Memory & Cognition 1998,26 (I), 75-87 Orthography and phonology in reading Japanese kanji words: Evidence from the semantic decision task with homophones NAOKOSAKUMA Tokyo Metropolitan Institute ofGerontology, Tokyo, Japan SUMIKO SASANUMA International University ofHealth and Welfare, Ohtawara, Japan ITARUF. TATSUMI Tokyo Metropolitan Institute ofGerontology, Tokyo, Japan and SHINOBUMASAKI The ATR Human Information Processing Research Laboratories, Kyoto, Japan Correspondences between spelling and sound for Japanese kanji are complex and deep. The meaning of kanji words has generally been assumed to be accessed directly from orthography without phonological mediation. Experiment 1, however, replicated the findings of VanOrden (1987) that subjects made more false-positive errors on homophone foils than they did on nonhomophone controls in a semantic decision task, although they did so only when the foils were orthographically similar to the correct exemplars, which indicates both orthographic and phonological activations of meaning. Experiment 2 showed the same results when subjects were not required to pronounce the target words after semantic decisions, which indicates automatic phonological activation of kanji words. In Experiment 3, under pattern-masking conditions, this homophony effect was reduced but remained on errors, and the orthographic-similarity effect remained strong on both homophone and nonhomophone foils. These results suggest that both orthography and phonology play an important role in the comprehension of kanji words. Bentin, 1987; Patterson, 1990; Sasanuma, 1986, 1994; Seidenberg, 1985). An important question is whether variations in these correspondences between print and sound influence word processing in reading. In the present study, we consider the role of phonology in visual word recognition across different orthographies. The role of phonology in visual word recognition has been repeatedly discussed in reading research, primarily on the basis of results obtained from experimental studies done with English words (see, e.g., Jared & Seidenberg, 1991; Van Orden, 1987). Early research on visual word recognition suggested that phonological representation is a primary source of access to the meaning of written words (see, e.g., Rubenstein, Lewis, & Rubenstein, 1971). This view has been termed phonologically mediated access. An alternative view, usually termed direct access, argued that the phonological code is not necessary in skilled word recognition and that an orthographic representation activates its meaning directly (see, e.g., Baron, 1973). A number ofcurrent models of word recognition include both phonologically mediated access and direct access (see, e.g., Allport, 1977; M. Coltheart, Davelaar, Jonasson, & Besner, 1977; Monsell, Patterson, Graham, Hughes, & Milroy, 1992; Morton & Patterson, 1980; Sei- Orthographies differ in the degree of complexity in the relationship between their print and their sound. In shallow orthographies, such as Serbo-Croatian and Japanese kana, the correspondences between print and sound are simple and regular, at least at the segmental level. In deep orthographies, such as Hebrew and Japanese kanji, in contrast, these relationships are highly complex. Alphabetic English lies somewhere between these extremes (see, e.g., Besner & Hilderbrandt, 1987; Frost, Katz, & This research was started as a study parallel to that of Wydell, Patterson, and Humphreys (1993) and was carried out independently of their study. A preliminary version of this article was reported in a paper at the meeting of the Japanese Psychological Association, Kyoto, 1992. This research was supported in part by the NTT Basic Laboratory research grant to S.S. We are grateful to Karalyn E. Patterson and Taeko N. Wydell for valuable discussion and advice for constructing earlier versions of this paper. We also wish to thank Geoffrey R. Loftus and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on the manuscript. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to N. Sakuma, Department of Language and Cognition, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, 35-2 Sakae-cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 173, Japan (e-mail: -Accepted by previous editor, Geoffrey R. Loftus 75 Copyright 1998 Psychonomic Society, Inc. 76 SAKUMA, SASANUMA, TATSUMI, AND MASAKI denberg & McClelland, 1989). The question of exactly how phonology is activated in reading words aloud has been hotly debated (see, e.g., M. Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins, & Haller, 1993; Plaut, McClelland, Seidenberg, & Patterson, 1996; Van Orden, Pennington, & Stone, 1990), but the basic idea that both processes (or routes) to meaning-phonologically mediated access and direct access-operate to activate the meaning of written words has been widely accepted. Van Orden and his colleagues (Van Orden, 1987; Van Orden, Johnston, & Hale, 1988; Van Orden et aI., 1990), however, argued against this view of two parallel forms of access to meaning and proposed the view that computed phonology based on print-and-sound correspondences exerts the major influence in the activation of meaning for written English words. Van Orden (1987) offered new evidence for the use of phonology in meaning activation that was based on a semantic-decision task with homophones. The subjects were presented with a category name (e.g., a flower) followed by a target word (e.g., tulip, rows, or robs) and were asked to make a semantic decision to the target. Van Orden argued that ifthe sound of rows, which is a homophone of rose (a true category exemplar), yielded activation of the meaning of rose, then subjects should make more false-positive errors to homophone foils such as rows than to nonhomophone controls such as robs. He examined this homophony effect further by manipulating orthographic similarity between category exemplars and target foils. In his Experiment I, the subjects made more false-positive errors to homophone foils than to nonhomophone controls when the foils were orthographically similar to category exemplars. In his Experiment 2, the homophony effect remained strong even under pattern-masking conditions, although the orthographic-similarity effect disappeared. In his Experiment 3, he discovered an effect exerted by the frequency of category exemplars (rose) but no systematic effect ofthe frequency of homophone target foils (rows) themselves. These results were interpreted by Van Orden (1987) as being most consistent with the view that the primary route from orthography to meaning is mediated by phonology. Van Orden explained these findings by proposing a model based on the verification hypothesis of visual word recognition (see, e.g., Becker, 1976, 1980; Becker & Killion, 1977; Paap, Newsome, McDonald, & Schvaneveldt, 1982; Rubenstein et al., 1971). A visually presented word activates its phonological representation, which, in turn, activates a candidate set oflexical entries (meanings). The orthographic representation of the most active lexical entry (meaning) is then retrieved and compared with the orthographic representation of the stimulus target. This process is termed verification, which is essentially a spelling check. If a match occurs, the lexical entry (meaning) is selected; otherwise, the verification is performed on the next most active candidate until a match is found. In this model, a homophone target foil (rows) will activate its correct homophonic exemplar (rose) as a candidate; this availability of the correct exemplar in the verification process causes more false-positive errors on homophone foils than on nonhomophone controls, particularly when the foil is orthographically similar to the correct exemplar. Furthermore, Van Orden et al. (1988) obtained the positive findings for phonological mediation in their experiments using nonword homophone foils. Van Orden et al. (1990) developed a subsymbolic account based on two hypotheses-covariant learning and self-consistencyfor the mappings from orthographic codes to phonological codes and to other linguistic codes (see also Van Orden & Goldinger, 1994). However, orthographies differ in the manner in which they represent phonology. Specifically, in Japanese kanji, individual characters are thought to represent words or morphemes rather than phonological units, and the relationship between orthography and phonology is complex. It is open to question whether the phonological mediation hypothesis in word recognition could apply generally to writing systems other than English. In this paper, we investigate the role of phonology in Japanese kanji word recognition. Before we address the theoretical issues involved in attempting Van Orden's (1987) experiments, a brief description of some features of Japanese kanji orthography is in order. Japanese Kanji Orthography and Phonological Processes There are three different nonalphabetic orthographieslogographic kanji and two types of syllabic kana (hiragana and katakana}-in written Japanese. Roughly speaking, lexical morphemes, such as nouns and the roots of verbs and adjectives, are written in kanji (and, rarely, in hiragana), whereas grammatical morphemes and function words are written in hiragana, and loan noun words are written in katakana. Words in kanji, therefore, are the most popular forms for representing meaning in written Japanese. The number of kanji characters is quite large; one needs to know as many as 3,000 kanji characters to read newspapers and ordinary texts. Furthermore, many of these characters are complex, as well as distinct from one another, in visual configuration (see examples in Tables I and 2). A single kanji character can often be a word, but the majority oflexical items are made up oftwo or more kanji characters (Morton & Sasanuma, 1984; Morton, Sasanuma, Patterson, & Sakuma, 1992).1 A single kanji character usually has two or more pronunciations (see, e.g., kanji A, B, and C in Table 1),2 which can be categorized Table 1 Examples of Single Kanji Words and Two-Kanji-Character Words Containing Those as Component Characters Kanji A Kanji B Kanji C Word A Word B _fa Kanji word ~ll". ~ll. Translation finger circle vehicle ring wheel Pronunciation (KUN) Iyubil Iwal Ikurumal Iyubi-wal (ON) Ishii Irinl Isyal Isya-rinl ORTHOGRAPHY AND PHONOLOGY IN JAPANESE KANJI into two types-KUN-readings and ON-readings-but a multikanji-character word has only one legitimate pronunciation (see, e.g., words A and B in Table 1). The KUNreading is usually used when a single kanji character occurs in isolation as a word and is also used for a small set of multikanji-character words. The ON-reading, on the other hand, is used for most multikanji-character words and, rarely, for a single-character word. Although there is a strong tendency to pair the same reading type (ON-ON or KUN-KUN, as in words A and B in Table I) rather than to use the mixed-reading type (ON-KUN or KUN-ON) for the pronunciation of a two-kanji-character word, apparentely no rules exist for determining which reading type (ON or KUN) should be used (see, e.g., Morton & Sasanuma, 1984; Sasanuma, 1980, 1986). In addition, there are many sets of homophonic single kanji characters as well as homophonic multikanji-character words in Japanese (see Table 2). The Role of Phonology in Kanji Word Recognition A number of experimental and clinical studies involving kanji word recognition have suggested that the meaning of kanji words can be directly accessed from orthographic representation (see, e.g., Goryo, 1987; Kimura, 1984; Saito, 1981; Sasanuma, 1986). On the other hand, there have been few studies on the phonological processes ofkanji word recognition, and they have provided no clear evidence either for determining whether the phonology of kanji words could be activated directly by orthography without semantic mediation or for determining whether phonology could contribute to the meaning activation of kanji words (see note 3). Recently, a neuropsychological study of Japanese patients with dementia of the Alzheimer's type suggested that the lexical phonology ofkanji words can be activated directly by orthography without semantic mediation (Sasanuma, Sakuma, & Kitano, 1992). The patients in this study showed a near-normal ability to read kanji words aloud until they reached a very advanced stage ofthe disease process, but there was progressive deterioration of comprehension. More recently, Wydell, Patterson, and Humphreys (1993) reported a study on Japanese kanji word recognition, using procedures similar to those used in Van Orden's (1987) English experiments, which suggested that phonology may contribute to the meaning activation of kanji words. The results oftheir no-masking experiment, which were similar to those of Van Orden's English experiment' were that homophony affected semantic decisions for kanji words and that the effects were strongest when the homophone target words were visually similar to the correct exemplar ofthe category name. The results of their kanji masking experiment, however, differed from those of Van Orden's English masking experiment in that the effect of visual similarity was significant even under pattern-masking conditions, whereas there was no effect of orthographic similarity in Van Orden's masking experiment. Moreover, the homophony effect in the kanji masking experiment was marginal, whereas there was a significant effect of homophony in Van Orden's masking experiment. Wydell et al. interpreted their results as positive evidence for an early activation ofphonology, as well as of orthography, in accessing the meaning ofkanji words. Unfortunately, however, there was a methodological problem in Wydell et al.'s (1993) experiments. In some stimulus pairs, they allowed the category name and the target word to share identical kanji characters. Furthermore, they did not control the number ofthese occurrences across the experimental conditions; ofthe total of 16 pairs of category names and targets, seven pairs of visually similar homophones, three pairs of visually similar controls, and no pairs of visually dissimilar homophones shared identical kanji characters. There is considerable evidence for orthographic priming effects in cases of briefly presented pairs of letter strings. Evett and Humphreys (1981), for example, found that identification of the target words under masking conditions was facilitated more when primes and targets contained a number of common letters than when their letters differed. If one assumes that orthographic identification of a visually similar homophone foil might have had a greater likelihood of being facilitated by priming from the category name than did the orthographic identification of the other foils in the masking experiment ofWydell et al. (1993), then the activation of phonology should be facilitated in turn. Thus, it appears necessary to replicate the study using stimulus sets in which no pairs of category name and target contain an identical kanji character. In the present study, we addressed the question of the role of phonology in reading comprehension of kanji words, using procedures similar to those used by Van Orden (1987) and Wydell et al. (1993). Specifically, we examined whether results similar to those found in Wydell et al.'s study would be obtained under a different set of experimental conditions (e.g., different stimulus sets, a Table 2 Examples of Homophonic Kanji Words [One Set of Single Kanji Words (/ki/) and Another Set of Two-Kanji-Character Words (/ka-tei/)I Single kanji word Pronunciation Translation Two-kanji-character word Pronunciation Translation * /ki/ tree 77 ~ /ki/ spirit Ie /ki/ account JIll /ki/ period .- /ki/ opportunity f&:iE ii:fi lA~ /ka-tei I assumption /ka-tei/ home /ka-tei/ process 78 SAKUMA, SASANUMA, TATSUMI, AND MASAKI different subject group, and a more reliable apparatus). Inasmuch as no study other than that by Wydell et al. has provided evidence that the meaning ofkanji words can be activated by the use of phonology, particularly under masking conditions, it would be useful to replicate their study using a broader range of kanji characters as stimuli with another group of subjects who are native speakers of Japanese. EXPERIMENT 1 In this experiment, we examined the basic homophony and orthographic similarity effects on kanji word recognition using the same procedures as Van Orden's (1987) study. Method Subjects. Twenty-four subjects (ages 21-35 years, 27.7 years mean age) who were employees of the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology participated. All were native speakers of Japanese and had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. Stimuli. The experiment involved 233 pairs of definitions (see note 4) and target words, 50 for practice trials and 183 for the experimental trials. Experimental target words consisted of60 key targets and 123 filler targets. The key targets were 30 homophone foils and 30 nonhomophone controls. Half of the homophone foils and half of the nonhomophone controls were orthographically similar, and the remaining half was orthographically dissimilar (see Appendix A). The experimental key targets, two-kanji-character nouns, two to four syllables in length, were selected on the basis of the following procedure. First, a preliminary study was made to select familiar kanji words for the stimulus pairs. One hundred students in a special school of nursing were shown a list of homophone candidate items written in syllabic kana and were asked to transcribe them into as many kanji forms as possible. For each item, the two most frequently transcribed kanji forms were selected as candidate homophone pairs, with the constraint that (I) the two kanji forms ofeach pair had the same accent pattern and that (2) over 50% of the subjects transcribed into that form. The 30 homophone pairs were chosen from these candidate pairs in such a way that they fell into two sets that were different in terms of orthographic similarity. One set was composed of 15 orthographically similar pairs, with the constraint that each homophone pair shared an identical character (or identical parts of a character) in the same position, either the first or the second position in the two-kanji-character words. The other set was composed of 15 orthographically dissimilar pairs, with the constraints that the members of each homophone pair shared no characters and no component parts of a character and that the or- thographic configurations of the whole words in each pair were as different from each other as possible. Next, nonhomophone control words were selected to match the 30 homophone foils in orthographic similarity. Examples of these words and definitions are shown in Table 3. A definition, written in kanji and lor kana, which ranged from 2 to 10 characters in length, was created for each ofthe 30 exemplars. The main restriction observed in creating each definition was that it not contain any kanji characters that were used for its correct exemplar, the corresponding homophone foil, or the control foil. This restriction was necessary to avoid orthographic priming. The definitions were used twice--once for matched homophone foils and once for nonhomophone controls. In addition, 120 words and 90 definitions were chosen for filler trials. Of the 120 filler words, 90 were exemplars of their categories (yes-fillers) and 30 were not exemplars (no-fillers). Of the 90 definitions, 30 appeared twice for both yes-fillers and no-fillers and 60 appeared once for yes-fillers. Thus, the entire list (key trials plus filler trials) had an equal number of yes and no trials. In addition, three new pairs of a target word and a definition were chosen for practice trials presented at the start of the session. Because the same 30 definitions were used twice, both for the matched homophone foils and for the control foils, the 183 pairs of definitions and target words were compiled into two lists. In each list, half of the homophone foils appeared in the first half of the list and the matched control foils appeared in the last half of the list. The order ofpresentation within each list was pseudo-random, with the two constraints that no more than two key trials appeared consecutively and that no more than five yes or five no trials appeared consecutively. An additional 25 definitions and 50 target words were chosen for a practice list. Half of the target words were exemplars of their definitions and the other half were not. Apparatus. Stimuli were presented using three tachistoscopic shutters mounted on Kodak slide projectors with a rear projection screen. The shutters and projectors were interfaced with a computer (NEC PC-9800) that controlled the stimulus presentation order as well as the exposure duration. The stimuli, phototyped in Japanese textbook font, were presented in black against a white background through a small 3.5 X 9 em window on the screen. The size of each character was 6 X 6 mm on the screen. The longest stimulus (i.e., a IO-character string) was approximately 0.6 X 6 em on the screen, producing a typical horizontal viewing angle of about 6° at the typical viewing distance of 57 cm. Procedure. All subjects were tested individually. They were randomly assigned to one of the two experimental lists. The subjects first saw the 50 practice trials and then the 183 experimental trials (the first 3 filler trials being for practice). The subjects saw each target word only once. Each trial began with the presentation of a warning signal by the experimenter, followed immediately by a definition for 1,500 msec, which was displayed directly above a fixation point. The definition Table 3 Examples of Definitions, Correct Exemplars, Homophone Foils, and Nonhomophone Control Foils Definition Exemplar Homophone Control *. OrthographicallySimilar Example Translation Pronunciation iI~t.t ctn31W-Q z. t Burning of a building 1Ill*H' -Q.A. A reporter •• house work Ikajil Ikajil meal Isyokuji/ ;". electric light OrthographicallyDissimilar Example Translation Pronunciation ~. fire i[!fJ' journalist Ikisyal train Ikisyal _:IT IdentouJ ORTHOGRAPHY AND PHONOLOGY IN JAPANESE KANJI was then replaced by the target word for 500 msec, which was displayed directly below the fixation point. The subjects were instructed to respond to the presentation of the target word as quickly and as accurately as possible by pressing either the yes key, if they thought that the target word was an exemplar of the given category, or the no key, if they did not think so, and then to name the target word. The computer recorded response times (RTs) and response keys (yes or no). The experimenter recorded incorrect pronunciations of the target words. Results In this and subsequent experiments, each subject's RTs for the 180 experimental trials were normalized by excluding RTs that were beyond 3 SD from his or her mean. The percentages of outliers were small-less than 5% across the three experiments (2.36%, 1.67%, and 4.24% for Experiments 1,2, and 3, respectively). We examined error rates (false-yes responses) and RTs (for correct no responses) for homophone foils and nonhomop hone controls in each condition of orthographic similarity. Mean error rates and mean RTs for both subjects (within-subjects factors) and items (between-subjects factors) were submitted to two-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs). The independent variables were orthographic similarity (similar or dissimilar) and homophony (homophone or nonhomophone control) (see note 5). In this and all following experiments, subject means are reported in the text and figures. The main results of Experiment I are presented in Figure I. Error data clearly showed the effects of orthographic similarity and homophony. The subjects made 15.0% errors on orthographically similar homophones, but made few errors on others (3.3%, 2.8%, and 1.7%). There was amain effect ofsimilarity [Fs(1,23) = 36.39,MSe = 0.72, p < .0001, and FJI,56) = 10.37, MSe = 4.02,p < .002] _ Error (Homo.) _RT(Homo.) t:=:J Error (Non-Homo.) -G-RT (Non-Homo.) 950 40 -...... ~ 0 900 30 ...0 - w cQ) E ~ a: 20 800 ~ ... ...0 ~ a.. 10 Q) 0 en 850 - I I) 750 o 700 Similar Dissimilar Figure 1. The interaction between orthographic similarity and homophony in mean percentage errors and in mean correct response times (RTs) in milliseconds from Experiment 1. The error bars represent the 95% confidence intervals (Loftus & Masson, 1994). 79 and a main effect of homophony [Fs(l,23) = 37.67, MSe = 0.59,p < .0001, and Fj(1,56) = 8.78, MS e = 4.02, p < .005]. The interaction of these two factors was also significant [Fs(1,23) = 23.93,MSe = 0.63,p<.0001,and Fj(1,56) = 5.99, MSe = 4.02,p < .02]. A significant effect of homophony on errors was found only when the homophone foils were orthographically similar to the correct exemplars. Correct RT data also showed the effects of orthographic similarity and homophony. There was a main effect of orthographic similarity [Fs(1,23) = 93.33, MS e = 3,019.0, p < .0001, and F j (l ,56) = 47.39, MSe = 4,196.1, p < .0001] and amain effect of homophony [Fs(1,23) = 10.32, MSe = 2,758.4, p < .004, and F i(I,56) = 5.74, MS e = 4,196.1, p < .02]. The interaction of these two factors was not significant[Fs(I,23) = 0.96, MSe = 2,339.I,p > .3, and F j(I,56) = 0.85, MSe = 4,196.I,p >.3]. Correct RTs for homophone foils were longer than those for nonhomophone foils when they were orthographically similar [Fs(l,23) = 9.97, MS e = 23,320.1,p < .004, by subjects, and F, (1,56) = 5.50, MSe = 23,074.1, p < .02] for the simple effect contrast, but not when they were orthographically dissimilar [Fs(1,23) = 3.15, MSe = 7,375.5, p = .089, and Fj(1,56) = 30.46,MSe = 4,563.3,p>.3]. Discussion The results ofthe error analysis ofthis experiment were similar to those of Van Orden's (1987) English experiment, showing the impact ofboth orthographic similarity and homophony on semantic judgments. The homophony effect in our kanji experiment was only significant when the target foils were orthographically similar to their correct exemplars. The subjects were able to correctly reject the homophone foils when the foils were orthographically dissimilar. Correct RT data also showed the strong effect of orthographic similarity on both homophone and nonhomophone foils and a reliable effect of homophony on orthographically similar foils. Although Van Orden did not measure RTs in his Experiments I and 2, our subjects were approximately 100 msec slower at rejecting the target foils when they were orthographically similar to the correct exemplar than when they were orthographically dissimilar. RTs for homophone foils were slightly but significantly (approximately 30 msec) longer than RTs for nonhomophone controls. These findings suggest that phonology contributes to the activation ofthe meaning of kanji words. In addition, however, the greater effect of orthographic similarity, irrespective of homophony, on RTs suggests that orthographic processing still plays a prominent role in the semantic decisions with regard to kanji words. These results can be interpreted as being consistent with both the phonological-mediation view and the parallelaccess view. In the phonological-mediation view of Van Orden (1987), the meaning of written words is primarily activated via phonology and the orthographic-verification process subsequently follows to uniquely identify a target word. In this model, a homophonic foil might activate 80 SAKUMA, SASANUMA, TATSUMI, AND MASAKI its correct homophonic exemplar as a candidate; this tends to increase the error rate on homophone target foils relative to nonhomophone controls. Moreover, it should be more likely that a homophone foil would be misclassified as the correct exemplar if the foil was orthographically similar to the correct exemplar. To these assumptions made by Van Orden, we should probably add, in order to explain the stronger effect of orthographic similarity on the semantic decisions ofkanji words, the assumption that the orthographic-verification process for kanji words might take longer for orthographically similar foils than for orthographically dissimilar foils, irrespective of phonological similarity. On the other hand, in the parallel-access view, it is hypothesized that the meaning ofwritten words is activated both by orthography and by phonology. Once the subjects are presented with a definition, possible semantic candidates may be activated, and these candidates may themselves activate corresponding orthographic and corresponding phonological representations (see Jared & Seidenberg, 1991). Consequently, when the orthographically similar foil is presented, a partial match may take place in orthographic representations between the candidate words and the target foil, because the candidate words may contain a kanji character identical to one of the two characters in the orthographically similar foil. This conflicting information-a partial match and the mismatch of the whole string-should slow down category judgments (Wydell et aI., 1993). In addition, a partial match may take place in semantic representations, because words that contain an identical kanji character are assumed to be related in the semantic network (see, e.g., Hirose, 1992; Sasanuma, 1986). Therefore, in order to reject the orthographically similar foil, the subjects will have to carefully compare and check the meaning as well as the orthography ofthe target foil with those of the corresponding exemplar. Furthermore, it should be more difficult to reject a foil if it is homophonic to the exemplar, because the subjects may use the meaning activated by the phonology of the target foil as a source for making a semantic decision. In sharp contrast, it should be quite easy for the subjects to reject orthographically dissimilar foils. Since the dissimilar foil, by definition, contains no kanji characters identical to either of the two kanji characters of the exemplar, the subjects can easily detect that nothing overlaps between the orthographic representation of the target foil and that of the exemplar and, therefore, can easily notice the difference in meaning between the two before the target foil is fully processed to activate the exact meaning. The question remains, however, ofwhether the phonological activation of the meaning of kanji words might have been produced by a strategy under the control of the subject. In Experiment 1, the subjects had to name the target words immediately after the semantic decision. This might have caused them to attempt to generate phonology and to use it strategically to activate meaning. There is a possibility, therefore, that different results may be obtained under an experimental condition in which the subjects are not required to name the target word after making their semantic decision. Experiment 2 explored this possibility. EXPERIMENT 2 In Experiment 2, we examined whether it is possible to replicate the results of Experiment 1 under the condition that the subjects were not required to name the target words immediately after semantic decision. If the phonological-mediation view of Van Orden (1987) applies to the activation of kanji word meaning, then the use of phonology should not be strategically controlled by the task demand of naming; thus, results similar to those of Experiment 1 should be obtained in Experiment 2. Wydell et al. (1993) also adopted this no-naming procedure. We compared, therefore, the results of Experiment 2 with Wydell et al.'s results, as well as with the results of Experiment 1. Method Subjects. Fifteen new subjects (ages 19-35 years, 27.9 years mean age) from the same source group as in Experiment I participated in this experiment. All were native speakers of Japanese and had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. Apparatus. Visual and auditory stimuli were presented using an AV tachistoscope (lwatsu Isel: IS-70IA) interfaced with a computer (NEC PC-980 IVX). The AVtachistoscope displayed a visual pattern on a CRT monitor (21-in.), using a raster scan method with a P-31 rapid-decay phosphor. The decay time to 10% luminance level was 0.1 msec after the display offset. The AV tachistoscope can present a stimulus with an accuracy of I msec. The 32 X 32 dotmatrix characters were presented in green against a gray background. A l O-character string was approximately 0.8 X 8 em on the display, producing a typical horizontal viewing angle of about 3° at a typical viewing distance of 160 em. The AVtachistoscope was connected to one start key and two response keys (yes and no) and measured response latencies with l-msec accuracy. Stimuli and Procedure. All stimuli were the same as those used in Experiment I. The procedure was identical to that of Experiment I, except for the presentation of a warning signal and the naming procedure. In Experiment 2, each trial began with a 1,000-msec warning beep by the AV tachistoscope instead of a warning signal by the experimenter. The subjects were instructed to make yes or no responses without naming the target word. Results The main results of Experiment 2 are presented in Figure 2. Error data clearly showed the effects of orthographic similarity and homophony. The subjects made 12.9%errors on orthographically similar homophones, but made few errors on others (3.7%, 1.7%, and 0.4%). There was a main effect of orthographic similarity [Fs( 1,15) = 16.30, MS e = 1.17, P < .001, and F j ( l , 5 6 ) = 15.27, MS e = 1.41,p < .0003] and a main effect of homophony [Fs(1,l5) = 9.16, MSe = 1.07,p < .009, and F j(l,56) = 7.97,MSe = 1.41,p<.007]. The interaction of these two factors was also significant [Fs(1,15) = 13.85, MS e = 0.41,p<.002,andFj(l,56) = 4.71,MSe = 1.41,p<.03]. A significant effect of homophony on errors was found ORTHOGRAPHY AND PHONOLOGY IN JAPANESE KANJI _ Error(Homo.) - A T (Homo.) 40 ~ 30 ...0 ...... w I/) -... t=::IError (Non-Homo.) -D-AT (Non-Homo.) 950 900 850 ~ ex::: 20 800 g... 10 750 o 0 700 c: Q) 0 Q) Q.. en .s 0 Dissimilar Similar Figure 2. The interaction between orthographic similarity and homophony in mean percentage errors and in mean correct response times (RTs) in milliseconds from Experiment 2. The error bars represent the 95% confidence intervals (Loftus & Masson, 1994). only when the homophone foils were orthographically similar to the correct exemplars. Additionally, there was a significant effect of orthographic similarity between the two nonhomophone foils in the subject analysis [F.(l,15) = 4.91, MSe = 2.0,p < .05] for the simple effect contrast, but not in the item analysis [F; (1,56) = 1.51, MSe = 2.I,p > .2]. Correct RT data showed a strong effect of orthographic similarity on both homophone foils and nonhomophone control foils [Fs(1,15) = 51.10,MSe = 1,524.7,p< .0001, and FiC1,56) = 24.63, MS e = 3,287.0, p < .0001], as in Experiment 1. However, there was no main effect ofhomophony by either subjects or items [Fs(1,15) = 3.89, MSe = 1,273.8, P > .07, and FiCI,56) = 1.40, MSe = 3,287.0,p> .2]. The interaction ofthese two factors reached a significant level in the subject analysis [Fs(1,15) = 5.93, MS e = 317.6, p < .03], but not in the item analysis [FiCI,56) = 0.80, MSe = 3,287.0,p > .4]. A significant effect of homophony on orthographically similar foils was found in the subject analysis [Fs(l,15) = 20.37, MS e = 6,469.5,p < .001] for the simple effect contrast, but not in the item analysis [Fj (1 ,56 ) = 2.16, MS e = 7,084.0,p> .14, by items]. There was no homophony effect for orthographically dissimilar foils in either analysis (F < 1.2, p > .3). Discussion In Experiment 2, we reexamined the effects of orthographic similarity and homophony on semantic decisions with regard to kanji words using a modified procedure with no demand of naming the target words after semantic decisions. The results ofthe error analysis were largely similar to those of Experiment I, where the subjects were required to name the target words, as well as to those of Wydell et al. (1993), where the subjects were 81 not required to name the target words. The subjects made more false-positive errors on homophone foils than they did on nonhomophone controls only when the foils were orthographically similar to their correct exemplars. In addition, the subjects could make decisions more easily to the orthographically dissimilar foils than to the similar foils even when they were nonhomophone foils. These results suggest that phonological activation is not strategically controlled but occurs automatically in kanji word recognition and that phonology, as well as orthography, contributes to the activation ofthe meaning ofkanji words. In RTs for correct no responses, a large main effect of orthographic similarity was obtained; responses to orthographically similar foils involved longer latencies than those to orthographically dissimilar foils did, which replicates the results both of Experiment I and ofthe experiment ofWydell et al. (1993). On the other hand, no effect of homophony was found in RTs, which does not replicate either the results of Experiment I or those ofthe experiment of Wydell et al. There are at least two possible explanations for the inconsistent effects of homophony in contrast to the stable effects oforthographic similarity on correct RTs for kanji words. One possibility, consistent with Van Orden's (1987) interpretation, is that, although the meaning of written words is primarily activated via phonology, orthographic verification takes longer for orthographically similar foils than it does for orthographically dissimilar foils, irrespective ofphonological similarity. The second possibility is that the meaning of kanji words is primarily activated directly by orthography; the phonology may be available only in the late stage of processing for meaning. As discussed in the context of Experiment I, when orthographically similar foils are presented, the subjects might have to carefully compare and check the incorrect target foils with the corresponding correct exemplars. It is likely, therefore, that the checking process costs more time for orthographically similar foils than it does for dissimilar foils. A significant homophony effect was found only on the orthographically similar foils. Ifthe time taken to check the representations for orthographically similar foils with those for candidate words is long enough to bring about the activation of phonology for kanji words, then the opportunity for a phonological contribution to activate meaning should increase for these words. In Experiment 3, we explored these alternative possibilities using tachistoscopic presentation with a pattern-masking procedure, as used by Van Orden. EXPERIMENT 3 Van Orden (1987) argued that if"pattern-masking conditions provided a situation in which word identification was best served by its most rapidly available sources of activation" (p. 186), then the outcome of his masking experiment (i.e., an effect of homophony and no effect of orthographic similarity) demonstrated that phonological activation is an earlier source of constraint than is ortho- 82 SAKUMA, SASANUMA, TATSUMI, AND MASAKI graphic activation. Van Orden interpreted his masking results as evidence that orthography is relatively vulnerable to the effects of pattern masking; he argued that these findings were in conflict with the prediction of the parallel-access view, particularly with the delayedphonology hypothesis, which assumes that phonological codes are late sources of constraint in lexical coding relative to direct access from orthographic codes (see, e.g., Allport, 1977; Seidenberg, Waters, Barnes, & Tanenhaus, 1984). Van Orden, instead, proposed a verification model to explain these findings. Several other studies using English words have reported evidence for a rapid activation of phonology under masking conditions (see, e.g., Humphreys, Evett, & Taylor, 1982; Lesch & Pollatsek, 1993; Perfetti, Bell, & Delaney, 1988; Underwood & Thwaites, 1982). On the other hand, there have been no positive findings that directly support the early activation of phonology for Japanese kanji words. Rather, several studies have demonstrated delayed activation of phonology for kanji words. Wang (1988), for example, compared the processing time of visual, phonological, and semantic targets of twokanji-character compounds, using Neisser's visual-search task. In Wang's study, the Japanese subjects responded to visual targets more quickly than to phonological or semantic targets, but there was no difference between the latter two. Wang argued that phonological and semantic processings of kanji words finish at the same time. If the phonology of kanji words is available in a later stage of word-recognition processes, any effect ofphonology that was observed under no-masking conditions should disappear under pattern-masking conditions. In Experiment 3, we examined whether the homophony effects and/or the orthographic similarity effects that were observed in Experiments 1 and 2 could be eliminated by masking. Method Subjects. Thirty-three new subjects (ages 21-35 years, 27.8 years mean age) from the same source group participated in this experiment. All were native speakers of Japanese and had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. Apparatus and Stimuli. The apparatus was the same as that used in Experiment 2. The stimuli were the same as those in Experiments I and 2. To construct a pattern mask, we used three verylow-frequency kanji characters. These characters are not used in everyday life; most skilled readers even are unlikely to name them correctly. The pattern mask was constructed and presented, using an AV tachistoscope, by overlapping one character in normal image and a two-character string in inverted image in the center of the character position that was used for presenting a target word. No subject was able to name the mask pattern, although everyone knew it consisted of features ofkanji characters. Note that Van Orden (1987), following the masking assumptions of Johnston and McClelland (1980), used a pattern mask that was composed of letter features and was constructed by overlapping alphabetic and nonalphabetic characters. Wydell et al. (1993), however, presented a pattern mask that consisted of crosses, not of kanji-character features. Procedure. The procedure was the same as that in Experiment 2, with four exceptions: (I) all target words were followed by the mask pattern; (2) SOA between the target word and the pattern mask was determined separately for each subject; (3) the subjects were permitted to respond to the target words using a third response mode, namely "I don't see anything," instead of pressing either the yes or the no key; and (4) the subjects were asked to name the target word after making a response, as in Experiment I and in Van Orden (1987), in order to check the hit rate oftarget identification for each subject after the experiment. In Van Orden's (1987) masking experiment, the critical SOA was set to be so short that the subjects could not report any nonexemplar target words. Although we attempted to match Van Orden's procedure as closely as possible, a pilot study showed that our subjects could no longer make any response when the critical SOA was set in that manner. We thus used the following modified procedure for setting individual SOAs in the practice trials. Practice began with a 150-msec SOA. After several warm-up trials, the SOA was decreased by 10-msec steps until it became so brief that the subjects could not identify three successive target words. Next, 10 successive trials were used for estimation of the critical SOA that would produce a 70% to 80% performance level of identification of the targets. The SOA was adjusted by +10 or - 10 msec during the next 10 trials if the performance level was outside this criterion range. The critical SOAs for the subjects ranged between 40 and 110 msec; the average was 70 msec. The critical SOA was fixed throughout the experimental trials for each given subject. Each trial began with the presentation of a warning beep for 1,000 msec, followed by a definition for 1,500 msec. The definition was then replaced by the target word, followed immediately by a pattern mask. The pattern mask remained on the display until the subject responded. The subjects were informed of the sequence of events and were told that they should try to respond to the presentation of the target word by pressing either the yes or the no key and then naming the target word. The subjects were also instructed that, in case they were unable to make any decisions for a given target word, they should not press the no key, but say instead, "I don't see anything." This procedure was used to avoid a possible bias to the no-key response. A computer recorded both RTs and key responses. The experimenter recorded incorrect pronunciations of the target words and "don't see" responses. Results Data from 5 subjects who had a hit rate oftarget identification for the 180 experimental trials greater than 80% were excluded from the analysis. Furthermore, data from 6 subjects who had a rate of "don't see" responses to 60 experimental key trials greater than 10% were also excluded. Thus, we analyzed the data from 22 subjects in the same manner as in Experiments 1 and 2. The mean hit rate of target identification for 180 experimental trials was 64.1 %, and the mean percentage of "don't see" responses in 60 experimental key trials was 2.4%. The main results of Experiment 3 are presented in Figure 3. The error data showed a strong effect of orthographic similarity on both homophone foils and nonhomophone control foils and a reliable effect of homophony on orthographically similar foils. The subjects made 43.6% errors on orthographically similar homophones and 34.2% errors on orthographically similar controls, but made relatively few errors on orthographically dissimilar conditions (14.2% and 10.6%). There was a main effect of orthographic similarity [Fs(l ,21) = 165.20, MSe = 2.11, p< .0001, andFj(I,56) = 55.78, MSe = 9.15,p< .0001] and a main effect of homophony in the subject analysis ORTHOGRAPHY AND PHONOLOGY IN JAPANESE KANJI 83 Discussion The results of the present kanji masking experiment showed that the effect of orthographic similarity re70 mained strong both on false-positive errors and on cor1500 rect RTs, whereas the effect of homophony was relatively 60 reduced but remained significant on errors for ortho0' 1400 graphically similar foils. The false-positive error rate of ~ 50 E 43.6% for orthographically similar homophone foils was e? 1300 ;; significantly different from the corresponding error rate 40 IUJ of 34.2% for the orthographically similar nonhomo1200 ~ 'E 30 phones, as well as from that of 14.2% for orthographically dissimilar homophone foils. The mean false-positive error ~ 1100 ~ Q) 20 rate for homophone foils was 28.9%, and the correspondo c.. ing error rate for nonhomophonic controls was 22.4%. 1000 10 No reliable effect of homophony was found in the correct RT data. --'---' 900 In contrast, in the results of the English masking experSimilar Dissimilar iment by Van Orden (1987), the orthographic-similarity Figure 3. The differences in mean percentage errors and in effect that was observed under no-masking conditions mean correct response times (RTs) in milliseconds between ordisappeared, but the homophony effect remained strong. thographic similar and dissimilar foils in Experiment 3. The The false-positive error rate of 40% for similarly spelled error bars represent the 95% confidence intervals (Loftus & Masson, 1994). homophone foils was not significantly different from the corresponding error rate of 46% for less similarly spelled homophone foils. The mean false-positive error rate for [Fs(l,21) = 9.54, MSe = 2.20, P < .006] and marginally homophone foils was 43%, and the corresponding error in the item analysis [F i (l ,56 ) = 3.37, MS e = 9.15,p = rate for nonhomophonic spelling controls was 17.5%. These contrasting findings for the English masking .072]. The interaction of these two factors was marginally significant in the subject analysis [Fs( I ,21) = 3.72, experiment and our Japanese kanji masking experiment MS e = 1.l0,p = .067] but not in the item analysis [fi(l,56) suggest clear-cut differences between the two orthographies in the early processes ofvisual word recognition. In = 0.66, MS e = 9.15,p > .4]. The subjects made more errors to homophone foils than to nonhomophone foils the English experiment, phonological activation of written words occurs soon enough to exert an influence on sewhen they were orthographically similar [Fs(l ,21) = 19.81, MSe = 21.84, P < .0002, and F j(I,56) = 3.50, mantic decisions under the brief-exposure conditions of MS e = 32.03,p = .067] for the simple effect contrast, but pattern masking. In our Japanese experiment, in contrast, not when they were orthographically dissimilar [Fs(l,21) partial phonological activation of written words may oc= 2.97, MS e = 3.27, P > .10, and F j ( l , 5 6 ) < 1, MS e = cur, but not fully or quickly enough to affect semantic decisions under masking conditions. Rather, orthography 4.8,p> .47]. Although overall RTs in Experiment 3 were slower exerts the major influence on the activation of meaning than those in Experiments I and 2, the RT data showed a for kanji words under masking conditions. The findings of our masking experiment were essenclear effect of orthographic similarity on both homophone foils and nonhomophone control foils, but no ef- tially similar to those ofWydell et a1.'s (1993) kanji maskfect of homophony even on orthographically similar ing experiment, although there were also some differences. foils. There was a main effect of orthographic similarity They found a strong effect oforthographic similarity, irre[Fs(l,21) = 20.30, MSe = 28,206.3, p < .0002, and spective of homophony, on errors but not on correct RTs. F j ( l , 5 6 ) = 17.90, MSe = 32,290.2,p < .0001], but no The absence of an effect of orthographic similarity on cormain effect of homophony by either subjects or items rect RTs in Wydell et al.s experiment might have arisen [F.(I,21) = 2.63,MSe = 32,914.I,p>.12,andfi(l,56) = because they used an inadequate stimulus set of category 1.05, MS e = 32,290.2, P > .3]. The interaction of these names and target words; some of their category names two factors was not significant either by subjects or by were written in an unusual sentence-style and some of items [Fs(l,21) = 0.002,p> .9, andFj(I,56) = 0.46,p > them did not represent an accurate meaning for their cor.5]. The difference between homophone and nonhorno- rect exemplars. They also found a marginal effect of hophone foils was not significant either in orthographically mophony on errors when the target words were orthosimilar foils [~(l,21) = 2.46, MS e = 45,120.0, P > .1, graphically similar foils: The VS.HOM (Visually Similar and FJ I ,56) < 0.1, MS e = 1,904.0, P > .8] or in ortho- Homophone) "foils were significantly more error prone graphically dissimilar foils [Fs(l ,21) = 2.26, MSe = than any other foil type (p < .0 I) except for the VS.NON41,604.7, P > .1, and Fi (l ,56) = 1.45, MS e = 46,886.5, HOM foils (the critical difference, which had to be equal to or greater than .248 to be reliable at the .05 level was p> .2] for the simple effect contrast. Error (Homo.) _RT(Homo.) c::::::::::J Error (Non-Homo.) --G-RT (Non-Homo.) en e a 84 SAKUMA, SASANUMA, TATSUMI, AND MASAKI .247)" (Wydell et aI., 1993, p. 501). By contrast, the effect of homophony on errors under masking conditions was significant in our experiment in those cases in which the definitions and the targets of the stimulus pairs had no identical kanji characters between them. These effects were interpreted by Wydell et aI. (1993) as support for the contention that phonological representation as well as orthographic representation can be derived sufficiently quickly to affect judgments under masking conditions. We endorse their interpretation that there is an early orthographic activation of meaning in kanji word recognition. We hesitate, however,to accept their interpretation that there is an early phonological activation of meaning, because a significant effect of homophony under the masking condition was found only on errors and only on the orthographically similar foils in both our kanji study and Wydell et aI.'sstudy.Correct RTs for orthographically similar foils were significantly longer than those for orthographically dissimilar foils; this longer time might foster phonological contributions to the activation of meaning. Thus, there still remains the question of whether the activation of phonology is rapid enough to activate the meaning of kanji words prior to the meaning activation from orthography. Undoubtedly, further research needs to be done in order to clarify the time-course for the processes by which the phonology of kanji words is computed from the orthography. We tentatively conclude that orthographic activation is an early constraint in lexical coding relative to phonological activation in kanji word recognition. GENERAL DISCUSSION The present study addressed the question of whether the role of phonology in visual word recognition and comprehension differs across different orthographies. To investigate this question, we carried out three experiments for familiar kanji words with Japanese subjects, using paradigms that were equivalent to Van Orden's (1987) semantic decision task for English words. In Experiments 1 and 2, the subjects were more likely to make false-positive errors on homophone foils than on nonhomophone foils only when the target foils were orthographically similar to the corresponding correct exemplars. They made few errors when the target foils were orthographically dissimilar. The task demand of naming did not affect the results; homophone effects were observed whether subjects were or were not required to name the target words. The results of these experiments indicate that phonology as well as orthography contributes to the activation of the meaning of kanji words, which replicates the findings of Van Orden's (1987) English study and those ofWydell et aI.'s (1993) Japanese kanji study. The results of Experiment 3, however, were contrary to those of Van Orden's (1987) English masking experiment. In the English study, the effect of orthographic similarity observed under no-masking conditions disap- peared under masking conditions, but the effect of homophony remained strong. In our kanji masking experiment, on the other hand, the effect of orthographic similarity remained strong on both errors and correct RTs, whereas the effect of homophony that was observed under no-masking conditions was relatively reduced but significant on errors to orthographically similar foils under masking conditions. The results ofWydell et aI.'s (1993) masking experiment for kanji words were essentially similar to those of our kanji masking experiment. These results ofkanji masking experiments indicate that, although the phonology of kanji words is automatically activated and this activation may at least partly contribute to the meaning activation, it is orthography that is the primary source of the activation of the meaning of kanji words. These findings from kanji masking experiments are consistent with the parallel-access view but inconsistent with the phonological-mediation view. One major difference between Van Orden's (1987) English study and the two kanji studies was in the effect of orthographic similarity under the masking conditionsno effect in English, as opposed to strong effects in kanji. How do we explain this difference? As has already been pointed out by Wydell et aI. (1993), many homophones (e.g., rows vs. rose) in English that are not spelled alike have substantial spelling overlap in general (although a very small number of exceptional examples, such as eight and ate, exist), while orthographically dissimilar homophones in kanji have nothing in common orthographically (Wydell et aI., 1993, pp. 501--502). In an alphabetic orthographic system like English, it is difficult to avoid a spelling overlap between the two members of any homophonic pairs of words. In kanji orthography, on the other hand, there are numerous homophonic words whose orthographic patterns are completely distinct from each other. The differences between similarly spelled homophones and less similarly spelled homophones in Van Orden's English study can be thought of as being within the range oforthographically similar homophones in our kanji study. This difference in the degree of orthographic similarity might have been responsible for the different results for the effects of orthographic similarity under masking conditions. Suppose that orthographically "dissimilar" foils, rather than "less-similar" foils, in English (e.g., eight/ate rather than rose/rows) were used for the target foils of their category names. One would then expect to obtain a significant effect of orthographic similarity on errors, even in the masking experiment, which, in turn, would provide evidence to support the view that the meaning of English words is activated directly by orthography. Thus, it can be concluded that, although phonological mediation may occur in the activation of meaning for written English words, it is open to question whether the occurrence of phonological mediation is an obligatory process for the activationof meaning for written Englishwords.This view of ours appears to be supported by recent experimental findings by V. Coltheart, Avons, Masterson, and ORTHOGRAPHY AND PHONOLOGY IN JAPANESE KANJI Laxon (1991), by V. Coltheart, Patterson,and Leahy (1994), and by Jared and Seidenberg (1991), among others. In conclusion, the results of the present experiments with kanji words support the parallel-access view that both orthography and phonology contribute to the activation ofthe meaning of written words. This general conclusion is consistent with Wydell et al.'s (1993) kanji study. 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There are a small number of kanji characters which have only one type of reading---either a KUN-reading or an ON-reading. Of the total of 1,945 kanji characters of contemporary standard usage for Japanese written language-ealled "Joyo kanji" in Japanese-c-Zfitl (12.9%) kanji characters have only one type of reading in the "Joyo kanji" table. 3. Wydell, Patterson, and Humphreys (1993) state that the semantically mediated procedure is believed to be the only way to retrieve the phonology of kanji words. This commentary seems to be insufficient, because a nonsemantic direct route for recoding from orthography to phonology (sometimes a bypassing route) has been assumed in some models for kanji word recognition (see, e.g., Goryo, 1987; Kaiho & Nomura, 1983; Sasanuma, 1986). Unfortunately, however, the existence of the nonsemantic direct route for kanji words has not been demonstrated by clear experimental evidence thus far. 4. We used the term definition instead of category name in this paper, because our category names expressed very narrow, specific categories-> for example a chance for the exemplar opportunity, the homophone foil machine, and the control foil function (see also Appendixes A and B). 5. We used definitions twice for a given subject in the present experiments---once for the homophone foils and once for the matched nonhomophone controls, although the order of presentations of the foils was controlled over the different halves of the lists. To examine whether this repetition of definitions affected the performances, we analyzed the false-positive errors, comparing the first and second halves of the lists using a three-way analysis of variance in each experiment. The only significant effect was the interaction of repetition and orthographic similarity in Experiment I : More errors were made on orthographically similar foils in the first halfthan were made in the second half of the lists [Fs(l,46) = 4.49, MS. = 65.43,p < .05]. There was no other significant effect of repetition over Experiments 1,2, and 3. APPENDIX A Correct Exemplars and Target Foils Used in Experiments 1-3 Exemplar Definition Homophone Control Definition Orthographically Similar Foils JE\:ii m!~. m!1II m!~ ~. ~. .tl.' tt>~PL- IIIH,' IlI'Ifl IVlJi1 iIItl.' IVIIt T1'/A 1Iof< II~ liRE ~.U'~991.1:i'L ~T ~~ ~f'F iRlA99.::t L-! t: f) .tl'~.O)t.:d.lo)~. llfillJJ IiEIlJJ mtllJJ ,;J:;I)'C9.::t ~;Jllfi ~;J" M~ 'Jft.: It 'It -::> ;1)'15 ~j\ ~lIJl ~t.:~\ f1ti.l f1tff 9 <'nHE1J0)M'153o 7'7::t ~M lIIii .Jt.l:cHad.l9.::t il~t.l:C;li~tt9.::t Ji'R* ft!lt.ltAt~P9':: ~U.HJ15W9':: t t !i!J,~'?! f±.~ tt.:t.l:~\.:: ~:tlJ! t •• Homophone . Orthographically Dissimilar Foils ~iii ti~O)i£i! Exemplar •• ~j\~~.99,A, ~affl A~ ~.O)ltA. 'Z'~ \ < i1& ilt£ ~Jl ittf ~ .~t.l:tl.' ~A •• .~ '!Tl-t .iii 811 of<tI I'll It'!T J8111l 1!f!/l 303 iWA JlD.W • • 1Jlg0).~~ .:!- 'II. ~i&: ':> 11~ iEiI f1tUl til L-t;J:;l)'9':: t fUil 7'7:~ 7'7:j\ ftli';J!!HiI :1!Ht :iE1iIIi ~. ~;t: ~tJ:? 7'7:_ ti~ ~iI r.iil l ) '21." .!F~t-::>-r.~9.::t ~{t .~ .JI il . lti: llllM99,A, U't;l)~ ~* Control f1t1' ~* In .:tr ~1IiE ~Jl: of<~ II~ if. ~tl.' '!Till ~~ ORTHOGRAPHY AND PHONOLOGY IN JAPANESE KANJI 87 APPENDIXB Correct Exemplars and Target Foils Used in Experiments 1-3 Translated into English Definition Exemplar Homophone Control To grow plants To open a play or drama Burning of a building An interest Not in a straight way A chance The constituent parts of a matter Lights used to decorate a stage To compare things with others Impatientness Cold One who has great capacity Shooting a gun A plan that comes up incidentally To hold no job Orthographically Similar Foils gardening entertainments open a garden to the public raising of a curtain fire house work concern admiration indirectness joint opportunity machine atom genesis illumination proof contrast object short temper short term low temperature low-pitched sound genius natural calamity firing departure idea forwarding inoccupation colorless military arts development meal center of the Metropolis function (math.) function original explanation countermeasure shortwave dullness weather sale development impossible Orthographically Dissimilar Foils One who treats a disease A course of going forward A reporter Kindheartedness A microorganism which is organized with one cell To agree with an opinion A customary Going forward Height Personality To figure to oneself The formal price for sale The look of the sky Packing To get old doctor process journalist goodwill bacteria will home train action recently criminal investigation election electric light doctor's office effect approval habit progress stature character imagination fixed price weather wrapping aging acidity week faith prudence accuracy creation decline change of schools broadcasting corridor place of meeting talks housewife dictionary blood vessel hall conscience behavior transformation chorus (Manuscript received May 20, 1996; revision accepted for publication December 17, 1996.)
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