NIHR RDS for the Yorkshire and the Humber Photo © Hello and welcome to the June 2010 edition of ‘Take Five’, from the Yorkshire and Humber RDS, a regular email update, groaning with training events, research funding and the latest health news, and websites in neat little sets of five. Please do feel free to forward this update to colleagues in your workplace. Upcoming Training Events For more details about course run by the RDS for the Yorkshire and the Humber and information about how to book a place on one of these courses please see our website: 1. 30 June 2010Searching the Literature and Managing References for your Research Bid (L) Leeds 2. 13 July 2010 Patient and Public Involvement in Research Design and Developing Grant Applications (Hull) Hull 3. 07 September 2010 Searching the Literature and Managing References for your Research Bid (S) Sheffield June 2010 Page 1 of 11 4. 08 September 2010 Writing Research Proposals for Quantitative Service Evaluation (S) Sheffield 5. 14 September 2010 Making Successful Applications to the Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) Programme (S) Sheffield Current Awareness 1. Influenza Immunisation Programme The Department of Health has issued the following Dear Colleague Letter 'The Influenza Immunisation Programme 2010/11'. This letter contains information for all commissioners and providers of social care services about the annual seasonal flu immunisation programme 2010/11. eletters/DH_116551 2. Widening participation in pre-registration nursing programmes The Department of Health has published 'Widening participation in pre-registration nursing programmes'. This document describes a series of educational models and one employment model designed to widen access for NHS support staff into the second year of nursing pre-registration degree courses and to provide meaningful career pathways for current and potential employees who wish to remain in Agenda for Change band 1-4 roles. Guidance/DH_116553 3. NICE consultations NICE has issued the following consultation documents: - Multiple myeloma (first line)- bortezomib and thalidomide: technology appraisal consultation. Closing date for comments 23 June 2010. - Asthma (in children) - omalizumab: technology appraisal consultation. Closing date for comments 22 June 2010. ions.jsp 4. Patient choice The King's Fund has published 'Patient choice: how patients choose and how providers respond'. This report considers how choice of provider is operating in practice and its June 2010 Page 2 of 11 impact on hospital providers. It aims to answer the following questions: how do patients experience choice?; what factors are important to patients when choosing between providers?; how do GPs support choice?; and how are providers responding to choice? 5. Cancer survival statistics The Office for National Statistics has published 'Cancer survival in the Spearhead Primary Care Trusts of England, 2001–08'. Spearhead Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) are designated as those areas that face the greatest health challenges in England. Some key facts are one- and five-year relative survival estimates for adults (aged 15–99) diagnosed with one of 10 common cancers between 2001 and 2007, and resident in the 62 Spearhead Primary Care Trusts in England, have been compared with those in the rest of England. To examine trends in survival over time, survival was estimated in three overlapping 5-year periods (2001–05, 2002–06 and 2003–07). Survival improved slightly for most of the ten cancers over the period 2001–07, both for patients resident in Spearhead PCTs and the rest of England. Survival was consistently lower for patients resident in Spearhead PCTs than for those in the rest of England. For the majority of cancers, the difference in survival between Spearhead PCTs the rest of England either narrowed slightly or stayed the same over the period 2001–07. Funding Opportunities (Projects and Programmes) 1. Diabetes UK Project Grants There is no limit to research expenses that may be requested, however all requests must be fully justified. Applicants applying for £500,000 or more must contact the office in the first instance and should normally hold substantial funding from Diabetes UK. Applicants applying for £15,000 or less should follow the Guidelines for Small Grant Applications. Amount of funding available: > £100K Closing date: 01 December 2010 Duration: > 3 years June 2010 Page 3 of 11 2. British Council for Prevention of Blindness Pump Priming Research Grant Subject to the Trustees' absolute discretion as to its value or calculation, any pumppriming grant will normally be calculated as a contribution to the cost of items essential to the research; for example staff, travel, equipment and consumables, up to a maximum of £60,000 in total over one, two or three years, as requested. While £60,000 is the maximum award, principal investigators are welcome to submit proposals for less. Principal investigators and their institutions must complete the financial table in the application form. The Advisory Panel may require a principal investigator to demonstrate why an item is essential. Amount of funding available: £50K - £100K Closing date: 12 November 2010 Duration: 1 year - 3 years 3. Newman (Frances and Augustus) Foundation Research Awards The maximum grant is £60,000. Amount of funding available: £50K - £100K Closing date: 31 October 2010 Duration: 1 year - 3 years 4. Association for International Cancer Research Project Grant AICR does not have a formal upper limit for the budget, but it should be noted that most of the three-year grants they award have a total budget between £100,000 and June 2010 Page 4 of 11 £200,000. If you want to apply for significantly more than this, you are strongly advised to contact our Scientific Co-ordinator Amount of funding available: > £100K Closing date: 29 October 2010 Duration: 1 year - 3 years 5. Association for International Cancer Research Prostate Round The amount available will be sufficient to fund 3 - 4 projects, based on an average annual project cost of around £35,000 - £40,000. Amount of funding available: £10K - £50K Closing date: 29 October 2010 Duration: Unspecified Funding Opportunities (Fellowships) 1. Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Awards Senior Investigator Awards may be for up to seven years and provide a generous and flexible package of funding. A Senior Investigator Award might be in the range of £100k to £425k per year, depending on the needs of your research and your ability to justify the proposed costs. Amount of funding available: > £100K Closing date: 22 November 2010 June 2010 Page 5 of 11 Duration: > 3 years 2. Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation Clinical Research Fellowship Support for the 2011 Fellowship is a maximum of £60,000 per year, to include a salary, consumables and some support costs. Amount of funding available: > £100K Closing date: 12 November 2010 Duration: 1 year - 3 years 3. Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Robertson Trust Research/Training Fellowship The funding allocated for this Fellowship is currently £45,000 per annum and provides salary, National Insurance and superannuation costs only. No funding will be allocated for running costs, purchase of equipment, acquisition of computing facilities or travel. Amount of funding available: £10K - £50K Closing date: 29 October 2010 Duration: Unspecified June 2010 Page 6 of 11 4. MRC - Medical Research Council ESRC/MRC/NIHR Early Career Fellowships in Economics of Health The fellowship provides personal salary, consumable expenses, travel and other costs appropriate for the research work and training under Full Economic Costs. It is expected that this level of fellowship will not normally require support for additional research staff. The fellowship provides funding for two years full-time or four years part-time. Amount of funding available: £50K - £100K Closing date: 24 September 2010 Duration: 1 year - 3 years 5. MRC - Medical Research Council Senior Non-Clinical Fellowship The award provides a competitive personal salary for the fellow, research support staff, research consumables expenses and capital equipment appropriate for the research project, travel costs, and other appropriate items under full economic costs at a UK research organisation. An MRC senior non-clinical fellowship may be awarded for any period up to five years. Amount of funding available: > £100K Closing date: 24 September 2010 Duration: > 3 years June 2010 Page 7 of 11 Funding Opportunities (Studentships) 1. Wellcome Trust Research Studentships (developing countries) Support is normally provided for up to three years for doctoral studentships. All students are expected to complete their writing-up and submit their theses in the final year of Trust support. Research support includes: -the student's stipend at the appropriate local rate for doctoral studentships -all compulsory university and college fees at the appropriate postgraduate student level; where appropriate, fees at the overseas rate will be provided. Requests for funds to cover travel, equipment and other expenses essential for the research will be considered. Amount of funding available: Unspecified Closing date: 06 February 2011 Duration: 1 year - 3 years 2. British Skin Foundation Studentship The BSF Studentship is a fixed amount of £81,000 (£27k per year for 3 years). No ‘top-ups’ or extensions are available for any reason. The maximum duration of the BSF Studentship is 3 years Amount of funding available: £50K - £100K Closing date: 27 August 2010 Duration: 1 year - 3 years June 2010 Page 8 of 11 3. National Eye Research Centre Postgraduate Studentships Grants for PhD Studentships are for a three-year period and up to £60,000. Amount of funding available: £10K - £50K Closing date: 15 January 2011 Duration: 1 year - 3 years 4. Yorkshire Cancer Research PhD Studentship Award Each Award will support a successful applicant with an annual stipend in line with current Research Council guidelines ( together with university fees. Awards would be for a period of up to four years. Amount of funding: Unspecified Closing date: 30 November 2010 Duration: > 3 years 5. British Council for Prevention of Blindness Studentship Grant Subject to the Trustees' absolute discretion as to its value or calculation, any studentship grant will normally be calculated as a contribution to the cost of items essential to the studentship; for example fees, stipend, travel and consumables up to a maximum of £60,000 in total over three years. The Trustees recognise that cofunding from other sponsors may be needed to meet the full costs of the studentship. Supervisors and their institutions must complete the financial table in June 2010 Page 9 of 11 the application form. The Advisory Panel may require a supervisor to demonstrate why an item is essential. Amount of funding available: £50K - £100K Closing date: 12 November 2010 Duration: 1 year - 3 years Health Websites/Gateways/portals For further information on new sites see You can also subscribe to the Intute: Medicine including dentistry latest additions RSS channel 1. GLOBOCAN project GLOBOCAN 2008 is an interactive cancer statistics tool made available by the World Health Organization's (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer. The GLOBOCAN project aims to provide contemporary estimates of the incidence of, and mortality from major type of cancers, at national level, for all countries of the world. GLOBOCAN estimates are presented for 2008, separately for each sex and for all ages and country-specific factsheets are provided. The site provides detailed information on the project, data sources and methods, tables, graphs, maps, a population dictionary, and a cancer dictionary. 2. National Poisons Information Service annual reports This resource is provided by the Health Protection Agency (HPA) and provides access to annual reports from the National Poison Information Service. Reports are archived from 2003 to the present. June 2010 Page 10 of 11 3. MedlinePlus : medical ethics A collection of resources, aimed at consumers, on ethics in medicine. Provided by MedlinePlus this resource provides information on ethical issues relating to end of life care, abortion, genetic and prenatal testing, birth control, stem cells, organ donation, access to personal health records, and patient rights. Resource types include videos, documents, fact sheets, and a pre-formatted search on the topic with references and abstracts from MEDLINE/PubMed (National Library of Medicine). 4. Valuing people�s oral health : a good practice guide for improving the oral health of disabled children and adults Published by the Department of Health (DH) in 2007 this document Valuing People’s Oral Health: A good practice guide for improving the oral health of disabled children and adults is aimed at those who provide and commission dental services for people with disabilities. 5. MedlinePlus : anatomy videos A collection of more than 75 animated videos showing the anatomy of body parts and organ systems and how diseases and conditions affect them. Made available by the MedlinePlus service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM). And finally… Nation's Soccer Fan Becoming Insufferable The Onion reports on the sole American World Cup Fan,17553/ June 2010 Page 11 of 11
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