4 AROUND THE WORLD 8 © D.Michon/Artechnique-CEA 15 © H. Cachier-CEA /// China becomes a fully fledged member of the GIF /// 14 teaching experts meet in Ghana /// CEA and Helmhotz-Gemeinschaft sign new cooperation /// Indo-French collaboration in Nanosciences /// European research council scientific excellence SOLAR ENERGY /// Components /// Projects /// Buildings CLEANUP AND DISMANTLING © A. Gonin-CEA /// Techniques /// Competences /// Special Funding © P. Stroppa-CEA 23 SCIENTIFIC HIGHLIGHTS /// CDs and DVDs A rhapsody in blue /// Risk management Going after the gas layer /// Imaging the human brain with 7-Tesla MRI system CEA News is edited by the French Atomic Energy Commission – Communication Division – Headquarters – 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex - France - www.cea.fr Publication Director: Xavier Clément Contributors to this edition: Claire Abou, Anne-Marie Birac, Patrick Cappe de Baillon, Olivier Caron, Xavier Clément, Pascale Delbourgo, Thierry Ethvignot, Didier Kechemair, Florence Klotz, Lucia Le Clech, Brigitte Raffray, Priscille Valentin ceanews.contact@cea.fr Graphic design: MAYA press - www.mayapress.net Cover photo: © D.Michon/Artechnique/CEA CEA NEWS 2 March 2008 /// Glass of Embiez tells its tale /// Pollution and the Olympic games in Beijing 30 EXHIBITIONS FOREWORD The Embassy counselor Network, key part of the CEA's international policies, is also there to serve you in your work The CEA has a network of representatives within the French Embassies in our leading partner countries. This network is overseen by the CEA International Relations Division. The names and e-mail addresses of these contacts are regularly printed on the back of CEA News. Faithful readers who remember back to the first issue may have noticed that the CEA has been spreading the network ever wider. It was initially formed around the major nuclear powers, with bases in Washington, Moscow, Beijing, Tokyo, Vienna (IAEA) and Brussels (European Union). Over the last two years, representatives have taken up new posts in Berlin, London, Helsinki, Budapest and New Delhi, with another posting soon to open in Rome. In South Korea and India, our representatives are referred to as “energy and new technologies advisors”. Their role may reach into multiple countries around the capital where they are based, as is the case in Moscow, Berlin, Helsinki and Budapest. CEA representatives are always attached to the French diplomatic mission, and often have a small staff team that is heavily involved in direct contacts with local counterparts. This network provides a great opportunity for the CEA and the wider French nuclear research community to promote and further international cooperation in the various fields that the CEA works in, ranging from the specifics of the nuclear sector to basic research and technological development. The representatives also regularly feed back press articles to French research bodies, whenever the subjects are related to our collaborative ventures. The International Relations Division regularly draws the representatives together for meetings, during which experiences from the various different host countries are shared by team members. Nuclear advisors based in Brussels, working with the European Union, and in Vienna, working with the IAEA, also work to promote France’s interests within these international bodies. These contacts are a key part of the CEA's international policies, and are also there to serve you in your work. Whether you are looking for information on our scientific or technological activities, a contact with our laboratories, a potential collaborative venture or simply want to find out more about the CEA's international policy stance, please do get in touch. Our representatives can then put you in touch with the right people within the CEA, and will do all they can to help you make a success of your project. They draw on their knowledge of our activities, their personal energy and drive, and their language skills (don't worry, this is an important criterion for us). My aim, therefore, writing from the International Relations Division HQ in Saclay, France, is to encourage each of these representatives to work to further develop their contacts with all players within our field in their host countries. In the next few issues of CEA News you will be hearing more from each of the representatives about I their posting and their key activities. Mr. Olivier Caron Director of International Relations Photos: © GéoAtlas CEA NEWS 3 March 2008 AroundTheWorld Nuclear energy RENEWED INTEREST IN NUCLEAR ENERGY The renewal of interest in the nuclear energy sector was confirmed in 2007 all over the world. Geoatlas ©1998 Graphi-Ogre The CEA has responded to this by developing its activities in Europe and the rest of the world and reasserting its support for French industry. This is consistent with its strategy to ensure that French nuclear expertise is exploited to the full. Today, many countries are seeking to gain access to or develop civil nuclear technology. This can be seen the world over, from the Far East and South Asia, with China, India, Korea, Vietnam and Japan, to the nations along the southern shores of the Mediterranean, with Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Algeria and Egypt, from other countries in the Arab world, such as the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and even Saudi Arabia, to South Africa and the USA. Some of these countries signed agreements with France last year. NUCLEAR ENERGY EXPANSION Through the support it gives to major industry players in this field in France, the CEA also seeks to put French nuclear expertise to the best possible use for export markets. A number of countries signed an agreement with France in 2007 giving them access to civil nuclear energy. Morocco, Algeria and the United Arab Emirates were among them. There was a strong demand that year from countries wishing to acquire nuclear technology or develop their existing capabilities. North African and Middle Eastern countries included Tunisia, Libya, Qatar, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. MEETING 14 teaching experts meet in Ghana under the auspices of the IAEA © D.R. The International Atomic Energy Agency held an international technical meeting in Ghana from 11 to 14 September 2007. The aim of the meeting was to promote training and teaching using accelerators in the field of nuclear sciences. Fourteen international experts met to exchange ideas on the issues surrounding accelerators and the current situation in the teaching of nuclear sciences and research in the field and to identify and highlight international collaboration. “Following this meeting, we are now in a position to make recommendations on the approach to be adopted when a country wishes to conduct nuclear-related training using an accelerator as a teaching tool,” explained Lucile Beck, a member of the group of experts and associate professor at INSTN (French National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology). CEA NEWS 4 March 2008 AroundTheWorld “Energy Sources and Climate”: CEA AND HELMHOLTZ-GEMEINSCHAFT SIGN NEW COOPERATION MoU bilateral cooperation agreements will be signed with the different Helmholtz centers. The main aim is to develop complementarity and encourage exchanges involving scientists in the fields of nuclear energy, renewable energy (solar and photovoltaic energy, biomass), hydrogen economy, energy storage and research on climate and the environment. Other topics of common interest may also be included in the bilateral agreements, such as supercomputers and health technologies. Research on fusion and on the fundamental laws of the universe will continue to be carried out jointly on a larger scale at international level. This closer cooperation is part of the CEA's policy to forge strategic partnerships with the following German research institutions: the Fraunhofer, Max Planck, Helmholtz and Leibnitz institutes. Germany is the CEA's number one partner in Europe as far as patents and joint publications are concerned. © CEA The CEA and the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, a key research player in Germany, have decided to take their collaboration on energy sources and climate issues to a new level. A cooperation Memorandum of Understanding on the subject of “Energy Sources and Climate” was signed in Berlin on December 3, 2007 by Alain Bugat, Chairman of the CEA and the Chairman of the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Jürgen Mlynek. The MoU takes into account the strong involvement of the two organizations in this field and the growing importance the related issues will assume in the near future. Certain countries (including Germany and France) and the European Union have defined a number of energy and climate-related objectives as part of a determined policy to address energy and climate issues. These objectives, which include reducing CO2 emissions, developing renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency, can only be achieved through a considerable R&D effort. The MoU is the first step towards closer cooperation between the two organizations ; See also: > www.botschaft-frankreich.de C ooperation © D.R. An European Research Grouping on fuel cells and hydrogen The European Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Technology Platform (HFP) has proposed to create a Research Grouping of European non-profit public research organisations, universities ans research centres. Already 40 research organisations over 15 countries have joined this initiative. They represent about 1,500 researchers covering all the fields of Research, Development and Innovation related to Fuel Cells and Hydrogen : from the atom of hydrogen to a prototype. The organisation of this grouping has been assigned to Alain Bugat, Vice-Chairman of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Technology Platform, and CEA's Chairman. > https://www.hfpeurope.org/hfp/research-news CEA NEWS 5 March 2008 E nvironment Global warming and energy sources: the CEA presents its research online Following the French Environmental Summit (known in France as the “Grenelle de l'Environnement”), a multimedia section devoted to the CEA's research activities in the field has been put online. The section provides an overview of CEA research activities aimed at measuring global warming and developing sources of energy with low carbon emission: nuclear energy for the future, solar energy, hydrogen and second-generation biofuels. How can accurate assessments be made of global warming? What can be done about the rocketing energy consumption in emerging countries? What technology innovations will be needed to develop sources of energy that do not emit greenhouse gases? What role will be played by future nuclear technology, hydrogen, photovoltaic solar energy and secondgeneration biofuels? The answers to all these questions can be found in the CEA's special section on “Energy and Climate: Research Challenges” (Energies, Climat : les Défis de la recherche” on the website www.cea.fr). The section features an overview of the issues studied and current avenues of research, a selection of documents and websites for those who wish to learn more about the subject and video interviews with leading scientists including Jean Jouzel, Research Director and member of the IPCC1, Jacques Bouchard, Chairman of the Generation IV International Forum2, Philippe Malbranche, of the Solar Technology Department and Pierre SerreCombe, in charge of the hydrogen technology program. 1. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 2. The Generation IV International Forum or GIF was set up on the initiative of the United States Department of Energy to promote international cooperation in the development of newgeneration nuclear systems. AroundTheWorld © CEA The CEA and the Indian Departement of Atomic Energy (DAE) have signed up an agreement in 2004 in which a part is devoted to initiate collaborations in the field of Nanosciences. DAE is represented by Prof Jatinder Yakhmi (Associate Director, Physics Group, and Head, Technical Physics & Prototype Engineering Division) Dr. Ariana FILORAMO (IRAMIS/SPEC: Service de Physique de l’Etat Condensé) giving a presentation of Nanosciences at the Indo-French Technical Association of Bombay (IFTA). and gathers eight research centers located in India. CEA is represented by the new Saclay Institute of Matter and Radiation (IRAMIS : Institut Rayonnement Matière de Saclay). First contacts have been taken since 2005 and first visits have been organised in 2006 when an Indian delegation was welcomed in France (Saclay, Caen and Grenoble). Three collaborations projects already run between Indian and French teams: • “Study of superconductivity in one dimension nanostructures”, • “Nanoparticles at interfaces”, • “Interfaces, self-assembly and nanophase materials”. To enforce and enlarge the collaboration, a visit to the DAE labs was organised in October 2007. The French delegation, led by Dr. Pascal Boulanger (Deputy Head of IRAMIS), was composed of researchers from IRAMIS and © DR Indo-French Collaboration in Nanosciences Indo-French workshop in SINP (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics SINP – Kolkatta). INAC (Institut des Nanosciences et de Cryotechnologie) and accompanied by Dr. Doris Neumann (CEA / International Relations Division) and the Embassy nuclear counselor Hugues de Longevialle. They visited five research centers during a very intensive, interesting and lively week. This visit opens news ways of collaboration. As a result, an Indo-French Workshop on Nanoscience will be held in Saclay in 6-10 October 2008, with an emphasis put on young researchers in order to give both Indian and French young researchers the opportunity to extend their network in our respective countries. EUROPEAN RESEARCH COUNCIL SCIENTIFIC EXCELLENCE GRANT FOR THREE YOUNG SCIENTISTS FROM CEA Géraldine Servant's field of research involves cosmology and particle physics beyond the standard model and, more specifically, dark matter and its possible manifestations, at the LHC. CEA NEWS 6 March 2008 © P. Stroppa - CEA Dimitrios Sakellariou isdeveloping a highly innovative, high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance equipment concept, which has great potential for applications in the fields of medicine and biochemistry. © P. Stroppa - CEA The Specific Programme “Ideas”, set up to fund exploratory research at the frontiers of knowledge, is the major innovation in the 7th EU Framework Programme for Research and Development (FP7). Its aim will be to promote excellence, irrespective of the field of research, and encourage the emergence of top-level projects to make Europe more competitive by attracting top international scientists to its laboratories. The Sacha Brun's project involves modeling solar turbulence using high-performance computers. This type of phenomenon may, in particular, initiate magnetic events that can be observed from earth and which may have an impact on human activities. © CEA As part of the 7th European Union Framework Programme for Research and Development (FP7), three scientists from the Physical Sciences Division at CEA, Sacha Brun, Dimitrios Sakellariou and Géraldine Servant, are to be awarded a grant of up to 400,000 euros per year over a five-year period by the European Research Council (ERC). The grant rewards their innovative projects, which have a strong impact on the advancement of knowledge. program is piloted by the European Research Council (ERC) and involves 22 eminent European scientists, with a budget of 7.4 billion euros over seven years (representing some 15% of the FP7 budget). Its grants are aimed at two categories of scientists: young scientists with 2-9 years' post-doc experience and more experienced scientists. Amid fierce competition, three young researchers from CEA (Saclay Center) were awarded the first grants for young scientists. Two of them, Dimitrios Sakellariou and Sacha Brun, will continue their work at CEA. Géraldine Servant will continue her research project at Cern. For further information: > The Physical Sciences Division (DSM) www-dsm.cea.fr > European Research Council (ERC) erc.europa.eu > European Organisation for Nuclear Research (Cern) public.web.cern.ch AroundTheWorld G E N E R AT I O N I V China becomes a fully fledged member of the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) © V. Arnaud-CEA The People's Republic of China has acceded to the Framework Agreement for International Collaboration on Research and Development of Generation IV Nuclear Energy Systems. The announcement of its accession to this Framework Agreement was made on November 29, 2007 at the 22nd meeting of the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) Steering Committee, which took place in Kyongju, Republic of Korea. Following on from the signature of the Forum's Charter by the Chinese authorities in November 2006, the accession formalizes China's membership of the GIF and demonstrates its commitment to playing an active role in the research and development work of the organization. With Chinese membership confirmed, the GIF now brings together most of the major countries seeking to develop nuclear energy as a way of meeting their growing energy needs. GIF members are working together to develop new nuclear systems that meet specific criteria including: the effective use of natural resources, minimal waste production, anti-proliferation measures and enhanced physical protection, low production costs compared with other sources of energy and a level of financial risk which is comparable to that of other energy projects. Eight members have now acceded to the Framework Agreement (Canada, China, France, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Switzerland, the United States and the European Atomic Energy Community) while the remaining five have yet to accede (Argentina, Brazil, the Russian Federation, the Republic of South Africa and the United Kingdom). THE CEA TAKES PART IN EUROPEAN NUCLEAR ENERGY FORUM FIRST KAERI-CEA GENERAL SEMINAR Following the renewal of their agreement on April 11, 2007, the CEA and its Korean counterpart,the KAERI,organized a seminar in Daejeon on December 10-13, for talks on scientific and technical cooperation in the nuclear field. © GéoAtlas • Positive role of nuclear energy within the framework of the fight against global warming, • competitiveness of nuclear power, • need for harmonized licensing procedures, • continued proficiency and availability of human resources, • european regulatory framework on nuclear safety and waste management, • transparency and public information. Dominique Ristori, Deputy Director General in for Energy and Transport, concluded by stating his support for the benefits of nuclear whilst balancing against the need for continued work to be made on waste management, continued highlevel of safety standards and more information for the general public. The seminar reflects the ambition of both organizations to build up their relations and focus on more concrete and closely targeted projects. Many projects covering a wide range of topics were identified, including safety in light-water reactors, developing fast-neutron reactors, dismantling and waste management, research reactor fuel, high-temperature materials, hydrogen production and pyrochemical fuel treatment processes. More than 20 cooperation proposals were drawn up. © D.R. The ENEF, created by the European Council on 8/9 March 2007, held its first meeting in Bratislava on 26/27 November. Opening the Forum, the Prime Ministers of the Czech Republic, Mirek Topolanek, and Slovakia, Robert Fico, sent strong signals in favour of nuclear, as President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso in a welcome message. Jean-Pierre Leroux, Vice-Chairman of the CEA, demonstrated that much progress has been made in 30 years. Philippe Pradel, as president of the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technological Platform, presented the expected advances by fourth generation reactors. A review of interventions reveals a lot of points of convergence: CEA NEWS 7 March 2008 SOLAR ENERGY TOPICS TO EXPLORE /// Components /// Projects /// Buildings PHOTOVOLTAIC ENERGY: SOLAR COMPONENTS FOR THE FUTURE FROM THE LCS The LCS – the solar components laboratory of LITEN 1 Institute – is working with industry and research to devise silicon-based technologies for developing new materials, cells and manufacturing processes that offer improved performance at a lower cost. I © F.Vigouroux-CEA n 2005, the LCS launched the Phare project with the main aim of developing a process for manufacturing photovoltaic cells on crystalline silicon with a 20% peak conversion efficiency. The project team has set itself a 2009 deadline to achieve this. The first phase consists in screening all the standard processes and non-conventional architectures, such as back-contact solar cells, amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon heterojunction cells and thin cells with a thin emitter and localized BSF. The laboratory is also a stakeholder in the TWIN project that was initiated at the end of 2005 by two manufacturers – Photowatt and EMIX – in association with two public sector laboratories – the ENSCP and CEA. The goal of this project is to create a silicon ingot manufacturing process based on plasma purification and electromagnetic casting – or EMC – that will bring the price down below the €20/kilo mark. The raw material will be obtained by mixing several sources of silicon. It will then be purified by plasma treatment. The ENSCP will deal with the plasma parameter research side of the problem, while EMIX, which is responsible for making the silicon ingots using the EMC method, will set up an R&D continuous drawing pilot facility using a cold crucible coupled with an RF plasma torch placed above the molten bath. The aim is to make 15x15 cm silicon blocks with a fine-grain structure (for more solid wafers) which can then be cut into very thin wafers (180 µm). The CEA's task is to optimize the cell manufacturing process to obtain maximum efficiency before the cells are tested on PHOTOWATT'S production lines. The QC-Passi project, which also involves the CNRS and ECN, focuses on the development of amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon heterojunction cells with all the contacts on the back of the cell (i.e. back-contact cells). Conversion efficiency should exceed 20% with this architecture. Another project – the Duosil project – was launched at the end of 2006 with support from the French National Research Agency (ANR) to demonstrate the feasibility of photovoltaic cells using silicon nanoparticles or nanowires by 2009. Theoretically, it should be possible to combine a conventional silicon cell (with a 1.1 eV forbidden band) and a silicon nanoparticle- or nanowire-based cell (with a 1.7 eV band gap) to obtain a dualjunction cell with a potential efficiency of 42%. The laboratory will consider several processes for manufacturing nanoscale objects. These processes include pulverization and laser pyrolysis for nanoparticles and growth by CVD and chemical etching for nanowires. The purpose of this study is to identify the properties required to produce photovoltaic cells, such as forbidden band width, size, absorption coefficient, doping and photoconductivity. The first two years of the project team's work will be devoted to producing and characterizing nanoparticles and nanowires. At the same time, a significant amount of work will be put into simulating the quantum confinement and conduction properties found in these nanostructures (nanocrystals and nanowires). Work during the third year will focus on making a single cell (with a single junction) from nanoparticles or nanowires. Michel Queruel/Marc Jary Le Mensuel de Grenoble No.118 December 2007 1. LITEN: Laboratory for Innovation in New Energy Technologies and Nanomaterials. > EMIX: Emix makes and sells polycrystalline silicon blocks and wafers used primarily for photovoltaic solar energy cells. > ENSCP: National School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in Paris and the Pierre et Marie Curie University. Condensed Matter Chemistry Laboratory, jointly run by the CNRS. > PHOTOWATT: One of Europe's leading photovoltaic systems manufacturers, founded in 1979. > ECN: Ecole Centrale of Nantes. CEA NEWS 8 March 2008 PV ALLIANCE © D.Michon/Artechnique-CEA A LEADING SOLAR ENERGY CONSORTIUM IN FRANCE ” © A.Gonin/CEA Front of a multicrystalline silicon photovoltaic cell: grid contact and anti-reflection coating. HIGHER-EFFICIENCY SOLAR CELLS FROM THE RESTAURE PLATFORM If photovoltaic electricity is to compete successfully with other energy sources, performance must be improved, which is why the CEA decided to build a new technology platform to optimize silicon solar cell manufacturing processes. The aim of the platform is to obtain higher electrical conversion efficiency more cheaply. The Restaure technology platform, built with backing from the ADEME1, started up in 2003. It consists of a 1,200 m2 laboratory (including 650 m2 of clean rooms) and all the equipment required to make large, high-efficiency, crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells. Thanks to this platform, research teams can now assess new photovoltaic materials or test new equipment and processes under conditions representative of those found in industry. The aims of this work include increasing cell efficiency, making thinner silicon wafers and allowing the use of lower grade silicon. This platform is home to several development programs focusing on photovoltaic cells. The Reducop project, carried out in association with Photowatt and the CNRS, aims to cut cell production costs. The CEA's task in the project is to improve on conventional cell manufacturing technology to achieve 17% conversion efficiency on polycristalline silicon. Research teams are exploring a wide range of options. For example, some are trying to reduce the natural reflectivity of silicon through surface texturing and optimized anti-reflection treatments. Others are looking for ways to create shallower junctions to put high-energy CEA NEWS 9 March 2008 photons to better use or optimize the use of pastes to reduce ohmic loss and shading. Initial results are encouraging as the partners have achieved conversion efficiencies of 16.2% on multicrystal silicon cells. At the same time, Photowatt is looking into new solutions that could be used to make large cells at a lower cost. Tests have been performed on silicon wafers with a surface area of 200x200 mmcompared with 150x150 mm for earlier products. The CNRS is exploring innovative processes for use in anti-reflection treatments, shallow junctions formation and thinner silicon wafers. The overall aim is to achieve 20% conversion efficiency. The last step will be to apply the technology to multicrystal silicon to combine high-performance technology with a lowcost substrate, which is the goal of the European HETSI project. Michel Queruel Le Mensuel de Grenoble No. 114 – May-June 2007 1. ADEME: French Environment and Energy Management Agency. 200x200 mm silicon wafers in front of the phosphorus diffusion furnace used to produce photovoltaic cell emitters. © D.Michon/Artechnique-CEA “ Research teams are exploring a wide range of options for photovoltaic energy. PV Alliance is a young consortium based in Bourgoin-Jallieu, Isère, near the French National Institute for Solar Energy (INES). It brings together three partners: two companies, Photowatt and EDEV ENR Parties (an EDF subsidiary) and the CEA. Its goal is to speed up innovation in the field of photovoltaic solar cell production. PV Alliance development work will focus on three main technology areas: • perfecting solar cells made from silicon obtained using the Photosil process, • using microtechnology tools to develop high-efficiency (i.e. 20%) photovoltaic cells, • investing in nanotechnologies. SOLAR ENERGY Preparing flexible photovoltaic solar energy cells in glove boxes, in a nitrogen atmosphere. Once encapsulated, the cells are resistant to oxygen and humidity. © C.Dupont-CEA INES A WEALTH OF NEW SOLAR ENERGY PROJECTS It didn't take long for the French National Solar Energy Institute (INES) to reach cruising speed. At least sixty research scientists are already at work at the Savoie Technolac science park, injecting new life into French solar energy research. This field of research is brimming with innovative projects on every level: silicon material, cells, modules and systems as well as electricity storage technology and positive-energy buildings. © C. Du po nt -C EA Three main challenges The main area of technology involved in photovoltaic solar energy is based on the use of crystalline silicon and much effort is needed to make it more competitive. With this in mind, the INES has launched R&D projects concerning every aspect of the field: silicon material, cells, modules and systems as well as electricity storage technology and positive-energy buildings. Research teams have their sights set on several targets: making s o l a r- g r a d e metallurgical silicon using a melting-recrystallization purification process, increasing solar cell efficiency from the current value of 15% to 18% by 2008 and developing innovative energy storage systems. One price objective is to bring the cost of the kilowatt hour down from 0.5 to 0.1 euro. R&D work in the thermal solar energy field should lead to the optimization of products already available on the market and fine-tune them according to CEA NEWS 10 March 2008 use or the selected backup energy source (wood, gas, etc.). Particular attention is paid to the development of combined systems (for hot water and heating) and solar air conditioning. At the beginning of 2006, a team of ten researchers (from the CNRS, FerroPEM, Apollon Solar and the CEA) started work on a new silicon purification concept to produce a material capable of meeting the requirements of photovoltaic applications at a competitive price. Production line A prototype production line has been developed to integrate this concept and the first tons of purified silicon should soon be ready for sampling. This project, called Photosil, has a budget of nearly €10 million © C. Dupont-CEA The INES building with its solar panels, viewed from the outside. “ Reducing the cost of the kilowatt hour is a main objective of solar energy research. those of the CEA offer the project their expertise in metallurgy and crystal growth, supported by the Restaure technology platform. These skills find applications in material characterization and, more particularly, in solar cell manufacturing. © C.Dupont-CEA and benefits from the outstanding scientific and technological synergy existing between its partners. Photosil was initiated by Apollon Solar, a start-up which is now a stakeholder in the EDF-Energies Nouvelles group. FerroPEM is the world's number 2 metallurgical silicon producer and has a strong base in the Rhône-Alpes region. The INPG/CNRS (formerly the EPM-Madylam laboratory) has developed a novel purification process with a built-in plasma torch as part of the Photosil project. This laboratory and New cell concepts LITEN Institute's solar components laboratory (LCS) works with the Restaure technology platform, employing some thirty researchers to develop novel silicon cell concepts. Two other research labs work alongside it on the site. One of them, called “Solar systems”, consists of a team of about twenty CEA, CNRS and INPG researchers, who work to develop new concepts in photovoltaic systems and batteries specifically targeting solar energy applications. The other laboratory is called “Systems integration” and it also employs about twenty researchers (from the CEA, CNRS and CSTB). With research focused primarily on the sector downstream of production, it studies new solutions for improving the integration of solar or combined power systems into buildings to save energy. Michel Queruel Le Mensuel de Grenoble No. 114 – May-June 2007 INES BUILDINGS TO COVER A TOTAL AREA OF 7,000 M2 CEA © C.Dupont- © E.De Lavergne-CEA ” These test chassis are used to assess different cell systems (mono- or polycrystalline, for example), as well as to test specific panel/battery/inverter systems, connected to EdF's electricity grid, which are being studied for domestic use. Founded in 2005, the INES drives many projects aimed at stimulating research in the photovoltaic and thermal solar energy fields. Its steering committee is divided into two groups: • the first group consists of educational and research organizations, with the CEA, CNRS, CSTB, the University of Savoie, ADEME and INES Education, • the second consists of public funding organizations such as the RhôneAlpes Region, the Conseil général de Savoie and the French government. Industrial firms such as Photowatt, EDF, Tenesol and Saft are also involved. Its teams are made up of engineers and research scientists specializing in new energies and include 65 CEA members. The institute's building currently cover an area of 4,300 m2, housing several test platforms, divided up as follows: Photosil (1,200 m2), PV/storage system platform (2,000 m2), storage/cell platform (700 m2) and the thermal platform (400 m2). About 3,000 m2 of new laboratories are currently under construction, together with four “concept” houses that will be used as laboratories. During his visit to the Institute on November 9, 2007, French Prime Minister François Fillon unveiled the model of a highly energyefficient building on which the INES plans to start construction work in 2008. The new building will be highly emblematic of progress in this field. CEA NEWS 11 March 2008 © C.Dupont-CEA SOLAR ENERGY ROOFTOP DEMONSTRATOR SYSTEM The INES is looking to create large-scale demonstrator systems for research teams, industry and business people in the sector. As part of this initiative, a microgrid (PRISMES) is being built. A 100 kWp (kilowatt-peak) photovoltaic generator built on the roof of the planned new buildings (3,000 m2) will form the heart of the network. The aim is to create the only platform of its kind in Europe for studying innovative grid-connected and/or standalone systems. This tool will mainly be used by research teams seeking to optimize the management of energy flows, taking into consideration solar energy production and storage. THE QUEST FOR MORE ENERGY-EFFICIENT BUILDINGS The French National Institute for Solar Energy (INES) works to design buildings – both new and renovated – that are more energy efficient and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. With this in mind, it develops model-based, global approaches to the problems involved and explores possible applications of innovative technology. T his 1974 building in Lyon has a total floor area of 2,000 m2 and provides office space for 60 people. There's one problem, however. The building is not insulated, so inside temperatures can sometimes rise above 30°C during the summer, while energy consumption is high all year round. Installing air-conditioning would only have made things worse, increasing the energy bill by half again. Instead; it has been decided to install external insulation, a reversible heat pump and photovoltaic panels, thereby reducing energy consumption fourfold. “We didn't take an installer's or design department's approach,” explains André Manificat, Examples of buildings that make the most efficient use of solar energy. © Siemens Solar CEA NEWS 12 March 2008 © CEA © CEA ALLP building before and layout after renovation. head of the GENHEPI1 program. “Instead, we considered the problem through a researcher's eyes, defining thermal areas, modeling the building, simulating parameters such as insulation thickness or types of glazing and so on. We also intend to fit the building with instruments and keep track of temperatures, energy consumption, heat loss, etc. for three years.” Since it began in 2005, GENHEPI has used actual job sites as in vivo demonstrators but it aims to broaden the scope of its activities to develop an overall approach to energy efficiency in all types of buildings – homes, work places and public buildings. In practical terms, the aim is to design buildings where primary energy consumption would not exceed 60 kWh/m2, which is about a third of current values, and where greenhouse gas emissions would be divided by four. Ten or so partners from industry have already joined the research teams (CEA, CSTB, CNRS, University of Savoie) on the project. In particular, these include solar equipment and heat pump manufacturers, consultants, architects' firms, a power utility (Gaz de France) and energy specialists such as Schneider, Clipsol and Atlantic. Local authorities and a major company have adopted the concept and will soon provide demonstrator versions. Research teams involved in the project are focusing on all types of buildings and utilization profiles, such as offices, child care centers, individual and collective housing and village halls in an effort to increase energy efficiency by some 20%. Thesis work carried out as part of GENHEPI seeks to promote the industrial transfer of innovative technology such as dynamic management of multiple energy-source systems. CEA Technologies No. 84 – February 2007 1. GENHEPI stands for Gestion de l’Energie pour l’Habitat Econome Promoteur d’Innovations (Energy management for economic and innovation-based housing). “ Energy efficient buildings reduce heating and cooling use as well as greenhouse gas emissions. CEA NEWS 13 March 2008 ” INNOVATION SOLAR ENERGY CAPENERGIES BUILDING TOMORROW'S WORLD TODAY © Photodisc We can slow down the global warming process, find alternatives to fossil fuels and achieve energy savings of up to 20% without making any significant change to our lifestyle. How? By cutting down on loss and waste and developing a new energy mix. Solutions must be found for tomorrow's problems and that is exactly what all thestakeholders in Capenergies are concentrating on. The competitiveness cluster was created in November 2005 on the initiative of the CEA and EDF, bringing together 200 participants from business, industry, research and the academic world, who pool their skills and talents to drive innovative projects. In just two years, 141 projects have been examined, 107 officially certified and 56funded for a total amount of €128 million (including 51 million in subsidies). Alternative solutions must be found at all costs. Capenergies and its partners on the French island territories overseas are already at work to promote the use of forward-looking mixed energy systems in the French overseas departements and territories. These regions have been chosen because they have to import most of their energy resources and will therefore be the first affected by the rising cost and eventual scarcity of fossil fuels. Atouts Cadarache No. 17 – October-December 2007 > For further information: www.capenergies.fr Example of the use of solar panels at isolated sites. it also offers a global approach, testing the system and its components (hot water tank, valves, regulators, backup system, etc.) under the conditions encountered in use. While the ultimate goal of the INES is to introduce a performance measurement standard, its research teams are currently working to develop a method for simulating one year's real operating conditions in a virtual home in just two weeks. This opens up exciting prospects for many companies who already see the system as a means of developing and optimizing their products. The thermal solar energy1 market is booming in France, but can we really gauge and guarantee the performance of all the available systems? There are so many parameters involved, such as the size of houses, insulation, temperature differences and sunlight exposure, not to mention variations in weather conditions from one place to another. The French National Solar Energy Institute (INES), of which the CEA is a founding member, has invested in an unprecedented thermal system test bench to overcome this problem. Not only does the new bench use its software-driven hot and cold modules to simulate all the thermal constraints involved, © C.Dupont-CEA Aude Ganier Les Défis du CEA No. 125 – October 2007 1. Thermal solar energy: atechnology that converts radiation into heat (for hot water, heating systems) in contrast to photovoltaic solar energy, which generates electricity. CEA NEWS 14 March 2008 © C.Dupont-CEA ON THE PERFORMANCE TEST BENCH The complete Puma test platform includes a central heating system (temperature range between +180° and -5° for the cold part) and everything required to simulate the home environment; simulation software is used to scale performance. CLEANUP AND DISMANTLING WRAPPING UP THE NUCLEAR CYCLE The life of a basic nuclear installation does not just come to an end with the activities or research programs for which it was designed. A great deal of work must be done between the shutdown of the facility and decommissioning. To a certain extent, cleanup and dismantling operations are a demonstration that the final phase of the nuclear cycle is properly controlled. © A.Gonin-CEA TOPICS TO EXPLORE /// Techniques /// Competences /// Special Funding CEA NEWS 15 March 2008 T determine the nuclear activity of building structures and robotics for remote handling operations in radioactive environments. Of the fifty or so basic nuclear installations at the CEA's various research centers, about fifteen are currently concerned by this type of operation. Each installation has its own specific features, depending on its purpose and background. A research reactor, for example, is not the same as a “hot lab” or waste storage facility in terms of radioprotection, physical layout or operating requirements. >>> “ Left: Testing the Maestro robot on the remote control platform. The force-feedback master-slave hydraulic arm can handle tools (shears, a disk harrow, a plasma torch or screwdriver, etc) on a model, prior to its use on a real worksite. Centre: Hot cutting to dismantle the incinerator at the liquid and solid waste treatment plant (mainly low-level radioactive biological waste). Right: Storing very low-level radioactive waste from the dismantled Triton research reactor in big bags, before being transported to the waste repository. Research and development of decommissioning processes is integral to industry success. ” © P. Stroppa-CEA he cleanup and dismantling phase includes the removal of waste materials on shutdown, complete cleanup of the facility and waste processing. It also includes dismantling the process equipment and even the actual buildings. One of the chief tasks of the CEA's Nuclear Energy Division is to help manage legacy or new radioactive waste, in line with the 2006 Act on waste management. This task involves setting up resources to treat and store waste and renewing treatment centers and shipping casks. It may be decided to keep the infrastructure of a decommissioned facility, in which case the facility may be given a new lease of life in another field of activity. Should it be decided to dismantle the facility completely, the site must be cleaned up and returned to its initial condition. Cleanup and dismantling call for highly specialized skills or even whole new specialist areas and these operations are proving to be a field of opportunity for Research and Development. For example, they make use of newly developed scientific models to © P.Dumas-CEA CLEANUP AND DISMANTLING CEA NEWS 16 March 2008 © A.Gonin/CEA © A.Gonin/CEA TECHNIQUES © P. Dumas-CEA The HERA platform for operations in hostile environments is equipped with remote manipulator robots, lasers and nuclear measurement equipment to meet the requirements of the other Marcoule facilities – whether they are undergoing dismantling or devoted to research. The whole platform makes use of the mechanical engineering center, which is used for making prototype parts, adapting existing vehicles or carriers for new uses and building mockups of the environmental conditions in which remote operators or robots will have to work. Much of the building is given over to robotics. First of all, there are four “master-slave-arm” workstations representing every possible configuration found at a nuclear facility. These are used for validating processes before they are implemented under radioactive conditions, nuclearizing certain instruments and training future users. The remote handling hall covers an area of 336 m2, with an available height of 6 meters under an overhead crane hook, offering ideal conditions for simulations on very large-scale mockups. Question: How can we find out whether a remote manipulator is best used hanging from an overhead crane or mounted on a caterpillar-tracked vehicle? Answer: By simulating the future working environment and trying out both systems during “critical” phases of the scenario, when 3D simulation and current knowledge of processes are not enough. This hall will also be used for performing acceptance tests on the MAESTRO forcefeedback hydraulic system. The platform also includes a laser testing zone. The aim here is to qualify a remote-operated cutting process using a 6 kW YAG laser and to train operators in using it for the future dismantling of the dissolvers at the old UP1 plant. This technique should be less tiring for operators and reduce maintenance costs compared with conventional mechanical cutting methods. It also looks more promising than the plasma torch – another thermal technique – in that it gives off between eight and tens times fewer aerosols and is easier to position. Tests are underway in a non-radioactive environment. The main purpose of the tests is to adjust the cutting power to the object to be cut up. The program is continuing with a more powerful laser to extend the scope of the new technology. It is expected that different types of front and orbital industrial cutting tools will be available by 2009 to cut steel parts up to 100 mm thick in the air or under water. Such tools could be used, for example, for dismantling the Phenix or Rapsodie reactor vessels or bases at Cadarache. Lastly, there is the nuclear measurement laboratory. This facility is equipped with two test benches and mockups to simulate working environments such as reactor vessels and barrels. It will be used to develop and perfect new methods and measuring tools for gamma and alpha imaging and for spectrometry. Rive droite Rive gauche No. 66 - July 2007 © CEA ROBOTICS GAMMA CAMERA The former intermediate-level radioactive waste storage cell of the waste treatment station is a 9 x 2 m lead cask. Before cleanup and dismantling operations could begin on the cell, studies had to be carried out to learn more about its radiological conditions, identify any hot spots (i.e. areas where radioactivity is concentrated), characterize its irradiation (type of radionuclides) and measure activity levels. This was achieved using a “gamma camera” developed and implemented by the CEA in Marcoule. As the inside of the cell can only be accessed through 35 cm ports, a special device had to be designed to perform this explorator y work. The data acquired by the gamma camera was color coded and superimposed on a visible-light image then used to create an optimized dismantling scenario, tailored to the radiological conditions inside the cell. Rive droite Rive gauche No. 66 - July 2007 CEA NEWS 17 March 2008 Three types of projects Teams must deal with three mains types of projects. The first is to do with installations that must be dismantled from top to bottom, like Rapsodie or the enriched uranium processing plant. Although these are technically long and heavy operations, they are relatively easy to organize as the entire facility has been shut down. The second involves working on just a part of a facility, with the rest continuing to operate. This type of work is going on at the advanced fuel examination laboratory, where a remote handling line is being dismantled. Although this type of operation is not technically complicated, high-level organizational skills and considerable preparation are required because the facility operator and dismantling team have to carry out their different activities concurrently and because so many people are involved. A third type of project concerns the removal from storage and recovery of various categories of waste or waste packages. Safety and radiation protection requirements have grown stricter over the years, especially with regard to the identification, characterization, traceability and conditioning of radioactive waste. This means that some waste packages need to be upgraded, others must be transferred to storage facilities that meet the latest safety requirements and yet others have to be routed to new, recently created outlets. It is within this context that waste packages stored in a storage facility are gradually being transferred to the new radioactive waste conditioning and storage facility CEDRA. “ © CEA CLEANUP AND DISMANTLING Left: Research on processing spent fuel, transuranic and radioactive waste was carried out at the plutonium chemistry laboratory. Centre: Radiological inspection of Type A waste drums to be transported to the low-level radioactive waste repository. Right: CEDRA facility: for conditioning and disposing of Type B radioactive waste (low- and intermediate-level waste). ” SPECIAL FUNDING © A. Gonin-CEA Methods are improved from one project to another, building on expertise. Two special funds have been set up to cover the costs of dismantling CEA facilities. One was set up in 2001 for dismantling civil facilities, the other at the end of 2004 for facilities dedicated to defense research. Contributions are paid into each of these two funds by the government, the CEA and its industrial partners concerned by these facilities. Two independent fund management committees have been set up. Each committee is responsible for examining the long-term plan for work execution, the annual expenditure budget and the fund's annual statement of accounts and for defining the management policy for the fund's financial assets proposed by the CEA. These funds will guarantee long-term financing for operations and help to ensure that costs and lead times are properly controlled. The operations planned or already underway on the CEA's Fontenay-aux-Roses, Grenoble, Marcoule and Cadarache sites are built around an overall approach and driven by a twofold ambition: a) decommission facilities that have come to the end of their life and b) eventually group together all operational basic nuclear installations on the CEA's two main nuclear energy sites - Cadarache and Marcoule. Over the next ten years, the Grenoble and Fontenayaux-Roses centers will be totally denuclearized and the nuclear support facilities at Cadarache completely renovated. © A. Gonin-CEA Stéphane Laveissière CEA NEWS 18 March 2008 © P. Dumas-CEA SPECIALISED JOBS Preparatory work Before cleanup and dismantling can begin, it is vital to learn all about the historical background of the facility: what materials were handled, what processes were developed and what incidents may have occurred there. This work is part of standard practice in the field. Much of an operation's success depends on the quality of the preparatory work that has gone before it. A detailed preliminary study must be carried out for each operation. This involves taking radiological measurements, preparing practical working methods, developing special tools, and carrying out modeling and simulation tasks. These all form part of the operating strategy. Once this has been done, a whole array of risks must be identified and assessed. Risks include the conventional risks encountered on any building or dismantling site, specific risks related to the materials and substances used and, of course, radiological risks. These must all be considered for prevention purposes. Building on experience The wide range of facilities and the consequent variety of different situations encountered means that each operation is unique and a rich source of information. Methods are developed and improved from one project to another, building on the knowledge and expertise acquired from each operation. A database has been created to pool all the information concerning the amounts of waste generated, dosimetry and the cost and duration of operations. Operating feedback from cleanup and dismantling projects is integrated from the very earliest stages of operations to achieve optimum safety and generate ever less waste. CEA NEWS 19 March 2008 © P. Dumas-CEA Atout Cadarache No.15 - June 2007 © A. Gonin-CEA Descaling the tiled floor of the Triton reactor pit. Operators working in a containment airlock designed to isolate the worksite. They wear protective suits made of woven paper cloth and use respiratory protection equipment. Cleanup and dismantling operations call on two specialist fields: nuclear specialists for dealing with materials management, measurement, safety, radiation protection and waste management and transportation, and civil engineers for removal, cutting, dismantling and so on. These two aspects have given rise to new professions such as dismantling project manager, planner and coordinator, all of whom must combine experience, familiarity with the nuclear sector and organizational skills. In recent years, specialized training courses have been set up both within the CEA and at engineering schools and universities1. As contracting authority, the CEA guarantees observance of the regulatory baseline of the facility to be dismantled, calling on approved specialist partners with the necessary resources and experience. Dismantling projects like the ongoing project at the enriched uranium processing plant involve half a dozen CEA employees, working in conjunction with several dozen employees working for subcontractors. In addition to the special conditions encountered in a nuclear environment, other specific requirements are involved in cleanup and dismantling operations, relating to the shape of buildings and equipment and the constantly changing configuration of the facility as it is taken down. Each job is carried out under close scrutiny from the safety team and the industrial health and safety department, which make recommendations and monitor working conditions. These can be tough! Teams sometimes have to work at height, using ladders or aerial working platforms in confined spaces where access is generally difficult. Other difficulties stem from the measures taken to eliminate or reduce risks – such as having to work in ventilated suits or confined “break-up rooms”. In keeping with the ALARA principle, every step is taken throughout the facility's lifetime to keep the exposure of work teams below regulatory thresholds. These teams must be able to work efficiently and as comfortably as possible in spite of the protective clothing and equipment required. Safety measures apply to CEA personnel and to subcontractors' employees. Preventive measures are taken and inspections carried out at different levels by various parties, including the contracting authority, prime contractor, subcontractors, nuclear installation managers, nuclear safety engineers, industrial safety engineers, radiation protection department staff, support units and the company committee on health, safety and working conditions. Environmental monitoring is also carried out at all times. The cleanup and dismantling phase – like the operating phase – is covered by the facility's regulatory baseline and is part of the Quality-SafetyEnvironment approach. 1. Many training courses in various aspects of dismantling are available at the French National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INSTN), in particular in partnership with the university of science in Grenoble and the education and research university in Nîmes. One example of this is the “3Ds professional degree” in dismantling, waste and decontamination. > ALARA : As Low As Reasonably Achievable, given economic and social constraints. 2015 CLEANUP AND DISMANTLING Deadline for cleanup and dismantling Grenoble and Fontenay projects What about CEA centers GRENOBLE “Passage” project Following the shutdown of the Mélusine (1988), Siloé (1997) and Siloëtte (2002) experimental reactors in Grenoble, the research activities of the active materials research laboratory were moved to Cadarache. The “Passage” project was launched in Grenoble in January 2001. Once this work has been completed, the facilities could be given a new lease of life for non-radioactive activities. A steering committee brings together representatives from the Grenoble and Cadarache centers and CEA functional divisions twice a year. The project is built around three themes. The first is to ensure that dismantling regulations are scrupulously observed, which has meant clarifying the different steps in the regulatory process and drawing up lists of the documents and studies required. The second theme is centered on human resources. Staff management problems induced by the gradual shutdown of facilities were pre-empted back in 1997 through a personnel transfer, recruitment and subcontracting strategy. The third theme covers the technical and economic aspects. All the necessary technical measures must be taken to ensure that dismantling operations are The Siloëtte experimental reactor was officially decommissioned on August 1st, 2007. Commissioned in May 1964, the 100kW reactor was used for testing core configurations in the Siloé reactor and for training purposes. After three years of final shutdown operations, the Grenoble teams took less than two years to complete all the dismantling operations in accordance with the regulatory baseline. successfully completed. This means sorting materials left behind from the past experimental and scientific activities of the facilities, characterizing, treating and Cleanup at Mélusine. The operators sort, cut and characterize objects in the reactor pool. The French nuclear safety authority has given its approval for the remaining nuclear activities of the Fontenay-aux-Roses center to be grouped together on a limited area of the site. There are now two basic nuclear installations on the site instead of four. This represents a major step forward in the site's denuclearization, which began in 2001. The remaining nuclear activities are vital to the completion of denuclearization, which is planned for 2015. © D. VinÁon-CEA FONTENAY-AUX-ROSES A step nearer denuclearization CEA NEWS 20 March 2008 conditioning them before they can be routed to the appropriate waste management solutions and guaranteeing their traceability. Emmanuelle Volant MARCOULE © D. VinÁon-CEA Top-to-bottom investigation of the APM facility There is absolutely no room for improvisation when it comes to dismantling programs – especially when they concern a facility as complex as the APM – the Marcoule Pilot Facility. Before the two-year program could begin at the end of the summer 2007, a thorough investigation of the site had to be carried out. The aim was to identify ways of minimizing personnel exposure and operating costs and optimizing waste flows. As the type and weight of the waste to be managed – and the storage or disposal solution adopted – have a direct impact on the cost of operations, it soon became clear that the waste had to be characterized directly. This was especially true in the thirteen most highly contaminated cells of the facility, the basement (where the effluent tanks were stored) and the piping system used to convey active solutions. The program uses an array of instruments including dose rate measuring probes, a gamma camera, high-performance cadmiumtellurium sensors, germanium spectrometers and video equipment – as well as a whole assortment of carriers, ranging from “pool” type AVM - getting to the bottom of the waste tank problem CADARACHE Greenfield status for the Harmonie reactor at Cadarache © P. Dumas-CEA Although it will be operating at full strength until 2010, the Marcoule vitrification facility (AVM) is already seeing its first cleanup and dismantling activities. These first operations concern 19 “SPF” tanks used to store fission products. Although the tanks are all buried and sealed in concrete, they have their differences. Some are horizontal (whereas most are in a vertical position), capacities range from 5 to 90 m3 and they have not all been in contact with the same products. The objective is to rinse out as thoroughly as possible any radioactivity remaining inside the tanks, in preparation for the dismantling operations scheduled for the period 2012 to 2025. Reagents will be injected into the tanks where they will macerate long enough for deposits to be effectively dissolved. Hot spots have been pinpointed and targeted by mapping out the tanks beforehand. Some of the reagents will only be injected in partial baths. The radioactive and chemical effluent generated (about 2,000 m 3) will then be concentrated and vitrified in 150 containers and stored in the AVM shafts. Following these rinsing operations, tank dismantling will mostly generate category A waste, which will be taken to the ANDRA Aube waste repository. The remaining B waste will be stored pending a deep geological disposal solution. Rive droite Rive gauche No. 67 - October 2007 > ANDRA: French national agency for radioactive waste management. CEA NEWS 21 March 2008 poles to specially designed heavyduty carriers. This vast program began with a twoweek training course for the investigation team. This is important, because until now no specialist training has been available in this field. And yet this is a delicate and highly specialized activity that involves characterizing not only a number of “hot” spots (affecting the dose exposure of operators) but also the volume as a whole, which, although it is less radioactive, will determine how the program is to be carried out. The volume of waste to be treated and stored also has to be estimated. Begun in January 2003, cleanup and dismantling of the Harmonie reactor at Cadarache were completed on October 5, 2007. The research activities of Harmonie, which was built as part of the fast neutron reactor R&D program, came to an end on March 29, 1995 after 30 years' service. The reactor was used for studying the properties of various materials and for calibrating detectors. Cleanup and dismantling work was carried out in three phases: treating conventional waste areas, cleaning up and cutting up the reactor block and dismantling the building and equipment, and backfilling the site. With the last activities wound up, the Harmonie site has now obtained greenfield status. The application for the final decommissioning of the facility was sent to the French nuclear safety authority at the end of 2007. CLEANUP AND DISMANTLING UP1 1 Setting an example Dismantling work at the old UP1 fuel processing plant concerns a whole array of equipment and materials. The work carried out on glove boxes and on filter housings and ducts provides just two examples. could be retrieved from reprocessing waste. This operation had to be carried out by hand, so double-walled ventilated air locks had to be installed to protect the operators from any risk of alpha contamination. This work is now in its last phase. The prime contractor, AREVA NC, must write up its radiological measurement protocol for the room – a task it carried out for the contracting authority, CEA. 3 Waste management solutions Dismantling waste ends up at ANDRA's disposal facilities, in particular the lowlevel waste facility in Soulaines. This leaves a few drums of waste at UP1 containing large quantities of alpha emitters (for example, rags used for wiping glove boxes). As these cannot be sent to existing disposal facilities, they will be conditioned at the new alpha waste conditioning unit currently being built on the site, then stored at the CEDRA facility at Cadarache. 4 1. Corridor leading to entrance to dismantling sites 2. Panoramic view of former shielded process lines at the Stripping laboratory Photos : © P. Dumas-CEA Commissioned in 1962 in the “highlevel” part of the plant, the filter room was designed to treat ventilation gas from the process line and rooms before releasing it to the stacks. One of the first cleanup operations at the UP1 plant began in 1999. The aim was to work on the filter room, which had been contaminated in 1986 following loss of control during a fuel dissolution operation. In view of the radioactive environment in the room, it was decided to cut up the six-meter-high filter housings by telerobotics, using standard tools adapted for nuclear applications for easier maintenance. The job is not an easy one. The rooms are cramped and the initial contamination difficult to assess. The operation requires a team of five: a site manager, a preparation supervisor and three robot operators (including one on a training course because it takes four to six months to train someone to handle the robots). The other two operators work together, with one working the controls while the other keeps his eyes glued to the control monitor to guide the operator. The two operators take turns at the controls. The operation should be completed by mid-2009. Another operation is almost over in the intermediate-level part of the plant. This entails dismantling 25 glove boxes used for extracting any small 5 amounts of plutonium that 2 3 to 4. Different operations involved in dismantling a furnace in a glove box: coating session, working in a confined atmosphere monitored by an operator outside the space and in constant radio contact 5. Two robot operators in the control post during dismantling operation of filter room 6. Handling drums after compacting 6 CEA NEWS 22 March 2008 SCIENTIFIC HIGHLIGHTS OPTICAL RECORDINGS CDs AND DVDs – A RHAPSODY IN BLUE The recently marketed Blu-ray format has already multiplied DVD storage capacity by five, taking it from 4.7 to 25 gigabytes. The LETI1 Institute is working to increase this capacity without changing either the format or reading mode. Scientists have developed what is known as the “super-resolution” technique, which is based on both disc surface treatment and signal recognition by the laser. Blu-ray storage capacity could triple or even quadruple as a result. For both CDs and Blu-ray, the data storage principle remains the same. A series of indentations is molded into the disc in a spiral track that increases in size, as on a vinyl record. The storage capacity of the various formats already depends on the size of these indentations – on a nanometric scale. The smallest indentation measures 160 nanometers (nm) on a Blu-ray disc, compared with 400 nm on a DVD. A laser then “reads” the pattern of pits and lands, which are converted into digital language and its wavelength is adjusted for the reading “accuracy” required. The laser is red for CDs and DVDs and blue for Blu-ray. With the “super-resolution” technique, scientists at the LETI Institute are no longer held back by the limitations of the Blu-ray system in terms of diffraction – its maximum reading accuracy in other words – which is set to 120 nm to read indentations reduced to 80 nm. Superresolution also involves using a semi-conductor material on the surface of the disc. © P. Stroppa-CEA These days the data storage capacity of CDs and DVDs has to meet the requirements of new multimedia applications such as high-definition video. Test bench for mastering in Blu-Ray storage format. The substrate has just been exposed by the writing laser and has a typical iridescent surface. This material allows smaller indentations to be read, “as if through a magnifying glass”, because it only sees the most intense part of the laser beam (the central part), thus avoiding the laser “spilling” over several indentations at the same time. Scientists have also adapted algorithms that are already used in micro-electronics, for use in super-resolution to convert the signals read by the laser beam into digital language. These algorithms tell the Blu-ray reader which is the most likely equivalent for the signals detected in digital language. The technologies developed at the LETI Institute should be available by 2010-2012. They are expected to respond to the development “full HD”, which uses ever wider screens. At the moment approximately 80% of televisions sold are HD Ready and only 10% are Full HD. At the end of 2007 there was a sharp increase in the sales of Full HD, with 400,000 units being sold, ten times more than in the first six months of 2007. With Blu-ray, optical discs will be playing a rhapsody in blue. So it is not surprising that the research carried out by the LETI Institute at the CEA is at the heart of talks with major manufacturers in this sector. Marc Jary Mensuel de Grenoble - No. 118 - December 2007 1. Electronics and Information Technology Laboratory. MOVEA, A STARTUP SPECIALIZED IN MOTION CAPTURE investment of more than €7 million from European venture-capital funds. The company has also acquired the assets of Gyration, a Californian pioneer in motion-sensing technology, in a move to fulfill its ambitions in the consumer electronics market. Movea is the 100th technology spinoff at the CEA, which set up a dedicated structure for such initiatives in 1985. CEA Technologies - No 87 - November 2007 1. Electronics and Information Technology Laboratory. 2. Grenoble Alpes Incubation. CEA NEWS 23 March 2008 © C. Morel-CEA Created in March 2007 after incubation at LETI1 Institute and Grain2, Movea is a startup positioned primarily in the healthcare market and on motion interfaces for consumer applications. Specialized in measuring human movement, Movea designs microsystems capable of capturing and quantifying motion to provide angular data in three dimensions. There are multiple uses in healthcare: functional rehabilitation, postoperational follow-up, sleep quality analysis, detecting fragility in older patients, etc. Movea also plans to integrate its capture technologies in sports equipment, smart phones, and videogame peripherals. New step forward for MOVEA at the end of 2007 as it secures a first-round SCIENTIFIC HIGHLIGHTS THE MOLECULAR CLIP NEW BUILDING BLOCKS IN THE NANOWORLD Developments in nanotechnologies mean that functional objects (such as components and sensors) can now be created by assembling elements on a nanometric scale (atoms, molecules, nanotubes, biomolecules and so on). To achieve this, scientists are exploiting the infinite possibilities matter has to organize itself spontaneously, depending on the symmetries of the system. They use a crystalline substrate (a gold or graphite surface), where the lattice imposes an order on deposited objects, and then exploit the interactions between these objects. Adopting this approach, scientists from the CNRS and CEA have developed a method to predict and control the assembly of molecules on a graphite surface by adjusting the quantity and position of “molecular clips” made up of carbon chains and aromatic cycles. The clip may be attached to other chemical entities to form the molecule to be deposited. The molecules then assemble to form a layer of molecules that are “clipped” to one another on the surface. The Molecules containing one, two or three clips (represented by two green lines) form dimers (left) or two-dimensional networks (centre and right) which spontaneous assemble on a surface. molecular arrangement on the surface of each molecule is determined by the quantity and position of the clips. The potential applications for the building blocks developed using this concept are wide-ranging. Clips could be attached to entities with an optical, electronic or even biological activity to obtain specific nanocomponents for use in applications in nanophotonics, molecular nanoelectronics or even nanobiology. In molecular electronics, carbon nanotubes could be covered with molecules selected for their properties to give the nanotubes new functions. Some of the different assemblies created are even capable of reacting to their environment by making use of the dynamic nature of noncovalent bonds. When they come into contact with certain specific chemical molecules, these assemblies can capture the molecules by reorganizing themselves around them. Delphine Kaczmarek WORKING TOWARDS BIO-INSPIRED HYDROGEN PRODUCTION WITH NO NOBLE METALS All the technology developed for hydrogen production is currently based on the catalytic properties of NOBLE METALS such as platinum. Reserves, however, are limited. The metal's scarcity and cost are obstacles to the long-term economic development of hydrogen technology, despite efforts to reduce the quantities used in electrolyzers and fuel cells. Research to improve hydrogen production is based largely on chemical reactions observed during photosynthesis in plants. More specifically, certain micro-organisms produce hydrogen from water in reaction to light. To reproduce and adapt these processes, researchers have developed supermolecular systems capable of both photosensitization, which captures light energy, and catalysis, which uses the energy collected to release hydrogen from water. Current research thus focuses on alternatives to platinum, by developing catalysts based on metals that are naturally more abundant and less expensive, such as those used by natural organisms: iron, nickel, cobalt and manganese. Researchers at the joint “Laboratoire de chimie et biologie des métaux” (Laboratory of Metals in Chemistry and Biology, CEA-CNRS-Université Joseph Fourier) have just developed a novel system using a cobalt-based catalyst. The electrons provided by an organic molecule in response to light are used to release hydrogen from water with far greater efficiency than comparable systems > NOBLE METALS: Historically, based on the use of noble noble metals were precious metals (Pd, Rh and Pt). metals used in making jewelry Ruthenium is still used as (gold, silver and platinum). the photosensitizer but one The term is now applied to of the next steps in this work metals found in small quantities in the earth's crust, will be to find an alternative. which are both rare and costly The findings of this work were (palladium, rhodium, iridium, published on January 4, 2008 osmium and ruthenium). in the journal “Angewandte Chemie International Edition” and represent a significant step towards the photoproduction of hydrogen. Stéphane Laveissière > For further information: The Wiley InterScience website: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com (Angewandte Chemie (Int Ed Engl), 2008, 47(3): 564-567) CEA NEWS 24 March 2008 RISK MANAGEMENT New materials and developments in building insulation are improving our daily lives, but they only complicate matters for firefighters, who must confront toxic gases and hot smoke that could ignite at any moment. FLASHOVER, BACKDRAFT... these high-temperature phenomena are characteristic of under-ventilated fires (see box). The CEA has launched the Promesis1 program to model these fires and evaluate extinguisher products to improve firefighting procedures. “The most urgent priority in this type of fire is not to extinguish the flames, but rather to control the smoke. Smoke is what spreads fires over large areas and endangers the lives of firefighters,” explains Antoine Joachim, from the CEA's center of expertise on fires. Conducted with the manufacturer Gimaex, this research program is unprecedented in Europe because it brings together several partners2 (police forces, firefighters, manufacturers, scientists and engineers) around a unique structure called Séraphin3. This facility, consisting of three marine containers, recreates the inside of a building. Around 100 fire scenarios will be staged there, involving voluntary blazes in experimental compartments to study phenomena such as flashover and backdraft. Until mid-2008, 10 firefighters, some of them from the CEA's own forces, will test their skills in the dangerous conditions of underventilated fires. The work will be conducted under the close surveillance of sophisticated measuring instruments that collect and analyze thousands of data points in real time: thermal and gas parameters, smoke pressure, heat flows, and the radiation received by firefighters, whose gear must also withstand the trying conditions. Because these fires require a carefully calibrated intervention, Promesis will test a dozen extinguishing products and procedures. One goal will be to ensure that the means employed do not themselves cause damage. For example, too much water can be as destructive as flames in museums, computer facilities, factories, etc. Tackling this unique challenge will make it possible to optimize procedures in very confined or even inaccessible spaces. 120 fire scenarios to study all firefighting techniques 11 Key figures GOING AFTER THE GAS LAYER... commercial products tested 10 firefighters to lead the interventions HOW AN UNDER-VENTILATED FIRE OCCURS © C. Dupont-CEA Aude Ganier Les Défis du CEA No. 126 - November 2007 © CEA 1. Research program on optimizing extinguishing equipment for indoor fires. 2. Partners: CEA, Gimaex, Oseo Innovation, SDIS 42, SDIS 78, BSPP, ENSOSP, MSA Gallet, MS Technologies, Lion Apparel, Tecknisolar & Balsan, CSTB, Yoclémer, University of Poitiers. 3. Facility for studying and fighting instrumented fires. The “fire triangle” brings together three elements: the activation energy (spark, heat), the fuel, and the oxidizing agent (oxygen in the air). If there is a lack of oxidizing agent, the fire is said to be underventilated. But the fire is far from under control. It continues to smolder and the hot smoke represents a hidden danger. If there is a lack of oxygen, these pyrolysis gases (from heat-induced organic decomposition) slowly invade the space. As the temperature rises, materials subjected to this radiated heat decompose and generate new flammable gases that add to the growing gas layer. These gases, unable to escape from the confined area, lead to an increase in pressure. The situation can quickly degenerate into a flashover or backdraft with the slightest ventilation. These are the sorts of phenomena that will be studied in the Séraphin compartment. > FLASHOVER: Spontaneous event involving rapid fire progress in a semi-open environment. Occurs under certain conditions of very high temperature in the presence of pyrolysis gases. > BACKDRAFT: Explosive ignition of smoke that occurs when a cloud of unburnt gas is expelled from a fire in a confined environment, when a door or window is opened. CEA NEWS 25 March 2008 SCIENTIFIC HIGHLIGHTS IMAGING THE HUMAN BRAIN © CEA WITH A 7-TESLA MRI SYSTEM: A FIRST IN FRANCE NeuroSpin1, the CEA's neuroimaging center, recently acquired its first images of the human brain using a 7-tesla2 magnetic resonance imaging system (7-T MRI). This is the first French system at this field strength, and the fourth in Europe. Its enhanced spatial resolution will allow NeuroSpin teams to better understand normal brain function as well as brain pathologies, such as neurodegenerative diseases, conditions affecting white matter, and certain psychiatric illnesses. Increasing the magnetic field to 7-T produces high-quality images and enables spatial resolution at 400 microns, versus a full millimeter in a 3-T field. The end result is a more detailed view. NeuroSpin's first 7-T MR images of the human brain reveal new contrasts invisible at lower magnetic fields and new structures within the white matter fibers that make up the “cables” linking various brain areas. Research will be conducted in the coming months to understand this heightened contrast, these new structures, and the system's potential for studying brain connectivity and white matter diseases. With this new MRI system and the novel research protocols it facilitates, NeuroSpin teams will have the tools to better grasp human brain function and pathology. Delphine Kaczmarek 1. NeuroSpin is one of three platforms for biomedical imaging research in the Paris area, which together constitute the CEA's Institute of Biomedical Imaging (I2BM). 2. The tesla is a unit of magnetic field strength. The Earth's magnetic field in Paris is 5x10-5 T. SATURN'S SATELLITES TEACH US MORE ABOUT HOW PLANETS AND RINGS ARE FORMED The rings of Saturn are one of the most the large, now fossilized discs. surprising regions of the Solar System. The models also revealed that bodies about During the summers of 2006 and 2007, 1 km in diameter were already present the cameras on board the American probe in the rings when they formed. This Cassini revealed reinforces the suspicion that Saturn's rings that two satellites result from the fragmentation of a large of Saturn, Pan body of which Pan and Atlas could and Atlas, had be the two biggest fragments. significant “ridges” Comparison of the size of around their equators, Pan and Atlas with the giving these moons a known sizes of particles in flying saucer shape. These Saturn's rings yields a ridges are several kilometers curve that is strongly thick. Considering that the indicative of a two moons are only about fragmentation © DigitalVision 30 km in diameter, the ridges are truly process. Although gigantic. On the Earth's scale, this would this cannot be be the same as having a mountain considered as 1,000 km high around the entire equator. absolute proof, it does support the theory A team of astrophysicists from the AIM1 that the rings were formed following a laboratory (CEA, Université Paris Diderot, fragmentation process. Already proposed CNRS), and from Cornell University in the 1970s, this theory is still considered and Space Science Institute in the US, one of the most promising, but the origins successfully modeled the formation of of Saturn's rings remain a mystery. these ridges using simulations performed Saturn and its rings may thus be a miniature on CEA supercomputers. These simulations solar system, the evolution of which was have revealed that in a very short time (a halted by the immense planet's tidal effects. few years), the ice particles of Saturn's The resulting fossilization may help us rings pile up at the equator of existing understand the fundamental processes at satellites and faithfully reproduce the work when our own Solar System formed. organization of the ridges observed. This Delphine Kaczmarek 1. Laboratory for the astrophysics is demonstrated by the equatorial ridge of of multiscale interactions. Atlas. The material there is very smooth, meaning that it is young, in contrast to the poles, which are rough, cratered and thus > Sites to visit: Astrophysics Department of CEAmuch older. Dapnia: http://www-dapnia.cea.fr In view of this, Pan and Atlas probably French National Institute of Sciences of formed in two phases. Originally, they were the Universe (INSU), CNRS: just simple satellites, more or less spherical http://www.insu.cnrs.fr in shape, orbiting within the primitive rings Website of the Cassini imaging team: of Saturn. Their gravity then attracted www.ciclops.org surrounding matter, which rained down > Findings published in the journal Science on December 7, 2007 on the equatorial zones, eventually forming CEA NEWS 26 March 2008 How can a physical defect be accurately located in a strand of automobile wiring that is several meters long? Today's mechanics spend much of their time diagnosing wiring faults. In the future they will be able to pinpoint the position of the defect to within 10 centimeters in just a few seconds using the diagnosis tool developed by the CEA's LIST1 Institute as part of the Smart Electronics Embedded Diagnosis Systems project (the SEEDS project comes from the Paris Region System@TIC/Num@tec2 competitiveness cluster, which is funded by PREDIT/ANR). © Photodisc PINPOINTING DEFECTS IN AUTOMOBILE CABLE HARNESSES TO WITHIN 10 CM Watch out for wiring failures! When a mechanic is faced with this type of problem at the moment, he can use diagnosis tools to help him locate the faulty strand in a network that can be up to several kilometers long. But if the strand in question is 10 meters long and winds its way all around the vehicle, he will not know where he needs to make the repair. He could be searching for days! Initial studies carried out by the CEA's LIST Institute in this field focused on nuclear applications and in recent years they have been expanded to include transport: upstream research on detection methods, signal frequency reduction, prototyping and validation tests on sections of cable harness and so on. The main advantage of this technology is that it is accurate to within some 10 cm at the moment (in the laboratory) and will probably be accurate to within 3 or 4 cm in the future. It is based on reflectometry, a technique that involves sending a high frequency probe signal (100 MHz) into the strand and measuring how the return signal changes. This is the “signature” for the type of fault (short circuit, broken wire, defective connector) and its location. “The aim eventually will be to fit each vehicle with an embedded diagnosis chip,” explains Fabrice Auzanneau, from the LIST Institute. “But prices will need to fall to levels that are compatible with the automotive industry for this to be the case, which means that there is still a lot of work to be done.” The diagnosis tool for mechanics therefore represents not only an intermediate stage, but also a market in its own right. Delphi, which is one of the partners in the SEEDS project, has a CEA-designed preprototype. The technology is also tested by Renault Trucks within the project framework. This will undergo testing and will be used in a market research study. If it proves satisfactory, it could then be manufactured on an industrial scale. These systems have other potential applications. The technology involved could be used, for example, for fault location in cable harnesses on commercial or fighter aircraft (some of which have a total of 400 km of cables!), cruise ships (the Queen Mary II has 2,500 km of wires and cables) or even on the hundreds of thousands of kilometers of underground cables used for electricity distribution. Although fault location accuracy would suffer as a result (location would only be accurate to within 10 m for electric cables), it would still be a major step forward given the tedious searches required at the moment. CEA Technologies No. 87 - November 2007 1. Laboratory for Integration of Systems and Technologies. 2. System@tic/Num@tec: www.numatec-automotive.com. BIOTECHNOLOGIES I Hope for “children of the moon” Working with the Gustave-Roussy Institute, the INAC1 Institute has demonstrated how useful microsystems can be to identify the cells of patients known as “children of the moon”, who suffer from xeroderma pigmentosum or XP. This genetic disease is caused by deficiencies in a specific DNA repair process. It is associated with a very high incidence of skin cancer and premature death. The test is ten times quicker than the one used at present and should eventually lead to more rapid diagnosis. 1. Institute of Nanoscience and Cryogenics at the CEA. NUCLEAR PHYSICS I 7,000 nuclei online The structures of the 7,000 nuclei that potentially exist between carbon and darmstadtium are now available online. These theoretical calculations, which were performed using the supercomputers at the CEA's CCRT1, are vital for interpreting nuclear physics experiments, especially those involving exotic nuclei. > http://www-phynu.cea.fr 1. Research and Technology Computing Center with a capacity of 50 teraflops (50,000 billion operations per second), on a par with the Tera 10 supercomputer. CEA NEWS 27 March 2008 © CEA SCIENTIFIC HIGHLIGHTS LASER ENVIRONMENTS: VIRTUAL VISION GUARANTEES 100% SAFETY Imagine laser safety goggles that can filter all wavelengths, at all power levels, while continuing to transmit visible light... The Military Applications Division at the CEA has accomplished as much with a virtual vision device equipped with two miniature cameras. CEA researcher Jean-François Demonchy used novel technologies for his invention, combining virtual vision goggles, miniature CCD cameras, a headband, and audio and video connectors. The result is a 100% safe solution for people working in a laser environment. The goggles can also be used around other dangerous light sources, such as electric arcs used in welding. “There is no conventional laser eyewear that covers all wavelengths and all power levels,” notes J.-F. Demonchy. “Labs with several lasers have to juggle between two or even three different pairs.” The eyewear also has to be tested on a regular basis to ensure optimum performance. These drawbacks disappear with virtual vision. Workers no longer directly see their environment with their eyes; instead their surroundings are transmitted by two CCD cameras in the upper part of the device, then projected on an integrated screen. “We've selected materials that provide a large, high-resolution image, equivalent to a 40-inch screen viewed at a distance of 2 meters,” adds J.-F. Demonchy. Another advantage of virtual vision is that the laser beam remains visible, whereas by definition, filtering goggles cause it to “disappear”, along with much of the visible spectrum. This leads some workers to remove their protective eyewear - e.g. during laser chain adjustments requiring precise beam alignmenta reflex that every safety manager tries to discourage! With these new goggles, such dangerous habits are no longer an issue. Cameras can be selected that allow viewing wavelengths normally invisible to the human eye, for instance in the near infrared. This extends the scope of application to other work environments also potentially harmful for the eyes. The CEA team developing the device is currently completing a second prototype. Weighing only 200 grams and powered by a 5-hour lithiumion battery, it will be routinely used in the Megajoule Laser facilities, near Bordeaux: “After optimization, our costs should match or beat those of conventional filtering goggles,” J.-F. Demonchy says. “But our device will replace several goggles and won't require any upkeep, whereas tests for filtration quality are very expensive.” A patent is in the works and the CEA is currently looking for a partner to manufacture and market the device. Moreover, the invention can serve as a foundation for more advanced applications, e.g. transferring images to a remote control centre to monitor delicate operations, superposing a procedure or a virtual environment on the screen (augmented reality) to help operators do their work, etc. CEA Technologies No 87 - November 2007 levels remain very high at night. These experiments were conducted through a partnership with ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency), the Ile-de-France region, the Beijing Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center (BMEMC), and the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP/CAS). They are part of a strong push to bring conditions up to Western standards. During the Olympic Games, the entire region will have to scale back its activities. Only essential industries such as electricity production will be allowed to continue normal operations. © H.Cachier Stade Olympique In August 2007, a team from the Laboratory of Climate and Environment Sciences (CEA/CNRS/University Versailles-SaintQuentin) conducted several experiments to understand the emission and transformation of particles in the complex atmosphere around a megapolis like Beijing, where pollutant concentrations are 5 to 10 times higher than in Paris. Carbon monoxide (CO) is emitted by combustion, so the consistent variations in aerosol and CO concentrations indicate that the particles are mainly from human activities. In the summer, prevailing winds from the south carry numerous pollutants from the industrial basin of Hebei. Episodes of acute pollution occur in a 10-day cycle and can last several days. A diurnal progression is clearly visible, and in Beijing, pollution © H.Cachier POLLUTION AND THE OLYMPIC GAMES IN BEIJING CEA NEWS 28 March 2008 François Legrand THE GLASS OF EMBIEZ TELLS ITS TALE... AND RESEARCHERS ARE LISTENING © E. DeLavergne-CEA Researchers at the CEA laboratory on the long-term behavior of conditioning materials are studying archeological glass that is morphologically similar to nuclear glass. Moreover, the conditions of its alteration after 1,800 years at the bottom of the Mediterranean are well known. These characteristics are invaluable for answering the following general question: If the model for the disposal behavior of R7T7 glass (from the La Hague plant) is “transposed” to the Roman glass and its specific properties, will it account for the alteration currently observed in the archeological finds? The first step toward answering this question was to examine the degree of fracturing in the archeological blocks, then to evaluate the impact on overall alteration. Researchers adopted an approach that combined techniques such as microtomography, scanning electron microscopy, and microbeam analysis. The assessment of thousands of cracks has yielded a number of insights. First of all, the Roman blocks have been altered by 15-20%. This result is essentially due to the behavior of large fractures. Situated at the outer edges of the blocks, they represent 55% of the alteration. Very small cracks, which are far more numerous, only have a minor impact of 5%. Although predominant inside the blocks, these small cracks are in contact with a solution having very little renewal that saturates rapidly. The slow transport of aqueous species within the cracks and their clogging by argillaceous mineral phases greatly reduce the rate at which the glass dissolves. Now that this first objective has been met, the second step is to model the behavior of the archeological glass. To this end, an in-depth study was launched to identify the reaction mechanisms and measure the alteration kinetics as a function of time and environment conditions. The methodology adopted closely follows that developed for nuclear glass: conducting leaching tests, monitoring morphological, chemical, and structural changes at the glass/solution interface, etc. An initial model will simulate the alteration of the cracked blocks. Hytec, a simulation code, has already been selected for the task. Developed by the engineering school Ecole des Mines de Paris and already in use at the laboratory, it couples chemical phenomena and transport in a porous medium. The final step will be transposing these data to nuclear glass, to confirm results from the models describing its long-term behavior in geological repositories. Interest in the glass of Embiez has already extended beyond France. The teams at Marcoule presented their work at a seminar organized in Hyderabad, India, as part of the CEA's collaboration with the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC). Stéphane Gin Rive droite Rive gauche No 67 - October 2007 CEA NEWS 29 March 2008 A NEW PROGRAM ON FRACTURING As part of an agreement signed by the CEA, AREVA NC, and ANDRA, the Waste Treatment and Conditioning Department at Marcoule is coordinating a program on fracturing launched in September 2007 and set to last 3.5 years. Also involved are the Strasbourg Institute of Solid and Fluid Mechanics (IMFS), the Laboratory of Geology at Ecole Nationale Supérieure, and the Laboratory of Solid Mechanics at Ecole Polytechnique. The objective of this R&D program is to quantify fracturing in vitrified waste packages, according to the thermal history of the glass, and to evaluate fracture changes over time in geological repositories. After being poured, industrial nuclear glass has a heat gradient between its hot interior and its cold exterior. This causes a field of mechanical stress to develop and a network of cracks to form. The impact of this initial network on a package's chemical durability has been evaluated using leaching tests on inactive, full-size objects. But further changes are possible under lithostatic pressure (weight of overlying material), or due to corrosion products from the metal containers. As a result, this new collaborative effort is focused on building a phenomenological model capable of simulating how mechanical changes in geological disposal conditions affect the behavior of vitrified waste packages. © E. DeLavergne-CEA Discovered off the Mediterranean island of Embiez, Roman glass from the 2nd century A.D. is currently under study at Marcoule. The material is beginning to reveal its secrets, and the new experimental data are proving very useful for studying the long-term behavior of vitrified nuclear waste. © CEA EXHIBITIONS ANNUAL PROCORAD CONGRESS PROCORAD is a French association set up in 1994 on the initiative of CEA, AREVA NC and the French Association of Nuclear Biologists. Its initial aim was to establish a more official status for internal quality control, developed in the area of Radiotoxicology by the biologists themselves, in a similar fashion to that implemented in clinical bioassay laboratories. However, the association also has other goals in sight, including promoting scientific and technical exchanges in the field and developing members' expertise through international networking, with the organization of intercomparison programs. PROCORAD now organizes seven annual programs for some 70 laboratories located all over the world. The annual congress provides an opportunity to report on the results of the intercomparison programs, to hear cutting-edge presentations and take note of people's comments and expectations. It also includes workshops on current issues and subjects being investigated. SUPERCOMPUTING 07 On november 10-16, 2007, the CEA attended Supercomputing 07 at Reno-Sparks. SC07 is the premier international conference on high performance computing, networking, storage, and analysis. SC07 hosted an exceptional technical program, tutorials, workshops, an expanded exhibits area, an exciting education program and many other activities. The SC conference series has grown to include scientists, researchers, software developers, network engineers, policy makers, corporate managers, CIOs and IT administrators from universities, industry and government from all over the world. Attendees were immersed in the latest state-of-the-field developments in technology, applications, vendor products, research results, national policy and national/ international initiatives. SC07 is the one place attendees can see tomorrow's technology being used to solve world-class challenge problems today. OBSERVATORY FOR MICRO AND NANO TECHNOLOGIES World Energy Congress - Rome 2007 © L. Godart-CEA Since 1924, The World Energy Congress has been widely recognised as the premier global all energy event on the calendar. The 20th Congress was held in November 2007 in Rome. The World Energy Council is the most representative body of the energy industry with members in 96 countries. Its mission is to promote the sustainable supply and use of energy for the greatest benefit of all. The London-based organization has official consultative status with the United Nations. An unprecedented level of global cooperation between industry and government, and deeper integration of regional and international energy markets will be required to achieve a sustainable energy future. This collaboration will determine the next 30 years of our energy system. © P. Gentile-CEA GLOBAL GOVERNANCE KEY TO A SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FUTURE © P. Stroppa-CEA © F. Vigouroux-CEA Last June, many international Radiotoxicologists met in Villeneuve-lesAvignon (France) for the Annual PROCORAD Congress. The annual OMNT seminar has, over the years, established its position as one of the major annual events for the microand nano-technologies sector. At the one-day seminar, experts from the Observatory report on their work and present their vision of scientific and technical developments in the field. They also analyze the economic context underlying these developments (players, startups, new products and market forecasts). This year, at the seminar held on February 7, 2008 at the Maison de la Chimie, in Paris, the focus was on a newly emerging subject of "Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials: Effects on Health and the Environment", and included 3 presentations. The seminars, which are open to the public, are attended by over 300 people every year, most of whom are researchers, industrial developers, venture capitalists and representatives of the public authorities also attend. > http://www.omnt.fr/index.php CEA NEWS 30 March 2008 EXHIBITIONS May 19-23, 2008 - Montpellier, France International Conference ATALANTE October 12, 2007 to August 24, 2008 (final part of “Living with Risk”: May 18, 2008) Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Tsunamis: LIVING WITH RISK © L. Godart-CEA © P. Stroppa-CEA The ATALANTE conferences provide an international forum for presentation and discussion of current research on the nuclear fuel cycle, waste management and future nuclear fuel cycles. Under the patronage of the High commissioner of the French atomic energy, the 2008 session will cover fundamental and applied scientific topics regarding nuclear fuel cycle for the future. Expected conferences subtopics include: • issues, national policies and international initiatives ; • progress and innovation in separation technology ; • advanced fuels ; • basic science in actinides chemistry and fuel under irradiation ; • high-level waste conditioning and long-term behaviour ; • nuclear facilities for fuel cycle research. > http://www-atalante2008.cea.fr Two exhibitions presented in 3 languages: English, French and Italian, in one place: • the first part explores movements below the surface of the Earth and the most spectacular manifestations, • the second part, devoted to the concept of risk and prevention, focuses on human life, hears from people who have lived through such phenomena, organizing emergency services or helping to prepare local populations to deal with them, etc. © F. Rhodes-CEA © P. Stroppa-CEA 26-30 May 2008 in Marseille WIN Global Annual Meeting 2008 The next Women in Nuclear Global Annual Meeting will be hosted by WINFrance. It will take place from 2630 May 2008 in Marseille, France. The main theme will be: “Nuclear Revival: Maintaining Key Competencies”. Nuclear revival poses a crucial challenge for keys competencies replacement: • Extension of work age for senior skilled workforce and transfer of knowledge. • Training for young professionals. • Role of women in competencies replacement. • Preparation of the know-how transfer. The meeting will include a conference, Q&A sessions and round table discussions. There will be also visits to nuclear installations (Cadarache and Marcoule CEA' centers) and other sites (optional). © L. Godart-CEA > http://www.win-global.org/win-2008.htm Clefs CEA Clefs CEA No 55, Summer 2007 Nuclear systems of the future Generation IV A scientific and technical review, Clefs CEA reports on important subjects in research and development studied by CEA. The articles, written in part by scientists, address the public with a general scientific culture. Researchers are beginning to lay the groundwork for the future of reactors. Clefs CEA provides an overview of future generations and what the industry will be like by mid-century. > An english version is available on line and on CD-Rom. www.cea.fr CEA NEWS 31 March 2008 CEA EMBASSY COUNSELOR NETWORK BERLIN Jean-Marc CAPDEVILA jean-marc.capdevila@diplomatie.gouv.fr HELSINKI Claude SAINTE-CATHERINE claude.sainte-catherine@cea.fr BUDAPEST Gérard COGNET gerard.cognet@cea.fr MOSCOU Denis FLORY nucleaire.moscou@diplomatie.gouv.fr LONDRES Alain REGENT alain.regent@cea.fr NEW-DELHI Hugues de LONGEVIALLE hugues.de-longevialle@cea.fr WASHINGTON Jacques FIGUET nuclear.counselor@ambafrance-us.org SEOUL Jean-Yves DOYEN jeanyvesdoyen@kornet.net BRUSSELS - EU Guillaume GILLET guillaume.gillet@diplomatie.gouv.fr TOKYO Pierre-Yves CORDIER pierre-yves.cordier@cea.fr PARIS CEA Headquarters ceanews.contact@cea.fr VIENNA - AIEA Marc-Gérard ALBERT marc-gerard.albert@diplomatie.gouv.fr BEIJING Alain TOURNYOL du CLOS servnucpekin@yahoo.com w w w. c e a . f r More information: ceanews.contact@cea.fr
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