Kurskatalog/Course catalogue 2016 - Medicinsk fakultet

Vårterminen 2016
Deadline: 1 december 2015
Höstterminen 2016
Deadline: 20 maj 2016
Spring semester 2016
Deadline: 1 December 2015
Fall semester 2016
Deadline: 20 May 2016
KURSER VÅRTERMINEN 2016 ................................................................................................. 8
Advanced biostatistics, Logistic regression, 1.5 ECTS (online) ................................ 8
Analysing data in qualitative research, part 1 (online), 3 ECTS ............................... 9
An introduction to multilevel analysis: An epidemiological perspective
(online), 3 ECTS ....................................................................................................................... 10
Basic tumour biology – from cell biology to personalized medicine, 1.5 ECTS 11
Bioimaging, 1.5 ECTS ............................................................................................................... 12
Climate change and health – research, 5 ECTS ............................................................. 13
Data collection, database management and quality control in quantitative
studies, 1.5 ECTS ........................................................................................................................ 14
Etik i forskningen, 3 hp ........................................................................................................... 15
Grounded theory and situational analysis – a systematic and flexible approach
to qualitative data analysis, 3.5 ECTS................................................................................ 16
Grundkurs i Good Clinical Practice (GCP) i kliniskt forskningsarbete, 1 hp .... 17
Grundkurs i Good Clinical Practice (GCP) i kliniskt forskningsarbete, 4,5 hp 18
Informations- och litteratursökning+Publicering, ansökan och föredrag, 1.5
hp...................................................................................................................................................... 19
Regenerative medicine, 1.5 ECTS ........................................................................................ 20
Research methodology and philosophy of science, 3 ECTS ..................................... 21
Research methodology with biostatistics, 7.5 ECTS .................................................... 22
Using the R statistical environment for reproducible medical research, 3 ECTS
........................................................................................................................................................... 23
Writing Science: How to write and publish scientific papers, 5 ECTS................. 24
KURSER HÖSTTERMINEN 2016 ............................................................................................ 26
Designs of intervention studies within patient-based research, 3.0 ECTS ........ 26
eHealth- Concepts, principles and methods for healthcare in a digital age, 3
ECTS ................................................................................................................................................ 27
Equity and health, 3 ECTS ...................................................................................................... 28
Evaluation of exercise capacity and level of physical activity in persons with
cardiorespiratory disease, 1.5 ECTS .................................................................................. 29
Health, gender and human rights: An introduction, 3 ECTS................................... 30
How to write grant applications, 3 ECTS ......................................................................... 31
Intervjuer och observationer som kvalitativa datainsamlingsmetoder, 3 hp .. 32
Longitudinal Data Analysis 1.5 ECTS ................................................................................. 33
Metabolic disorders including diabetes mellitus, 1.5 ECTS ..................................... 34
Qualitative content analysis, 3 ECTS ................................................................................. 35
Registerforskning med särskild inriktning på kvalitetsregister, 2 hp ................. 36
Regression models in medical sciences, 3 ECTS ........................................................... 37
Research ethics, 3 ECTS .......................................................................................................... 38
Research methodology and philosophy of science, 3 ECTS ..................................... 39
Research methodology with biostatistics, 7.5 ECTS .................................................... 40
Synaptic and molecular physiology of brain circuits, 3 ECTS ................................. 41
Forskarutbildningskursernas omfattning och uppläggning varierar. Vissa kurser ges i
form av föreläsningar eller seminarier under dagtid eller kvällstid. Sådana
deltidskurser kan utsträckas under en större del av terminen. Andra kurser ges som
heltidskurser och omfattar då vanligen såväl föreläsningar som laborativa moment
och demonstrationer under en begränsad tid.
Om en planerad kurs ska ges eller inte beror på antalet sökande till kursen. Beslut om
att en kurs inte ska ges fattas av kursledare och ordföranden i
Forskarutbildningsutskottet gemensamt.
Umeå där ej annat anges.
Samtliga kurser avslutas med någon form av examination och i samband med
kursens avslutning sker även en kursutvärdering. Kursledaren är ansvarig för såväl
examinationen som kursutvärderingen. Intyg till deltagarna på genomgången kurs
utfärdas av kursgivande institution. Doktoranden lämnar intyget till
institutionssekreteraren (där doktoranden är antagen) som för in uppgifterna i
Forskarutbildningskurserna står öppna för doktorander inom medicinska fakulteten
och teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Umeå universitet, samt för
doktorander vid andra medicinska/odontologiska fakulteter. Dessutom får i mån av
plats även personer som ännu inte är antagna till forskarutbildning, delta.
Ansökan görs på särskild blankett som finns på
Ansökan är bindande. Om kursplats av någon anledning ej kan utnyttjas skall detta
meddelas kursledaren senast 14 dagar innan kursen startar.
Allmänna frågor rörande forskarutbildning besvaras av fakultetssekreterare Gunilla
Mårald, gunilla.marald@umu.se, eller av studierektor Ulrich von Pawel-Rammingen,
Information om kursernas innehåll lämnas av respektive ansvarig kursledare.
Umeå universitet har ett samarbete med Linköpings universitet. Deras
forskarutbildningskurser hittar man på webbadressen:
Nedanstående kurser är obligatoriska för doktorander antagna mellan
060701 och 111231
Vetenskapsteori och vetenskapliga metoder, 3 hp
Forskningsmetodik med grundläggande statistik, 7,5 hp
Informations och litteratursökning samt
Publicering, ansökan och föredrag, 1,5 hp
Forskningsetik, 3 hp
Ulrich von Pawel-Rammingen, studierektor för
E-post: ulrich.von.pawel-rammingen@umu.se
The scope and organization of doctoral courses vary. Some courses are offered in the
form of lectures or seminars during daytime or in the evenings. Such part-time
courses can be extended throughout most of the semester. Other courses are offered
as full-time courses during a limited period of time and usually covers both lectures
as well as practical exercises and demonstrations.
Whether a planned course should be offered or not depends on the number of
Course location
Umeå, unless otherwise stated.
Course evaluation/course certificate
At the end of the course an examination is carried out, as well as a course evaluation.
The course leader is responsible for both the examination and the evaluation. Course
certificates are issued by the department responsible for the course. As soon as a
student has successfully completed a doctoral course and received a course certificate
or completed another credit giving item, the administrator at the home department
shall register these activities in LADOK. The student is responsible for informing the
Doctoral courses are mainly intended for those admitted to doctoral education at the
Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Science and Technology in Umeå. Doctoral
students from other universities, researchers who have defended their thesis, and
doctoral students to be can be eligible for admission, provided that there are
available admission places and that the course requirements are fulfilled.
Application to doctoral courses is made on an application form that will be available
on the faculty’s homepage during the application periods.
The application is binding. If you have been admitted but decide not to accept your
place, you must inform the course leader no later than 14 days before the course
General questions regarding graduate are answered by faculty officer Gunilla Mårald,
gunilla.marald@umu.se, or by the director of doctoral studies, Ulrich von PawelRammingen, ulrich.von.pawel-rammingen@umu.se.
Information about the courses is provided by each course leader respectively.
Umeå University has collaboration with Linköping University. Their doctoral courses
can be found online:
The courses mentioned below are mandatory for students admitted
between 1 July 1996 until 31 December 2011
Research methodology and philosophy of science, 3 ECTS
Research methodology with biostatistics, 7.5 ECTS
Information retrieval, and
Publication, application and lecture, 1.5 ECTS
Research ethics, 3 ECTS
Introductory courses are arranged every academic year. The courses are arranged in
Swedish or English. If a course is held in Swedish, doctoral students who do not
speak Swedish are given special exercises in English instead.
Contact person:
Ulrich von Pawel-Rammingen, studierektor för
E-post: ulrich.von.pawel-rammingen@umu.se
Advanced biostatistics, Logistic regression, 1.5 ECTS (online)
Biostatistik, fördjupningskurs, Logistisk regression, 1,5 hp
Course director
Hans Stenlund
Phone: +46 90 785 12 17
Email: hans.stenlund@epiph.umu.se
Course administrator
Carolina Näslund
Phone: +46 90 785 29 74
Email: carolina.naslund@epiph.umu.se
Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine,
Epidemiology and Global Health
29 February - 23 March 2016
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Net based teaching
Knowledge test
Home examination
Contents of course
Theoretical and practical knowledge in logistic regression.
Analysing data in qualitative research, part 1 (online), 3 ECTS
Analys av data i kvalitativ forskning, del 1 (online), 3 hp
Course director
Isabel Goicolea
Phone: + 46 90 786 54 66
Email: isabel.goicolea@umu.se
Course administrator
Ulrika Harju
Phone: +46 90 785 29 74
Email: ulrika.harju@umu.se
Department of Public Health and Clinical
medicine, Epidemiology and Global Health
Department of Nursing
Activities 10 - 29 April 2016 (Opens 4 April,
closes 13 May)
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Lectures (online) 20 hours
Seminars (online) 10 hours
Knowledge test
Home examination
Contents of the course
Qualitative research is characterized by a wide range of approaches and methods of
analysis. This course covers basic concepts in qualitative analysis in the field of public
health and provides practical application for different methods. We will review common
features of qualitative data analysis approaches including the conceptual basis, steps of the
process, and tools for interpretation. Special attention will be given to thematic analysis.
This course is not dependent on specialized theory, and most appropriate for researchers
who are in the beginning stages of conducting qualitative research.
Participants are welcome to use their own data in the course.
An introduction to multilevel analysis: An epidemiological perspective
(online), 3 ECTS
En introduktion till flernivåanalys: Ett epidemiologiskt perspektiv, 3 hp
Course director
Miguel San Sebastián
Phone: +46 90 785 12 09
Email: miguel.san.sebastian@umu.se
Course administrator
Lena Mustonen
Phone: +46 90 786 65 09
Email: lena.mustonen@umu.se
Department Public Health and Clinical Medicine
13 April - 13 May 2016
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Practical training
Knowledge test
Home exam
18 hours
12 hours
Contents of the course
This course is designed as an intensive, hands-on learning experience that will foster the
development of basic skills in multilevel analysis with a focus on fundamental
epidemiological concepts and interpretations rather than statistical or mathematical
formulae. It starts with a description of why multilevel models are necessary if the data have
a hierarchical structure. It then covers the basic theory of two level models (intercept and
random slopes) with emphasis on modeling strategies. Next it explains how multilevel
models can be applied to analyze data when the outcome is continuous (linear regression)
and when the outcome is dichotomous (logistic regression). Further topics include defining
area-level variables and sample size calculation.
Denna kurs bygger på intensiv, praktisk tillämpning med målet att främja utvecklingen av
grundläggande färdigheter i flernivå analys med fokus på grundläggande epidemiologiska
begrepp och tolkningar snarare än statistiska och matematiska formler. En introduktion till
varför multilevel modeller är nödvändiga om uppgifterna har en hierarkisk struktur inleder
kursen. Kursinnehållet omfattar därefter den grundläggande teorin för två-nivå modeller
(intercept och random slopes) med tonvikt på modellerings strategier; hur flernivå modeller
kan tillämpas för att analysera data när utfallsvariablerna är kontinuerliga (linjär regression)
och när de är dikotoma (logistisk regression). Ytterligare teman är att definiera området nivå
variabler och beräkning av stickprovsstorlek.
Basic tumour biology – from cell biology to personalized medicine, 1.5
Grundläggande tumörlära – från cellbiologi till skräddarsydd behandling, 1.5 hp
Course director
Emma Persson
Phone: +46 90 785 14 25
Email: emma.e.persson@umu.se
Course administrator
Maria Wing
Phone: +46 90 785 27 09
Email: maria.wing@umu.se
Department of Radiation Sciences, Oncology
9 - 13 May 2016
Swedish or English
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Case, seminars,
Oral presentations
Knowledge test
Oral presentation
16 hours
20 hours
Contents of the course
The course will give an introduction to basic tumour biology and cancer diagnostics,
prognostics and treatment strategies. The course includes lectures on tumour cell biology as
well as cellular and molecular mechanisms behind establishment of primary tumours,
disease progression and metastatic development. In addition to tumour cell biology, the
course also includes lectures on diagnosis and prognosis of cancer, as well as present and
future treatment strategies. Challenges and opportunities with future personalized medicine
are also discussed. Besides lectures, the students will work with case seminars in groups and
the work will be presented at an examining seminar.
Bioimaging, 1.5 ECTS
Visualisering inom medicin och biologi, 1.5 hp
Course director
Richard Lundmark
Phone number: +46 70 620 2464
Email: Richard.lundmark@umu.se
Ulf Ahlgren
Phone number: +46 70 220 9228
Email: ulf.ahlgren@umu.se
Course administrator
Anita Dreyer Perkiömäki
Phone: +46 90 786 5117
Email: anita.dreyer-perkiomaki@umu.se
Department of Integrative Medical Biology,
Umeå Centre for Molecular Medicine
15 - 19 February 2016
Number of participants
Form of teaching
26 hours
Practical demonstrations 4 hours
Knowledge test
Presentation of take home assignment
Contents of the course
The course is aimed to introduce a variety of bioimaging techniques to provide course
participants with sufficient knowledge to navigate in the field of Bioimaging. It will introduce
the concepts and practice use of advanced techniques within light-, and electron-microscopy,
optical reconstruction tomography, vibrational spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy,
positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging as well as multi-modal and
correlative imaging techniques. The course will give an insight to what instruments and
imaging facilities that are available today. Students will also learn how to design imaging
experiments, ethical considerations, data processes and analysis, figure presentation. The
work will be presented at an examining seminar.
Climate change and health – research, 5 ECTS
Klimatförändringar och hälsa, forskningsmetoder, 5 hp
Course director
Barbara Schumann
Phone: +46 90 786 62 42
Email: barbara.schumann@umu.se
Course administrator
Ulrika Harju
Phone: +46 90 786 51 79
Email: ulrika.harju@umu.se
Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine,
division for Epidemiology and Global Health
30 May - 10 June 2016
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Lab/practical sessions
Knowledge test
Take home assignment
27 hours
7 hours
31.5 hours
Contents of the course
Climate change is a major global threat to public health. Therefore, scientific methods and
frameworks for research on climate change and health are of great importance. In this course
scientific methods relating to climate change health impacts, climate change adaptation, and
emissions reduction (i.e., mitigation) will be addressed. Course participants will learn
technical concepts concerning attribution of risk/cause and effect; dealing with uncertainty;
managing unusually large temporal and spatial scales (e.g. meteorology, physical geography
and health); methods for climate change adaptation, such as early warnings systems and
campaigns; Climate change policy and research dissemination. Also, co-benefits and
mitigation strategies, such as life cycle analysis, within the health sector will be covered. The
course will constitute lectures, practical exercises, seminars, plus a student project.
Data collection, database management and quality control in quantitative
studies, 1.5 ECTS
Databashantering och kvalitetsrutiner för insamling av kvantitativa data, 1.5 hp
Course directors
Joacim Rocklöv
Phone: + 46 90 786 55 55
Email: joacim.rocklov@umu.se
Wolfgang Lohr
Phone: + 46 90 786 52 05
Email: wolfgang.lohr@umu.se;
Course administrator
Karin Johansson
Phone: +46 90 786 55 11
Email: karin.johansson@umu.se
Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Epidemiology
and Global Health
11 - 15 May 2016
Number of participants
Maximum 20
Form of teaching
Data exercise
Knowledge test
Practical assignment
12 hours
12 hours
Contents of the course
Database management, relational databases, and handling of data formats, data input and
quality control of collected data is of primary interest high quality and reproducible research.
Its important to understand how to the research process can achieve high data quality and
data integrity. This course will focus on:
Data Management
• Handling and transforming of different file types/data types
• Data collection, data entry, design of data collection forms
• Data validation, quality control
• Documentation
• Storage, back-up and archiving
• Introduction to relational databases
• Introduction to MS Access
• Database design
• Introduction to web based databases, online data collection
• Working with data management tools (MS Excel, text editors, data validation tools)
• Exercises in planning data collection, building data structures, design of data
collection forms, documentation
• Data entry software
• Working with MS Access databases
Etik i forskningen, 3 hp
Research ethics, 3 ECTS
Obs! Obligatorisk kurs för samtliga doktorander
Rune Dahlqvist, Klinisk farmakologi
Telefon: 070- 630 18 06
E-post: rune.dahlqvist@umu.se
Sara Widmark, Klinisk neurovetenskap
Telefon: 090 – 785 19 59
E-post: sara.widmark@umu.se
Institutionen för farmakologi och klinisk neurovetenskap,
Klinisk farmakologi
22 - 25 februari 2016
Antal deltagare
20 timmar
6-8 timmar
Kursens innehåll
Forskningsetikens grunder. Introduktion till forskningsetisk analys. Ansökan till
forskningsetisk nämnd. Oegentlighet i forskning. Publikationsetik. Forskning på svaga
grupper. Registerforskning. Etik vid forskningsintervjuer. Biobanker. Arkivering av
forskningsdata. Introduktion till djurförsöksetik. Genomgång av kursdeltagarnas egna
Grounded theory and situational analysis – a systematic and flexible
approach to qualitative data analysis, 3.5 ECTS
Grundad teori och situationsanalys – en systematisk och flexibel approach till kvalitativ
Course Directors
Malin Eriksson
Phone: + 46 90 785 33 46
Email: malin.eriksson@umu.se
Anna-Britt Coe
Phone: + 46 90 786 79 64
Email: anna-britt.coe@umu.se
Malin Eriksson (Associate professor, Epidemiology and global
health, UmU) Maria Emmelin (Professor in Global Health,
Lund University), Anna-Britt Coe (Associate professor,
Epidemiology and global health, UmU)
Course administrator
Susanne Walther
Phone: + 46 90 786 56 32
Email: Susanne.walther@umu.se
Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine,
Epidemiology and Global Health
4 - 15 April 2016
Number of participants 12
Form of teaching
Group works
Home exam/individual paper
10 hours
12 hours
8 hours
Contents of the course
The course gives a brief overview of the basic principles of grounded theory and the
development of grounded theory over time. The main focus is on social constructivist
grounded theory and situational analysis, which are well suited for systematic and flexible
analysis of qualitative data in health- and social sciences. In particular, both approaches
provide researchers with tools to analyze multiple, complex and even contradictory social
processes and positions. After completing the course participants are expected to be able to
independently carry out a grounded theory analysis, based on the guiding principles for a
social constructivist grounded theory and/or situation analysis. Participants will also be able
to describe and discuss how the two methods of analysis relate to each other. The course
consists of lectures and group work, with a strong emphasis on seminars, group work and
individual assignments based on participants' own research.
Participants must have previously met at least 7.5 credits in qualitative method.
Grundkurs i Good Clinical Practice (GCP) i kliniskt forskningsarbete, 1
Basic Good Clinical Practice pertaining to clinical research, 1 ECTS
Bo Carlberg
Telefon: 090 - 785 14 43
E-post: bo.carlberg@umu.se
Eva-Lotta Glader
Telefon: 090 – 785 33 90
E-post: eva-lotta.glader@umu.se
Marja-Liisa Lammi Tavelin
Telefon: 090 - 785 80 39
E-post: MarjaLiisa.LammiTavelin@vll.se
Institutionen för folkhälsa och klinisk medicin, enheten för
10 februari 2016
8 timmar
Kursens innehåll
I kursen ges den studerande grundläggande kunskap om gällande regelverk vid klinisk
forskning; Good Clinical Practice (GCP). Vidare ges en orienterande information om de lagar
och förordningar som reglerar medicinsk forskning. Inspektioner och audits av kliniska
läkemedelsprövningar. Efter genomförd kursdag får den deltagande ett certifikat som bevis
på erhållen kunskap om GCP och som möjliggör medverkan vid klinisk läkemedelsprövning/
klinisk forskning som projektledare/deltagare.
Om den forskarstuderande går denna teoretiska kurs (för GCP-behörighet) under klinisk
forskarutbildning ska de praktiska momenten inom GCP såsom färdigställande av
studieplan, patientinformation och etikansökan inkluderas som egna individuella
lärandemål och examineras av examinator. Dessa moment ligger dock då inte till grund för
kurspoäng, till skillnad från den mer omfattande kursen i GCP, som motsvarar 4,5 hp och
som innehåller examination av de praktiska momenten inom ramen för kursen.
Grundkurs i Good Clinical Practice (GCP) i kliniskt forskningsarbete, 4,5
Basic Good Clinical Practice pertaining to clinical research, 4.5 ECTS
Bo Carlberg
Telefon: 090 - 785 14 43
E-post: bo.carlberg@umu.se
Eva-Lotta Glader
Telefon: 090-785 33 90
E-post: eva-lotta.glader@umu.se
Marja-Liisa Lammi Tavelin
Telefon: 090 - 785 80 39
E-post: MarjaLiisa.LammiTavelin@vll.se
Institutionen för folkhälsa och klinisk medicin, enheten för
8 - 9 februari samt 4 - 5 april 2016
Skriftlig hemuppgift, redovisning i grupper i seminarieform.
20 timmar
12 timmar
Kursens innehåll
I kursen ges den studerande grundläggande kunskap om gällande regelverk vid klinisk
forskning; Good Clinical Practice (GCP). Vidare ges en orienterande information om de lagar
och förordningar som regler medicinsk forskning samt grunderna för Evidence Based
Medicine (EBM) liksom etisk och statistisk värdering av ett forskningsprojekt. Kursen ger
kunskap i hur ett studieprotokoll ska vara skrivet samt hur data samlas in och dokumenteras
i strukturerad form. Analys av begrepp och regelverk i relation till det egna
forskningsområdet fokuseras under kursen och i grupparbeten.
Informations- och litteratursökning+Publicering, ansökan och föredrag,
1.5 hp
Information retrieval, Publication, Application and Lecture, 1.5 ECTS
Please note! Compulsory for students admitted between 1 July 1996 until 31
December 2011
Karina Sjögren, Medicinska biblioteket
Telefon: 090 - 785 85 30
Email: karina.sjogren@ub.umu.se
Medicinska biblioteket
Grupp 1: 14 - 15 mars 2016
Grupp 2: 16 - 17 March 2016(In English)
Grupp 3: 21 – 22 mars 2016
Delkurs Vetenskaplig publicering, gemensam för alla
grupper /Scientific publication, the same day for all
groups: 23 mars 2016
Svenska (in English if there are any foreign
Antal deltagare
Hemtentamen/exam questions
20 timmar
A) Informations- och litteratursökning
Kursen ger en orientering i olika metoder för informationssökning. Kursens tonvikt ligger på
litteratursökningsteknik inom biomedicin, odontologi, omvårdnad och evidensbaserad
medicin – både via databaser och Internet. Kursen erbjuder också undervisning i
referenshanteringssystemet EndNote och en visning av Medicinska Biblioteket.
The content of this course is to learn different methods in information retrieval in
biomedicine, dentistry, nursing and evidence based medicine – both via databases and the
Internet. We also teach the reference manager EndNote and show you the Medical Library.
B) Publicering, ansökan och föredrag
Denna kurs lär ut hur den medicinska publiceringen fungerar både via ordinarie
tidskriftsutbud och via Open Access. Hur arbetas ett manuskript fram? – Forskarens,
handledarens och doktorandens syn. Redaktörens syn på manuskriptets utformning. Hur
skriver man en forskningsansökan?
This course teach how the medical publication system works, both through ordinary journals
and through Open Access. How do I write a manuscript? – From the scientist´s, the
supervisor´s, the graduate student’s and the editor´s point of view. How to make
Regenerative medicine, 1.5 ECTS
Regenerativ medicin, 1,5 hp
Course directors
Paul Kingham
Phone: 090-786 97 54
Email: paul.kingham@umu.se
Peyman Kelk
Phone: 090-786 63 81
Email: peyman.kelk@umu.se
Mikko Lammi
Phone: 090-786 54 52
Email: mikko.lammi@umu.se
Course administrator
Anita Dreyer-Perkiömäki
Phone: 090-786 51 17
Email: anita.dreyer-perkiomaki@umu.se
Department of Integrative Medical Biology
23 - 27 May 2016
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Student-led group seminars
Knowledge test
Written assignment
Contents of the course
The course covers key concepts in translational research in the area of regenerative medicine.
Topics include cell and tissue development, stem cell biology and tissue regeneration,
biomaterials and scaffolds, clinical trials and regulatory framework. Students are taught the
principles of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine by academic staff members giving
cutting edge examples of new developments in the field and emerging concepts and
technologies as well as clinical implementation. The students also work in groups to discuss
scientific reviews and research articles about a specific topic in the field and present this to
their peers, thereby improving their communication and analytical skills.
Research methodology and philosophy of science, 3 ECTS
Vetenskapsteori, kunskapsteori och forskningsmetoder, 3 hp
Please note! Compulsory course for all doctoral students
Course director
Klas-Göran Sahlén
Phone: +46 90 785 13 91
Email: klasse.sahlen@umu.se
Course administrator
Carolina Näslund
Phone: +46 90 786 52 46
Email: carolina.naslund@umu.se
Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine,
Epidemiology and Global Health
29 February - 4 March 2016
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Data exercise
Knowledge test
Presentations of take home assignment
29 hours
20 hours
Contents of the course
This course is an introduction to philosophy of science and common concepts and theories
used in research, corresponding to national goals. The course gives an insight in the variation
of methods used concept at the Medical Faculty including quantitative and qualitative
The educational format is a mixture of plenary lectures, group discussion, participant’s own
presentations and an assignment to work with in two steps, before and during the course.
During the week we will have some presentations of the students’ own research projects.
Using the variety as point of departure, lectures on philosophy of science will give different
perspectives of knowledge in medical research. Generic knowledge, research as part of
society and how to communicate research will be in focus. Later lectures focusing on
different in research methods used in pre- and clinical research is presented. Gender,
equality and the importance of research in society will be discussed.
Research methodology with biostatistics, 7.5 ECTS
Forskningsmetodik med grundläggande statistik, 7,5 hp
Please note! Compulsory for students admitted between 1 July 1996 until 31
December 2011
Course director
Joacim Rocklöv
Phone: +46 90 785 12 95
Email: joacim.rocklov@umu.se
Course administrator
Karin Johansson
Phone: +46 90 786 55 11
Email: karin.johansson@umu.se
Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine,
Epidemiology and Global Health
11 - 14 April, 25 - 28 April 2016
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Practical exercises
Knowledge test
Home exam
32 hours
16 hours
Contents of the course
The course is an introduction to epidemiology and biostatistics. Basic epidemiological and
statistical concepts are covered, and issues of study design and validity discussed. In
biostatistics, lectures focus on sampling, descriptions of data and common tools for data
analysis. Practical exercises are also included.
Using the R statistical environment for reproducible medical research, 3
Använda R statistiska miljö för reproducerbar medicinsk forskning, 3 hp
Course directors
Prof. Nawi Ng
Phone: + 46 90 786 63 93
Email: nawi.ng@epiph.umu.se
Dr. Brian Williams
Email: bjw649@gmail.com
Course administrator
Veronika Lodwika
Phone: +46 90 786 55 22
Email: veronika.lodwika@umu.se
Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Epidemiology
and Global Health
15 - 24 March 2016
Number of participants
Maximum 20-25 students
Form of teaching
38 hours in lectures and hands-on exercises
32 hours self-study including examination
Knowledge test
Practical assignment
Contents of the course
The course will focus on the use of R for the analysis of large data sets. In addition
to familiarization with standard R functions, students will learn how to program to create
their own functions and to use R’s highly regarded graphical software tools. The course will
provide demonstrations and practice for accessing external data sets and the cutting edge
research resources available in R packages. Students will learn how to use R to facilitate
publication of reproducible research.
Expected learning outcomes:
1. Comprehension of accessing external data and software resources
2. Knowledge of graphical methods
3. Knowledge of selected websites with specialised R packages and data for medical
4. Analysis of research data using the R environment
5. Preparation of documents with embedded code for publication of reproducible
Writing Science: How to write and publish scientific papers, 5 ECTS
Vetenskapligt skrivande: Att skriva och publicera vetenskapliga artiklar, 5 hp
(A course with the same content will be given at two occasions during the spring of 2016)
Course directors
Anders Eklund
Phone: 090-7854024
Email: anders.eklund@vll.se
Martin Rosvall
Phone: 070-239 19 73
Email: martin.rosvall@umu.se
Magnus Andersson
Phone: 090-786 63 36
Email: magnus.andersson@umu.se
Ryan Sponseller
Phone: 090-786 65 50
Email: ryan.sponseller@umu.se
Course administrator
Lisa Hed
Phone: 090- 786 52 16
Email: lisa.hed@umu.se
Radiation Sciences, Faculty of Medicine
Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology
Date (Course 1)
13 Jan – 24 Feb 2016 (once weekly on Wednesdays)
Date (Course 2)
5 April – 10 May 2016 (once weekly on Tuesdays)
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Writing group discussions and exercises
Concluding classroom discussions
Knowledge test
Mandatory attendance. Writing/editing/reviewing
exercise for each meeting that builds on the same
short article. Analysis and peer review of a set of
published papers.
Contents of the course
This is an advanced course in scientific writing. To succeed as a scientist the ability to write
scientific papers is a central and very important skill. The aim of the course is that students
should acquire tools and learn the craft to become skilled scientific writers. It includes the
three components of effective communication: content, structure and language.
We present the purpose and significance of the major general structures of a scientific paper.
Here we highlight why an article must contain the topic of the research, a knowledge gap, a
clear research question, a description of methods, results, discussion and conclusions. We
present different narrative techniques and analyse how they can be used for better flow and
continuity within and between sections. We develop writing skills down to the detailed level
of internal structures of paragraphs and sentences.
We meet once a week for six weeks. Each meeting starts with a short lecture focused on
scientific writing in practice and based on experience with, for example, journals and editors.
Then we make a short introduction to the writing exercise and split into small writing groups
of three students. Each student has prepared a text, or revised the text according to the
specific exercise, and the other students in the group have commented on the result. Together
the students analyze, discuss, and revise the texts to further improve them. The exercises
derive from the book Writing Science, which from chapter to chapter provides new tools to
better tell the story. Each week, we cover three chapters and the corresponding exercises.
Finally we reunite, summarize, conclude, and present the exercise for the next meeting.
Designs of intervention studies within patient-based research, 3.0 ECTS
Designer vid interventionsstudier inom patientnära forskning, 3 hp
Course directors
Erik Rosendahl
Phone: +46 90 786 91 37
Email: erik.rosendahl@umu.se
Lillemor Lundin-Olsson
Phone: +46 90 786 91 35
Email: lillemor.lundin-olsson@umu.se
Course administrator
Chatarina Carlén
Phone: +46 90 786 65 09
Email: chatarina.carlen@umu.se
Department of Community Medicine and
Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy
27 - 28 September & 24 - 25 October 2016
English (or Swedish, if only Swedish-speaking
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Lectures: 12 hours
Seminars/Work-Shops: 20 hours
Assignment: 48 hours
Written assignment about study design relevant to
own research projects and a seminar where the
assignments will be presented and discussed.
Contents of the course
The course includes different aspects of planning and performing randomized controlled
trials, including challenges to achieve a high methodological quality. The course will also give
an insight into other designs within patient-based research, e.g. participatory design, and the
concept of “Complex Interventions”. After the course, the PhD students will be able to
evaluate study designs relevant to own research projects and to critically review the
methodological quality of studies with varying designs.
eHealth- Concepts, principles and methods for healthcare in a digital age,
eHälsa- Koncept, principer och metoder för vård och omsorg i en digital tid, 3 hp
Course Director
Helena Lindgren
Phone: +46 90 786 77 73
Email: helena.lindgren@umu.se
Marlene Sandlund
Phone: +46 90 786 9530
Email: marlene.sandlund@umu.se
Course Administrator
Chatarina Carlen
Phone: +46 90 786 65 09
Email: chatarina.carlen@umu.se
Department of Community Medicine and
week 39 and 42 2016
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Laboratory assignments
and workshops
Knowledge test
10 hours
10 hours
15 hours
Presentations of assignments relevant to their
research topics, and active participation in
workshops and seminars
Contents of the course
The course will give an overview of the foundations of eHealth and Medical Informatics
including research methodologies. The purpose of the course is to provide the student the
opportunity to apply new knowledge in theme discussions and explore, partly hands-on, the
potentials in developing and applying digital tools, which are relevant to their research topic.
The following themes will be included: ICT-based interventions; design and development of
”behaviour change systems” and decision-support systems; the professional’s perspective:
change of work practices when introducing new digital tools; and the citizen’s perspective on
digital aids for health, e.g., ethics, equality, equity, autonomy, self-management.
Equity and health, 3 ECTS
Den jämlika hälsan, 3 hp
Course directors
Anna-Karin Hurtig
Phone: +46 90 785 11 64
Email: anna-karin.hurtig@umu.se
Lars Lindholm
Phone: +46 90 785 29 34
Email: lars.lindholm@umu.se
Course administrator
Ulrika Harju
Phone: +46 90 785 29 74
Email: ulrika.harju@umu.se
Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Epidemiology
and Global Health
7 - 25 September 2016
Number of participants
Form of teaching
20 hours
8 hours
Home assignments
(Seminars, group-discussions and home
assignments are mandatory)
Written assignment
Contents of the course
Inequities in health have got more and more attention, both in the national and global
agendas. However, there are different opinions both regarding the definition of equity, and
regarding which polices that are appropriate and justified to increase equity. This course
introduces the theories which so far have been most influential in health care and public
health – utilitarianism, Rawl’s theory of justice and feminism. The course investigates how
these theories have influenced both research and policy-making.
Evaluation of exercise capacity and level of physical activity in persons
with cardiorespiratory disease, 1.5 ECTS
Bedömning av fysisk förmåga och fysisk aktivitetsnivå hos personer med hjärt- och/eller
lungsjukdom, 1.5 hp
Course director
Karin Wadell
Phone: +46 90 786 98 87
Email: karin.wadell@umu.se
Course administrator
Chatarina Carlén
Phone: +46 90 786 65 09
Email: chatarina.carlen@umu.se
Department of Community Medicine and
Rehabilitation, Physiotherapy
4 - 5 and 20 October 2016
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Practical training
Knowledge test
Presentation of take home assignment
5 hours
4 hours
4 hours
Contents of the course
The course will give an introduction to exercise capacity and level of physical activity and
evaluation of these parameters in patients with different cardiorespiratory diseases. It will
give an insight to what instruments that are available today. The students will learn how to
critically evaluate and practice different test methodologies of functional physical capacity
and level of physical activity. The student chose one method to explore validity and reliability
for their chosen patient category. The work will be presented at an examining seminar.
Health, gender and human rights: An introduction, 3 ECTS
Hälsa, genus och mänskliga rättigheter: En introduktion, 3 hp
Course directors
Isabel Goicolea
Phone: + 46 90 786 54 66
Email: isabel.goicolea@umu.se
Kerstin Edin
Phone: +46 90 786 92 55
Email: kerstin.edin@umu.se
Course administrator
Ulrika Harju
Phone: +46 90 785 29 74
Email: Ulrika.harju@umu.se
Department of Public Health and Clinical
Medicine, Epidemiology and Global Health
Department of Nursing
3 - 7 October 2016
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Group discussions and exercises
Knowledge test
Take home assignment and essay
Contents of the course
This course is an introduction to human rights frameworks, gender and intersectional
theories and their connections with health, health policies and health systems. The main
objectives of the course are: to make the participants aware of the different facets of the
linkages between health, health care, gender, social determinants and human rights; to
develop the knowledge necessary for critical analysis of the existing international and
national policies affecting global health issues and the right to health; and to acquaint the
participants with tools that can be employed in order to mainstream and address issues
concerning health in policy making.
The educational format is a mixture of plenary lectures, individual reading, group
discussions, participants’ own presentations and an assignment to be submitted.
How to write grant applications, 3 ECTS
Att skriva ansökningar om forskningsanslag, 3 hp
Course director
Karl-Erik Renhorn
Phone: +46 70 242 98 58
Email: karl-erik.renhorn@umu.se
Course administrator
Karl-Erik Renhorn
Phone: +46 70 242 98 58
Email: karl-erik.renhorn@umu.se
Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine,
Epidemiology and Global Health
21 November - 9 December 2016
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Practical training
Knowledge test
Presentation of take home assignment
20 hours
10 hours
Contents of the course
The course will present course participants with tools to enable them to understand research
funding systems; to structure their proposal writing; and to compile high-quality research
applications, thus increasing their chances for success. The contents include policy
background and rationale for public research funding, the procedures and processes of
research funding; preparation and planning of application writing, and language and style. A
large part of the course will be devoted to individual and group exercises.
Intervjuer och observationer som kvalitativa datainsamlingsmetoder, 3
Interviews and observations as qualitative data collection methods, 3 ECTS
Britt-Marie Lindgren
Tel: + 46 90 786 9261
E-post: britt-marie.lindgren@umu.se
Ulla Hällgren Graneheim
Tel: + 46 90 786 9258
E-post: ulla.hallgren.graneheim@umu.se
Peter Forsgren
Tel: +46 90 786 5339
E-post: peter.forsgren@umu.se
Kursansvarig institution
Institutionen för omvårdnad
19 - 21 september och 20 - 21 oktober 2016
Antal deltagare
Lektioner; 10 timmar
Praktiska övningar; 8 timmar
Examinationsseminarium; 10 timmar
Individuella “paper” som diskuteras vid
Kursens innehåll
Intervjumetoder som presenteras är: individuella intervjuer som till exempel
strukturerade, semi-strukturerade och ostrukturerade intervjuer, narrativa och
reflekterande intervjuer samt fokusgruppsintervjuer. Vidare omfattar kursen deltagande
och icke-deltagande observationstekniker. Kursen behandlar också tekniker för insamling
och utskrift av data.
Longitudinal Data Analysis 1.5 ECTS
Longitudinell analys, 1.5 hp
Course directors
Johan Sommar
Phone: +46 90 785 34 53
Email: johan.sommar@umu.se
Joacim Rocklöv
Phone: + 46 90 786 55 55
Email: joacim.rocklov@umu.se
Course administrator
Ulrika Harju
Phone: +46 90 785 29 74
Email: ulrika.harju@umu.se
Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Epidemiology
and Global Health
5 - 8 December 2016
Number of participants
Maximum 20
Form of teaching
Data exercise
Knowledge test
Practical assignment
12 hours
9 hours
Contents of the course
The course deals with statistical analysis in studies with repeated or time dependent
Contents of the course:
- Analysis of paired data
- Time series
- Hierarchical analysis of repeated measures and longitudinal data
- Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)
- One-way random effects models
- Interpretation of intra class correlation (ICC)
- Mixed models
- Interpretation of random and fixed effects
The course is given in form of lectures, seminars, and practical computer exercises. The
course is intended for students with practical and theoretical knowledge of biostatistics
corresponding to the course Research methodology with Biostatistics, 7.5 ECTS.
Metabolic disorders including diabetes mellitus, 1.5 ECTS
Metabola sjukdomar inklusive diabetes, 1,5 hp
Course director
Tommy Olsson
Phone: +46 90 785 18 45
E-mail: Tommy.G.Olsson@umu.se
Course administrator
Kerstin Rosenqvist
Phone: +46 90 7852652
Email: Kerstin.Rosenqvist@umu.se
Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Medicine
17 - 21 October 2016
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Practical training
Knowledge test
Presentation of take home assignment
12 hours
6 hours
12 hours
Contents of the course
The course includes epidemiology, pathophysiology, complications and treatment of type
1 diabetes, obesity and obesity related disorders - notably type 2 diabetes. Aspects on adipose
tissue biology, lipid metabolism, insulin resistance and treatment with lifestyle changes,
pharmacological treatment and surgery will be covered. Lectures also include aspects on
hypertension and cardiovascular disease. The seminars will be related to the course
participants’ ongoing projects. Practical training relates to techniques involved in basic and
clinical research including relevant methods available at the clinical research centre at Umeå
University Hospital.
Qualitative content analysis, 3 ECTS
Kvalitativ innehållsanalys, 3 hp
Course director
Ulla Hällgren Graneheim
Phone: + 46 90 786 9258
Email: ulla.hallgren.graneheim@umu.se
Britt-Marie Lindgren
Phone number: + 46 90 786 9261
Email: britt-marie.lindgren@umu.se
Course administrator
Peter Forsgren
Phone: +46 90 786 5339
Email: peter.forsgren@umu.se
Department of Nursing
26 - 28 October and 15 - 16 December 2016
Number of participants
Forms of teaching
Lectures; 10 hours
Hands-on exercise; 8 hours
Examination seminars; 10 hours
Knowledge test
Individual papers
Contents of the course
This course focus on qualitative content analysis and covers the method’s epistemological
base, basic concepts and steps in the analysis process, and provides hands-on exercise of
the method. Further we discuss concepts of importance for trustworthiness. Examples on
various data (e.g. texts, pictures, video recordings) are discussed. Participants are welcome
to use their own data in the course.
Registerforskning med särskild inriktning på kvalitetsregister, 2 hp
Research based on quality registries, 2 ECTS
Anneli Ivarsson
Telefon: 090-786 51 86
Email: anneli.ivarsson@umu.se
Karin Sikström
Telefon: 090-785 72 69
Email: karin.sikstrom@vll.se
Veronika Lodwika
Telefon: 090- 786 55 22
Email: veronika.lodwika@umu.se
Institutionen för folkhälsa och klinisk medicin, enheten för
epidemiologi och global hälsa
v 42
Praktiska exempel
Att medverka i och klara av praktiska övningar på seminarier
18 timmar
12 timmar
8 timmar
Kursens innehåll
Detta är en introduktionskurs i registerforskning. Kursen avser att ge generell teoretisk
kunskap om och grundläggande praktiska färdigheter för forskning på kvalitetsregister.
Regression models in medical sciences, 3 ECTS
Regressionsmodeller för medicinska vetenskaper, 3 hp
Course director
Marie Lindkvist
Phone: +46 90 786 61 04
+46 90 785 33 46
Email: marie.lindkvist@umu.se
Course administrator
Ulrika Harju
Phone: +46 90 786 5179
Email: ulrika.harju@umu.se
Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine,
Epidemiology and Global Health
Period 1 -25 November 2016
Exact dates will be given later
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Computer exercises
Knowledge test
Home examination
Contents of the course
The focus in the course is on the understanding of statistical reasoning in analysis of data
and research. The measurement process is discussed in the context of statistical model
choice and basic data management is introduced. Regression analysis is a statistical
technique used for analyzing the relationship between response and explanatory variables
and during the main part of the course different types of regression analyses are described
and discussed. Initially, a short repetition of Linear regression is given and then some other
regression models are introduced; Logistic regression where the response is binary, Poisson
regression where the response is “counts” and Cox regression where the response is “time to
event”. Medical and epidemiological research articles will be discussed with focus on the
statistical methodology. During the course theoretical parts will be illustrated with
discussion exercises and computer exercises.
Research ethics, 3 ECTS
Etik i forskningen, 3 hp
Please note! Compulsory course for all doctoral students
Course director
Rune Dahlqvist, Klinisk farmakologi
Phone: +46 70 630 18 06
Email: rune.dahlqvist@umu.se
Course administrator
Sara Widmark, Klinisk neurovetenskap
Phone: +46 90 785 19 59
Email: sara.widmark@umu.se
Department of pharmacology and clinical
neuroscience, Clinical pharmacology
28 November - 1 December 2016
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Knowledge test
Home exam
20 hours
6-8 hours
Contents of the course
Basic concepts and history of research ethics. Ethical analysis. Application to Ethical review
board. Biobanks. Research on register data. Research on groups with limited autonomy.
Misconduct in research. Publication ethics. Archives, openness and secrecy for research data.
Introduction to ethics in animal research. Discussion on students’ own project.
Research methodology and philosophy of science, 3 ECTS
Vetenskapsteori, kunskapsteori och forskningsmetoder, 3 hp
Please note! Compulsory for students admitted between 1 July 1996 until 31
December 2011
Course director
Klas-Göran Sahlén
Phone: +46 90 785 13 91
Email: klasse.sahlen@umu.se
Course administrator
Carolina Näslund
Phone: +46 90 786 52 46
Email: carolina.naslund@umu.se
Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine,
Epidemiology and Global Health
10 - 14 October 2016
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Data exercise
Knowledge test
Presentations of take home assignment
29 hours
20 hours
Contents of the course
This course is an introduction to philosophy of science and common concepts and theories
used in research, corresponding to national goals. The course gives an insight in the variation
of methods used concept at the Medical Faculty including quantitative and qualitative
The educational format is a mixture of plenary lectures, group discussion, participant’s own
presentations and an assignment to work with in two steps, before and during the course.
During the week we will have some presentations of the students’ own research projects.
Using the variety as point of departure, lectures on philosophy of science will give different
perspectives of knowledge in medical research. Generic knowledge, research as part of
society and how to communicate research will be in focus. Later lectures focusing on
different in research methods used in pre- and clinical research is presented. Gender,
equality and the importance of research in society will be discussed.
Research methodology with biostatistics, 7.5 ECTS
Forskningsmetodik med grundläggande statistik, 7,5 hp
Please note! Compulsory for students admitted between 1 July 1996 until 31
December 2011
Course directors
Joacim Rocklöv
Phone: +46 90 785 12 95
Email: joacim.rocklov@umu.se
Course administrator
Karin Johansson
Phone: +46 90 786 55 11
Email: karin.johansson@umu.se
Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine,
Epidemiology and Global Health
7 - 10 November and 21 - 24 November 2016
Number of participants
Form of teaching
Practical exercises
Knowledge test
Home exam
32 hours
16 hours
Contents of the course
The course is an introduction to epidemiology and biostatistics. Basic epidemiological and
statistical concepts are covered, and issues of study design and validity discussed. In
biostatistics, lectures focus on sampling, descriptions of data and common tools for data
analysis. Practical exercises are also included.
Synaptic and molecular physiology of brain circuits, 3 ECTS
Hjärnkretsarnas synaptiska och molekylära fysiologi, 3 hp
Course director
Paolo Medini
Phone: +46 90 786 6209
Email: paolo.medini@umu.se
Course administrator
to be determined
Department of Integrative Medical Biology (IMB)
September and October 2016
Number of participants
max 20
Form of teaching
Practical training
Knowledge test
Presentation of take home assignment
20 hours
3 hours
3 hours
Contents of the course
This is an interdisciplinary course that has the purpose to give the PhD students an updated
and stimulating overview on how brain circuits function and can be modified by experience
in the living brain. The course is interdisciplinary as it spans from the molecular and
synaptic/cellular level to the physiology of the brain function as a whole up to the more
integrated level: behavior.
10 Föreläsningar (2 hours/lecture):
-Synaptic communication and plasticity in the brain: a cellular and molecular perspective
(Staffan Johansson, IMB)
-Electrophysiological and Imaging Methods to study Brain Microcircuits in the intact brain
(Paolo Medini, IMB)
-Molecular Mechanisms of Circuit Functioning: exo- and endo-cytosis in the brain (Richard
Lundmark, IMB)
-Molecular mechanisms of circuit function: cytoskeleton and neurotrophic interactions
(Martin Gullberg, Molecular Biology)
-Synaptic integration in neuronal dendrites in the intact brain (Paolo Medini, IMB)
-Molecular organization and experience dependent plasticity in olfactory brain circuits
(Staffan Bohm, Molecular Biology)
-Functioning of Cortical Microcircuits in the Visual and Somatosensory Cortices (Paolo
Medini, IMB)
-Experience-dependent plasticity of Cortical Circuits (Paolo Medini, IMB)
-Spinal cord motor circuits underlying reaching and grasping (Bror Alstermark, IMB)
-The periphery in the center: coding of tactile information at sensory receptor level (Roland
Johansson, IMB)
2 Laborationer (3 hours):
-Electrophysiology to study the living brain: intra- and extra-cellular recordings;
-Imaging Methods to study the living brain: voltage-sensitive dye and two-photon imaging.
3 Seminarier (3 hours):
Neurobiology/Physiology Seminar offered by IMB Seminar Series
Lena Eriksson Tanemar, tfn 031-786 35 83
e-post: lena.erikssontanemar@sahlgrenska.gu.se
Anna Gustafsson, tfn 08 – 524 800 00 (vx)
e-post: anna.gustafsson@ki.se
Margaretha Birgerson, tfn 013 – 28 20 35
e-post: margaretha.birgerson@liu.se
Emelie Josephsson, tfn 046-222 72 37
e-post: Emelie.Josephsson@med.lu.se
Pernille Husberg, tfn 018-471 1961
e-post: pernille.husberg@uadm.uu.se