Captivating Issues in Critical Care – A Scientific

Captivating Issues in Critical Care – A Scientific Critical Care Nursing Symposium
31st of May, 2016, at 12:00–16:00
Risto Lahesmaa Lecture Hall of T Hospital
Turku University Hospital (Address: Hämeentie 11, building 18), Turku
The symposium is open to all nurses, students, and other parties interested in critical care nursing and
research. Join the other ICU nurses and researchers to learn about the latest developments in critical care!
Preliminary program
12:00‒12:10 Opening and welcome to the symposium
Professor, Nurse Director (part-time), PhD Helena Leino-Kilpi
University of Turku, Dpt of Nursing Science, and Turku University Hospital
12:10‒12:50 Learning ICU nursing as a game
Post doc researcher, lecturer, PhD Riitta-Liisa Lakanmaa
University of Turku, Dpt of Nursing Science, and Turku University of Applied Sciences
12:50‒13:50 KEYNOTE: Critical care nursing research: an Australian perspective
Associate professor, PhD Marion Mitchell
Griffith University and Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia
13:50‒14:20 Coffee break (sponsored by Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitajat ry)
14:20‒15:00 Looking deep into the pain of sedated patients with CPOT
MHSc student Annika Björn & PhD(c) Sanna-Mari Pudas-Tähkä
University of Turku, Dpt of Nursing Science
15:00‒15:40 Are there solutions for patients' sleep problems in an ICU?
APN, PhD Marita Ritmala-Castrén
University of Turku, Dpt of Nursing Science, and the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa
15:40‒16:00 Local future of critical care nursing research
Concluding remarks and closing of the symposium
Professor, Nurse Director (part-time), PhD Helena Leino-Kilpi
University of Turku, Dpt of Nursing Science, and Turku University Hospital
Participation is free of charge. Due to coffee service, registration is required to Sanna Koskinen via
email by the 22nd of May 2016.
Organizer: University of Turku, Dpt of Nursing Science in cooperation with the Turku University Hospital and
the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa
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