Vedlegg 1 - Aktivitetsrapport FLO okt. 2015

Forskingsgruppe Folkehelse, livsstil og overvekt
Aktivitetsrapport 2015, pr okt. 2015
1. Jepsen R. Physical activity and patient-reported outcomes during a two-year lifestyle intervention for
severely obese adults. Universitetet i Bergen, 2015.
2. Natvik E. Carrying the weight of uncertainty: Patients’ long-term experiences after bariatric surgery.
Universitetet i Bergen, 2015.
1. Itland SK. Predictors of anxity and depression after bariatric surgery. Hovedoppgåve i
profesjonsstudiet i psykologi. Universitetet i Bergen.
2. Hamre CB. Kroppsmasseindeks og helseåtferd hjå ungdom som bur på hybel. Master i klinisk
helsevitskap – fedme og helse. Norges teknisk-naturvitskaplege universitet.
3. Støfring ÅS. Førekomst av muskel- og skjelettsmerter hjå sjukeleg overvektige før og etter
fedmeoperasjon. Forskingsoppgåve i medisinstudiet. Universitetet i Bergen.
Sandvik T. Pasienters erfaringer om langtidsoppfølging etter gastric-sleeve operasjon. Master i
samhandling innan helse- og sosialtenester. Høgskulen i Sogn og Fjordane.
Vitskaplege publikasjonar
Aasprang A, Andersen J, Våge V, Kolotkin R, Natvig G. Psychosocial functioning before and after
surgical treatment for morbid obesity: reliability and validation of the Norwegian version of
obesity-related problem scale. PeerJ 3:e1275 2015.
Andersen JR, Hernæs U, Hufthammer K, Våge V. Employment status and sick-leave following
obesity surgery: a five-year prospective cohort study. PeerJ 3:e1285 2015.
Errickson SP, Kolotkin RL, Skidmore MS, et al. Improvements in Functional Exercise Capacity
after a Residential Behavioural Change, Diet and Fitness Program for Obese Adults.
Physiotherapy Research International 2015.
Glosvik Ø. An introduction to systems thinking applied to obesity. The Complexity of Obesity
Proceedings (2015).
Jepsen R, Aadland E, Robertson L, Kolotkin RL, Andersen JR, Natvig GK. Physical activity and
quality of life in severely obese adults during a two-year lifestyle intervention programme.
Journal of obesity 2015:314194.
Júlíusson PB, Brannsether B, Kristiansen H, Hoppenbrouwers K, Bjerknes R, Roelants M. Should
children with overweight or obesity be excluded from height references? Archives of Disease in
Childhood 2015.
Kolotkin R, Gadde K, Peterson C, Crosby R. Health-related quality of life in two randomized
controlled trials of phentermine/topiramate for obesity: What mediates improvement? Qual Life
Res 2015:1-8.
Matikainen M, Rajalahti T, Peltoniemi M, Parvinen P, Juppo A. Determinants of New Product
Launch Success in the Pharmaceutical Industry. J Pharm Innov 2015;10:175-89.
Natvik E, Gjengedal E, Moltu C, Raheim M. Translating weight loss into agency: Men's
experiences 5 years after bariatric surgery. International journal of qualitative studies on health
and well-being 2015;10:27729.
Resaland GK, Moe VF, Aadland E, Steene-Johannessen J, Glosvik Ø, Andersen JR, Kvalheim OM,
McKay HA, Anderssen SA. Active Smarter Kids (ASK): Rationale and design of a clusterrandomized controlled trial investigating the effects of daily physical activity on children’s
academic performance and risk factors for non-communicable diseases. BMC public health
Yancy JWS, Mayer SB, Coffman CJ, Smith VA, Kolotkin RL, Geiselman PJ, McVay MA, Oddone EZ,
Voils CI. Effect of Allowing Choice of Diet on Weight LossA Randomized TrialEffect of Allowing
Choice of Diet on Weight Loss. Annals of Internal Medicine 2015;162:805-14.
1. Aadland KN, Moe VF, Aadland E, Resaland GK, Ommundsen Y. Baseline associations of physical
activity, cardiorespiratory fitness and motor skills to executive function: The Active Smarter Kids
study. 8th European Youth Heart Study Symposium, 2015 (Oslo, Norge).
2. Aadland E, Terum T, Mamen A, Andersen LB, Resaland GK. The Andersen aerobic fitness test:
reliability and validity in 10-year-old children. 8th European Youth Heart Study Symposium, 2015
(Oslo, Norge).
3. Resaland GK, Anderssen SA. Physical activity in school. From preventive public health focus, to active
smarter kids – a ten year journey. 8th European Youth Heart Study Symposium, 2015 (Oslo, Norge).
4. Andersen JR, Natvig GK, Stokken D, Aadland E, Resaland GK. Associations between cardiovascular
fitness and health-related quality of life in 10-year young children. 8th European Youth Heart Study
Symposium, 2015 (Oslo, Norge).
5. Natvik, E. & Moltu, C. (2015). Beyond Publication: What Phenomenological Studies on Lived
Experience can do. 34th International Human Science Research Conference, 2015 (Trondheim,
6. Natvik E, Moltu, C, Gjengedal E, Råheim M. Lågare vekt for større handlingsrom: Menn sine
erfaringar fem år etter fedmekirurgi. Fysioterapikongressen 2015 (Lillestrøm, Norge).
7. Júlíusson PB, Brannsether B, Kristiansen H, Hoppenbrouwers K, Bjerknes R, Roelants M. Should we
exclude children with overweight or obesity from height reference samples? Data from Belgium and
Norway shows that is makes little difference. The 18th Biennial EUSUHM 2015 Congress, 2015
(Tallin, Estland).
8. Vie TL, Breidablik HJ. Is self-rated health a stable and predictive factor for allostatic load in early
adulthood? Findings from the Nord Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT). 19th Nordic Congress of
General Practice 2015 (Göteborg, Sverige).
9. Lin C, Kvalheim TR, Mjøs M, Kvalheim O. Cardiovascular health revealed as correlation patterns and
predictive relationships between serum lipoprotein and fatty acid features in non-obese Norwegian
adults. 11th Annual International Conference of the Metabolomics Society 2015 (San Francisco,
10. Andersen JR. Developing a computer assisted clinical feedback system to improve outcomes after
obesity surgery: rationale and research strategies. International Conference on Computer Systems in
Medicine and Health; 2015. (Førde, Norway).
11. Andersen JR. Patient cooperation in obesity treatment. Nasjonalt Nettverk for Livskvalitetsforskning,
Livsforsk; 2015. (Bergen, Norway).
12. Itland SK, Moltu C, Vie TL, Andersen JR. Change in Anxiety and Depression Five Years after Bariatric
Surgery. Fedmeforskingsdagane, 20.10 2015 (Bergen, Norge).
Andre viktige aktivitetar
1. Seminar med professor Harry Rutter: “Active travel for public health” (04.03.2015, Sogndal) og “The
challenge of obesity” (05.03.2015, Førde).
2. Satelittkonferanse med Ronette Kolotkin, John Roger Andersen, Kirsti Riiser, Hege Kristiansen og
Petur Benedikt Juliusson: “Quality of life in children and adolecent with overweight or obesity”
(19.10.2015, Bergen).
3. Seminar med John Roger Andersen, Harry Rutter, Førde kommune, Sogn og Fjordane
fylkeskommune og Statens vegvesen: “Aktiv transport og helse” (22.10.2015, Førde).