PROGRAMMANUS PRODUCENT: CHRISTINE DEMSTEADER PROJEKTLEDARE: ANNA ODENHALL BESTÄLLNINGSNUMMER: 68510462706 NEWSREEL 6/2016 Script and Word list Signature Presenter: You’re listening to Newsreel. I’m Christine Demsteader. Coming up in today’s programme: • Female soccer stars in the US say unequal pay is just not fair • Harry Potter author JK Rowling was told to take a writing course to get a new book published • And there were fights in more than 50 cities on the same day. Friendly pillow fights, that is. Find out more later in the show. • Soccer stars sue Presenter: Five members of the US women’s soccer team have filed a complaint because they do not earn as much as their male counterparts in the national team. They are suing the US Soccer Federation for discrimination. They say they earn four times less than the men despite being more successful and generating more money. The US women’s soccer team won the World Cup in 2015. unequal pay ojämlika löner writing course skrivkurs pillow fights kuddkrig to file a complaint att lämna in ett klagomål male counterparts manliga motsvarigheter to sue att stämma to earn att tjäna Goalkeeper Hope Solo has played at a national level since the year 2000. Listen to what she said in an interview on the Today show in America. Hope Solo: We continue to be told we should be grateful just to have the opportunity to play professional soccer and to get paid for doing it and in this day and age it’s about equality – it’s about equal rights, it’s about equal pay. Presenter: According to Solo and other players, women’s football is more popular among spectators and, in the US last year, more people watched women’s games than men’s games. grateful tacksam in this day and age nuförtiden equality jämlikhet spectators åskådare • Teenager treks the Poles Presenter: An adventurous teenager from Melbourne, Australia, is attempting to 1(3) become the youngest person to cross the North Pole, the South Pole and Greenland. Jade Hameister, who is 14 years old, says she wants to "inspire young women around the world to be more active and chase their dreams.” chase their dreams jaga sina drömmar Listen to what she told the Australian newspaper Herald Sun. Jade: My journey over the next couple of years will cover a total of around 2,000 kilometres on skis in some of the world’s most extreme and beautiful places. It’s going to be really hard but it will be a great adventure. It wouldn’t be amazing if it was easy. Presenter: Jade’s dad is joining her on the expeditions. She is documenting her experience on Instagram and a film crew are following their journey. • JK Rowling’s rejection letters Presenter: Now, JK Rowling – the author of the Harry Potter books - has revealed she hasn’t always been successful as a writer. After the famous Harry Potter books, she wrote another novel under a pseudonym – Robert Galbraith - and sent it to publishers without revealing her true identity. But some publishers sent back rejection letters and JK Rowling has now put photos of them on Twitter. One publisher even advised her to take a writing course. Rowling says she wants the letters to inspire other writers to keep trying. Even the Harry Potter books were rejected at first. But they went on to be one of the biggest successes in children’s literature and over 400 million copies of the books have been sold. revealed avslöjade novel roman pseudonym ett författarnamn som är påhittat publishers bokförlag rejection letters refuseringsbrev advised rådde • Feathery fights in 50 cities Presenter: And finally, over 50 cities around the world arranged a public pillow fight on the first Saturday in April. Listen to these pillow fighters in the US. Pillow fighters: Pillow fights are something that we all grew up with and we all remember jumping on the bed and, you know, whacking each other really hard. Hit hard and hit fast. I wait all year for this because I get to hit people will soft objects really hard occasionally. to whack att slå soft mjuk occasionally ibland 2(3) The great thing is after you have used all that energy you can actually just take your pillow and go to sleep. Presenter: International pillow fight day started back in 2005 by two Canadian students as a way to have fun and relax. The rules are you can only use soft pillows and you’re not allowed to hit anyone else who is not armed with a pillow too. Signature rules regler to hit att slå not armed with inte beväpnade med That’s all from Newsreel for today. Don’t forget to test yourself on what you’ve learned from today’s programme. The quiz and questions are as usual on the Newsreel pages of – or have a look at our Facebook page – it’s UR Engelska. Until next time, I’m Christine Demsteader, thanks for listening. 3(3)
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