Immunotherapy for Cancer

Day of Immunology conference 2016
Immunotherapy for Cancer
Time: Friday, April 29th, 2016, at 10:00-15:30.
Place: Store Auditorium, Rikshospitalet, Sognsvannsveien 20, Oslo.
N.B.: There is enough space in the auditorium for 398 participants.
Morning session (popularized science in Norwegian)
10.00: Immun mot kreft? Introduksjon til kroppens overvåkningstjenester
Anne Spurkland, Professor, avdeling for molekylærmedisin, Universitet i Oslo.
10.40: Pause
10.55: Immunterapi: en revolusjon for kreftbehandling
Else Marit Inderberg, PhD, avdeling for celleterapi, OUS Radiumhospitalet.
11.35: Behandling av norske lungekreftpasienter med checkpoint-inhibitorer
Åslaug Helland, overlege og forsker, avdeling for onkologi, OUS Radiumhospitalet.
Afternoon session (scientific presentations made accessible for a broad public)
13.00: The long road to cancer vaccines
Gustav Gaudernack, Professor, OUS Radiumhospitalet.
13.25: Targeting cancer stem cells in glioblastoma brain tumors by immunotherapy
Einar Vik-Mo, MD, PhD, Institute for Surgical Research and Department of
Neurosurgery, OUS Rikshospitalet.
13.50: Bringing innovative targeted DNA cancer vaccines to the clinic
Agnete Brunsvik Fredriksen, PhD, CSO, Vaccibody AS.
14.05: Coffee break
14.25: Sequential Intranodal ImmunoTherapy (SIIT) in malignant lymphoma
Arne Kolstad, MD, PhD, Department of Oncology, OUS Radiumhospitalet.
14.50: Clinical cellular immunotherapy at Radiumhospitalet
Gunnar Kvalheim, Professor, Head of Department of Cellular Therapy, OUS
15.15: From Bench to bedside with a first in class oncolytic peptide
Øystein Rekdal, PhD, Professor, The Arctic University of Norway, CSO, Lytix
Biopharma AS.
Meeting’s organizers: The Norwegian Society for Immunology (NSI)
Chairperson: NN
Free entrance. Everybody is welcome!
Please register here
- Gro Tunheim (NSI secretary):
- Alexandre Corthay (NSI president):