. nr 39/15 - 2015.09.21 NO årgang 105 ISSN 1503-4925 Norsk varemerketidende er en publikasjon som inneholder kunngjøringer innenfor varemerkeområdet f f BESØKSADRESSE Sandakerveien 64 POSTADRESSE Postboks 8160 Dep. 0033 Oslo f E-POST mail@patentstyret.no f TELEFON 22 38 73 00 f TELEFAKS 22 38 73 01 f INFOSENTERETS TELEFONTID kl. 09.00 - 15.00 Telefon (+47) 22 38 73 33 Telefaks (+47) 22 38 73 31 innholdsfortegnelse og inid-koder 2015.09.21 - 39/15 Innholdsfortegnelse: Registrerte varemerker ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer............................................................................................................ 30 Ansvarsmerker .................................................................................................................................................... 95 Innsigelser ............................................................................................................................................................ 96 Begrensing i varefortegnelsen for internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer................................................. 98 Begrensing av varer eller tjenester for nasjonale registreringer ................................................................. 104 Trekninger/slettelser begjært av søker/innehaver ......................................................................................... 105 Overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer i spesifiserte rettigheter ......................................................... 106 Endringer i fullmaktsforhold ............................................................................................................................ 111 Rettelse av internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer ..................................................................................... 114 Krav om administrativ overprøving av varemerkeregistreringer ................................................................. 115 Fornyelser .......................................................................................................................................................... 116 Fornyede internasjonale registreringer .......................................................................................................... 117 Ikke fornyede internasjonale registreringer ................................................................................................... 121 Slettede internasjonale registreringer............................................................................................................. 123 Administrativ overprøving av registrering av foretaksnavn ......................................................................... 124 INID-koder I kunngjøringene er de enkelte data forsynt med koder overenstemmende med INID-kodesystemet (INID= Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data). (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (526) (300) (450) (511) (521) (526) (540) (541) (546) (551) (554) (571) (591) (730) (740) (791) (793) (891) Registreringsnummer Registreringsdato Registreringen utløper Søknadsnummer Inngivelsesdato Unntaksannmerkning Prioritetsopplysninger Kunngjort registrert dato Vare-/tjenesteklasse Bruk/innarbeidelse Unntaksannmerkning Gjengivelse av varemerketekst Merket er et ordmerke Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Fellesmerkebestemmelser Merket er tredimensjonalt Beskrivelse av merket Merket er i farger Søker/innehaver Fullmektig Lisenshaver Lisensinformasjon Etterfølgende utpekning dato 2 registrerte varemerker 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Registrerte varemerker Registrerte varemerker jf. varemerkeloven § 22. I løpet av tre måneder fra i dag kan det fremsettes innsigelse mot registreringen av varemerket, jf. varemerkeloven § 26 og varemerkeforskriften § 23. For søknader som har søknadsdag fra 1. juli 2010 gjelder varemerkeregistreringen i ti år fra søknadsdagen. Registreringer som har søknadsdag før 1. juli 2010 gjelder i ti år fra registreringsdagen. Se varemerkeloven § 32 jf. § 83 annet ledd. (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283341 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.10 Søknadsnr.: 201310412 Inndato: 2013.08.23 Registreringen utløper: 2023.08.23 Gjengivelse av merket: CLUMP DEFY Reg.nr.: 283344 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.10 Søknadsprioritet 2014.12.16, EM, 013578471 Søknadsnr.: 201506900 Inndato: 2015.06.03 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.03 Gjengivelse av merket: TEMLIMM (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: The Procter & Gamble Company, One Procter & Gamble Plaza, US-OH45202 CINCINNATI, USA (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Kosmetikk; hårvann; preparater for rengjøring, vask, pleie og forskjønnelse av hår. Klasse 21 Kammer; børster (ikke malerpensler). (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: AstraZeneca AB, SE-15185 SÖDERTÄLJE, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater og substanser. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283342 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.10 Søknadsprioritet 2014.12.16, EM, 013578414 Søknadsnr.: 201506895 Inndato: 2015.06.03 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.03 Gjengivelse av merket: Reg.nr.: 283345 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.10 Søknadsprioritet 2014.12.16, EM, 013573035 Søknadsnr.: 201506901 Inndato: 2015.06.03 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.03 Gjengivelse av merket: IMFINZI (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: AstraZeneca AB, SE-15185 SÖDERTÄLJE, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater og substanser. IMJUDO (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: AstraZeneca AB, SE-15185 SÖDERTÄLJE, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater og substanser. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283343 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.10 Søknadsprioritet 2014.12.16, EM, 013578448 Søknadsnr.: 201506896 Inndato: 2015.06.03 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.03 Gjengivelse av merket: Reg.nr.: 283346 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.10 Søknadsprioritet 2014.12.23, EM, 013602883 Søknadsnr.: 201506909 Inndato: 2015.06.03 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.03 Gjengivelse av merket: IMCEPSEO (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: AstraZeneca AB, SE-15185 SÖDERTÄLJE, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater og substanser. OCYTLA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: AstraZeneca AB, SE-15185 SÖDERTÄLJE, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater og substanser. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 3 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283347 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.10 Søknadsprioritet 2014.12.16, EM, 013575915 Søknadsnr.: 201506903 Inndato: 2015.06.03 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.03 Gjengivelse av merket: 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283349 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.10 Søknadsnr.: 201506890 Inndato: 2015.06.03 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.03 Gjengivelse av merket: APJULI (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: AstraZeneca AB, SE-15185 SÖDERTÄLJE, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater og substanser. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Brother Industries, Ltd., 15-1 Naeshiro-cho, Mizuho-ku, JP-467-8561 NAGOYA-SHI, Japan (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Skrivere; etikettrykkemaskiner for bruk med datamaskiner; elektroniske etikettrykkemaskiner; datamaskinprogramvare for drift av skrivere og etikettrykkemaskiner; media registrert med datamaskinprogrammer nemlig CD, DVD, MP3, minnekort, og USB brukt i tilknytning til skrivere og etikettrykkemaskiner. Klasse 16 Etikettrykkemaskiner til kontorbruk eller for husholdningsbruk; håndholdte etikettrykkemaskiner for kontorbruk eller for husholdningsbruk; båndkassetter for etikettrykkemaskiner; kassetter/tape for etikettrykkemaskiner; kassett-/tape-refill for etikettrykkemaskiner; fargebånd for etikettrykkemaskiner; fargebåndkassetter er for etikettrykkemaskiner; klebemidler for papirvarer og for husholdningsbruk; papir og papirvarer; etiketter; blindmateriale til etiketter; blindmateriale til etiketter i form av tape og ruller; limbelagt etikettmateriale; kopieringspapir, tape og ruller til bruk med termiske maskinskrivere; skrivesaker og papirvarer; kontorrekvisita; varmefølsomt papir; papir i form av ruller. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283348 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.10 Søknadsprioritet 2015.02.11, EM, 013729652 Søknadsnr.: 201506524 Inndato: 2015.05.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.26 Gjengivelse av merket: DryTecs (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: WashTec Holding GmbH, Argonstrasse 7, DE-86153 AUGSBURG, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4302 SANDNES, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Kjemiske produkter til industrielle formål, spesielt tørkemidler, midler til vannbehandling, flokkuleringsmidler, midler for luktkontroll, nøytraliseringsmidler for bruksvann, midler for forebygging eller redusering av skumdannelse, bløtgjørings- og avkalkningsmidler for væsker, spesielt for vann; midler for skumdannelse; alle de forannevnte er varer spesielt for bruk til rengjøring og vedlikehold av kjøretøyer. Klasse 3 Blekemidler og andre midler for klesvask; midler for rengjøring, polering samt til flekkfjerning og sliping; flytende rengjøringsmidler; såper; parfymevarer, eteriske oljer; parfymer; midler for polering av lakkerte flater, spesielt til bruk i mekaniske vaskeinstallasjoner for kjøretøyer; midler for fjerning av insekter, universal grovfilter, midler for rengjøring av felger, aktivt skum, renseskum, bilshampoo, såpepulver, felgrensemidler, rengjøringsmidler for haller og anlegg, voks spesielt til pleie av lakk, skumvoks, voks for understellsbehandling; alle de forannevnte er varer spesielt for bruk til rengjøring og vedlikehold av kjøretøyer. Klasse 37 Installasjon, tilpasning, reparasjon og vedlikehold av installasjoner for bilvaskesystemer, samt installasjoner for rengjøring, polering og tørking av kjøretøyer, maskiner for vasking, rengjøring, polering og tørking av kjøretøyer; installasjon, montering, reparasjon og vedlikehold av installasjoner for vasking, desinfisering, sterilisering, transportering og behandling av spillvann og for lagring av vann; vasking, rengjøring, tørking og polering av kjøretøyer; vasking av kjøretøyer og betjening av bilvasksystemer; utleie av installasjoner for vasking, rengjøring, polering og tørking av kjøretøyer samt utleie av vaskeautomater for kjøretøyer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283350 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.10 Søknadsnr.: 201506708 Inndato: 2015.05.31 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.31 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: TECHNIUM AS, Richard Birkelandsveg 2B, 7034 TRONDHEIM, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 12 Sykkelutstyr. Klasse 17 Gummiprodukter. Klasse 42 Industriell design. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 4 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283351 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.10 Søknadsnr.: 201506889 Inndato: 2015.06.03 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.03 Gjengivelse av merket: 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283354 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.10 Søknadsnr.: 201506529 Inndato: 2015.05.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.26 Gjengivelse av merket: YOPA! (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: YOPLAIT MARQUES, Societé en nom collectif, 170 bis, Boulevard du Montparnasse, FR-75014 PARIS, Frankrike (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Meieriprodukter, melk og melkeprodukter, friske melkeprodukter, melkedrikker hovedsakelig av melk, melkedesserter, yoghurt, fruktyoghurt, drikkeyoghurt, fersk ost, krem (melkeprodukt), pisket krem. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: EIR 112 AS, Rosenborgveien 3, 1630 GAMLE FREDRIKSTAD, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Antiseptisk bomull; bandasjer for forbindinger; gas [for forbindinger]; hefteplaster; hygieniske bind; kompresser; linimenter; lotion for farmasøytisk bruk; medisinsk alkohol; plaster; reiseapotek; øyebadevann. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283352 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.10 Søknadsnr.: 201506827 Inndato: 2015.05.29 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.29 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: SEMAC AS, Postboks 34 Vollebekk, 0516 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Bedriftstøttetjenester (HMS). Klasse 45 Konsulentvirksomhet for sikkerhetsspørsmål; krise og beredskapsledelse; juridiske tjenester; sikkerhetstjenester for beskyttelse av eiendom og enkeltmennesker; krise og beredskapsledelse - Crisis Management System. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Thomas Concrete Group AB, Box 5162, SE-40226 GÖTEBORG, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 19 Betongpåler; bygningsmateriale av betong forsterket med plast og glassfiber; betongelement for steinlegging; ferdigblandet betong for støping; bygningsdeler- og element av betong; gatestein laget av betong; prefabrikkerte konstruksjonselementer og bygningselementer av betong; betongrør; gatestein laget av betong; betongplater for veilegging; betongbjelker; betongblokker for kystbeskyttelse; betong for støping; betongvegger; betongkulverter; betongmosaikk (terrazzo); betong (forskaling, ikke av metall, for-); betongpatchingforbindelser laget av en base av tjære; betongblokker; betong og betonghvelv; ferdigblandet betong; blokker av betong for elvebreddbeskyttelse; raviner og brønner (deler av avløpssystem av betong); forskaling, ikke av metall for betong; betongformer (ikke-metalliske); bygningsmateriale av betong; gravmarkør av steintøy, betong eller marmor; betongplater; betonggulv; beholdere av betong; sprøytebetongformer av tre og betongbalanserende mørtel; betong pullerter; arkitektoniske elementer laget av betong; armert betong; betongelementer; ildfast betong; renner [dreneringskonstruksjoner i betong]; masser for anvendelse ved fremstilling av betong; sand for fremstilling av betong; råvarer til fremstilling av betong; som er opptatt i klassen; betongvegger for konstruksjon; syntetisk betong; gravsteiner av steintøy, betong eller marmor; plater av betong; plater laget av betong; støttemurer av betong; belegg for betong; konstruksjonsmaterialer (belegg) av betong; fliser, (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283355 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.10 Søknadsnr.: 201506869 Inndato: 2015.06.02 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.02 Gjengivelse av merket: Reg.nr.: 283353 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.10 Søknadsnr.: 201504966 Inndato: 2015.04.22 Registreringen utløper: 2025.04.22 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: ABC-Byggsystem AS, Kveldroveien 7, 1407 VINTERBRO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 19 Prefabrikerte hus (byggesett). (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 5 registrerte varemerker murstein eller betongblokkanlegg for bygging. Klasse 37 Betongdrenering; bygging av vei og vannkonstruksjoner gjennom helning av betong; reparasjon av betong; pumping og glatting av betong i bygg og anlegg; montering av stillaser; utføre landskapsarbeid eller betongkonstruksjoner; betongarbeid- tjenester; utleie av betongblandere; utleie av maskiner for å pumpe betong; bygging av veier og vassdrag gjennom forming av betong; tetting av betong; bygging av veier og vannfasiliteter ved legging av betong; oppspenning av betong og betongknusing; bygging av armerte betongkonstruksjoner gjennom bruk av glide- og klatreformarbeid; betongarbeid (reparasjon/vedlikehold). Klasse 40 Støping av betong; produksjon av betong. (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (521) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283357 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.10 Søknadsnr.: 201212497 Inndato: 2012.11.16 Registreringen utløper: 2022.11.16 Bruk/innarbeidelse Ja Gjengivelse av merket: (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283356 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.10 Søknadsnr.: 201506831 Inndato: 2015.05.31 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.31 Gjengivelse av merket: ARCTICtrailer (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: STENERSEN AS, Innelvvegen 2, 9100 KVALØYSLETTA, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 12 Tilhengere. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Duracell Batteries BVBA, Nijverheidslaan 7, BE-3200 AARSCHOT, Belgia (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Elektriske kraftkilder, nemlig elektrokjemiske celler, elementer og batterier. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283358 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.11 Søknadsnr.: 201408366 Inndato: 2014.07.18 Registreringen utløper: 2024.07.18 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Inhouse Group AS, Postboks 8, 2024 GJERDRUM, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Baker & McKenzie Advokatbyrå KB, Box 180, SE10123 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 27 Tapet; tapet av vinyl; tekstil tapet. Klasse 35 Forhandlerservice av tapeter. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 6 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283359 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.11 Søknadsnr.: 201408368 Inndato: 2014.07.18 Registreringen utløper: 2024.07.18 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283361 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.11 Søknadsprioritet 2014.12.04, SE, 524969 Søknadsnr.: 201506837 Inndato: 2015.06.01 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.01 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Springhill Textile AB, Box 22300, SE-25025 HELSINGBORG, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 25 Undertøy, klær, fottøy. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Inhouse Group AS, Postboks 8, 2024 GJERDRUM, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Baker & McKenzie Advokatbyrå KB, Box 180, SE10123 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 27 Tapet; tapet av vinyl; tekstil tapet. Klasse 35 Forhandlerservice av tapeter. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283360 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.11 Søknadsprioritet 2014.09.05, US, 86/386,859 Søknadsnr.: 201415557 Inndato: 2014.12.30 Registreringen utløper: 2024.12.30 Gjengivelse av merket: Reg.nr.: 283362 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.11 Søknadsnr.: 201415252 Inndato: 2014.12.22 Registreringen utløper: 2024.12.22 Gjengivelse av merket: Solsidens sommer aquavit (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Anders Wetten, Bakkevegen 6, 2318 HAMAR, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Aquavit, alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl); brennevin; destillerte drikker. BE ORIGINAL. BE NATURAL. BE GOOD. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Bare Escentuals Beauty, Inc., 71 Stevenson Street, 22nd Floor, US-CA94105 SAN FRANCISCO, USA (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Kosmetikk og ikke-medisinske hudpleiepreparater. (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Reg.nr.: 283363 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.11 Søknadsnr.: 201502023 Inndato: 2015.02.17 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.17 Gjengivelse av merket: BODYMARKERS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: BodyMarkers AB, Kråketorpsgatan 26, SE-43153 MÖLNDAL, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Hygienepreparater for medisinske formål; diettmat og substanser for medisinsk eller veterinærisk bruk, babymat; kosttilskudd for mennesker og dyr; plastre, materialer for forbindinger; materiale for tannfyllinger og tannavtrykk, dentalvoks; desinfeksjonsmidler; preparater for utryddelse av insekter og skadedyr; soppdrepende midler, ugressdrepere; medisinske preparater for slanking; antioksidanter for bruk som kosttilskudd; kosttilskudd inneholdende antioksidanter; dietetiske næringsmidler for bruk i klinisk ernæring; diettmattilsetninger; kosttilskudd; eggehvitebaserte 7 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) kosttilskudd; proteinbasert kosttilskudd; klebebånd for medisinsk bruk; allergimedisin; helsekosttilskudd for personer med spesielle diettkrav; helsekosttilskudd laget hovedsakelig av vitaminer; kostholds- og ernæringstilsetninger; dietetiske stoffer for medisinsk bruk; dietetiske drikker for medisinsk bruk. Klasse 9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske, optiske og geodetiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske og optiske databærere, grammofonplater; kompaktdisketter, DVDer og andre digitale opptaksmedier; mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr, datamaskiner; dataprogramvare; brannslukningsapparater; filtermembraner for bruk i laboratorier; integrerte programvarepakker for bruk i automatisering av laboratorier; laboratoriefiltre; dataspillprogrammer; dataprogrammer og programvare for tilgang til og bruk av internet; dataprogrammer og programvare for datamaskiner, mobiltelefoner og mobile apparater, nemlig dataprogrammer og programvare for sosiale nettverk, mottak og sending av data, handel med varer og tjenester, administrasjon og grafisk online presentasjon av fitness, vekt, trening, kondisjon og helserelatert informasjon, matematiske indeksberegninger av helserelatert data, online dataprogrammer og programvare; sensorer og elektroniske apparater og mikroprosessorer for påvisning, lagring, matematiske beregninger, rapportering, overvåkning, opplasting og nedlasting av sport, fitness, trening, helsepleie og aktivitetsdata til internet, datamaskiner, mobile apparater, mobiltelefoner, spillkonsoller, og kommunikasjon med mobile apparater, spillkonsoller og datamaskiner, universal seriebuss [USB]-maskinvare, skrittellere, GPS datamaskinvare (hardware). Klasse 44 Hygienisk behandling og skjønnhetspleie for mennesker eller dyr; landbruk-, hagebruk- og skogbrukstjenester; medisinsk testing, nemlig fitnessevaluering; slankebehandling; overvåkning av vektreduksjonsprogrammer; planlegging av vektreduksjonsprogrammer; kosmetiske kroppspleietjenester; behandling av allergier; rådgivning i forbindelse med allergier; rådgivningstjenester i forbindelse med helse; helsepleie i forbindelse med faste; helsepleie i forbindelse med naturmedisin; fremskaffelse av helsepleieinformasjon via telefon; fremskaffelse av helseinformasjon; fitnesstester; kostholds- og ernæringsveiledning; helserådgivning via internet, datamaskiner, mobiltelefoner og andre mobile apparater; helsepleie i forbindelse med diabetes; helserelatert informasjon via internet, datamaskiner, mobiltelefoner og andre mobile apparater; fremskaffelse av helseinformasjon via internet, datamaskiner, mobiltelefoner og andre mobile apparater; profesjonell rådgivning i forbindelse med helse; styrte helseomsorgstjenester; diettplanlegging og diettovervåkning; utstedelse av rapporter i forbindelse med vekttap, helse, fitness, trening, kondisjon; vektkontrollevaluering; blodprøvetaking, nemlig blodprøver tatt ved kapillær fremgangsmåte/virkning hvor blodet er tørket på filterpapir; informasjonstjenester i forbindelse med fitness, helse, vekttap-programmer, trening, kondisjon; rådgivning innen området helse, fitness, vekttap, trening, kondisjon; måling i forbindelse med trening, kondisjon, helse, vekttap, fitness; testing i forbindelse med trening, kondisjon, helse, vekttap, fitness. 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283364 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.11 Søknadsprioritet 2014.10.06, EM, 013333695 Søknadsnr.: 201502521 Inndato: 2015.02.23 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.23 Gjengivelse av merket: DYNEA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Dynea AS, Postboks 160, 2001 LILLESTRØM, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Kjemikalier til bruk i industrien; ubehandlet kunstig harpiks; klebemidler til bruk i industrien; urea-, melamin-, fenol- og/eller resorcinol-formaldehydharpiks til bruk i industrien; spesialkjemikalier som tilsetning i produksjon, behandling og transport av olje og gass; kjemisk baserte klebemidler til bruk i industrien. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283365 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.11 Søknadsprioritet 2014.11.04, US, 86/443,834 Søknadsnr.: 201503147 Inndato: 2015.03.09 Registreringen utløper: 2025.03.09 Gjengivelse av merket: ULTEM (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: SABIC Global Technologies B.V., Plasticslaan 1, NL4612PX BERGEN OP ZOOM, Nederland (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 17 Halvbearbeidet termoplastisk fiber (filament), granulater, pulver og pellets til bruk for 3D-printing; halvbearbeidet termoplastisk fiber (filament), granulater, pulver og pellets til bruk for videre produksjon. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 8 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283366 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.13 Søknadsnr.: 201507130 Inndato: 2015.06.05 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.05 Gjengivelse av merket: 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283368 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.14 Søknadsnr.: 201506842 Inndato: 2015.06.01 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.01 Gjengivelse av merket: CITPRIVA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., One Merck Drive, USNJ08889 WHITEHOUSE STATION, USA (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Sheraton International IP, LLC, One StarPoint, USCT06902 STAMFORD, USA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 36 Tjenester med fast eiendom, nemlig meglervirksomhet for fast eiendom, ervervelse av fast eiendom, aksjeverdideling og delt eierskap i fast eiendom, nemlig bestyring og arrangering av eierskapet i fast eiendom, borettslag, eierseksjoner, selveierleiligheter, leiligheter; investering i fast eiendom, bestyrelse av fast eiendom, timesharing av fast eiendom og utleie og leasing av fast eiendom, inkludert, borettslag, eierseksjoner, selveierleiligheter, leiligheter. (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283369 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.14 Søknadsnr.: 201506843 Inndato: 2015.06.01 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.01 Gjengivelse av merket: CIVFIDRO (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., One Merck Drive, USNJ08889 WHITEHOUSE STATION, USA (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283367 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.14 Søknadsnr.: 201506841 Inndato: 2015.06.01 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.01 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) CARVACRA Reg.nr.: 283370 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.14 Søknadsnr.: 201506844 Inndato: 2015.06.01 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.01 Gjengivelse av merket: CONQRIEN (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., One Merck Drive, USNJ08889 WHITEHOUSE STATION, USA (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater. (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., One Merck Drive, USNJ08889 WHITEHOUSE STATION, USA (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 9 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283371 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.14 Søknadsnr.: 201506845 Inndato: 2015.06.01 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.01 Gjengivelse av merket: temperaturmålere for strømnett; strømtransformatorer; utstyr og apparater for indikering av spenning og jordfeil; serie-satellittstasjon; avgrenings- og koblingsskap; transformatorer; distribusjonstransformatorer; spennings- og/eller strømregulatorer; styreenheter; apparater og enheter for styring av ledning, veksling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet, nettstasjoner for seksjonering av elnett, lastskillebrytere og fulleffektbrytere utstyrt for måling, overvåkning og kommunikasjon; apparater- og el-skap; elektriske ledninger og kabling; elektriske koblinger; nettdeler (transformatorer); kraftenheter (transformatorer). Klasse 19 Flyttbare bygninger, ikke av metall. Klasse 35 Detaljhandelstjenester vedrørende apparater og instrumenter for ledning, veksling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontrollering av elektrisitet, nettstasjoner i blikk og betong, koblingsanlegg, relé-beskyttelse, nettstasjoner for seksjonering av strømnett, skillebrytere og effektbrytere utstyrt for måling, overvåking og kommunikasjon, elektriske motorer, gasmålere og temperaturmålere for strømnett, strømtransformatorer, utstyr og apparater for indikering av spenning og jordfeil, satellittstasjon, seriesatellittstasjon, avgrenings- og koblingsskap, transformatorer, distribusjonstransformatorer, vindkraftgeneratorer for strøm, spennings- og/eller strømregulatorer, styreenheter og styresystem, apparater- og el-skap, elektriske ledninger og kabling, elektriske koblinger, koblingsanlegg, bygninger. Klasse 37 Installasjonstjenester relatert til bygninger, apparater og instrumenter for å lede, veksle, transformere, akkumulere, regulere eller kontrollere elektrisitet, nettstasjoner i blikk og betong, koblingsanlegg, relébeskyttelse, nettstasjoner for seksjonering av strømnett, skillebrytere og effektbrytere utstyrt for måling, overvåking og kommunikasjon, elektriske motorer, gasmålere og temperaturmålere for strømnett, strømtransformatorer, utstyr og apparater for indikering av spenning og jordfeil, satellittstasjoner, seriesatellittstasjoner, avgrenings- og koblingsskap, transformatorer, distribusjonstransformatorer, vindkraftanlegg, spennings- og/eller strømregulatorer, styreenheter og styresystemer, apparater- og el-skap, elektriske ledninger og kabling, elektriske koblinger, koblingsanlegg, bygninger; bygge- og anleggstjenester knyttet til apparater og instrumenter for å lede, veksle, transformere, akkumulere, regulere eller kontrollere elektrisitet, nettstasjoner i blikk og betong, koblingsanlegg, relé-beskyttelse, nettstasjoner for seksjonering av strømnett, skillebrytere og effektbrytere utstyrt for måling, overvåking og kommunikasjon, elektriske motorer, gasmålere og temperaturmålere for strømnett, strømtransformatorer, utstyr og apparater for indikering av spenning og jordfeil, satellittstasjon, seriesatellittstasjon, avgrenings- og koblingsskap, transformatorer, distribusjonstransformatorer, vindkraftanlegg, spennings og/eller strømregulatorer, styreenheter og styresystem, apparater- og el-skap, elektriske ledninger og kabling, elektriske koblinger, koblingsanlegg, bygninger; reparasjons- og vedlikeholdstjenester vedrørende utstyr og apparater for indikering av spenning- og jordfeil, satellittstasjon, seriesatellittstasjon, avgrenings- og koblingsskap, transformatorer, distribusjonstransformatorer, vindkraftanlegg, spennings- og/eller strømregulatorer, styreenheter og styresystem, apparater- og el-skap, elektriske ledninger og kabling, elektriske koblinger, koblingsanlegg, bygninger; reparasjon/vedlikehold av bygninger, apparater og instrumenter for å lede, bytte transformere, akkumulere, regulere og kontrollere elektrisitet, nettstasjoner i blikk og betong, koblingsanlegg, relé-beskyttelse, nettstasjoner for seksjonering av strømnett, skillebrytere og effektbrytere utstyrt for måling, overvåking og kommunikasjon, elektriske motorer, gasmålere og temperaturmålere for strømnett, strømtransformatorer. Klasse 42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og dertil relatert forskning og design, industrielle analyser og CONQVRIEN (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., One Merck Drive, USNJ08889 WHITEHOUSE STATION, USA (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283372 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.14 Søknadsnr.: 201506846 Inndato: 2015.06.01 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.01 Gjengivelse av merket: VECITPRIO (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., One Merck Drive, USNJ08889 WHITEHOUSE STATION, USA (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283373 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.14 Søknadsprioritet 2014.09.08, EM, 013237987 Søknadsnr.: 201501024 Inndato: 2015.01.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.01.26 Gjengivelse av merket: SOLIDRING (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: KL Industri AB, Norralundsvägen 11-13, SE-61244 FINSPÅNG, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 6 Bygninger av metall. Klasse 7 Anlegg for strømgenerering; kraftinstallasjoner (generatorer); uavbruttbare strømforsyningsenheter for generering av elektrisk energi (maskiner); vindkraftanlegg for el-fremstilling; elektriske motorer; elektriske generatorer; generatorer; kraftoverføringer, unntatt landkjøretøy, maskiner for el-generering; nettaggregat; turbiner for kraftgenerering. Klasse 9 Apparater og instrumenter til å lede, veksle, transformere, akkumulere, regulere eller kontrollere elektrisitet; nettstasjoner i blikk og betong; koblingsanlegg for distribusjon og transformering av elektrisitet; koblingsanlegg til beskyttelse av transformatorer; relé-beskyttelser; nettstasjoner og satelittstasjoner inneholdende elektrisk koblingsanlegg for distribusjon og transformering av elektrisitet; skillebrytere og effektbrytere utstyrt for måling, overvåking og kommunikasjon; gasmålere og 10 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) forskningstjenester; design og utvikling av datahardware- og software; tekniske konsulenttjenester innenfor områdene strømnettstasjoner og strømdistribusjon. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283376 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.14 Søknadsnr.: 201504887 Inndato: 2015.04.17 Registreringen utløper: 2025.04.17 Gjengivelse av merket: WOFF AND GO (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: BRITT TENOLD-ANDRESEN, Oddevallveien 62, 3405 LIER, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Hundeshampo, hundebad, rensepreparater, kosmetikk for hund, desinfiserende såpe, tørrshampo, tørrensende preparater, massasjegele/oljer til hund, neglepleiende produkter for hund, shampo for kjæledyr, spesialshampoer for hund, såpe for flekkfjerning, desinfiserende talkum pulver, solkremer for hund, avkjølende badeshampo for hund. Klasse 5 Pollenbasert kosttilskudd, Aloe Vera preparater for farmasøytiske formål, sporstoffpreparater for dyr, hundelotion for hund, hundegodteri for medisinsk bruk, antiseptisk badesalt for medisinsk bruk, førstehjelpsskrin fyllt og tomt, kulturer av mikroorganismer for medisinsk og veterinær bruk, parasittdrepende halsbånd for dyr, preparater for vask av hunder, bandasjer for forbindinger, bandasjer for pynt, bandasjer for forebygging, salt for mineralbad, antiseptisk bomull, antiparasittmidler. Klasse 18 Kosmetikkmapper til hund. Reg.nr.: 283374 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.14 Søknadsnr.: 201502967 Inndato: 2015.03.06 Registreringen utløper: 2025.03.06 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Connecting & Support B.V., Bastenakenstraat 107, NL01066 AMSTERDAM, Nederland (740) Fullmektig: Hynell AS, Parkveien 53 B, 0256 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 38 Tilveiebringelse av en direkteoppkoblet plattform for tilbud om eskortetjenester. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283375 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.14 Søknadsnr.: 201502968 Inndato: 2015.03.06 Registreringen utløper: 2025.03.06 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283377 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.14 Søknadsnr.: 201504307 Inndato: 2015.04.06 Registreringen utløper: 2025.04.06 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: SILJE MARIE ROSENLUND, Messepromenaden 5, 0279 OSLO, Norge JUNI NORDRUM, Kornmoenga 15, 1413 TÅRNÅSEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Solbriller; applikasjoner, nedlastbare. Klasse 14 Smykker, klokker. Klasse 18 Vesker. Klasse 25 Hansker, skjerf, sjal, hatter, sko og klær til gjenbruk. Klasse 26 Hårbånd. Klasse 45 Online sosiale nettverkstjenester. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: BYGGmax AB, Box 6063, SE-17106 SOLNA, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Hynell AS, Parkveien 53 B, 0256 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 37 Oppføring og anlegg av byggverk; reparasjonstjenester for bygninger og deler av bygninger; vedlikeholdstjenester; installasjonstjenester for bygninger og deler av bygninger; restaureringstjenester; konsulenttjenester vedrørende oppføring, anlegg, reparasjon, vedlikehold, tilbygg eller restaurering av bygninger; informasjonstjenester vedrørende oppføring, anlegg, reparasjon, vedlikehold, tilbygg eller restaurering av bygninger, installasjonstjenester, restaureringstjenester og konsulenttjenester vedrørende oppføring eller anlegg av bygninger. Klasse 42 Arkitektkonsultasjoner; design av innredninger (formgivning, planlegging). (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 11 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283378 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.14 Søknadsnr.: 201505032 Inndato: 2015.04.24 Registreringen utløper: 2025.04.24 Gjengivelse av merket: 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 konsulenttjenester innen dataprogramvare; konsultasjonsvirksomhet ved design og utvikling av datamaskiner; konvertering av data eller dokumenter fra fysisk til elektronisk media; konvertering av dataprogrammer og data [ikke fysisk konvertering]; kopiering av dataprogrammer; leie av Webserver; nettskytjenester; oppdatering av dataprogrammer; opprettelse og vedlikehold av websider for andre; outsourcing av it-tjenester; programmering for datamaskiner; rådgivning ved design av websider; rådgivningstjenester innen datateknologi; rådgivningstjenester innen IT; rådgivningstjenester innen telekommunikasjonsteknologi; sikkerhetstjenester angående datavirus; softwaretjenester [saas]; teknologiske rådgivningstjenester; utarbeidelse av dataprogrammer; utleie av datamaskiner; utleie av dataprogrammer; vedlikehold av dataprogrammer og software; vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; Industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer; webhotell [tilby vertsserver for andres hjemmesider]. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: SNORRE DATA AS, Nittedalsgata 1 A, 2000 LILLESTRØM, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Mageli ANS, Torvet 3, 2000 LILLESTRØM, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; kompaktdisker, DVD-er og andre digitale opptaksmedier; mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr, datamaskiner: dataprogramvare: brannslukningsapparater. Bærbare datamaskiner; computer hardware; computer periferiutstyr; databehandlingsapparater og innretninger; datamaskiner; datamaskinvarer (hardware); dataprogrammer (software) [innregistrerte på databærere]; dataprogrammer (software) [nedlastbar programvare]; diskettstasjon [for datamaskiner]; fotografiapparater; logger; magnetbåndstasjon [dala]; mobiltelefoner; modemer; monitor som datamaskinvare; mus [databehandlingsutstyr]; nettbrett; operative programmer, innregistrerte for datamaskiner; overvåkningsprogrammer for datamaskiner; programvarer [innregistrerte edb programmer, software]; prosessorer; skanner [databehandlingsutstyr]; skjermbildedata innregistrert på dataprogrammer; smarttelefoner; tastaturer for datamaskiner; telefonapparater; tilpasser for datamaskiner; videokameraer. Klasse 35 Administrasjon av data-arkiver; annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; datasøk i datafiler, for andre; salg av digitale informasjonsprodukter; utleie av kontormaskiner og apparater; websidetrafikk optimalisering Klasse 37 Byggevirksomhet; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av datamaskiner; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av kontormaskiner. Klasse 38 Dataassistert overføring av beskjeder og bilder; informasjon om telekommunikasjon; overføring av digitale filer; streaming av data; telefontjenester; telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet; tilby tilgangstid til et globalt datanettverk; tilveiebringelse av online forum; tilveiebringelse av praterom på internett; tilveiebringelse av telekommunikasjonskanaler for fjernhandel; tilveiebringelse av tilgang til databaser; utleie av telefoner; utleie av telekommunikasjonsutstyr; utleie av tilgangstid til et globalt datanettverk; videokonferansetjenester. Klasse 42 Analysering av datasystemer; design av computersystemer; digitalisering av dokumenter [skanning]; driftstjenester for servere; elektronisk datalagring; elektronisk sikkerhetskopiering; fjernlagring av datasikkerhetskopier; fjernovervåkning av datasystemer; fremskaffelse av informasjon om computerteknologi og programmering via en webside; fremskaffelse av søkemotorer for internettet; gjenoppretting av data fra datamaskiner; (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283379 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.14 Søknadsnr.: 201505033 Inndato: 2015.04.24 Registreringen utløper: 2025.04.24 Gjengivelse av merket: SNORRE data AS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: SNORRE DATA AS, Nittedalsgata 1 A, 2000 LILLESTRØM, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Mageli ANS, Torvet 3, 2000 LILLESTRØM, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; kompaktdisker, DVD-er og andre digitale opptaksmedier; mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr, datamaskiner: dataprogramvare: brannslukningsapparater. Bærbare datamaskiner; computer hardware; computer periferiutstyr; databehandlingsapparater og innretninger; datamaskiner; datamaskinvarer (hardware); dataprogrammer (software) [innregistrerte på databærere]; dataprogrammer (software) [nedlastbar programvare]; diskettstasjon [for datamaskiner]; fotografiapparater; logger; magnetbåndstasjon [dala]; mobiltelefoner; modemer; monitor som datamaskinvare; mus [databehandlingsutstyr]; nettbrett; operative programmer, innregistrerte for datamaskiner; overvåkningsprogrammer for datamaskiner; programvarer [innregistrerte edb programmer, software]; prosessorer; skanner [databehandlingsutstyr]; skjermbildedata innregistrert på dataprogrammer; smarttelefoner; tastaturer for datamaskiner; telefonapparater; tilpasser for datamaskiner; videokameraer. Klasse 35 Administrasjon av data-arkiver; annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; datasøk i datafiler, for andre; salg av digitale 12 registrerte varemerker informasjonsprodukter; utleie av kontormaskiner og apparater; websidetrafikk optimalisering. Klasse 37 Byggevirksomhet; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av datamaskiner; installasjon, vedlikehold og reparasjon av kontormaskiner. Klasse 38 Dataassistert overføring av beskjeder og bilder; informasjon om telekommunikasjon; overføring av digitale filer; streaming av data; telefontjenester; telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet; tilby tilgangstid til et globalt datanettverk; tilveiebringelse av online forum; tilveiebringelse av praterom på internett; tilveiebringelse av telekommunikasjonskanaler for fjernhandel; tilveiebringelse av tilgang til databaser; utleie av telefoner; utleie av telekommunikasjonsutstyr; utleie av tilgangstid til et globalt datanettverk; videokonferansetjenester. Klasse 42 Analysering av datasystemer; design av computersystemer; digitalisering av dokumenter [skanning]; driftstjenester for servere; elektronisk datalagring; elektronisk sikkerhetskopiering; fjernlagring av datasikkerhetskopier; fjernovervåkning av datasystemer; fremskaffelse av informasjon om computerteknologi og programmering via en webside; fremskaffelse av søkemotorer for internettet; gjenoppretting av data fra datamaskiner; konsulenttjenester innen dataprogramvare; konsultasjonsvirksomhet ved design og utvikling av datamaskiner; konvertering av data eller dokumenter fra fysisk til elektronisk media; konvertering av dataprogrammer og data [ikke fysisk konvertering]; kopiering av dataprogrammer; leie av Webserver; nettskytjenester; oppdatering av dataprogrammer; opprettelse og vedlikehold av websider for andre; outsourcing av it-tjenester; programmering for datamaskiner; rådgivning ved design av websider; rådgivningstjenester innen datateknologi; rådgivningstjenester innen IT; rådgivningstjenester innen telekommunikasjonsteknologi; sikkerhetstjenester angående datavirus; softwaretjenester [saas]; teknologiske rådgivningstjenester; utarbeidelse av dataprogrammer; utleie av datamaskiner; utleie av dataprogrammer; vedlikehold av dataprogrammer og software; vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; Industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer; webhotell [tilby vertsserver for andres hjemmesider]. maskiner for tekstiltrykk; kuttemaskiner for tekstiler; pregemaskiner; gir; generatorer for elektrisitet; nødkraftgeneratorer; deler og tilbehør for de forannevnte varene; trommelenheter; etikettrykkemaskiner; stempelmaskiner. Klasse 9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; kompaktdisker, DVD-er og andre digitale opptaksmedier; mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr, datamaskiner; dataprogramvare; brannslukningsapparater; printere; telefaksmaskiner; fotokopimaskiner; skannere; multifunksjonelle apparater for bruk til kopiering, utskrifter, skanning, og oversendelse av dokumenter og bilder; skjermer til hodemontering (HMD); briller; batterier og mobiler; akkumulatorer; ladere for elektrisk utstyr; kameraer; mikrofoner; datamaskin software og programmer; media registrert med datamaskinprogrammer; apparater for nettverkskommunikasjon; nettverksrutere; apparater for fremvisning av informasjon; nettverkskommunikasjonsutstyr; nettverksservere; media registrert med digitale filer; nedlastbare musikkfiler; nedlastbare bildefiler; deler og tilbehør for de forannevnte varene. Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; online detaljhandelstjenester via et globalt datanettverk av kontorrekvisita, skrivesaker og papirvarer, elektronisk kontorutstyr, elektronisk utstyr for hjemmebruk, webbasert multimedia telefonkonferansesystemer, webbasert multimedia telefonkonferanseutstyr og datamaskinprogramvare; administrasjon av elektroniske data via et globalt kommunikasjonsnettverkssystem. Klasse 38 Telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet; tilveiebringelse av elektroniske konferansesystem ved hjelp av et globalt kommunikasjonsnettverk og tilveiebringelse av informasjon og rådgivning derom; overføring av digitale filer nemlig musikk, lyd, tekst, meldinger, fotografier, bilder og video via et globalt kommunikasjonsnettverk; utleie av telekommunikasjonsutstyr inkludert telefoner og telefaksmaskiner. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter; tilveiebringelse av musikk, lyd, fotografier, bilder, video, tekst og dokumenter via globale kommunikasjonsnettverk; tilveiebringelse av informasjon og instruksjoner vedrørende virkemåte, driftsteknikk, bruksmåte og vedlikehold av utstyr via et globalt kommunikasjonsnett; organisasjon, ledelse og/eller arrangering av seminarer, konferanser og opplæring. Klasse 42 Vitenskapelige og teknologiske tjenester og forskning og utvikling relatert dertil; industriell analyse og forskning; design og utvikling av datamaskiner og dataprogrammer; design, utvikling og vedlikehold av dataprogrammer; tilveiebringelse av dataprogrammer; tilveiebringelse av dataprogramvare via globale kommunikasjonsnettverk; utleie av webservere for lagring av digitale data, inkludert musikk, lyd, meldinger, tekst, fotografier, bilder og video. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283380 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.14 Søknadsnr.: 201503148 Inndato: 2015.03.09 Registreringen utløper: 2025.03.09 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Brother Industries, Ltd., 15-1 Naeshiro-cho, Mizuho-ku, JP-467-8561 NAGOYA-SHI, Japan (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Verktøymaskiner; motorer (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); landbruksredskaper (andre enn manuelt drevne); rugemaskiner; salgsautomater; maskiner og verktøy for metallbearbeiding; symaskiner; strikkemaskiner; tekstilmaskiner og -apparater; broderingsmaskiner; heftemaskiner for tekstiler; (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 13 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283381 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.14 Søknadsprioritet 2015.01.16, US, 86/505,435 Søknadsnr.: 201505976 Inndato: 2015.05.15 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.15 Gjengivelse av merket: strikkeluer, leggings (loungewear), slips, pyjamaser, bukser, regnstøvler, sandaler, hode- og halstørkler av silke, skjorter, sko, shortser, sovebukser, oversokker, sokker, gensere, joggebukser (loungewear), badetøy, topper (loungewear), slips, t-skjorter, tunikaer (loungewear), undertøy, uniformer til utkleding for barn, regntøy, ermebeskyttere, yogabukser (loungewear). Klasse 28 Spill og leketøy, nemlig actionfigurer og tilbehør for actionfigurer, arkadespill, kroppsbeskyttere for rullebrettkjøring, kroppsbeskyttere for paintballaktiviteter, ballonger, brettspill, kortspill, juletrepynt og dekorasjoner (unntatt unntatt lys og konfektyrer), videospill med myntinnkast, samledukker, byggeleker, kostymemasker, albu-beskyttere [sportsartikler], elektriske actionleker, ansikstmasker for paintball, tilpassede plastfilmer for å tildekke og beskytte elektronisk spillutstyr, nemlig videospillkonsoller, videospillkontrollere og håndholdte videospillenheter; gasssylindre for paintball-geværer, håndholdte enheter til spilling av videospill andre enn de som er tilpasset bruk med en ekstern skjerm eller monitor, knebeskyttere [sportsartikler], paintball-geværer, ammunisjon for paintball, festhatter av papir, piñatas, festhatter av plast, spillkort, tøyleker, beskyttende bærevesker og holdere spesielt tilpasset samledokker, beskyttende bærevesker spesielt tilpasset håndholdte videospill, radiostyrte lekebiler, rollespilleketøy i form av spillsett for å imitere videospillhandlinger og karakterer, rullebrett, hansker til rullebrettkjøring, snøglobus [leker], stand-alone-videospillmaskiner, byggesett [leketøy], lekestatuer, lekekjøretøy, vinyllekefigurer, samlekortspill, videospillkonsoller, videospillkontrollere, vannfylte lekevåpen, vannleketøy, jojoer. HP ZVR (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P., 11445 Compaq Center Drive West, US-TX77070 HOUSTON, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Datamaskiner, PC-er, bærbare datamaskiner, reisedatamaskiner, borddatamaskiner, nettbrett, håndholdte datamaskiner, alt-i-ett-datamaskiner, dataarbeidsstasjoner; datahardware; datasoftware; dataperiferiutstyr, bærbart dataperiferiutstyr, dataperiferienheter; datamaskintastaturer, datamus, datakabler og ¿tilkoblingsenheter, datamaskinadaptere, dockingstasjoner til datamaskiner; datamaskinmonitorer, dataskjermer, flatskjermer; printere, skrivere, dataskrivere, alt-i-ett-skrivere, skannere, telefaksmaskiner, kopimaskiner. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283382 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.14 Søknadsnr.: 201506558 Inndato: 2015.05.27 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.27 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Arctic Moments (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: REIDAR ARNESEN, TH WIDDINGS VEG 11, 9020 TROMSDALEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 39 Opplevelsesreiser. Klasse 41 Turist- og fotoaktiviteter.Praktisk opplæring (ved demonstrasjon). Reg.nr.: 283384 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.14 Søknadsnr.: 201505291 Inndato: 2015.04.28 Registreringen utløper: 2025.04.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283383 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.14 Søknadsnr.: 201505290 Inndato: 2015.04.28 Registreringen utløper: 2025.04.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Art Nor AS, Naustveien 17, 9303 SILSAND, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Kjøtt, fisk, fjærkre og vilt; kjøttekstrakter; konserverte, tørrede og kokte frukter og grønnsaket, geleer, syltetøy, kompotter, egg, melk og melkeprodukter; spiselige oljer og fett. Klasse 31 Jordbruks-, hagebruks- og skogbruks-produkter samt korn; levende dyr; friske frukterog grønsaker; frø og såvarer, naturlige planter og blomster, næringsmidler til dyr, malt. CALL OF DUTY (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Activision Publishing, Inc., 3100 Ocean Park Blvd., USCA90405 SANTA MONICA, USA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Kombinert hodetelefon og mikrofon til bruk ved spilling av videospill. Klasse 25 Klær, nemlig finlandshetter, bandanas [halstørkler], baseballcaps, badedrakter, badekåper (loungewear), små luer (beanies), belter [bekledning], støvler, boksershorts (loungewear), kapser, barnekostymer, fottøy, hansker [bekledning], nattøy (loungewear), halloweenkostymer, hatter, trikotklær, jakker, (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 14 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283385 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsprioritet 2014.12.11, US, 86/477,800 Søknadsnr.: 201506595 Inndato: 2015.05.29 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.29 Gjengivelse av merket: FAN Reg.nr.: 283388 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsprioritet 2015.05.05, CA, 1726835 Søknadsnr.: 201506897 Inndato: 2015.06.03 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.03 Gjengivelse av merket: SPAN (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Fairfield Industries Incorporated, 1111 Gillingham Lane, US-TX77478 SUGAR LAND, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 42 Tilveiebringe tjenester innen området olje- og gassleting, nemlig utføre geofysiske undersøkelser, datafangst og analyser; design av seismiske fangstparametre, -modeller eller -planer for fangst av seismisk data; fangst, behandling og analyse av seismisk data. (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Nureva Inc., 1000, 1221 8th Street SW, CA-ABT2R0L4 CALGARY, Canada (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Programvare for fjernbetjening av datahardware, audiovisuelt utstyr, multimediaprojektorer og visningsskjermer; programvare for opprettelse, opplasting, visning, kommentering og deling av data, informasjon og multimediainnhold; datahardware; multimediaprojektorer; vogner og traller med hjul, spesielt tilpasset for datahardware og audiovisuelt utstyr; interaktive, elektroniske visningsskjermer; fjernkontroller for datahardware, audiovisuelt utstyr og visningsskjermer; posisjonspekere (stylus) for bruk med datahardware, audiovisuelt utstyr og visningsskjermer; beskyttende deksler og trekk for datahardware og audiovisuelt utstyr; beskyttende etuier, kasser og kofferter for datahardware og audiovisuelt utstyr. Klasse 42 Elektroniske tjenester via et globalt datanettverk, nemlig tilveiebringelse av elektroniske tjenester som muliggjør fjernbetjening av datahardware, audiovisuelt utstyr, multimediaprojektorer og visningsskjermer; elektroniske tjenester via et globalt datanettverk, nemlig tilveiebringelse av elektroniske tjenester for opprettelse, opplasting, visning, kommentering og deling av data, informasjon og multimediainnhold. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283386 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsnr.: 201502895 Inndato: 2015.03.03 Registreringen utløper: 2025.03.03 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283389 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsnr.: 201506847 Inndato: 2015.06.01 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.01 Gjengivelse av merket: DE HISTORETORISKE KURS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Retoringdal AS, Furubråtveien 9, 1170 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 16 Trykksaker; bøker, publikasjoner. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; kulturelle aktiviteter; organisering og ledelse av kongresser, konferanser, seminarer og symposier; publisering av elektroniske publikasjoner on-line. Klasse 43 Formidling av midlertidig losji. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Norwegian Brand Ltd., Ground Floor, Imbus House, Dublin Airport, IE- CO. DUBLIN, Irland (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Dataprogramvare; bankkort [kodede eller magnetiske]. Klasse 16 Trykksaker; magasiner; tidsskrifter. Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester. Klasse 36 Forsikringsvirksomhet; finansiell virksomhet; monetær virksomhet; forretninger med fast eiendom; bankvirksomhet; børsmeglervirksomhet; likviditetsstyring. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 15 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283390 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsnr.: 201506905 Inndato: 2015.05.29 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.29 Gjengivelse av merket: hjemmeunderholdningssystemer; headset for telefoner; trådløse eller ledningsbaserte digitale lydsendere; lydadaptere; lydinngangs og -utgangsomformere; forsterkere; deler til headset, nemlig batterideksler; trådløse eller ledningsbaserte kommunikasjonsinnretninger for tale-, data- eller lydoverføring; lydkabler; datakabler; strømkabler; deler til headset, nemlig øreputer; mikrofoner; trådløse sendere; digitale lydprosessorer; stativer tilpasset for headset; deler for headset, nemlig høyttalerdeksler; lydmikser, nemlig turnémikser; dataprogramvare for håndtering av manipulerte lydfiler; dataprogramvare for manipulering av lydfiler; og dataprogramvare for å forbedre yteevnen til headset; dataprogramvare for å kontrollere innstillinger på lydkort for PC-er; headset for bruk med spillkonsoller; headset for bruk med kontrollere for spillkonsoller; headset for bruk med håndholdte enheter for spill av videospill andre enn de som er tilpasset for bruk med en ekstern visningsskjerm eller monitor; deler til spillheadset, nemlig høyttalerdeksler, batterideksler og øreputer; stativer for personlige digitale elektroniske innretninger, nemlig headset. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (551) Fellesmerkebestemmelser: Hvem som har rett til å bruke merket og på hvilke betingelser.NITO Takst Service AS, medlemmer av NITO Takst, og andre aktører med tilknytning til NITO Takst, skal kunne bruke logoen til markedsføring og som bekreftelse på medlemskap.Hvilke følger uberettiget eller ureglementert bruk kan medføre for brukeren, for eksempel dersom merket brukes av noen som ikke har rett til å bruke det, eller brukes feil.Dersom slik bruk oppdages vil NITO Takst kontakte vedkommende og be om at bruken opphører umiddelbart.Merkehaverens rettigheter og forpliktelser overfor brukerne, så som rett til kontroll, eventuelt ved bestemte kontrollorgan, for eksempel om merkehaveren skal ha rett til å kontrollere om brukerens varer holder de fastsatte kvalitetskravNITO Takst Service AS har rett til å kontrollere og bestemme i hvilke sammenhenger og hvilke produkter varemerket benyttes.Merkeinnehaverens forpliktelser til å gjøre ansvar gjeldende mot den som bruker merket uten å overholde bestemmelsene for bruken av merket.NITO Takst har rett til å kreve stans i bruk av varemerket der det er i strid med NITO Takst regelverk.Om merkeinnehaveren skal være forpliktet til for eksempel å gå til erstatningssøksmål mot eventuelle misbrukere av merket.Ja, vurderes i hvert tilfelle dette skulle være aktuelt. (730) Innehaver: NITO TAKST SERVICE AS, Postboks 9100 Grønland, 0133 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Dataprogrammer. Klasse 16 Undervisningsmateriell. Klasse 36 Taksering av fast eiendom. Klasse 41 Undervisning. Klasse 42 Utarbeidelse av dataprogrammer. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283392 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsprioritet 2014.12.15, US, 86/481,222 Søknadsnr.: 201506910 Inndato: 2015.06.02 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.02 Gjengivelse av merket: KIMPTON (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Kimpton Hotel & Restaurant Group, LLC, 222 Kearny Street, Suite 200, US-CA94108 SAN FRANCISCO, USA (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS, Postboks 1484 Vika, 0116 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Konsulenttjenester for annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; rådgivningstjenester for bedrifts- og forretningsledelse; kontorfunksjoner; tjenester for forretningsledelse og administrasjon; kommersielle informasjonstjenester; forretningsrådgivning og konsulenttjenester relatert til franchise; reklamevirksomhet, markedsføring, publisitet- og promoteringstjenester og informasjonstjenester knyttet til dette, alle slike tjenester som også tilbys online fra en database eller fra internett; tjenester for forretningsledelse og administrasjon for salg på internett; tjenester for personellrekruttering, ansettelse og personalledelse; Public Relation (PR-virksomhet); drift og tilsyn av lojalitetsordninger og insentivordninger for kommersielle formål og reklameformål; konsulenttjenester for forretningsinformasjon relatert til hotelledelse og hotell franchising; tjenester for hotelledelse for andre; informasjonsrådgivning og rådgivende tjenester relatert til alle de foregående tjenestene; insentivprogrammer som tilbyr spesielle kundetjenester, fasiliteter og fordeler til hotellgjester som besøker hotellet regelmessig. Klasse 36 Eiendomsrådgivning; tjenester for bytte av deltidsbruksrett. Klasse 43 Hotelltjenester, motelltjenester, tilveiebringelse av husrom; resorthotelltjenester; midlertidige overnattingstjenester; reservasjonstjenester for tjenester for hotellovernatting og for annen overnatting; ferieinformasjon og planlegging knyttet til overnatting; bartjenester, lounge-tjenester; kafétjenester, restaurant- og snackbar tjenester; restaurantreservasjoner; cateringtjenester for levering av mat og drikke; tilveiebringelse av konferanse-, møte- (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283391 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsprioritet 2014.12.02, US, 86/469,416 Søknadsnr.: 201506848 Inndato: 2015.06.01 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.01 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Voyetra Turtle Beach, Inc., Suite 100100 Summit Lake Drive, US-NY10595 VALHALLA, USA (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Øreplugger; øretelefoner; hodetelefoner; headset for bruk med datamaskiner; headset for bruk med mobile innretninger, nemlig smarttelefoner, MP3-spillere, nettbrett og PDA-er; headset for bruk med 16 registrerte varemerker , arrangements-, messe-, kongress- og utstillingsfasiliteter; tjenester for hotell innsjekk og utsjekk; tilveiebringelse av bankettfasiliteter og fasiliteter for sosiale tilstelninger for spesielle anledninger; tjenester for reisebyråer for reservasjon og bestilling av hotellopphold; elektroniske informasjonstjenester knyttet til hoteller; rådgivningsog konsulenttjenester knyttet til det foregående. (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283395 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsprioritet 2015.05.27, EM, 014170377 Søknadsnr.: 201506616 Inndato: 2015.05.29 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.29 Gjengivelse av merket: THE MACHINE BEHIND THE MACHINE (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Brammer Plc, St Ann's House,1 Old Market Place, GBWA166PD KNUTSFORD, CHESHIRE, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Salgsautomater; Fordelingsautomater; deler og tilbehør til de ovennevnte. Klasse 35 Salg av verktøy; Salg av vedlikeholds-, reparasjonsog driftsutstyr; Salg av kontorutstyr; Salg av personlig verneutstyr; Mobilsalgstjenester med hensyn til verktøy; Mobilsalgstjenester med hensyn til vedlikeholds-, reparasjons- og driftsutstyr; Mobilsalgstjenester med hensyn til kontorutstyr; Mobilsalgstjenester med hensyn til personlig verneutstyr; Salg og mobilsalgstjenester for deler og tilbehør for verktøy, vedlikeholdsutstyr, reparasjonsutstyr, driftsutstyr, kontorutstyr og personlig verneutstyr Klasse 39 Distribusjonstjenester; Transport av varer. Reg.nr.: 283393 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsprioritet 2014.12.15, US, 86/481,235 Søknadsnr.: 201506911 Inndato: 2015.06.02 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.02 Gjengivelse av merket: KIMPTON KARMA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Kimpton Hotel & Restaurant Group, LLC, 222 Kearny Street, Suite 200, US-CA94108 SAN FRANCISCO, USA (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Thommessen AS, Postboks 1484 Vika, 0116 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Insentivprogrammer som tilbyr spesielle kundetjenester, fasiliteter og fordeler til hotellgjester som besøker hotellet regelmessig. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283394 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsnr.: 201506472 Inndato: 2015.05.22 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.22 Gjengivelse av merket: Reg.nr.: 283396 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsnr.: 201506931 Inndato: 2015.06.04 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.04 Gjengivelse av merket: EUFEMIA BAR (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Thon Hotels AS, Postboks 489 Sentrum, 0105 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse og administrasjon av bedrifter; hotelledelse; administrasjon av kundefordelsprogram; franchisevirksomhet; kontortjenester. Klasse 41 Utdannelsesvirksomhet; opplæringsvirksomhet; organisering av kurs, konferanser, kongresser og seminar; nattklubber; showoppsetninger; underholdningsvirksomhet, sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. Klasse 43 Bevertning og tilbringing av mat og drikke; midlertidig innlosjering; bartjenester; catering; formidling og reservering av midlertidig losji; hoteller; hotellreservering; utleie av værelser og møte- og konferanserom. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Bakers AS, Postboks 43 Økern, 0508 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Brød; konditorvarer; bakverk; kaker; terter; kakedeiger og deigvarer; flatbrød; knekkebrød; kavringer; rundstykker; lefser; hevningsmidler for bakverk; mel; kornpreparater; potetmel som næringsmiddel. Klasse 43 Beverting og tilbringing av mat og drikke; bakeri; konditori. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 17 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283397 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsnr.: 201506939 Inndato: 2015.06.04 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.04 Gjengivelse av merket: 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 komponent; kyvetter; beholder for prøver; reagensglass; elektroniske publikasjoner; deler og tilbehør for alle de forannevnte varene; alle de forannevnte varene er for medisinsk eller veterinær bruk. Klasse 42 Medisinsk og vitenskapelig forskning innen kreftdiagnose; medisinsk forskning; tilveiebringelse av informasjon om medisinsk forskning; testing, undersøkelse eller forskning på farmasøytiske preparater og diagnostiske reagenser; testing, undersøkelse eller forskning på medisinske-, laboratorie-, målings- eller prøve- apparater og instrumenter; teknisk rådgivning knyttet til ytelse og drift av medisinske-, laboratorie-, målings- eller prøveapparater og -instrumenter og datamaskiner som krever høy grad av personlig kunnskap, ferdighet eller erfaring av operatørene for å etterkomme den nødvendige nøyaktighet i betjeningen av dem; utleie av genamplifiseringsdetektor for vitenskapelig eller laboratoriebruk; utleie av laboratorieutstyr og instrumenter; utleie av måle- eller testapparater og instrumenter; Klinisk laboratorietesting innen området kreftdiagnostikk; klinisk laboratorietesting av gener for å oppdage kreftmetastaser; tilveiebringelse av informasjon vedrørende kliniske laboratorietester; analyse og evaluering av resultater fra kliniske laboratorietester. Klasse 44 Tilveiebringelse av medisinsk informasjon; tilveiebringelse av informasjon vedrørende kreftdiagnose; tilveiebringelse av informasjon vedrørende gentesting; utleie av medisinske apparater og instrumenter; utleie av test-apparater og instrumenter for kreftdiagnostikk; utleie av gentestingsapparater og -instrumenter; klinisk laboratorietest; klinisk undersøkelse. OSNA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Sysmex Corporation, 1-5-1, Wakinohama-kaigandori, Chuo-ku, JP- KOBE, HYOGO, Japan (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Kjemiske reagensmidler og kjemiske preparater, annet enn til medisinske eller veterinære formål; kjemiske produkter til bruk i legemidler; diagnostiske kjemikalier; diagnostiske reagensmidler og diagnostiske preparater, annet enn til medisinske eller veterinære formål; prøvereagensmidler og preparater; reagensmidler for genetiske prøver; fortynningsmidler (diluenda); lyserings-oppløsninger og/eller reagensmidler; referansekontrollmaterialer til industrielle formål; kjemiske referansematerialer til industrielle formål; kvalitetskontroll standardløsninger og kvalitetskontrollmaterialer til industrielle formål for prøving og kalibrering av medisinske apparater og reagensmidler; alle de forannevnte varene er for annet enn til medisinske eller veterinære formål. Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske, veterinære og sanitærpreparater; diagnostiske reagenser og diagnostiske preparater for medisinske eller veterinære formål; kjemiske reagenser og kjemiske preparater for medisinske eller veterinære formål; kjemiske reagenser og kjemiske preparater for farmasøytiske formål; testereagenser og preparater; reagenser for gentest; reagenser for kreftdiagnose test; fortynningsmidler (diluenda); fortynningsmidler (diluenda) for medisinsk eller klinisk bruk; referansekontrollmateriale for medisinsk bruk; kjemiske referansemateriale for medisinsk bruk; kvalitetskontrollstandardløsninger og kvalitetskontrollmaterialer for testing og kalibrering av medisinske apparater og reagenser; farmasøytiske preparater for in vitro diagnose; reagenser for amplifisering og påvisning av gener; lymfekjertel oppløsende reagenser; alle de forannevnte varene er for medisinsk eller veterinær bruk. Klasse 9 Genamplifiseringsdetektor for vitenskapelig og laboratoriebruk; laboratorieapparater og instrumenter; måle- eller testapparater og instrumenter, ikke for medisinsk bruk; datamaskiner; programvare til datamaskiner; dataprogrammer; forbehandlingsapparater og instrumenter for gentesting; prøve forbehandlingsapparater og instrumenter; prøveinnsamlings-instrumenter, -verktøy eller -enhet; homogeniserings-apparater; pipettespisser; engangs-skjæreblad; adaptere; adaptere for engangs- komponent; kyvetter; beholder for prøver, laboratorium; reagensglass; elektroniske publikasjoner; deler og tilbehør for alle de forannevnte varene; alle de forannevnte varene er for vitenskapelige eller laboratorieformål. Klasse 10 Medisinske og veterinære apparater og instrumenter; apparater til bruk i medisinske analyser; testapparater og -instrumenter til medisinske formål; diagnostiske apparater og instrumenter til medisinske formål; genetisk testeapparater og -instrumenter; genamplifiserings-analysatorer; kreft metastase analysator; test apparater og instrumenter for kreft diagnostisering; pipetter for medisinsk bruk; måleapparater og instrumenter til medisinske formål; beholdere for prøver for in vitro diagnose; forbehandlingsapparater og instrumenter for gentesting; prøve forbehandlingsapparater og instrumenter; Prøveinnsamlings-instrumenter, -verktøy eller -enhet; homogeniseringsapparater; pipettespisser; engangsskjæreblad; adaptere; adaptere for engangs- (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 18 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (521) (540) Reg.nr.: 283398 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsnr.: 201101542 Inndato: 2011.02.07 Registreringen utløper: 2021.02.07 Bruk/innarbeidelse Ja Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283399 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsnr.: 201506855 Inndato: 2015.06.01 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.01 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: NIPRO CORPORATION, 3-9-3, Honjo-nishi, Kita-ku, JP-531-8510 OSAKA, Japan (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 11 Apparater for vannbehandling; vannrenseutstyr. Klasse 37 Installering, renovering, reparasjon og vedlikehold av apparater for vannbehandling til dialyse og vannrenseutstyr til dialyse; installering, renovering, reparasjon og vedlikehold av apparater for vannbehandling og vannrenseutstyr; installering, renovering, reparasjon og vedlikehold av medisinske instrumenter og apparater, dialyseapparater, blodslangesett for dialyse, dialyseapparater og forsyningsenheter til dialyse; installering, renovering, reparasjon og vedlikehold av dialysesenter; byggevirksomhet; rørleggervirksomhet. Klasse 40 Vannbehandling og vannrensetjenester. Klasse 42 Design og utvikling av apparater for vannbehandling til dialyse og vannrenseutstyr til dialyse; design og utvikling av apparater for vannbehandling og vannrenseutstyr; design og utvikling av medisinske instrumenter og apparater, dialyseapparater, blodslangesett for dialyse, dialyseapparter og forsyningsenheter til dialyse; design og utvikling av dialysesenter; overvåkning av apparater for vannbehandling og vannrenseutstyr; overvåkning av medisinske instrumenter og apparater, dialyseapparater, blodslangesett for dialyse, dialyseapparater og forsyningsenheter til dialyse; overvåkning av dialysesenter. (554) Merket er et tre-dimensjonal (730) Innehaver: Kikkoman Corp, JP- NODA CITY, CHIBA, Japan (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Soyasaus. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283400 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsprioritet 2015.05.04, EM, 014026678 Søknadsnr.: 201506587 Inndato: 2015.05.28 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: LOCANDA ALTA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Oenoforos AB, Box 24005, SE-10450 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: BRANN AB, Box 12246, SE-10226 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Vin, alkoholholdige drikkevarer utenom øl. 19 registrerte varemerker (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 organisering og ledelse av seminarer; undervisning; utleie av videobånd; veiledning; videobåndredigering; yrkesfaglig opplæring; yrkesveiledning. Klasse 42 Konsulenttjenester innen dataprogramvare; kvalitetskontroll; nettskytjenester; outsourcing av ittjenester; rådgivningstjenester innen datateknologi; rådgivningstjenester innen it; rådgivningstjenester innen telekommunikasjonsteknologi; sikkerhetstjenester angående datavirus; softwaretjenester [saas]. Reg.nr.: 283401 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsnr.: 201506508 Inndato: 2015.05.24 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.24 Gjengivelse av merket: Walleräng (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: CARL CHRISTIAN WALLERÄNG, c/o Beco Lager AS, Torpebaugen 8, 1738 BORGENHAUGEN, Norge Walleräng E-bikes AB, E A Rosengrens gata 1, SE42131 VÄSTRA FRØLUNDA, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Vitenskapelige, nautiske, geodetiske, fotografiske, kinematografiske og optiske apparater og instrumenter samt apparater og instrumenter til veiing, måling, signalering, kontroll, livredning og undervisning; apparater og instrumenter for styring, fordeling, transformering, akkumulering, regulering eller kontroll av elektrisitet; apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; magnetiske databærere, grammofonplater; kompaktdisker, DVD-er og andre digitale opptaksmedier; mekanismer for myntstyrte apparater; kassaapparater, regnemaskiner, databehandlingsutstyr, datamaskiner; dataprogramvare; brannslukningsapparater. Klasse 12 Kjøretøyer; befordringsmidler til bruk på land, i luften eller i vannet. Klasse 28 Spill og leketøy; gymnastikk- og sportsartikler, ikke opptatt i andre klasser; juletrepynt. (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283403 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsnr.: 201506857 Inndato: 2015.06.01 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.01 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283402 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsnr.: 201506557 Inndato: 2015.05.27 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.27 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Victoria's Secret Stores Brand Management, Inc., Four Limited Parkway, US-OH43068 REYNOLDSBURG, USA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Detaljhandelstjenester, postordrekatalogtjenester og on-line detaljhandelstjenester, alle med undertøy, produkter til personlig pleie, bager, smykker og tilbehør. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: SINTEF STIFTELSEN, Postboks 4760, Sluppen, 7465 TRONDHEIM, Norge ERLEND ANDREAS GJÆRE, c/o SINTEF, Postboks 4760, Sluppen, 7465 TRONDHEIM, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Bedriftstøttetjenester (hms); bistand for ledelse av handels- eller industribedrifter ; bistand til bedriftskulturutvikling; bistand til organisasjonsutvikling; konsultasjoner for bedrifts- og forretningsledelse; rådgivning om organisasjons- og forretningsledelse; rådgivning vedrørende hms ; rådgivningstjeneste for forretningsledelse; salg av digitale informasjonsprodukter. Klasse 41 Filmproduksjon, andre enn reklamefilmer; instruksjon [opplæring]; layouttjenester, andre enn for reklameformål; organisering og ledelse av konferanser; 20 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283404 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Søknadsnr.: 201506593 Inndato: 2015.05.28 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283408 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201509062 Inndato: 2015.07.27 Registreringen utløper: 2025.07.27 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Truls Nordby Johansen, Øvre Gjellumvei 10 F, 1389 HEGGEDAL, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Arbeidsformidling. Klasse 45 Hjemmehjelpstjenester. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: FAGJURISTENE RETTSHJELPERDAN FEMOEN, Kolstien 18 B, 5097 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 45 Juridiske tjenester; sikkerhetstjenester for beskyttelse av eiendom og enkeltmennesker. (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) gammel nok (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283409 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201509065 Inndato: 2015.07.27 Registreringen utløper: 2025.07.27 Gjengivelse av merket: (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Truls Nordby Johansen, Øvre Gjellumvei 10 F, 1389 HEGGEDAL, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Arbeidsformidling. Klasse 45 Hjemmehjelpstjenester. Reg.nr.: 283406 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201506860 Inndato: 2015.06.01 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.01 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Bærkraft (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: NORSKE BRYGGERIER AS, Sagveien 23 C, 0459 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 32 Øl og mineralvann. Klasse 33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl). (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) LUX Assure (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283410 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsprioritet 2014.05.06, GB, 3054466 Søknadsnr.: 201412831 Inndato: 2014.11.05 Registreringen utløper: 2024.11.05 Gjengivelse av merket: (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Lux Assure Limited, Unit 5.3, Heriot Watt Research Park, Research Avenue South, GB-EH144AP EDINBURGH, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Detaljhandeltjenester forbundet med kjemikalier for bruk i industri og vitenskap, kjemikalier for bruk i testsett for å analysere konsentrasjonen av hydratinhibitorer, diagnostiske preparater, diagnostiske reagenter som sett, analytiske preparater, analytiske preparater som sett, kjemiske test-reagenter, testsett inneholdende reagenter brukt for å bestemme konsentrasjonen av hydratinhibitorer i vann, råolje og kondensvann, reagenter for bruk i fluorescens-baserte analyser, biomolekylære reagenter, apparater og instrumenter for vitenskap, måling, analyse og sporing, laserdiffraksjons-apparater, interferometri- og avbildningsapparater, apparater for hyperspektral avbildning, apparater for væskestrømscytometri, elektroniske analyseapparater, laboratorieapparater, dataprosesseringsutstyr. Klasse 42 Industrielle analyser og forskningstjenester; vitenskapelige, analytiske og diagnostiske tjenester, for Reg.nr.: 283407 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201506861 Inndato: 2015.06.01 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.01 Gjengivelse av merket: Naboens Hage (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: NORSKE BRYGGERIER AS, Sagveien 23 C, 0459 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 32 Øl og mineralvann. Klasse 33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl). (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 21 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) andre; kjemiske analyser og testing; laboratorietjenester; laboratorietjenester relatert til produksjon av industrielle og diagnostiske analyser og testsett; konsultasjonstjenester relatert til kjemisk forskning; tekniske supporttjenester; analytiske og diagnostiske tjenester; forberedelse og analyse av vitenskapelige rapporter; tilveiebringelse av ekspertrapporttjenester; flyt-garanti; korrosjonsovervåking; biologisk overvåking; prosess-optimalisering; prosessanalyser; verdi-integritet; korrosjonsforvaltning. Reg.nr.: 283413 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201506864 Inndato: 2015.06.02 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.02 Gjengivelse av merket: YARIS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha (also trading as Toyota Motor Corporation), 1, Toyota-cho, JPTOYOTA-SHI, AICHI-KEN, Japan (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 12 Biler, og konstruksjonsdeler til slike. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283411 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201505314 Inndato: 2015.04.28 Registreringen utløper: 2025.04.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 TILANX (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Pfizer Inc., 235 East 42nd Street, US-NY10017 NEW YORK, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske og veterinære preparater; hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål. (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) DualCare (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Aktiebolaget Electrolux, SE-10545 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Vaskemaskiner, vaskemaskiner med kombinerte tørketromler. Klasse 11 Tørketromler. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283414 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201506600 Inndato: 2015.05.29 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.29 Gjengivelse av merket: Reg.nr.: 283412 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201411558 Inndato: 2014.10.08 Registreringen utløper: 2024.10.08 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 KERLING (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Kerling Limited, Runcorn Site HQ, South Parade, GBWA74JE RUNCORN CHERSHIRE, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Kjemikalier for bruk innen industri, vitenskap, landbruk, hagebruk, skogbruk og produksjon; kloralkalier, klor derivater, klorerte kjemikalier, kjemikalier til bruk ved fremstilling av polyvinylklorid og klorerte parafiner. Klasse 35 Engrostjenester relatert til kjemikalier for bruk i industri, vitenskap, landbruk, hagebruk, skogbruk og produksjon, og i tilknytning til klorerte parafiner og biodiesel; tilveiebringelse av informasjon tilknyttet kjemisk industri. Klasse 36 Finansiell informasjon for investorer tilknyttet kjemisk industri. (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283415 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201502522 Inndato: 2015.02.23 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.23 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: PROFESJONELL BYGG TJENESTE AS, Østerøyveien 12, 3236 SANDEFJORD, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 36 Omsetning av fast eiendom, bestyrelse av fast eiendom. Klasse 37 Vedlikehold, ettersyn/drift, rengjøring av bygg og infrastrukturanlegg. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 22 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283416 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201502523 Inndato: 2015.02.23 Registreringen utløper: 2025.02.23 Gjengivelse av merket: komponeringstjenester; layouttjenester, andre enn for reklameformål; oppføring av forestillinger [live]; organisering av fester [underholdning]; organisering av konkurranser (utdanning eller underholdning); organisering av kulturelle arrangement [impresariotjenester]; organisering av utstillinger for kulturelle og utdannelsesformål; organisering og ledelse av konferanser; organisering og ledelse av seminarer; organisering og ledelse av symposium; praktisk opplæring [ved demonstrasjon]; produksjon av musikk; produksjon av radio- og fjernsynsprogram; publisering av elektroniske bøker og tidsskrifter on-line; radiounderholdning; sceneoppførelser; teateroppsetninger; tekstforfattervirksomhet; underholdningsinformasjon; underholdningsvirksomhet; utgivelse av bøker; utgivelse av tekster, andre enn reklametekster; utleie av lydopptak; utleie av lydutstyr; utleie av sceneutstyr; videofilming. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: PROFESJONELL BYGG TJENESTE AS, Østerøyveien 12, 3236 SANDEFJORD, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 36 Omsetning av fast eiendom, bestyrelse av fast eiendom Klasse 37 Vedlikehold, ettersyn/drift, rengjøring av bygg og infrastrukturanlegg. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283418 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201506597 Inndato: 2015.05.29 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.29 Gjengivelse av merket: XOCESTO Reg.nr.: 283417 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201503336 Inndato: 2015.03.17 Registreringen utløper: 2025.03.17 Gjengivelse av merket: (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., One Merck Drive, USNJ08889 WHITEHOUSE STATION, USA (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske preparater. THE CAMELTOES (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: BENTE KRISTINE LORENTZEN, KAIVEIEN 2, 8310 KABELVÅG, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Apparater for opptak, forsterkning, gjengivelse og overføring av lyd; applikasjoner, nedlastbare; briller; dataprogrammer (software) [nedlastbar programvare]; gjelder cder, lper, musikk; grammofonplater; kompaktdisker [audio-video]; kompaktdisker [optiske]; nedlastbare billedfiler; nedlastbare filmer; nedlastbare musikkfiler; nedlastbare ringetoner for mobiltelefoner; solbriller; usb-minnepinner. Klasse 25 Klær som badeklær, benklær, klær til overkropp. Klasse 35 Administrasjon av prosjekter; bedriftsledelse for utøvende kunstnere; demonstrasjoner av varer; design av markedsføringsmateriale; fjernsynsreklame; fremskaffelse av forretningsinformasjon via en webside; fremskaffelse av kommersiell og forretnings kontaktinformasjon; kommersielle formidlingstjenester; markedsføring; presentasjon av varer gjennom medier, for detaljsalg; public relation [pr-virksomhet]; publisering av reklametekster; radioreklame ; reklameoppslag; reklamevirksomhet; rådgivning om organisasjons- og forretningsledelse; salg av digitale informasjonsprodukter; salg av gaveartikler; salg av motevarer; salg av suvenirer; skriving av reklametekster; utsendelse av reklameannonser; utsendelse av reklamemateriell [flyveblader, hefter, trykksaker og vareprøver]; utsendelse av vareprøver; varemerkebygging [markedsføringstjeneste]. Klasse 38 Alle former for streaming, nedlastning, lagring og overføring av lyd, bilde, video og tekst; radiosending; streaming of data; telekommunikasjonsvirksomhet. Klasse 41 Arrangering og ledelse av konserter; arrangering og ledelse av praktiske seminarer; artistopptredener; coaching (veiledning); elektronisk setting (for trykking); filmproduksjon på videobånd; filmproduksjon, andre enn reklamefilmer; fjernsynsunderholdning; fremskaffelse av online musikk, ikke nedlastbar; fremskaffelse av online video, ikke nedlastbar; (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283419 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsprioritet 2014.10.02, EM, 013323183 Søknadsnr.: 201504132 Inndato: 2015.04.01 Registreringen utløper: 2025.04.01 Gjengivelse av merket: ECONOMIC GRAPH (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: LinkedIn Ireland Limited, 70 Sir John Rogerson's Quay, IE- DUBLIN 2, Irland (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 16 Klebemidler for papirvarer eller husholdningsbruk. Klasse 35 Annonse- og reklamevirksomhet; bistand ved ledelse av bedrifter; bistand ved administrasjon av bedrifter; kontortjenester; tjenester knyttet til online forretningsmessig nettverksbygging; annonse- og reklamevirksomhet, markedsførings- og promoteringstjenester for bedrifter; tilveiebringe en online søkbar database med sysselsettings- og karrieremuligheter og med forretnings-, sysselsettingsog faglige spørsmål og svar; tilveiebringe informasjon om, og gjøre henvisninger vedrørende produkter, tjenester, begivenheter og aktiviteter; organisering og gjennomføring av jobbmesser; arbeidsformidlingstjenester, konsulenttjenester knyttet til personalressurser; promotering av andres varer og tjenester via data- og kommunikasjonsnettverk; tilrettelegging for utveksling og salg av tredjemanns 23 registrerte varemerker tjenester og produkter via data- og kommunikasjonsnettverk; veldedige tjenester, nemlig promotering av offentlig bevissthet om veldedig, filantropisk, samfunnstjeneste, humanitære aktiviteter og frivillige aktiviteter; tilveiebringe online karrierenettverkstjenester og informasjon innen sysselsetting, rekruttering, jobbressurser og stillingsannonser; rekrutterings- og arbeidsformidlingstjenester; elektroniske handelstjenester, nemlig tilveiebringe gi et online samfunn for annonse- og reklamevirksomhet og markedsføring; hosting av utstillinger, konferanser, seminarer og nettverksbegivenheter i forretningsøyemed, forretningsrådgivning, forretningsutvikling; tilveiebringe konsulenttjenester innen forretningsstrategi og ytelse og forretningsinitiativ; bedriftskonsulenttjenester for å bistå bedriftsledere, ledere i staten, utdannings- og samfunnsledere i beslutningstaking og strategiutvikling; rådgivning av bedrifter, myndigheter, utdanningsinstitusjoner og lokalsamfunn gjennom bruk av konsulentverktøy og teknikker som muliggjør strategisk forretningsbeslutningstaking; tilveiebringe rådgivingstjenester for prosjektledelse, nemlig forutsi prosjektresultat og modifisere prosjektimplementering for å øke sannsynligheten for suksess i forretningsmessige transformasjonsprosjekter; forskning og rådgivning innen utvikling av næringsliv, lokalsamfunn, utdanning og distrikter, og innen statsvitenskap. Klasse 38 Telekommunikasjonstjenester; telekommunikasjonstjenester, nemlig elektronisk overføring av data, meldinger og informasjon mellom og blant datamaskiner, mobile og håndholdte enheter og kablede og trådløse kommunikasjonsenheter; telekommunikasjonstjenester, nemlig gjøre det mulig for brukere å sende meldinger, kommentarer, multimedieinnhold, videoer, spillefilmer, filmer og fotografier, lyd-innhold, animasjon, bilder (pictures), avbildninger (images), tekst, informasjon, og annet brukergenerert innhold via et globalt datanettverk og andre data- og kommunikasjonsnettverk; tilveiebringe tilby online kommunikasjonslenker som overfører brukere til andre nettsteder; tilveiebringe online fora, chatterom og elektroniske oppslagstavler for brukere til å legge inn, søke, følge med på, dele, anmelde, rangere og kommentere emner av interesse; tilveiebringe tilgang til computer-, elektroniske- og online databaser; lyd, tekst, video og multimedia kringkastingstjenester via data- og elektroniske kommunikasjonsnettverk, nemlig opplasting, posting, visning, tagging og elektronisk overføring av data, lyd og video; tilveiebringe tilgang til computer databaser innen underholdning og utdanning; tilveiebringe tilgang til computerdatabaser innen forretningsnettverksbygging; tilveiebringe telekommunikasjonsfasiliteter som muliggjør deling av blogger, fotografier, videoer, podcaster og annet audiovisuelt materiale; tilveiebringe telekommunikasjonsfasiliteter som muliggjør opprettelse og oppdatering av personlige elektroniske nettsider med brukerlaget innhold; overføring av databaseinformasjon via telekommunikasjonsnettverk; informasjon, rådgivning og konsulenttjenester angående alle de foran nevnte tjenestene. Klasse 45 Tilveiebringe personlige og sosiale tjenester for å møte behovene til enkeltpersoner; sosiale introduksjons og nettverksbyggingstjenester; tilveiebringe informasjon innen personlig utvikling, nemlig selvforbedring, selvrealisering, veldedige, filantropiske, frivillig, offentlige og kommunale tjenester, og humanitære aktiviteter; tilveiebringe informasjon om tilknytning til veldedige-, filantropiske-, frivillige-, humanitære- og offentlige- og samfunnstjenesteorganisasjoner, og muligheter gjennom online sosial nettverksbygging; informasjon, rådgivning og konsulenttjenester i angående alle de foran nevnte tjenestene. 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283420 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201505669 Inndato: 2015.05.13 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.13 Gjengivelse av merket: THE NEW DEATH CULT (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: LIMETIME AS, Kneiklia 2, 3261 LARVIK, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Digitale filer, CD-plate (audio/audiovideo/ CD-R), vinyl-plate (LP, EP, singel), kassett, audiovisuell læreapparat, batteribokser, DVD-plater (musikk/film/musikk og film), kabinett for høyttalere, mobiltelefon-stropper, dataspill-programmer, nedlastbare bildefiler, nedlastbare filmer, nedlastbare musikkfiler, nedlastbare ringetoner for mobiltelefon, høyttalere, megafoner, mikrofoner, mobiltelefonvesker, neonskilt, frekvens-metere, apparat/instrument for fysikk, portable mediaspillere, beskyttende masker, radioer, veiskilt, solbriller, apparater for astronomi, alarmer, forsterkere, batteribokser, mobiltelefonstropper, digitale skilt, nedlastbare filmer, nedlastbare musikkfiler, nedlastbare ringetoner for mobiltelefon, hodesett (lyd), bærbare datamaskiner, magiske lanterner, magneter, mobiltelefon-vesker, mobiltelefon-deksel, musematter, beskyttelsesmasker, platespillere, radioer, solcellebatterier, solcellepanel, lydopptak CD, lydopptak Vinyl, lydopptak apparat, solbriller, teleskoper, telefonapparater. Klasse 25 Alle typer t-skjorter, skjorter, topper, cardigans, tunika, singlets, bukser, gensere, hettegensere, jakker, BH, undertøy, skjerf, bandanas, luer, caps, hatter, kjøkkenforkle, hansker, sko, belter, slips, uniformer, sportssinglet, sportstrøye, hodeplagg, votter, slips, pyjamas, ferdiglagde klær, ponchos, buff. Klasse 41 Arrangering og gjennomføring av konserter, arrangering og gjennomføring av seminarer, undervisning, bokning for konserter, sirkus, demonstrasjon ("workshops"), utdanning, filmproduksjon, gambling/spill, presentasjon av konsertfremføring, modell for artister, filmstudio, musikkhall, nyhetsreporter-service, kino, nattklubber, orkester-service, organisere shows (impressario), produksjon av musikk, produksjon av radio- og tvprogrammer, publisering av bøker, opptaksstudioservice, utleie av audio-utstyr, leie av videofilm, leie av lydopptak, skriptforfatter-service, fjernsynsunderholdning, teaterproduksjoner, undervisning, produksjon av tekst, online musikk (ikke nedlastbar), online video (ikke nedlastbar), service for skole/utdanning, oversettelse, leie av utstyr for scene. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 24 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283421 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201505344 Inndato: 2015.04.30 Registreringen utløper: 2025.04.30 Gjengivelse av merket: 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 tilveiebringelse av elektronisk datalagring. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283422 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201505360 Inndato: 2015.04.30 Registreringen utløper: 2025.04.30 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Sigma ITM Norway AS, Postboks 9127 Grønland, 0133 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Varemerkebygging [markedsføringstjeneste]. Klasse 41 Underholdningsvirksomhet; sportslige og kulturelle aktiviteter. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, USCA95110 SAN JOSE, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Datasoftware; datasoftware for sidegjenkjenning og gjengivelse for bruk ved visning, printing, navigering, redigering, kommentering og indeksering av elektroniske dokumenter, utfylling og innsending av skjemaer online, og overføring av elektroniske dokumenter via et lokalt eller globalt kommunikasjonsnettverk; datasoftware for e-handel som tillater brukere å utføre elektroniske forretningstransaksjoner via et lokalt eller globalt kommunikasjonsnettverk; datasoftware for kryptering og tilgangskontroll av elektroniske dokumenter; nedlastbare elektroniske publikasjoner; datasoftware for utarbeidelse, skaping, utfylling og signering av skjemaer; filadministrasjonssoftware for åpning, eksport og konvertering av fotografiske, digitale og grafiske bilder, data, tekst, dokumenter, lyd, video, multimediaverker og innregistrert informasjon til ulike filformater; datasoftware for optisk tegngjenkjenning; datasoftware for skanning til PDF; bedrifts- og virksomhetssoftware; datasoftware for oversendelse av dokumenter til signering. Klasse 35 Tjenester bestående av registrering, innsamling, transkripsjon, kompilasjon, opprettelse, utferdigelse og systematisering av skriftlig kommunikasjon og data. Klasse 39 Dokumentlagrings- og -arkiveringstjenester. Klasse 42 Datatjenester, nemlig tilveiebringelse av midlertidig bruk av nettbasert, ikke-nedlastbar datasoftware for automatisering og systematisering av kontraktsopprettelse og -utferdigelse og elektronisk dokumentutveksling og -administrasjon; tilveiebringelse av midlertidig bruk av nettbasert, ikke-nedlastbar datasoftware for sending, ruting og digital signering av elektroniske dokumenter og transkribering, distribuering, registrering, visning, sporing, innsendelse, deling og lagring av opprettede dokumenter og data; design, utvikling og implementering av software for automatisering og systematisering av elektronisk dokumentvisning og godkjenning, kontraktsopprettelse og -utferdigelse og elektronisk dokumentutveksling og administrasjon; software som en tjeneste (SaaS); nettskytjenester; datasoftwareutvikling; utleie av datasoftware; design av datasoftware; konsultasjoner og konsulenttjenester vedrørende datasoftware; vedlikehold av datasoftware; tilveiebringe informasjon om datateknologi og programmering via et nettsted; digitalisering av dokumenter (skanning); konvertering av data eller dokumenter fra fysiske til elektroniske medier; (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283423 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201506443 Inndato: 2015.05.20 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.20 Gjengivelse av merket: RAW FUEL (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: WILFA AS, Postboks 146, 1483 HAGAN, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Codex Advokat Oslo AS, Postboks 8744 St. Olavs plass, 0028 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Verktøymaskiner; motorer (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); koblinger og anordninger for overføring av drivkraft (unntatt for landkjøretøyer); maskiner til pisking, miksing og blanding av næringsmidler samt tilbehør til sånne maskiner, solgt samlet eller separat, til hakking, skjæring, kutting, utskjæring, sikting og filtrering av næringsmidler, for juiceekstrahering og for elting; elektriske husholdningsapparater, nemlig blendere, kaffekvernere, miksere, vispere, elektriske kniver, elektriske vispere, miksmastere, håndmiksere, blandemaskiner, food prosessorer, pastamaskiner, brødskjæremaskiner, saftpressere, håndmiksere og stavmiksere. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 25 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283424 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201506865 Inndato: 2015.05.28 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283426 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201506521 Inndato: 2015.05.26 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.26 Gjengivelse av merket: LINKCUBE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: CUBILITY AS, Fabrikkveien 40, 4323 SANDNES, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4302 SANDNES, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Transportører; båndtransportører; transportbånd; lukket transportsystem bestående i hovedsak av elektrisk drevne transportører; deler og tilbehør til forannevnte varer. Klasse 37 Reparasjon, installasjon og vedlikehold av transportsystem, transportører, deler og tilbehør til forannevnte varer; informasjon om forannevnte tjenester. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Sogn Aqua AS, Osland Brygge, 5962 BJORDAL, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Kyrre ANS, Postboks 1826 Nordnes, 5816 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Fisk (ikke levende); fiskefileter; fiskeprodukter; sjømat; skalldyr (ikke levende). Klasse 35 Salg av matvarer. Klasse 44 Fiskeoppdrett. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Reg.nr.: 283425 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201506866 Inndato: 2015.05.28 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283427 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201506599 Inndato: 2015.05.29 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.29 Gjengivelse av merket: POVELLYS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Pfizer Inc., 235 East 42nd Street, US-NY10017 NEW YORK, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske og veterinære preparater; hygieniske preparater for medisinske formål. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Sogn Aqua AS, Osland Brygge, 5962 BJORDAL, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Kyrre ANS, Postboks 1826 Nordnes, 5816 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Fisk (ikke levende); fiskefileter; fiskeprodukter; sjømat; skalldyr (ikke levende). Klasse 35 Salg av matvarer. Klasse 44 Fiskeoppdrett. (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283428 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201506925 Inndato: 2015.06.03 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.03 Gjengivelse av merket: Pilus (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: PILUS AS, Fangstveien 12, 6517 KRISTIANSUND N, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 26 Hårforlengelse. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 26 registrerte varemerker (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (111) (151) (300) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283429 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201506219 Inndato: 2015.05.19 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.19 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Sappe Public Company Limited, 9/3 Bangchan Industrial Estate, Serithai Road, Kannayao, TH-10230 KANNAYAO, BANGKOK, Thailand (740) Fullmektig: Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4302 SANDNES, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Kaffe; kakao; sjokolade; vaniljesaus; kaffedrikker; kakaodrikker og drikker laget av iste. Klasse 32 Alkoholfrie drikker, nemlig, mineralvann, fruktjuice, sodavann, drikkevann, aloe veradrikker, fruktjuicer med terninger av kokosmelkekstrakt (nata de coco), energidrikk og sportsdrikker; alkoholfrie vitaminholdige og næringsholdige drikker for spesielle ikke medisinske formål; øl. Klasse 35 Eksport og salg av drikkevarer, fruktjuicer, fruktdrikker og mineralvann. Reg.nr.: 283431 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsprioritet 2014.12.04, EM, 013534755 Søknadsnr.: 201506220 Inndato: 2015.05.19 Registreringen utløper: 2025.05.19 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Thomas Concrete Group AB, Box 5162, SE-40226 GÖTEBORG, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 19 Betongpåler; bygningsmateriale av betong forsterket med plast og glassfiber; betongelement for steinlegging; ferdigblandet betong for støping; bygningsdeler- og element av betong; gatestein laget av betong; prefabrikkerte konstruksjonselementer og bygningselementer av betong; betongrør; gatestein laget av betong; betongplater for veilegging; betongbjelker; betongblokker for kystbeskyttelse; betong for støping; betongvegger; betongkulverter; betongmosaikk (terrazzo); betong (forskaling, ikke av metall, for-); betongpatchingforbindelser laget av en base av tjære; betongblokker; betong og betonghvelv; ferdigblandet betong; blokker av betong for elvebreddbeskyttelse; raviner og brønner (deler av avløpssystem av betong); forskaling, ikke av metall for betong; betongformer (ikke-metalliske); bygningsmateriale av betong; gravmarkør av steintøy, betong eller marmor; betongplater; betonggulv; beholdere av betong; sprøytebetongformer av tre og betongbalanserende mørtel; betong pullerter; arkitektoniske elementer laget av betong; armert betong; betongelementer; ildfast betong; renner [dreneringskonstruksjoner i betong]; masser for anvendelse ved fremstilling av betong; sand for fremstilling av betong; råvarer til fremstilling av betong; som er opptatt i klassen; betongvegger for konstruksjon; syntetisk betong; gravsteiner av steintøy, betong eller marmor; plater av betong; plater laget av betong; støttemurer av betong; belegg for betong; konstruksjonsmaterialer (belegg) av betong; fliser, murstein eller betongblokkanlegg for bygging. Klasse 37 Betongdrenering; bygging av vei og vannkonstruksjoner gjennom helning av betong; reparasjon av betong; pumping og glatting av betong i bygg og anlegg; montering av stillaser; utføre landskapsarbeid eller betongkonstruksjoner; betongarbeid- tjenester; utleie av betongblandere; utleie av maskiner for å pumpe betong; bygging av veier og vassdrag gjennom forming av betong; tetting (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283430 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201506926 Inndato: 2015.06.04 Registreringen utløper: 2025.06.04 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Avion Spirits LLC, 210 East 49th Street, 3rd Floor, USNY10017 NEW YORK, USA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Alkoholholdige drikker (unntatt øl). (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 27 registrerte varemerker av betong; bygging av veier og vannfasiliteter ved legging av betong; oppspenning av betong og betongknusing; bygging av armerte betongkonstruksjoner gjennom bruk av glide- og klatreformarbeid; betongarbeid (reparasjon/vedlikehold). Klasse 40 Støping av betong; produksjon av betong. drikker laget av ekstrakter av av planter, blomster og urter. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283432 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201412539 Inndato: 2014.10.29 Registreringen utløper: 2024.10.29 Gjengivelse av merket: Reg.nr.: 283433 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201504904 Inndato: 2015.04.21 Registreringen utløper: 2025.04.21 Gjengivelse av merket: RESCUE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Bach Flower Remedies Limited, Nelsons House, 83 Parkside, GB-SW195LP WIMBLEDON, LONDON, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Ikke-medisinske toalettpreparater og -produkter; skjønnhetspreparater og -produkter; kosmetikk; eteriske oljer; massasjeoljer; aromaterapiprodukter; deodoranter for personlig bruk; antiperspiranter; solbrunings-og solbeskyttelsespreparater og produkter; hårfjerningspreparater og -produkter; pudder, krem og lotion; såper og sjampo; barberingsog etterbarberingsmidler; preparater og produkter for kondisjonering og pleie av og utseende på huden, kroppen, ansiktet, øyne, håret, tennene, leppene og neglene; leppebalsam; dusj- og badepreparater; badeoljer og badesalter; talkumpudder; fuktighetskrem; ikke-medisinske babyoljer og -kremer; ikke-medisinske våtservietter og våtservietter impregnert med kosmetiske preparater. Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske, medisinske, veterinære, homeopatiske, allopatiske, helbredende, dietetiske og hygieniske preparater og produkter; vitaminer og næringsstoffer; kosttilskudd; mineraltilskudd; medisinske drikker, konfekt, gelkapsler, tyggegummi, pastiller og dietetiske næringsmidler for medisinske formål; medisinske balsamer; desinfeksjonsmidler; antiseptiske midler; medisinske drikker; dietetiske supplementer; diagnostiske preparater for medisinske formål; kosttilskudd for kjæledyr. Klasse 29 Melkeprodukter; melkedrikker; melkebaserte drikker. Klasse 30 Te, urtete; næringsmidler i form av infusjonsvæsker (ikke- medisinske) som inneholder plante- og blomsterekstrakter; aromatiske preparater for tilberedning av urtete og aromatiske preparater for tilberedning av næringsmidler i form av ikke-medisinske infusjonsvæsker som inneholder plante- og blomsterekstrakter; tørkede og konserverte urter; preparater laget av korn; sjokolade; pastiller; sukkertøy; tyggegummi, konfekt, smågodt; essenser for matvarer; kaffe. Klasse 31 Urter; frø, næringsmidler og drikker for dyr og kjæledyr, alle laget av planter og blomster; næringsmidler og drikker for dyr og kjæledyr. Klasse 32 Mineral-, kilde-, soda- og kullsyreholdig vann, ikkealkoholholdige drikker; energi- og styrkedrikker; fruktdrikker og fruktjuice; urtedrikker; ikkealkoholholdige drikker brygget på planter, blomster og urter; ikke-alkoholholdige drikker laget av plante-, blomster- og urteekstrakter; siruper og andre preparater for tilberedning av drikker; preparater med ingredienser av plante- og blomsterekstrakter til bruk ved tilberedning av drikker. Klasse 33 Alkoholholdige drikker brygget på eller inneholdende ekstrakter av planter, blomster og urter; alkoholholdige (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: TUNE REGNSKAPS CONSULT AS, St. Mariegt. 52, 1706 SARPSBORG, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Kontortjenester; økonomisk planlegging; økonomiske beregninger; regnskapstjenester; rådgivning ved utarbeiding av skatteberegninger og økonomisk planlegging; regnskapsførsel; regnskapsanalyser; regnskapskontroll og konsulenttjenester vedrørende regnskap og økonomi. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) Reg.nr.: 283434 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201412540 Inndato: 2014.10.29 Registreringen utløper: 2024.10.29 Gjengivelse av merket: BACH (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Bach Flower Remedies Limited, Nelsons House, 83 Parkside, GB-SW195LP WIMBLEDON, LONDON, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Ikke-medisinske toalettpreparater og -produkter; skjønnhetspreparater og -produkter; kosmetikk; eteriske oljer; massasjeoljer; aromaterapiprodukter; deodoranter for personlig bruk; antiperspiranter; solbrunings-og solbeskyttelsespreparater og produkter; hårfjerningspreparater og -produkter; pudder, krem og lotion; såper og sjampo; barberingsog etterbarberingsmidler; preparater og produkter for kondisjonering og pleie av og utseende på huden, kroppen, ansiktet, øyne, håret, tennene, leppene og neglene; leppebalsam; dusj- og badepreparater; badeoljer og badesalter; talkumpudder; fuktighetskrem; ikke-medisinske babyoljer og -kremer; ikke-medisinske våtservietter og våtservietter impregnert med kosmetiske preparater. Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske, medisinske, veterinære, 28 registrerte varemerker homeopatiske, allopatiske, helbredende, dietetiske og hygieniske preparater og produkter; vitaminer og næringsstoffer; kosttilskudd; mineraltilskudd; medisinske drikker, konfekt, gelkapsler, tyggegummi, pastiller og dietetiske næringsmidler for medisinske formål; medisinske balsamer; desinfeksjonsmidler; antiseptiske midler; medisinske drikker; dietetiske supplementer; diagnostiske preparater for medisinske formål; kosttilskudd for kjæledyr. Klasse 29 Melkeprodukter; melkedrikker; melkebaserte drikker. Klasse 30 Te, urtete; næringsmidler i form av infusjonsvæsker (ikke- medisinske) som inneholder plante- og blomsterekstrakter; aromatiske preparater for tilberedning av urtete og aromatiske preparater for tilberedning av næringsmidler i form av ikke-medisinske infusjonsvæsker som inneholder plante- og blomsterekstrakter; tørkede og konserverte urter; preparater laget av korn; sjokolade; pastiller; sukkertøy; tyggegummi, konfekt, smågodt; essenser for matvarer; kaffe. Klasse 31 Urter; frø, næringsmidler og drikker for dyr og kjæledyr, alle laget av planter og blomster; næringsmidler og drikker for dyr og kjæledyr. Klasse 32 Ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; siruper og andre preparater for tilberedning av drikker; ikke- medisinske drikker; ingredienser, smaksstoffer og tilsetninger fra planter og blomster for laging av drikkevarer; preparater med ingredienser av plante- og blomsterekstrakter til bruk ved tilberedning av drikker. Klasse 33 Alkoholholdige drikker brygget på eller inneholdende ekstrakter av planter, blomster og urter for inntak i dråpeform i minimumskvantiteter og laget av blomster; alle de forannevnte varër eksklusive viner. Klasse 5 Farmasøytiske, medisinske, veterinære, homeopatiske, allopatiske, helbredende, dietetiske og hygieniske preparater og produkter; vitaminer og næringsstoffer; kosttilskudd; mineraltilskudd; medisinske drikker, konfekt, gelkapsler, tyggegummi, pastiller og dietetiske næringsmidler for medisinske formål; medisinske balsamer; desinfeksjonsmidler; antiseptiske midler; medisinske drikker; dietetiske supplementer; diagnostiske preparater for medisinske formål; kosttilskudd for dyr og kjæledyr. Klasse 29 Melkeprodukter; melkedrikker; melkebaserte drikker. Klasse 30 Te, urtete; næringsmidler i form av infusjonsvæsker (ikke-medisinske) som inneholder plante- og blomsterekstrakter; aromatiske preparater for tilberedning av urtete og aromatiske preparater for tilberedning av næringsmidler i form av ikke-medisinske infusjonsvæsker som inneholder plante- og blomsterekstrakter; tørkede og konserverte urter; preparater laget av korn; sjokolade; pastiller; sukkertøy; tyggegummi, konfekt, smågodt; essenser for matvarer; kaffe. Klasse 31 Urter; frø, næringsmidler og drikker for dyr og kjæledyr, alle laget av planter og blomster; næringsmidler og drikker for dyr og kjæledyr. Klasse 32 Ikke-alkoholholdige drikker; siruper og andre preparater for tilberedning av drikker; ikke- medisinske drikker; ingredienser, smaksstoffer og tilsetninger fra planter og blomster for laging av drikkevarer; preparater med ingredienser av plante- og blomsterekstrakter til bruk ved tilberedning av drikker; alle de forannevnte varer laget av blomster, mineral- og kullsyreholdige vann. Klasse 33 Alkoholholdige drikker brygget på planter, blomster og urter for inntak i dråpeform i minimumskvantiteter og laget av blomster; alle de forannevnte varer eksklusive viner. (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (210) (220) (180) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Reg.nr.: 283435 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Søknadsnr.: 201412541 Inndato: 2014.10.29 Registreringen utløper: 2024.10.29 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Bach Flower Remedies Limited, Nelsons House, 83 Parkside, GB-SW195LP WIMBLEDON, LONDON, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Ikke-medisinske toalettpreparater og -produkter; skjønnhetspreparater og -produkter; kosmetikk; eteriske oljer; massasjeoljer; aromaterapiprodukter; deodoranter for personlig bruk; antiperspiranter; solbrunings-og solbeskyttelsespreparater og produkter; hårfjerningspreparater og -produkter; pudder, krem og lotion; såper og sjampo; barberingsog etterbarberingsmidler; preparater og produkter for kondisjonering og pleie av og utseende på huden, kroppen, ansiktet, øyne, håret, tennene, leppene og neglene; leppebalsam; dusj- og badepreparater; badeoljer og badesalter; talkumpudder; fuktighetskrem; ikke-medisinske babyoljer og -kremer; ikke-medisinske våtservietter og våtservietter impregnert med kosmetiske preparater. 29 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer som gjelder for Norge ved utpekning etter Madridprotokollen. Innsigelsesperioden utløper 3 mnd. fra kunngjøringsdato, jf. varemerkeloven § 71. Int.reg.nr.: Int.reg.dato: Generell informasjon om kunngjøringer etter Madridprotokollen Det vil si det internasjonale registreringsnummer som WIPO har gitt søknaden om internasjonal registrering. Det vil si den dato en internasjonal registrering anses for å ha skjedd, jf. varemerkeloven § 72 og Madrid-protokollen artikkel 3 (4). Dersom den internasjonale registreringen besluttes gjeldende i Norge, vil registreringsperioden på 10 år regnes fra den internasjonale registreringsdatoen. Etterfølgende utpekningsdato: Det vil si datoen for rettsvern i Norge hvor utpekingen ikke har skjedd i forbindelse med den Prioritet: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) internasjonale registreringen. Internasjonale søknader kan påberope seg prioritet etter Pariskonvensjonen artikkel 4 fra det land merket først ble søkt registrert. Dette vil ofte være søkers hjemland idet en internasjonal registrering må bygge på en hjemlands-registrering eller -søknad. Det vil si den datoen det innføres i varemerkeregisteret at den internasjonale registreringen gjelder i Norge, jf. varemerkeloven § 70. Int.reg.nr: 0841358 Int.reg.dato: 2004.04.30 Registreringen 2024.04.30 utløper: Etterfølgende 2015.03.03 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506406 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 0877297 Int.reg.dato: 2006.02.08 Registreringen 2016.02.08 utløper: Etterfølgende 2015.04.28 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506407 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: OVERTURE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Opus One Winery LLC, 7900 St.Helena Highway, USCA94562 OAKVILLE, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Wine. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: Term "pizzato" in fancy font associated with a graphic symbol comprising a stylized letter "P", made of a square with a 45° rotation containing a strip of the diameter, and a triangle. (730) Innehaver: PIZZATO ELETTRICA S.r.l., Via Torino, 1, IT-36063 MAROSTICA (VICENZA), Italia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Electrical and electronic equipment, particularly position switches, safety switches, foot switches, microswitches, miniature or sub-miniature switches, electronic modules, connectors, switchboards, electric and electronic safety push-buttons, telerupters, selector switches, circuit breakers, fuse panels, relay bases, safety relays. (450) (450) (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 0966885 Int.reg.dato: 2008.06.16 Registreringen 2018.06.16 utløper: Etterfølgende 2015.03.20 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506408 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: olina Franchise GmbH, Buxera 14a, AT-6833 WEILER, Østerrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 20 Furniture, in particular fitted kitchens. Klasse 35 Business management, business administration; assistance in the running and managing of commercial enterprises, in particular by means of franchising. 30 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Klasse 37 Building construction, repair, fitting, installation and repair of kitchens. (450) (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 photographs, videos, images, logos, texts and all other types of content; electronic publications, especially downloadable via an international telecommunications network; spectacles, spectacle frames, spectacle cases, spectacle chains, optical goods; calculating machines. Klasse 38 Press and information agencies (news); telecommunications; communication services, electronic, radio, telegraph, telephone and telematic, and via all telecomputing means, via interactive videography, and in particular via computer peripherals and electronic and/or digital equipment, and especially videophone, video-intercom and video-conferencing; sending or transmission of telegrams and messages; transmission and broadcasting of images, sounds, data and information via computer terminals, via cable transmission, via data communication means, and using any other vector of telecommunication; provision of access to a global computer network; interactive telecommunication services; television and more generally multimedia programme broadcasting (computer editing of texts and/or still or animated images, and/or musical or non-musical sounds, for interactive use or not); radio and television programmes; cable and satellite television and more generally distribution of audiovisual and multimedia programmes (computer editing of texts and/or still or animated images, and/or musical or non-musical sounds, for interactive use or not); audiovisual communication with the public online; transmission of telegrams; rental of access time to a computer database; information transmission by telematic means with a view to obtaining information held in data banks; public information transmission services; information transmission via computer networks in general; services for communication with the public via electronic means; providing chatrooms on the Internet; information transmission in the audiovisual, video and multimedia field; transmission of information held on databases; services for transmitting texts, sounds, images and videos by downloading from a computer or telephone database to mobile phones and to all playback/recorder devices of music, images, texts, videos and multimedia data; correspondence services via computer networks, or via telephony, or telecommunication apparatus and instruments and on the Internet. Klasse 41 Teaching, training, education and entertainment services in general in any medium and especially any electronic medium (digital or analogue) whatever the mode of consultation and transmission; sporting and cultural activities; public recreation services (entertainment); correspondence courses; publishing of texts (other than advertising), illustrations, books, reviews, newspapers, periodicals, magazines and publications of all kinds (other than advertising) and in all forms including electronic and digital publications; providing online electronic publications (not downloadable); introductory and further academic education; arranging and conducting of seminars, practical training and courses; arrangement of forums, conventions and colloquiums; production and editing of cinematographic, radio and television programmes, audiovisual and multimedia programmes (computer editing of texts and/or still or animated images, and/or musical or non-musical sounds, for interactive use or not); publication of books; arranging competitions, games and lottery games of all kinds (education or entertainment); arranging information campaigns and professional and other events; organising exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; producing, production of informative programs, of radio and television entertainment, of audiovisual and multimedia programmes (computer editing of texts and/or still or animated images, and/or musical or non-musical sounds, for interactive use or not); production, management and presentation of live performances; organisation of sports competitions; production, editing and rental of films and tapes including video cassettes, Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1019729 Int.reg.dato: 2009.04.23 Registreringen 2019.04.23 utløper: Etterfølgende 2015.02.24 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506202 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Gjengivelse av merket: TIJI (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: LAGARDERE THEMATIQUES, 28 rue François 1er, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Apparatus and instruments other than for medical use for recording, transmitting, reproducing and duplicating sounds and/or images and more generally apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity, photographic, cinematographic, optical and teaching apparatus and instruments, audio and video receivers, data processing apparatus, computers, peripheral devices and accessories for computers namely, printers, devices to input and output digital and analogue data, screens, terminals, storage devices, keyboards, graphics tablets, computer mice and other manual input devices, mouse pads, magnetic, electrical, electronic and optical storage media such as disc drives and tapes and storage devices, facsimile machines, scanners, sorters, photocopiers, modems, digital cameras, writing devices and hard discs, apparatus for games adapted for use with television receivers only; apparatus and instruments for processing multimedia products (computer editing of texts and/or still or animated images, and/or musical or non-musical sounds for interactive use or not), players of compact discs, interactive discs, digital audio CDROMs, video cassette players, video recorders, cameras, tape recorders, videophones, portable video cameras with integrated video recorders, video game consoles, compact audiovisual apparatus, portable electronic apparatus and peripherals thereof and in particular audiovisual headsets, sound and virtual image receivers, electronic agendas, electronic dictionaries, and more generally electronic and digital publications, electronic translating systems; television apparatus, telephone apparatus, mobile phones, hands-free telephone kits, batteries, covers, facades, charging devices, hand straps or neck straps for mobile phones; apparatus portable or not for recording and disseminating images, sounds and music and especially those known as MP3 players; media of all kinds for recording, transmitting, reproducing and duplicating sound, data or images; information media, printed or otherwise; pre-recorded or blank video cassettes and video discs, pre-recorded or blank laser discs and cassettes, magnetic tape cassettes and sound recording discs, sound and audiovisual recordings; digital audio discs, video discs, optical discs; magnetic cards; integrated circuit cards (smart cards); cartridges for video games; magnetic and electronic pens; computer programs, software on all types of media, computer programs in the fields of business management, advertising and marketing research, gaming software, databases and especially voice databases, text and sound data banks, image banks; all data downloadable onto computers or mobile phones and especially ring-tones, sounds, music, 31 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer and more generally all sound and/or visual media and multimedia (interactive discs, digital audio CD-ROMs); services involving production and publication of all sound and/or visual media, of all sound and/or visual media, for recording sounds and/or images, multimedia (interactive discs, digital audio CD-ROMs); editing and publishing services for all sound and/or visual media; services for recording of sound and/or images, of multimedia (interactive discs, digital audio CD-ROMs), multimedia programme publishing services (computerassisted formatting of texts and/or images, still or animated, and/or of sounds, musical or not, for interactive use or not); lending books and other publications, video libraries, namely services for lending or renting video cassettes, games libraries; services provided by franchisers namely basic staff training; news reporters services, photographic reporting. (450) swimsuits; belts (clothing); hats; headbands (clothing); jackets; coats; blouses; layettes (clothing); infants' clothing; underwear; shoes; sandals. Klasse 35 The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a wide range of goods which include clothing, shoes, accessories and several other goods commonly found in department stores and catalogues, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in a retail store, in a wholesale outlet, from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or from a general merchandise Internet website. (450) (111) (151) (180) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (891) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1049456A Int.reg.dato: 2010.06.16 Registreringen 2020.06.16 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201511136 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.09.10 Søknadsprioritet: 2010.05.12, BX, 1202905 Gjengivelse av merket: (891) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1064825 Int.reg.dato: 2010.09.06 Registreringen 2020.09.06 utløper: Etterfølgende 2015.03.11 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506205 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Gjengivelse av merket: kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Scandinavian Design Online AB, Slöjdaregatan 1, SE39353 KALMAR, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Electronic publications and catalogues downloadable from electronic media. Klasse 16 Printed matter and catalogues, including with regard to the presentation of goods covered by gift cards and gift vouchers. Klasse 35 Marketing and retail, including by mail order via catalogues and the Internet of products of Scandinavian and Nordic design, namely with regard to hand tools, cutlery, apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images, radios, computer accessories, mouse mats, mobile telephone chargers, indoor and outdoor lamps, light fittings, horological and chronometric instruments, clocks, jewellery, jewellery stands, books, pen stands, waste paper baskets, notice boards, magnets, paper clips, cable concealers, bookends, works of art and handicraft products, films for windows, bags, cool bags, baskets adapted for cycles, picnic baskets, furniture, bedheads, partitions, notice boards, storage furniture, newspaper racks, coat hangers, files for paper, log baskets, magazine racks, shoe racks, hat racks, camping equipment, kitchen and household products, glassware, porcelain and earthenware for household purposes, vases, jugs, decanters, bottles, cups, mugs, services and art glassware, furnishings, candle lamps, candelabra (candlesticks), oil lamps, advent stars, wall decor, wall hangings, trays, pot stands and coasters, nutcrackers, fondue sets, bread baskets, place mats, bottles, bowls, dispensers for serviettes, salt and pepper pots, corkscrews, ashtrays for smokers, hangers, hooks, dishwashing brushes, condiment racks, wine racks, knife blocks, cutting boards, funnels, colanders, knife and key magnets, nutcrackers, water jugs, smoke detectors, spaghetti measurers, cans openers, kitchen scales, egg timers, washing up bowls, nesting boxes, bird tables, candle lamps, sundials, wheat-filled cushions, blankets, photograph albums, thermos flasks, bread bags, serviette holders, bathroom articles, textiles and textile goods, bed and table covers, bath sheets and towels of textile, bath linen, bed linen, rugs, fabrics and textiles, clothing, footwear and headgear, games and playthings, rocking kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Medicines and pharmaceutical preparations; ophthalmic preparations. (111) (151) (180) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (546) Merket er et (546) Merket er et (450) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2011.01.03 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Overdratt fra int. reg. nr. 1049456 Int.reg.nr: 1050676 Int.reg.dato: 2010.08.03 Registreringen 2020.08.03 utløper: Etterfølgende 2015.04.17 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506204 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Gjengivelse av merket: GINGERSNAPS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Great Retail Concepts Pte. Ltd., 10 Anson Road, #2102 International Plaza, SG-079903 SINGAPORE, Singapore (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; dresses; pants; skirts; shirts; T-shirts; polo shirts; shorts; pajamas; sleepwear; 32 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer horses, baby walkers, musical boxes, toy cookers, soapbox cars, mobiles, piggy banks. Klasse 36 Financial affairs; monetary affairs; issuing tokens of value in the nature of gift cards vouchers. (450) (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 design and development of and research into telecommunication equipment; geographical surveys and assessments; study and design (development) of technical projects in the field of extraction of raw materials; industrial design; graphic design and graphic art services; design services for products; packaging design; quality control services for certification purposes, namely, issuing quality marks, certificates and value guarantees; quality control services for certification purposes, namely, granting of quality marks; quality control testing of products, under the standards, certification criteria and quality assessment guidelines, for certification purposes; drawing up of expert technical opinions in connection with quality controls; inspection of goods for quality control; information and consultancy relating to the aforesaid services; the aforesaid services also via electronic channels, including the Internet. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1081916 Int.reg.dato: 2011.02.25 Registreringen 2021.02.25 utløper: 2014.12.15 Etterfølgende utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201500270 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.01 Gjengivelse av merket: FAIRPHONE (450) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: FairPhone B.V., Jollemanhof 17, NL-1019GW AMSTERDAM, Nederland (740) Fullmektig: Håmsø Patentbyrå ANS, Postboks 171, 4302 SANDNES, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of text, sound, images and other data; (mobile) telephones; magnetic and electronic data carriers, in particular cassettes, CDs, CD-ROMs, DVDs, minidiscs, video tapes and VCDs (videodiscs); telecommunications equipment, telecommunications auxiliary equipment and telecommunications peripheral devices; software programs; magnetic and machinereadable cards containing encoded information, including SIM cards; apparatus for reading and writing of coded information in cards; apparatus for data processing; computer programs for accessing computer networks and global communications networks; electronic apparatus and instruments for communication via global computer networks, not included in other classes; electronic and digital publications. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; Office functions; publicity and sales promotion; retail and wholesale services in the field of raw materials, namely minerals and metals; retail services in the field of computer, electronic and entertainment goods, including mobile telephones; import and export of raw materials and consumer goods; import and export of computer, electronic and entertainment goods, including mobile telephones; bringing together, for others, computer, electronic and entertainment goods, including mobile telephones (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers conveniently to view and purchase those goods, including providing such services online from a computer database; administrative processing of orders; advertising and information distribution services, namely, providing classified advertising space via the global computer network; drawing up of statistics; market canvassing, research and analysis; opinion polling services; collecting data in a central file; data file administration; commercial information; compilation and management of data files stored in online databases and searchable online databases; organisation of trade fairs and exhibitions for commercial and advertising purposes; information and consultancy relating to the aforesaid services; all the aforesaid services whether or not provided via electronic channels, including the Internet. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of and research into telecommunication equipment, websites and software; (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1102183 Int.reg.dato: 2011.10.27 Registreringen 2021.10.27 utløper: Etterfølgende 2015.05.07 utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506409 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: ASHIKA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Japanparts SrL, Via Della Meccanica, 1/A, IT-37139 FRAZ. BASSONA, VERONA (VR), Italia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Cartridges for filtering machines, filtering machines, filters (machine or engine parts), pumps (machine or engine parts), pumps (machines), pump diaphragms, lubrication pumps, alternators; regulators (machine parts), speed governors for machines and engines, brushes (parts of machines), brushes for dynamos, glow plugs for diesel engines, trimming machines, parts of ignition engines for water vehicles, ignition engines, pinions for ignition engines and electromagnets for water vehicles, engine belts for land vehicles, spare parts for ignition engines for land vehicles, ignition engines, pinions for ignition engines. Klasse 9 Self-regulating fuel pumps, voltage regulators for vehicles, condensers (electric) electric contacts, electric switches, electric batteries, electric sockets, electric plugs, cartridges for valves (electricity), circuit breakers, cut-outs for electric batteries, apparatus and instruments using the heavy current engineering, namely for conducting, transforming, accumulating, regulating, and controlling, current rectifiers for alternators. Klasse 12 Treads for vehicles, safety belts for vehicle seats, brake linings for land vehicles, air pumps (vehicle accessories), clutches for land vehicles, brake disks for land vehicles, vehicle brakes, automobiles, vehicles for locomotion by land, electromagnets for ignition engines for land vehicles. (450) 33 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1114845 Int.reg.dato: 2011.10.04 Registreringen 2021.10.04 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201205149 Notifikasjonsdato: 2012.05.24 Søknadsprioritet: 2011.04.04, EM, 009864935 Gjengivelse av merket: 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 processors; audio and visual apparatus with sing along devices; pagers, and parts and fittings therefor; pager cases or casings; call indicators for telephones, mobile telephones and pagers; video game machines; masks worn over the eyes to shield off lights; electronic agendas; electric alarm bells; alarms; bar code readers; barometers; buzzers; electric buzzers; central processing units (processors); chips (integrated circuits); chronographs (time recording apparatus); cigar and/or cigarette lighters for automobiles; computer keyboards; acoustic couplers; couplers (data processing equipment); automatic distribution machines; divers' apparatus; divers' masks; diving suits; electronic notice boards; electronic pens (visual display units); elevator operating apparatus; eyeglass cords; eyepieces; eyeshades; facsimile machines; filters (photography); flat irons, electric; floppy disks; head cleaning tapes (recording); hygrometers; integrated circuits; intercommunication apparatus; interfaces (for computers); invoicing machines; lens hoods; magnetic tape units (for computers); magnetic tapes; measuring spoons; metronomes; microprocessors; modems; money counting and sorting machines; optical fibers (light conducting filaments); optical glass; optical goods; optical lenses; parking meters; protractors (measuring instruments); radiotelegraphy sets; radiotelephony sets; semiconductors; slides (photography); slot machines, automatic; sound recording strips; demagnetizing apparatus for magnetic tapes; telegraph wires; telegraphs (apparatus); teleprinters; teleprompters; teletypewriters; ticket dispensers; transmitters (telecommunication); ticket dispensers; transmitters (telecommunication); transmitting sets (telecommunication); vacuum gauges; video screens; video telephones; video recorders; whistle alarms; ear plugs; ear plugs for divers; egg timers; goggles for sports; protective helmets for sports; navigation apparatus for vehicles (on board computers); metronomes; electronic publications (downloadable); personal stereos; satellites for scientific purposes; wrist rests for use with computers; electronic circuits and CD-Roms which enable the recording of automatic playing program for the use of electronic musical instruments; controllers, joysticks and memory cards for consumer videogame apparatus. Klasse 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks; booklets and manuals; books; periodicals; printed publications, newspapers, newsletters and magazines; calendars; children's books; comic books; address books; baby books; appointment books; guest books; recipe books; diaries; albums; coin albums; writing pads; memo pads; note pads; notebooks; coloring books and activity books; book covers; bookmarks; blotters; bookends; photo albums; mats for framing paintings, pictures or photographs; photograph stands; coasters made of paper; paintings; erasers, wrappers; packing paper; wrapping paper and packaging materials; gift wrapping paper; boxes of cardboard or paper; gift boxes made of cardboard; invitation cards; printed awards; printed certificates; printed invitations; printed menus; magazines regarding games; paper napkins; toilet paper; paper towels; handkerchiefs of paper; facial blotting papers; napkins of paper for removing make up; babies' diapers of paper; paper party decorations made of paper; paper cake decorations; paperback books; modeling clay; paperweights; pencil sharpeners; electric pencil sharpeners; paper clips; paper weights; paper pins; drawing pins; writing instruments; pens; pencils; fountain pens; ball pens; pen nibs; pen holders; pencil holders; refills for pens and writing instruments; ROVIO (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Rovio Entertainment Ltd, Keilaranta 17, FI-02150 ESBO, Finland (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision) and life-saving apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; automatic vending machines and mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines; fireextinguishing apparatus; video games for mobile devices, personal computers, consoles, tablets; electronic game programs; downloadable electronic game programs; electronic game software; computer game programs; downloadable computer game programs; interactive game software; parts and fittings for consumer videogame devices; programs for handheld game devices; apparatus for games adapted for use with television receivers; cinematographic apparatus; protective carrying cases specially adapted for phones and handheld computers; DVD discs; compact discs; compact disc players; CD-ROM discs; mouse pads; sunglasses; spectacles; eyeglass chains; spectacle cases; contact lenses; containers for contact lenses; wireless phones; mobile telephones and parts and fittings therefor; mobile phone cases or casings; bags, coverings, containers, carriers and holders for mobile telephones and personal computers; headphones; earphones; earphones and microphones/speaker phones for use with mobile telephones; mobile phone straps, cases; stands for portable telephone; antenna caps for portable phone; batteries; battery boxes; battery chargers; digital music downloadable from the internet; downloadable music files; abacuses; electric devices for attracting and killing insects; audiovisual teaching apparatus; binoculars; calculators; cameras, cinematographic cameras, and parts and fittings therefor; lenses for cameras; capacity measures; motion picture films; animated cartoons; cassette players; electric door bells; electronic pocket translators; fire alarms; flashlights; frames for photographic transparencies; hair-curlers, electrically heated; heat regulating apparatus; juke boxes; optical lenses; letter scales; life belts; life jackets; life-saving rafts; life buoys; floats for bathing and swimming; locks, electric; magnetic data media; magnetic encoded cards; magnetic encoders; magnets; magnifying glasses; make-up removing appliances, electric; measuring apparatus, devices and instruments; microphones; microscopes; neon signs; notebook computers; electronic pens; phonograph records; photocopiers; pocket calculators; projection apparatus; projection screens; radios; record players; remote control apparatus; rulers (measuring instruments); scales; smart cards; smoke detectors; sockets, plugs and other contacts; sound recording apparatus; sound recording discs; sound reproduction apparatus; sound transmitting apparatus; telephones apparatus, receivers, transmitters, wires; telescopes; television apparatus; temperature indicators; theft prevention installations, electric; thermometers; thermostats; video cassettes, video game cartridges; video records; videotapes; video screens; video recorders; word 34 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer pencil leads; colour pencils; crayons; pen and pencil cases; artists' water colours; pastels; drawing materials, boards, pens and instruments; drawing sets; canvas for painting; letter trays and racks; letter holders; loose-leaf binders; paper knives (office requisites); letter openers; electric letter openers; adhesive tapes and adhesive tape dispensers; pictures; stencils; picture storybooks; graphic reproductions, portraits; posters; lithographs; postcards; greeting cards; musical greeting cards; ring binders; rubber stamps; stamps and seals; holders and cases for stamps and seals; stamp pads; ink pads; inks; scratch pads; paper staplers; pastes and glues for stationery and household purposes; ornaments and decoration made of paper and/or cardboard; erasers, erasing fluids; correcting fluids (office requisites); stationery; stationery-type portfolios and folders; index cards; document files; sticker albums, stickers; postage stamps; cards; trading cards; baggage tags; paper patterns; autograph books; stamp and coin albums; general purpose plastic bags; plastic party bags; paper bags; paper lunch bags; bags for microwave cooking; paper coffee filters; food wrapping plastic film for household use; paper envelopes; writing paper; drawing paper; copying paper; writing cases; table cloths of paper; plastic table covers; bibs of paper; paper flags; banners of paper; protective covers for notebooks; painters' easels; place mats and coasters of paper or cardboard; blackboards; chalk; wipe-off boards; shredders; plastic coating machines and apparatus; passport holders; cheque books holders; paper money holders; picture holders; decorations of paper for lunch boxes or foodstuffs; paper tapes and cards for the recordal of computer programmes; maps; inking ribbons; thumbtacks; tickets; typewriters; paper cutters; signboards of paper or cardboard; printed transfers for embroidery or fabric appliqués; printed patterns for costumes, pyjamas, sweatshirts and tshirts; removable tattoos. Klasse 28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not for goods related to fishing and not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees; toys; dolls; puppets; plush toys; soft dolls; teddy bears; toy figures and play sets; action figures and accessories therefor; toy figures attachable to mobile phones, pencils or key rings; bathtub toys; ride-on toys; balls and balloons; yo-yos; balls for games; playing balls; playground balls, soccer balls, baseballs; basketballs; rubber balls; decorations and ornaments for Christmas trees; toy vehicles; electric vehicles (toys); surf boards; snow boards; roller blades; ice skates; skateboards; air pistols (toys); backgammon games; bells for Christmas trees; billiard balls; billiard tables; building blocks (toys); board games; Chess games; chess boards; explosive bonbons (Christmas crackers); skating boots with skates attached; bowling apparatus and machinery; building games; candle holders for Christmas trees; checkerboards; checkers (games); chess games; chessboards; Christmas trees of synthetic materials; conjuring apparatus; cosaques (toy fireworks); cups for dice; darts; dice; dolls' beds, dolls' clothes; dolls' houses; dolls' rooms; dominoes; draughtboards; draughts (games); dumb-bells; elbow guards (sports articles); exercisers (expanders); fairground ride apparatus; dolls' feeding bottles; flippers for swimming; flying discs (toys); automatic games; bats for games; apparatus for electronic games other than those adapted for use with television receivers only; electronic game equipment for playing video games, namely, hand held units for playing video games other than those adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; golf bags; golf clubs; golf gloves; gloves for games and sports; practical jokes (novelties); kite reels; kites; knee guards (sports articles); mahjong; marbles for games; marionettes; theatrical masks; toy masks; mobiles (toys); scale model vehicles; parlor games; percussion caps (toys); toy pistols; rackets; rattles (playthings); ring games; rocking horses; roller skates; sailboards; skis; sleighs (sports articles); slides (playthings); soap bubbles (toys); spinning tops (toys); 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 spring boards (sporting articles); stationary exercise bicycles; swimming pools (play articles); swimming webs (flippers); swings; tables for table tennis; toys for domestic pets; waterskis; play articles for swimming, water games sports and activities; beach balls; amusement machines, automatic and coin-operated; bags especially designed for skis and surfboards; bingo card; butterfly nets; playing cards; confetti; in-line roller skates; kaleidoscopes; masts for sailboards; radiocontrolled toy vehicles; roulette wheels; snow globes; snowshoes; playing cards; equipment sold as a unit for playing card games; amusement apparatus for use in arcades; stand alone video output game machines; coin or counter operated arcade games; pinball game machines; electronic hand-held game units; non electric hand-held skill games; game equipment sold as a unit for playing a board game, a card game, a manipulative game, a parlor game, a parlor-type computer game, an action type target game; puzzles; paper hats; paper face masks; masquerade and Halloween masks; water squirting toys; dartboards; surfboards; swimming floats for recreational use; kickboard flotation devices for recreational use; swim boards for recreational use; swim fins; toy zip guns; toy bakeware and toy cookware; toy banks; toy snow globes; Boxing gloves; hockey sticks; Christmas stockings; sling shots. Klasse 35 Business management; business administration; office functions; Wholesaling and retailing and mail order services relating to the sale of games for mobile devices, games for personal computers, games for consoles, games for tablets, electronic game programs, downloadable electronic game programs, electronic game software, computer game programs, downloadable computer game programs, interactive game programs, interactive game software, recorded computer operating programs, computer programs, recorded computer software, carrying cases specially adapted for phones and handheld computers, mouse pads, party favours and festive decorations and ornaments, gifts and novelty items, soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, hair care products, toiletries, dentifrices, personal hygiene products, cleaning, polishing and abrasive preparations, substances for laundry use, manicure tools, nail care preparations, nail varnish, false nails, dietetic substances, food for babies, sanitary, preparations, candles, wicks, spills for lighting, greases, lubricants, oils for paints, cutlery, crockery, manicure sets, shaving instruments, razors, machines and machine tools for kitchen or household purposes, handheld tools, films, cameras, photo discs, video recorders, audio and visual products, audio and video tapes, records and discs, instruments and apparatus for the recording, transmitting and/or reproduction of sounds and/or images, televisions, cassette tape players and/or recorders, video cassette and/or disc players and/or recorders, radios, telephones, wireless phones, mobile phones, mobile phone cases, decorations and straps for phones, call indicators, calculating machines, calculators, electronic and computer games, cinematographic films, lights, fans, cooking utensils, cake and pastry moulds, toasters, ovens, kitchen utensils, utensils and containers for serving or storing food and/or beverages, chop sticks, cutting instruments, porcelain, chinaware, crystalware, enamelware, silverware, glassware, terra-cottaware, earthenware, ceramics, hair dryers, lamps, lamp shades and parts and fittings therefor, baby carriages, balloons, bicycle horns, clocks and watches and accessories and parts and fittings therefor, jewellery and imitation jewellery, ornaments, goods in precious metal or coated therewith, music boxes, musical instruments, pictures, photographs, stationery, paper and cardboard and goods made from these materials, artists materials, paint brushes, writing instruments, printed matter, books, newspapers, magazines and periodicals, greeting and Christmas cards, playing cards, packing and packaging materials, picture frames 35 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer and stands, adhesives for stationery or household purposes, goods made of leather and/or imitations of leather, bags and luggage, purses and wallets, umbrellas, walking sticks, furniture, mirrors, coat hangers and pegs, boxes and containers, name plates, small household fittings, household or kitchen utensils and containers, combs, sponges, brushes, articles for cleaning purposes, spectacles, spectacle frames and sunglasses and cases and accessories therefor, textile and textile goods, bedding, and table linens and covers, napkins, table mats, furniture, haberdashery, handkerchieves, articles of children-, women- and men's clothing, footwear, headgear and gloves, buttons, badges, ribbons and braid, lace, and embroidery, hair pins and ornaments, braces, shoe ornaments, hat ornaments, zipper and zipper fasteners, carpets, rugs and mats, toys, games and playthings, dolls, plush toys, soft dolls, figurines, sporting articles, decorations for Christmas trees, food and beverages, confectionery, floral products, matches, cigars, cigarettes and smokers' articles; business management of performing artists; import-export agencies; compilation of information in to computer databases; business management of hotels; marketing research; personnel recruitment; procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services for other businesses); office machines and equipment rental; vending machine rental services; auctioneering. Klasse 36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; computerised financial services; computerised financial services for retail businesses; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid; accommodation bureaux (apartments); apartment house management; banking; capital investments; charitable fund raising; credit card services; issuance of credit cards; debit card services; financing services; saving and investment services; issue of tokens of value; issuing of cheques and travellers' checks; leasing of real estate; real estate management; rent collection; rental of offices; renting of apartments; renting of flats; savings banks; electronic funds transfer; real estate agencies; trusteeship services; fire insurance underwriting; fund investments; health insurance underwriting; insurance brokerage; insurance underwriting; life insurance underwriting; marine insurance underwriting; mutual funds; home banking; financing of loans. Klasse 41 Education; providing of training; sporting and cultural activities; rental of consumer video game apparatus and arcade video game machines; rental of handheld game apparatus; educational and instruction services relating to arts, crafts, sports or general knowledge; movie showing, movie film production, or movie film distribution; providing information on program listing of television broadcasting; providing a web site featuring entertainment information; television programs in the field of entertainment; amusement parks; theme parks; amusement arcade services; organization, production and presentation of shows, concerts, live performances, theatrical performances, exhibitions, sports competitions, sporting and cultural activities; cabarets and variety, movie studios, discotheque services; club services; publication of books, texts, magazines, newspapers and periodicals; library services; providing facilities for entertainment, concerts, shows, performances, sports, games, recreation and cultural activities; provision of information relating to education, entertainment, amusement, recreation, sports and culture; television and radio entertainment; film and video production; rental of cine-films, motion pictures, video tapes, laser discs, video discs and digital versatile (video) discs; rental of sound recordings; rental of show and stage scenery; nursery schools; games rooms and parlours; arranging of beauty contests; circuses; correspondence courses; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; gaming; gymnastic instruction; providing museum facilities (presentation, exhibitions); operating lotteries; orchestra services; party planning 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (entertainment); scriptwriting services; theatre productions; zoological gardens; digital imaging services; electronic desktop publishing; interpretation (sign language); vocational guidance (education or training advice); microfilming; music composition services; night clubs; providing karaoke services; providing on-line electronic publications (not downloadable); publication of electronic books and journals on-line; videotaping; bowling alleys; batting stadium or dome for baseball (games); showing of movies on-line. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1138266 Int.reg.dato: 2012.04.11 Registreringen 2022.04.11 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201213390 Notifikasjonsdato: 2012.12.06 Gjengivelse av merket: D3O (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Design Blue Ltd, 1st Floor Microscape House, Hove Park Villas, Hove, GB-BN3 6HX EAST SUSSEX, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 8 Hand tools and instruments; parts and fittings for hand tools and instruments. Klasse 10 Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary articles, apparatus and instruments; supportive appliances, bandages and clothing all for medical use; orthopaedic articles, furniture for medical use, parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods. Klasse 12 Seats, headrests, cushions, upholstery, interior furnishing, safety belts and safety belts and safety installations, safety seats for children, child restraints; all for land vehicles, vessels, aircraft or spacecraft; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; parts and fittings for land vehicles, vessels, aircraft or spacecraft; all the foregoing goods not including engines for motor vehicles. Klasse 17 Polymeric and elastomeric materials, foamed or unfoamed for use in manufacture; profiles, sections, tubes, blocks, rods, sheets, laminates, films, and fibres, all of plastics and all for use in manufacture; padding, packing, stopping, stuffing, sealing, filling, insulating, shock-absorbing and impact-absorbing materials; insulators, foams, packings, stops, stoppers, seals, plugs and buffers, all made of polymeric and elastomeric materials and for insulating purposes; flexible pipes and hoses; insulating jackets for pipes and cylinders; shock absorbing jackets for pipes and cylinders; goods made from elastomeric or polymeric materials not included in other classes. Klasse 24 Textile and textile goods, cloth and fabric; materials for use in the manufacture of clothing, footwear, headgear and articles for wear, materials for use in the manufacture of protective clothing, footwear, headgear and articles for wear, impact-absorbing materials; modified textile materials, fabrics and cloth. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear and articles for wear; sports clothing, footwear, headgear and articles for wear; clothing, footwear, headgear and articles for wear, all for absorbing impacts; protective clothing, footwear, headgear and articles for wear, all for use in sports; clothing, footwear, headgear and articles for wear, all having parts which absorb impacts and/or harden under load; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; clothing, footwear and headgear and 36 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) articles for wear, all manufactured wholly or partly from materials which harden under load and/or absorb impacts; clothing, footwear, headgear and articles for wear, all for absorbing impacts. (450) (111) (151) (180) (891) (210) (220) (540) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1142535 Int.reg.dato: 2012.09.13 Registreringen 2022.09.13 utløper: 2015.05.01 Etterfølgende utpekning dato: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506411 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1156757 Int.reg.dato: 2013.03.07 Registreringen 2023.03.07 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201305251 Notifikasjonsdato: 2013.05.02 Søknadsprioritet: 2012.10.04, EM, 011240157 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) OLD JAM (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Dr Denim AB, Kungsgatan 7A, 4tr, SE-41119 GÖTEBORG, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Kluge Advokatfirma AS, Postboks 394 Sentrum, 5805 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Cases for mobile phones, cases for computers. (450) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: FUJITEC KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as FUJITEC CO., LTD.), 591-1, Miyata-cho, JP-522-8588 HIKONE-SHI, SHIGA, Japan (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Elevators; escalators; dumbwaiter elevators; moving walks; conveyer belts; elevator landing doors; elevator landing doors with smoke-tight function; drive systems for elevators, escalators, dumbwaiter elevators, moving walkways, and conveyer belts; control systems for elevators, escalators, dumbwaiter elevators, moving walkways, and conveyer belts; starters for motors and engines; AC motors and DC motors [not including those for land vehicles but including "parts" for any AC motors and DC motors]. Klasse 9 Measuring or testing machines and instruments; power distribution or control machines and apparatus; diagnostic apparatus, not for medical purposes; telecommunication machines and apparatus; electronic controller to manage power, movement, and functions of a group of elevators; electronic controller to manage the power, movement and functions of an elevator; emergency communication device for elevators; remote monitoring system for elevators; remote control apparatus for elevators; electrical remote control apparatus for elevators; computer programs for elevator security device; computer network hubs; security video recording apparatus for elevator cars; sound system for elevator cars; security camera for elevator cars; video cameras (camcorders); sound recording apparatus; remote control devices for air conditioning apparatus for elevators. Klasse 37 Installation of elevators, escalators, dumbwaiter elevators, moving walkways, and conveyer belts; maintenance and repair of elevators, escalators, dumbwaiter elevators, moving walkways, and conveyer belts. EGS (111) (151) (180) Int.reg.nr: 1159719 Int.reg.dato: 2013.03.05 Registreringen 2023.03.05 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201306361 Notifikasjonsdato: 2013.05.30 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.02.18, JP, 2013-010711 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: NCO Holdings, Inc., 507 Prudential Road, USPA19044 HORSHAM, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Accounts receivable management services; customer relationship management; customer service management for others; total quality management services, namely, business management services for establishing business quality policy and determining business means for implementing those policies to improve customer satisfaction; providing business services for others, namely, telemarketing services, namely, inbound and outbound telemarketing services; identification of prospective new customers of others by telephone inquiry; promoting the goods and services of others through direct telephone solicitation; fulfillment services, namely, market campaign follow-up by telephone inquiry; computerized database management for others; providing outsourced customer support centers for others. Klasse 36 Debt recovery and collection services. (450) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 37 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1176731 Int.reg.dato: 2013.06.12 Registreringen 2023.06.12 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201311980 Notifikasjonsdato: 2013.10.03 Søknadsprioritet: 2012.12.14, EM, 11465374 Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse 16 Manuals, pamphlets, magazines, information bulletins, inserts for newspapers, booklets, all in connection with equipment for networks, telecommunications, word processing, database management, entertainment and e-commerce equipment. Klasse 42 Computing services, namely the creation, design and maintenance of web sites for third parties; scientific and industrial research, namely biological research, bacteriological research, chemical research, cosmetology research, mechanical research, geological research, pharmaceutical research, scientific research medical purposes. (450) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (111) (151) (180) (730) Innehaver: MK Illumination Handels GmbH, Trientlgasse 70, AT6020 INNSBRUCK, Østerrike (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions. Klasse 37 Building construction; installations and repair of apparatus for lighting and decorative illumination devices. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1188791 2013.10.16 2023.10.16 201400347 2014.01.09 2013.04.18, DK, VA 2013 01007 Gjengivelse av merket: CASA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Imerco A/S, Smedeholm 16, DK-2730 HERLEV, Danmark (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 6 Small items of metal hardware. Klasse 8 Hand tools and implements (hand-operated), cutlery, side arms, razors, mortars [for grinding]. Klasse 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith and not included in other classes, jewellery, precious stones, horological and chronometric instruments. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1179885 Int.reg.dato: 2013.06.20 Registreringen 2023.06.20 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201313020 Notifikasjonsdato: 2013.10.31 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.03.15, FR, 13/3990388 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) FLASHSYSTEM (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: International Business Machines Corporation, New Orchard Road, US-NY10504 ARMONK, USA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Computing equipment, namely magnetic tape units (for computers), magnetic tapes, computer keyboards, compact disks (audio-video), optical disks, couplers (for computers), floppy disks; video game software; videotapes; electric cells and electric batteries; carrying cases for computers; fax modem cards for computers; computer accessories, namely screen filters, computer mouse pads, electric converters, namely, digital-toanalog, analog-to-digital and step-by-step voltage switches, pagers, computer control joysticks, computer mice; electric power supply apparatus; remote controllers for computers; inverters, surge protectors and uninterruptible power supply devices; software for accessing a global computer network; computer database management software; computer document management software; software for locating, recovering and receiving text, electronic documents, graphic illustrations and audiovisual information via companyscale internal computing networks and on local, widearea and global computer networks; computer software for developing and computer software for designing websites and user manuals, in electronic format, sold as a set. 38 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1189610 Int.reg.dato: 2013.12.13 Registreringen 2023.12.13 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201400772 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.01.23 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.07.04, EM, 011954518 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1196466 2013.11.14 2023.11.14 201403462 2014.03.27 2013.06.03, AT, AM 2656/2013 Gjengivelse av merket: IMPACT HUB (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: HUB Association - Verein zur Förderung sozialer Innovationen, Lindengasse 56/18-19, AT-1070 WIEN, Østerrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 41 Providing electronic publications (not downloadable); publishing of publications in electronic form online, also on the Internet. (450) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (111) (151) (180) (730) Innehaver: Reenio Holding KB, Mölledalsgatan 122, SE-21240 MALMÖ, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Dietetic foods adapted for medical purposes; Dietetic preparations adapted for medical use; Dietary and nutritional supplements; Nutritional supplements. Klasse 32 Syrups and other preparations for making beverages. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1199288 Int.reg.dato: 2013.10.10 Registreringen 2023.10.10 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201404467 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.04.17 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.04.11, CH, 646266 Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1194876 Int.reg.dato: 2013.09.19 Registreringen 2023.09.19 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201402835 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.03.13 Gjengivelse av merket: POLARPUMPEN (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Polarpumpen AB, Datavägen 14 A, SE-43632 ASKIM, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Pumps, electrical pumps, pumps for heating installations; valves for pumps; compressors. Klasse 11 Fans for air conditioning; installations for air conditioning; ventilating installations (air conditioning); combined heating and air conditioning apparatus; equipment for heating, ventilation, air conditioning and purification (ambient); installations for humidifying; dehumidifiers; sanitary and bathroom installations; heating, ventilation and sanitation fixtures; heat pumps; fans for ventilating apparatus. Klasse 35 Retail services in relation to plumbing installations, heat pumps, air conditioning and awnings. Klasse 37 Installation, repair and maintenance of plumbing installations, heat pumps, air conditioning and awnings. Klasse 42 Surveying and inspection services for plumbing installations, heat pumps, air conditioning and awning. (450) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Bystronic Laser AG, Industriestrasse 21 , CH-3362 NIEDERÖNZ, Sveits (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 37 Installation and repair of electric apparatus; installation and repair of refrigerating apparatus; installation, maintenance and repair of machines; pump repair; installation of machine tools and associated auxiliary equipment; maintenance work on machine tools and laser installations; repair services for electric apparatus, electrical systems and appliances, refrigerating apparatus, metal and glass cutting and bending machines, pumps, laser and jet cutting and bending systems and control systems for controlling cutting and bending of metal and glass; installation services to provide Internet access on machinery control systems and to provide Internet applications on machinery control systems; installation of hardware for Internet access. Klasse 40 Information about material processing; milling; engraving; cutting; water jet cutting; laser cutting; laser engraving; metal machining; sawing; sanding; welding; water jet machining; water treatment; custom Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 39 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) assembling of materials for others; material processing, namely identifying and marking; rental of machines for material machining; providing information in the field of material processing, especially of machine-specific information, on the Internet and on screen. Klasse 41 Recording of video recordings; demonstration lessons in practical exercises; on-line providing of electronic, non-downloadable publications; on-line publication of electronic books (and magazines); organization of fairs for cultural and entertainment purposes, conferences, congresses, meetings and symposiums; organization and conducting of seminars; organization and conducting of workshops (training); training in the operation and maintenance of machine tools; training in the creation of computer programs for machine tools; education and further training, in particular in the field of material processing, IT and business organization; organization of competitions; organization of exhibitions for courses; production of video films. Klasse 42 Updating of computer software; consultancy in the field of energy saving; computer software consulting; computer system analyses; computer software design; computer system design; provision of engineering services; creation of programs for data processing; preparation of technical expert reports; research in the field of technology; research in the field of mechanical engineering; hosting; installation of computer programs; conversion of computer programs and data (other than physical conversion); copying of computer programs; testing of materials; quality control (tests); research and development services for others regarding new products; technical project planning; rental of computer software; maintenance of computer software; water analysis; recovery of computer data; scientific laboratory services; scientific and industrial research; technical development and engineering activities; preparation of computer programming aids and tools (programming tools) and programs for machine tools; monitoring, control, maintenance of computer software via data lines (teleservice), also via the Internet, in particular remote control, remote malfunction diagnosis, troubleshooting, including remote programming of machine controls for troubleshooting, maintenance and installation of machinery control software, installation of firmware updates in machine controls for troubleshooting; development, installation, maintenance, copying, conversion, updating of computer programs and computer software including via the Internet; remote programming of machine controls; operation of online services in the field of machinery, namely, providing software via data lines/computer networks and providing information, namely machine-specific information on the Internet; providing machine control software on the Internet; design and planning of telecommunication solutions in the field of machinery, especially of telecommunication solutions for remote diagnostics of machine malfunctions and for machinery services using telecommunication technology; design and development of software for the control, regulation and monitoring of laser and water jet systems and press brakes; computer consulting, namely hardware and software consultancy; technical assistance in the software field, including technical project planning and technical project management; construction planning; scientific and industrial research, especially in the field of mechanical engineering; information technology services, namely planning and providing of Internet access on control systems, as well as planning and providing of Internet applications on machine controls. (450) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1201438 2014.01.02 2024.01.02 201405255 2014.05.08 2013.07.04, DE, 30 2013 004 626.9/07 Gjengivelse av merket: Weber (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Weber Schraubautomaten GmbH, Hans-Urmiller-Ring 56, DE-82515 WOLFRATSHAUSEN, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Machines and apparatus for the automation of industrial processes and for the assembly automation, joining technology machines and apparatus, friction welding apparatus and systems composed thereof, flow forming machines and systems composed thereof, punch riveting machines and systems composed thereof, clinching machines and systems composed thereof, automatic screw feeders, automatic screw jacks, automatic screw units for automated systems, setting and pressing in automatic machines; automatic screwing and assembly apparatus; automatic screwing and setting stations, feed apparatus; sorting machines and systems composed thereof, conveyors and systems composed thereof; parts of and accessories for the aforementioned goods in as far as they are included in this class; hand held tools, namely electrical hand-held screwing tools and electrical hand-held setting tools having an automatic supply for screw elements and setting elements, including screws, nuts, pins and discs. Klasse 9 Sensors, measuring instruments, regulating apparatus, signal apparatus, and control apparatus of the aforementioned machines and apparatus for automation engineering, for electronic screw control and pressing in control, for controls for the joining technological processes. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1214075 Int.reg.dato: 2013.03.27 Registreringen 2023.03.27 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201409740 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.08.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.03.22, US, 85883773 Gjengivelse av merket: PULP FICTION (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Miramax, LLC, 2450 Colorado Avenue, Suite 100 East Tower, US-CA90404 SANTA MONICA, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Radios incorporating clocks; magnets; digital trading cards; computer and electronic game cartridges, cassettes and/or discs; computer and electronic game software; computer and electronic game software for gaming machines including slot machines or video lottery terminals; computer and electronic game software for personal computers and home video game consoles; computer and electronic game software downloadable from a global computer network; computer and electronic game software for use on mobile and cellular phones and wireless devices; downloadable computer and electronic game Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 40 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer programs; Interactive multimedia computer game programs; virtual reality game software; mobile device chargers for use in vehicles; sun glasses and cases therefor; headphones, ear buds, MP3 and MP4 devices, USB devices, audio speakers, auxiliary power chargers and carrying cases for the aforementioned; mobile device cases and computer cases; cell phone cases; mobile tablet and other mobile device cases; computer and video game joysticks; audio and visual headsets for use in playing video games; virtual reality headsets and helmets adapted for use in playing video games. Klasse 14 Watches; watch cases; jewelry; jewelry boxes; jewelry, namely, dog tags for wear by humans for decorative purposes; clocks; key chains of jewelry or precious metal; ornamental clothing pins; key fobs, leather key chains. Klasse 16 Book ends; calendars; stickers; bookmarks; posters; address books, notebooks; writing journals and tablets; writing instruments; greeting cards and note cards; paper weights; collectable trading cards; series of computer game hint books; vehicle window clings and decals; life size paper or cardboard standees; limited edition and non-limited edition framed and unframed posters, paintings and giclee Klasse 18 Backpacks; gym bags, barrel bags, handbags, purses, luggage bags, tote bags; small leather goods, namely, change purses, billfolds; wallets; identification and business card holders and cases. Klasse 21 Shot glasses; beverage glassware; flasks; bottle openers; charms for the attachment to beverage glassware for identification purposes; cookie jars; lunch boxes; cups and mugs; candle holders; plastic coasters and wine coasters of precious metal; non-metallic coin banks and piggy banks. Klasse 25 T-shirts; sweatshirts; hoodies; constructed apparel (cut and sewn fashion garments), namely, knit and woven tops, blouses, pants, shorts, skirts, jeans, jackets; caps; beanies; hats; bandanas; boxer shorts; underwear; sleepwear and pajamas; loungewear; outerwear, namely, jackets, fleece garments and raincoats; gloves, scarves and mittens; socks and hosiery; ties; wrist bands; halloween and masquerade costumes; costumes for use in children's dress up play; footwear, shoes and athletic footwear; belts. Klasse 28 Action figures and accessories therefor; action figure toys; amusement game machines; amusement machines, namely, hand-held electronic game units adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; amusement park rides; arcade games; arcadetype electronic video games; articles of clothing for toys; battery-powered computer games with LCD screen; bendable toys; billiard balls; billiard game playing equipment; board games; bobble head dolls; card games; cases of action figures; chess games; chess; chess pieces; chess sets; chessboards; chips for gambling; Christmas tree ornaments; collectable toy figures; computer and video game consoles for use with an external display screen or monitor; computerized video gaming tables; construction toys; costume masks; darts; dart boards; dart flights; dog toys; doll accessories; doll clothing; dolls and accessories therefor; electronic action toys; electronic games adapted for use with television receivers only; electronic gaming machines, namely, devices which accept a wager; electronic interactive board games for use with external monitor; electronic toy vehicles; fantasy character toys; accessories for electronic gaming apparatus, namely fitted plastic films for covering and protecting electronic gaming apparatus, namely, video game consoles, hand-held game units; gambling machines; game cards; game controllers for computer games and video games; gaming chips; gaming devices, namely, gaming machines, slot machines, bingo machines, with or without video output; gaming machines including slot machines or video lottery terminals; gaming tables; hand-held units for playing electronic games other than those adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 hand-held electronic games adapted for use with television receivers only; home video game machines; jigsaw puzzles, puzzles and puzzle games; LCD game machines; lottery cards; lottery tickets; martial arts training equipment; mechanical action toys; mechanical toys; memory games; model toy vehicles; modeled plastic toy figurines; molded toy figures; musical toys; pachinkos; paddle surfboards; pet toys; pinball games; pinball machines; plastic character toys; playing cards, playing card games and playing card cases; playing card game accessories, namely, playing card holders, mats for use in connection with playing card games, playing card shuffling devices and dice; plush dolls; plush toys; poker chips; porcelain dolls; positionable toy figures; protective carrying cases special adapted for hand-held video games; protective padding for snowboarding and skateboarding; puzzles; PVC toy figures; remote control toys, namely, cars, race cars, airplanes, helicopters, military and construction vehicles, boats, trucks, trains and other vehicles; rubber character toys; scale model toy kits; scratch cards for playing lottery games; skateboard decks; skateboards; skis; slot machines; snowboards; snow globes; sports equipment for boxing and martial arts, namely, boxing gloves, boxing bags, punching mitts, belly protectors, groin protectors and shin guards; squeeze toys; stand alone video game machines; stuffed and plush toys; surf boards; toy action figures and accessories therefor; toy clocks; toy figures; toy figures in the form of a potato; toy film cartridges and viewers; toy motion picture prop replicas; toy snow globes; toy swords; toy weapons; trading card games; trivia game played with cards and game components; video game interactive remote control units; interactive hand-held remote controls for playing electronic video games; video game machines for use with external display screen or monitor; video output game machines for use with or characters. Klasse 41 Providing online non-downloadable digital trading cards; free to play non-wagering electronic games and games via the Internet; entertainment services, namely, providing online computer games, providing online electronic and video games, providing temporary use of non-downloadable electronic games, providing games of chance via the internet, conducting live poker games; entertainment services, namely, providing games and puzzles, online board games and online card games via a website. (450) 41 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (111) (151) (180) Int.reg.nr: 1214556 Int.reg.dato: 2014.06.10 Registreringen 2024.06.10 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201409814 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.08.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (210) (220) (300) (540) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (546) Merket er et Int.reg.nr: 1214594 Int.reg.dato: 2014.05.07 Registreringen 2024.05.07 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201409824 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.08.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.11.14, BX, 1278756 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1223091 Int.reg.dato: 2014.07.08 Registreringen 2024.07.08 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201413420 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.11.20 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.01.27, SE, 2014-00523 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Cecilia Blankense, Rödkindavägen 19, SE-12346 FARSTA, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 25 Footwear [excluding orthopedic footwear]; high-heeled shoes; footwear; casual footwear; slip-on shoes. (730) Innehaver: Faber Halbertsma Groep BV, Prinses Beatrixstraat 35, NL-4024HL ECK EN WIEL, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 37 Maintenance and repair of building materials of wood, pallets, containers, boxes and crates. Klasse 39 Transport; packing and storage of goods; leasing and letting of pallets, containers, boxes and crates, all aforesaid services related to pallets pooling, as known as circulation of pallets through and between several users; localization and tracking of carriers; logistics planning and consultancy relating to the aforesaid services. (450) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Deutsche MTM-Vereinigung eV, 352, Elbchaussee, DE-22609 HAMBURG, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Work process analysis. Klasse 42 Engineering; creation and maintenance of data processing programs; development of software for productivity management, the planning of work and staff requirements and for assessing ergonomic risks in the workplace; research in the field of technology, in particular in the field of work and time management and productivity management. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (546) Merket er et Int.reg.nr: 1215252 Int.reg.dato: 2014.04.17 Registreringen 2024.04.17 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201410136 Notifikasjonsdato: 2014.09.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.10.21, EM, 012239422 Gjengivelse av merket: kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Elgato Systems GmbH, Rotkreuzplatz 1, DE-80634 MÜNCHEN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 16 Printed matter, in particular computer magazines and written accompanying material for computer software, namely manuals, catalogues, instructional guides, operating instructions. Klasse 42 Design and development of computer hardware and software, in particular for recording, processing and reproducing analogue and digital image and sound signals. (450) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 42 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1231720 Int.reg.dato: 2014.06.06 Registreringen 2024.06.06 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201500599 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.01.15 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) GREENLIGHT (540) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Monster Energy Company, 1 Monster Way, USCA92879 CORONA, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Nutritional supplements in liquid form; vitamin fortified beverages for medical use. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 1237074 2014.10.20 2024.10.20 201502453 2015.02.26 2014.07.15, DE, 30 2014 053 087.2/25 Gjengivelse av merket: kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Roland SE, Deichmannweg 9, DE-45359 ESSEN, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Cleaning and care preparations for footwear and textiles, included in this class; perfumery; cosmetics. Klasse 9 Spectacle cases; sunglasses; calculators; protective helmets; pre-recorded sound and video recording carriers, included in this class; mouse pads; protective reflectors for wear; protective reflectors for the prevention of traffic accidents; protective padding being clothing for protection against accidents; measuring instruments and apparatus for feet and shoes. Klasse 14 Costume jewellery; pins (jewellery); key fobs, included in this class; clocks and watches; alarm clocks. Klasse 18 Goods made of leather and leather imitations, namely folding briefcases, briefcases, holdalls, work bags, belt bags and hip bags, bags for campers, document cases, travel luggage, unfitted vanity cases, travelling sets, straps for handbags, saddlebags, beauty cases, shoulder bags, beach bags, bags; hand bags; beach bags; shopping bags; sports and leisure bags not adapted to their content; rucksacks; trunks and suitcases; travelling bags; beauty cases; school bags; satchels; purses; wallets; key cases of leather or leather imitations; umbrellas; parasols. Klasse 21 Household or kitchen containers; bottles; bread boxes; drink bottles; articles for cleaning purposes, included in this class; shoe horns; shoe trees; brushes and sponges for the cleaning or care of footwear. Klasse 25 Clothing; footwear; headgear; socks; stockings; hosiery; belts for clothing; insoles. Klasse 26 Shoe laces; shoe eyelets; ornamental novelty badges (buttons). Klasse 28 Games, toys and playthings; gymnastic articles, included in this class; sporting articles, included in this class. Klasse 35 Retail services relating to clothing, footwear, headgear, care preparations for shoes and textiles, leather goods, bags, sporting articles, toys, perfumery, cosmetics, spectacles and/or jewellery; online retail services and mail order retail services, included in this class, relating to clothing, footwear, headgear, care preparations for shoes and textiles, leather goods, bags, sporting articles, toys, perfumery, cosmetics, spectacles and/or jewellery; the bringing together and displaying of clothing, footwear, headgear, care preparations for shoes and textiles, leather goods, bags, sporting articles, toys, perfumery, cosmetics, spectacles and/or jewellery, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase such goods; advertising. 1236959 2014.01.16 2024.01.16 201502439 2015.02.26 2013.07.16, US, 86011691#@#2013.07.16, US, 86011711 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of a six-sided design with diagonal banner in the middle and the word "BRIGGO" inside the banner. (730) Innehaver: Briggo, Inc., P.O. Box 50310, US-TX78763 AUSTIN, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Kiosks comprising interactive computers, computer hardware, computer peripherals, computer operating software, and mechanical components and mechanisms for use in making, filtering, processing, and dispensing beverages. Klasse 30 Coffee; coffee beans; roasted coffee; ground coffee; prepared coffee and coffee-based beverages; iced coffee beverages; flavoring syrups to add to coffees; tea; beverages made of tea; beverages with a tea base; chai tea; iced tea; tea-based beverages; teabased beverages with fruit flavoring; hot chocolate. (450) Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: (546) Merket er et Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) 43 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (111) (151) (180) Int.reg.nr: 1237617 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.19 Registreringen 2024.11.19 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502707 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.03.05 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.05.20, LI, 17019 Gjengivelse av merket: (210) (220) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Int.reg.nr: 1238225 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.08 Registreringen 2024.10.08 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201502801 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.03.05 Gjengivelse av merket: LOLAANDGRACE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Swarovski Aktiengesellschaft, Dröschistrasse 15, LI9495 TRIESEN, Liechtenstein (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 14 Goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes, namely horological and chronometric instruments, cuff links, medallions (jewelry), key chains; jewelry; genuine and costume jewelry; jewelry stones; ornaments (jewelry); necklaces; earrings; bracelets; rings (jewelry); brooches; bangles; charms (jewelry); pendants; chains of precious metals; lockets; small items of jewelry of glass, natural or artificial precious stones, plastic, common or precious metal for personal use; watches and clocks and their parts; natural or synthetic, precious stones of all types and for every purpose; gemstones, in particular cut glass stones and faceted glass gemstones. Klasse 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made of these materials, not included in the other classes, namely printed matter, bookbinding material, photographs, stationery, instructional and teaching material, paper ribbons, scrapbooks, calendars; packing paper; bags, envelopes and pouches of paper for packaging; boxes of cardboard or paper; brochures, catalogues, manuals, books, prospectuses and greeting cards; plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); packaging pouches, packaging wrappers and packaging bags of plastic; labels (not of textile); stationery, in particular, notebooks; writing instruments, pens, pencils. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather and goods made of these materials, namely cases, boxes, jewelry boxes, key holders, book bags, athletic bags, bags for manicure sets sold empty, trunks and travelling bags, whips, harness and saddlery, tote bags, toiletry bags sold empty; jewelry pouches, pouches for holding keys, attaché cases; collars for animals, dog collars, muzzles; umbrellas; bags, handbags, suitcases, purses, sponge bags, pouches, wallets; carrying cases; jewelry travel rolls. Klasse 35 Retail services in relation to jewelry, bags, clothing; retail services via the Internet in relation to jewelry, bags, clothing; organization of fairs and exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; publication of printed matter (including in electronic form) for advertising purposes; promoting the goods and services of others by arranging for sponsors to affiliate their goods and services; business consultancy and support in relation to establishment and operation or management of retail stores and/or franchises. (450) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Reflex Winkelmann GmbH, Gersteinstrasse 19, DE59227 AHLEN, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Pumps as machines and parts of machines; pumps for heating installations; mechanical pumps; all aforementioned goods also as parts of drinking water supply installations, pressure maintenance installations, pressure increasing installations, service water heating installations and heating installations; separators [machines]; sewage pulverizers; pressure valves [parts of machines]; pressure reducing valves [parts of machines]; dirt separators; de-aerators for feedwater; feedwater regulators; water separators; atomizers [machines]. Klasse 9 Apparatus and instruments for monitoring, controlling and regulating as part of drinking water supply installations, pressure maintenance installations, pressure increasing installations, service water heating installations and heating installations; solenoid valves. Klasse 11 Apparatus and instruments for water softening, especially as parts of drinking water supply installations, pressure maintenance installations, pressure increasing installations, service water heating installations and heating installations; pressure expansion tanks and vessels, in particular membrane pressure expansion tanks vessels as parts of drinking water supply installations, pressure maintenance installations, pressure increasing installations, service water heating installations and heating installations; hydraulic accumulators; pressure maintenance systems or pressure increasing systems for ensuring a predetermined water pressure in heating systems, cooling systems, solar systems or water supply or water distribution systems; valves, namely valves for heating, filling valves, cut off valves, relief valves, cut off cocks; heat exchangers, plate heat exchangers, pipe coil heat exchangers for heat and power engineering; degassing devices, namely devices for degassing liquids; heating water feeding installations, namely devices for filling the water level; strainers, namely faucets with water filters as parts of heating systems, cooling systems, solar systems, water supply systems and water distribution systems; ionizers for the treatment of air and water; filters for drinking water; apparatus for filtering water; apparatus for purifying water; hot water tanks; service water tanks. Klasse 37 Installation, assembling and maintenance services of drinking water supply installations, pressure maintenance installations, pressure increasing installations, service water heating installations and heating installations. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) 44 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1238945 Int.reg.dato: 2013.07.26 Registreringen 2023.07.26 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201503093 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.03.12 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.02.01, EM, 011540143 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 scented body powders; bath oils; baby oil, baby powder, baby gel and baby lotion; lip gloss, nonmedicated lip balm; nail care and manicure kits; sachets for perfuming linen; massage oils and creams; aromatherapy preparations; removable tattoos. Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; dietary supplements for humans and animals; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; air purifying preparations; air deodorising preparations; antiseptics; sterilised wadding; babies' diapers, confectionery for medical use; chewing gum for medical purposes; cigarettes (without tobacco) for medical use; cleaning preparations for contact lenses; anti-dandruff medical products; deodorants, other than for personal use; disinfectants for hygiene purposes; first-aid boxes (filled); sterilised bandages; pomades for medical purposes; portable medicine cases (filled); menstruation compresses; tampons for menstruation; vitamin preparations; diapers of textile. Klasse 9 Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing apparatus and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; video game software for cellular telephones, laptops, consoles, tablet computers; electronic games programs; downloadable electronic game programs; electronic software for playing games; computer games programs; downloadable computer game programs; interactive game software; computer operating programs, recorded; software programs; recorded computer software; computers; printers for use with computers; data processing devices; programs for handheld game devices; film equipment; protective cases for telephones and laptops; digital versatile discs; compact disc (CDs); compact disc player; CDROM discs; mouse pads; sunglasses; pince-nez; spectacle chains; cases for eyeglasses; contact lenses; storage containers for contact lenses; wireless telephones, cellular telephones and parts and fittings therefor; mobile phone cases or casings; bags, covers, containers, carriers and holders for cellular telephones and laptops; headsets; ear phones; earphones and microphones/speaker-phones for use with mobile telephones; mobile phone straps, cases; stands for portable telephone; antenna caps for portable phone; accumulators and batteries; battery boxes and cases; battery chargers; digital music downloadable from the internet; downloadable music files; abacuses; audio and visual teaching apparatus; binoculars; calculating machines; cameras, cinematographic cameras, and parts and fittings therefor; lenses for cameras; cinematographic film [exposed]; animated cartoons; cassette players; electric door chimes; electronic pocket translators; fire sensors; flashlights; frames for transparencies; heat-regulating apparatus; ophthalmic lenses; letter scales; life belts; life jackets; life-saving rafts; electric locks; magnetic media; magnetic cards with codes; magnetic encoders; magnets; magnifying glasses [optics]; measuring apparatus, devices and instruments; microphones; microscopes; neon signs; notebook computers; electronic pens; phonographs; photocopy machines; pocket calculators; projection apparatus; projection screens; radios; record players; remote access control units; rulers (measuring instruments); scales; smart cards; smoke sensors; plugs, sockets and other contacts; sound recording apparatus and instruments; phonographs; sound reproducing equipment; sound transmitting apparatus; kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Rovio Entertainment Ltd., Pl 65, FI-02150 ESBO, Finland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; dentifrices; toiletries; hand care preparations; products and preparations for the care and cleansing of hair and skin; adhesives for cosmetic purposes; after-shave lotions; antiperspirants; antistatic preparations for household purposes; aromatics; quillaia bark for washing; bath salts; cosmetic preparations for baths; beauty masks; bleaching salts; bleaching soda; bluing for laundry; color-brightening chemicals for household purposes [laundry]; paint stripper; cosmetic kits; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; cosmetics for animals; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic creams; skin whitening creams; creams for leather; degreasers other than for use in manufacturing processes; denture polishes; preparations for cleaning dentures; deodorants; furbishing preparations; cosmetic dyes; eau de cologne; toilet water, hair creams, hair gels, shampoos, hair conditioners and hair moisturising preparations; perfumes; lipsticks; skin and face creams and lotions; nails (artificial); nail polishes and varnishes and thinners therefor; sun screen preparations; bleaching preparations [decolorants] for cosmetic purposes; cake flavourings [essential oils]; cleansing milk for toilet purposes; eyebrow cosmetics; brow pencils; fabric softeners [for laundry use]; false eyelashes; floor waxes; hair dye; hairsprays; laundry bleach; laundry soaking preparations; laundry starch; lotions for cosmetic purposes; make-up; dusting powder; make-up preparations; preparations for removing cosmetics; mascara; mouth washes, not for medical purposes; nail treatment preparations; cosmetic pencils; polish for furniture and flooring; pomades for cosmetic purposes; mint for perfumery; pumice stone; sandcloth; sandpaper; scented wood; shampoos for pets; shoe polish and creams; boot polish; shoe wax; smoothing preparations [starching]; soaps for brightening textiles; starch glaze for laundry purposes; sun blocking preparations; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; varnish-removing preparations; depilatory wax; laundry wax; polish wax; waxes for leather; depilatory preparations; jelly (petroleum) for cosmetic purposes; decorative transfers for cosmetic purposes; incense; aromatics; gel soaps, soap bars; bath soap; shower gels; tooth paste; mouthwash; cleansing, toning, moisturising and exfoliating preparations and substances; body cream and lotion; hand cream and lotion; skin cleanser and non-medicated body soaks; 45 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer telephone apparatus, receivers, transmitters, wires; telescopes; television apparatus; temperature indicators; theft prevention installations, electric; thermometers; thermostats; video cassettes, video game cartridges; videodiscs; video tapes; video screens; video recorders; word processing equipment; audio and visual apparatus with sing along devices; pagers, and parts and fittings therefor; pager cases or casings; call indicators for telephones, mobile telephones and pagers; electronic diaries; bells (warning devices); alarms; bar code readers; barometers; buzzers; buzzers electric; processors (central processing units); integrated circuit chips; chronographs (time recording apparatus); computer keyboards; memories for computers; peripheral devices for computers; acoustic couplers; couplers [data processing equipment]; optical data media; optical discs; disks, magnetic; diving equipment; divers' masks; diving suits; electronic bulletin boards; electronic pens (visual display units); spectacle cords; eyepieces; safety eyewear; facsimile machines; filters [photography]; floppy disks; head cleaning tapes; hygrometers; integrated circuits; intercommunication apparatus; electric couplings; invoicing machines; lens hoods; magnetic tape units (for computers); magnetic tapes; measuring spoons; metronomes; microprocessors; modems; money counting and sorting machines; monitors (computer hardware); surveillance software (computer programs); mouse (data processing equipment); optical fibers; optical glass; ophthalmic lenses; parking meters; protractors; radiotelegraphy sets; radiotelephony sets; scanners [data processing equipment]; semi-conductors; photography slides; sound recording films; demagnetizing apparatus for magnetic tapes; telegraph wires; fax apparatus; teleprinters; teleprompters; teleprinters; ticket dispensers; transmitting sets (telecommunication); transmitting sets (telecommunication); vacuum gauges; video screens; video telephones; video recorders; whistle alarms; ear plugs for divers; egg timers; goggles for sports; protective helmets for use in sports; navigation apparatus for vehicles (on-board computers); metronomes; electronic publications (downloadable); personal stereos; satellites for scientific purposes; wrist rests for use with computers; electronic circuits and CD-ROMs which enable the recording of automatic playing programme for the use of electronic musical instruments; memory cards for consumer video game apparatus. Klasse 14 Precious metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments; imitation jewellery and ornaments; lapel pins; chains; trinkets (jewellery); coins; tokens; cuff links; earrings; gold thread; jewellery boxes; necklaces (jewellery); rings [jewellery, jewelry (Am.)]; bangle bracelets; medals; lockets; unwrought and semi-wrought precious stones and their imitations; statues and statuettes of precious metal; tie bars; clocks, watches and parts and fittings therefor; watch straps, watch bands, watch chains; cases for pocket watches; clocks and watches having the game function; electric clocks and watches; desk clocks; pocket watches; stopwatches; wall clocks; alarm clocks; chronometers; decorative pins; keyrings and fobs; key chains and key holders of precious metal and/or precious stones; badges made of precious metals; cases for watches [presentation]; cases for watches and clocks; sun dials; diamonds; jewellery and figurines made of gold and/or silver; jewellery accessories; semiprecious stones; works of art of precious metal; cases and boxes of precious metal; chenille cuff links; stock pins; statuettes of precious metal; trophies (prize cups); commemorative shields; commemorative coins; novelty key rings; insignias of precious metal; pearls; artificial gemstones; good-luck amulets; leather and imitation leather key chains; key rings and key chains, not of metal; cases and boxes of precious metal. Klasse 16 Paper, cardboard and goods made from these 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks; booklets and manuals; books; periodicals; printed publications, newspapers, press releases and magazines; calendars; books for children; cartoon books; address books; brag books; appointment books; guest books; recipe books; diaries; albums; coin albums; writing blocks; scribble pads; note books; colouring and activity books; book covers; bookmarks; blotters; photographic albums; mats for framing paintings, pictures or photographs; photo stands; paper coasters; painting sets for artists or children; pencil erasers; wrappers; wrapping paper; wrapping paper and wrapping materials; gift wraps; boxes of cardboard or paper; gift boxes of cardboard; party invitations; printed awards; printed certificates; printed invitations; printed menus; gaming magazines; paper serviettes; toilet tissues; bibs of paper; handkerchiefs of paper; facial blotting papers; tissue paper for removing make-up; party ornaments of paper; paper cake decorations; paperback books; modelling clay; paperweights; pencil sharpener; electric pencil sharpening machines; paper clasps; paperweights; thumbtacks; thumbtacks; writing material; pens; pencils; fountain pens; rolling ball pens; pen nibs; pen and pencil holders, cases or boxes; pencil stands; refills for pens and writing instruments; pencil leads; color pencils; colouring crayons; pen and pencil cases and tins; artists' water colours; pastels; drawing materials, drawing boards, drawing pens and drawing instruments; drawing sets; canvas for painting; letter trays and racks; letter holders; loose-leaf binders; paper knives (office requisites); letter openers; electric letter openers; adhesive tapes and adhesive tape dispensers; pictures; stencils; picture story books; graphic reproductions; portraits; posters; lithographs; tickets; greetings cards; musical greetings cards; ring binders; rubber stamps; stamps and seals; holders and cases for stamps and seals; stamp pads; ink pads; inks; scratch pads; paper staplers; pastes and glues for stationery and household purposes; ornaments and decoration made of paper and/or cardboard; erasing fluid; correcting fluids (office requisites); articles made of paper; document holders and folders; flash cards; jackets for papers; sticker albums; stickers; franking stamps; cards; collectible cards; baggage tags; paper models; autograph books; stamp and coin albums; plastic bags for general use; plastic party bags; bags made from paper; paper lunch bags; bags for microwave cooking; paper coffee filters; cling film for household use; paper envelopes, writing paper; drawing paper; copying paper; writing cases; paper table linen; table covers of plastic; bibs of paper; paper flags; paper pennants; protective jackets for notebooks; paint easels; place mats and coasters of paper or cardboard; black boards; chalk; wipe-off boards; paper shredders for office use; passport holders, checkbook holders; money clips; photo holders; decorations of paper for lunch boxes or foodstuffs; paper tapes and cards for recording computer programs; cards; printing ribbons; thumbtacks; tickets; typewriters; paper cutters; signboards of paper or cardboard; printed transfers for embroidery or fabric appliques; printed patterns for costumes, pyjamas, sweatshirts and T-shirts; notice boards; letter holders; labels; cardboard trunks and cases. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; parasols, umbrellas and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; bags, sport bags; bath bags; book bags; diaper bags; duffel bags, shoe bags; suit carriers being travelling bags; waist packs; multi-purpose carrying cases, weekend bags; work bags; backpacks; 46 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer backpacks; purses and pocket wallets; suitcases; pouches (bags); attaché cases; shopping bags; leather straps; shoulder belts; business card cases; collars for animals or pets; gents' handbags, key wallets; laces made of leather or imitations of leather; vanity cases; muzzles; school satchels; slings for carrying infants; suitcase handles; travelling sets; luggage trunks; umbrella cases; umbrella handles; walking stick seats; suitcase belts; address tags for luggage, beach bags; attaché cases; boxes and cases, of leather or leatherboard; handbags; leather straps; mountaineering sticks; music cases; net bags for shopping; school bags; tool bags of leather or imitations of leather [empty]; valises; game bags; bags, envelopes and pouches of leather for packaging; furniture coverings of leather or imitations of leather; handbag frames; sling bags for carrying infants; wheeled shopping bags, rucksacks, sports bags and suitcases; card holders and cases; chain mesh purses, not of precious metal; clutch purses; coin purses; cosmetic purses, not fitted; evening purses; leather purses; purses, not of precious metal; bands/belts for lunch boxes and household or kitchen containers. Klasse 20 Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whale bone, shell, amber, mother of pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all of these materials, or of plastics; furniture for offices; photograph frames; wall plaques; dressing mirrors; easy chairs; beds and waterbeds; bedsteads; screens; armchairs; trays, not of metal; benches (furniture); boxes of wood or plastic; cabinet work; cabinets; carts for computers (furniture); toy boxes; corks; garment covers [storage]; hairdresser's chairs, deck chairs; desks; tables; dinner wagons (furniture); head-rests (furniture); divans; library shelves; lockers; locks [other than electric], not of metal; trestles (furniture); saw horses; school furniture; sofas; tea carts; umbrella stands; bassinettes; armoires; dressing tables; footstools and stools; storage racks; air cushions; air mattresses; air pillows; slumber bags; bed fittings, not of metal; bedding (except linen); tie-backs; curtain hooks; curtain tracks; curtain rings; curtain rods; curtain rollers; curtain tie-backs; sofa cushions; towel dispensers; mattresses; bolsters; clothes hooks and coat hangers; coat stands; coatstands; hat stands; ladders of wood or plastic; embroidery frames; statues of wood, wax, plaster or plastic; fire screens; containers, not of metal (storage, transport); storage tanks (not of metal or masonry), transport containers (not of metal), filing cabinets; containers of plastic for packaging purposes; shopping baskets; fasteners of plastic, namely nails, wedges, nuts, screws, knobs, bolts, rivets and casters, door stops of plastic; infant walkers; playpens for babies; support pillows for use in baby seating; mobiles; bassinettes; cradles and cribs; high chairs for babies; chests; wind chimes; pet kennels; beds for household pets; nesting boxes for small birds, scratching posts for cats; flower-pot pedestals; flower stands; wickerwork; decorative edging strips of plastics and/or wood for use with window fittings; ornaments and decorations for windows or doors made of or from plastics, wax, wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for these materials; step ladders and ladders (not of metal), tool boxes (not of metal), plant or tree stakes, artificial model food samples, flagpoles, artistic works, figurines and statuettes and small ornaments or decorative articles of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother of pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for these materials or wax, plaster or plastic; key cards (not encoded); plastic key cards; bins, not of metal; bottle closures; bottle racks; corks for bottles; house numbers, not of metal nor ones which light up; nameplates, not of metal; inflatable publicity objects; letter boxes; magazine racks; plate racks; cup racks; registration plates; signboards; tool handles; upright 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 advertisement boards of wood or plastic; sealing clips for bags; inflatable headrests; decorations of plastics for foodstuffs or lunch boxes; hand-held non-folding fans, hand-held folding fans, fans (other than electric); bamboo blinds; bamboo and bamboo blinds; bead curtains for decoration; bead curtains; indoor blinds; oriental one-piece partition screens; hanging boards (Japanese style hanging plates with attachment hooks); oriental folding partition screens; keyboards for hanging keys; mannequins; drain traps of plastic (valves); pharmacy cabinets; mats, removable, for sinks; name plates, not of metal; non-metal license plates; mirror tiles; dowels, not of metal; plastic handles for doors; door handles of porcelain or clay; door handles of wood; door hinge guards; garment covers (for storage); bathroom stools; soft furnishings for beds; crib bumpers; garment hangers; knobs of porcelain; hampers [baskets]; lecterns; stoppers for bottles made of/from ceramics, china, earthenware, terra-cotta and porcelain; rice chests; blinds of textile material; curtain tie-backs of textile. Klasse 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes (except paint brushes); brushmaking materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steelwool; unworked or semi-worked glass (except glass used in building); glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes; baby baths [portable]; baskets for domestic use; mugs; bird cages; non-electric blenders; ironing boards; boot jacks; stoppers for bottles made of/from glass and crystal; bottles; bowls [basins]; cast iron kettles; dinnerware; salad bowls; non-electric whisks; strainers; funnels; food preserving jars of glass; kitchen graters; chopstick cases; rolling pins [for cooking purposes]; cooking grills; lemon squeezers (citrus juicers); cosmetic and toilet utensils; footwear brushes; shoe horns; shoe shine cloths; feeding vessels for pets; brushes for pets; metal boxes for dispensing serviettes; bird baths; mouse traps; fly swatters; candle extinguishers, not of precious metal; bowls for floral decoration; upright advertisement boards of glass or ceramic; cooking sets for outdoor use, containers, pans, pots and plates all of metal; soap boxes; chopping boards; pails; cabarets [trays]; cages for pets; cake moulds; waffle moulds; candle rings; candlesticks; candy boxes; combs cases; china ornaments; china dinnerware; chopsticks (cooking utensils); clothes racks; cloths for cleaning; coasters not of paper and other than table linen; cocktail stirrers; coffee filters; coffee grinders; coffee services; electric combs; combs for animals; pastry bags; cookery molds; pots; ice pails; portable coolers; cork screws; bottles sold empty; plastic water bottles; bottle-openers; platters; plates not of precious metal; champagne buckets; hairbrushes; brushes for clothes; plastic coasters; coffee cups; all-purpose household containers; drinking glasses; demitasse sets consisting of cups and saucers; thermal insulated containers for food or beverages; corn cob holders; carafes; sugar and creamer sets; infant cups; cups of paper; nonmetal piggy banks; plastic cups; toothbrush cases; serving utensils, namely, pie servers, cake turners, spatulas, scrapers and cake servers; covers for dishes; covers for flower pots; crockery; cups; carafes; nonelectric deep fryers; dishes for soap; soap dispensers; waste containers; egg cups; feeding troughs; flower pots; gloves for household use; goblets; kitchen graters; non-electric griddles; heat-insulated containers; heaters for feeding bottles, non-electric; flower and plant holders; hot pots; ice buckets, ice cube moulds; beer mugs, pitchers; lazy susans; liqueur sets; lunch boxes; menu card holders; mess-tins; mixing spoons; mops; napkin holders; napkin rings; nozzles for watering cans; scouring pads; pans; paper plates; pastry cutters; pepper mills; perfume sprayers; perfume vaporizers; savings boxes; pot lids; cauldrons; pressure cookers; salt cellars; pepper pots; stew-pans; saucers; scoops; scouring pads; shaving brushes; shirt stretchers; shoe-trees; soap holders; soup bowls; spice sets; sponge holders; sponges for household purposes; 47 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer stands for shaving brushes; statues of porcelain, terracotta or glass; figurines (statuettes) of porcelain, terracotta or glass; syringes for watering flowers and plants; tableware; tankards; tea strainers; tea caddies; coffee tins; tea infusers; tea sets; teapots; toilet brushes; toilet requisites; toilet-paper holders; toilet sponges; toilet utensils; toothbrushes; electric toothbrushes; toothpick holders, not of precious metal; toothpicks; nail brushes; litter trays; trivets; trouser presses; trouser stretchers; vacuum flasks; waffle and pancake irons, non-electric; cookery and baking irons, non electric; washing boards; wash tubs; watering cans; sprinkling devices; polishing apparatus and machines for household purposes, nonelectric; works of art, of porcelain, terra-cotta or glass; decorative ornaments for window or doors made of/from ceramics, china, glass, crystal, earthen, terracotta or porcelain; mouse traps; containers for aromatics and fragrances; refrigerating bottles; boxes of glass; brooms; brush goods; butter dishes; butterdish covers; cheese covers; candy boxes not of precious metal; cleaning instruments [hand-operated]; clothes pegs; portable coldboxes, non-electric; biscuit jars; cooking utensils, non-electric; eyebrow brushes; frying pans; gardening gloves; powder puffs; shakers; cookie sheets; cookie (biscuit) cutters; cruets, cruet stands; dusting cloths; cocktail stirrers; powder compacts; pill or tablet boxes; tissue paper box covers of wood, or plastic; stands for tooth brushes; dental floss; handles for dental floss; household containers of precious metal; house utensils of precious metal; coffee services of precious metal; coffee-pots, non-electric, of precious metal; kitchen containers of precious metal; napkin holders and rings of precious metal; tableware made of precious metal; compacts made of precious metal; services [tableware] of precious metal; electric devices for attracting and killing insects; drinking straws; oven gloves and mitts; toilet utensils; cabarets [trays]; caddies, not of precious metal; textile covers for napkin or tissue holders; fabric covers for paper tissue boxes oven mitts; pill cases (wood, plastic); shower caddies, not of precious metal. Klasse 24 Textiles and textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers; handkerchief; serviettes; banners; bath linens; linens; coverlets; bed quilts; textile material; pillow covers; door curtains; dish towels; flags; washing mitts; linens for the home; labels (textile); napkins for removing make-up; place mats; mattress covers; mosquito nets; curtains; curtain holders of textile; pillowcases; textile substitute materials made from synthetic materials; travel rugs; bed sheets; shrouds; silk; silk fabrics; table linen; table mats; tapestry; upholstery (fabrics); wall hangings of textile; bed covers; door knob covers; toilet seat covers; coverings for lids for toilet vessels; cotton fabrics; bedspreads; fabrics for textile use; face towels of textile; felt; frieze [cloth]; hemp fabric; velvet; woollen fabric; fabric covers for door knobs; woven labels; bed canopies; table runners; kitchen linen, namely dish towels, kitchen towels, fabric placemats, washing mitts, fabric table runners, potholders, fabric coasters; bath towels; mats of linen; coverings of textile and of plastic for furniture; curtains for showers; cotton, polyester and/or nylon fabric, fabric of imitation animal skins; golf towels; damask; elastic knitted material; silk print fabric; weighted blankets [of textile]; oilcloth (for tablecloths); fabric for making underwear; tricot fabric; gasimpermeable fabric for hot air balloons; textile fabric of imitation animal skin. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; aprons (clothing); sunsuits; swimwear, swimsuits; athletic uniforms; articles of water-resistant clothing; gloves [clothing]; mittens; belts [clothing]; clothing for children, men and women; layettes [clothing]; bibs, not of paper; underclothing; sleep wear and pajamas; bath robes; suspenders; hats, caps, sun visors, berets; bathing and shower caps; muffs; ear muffs; bandanas [neckerchiefs]; neckties; cravats; bow ties; socks and stockings, pantyhoses; garter belts, suspenders for knee-length socks and tights; shoes, sports shoes, 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 slippers, beach shoes; masquerade costumes; working sleeves; bandanas [neckerchiefs]; bath sandals; bath slippers; boots (ski); boots; braces for clothing (suspenders); bras; breeches [for wear]; singlets; coats; cuffs; fur stoles; headbands [clothing]; jackets [clothing]; pullovers; sweaters; knitwear [clothing]; outerclothing; top coats; long pants; parkas, sandals; scarfs; shawls; shirts; slips [undergarments]; smocks; spats; boots for sports; sports jerseys; men's suits; uniforms; wet suits for water skiing; wristbands (clothing); gymnastic shoes; clothing for gymnastics; sashes for wear; tracksuits, trousers, jeans, singlets, skirts, blouses; winter overalls, gowns, trainers, halfboots, non-slip slippers; capes; bibs of cloth; spats; beach cover-ups; dresses; doublets; tights; coveralls; ponchos; rain suits; shortalls; wool sweaters; sweater shirts; pants for babies; beach clothes; welts for shoes; clothing made of imitation leather; clothing of leather; collar covers, collars (clothing), detachable collars; corsets [underclothing]; cyclists' clothing; football boots and shoes; paper clothing; pockets for clothing; readymade linings (parts of clothing); saris; helmet hats; sport shoes; underwear (anti-sweat); bodies (undergarments); wooden shoes; vests; uniforms; underpants; top hats; togas; non-slipping devices for boots and shoes; motorcycle clothing; leggings; hoods (clothing); heels; heelpieces for boots and shoes; ankle boots; gymnastic shoes; galoshes; garters; furs (clothing); foot muffs, not electrically heated; tee-shirts; sleeveless bodices; hoodies; fleece pullovers; loungewear; long-sleeved tops; zip up jackets; jogging pants; fleece tops; knitted fleece hats; fashion headwear; thongs; plush slippers; plush carnival hats; light-blocking sleep masks; belts [clothing]; coats. Klasse 27 Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (non-textile); automobile carpets; bathroom mats; floor coverings; door mats; gymnastic mats; gymnasium exercise mats; tapestry; vinyl floor coverings; wallpaper, wall paper of vinyl, wall paper stencils; foam mats for use on play area surfaces; beach mats; tapestry (wall hangings), not of textile; ceiling coverings; reed mats; non-slip rugs; tufted wall coverings. Klasse 28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other classes; decorations for Christmas trees; toys; dolls; hand held puppets; plush toys; dolls, of fabric; toy beads; toy figures and play sets; action figures and accessories; toys as attachments to cellular telephones, pens or key fobs; bath toys; ride on toys; gymnastic and sporting articles; balls and balloons; yo-yos; balls for games; playing balls; playground balls, soccer balls, baseballs; volley balls; rubber balls; decorations for christmas trees; vehicle toys; electric vehicles (toys); surf boards; snowboards; in-line roller skates; ice skates; skateboards; air pistols (toys); backgammon games; bells for Christmas trees; pool balls; billiard tables; building blocks [toys]; board games; chess games; chessboards; explosive bonbons [Christmas crackers]; skating boots with skates attached; bowling apparatus and machinery; building games; candle holders for christmas trees; checkerboards; checker games; chess games; chessboards; christmas trees of synthetic materials; conjuring apparatus; explosive bonbons [Christmas crackers]; cups of dice; darts; dice; dolls' beds; dolls' clothes; dolls' houses; dolls' rooms; dominos; checkerboards; bar-bells; elbow guards (sport articles); chest expanders [exercisers]; fairground ride apparatus; dolls' feeding bottles; hooks for fishing; fishing accessories; swimming fins; fishing floats; flying discs (toys); automatic games; bats for games; apparatus for electronic games other than those adapted for use with television receivers only; electronic game equipment for video games, namely handheld video games other than those connected to separate display devices or film screens; golf bags; golf balls; gloves for golf; gloves for games and sports; practical jokes [novelties]; kite reels; kites; knee guards 48 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (sport articles); mah-jong; marbles for games; puppets; theatrical masks; toy masks; mobiles (toys); scale model vehicles; party games; percussion caps [toys]; yo-yos; racquets; rattles (playthings); ring games; rocking horses; sailboards; skis; sleighs (sports articles); sleighs; soap bubbles [toys]; spinning tops (toys); spring boards (sporting articles); stationary exercise bicycles; swimming pools (play articles); swimming fins; swings; table tennis tables; toys for pets; waterskis; play articles for swimming, water games, sports and activities; beach balls; amusement machines, automatic and coin-operated; bags especially designed for skis and surfboards; bingo cards; butterfly nets; playing cards; confetti; in-line roller skates; kaleidoscopes; masts for sailboards; landing nets for anglers; radio-controlled toy vehicles; roulette wheels; snow globes; snowshoes; playing cards; equipment for playing card games; amusement apparatus for use in arcades; free-standing video games apparatus; coin or counter operated arcade games; pinball game machines; handheld electronic games; non-electric handheld skill games; game equipment for playing board games, card games, manipulative games, parlor games, parlor-type computer games, action type target games; jigsaw puzzles; paper hats; paper face masks; masquerade and halloween masks; water jet toys; dart boards; wakeboards; water wing swim aids for recreational use; kick board flotation devices for recreational use; swim boards for recreational use; swimming fins; toy guns; toy bakeware and cookware; toy snow globes; boxing gloves; ice hockey sticks; Christmas stockings; sling shots [sports articles]; parts and accessories for consumer video game apparatus; equipment for games adapted for use with a television receiver; water wings; floats for bathing and swimming; video game machines; controllers for game consoles; bean bags. Klasse 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and other milk products; edible oils and fats; broth, bouillon; meat broth products; broth; broth concentrates; butter; caviar; cheese, cheese snacks; cheese in the form of dips, spreads and sticks; dairy puddings; food products made from fish; foods prepared from fish; frosted fruits; frozen fruits; processed and dried fruits; vegetable and fruit juices for cooking; fruit chips; processed and dried vegetables; margarine; marmalade; meat jellies; meat, tinned [canned]; milk-based drinks; soybean-based food beverage used as a milk substitute; milk shakes; dairy products for making milk shakes; preparations for making milk shakes; preserved mushrooms; preserved onions, preserved olives; gherkins; prepared nuts; food products made from nuts; ginger jam; pastes (liver); pâté (liver); cocoa butter and processed peanuts; preserved lentils; peas, preserved; fruit peel; french fried potatoes; potato crisps; potato fritters; salads; sauerkraut; sausages; sesame oil; preparations for making soup; soups; tofu; vegetable salads; preparations for making vegetable soup; whipping cream; yogurt; snack foods made from meat; snack foods made from pre-cooked vegetables; snacks made from eggs; corn snacks (other than confectionery); potato snacks; seaweeds (for eating); processed, dried and preserved meat, fish, poultry and game; bacon; preparations for making bouillon; chocolate nut butter; charcuterie; ham; croquettes; crystallised fruits; fish, tinned [canned (Am.)]; jellies; fruit salads; maize oil; olive oil for food; raisins; tomato purée; canned fruit and vegetables; seafood (not live); processed and preserved seafood; seafood, tinned [canned (Am.)]; food products made from/prepared from seafood; processed ginseng; pickles. Klasse 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ice-cream; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice; breakfast cereal; local speciality biscuits; cake powder; candy or 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 chocolate decorations for cakes; flavourings other than essential oils for cakes; preparations for making cakes; malt for food; soybean malt; malt biscuits; rice cakes; sweets and candies; sugar confectionery, candy bars; candy mints; chocolate candies; chocolate; chocolate beverages with milk; chocolate-based beverages; confectionery for decorating Christmas trees; cocoa products, except cocoa butter; coffee beverages; coffee beverages with milk; coffee flavorings; mixtures and preparations for use as substitutes for coffee; coffee and coffee based beverages; tea, namely, ginseng tea, black tea, oolong tea, barley and barley leaf tea; biscuits; pop corn; flavoured popcorn; maize flakes; confectionery chips; ices; curry; capers; custard; custard mixes and powder; flakes (grain products); flavourings, other than essential oils; confectionery ices; fruit jellies; gingerbread; syrup; essences for foodstuffs except etheric essences and essential oils; tomato ketchup; liquorice; lozenges; meat pies; meat tenderizers for household purposes; pancakes; pastilles (confectionery); pastries; cornbread chips; tortillas; pepper; pizzas; puddings; ravioli; royal jelly for human consumption; thickeners for foodstuffs; wasabi paste; soy sauce; pastas, noodles and vermicelli; sushi; vanilla; waffles; frozen yoghurt (confectionery ices); frozen desserts and confections; pretzels; almond confectionery; aromatic preparations for food purposes; binding agents for ice cream [edible ices]; buns; cakes; sweets (candy); chewing gum, not for medical purposes; corn meal; crackers; crispbread; flour based savory snacks; snacks made from cereals; ices; golden syrup; ice, natural or artificial; macaroni; marzipan; mayonnaise; oatmeal; peppers [seasonings]; quiches; relish; rusks; cooking salt; hamburger sandwiches; tomato sauce; seasonings; sorbets [ices]; spaghetti; tarts; wheat flour; salad sauces; meat gravies; fruit sauces; ice cream cones; canned pasta foods; herbal teas. Klasse 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; ales; alcoholic and non-alcoholic beer; non-alcoholic fruit beverages; non-alcoholic fruit juices; non-alcoholic fruit extracts; non-alcoholic fermented drinks; nonalcoholic beverage; de-alcoholized wines; pineapple juice beverages; aperitifs, non-alcoholic; cocktails, nonalcoholic; energy drinks; non-alcoholic beverages containing fruit juices; concentrates for making fruit juices and fruit drinks; fruit nectars [non-alcoholic]; whey beverages; substances for making aerated water; extracts of hops for making beer; non-alcoholic honeybased beverages; ginger ale; ginger beer; isotonic beverages; iced fruit beverages; powders for making effervescent drinks; water for human consumption; vegetable juices; preparations for making mineral water; cola drinks; spring water; lithia water; preparations for making liqueurs; lemonades; milk of almonds (as a drink); peanut milk (soft drink); malt beer; malt-based preparations for making beverages; orgeat; flavoured waters; beer wort; frozen fruit drinks; pilsner beer; tablets for making effervescent drinks; table waters; table water; must; unfermented grape must; sarsaparilla [soft drink]; seltzer water; shandy; cider [non-alcoholic]; soda water; sherbets (beverages); stout; sports drinks; essences for making beverages; vegetable juices [beverages]; sodas; syrups for making soft drinks. Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers); rice alcohol; aperitifs; alcoholic beverages containing fruit; alcoholic extracts; alcoholic fruit extracts; distilled spirits; distilled alcoholic drinks; brandy; cider; hydromel [mead]; cocktails; liqueurs; sake; raki; brandy; vodka; whisky; rum; gin; wines; cooking wine. Klasse 34 Tobacco; smokers' articles; matches; cigarette paper; cigar cases; cigar cutters; cigar holders; cigarette filters; mouthpieces for cigarette holders; cigarette holders; cigarette tips; cigarettes; cigarettes containing tobacco substitutes; cigarillos; cigars; lighters for smokers; match boxes; match holders; matches; pipe 49 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer cleaners; pipe racks; tobacco pipes; tobacco pouches; snuff boxes; tobacco storage tins. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; wholesale, retail sale and mail order sale of mobile phone games, games for portable computers, console games, games for tablet computers, electronic game programs, downloadable electronic game programs, electronic game software, computer game programs, downloadable computer game programs, interactive game programs, operating system programs (recorded for computers), computer programs, recorded computer software, protective cases for telephones and portable computers, mouse mats, small gifts and festive decorations and trimmings for sharing at festivals, gifts and novelty goods, soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetic products, hair lotions, hair care goods, toilet accessories, cleaning substances for teeth, personal hygiene goods, preparations for cleaning, polishing and sanding, substances for washing clothes, hand care implements, nail care preparations, nail varnish, false nails, dietary nutrients, children's foods, sanitary goods, candles, candle wicks, lighting splints, fats, lubricants, oils for use in paints, cutlery, earthenware goods, hand care accessory sets, shaving equipment, razors, kitchen or household apparatus and machine tools, hand tools, films, cameras, videodiscs, video recorders, sound and image goods, audio and video tapes, recordings and discs, instruments and apparatus for recording, transmission and/or reproduction of sound and or images, televisions, cassette players and/or recorders, players and/or recorders for video cassettes and/or discs, radios, telephones, wireless telephones, mobile telephones, mobile telephone cases, ornamentation and straps for telephones, telephone indicators, calculators, counters, electronic and computer games, motion picture films, lights, fans, cookware, cake tins and pastry moulds, toasters, ovens, kitchen utensils, utensils and dishes for serving or preserving food and/or drink, chopsticks, cutting utensils, porcelain, porcelain goods, crystal goods, enamel containers, silverware, glassware, terracotta containers, earthenware goods, ceramics, hair dryers, lamps, lampshades and parts and fittings therefor, perambulators, balloons, bicycle horns, clocks and watches and accessories, parts and fittings therefor, jewellery and imitation jewellery, ornaments, goods of precious metals or coated therewith, music boxes, instruments, images, photographs, stationery, paper and cardboard and goods made therefrom, artists' materials, brushes, writing supplies, printed matter, books, newspapers, magazines and periodicals, greetings and christmas cards, playing cards, packing and packaging supplies, picture frames and supports therefor, paper or household glues, goods of leather and/or imitation leather, bags and luggage, purses and wallets, umbrellas, walking sticks, fixtures, mirrors, coat hangers and hooks, drawers and storage containers, nameplates, small household supplies, household or kitchen utensils and containers, combs, sponges, brushes, cleaning supplies, spectacles, spectacle frames and sunglasses and cases and accessories therefor, textiles and textile goods, bedding and table linen and covers, napkins, placemats, furniture, sewing supplies, handkerchiefs, children's, women's and men's clothing, footwear, headwear and gloves, buttons, badges, ribbons and braid, lace and embroidery, hairpins and hair ornaments, braces, shoe decorations, hat decorations, zips and zip closures, carpets, rugs and mats, toys, games and playthings, dolls, plush toys, soft toys, figurines, sports equipment, christmas tree decorations, food and drink, confectionery, floral goods, matches, cigars, cigarettes and smokers' articles; advertising; organisation of exhibitions for commercial advertising purposes; publication of publicity text; sales promotion (for others); arranging of advertising services; business management of performing artists; import and export agencies; compiling data in computer databases; direct market 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 advertising; business management of hotels; market research; outdoor advertising; personnel recruitment; publicity agency services; radio advertising; television advertising; on-line advertising on a computer network; procurement services for third parties (acquisition of goods and services for other companies); rental of advertising time on communication media; office machine and equipment rental; vending machine rental services; holding of auctions. Klasse 36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; computerised financial services; computerised financial services for retail businesses; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid; accommodation bureaux (apartments); housing management; banking and banking services; capital investment; charitable fund raising; credit card services; issuing credit cards; debit card services; financial consultancy; savings and investment services; issue of tokens of value; issuing of cheques and travellers' cheques; leasing of real estate; real estate management; rent collection; rental of offices; renting of apartments; renting of flats; electronic funds transfers; real estate agencies; fiduciary services; fire insurance underwriting; capital investment; health insurance underwriting; insurance brokerage; insurance underwriting; life insurance underwriting; marine insurance underwriting; investment funds; home banking services; loan financing. Klasse 38 Telecommunications; broadcasting of cable television; television broadcasting; cellular telephone communication; communications by fibre optic networks; communications by telegrams; communications by telephone; transmission of information by telephone and mobile phone; computer aided transmission of messages and images; e-mail service; fax transmission; radio broadcasting; telegraph services; telephone services; television transmission services; wire service; paging services; providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; providing user access to a global computer network (service providers); telecommunication routing and junction services; electronic bulletin board services; teleconferencing services; communications by consumer video game apparatus; providing information on communication by consumer video game apparatus; communications by arcade video game machines; providing information on communication by arcade video game machines; communication via handheld game devices; transmission of information via handheld game devices; communication by messages and pictures by using computers; telecommunication (other than broadcasting); broadcasting; rental of telecommunication equipment including telephones and facsimile apparatus; rental of modems; message transmission; satellite transmission. Klasse 41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; providing games, images, films, music and sound for handheld game devices, for video game machines in arcades, for video game apparatus, providing games, images, films, music and sound via a telecommunications network and via mobile phone-enabled updates; organization or arrangement of video game events; rental of consumer video game apparatus and arcade video game machines; rental of handheld game devices; educational and instruction services relating to arts, crafts, sports or general knowledge; movie showing, movie film production, or movie film distribution; providing information on program listing of television broadcasting; providing information on entertainment in the television entertainment sector from Internet sites; entertainment services in connection with the creation, development and production of films, animations or animated films; providing pre-recorded, nondownloadable digital music via MP3 websites on global computer networks, on the internet, and via mobile phones and wireless electronic communication devices; providing non-downloadable music from the Internet, via wireless electronic communication devices; 50 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer entertainment; amusement parks, theme parks; arcade game services; organization, production and presentation of shows, concerts, live performances, theatrical performances, exhibitions, sports competitions, sporting and cultural activities; cabaret and variety show activities, film studios, discotheques; leisure club services; publication of books, texts, magazines, newspapers and periodicals; library services; providing facilities for entertainment, concerts, shows, performances, sports, games, recreation and cultural activities; provision of information relating to education, entertainment, amusement, recreation, sports and culture; television and radio entertainment; film and video production; rental of cine-films, motion pictures, video tapes, laser discs, video discs and digital versatile (video) discs; rental of sound recordings; rental of show and stage scenery; nursery schools; organisation of beauty contests; circuses; correspondence courses; entertainer services; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; game services; gymnastic instruction; providing museum facilities (presentation, exhibitions); operating of lotteries; orchestra services; party planning (entertainment); scriptwriting services; theatrical performances; zoological gardens; electronic desktop publishing; game services provided on-line from a computer network; interpretation [sign language]; vocational guidance (education or training advice); microfilming; music composition services; night clubs; providing karaoke services; providing on-line electronic publications [not downloadable]; on-line publication of electronic books and journals; videotaping; videotape film production; bowling alleys; providing batting stadium or dome for baseball games; showing of movies on-line. Klasse 43 Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation; accommodation and catering for guests; restaurants; cafeterias; cafés; bars; canteens; outside catering; self-service restaurants; snack bars; cocktail lounges; providing information relating to foods and beverages; provision and reservation of temporary accommodation and lodging facilities, hotels, motels, boarding houses and the provision of information thereto; holiday camp services; restaurants, cafés, cafeterias, bars, food halls, canteens and lounges installed with audio and visual apparatus with sing along devices; child care centers; day-nurseries; tourist homes; bar services; providing facilities for exhibitions. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 make restaurant reservations. Klasse 43 Cafe, bar and restaurant services; catering services. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1239870 Int.reg.dato: 2015.01.22 Registreringen 2025.01.22 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201503603 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.03.26 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.09.09, FR, 144116698 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: LANCOME PARFUMS ET BEAUTE & CIE, 29 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Perfumes, toilet waters; bath and shower gels and salts for non-medical use; toilet soaps; body deodorants; cosmetics, particularly face, body and hand creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders; tanning and after-sun milks, gels and oils (cosmetics); make-up products; shampoos; gels, foams, balms and aerosol products for hair care and hair styling; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; hair waving and setting products; essential oils. (450) (111) (151) (180) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1239903 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.06 Registreringen 2024.10.06 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201503606 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.03.26 Gjengivelse av merket: Reflex Int.reg.nr: 1239244 Int.reg.dato: 2014.08.08 Registreringen 2024.08.08 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201503365 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.03.19 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.02.11, US, 86190733 Gjengivelse av merket: (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Reflex Winkelmann GmbH, Gersteinstrasse 19, DE59227 AHLEN, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Pumps as machines and parts of machines; pumps for heating installations; mechanical pumps; all aforementioned goods also as parts of drinking water supply installations, pressure maintenance installations, pressure increasing installations, service water heating installations and heating installations; separators [machines]; sewage pulverizers; pressure valves [parts of machines]; pressure reducing valves [parts of machines]; dirt separators; de-aerators for feedwater; feedwater regulators; water separators; atomizers [machines]. Klasse 9 Apparatus and instruments for monitoring, controlling and regulating as part of drinking water supply installations, pressure maintenance installations, pressure increasing installations, service water heating WEEAT (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Wework Companies Inc, 222 Broadway, 19th Floor, US-NY10038 NEW YORK, USA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Software; downloadable mobile applications for ordering food and beverages and for making restaurant reservations. Klasse 42 Providing online non-downloadable computer software; providing a web-based system and online portal for customers to order food and beverages and 51 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) installations and heating installations; solenoid valves. Klasse 11 Apparatus and instruments for water softening, especially as parts of drinking water supply installations, pressure maintenance installations, pressure increasing installations, service water heating installations and heating installations; pressure expansion tanks and vessels, in particular membrane pressure expansion tanks vessels as parts of drinking water supply installations, pressure maintenance installations, pressure increasing installations, service water heating installations and heating installations; hydraulic accumulators; pressure maintenance systems or pressure increasing systems for ensuring a predetermined water pressure in heating systems, cooling systems, solar systems or water supply or water distribution systems; valves, namely valves for heating, filling valves, cut off valves, relief valves, cut off cocks; heat exchangers, plate heat exchangers, pipe coil heat exchangers for heat and power engineering; degassing devices, namely devices for degassing liquids; heating water feeding installations, namely devices for filling the water level; strainers, namely faucets with water filters as parts of heating systems, cooling systems, solar systems, water supply systems and water distribution systems; ionizers for the treatment of air and water; filters for drinking water; apparatus for filtering water; apparatus for purifying water; hot water tanks; service water tanks. Klasse 37 Installation, assembling and maintenance services of drinking water supply installations, pressure maintenance installations, pressure increasing installations, service water heating installations and heating installations. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1241252 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.05 Registreringen 2024.12.05 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201503997 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.04.02 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.06.10, FR, 14 4 096 858 Gjengivelse av merket: NBT (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Alstom Transport Technologies, 3 Avenue Andre Malraux, FR-92300 LEVALLOIS-PERRET, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Machines for inserting anchoring points and/or devices in reinforced concrete of systems for fastening railway tracks; electric apparatus for welding rails and railway fastening elements to the concrete track structure. Klasse 9 Apparatus placed on railway tracks for guiding railway rolling stock on a concrete railway without sleepers or ballasts, in particular of very high speed lines and high speed lines which may include concrete structures, in particular tunnels and viaducts; apparatus placed on railway tracks for the electric apparatus for welding rails and railway fastening elements to the concrete track structure. Klasse 37 Construction of railway tracks in concrete without sleepers or ballasts, in particular very high speed lines; repair of railway tracks in concrete without sleepers or ballasts, in particular very high speed lines; renovation of railway tracks in concrete without sleepers or ballasts, in particular very high speed lines; maintenance of railway tracks in concrete without sleepers or ballasts, in particular very high speed lines; installation of railway tracks in concrete without sleepers or ballasts, in particular very high speed lines; construction of railway infrastructures on railway tracks in concrete, including the construction of structures in concrete, in particular tunnels and viaducts, with the unit including a rail structure in concrete composed of a slab of concrete designed for use in situ and being able to integrate anchoring points and/or devices of systems for fastening railway tracks; repair railway infrastructures on railway tracks in concrete, including the construction of structures in concrete, in particular tunnels and viaducts, with the unit including a rail structure in concrete composed of a slab of concrete designed for use in situ and being able to integrate anchoring points and/or devices of systems for fastening railway tracks; renovation of railway infrastructures on railway tracks in concrete, including the construction of structures in concrete, in particular tunnels and viaducts, with the unit including a rail structure in concrete composed of a slab of concrete designed for use in situ and being able to integrate anchoring points and/or devices of systems for fastening railway tracks; maintenance of railway infrastructures on railway tracks in concrete, including the construction of structures in concrete, in particular tunnels and viaducts, with the unit including a rail structure in concrete composed of a slab of concrete designed for use in situ and being able to integrate anchoring points and/or devices of systems for fastening railway tracks; installation of railway infrastructures on railway tracks in concrete, including the construction of structures in concrete, in particular tunnels and viaducts, with the unit including a rail structure in concrete composed of a slab of concrete designed for use in situ and being able to integrate anchoring points and/or devices of systems for fastening railway tracks; construction of anchoring points and/or devices of systems for fastening railway tracks in reinforced concrete; repair of anchoring points and/or devices of systems for fastening railway tracks in reinforced concrete; renovation of anchoring points and/or devices of systems for fastening railway tracks in reinforced concrete; maintenance of anchoring points Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1241243 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.22 Registreringen 2024.12.22 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201503996 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.04.02 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the letters "CHB" in red. (730) Innehaver: Shenzhen Sikeqi Weiye Co., Ltd., Rm 1109, 1st Floor, Building 1, Meilin Duoli Industrial Zone, Meihua Road, Meilin Street, Futian District, CN-518049 SHENZHEN CITY, GUANGDONG, Kina (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 21 Make-up removing appliances, namely make-up removing appliances, electric. Klasse 26 Hair curlers, other than hand implements, namely hair-curlers, electrically heated. (450) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 52 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer and/or devices of systems for fastening railway tracks in reinforced concrete; installation of anchoring points and/or devices of systems for fastening railway tracks in reinforced concrete. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) articles not included in other classes. Klasse 35 Retailing in relation to the goods: soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, shampoo, shower gels, lotions, hair lotions, dentifrices, deodorants for personal use, sunscreens, cosmetic and make-up articles, spectacles, corrective spectacles and sunglasses, frames, spectacle frames for corrective spectacles, spectacle frames, spectacle lenses and spectacle cases, contact lenses, folding spectacles, field glasses, binoculars, telescopes, opera glasses, optical lenses, magnifying glasses, microscopes, lenses, key rings, jewellery, costume jewellery, cuff links, tie pins, tie clips, badges, bracelets, bangles and ankle rings and chains, necklaces, brooches, earrings, clocks and watches, in particular wrist watches, wall clocks, table clocks and floor clocks, chronometric instruments, cases and containers for the aforesaid goods, bags, in particular handbags, briefcases, sports bags, shopping bags, school satchels, rucksacks, trunks and travelling bags; cases with wheels, purses, key cases of leather, umbrellas and parasols, walking sticks, textile goods, bed linen and table linen, textile labels for clothing and textile goods (including iron-on labels), textile badges, wall hangings of textile, bath towels and towels, clothing, footwear, headgear, belts, carpets, rugs, mats and matting, wall hangings, games, playthings, gymnastic and sporting articles. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1241675 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.10 Registreringen 2024.12.10 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201504075 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.04.02 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (546) Merket er et 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1243741 2014.12.05 2024.12.05 201504820 2015.04.23 2014.09.03, IT, PD2014C00930 Gjengivelse av merket: kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: H.I.S. Textil GmbH, Osterfeldstrasse 12-14, DE-22529 HAMBURG, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Soaps; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, shampoo, shower gels, lotions, hair lotions; dentifrices, deodorants for personal use, sunscreens (included in this class), cosmetic and make-up articles. Klasse 9 Eyeglasses, corrective lenses and sunglasses, frames for corrective spectacles, spectacle frames, eyeglass cases and lenses, contact lenses, folding spectacles, binoculars, telescopes, telescopes, theatre glasses, optical lenses, magnifying glasses [optics], microscopes, lenses. Klasse 14 Key rings, jewellery, costume jewellery, cuff links, tie pins, tie clips, badges, bracelets, bangles and ankle rings and chains, necklaces, brooches, earrings, clocks and watches, in particular wrist watches, wall clocks, table clocks and floor clocks, chronometric instruments, cases and containers for the aforesaid goods. Klasse 18 Bags, in particular handbags, briefcases, sports bags, shopping bags, school satchels, rucksacks, trunks and travelling bags; cases with wheels, baggage, key cases of leather, umbrellas, parasols and canes. Klasse 24 Textile goods, not included in other classes; bed and table covers, handkerchiefs of textile, curtains, household linen, bed and table linen, fabric labels for clothing and textile goods (including iron-on labels), textile badges, wall hangings of textile, bath towels and towels. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear, belts. Klasse 27 Carpets, rugs, mats and wall hangings. Klasse 28 Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Fidia Farmaceutici SpA, Via Ponte della Fabbrica, 3/A, IT-35031 ABANO TERME (PD), Italia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use; cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, dentifrices; cosmetic preparations for the treatment of the skin; dermocosmetic preparations not for medical use. Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; dietary supplements for humans and animals; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides; medicines; medical products, substances and preparations for use in the diagnosis, prevention, control, therapy or reduction of diseases or sores; dermo-cosmetic preparations for medical use; dermatologic preparations; tissues or gauzes impregnated with antibacterial preparations, lotions or medicated creams; creams, sprays, lotions, gels or ointments for dermatologic purposes, wound healing and tissue repair. Klasse 10 Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, artificial limbs, eyes and teeth; orthopaedic articles; suture materials; applicators and medical devices for the administration of 53 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer pharmaceutical preparations. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (111) (151) (180) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1244207 Int.reg.dato: 2015.01.26 Registreringen 2025.01.26 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201505102 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.04.30 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.08.11, EM, 013164355 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1245280 2014.12.04 2024.12.04 201505461 2015.05.07 2014.08.13, DK, VA 2014 01854 Gjengivelse av merket: OJ Drives (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: OJ Electronics A/S, Stenager 13B, DK-6400 SØNDERBORG, Danmark (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Control mechanisms for machines, engines or motors; pneumatic and hydraulic controls for machines, motors and engines; electric motors, not for land vehicles. Klasse 9 Electronic control units; sensors for use in the control of engines, motors and machines. (450) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Eplan Software & Service GmbH & Co KG, An der alten Ziegelei 2, DE-40789 MONHEIM, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Storage mediums of every kind provided with programs; software. Klasse 41 Conducting of training events for software users. Klasse 42 Computer programming for computer-aided construction; modification of programs for user-specific applications; development of computer programs (software) designed for use in construction and automated manufacturing (CAD/CAM); design of software. (450) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1245295 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.19 Registreringen 2024.12.19 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201505464 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.07 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.07.08, FR, 144103885 Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1244430 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.24 Registreringen 2025.03.24 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201505141 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.04.30 Gjengivelse av merket: AA DRINK (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: United Soft Drinks B.V., 69, Reactorweg, NL-3542AD UTRECHT, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 32 Beers, mineral and aerated water and other nonalcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; sports and energy drinks; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. (450) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: SERAM SA, 817 boulevard Marius Berliet Polygone Nord, FR-66000 PERPIGNAN, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Agricultural machines, grinding machines, garbage (waste) disposals, engines for boats, sludge collection machines, sealing machines for industrial use, waste compacting machines, crushers, cutting machines, screening machines and sifting installations, shredding machines for industrial use, cutters, stalk separators, packing machines, peeling machines, spin driers, labelers, excavators, extractors for mines, metalworking machines, filtering machines, guides for machines, meat chopping machines, hydraulic controls for machines, motors and engines, hydraulic engines and motors, hydraulic turbines, blades and blade holders for machines, washing machines and washing apparatus, mixing machines, automatic handling machines, hammers for machines, metalworking machines, ore treating machines, mineworking machines, motors and engines other than for land Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 54 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer vehicles, papermaking machines, pulleys for machines, presses for industrial use, wine presses, rail-laying machines, filling machines, rinsing machines, separators, machines for welding, sieves for machines, ash sifting machines, hoppers for mechanical unloading, sorting machines for industrial use, jacks (machines), railroad constructing machines, selfpropelled road sweeping machines, conveyors, band conveyors, conveyor bands, belt conveyors, conveyor belts, lifting apparatus, loading ramps, hoppers for mechanical unloading, elevating apparatus, cranes, handling apparatus for loading and unloading, derricks, hoists, truck lifts, pulley blocks, pulleys, mechanical shovels, loading ramps, roller bridges, winches, machine frames, transmission chains other than for land vehicles, slide rests for machines, electric shears, mechanical reels for flexible hoses, automatic grapnels, filter presses. Klasse 11 Automatic ash conveying installations, loading apparatus for furnaces, kiln furniture (supports), ash pits for furnaces, drying apparatus and installations, drying apparatus, heat exchangers. Klasse 12 Aeronautical machines, dredgers (boats), disengaging gear for boats, ships, pontoons, military vehicles, vehicle chassis, vehicle tracks, vehicle windows, hydraulic circuits for vehicles, bodies, caissons (vehicles), tipping bodies for trucks, connecting rods (other than parts of motors and engines) for land vehicles, trailers (vehicles), trailer hitches for vehicles, tailboard lifts for land vehicles, cars, trucks, railway couplings or car couplings, rocker wagons, bogies for railway cars, buffers for railway rolling stock, goods handling carts, forklifts, dump wagons, cable transport apparatus and installations. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1245355 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.12 Registreringen 2025.02.12 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201505476 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.07 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.09.24, EM, 013290978 Gjengivelse av merket: MYSELECT (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Hansgrohe SE, Auestrasse 5-9, DE-77761 SCHILTACH, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 11 Mixing valves being parts for sanitary installations, water supply and water outlet fittings with manual and automatic controls; taps for washstands, bidets and sinks, taps for tubs and showers; shower combinations, showers and shower fittings, shower holders, overhead showers, lateral-jet showers, hand showers, shower hoses, inflow and outflow fittings for sanitary basins, for washstands, for sink units, for bidets, for bath tubs and for shower trays; regulating apparatus, in particular for apparatus for water supply and sanitary purposes, control apparatus for apparatus for water supply and sanitary purposes. (450) (111) (151) (180) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (210) (220) (300) 1245330 2015.01.30 2025.01.30 (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1245366 2014.11.15 2024.11.15 201505480 2015.05.07 2014.06.17, GB, UK00003060147 Gjengivelse av merket: 201505472 2015.05.07 2014.12.12, IT, MI2014C011467 Gjengivelse av merket: SAN FIRENZE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Chioccioli Altadonna SRL, Piazza delle Cantine, 8, IT50022 GREVE IN CHIANTI (FI), Italia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 32 Beer. Klasse 33 Distilled spirits. (450) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: S5 AGENCY WORLD. (730) Innehaver: S5 Agency World Ltd, Vintage Yard, 61 Bermondsey Street, GB-SE13XF LONDON, Storbritannia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 39 Port agency services; shipping services; ship management; voyage management; transit services. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) 55 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1245805 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.25 Registreringen 2025.02.25 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201505554 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.07 Gjengivelse av merket: use; herb teas, other than for medicinal use. (450) (111) (151) (180) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (210) (220) (300) (540) (730) Innehaver: Limited Liability Company "RDIF Management Company", Prospect Akademika Sakharova 9, RU107996 MOSKVA, Russland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 16 Fountain pens; albums; forms, printed; note books; loose-leaf binders; posters; pamphlets; booklets; packing paper; signboards of paper or cardboard; newspapers; periodicals; printed publications; calendars; geographical maps; catalogues; books; envelopes [stationery]; adhesive bands for stationery or household purposes; paper ribbons; greeting cards; postcards; conical paper bags; writing cases [sets]; office requisites, except furniture; writing instruments; prospectuses; handbooks [manuals]; flyers; flags of paper; stamps [seals]. Klasse 35 Business efficiency expert services; opinion polling; marketing studies; business information; computerized file management; business investigations; business research; marketing research; news clipping services; business management and organization consultancy; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; auctioneering; economic forecasting; dissemination of advertising matter; public relations. Klasse 36 Capital investments; financial information; financial consultancy; stock exchange quotations; financial management; securities brokerage; charitable fund raising; trusteeship; financing services. Klasse 41 Arranging and conducting of colloquiums; arranging and conducting of congresses; arranging and conducting of conferences; arranging and conducting of seminars; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; arranging and conducting of symposiums. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1246371 Int.reg.dato: 2015.01.21 Registreringen 2025.01.21 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201505756 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.14 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.09.19, CH, 668563 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Luna Technology Systems LTS GmbH, Industriestrasse 19, CH-8304 WALLISELLEN, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 11 Apparatus for heating, steam generation and cooking; apparatus for heating and foaming milk; electric apparatus for making hot beverages; electric mocha machines; electric coffee machines; electric coffee automatons; components and accessories for the aforesaid goods included in this class. Klasse 30 Coffee; coffee extracts; beverages and preparations for making said beverages based on coffee; edible ices; tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; artificial coffee extracts; beverages and preparations for making said beverages based on artificial coffee; tea; tea extracts; beverages and preparations for making said beverages based on tea; malt-based preparations for human consumption; beverages and preparations for making said beverages based on cocoa; chocolate and chocolate-based products; beverages and preparations for making said beverages based on chocolate; cereal preparations; bread, pastry and confectionery; sugar, honey, treacle; biscuits, cookies, pies, cakes; tarts; sugar confectionery; muesli and cereals, also in the form of bars. Klasse 43 Services for providing food and beverages in hotels, motels, boarding houses, cafés, cafeterias, restaurants and bars; hotel, motel, boarding house, restaurant, cafe, cafeteria and bar services; accommodation for guests; room reservations in hotels, motels and boarding houses; accommodation agencies (hotels, boarding houses and motels); booking of seats and tables in hotels, motels, boarding houses, cafés, cafeterias, restaurants and bars. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1246337 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.02 Registreringen 2025.03.02 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201505753 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.14 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (546) Merket er et 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Tekompaniet Swedetraders AB, Ektorpsv. 4, SE-13147 NACKA, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Tea; oolong tea [chinese tea]; black tea; chai tea; fruit teas; green tea; lime tea; oolong tea; tea extracts; tea substitutes; white tea; japanese green tea; tea-based beverages; theine-free tea; tea-based beverages with fruit flavoring; tea-based beverages with fruit flavouring; theine-free tea with added sweeteners; coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; flowers or leaves for use as tea substitutes; herbal teas, other than for medicinal 56 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1246376 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.09 Registreringen 2025.03.09 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201505757 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.14 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et and abrasive liquids and powders for sharpening stone; cleaning, scouring and polishing preparations and substances for sharpening stone; abrasive papers; abrasive cloths; abrasive sands; emery; artificial pumice stones; polishing papers; cloths impregnated with polishing preparations for cleaning; polishing preparations; antistatic preparations for household purposes; degreasing preparations for household purposes; rust removers; rust removing preparations; paint removing preparations; soaps and detergents. Klasse 8 Clip-style attachments on knives for sharpening; clipstyle attachments on edge tools for sharpening; knives [hand tools]; kitchen knives; Japanese style knives; household knives; scissors; scissors for household use; razors, not electric; chisels; axes; hand-operated cutting tools; non-electric cheese slicers; non-electric egg slicers; non-electric pizza slicers; non-electric pizza cutters; whetstone [sharpening stones]; grindstones [hand tool]; knife sharpeners; sharpening instruments; stands for knife sharpeners; emery grinding wheels; cutters; knives; hand-operated pipe cutters; nippers; hand saws; hand-operated wrenches; screwdrivers; hand drills; drills; pliers; hand-operated clamps; vices; hand-operated hammers; planes; awls; crow bars; manually operated grease guns; katsuo-bushi planes [non-electric planes for flaking dried bonito blocks]; non-electric can openers; nutcrackers; spoons; forks; cutlery, forks and spoons; serving ladles; serving tongs; ice picks; shovels [hand tool]; fire shovels; fire tongs; shaving cases; pedicure sets; pedicure implements; eyelash curlers; manicure sets; diving knives; diving knife holders; ladles [hand tools]; tongs; surikogi [Japanese-style wooden pestles]. Klasse 21 Cutting boards; turners for kitchen use; turners [kitchen utensils]; spatulas [kitchen utensils]; cleaning sponges; scouring sponges; kitchen sponges; scourers [kitchen utensil]; scrubbing brushes; non-electric whisks for household purposes; potato mashers; food mashers; non-electric grinders for household purposes; hand-operated grinders [kitchen utensils]; non-electric frying pans; non-electric cooking pots and pans; pans for cooking; grill [cooking utensils]; chopsticks; chopstick holders; spice jars; kitchen containers; food storage jars of glass; dish drainers; spice racks; tumblers; drinking flasks; metal buckets; plastic buckets; wooden buckets; mop buckets; lunch boxes; grater for kitchen use; kitchen graters for Japanese horse radish; bottle openers; trivets; shamoji [Japanese-style scoops for cooked rice]; hand-operated coffee mills; hand-operated spice mills; hand-operated mills for domestic purposes; rolling pins; toothpicks; toothpick holders; serving trays; trays for household use; insulated flasks; vacuum bottles; ice pails; colanders; baskets for kitchen use; kitchen sieves; sieves for household purposes; sieves; strainers; unworked or semi-worked glass, not for building; cosmetic utensils; glass or porcelain containers for household or kitchen use; hand-operated cleaning and washing instruments; polishing cloths. kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Boretti BV, De Dollard 17, NL-1454AT WATERGANG, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 11 Apparatus for heating and cooking; barbecue smokers and grills, fireplaces and outdoor heating devices; electrical or gas apparatus for cooking purposes, including cooking rings, cookers, barbecues, warmers, electrically or gas heated cooking stones, plate warmers. Klasse 35 Retail services in the field of apparatus for heating and cooking, barbecue smokers and grills, fireplaces and outdoor heating devices, electrical or gas apparatus for cooking purposes, including cooking rings, cookers, barbecues, warmers, electrically or gas heated cooking stones, plate warmers; the aforesaid services also provided via the internet. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1246478 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.02 Registreringen 2025.03.02 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201505773 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.14 Gjengivelse av merket: MEININGER Hotels (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Meininger Shared Services GmbH, Schöneberger Str. 15, DE-10963 BERLIN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 39 Travel arrangement, arranging of city tours. Klasse 41 Conducting of cultural and sporting activities. Klasse 43 Temporary accommodation, services for providing food and drink. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1246573 Int.reg.dato: 2014.06.23 Registreringen 2024.06.23 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201505781 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.14 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.12.24, JP, 2013-100598 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (450) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: NANIWA ABRASIVE MFG. CO., LTD., 17-17, Tenjinno-mori 1-chome, Nishinari-ku, JP-557-0013 OSAKASHI, OSAKA, Japan (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Abrasives for sharpening stone; cleaning, polishing 57 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1246576 Int.reg.dato: 2014.06.26 Registreringen 2024.06.26 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201505783 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.14 Søknadsprioritet: 2013.12.27, JP, 2013-102514 Gjengivelse av merket: 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 programs by application service provider; providing non-downloadable computer programs; providing computer programs online. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1246619 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.02 Registreringen 2024.10.02 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201505790 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.14 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.08.21, JP, 2014-070140 Gjengivelse av merket: Tomowa (546) Merket er et (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co Ltd, 6-1, Ohtemachi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, JP-100-8185 TOKYO, Japan (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Industrial chemicals; chemicals for use in the manufacture of dietary supplements and foods; chemical additives for use in the manufacture of dietary supplements and foods; amino acids for use in the manufacture of dietary supplements and foods; bacteriological culture mediums other than for medical or veterinary purposes; cell culture mediums other than for medical or veterinary purposes; cell culture mediums for research and for scientific purposes, other than for medical or veterinary purposes; plant growth regulating preparations; artificial sweeteners [chemical preparations]. Klasse 5 Pharmaceuticals; pharmaceutical preparations; cells for medical purposes; bacteriological culture mediums for medical and veterinary purposes; cell culture mediums for medical and veterinary purposes; cell culture mediums for research and for scientific purposes [only for medical or veterinary purposes]; reagent paper for medical purposes; gauze for dressings; empty capsules for pharmaceuticals; absorbent cotton; adhesive plasters; bandages for dressings; lacteal flour for babies; dietary supplements; dietetic beverrages adapted for medical purposes; dietetic foods adapted for medical purposes; beverages for babies adapted for medical purposes; food for babies; dietary supplements for animals. Klasse 10 Apparatus for use in medical analysis; medical apparatus; medical instruments; surgical apparatus; surgical instruments; gloves for medical purposes; sanitary masks for medical purposes. Klasse 40 Custom manufacture of pharmaceuticals; extraction, production and synthesis of pharmaceuticals for others; custom manufacture of industrial chemicals; custom manufacture of medical apparatus and medical instruments; manufacture of antibody-producing cells for others. Klasse 42 Pharmaceutical research; research of chemicals; analysis of chemicals; testing, inspection or research of pharmaceuticals; testing, inspection or research of chemicals; testing, inspection or research of cosmetics; testing, inspection or research of foodstuff; providing technical advice relating to chemical research; providing technical advice relating to pharmaceutical development; providing technical advice relating to chemical development; rental of laboratory apparatus; rental of laboratory instruments. Klasse 44 Providing medical information; medical examinations; preparation and dispensing of medication; dietary and nutritional guidance; veterinary services; rental of medical apparatus; rental of medical instruments. Klasse 45 Licensing of technology; patent licensing; licensing of intellectual property; providing information about exploitation and licensing of intellectual property rights. kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: SONY CORPORATION, 1-7-1 Konan, Minato-ku, JPTOKYO, Japan (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Television apparatus; portable audio players; smartphones; portable telephones; loudspeakers; amplifiers; audio receivers and players for home theater system; DVD players and recorders; optical disk players and recorders; digital audio players and recorders; headphones; digital camera; video cameras (camcorders); cameras; projectors and their parts; settop boxes; navigation apparatus for vehicles (on-board computers); optical data media; magnetic data media; digital book readers; head mounted display; tablet type computers; laptop computers; computers; computer software (recorded); computer programs (downloadable software); computer peripheral devices; electronic machines, apparatus and their parts not included in other classes; game programs for home video game machines; electronic circuits and CD-roms recorded with programs for hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; phonograph records; downloadable music files; downloadable image files; downloadable still or moving images; recorded video discs and video tapes; exposed cinematographic films; exposed slide films; slide film mounts; electronic publications; portable terminals for electronic publications; measuring or testing machines and instruments. Klasse 42 Design, creation, or maintenance of websites for others; providing search engines for the internet; rental of computer database software; design, development and consulting services relating to computer, computer software, or computer system; consulting services relating to design, creation, maintenance and administration of communication network system; computer software design, computer programming or maintenance of computer software for electronic certification; data conversion using computer; computer consultancy relating to computer program semantics and recovery of computer system failures; computer programming; providing computer programs for electronic certification; hosting websites, and providing information in relation thereto; rental of server storage space for e-mail communication; rental of server storage space for sharing electronic information, images, and other digital contents on the Internet; rental of electronic storage space for social networking services for users to communicate with others on the Internet; rental of server storage space; rental of computers and providing computer programs; designing (computer); providing computer programs by application service provider; rental of computer 58 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: assistance and consultation; veterinary services; hygienic and beauty care for human beings or animals; agriculture, horticulture and forestry services. (450) 1246623 2014.10.16 2024.10.16 (111) (151) (180) 201505794 2015.05.14 2014.06.13, DK, VA 2014 01422 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1246803 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.19 Registreringen 2024.12.19 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201505814 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.14 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.07.07, BX, 1292376 Gjengivelse av merket: kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Veloxis Pharmaceuticals A/S, Agern Allé 24, 4.2, DK2970 HØRSHOLM, Danmark (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations, including immunotherapeutic and immunosuppressive preparations for medical use for treatment of transplantation patients; medical preparations and drug delivery systems, pharmaceutical modified release systems, and controlled release systems, comprised of tablets, granules, pills, sachets, powders, capsules, all of the above i.a. for use in the treatment of mental and physical disorders, traumas and emergencies, addictions, aging, allergy/immunology, burns, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, dental and gum diseases, skin diseases, nutritional and dietary diseases, diseases of the endocrinological system and pancreatic diseases, diabetes, epidemical diseases, diseases and afflictions of the gastroenterological system, diseases of the blood, infectious diseases, neurological diseases, nephrological diseases, diseases in the obstetrical and gynaecological field, cancer, ophthalmological diseases, diseases and afflictions affecting the bones, joints, cartilage material and muscles, diseases and afflictions of the ear, nose and throat, diseases and afflictions in the psychiatric field, pulmonological diseases and afflictions, rheumatism, urological diseases and afflictions and generalised pain; veterinary preparations; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations for destroying vermin; fungicides, herbicides. Klasse 40 Treatment of materials, namely milling, grinding, mixing, compressing, and melting of pharmaceutical, medicinal, biotechnical and bacteriological substances, preparations, formulations and solutions, for use in the pharmaceutical and medical industries. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services as well as research and design in connection therewith, including within the medical, pharmaceutical, biotechnical and bacteriological areas and providing consultation and information relating thereto; conducting of tests regarding medical applications; packaging design for others; designing and development of medical equipment; designing pharmaceutical medical preparations; development of pharmaceutical formulations; design and development of granulation technology and tablet technology and providing consultation and information thereto; materials testing for the pharmaceutical and medical industries; industrial analysis and research; design and development of computer hardware and computer software. Klasse 44 Medical services; medical and pharmaceutical (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Fontem Holdings 3 B.V., Barbara Strozzilaan 101, NL1083HN AMSTERDAM, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Breath freshening sprays and other mouth sprays, not for medical purposes. Klasse 5 Dietary supplements for humans; food supplements; skin patches, creams and gels for the transdermal delivery of active ingredients, including caffeine and nicotine; orally soluble tablets, capsules, films, powders for medical purposes; lozenges, gums, jellies, pastilles, chews, liquids, syrups for pharmaceutical purposes; tablets, capsules, powders, liquids, and syrup concentrates for making drinks for medical purposes; nasal sprays including decongestant nasal sprays; medicated mouth sprays for the delivery of active ingredients, including caffeine and nicotine, vitamins and minerals and food supplements. Klasse 10 Inhalers. Klasse 30 Confectionery, also as oral soluble films, powders, lozenges, gums, jellies, pastilles, chews, liquids; beverages on the basis of chocolate, cocoa, coffee or tea; flavourings, other than essential oils; beverages containing chocolate, cocoa, coffee, coffee extract and green coffee extract; green tea, tea, and fruit tea. Klasse 32 Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages, including vitamin, mineral and caffeinated drinks; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. (450) 59 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1247011 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.04 Registreringen 2024.12.04 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506062 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.06.23, US, 86317694 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) GENETISURE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Agilent Technologies Inc, 5301 Stevens Creek Boulevard, US-CA95051 SANTA CLARA, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Comparative genomic hybridization arrays; microarrays for use in genome-wide screening for the detection of chromosomal aberrations. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1247056 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.22 Registreringen 2024.12.22 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506071 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) b.b home passion (111) (151) (180) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (210) (220) (540) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1247127 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.26 Registreringen 2025.03.26 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506081 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Gjengivelse av merket: FUGUE DE NENIN Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: Int.reg.nr: 1247086 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.16 Registreringen 2025.03.16 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506076 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.09.19, FR, 14 4 119 283 Gjengivelse av merket: (730) Innehaver: DIAGNOSTICA STAGO, 3 allée Thérésa, FR-92600 ASNIÈRES SUR SEINE, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Software for data management and control of measuring instruments of a biological analysis laboratory. (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Barbara Becker, 111 East Dilido Drive, US-FL33139 MIAMI BEACH, MIAMI, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 27 Wall hangings (non-textile), carpets, rugs, mats and matting and other materials for covering existing floors. (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (546) Merket er et Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: SOCIETE CIVILE DU CHATEAU NENIN, Château Nenin, FR-33500 POMEROL, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 AOC wines protected by the appellation of origin Pomerol. 1247069 2014.12.23 2024.12.23 201506073 2015.05.21 2014.10.22, IT, MI2014C009715 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) DYNAMO CAFÉ (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: FONDAZIONE DYNAMO, Foro Buonaparte, 44, IT20121 MILANO, Italia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa and coffee substitutes; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery; ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. Klasse 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic drinks; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices. Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages, including wine and sparkling wine (except beers). Klasse 43 Services for providing food and drink; bar services; restaurant services; snack-bars; coffee bars; cafés; food and drink catering; rental of temporary accommodation. (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1247187 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.23 Registreringen 2025.04.23 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506090 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet: 2015.02.03, BX, 1303883 Gjengivelse av merket: SOLVFIX (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Solvay, Rue de Ransbeek 310, BE-1120 BRUSSEL, Belgia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Chemical products for use in the manufacture of paints and coatings; synthetic strontium sulphate for use in the manufacture of paints and coatings. Klasse 2 Paints, varnishes and lacquers; coatings (paints); synthetic resin paints. 60 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: (450) 1247266 2014.12.17 2024.12.17 (111) (151) (180) 201506100 2015.05.21 2014.07.14, DE, 30 2014 052 789.8/25 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (210) (220) (300) (540) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1247358 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.20 Registreringen 2025.02.20 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506116 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.08.27, EM, 013202601 Gjengivelse av merket: SEQR (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Seamless Payments AB, Sankt Eriksgatan 121, SE11343 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Payment terminals, money dispensing and sorting devices; electronic payment terminal; computer software; computer programmes [programs], recorded; computer programs [downloadable software]; software; secure terminals for electronic transactions; electronic data processing equipment; electronic coding apparatus; electronic control systems. Klasse 35 Marketing services; promotional marketing; direct marketing; advertising and marketing; promotional services provided by telephone; marketing by telephone; publicity and sales promotion services; advertising, marketing and promotional services; promoting the sale of the services [on behalf of others] by arranging advertisements; promoting the goods and services of others. Klasse 36 Payment administration services; payment processing; automated payment services; electronic payment services; financial payment services; providing current account facilities; financial transfers and transactions, and payment services; electronic wallet services (payment services); financial administration services; financial affairs; financial transaction services; computerised financial information services; conducting of financial transactions; automatic recording services for financial transactions; services for the execution of financial transactions; money transmission services; electronic transfer of funds; arranging monetary transfers; handling of standing orders; processing payments made by charge cards; providing multiple payment options by means of customer-operated electronic terminals available onsite in retail stores. Klasse 42 Software development, programming and implementation; software creation; writing of computer software; development of computer software application solutions; computer programming; design of software; programming of computers for the printing of bar codes; developing computer software; software design and development; design, maintenance, development and updating of computer software. kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Deichmann SE, Deichmannweg 9, DE-45359 ESSEN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 18 Luggage, bags, wallets and other carrying cases; umbrellas; parasols; briefcases; carrying cases for documents; beach bags; belt bags and hip bags; shoe bags; pocket wallets; bags for campers; attaché cases; shopping bags; casual bags; purses; valises; handbags; garment carriers; make-up bags sold empty; vanity cases, not fitted; toiletry bags; leather cases; duffle bags; all-purpose sports bags; travelling trunks; travelling sets [leatherware]; travelling bags; rucksacks; saddlebags; key cases; school backpacks; school bags; gym bags. Klasse 25 Footwear; headgear; hosiery; socks; stockings; insoles. (450) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1247328 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.10 Registreringen 2025.04.10 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506109 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.17, EM, 013373741 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) COLLECT (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Interface European Manufacturing BV, Industrielaan 15, NL-3925BD SCHERPENZEEL, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 27 Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; wall hangings (non-textile); carpet tiles. 61 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1247374 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.19 Registreringen 2025.03.19 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506119 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.11.26, EM, 013495833 Gjengivelse av merket: transfers and transactions, and payment services; finance services; financial transaction services; computerised financial information services; conducting of financial transactions; automatic recording services for financial transactions; services for the execution of financial transactions; money transmission services; electronic transfer of funds; arranging monetary transfers; handling of standing orders. Klasse 38 Telecommunications access services; provision of access to web pages; providing access to databases; providing access to telecommunication networks; access to content, websites and portals. SEQR SHOP SPOT (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Seamless Payments AB, Sankt Eriksgatan 121, SE11343 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Marketing services; promotional marketing; direct marketing; advertising and marketing; marketing by telephone; publicity and sales promotion services; advertising, marketing and promotional services; promoting the sale of the services [on behalf of others] by arranging advertisements; promoting the goods and services of others; advertising by transmission of online publicity for third parties through electronic communications networks; advertising; online advertisements; promotion, advertising and marketing of on-line websites; on-line advertising on a computer network; advertisement via mobile phone networks. Klasse 36 Payment administration services; payment processing; automated payment services; electronic payment services; financial payment services; financial transfers and transactions, and payment services; finance services; financial transaction services; computerised financial information services; conducting of financial transactions; automatic recording services for financial transactions; services for the execution of financial transactions; money transmission services; electronic transfer of funds; arranging monetary transfers; handling of standing orders. Klasse 38 Telecommunications access services; provision of access to web pages; providing access to databases; providing access to telecommunication networks; access to content, websites and portals. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1247441 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.20 Registreringen 2024.11.20 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506133 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.11.18, EM, 013469119 Gjengivelse av merket: RETAIL IN MOTION (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Retail in Motion Limited, Suite 4, The Mall, Beacon Court, Sandyford Business Park, IE- SANDYFORD, DUBLIN 18, Irland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; data processing equipment and computers; computer peripheral devices, computer terminals; microprocessors, memory boards, monitors, displays and keyboards; recorded media, computer hardware and firmware; computer software; software downloadable from the Internet; downloadable electronic publications; compact discs; digital music; telecommunications apparatus; computer software and firmware, namely, operating system programs, data synchronization programs and application development tool programs for personal and hand-held computers; pre-recorded computer programs for personal information management; hand-held digital electronic devices and software related thereto; MP3 and other digital format audio players; hand-held computers, tablet computers, personal digital systems, electronic organisers, electronic notepads; mobile digital electronic devices; computer; digital music and/or video players; radios; video cameras; audio, video and digital mixers. Klasse 14 Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, costume jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments, clocks and watches. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; hats. Klasse 28 Toys; games and playthings; playing cards; electronic hand-held game units; electronic games; electronic board games; electronic educational games; hand-held electronic games, hand-held electronic video games, interactive computer toys and games; computer game apparatus; computer gaming machines; computer games equipment adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor. Klasse 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; prepared meals consisting primarily of meat, fish, poultry and game; soups and potato crisps. Klasse 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice; sandwiches; prepared meals Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1247375 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.20 Registreringen 2025.03.20 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506120 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.11.26, EM, 013495858 Gjengivelse av merket: SHOP SPOT (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Seamless Payments AB, Sankt Eriksgatan 121, SE11343 STOCKHOLM, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Marketing services; promotional marketing; direct marketing; advertising and marketing; marketing by telephone; publicity and sales promotion services; advertising, marketing and promotional services; promoting the sale of the services [on behalf of others] by arranging advertisements; promoting the goods and services of others; advertising by transmission of online publicity for third parties through electronic communications networks; advertising; online advertisements; promotion, advertising and marketing of on-line websites; on-line advertising on a computer network; advertisement via mobile phone networks. Klasse 36 Payment administration services; payment processing; automated payment services; electronic payment services; financial payment services; financial 62 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer consisting primarily of pasta or rice; pizzas, pies and pasta dishes; fruit sauces. Klasse 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters; non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups for making beverages; shandy, de-alcoholised drinks, nonalcoholic beers and wines. Klasse 33 Wines; spirits and liqueurs; alcopops; alcoholic cocktails. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; commercial information and advice for consumers; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; on-line advertising on a computer network; compilation of information into computer databases; systemization of information into computer databases; procurement services for others (purchasing goods and services for other businesses); advertising and marketing services; promotion services; market surveys; analysis of advertising response and market research; retail store services in the field of entertainment featuring movies, musical and audiovisual works, and music-related electronic products, provided via the Internet and other electronic and communications networks; retail store services featuring computer, electronic and entertainment products; retail store services provided via communications networks featuring computer, electronic and entertainment products; retail store services provided by communications networks featuring mobile phones, music-related electronic products; providing an online commerical information directory on the Internet which allows consumers to view the services offered by a variety of services providers, in the fields of communications, information technology, and publishing services; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid. Klasse 38 Telecommunication services; chat room services; portal services; e-mail services; providing user access to the Internet; radio and television broadcasting; arranging access to databases on the Internet; broadcasting of video and audio programming over the Internet; Internet based telecommunication services; Internet radio broadcasting services; transmission of data or audio visual images by a global computer network or the Internet; streaming of audio material on the Internet; streaming of video material on the Internet. Klasse 41 Education; providing of training; entertainment; on-line entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; lottery services; electronic game services provided by means of the Internet; the provision of on-line electronic publications; audio entertainment services; arranging of visual entertainment; audio-visual display presentation services for entertainment purposes. Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; computer programming; installation, maintenance and repair of computer software; computer consultancy services; design, technical drawing and commissioned writing of computer programmes for the creation of web pages on the Internet; creating, maintaining and hosting the web sites of others; design services. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Int.reg.nr: 1247487 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.19 Registreringen 2024.12.19 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506137 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Gjengivelse av merket: UNISIM (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Honeywell International Inc., 101 Columbia Road, USNJ07962 MORRISTOWN, USA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Computer software for plant design, real-time simulation and tracking of plant processes, and operator training and process improvement including the ability to forecast problems and provide historical control information for use in industrial manufacturing industries. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1247492 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.19 Registreringen 2024.12.19 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506139 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Gjengivelse av merket: LATIN GRAMMY AWARDS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Natonal Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences, Inc., 3030 Olympic Blvd., US-CA90404 SANTA MONICA, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 41 Entertainment services, namely, an annual award program for presentation of awards in recognition of distinguished achievement in the field of Latin music; educational services, namely, providing incentives to people to demonstrate excellence in the field of Latin music through the issuance of awards. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1247579 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.11 Registreringen 2025.02.11 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506148 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.09.01, EM, 013218284 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: LCS International SAS, Rue Icare, Aéroparc 1, FR67690 ENTZHEIM, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Mobile phone protection accessories, namely socks, 63 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) covers, screen protectors, cases, bumpers, customisation kits, lanyards; tablet protection accessories, namely covers, cases, screen protectors, customisation kits; digital camera protection accessories, namely socks, covers, cases, lanyards. Klasse 28 Game console protection accessories, namely socks, covers, cases, lanyards. (450) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: (210) (220) (300) (540) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Fritz Schur Consumer Products A/S, Esplanaden 40, DK-1263 KØBENHAVN K, Danmark (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 4 Fuels; combustible briquettes; coal briquettes; firelighters; wood spills for lighting; coal; wood briquettes; lighting fuel for use in ignition of charcoal (fuel); charcoal briquettes and other fuel; briquettes (fuel) for lighting. Klasse 11 Barbecue starters; outdoor barbecue apparatus; barbecue apparatus for cooking purposes; accessories (not included in other classes) for the aforementioned barbecue apparatus; roasting apparatus; roasting spits; griddles for outdoor barbecue apparatus; lighters for ignition in outdoor barbecue apparatus; hoods for barbecue apparatus. (450) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Valentino SpA, Via Turati 16/18, IT-20121 MILANO, Italia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Optical apparatus and instruments, optical lenses, magnifying glasses, monocles, binoculars, opera glasses, goggles for sports, goggles for skiing, contact lenses, cases for contact lenses, spectacles, sunglasses, pince-nez; pince-nez mountings, cases for spectacles and sunglasses, cases for pince-nez, chains for spectacles and for sunglasses, frames for spectacles and sunglasses, eyeglass cords; telephone receivers, telephone apparatus, video telephones, mobile phones, antennas for mobile phones, batteries for mobile phones, chargers for mobile phones, cases for mobile phones, mobile phone straps, microphones for mobile phones, loudspeakers for mobile phones, earphones for mobile phones, hands-free kits for mobile phones; apparatus and instruments for recording, transmission or reproduction of sounds or images, magnetic data carriers, recording discs, sound recording discs, sound recording carriers, radios, television apparatus, recorded video discs, recorded video tapes, video recorders, compact discs, compact disc players, compact disc portable music players, portable music players, cases for portable music players; video cassettes, DVD players, DVD recorders; photographic and cinematographic apparatus and instruments, television cameras, digital cameras, video cameras; apparatus for recording, data processing and computer equipment, recorded computer software, downloadable computer programs, computers, floppy disks, computer keyboards, compact discs, computer peripheral devices, magnetic cards, monitors, optical discs, notebook computers, mouse pads, computer game programs; chronographs, electronic agendas; protective helmets. Klasse 16 Stationery, namely paper, writing paper, loose-leaf paper, exercise books, address books and notebooks, numerical and alphabetical inserts, envelopes, paperboard, albums, business cards, document files, writing and marking instruments, namely fountain pens, ball-point pens, felt-tip markers, marking pens, pencils and pencil leads, refills for pens, erasers, printed matter, periodical publications, books, printing blocks, leaflets. Klasse 41 Arranging, conducting and organization of fashion shows, and exhibitions for cultural, entertainment and sporting purposes, also via the Internet and other electronic media; organization of courses, exhibitions, congresses, conferences, seminars and training workshops, also via the Internet and other electronic media; education; entertainment; providing of training and updating in the field of trade fairs; publishing services, namely publication of magazines, catalogs and leaflets also via the Internet and other electronic media; production of shows; translation services. Int.reg.nr: 1247589 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.13 Registreringen 2025.02.13 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506149 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.08.19, EM, 013186283 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et 1247592 2014.12.30 2024.12.30 201506150 2015.05.21 2014.07.10, IT, MI2014C006835 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (111) (151) (180) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) 64 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (111) (151) (180) Int.reg.nr: 1247600 Int.reg.dato: 2015.01.16 Registreringen 2025.01.16 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506151 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.08.20, EM, 013186788 Gjengivelse av merket: (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Int.reg.nr: 1247675 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.14 Registreringen 2025.04.14 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506161 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.20, BX, 1297828 Gjengivelse av merket: Dryonic (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: STO SE & Co. KGaA, Ehrenbachstrasse 1, DE-79780 STÜHLINGEN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Chemical compositions for use in construction; moisture-repellent chemical substances for use in construction; moisture-proof chemical compounds for use in construction, coating preparations for use in construction, other than paints. Klasse 2 Paints, varnishes, lacquers, glazes; including all of the aforesaid goods with water-repellent, water-absorbent, water-regulating and water-releasing properties; paint compounds for interior and exterior surface coatings; masonry paints, primers in the form of paints and lacquers. Klasse 19 Building materials (non-metallic); coatings (building materials); mortar for building; mastics for construction. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (546) Merket er et (730) Innehaver: Riskco B.V., Maliebaan 22, NL-3581CP UTRECHT, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; publicity and marketing services; preparation and checking of annual accounts; bookkeeping; business project management; interim management; consultancy of business office functions, business communication, business strategy, business organization and business economics; business research and advisory services; business process management; information and consultancy with regard to all the aforesaid services; the aforesaid services whether or not provided via electronic channels, including the internet. Klasse 36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary services; actuarial services; insurance actuarial services; actuarial services relating to financial transactions; information and consultancy with regard to all the aforesaid services; the aforesaid services whether or not provided via electronic channels, including the internet. Klasse 42 Design and development of computer software; computer programming; updating of computer software; providing of software; consultancy and information in the field of computer technologies and relating to computer software; rental of computer software in the field of actuarial services; consultancy via helpdesk relating to computerised automation; quality control; certification relating to actuarial services; information and consultancy with regard to all the aforesaid services; the aforesaid services whether or not provided via electronic channels, including the internet. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1247629 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.24 Registreringen 2025.03.24 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506157 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.12.16, BX, 1301253 Gjengivelse av merket: THE GLASS STORY (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Dutch Independent Retail Holding B.V., Papiermolen 30, NL-3994DK HOUTEN, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Contact lenses, eyeglass frames, lenses and other optical articles and instruments. Klasse 44 Services of opticians, optometrists, eye care specialists, audiologists, as well as advice related to the aforementioned services; medical advice regarding eyes and ears and sight improvement; performing of eye tests; hearing improvement; performing of hearing tests and fitting and adjusting hearing aids; audiological services of experts, including advice about the choice of hearing and audiological apparatus and instruments, as well as their parts and accessories. (450) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1247695 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.15 Registreringen 2025.04.15 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506166 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Gjengivelse av merket: BLUE ENDO (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Axtrocare GmbH, Wiesenstrasse 1, DE-78166 DONAUESCHINGEN-PFOHREN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 10 Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; medical apparatus and instruments, in particular for use in the fields of surgery, urology and gynaecology; medical and surgical apparatus and instruments for use in the fields of endoscopy, laparoscopy, arthroscopy, sinuscopy and thoracoscopy. 65 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 cigarettes; electronic cigars, electronic pipes, cartridges for electronic cigarettes, electronic cigars and electronic pipes, liquids for electronic cigarettes, electronic cigars and electronic pipes; electronic cigarettes for use as an alternative to traditional cigarettes; electronic nicotine inhalation devices; vaporising devices for tobacco, tobacco products and tobacco substitutes; smoker's articles for electronic cigarettes; chargers, cigarette extinguishers and accessories for the aforesaid goods and parts and fittings for use in connection with the aforesaid goods. Int.reg.nr: 1247741 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.11 Registreringen 2025.03.11 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506178 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (111) (151) (180) (730) Innehaver: ZORTRAX sp. z o.o., CEZAL Business Center, ul. Kard St.Wyszynskiego 1 bud. B lok.219, PL-10-457 OLSZTYN, Polen (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Printers, software, computer software, computer software (programs), process control software, saved data files. (210) (220) (300) (540) (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1247796 2014.09.11 2024.09.11 201506183 2015.05.21 2014.03.13, GB, UK00003046567#@#2014.06. 17, GB, UK00003060233 Gjengivelse av merket: OEX (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: GO Outdoors Limited, Cuthbert House, Arley Street, GB-S24QP SHEFFIELD, SOUTH YORKSHIRE, Storbritannia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 18 Bags; rucksacks and rucksack frames; rucksacks, day sacks, backpacks and bags for use in sporting and outdoor pursuits; camping bags; bags for climbers; walking sticks; walking poles; hiking poles; shooting sticks; parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods. Klasse 20 Furniture; outdoor furniture; camping furniture; chairs; stools; bed chairs; folding chairs and stools; folding beds; camp beds; mattresses; mattresses for camping; bedding; sleeping bags; bags for sleeping bags; sleeping bags for camping; sleeping mats; roll mats; ground mats; pillows; cushions; air beds; air mattresses; air pillows; air cushions; tent pegs; tent poles; parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods. Klasse 22 Tents; canopies; bivouacs; awnings; tarpaulins; ropes, string and twine; ground sheets; ground coverings for tents; bags and covers for tents; hammocks; nets; fishing nets; parts and fittings for all of the aforesaid goods. Klasse 25 Clothing; footwear; headgear; articles of outer clothing; articles of clothing, footwear and headgear for use in sporting and outdoor pursuits, including camping, walking, hiking, trekking, running, fishing, hunting, cycling, boating, sailing, climbing, skiing and equestrian activities; waterproof clothing; thermal clothing; jackets; coats; wind resistant jackets and coats; softshell jackets; fleeces; gilets; smocks; legwear; trousers; over trousers; breeches; salopettes; jodhpurs; shorts; base layer bottoms; knitwear; shirts; sweatshirts; pullovers; t-shirts; vests; base layer tops; mid layer tops; clothes linings; gloves, mitts; scarves; belts; braces; swimwear, wetsuits, underwear; thermal underwear; socks; hats; caps; buffs; balaclavas; gaiters; boots; shoes; walking boots and shoes; trekking boots and shoes; climbing boots and shoes; sandals; waterproof boots and shoes; wellington boots; fishing boots; fishing waders; insoles; footbeds; parts and fittings for footwear. 1247795 2014.09.04 2024.09.04 201506182 2015.05.21 2014.09.01, GB, UK00003070636 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Nicocigs Limited, Unit 19 Wainwright Street, GB-B65TJ BIRMINGHAM, Storbritannia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Batteries for electronic cigarettes; batteries for electronic devices that are used for heating tobacco, battery chargers for electronic cigarettes, battery chargers for electronic devices that are used for heating tobacco; USB chargers for electronic cigarettes; USB chargers for electronic devices that are used for heating tobacco, car chargers for electronic cigarettes; car chargers for devices that are used for heating tobacco; electronic rechargeable cigarette cases, battery chargers, extinguishers and accessories, parts and fittings for use in connection with the aforesaid goods. Klasse 11 Electronic vaporizers; apparatus for heating liquids; apparatus for generating vapor. Klasse 34 Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products; cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers' articles, cigarette paper, cigarette tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases, ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters, matches; tobacco sticks, heated tobacco products, electronic devices that heat cigarettes; electronic smoking devices; electronic (450) 66 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (111) (151) (180) Int.reg.nr: 1247797 Int.reg.dato: 2014.09.18 Registreringen 2024.09.18 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506184 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Gjengivelse av merket: (210) (220) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Int.reg.nr: 1247802 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.21 Registreringen 2024.10.21 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506185 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Gjengivelse av merket: T2 (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Unilever N.V., Weena 455, NL-3013AL ROTTERDAM, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 21 Household or kitchen utensils and containers, tea ware, namely tea pots, cups, glasses, mug, saucers; jugs; bowls; tea accessories, namely strainers, infusers, tea sticks, tea balls, and tongs; scooping spoons; tea caddies; storage bins; jars; canister; tins; tea cosies; coasters; trivets; flask; tea bag squeezer; porcelain ware, forks, knives, teaspoon, glassware, porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes; heat insulated containers for beverages; non electronic beverage percolators; non electric tea kettles; tea mats (coasters); vessels for making ices and iced drinks. Klasse 30 Coffee, tea and tea products; tea extracts; carbonated and non carbonated tea based beverages; iced tea; tea and iced tea mix powders; non medicinal herbal tea and infusions; iced beverages; ice lollies; ice cream; sorbets, sugar, honey, chocolate, cake, biscuits, frozen and non frozen confectionery, salt. Klasse 35 Franchising services, namely consultation and assistance in business management, organization and promotion (group buying and group advertising); advisory services included in this class relating to retail and wholesale operations, tea, tea bars, tea rooms, bars and restaurants and other establishments and facilities engaged in providing food and drink; business management; business management consultancy; business administration; business consultancy; business appraisal; franchising services, namely consultation and assistance in business management, organizations and promotion; franchising consultancy and business support services; rendering technical assistance in establishment and operation of retail outlets, tea bars, tea rooms, bars and restaurants, services included in this class relating to establishment, management and operation of retail outlets, tea bars and other food and drink related businesses, inclusive of publicity and advertising services; distribution of goods; wholesaling and retailing of tea including on-line retail and wholesale sales; wholesaling and retailing of tea based products, tea making utensils and apparatus including apparatus for filtering, infusing and brewing tea, electric tea makers, electrically heated apparatus for infusing tea, teapots, tea cups and strainers, tea towels, tea cloths, household and kitchen utensils and containers and equipment, all of the forgoing including on-line retail sales; business advisory services relating to the setting up of and running of tea rooms, bars and restaurants and other establishments and facilities engaged in providing food and drink; franchising services, namely consultation and assistance in business management, organization and promotion related to tea store, cafe, bars and restaurants; retail services for making sales of tea, tea-based products and tea making hardware such as tea pots, tea cups and tea strainers; loyalty related services including loyalty reward programs. (450) (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: QINGYUAN GADMEI ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD., Yinzhan Linchang, CN- QINGCHENG DISTRICT, QINGYUAN CITY, GUANGDONG PROVINCE, Kina (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Data processing apparatus; computer memories; computers; computer peripheral devices; computer software [recorded]; computer software, recorded; couplers [data processing equipment]; portable computers; navigational instruments; modems; portable telephones; satellite navigational apparatus; global positioning system [GPS] apparatus; cases for telephones; audio- and video-receivers; television apparatus; portable media players; earbuds; learning machines; electronic teaching and learning apparatus; wires, electric; materials for electricity mains [wires, cables]; video screens; chargers for electric batteries; batteries, electric. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1247839 2014.12.12 2024.12.12 201506186 2015.05.21 2014.08.19, DE, 30 2014 058 021.7/09 Gjengivelse av merket: VACUU-CONTROL (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: VACUUBRAND GMBH + CO KG, Alfred-Zippe-Strasse 4, DE-97877 WERTHEIM, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Vacuum pumps and vacuum apparatus and vacuum installations combined thereof; parts of the above mentioned goods, in particular vacuum tubes, connectors, flanges, valves, slide valves, traps, condensation traps, filters; fittings and systems for central vacuum generation for a number of decentralized vacuum apparatus; liquid suction machines and devices for collecting liquids. Klasse 9 Measuring, control, remote control, regulating, monitoring and vacuum leak detecting equipment for vacuum pumps, vacuum apparatus and vacuum installations; vacuum gauges; laboratory apparatus of any kind; computer software for the control, for the operation and for the user interface of laboratory and industrial equipment of any kind, in particular of vacuum pumps, vacuum apparatus and vacuum installations and of measuring, control, remote control, regulating, monitoring and vacuum leak detecting equipment for vacuum pumps, vacuum apparatus and vacuum installations; machine-like vacuum leak detectors. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 67 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1247840 Int.reg.dato: 2015.01.16 Registreringen 2025.01.16 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506187 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Gjengivelse av merket: SLEEP PLANET M.VERA (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Int.reg.nr: 1247857 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.20 Registreringen 2025.02.20 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506188 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.09.16, EM, 013258033 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) JIMCO FLO-D (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Jimco A/S, Mjølbyvej 7, DK-5900 RUDKØBING, Danmark (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Ozone and UV-C for the neutralisation, degradation or decontamination of greases, odorants and other substances formed in commercial and domestic kitchens and for the sterilisation and disinfecting of water, air and surfaces including in the food industry, in laboratories, hospitals and similar institutions. Klasse 10 Ultraviolet ray lamps for medical purposes and ozone production. Klasse 11 Ozone and UV-C based apparatus for the elimination of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, germs and viruses; ozone and UV-C based apparatus for sterilisation, neutralisation, disinfection and decontamination, in particular by means of ozone produced by UV-C; ventilation installations and apparatus for stationary installations; air conditioning fans; ventilation systems for the neutralisation, degradation or decontamination of greases, odorants and other substances by means of ozone, including ventilation systems and extractor hoods for commercial or domestic kitchens; air and water purifying apparatus, installations, equipment and machines, including purification installations for sewage; air and water purifying equipment containing ultraviolet sterilisation units and/or ultraviolet ray lamps for the formation and removal of ozone; ultra-violet ray lamps, not for medical purposes. (450) Int.reg.nr: 1247870 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.16 Registreringen 2025.03.16 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506190 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.06, EM, 013331798 Gjengivelse av merket: (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: HILDING ANDERS INTERNATIONAL AB, Östra Varvsgatan 4, SE-21175 MALMÖ, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 20 Furniture, beds, bedding (except linen), pillows, mattresses, cushions, bed bases, bed headboards, bed frames, settees, divans. Klasse 24 Bed clothes, sheets (textile), pillowcases, bed blankets, quilts, bedspreads, textiles, upholstery fabrics, mattress covers, loose covers for furniture, pillow shams, bed covers of paper. Klasse 35 Marketing and retail services relating to furniture and home furnishings, including beds and other bedroom furniture, bedding, bed bases, bed frames, bed headboards, settees, mattresses, pillows, bed clothes, bed spreads, upholstery fabrics and mattress covers; arranging of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes. (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH, Industriegebiet Brohltal-Ost, Im Stiefelfeld 1, DE-56651 NIEDERZISSEN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Unprocessed plastics, polymers, artificial resins, bioplastics, biopolymers, bioresins. Klasse 17 Semi-processed compounds of plastics and resins; crude fibres of plastics; extruded plastics; plastic films, not for wrapping. (450) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1247872 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.16 Registreringen 2025.03.16 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506191 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.09.19, EM, 013274931 Gjengivelse av merket: NON-SMOKER (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: WEILBURGER Coatings GmbH, Ahäuser Weg 12-22, DE-35781 WEILBURG, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Chemical substances (chemicals) for the production of coatings; coating agents (chemicals), except lacquers and paints. Klasse 2 Colours; lacquers and varnishes; lacquers and varnishes; varnish paints; coatings; primers (lacquers and paints); preservatives against rust; thinners for varnishes; thinners for lacquers; thinners for inks. (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 68 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1247873 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.24 Registreringen 2025.02.24 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506192 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; soil fertilizers; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning materials; adhesives for use in industry. Klasse 4 Industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and lighting fuel; candles, wicks (lighting). Klasse 41 Education; training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; editing of books, of magazines; lending libraries; animal training; show and film production; rental of films, phonographic recordings, cinema projection apparatus and accessories, stage scenery; videotape editing; organization of competitions concerning education or entertainment; organization and conducting of colloquiums, conferences, conventions; organization of exhibitions for cultural or educational purposes; operating of lotteries; booking of seats for shows. kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Fatboy the Original B.V., De Steenbok 19-21, NL5215MG 'S-HERTOGENBOSCH, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 11 Lighting apparatus; fixtures for lighting; bulbs for lightings; led lighting; chandeliers. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (180) Int.reg.nr: 1247884 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.30 Registreringen 2025.03.30 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506193 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Gjengivelse av merket: (210) (220) (540) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1247898 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.01 Registreringen 2025.04.01 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506195 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Gjengivelse av merket: kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of English letters "NITECORE", which is a coined word, has non meaning. (730) Innehaver: SYSMAX INDUSTRY TRADING COMPANY LIMITED, Room 1407-1408, Glorious Tower, 850 Dongfeng Road East, CN-510600 YUEXIU DISTRICT, GUANGZHOU, GUANGDONG, Kina (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Batteries, electric; battery chargers; computer peripheral devices; neon light; satellite navigational apparatus; headphones; materials for electricity mains [wires, cables]; semi-conductors; sockets, plugs and other contacts [electric connections]; remote control apparatus. Klasse 11 Torches for lighting; lighting apparatus and installations; diving lights; cooking apparatus and installations; refrigerating apparatus and machines; air conditioning installations; heat accumulators; water conduits installations; solar thermal collectors [heating]; radiators [heating]. kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The trademark consists of stylized wording "Gnovocad". (730) Innehaver: Suzhou Gstarsoft Co., Ltd., Suzhou Industrial Park, International Science Park, CN- SUZHOU, JIANGSU, Kina (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Magnetic data media; computer software, recorded; optical data media; integrated circuit cards [smart cards]; computer programmes [programs], recorded; computer programs [downloadable software]; computer software, recorded; computer peripheral devices; computer operating programs, recorded; computers. (111) (151) (180) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (546) Merket er et (546) Merket er et (450) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Int.reg.nr: 1247889 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.17 Registreringen 2025.02.17 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506194 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Søknadsprioritet: 2015.01.22, FR, 013666037 Gjengivelse av merket: ART OF OIL MOTUL (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Motul, 119, Boulevard Félix Faure, FR-93300 AUBERVILLIERS, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Chemical products for use in industry, science, photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and 69 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (111) (151) (180) Int.reg.nr: 1247926 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.20 Registreringen 2025.03.20 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506196 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Gjengivelse av merket: (210) (220) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Int.reg.nr: 1248000 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.23 Registreringen 2025.02.23 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506260 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: TARAXAGUM (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Continental Reifen Deutschland GmbH, Vahrenwalder Str. 9, DE-30165 HANNOVER, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; drive belts; machine belts; v-belts; v-ribbed belts; synchronous belts; lifting belts; carrying straps; conveyor belts; air springs; convolution air springs. Klasse 12 Vehicles tyres; solid rubber tyres; inner tubes for pneumatic tyres; parts of vehicles, in particular car seats. Klasse 17 Rubber, Gutta-percha; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; decorative plastic sheets for the coating of surfaces; stuffing of rubber or plastic; flexible pipes, not of metal. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (546) Merket er et (730) Innehaver: LaZoupa AG, Grubenstrasse 9, CH-8045 ZÜRICH, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Pre-cooked dishes based on meat, fish, vegetables and potatoes, particularly soups and salads. Klasse 30 Pre-cooked dishes based on pasta and rice, particularly sauces. Klasse 32 Non-alcoholic beverages; beverages based on fruit and vegetable juices; syrups. Klasse 43 Services for providing food and drink; food and drink catering; restaurant, bar and coffee house services; services providing foodstuffs and beverages to take away. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1247927 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.22 Registreringen 2025.04.22 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506197 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.21 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (546) Merket er et (111) (151) (180) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: RCC - COMÉRCIO INTERNACIONAL DE TEXTEIS, S.A., Rua João de Deus, Nº 6, Sala 1, PT-4100-456 PORTO, Portugal (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 25 Clothing, shoes and headgear for wear. (450) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248014 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.15 Registreringen 2025.04.15 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506261 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.11.26, EM, 013499322 Gjengivelse av merket: PERMEGUARD (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Siemens Plc, Faraday House, Sir William Siemens Square, Frimley, GB-GU168QD CAMBERLEY, SURREY, Storbritannia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Electrical equipment, transformers and electrical connectors, all the aforementioned goods for use in subsea environment; parts and fittings for all the aforementioned goods. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) 70 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1248074 Int.reg.dato: 2015.01.27 Registreringen 2025.01.27 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506264 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.08.11, BX, 1293978 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1248143 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.31 Registreringen 2025.03.31 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506271 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: POPIT (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Egbert Wilms, Witikonerstrasse 105, CH-8032 ZÜRICH, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 16 Packaging materials of paper, cardboard or plastic materials. Klasse 29 Dried and cooked fruit as well as crystallized fruit. Klasse 30 Lollipops, jellied candy, dragees, licorice products (confectionery), marshmallow, jelly beans, fruit jelly and nougatine. kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Koninklijke Philips NV, High Tech Campus 5, NL5656AE EINDHOVEN, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 8 Electric shavers; razors; battery powered shavers and beard trimmers; hair and beard trimmers; apparatus for shaving and trimming body hair; nose and ear hair trimmers; epilators; blades and shaving foils for electric shavers; hand-operated hair clippers; as well as parts of the aforesaid goods. (450) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (180) Int.reg.nr: 1248130 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.07 Registreringen 2025.04.07 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506269 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248166 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.22 Registreringen 2025.04.22 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506273 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.11.20, EM, 013477311 Gjengivelse av merket: STREET (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Street One GmbH, Hunäusstrasse 5, DE-29227 CELLE, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 25 Bath robes; bridesmaids wear; christening robes; clothing for fishermen; ski wear; corsets; bed wear and night wear. Klasse 35 Retailing of clothing and clothing accessories. Klasse 40 Clothing alteration; tailoring or dressmaking. Klasse 42 Clothing design; clothing design services. (450) (546) Merket er et (111) (151) (180) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (210) (220) (300) (540) (730) Innehaver: KOZMETIK PLUS DOO, Bulevara cara Konstantina 8286, RS-18000 NIS, Serbia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Dietetic substances for medical use; rice-based baby food. Klasse 30 Rice; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread; pastry and confectionery. (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248169 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.22 Registreringen 2025.04.22 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506276 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2015.02.09, CH, 672255 Gjengivelse av merket: HAWA SUONO (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Hawa AG, Untere Fischbachstrasse 4, CH-8932 METTMENSTETTEN, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 6 Fittings of metal for construction and fittings of metal for furniture, particularly door and window fittings. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) 71 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (111) (151) (180) Int.reg.nr: 1248187 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.20 Registreringen 2024.11.20 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506278 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (210) (220) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Int.reg.nr: 1248190 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.11 Registreringen 2024.11.11 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506280 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: VINVINTAE LUXURY WINE SPECIALISTS S.L., General Vara de Rey, 5, ES-26003 LOGROÑO (LA RIOJA), Spania (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248188 Int.reg.dato: 2014.11.20 Registreringen 2024.11.20 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506279 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: Stylized image of embroidery composed of triangular and diamond entwined figures and the inscription BULGARIANA in Latin and Cyrillic characters located at the bottom of the composition. (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: Bulgariana (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: Bulgariana (730) Innehaver: Robert Hayk, Mladost sq., bl. 54A app.12, floor 3, entr.4, BG-1000 SOFIA, Bulgaria (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers). MATSU (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: VINTAE LUXURY WINE SPECIALISTS S.L., General Vara de Rey, 5, ES-26003 LOGROÑO (LA RIOJA), Spania (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Wines. (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1248191 2014.10.16 2024.10.16 201506281 2015.05.28 2014.09.10, IT, BZ2014C000327 Gjengivelse av merket: LINGAM (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: JARA S.R.L, Via dei Cappuccini, 5, IT-39100 BOLZANO (BZ), Italia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; advertising by mail order; advertising; publicity; advertising agencies; publicity agencies; arranging newspaper subscriptions for others; arranging subscriptions to 72 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer telecommunication services for others; auctioneering; bill-posting; outdoor advertising; book-keeping; accounting; business management assistance; business inquiries; business management of hotels; business management of performing artists; business management of sports people; business information; business appraisals; business investigations; business research; business auditing; business management consultancy; business management and organization consultancy; business organization consultancy; commercial or industrial management assistance; commercial information agencies; commercial information and advice for consumers [consumer advice shop]; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; compilation of statistics; compilation of information into computer databases; professional business consultancy; cost price analysis; data search in computer files for others; demonstration of goods; direct mail advertising; dissemination of advertising matter; distribution of samples; document reproduction; economic forecasting; business efficiency expert services; employment agencies; organization of fashion shows for promotional purposes; import-export agencies; invoicing; layout services for advertising purposes; advisory services for business management; computerized file management; marketing research; marketing studies; marketing; modelling for advertising or sales promotion; news clipping services; office machines and equipment rental; on-line advertising on a computer network; opinion polling; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; outsourcing services [business assistance]; payroll preparation; personnel recruitment; personnel management consultancy; photocopying services; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; price comparison services; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; production of advertising films; psychological testing for the selection of personnel; public relations; publication of publicity texts; publicity columns preparation; publicity material rental; radio advertising; radio commercials; relocation services for businesses; rental of photocopying machines; rental of advertising space; rental of advertising time on communication media; rental of vending machines; retail or wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies; sales promotion for others; secretarial services; shop window dressing; shorthand; sponsorship search; drawing up of statements of accounts; systemization of information into computer databases; tax preparation; telemarketing services; telephone answering for unavailable subscribers; television advertising; television commercials; transcription; typing; updating of advertising material; word processing; writing of publicity texts. Klasse 36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; accident insurance underwriting; accommodation bureaux [apartments); actuarial services; financial analysis; antique appraisal; apartment house management; jewellery [jewelry (Am.)] appraisal; jewellery appraisal; jewelry appraisal; art appraisal; banking; brokerage; brokerage of carbon credits; business liquidation services, financial; capital investments; fund investments; capital investment; charitable fund raising; check (cheque) verification; clearing, financial; clearing-houses, financial; credit bureaux; credit card services; customs brokerage; debit card services; debt collection agencies; debt advisory services; deposits of valuables; financial evaluation of wool; financial evaluation of standing timber; financial valuation of standing timber; exchanging money; factoring; financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate]; financial information; financial consultancy; financial management; financial sponsorship; financing services; fire insurance underwriting; fiscal assessments; fiscal valuations; health insurance 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 underwriting; hire-purchase financing; lease-purchase financing; home banking; housing agents; real estate brokers; instalment loans; insurance underwriting; insurance brokerage; insurance information; insurance consultancy; issuance of credit cards; issue of tokens of value; issuing of travellers' checks [cheques]; leasing of real estate; leasing of farms; lending against security; life insurance underwriting; loans [financing]; marine insurance underwriting; mortgage banking; mutual funds; numismatic appraisal; organization of collections; pawnbrokerage; provident fund services; real estate agencies; real estate management; real estate appraisal; rent collection; rental of offices [real estate]; renting of flats; renting of apartments; repair costs evaluation [financial appraisal]; retirement payment services; safe deposit services; savings bank services; securities brokerage; stocks and bonds brokerage; stamp appraisal; stock exchange quotations; stock brokerage services; surety services; bail-bonding; guarantees; electronic funds transfer; trusteeship; fiduciary. Klasse 39 Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement; air transport; aircraft rental; ambulance transport; armored-car transport; arranging of cruises; arranging of travel tours; barge transport; boat transport; boat storage; boat rental; booking of seats for travel; bottling services; bus transport; car parking; car transport; car rental; carting; chauffeur services; railway coach rental; motor coach rental; courier services [messages or merchandise]; delivery of goods; delivery of newspapers; newspaper delivery; delivery of goods by mail order; distribution of energy; electricity distribution; escorting of travellers; ferry-boat transport; flower delivery; franking of mail; freight [shipping of goods]; freight forwarding; freight brokerage [forwarding (Am.)]; freight brokerage; freighting; garage rental; guarded transport of valuables; hauling; horse rental; ice-breaking; launching of satellites for others; lighterage services; marine transport; message delivery; operating canal locks; packaging of goods; parcel delivery; parking place rental; passenger transport; piloting; pleasure boat transport; porterage; railway transport; refloating of ships; refrigerator rental; frozen-food locker rental; removal services; rental of diving bells; rental of diving suits; rental of aircraft engines; rental of warehouses; rental of storage containers; rental of freezers; rental of vehicle roof racks; rental of motor racing cars; rental of wheelchairs; rescue operations [transport]; river transport; salvage of ships; salvaging; shipbrokerage; sightseeing [tourism]; stevedoring; storage of goods; storage; warehousing; storage information; physical storage of electronicallystored data or documents; taxi transport; towing; traffic information; tram transport; streetcar transport; transport of travellers; transport brokerage; transport reservation; transport; transport and storage of waste; transport and storage of trash; transport by pipeline; transportation information; transportation logistics; transporting furniture; travel reservation; railway truck rental; underwater salvage; unloading cargo; vehicle breakdown assistance [towing]; vehicle rental; water distribution; water supplying; wrapping of goods. (450) 73 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1248199 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.16 Registreringen 2025.04.16 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506282 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.23, EM, 013394556 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Int.reg.nr: 1248224 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.13 Registreringen 2025.02.13 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506285 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.30, CH, 669362 Gjengivelse av merket: MECHMATIC (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: VBG Group Truck Equipment AB, Box 1216, SE-46228 VÄNERSBORG, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 4 Lubricants; lubricants having cleaning properties. Klasse 12 Accessories for coupling devices for towed vehicles, namely, device for cleaning and lubrication. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (546) Merket er et (730) Innehaver: Sonova Holding AG, Laubisrütistrasse 28 , CH-8712 STÄFA, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Software for use in the field of audiology; software for adjusting, programming, checking, testing and monitoring hearing aids, hearing implants as well as sound processors and related goods; sound processors; cables; headsets; electric coils for headphones; magnets for use in headphones; ear hooks for headphones; microphones for headphones; cells. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248201 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.09 Registreringen 2025.04.09 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506283 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.14, BX, 1297489 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) PENN & INK (111) (151) (180) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Bluff B.V., Wijheseweg 10, NL-8121SC OLST, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Soap; perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics and hair lotions. Klasse 18 Leather and imitations of leather; animal skins; trunks and traveling bags; backpacks and bags, not included in other classes; umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks. Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear, headgear; trousers; skirts; dresses; t-shirts; tunics; blouses; blazer coats; sweaters; vests; scarves; mittens and gloves; beanies; jackets; leather belts [clothing]. Klasse 35 Advertising, business management; business administration; administrative services; sales promotion; (online) retail services in the field of clothing, footwear and headgear; (online) retail services in the field of leather goods, bags and suitcases; (online) retail services in the field of sunglasses and jewelry; displaying, exhibiting and demonstrating the aforementioned goods so as to enable third parties to view and purchase those goods; commercial business mediation with respect to the purchase and sale and import and export of clothing, footwear and headgear, leather goods, bags and luggage, sunglasses and jewelry; organization of events for advertising, promotional and/or commercial purposes; advice, consultancy and information regarding the aforesaid services; the aforesaid services also provided via electronic networks such as the internet. (450) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248237 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.26 Registreringen 2024.12.26 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506287 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.07.04, JP, 2014-056102 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Kao Kabushiki Kaisha (also trading as Kao Corporation), 14-10, Nihonbashi Kayabacho 1-chome, Chuo-ku, JP-103-8210 TOKYO, Japan (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Perfumes; perfume and flavor materials; incenses and fragrances. (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 74 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1248239 Int.reg.dato: 2015.01.21 Registreringen 2025.01.21 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506289 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.07.21, CH, 662722 Gjengivelse av merket: and office computers; game software downloadable via the Internet. Klasse 28 Games; board games; parlor games; playing cards. Klasse 41 Training and educational services relating to nutrition and food; game services provided on-line from a computer database or a global communication network. MONA LISA (450) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Barry Callebaut AG, Westpark, Pfingstweidstrasse 60, CH-8005 ZÜRICH, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Nut-based fillings; processed nuts, nut paste; decorations for food based on nuts. Klasse 30 Cocoa, products with cocoa; chocolate, products with chocolate, chocolate-based decorations for food; sweetened pastes, sweetened products, sugar-based decorations for food; preparations made from cereals in combination with cocoa and/or chocolate; almond paste. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1248244 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.13 Registreringen 2025.02.13 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506293 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Xnowmate Group, S.L., Plaza Pio XII, 3 Oficina 5, ES34005 PALENCIA, Spania (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 25 Footwear for skiing; ski clothing; ski footwear; ski boots; ski jackets; ski pants; ski suits; ski gloves; ski boots; ski dungarees; ski caps; wet suits for waterskiing; ski suits for competition; footwear for skiing, snowboarding and parts thereof; après-ski boots. Int.reg.nr: 1248241 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.02 Registreringen 2025.02.02 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506290 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.12.17, CH, 669099 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) TUBIX (111) (151) (180) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (546) Merket er et (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Fondation Alimentarium, CH-1800 VEVEY, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Electronic game software; electronic game programs; computer software which can be downloaded via smartphones, mobile telephones, mobile peripherals and other computer applications for portable computers and office computers; game software downloadable via the Internet. Klasse 28 Games; board games; parlor games; playing cards. Klasse 41 Training and educational services relating to nutrition and food; game services provided on-line from a computer database or a global communication network. (450) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248245 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.03 Registreringen 2025.02.03 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506294 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2015.01.21, BX, 1303032 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: ICM Holding S.à r.l, Société à Responsabilité Limitée, 121, avenue de la Faïencerie, LU-1511 LUXEMBURG, Luxembourg (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; banking services, including mortgages; asset management and advice; financial analysis, estimates and budgets; financial services and advice; financing; services relating to financial credit; fiscal valuations and appraisals; financial advisory services relating to tax issues; mediation and consultancy relating to investment and securities transactions; issuance of tradable securities, securities portfolio management; mediation and consultancy in respect of property transactions; financial advisory services relating to the giving of gifts to charities; handling of financial interests of third parties; consultancy relating to financial investment; financial studies and preparation of financial reports; fiduciary services in the context of a so-called " trust"; aforementioned services Int.reg.nr: 1248243 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.02 Registreringen 2025.02.02 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506292 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.12.17, CH, 669101 Gjengivelse av merket: DIGESTIX (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Fondation Alimentarium, CH-1800 VEVEY, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Electronic game software; electronic game programs; computer software which can be downloaded via smartphones, mobile telephones, mobile peripherals and other computer applications for portable computers 75 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) also provided via the internet; advice and information relating to the aforesaid services. (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (210) (220) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Int.reg.nr: 1248278 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.01 Registreringen 2025.04.01 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506298 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: Hinza (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Hinza AB, 556541-3423, Gustavsborg 701, SE-28491 PERSTORP, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 18 Bags; beach bags; shopping bags; bags for sports; handbags; briefcases. Int.reg.nr: 1248252 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.25 Registreringen 2025.02.25 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506295 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.08.28, CH, 663422 Gjengivelse av merket: BAXALTA (450) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Baxalta Incorporated, 1200 Lakeside Drive, USIL60015 BANNOCKBURN, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations, substances and prpducts; pharmaceuticals. Klasse 9 Computer programs (computer software); electronic publications (downloadable). Klasse 10 Medical devices; medical apparatus and instruments. Klasse 16 Publications for teaching; publications. Klasse 38 Provision of access to computer databases containing medical information, as well as image content relating thereto. Klasse 41 Education and training; provision of information for training and teaching; provision of electronic publications (non-downloadable). Klasse 44 Medical services, as well as health care services; care for human health; human blood collection and/or purification. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1248282 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.12 Registreringen 2025.03.12 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506299 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2015.02.06, ES, 3546896 Gjengivelse av merket: BABBEL (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Lesson Nine GmbH, Bergmannstrasse 5, DE-10961 BERLIN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Electronic data media; computer software; audiovisual teaching apparatus. Klasse 16 Printing products (printed matter); teaching materials, except apparatus; printed matter for educational purposes; posters; flyers. Klasse 41 Education; language training. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248260 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.10 Registreringen 2025.03.10 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506297 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.09.24, CH, 667284 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) PEPFUSION (210) (220) (300) (540) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Firmenich SA, Case postale 239, CH-1211 GENÈVE 8, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Chemical products, namely raw materials for use as ingredients in food products, food supplements and beverages. Klasse 5 Dietary supplements, namely fish proteins and marine proteins. Klasse 30 Flavors and flavoring compositions, other than essential oils, intended to impart taste to consumer products, namely, to foodstuffs, to beverages, to pharmaceutical products and to oral care products. (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248286 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.27 Registreringen 2025.03.27 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506301 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.11.13, JP, 2014-95456 Gjengivelse av merket: HAGANE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: SHIMANO INC., 3-77 Oimatsu-cho, Sakai-ku, JP-5908577 SAKAI CITY, OSAKA, Japan (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 28 Fishing floats; fishing sinkers; landing nets for anglers; fishing lines; fishing reels; fishing rods; cases for fishing rods; fishing hooks; lures for fishing. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) 76 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1248319 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.09 Registreringen 2025.02.09 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506304 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.08.12, EM, 013166319 Gjengivelse av merket: oxygen baths; vaginal washes; balms for medical purposes; frostbite salve for pharmaceutical purposes; gurjun [gurjon, gurjan] balsam for medical purposes; fumigating sticks; stick liquorice for pharmaceutical purposes; bandages for dressings; dietetic beverages adapted for medical purposes; bicarbonate of soda for pharmaceutical purposes; biocides; medicine cases, portable, filled; anti-rheumatism bracelets; bracelets for medical purposes; media for bacteriological cultures; bromine for pharmaceutical purposes; corn remedies; sedatives; calomel; camphor for medical purposes; capsules for medicines; candy, medicated; charcoal for pharmaceutical purposes; carbolineum [parasiticide]; fly glue; mothproofing paper; paper for mustard plasters; reagent paper for medical or veterinary purposes; firstaid boxes, filled; poultices; rubber for dental purposes; caustics for pharmaceutical purposes; stem cells for medical purposes; stem cells for veterinary purposes; dental cements; cement for animal hooves; bone cement for surgical and orthopaedic purposes; molding wax for dentists; adhesive plasters; quinquina for medical purposes; quinine for medical purposes; chinoline for medical purposes; belts for sanitary napkins [towels]; chloroform; adjuvants for medical purposes; cocaine; antiparasitic collars for animals; surgical glues; collyrium; collodion for pharmaceutical purposes; cultures of microorganisms for medical and veterinary use; biological tissue cultures for medical purposes; biological tissue cultures for veterinary purposes; albumin dietary supplements; dietary supplements for animals; compresses; cachets for pharmaceutical purposes; chemical conductors for electrocardiograph electrodes; chemical contraceptives; barks for pharmaceutical purposes; mangrove bark for pharmaceutical purposes; antiseptic cotton; aseptic cotton; cotton for medical purposes; cream of tartar for pharmaceutical purposes; creosote for pharmaceutical purposes; curare; bunion pads; breast-nursing pads; decoctions for pharmaceutical purposes; deodorants, other than for human beings or for animals; air deodorising preparations; deodorants for clothing and textiles; depuratives; detergents for medical purposes; diastase for medical purposes; digestives for pharmaceutical purposes; digitalin; disinfectants; disinfectants for hygiene purposes; disinfectants for chemical toilets; drugs for medical purposes; elixirs [pharmaceutical preparations]; hematogen; hemoglobin; enzymes for medical purposes; enzymes for veterinary purposes; smoking herbs for medical purposes; medicinal herbs; herbicides; dill oil for medical purposes; oil of turpentine for pharmaceutical purposes; balsamic preparations for medical purposes; siccatives [drying agents] for medical purposes; cellulose esters for pharmaceutical purposes; esters for pharmaceutical purposes; extracts of hops for pharmaceutical purposes; tobacco extracts [insecticides]; cellulose ethers for pharmaceutical purposes; ethers for pharmaceutical purposes; eucalyptol for pharmaceutical purposes; eucalyptus for pharmaceutical purposes; medicinal mud; mud for baths; linseed meal for pharmaceutical purposes; fish meal for pharmaceutical purposes; lacteal flour for babies; flour for pharmaceutical purposes; appetite suppressants for medical purposes; febrifuges; phenol for pharmaceutical purposes; milk ferments for pharmaceutical purposes; ferments for pharmaceutical purposes; dietary fiber; fennel for medical purposes; flowers of sulfur for pharmaceutical purposes; phosphates for pharmaceutical purposes; fungicides; gauze for dressings; lint for medical purposes; gases for medical purposes; petroleum jelly for medical purposes; gelatine for medical purposes; gentian for pharmaceutical purposes; germicides; jalap; glycerine for medical purposes; glycerophosphates; glucose for medical purposes; gamboge for medical purposes; chewing gum for medical purposes; gum for medical purposes; greases for medical purposes; greases for veterinary purposes; milking grease; guaiacol for pharmaceutical purposes; hydrastine; hydrastinine; WiLD (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd, 10 Great Marlborough Street, GB-W1F7LP LONDON, Storbritannia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Computer game software and video game software; downloadable, interactive computer and video game programs via mobile computer terminals or via the internet; downloadable computer game software; none of the aforesaid in relation to casinos, gambling games and games of chance. Klasse 28 Handheld computer games; hand-held electronic video games; hand-held units for playing electronic games; computer and video game consoles; controllers and peripherals for computer games and video games and computer games and video game consoles; bags and cases adapted for the aforementioned goods; none of the aforesaid in relation to casinos, gambling games and games of chance. Klasse 41 Provision of computer and video games programs from a computer database or via the Internet; none of the aforesaid in relation to casinos, gambling games and games of chance. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 1248333 2014.11.13 2024.11.13 201506305 2015.05.28 2014.06.10, IT, MI2014C005760 Gjengivelse av merket: PROXEREX (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Sigma-Tau Industrie Farmaceutiche Riunite SpA, Viale Shakespeare, 47, IT-00144 ROMA, Italia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Tanning pills; dental abrasives; acaricides; fly catching paper; acetates for pharmaceutical purposes; aluminium acetate for pharmaceutical purposes; acids for pharmaceutical purposes; gallic acid for pharmaceutical purposes; aconitine; sea water for medicinal bathing; melissa water for pharmaceutical purposes; lead water; mineral waters for medical purposes; thermal water; nutritional supplements; adhesives for dentures; alkaloids for medical purposes; medicinal alcohol; alcohol for pharmaceutical purposes; formic aldehyde for pharmaceutical purposes; aldehydes for pharmaceutical purposes; algicides; alginates for pharmaceutical purposes; albuminous foodstuffs for medical purposes; dietetic foods adapted for medical purposes; food for babies; dental amalgams; dental amalgams of gold; starch for dietetic or pharmaceutical purposes; amino acids for medical purposes; amino acids for veterinary purposes; analgesics; anti-rheumatism rings; corn rings for the feet; anaesthetics; antibiotics; antioxidant pills; antiseptics; articles for headache; dressings, medical; sanitary towels; sanitary pads; styptic preparations; 77 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer hydrated chloral for pharmaceutical purposes; surgical implants [living tissues]; insect repellent incense; medicinal infusions; insecticides; insect repellents; alginate dietary supplements; casein dietary supplements; enzyme dietary supplements; wheat germ dietary supplements; glucose dietary supplements; lecithin dietary supplements; yeast dietary supplements; linseed oil dietary supplements; royal jelly dietary supplements; pollen dietary supplements; propolis dietary supplements; protein dietary supplements; mineral food supplements; protein supplements for animals; iodine for pharmaceutical purposes; iodoform; alkaline iodides for pharmaceutical purposes; iodides for pharmaceutical purposes; isotopes for medical purposes; dental lacquer; purgatives; milk of almonds for pharmaceutical purposes; malted milk beverages for medical purposes; lecithin for medical purposes; alloys of precious metals for dental purposes; cedar wood for use as an insect repellent; yeast for pharmaceutical purposes; liniments; liquorice for pharmaceutical purposes; dog lotions; lotions for pharmaceutical purposes; lotions for veterinary purposes; personal sexual lubricants; lupulin for pharmaceutical purposes; magnesia for pharmaceutical purposes; malt for pharmaceutical purposes; eyepatches for medical purposes; dental mastics; dental impression materials; teeth filling material; wart pencils; caustic pencils; headache pencils; hemostatic pencils; medicines for human purposes; medicines for dental purposes; medicines for veterinary purposes; serotherapeutic medicines; mint for pharmaceutical purposes; menthol; moleskin for medical purposes; fly destroying preparations; mustard for pharmaceutical purposes; irish moss for medical purposes; pants, absorbent, for incontinents; sanitary panties; narcotics; adhesive tapes for medical purposes; nervines; medicinal oils; camphor oil for medical purposes; cod liver oil; mustard oil for medical purposes; castor oil for medical purposes; opodeldoc; opiates; opium; hormones for medical purposes; oxygen for medical purposes; absorbent cotton; wadding for medical purposes; diabetic bread adapted for medical use; babies' napkin-pants [diaper-pants]; napkins for incontinents; diapers for pets; diapers [babies' napkins]; royal jelly for pharmaceutical purposes; parasiticides; jujube, medicated; pastilles for pharmaceutical purposes; pectin for pharmaceutical purposes; pepsins for pharmaceutical purposes; peptones for pharmaceutical purposes; hydrogen peroxide for medical purposes; pesticides; appetite suppressant pills; slimming pills; blood plasma; powder of cantharides; pearl powder for medical purposes; pyrethrum powder; pomades for medical purposes; porcelain for dental prostheses; medicinal drinks; biological preparations for veterinary purposes; chemical preparations for the diagnosis of pregnancy; chemical preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; chemical preparations for medical purposes; chemical preparations for veterinary purposes; aloe vera preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; preparations of trace elements for human and animal use; enzyme preparations for medical purposes; enzyme preparations for veterinary purposes; medicinal hair growth preparations; bronchodilating preparations; bath preparations for medical purposes; contact lens cleaning preparations; eye-washes; douching preparations for medical purposes; albuminous preparations for medical purposes; bacterial preparations for medical and veterinary use; bacteriological preparations for medical and veterinary use; bismuth preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; vitamin preparations; medical preparations for slimming purposes; preparations to facilitate teething; therapeutic preparations for the bath; preparations of lime for pharmaceutical purposes; anticryptogamic preparations; hemorrhoid preparations; antiparasitic preparations; sunburn ointments; mothproofing preparations; anti-uric preparations; biological preparations for medical purposes; chemical 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 preparations to treat wheat blight [smut]; chemical preparations for treating phylloxera; chemical preparations to treat mildew; vine disease treating chemicals; chemico-pharmaceutical preparations; sunburn preparations for pharmaceutical purposes; preparations for destroying dry rot fungus; chilblain preparations; preparations for callouses; preparations for the treatment of burns; pharmaceutical preparations; pharmaceutical preparations for treating dandruff; pharmaceutical preparations for skin care; opotherapy preparations; vermin destroying preparations; preparations for destroying mice; larvae exterminating preparations; slug exterminating preparations; fumigation preparations for medical purposes; mouthwashes for medical purposes; diagnostic preparations for medical purposes; preparations for destroying noxious animals; air purifying preparations; preparations for reducing sexual activity; sterilising preparations; animal washes; dog washes; cattle washes; radioactive substances for medical purposes; soil-sterilising preparations; veterinary preparations; propolis for pharmaceutical purposes; panty liners [sanitary]; quassia for medical purposes; quebracho for medical purposes; rhubarb roots for pharmaceutical purposes; medicinal roots; radium for medical purposes; chemical reagents for medical or veterinary purposes; repellents for dogs; byproducts of the processing of cereals for dietetic or medical purposes; tonics [medicines]; medicines for alleviating constipation; remedies for perspiration; remedies for foot perspiration; mineral water salts; potassium salts for medical purposes; sodium salts for medical purposes; smelling salts; salts for mineral water baths; bath salts for medical purposes; salts for medical purposes; sarsaparilla for medical purposes; blood for medical purposes; leeches for medical purposes; scapulars for surgical purposes; syrups for pharmaceutical purposes; angostura bark for medical purposes; condurango bark for medical purposes; croton bark; myrobalan bark for pharmaceutical purposes; ergot for pharmaceutical purposes; linseed dietary supplements; linseed for pharmaceutical purposes; mustard plasters; serums; tobacco-free cigarettes for medical purposes; solutions for contact lenses; solvents for removing adhesive plasters; soporifics; radiological contrast substances for medical purposes; dietetic substances adapted for medical use; nutritive substances for microorganisms; bismuth subnitrate for pharmaceutical purposes; semen for artificial insemination; cooling sprays for medical purposes; vulnerary sponges; steroids; surgical dressings; sulfur sticks [disinfectants]; strychnine; sulfonamides [medicines]; suppositories; sanitary tampons; tartar for pharmaceutical purposes; asthmatic tea; medicinal tea; surgical cloth [tissues]; thymol for pharmaceutical purposes; tincture of iodine; tinctures for medical purposes; herbal teas for medicinal purposes; rat poison; tissues impregnated with pharmaceutical lotions; turpentine for pharmaceutical purposes; cachou for pharmaceutical purposes; mercurial ointments; ointments for pharmaceutical purposes; vaccines; poisons; bacterial poisons; vermifuges; vesicants; candy for medical purposes; lactose for pharmaceutical purposes; sugar for medical purposes. (450) 78 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (111) (151) (180) Int.reg.nr: 1248337 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.27 Registreringen 2025.03.27 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506306 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.12.05, JP, 2014-102755 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (210) (220) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Int.reg.nr: 1248370 Int.reg.dato: 2014.08.25 Registreringen 2024.08.25 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506313 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: SHIMANO INC., 3-77 Oimatsu-cho, Sakai-ku, JP-5908577 SAKAI CITY, OSAKA, Japan (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 28 Fishing floats; fishing sinkers; landing nets for anglers; fishing lines; fishing reels; fishing rods; cases for fishing rods; fishing hooks; lures for fishing. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248349 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.03 Registreringen 2025.04.03 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506309 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.11.19, FR, 14 4135120 Gjengivelse av merket: ESSIE GEL-SETTER (546) Merket er et (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: L'OREAL, 14 rue Royale, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Nail care preparations; nail polish; cosmetics. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (730) Innehaver: First Class Beverages of Sweden AB, Skiffervägen 102, SE-22478 LUND, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 32 Non-alcoholic beverages; Aloe vera drinks, nonalcoholic; isotonic drinks; isotonic beverages [not for medical purposes]; syrups for beverages; carbonated flavoured beverages. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1248355 2015.03.17 2025.03.17 (450) 201506310 2015.05.28 2015.02.24, GB, UK00003096043 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) FDX (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Astellas Pharma Europe BV, Sylviusweg 62, NL2333BE LEIDEN, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations, products and substances for medical use. (450) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248437 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.10 Registreringen 2025.03.10 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506318 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.09.18, SE, 2014/05814 Gjengivelse av merket: AFFRON (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Octean AB, Norra Torggatan 15, SE-43430 KUNGSBACKA, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Food supplements. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) 79 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1248439 2015.03.09 2025.03.09 chemiluminescent technology. 201506319 2015.05.28 2015.02.04, DK, VA 2015 00277 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) IMAJIN (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Coloplast A/S, Holtedam 1, DK-3050 HUMLEBÆK, Danmark (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 10 Medical devices, namely, ureteral stents. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248492 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.30 Registreringen 2025.03.30 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506324 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.07, FR, 14 4 123 606 Gjengivelse av merket: EPITHELIAGE Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: PIERRE FABRE DERMO-COSMETIQUE, 45 Place Abel Gance, FR-92100 BOULOGNE, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Cosmetic products; cosmetic hair care and maintenance products; shampoos. Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical products; dermatological products; dermocosmetic products for skin, hair and scalp care and hygiene; nutritional and food supplements for medical use. Int.reg.nr: 1248458 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.31 Registreringen 2025.03.31 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506320 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.11.07, EM, 013441639 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248493 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.09 Registreringen 2025.04.09 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506325 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2015.02.13, FR, 154156740 Gjengivelse av merket: SAYUKI (546) Merket er et (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: L'OREAL, 14 rue Royale, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Perfumes, toilet waters; bath and shower gels and salts for non-medical use; toilet soaps; body deodorants; cosmetics, particularly face, body and hand creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders; tanning and after-sun milks, gels and oils (cosmetics); make-up products; shampoos; gels, foams, balms and aerosol products for hair care and hair styling; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; hair waving and setting products; essential oils. kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Alba of Denmark ApS, Bødker Balles Gård 19 st, DK8000 AARHUS C, Danmark (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 25 Clothing, footwear and headgear for children and babies. (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1248475 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.07 Registreringen 2025.04.07 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506322 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.10, ES, 3530244 Gjengivelse av merket: VIRCLIA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: VIRCELL, S.L., C/ Avicena, 8, Parque Tecnólogico de la Salud, ES-18016 GRANADA, Spania (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Diagnostic products for medical use using 80 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1248514 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.27 Registreringen 2025.04.27 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506326 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: Klasse 12 Ships and other water vehicles; parts and fittings for ships and other water vehicles; ship hulls; structural parts for ships and other water vehicles. Klasse 35 Collection of data relating to ship journey data and vessel consumption. Klasse 37 Maintenance, modification and repair of ships and other water vehicles; maintenance, modification or repair of parts and fittings for ships and other water vehicles; customised construction of ships. Klasse 42 Ship design services; engineering services; engineering services in the field of energy efficiency; engineering design services; engineering consultancy services; advisory services in relation to energy efficiency; research in the field of energy; monitoring of ships and other water vehicles for operating purposes; energy efficiency management; engineering consultancy in the field of energy usage, management and energy efficiency; engineering consultancy and advice in relation to performance and efficiency of ships and other water vehicles. ORCA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: OSRAM GmbH, Marcel-Breuer-Strasse 6, DE-80807 MÜNCHEN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 11 Electric lamps and luminaires; parts of all the aforesaid goods. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248560 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.09 Registreringen 2025.04.09 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506334 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.11.03, US, 86443080 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) PHYTOCHEW (210) (220) (540) (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Alticor Inc, 78-2M, 7575 Fulton Street East, USMI49355 ADA, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Nutritional supplements in the nature of nutritionally fortified soft chews. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248569 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.02 Registreringen 2025.04.02 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506336 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: DYLAN (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Honda Motor Co., Ltd., 1-1, Minami-Aoyama 2-chome, Minato-ku, JP-107-8556 TOKYO, Japan (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 12 Motorcycles and their parts and fittings; automobiles and their parts and fittings. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Int.reg.nr: 1248566 Int.reg.dato: 2014.08.01 Registreringen 2024.08.01 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506335 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.02.24, EM, 012629937 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) SILVERSTREAM (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Silverstream Technologies B.V., Doctor Willem Dreesweg 2, Suite 94A, NL-1185VB AMSTELVEEN, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Marine propulsion units; marine propulsion apparatus and instruments; power transmission and propulsion units for ships and other water vehicles. Klasse 9 Steering gear (automatic) for ships and other water vehicles; navigation apparatus for boats; databases collecting journey data such as fuel consumption, energy/KW consumption, engine propulsion, weather data, GPS positioning; data transmitters; data terminals; data recorders; recorded data relating to journey data and vessel consumption; apparatus and instruments for the tracking, locating and monitoring of ships and other water vehicles; apparatus and instruments for the measuring of fuel efficiency of ships and other water vehicles; energy control and regulation devices; electronic devices, namely energy meters for tracking and monitoring energy usage. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.10 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248676 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.10 Registreringen 2025.03.10 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506350 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.23, EM, 013398037 Gjengivelse av merket: RYLANTIS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: DOMPÉ FARMACEUTICI S.p.A., Via S. Martino della Battaglia, 12, IT-20122 MILANO (MI), Italia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations for ophthalmic use, artificial tears, ophthalmic and ocular lubricants, artificial tears based on hyaluronic acid, ophthalmic and ocular lubricants based on hyaluronic acid. (450) 81 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.11 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1248733 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.27 Registreringen 2025.03.27 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506357 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2015.02.27, AT, AM 358/2015 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Int.reg.nr: 1248744 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.16 Registreringen 2025.04.16 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506363 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.12.16, BX, 1301280 Gjengivelse av merket: SRIEX (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Semperit Technische Produkte GmbH, Modecenterstrasse 22, AT-1030 WIEN, Østerrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Protective gloves for industrial use, especially of rubber. Klasse 10 Gloves for medical purposes, surgical gloves. Klasse 21 Gardening gloves; gloves for household purposes; polishing gloves end hairdressing gloves. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: (546) Merket er et (730) Innehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts BV, Oosterdoksstraat 80, NL-1011DK AMSTERDAM, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Vending machines for beverages or food; temperature-controlled beverage dispensing units in the nature of vending machines; electric coffee grinders. Klasse 11 Temperature-controlled beverage and food dispensing units, other than vending machines; electric tea and coffee makers. Klasse 21 Coffee and tea cups; cups of paper or plastic; mugs; double wall cups; coffee and tea drinking glasses; tea services [tableware]; coffee services [tableware]; cream sets; serving trays; coffee grinders, hand-operated; non-electric coffee makers; non-electric coffee pots; non-electric coffee filters; coffee filters and holders thereof, not of paper, being part of non-electric coffee makers; tea infusers; tea strainers; tea pots; nonelectric tea kettles; non-electric tea makers; coffee and tea boxes [containers]; insulating flasks; flasks; drip catchers. Klasse 29 Milk and milk products; milk beverages, milk predominating drinks; milk powder; creamers for beverages; dairy and dairy substitutes. Klasse 30 Coffee; coffee in filter packing; coffee capsules; portioned coffee; instant coffee; coffee-based beverages; coffee substitutes; coffee extracts; coffee essences; coffee flavourings; tea; instant tea; teabased beverages; tea substitutes; tea extracts; tea essences; tea flavourings; iced tea; herbal infusions, other than for medicinal use; infusions consisting of tea, herbs, fruits, spices or flavourings or a combination of these products, other than for medicinal use; cocoa; cocoa-based beverages; chocolate-based beverages; chocolate and chocolate extracts in powder, granulated and liquid form; sugar; honey; natural sweeteners; biscuits; cookies; cakes; pastry; confectionery; edible ices, ice; artificial coffee; iced coffee. Klasse 32 Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages including beverages containing soya; syrups and other preparations for making non-alcoholic beverages; isotonic beverages; essences for making non-alcoholic beverages. Klasse 43 Food and drink catering; serving of food and drinks in restaurants and bars; coffee and tea bar services; office catering services for the provision of coffee, tea and non-alcoholic beverages; self-service, carry-out, drive-through restaurant services; cafés, cafeterias, canteens, tea rooms, snack bar services. 1248743 2015.04.17 2025.04.17 201506362 2015.05.28 2014.10.20, DE, 30 2014 063 453 Gjengivelse av merket: ASPIVANTERA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH, Alfred-NobelStrasse 10, DE-40789 MONHEIM AM RHEIN, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations. (450) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 82 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) Int.reg.nr: 1248759 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.28 Registreringen 2025.04.28 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506367 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (540) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1248774 2015.01.31 2025.01.31 201506372 2015.05.28 2014.11.15, DE, 30 2014 071 572.4/30 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) 201506373 2015.05.28 2014.12.30, DE, 30 2014 074 980 Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248782 Int.reg.dato: 2014.07.10 Registreringen 2024.07.10 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506374 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The trademark consists of stylized Latin characters "KERUI"; the trademark as a whole has no significance nor is it a term of art in the relevant trade or industry or as applied to the goods listed in the application, no geographical significance and no meaning in any foreign language. (730) Innehaver: Shandong Kerui Petroleum Equipment Co., Ltd., Kesan Road, Shengli Industrial Park, CN-257067 DONGYING CITY, SHANDONG PROVINCE, Kina (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Embossing machines; electromechanical machines for chemical industry; machinery and equipment for geological exploration, mining, mineral separation; mine drainage pumps; drilling rigs, floating or nonfloating; oil refining machines; machines and equipments for oil exploitation and refinement industry; petrochemical plants; oil drilling machines; slurry pumps especially used for petroleum; well clean-up machines; drifting machines; oil pumps especially used kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Griesson - de Beukelaer GmbH & Co. KG, AugustHorch-Strasse 23, DE-56751 POLCH, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Bread; pastry; confectionery; biscuits; cookies; crackers; savoury and salted biscuits; cheese-flavored biscuits; cereal based snack food; cakes; chocolate; sugar confectionery; marzipan. (450) 1248778 2015.04.13 2025.04.13 TRIFLOR ACENTINO (111) (151) (180) Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Hunter Douglas Holding GmbH & Co KG, ErichOllenhauer-Strasse 7, DE-40595 DÜSSELDORF, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 6 Vertical jalousies; horizontal jalousies; all aforementioned goods made of metal as well as parts of the aforementioned goods (except such goods that refer to recreational vehicles, such as camping cars, caravans, trailer caravans). Klasse 20 Indoor blinds; vertical blinds; horizontal blinds; slatted indoor blinds, all aforementioned goods for indoor use made of plastic, metal, textile materials, bamboo and/or wood as well as parts of the aforementioned goods (except awnings and blinds for recreational vehicles, such as camping cars, caravans, trailer caravans); Venetian blinds, pleated blinds; roller blinds. Klasse 24 Pleated curtains; roller curtains, roller blinds (roll-up curtains) made of textile or of plastic; all aforementioned goods made of textile materials, nonwoven fabrics, and/or synthetic spun fabrics as well as parts of the aforementioned goods (except awnings and blinds for recreational vehicles, such as camping cars, caravans, trailer caravans); textiles, including woven and non-woven fabrics for making roller curtains, blinds, vertical blinds, horizontal blinds, slatted blinds, pleated curtains and pleated blinds. (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, DE-74172 NECKARSULM, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Sauces, relishes, condiments, aromatic preparations for foods; mustard; vinegar; tomato ketchup. (450) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 83 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer for petroleum; beach operating vehicles; water presses; hydraulic presses; foundry machines; molds (parts of machines); fittings for engine boilers; flues for engine boilers; steam engine boilers; feeding apparatus for engine boilers; fuel economizers for motors; carburetors; metalworking machines; drilling heads (parts of machines); gas separation plant; oxygen, nitrogen manufacture equipment; gas liquefaction equipment (nitrogen liquefaction equipment, hydrogen liquefaction equipment, helium liquefaction equipment); equipment for producing carbon dioxide; starters for motors and engines; generators of electricity; fans for motors and engines; fuel economizers for motors and engines; engines for boats; motors, electric, other than for land vehicles; centrifugal machines; centrifuges (machines); pumps (machines); compressed air pumps; valves (parts of machines); aerocondensers; compressors (machines); blowing machines for the compression, exhaustion and transport of gases; superchargers; compressed air machines; hydraulic components (not including vehicle hydraulic system); separators; pressure regulators (parts of machines); heat exchangers (parts of machines); filters (parts of machines or engines); washing apparatus; waste disposals; electroplating machines; electroplating parameter testing instruments. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 forming, offering and managing limited partnerships, trusts and limited liability companies; fund investment consultation; funds investment; fund of funds and fund of hedge funds investment services, guarantee assurance underwriting; investment advice; investment consultation; investment management; investment of funds for others; investment services, namely asset acquisition, consultation, development and management services; leveraged buy outs and investments in financially distressed or underperforming companies; loan financing; maintaining escrow accounts for investments; management of a capital investment fund; management of portfolios comprising securities; management of portfolios of transferable securities; mutual fund investment; overlay manager for portable alpha strategies; private equity investment; project financing; providing loans secured by commercial paper; providing temporary loans; providing working capital; providing temporary loans; venture capital funding to emerging and start-up companies. (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1248792 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.08 Registreringen 2025.04.08 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506377 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.10, US, 86420416 Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248855 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.21 Registreringen 2024.10.21 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506384 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: BABSON CAPITAL MANAGEMENT (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Babson Capital Management LLC, 1500 Main Street, Suite 2800, US-MA01115 SPRINGFIELD, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 36 Financial Services, namely, advice relating to investments and commodities; assuming financial risk of others by entering into options and swaps; brokerage of shares or stocks and other securities; capital investment consultation; cash management; commercial lending services; credit risk management; equity capital investment; evaluation of the credit worthiness of companies and private individuals; financial analysis and consultation; financial due diligence; financial investments in the fields of securities, leveraged bank loans, futures, derivatives and mortgage loans, mezzanine loans, equity participation loans, real estate, mortgage backed securities, collateralized debt obligations, asset based loans, equipment loans and leases, structured loans, investment funds, hedge funds, and securitizations; financial management; financial portfolio management; financial research; financial risk management; financial services in the nature of an investment security; financial services, namely money lending; financial services, namely, issuance and management of certificates backed by loan portfolios which are subsequently managed to ensure the integrity of the certificates; financial services, namely, a total portfolio offering for high net worth clients consisting of both separate accounts and mutual funds for equity and fixed income investments; financial valuation of personal property and real estate; financing of industrial activities; financing of purchases; financing services; (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark is composed of the device of two geometric shapes, Chinese characters of "HENG JI" and English letters of "HENGJI", which has no meaning. (561) Translitterasjon (uttale) av merket eller ord i merket: HENG JI (566) Oversettelse av merket eller ord i merket: HENG JI (730) Innehaver: SHANDONG HENGJI NEW MATERIALS CO., LTD., East of Kanghui Street and South of Chuangye Road, High-Tech Development Zone, CN- FEICHENG, SHANDONG PROVINCE, Kina (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 6 Steel sheets; common metals, unwrought or semiwrought; sheets and plates of metal; laths of metal; anti-friction metal; props of metal; iron slabs; armour plating; iron sheets; anchor plates. 84 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Int.reg.nr: 1248897 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.15 Registreringen 2024.12.15 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506387 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248899 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.18 Registreringen 2024.12.18 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506388 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: MOSO POWER SUPPLY TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD., 6F Sangtai Industry Park, Xiaobaimang, Songbai Road, CN- NANSHAN DISTRICT, SHENZHEN CITY, GUANGDONG PROVINCE, Kina (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Variometers; converters, electric; reducers [electricity]; inverters [electricity]; current rectifiers; apparatus and instruments for conducting switching transforming accumulating regulating and controlling electricity; battery chargers; solar batteries. (450) (111) (151) (180) (546) Merket er et (210) (220) (540) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Melaleuca, Inc., 4609W. 65th So., US-ID83402 IDAHO FALLS, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Tooth cleansing preparations; mouth and breath freshening preparations; preparations to remove plaque from teeth; skin cleansing preparations; preparations to moisturize the throat and oral cavity; hand cream; hair shampoo, conditioner, spray, and hair styling, sculpturing and fixative preparations; lip balm; sunscreen preparations; body oil; skin moisturizing, conditioning, smoothing, soothing, toning, firming, revitalizing and lubricating preparations; masques; make-up; all-purpose household cleansers; fabric softeners; spot and stain removing preparations; and laundry detergent; antiperspirants and personal deodorants. Klasse 5 Dietary and nutritional supplements; topically applied antiseptics and fungicides; preparations to relieve minor burns, scalds, sunburns, insect bites, chicken pox and skin irritations; preparations to relieve bronchial decongestion; preparations to treat pain and discomfort; associated with minor cuts, scrapes, burns, insect bites, strains, sprains, arthritis, backache, sore muscles; preparations to kill bacteria and germs in the oral cavity; preparations to prevent and control plaque and tartar buildup on teeth; medicated douches; preparations to relieve vaginal irritation, soreness, itching and irritation; topically applied acne treatment preparations; preparations to relieve dry, rough and chapped skin. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1248926 Int.reg.dato: 2015.01.09 Registreringen 2025.01.09 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506396 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: FIRSTLIGHT HOMECARE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: FIRSTLIGHT HOMECARE FRANCHISING LLC, 9435 Waterstone Blvd., Suite 190, US-OH45249 CINCINNATI, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 44 Health care services; providing home health care services to senior persons, new mothers, disabled adults and individuals recovering from surgeries or injury in a rehabilitative environment or their own home. Klasse 45 Providing in-home support services and non-medical in-home care services to senior persons, namely, personal affairs management services in the nature of the coordination of necessary services and care for older individuals; social service, namely, companionship services for senior persons; personal care assistance with the activities of daily living for senior persons. (450) 85 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1248999 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.30 Registreringen 2025.03.30 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506403 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.05.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1249080 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.23 Registreringen 2025.03.23 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506622 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.11.12, FR, 144133297 Gjengivelse av merket: HYPNOSE VOLUME-A-PORTER (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: LANCOME PARFUMS ET BEAUTE & CIE, 29 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Perfumes, toilet waters; bath and shower gels and salts for non-medical use; toilet soaps; body deodorants; cosmetics, particularly face, body and hand creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders; tanning and after-sun milks, gels and oils (cosmetics); make-up products; shampoos; gels, foams, balms and aerosol products for hair care and hair styling; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; hair waving and setting products; essential oils. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the five letters "JAKROO", which are under a bigger letter similar to "J"; and the whole mark is on a slant to the left; the words contained in the mark have no meaning. (730) Innehaver: Jakroo (Beijing) Sportswear Co., Ltd., Room 507, Unit 3, No. 69, Beichen West Road, CN- CHAOYANG DISTRICT, BEIJING, Kina (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 25 Cyclists' clothing; tights; shoes; caps [headwear]; hosiery; gloves [clothing]. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1249111 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.02 Registreringen 2025.03.02 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506623 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.09.05, EM, 013231972 Gjengivelse av merket: VUEFORGE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: ALTRAN TECHNOLOGIES, 54-56 avenue Hoche, FR75008 PARIS, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Scientific, optical, physical, weighing, measuring, signaling, checking (supervision) and teaching apparatus and instruments; life-saving devices; alarms; electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; counters; detectors; electronic tags for goods; measuring apparatus; navigation apparatus and instruments for vehicles (on-board computers); satellite navigation apparatus; electronic navigation apparatus; radar apparatus; transmitters of electronic signals; telecommunication transmitters; apparatus for recording, storage, transmission, reproduction of sounds, images and data; time and distance recording apparatus; pressure recorders; magnetic recording media, sound recording disks; calculating machines; data processing equipment, computers; software (recorded programs); computer programs (downloadable software); memory cards; integrated circuit cards (smart cards); magnetic cards, particularly magnetic identity cards; integrated circuits; printed circuits; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus. Klasse 35 Business information; business management assistance; commercial or industrial company management assistance; consulting in the field of sales promotion for others; market studies; marketing; company efficiency expert services; business investigations; employment agencies; personnel recruitment; human resources management Int.reg.nr: 1249079 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.23 Registreringen 2025.03.23 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506621 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.11.14, FR, 14/4133794 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: HELENA RUBINSTEIN, 129 rue du Faubourg SaintHonoré, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Perfumes, toilet waters; bath and shower gels and salts for non-medical use; toilet soaps; body deodorants; cosmetics, particularly face, body and hand creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders; tanning and after-sun milks, gels and oils (cosmetics); make-up products; shampoos; gels, foams, balms and aerosol products for hair care and hair styling; hair sprays; hair dyes and bleaching products; hair waving and setting products; essential oils. 86 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer consultancy; public relations; advertising, dissemination of advertisements; organization and management of exhibitions and events for commercial and advertising purposes; computerized file management; administrative management of computing infrastructures on behalf of others; arranging newspaper subscriptions for others; systematization of data in a central file; recording, transcription, compilation and systematization of written communications and recordings; compilation of mathematical or statistical data. Klasse 42 Engineering work (surveying); engineering; technical project study; scientific and technical research; geological research; biological research services; research in chemistry, in bacteriology, in physics, in mechanics; research in the field of environmental protection; research, design and development of new products for others; quality control; consultancy in the field of energy-saving; construction drafting; computer consultancy services; design of computer systems; consultancy relating to computer software and systems; information technology (IT) consultancy; development (design) of computer software and systems; rental, installation, maintenance of software; analysis for implementation of computer systems; computer system analysis; programming for computers; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; conversion of computer programs and data, other than physical conversion; cloud computing; software as a service (SaaS); creation and maintenance of web sites for others; recovery of computer data; off-site data backup; computer virus protection services; monitoring of computer systems by remote access; rental of web servers. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 dietetic foods, namely solid and liquid nutritional supplements for medical or veterinary use; dietetic substances, namely solid and liquid nutritional supplements for medical or veterinary use; dietary supplements for humans and animals. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1249122 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.12 Registreringen 2025.03.12 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506626 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.11.26, CH, 667305 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Helsinn Healthcare SA, Via Pian Scairolo 9 , CH-6912 LUGANO, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of cachexia and anorexia associated with cancer, weight loss and erosion of body mass, metabolic abnormalities; veterinary preparations for the treatment of cachexia and anorexia associated with cancer, weight loss and erosion of body mass, metabolic abnormalities; sanitary products for medical use; dietetic foods, namely solid and liquid nutritional supplements for medical or veterinary use; dietetic substances, namely solid and liquid nutritional supplements for medical or veterinary use; dietary supplements for humans and animals. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1249119 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.12 Registreringen 2025.03.12 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506625 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.09.18, CH, 666956 Gjengivelse av merket: (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1249123 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.19 Registreringen 2025.02.19 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506627 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.09.04, FR, 14 4 115 680 Gjengivelse av merket: IZE (546) Merket er et (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Technicolor Delivery Technologies, 1-5 rue Jeanne d'Arc, FR-92130 ISSY-LES-MOULINEAUX, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Mobile software and applications for connected electronic apparatus for use in the fields of connected health and well-being and home automation; mobile software and applications for monitoring and security in the home, regulation and control of electronic apparatus and electric household appliances, household energy management, remote control and management of apparatus for health and personal wellbeing; mobile software and applications for connected electronic apparatus for use in vehicles; residential gateways; decoder boxes; sensors for remote control and monitoring of electronic apparatus and electric kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Helsinn Healthcare SA, Via Pian Scairolo 9 , CH-6912 LUGANO, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of cachexia and anorexia associated with cancer, weight loss and erosion of body mass, metabolic abnormalities; veterinary preparations for the treatment of cachexia and anorexia associated with cancer, weight loss and erosion of body mass, metabolic abnormalities; sanitary products for medical use; 87 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer household appliances; electric sensors; connected sensors; Internet sensors for objects; sensors for connected well-being and apparatus; authentication devices; smart watches, smart glasses. Klasse 42 Software as a Service (SaaS) for connected electronic apparatus for use in the fields of connected well-being and health and home automation; Software as a Service (SaaS) for monitoring and security in the home, regulation and control of electronic apparatus and electric household appliances, household energy management, remote control and management of apparatus for health and personal well-being. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1249134 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.19 Registreringen 2025.03.19 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506630 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.08, EM, 013338124 Gjengivelse av merket: Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1249133 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.11 Registreringen 2025.03.11 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506629 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.24, EM, 013400247 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et PARTY CROCKERS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, DE-74172 NECKARSULM, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Snacks, namely dried, roasted, salted, fried, extruded and/or spiced peanut kernels, nuts, almonds and cashew nut kernels, potato chips, potato sticks; similar potato snacks; deep-fried potato snacks; dips; snacks made from extruded potato products. Klasse 30 Confectioneries; pastries, in particular shortcake biscuits, spritz cookies, waffles, savoury pastries, pretzels, onion pastries and cheese pastries, wafers, biscuits, rusks, gingerbread and honey cakes, crackers, ready-to-eat pastries for toasting, in particular savoury sandwich pastries; pop corn, cornflakes; sauces; snacks made from extruded wheat, rice and maize products; corn snacks. (450) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Joladol Mode Exploitatiemaatschappij BV, De Boelelaan 7, 8th Floor, NL-1083HJ AMSTERDAM, Nederland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Soaps, perfumes, essential oils, cosmetic products, lotions for hair care. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1249155 2015.03.13 2025.03.13 201506632 2015.06.04 2015.03.02, IT, BO2015C000256 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The trademark consists in the wording "WEBBOAT" represented as per the enclosed specimen. (730) Innehaver: Glomex SrL Con Unico Socio, Via Faentina 165/G, ITRAVENNA, Italia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Antennas for boats. Klasse 12 Boats. (450) 88 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1249158 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.21 Registreringen 2025.04.21 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506634 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.22, US, 86431862 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Int.reg.nr: 1249224 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.25 Registreringen 2025.02.25 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506638 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.12.18, CH, 669986 Gjengivelse av merket: BRAINPHYS (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, 10010 North Torrey Pines Road, US-CA92037 LA JOLLA, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Culture media for laboratory and research use. (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (546) Merket er et (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1249223 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.24 Registreringen 2025.02.24 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506637 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.27, CH, 666578 Gjengivelse av merket: (730) Innehaver: Coop-Gruppe Genossenschaft, Thiersteinerallee 12, CH-4053 BASEL, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Dried vegetables; dried mushrooms; dried fruits; dried pulses, including beans and peas; roasted and seasoned nuts; snack mixes consisting of dehydrated fruit and processed nuts; sunflower and squash seeds (processed), pine nuts (processed); sesame and poppy seeds (processed); edible oils and fats. Klasse 30 Sugar; spices; dried herbs; cereals (processed); muesli; muesli and cereal bar. Klasse 31 Nuts; unprocessed cereal grains. Milka Choqsplash (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Kraft Foods Schweiz Holding GmbH, Chollerstrasse 4, CH-6301 ZUG, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Cocoa; cocoa and chocolate-based beverages and preparations for making such beverages; chocolate, non-medicinal confectionery, particularly chocolate confectionery and/or sugar confectionery; biscuits, cookies; wafers, cakes, pastry products, pastry and cake batter; cereal preparations; edible ices, namely ice cream products, deep-frozen confectionery and desserts; refrigerated desserts and confectionery; chocolate spread. (450) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1249242 Int.reg.dato: 2015.03.27 Registreringen 2025.03.27 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506640 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.13, FR, 14/4125348 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Splash Toys SAS, 18 rue de la côte frileuse, FR-27640 BREUILPONT, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 28 Games, toys; controls for game consoles; decorations for Christmas trees; Christmas trees of synthetic materials; apparatus for physical education or gymnastics; fishing tackle; balls for games; billiard tables, cues or balls; playing cards or board games; ice or roller skates; scooters (toys); sailboards or surf boards; rackets; snowshoes; skis; protective padding (parts of sportswear); toy models; figurines (toys). 89 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Int.reg.nr: 1249270 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.02 Registreringen 2025.04.02 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506642 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) MOTIKO (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1249300 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.27 Registreringen 2025.02.27 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506646 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Gjengivelse av merket: RVF Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1249313 Int.reg.dato: 2014.10.31 Registreringen 2024.10.31 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506648 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Gjengivelse av merket: (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Hedi Slimane, c/o Yves Saint Laurent, 7 avenue George V, FR-75008 PARIS, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Toilet soaps, perfumes; toilet water and eau de Cologne; essential oils for personal use; face milk and lotions, skin creams and lotions, body and face emulsions; lipsticks, lip glosses, nail varnishes, makeup foundations, colored creams, mascara, eye shadows, make-up, cosmetic pencils, make-up powder, make-up removing products such as lotions, milks, creams, gels, creams, gels, oils, bath salts not for medical purposes; talcum powder for toilet use, deodorants for personal use; pre-shave lotions, aftershave lotions, shaving creams, gels and foams; hair preparations for non-medical use, namely sprays, gels, creams, balms; mousses and shampoos. Klasse 9 Photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus and instruments; spectacles, sunglasses, spectacle frames, spectacle cases; audio tapes, video tapes, audio cassettes, video cassettes, compact discs, laser discs, read-only memory laser disks, video disks and magnetic interactive and non-interactive optical discs. Klasse 14 Precious metals and their alloys (other than for dental use) and goods made of these materials namely rings (jewelry), earrings, bracelets (jewelry), charms (jewelry), brooches (jewelry), chains (jewelry), watch chains, necklaces (jewelry), pins (jewelry), ornaments (jewelry), ornamental pins (jewelry), rings (jewelry), jewelry, precious stones, semi-precious stones, pearls (jewelry), horological and chronometric instruments; watches, watch straps, wristwatches. Klasse 18 Leather and imitation leather; animal skins; trunks and suitcases; bags, namely handbags, travel bags, rucksacks, beach bags, wheeled bags, school satchels; purses, wallets, card cases, key cases, umbrellas, parasols and walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery. Klasse 25 Clothing for men, women, children; footwear (except orthopedic footwear); headgear. (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Honda Motor Co Ltd, 1-1, Minami-Aoyama 2-chome, Minato-ku, JP-107-8556 TOKYO, Japan (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 12 Motorcycles and their parts and fittings; automobiles and their parts and fittings. (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 HEDI SLIMANE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Dumitru Burlaca, MD-3532 IVANCEA, ORHEI, Republikken Moldovia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs; milk and milk products; edible oils and fats. Klasse 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery; ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice. Klasse 32 Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other nonalcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. (450) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Int.reg.nr: 1249309 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.31 Registreringen 2024.12.31 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506647 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Gjengivelse av merket: f-tec (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: SKODA AUTO a.s., tr. Václava Klementa 869, CZ29301 MLADÁ BOLESLAV II, Den tsjekkiske republikk (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 12 Automobiles and their parts, all included in this class. 90 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.14 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1249319 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.10 Registreringen 2025.02.10 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506649 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.09.19, CH, 669424 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1249320 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.06 Registreringen 2025.02.06 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506650 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.08.18, CH, 665466 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Aston Foods AG, Turmstrasse 22, CH-6300 ZUG/STEINHAUSEN, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Aerators, brewing machines, steam engines, compressed air machines, compressed air pumps, electric grinders/crushers for household purposes, labelers, filtering machines, hydraulic controls for machines, motors and engines, compressors (machines), compressors for refrigerators, condensing installations, radiators (cooling) for motors and engines, air condensers, machines for the sugar industry and machines for making edible pastes, and parts thereof, knives (parts of machines), mixing machines, regulators (machine parts), electric beaters, agitators, superheaters, tools (parts of machines), centrifugal mills, cylinders for machines, engines and motors; all the claimed products being for machines, instruments and installations for the production and the cooling of aqueous animal products and aqueous vegetable products. Klasse 11 Apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating and water distribution; electric refrigerators; electric space cooling apparatus; refrigerated shipping containers; cooling installations and machines; cooling apparatus and installations; refrigerating apparatus; refrigerating machines; refrigerating chambers; refrigerating cabinets; coils (parts of distillation, heating or cooling installations); refrigerating apparatus and installations; food cooling installations; cooling installations for bread; vacuum refrigeration apparatus, vacuum ovens for food in the commercial and industrial field; apparatus for vacuum ovens; all the claimed products being for machines, instruments and installations for the production and the cooling of aqueous animal products and aqueous vegetable products. Klasse 29 Fats and oils for baking and nutrition. kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Luna Technology Systems LTS GmbH, Industriestrasse 19, CH-8304 WALLISELLEN, Sveits (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 8 Hand-operated hand tools and implements; cutlery, forks and spoons. Klasse 11 Apparatus for heating, steam generation and cooking; apparatus for heating and foaming milk; electric apparatus for making hot beverages; electric mocha machines; electric coffee machines; electric coffee automatons; components and accessories for the aforesaid goods included in this class. Klasse 21 Household and kitchen utensils and containers; nonelectric coffeepots; non-electric coffee percolators; nonelectric apparatus for foaming milk; components and accessories for the aforesaid goods included in this class; tableware; cups; saucers; sugar bowls; glassware; porcelain and earthenware not included in other classes. Klasse 30 Coffee; coffee extracts; beverages and preparations for making said beverages based on coffee; edible ices; tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; artificial coffee extracts; beverages and preparations for making said beverages based on artificial coffee; tea; tea extracts; beverages and preparations for making said beverages based on tea; malt-based preparations for human consumption; beverages and preparations for making said beverages based on cocoa; chocolate and chocolate-based products; beverages and preparations for making said beverages based on chocolate; cereal preparations; bread, pastry and confectionery; sugar, honey, treacle; biscuits, cookies, pies, cakes; tarts; sugar confectionery; muesli and cereals, also in the form of bars. Klasse 43 Services for providing food and beverages in hotels, motels, boarding houses, cafés, cafeterias, restaurants and bars; hotel, motel, boarding house, restaurant, cafe, cafeteria and bar services; accommodation for guests; room reservations in hotels, motels and boarding houses; accommodation agencies (hotels, boarding houses and motels); booking of seats and tables in hotels, motels, boarding houses, cafés, cafeterias, restaurants and bars. (450) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1249322 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.26 Registreringen 2025.02.26 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506651 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Gjengivelse av merket: CICAHYALUMIDE Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: PIERRE FABRE DERMO-COSMETIQUE, 45 Place Abel Gance, FR-92100 BOULOGNE, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Active ingredients or combination of active ingredients used in the composition of cosmetic products; active ingredients or combination of active ingredients used in the composition of dermo-cosmetic products for skin 91 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer care and hygiene; active ingredients or combination of active ingredients used in the composition of dermatological products. (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (111) (151) (180) Int.reg.nr: 1249374 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.10 Registreringen 2024.12.10 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506661 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.12.09, BX, 1300928 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et (210) (220) (300) (540) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1249377 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.24 Registreringen 2024.12.24 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506663 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.12.15, JP, 2014-106056 Gjengivelse av merket: kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Qualicaps Co Ltd, 321-5 Ikezawa-cho, JP-639-1032 YAMATOKORIYAMA-CITY, NARA, Japan (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Capsules sold empty for use in connection with pharmaceuticals and health foods; pharmaceutical preparations; dietary supplements for humans; dietetic foods adapted for medical use; food for babies. kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1249380 Int.reg.dato: 2015.01.27 Registreringen 2025.01.27 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506664 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.07.29, JP, 2014-063439 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Shionogi & Co Ltd, 1-8, Doshomachi 3-chome, Chuoku, JP-541-0045 OSAKA-SHI, OSAKA, Japan (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations; pharmaceutical preparations for treating opioid-induced constipation. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1249376 Int.reg.dato: 2014.12.24 Registreringen 2024.12.24 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506662 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.12.15, JP, 2014-106058 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (546) Merket er et (730) Innehaver: Christian Lange, Rue du Bois d'Ohey 301, BE-5350 OHEY, Belgia (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Machines, namely vacuum cleaners, sweeping, washing and cleaning machines, self-propelled cleaning machines for streets and machine tools; vacuum cleaners for industrial and urban waste; exterior vacuum cleaners; street vacuum cleaners; cleaning machines; suction machines for urban and industrial use; self-propelled road sweeping machines; parts of the aforesaid machines, namely nozzles, brushes and fittings; vacuum cleaner bags; spare parts and components of vacuum cleaners for industrial and urban waste; suction nozzles, brushes and hoses for vacuum cleaners for industrial and urban waste; antidust filtration systems for vacuum cleaners for industrial and urban waste; automatic spraying machines for disinfecting, fragrancing and dampening waste vacuum cleaner containers; spraying machines for dog excrement for vacuum cleaners of urban waste. (450) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Qualicaps Co Ltd, 321-5 Ikezawa-cho, JP-639-1032 YAMATOKORIYAMA-CITY, NARA, Japan (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Capsules sold empty for use in connection with pharmaceuticals and health foods; pharmaceutical preparations; dietary supplements for humans; dietetic foods adapted for medical use; food for babies. Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1249399 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.03 Registreringen 2025.04.03 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506667 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.10.06, US, 86415413 Gjengivelse av merket: TOPSIFY (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Warner Music Inc, 1633 Broadway, US-NY10019 NEW YORK, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 41 Provision of information relating to music; providing online, non-downloadable music playlists via the Internet and other communications networks. 92 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (450) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) (111) (151) (180) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1249401 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.08 Registreringen 2025.04.08 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506668 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2015.02.04, US, 86524752 Gjengivelse av merket: ROMANETTI XAVERZA (450) (111) (151) (180) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (210) (220) (300) (540) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Int.reg.nr: 1249430 Int.reg.dato: 2015.04.16 Registreringen 2025.04.16 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506672 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Gjengivelse av merket: (210) (220) (300) (540) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (450) Int.reg.nr: 1249441 Int.reg.dato: 2015.05.04 Registreringen 2025.05.04 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506675 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.11.05, EM, 013433297 Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (300) (540) ETAC FLEX (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Etac AB, Kista Science Tower, SE-16451 KISTA, Sverige (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 20 Mobility aids, namely handles for use in showers, with bath tubs, in bath rooms and in nursing rooms. (450) Int.reg.nr: Int.reg.dato: Registreringen utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: Notifikasjonsdato: Søknadsprioritet: 1249485 2015.04.11 2025.04.11 201506680 2015.06.04 2014.11.28, VN, 4-201429559 Gjengivelse av merket: kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (571) Beskrivelse av merket: The mark consists of the stylized word "Yokatta". (730) Innehaver: Acecook Vietnam Joint Stock Company, Lot II-3 & II-5 Road No. 11, Industrial Group II, Tan Binh Industrial Park, Tan Phu District, VN- HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Instant noodles, instant pho (Vietnamese instant noodles), instant vermicelli, instant rice based vermicelli, instant rice-based noodles, instant rice porridges, instant rice gruel. RAWSOME (111) (151) (180) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 (546) Merket er et (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Bisca A/S, Ahornvej 1, DK-4780 STEGE, Danmark (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 30 Foodstuffs made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery; snack bars containing a mixture of grains, nuts and dried fruit (confectionery). (450) Int.reg.nr: 1249448 Int.reg.dato: 2015.05.06 Registreringen 2025.05.06 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506676 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Gjengivelse av merket: (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, DE-74172 NECKARSULM, Tyskland (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers), particularly vermouth, cocktails. (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Portola Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 270 East Grand Avenue, US-CA94080 SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, USA (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 5 Pharmaceutical preparations for use in oncology and hematology; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of coagulation disorders, thrombosis, hematologic cancers, and inflammation. (450) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 Int.reg.nr: 1249665 Int.reg.dato: 2015.02.24 Registreringen 2025.02.24 utløper: Nasj. ref.nr: 201506707 Notifikasjonsdato: 2015.06.04 Søknadsprioritet: 2014.08.26, FR, 14 4 113 482 Gjengivelse av merket: TURBULENCES (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: PONTET ALLANO ET ASSOCIES SELARL DE CONSEILS EN PROPRIETE INDUSTRIELLE, Bâtiment Platon, Parc les Algorithmes, FR-91190 SAINT AUBIN, Frankrike (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 3 Bleaching preparations and other substances for laundry use, cleaning, polishing and degreasing preparations, cleaning products, oils for cleaning, preservatives for leather (waxes), leather bleaching Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.15 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 93 internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer products, polishing creams, creams for leather, shoe creams, shoe polishes, waxes, wax for cobblers; perfumery products; perfumes; toilet water; eaux de parfum; eaux de Cologne; perfume bases; extracts of flowers; essential oils; air freshening products; potpourris [fragrances]; incense; cosmetic skin and lip care products; cosmetic preparations for slimming; lotions for cosmetic use; beauty masks; cosmetic hand, face and body care products; hair care products; conditioners; hair lotions; hair bleaches; hair dyes; hair styling creams or gels; hair sprays; depilatory creams, hair-removing waxes; shaving products; shaving soap; shaving foam; after-shave products; sunscreen products for cosmetic use; suntan enhancing preparations for cosmetic use; self-tanning preparations for cosmetic use; toiletries; dentifrice; soaps; shampoos; shower gels; bath gels; bath oils; bath salts; foaming bath products; bath beads; talcum powder for toilet use, cleansing milk for toilet use; deodorants; make-up products; lipstick; mascaras for eyelashes; blushers; make-up powder; eye shadows; make-up pencils; make-up removing products; decorative transfers for cosmetic use, temporary tattoos for the body and nails; make-up sets; nail care and nail appearance improvement products; nail polish, nail protectors, nail lacquers, nail product removers; false nails for the hands and feet, false nail kits, false nail adhesives. (450) Besluttet gjeldende dato i Norge: 2015.09.16 Kunngjøringsdato: 2015.09.21 94 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 nye ansvarsmerker Ansvarsmerker (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (546) (730) (111) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) (546) (730) Reg.nr.: 283387 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.15 Registreringen 2025.08.31 utløper: Søknadsnr.: 201510649 Inndato: 2015.08.31 Gjengivelse av merket: Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Innehaver: Sini Irene Nopanen, Tømmervåg, 6590 TUSTNA, Norge Reg.nr.: 283405 Reg.dato.: 2015.09.16 Registreringen 2025.09.02 utløper: Søknadsnr.: 201510921 Inndato: 2015.09.02 Gjengivelse av merket: Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke Innehaver: Janne Omland, Roresanden 49 B, 4885 GRIMSTAD, Norge 95 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 innsigelser 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Innsigelser Innsigelser i registrerte varemerker jf. varemerkeloven § 26, samt innsigelser i internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer som er besluttet gjeldende i Norge jf. varemerkeloven §§ 71 og 26. (111) (210) (450) (540) Reg.nr.: 1231633 Søknadsnr.: 201500585 Reg. kunngjort 2015.06.08 dato: Gjengivelse av merket desserts made from fruits, nuts, yoghurt, curds and/or milk cream; prepared nuts, nut mixtures, nut mixtures with dried fruits; edible oils and fats; tinned soups, preparations for making soup, broths; salads consisting predominantly of meat, fish, poultry, game, shellfish, vegetables, fruit and/or milk products; ready meals consisting essentially of meat, fish, poultry, game, shellfish, vegetables, fruits and/or milk products; frozen food consisting predominantly of meat, fish, poultry, game, shellfish, vegetables, fruit and/or milk products; antipasti consisting predominantly of meat, fish, poultry, game, shellfish, vegetables, fruit and/or milk products; dietetic food, other than for medical purposes, consisting predominantly of meat, fish, poultry, game, shellfish, vegetables, fruit and/or milk products. Klasse 30 Coffee, tea cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate drinks; coffee, tea and cocoa preparations for making alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages; flour and preparations made from cereals, cereals, muesli and wholewheat products; farinaceous food pastes, noodles and noodle products, pizza and pizza products; sushi; bread, open sandwiches, sandwiches, pastry and confectionery, sugar confectionery, chocolate and chocolate goods, chocolate and sugar decorations, in particular for decorating desserts or cakes; ready-made baking mixtures, cake baking mixtures, bread mixes, prepared pastry, cake dough; prepared mixes for pasta; edible ices; puddings, puddings in powder form, preparations for making confectionery, prepared deserts; honey, treacle; yeast, baking powder, starch for food; salt; mustard; mayonnaise, ketchup; vinegar, sauces (condiments), salad dressings; spices, spice extracts, dried herbs; flavorings for food; baking spices, flavourings for cakes; cooking essences; starch for food, potato starch, corn starch; binding agents for sauces, sauce powder; thickening agents for cooking foodstuffs, preparations for stiffening whipped cream; cake frosting (icing), coatings, cake glazes, sugar sprinkles, marzipan, marzipan paste, nougat, nut nougat, baking wafers, vanilla and vanillin sugar, vanilla beans; ready meals consisting essentially of preparations made from cereals, pasta, noodles, rice, bread, pastry and/or confectionery; frozen food consisting predominantly of cereal preparations, farinaceous food pastes, noodles, rice, bread, baked goods and/or confectionery; dietetic food, other than for medical purposes, consisting predominantly of cereal preparations, farinaceous food pastes, noodles, rice, bread, baked goods and/or confectionery. Klasse 31 Fresh fruits and vegetables; garden herbs, fresh; nuts [fruits]; seeds, natural plants and flowers; dried plants. Klasse 32 Beers, non-alcoholic beer, diet beer, mixed beer beverages; mineral and aerated waters; other nonalcoholic drinks; lemonades; fruit beverages and fruit juices; vegetable juice; smoothies; syrups and other preparations for making beverages. Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers), wine, sparkling wines, spirits [beverages], liqueurs, alcoholic cocktails, spirit or wine-based cocktails and apéritifs, beverages containing wine; preparations for making alcoholic beverages. (730) Innehaver: Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, DE-74172 NECKARSULM, Tyskland Innsiger: Weetabix Ltd, GB- NORTHANTS, Storbritannia (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (511) Varer og/eller tjenester: Klasse 3 Cosmetic products, namely, non-medicated skin care preparations, namely, facial scrubs, body scrubs, hand scrubs, skin creams, facial creams, cleansing creams, night creams, anti-aging creams, anti-wrinkle creams, hand lotions; skin moisturizers, skin emollients, eye creams; masks, namely, beauty masks, facial masks, skin masks; face and body lotions; body oils; nonmedicated lip balms; hard and liquid soaps for hands, face and body. (730) Innehaver: Nerium International, LLC, Suite 112, 4004 Belt Line Rd., US-TX75001 ADDISON, USA Innsiger: Nerium Biotechnology, Inc., 11467 Huebner Road, Suite 175, US-TX78230 SAN ANTONIO, USA Innsigers fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Innsigelse inndag: 2015.09.03 (111) (210) (450) (540) Reg.nr.: 1235344 Søknadsnr.: 201501827 Reg. kunngjort 2015.06.01 dato: Gjengivelse av merket ALPENFEST (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (511) Varer og/eller tjenester: Klasse 29 Meat and meat products, fish and fish products, poultry and poultry products, game and game products, sausages and charcuterie, shellfish, not live, goods of shellfish, not live, seafood, not live, goods of seafood, not live; meat, fish, poultry, game, shellfish, vegetable and fruit extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruit and vegetables, the aforesaid goods including being pickled in sweet and/or sour sauce; preparations made from potatoes; jellies; jams, fruit, stewed, marmalade, fruit puree, sweet spreads made with fruits or vegetables, sweet spreads made with nuts; eggs, milk and milk products, kefir [milk beverage], butter, cheese products, cheese products, milk cream, yoghurt, curds, powdered milk for food purposes, 96 innsigelser Innsigers fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Innsigelse inndag: 2015.09.01 (111) (210) (450) (540) 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 travel reservation services; booking agency relating to travel; provision of travel information; reservation services relating to travel; hire of boats; itinerary planning services; making travel bookings; organising of foreign travel; planning of journeys; provision of the foregoing services and information relating thereto online from a computer database, via the Internet or via any other communications; provision of information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the above services. Klasse 43 Provision of temporary accommodation; provision of lodgings; provision of rooms; provision of holiday accommodation; provision of temporary accommodation; booking/reservation services for restaurants and holiday accommodation; arranging of venues for receptions; provision of the foregoing services and information relating thereto online from a computer database, via the Internet or via any other communications; administration, management, consultation, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid. (730) Innehaver: Hollywood Marketing SLU t/a Monster.travel, Capecan Business Centre, ES-38639 GOLF DEL SUR, Spania Innsiger: Monster Energy Company, 1 Monster Way, USCA92879 CORONA, USA Innsigers fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Innsigelse inndag: 2015.09.01 Reg.nr.: 1235337 Søknadsnr.: 201501825 Reg. kunngjort 2015.06.01 dato: Gjengivelse av merket MONSTER (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (511) Varer og/eller tjenester: Klasse 35 Advertising, including advertising on the Internet; online advertising on a computer network; on-line data processing services; marketing and promotional services; preparation and presentation of audio-visual displays for advertising purposes; sales advisory services; dissemination of advertisements; rental of advertising space, online or otherwise; brand creation; organisation, operation and supervision of customer loyalty schemes; business information provided on-line from a computer database or the Internet; preparation, dissemination and updating of advertising material for use as web pages on the Internet or otherwise; advertising services by means of television screen based text; provision and rental of advertising space; business advisory and consultancy services; business management; business administration; sales promotion; sponsorship, namely providing of advertising and promotional contracts for third parties; telemarketing; commercial advisory services for consumers; sales promotion for goods and services of third parties; providing of advertising space and business contacts, in particular on the Internet; marketing for third parties in digital networks; publicity services; arranging and conducting promotional and marketing events; organizational consultancy regarding customer loyalty programmes; developing marketing activities that include the provision of bonuses; organizational consulting for promoting sales by implementing award, bonus and customer loyalty programmes; providing consumer product information; public relations; consultation and advisory services relating to management and business; market research services; marketing research; the arrangement, preparation, publication and distribution of promotional materials; the provision of assistance in the management of the business affairs or commercial functions of an industrial or commercial enterprise; business research; business and market statistical information; rental of advertising space; provision of information relating to trade development and business opportunity; preparation of reports and provision of information, all relating to the aforesaid services; provision of all the above services via the Internet, online and other electronic media; business advice and consultancy relating to franchising; franchising consultancy services; rental of advertising and promotional space; rental of advertising time on communication media; computerised file management; gathering, arranging and disseminating statistical information; all of the aforesaid relating to travel and temporary accommodation booking services; provision of information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the above services. Klasse 39 Transportation; transport by water; transport by sea; transport by land; transport by air; agency services for arranging cruises; chartering of vehicles or apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; provision of cruises; salvage of vehicles or apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; agency services for arranging the transportation of persons; arranging of travel; arranging of travel tours; arranging of excursions; arranging of vehicle rental; tourist reservation agency services; 97 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Begrensing i varefortegnelsen for internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer Begrensing av liste over varer eller tjenester utført for internasjonale registreringer som er gyldige i Norge. (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 0864028 Søknadsnr.: 200511648 Reg.dato: 2005.06.28 Registreringer 2025.06.28 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.11.03 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 0857313 Søknadsnr.: 200508755 Reg.dato: 2005.07.13 Registreringer 2025.07.13 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.09.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: WHISTLE MHTM (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Atala S.p.A., Via della Guerrina, 108, IT-20900 MONZA (MB), Italia (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Magnetic Autocontrol GmbH, Grienmatt 20, D-79650 Schopfheim, DE-, Tyskland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 7 Electromotors except for land vehicles. (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 0867937 Søknadsnr.: 200513239 Reg.dato: 2005.07.29 Registreringer 2015.07.29 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.12.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 0863377 Søknadsnr.: 200511350 Reg.dato: 2005.07.18 Registreringer 2015.07.18 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.10.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: Best Practice by T-Systems (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Deutsche Telekom AG, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, DE53113 BONN, Tyskland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 16 Printed matter, especially stamped and/or printed cards of cardboard or plastic; instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); office requisites (except furniture). Klasse 38 Telecommunications; operation and rental of equipment for telecommunication, especially for broadcasting and television; data base services, namely transmission of information; data base services, namely rental of access time to a data base. Klasse 41 Education; training; entertainment; organisation of sporting and cultural events; publication of books, magazines and other printed products as well as corresponding electronic media (including CD-ROM and CD-I). (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Telerik AD, 33 Alexander Malinov Blvd, BG-1729 SOFIA, Bulgaria (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 42 Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer software. (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 0863929 Søknadsnr.: 200511478 Reg.dato: 2005.07.13 Registreringer 2025.07.13 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.10.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Atala S.p.A., Via della Guerrina, 108, IT-20900 MONZA (MB), Italia (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. 98 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 0868587 Søknadsnr.: 200513518 Reg.dato: 2005.07.13 Registreringer 2025.07.13 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2005.12.08 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 parts; coating compounds, being colour, protective, sliding and functional coatings for components of all kinds. Klasse 6 Ridge copings, hip copings of metal, in particular with plastic inserts or plastic backings; separating, protecting and draining sheets of metal; separating, protection, sealing and drainage webs of metal; metals foils; aluminium compound foils; lining of metal for buildings; salt hydrates and mixtures containing salt hydrates, coated with metal, for building. Klasse 17 Insulating materials; packing, stopping and insulating material for use in construction; flexible pipes, not of metal, used for construction purposes, plastic sheets for construction purposes; packing and insulating webs, underlay webs of plastic, liner webs of plastic, carrier webs, textured webs of plastic for insulation and drainage purposes; underlay webs with laminated insulating elements attached; underlay webs with laminated insulating elements attached, insulating panels for building, not of metal; liner webs, liner nonwovens for building, including for laying under photovoltaic or solar coverings; repair webs of plastic for insulating purposes; plastic non-wovens, including coated plastic non-wovens, included in this class; insulating plastic films; plastic films and objects thereof, namely coverings for store rooms and for horticulture; garden and pond films; separating and filtering nonwovens for path and terrace construction; insulating and drainage webs of plastic; insulating fabrics; spreadable insulating material for buildings; salt hydrates coated with plastic and mixtures containing salt hydrates for construction and insulation purposes (latent heat accumulators); adhesive tape for industrial purposes; excluding materials for insulation against sound and vibrations. Klasse 19 Building materials (non-metallic), excluding windows (except for plastic windows), blinds, shutters; nonmetallic transportable buildings; coverings, not of metal, for building; heat accumulator plates for building; plastic composite panels for building; building materials (nonmetallic) in the form of reinforced and non-reinforced separating and protective webs, carrier webs, textured webs for building, included in this class; flat woven and knitted fabrics (not of metal) for building, included in this class; geotextiles; building materials (non-metallic) for wall and foundation protection, and for soil stabilisation and drainage, included in this class; highstrength technical woven and knitted fabrics, not of metal, for building; small greenhouses, transportable, not of metal; repair webs for building, namely flashing and reinforcements, not of metal; ridge copings, hip copings, not of metal, in particular with plastic inserts or plastic backing; salt hydrates and mixtures containing salt hydrates, coated with plastic, for building; drainage, storage and filter webs for green roofs; excluding building materials (non-metallic) for road and track constructions and for fencing. Klasse 20 Fasteners of plastic for building, included in this class. Klasse 22 Tarpaulins for construction purposes as far as contained in this class; protective and covering tarpaulins; scaffolding tarpaulins, scaffolding nets. Klasse 40 Coating of plastic, metal and ceramic components for wear and corrosion protection; electroplating; applying corrosion protection micro-layers in dipping, drawing, spinning, injection and spraying processes; nickel-free zinc galvanizing, for others. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Atala S.p.A., Via della Guerrina, 108, IT-20900 MONZA (MB), Italia (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 12 Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water. (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 1084417 Søknadsnr.: 201108864 Reg.dato: 2011.04.01 Registreringer 2021.04.01 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2011.08.04 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: DELTA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Ewald Dörken AG , Wetterstrasse 58 , DE-58313 HERDECKE, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Norge (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Chemical products for use in industry; unprocessed epoxy resins, chemical spray and dip solutions for corrosion protection for mass-produced small parts; galvanizing baths, zinc-galvanizing baths, nickel-free; zinc-flake coatings; cataphoretic coatings, electrolytic coatings, cathodic coatings; adhesion promoters; adhesives used in industry; solvent welding preparations for sealing pond films (adhesives); unprocessed plastics; salt hydrates and mixtures containing salt hydrates, included in this class; excluding ceramic dry film protective coatings exclusively for use in welding applications and for use in metal forming processes, die-casting and foundry processes. Klasse 2 Paints, colorants, lacquers, glazes, varnishes, varnishing paints and oil paints, pigments, thin-layer varnishes, top coatings for wooden parts, including parquet flooring and other wooden flooring; paints; mordants; preservatives against the deterioration of wood; coating powder; preservatives against rust; semi-finished goods, namely colouring pastes being paints or colorants for colour-mixing installations, colouring pastes being paints or colorants for industrial manufacturing; plastic dispersions (anti-corrosion preparations), coating preparations for corrosion and wear protection; coating preparations with defined sliding properties, in particular for mass-produced small 99 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 1084417 Søknadsnr.: 201108864 Reg.dato: 2011.04.01 Registreringer 2021.04.01 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2011.08.04 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Klasse 19 Building materials (non-metallic), excluding windows (except for plastic windows), blinds, shutters; nonmetallic transportable buildings; coverings, not of metal, for building; heat accumulator plates for building; plastic composite panels for building; building materials (nonmetallic) in the form of reinforced and non-reinforced separating and protective webs, carrier webs, textured webs for building, included in this class; flat woven and knitted fabrics (not of metal) for building, included in this class; geotextiles; building materials (non-metallic) for wall and foundation protection, and for soil stabilisation and drainage, included in this class; highstrength technical woven and knitted fabrics, not of metal, for building; small greenhouses, transportable, not of metal; repair webs for building, namely flashing and reinforcements, not of metal; ridge copings, hip copings, not of metal, in particular with plastic inserts or plastic backing; salt hydrates and mixtures containing salt hydrates, coated with plastic, for building; drainage, storage and filter webs for green roofs; excluding building materials (non-metallic) for road and track constructions and for fencing. Klasse 20 Fasteners of plastic for building, included in this class. Klasse 22 Tarpaulins for construction purposes as far as contained in this class; protective and covering tarpaulins; scaffolding tarpaulins, scaffolding nets. Klasse 40 Coating of plastic, metal and ceramic components for wear and corrosion protection; electroplating; applying corrosion protection micro-layers in dipping, drawing, spinning, injection and spraying processes; nickel-free zinc galvanizing, for others. DELTA (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Ewald Dörken AG , Wetterstrasse 58 , DE-58313 HERDECKE, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Norge (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Chemical products for use in industry; unprocessed epoxy resins, chemical spray and dip solutions for corrosion protection for mass-produced small parts; galvanizing baths, zinc-galvanizing baths, nickel-free; zinc-flake coatings; cataphoretic coatings, electrolytic coatings, cathodic coatings; adhesion promoters; adhesives used in industry; solvent welding preparations for sealing pond films (adhesives); unprocessed plastics; salt hydrates and mixtures containing salt hydrates, included in this class; excluding ceramic dry film protective coatings exclusively for use in welding applications and for use in metal forming processes, die-casting and foundry processes. Klasse 2 Paints, colorants, lacquers, glazes, varnishes, varnishing paints and oil paints, pigments, thin-layer varnishes, top coatings for wooden parts, including parquet flooring and other wooden flooring; paints; mordants; preservatives against the deterioration of wood; coating powder; preservatives against rust; semi-finished goods, namely colouring pastes being paints or colorants for colour-mixing installations, colouring pastes being paints or colorants for industrial manufacturing; plastic dispersions (anti-corrosion preparations), coating preparations for corrosion and wear protection; coating preparations with defined sliding properties, in particular for mass-produced small parts; coating compounds, being colour, protective, sliding and functional coatings for components of all kinds. Klasse 6 Ridge copings, hip copings of metal, in particular with plastic inserts or plastic backings; separating, protecting and draining sheets of metal; separating, protection, sealing and drainage webs of metal; metals foils; aluminium compound foils; lining of metal for buildings; salt hydrates and mixtures containing salt hydrates, coated with metal, for building. Klasse 17 Insulating materials; packing, stopping and insulating material for use in construction; flexible pipes, not of metal, used for construction purposes, plastic sheets for construction purposes; packing and insulating webs, underlay webs of plastic, liner webs of plastic, carrier webs, textured webs of plastic for insulation and drainage purposes; underlay webs with laminated insulating elements attached; underlay webs with laminated insulating elements attached, insulating panels for building, not of metal; liner webs, liner nonwovens for building, including for laying under photovoltaic or solar coverings; repair webs of plastic for insulating purposes; plastic non-wovens, including coated plastic non-wovens, included in this class; insulating plastic films; plastic films and objects thereof, namely coverings for store rooms and for horticulture; garden and pond films; separating and filtering nonwovens for path and terrace construction; insulating and drainage webs of plastic; insulating fabrics; spreadable insulating material for buildings; salt hydrates coated with plastic and mixtures containing salt hydrates for construction and insulation purposes (latent heat accumulators); adhesive tape for industrial purposes; excluding materials for insulation against sound and vibrations. (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 1109774 Søknadsnr.: 201203231 Reg.dato: 2012.01.06 Registreringer 2022.01.06 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2012.03.29 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Visual Supply Co, 1500 Broadway, Suite 300, USCA94612 OAKLAND, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 42 Creating and hosting an online community for photographers, videographers, artists, students and other creative professionals; creating and maintaining blogs for others; providing customized online web pages featuring user-defined information, which includes blog posts, new media content, other on-line content, and on-line web links to other websites in the fields of photography, videography and design; design, creation, hosting, and maintenance of websites for others; providing use of online non-downloadable software for use in enabling internet publishing; hosting a website featuring digital content, namely, templates, digital tools and other products and information for use in customer relationship management, studio management, photo and video editing and design, invoicing, photo proofing and music licensing. 100 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 1133380 Søknadsnr.: 201211792 Reg.dato: 2012.06.18 Registreringer 2022.06.18 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2012.11.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 1206238 Søknadsnr.: 201407002 Reg.dato: 2014.04.15 Registreringer 2024.04.15 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2014.06.19 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: RACHEL ZOE (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Rachel Zoe Inc, c/o Chapman Bird Grey & Tessler, Inc., 1990 S. Bundy Dr., Suite 200, US-CA90025 LOS ANGELES, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Sunglasses. Klasse 14 Jewelry, namely, watches, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, charms and pins. Klasse 18 Handbags. Klasse 25 Clothing, namely, scarves, shawls, wraps, hats, gloves; clothing, namely, blazers, blouses, caftans, capes, capri pants, coats, dresses, faux fur coats and jackets, jump suits, knit bottoms, knit dresses, knit jackets, knit shirts, knit skirts, knit tops, leggings, overcoats, pants, shirts, skirts, sport coats, suits, sundresses, sweaters, sweatshirts, tank-tops, t-shirts, vests; footwear. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Check-6 International Inc, 201 South Denver Avenue, Suite 306, US-OK74103 TULSA, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 41 Leadership development training in the field of oil and gas, and mining; training in the use and operation of well control operations and consultation relating thereto; training services in the field of oil and gas, and mining, all not for use in national security applications. Klasse 45 Consultancy on regulations on safety at work; consulting in the field of workplace safety, all not for use in national security Applications. (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 1159425 Søknadsnr.: 201306125 Reg.dato: 2013.03.08 Registreringer 2023.03.08 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2013.05.23 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: DIAVELO (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Protanium BV, Sutton 4, NL-7327AB APELDOORN, Nederland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 12 Apparatus for locomotion by air or water, except for tyres, solid, semi-pneumatic and pneumatic trim rings and hub-caps for vehicle tyres. Klasse 35 Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions, none of the aforementioned services in connection with tyres, solid, semi-pneumatic and pneumatic trim rings and hub-caps for vehicle tyres, vehicle wheels, wheel rims, tyres for two wheels vehicles. (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 1215952 Søknadsnr.: 201410565 Reg.dato: 2013.12.13 Registreringer 2023.12.13 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2014.09.18 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 1204378 Søknadsnr.: 201406229 Reg.dato: 2014.04.07 Registreringer 2024.04.07 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2014.05.29 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Lidl Stiftung & Co KG, Stiftsbergstrasse 1, DE-74167 NECKARSULM, Tyskland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 29 Meat, fish, poultry, game and sausages, the aforementioned goods also preserved, frozen, dried and/or cooked; meat products, fish products, poultry products, game products, sausage products; meat extracts, fish extracts, poultry extracts, game extracts; seafood, molluscs and shellfishes, also preserved, frozen, dried and/or cooked; preserved, frozen, dried and/or cooked fruits and vegetables; fruits extracts and vegetable extracts; antipasti, mainly consisting of meat, fish, poultry, game, seafood, fruits, vegetables or cheese; ready-to-serve meals mainly consisting of CHECK-6 (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Check-6 International Inc, 201 South Denver Avenue, Suite 306, US-OK74103 TULSA, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 41 Leadership development training in the field of oil and gas, and mining; training in the use and operation of well control operations and consultation relating thereto; training services in the field of oil and gas, and mining, all not for use in national security applications. Klasse 45 Consultancy on regulations on safety at work; consulting in the field of workplace safety, all not for use in national security applications. 101 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 1224446 Søknadsnr.: 201413843 Reg.dato: 2014.03.25 Registreringer 2024.03.25 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2014.11.27 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: meat, fish, poultry, game, seafood, fruits, vegetables or cheese; salads mainly consisting of meat, fish, poultry, game, seafood, fruits, vegetables or cheese; pulses, processed nuts, almonds; nut mixtures; jellies, jams, compotes, marmalades, fruits pulp, spreads; eggs, milk, milk products as far as included in this class; butter, cheese, fresh milk, UHT-milk, butter milk, kefir, cream, yoghurt, curd cheese, milk powder for nutrition purposes, desserts made of yoghurt, curd cheese and/or cream; edible oils and fats; margarine, spreads; ready-to-serve meals and frozen meals as far as included in this class; soups, bouillons, soup preparations, stews; dietetic products and foodstuff for non-medical purposes as far as included in this class; snacks made of fruits and vegetable, potato chips; nibbling articles as far as included in this class; readyto-serve meals mainly consisting of the aforementioned goods. Klasse 30 Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour and preparations made from cereals, cereals, muesli; wholemeal products; pasta; coffee-, tea-, cocoa- and chocolate-based drinks; coffee preparations, tea preparations and cocoa preparations for making alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks; flavourings for foodstuff; bread; pastry; confectionery; chocolate and chocolate products; sweet spreads; candies and sweets; edible ice; pudding, pudding powder; dessert as far as included in this class; honey, molasses; yeast, baking powder, starch for food; baking mixtures for making cakes, fancy cakes, stirred cakes or bread products; baking ingredients of all kind, especially flavourings (except essential oils), essences for baking purposes (except essential oils), shortenings in form of powder for cooking purposes, baking spices, ready-made baking mixtures, baking powder, liquid sugar, fondant, fillings for cakes and pies, glucose for culinary purposes, yeast and leavening agents, crystallized ginger, caramelized sugar, hundreds and thousands, almond paste, marzipan, marzipan substitute, treacle, corn starch, natural starch for food, nougat, candied orange peel and candied lemon peel, peppermint for confectionery, saffron, chocolate powder, cocoa powder, syrup and treacle, crumbles, sweet glazes and fillings, vanilla beans, vanillin (vanilla substitute), cube sugar, cake decorations made of candy; salt, mustard; mayonnaise, remoulade, ketchup; vinegar, sauces (condiments), salad dressings; spices, spice extracts, dried herbs; ready-to-serve meals and frozen meals as far as included in this class; pasta meals; pizza and pizza products; sushi; open sandwiches, bread rolls, baguettes or sandwiches; pies as far as included in this class; dietetic products and foodstuff for non-medical purposes as far as included in this class; snacks made of cereals; salty snacks; nibbling articles as far as included in this class; readyto-serve meals mainly consisting of the aforementioned goods. Klasse 31 Fresh fruits and vegetables; fresh herbs, nuts, seeds, natural plants and natural flowers; dried plants. Klasse 32 Beers; non-alcoholic beer; diet beer; malt beer; mineral and aerated waters; non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; intermediate products for the preparation of alcoholic beverages, namely non-alcoholic syrups and concentrates for the preparation of alcoholic cocktails. Klasse 33 Alcoholic beverages (except beers), spirits; wine; port wine; red wine; white wine; still wine; sparkling wine; champagne; fruit wine; table wine; mulled wine; spritzer; aperitifs; alcopops; absinthe; armagnac; aquavit; bitters; brandy; cognac; calvados, gin; grappa; kirsch; liqueurs; ouzo; rum; alcoholic beverages based on rum, except ale, beer or malt containing beverages; tequila, scotch; schnapps; whisky; vermouth; vodka; cocktails based on the aforementioned goods. (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Wikimedia Foundation Inc, 149 New Montgomery Street, 3rd Floor, US-CA94105 SAN FRANCISCO, USA (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Downloadable software providing access to a collaboratively created and maintained repository of images, sound, text, and other media files; downloadable mobile application to view, upload, and share files to a repository of images, sound, text and other media files; downloadable publications in the nature of images, sound, text, and other media files of an encyclopedic nature. Klasse 41 Arranging and conducting contests and incentive award programs for educational purposes. Klasse 42 Providing a website featuring a collaboratively created and maintained online repository of images, sound, text, and other media files; providing an online interactive index of general knowledge containing images, sound, text, and other media files for educational and entertainment purposes; hosting a website featuring open source technology that enables users to view, discuss, edit, and contribute to an online repository of images, sound, text, and other media files; computer services, namely, maintaining an online repository of images, sound, text and other media files. (111) (210) (151) (180) Reg.nr.: 1230699 Søknadsnr.: 201500200 Reg.dato: 2014.10.16 Registreringer 2024.10.16 utløper: (220) Inndato: 2015.01.01 (540) Gjengivelse av merket: nTx (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Nora Systems GmbH, Höhnerweg 2-4, DE-69469 WEINHEIM, Tyskland (511) Ny vare-/tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 17 Sheets and sheetings made of rubber or gum for floors; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture, exclusively for floors; sheets and sheetings made of plastic for floors. Klasse 19 Building materials, namely sheets and sheetings for 102 begrensing av varer og tjenester for int.merker floors, not of metal, skirtings, not of metal; tile floorings; floor tiles, not of metal; floor tiles of rubber; floors, not of metal; building materials for manufacturing floors (non-metallic). Klasse 27 Carpets, rugs, mats and matting, linoleum and other materials for covering existing floors; floor coverings of rubber and synthetic rubber; floor coverings of plastic; floor coverings. 103 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 begrensing i varer eller tjenester for nasjonale merker Begrensing av varer eller tjenester for nasjonale registreringer Begrensing i liste over varer eller tjenester utført for nasjonale registreringer. (111) (151) (151) (180) (210) (220) (540) Reg.nr.: 279234 Reg.dato.: 2014.11.28 Int. reg. dato: 2014.11.28 Registreringen utløper: 2024.08.28 Søknadsnr: 201409973 Inndato: 2014.08.28 Gjengivelse av merket: (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (730) Innehaver: Nissan Jidosha KK (also trading as Nissan Motor Co., Ltd), No 2 Takara-cho, Kanagawa-ku, JPYOKOHAMA-SHI, KANAGAWA-KEN, Japan (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 11 Apparater og innretninger for belysning, oppvarming, dampproduksjon, tørking, ventilasjon, kjøling, vanntilførsel og sanitære formål; klimaanlegg for kjøretøyer; installasjoner for luftfiltrering; antiblendingsutstyr for kjøretøyer (tilbehør til lamper); defrosteranordninger for kjøretøyer; elektriske lamper; vifter (deler av luftkondisjoneringsinstallasjoner); lommelykter; frontlys for automobiler; varmevekslere, ikke maskindeler; varmeapparater for kjøretøyer; varmeapparater for avisning av kjøretøyvinduer; ioniseringsapparater for behandling av luft eller vann; lampemuffer; lyspærer for retningsvisere for kjøretøyer; lysspredere (diffusører); apparater og installasjoner for belysning; belysningsapparater for kjøretøyer; lys for automobiler; lys for kjøretøyer; radiatorlokk; radiatorer (oppvarming); reflektorer for lamper; reflektorer for kjøretøyer; kjøleapparater og -maskiner; termostatventiler (deler av oppvarmingsinstallasjoner); ventilasjonsinstallasjoner for kjøretøyer (klimatisering). 104 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 slettelser 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Trekninger/slettelser begjært av søker/innehaver Følgende vare- og eller fellesmerker er begjært slettet fra varemerkeregisteret av innehaver. (111) (151) Reg.nr.: Reg.Dato.: 252852 2009.10.05 (111) (151) Reg.nr.: Reg.Dato.: 273356 2013.11.29 (111) (151) Reg.nr.: Reg.Dato.: 520414 1976.10.12 105 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer i spesifiserte rettigheter Endring av innehaver, eller av innehavers navn og/eller adresse, i spesifiserte varemerkerettigheter, jf. varemerkeloven § 53 og varemerkeforskriften § 29. (111) Reg.nr.: 133982 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19871663 (730) Innehaver: Jacobs Douwe Egberts DK ApS, c/o Merrild Kaffe ApS, Nyvang 16, DK-5500 MIDDELFART, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.01 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201503808 (730) Søker: MHWirth AS, Postboks 413 Lundsiden, 4604 KRISTIANSAND S, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.08 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201509667 (730) Søker: DREAMTEAM FAROOQ, Bergkrystallen 19, 1155 OSLO, Norge (111) Reg.nr.: 141560 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19872107 (730) Innehaver: Cummins Turbo Technologies Ltd, St. Andrew’s Road, GB-HD16RA HUDDERSFIELD, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.03 (111) Reg.nr.: 10100 (210) Søknadsnr.: 10100 (730) Innehaver: Takeda AS, Drammensvn. 852, 1383 ASKER, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 (111) Reg.nr.: 159221 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19922946 (730) Innehaver: Gunnebo AB, Box 5181, SE-402 26 GÖTEBORG, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.04 (111) Reg.nr.: 106231 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19782512 (730) Innehaver: Jacobs Douwe Egberts DK ApS, c/o Merrild Kaffe ApS, Nyvang 16, DK-5500 MIDDELFART, Danmark (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.01 (111) Reg.nr.: 164901 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19933380 (730) Innehaver: Fashion For You i Sommen AB, Villängsvägen 18, SE57361 SOMMEN, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.03 (111) Reg.nr.: 112424 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19812288 (730) Innehaver: Osaka Gas Chemicals Co., Ltd., 2-37, Chiyozaki 3-chome Minami, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, JP- OSAKA, Japan (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 170398 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19945064 (730) Innehaver: HSBC Group Management Services Limited, 8 Canada Square, GB-E14 5HQ LONDON, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 123891 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19850671 (730) Innehaver: Koninklijke Douwe Egberts BV, Oosterdokstraat 80, NL1011 DK AMSTERDAM, Nederland (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.03 106 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer (111) Reg.nr.: 177329 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19954286 (730) Innehaver: Lenovo International Limited, 23/F Lincoln House, Taikoo Place, HK-979 King’s Road QUARRY BAY, Hong Kong (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.03 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (111) Reg.nr.: 195005 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199710362 (730) Innehaver: Fidia Farmaceutici SpA, Via Ponte della Fabbrica, 3/A, IT35031 ABANO TERME (PD), Italia (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.01 (111) Reg.nr.: 196370 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199809684 (730) Innehaver: curasan AG, Lindigstrasse 4, DE-63801 KLEINOSTHEIM, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Oslo Patentkontor AS, Postboks 7007 Majorstua , 0306 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 17915 (210) Søknadsnr.: 20780 (730) Innehaver: Takeda AS, Drammensvn. 852, 1383 ASKER, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 (111) Reg.nr.: 180167 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19954504 (730) Innehaver: Fidia Farmaceutici SpA, Via Ponte della Fabbrica, 3/A, IT35031 ABANO TERME (PD), Italia (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.01 (111) Reg.nr.: 201052 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199902365 (730) Innehaver: Georgia-Pacific Nonwovens LLC, 133 Peachtree Street NE, US-GA30303 ATLANTA, USA (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.04 (111) Reg.nr.: 180168 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19954505 (730) Innehaver: Fidia Farmaceutici SpA, Via Ponte della Fabbrica, 3/A, IT35031 ABANO TERME (PD), Italia (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.01 (111) Reg.nr.: 209867 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19962894 (730) Innehaver: Sealants Europe SAS, 84-116 rue Salvador Allende, FR95870 BEZONS, Frankrike (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 (111) Reg.nr.: 191603 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199801640 (730) Innehaver: Fidia Farmaceutici SpA, Via Ponte della Fabbrica, 3/A, IT35031 ABANO TERME (PD), Italia (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.01 (111) Reg.nr.: 212975 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199801086 (730) Innehaver: Sky UK Ltd., Grant Way, Isleworth, GB-TW7 50D MIDDLESEX, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 (111) Reg.nr.: 193965 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199800034 (730) Innehaver: Lenovo International Limited, 23/F Lincoln House, Taikoo Place, HK-979 King’s Road QUARRY BAY, Hong Kong (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.03 (111) Reg.nr.: 212976 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199801090 (730) Innehaver: Sky UK Ltd., Grant Way, Isleworth, GB-TW7 50D MIDDLESEX, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 107 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (111) Reg.nr.: 229808 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200501078 (730) Innehaver: CA, Inc., 520 Madison Avenue, US-NY10022 NEW YORK, USA (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.01 (111) Reg.nr.: 212995 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199801089 (730) Innehaver: Sky UK Ltd., Grant Way, Isleworth, GB-TW7 50D MIDDLESEX, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 (111) Reg.nr.: 214604 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200113721 (730) Innehaver: Lenovo International Limited, 23/F Lincoln House, Taikoo Place, HK-979 King’s Road QUARRY BAY, Hong Kong (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.03 (111) Reg.nr.: 230650 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200502635 (730) Innehaver: ALLIEROGRUPPEN AS, Nydalsveien 30 B, 0484 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.08.31 (111) Reg.nr.: 218973 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200207392 (730) Innehaver: Lenovo International Limited, 23/F Lincoln House, Taikoo Place, HK-979 King’s Road QUARRY BAY, Hong Kong (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.03 (111) Reg.nr.: 232833 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200509809 (730) Innehaver: SK Holdings Co., Ltd., 26, Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, KRSEOUL, Sør-Korea (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 (111) Reg.nr.: 222703 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200103778 (730) Innehaver: Lenovo International Limited, 23/F Lincoln House, Taikoo Place, HK-979 King’s Road QUARRY BAY, Hong Kong (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.03 (111) Reg.nr.: 232834 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200509810 (730) Innehaver: SK Holdings Co., Ltd., 26, Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, KRSEOUL, Sør-Korea (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 (111) Reg.nr.: 227993 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200408196 (730) Innehaver: Sears Brands, LLC, 3333 Beverly Road, US-IL60179 HOFFMAN ESTATES, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 (111) Reg.nr.: 233153 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200509804 (730) Innehaver: SK Holdings Co., Ltd., 26, Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, KRSEOUL, Sør-Korea (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 (111) Reg.nr.: 228278 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200408608 (730) Innehaver: Suncor Energy Inc., 150-6th Avenue S.W., CA-ABT2P3E3 CALGARY, Canada (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.01 (111) Reg.nr.: 235872 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200603156 (730) Innehaver: Fashion For You i Sommen AB, Villängsvägen 18, SE57361 SOMMEN, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.03 108 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer (111) Reg.nr.: 238265 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200607143 (730) Innehaver: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Wittelsbacherplatz 2, DE80333 MÜNCHEN, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.08 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (111) Reg.nr.: 272396 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201303751 (730) Innehaver: SK Holdings Co., Ltd., 26, Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, KRSEOUL, Sør-Korea Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 (111) Reg.nr.: 275690 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201400915 (730) Innehaver: OTCF S.A., ul. Ochota 14, PL-32-020 WIELICZKA, Polen (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.04 (111) Reg.nr.: 240454 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200702712 (730) Innehaver: Kerling Limited, Runcorn Site HQ, South Parade, GBWA74JE RUNCORN CHERSHIRE, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.01 (111) Reg.nr.: 281951 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201502867 (730) Innehaver: Nordic Nanovector AS, Kjelsåsveien 168 B, 0884 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Plougmann & Vingtoft, Postboks 1003 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.01 (111) Reg.nr.: 248024 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200808739 (730) Innehaver: Lenovo International Limited, 23/F Lincoln House, Taikoo Place, HK-979 King’s Road QUARRY BAY, Hong Kong (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.03 (111) Reg.nr.: 282145 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201502940 (730) Innehaver: ITALIC AS, Dælenenggata 16 A, 0567 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 249116 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200808467 (730) Innehaver: Moltzau AS, Martin Strandlis vei 10, 0956 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 283059 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201505687 (730) Innehaver: Innovasjon Norge, Akersgata 13, 0158 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.02 (111) Reg.nr.: 257779 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201004999 (730) Innehaver: theMoon AS, Agathe Grøndahls gate 44, 0487 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Advokat Tom Eivind Haug, c/o Advokatfirmaet Sverdrup DA, Postboks 1865 Vika, 0124 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 52178 (210) Søknadsnr.: 64219 (730) Innehaver: Lactona Corporation, 805 West 5th Street, Suite 12, USPA19446 LANSDALE, USA (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.02 (111) Reg.nr.: 265946 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201107856 (730) Innehaver: Hofseth Biocare ASA, Molovegen 6, 6004 ÅLESUND, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.01 109 overdragelser og navne-/adresseendringer (111) Reg.nr.: 67245 (210) Søknadsnr.: 82925 (730) Innehaver: Arc International, 104 Avenue du Général de Gaulle, FR62510 ARQUES, Frankrike (740) Fullmektig: Tandbergs Patentkontor AS, Postboks 1570 Vika, 0118 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.03 (111) Reg.nr.: 74734 (210) Søknadsnr.: 94444 (730) Innehaver: The William Carter Company, 3438 Peachtree Road NE Suite 1800, US-GA30326 ATLANTA, USA (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.03 110 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 endringer i fullmaktsforhold 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Endringer i fullmaktsforhold Endring av fullmaktsforhold, jf. varemerkeforskriften § 29. (210) (730) (111) Reg.nr.: 139815 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19884505 (730) Innehaver: Accor, 110 Avenue de France, FR-75013 PARIS, Frankrike (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 Søknadsnr.: 201503808 Søker: MHWirth AS, Postboks 413 Lundsiden, 4604 KRISTIANSAND S, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 101440 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19770509 (730) Innehaver: Accor, 110 Avenue de France, FR-75013 PARIS, Frankrike (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 (111) Reg.nr.: 142899 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19893169 (730) Innehaver: Intersnack Knabber-Gepäck GmbH & Co KG, Aachener Strasse 1042, DE-50858 KÖLN, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.04 (111) Reg.nr.: 107613 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19781962 (730) Innehaver: Intersnack Knabber-Gepäck GmbH & Co KG, Aachener Strasse 1042, DE-50858 KÖLN, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.04 (111) Reg.nr.: 143027 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19884504 (730) Innehaver: Accor, 110 Avenue de France, FR-75013 PARIS, Frankrike (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 (111) Reg.nr.: 123064 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19843994 (730) Innehaver: Paul Reber GmbH & Co KG, Ludwigstrasse 10, DE83435 BAD REICHENHALL, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 (111) Reg.nr.: 159419 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19903730 (730) Innehaver: Intersnack Knabber-Gepäck GmbH & Co KG, Aachener Strasse 1042, DE-50858 KÖLN, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.04 (111) Reg.nr.: 123174 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19850383 (730) Innehaver: Bridgestone Licensing Services Inc, 535 Marriott Drive, US-TN37214 NASHVILLE, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 (111) Reg.nr.: 167135 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19935731 (730) Innehaver: Intersnack Knabber-Gepäck GmbH & Co KG, Aachener Strasse 1042, DE-50858 KÖLN, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.04 (111) Reg.nr.: 123660 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19843748 (730) Innehaver: Uddeholms AB, SE-68385 HAGFORS, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Hynell AS, Parkveien 53 B, 0256 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 111 endringer i fullmaktsforhold (111) Reg.nr.: 175959 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19934576 (730) Innehaver: Intersnack Knabber-Gepäck GmbH & Co KG, Aachener Strasse 1042, DE-50858 KÖLN, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.04 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (111) Reg.nr.: 228383 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200408607 (730) Innehaver: Mio AB, Box 59, SE-54321 TIBRO, Sverige (740) Fullmektig: Mio AB, Box 59, SE-54321 TIBRO, Sverige Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 230650 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200502635 (730) Innehaver: ALLIEROGRUPPEN AS, Nydalsveien 30 B, 0484 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.08.31 (111) Reg.nr.: 180167 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19954504 (730) Innehaver: Fidia Farmaceutici SpA, Via Ponte della Fabbrica, 3/A, IT35031 ABANO TERME (PD), Italia (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.01 (111) Reg.nr.: 238265 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200607143 (730) Innehaver: Siemens Aktiengesellschaft, Wittelsbacherplatz 2, DE80333 MÜNCHEN, Tyskland (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 180168 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19954505 (730) Innehaver: Fidia Farmaceutici SpA, Via Ponte della Fabbrica, 3/A, IT35031 ABANO TERME (PD), Italia (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.01 (111) Reg.nr.: 240454 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200702712 (730) Innehaver: Kerling Limited, Runcorn Site HQ, South Parade, GBWA74JE RUNCORN CHERSHIRE, Storbritannia (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.01 (111) Reg.nr.: 180919 (210) Søknadsnr.: 19961293 (730) Innehaver: Accor, 110 Avenue de France, FR-75013 PARIS, Frankrike (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 (111) Reg.nr.: 257779 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201004999 (730) Innehaver: theMoon AS, Agathe Grøndahls gate 44, 0487 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Advokat Tom Eivind Haug, c/o Advokatfirmaet Sverdrup DA, Postboks 1865 Vika, 0124 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.08 (111) Reg.nr.: 191603 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199801640 (730) Innehaver: Fidia Farmaceutici SpA, Via Ponte della Fabbrica, 3/A, IT35031 ABANO TERME (PD), Italia (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.01 (111) Reg.nr.: 195005 (210) Søknadsnr.: 199710362 (730) Innehaver: Fidia Farmaceutici SpA, Via Ponte della Fabbrica, 3/A, IT35031 ABANO TERME (PD), Italia (740) Fullmektig: Onsagers AS, Postboks 1813 Vika, 0123 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.01 (111) Reg.nr.: 261583 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201102229 (730) Innehaver: Accor, 110 Avenue de France, FR-75013 PARIS, Frankrike (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 112 endringer i fullmaktsforhold (111) Reg.nr.: 275690 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201400915 (730) Innehaver: OTCF S.A., ul. Ochota 14, PL-32-020 WIELICZKA, Polen (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.04 (111) Reg.nr.: 282145 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201502940 (730) Innehaver: ITALIC AS, Dælenenggata 16 A, 0567 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Acapo AS, Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817 BERGEN, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.07 (111) Reg.nr.: 283059 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201505687 (730) Innehaver: Innovasjon Norge, Akersgata 13, 0158 OSLO, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Advokatfirmaet Grette DA, Postboks 1397 Vika, 0114 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.02 (111) Reg.nr.: 33151 (210) Søknadsnr.: 39277 (730) Innehaver: Bridgestone Licensing Services Inc, 535 Marriott Drive, US-TN37214 NASHVILLE, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 (111) Reg.nr.: 99471 (210) Søknadsnr.: 117958 (730) Innehaver: Soluxury HMC, 110 avenue de France, FR-75013 PARIS, Frankrike (740) Fullmektig: Zacco Norway AS, Postboks 2003 Vika, 0125 OSLO, Norge Melding innkommet patentstyret: 2015.09.09 113 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 rettelse av internasjonale merker Rettelse av internasjonale varemerkeregistreringer (111) Reg.nr.: 1209489 (151) Reg.dato.: 2013.12.03 (180) Registreringen utløper: 2023.12.03 (210) Søknadsnr.: 201408209 (220) Inndato: 2014.07.17 (300) Konvensjonsprioritet: 2013.08.01, EM, 012070901 (540) Gjengivelse av market: ZEROBOR (541) Merket er et ordmerke i standard font (730) Innehaver: Crespel & Deiters GmbH & Co KG, Groner Allee 7476, 49479 IBBENBÜREN, Tyskland (DE) (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 1 Adhesives, other than for stationery or household purposes; chemicals for the manufacture of adhesives; binding agents, other than for household or stationery purposes; sizing preparations; glue for industrial purposes; chemical fillers; photographic fixers; chemical auxiliaries for the paper industry, for the textile industry, for corrugated cardboard manufacturing and for the construction industry. Klasse 16 Glue for stationery or household purposes; adhesives for stationery or household purposes. 114 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 overprøving varemerker 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Krav om administrativ overprøving av varemerkeregistreringer I følgende varemerkeregistrering er det innkommet krav om administrativ overprøving. (111) Reg.nr.: 247522 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200709230 (450) Reg. kunngjort: Nr. 38/08 - 2008.09.15 Krav om administrativ overprøving innlevert: 2015.09.07 (540) Gjengivelse av merket (111) Reg.nr.: 245502 (210) Søknadsnr.: 200802014 (450) Reg. kunngjort: Nr. 18/08 – 2008.04.28 Krav om administrativ overprøving innlevert: 2015.09.04 (540) Gjengivelse av merket (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Lydutstyr og -apparater, bilde- og videoutstyr, bilde- og videoapparater og databehandlingsutstyr, nemlig nettverks-, administrasjons-, overførings- og mottakersystemer som omfatter eller består av hardware og software for muliggjøring av distribusjon og/eller avspilling av lyd, visuell informasjon og datainformasjon via satellitt og terrestrielle kommunikasjonssystemer, via nettverkssystemer og via trådløse kommunikasjonssystemer. Klasse 35 Databehandlingstjenester. Klasse 38 Telekommunikasjonstjenester, nemlig elektroniske overførings- og mottakertjenester for data og audiovisuelle visninger via dataterminaler og trådløse kommunikasjonsinnretninger; satellittkommunikasjonstjenester og terrestrielle kommunikasjonstjenester; tekst- og nummerbaserte trådløse digitale beskjedformidlingstjenester; online dokumentlevering via et globalt datanettverk. Klasse 41 Produksjon og redigering av audiovisuelt (lyd/bilde) materiale. Klasse 42 Dataprogrammeringstjenester, nemlig utarbeidelse og forberedelse av data innen feltet telekommunikasjon, overført via satellitt og terrestrielle kommunikasjonssystemer, nettverkssystemer og trådløse kommunikasjonssystemer. (730) Innehaver: Qualcomm Incorporated, 5775 Morehouse Drive, USCA92121-1714 SAN DIEGO, USA (740) Fullmektig: Bryn Aarflot AS, Postboks 449 Sentrum, 0104 OSLO, Norge Kravstiller: LG Display Co Ltd., 128, Yeoui-daero, KRYEONGDEUNGPO-GU, SEOUL, Sør-Korea Kravstillers fullmektig: Protector Intellectual Property Consultants AS, Oscarsgate 20, 0352, OSLO, NO (546) Merket er et kombinert merke eller et rent figurmerke (511) Vare-/ tjenestefortegnelse: Klasse 9 Apparater for opptak, overføring og gjengivelse av lyd og bilder; databehandlingsutstyr, dataprogrammer og datamaskiner; fotokopieringsmaskiner. (730) Innehaver: Jakob Hatteland Holding AS, 5578 NEDRE VATS, Norge (740) Fullmektig: Norsk Patentbyrå AS, Postboks 1204 Vika, 0110 OSLO, Norge Kravstiller: Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd, 10 Great Marlborough Street, GB-W1F7LP LONDON, Storbritannia Kravstillers fullmektig: Acapo AS , Postboks 1880 Nordnes, 5817, BERGEN, NO 115 fornyelser 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Fornyelser (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: 122537 2025.10.03 264411 2025.07.01 122821 2025.10.24 33774 2026.02.07 122944 2025.11.07 520600 2025.12.21 123674 2025.12.19 67140 2025.10.14 124326 2026.02.13 67171 2025.10.21 1256 2025.07.01 67245 2025.10.28 1428AM 2025.07.01 67247 2025.10.28 169016 2025.08.03 926 2025.07.01 169846 2025.10.19 170418 2025.11.30 1938 2025.07.01 227936 2025.09.01 227938 2025.09.01 227993 2025.09.06 228194 2025.09.19 228242 2025.09.21 228275 2025.09.23 228336 2025.09.28 228337 2025.09.28 228672 2025.10.13 228875 2025.10.20 230264 2025.12.30 230630 2026.01.26 231043 2026.02.27 231044 2026.02.27 116 fornyede internasjonale registreringer 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Fornyede internasjonale registreringer (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: 0300646 2025.07.26 0858342 2025.07.18 0300776 2025.07.30 0859112 2025.07.27 0300804 2025.08.02 0860197 2025.07.27 0493714 2025.04.23 0860277 2025.07.29 0641020 2025.07.20 0860599 2025.08.05 0644987 2025.08.23 0860628 2025.08.11 0646909 2025.08.21 0860701 2025.08.25 0850989 2025.05.20 0861041 2025.08.08 0852920 2025.06.08 0861093 2025.07.27 0855713 2025.08.03 0861115 2025.07.11 0855718 2025.07.19 0861297 2025.06.03 0855803 2025.08.03 0861380 2025.07.11 0855864 2025.07.19 0861396 2025.08.25 0856108 2025.02.03 0861454 2025.07.27 0856118 2025.07.20 0861476 2025.08.12 0857313 2025.07.13 0861521 2025.08.01 0857347 2025.08.04 0861553 2025.07.29 0857473 2025.08.10 0861602 2025.07.29 0857649 2025.07.11 0861786 2025.08.08 0858060 2025.07.18 0861817 2025.08.01 0858207 2025.07.13 0861875 2025.08.22 117 fornyede internasjonale registreringer 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: 0861881 2025.08.19 0865669 2025.08.25 0861897 2025.08.16 0865698 2025.08.02 0862562 2025.08.24 0865792 2025.07.22 0863101 2025.08.25 0865823 2025.08.25 0863167 2025.07.29 0865843 2025.07.25 0863196 2025.07.18 0865958 2025.08.26 0863313 2025.07.08 0866440 2025.08.26 0863461 2025.07.29 0866582 2025.07.28 0863705 2025.08.09 0866677 2025.08.23 0863767 2025.08.23 0866899 2025.07.18 0863929 2025.07.13 0867266 2025.08.11 0864028 2025.06.28 0867434 2025.08.25 0864088 2025.08.26 0867475 2025.08.05 0864192 2025.07.27 0867497 2025.07.19 0864573 2025.08.01 0867547 2025.08.05 0864607 2025.08.02 0867549 2025.07.21 0864663 2025.08.22 0867747 2025.08.04 0864954 2025.07.18 0868375 2025.08.22 0865001 2025.08.03 0868487 2025.08.22 0865155 2025.07.14 0868587 2025.07.13 0865226 2025.07.26 0868721 2025.06.21 0865411 2025.07.27 0869018 2025.07.19 118 fornyede internasjonale registreringer 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: 0869484 2025.08.05 0878905 2025.08.01 0869523 2025.07.29 0880825 2025.08.22 0869593 2025.07.06 0881227 2025.08.18 0869630 2025.08.01 0881311 2025.08.24 0870530 2025.08.01 0881336 2025.08.24 0871417 2025.07.13 0881515 2025.08.22 0871813 2025.08.26 0882475 2025.07.11 0871931 2025.08.24 0882724 2025.07.09 0872706 2025.06.27 0882757 2025.08.22 0872708 2025.06.27 0882875 2025.07.11 0872786 2025.07.18 0883287 2025.08.04 0872861 2025.07.12 0883644 2025.08.22 0873446 2025.07.15 0888052 2025.05.27 0874793 2025.08.26 0889032 2025.08.03 0874895 2025.08.26 0889485 2025.08.26 0875158 2025.08.23 0890520 2025.06.29 0875732 2025.08.24 0891809 2025.07.25 0876490 2025.07.29 0892194 2025.08.17 0876662 2025.08.15 0893244 2025.06.29 0878519 2025.08.23 0902359 2025.08.25 0878561 2025.07.14 0904153 2025.07.15 0878901 2025.08.22 0910176 2025.07.12 119 fornyede internasjonale registreringer (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: 0910479 2025.08.12 0910479 2025.08.12 0912536 2025.08.25 120 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 ikke fornyede internasjonale registreringer 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Ikke fornyede internasjonale registreringer (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: 0492568 2015.02.24 0849462 2015.03.01 0632512 2015.02.25 0849684 2015.02.18 0632735 2015.02.16 0849726 2015.02.18 0633350 2015.02.13 0849763 2015.02.14 0844931A 2015.02.16 0850475 2015.03.01 0845330 2015.02.14 0850554 2015.02.18 0845524 2015.02.14 0851158 2015.02.16 0846024 2015.02.17 0851793 2015.02.18 0846452 2015.03.01 0852025 2015.02.16 0846707 2015.02.24 0853003 2015.02.14 0846803 2015.02.16 0853004 2015.02.14 0846831 2015.02.17 0853407 2015.02.18 0846835 2015.02.23 0853874 2015.03.01 0846930 2015.02.14 0853979 2015.02.18 0847024 2015.02.15 0854702 2015.02.12 0847025 2015.02.15 0854735 2015.02.15 0847026 2015.02.15 0854880 2015.02.18 0847030 2015.02.15 0854934 2015.02.15 0847232 2015.02.17 0855304 2015.02.16 0847250 2015.02.23 0855680 2015.02.14 0847714 2015.02.17 0857929 2015.03.01 0848357 2015.02.14 0857968 2015.03.01 0848579 2015.02.14 0858822 2015.02.18 0849425 2015.02.16 0859780 2015.02.18 0849459 2015.03.01 0859945 2015.02.14 121 ikke fornyede internasjonale registreringer (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: 0861619 2015.02.18 0861721 2015.02.15 0861722 2015.02.15 0863404 2015.02.17 0863802 2015.02.23 0864911 2015.02.23 0865279 2015.02.16 0866801 2015.02.16 0866993 2015.02.15 0867074 2015.02.17 0870189 2015.02.14 0872155 2015.02.17 0873321 2015.02.15 0875436 2015.02.24 0876264 2015.02.15 0876265 2015.02.15 0876321 2015.02.17 0876532 2015.02.18 0878253 2015.02.15 122 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 slettede internasjonale registreringer Slettede internasjonale registreringer (111) Reg.nr: (180) Registreringen utløper: 0889303 2015.07.10 0890970 2015.07.10 0914084 2015.07.21 1049456 2015.07.02 (Bakgrunn for slettelsen er en overdragelse av samtlige varer til internasjonal registrering nr. 1049456A) 1180400 2015.07.20 1204437 2015.07.20 1208332 2015.07.08 1224733 2015.08.06 123 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 administrativ overprøving av registrering av foretaksnavn 2015.09.21 - nr 39/15 Administrativ overprøving av registrering av foretaksnavn Administrativ overprøving av registrering av foretaksnavn i henhold til foretaksnavneloven § 3-6 er avgjort i Patentstyret. Krav nummer: Kravstiller: Grunnlag: Registreringsinnehaver: Beslutning: Krav nummer: Kravstiller: Grunnlag: Registreringsinnehaver: Beslutning: 2014039 Mobilise AS, Munkedamsveien 67, 0270 OSLO Kravet er begrunnet med at foretaksnavnet MOBILIZE NORWAY AS er egnet til å forveksles med det registrerte foretaksnavnet MOBILISE AS med organisasjonsnummer 996 745 376. Registreringen av foretaksnavnet MOBILIZE NORWAY AS hevdes på dette grunnlag av kravstilleren å være i strid med foretaksnavneloven § 2-6 nr. 4. Mobilize Norway AS, Storgata 15, 2000 LILLESTRØM Registreringen av foretaksnavnet MOBILIZE NORWAY AS er i strid med foretaksnavneloven § 2-6 nr. 4, og kravet om administrativ overprøving tas til følge. 2015001 Intellectual Property Holdings AS , Fjordalléen 16, 0250, OSLO Kravet er begrunnet med at foretaksnavnet AKER FOTO AS er egnet til å forveksles med kravstillerens registrerte varemerker; registrering nr. 254940, ordmerket AKER POWER MASTER, registrering nr. 254939, ordmerket AKER HAND OVER, registrering nr. 255165, ordmerket AKER SAFETY LOCK, registrering nr. 255877, ordmerket AKER RAM LIFT, registrering nr. 263025, ordmerket AKER AIR, registrering nr. 249870, ordmerket AKER STADION, registrering nr. 242390, ordmerket AKER CAPITAL, registrering nr. 245129, ordmerket AKER, og internasjonal registrering nr. 908912, ordmerket AKER, og registrering nr. 239443, det kombinerte merket AKER, jf. foretaksnavneloven § 2-6 nr. 4. Kravet er videre begrunnet med at AKERmerkene har opparbeidet seg rettigheter etter det såkalte Kodak-vernet i henhold til varemerkeloven § 4 andre ledd, og det henvises i den anledning til Patentstyrets uttalelse i avgjørelse av 3. april 2009 i foretaksklagesak KF 2008033 vedrørende administrativ overprøving av AKER’S HUS KAFEDRIFT AS: «På bakgrunn av allmenn viten betviler Patentstyret likevel ikke at AKER er et velkjent kjennetegn i Norge, for en stor aktør innen industriell virksomhet.» AKER FOTO AS , Stortorvet 10, 0155, OSLO Registreringen av foretaksnavnet AKER FOTO AS er i strid med foretaksnavneloven § 2-6 nr. 4 og kravet om administrativ overprøving tas til følge. 124
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