REB MEIR BAAL HANESS KOLLEL SHOMREI HACHOMOS רבי מאיר בעל הנס כולל שומרי החומות FEBRUARY 2, ‘16 כ"ג שבט תשע"ו Create Smiles With Us Annual Auction Event 2 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG בס"ד A beaming smile lights up your heart. The air quivers with happiness and hope, and the limitless power of a smile takes hold. Eyes crinkle, lips stretch upward, and all tension melts away. When smiles abound, hearts are lighter, days seem brighter, and what seemed impossible is suddenly aglow with possibility. Kollel Shomrei Hachomos is dedicated to spreading smiles, filling today with joy and promising hope for tomorrow. Through our extensive network of services, we give children the carefree smiles of youth, inject happiness into the lives of adults, and spread the warmth and joy of true care and concern to countless grateful families. With our assistance, a kallah can anticipate her special day with elation and lighthearted radiance, a new mother can nourish her newborn in idyllic serenity, and an older man can welcome each new day with vigor and enthusiasm. Committed to infuse a sparkle into the lives we touch, we spread smiles of genuine contentment throughout the sunny streets of Yerushalayim. A home full of smiles is a refuge of joy, comfort and warmth. With Kollel Shomrei Hachomos, hundreds of homes across Eretz Yisroel are havens of happiness and peace of mind. There’s nothing like watching a face light up and a smile breaking out on a child’s face. SMILE, AND THE WORLD WILL LIGHT UP WITH YOU. 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S 3 The sun is setting and the Shabbos Queen is about to descend on your home. As you welcome the holiest day of the week, your traditional coins are sliding into the pushka, and its ring is reverberating across oceans. AS YOU LIGHT SHABBOS CANDLES, YOU© RE LIGHTING UP FACES IN YERUSHALAYIM. You wish your family a good Shabbos, and, silently, you’re also wishing a good Shabbos to a family in Eretz Yisroel. Thanks to you, they will get to enjoy meat at their Shabbos meal. THIS WEEK, YOUNg CHILDREn WILL LEAVE THEIR TABLE SATISfiED. 4 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG Want to donate weekly but don't make it to the pushka? I N T R O D U C I N G THE EREV SHABBOS MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM Sign up with a weekly amount, and we will process your payment every erev shabbos. SIGN UP FOR A WEEKLY EREV SHABBOS DONATION Sign up before the auction and recieve A FREE GIFT Sign up now and enter to win SILVER CANDLESTICKS & SILVER TRAY Sponsored by Mrs S. Zupnick and children לע״נ בעלה ואביהם ר׳ חיים יעקב ב״ר יצחק מנחם ע״ה Drawing will take place before Pesach '16 SIGN UP NOW VALUE $3,000 BRING LIGHT TO YOUR SHABBOS 718.243.2495 or sign up at Your selected donation amount will be processed each week 30 minutes before the zman of shabbos להדליק נר של שבת 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S EXCLUSIVE! Sign up for $5+ weekly donation, and an Almana will daven for you at Licht Bentching 5 ticket packages 6 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG 1 ticket in every rallfe YOUR ZECHUS YOUR DONATION PRIZE TICKETS $10 1 Tizku L'mitzvos! $36 4 Tizku L'mitzvos! $54 7 3 times Chai! $72 12 Send your kvittel to Reb Meir! $120 25 Feed a newborn baby and its mother. $180 36 Cover a hungry family’s weekly grocery order. $250 50 Cover tuition for a widow's family. $300 59 Includes $500 100 Includes 2 Give a kimpeturin a week of rest. $1,000 200 Includes Pay the housing rent for a large family for one month. MOST AR POPUL Fast Track GRAND PRIZE ORDER NOW grand pRIze 1 Cover wedding expenses for a destitute kallah. 5 WIN HUGE! $10,000 CASH! 1 ticket / $18 2 tickets / $26 5 tickets / $54 10 tickets / $100 PHONE 718.475.1234 FAX 24 HOURS 718.243.2499 only $10 ! per ticket EMAIL 24 HOURS ORDER@REBMEIR.ORG WEB VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.REBMEIR.ORG MAIL REB MEIR BAAL HANESS KOLLEL SHOMREI HACHOMOS 18 HEYWARD STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11249 drawing date Grand prize not icluded in packages below $300 DISCLAIMER: Drawing will be held Tuesday evening, February 2, '16 ∙ Winners will be notified on the night of the auction drawing and will be listed on our website on February 3, '16 ∙ All prizes must be picked up by Monday, February 8, '16 ∙ Photo ID and SS card required at time of pick-up ∙ Winners will either receive the prize reflecting the book image or a purchase voucher for a similar item ∙ Pictures are for illustration purposes only ∙ Not responsible for items left unclaimed after deadline ∙ Orders received after raffle drawing will be processed as a donation ∙ No purchase necessary ∙ Winners must consent to use of his/her respective name, photograph, and/or likeness for advertising or publicity purposes for this and similar promotions without compensation ∙ KSH reserves the right, in addition to those other rights reserved herein, to modify any date(s) or deadline(s) of any prize shown ∙ Some prizes have blackout dates ∙ Prizes cannot be awarded to any person other than the actual winner ∙ KSH reserves the right to give cash value instead of prize shown for a cash sum whose amount will be less any discounts KSH has received according to an agreement made with the prize providers ∙ Cash value shown indicates customary retail value and may not reflect discount given to KSH by prize providers ∙ Additional restrictions may apply ∙ All prizes exceeding $600 will receive a 1099 form ∙ KSH is a 501(c)3 organization. The auction drawing will be held at our annual party Tuesday evening, February 2, '16. Good Luck! אינעם זכות פונעם הייליגען תנא ר’ מאיר בעל הנס זאלט איר געבענטשט ווערן בכל מילי דמיטב מתוך שפע ברכה והצלחה ביי .אייך און אייערע קינדער און אייניקלעך עד ביאת גואל צדק במהרה MAIN OFFICE: 718.243.2495 Kollel Shomrei Hachomos is a support network of tzedakah founded over a 150 years ago by the Chasam Sofer z"l, Rabbi Moshe Sofer, who undertook to renew the tradition of supporting the Yidden of Eretz Yisrael, as exhorted by the holy taana Reb Meir Baal Haness nearly two millennia previous. Yidden have supported their brethren with love through this venerable charity for generations. NEW! BIRD EARLY L SPECIA E A R LY B I R D S P E C I A L NEW THIS YEAR! The earlier you buy your auction tickets, the more drawings you enter. Starting 3 weeks before the auction we'll have a weekly drawing. Buy early and win! W I N A R O U N D -T R I P F O R 2 T O D R AW I N G DAT E LOS ANGELES, CA JANUARY 15,'16 O R A N Y OT H E R D E S T I N AT I O N I N T H E U S A W I N A R O U N D -T R I P F O R 2 T O D R AW I N G DAT E MIAMI, FLORIDA JANUARY 22,'16 O R A N Y OT H E R D E S T I N AT I O N I N T H E U S A W I N A R O U N D -T R I P F O R 2 T O D R AW I N G DAT E SAN FRANCISCO, CA JANUARY 29,'16 O R A N Y OT H E R D E S T I N AT I O N I N T H E U S A $36 donation RE B ME I R BA A L H A N E SS Sponsored לע״נ רבקה לאה ע״ה ב״ר ישראל הכהן נ״י 7 1 8.475.1 2 3 4 MINIMUM 7 in darkness and light, THeres THe pushka in sight. Life sometimes thrusts us in unsettled waters. Daily life brings its challenges, sometimes minor and other times more serious, that require an extra dose of divine assistance to be weathered. Throughout the decades, the Kollel Shomrei Hachomos pushka has been the dependable bridge to calmer seas and brighter horizons. 8 8 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG Your dollar will cross the ocean, reach a needy child, a kallah or a destitute family and put bright shiny smiles on their faces. SEND YOUR KVITTEL TO R' MEIR'S TZION IN TEVERYA REFUAH? SHIDDUCH? NACHAS? PARNASSAH? MULTIPLE PACKAGES AVAILABLE 718.243.2495 Get your FREE pushka today! Call 718.243.2495 or email us: בס“ד REB MEIR BAAL HANESS KOLLEL SHOMREI HACHOMOS PRESENTS ANNUAL AUCTION EVENT IY”H Tuesday, February 2nd, ‘16 at 8:00 Pm Eden Palace 420 Flushing Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11205 $18 Entrance Fee - Can be redeemed towards raffles Pre-Order Donors Excluded From Entrance Fee MET GOUR IG H FLEIS T BUFFE אשירה לד‘ בחיי De le ct ab le De ss er ts T a n t a l iz in g Salad Bar HONOREES MASTER OF CEREMONY GUEST OF HONOR HAKARAS HATOV AWARD MRS. RUCHIE SALAMON mrs. miRI gutTman To our loyal hostess ‘תחי (weber) ‘תחי Wife of R’ Moshe Aron הי“ו for her passionate dedication to our party for over 30 years. mrs. RUCHELA DEUTSCH (RICHTER) ‘תחי Wife of R’ Duvid Nussen הי“ו LOADED WITH PRIZES $36 Gets 1 Card $72 Gets 3 Cards $120 Gets 6 Cards This year’s party is dedicated L’ilui Nishmas a couple who devoted their life to everything chessed ר‘ אליהו ב“ר זאב ע“ה וזוגתו מרת שרה ב“ר מאיר דוב ע“ה .ה.ב.צ.נ.גליק ת Parents of our committed Raffle Coordinator Mrs. Roizy Ruchy Landau RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S RECEIVE A SCRATCH-OFF CARD WITH YOUR $36+ PACKAGE ONLY AT EVENT 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 Scratch win! 9 Asher clutches his gemara and warmth spreads through his body. He inhales the crisp air, listens to the melodious chirping of the birds, and starts his own quiet singsong as he delves into a shtickel Torah. A soft breeze makes him look up, and he beams. THERE’S NOTHING AS PRECIOUS AS UNDISTURBED TORAH. Gratefulness bubbles out of the deepest place inside him, and he smiles with delight. Life is good! He gets to do what he loves most without distractions. Until now, the words were blurred by visions of desperate children vying for another drop of watery soup. An acrid shadow of guilt and worry marred the sweetness of his Torah. Asher’s days were weighed down by self-recrimination, sharp headaches, and mysterious stomach pains. But today, Asher is devouring the words of Torah before him with the enthusiasm of a young schoolboy. As he passionately shukles over his Gemara, he knows his wife is cooking a nourishing dinner for his seven dear children. Asher feels light and free, and prepares to tackle yet another shtarka kasha with relish. 10 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG A butterfly hovers above, and Asher looks at his watch. Five blissful hours passed in a snap! He strokes the page with love, hugs his Gemara to his chest, and rushes home to the steaming bowl of soup waiting for him. Kollel Shomrei Hachomos provided nourishment for his family. Now he CAn nourish his soul in peaCE. 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S 11 GRAND PRIZE $10,000 12 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG CASH 1 ticket / $18 2 tickets / $26 5 tickets / $54 10 tickets / $100 Bring on the Cha-Ching Cold, hard cash to spend any way your warm, fuzzy heart desires. Not included in the ticket packages SPONSORED BY A supporter of the kollel. וחמותו ע''ה, חמיו, אמו,לע''נ אביו TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 1 SEE THE HERITAGE AND HOLINESS. yearn yerushalayim 2 ROUND TRIP TICKETS TO ERETZ YISROEL PLUS 1 WEEK HOTEL STAY from ming smiles Heartwar aries of ci fi bene rosity are your gene ing! lift up t os m 7 1 8.475.1 2 3 4 Mrs. Hollander לע''נ בעלה חבר ועד הפועל דכוללנו ר' יצחק יושע ב"ר אברהם משה ע''ה 13 Mr. & Mrs. Cheskel Berkowitz לע''נ רבקה גיטל בת מיכאל ע''ה RE B ME I R BA A L H A N E SS SPONSORED BY TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 2 14 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG LIGHTS LUXURY WELCOME QUEEN SHABBOS WITH AN EXQUISITE 10-BRANCH CANDELABRA AND A MATCHING TRAY. SPONSORED BY Leichter Sponsored by The Grandchildren & Great-Grandchildren of the Gluck Family לע''נ ר' אליהו ב"ר זאב ע"ה וזוגתו מרת שרה ב"ר מאיר דוב ע''ה Tray Sponsored by the Gluck Children לע''נ הוריהם ר' אליהו ב"ר זאב ע"ה וזוגתו מרת שרה ב"ר מאיר דוב ע"ה TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 3 INVITE INSPIRED GRACE INTO A SPACE effort WITH $5,000 TO SPEND AT ACCENTUATIONS BY DESIGN. 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 SPONSORED BY RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S 1501 60 Street Brooklyn | 718.435.6865 15 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 4 CArats CHaracter RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S YOU DO GOOD SO YOU DESERVE GOOD. TREAT YOURSELF WITH $2,000 AT LEFKOWITS JEWELERS. SPONSORED BY 16 W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG gold? ious than More prec ild enjoying ch a Smiles of breakfast. your warm 1270 48th St. | 718.431.0150 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 5 WRAP YOURSELF IN STYLE. wrapped royalty IN A LUXURIOUS FUR WITH A $2,000 GIFT CARD AT DELAX FURS. SPONSORED BY Joel Klein | 212.612.0261 RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S 1303 Coney Island Ave, 718.377.2114 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 De Lax Furs Ltd. 17 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 6 W W W. R E B ME I R.O RG second none RE B M EI R BA AL H AN E S S SPONSORED BY 18 IT’S ALWAYS TIME FOR A NEW WATCH. $2,000 AT ULTIMATIME. 4602 16th Ave. | 347.435.0460 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 7 HANDLE YOUR GUESTS LIKE A PRO disTIncTIon dishes set HOST WITH BEAUTIFUL DISHES AND CUTLERY SETS. $1,800 AT IMPRESSIONS. in the ble is set As your ta es, set their yl st latest es. meless smil table in ti 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 SPONSORED לע''נ מנחם משולם ע''ה ב"ר ישראל ני"ו הי"ד RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S 1435 Coney Island | 718.338.GIFT 19 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 8 2 0 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG CAsh advanCE TURN YOUR DREAMS INTO REALITY WITH $1,800 IN CASH TO SPEND FREELY. SPONSORED לע''נ יעקב נחמי' בן חיים צבי ע"ה הו הכהן ע''ה-ולע''נ משה חיים בן ישעי TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 9 ENJOY A WELL-DESERVED BREAK .. destination disconnect TWO ROUND-TRIP FARES TO ANY DESTINATION WITHIN THE U.S. PLUS 1 WEEK HOTEL STAY. 7 1 8.475.1 2 3 4 Mr. & Mrs. B. Weiss לע''נ מרן הקדוש רבי לוי יצחק בן שרה סאשע זי"ע הושע ע"ה-הודית בת י-ולע''נ פיגא י RE B ME I R BA A L H A N E SS SPONSORED BY 21 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 10 2 2 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG spLUrge styLE INVEST IN A FUTURE FAMILY HEIRLOOM WITH $2,000 TO SPEND FREELY AT BERGER SILVER. 48 Lee Ave. | 718.387.2130 SPONSORED BY THE LANDAU FAMILY The Landau Family expresses their deep condolences to their sister-in-law Mrs. Roizy Ruchie Landau, KSH coordinator, for her double loss of her dear departed parents לע״נ הוריה ר׳ אליהו ב״ר זאב ע״ה וזוגתו מרת שרה ב״ר מאיר דוב ע״ה גליק הו בן יחזקאל שמחה ע״ה ביללער-ולע״נ חיים יעקב ב״ר יצחק מנחם ע״ה זופניק ולע״נ ישעי TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 11 LIGHTEN THE FINANCIAL LOAD OF YOUR CHILDREN’S LEARNING let go learn WITH $1,800 TOWARDS TUITION. 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 לע''נ ישעי' בן אהרן ע"ה וזוגתו בלימא פראדל בת יוסף יחיאל מיכאל ע"ה RE B ME I R BAA L H A N E S S SPONSORED 23 Yanky regards his sandwich with bright eyes. Tuna, crispy tomatoes, fresh bread. He sniffs in anticipation. Should he save it for later? The sandwich seems to be winking at him. He can’t resist. Yanky gives a contented sigh, makes a loud bracha and digs right in. FOOD NEVER TASTED SO GOOD. With every crunch, his smile stretches wider. The sky seems bluer, the sun seems brighter. Today, he has food. Most days, Yanky gets to enjoy sandwiches only in his imagination. He looks at his dry, blackened slice of bread – leftovers the local baker was kind enough to give his family – and squeezes his eyes shut to block the tears. To escape the hunger pangs, he drifts off to an imaginary world where fresh sandwiches abound and hungry stomachs don’t exist. But today is different. Today, Yanky is holding a real, live, juicy sandwich, and each mouthful tastes like a piece of heaven. 24 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG Yanky gives one last bite, bentches with concentration, and sprints toward his classroom. RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S It’s going to be a gREat day. 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 Kollel Shomrei Hachomos filled his stomach THis morning. 25 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 2 6 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG 12 suit smart FRAME YOUR FRAME IN NEWFOUND CONFIDENCE WITH $2,000 AT RIGHT CHOICE PLUS ONE-MAN BAND & SINGER FOR YOUR AFFAIR (RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY) 177 Lee Ave. | 718.384.3114 SPONSORED BY The Gluck Children לע''נ ר׳ אליהו ב"ר זאב ע"ה וזוגתו מרת שרה ב"ר מאיר דוב ע''ה Moishy Glick Band | 917.586.1179 Leiby Weider Singer | 347.304.0705 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 13 AT TOYS 4 YOU rightchoice FUN GAMES RESTOCK YOUR PLAYROOM WITH $1,500 WORTH OF THE LATEST TOYS. toys 4 u? 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 BORO PARK 4510 13th Ave. | 718.435.8697 MONSEY 27 Orchard St. | 845.425.8010 LAKEWOOD Shoprite Plaza | 732.243.8697 RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S WILLIAMSBURG 232 Lee Ave. | 718.643.3400 27 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 14 2 8 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG sparkLE shine ENJOY $2,000 TOWARD THE JEWELRY STORE OF YOUR CHOICE SPONSORED BY 5910 18th Ave | 718.259.2502 לע''נ אלטא גיטל פריידא ב"ר ראובן ע"ה TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 15 DAVEN AT רבי אלימלך'ס ציון ON HIS YAHRTZEIT, כ"א אדר WITH TWO TICKETS TO ליזענסק. 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 Mr. L. Friedman לע''נ זקינו גבאי כוללנו ר׳ ברוך יודא בהגה"צ שרגא שמואל שניצלער ע"ה 29 Nephews & Nieces of the Gluck Family לע''נ ר׳ אליהו ב"ר זאב ע"ה וזוגתו מרת שרה ב"ר מאיר דוב ע''ה RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S SPONSORED BY TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 3 0 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG 16 switCH on sensaTIonal REIGNITE YOUR HOME DÉCOR WITH A $1,500 GIFT CERTIFICATE AT RAINBOW LIGHTING. SPONSORED BY 2214 59th St. | 718.234.3393 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 17 OVERLOAD YOUR CART kosher convenient WITH A CARTE BLANCHE AT GOURMET GLATT. $1,000 GIFT CARD FOR 2 WINNERS. s oN the face Put smiles L's neediest, OE SR YI Z ur of ERET ed both yo and they fe d soul. heart an 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 SPONSORED BY RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S 1274 39th St. | 718.437.3000 31 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 3 2 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG 18 adorn abode BEAUTIFY WITHOUT BARRIERS WITH A $1,000 GIFT CERTIFICATE AT FEATHERS AND LACE HIGH END LINEN BOUTIQUE. SPONSORED BY 2670 Nostrand Ave. | 718.951.9820 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 19 THIS PESACH FEEL LIKE A TRUE BEN CHORIN saga sterling WITH A GORGEOUS SILVER 3-TIER KE’ARAH. 7 1 8.475.1 2 3 4 Mr. & Mrs. Frank לע''נ אביו אברהם בן משה הלוי ע״ה וזוגתו בריינדל בת חיים ע״ה ולע״נ דודתו שרה קריינדל בת חיים ע״ה RE B ME I R BA A L H A N E SS SPONSORED BY 33 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 20 t never Know wha gets old? IM's RUSHALAY Smiles of YE thankful. d an young 3 4 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG swaddLEd styLE BRING HOME YOUR BUNDLE OF JOY IN ULTIMATE COMFORT. Including a crib and dresser of your choice. SPONSORED לע''נ שמשון בן קלונימוס צבי הלוי ע"ה וזוגתו טויבא בת שרגא פייבל ע"ה ולע''נ יעקב בן מנחם ע"ה TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 21 GET SOME WELL-DESERVED REST. parent pampered RELAX IN A KIMPETURIN HOME OR GET AN IN-HOUSE NURSE FOR UP TO $1,200. 7 1 8.475.1 2 3 4 לע''נ אברהם בן שלום יעקב שמחה ע"ה ובילא בת מנחם חיים מענדל ע"ה RE B ME I R BA A L H A N E SS SPONSORED 35 Ping, ping! The hum of the passersby fades. His ears register only one most melodic sound in the world: the ping of the ATM machine. Elchonon watches the shekel slide into the tray with child-like fascination. He reaches out, gingerly transfers the money into the palm of his hand, and blinks. REAL, LIVE CASH. THOUSANDS. IS THIS A DREAM? He strokes the cash in his hand and envisions the glowing smiles the smooth bills will engender. The kallah’s, when she receives her long overdue gift. The chosson’s, when he hears he can finally go choose a shtreimel. His wife’s, when she sees her stressed, uptight husband revert to his old, cheerful self. Just yesterday, he was at the breaking point. He was about to shatter hearts by announcing the truth: that there was no way he could get a fraction of the money to pull the wedding off as scheduled. But today, he is euphoric. His son is getting married in two weeks, and money won’t stand in the way. With the bills in his 3 6 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG pocket and a song in his heart, he heads for home. RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S HE coULD fiNALly reJOICE. 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 Kollel Shomrei Hachomos saved his sON© S WEDDING. 37 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 22 3 8 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG SMILES SNAP WOULDN’T YOUR FACE LIGHT UP WITH $1,000 IN THE LATEST ELECTRONICS FROM B&H PHOTO SPONSORED BY לע''נ יצחק אלי׳ בן טובי׳ ע״ה TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 23 LET SOMEONE ELSE DO THE COOKING serves you RIght. WITH $1,000 TOWARDS A PERSONAL CHEF AND INGREDIENTS. 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S SPONSORED 39 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 24 4 0 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG STAY SWIPE REST IN BLISS WITH A 3 -NIGHT LUXURIOUS STAY AT LE SUITE GUEST HOUSE IN LAKEWOOD AND ENJOY A $500 GIFT CARD FOR SHOPPING AND INCIDENTALS. Restrictions apply. Expires 6 months from auction day SPONSORED BY 732.456.7989 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 25 DON YOUR CITY STYLE busy city WITH $1,500 TOWARDS A SHOPPING SPREE THROUGHOUT MANHATTAN. BLOOMINGDALES SAKS FIFTH AVENUE LORD & TAYLOR rs in NYC, mothe As you shop e all smiles as the shuk ar r groceries. fo they shop 7 1 8.475.1 2 3 4 לע״נ גבאי כוללנו אברהם בן יעקב ע״ה ולע״נ יצחק יושע ב״ר אברהם משה ע״ה RE B ME I R BA A L H A N E SS SPONSORED BY 41 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 26 4 2 RE B M EI R BA AL H AN E S S W W W. R E B ME I R.O RG haute household WITH $1,000 AT GREEN’S, YOUR HOME IS ABOUT TO BREAK OUT ITS OWN FASHION SENSE. SPONSORED BY 5017 13th Ave. | 718.438.7984 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 27 GO AHEAD: CASH KING GIVE IN TO YOUR ROYAL DESIRES WITH $1,000 IN GREEN, LEGAL TENDER. ht. t be boug Smiles can' generously be n ca ey ted. But th d perpetua donated an 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 43 1.800.895.9555 RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S SPONSORED BY TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 28 4 4 RE B M EI R BA AL H AN E S S W W W. R E B ME I R.O RG head held high STAND HEAD AND SHOULDERS ABOVE THE REST WITH A BRAND NEW SHTREIMEL. SPONSORED BY Williamsburg Boro Park 163 Rodney St 5009 16th Ave לע"נ הב' בנימין זאב ע"ה בן שמשון ברוך ני''ו TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 29 DO WONDERS FOR YOUR WARDROBE SUIT SMARTly WITH $1,000 AT GB CLOTHING. Clothe your brethren in smiles; it's a perfect fit any day of the week. 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 WILLIAMSBURG 178 Wallabout St. | 718.506.1100 BORO PARK 1411 39 St. | 718.435.4750 45 לע''נ מיין חשובע זיידע און באבע אליהו ב״ר זאב ע״ה וזוגתו שרה ב״ר מאיר דוב ע״ה RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S SPONSORED BY TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 30 melody? Hear that d of un It's the so on 1000s smiles r ea to . earSROEL's poor of ERETZ YI 4 6 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG STRIKE a CHORD HELP YOUR CHILD HONE A TALENT WITH $1,500 TOWARDS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND LESSONS. SPONSORED BY Herman Katz Financial Services Professional 718.437.7166 | 917.952.6986 לע״נ זקינו חבר הנהלת כוללנו שלמה בן משה אליעזר הכהן ע״ה וזוגתו רבקה בת חנני׳ יו״ט ליפא הכהן ע״ה ובנם אביו גבאי כוללנו חנני׳ יו״ט ליפא בן שלמה הכהן ע״ה Includes the music n minutes chupah set as well! TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 31 HOP OUT FOR A DAY ON THE TOWN spree free ENJOY A $1,000 SHOPPING SPREE AT DB ELECTRONICS. 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 SPONSORED לע''נ נחמן חיים ב''ר יעקב משולם ע''ה ורחל בת שמואל ע''ה RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S 19 Clifton Ave. | 732.901.1280 47 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 32 4 8 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG pour pLEnty HONOR ELIYAHU AND FILL YOUR CUP WITH BLESSINGS WITH THIS BEAUTIFUL KOS SHEL ELIYAHU. SPONSORED BY 48 Lee Ave. | 718.387.2130 לע״נ יחיאל יוסף ב״ר צבי ארי׳ ע״ה TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 33 NO LOOSE ONE DOLLAR BILLS. swipe FLY THROUGH CHECKOUT WITH EASE AND STYLE WITH A $1,500 PREPAID DEBIT CARD. 7 1 8.475.1 2 3 4 Tiv Tov Hardware The Lichtenstein Family לע''נ ר׳ חיים שמחה בונם בן שמואל יושע ע״ה RE B ME I R BA A L H A N E SS SPONSORED BY 49 He uncovers the can with the care reserved for the lid of a treasure chest. A soft song floats under his breath as he scoops out ounces of nutrition, shakes the bottle to make sure it’s just right and reaches out to his little angel. She gurgles and his heart flutters. Menachem quivers with pleasure and leans back. There’s nothing in the world he would rather be doing right now other than drip formula into this tiny rosebud mouth and indulge in THE EXHILARATION OF FEEDING HIS NEWBORN PRINCESS. His eyes scan the room and he breaks into an elated smile. Diapers! Baby formula! A pacifier to still his daughter’s cries! He gulps, and tears of ecstasy and relief spring to his eyes. There’s nothing as precious as a tiny, brand-new soul. There’s nothing as heart wrenching as being unable to provide for the innocent newborn you were entrusted with. Menachem shudders. For a full week, his daughter’s weak cries after days of malnutrition clenched his heart. Helplessness and shame crushed his chest. He wanted to protect his daughter, give her the world. But he couldn’t even give her food. 5 0 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG But today, he watches his little angel’s mouth twitch after a satisfying meal with shining eyes. He studies her pure, content face in wonder, exhales in happiness, and drifts into a trance of bliss. Kollel Shomrei Hachomos empowered him to care for his child. HE coULD fiNALly Enjoy his naCHas. 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S 51 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 34 ys the le one enjo As your litt forts of life, finer com Z YISROEL's rt in ERET find comfo . es il huge sm 5 2 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG DreSS THEM DESIGNER WRAP YOUR LITTLE ONES IN THE MOST ADORABLE DESIGNER WEAR WITH $1,000 AT WHOOPI. 4711 13th Ave. | 718.853.5411 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 35 TAKE A SUNDAY STROLL SAVOR Stroll ANY TUESDAY WITH A BUGABOO STROLLER IN THE COLOR OF YOUR CHOICE. 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 1408 Coney Island Ave. | 718.998.7373 RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S SPONSORED BY 53 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 36 5 4 RE B M EI R BA AL H AN E S S W W W. R E B ME I R.O RG sling style GRAB YOUR LUXURIOUS HANDBAG AT BERSEL (BROOKLYN) WITH A $350 GIFT CARD Bersel Handbags & Accessories 4916 13th Ave. | 718.871.4494 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 37 GIVE YOUR BEDS A MAKEOVER. wildest dreams IMBUE YOUR BEDROOMS WITH YOUR PERSONAL TOUCH WITH $1,000 AT UNIQUE LINEN. 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 SPONSORED BY RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S 33 Lee Ave. | 718.599.3166 55 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 38 5 6 RE B M EI R BA AL H AN E S S W W W. R E B ME I R.O RG press impress BRING OUT THE BEST IN YOUR FAMILY’S WARDROBE WITH A HIGH-QUALITY STEAM IRON. SPONSORED BY לע״נ רבקה ב״ר עקיבא הלוי ע״ה וואלדמאן TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 39 GET THE BEST OF FRUM PUBLICATIONS SPREAD word HERE’S $1,8000 IN HARD CASH TO CONVERT IT TO REALITY. 7 1 8.475.1 2 3 34 4 Greater Windows & Doors 718.972.2626 RE B ME I R BA BAA A L H A N E SS SS SPONSORED BY 57 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 40 5 8 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG STIR STORM FULFILL ALL YOUR BAKING ASPIRATIONS WITH A BOSCH MACHINE. SPONSORED BY TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 41 REVEL IN THE UNMATCHED BEAUTY UNTouched TIME OF A TIME-TESTED ANTIQUE DISH 7 1 8.475.1 2 3 4 EB Atiques 718.387.3896 RE B ME I R BA A L H A N E SS SPONSORED BY 59 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 42 FLASH FANCY CAPTURE UNFORGETTABLE MOMENTS WITH YOUR NEW G16 CAMERA. SPONSORED לע״נ מנחם זאב בן אברהם אבא ע״ה 43 HOME HAVEN 6 0 RE B M EI R BA AL H AN E S S W W W. R E B ME I R.O RG as a INDULGE YOUR KIDS’ IMAGINATIONS WITH $250 AT POTTERY BARN KIDS. TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 44 TREASURE THOSE MEMORIES FRAMED FOREVER WITH $500 TOWARDS PRO PHOTOGRAPHY. Thro pictu ughout e flash re-perfe retz yisr oe ct ing b right smiles a l, r and war e m. 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 לע''נ רחל בת שמואל ע"ה RE B ME I R BAA L H A N E S S SPONSORED 61 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 45 6 2 RE B M EI R BA AL H AN E S S W W W. R E B ME I R.O RG get all dolled up REALIZE YOUR LITTLE GIRL’S DREAMS WITH A $500 GIFT CERTIFICATE AT AMERICAN GIRL PLACE. SPONSORED BY לע״נ מרדכי בן ישראל דוד הלוי ע״ה וגאלדא בת יושע ע״ה TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 46 BUILD THEIR IMAGINATIONS. FOUNDATION FUN of WITH A YEAR-LONG SUBSCRIPTION TO LEGO, YOUR CHILDREN RECEIVE A BRAND NEW BOX EACH MONTH. 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 Guttman Insurance Agency לע''נ יצחק בן יהודה ע"ה RE B ME I R BAA L H A N E S S SPONSORED BY 63 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE SWITCH UP PLAYTIME TRISTAte TOYS 6 4 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG WITH A $180 GIF T CARD AT A POPULAR TOY STORE IN THE TRISTATE AREA. OEL is no ERETZ YISR Poverty in but together we , ay pl s child' g matter. it a smilin can make TEN DOLLARS 47 48 49 FOR EACH PRIZE 50 WILLIAMSBURG BORO PARK MONSEY LAKEWOOD 232 Lee Ave. | 718.643.3400 4510 13th Ave. | 718.435.8697 27 Orchard St. | 845.425.8010 Shoprite Plaza | 732.243.8697 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S 65 6 6 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG 51 52 53 54 BORO PARK WILLIAMSBURG LAKEWOOD FLATBUSH 5504 18th Ave. | 718.232.8658 739 Bedford Ave. | 718.222.2955 310 3rd St. | 732.363.4009 1605 Ave. M | 718.998.2020 55 56 57 58 BORO PARK MONROE BOROPARK BORO PARK 4115 15th Ave. | 718.438.0664 51 Forset Rd. | 845.783.6142 5208 16th Ave. | 728.238.7258 5004 13th Ave. | 718.633.1505 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S 67 TEN DOLLARS FOR EACH PRIZE 59 6 8 RE B M EI R BA AL H AN E S S W W W. R E B ME I R.O RG MITZVAH KINDER GALORE THE MITZVAH KINDER HAVE WON THE HEARTS OF YIDDISHE KINDERLACH. ADD TO YOUR CHILDREN'S COLLECTION, OR START A NEW ONE. SPONSORED לע״נ מרים לאה ב''ר יעקב יהודה ע''ה TEN DOLLARS Smile! You’ve made another year of chesed possible. FOR EACH PRIZE 2,841,396 8,157 339,304 02 729 169 323,173 Yom Tov Giveaway Widow & Orphan Support Monthly Family Stipend 902 Bridal Simcha WHAT’S YOUR SECRET DREAM? Fund 183,705 13,697 144 110,102 133 1506 297,938 300K 250K 200K 150K 100K Medical Services & Supplies: Kimpeturin Aid Yearly Tzadaka Budget: $4,109,315 50K 992,318 2,552,248 HERE’S $1,8000 IN HARD CASH Kollel TOYearly CONVERT IT TO REALITY. Cheder 503,584 Salaries Yeshiva 201,363 "Keren Kayemes" Mishnayos Fund Yearly Torah Budget: $4,249,513 Our support has reahced 52K needy families 70,842 Massive Torah library Gemach Loans Awarded to Needy Families Average loan: $7,000 Here. Here. Here. Here. Yearly Chessed Budget: $8,165,991 69 69 Here. Here. Here. Here. Monthly Housing Payouts RE B ME I R BA BAA A L H A N E SS SS SPONSORED BY 359,934 7 1 8.475.1 2 3 34 4 7,735,215 CHessed ToRAh 350K Special Family Assistance tzedaKA Encouraged and empowered by your warm generosity, Shomrei HaChomos made smiles happen on the faces of tens of thousands of individuals and families in desperate need of a little bit of sunshine. THANKS YOU! On behalf of all the almonos, yesomim, and thousands of others who depend on Kollel Shomrei Hachomos, we want to thank these esteemed individuals who have dedicated their efforts in tireless pursuit of this years auction’s success. Our immense appreciation goes out to the unbelievable volunteers who contributed countless hours over the course of the days, weeks, and months leading up to the auction. You brainstormed. You attended meeting after meeting. You really did so incredibly much! MRS. MIRIAM GELLIS, MRS. BLIMY WINKLER, MRS. ROIZA RUCHY LANDAU, MRS. REITZU HOFFMAN, MRS. SHULAMIS WEISZ, MRS. MIRI GUTTMAN, MRS. GOLDY KLAGSBALD MRS. ROIZA RUCHY LANDAU, FREIDY ROSENDBERG LIBBY SEIDENFELD, RUCHY ZUPNICK RUCHEL LEAH ENGLANDER, ESTHER RUCHY FALKOWITZ, FAIGY GRUNHUT, FRIMMY KLEIN, REIZY REICH, CHANA PEREL SCHLESINGER To all our raffle supporters and donors — thank you! Your generosity has empowered the successful outcome of our aution. May you always enjoy being on the side of the giving. Sincerely, Roiza Ruchy Landau Credits Yossi Blumenfeld, Ricky Blau, Ruchi Iszak, Sam Schwartz, Raizy Klipper, Kesley Bassini Ahuva Hoberman, Adina Belsky, Rivkie Grunwald, and the creative team. For helping smiles shine through the months of sweat and effort; for remaining dedicated to the project without frown; and for pulling off this masterpiece auction book. 70 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG WEB Mr. Yosef Hoffman & Staff COPYWRITING Henchy Weinstein PHOTOGRAPHY Lifestyle: Chaim Schvarcz ( Products: Yechiel Orgel ( Yanky Stauber ( די פארטי וועט זיין למזכרת נצח פאר די אלע ריינע נשמות נ''ע וואס אונזערע פריערדיגע פארטי'ס זענען געווידמעט געווארן און זענען אויף אייביג פארהייליגט ביים כולל אין ירושלים עיה''ק ת''ו מרת דבורה רבקה ברוין ע''ה ב''ר יחיאל הלוי הי''ו האלפערט רעבעצין רחל ב''ר דוד צבי ע''ה בראך הודית ב''ר שלמה ברוך הלוי ע''ה וויטריאל-מרת זיסל י )רעבעצין בלומא שרה בת הרב אלעזר ע''ה האראוויץ (ספינקא מרת שרה גאלדא ב''ר צבי ישכר דוב ע''ה פאלאטשעק רעבעצין אסתר בת הרב יצחק ע''ה בראך מרת גיטל פערל ב''ר מנחם ע''ה גאלדבערגער רעבעצין רחל יוכבד בלומא בת הרב מרדכי ע''ה מערץ מרת עקא ב''ר ברוך יעקב ע''ה וואלף )רעבעצין הינדל שרה בת הרב משה שמעון ע''ה וויינבערגער (פאיע ר' אברהם ב''ר יקותיאל יודא ע''ה פריינד )רעבעצין אסתר מרים בת הרב שמואל ע''ה אייכענשטיין (גאלאנטא וזוגתו מרת לאה ב''ר יחיאל מיכל ע''ה פריינד )מרת נחמה ב''ר מנחם מענדל ע''ה גרינוואלד (מעמי נעני מרת בינא גיטל ב''ר שלום ע''ה ווייסמאן מרת הינדל ב''ר לוי יצחק ע''ה מייזנער מרת וויטא בלומא ב''ר יעקב משה ע''ה שטעסעל ר' חנני' יו''ט ליפא ב''ר אברהם אבא ע''ה לעפקאוויטש ר' נחמן ב''ר ישראל הלוי ע''ה לאנדא וזוגתו מרת פערל ב''ר ישעי' ע''ה לעפקאוויטש וזוגתו מרת גיטל ב''ר יעקב יודא ע''ה לאנדא מרת מרים ב''ר שמואל ע''ה נויאוויטש מרת מרים לאה ב''ר יעקב יהודא ע''ה זיידענפעלד מרת טויבא ב''ר שרגא פייבל ע''ה האפפמאנן מרת גאלדא ב''ר צבי הערש ע''ה גרינבוים מרת שרה צארטל ב''ר חנני' יו''ט ע''ה שניטצלער מרת שרה שינדל ב''ר משה ע''ה שווארטץ הרבנית הצדיקת אלטא פיגא בת הרב אביגדור ע''ה רעבעצין פון מרן רביה"ק מסאטמאר נשיא כוללנו זצוק"ל הרבנית הצדיקת בריינדל בת הרב שלמה ברוך ע''ה רעבעצין פון כ''ק מרן אב''ד צעהלים נשיא כוללנו זצוק"לה הרבנית הצדיקת שינדל רבקה בת הרב יצחק ע''ה רעבעצין פון כ''ק מרן אב''ד ור''מ קהל עדת יראים וויען נשיא כוללנו זצוק"לוללנו זצוקללה''ה הרבנית הצדיקת פעסיל לאה בת הרב אהרן ע''ה רעבעצין פון כ''ק מרן אדמו''ר בעל ברך משה מסאטמאר נשיא כוללנו זצוק"ל 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 RE B ME I R BAA L H A N E S S 71 AND NOW... A WORD FROM OUR CUSTOMERS! I've been taking Hi- Vitalan supplements for a long time and it's doing wonders for me, when I stop taking Hi-Vitalan the change in my energy level and productivity is immediately obvious. - Leah R. Working Mom I used to feel tired and exhausted during the day, now I feel all awake. I can accomplish so much more! I've tried many different multi-vitamins and didn't feel a difference, but - Shany J. Stay-at-home Mom It boosted my ability to stay focused and have an easier time concentrating. - Yankel M. Yeshiva Bochur I find Hi-Vitalan to be a great product that significantly affects the energy level and mood. It keeps me motivated all day long. - Nathan L. Working Man taking a good Multi-Vitamin to boost my immune system. 772 2 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG - Mendel Volf K. Kolel Yungerman ET TH CARE N L A E H Y R n, NY A PRIMA WORK OD rookly rd Street, B a w y e H 6 am-9pm 14-1 hursday 8 -T y a d n o M m-6pm • Sunday 9a -1pm Friday 8am :30pm HOURS ay 9pm-11 E d s R r A u C h T -T N y 0pm a URGE an till 10:3 m • Mond p m z 1 e -1 th m r p e 6 Sunday inutes aft bbos 40 m a h S i e z t Mo are y Health C r a im r P e Av ODA Park oklyn, NY Center -7pm venue, Bro 517 Park A ursday 9am (pediatric only) h -T y a d n o 1am-5pm m-6pm • M Dr. Patel 1 Sunday 9a y a id r F • -1pm Friday 8am E CENTER LTH CAR LITY HEA ODA QUAAvenue, Brooklyn, NY -4pm 423 Bedford Friday 9am ll 10:00pm • m p -9 m m-9pm ursday 9a the zman ti te Hours 5p a L y a d n o Sunday-Th os 40 minutes after -6Pm. M abb rsday 10Am u h T , y Motzei Sh a d s e unday, Tu ODIATRY S P ODA Park Ave Primary Health Care Center ODA Quality Health Center ODA Dental Facility ODA Women’s Health Center ODA Primary Health Care Center ODA Primary Health Care Center 14-16 Heyward St Brooklyn, NY 718.260.4600 517 Park Avenue Brooklyn, NY 718.260.4640 432 Bedford Ave Brooklyn, NY 718.387.2408 58 Rutledge St Brooklyn, NY 718.260.4620 329 Hewes St Brooklyn, NY 718.384.3475 60 Jefferson Street, Suite 1 Monticello, NY 845.794.5090 6 Dairyland Rd. Woodridge, NY 845.434.2060 COMMENTS OR COMPLAINTS? Call our hotline & leave a message > 718.260.4692 RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S ODA Primary Health Care Network 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 Your well-being is our concern 73 Order Form 1 2 3 Yearn for Lights and Yerushalayim Luxury 12 Suit up Smart 23 Serves you Right 34 13 Fun and Games Carats with Character 15 Sparkle and Shine Travel to the Tzaddik 24 25 26 Stay plus Swipe Busy in the City Haute Household 36 35 Savor your Stroll 45 46 Get all Dolled up Foundation of Fun Tristate Toys 10 Elegance without Effort 14 Dress in Designer 56 4 37 Sling on your Style 47 57 58 Tristate Toys 11 Wrapped in Royalty 16 Switch on Sensational 27 Cash is still King 38 The Wildest Press to Dreams Impress 48 Tristate Toys 1 5 Tristate Toys 2 49 Tristate Toys 3 6 7 Second to None 17 Dining with Distinction 18 Kosher and Convenient 28 Adorn your Abode 29 Head held High Suit up Smartly 39 40 Spread the Word 50 Tristate Toys 4 Stir up a Storm 51 Tristate Toys 5 59 Tristate Toys 12 8 W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S 74 $ $36 4 Tickets $54 7 Tickets $72 12 Tickets $120 25 Tickets $180 36 Tickets $250 50 Tickets $300 59 Tickets $500 100 Tickets $1,000 200 Tickets TOTAL Saga in Sterling 30 Strike a Cord 20 Swaddled in Style 31 11 EREV SHABBOS MEMBERSHIP 22 Parent gets Pampered Smiles in a Snap 32 WEEKLY DONATION: Your Selected Donation Amount Will Be Processed Each Week 30 Minutes Before Zman Shabbos. 33 Pour on the Plenty 42 43 Untouched by Time Flash of Fancy Home as a Haven 52 53 54 Tristate Toys 6 Tristate Toys 7 Tristate Toys 8 41 Let Go to Learn 21 Spree for Free W I N $ 1 0,000 I N CAS H ! Packages 1 Ticket 19 10 Destination: Splurge in Disconnect Style GRAND PRIZE Mitzvah Kinder Galore $10 Cash in Advance 9 Swipe with Spontaneity 44 Framed Forever 55 Tristate Toys 9 1 ticket / $18 2 tickets / $26 3 tickets / $54 10 tickets / $100 Personal Information Name Street Address / City / State / ZIP Phone Fast Track 1 ticket in every rallfe / Cell Email Please charge my Check CC Number CVV Exp. Date Signature To order: CALL 718.475.1234 | FAX 718.243.2499 | EMAIL ONLINE | MAIL Kollel Shomrei Hachomos - 18 Heyward St, Brooklyn, NY 11249 / Our Gift To You. An Elite s ta nd a r d of c a r e . We have achieved the ultimate in heart health recognition by the american heart association. 7 1 8.475.1 2 34 | 48 heyWard street | brooklyn, neW york | 11249 RE B ME I R BA A L H AN E S S 718.856.6200 75 NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID M A I LW AY REB MEIR BAAL HANESS KOLLEL SHOMREI HACHOMOS 18 HEYWARD STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11249 Kids! 1 You can be featured in local magazines! Select a Smiles Card below, and snap a picture with it. ---- 2 Send it to us with your name and city, along with your parents’ donation, by mail, email or online at Share your SMILES with us. 76 RE B M EI R BA AL HA N E S S W W W. RE B ME I R.O RG and your picture will be printed in popular Jewish magazines. Let’s SMILE together! Cut on dotted line. Watch your fingers, so you stay all smiles.
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