Public Utility Commission of Oregon Request for Qualifications for Independent Evaluator Services For Request for Proposals for Major Resources Qualifications Due: February 19, 2014 4:00 PM Pacific Time Issuing Entity: Public Utility Commission of Oregon Contact: Erik Colville, PE Telephone: (503) 378-6360 Fax: (503) 373-7752 Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 1 A. Purpose............................................................................................................................................... 1 B. Background ........................................................................................................................................ 1 C. Contract Term and Amendments ....................................................................................................... 1 D. Estimated Schedule of Events for this IE-RFQ.................................................................................. 2 E. Reservation of Rights ......................................................................................................................... 2 F. IE-RFQ Addenda ................................................................................................................................ 2 G. Proprietary Information...................................................................................................................... 2 II. DESCRIPTION OF WORK................................................................................................................... 3 A. Deliverables ....................................................................................................................................... 3 B. Other Activities* ................................................................................................................................ 6 III. EXAMPLE RESOURCE RFP SCHEDULE ........................................................................................ 7 IV. INDEPENDENCE AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST...................................................................... 8 V. SOQ CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................. 8 A. Independence and Conflicts of Interest .............................................................................................. 8 B. Preferred Contact Method .................................................................................................................. 8 C. Required Checklist ............................................................................................................................. 8 D. Optional Submittals ........................................................................................................................... 8 VI. SOQ SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................... 9 VII. PASS/FAIL SCORING CRITERIA ................................................................................................. 10 VIII. PROCESS FOR ROSTER DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................. 10 A. Evaluation ........................................................................................................................................ 10 B. Results Notification .......................................................................................................................... 10 IX. CONTRACT INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 11 ATTACHMENT A – SOQ Checklist ......................................................................................................... 1 ATTACHMENT B - OPUC Competitive Bidding Guidelines .................................................................. 1 ATTACHMENT C – Sample Scope of Work ............................................................................................ 1 ATTACHMENT D - Sample IOU Professional Services Agreement ........................................................ 1 I. INTRODUCTION A. Purpose The Public Utility Commission of Oregon (OPUC) is seeking statements of qualifications (SOQ) from qualified entities interested in serving as an Independent Evaluator (IE) to assist the OPUC and Oregon Investor Owned Utilities (IOU) in conducting and evaluating proposals received in response to requests for proposals for major resource acquisitions (Resource RFP). Major resources are defined as those of duration greater than five years and quantities greater than 100 megawatts (MW). The purpose of this request for qualifications (IE-RFQ) is to assist the OPUC in developing and maintaining a roster of qualified entities to invite to respond to IE Requests for Proposals (IERFP) that may be issued in the future. The IOUs will use the roster as a starting point to identify which entities to invite to respond to IE-RFPs in the future. Entities on the roster will be invited to respond to IE-RFPs using the preferred contact method identified in that entity’s SOQ. The invitation may include the IE-RFP or identify an internet location where the IE-RFP may be downloaded. The IE selected for each IE-RFP will participate in each Resource RFP to ensure that the Resource RFPs are conducted fairly and properly and that proposals thereto are evaluated consistently. The IE must be independent of the IOU and potential Resource RFP responders, and also be experienced and competent to perform all IE functions identified in the OPUC Competitive Bidding Guidelines, attached to this IE-RFQ as Attachment B. The IOU will contract directly with the OPUC-selected IE pursuant to the IOU’s Professional Services Agreement (sample included as Attachment D to this IE-RFQ). B. Background Under the OPUC Competitive Bidding Guidelines, an IE must be used in each major Resource RFP to help ensure that all offers are treated fairly and consistently with the self-build resource (Benchmark Resource) alternatives. In addition, the IE is tasked with answering the following three questions: 1. Is there a need for the resource(s)? 2. What is the need (type, size, timing)? 3. Does the final shortlist identify the resource(s) with the best combination of cost and risk? C. Contract Term and Amendments IE contracts are anticipated to be for an initial term of up to eighteen (18) months, with the option to renew as needed until the IE’s work in the Resource RFP process is completed. The IE must be available according to the estimated Resource RFP schedule set forth in the Resource RFP, and as it may be amended by the OPUC. D. Estimated Schedule of Events for this IE-RFQ • • • • Release IE-RFQ ……................................…………………….…Week 1 Inquiry Deadline ............................................................................Week 3 Response Deadline .........................................................................Week 6 OPUC release of IE roster ..........................................……........…Week 9 NOTE: All durations are subject to change. E. Reservation of Rights OPUC reserves the right in its sole discretion to: 1. Amend this RFQ for any reason or cancel this solicitation without liability. 2. Reject any or all SOQs received in response to this IE-RFQ, without liability. OPUC is not responsible for any costs incurred by any entity submitting a SOQ in response to this RFQ, and entities who submit a SOQ do so solely at their own risk, cost and expense; 3. Waive any minor irregularity, informality, or non-conformance with the provisions or procedures set forth in this IE-RFQ, and to seek clarification of each SOQ if necessary; 4. Contact any or all references submitted with the SOQ. F. IE-RFQ Addenda OPUC may revise this IE-RFQ prior to the IE-RFQ response deadline. OPUC will not waive, alter, modify, supplement or amend the terms of this IE-RFQ in any manner except by written addenda issued by OPUC in the same manner as the original IE-RFQ was issued. Any purported changes, additions, interpretations or clarifications to the IE-RFQ that are issued in any manner other than as described above will not be effective, and entity shall not rely upon such information. G. Proprietary Information All information submitted by an entity in response to this IE-RFQ will be considered public information unless the entity requests that information be treated as confidential, and the information is considered exempt under ORS 192.501 or 192.502. If an entity declares any information contained in its SOQ submittal to be confidential, the entity must specifically identify those SOQ sections containing such information as “Confidential Information” and briefly explain how and why the information is exempt from disclosure to the public pursuant to ORS 192.501 or 192.502. Specifically, any documents submitted by the entity that contain confidential information shall be marked on the outside as containing “Confidential 2 Information”, and each page upon which confidential information appears must be marked as containing confidential information. The confidential information should be clearly identifiable to the reader wherever it appears. All copies submitted, as well as the original SOQ, must be marked in this manner. The request must also include the name, address, and telephone number of the person authorized by the entity to respond to any inquires by OPUC concerning the confidential status of the materials. The entity agrees that OPUC may submit such confidential information to other parties pursuant to a protective order. II. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Deliverables The IE will provide the following for each Resource RFP: 1. IE Assessment of the IOU’s draft Resource RFP Due when the IOU submits its final draft Resource RFP to the OPUC for approval (estimated to be two to four weeks after the IOU’s execution of the IE contract). The assessment should take into account the three criteria for RFP approval (Attachment B, Guideline 7). The assessment should address the evaluation criteria, methods, and pro forma contracts included with the Resource RFP (See Attachment B Guideline 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 13). The assessment also should review the adequacy, accuracy and completeness of all solicitation materials to ensure compliance with the OPUC’s Competitive Bidding Guidelines and consistency with accepted industry standards and practices. 2. Status Reports – To be filed with the OPUC: a. Three weeks after Resource RFP qualifications screening is completed, noting any unresolved issues that could impair the equity or appropriateness of the solicitation process and including issues which are raised at the pre-proposal conference. b. Three weeks after the IOU selects its initial short-list, detailing the results of the IOU’s initial screening evaluation. Include a description of the proposals and provide an assessment of the IOU’s selection of the initial short-list, including rationale for eliminating proposals. This status report will be provided to the OPUC under seal or on a highly confidential basis. 3. Reports, Scores, Evaluations a. An assessment of the reasonableness of the score(s) for the IOU’s Benchmark Resource, as applicable. 3 b. An independent score of the IOU Benchmark Resource(s), as applicable, and all or a sample of proposals to determine whether the selections for the initial and final shortlists are reasonable. c. An evaluation of the unique risks and advantages associated with the Benchmark Resource(s), including the regulatory treatment of costs or benefits related to actual construction cost and plant operation differing from what was projected for the Resource RFP. d. An assessment of consistency with IOU’s acknowledged Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). e. A comprehensive accounting of the risks and benefits to ratepayers for construction cost over-runs and under-runs, including: The contractual guarantees or other measures taken by the utility to address the risk of construction cost over-runs for the benchmark resource; The cost and prudence of these guarantees; The remaining exposure to ratepayers for cost over-runs of the benchmark resource; and The potential benefits of any construction cost under-runs of the benchmark resource. 4. IE Closing Report Due after the IOU has selected the final short-list of proposals (before any acknowledgment proceeding). As part of the Closing Report, the IE will make its detailed proposal scoring and evaluation results available to the IOU, OPUC and non-proposing parties in the regulatory docket, subject to the terms of a protective order. See Attachment B Guideline 11. The Closing Report will provide the IE’s detailed assessment of the IOU’s selection of the final short-list of proposals, including all aspects of the solicitation process and the IE’s involvement, observations, conclusions and recommendations. The reasons and basis for a) ranking proposals, b) selecting a market proposal(s), and c) rejecting proposals are to be fully detailed in the Closing Report. The Closing Report will also include an analysis of whether or the extent to which: 1) the resources selected minimize long-term costs for the IOU’s retail customers taking into consideration overall system costs and risks, 2) the solicitation process was fair, 3) screening factors and weights were applied consistently and comparably to all market proposals, 4) credit and security requirements, liquidated damages provisions, warranties and other similar requirements were appropriately applied to proposal evaluation and appropriately affected the outcome of the solicitation process, 5) all reasonably available data and information necessary in order for a potential proposer to submit a proposal was provided, 6) the IE was provided with or given access to all data, information and models 4 relevant to the solicitation process in order to permit full and timely scoring, testing and verification of assumptions, models, inputs, outputs, and results, 7) confidentiality claims and concerns between the IE, the proposers, and IOU were resolved in a manner that preserved confidentiality as necessary, yet permitted dissemination and consideration of all information reasonably necessary for the Resource RFP process to be conducted fairly and thoroughly, and 8) evaluation was performed consistent with OPUC-approved criteria and methods. The report also will include results from the following (see Attachment B Guidelines 10(d) and 10(e)): a. Scores for proposals - The IE’s independent scoring of all or a sample of the proposals to determine whether the selections for the initial and final short-lists are reasonable. b. Comparison of IOU and IE scores – Comparison between the IOU’s and the IE’s scoring and evaluation of the competing proposals following a meeting(s) with the IOU to attempt to reconcile and resolve any scoring differences. Include an explanation of the reconciliation process and any remaining differences. In the Closing Report, the IE will be required to disclose any conflict of interest regarding any of the Resource RFP proposers. The IE is also tasked with answering, in the Closing Report, the following three questions: 1. Is there a need for the resource(s)? 2. What is the need (type, size, timing)? 3. Does the final Resource RFP shortlist identify the resource(s) with the best combination of cost and risk? 5. Resource RFP Document Control and Management The OPUC preference is for the IE to develop a Resource RFP Website. A Resource RFP Website is not required, but in its absence the IE is to develop and describe in its SOQ an alternate Resource Proposal document control and management system with near equivalent function as the Resource RFP Website described below. The IE will develop a web site prior to the issuance of the Resource RFP and maintain such website. The website will be the property of the IOU. At a minimum, the website will be designed to: a. Provide 24 X 7 access to Resource RFP documents and data, 5 b. Allow resource proposers to post questions that are available to all users, and comments that are confidential, c. Maintain confidential proposal folders for each resource proposal, for the retention and exchange of proposal specific data, d. Provide confidential evaluation folders for the retention of data provided by the IOU Resource RFP Evaluation Team, for use during regulatory review, e. Record all web site activity, including use by registered users, web pages visited, and access to data by individuals, f. Provide an announcement board for posting of information to the public and proposers, and the ability to automatically notify proposers, registered users, and IOU personnel when documents and announcements are posted. B. Other Activities* * Meetings with OPUC to occur in Salem, OR; meetings with the IOU to occur at its corporate office (Portland, OR for Portland General Electric, and PacifiCorp; and Boise, ID for Idaho Power, as requested. 1. Confer with OPUC as needed on the IE’s duties - See Attachment B, Guideline 5. This may be performed in-person, by phone or by e-mail. 2. In consultation with OPUC, participate in additional meetings with parties related to final short-list selection or any request for acknowledgment of final shortlist. 3. Participate, at the IOU’s discretion either by phone or in person, in the pre-proposal conference (anticipated two weeks after draft Resource RFP issuance) and make a presentation to communicate the IE role in the process. Participate in any additional preproposal conferences. 4. Review the IOU’s Resource RFP screening for proposer eligibility. 5. Participate in an OPUC public meeting (if any) to review the OPUC’s decision on Resource RFP approval, based on the IE’s assessment of the IOU’s Resource RFP design. 6. Monitor all aspects of the solicitation process for the final short-list of proposals, including the following: a. Resource RFP screening b. Communications between proposers and the IOU before and after proposals are due 6 c. Any requested proposer updates d. Any amendments to the Resource RFP issued by the IOU e. Evaluation and ranking of proposals f. Selection of the initial short-list of proposals g. Selection of the final short-list of proposals 7. Audit the resource proposal evaluation process and validate that evaluation criteria, methods, models, and other solicitation processes have been applied consistently and appropriately to all proposals. Verify assumptions, inputs, and results are appropriate and reasonable. 8. Advise the IOU as early as possible of any issue that might reasonably be construed to affect the integrity of the solicitation process and provide the IOU an opportunity to remedy the defect identified. Advise OPUC of significant changes or unresolved issues as they arise. 9. Compare the IE’s and the IOU’s scoring and evaluation of the competing proposals and attempt to reconcile and resolve any scoring differences. 10. Participate in OPUC proceedings if the IOU requests acknowledgment of the final shortlist of proposals. Participation could include written comments filed with the OPUC and oral comments at an OPUC public meeting or hearing. 11. In the event the IOU requests acknowledgment of the final shortlist, the OPUC may request the IE to monitor negotiations between the IOU and the proposer(s). III. EXAMPLE RESOURCE RFP SCHEDULE The following Resource RFP schedule is an example only. The actual Resource RFP schedule will be determined by the IOU as required for the specific resource need(s). IOU submits final draft Resource RFP to OPUC for approval - Week 1 IE submits assessment of RFP – Week 3 Intervenors present comments on RFP – Week 4 IOU response to IE/Intervenor comments – Week 5 IOU issues Resource RFP (up to 8 weeks after final draft Resource RFP filed) - Week 9 7 Proposer responses (due 6 weeks from Resource RFP issuance) - Week 15 IOU’s initial short list is complete – Min. of 8 weeks from date proposer responses due OPUC consideration of acknowledgment of IOU’s final short-list of proposals (if requested by IOU) - TBD IV. INDEPENDENCE AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST In Order No. 06-446, the OPUC directed that the IE must be independent of the IOU, potential Resource RFP proposers, and stakeholder groups. The following are minimum requirements that must be demonstrated by an entity in its SOQ: A. Entity shall disclose all business conducted with the IOU or its affiliates, past or present. B. Entity shall disclose any conflict, or potential conflict of interest, that might arise during the course of the project, including any potential proposers in the IOU’s Resource RFP. V. SOQ CONTENTS Entity must include A, B, and C as follows in its SOQ: A. Independence and Conflicts of Interest Each SOQ shall include a conflict of interest declaration identifying any conflict, or potential conflict of interest, which might arise during the course of the project including conflicts with any potential Resource RFP proposers in the IOU’s Resource RFP, and stakeholder groups. The declaration shall disclose any past, current or anticipated future relationship with or work for the IOU, potential Resource RFP proposers, or stakeholder groups. This disclosure should specify the date, nature and scope of any such relationship or work. Entity shall provide all information necessary to fully comply with Section IV above. B. Preferred Contact Method Each SOQ shall identify the preferred contact person, contact information, and contact method to be used for notification of SOQ results, and receipt of invitations to respond to IE-RFPs that may be issued in the future. C. Required Checklist Each SOQ shall include the checklist in Attachment A, completed by the IE-RFQ respondent. D. Optional Submittals 8 Detailed response containing: 1. A complete narrative of the entity’s assessment of the work to be performed, the entity’s ability and approach, and the resources necessary to fulfill the requirements. This should demonstrate the entity understands the performance expectations. Clearly indicate any options or alternatives proposed. 2. A specific point-by-point response by task number (e.g., “A1”), in the order listed in Section II, Description of Work, to each requirement in this RFQ. 3. Qualification and expertise of staff proposed to perform all IE functions identified in the Competitive Bidding Guidelines. 4. Experience and competence in assessment, evaluation and monitoring related to competitive acquisition of energy resources. Such experience should include evaluating supply alternatives including production cost modeling to evaluate cost and risk. 5. Work samples demonstrating such expertise and competence, including work samples demonstrating the entity’s willingness and ability to work independently of the IOU and to rigorously review, evaluate, and critique the IOU’s Resource RFP for energy resources. 6. Performance references for similar projects. 7. Any objections to any materials terms of the Sample Professional Services Agreement included as Attachment D. Note: A conference phone call presentation by an entity to clarify its SOQ may be required. VI. SOQ SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Two (2) copies of each SOQ, one of which must bear the original signature, must be received no later than time and date identified above. OPUC also requests that a copy of the SOQ be submitted electronically (suggested via PDF in email or on CD). SOQs shall be addressed to: Erik Colville, PE Public Utility Commission of Oregon P.O. Box 1088 Salem, OR 97302-1088 Telephone: (503) 378-6360 9 Each SOQ shall be submitted in the format outlined in Section V. Each SOQ shall be prepared on standard 8 ½ inch by 11 inch paper, duplex printed (2 sided). Each SOQ shall be stapled or bound separately. THE SOQ MUST BE ORGANIZED IN THE SAME ORDER AS THE INFORMATION REQUESTED IN THIS RFQ. OPUC may reject any SOQ that fails to follow these instructions. VII. PASS/FAIL SCORING CRITERIA From the information submitted in accordance with Section V SOQs will be given a pass/fail score based upon the following: A. The IE must be independent of the IOU, potential Resource RFP proposers, and stakeholder groups. B. Understanding of the description of work and the deliverables (see Section II.A) that will meet it. C. Training, experience and ability of the entity and its individual staff member(s) that will be assigned to perform the proposed work, including, but without limitation, specific experience as IE for reviewing Capacity, Renewable Energy, Baseload Energy, and methane gas supply resource RFPs. D. Completion and submittal of the SOQ Checklist. VIII. PROCESS FOR ROSTER DEVELOPMENT A. Evaluation 1. Initial Review: OPUC will review all SOQs to ensure that all prescribed provisions and procedures have been met. SOQs that do not meet all prescribed solicitation procedures and requirements may be rejected and eliminated from the selection process. 2. Scoring: A pass/fail score will be given, based on the criteria outlined in Section VII. Pass/Fail Scoring Criteria above. Those SOQs that receive a passing score will be included on the IE roster. (Inclusion/Exclusion on this roster will not guarantee/prohibit qualified entities from being considered as IE in future RFP processes.) B. Results Notification The OPUC will attempt to notify every entity submitting an SOQ of its evaluation and roster status within 4 weeks of releasing the roster. 10 IX. CONTRACT INFORMATION A. Professional Services Contract 1. The selected IE will be required to enter into a professional services contract with the IOU based on the description of work described herein and in a form substantially similar to the form attached to this IE-RFQ. OPUC will review the draft IE contract prior to execution to ensure that it conforms to this IE-RFQ. 2. The State of Oregon will not be a party to the resulting contract, and will not be responsible for any conflicts that arise between the IOU and the selected IE. 11 ATTACHMENT A – SOQ Checklist This checklist is to be read and understood in concert and context with the IE-RFQ. Fully Understand and Agree Exception or Deviation (Fully Explain on a Separate Sheet) General: The IE must be independent of the IOU and potential Resource RFP proposers. The IE shall confer with OPUC as needed throughout performance of the IE's duties under the Competitive Bidding Guidelines. The IE shall oversee the RFP process to ensure it is conducted fairly and properly. The OPUC preference is for the IE to develop a Resource RFP Website. A Resource RFP Website is not required, but in its absence the IE is to develop and describe in its SOQ an alternate Resource Proposal document control and management system with near equivalent function as the Resource RFP Website described in RFQ Section II. Specific: Confer, as needed, with OPUC to clarify the IE’s duties. Submit a monthly status report to OPUC. Attend a project kick-off meeting with OPUC and IOU staff at IOU office if requested. Review IOU prepared draft RFP for compliance with the Guidelines and industry norms. Work with IOU to result in the final draft RFP. Work with IOU to develop the bid process and bid evaluation approach. Assist IOU to prepare for proposer and stakeholder workshops. Schedule and attend a meeting with OPUC prior to the workshops as needed. Attend and participate in the workshops. Prepare documentation of attendees and discussions during the workshops. Prepare and submit to the OPUC an Assessment of the final draft RFP. Respond to OPUC questions about the Assessment. 1 Work with IOU to respond to proposer and stakeholder questions and comments. Assist OPUC in evaluating and responding to Docket party comments and reply comments. Perform this work by phone email, or web meeting. Review IOU’s bid evaluation to check whether its evaluation and selection of the shortlist are reasonable. Independently evaluate all, or a representative sample, of the bids to determine whether the initial and final shortlists are reasonable. Compare IOU’s evaluation results with IE’s independent evaluation results, and resolve any differences if possible. Review IOU selection of final short list. Ensure it is based in part on modeling the effect of the initial shortlist of bids on overall system costs and risks. The portfolio modeling and decision criteria shall be consistent with the modeling and decision criteria used in the acknowledged IRP action plan. Prepare a Closing Report after IOU selection of the final shortlist. The Closing Report shall explain any IOU and IE proposer evaluation differences, and consistency of the final shortlist with the IRP modeling and decision criteria. The IE is also tasked with answering, in the Closing Report, the following three questions: 1. Is there a need for the resource(s)? 2. What is the need (type, size, timing)? 3. Does the final Resource RFP shortlist identify the resource(s) with the best combination of cost and risk? Participate in the OPUC public meetings for approval of the final draft RFP (by phone) and potential acknowledgement of final short list (in person). Qualifications Match Requirements Qualifications Similar to Requirements (Fully Explain on a Separate Sheet) Experienced and competent to perform all IE functions identified in the Competitive Bidding Guidelines. 2 Relevant training, experience and ability of the entity and its individual staff member(s) that will be assigned to perform the proposed work. Experience and competence in assessment, evaluation, and monitoring related to competitive bidding for energy resources: In the WECC In the Pacific Northwest In Oregon 3 ATTACHMENT B - OPUC Competitive Bidding Guidelines Refer to Commission Order 06-446 , Order 11-001 , and Order 11-340 . 1 ATTACHMENT C – Sample Scope of Work General: The IE shall act as an extension of OPUC Staff. As such the IE shall confer with OPUC as needed throughout performance of the IE's duties under the Competitive Bidding Guidelines. The IE shall oversee the Resource RFP process to ensure it is conducted fairly and properly. Specific: Confer, as needed, with OPUC to clarify the IE’s duties. Submit a monthly status report to OPUC. Attend a project kick-off meeting with OPUC and the IOU staff at the IOU’s office if necessary. SAMPLE Review IOU prepared draft Resource RFP for compliance with the Guidelines and industry norms. Work with the IOU to result in the final draft Resource RFP. Work with the IOU to develop the proposal process and proposal evaluation approach. Assist the IOU to prepare for proposer and stakeholder workshops. Schedule and attend a meeting with OPUC prior to the workshops if necessary. Attend and participate in the workshops. Prepare documentation of attendees and discussions during the workshops. Prepare and submit to the OPUC an Assessment of the final draft Resource RFP. Respond to OPUC questions about the Assessment. Work with the IOU to respond to proposer and stakeholder questions and comments. Assist OPUC in evaluating and responding to Docket party comments and reply comments. Perform this work by phone, email or web meeting. Review the IOU’s proposal evaluation to check whether their evaluation and selection of the shortlist are reasonable. Independently evaluate all, or a representative sample, of the proposals to determine whether the initial and final shortlists are reasonable. Compare the IOU’s evaluation results with the IE’s independent evaluation results, and resolve any differences if possible. Review IOU selection of final short list. Ensure it is based in part on modeling the effect of the initial shortlist of proposals on overall system costs and risks. The portfolio modeling and decision criteria shall be consistent with the modeling and decision criteria used in the acknowledged IRP action plan. 1 Prepare a Closing Report after IOU selection of the final shortlist. The Closing Report shall explain any IOU and IE proposal evaluation differences, and consistency of the final shortlist with the IRP modeling and decision criteria. For clarity sake, the OPUC tasks the IE with answering, in the Closing Report, the following three questions: 1. Is there a need for the resource(s)? 2. What is the need (type, size, timing)? 3. Does the final Resource RFP shortlist identify the resource(s) with the best combination of cost and risk? Participate in the OPUC public meetings for approval of the final draft Resource RFP (by phone) and, potentially, acknowledgement of final short list (in person). SAMPLE 2 ATTACHMENT D - Sample IOU Professional Services Agreement The following sample IOU Professional Services Agreement is an example only. The actual Agreement will be determined by the IOU as required for the specific services needs. 1. Complete Agreement ........................................................................................... 2 2. Scope of Work; Persons to Contact Regarding Work and Agreement ................. 2 3. Changes ............................................................................................................... 3 4. Price and Payment ............................................................................................... 3 SAMPLE 5. Independent Consultant ....................................................................................... 4 6. Amendment; Assignment and Subcontracts ........................................................ 5 7. Performance Standard ......................................................................................... 5 8. Business Ethics .................................................................................................... 5 9. Public Releases .................................................................................................... 5 10. Consultant’s Personnel/Hiring of Convicted Felons/Drugs Alcohol and Firearms 6 11. Reports ................................................................................................................. 7 12. Right to Audit ........................................................................................................ 7 13. Ownership of Work ............................................................................................... 8 14. Infringement ......................................................................................................... 8 15. Liens ..................................................................................................................... 9 16. Indemnification ..................................................................................................... 9 17. Protection of Workers ........................................................................................... 9 18. Liability Insurance ............................................................................................... 10 19. Controlling Law and Venue ................................................................................ 12 20. Termination ........................................................................................................ 12 21. Notice ................................................................................................................. 13 22. Remedies and Nonwaiver .................................................................................. 14 23. Governmental Requirements .............................................................................. 14 24. Hazardous Substances ...................................................................................... 14 25. Confidentiality ..................................................................................................... 15 26. Warranties .......................................................................................................... 17 27. Conflicts, Errors, Omissions, or Discrepancies ................................................... 17 28. Severability ......................................................................................................... 17 29. Attorney Fees ..................................................................................................... 18 30. Examination of Work .......................................................................................... 18 31. Time for Performance ......................................................................................... 18 32. Force Majeure .................................................................................................... 18 33. Disputes ............................................................................................................. 18 34. Authorized Representative ................................................................................. 19 35. No Third Party Beneficiaries ............................................................................... 19 36. Successors and Assigns .................................................................................... 19 1 37. Effective Date ..................................................................................................... 19 38. Counterparts ....................................................................................................... 19 SAMPLE 2 Master Professional Services Agreement This Master Professional Services Agreement (“Master Agreement”) is between Oregon Investor Owned Utility (“IOU”), and __________________________, whose address is ___________________________ (“Consultant”). 1. Complete Agreement This Master Agreement describes the terms and conditions under which Consultant shall provide professional services to IOU as described in any statement of work signed by both parties (each an “SOW”). Each SOW, this Master Agreement, and any schedules, exhibits, amendments, or documents executed by the parties in connection with the SOW, constitute the complete agreement between IOU and Consultant with respect to the subject matter described in such SOW (“Agreement”) and supersede all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, whether oral or written, related to such SOW. The SOW shall operate to supplement the terms of this Master Agreement but shall not modify, contradict or otherwise change the terms hereof. Except as otherwise expressly stated in writing, in the case of any inconsistency, the terms of this Master Agreement shall control. No other terms, conditions or provisions shall be part of the Agreement or be binding on IOU unless specifically accepted by IOU in writing. SAMPLE 2. Scope of Work; Persons to Contact Regarding Work and Agreement For the payment described in the SOW Consultant shall perform the work described therein in strict accordance with the provisions of the Agreement. Except as otherwise provided in the Agreement, Consultant shall provide all goods, property and services necessary for the proper execution and final completion of the Work described in the Agreement, including without limitation furnishing all personnel, labor, supervision, technical, professional and other services, materials, supplies, equipment, goods and other property, transportation, information, drawings, plans, specifications, designs, and data (collectively, the “Work”). The date that Consultant shall commence performance and complete the Work shall be stated in the SOW. The person to whom questions regarding the Work or schedule should be directed to: Questions regarding the Agreement shall be directed to: 3 3. Changes IOU may, by a proposed written Change Order, order changes to the quantity and/or the specifications of Work, and the parties will undertake to negotiate an appropriate adjustment in price and terms where Consultant’s direct costs or the time for performance are materially affected by IOU’s proposed changes. Within ten (10) days of receiving notification of a proposed change, Consultant shall submit to IOU a detailed written proposal for accomplishing the changes and setting forth any proposed adjustments to the purchase price or other terms (and the bases for each adjustment) if Consultant intends to assert a claim for adjustment. If the parties reach agreement as to the appropriate adjustments, IOU shall issue its final Change Order amending the Agreement accordingly. If IOU and Consultant are unable to agree on the appropriate adjustments, IOU may terminate the Agreement pursuant to Section 20 below, or may issue its Change Order requiring such changes, in which event the equitable adjustment shall be limited to the actual out-ofpocket cost incurred by Consultant in performance of the Agreement as modified plus a reasonable sum as profit on the Work, which shall constitute full compensation to Consultant for the change. SAMPLE No change shall be binding upon IOU until a Change Order is executed by an authorized representative of IOU that expressly states that it constitutes a supplement to the Agreement. THE ISSUANCE OF INFORMATION, ADVICE, APPROVALS OR INSTRUCTIONS BY ANYONE OTHER THAN THE AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF IOU SHALL NOT CONSTITUTE AN AUTHORIZED CHANGE TO THE AGREEMENT. Nothing contained in this section shall excuse Consultant from proceeding with the Work in accordance with the Agreement. 4. Price and Payment A. Fees For satisfactory performance of the Work, IOU shall pay Consultant the fees specified in the SOW. Consultant shall be exclusively liable for payment to the appropriate governmental authority of all payroll and other employees' contributions and taxes required in respect of Consultant's work and that of its employees, including, but not limited to, taxes imposed under the provisions of any unemployment insurance, Social Security or pension plan. Prior to final payment, Consultant shall, if requested, provide the estimated cost breakdown of scope of taxes, insurance, transportation and items of equipment in accordance with a code of accounts provided by IOU. 4 B. Expenses If the SOW includes the payment of Consultant incurred expenses, all Consultant expenses submitted for payment or reimbursement shall conform to IOU’s Policy on Contractor Expenses, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. Unauthorized expenses shall not be paid or reimbursed. C. Invoices All invoices shall reference the SOW and, when required, copies of supporting documentation and proof of expenditures. Invoices shall be addressed as follows: INVOICES THAT DO NOT CONTAIN THE REQUIRED INFORMATION, OR ARE NOT ADDRESSED AS INDICATED ABOVE MAY RESULT IN PAYMENT DELAY. SAMPLE Payment(s) shall be made by IOU within thirty (30) days of the later of receipt and approval of a proper invoice, or IOU’s acceptance of the Work invoiced. Without limiting any other rights or remedies IOU may have, IOU may set off any loss, damage, liability or claim that IOU may have against Consultant against any performance or payment due to Consultant under this or any other contract between the parties. IOU may also retain from any payments due under the Agreement sufficient funds to discharge any delinquent accounts of Consultant for which liens on IOU’s property have been or could be filed, and IOU may apply the funds at any time to pay for Consultant’s account any amounts admittedly due, including any sums due under any federal or state law. 5. Independent Consultant Consultant is acting solely as an independent contractor and nothing in the Agreement is intended to create a partnership, joint venture, or any relationship of principal-agent, employer-employee, franchiser-franchisee, or master-servant between Consultant and IOU. 6. Amendment; Assignment and Subcontracts No change, amendment or modification of any provisions of the Agreement shall be valid unless set forth in a written instrument signed by authorized representatives of IOU and Consultant, except as set forth in Section 3 (Changes). Consultant may not assign or transfer the Agreement and the rights and responsibilities under the Agreement, in whole or in part, and may not subcontract any portion of the 5 Agreement or the Work without IOU's prior written consent. 7. Performance Standard Consultant and its affiliates and their respective officers, employees, agents, and subcontractors that perform any portion of the Work shall be fully experienced and properly qualified, licensed, and equipped to perform such Work and their obligations under the Agreement. In performing services under the Agreement, such persons shall meet at least the standards of professional skill, care, and judgment normally exercised by a professional in the performance of services similar to those contemplated by the Agreement. Consultant shall be responsible for all methods, means and procedures necessary to properly complete and safeguard the Work. When on IOU premises and work site, the conduct of Consultant and its affiliates and their respective employees, agents, affiliates, and subcontractors shall conform to generally applicable IOU rules and standards, including but not limited to those related to environmental protection, loss control, dust control, safety and security. SAMPLE 8. Business Ethics Consultant shall exercise reasonable care and diligence to prevent any actions or conditions which could result in a conflict with IOU's interest. Consultant and its employees and agents shall not offer or cause to be offered gifts, entertainment, or other services, benefits or consideration to IOU employees or their families other than those that are customary and commonly accepted business courtesies; not excess in value (and in any case not valued at more than $100); and given without an implied or express understanding that the gift is an inducement or reward for a particular business decision. Consultant shall immediately notify IOU of any and all violations of this clause upon becoming aware of such violation. 9. Public Releases Nothing contained herein shall permit or be deemed to permit use by Consultant of IOU’s name, directly or indirectly, in the form of advertising or in a press release without the prior written approval of IOU. 10. Consultant’s Personnel/Hiring of Convicted Felons/Drugs Alcohol and Firearms A. Definitions The following terms shall have the meanings set forth below: (i) “chemical substance” or “drug” means any chemical substance producing physical, mental, emotional or behavioral change in a person; (ii) “illegal drug” means any drug listed in Schedules I through V of the federal Controlled Substances Act, as amended, that is not obtained and used in accordance with the law including, but not limited to opiates, hallucinogens, depressants, stimulants 6 and narcotics; and (iii) “under the influence” means exhibiting evidence of alcohol or drugs in the urine, blood or breath, or the impairment of mental or physical abilities to any perceptible degree. B. IOU’s Premises or Job Site Consultant shall see that its employees and agents and the employees and agents of its subcontractors of any tier (individually and collectively, “Personnel”) do not engage in any of the following while on IOU’s premises or job site in connection with the Agreement: • Be under the influence or use alcohol, illegal drugs or chemical substances. • Sell, offer to sell or buy, possess, use, or transfer any illegal drug. • Fail to use lawfully prescribed or over-the-counter medication in accordance with the directions or as instructed by the prescribing physician. SAMPLE • Fail to notify a supervisor that Personnel is taking prescription or over-the counter medication, which from previous use or warning/instruction from the prescribing physician or container label could impair or adversely affect all or any portion of his or her job performance. • Refuse or fail to provide any sample or to cooperate with alcohol and drug testing as required by the Agreement. • Provide an adulterated or substituted urine sample or diluted urine sample with the intent to change the test results. • Refuse to submit to a search or to cooperate with a search related to any investigation where there is reasonable suspicion to believe any Personnel is in possession of alcohol or any illegal drugs. • Operate any vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. • Possess any firearm, weapon or explosive of any kind without IOU’s prior express written approval (this also applies to Personnel who have a permit for a concealed weapon). • Act or fail to act with the intent to facilitate or assist anyone to do any of the above. C. Generally Consultant shall see that only properly qualified Personnel are employed in 7 performing the Work and that strict discipline and good order among Personnel is enforced at all times. Consultant shall see that any Personnel who have been convicted of a felony involving violence, fraud, alcohol and/or drugs within seven (7) years of the date of the Agreement are not assigned to perform any of the Work without the prior written consent of IOU. If, at any time, it is discovered by IOU or Consultant that any Personnel: (i) has failed to comply with any of the above prohibitions; (ii) is incompetent, insubordinate, careless, or disorderly; or (iii) while previously employed by IOU violated any IOU policies, the Personnel shall be immediately removed from the Work and not assigned to perform any part of the Work. Failure to comply with the requirements of this Section 10 may result in suspension of payments under Consultant’s engagement with IOU or termination of the engagement, or both. 11. Reports Consultant shall prepare and submit progress reports to IOU on a regular basis as agreed by both parties during the period of performance of the Work. Each progress report shall be in sufficient detail to describe all work accomplished and results achieved during the calendar month(s) immediately preceding the month in which the report is submitted. The calendar month(s) and year reported on shall be indicated on each progress report. If requested by IOU, Consultant shall also submit to IOU a report of all studies, surveys, evaluations, analyses, calculations, drawings, and documentation made in planning or preparing for performance of the Work. IOU or its representatives may visit Consultant’s place of business at reasonable times to determine status of ongoing activities required by the Agreement. SAMPLE 12. Right to Audit Consultant shall keep accurate and complete accounting records in support of all cost billings to IOU in accordance with generally recognized accounting principles and practices. IOU, or its audit representatives, shall have the right at any reasonable time or times to examine, audit and reproduce such records, vouchers and their source documents. Such records shall be available for examination, audit and reproduction for three (3) years after the completion or termination of the Agreement. 13. Ownership of Work All materials prepared or developed pursuant to or in connection with the Agreement by Consultant and its affiliates and their respective employees, directors, officers, subcontractors, or agents, including, but not limited to, improvements, ideas, formulas, processes, inventions, programs, documents, calculations, maps, sketches, designs, tracings, notes, reports, data, computer programs, models, plans and samples, shall become the property of IOU when prepared, whether delivered 8 to IOU or not, and shall, together with any materials furnished Consultant and its affiliates by IOU pursuant to the Agreement, be delivered to IOU upon request, and, in any event, upon termination or final acceptance of the Work. All Work prepared by Consultant and its affiliates and their respective employees, directors, officers, agents or subcontractors pursuant to or in connection with the Agreement that is subject to protection under copyright laws constitutes “work made for hire,” all copyrights to which belong to IOU. In any event, Consultant assigns to IOU all intellectual property rights in such work whether by way of copyright, trade secret, patent or otherwise, and whether or not subject to protection by patent, trademark or copyright laws and agrees to execute all documents that IOU reasonably determines to be necessary or convenient for use in applying for, perfecting or enforcing intellectual property rights, including, but not limited to, the execution of any assignments and patent, trademark or copyright applications. 14. Infringement Consultant shall at its sole expense defend any action brought or threatened against IOU that is based on a claim that any of the Work: (i) infringes a copyright enforceable in the United States, (ii) infringes any patent or (iii) constitutes misappropriation or unlawful disclosure or use of another's trade secret. In addition to any other indemnification stated in the Agreement, Consultant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless IOU, its parent and affiliated companies and their directors, officers, employees and agents against and from all claims, losses, costs, suits, judgments, damages and expenses, including but not limited to required royalties or license fees and attorneys’ fees, whether or not suit is commenced and on trial and appeal, of any kind or nature whatsoever, on account of infringement, misappropriation, or unlawful disclosure of any patent, copyrighted or uncopyrighted work, secret process, trade secret, unpatented invention, article, appliance or otherwise, including claims thereof pertaining to, or arising from Consultant’s performance of Work under the Agreement. SAMPLE If Consultant’s equipment, material or processes are likely to become or do become the subject of a claim of infringement or misappropriation of a U.S. patent, copyright, trade secret or other proprietary right, Consultant, upon IOU’s prior written consent, may either: (i) promptly replace the equipment, material or processes with a substantially compatible and functionally equivalent non-infringing product; (ii) promptly modify the equipment, material or processes to make it non-infringing and functionally equivalent; (iii) promptly procure the right of IOU to continue using the equipment, material or processes; or (iv) if none of the first three options is commercially feasible, refund all amounts already paid by IOU to Consultant. 15. Liens Consultant shall ensure that no liens of any kind are fixed upon or against the real or personal property of IOU by Consultant, Consultant’s supplier, subcontractors or subcontractor’s employees. 9 16. Indemnification In addition to any other indemnification provided for under the Agreement, Consultant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless IOU, its parent and affiliated companies and their directors, officers, employees and agents (hereinafter collectively “Indemnitees”) from any and all claims, demands, suits, losses, costs, expenses, liens, encumbrances, liabilities, governmental fines and penalties and damages of every kind and description, including attorneys’ fees, whether or not suit is commenced and on trial and appeal, brought or made against or incurred by any of the Indemnitees resulting from, arising out of, or in any way connected with any act, omission, fault or negligence of Consultant and its affiliates and their respective employees, agents, representatives or subcontractors in the performance or nonperformance of Consultant’s obligations under the Agreement or in any way related to the Agreement. The indemnity obligations under this section shall include without limitation: (i) loss of or damage to any property of IOU, Consultant or any third party; (ii) injury, bodily or personal, disease, occupational sickness, or death of any person(s), including without limitation, IOU, Consultant and its affiliates and their respective employees, agents, representatives or subcontractors; and (iii) claims arising out of workers’ compensation, unemployment compensation or other laws or obligations applicable to Consultant or its affiliates and their respective employees, agents, representatives or subcontractors. SAMPLE CONSULTANT’S INDEMNITY OBLIGATION UNDER THIS SECTION SHALL NOT EXTEND TO ANY LIABILITY CAUSED BY THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF ANY OF THE INDEMNITEES. 17. Protection of Workers Contractor and its affiliates and their respective employees, agents, and subcontractors shall comply with all applicable workers’ compensation acts, including but not limited to the federal Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act and Jones Act, continuously carry workers’ compensation insurance, accept exclusive liability as an employer in the states having jurisdiction, and shall furnish proof thereof satisfactory to IOU prior to commencing Work. Furthermore, such Workers’ Compensation coverage as provided by Contractor and its subcontractors must waive all rights of subrogation against IOU 18. Liability Insurance Prior to starting any Work, Contractor and subcontractors of any tier shall secure and continuously carry and supply evidence thereof, with insurers reasonably acceptable to IOU (minimum AM Best rating of A- VIII or better), the minimum insurance specified in this Section. The issuance or maintaining of insurance of any type by Contractor shall not be deemed or construed to release, limit, waive or discharge Contractor from any and all of the obligations and risks imposed by this Agreement upon Contractor, 10 including any liability in excess of the insurance coverage required herein. Neither shall any forbearance nor omission by IOU to require proof of insurance from Contractor before permitting Contractor to proceed or continue with the Services be deemed a waiver of IOU’s rights or Contractor’s obligations regarding the provisions of insurance under this Agreement. Contractor shall be responsible for the cost of satisfying any deductible for claims made under the coverage required below. • Employers Liability insurance with limits not less than: $2,000,000 each accident for bodily injury by accident $2,000,000 policy limit for bodily injury by disease $2,000,000 each employee for bodily injury by disease • Commercial General Liability insurance covering all operations by or on behalf of Contractor providing insurance for Bodily Injury and Property Damage for limits of liability of not less than indicated below and including coverage for: SAMPLE $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 for personal injury and advertising injury liability $2,000,000 aggregate for products and completed operations $2,000,000 general aggregate CLAIMS MADE COVERAGE IS NOT ACCEPTABLE FROM CONTRACTOR OR ANY SUBCONTRACTOR. • Business Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit of $2,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage with respect to Contractor’s vehicles whether owned, hired or non-owned, assigned to or used in the performance of the Work. • Professional Liability [if applicable] insurance with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 in the aggregate. • Pollution Liability [if applicable] insurance providing sudden and accidental pollution coverage with a limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 in the aggregate. • PRIOR TO USING AN AIRCRAFT AND/OR WATERCRAFT OF ANY KIND IN PERFORMING THE WORK UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY IOU AND OBTAIN ITS PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT [if applicable]. If an aircraft or watercraft is to be used in performing the Work under this Agreement, Aircraft Liability and/or Protection & Indemnity insurance covering fixed wing, rotorcraft aircraft and watercraft whether owned, hired or non-owned with a minimum single limit for bodily injury and property damage of $10,000,000 including passenger liability coverage (where applicable) is required. 11 • Specified limits may be met through any combination of primary and excess liability policies. With the exception of Workers’ Compensation and Professional Liability the policies required herein shall include IOU, its directors, officers and employees as Additional Insureds by endorsement or otherwise and such coverage shall cover Contractor’s ongoing as well as completed operations (CG 20 10 11 85 or equivalent). The coverage provided to the Additional Insured must be at least as broad as that provided to Contractor and may not contain any exclusionary language or limitations that are applicable to them, and such endorsements shall be maintained in force until such time as all actions on account of matters covered by this insurance are barred by applicable statute of limitations. All policies specified by this Agreement shall include provisions that such insurance is primary insurance with respect to the interests of IOU and that any other insurance or self-insurance maintained by IOU is in excess of and not contributory with the insurance required hereunder, and provisions that such policies shall not be canceled or their limits of liability reduced without thirty (30) days prior written notice to IOU. A certificate in a form satisfactory to IOU certifying the issuance of such insurance shall be furnished to IOU. SAMPLE All renewal and/or replacement insurance shall comply with all the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, and must be delivered to IOU prior to expiration of the previous policy(ies). With respect to any insurance Contractor may maintain, including but not limited to that set forth herein, Contractor warrants that Contractor has the right to waive any and all rights of subrogation which Contractor’s insurance carriers might have or claim against IOU, including its officers, agents, legal counsel, employees, affiliates, parents, and subsidiaries in connection with the Work. Contractor hereby waives all such present and future rights of subrogation and agrees to defend and indemnify IOU, including its officers, directors, agents, legal counsel, employees, affiliates, parents, and subsidiaries in connection with the Work from all such subrogation claims. Contractor shall require of its subcontractors similar waivers. Contractor’s and its subcontractor’s policies shall provide such waivers by endorsement or otherwise. A waiver of subrogation shall be effective as to a person or entity even though that person or entity did not pay the insurance premium directly or indirectly and whether or not the person or entity had an insurable interest in the property damaged or person injured. Contractor shall report in writing to IOU all accidents whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the Work which results in death, injuries, or property damage, giving full details and names, addresses and statements of all witnesses. In addition, if death or serious injuries or serious damage occur, the same shall be reported immediately by telephone to IOU. If any claim is made by a third person against Contractor on account of any accident resulting or alleged to have resulted out of the performance of 12 the Work, Contractor shall promptly report the facts in writing to IOU giving full details of the claim. 19. Controlling Law and Venue The Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with and governed by the substantive and procedural laws of the state of Oregon without regard to choice-oflaw principles. Consultant irrevocably consents to the jurisdiction of the courts of the state of Oregon or of the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon for any action, suit, or proceeding in connection with the Agreement and waives any objection that consultant may now or hereafter have regarding choice of forum. 20. Termination A. Term This Master Agreement will commence on its effective date and will continue until it is terminated in accordance with its terms. SAMPLE B. Termination of this Master Agreement Either party may terminate this Master Agreement by providing at least thirty (30) days’ written notice to the other. C. Termination of SOW(s) For Convenience IOU may, by a written notice to Consultant, terminate one or more outstanding SOW(s) at any time without cause prior to completion of the Work thereunder. Upon termination for convenience, IOU's sole obligation shall be to pay Consultant, in full satisfaction and discharge of all liabilities and obligations owed to Consultant, an equitable amount for all Work satisfactorily performed by Consultant under the terminated SOW(s) as of the date of termination, excluding damages or anticipated profits on Work not yet performed. D. Termination of SOW(s) For Cause In the event of any breach of an Agreement by Consultant (including but not limited to Consultant's failing or refusing to prosecute the Work or any part thereof with the diligence required to ensure its completion within the time specified in the Agreement, or failing to complete the Work within such time) that Consultant fails to cure within five (5) days after receiving written notice from IOU, in addition to any other rights or remedies IOU may have at law or in equity, IOU may, by written notice to Consultant, terminate the applicable SOW or terminate Consultant's right to proceed with any portion of the Work as to which there has been a breach. In such event, IOU may, but 13 shall not be obligated to, take over the Work and prosecute the same to completion, by contract with others or otherwise, and Consultant shall cooperate fully with IOU’s effort including by allowing IOU to take possession of and utilize in completing the Work any portions thereof as IOU deems necessary. Consultant shall be liable to IOU for any excess costs and damages occasioned by Consultant’s breach. E. Effect of Termination Termination of this Master Agreement will not terminate any outstanding SOW and the terms of this Master Agreement shall survive such termination to the extent they are incorporated into any such outstanding SOW. Termination of any or all SOWs will not terminate this Master Agreement. Upon termination, all rights and obligations of the parties under the terminated Agreement will automatically terminate except for rights of action accruing prior to termination, payment obligations and any obligations that expressly or by implication are intended to survive termination. 21. Notice SAMPLE Any notice that either party desires to give the other shall be in writing and shall be deemed delivered upon deposit thereof in the United States mail by certified mail return receipt requested, with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed as follows: To IOU: To Consultant: [____________________________] 22. Remedies and Nonwaiver The remedies specified in the Agreement shall be cumulative and in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity. No waiver of the nonperformance or violation of any term or condition of the Agreement or any default under the Agreement shall be construed to be or operate as a waiver of any subsequent nonperformance, violation, or default. 23. Governmental Requirements Consultant shall at all times comply with all applicable laws, statutes, rules, regulations and ordinances, including without limitation those governing wages, hours, desegregation, employment discrimination, health and safety. Consultant shall comply with equal opportunity laws and regulations to the extent that they are applicable, including without limitation, the following: 14 • Executive Order No. 11246 and 41 CFR, Section 60-1.4 (Employment Discrimination) • Executive Order No. 11701 and 41 CFR, Section 60-250.4 (Employment of Veterans) • Executive Order Nos. 11625 and 12138 and 41 CFR, Part 1-1 (Utilization of Minority and Women-Owned Businesses) • Executive Order No. 11758 and 41 CFR, Section 60-741.43 (Employment of Handicapped Individuals) • Executive Order No. 12928 (Promoting Procurement with Small Businesses Owned and Controlled by Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Individuals • Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended SAMPLE • Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, as amended 24. Hazardous Substances Consultant shall notify IOU, in advance in writing, of the use of any hazardous substance in performing the Work by providing IOU a list of such hazardous substances and their Material Safety Data Sheets. IOU reserves the right to approve or disapprove the use of any hazardous substance in the performance of the Work including work plans on the use, storage, transportation and disposal of hazardous substances. Consultant shall comply with all applicable federal, state or local statutes, regulations, ordinances, and judicial or governmental orders pertaining to the use of hazardous substances at the job site. Upon completion or termination of the Work, Consultant shall be responsible for removing and properly disposing of all hazardous substances from the job site in connection with Consultant’s activities. Consultant shall also be responsible for cleanup and disposal of spilled and contaminated materials. “Hazardous substance” shall mean any hazardous, toxic, infectious or radioactive substance, waste and material as defined by any applicable law or order. 25. Confidentiality A. Definition of “Confidential Information” As used in the Agreement, the term “Confidential Information” means: 1) proprietary information of IOU; 2) information marked or designated by IOU as confidential; 3) information, whether or not in written form and whether or not designated as confidential, that is known by Consultant to be treated by IOU as confidential; 4) information provided to IOU by third 15 parties that IOU is obligated to keep confidential; and 5) information developed by Consultant in connection with performance of the Agreement. B. Exclusions Confidential Information shall not include: 1) information that is publicly available at the time of disclosure by IOU to Consultant or its Representatives (as defined below); 2) information that becomes publicly available other than through actions of Consultant or any of its Representatives (as defined below) in violation of the Agreement; 3) information already known to Consultant as documented by written records that predate the Agreement; or 4) information rightfully obtained from third parties and not subject to any obligation of confidentiality. C. Nondisclosure Consultant agrees that it will not disclose Confidential Information to any third party, directly or indirectly, during the term of the Agreement or any time thereafter, under any circumstances or by any means, without IOU’s prior written consent. Any question regarding use of information or its confidential nature should be directed to the IOU Contract Administrator or the IOU buyer identified in the Agreement. SAMPLE D. Nonuse Consultant further agrees that it will not use Confidential Information except as may be necessary to perform the Work required in the Agreement. E. Protection Notwithstanding anything contained in the Agreement to the contrary, Consultant may disclose Confidential Information to its employees, representatives and other agents (“Representatives”), but only on a “need to know” basis and only after notifying such Representatives of the confidential nature of the information, the terms of this Section 24, and that such terms apply to them. Consultant and its affiliates and their respective employees, agents, representatives and subcontractors agree to take all reasonable precautions to protect the confidentiality of Confidential Information and, upon request by IOU, to return to IOU any documents that contain or reflect Confidential Information. Any unpermitted disclosure by any Representative of Consultant shall be deemed made by Consultant. F. Injunctive Relief Consultant acknowledges that a breach of any obligation under this Section 24 will result in irreparable injury to the business of IOU and that its remedy 16 at law for such a breach will be inadequate. Accordingly, Consultant agrees that, in addition to other remedies available at law and in equity, IOU will be entitled to both preliminary and permanent injunctions to prevent and/or halt a breach or threatened breach of any obligation under this Section 24. G. Disclosure for Tax Purposes Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Agreement, or any other express or implied agreement, arrangement or understanding, the parties and their respective affiliates and Representatives may disclose to any and all persons the tax structure and any of the tax aspects of the transaction(s) contemplated by the Agreement that are necessary to describe or support any United States federal income tax benefits that may result therefrom or any materials relating thereto, except where confidentiality is reasonably necessary to comply with United States federal or state securities laws. For the purposes of this provision, "tax structure" is limited to facts relevant to the U.S. federal income tax treatment of the transaction(s) and does not include information relating to the identity of the parties, their affiliates, agents, or advisors. SAMPLE H. Compelled Disclosure If Consultant becomes legally compelled (by deposition, interrogatory, request for documents, subpoena, civil investigative demand or similar process, or applicable law or regulation) to disclose any Confidential Information, Consultant shall give IOU prompt written notice of the requirement before releasing the information so that IOU may seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy and/or waive compliance with the terms of the Agreement. Consultant shall cooperate with IOU to obtain a protective order. If a protective order or other remedy is not obtained, or IOU waives compliance with the terms of this Section 24, Consultant shall provide only that limited portion of the Confidential Information that is legally required and shall exercise best efforts to obtain assurance that confidential treatment will be accorded the information. Upon request of IOU, Consultant shall provide an opinion of counsel to IOU to the effect that Consultant is legally compelled to disclose the information. 26. Warranties In addition to its obligations under Section 7, Consultant warrants that the Work performed under the Agreement shall be free from defects in design, material, workmanship and title, shall conform in all respects to the terms of the Agreement, and shall be suitable for the use intended. Consultant further warrants that materials supplied pursuant to the Agreement shall be new, shall be of the quality specified or of the best grade if no quality is specified and shall conform to the work specified, and other descriptions set forth in the Agreement. 17 These warranties shall remain in effect for the period specified or for a period of one (1) year following acceptance or initial operation, whichever is later. In the event of nonconformity of these warranties, Consultant shall, upon notice from IOU of the breach, promptly repair or replace the nonconforming item or otherwise remedy the nonconformity at Consultant’s sole cost. Consultant warrants that any repairs or replaced material will meet the warranty requirements of this Section 26 for a period of one (1) year following IOU’s acceptance of the repair or replacement, or until the expiration of the original warranty period, whichever is later. Consultant’s liability shall extend to all damages caused by the nonconformity of these warranties or by Consultant’s efforts to correct defects. Nothing in this Section 26 shall relieve Consultant of its obligations to correct latent defects that become apparent only after expiration of the warranty period, and any corrections of the latent defects will extend the warranty requirements of this Section 26 for a period of one (1) year following IOU’s acceptance of the corrections. 27. Conflicts, Errors, Omissions, or Discrepancies Consultant shall advise IOU in writing of all conflicts, errors, omissions, or discrepancies in or among the various documents comprising the Agreement immediately upon discovery and prior to Consultant's performing the affected Work. IOU shall promptly resolve the conflicts and IOU’s resolution shall be final. SAMPLE 28. Severability Any provisions of the Agreement prohibited or rendered unenforceable by any law shall be ineffective only to the extent of the prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions of the Agreement. 29. Attorney Fees In the event of any legal action to enforce any of the terms of the Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to its reasonable attorney fees, including attorney fees at trial and on appeal. 30. Examination of Work IOU and its representatives shall have the right to inspect the Work and witness tests or perform audits of Consultant at any time. The making or failure to make any inspection of, payment for, or acceptance of the Work shall in no way impair IOU’s right to reject nonconforming Work or to avail itself of any other remedies to which IOU may be entitled, notwithstanding IOU’s knowledge of the nonconformity, its substantiality, or the ease of its discovery. 31. Time for Performance 18 The timely performance of the Work and of Consultant's obligations under the Agreement are material terms of the Agreement. 32. Force Majeure Neither party shall be liable for delays due to an unforeseeable cause beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the party incurring the delay, including, to the extent it satisfies the above description, any fire, unusual weather conditions, riot, act of God, act of the public enemy, or other similar event. However, both parties agree to seek to mitigate the potential impact of any such delay. The party incurring the delay shall within five (5) calendar days from the beginning of the delay, notify the other party in writing of the causes of the delay and its probable extent. The notification of delay shall not be the basis for a request for additional compensation. In the event of any such delay, the required completion date may be extended by a reasonable period not exceeding the time actually lost by reason of the delay. 33. Disputes SAMPLE Except as otherwise provided in the Agreement, IOU shall decide any dispute arising under the Agreement that is not disposed of by agreement, and shall mail or otherwise furnish its written decision to Consultant. IOU’s decision shall be final unless Consultant, within thirty (30) days after notice of IOU’s decision, files with IOU a written protest, stating clearly and in detail the basis for Consultant’s protest. Consultant shall continue its performance under the Agreement pending the resolution of any dispute. Following this process, the parties are free to pursue their respective remedies at law and equity. 34. Authorized Representative Before starting the Work, Consultant shall designate a qualified individual to represent Consultant, and shall inform IOU in writing of the name and address of the representative together with a clear definition of the scope of his/her authority to represent Consultant, and shall specify any limitations on the authority. All communications made to the authorized representative shall be binding upon Consultant. 35. No Third Party Beneficiaries This Agreement is intended solely for the benefit of the parties hereto. Except as expressly set forth in the Agreement, nothing in the Agreement shall be construed to create any liability to or any benefit for any person not a party to the Agreement. 36. Successors and Assigns This Agreement shall be binding on the parties’ successors, and insofar as 19 assignable, on the parties’ assignees. 37. Effective Date This Agreement shall be effective on the date it has been signed by both of the Parties as indicated on the signature page hereto. 38. Counterparts This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, which together will constitute one instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties, through their duly authorized representatives, have executed the Agreement as of the dates indicated below. Consultant: SAMPLE IOU: 20 Exhibit A Consultant Expense Reimbursement Guidelines • Only expenses that are incurred directly related to providing IOU with services shall be reimbursable; time spent traveling is not reimbursable. • IOU (“Company”) will only reimburse for actual approved expenses. • Company does not pay per diem. • Company requires all reimbursements to be justified with a Statement of Work (SOW) and/or appropriate documentation. • All invoices for expenses must include supporting documentation, which is legible and clearly itemized. • All expenses must be pre-approved, in writing, by the Consultant’s Direct Supervisor or be defined in a specific SOW. SAMPLE • Company will process expense invoices in accordance with Consultant’s agreement with Company. • Company does not reimburse or allow payment of handling fees associated with travel. • All expense invoices must be mailed or sent electronically to: AUTHORIZED EXPENSES Lodging: When on approved business for Company, single room rates, taxes, surcharges for telephone usage. Double occupancy is not authorized. Materials and Supplies: When Consultant is authorized to make periodic minor expenditures (less than $75.00) of miscellaneous items needed in the performance of duties for Company. Meals: When away from Consultant work locations on Company business only. The current GSA Meals and Incidental Expenses Breakdown is used as a guideline for expense reimbursement. If a Company employee is present, the Company employee, not Consultant, must pay for the meal. If Consultant pays for other people’s meal, Consultant must document the names of all people present and the purpose of the meal. The original, itemized receipt from the establishment (not the credit card receipt), must support meal charges. Excessive tips will be denied. Parking: When using authorized rental car or personal automobile while consulting for Company, including airport parking while away from home. 21 Tips: Reasonable tips to doormen, porters, housekeeper, etc. when on travel status. (This is not a catch-all category.) Transportation: Air – Domestic: Economy or coach class air travel is standard for all business travel within the USA, or to and from Mexico and Canada. Consultant must take the lowest airfare available for flights that are within a reasonable amount of time before or after Consultant’s preferred departure time, so long as the schedule meets the Company’s business need. Ground: Travel by the most economical means available, considering distance, appointment schedules, and time away from home work location. Limousine use is prohibited. Personal Vehicle: When conducting Company business, allowable mileage rates in accordance with the most current Internal Revenue Service guidelines. Car Rental: When authorized in connection with business travel. SAMPLE • Refueling: Consultant must refuel rental car before returning it to Rental Agency. Company will not pay for fuel purchased from Rental Car Agency UNAUTHORIZED EXPENSES Alcohol/Liquor: Not permitted. Business Entertainment: Not permitted. All business entertainment must be paid by a Company employee. See exception under Meals, above. Cash Drafts: Not permitted. Club Memberships: Not permitted. Commuting: Not permitted Personal Entertainment: Not permitted. Flight Insurance: Not permitted. Gym Fees: Not permitted. Hotel Cancellation Fees: Not permitted, unless there are extenuating business reasons. Laundry & Valet Service: Only after five (5) days of travel, not to exceed $40.00 each succeeding week. 22 Membership Dues: Not permitted Personal Items and Services: Not permitted. e.g., clothing, briefcases, umbrellas and sundry shop items. Custodial Care: Not permitted. Spouse Travel: Not permitted. Transportation Upgrade: Not permitted. Traffic or Parking Citations: Not Permitted. DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS Expenses, Pre-Approved: Email or other documents indicating Company manager approval. SAMPLE Car Rental: The customer copy of the rental agency contract, and itemized credit card receipt. Lodging: Original hotel receipts, regardless of amount. Transportation, Air: The cost of air transportation must be supported by either the original passenger coupon (last copy of the airline ticket); or E-ticket receipt with attached boarding pass. Trip itineraries will not be accepted as flight documentation. Other: A best effort should be made to provide receipts for all reimbursable expenditures. Legible, itemized receipts are required for all expenses. Expenses documented with hard-toread or cumulative receipts will be denied. If a receipt is lost, a notation must be made on the expense report. Excess lost receipts may result in reimbursement refusal. Exceptions: If an expenditure is an exception to Company policy, and a Company manager with the authority to approve it recommends reimbursement, a statement justifying the approval must be attached to the Consultant Expense Report before submitting for payment. Additional Information: If you have any questions regarding this document please contact: 23
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