Theory of Science and Science and Technology Studies Seminar

Theory of Science and Science and Technology Studies Seminar Programme Spring 2016
13.15-14.15 Christopher Kullenberg and Gustaf Nelhans, Happiness as a valuation of nations
14.15-15.15 Short presentation of SOCAV’s junior STS PhD students and their projects: Hannes
Lagerlöf, Jonas Bertilsson and Josefin Persdotter
Lokal: SOCAV, F417
Teun Zuiderent-Jerak Tema T Linköping University presents his book
Situated Intervention. Sociological Experiments in Health Care (introductory chapter will be sent
out before the seminar)
Lokal: FloV, T340
13.15-14.15 Henrik Lundberg, Hur man blir en bortglömd svensk filosof: Folke Leander i
sociologisk belysning
14.15-15.15 Bruno Chies, Pe(e)rformativity: Narratives for social change and new economic
practices through peer-production
Lokal: SOCAV, F417
8/4 Joint presentation on Person-centered Care in Practice
13.15-14.15 Mark Elam and Marie Hammer
14.15-15.15 Doris Lydahl and Öncel Naldemirci
Lokal: FloV, T340
13.15-14.15 Linda Soneryd and Göran Sundqvist, The co-production of everything: exploring the
'science-policy' and 'expert-lay' divides in social studies of science
14.15-15.15 Joint reading of published text, to be announced
Lokal: FloV, T340
13.15-14.15 Dick Kasperowski and Tom Hillman, Citizen Science: Going beyond the construction
of perceptional qualities
14.15-15.15 Niclas Hagen, Scaling up and rolling out: The platformization of citizen science
Lokal: SOCAV, F417
FLoV means the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science,
SOCAV means the Department of Sociology and Work Science,
The seminar is led by Sebastian Linke (Theory of Science, FLoV)) and Göran Sundqvist (STS at
SOCAV). If you are interested in the possibility to read a paper ahead, please contact Jesper
Petersson ( a week before the seminar.