CENTRE FOR MARINE OPERATIONS Centres for Research-based Innovation Marine Operations SFI - MOVE Karl H Halse Dept of Marine Technology and Operations NTNUi Ålesund Ålesund Høgskolen Vision World Leading Centre for Marine Operations •All year subsea operations – installation & service •Safer and more cost-efficient operations •Support innovation in existing and emerging ocean industries CENTRE FOR MARINE OPERATIONS Business areas CENTRE FOR MARINE OPERATIONS Demanding offshore operations How to do all year subsea installation and service at ultra deep water? Industrialization CENTRE FOR MARINE OPERATIONS Offshore Wind Power OW is a land-based industry facing a marine innovation challenge. How can we do installation and service at low cost? Innovation CENTRE FOR MARINE OPERATIONS Seabed Mining How to enable mining at ultra deep water? Research Strategy World Leading Centre for Marine Operations Response-based criteria – from design to operations Design Engineering Installation Virtual Prototyping – from planning to execution Operations Strategy WORLD LEADING CENTRE FOR MARINE OPERATIONS o Improved understanding of complex physical phenomena o Simulation and Virtual Prototyping as an industrial standard o Onboard decision support systems o Improved crew performance (training & assessment) o Online environment monitoring CENTRE FOR MARINE OPERATIONS Research partners Industrial /user partners SFI MOVE work flow GCE- Blue Maritime SFI CHALLENGES MODELLING Innovation plan (RA α) Sub-project Enhanced physical modelling numerical methods and tools (RA 2) SFI DEVELOPMENT Vessel performance (RA 1) On-board systems (RA 3) Sub-project Sub-project Integrated simulator environment (RA 4) GCE- Blue Maritime USE/TESTING Arena for innovation by virtual prototyping (RA Ω) Innovation Plan 2016 The industrial advisory group are defining the innovation plan and follow up results CHALLENGES Innovation plan (RA α) Sub-project A Sub-project B Sub-project C USE/TESTING Arena for innovation by virtual prototyping (RA Ω) Innovation Plan 2016 Sub-Projects Sub-Project 1: OW Low Cost Offshore Wind Installation and Maintenance of fixed structures Sub-project 5: OW Installation of Floating Wind Power Systems Sub-project 2: “Subsea” Safe-All Year-Cost Efficient Subsea Operations Sub-project 3: Mining Exploration of Technologies to Develop Seabed Mining as a new business area Sub-project 4: Tool & platform Simulation and Virtual prototyping as a common Approach from Design to Operation OW Low Cost Offshore Wind Installation and Maintenance of fixed structures I dag blir turbiner typisk installert med jack-up rigger. Målet er å kunne installere vindturbiner fra skip og kunne drive service og vedlikehold (uten kontakt med havbunn) til en langt lavere kostnad. Service og vedlikehold over turbinens levetid er trolig viktigst. En krevende operasjon må kunne: • Shallow water 20-50 meters • Lifting height 120 meters • Weight 400 - 2000 t Spesialisert/ny teknologi for rulledemping (active roll damping) Et aktivt verktøy på krana til å kompensere skipsbevegelse (f.ex. the Ulstein Colibri) OW Installation of Floating Wind Power Systems En krevende operasjon må kunne: •Water depth 100m – 700m •Height >150-200m •Weight 400-2000t “Subsea” Safe-All Year-Cost Efficient Subsea Operations Objectives to improve of the operational limitations are: • Improve HSE by making the operations more robust vs. available weather window. • Make operations safer and with required accuracy. • Reduce total field development costs by more cost-efficient marine operations. • Increase operational efficiency of subsea fields by all year vessel operation. Mining Exploration of Technologies to Develop Seabed Mining as a new business area The seabed mining industry • Significant mineral resources within the zone of Norwegian interests, i.e along the mid-Atlantic ridge starting outside Svalbard. • Right now the resource estimates are uncertain, however, there are parallel research initiatives (Marmine project) that will start extracting samples from 2017. • NTNU study estimate low value 75 bn USD. No upper limit. Enable seabed mining to take place in a commercial and cost-efficient manner • at different water depths, • with minimal impact on the environment/marine ecosystem • contribute to positioning the Norwegian Maritime industry towards commercial harvesting of subsea minerals. Tool & platform Simulation and Virtual prototyping as a common Approach from Design to Operation The idea is to implement a simulation oriented design approach in the maritime industry, from design to performing the operation. The purpose is to present methods and demonstrate the cycle from design to virtual prototyping as shown in the figure. Explore shortcomings and suggest improvement. Transform the industry to a performance oriented operation approach. Increase innovation by fast prototyping Reduce cost by reuse for models during the process from preliminary investigations to execution of operations SFI MOVE Goals 1. Academic: – 6 + 5 PhD Alle PhD knyttes til en eller flere bedrifter – 8 post.doc. 64 publications – nn Visiting professors/researchers 2. Innovation: – 100 million in industrial projects / BIP – 2 Horizon 2020 projects 3. Centre with an annual turnover of 40 million 4. International conference in Marine Operations } SFI MOVE Project organization Centre Director: Hans Petter Hildre (NTNU) Research Area Leaders (RA) RA1 Hans Jørgen Rambech (MARINTEK) RA2 Svein Sævik (NTNU) RA3 Lars Tandle Kyllingstad (SINTEF F&H) RA4 Karl H. Halse (NTNU) Sub Project Leaders Sub-project 1: OW 2: Subsea 3: VP 4: Mining 5: OW Project Leader Karl H Halse, NTNU Hans J Rambech, Marintek Lars Tandle Kyllingstad, SINTEF Svein Sævik, NTNU Karl H Halse, NTNU Deputy project leader Zhen Gao, NTNU Zhang Houxiang, NTNU Henrique Gaspar, NTNU Zhen Gao, NTNU Status PhD + PD Forsinket oppstart av SFI medførte utfordringer i oppstart av PhD og PD Vi er nesten i rute nå og blir i rute fra sommeren 2016 RA 2 Numerical tools Sub Project 1: OW Low Cost Installation and Maintenance of fixed Offshore Wind structures Sub Project 2: Subsea Safe-All Year-Cost Efficient Subsea Operations Sub Project 3: VP Simulation Technology and virtual prototyping as a common Approach from Design to Operation Sub Project 4: Mining Exploration of Technologies to Develop Seabed Mining as a new business area Sub Project 5: OW Innovative installation of Floating Wind Power Systems RA 1 Vessel Performance RA 3 On-board systems RA 4 Integrated simulator PhD 3, Zhengru Ren, Jan 16, PhD 2, Sep. 15, Fredrik Mentzoni, Aug 15 (NTNU) PD 1, des 15, Mia Prisic Jan 16 PhD 12, Jan 16 Tor Holan Marstein PhD 15 Svenn Are Værnø (AMOS) PD 3 October 2016 Mats Thorsen PD4 October 2016 NN PhD 14, Aug 15 Thor Huse Knudsen PD 2, Aug 16, Ji Lin PhD 4, Aug 16, NN PhD 1, Aug 15, Martin Friedwart Gutsch PhD 13, Aug 2015 Jiafeng Xu PhD 5, spring 16 (HiÅ) CENTRE FOR MARINE OPERATIONS Hjemmeside på vei opp: https://www.ntnu.edu/web/move/move-marine-operations-center Blue Ocean / Ocean Space • • • • • • • SFF AMOS Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems SFI MOVE Marine Operations SFI Smart Maritime SFI Exposed SFI Offshore Mechatronics GCE – Blue Maritime Ocean Space Centre We will set up a strategic group coordinating research and activities (project leaders forum) United Nations Millennium project - global challenges OECD - the Future of the Ocean Economy "New-new" activities "Unborn industries" New growing industries Established industries OECD focus : New growing industries • Deep/ultra-deep water oil & gas exploration and extraction • Renewables - off-shore wind, wave, tidal…. • Marine aquaculture • Sea-bed mining • Marine biotechnology • Ocean monitoring, surveillance, control • Ocean and coastal tourism • Cross-sectoral implications/synergies with other ocean-related economic activities - incl. shipbuilding 25 European Union - our Major Global Challenges • Food • Energy • Raw materials For a growing population and simultaneous handle • climate challenges • environmental challenges Vision for SFI MOVE World Leading Centre for Marine Operations Response-based criteria – from design to operations Subsea Mining Significant mineral resources within Norwegian zone of interest Exploration of technology to enable seabed mining Focus: Research Offshore wind Fixed and floating offshore wind projects – Offshore Oil & Gas All-year operations, Installation, service and Safe operations and maintenance methods Cost efficienct operations Focus: Innovation Focus: Industrialization Virtual prototyping – from planning to execution
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