Strelsko društvo Slovenske Konjice Stari trg 39 a 3210 Slovenske Konjice email: Slovenske Konjice, 7 January 2016 Slovenske Konjice Shooting Club has a great pleasure to invite You to 3. M E M O R I A L VLADIMIRJA KEBRA That will take place in ZREČE, Slovenia, from 5th to 6th March 2016. The competition will be held in the PRIMARY SCHOOL ZREČE, Šolska cesta 3, 3214ZREČE and will be equipped with SIUS ASCOR electronic targets COMPETITION PROGRAM: SATURDAY , 5th March 2016 in the discipline Regular air rifle with open sights ( Youngsters boys / girls ; Regular air rifle with open sights OPEN ( all categories ) andAir pistol ( Men / Women ) SUNDAY, 6th March 2016in the disciplines Standard Air Rifle ( Junior Men/Women, Men/Women ) SD Slovenske Konjice, Stari trg39a, 3210 Slovenske Konjice;DŠ: 14142198; TRR:SI56 6100 0000 6711 098 odprt pri DELAVSKI HRANILNICI Strelsko društvo Slovenske Konjice Stari trg 39 a 3210 Slovenske Konjice email: COMPETITION DISCIPLINES AND CATEGORIES: Air Rifle 10 m and Air Pistol 10 m; man; 60 shotsduring 75 min., Team and individual, finals, Air Rifle 10 m and Air Pistol 10 m; women; 40 shots during 50 min., Team and individual, finals, Air Rifle10 m; Junior women; 40 shots during 50 min., Team and individual, finals, Air Rifle 10 m; Junior man; 60 shots during 75 min., Team and individual, finals, Regular Air Rifle 10 m, Joungsters boys and girls; 20 shotsduring 25 min., Team and individual, finals, Regular AirRifle 10 m, OPEN ( all categorys); 20 shots during 25 min., Team and individual. FINALS WILL TAKE PLACE IF A SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF COMPETITORS IN EACH CATEGORY. Each association / club can occur with an unlimited number of individuals and several teams in each category . Teams are three membership ( can be mixed individuals of different clubs - clubs ) . PRIZES: Estimated prize fundation depends on participation. The firs three individuals per category and discipline will recive medals, the top three teams will recive cups. ENTRY FEES: Youngsters (boys and girls) and Serial Air Rifle Open15,00 € ; both categories ( Youngersts and Serial Air Rifle Open ) 25,00 € Men/Women; Junior Men/Women – 25,00 €, Both categories ( Standard Air Rifle and Serial Air Rifle ) 35,00 € SD Slovenske Konjice, Stari trg39a, 3210 Slovenske Konjice;DŠ: 14142198; TRR:SI56 6100 0000 6711 098 odprt pri DELAVSKI HRANILNICI Strelsko društvo Slovenske Konjice Stari trg 39 a 3210 Slovenske Konjice email: Entry fees can be previously transferred to SD SLOVENSKE KONJICE´S bank account (Delavska hranilnica Slovenske Konjice,TRR: SI56 6100 0000 6711 098 SWIFT koda: HDELSI22 , purpose of payment : 3. Memorial Vladimirja Kebra – entry fees, reference: SI00 2016-01, Address: Strelsko društvo Slovenske Konjice, Stari trg 39a, 3210 Slovenske Konjice ) CLOSING DATE FOR REGISTRATION: Send Entry forms no later than Februar 25.th2016 Only written entry forms will be accepted. Registration via phone call won't be accepted. Contact to which you can send completed entry forms ACCOMMODATION: THE GUESTHOUSEULIPI, Zeče 35, Slovenske Konjice, +386 3752 06 16; HOTEL POD ROGLO, Boharina 2, Zreče , +386 3757 68 00; TERME ZREČE Cesta na Roglo 15, Zreče, +386 3757 61 45 . For detailed information about the lodging you can call the contact person listed below Vladimir Keber. FOOD: Each competitor receives a voucher for lunch (lunch and drink 0.5 liters) TRAINING: Training is by prior arrangement possible on Friday, 4th Martch 2016. Training time takes plase between 6:00 and 8:00 p.m.. Because the organization is desirable prior naming login to email address:, till Saturday , 27th February 2016. SD Slovenske Konjice, Stari trg39a, 3210 Slovenske Konjice;DŠ: 14142198; TRR:SI56 6100 0000 6711 098 odprt pri DELAVSKI HRANILNICI Strelsko društvo Slovenske Konjice Stari trg 39 a 3210 Slovenske Konjice email: CONTACTS: e-, Address: SD Slovenske Konjice, Stari trg 39/a, 3210 Slovenske Konjice For any additional information you can reach us on these mobile numbers or use the e-mail address provided above: • Vladimir Keber +38630 360 434 • Martin Fevžer +38641 345 061 • Sebastjan Martič Baco +386 41 725 099 YOURS SINCERELY, SD SLOVENSKE KONJICE SD Slovenske Konjice, Stari trg39a, 3210 Slovenske Konjice;DŠ: 14142198; TRR:SI56 6100 0000 6711 098 odprt pri DELAVSKI HRANILNICI
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