “Service Innovation in the Public Sector” and a research seminar called “Key research challenges in public service innovation”. 37 Lillehammer University College tlf. 61 28 80 00 Høgskolen i Lillehammer Postboks 952 2604 Lillehammer
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