Program Book MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 1 Have a cup or cone of your fannish favorites, sample the latest flavors, or indulge in a hot fudge sundae of multiverses. I scream, you scream, we all scream for -- well, you know... MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom May 27-30, 2011 Memorial Day Weekend Causeway Bay Hotel/Convention Center -- Lansing Michigan Sponsored by T‟Kuhtian Press – 200 East Thomas Street – Lansing MI 48906-4047 Co-Chairs: Lori Chapek-Carleton & Gordon Carleton MediaWest*Con 31 Program Book © 2011 by T'Kuhtian Press, except as otherwise designated; published May 2011; edited by Gordon Carleton. Certain movie, TV, or other titles may be trademarks of their respective studios or production companies; no infringement is intended. MediaWest*Con is the definitive gathering of SF/Media fandom, held each Memorial Day Weekend in Lansing Michigan. MediaWest*Con is sponsored by T'Kuhtian Press as a celebration of the diversity of SF/Media fandom, run by fans, for fans, and is staffed entirely by volunterrs. MediaWest*Con traditionally features the Art Show and Auction, Fanzine Reading Room. Fannish Videos, Masquerade, Dealers' Room, SF/Media Fan Fund, Fan Quality Awards, a Con Suite (AKA Hospitality Suite) and a Party Suite, and many, many panels on a wide variety of topics representing many areas of interest. We have no official guests. The name MediaWest*Con is a service mark of MediaWest*Con. Programming Programming at MediaWest*Con is conducted under the philosophy of IDIC (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations); differences of opinion are to be expected, but personal attacks will not be tolerated. Programming is determined by member input and participation, and is intended for an adult audience. Adult guardians of minor children are responsible for their actions. We do not censor adult content in panel topics or in the Art Show. Panels are Gen unless labeled otherwise. Daily program schedule, index of panel topics, and a map of the hotel layout are included in this Program Book. Some timeslots may be available for unscheduled use – please clear the use of the room with Dawn & Elyse before posting notices in the designated areas. Panels are in Ballrooms A/B/C/D and University Meeting Rooms. Art Show is in Ballroom E, Dealers Room is Ballroom F/G/H/I/J, Fannsish Video Room is in the Executive Training Room. Videos will also be shown in the Con Suite (563). Fanzine Reading Room is in the Valencia Club. The Party Suite is in 363. FoE Cantina/HQ is in the Imperial Rooms. See the map on the back cover. MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 2 Rules There is NO SMOKING allowed in any public area of the convention center (including hallways, elevators, and Hummingbird's). Convention functions are for the use of MediaWest*Con 31 members only, and the convention reserves the right to refuse admittance to any non-member, other than hotel staff. No memberships will be available at the door. Memberships are not transferable. Anyone found carrying an illegal substance or weapon, acting in an unruly or obnoxious manner, or otherwise causing a disturbance, may have their membership revoked without refund, and be denied admittance for the duration of the convention and/or future conventions. Simulated weaponry should be handled with discretion, and only inside the hotel. Edged weapons should remain sheathed (except as part of an authorized display or demonstration). Pets are not allowed in the Art Show, Dealers' Room (except those belonging to Dealers), and the hotel restaurant. Limited temporary petsitting space will be available in the Board Room (behind MW*C registration). GoFers/Security posted at doors to function rooms will not hold pets for members entering no-pet areas. Pets left in hotel rooms should be secured in crates, carriers, or other appropriate containers, both for their own safety and to facilitate housekeeping. Pets should be on leashes or under similar restraint in convention areas. Pets who become upset or unmanageable should be removed. Please keep pets toward the back, right-hand side of audience seating at all panels, etc.. See the map on the back of the Program Book for designated dog-walk areas. Please pick up after your dog with the tools provided in these areas. Emergency clean- up materials will be available at MediaWest*Con registration, in case of accidents; also, hotel personnel will clean up accidents if you notify the front desk. Anyone wishing to record MediaWest*Con panels or activities should indicate this intent at convention registration. There will be no photography allowed in the Art Show or Auction. Flyers: Flyers may only be distributed by MediaWest*Con members, or through MediaWest*Con staff (flyers from non-members may be sent c/o the MW*C address). Once again, everyone is asked to refrain from posting signs or putting out flyers until Thursday afternoon. Flyers may be posted on glass, mirror, marble/tile, and in elevators (except on elevator doors). DO NOT post on painted, wallpapered or wood surfaces, including the stacked wood pillars. Due to the remodeling, we don‘t know where exactly where Official MediaWest*Con 31 signs will be posted, but there will be a designated area. The Atrium remodeling has left fewer dividers to place stacks of flyers on, but they can still be stacked on the tops of the remaining dividers and on the adjoining floor if necessary. Please remember that signs may only be posted with low tack masking tape (or similar low-tack, nonmarring material). A limited quantity of low-tack tape will be available at MediaWest*Con registration. No pins, tacks, staples, etc.. Flyers attached with other tape or potentially damaging means, or in non-designated areas (such as wallpaper), will be removed and disposed of. Also, due to the limited flyer space around the Atrium, everyone is asked to limit each of their flyers to one stack only. Subject matter of flyers must be of general fannish interest ('zines, party announcements, cons, etc.), not of a personal nature, and be presented in a reasonably tasteful manner -- please remember that the general public can easily read flyers in public areas of the hotel. Please remove outdated flyers and signs promptly. Flyers not in keeping with these guidelines will be removed and disposed of. MediaWest*Con is not responsible for the specific content or accuracy of any flyers. Door decorations: Decorations must be on the doors only, not the areas surrounding the doors. You must use low-tack materials only (such as low-tack masking tape or Post-It products), nothing permanent or damaging (such as duct tape, 2 sided foam tape, or anything on wallpaper), and to remove your door decorations before you check out. Please bring any violations of these rules to the immediate attention of MediaWest*Con security; there is very little we can do when we don't hear about something until weeks (or months) later. Convention Co-Chairs Lori and Gordon are the final arbiters of these rules. MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 3 MediaWest*Con 31 Staff Co-Chairs (& your hosts) Lori Chapek-Carleton & Gordon Carleton would like to thank the following staffers and assistants for all their hard work: Carol Lynn (Hotel Liaison), Elyse Dickenson & Dawn McLevy (Programming/Party Suite/Flyers), Jeanne Sullivan (GoFers/Con Suite), Keith Grunenwald & Seth Cutts (Security), Jan Gosnell (‗Zine Reading Room/Fan Fund Auction), Karen Klinck & Art Show/Auction Staff & Auctioneers, Jan Keeler (Fan Q), Andre Lieven (Masquerade), Debra & Anna Barber (Dealers), Sheryl Adsit (Fannish Video), Kim Dyer (Blood Drive), Margaret Basta (Orphan ‗Zines), Carl Tielking (Lansing Liaison), and all the GoFers and volunteers without whom there could be no convention. Thanks also to Alem for running the Door Decorating Competition. GoFers GoFer Headquarters is in the Con Suite (563). Check in before you do anything else and follow all instructions. Thank you for volunteering! We welcome your assistance! Con Suite (563) The MW*C 31 Con Suite (563) is open to all members during convention hours & wil be stocked with a variety of soft drinks ans munchies. The Con Suite also serves as GoFer HQ. Jeanne will be showing videos, including movie trailers and series finales. Look for the video schedule outside the Con Suite and check with Jeanne for any open timeslots. There is NO SMOKING in the Con Suite or hallway (or anywhere in the hotel by state law). Messages There will be a ―Voodoo Message Board‖ near MW*C Registration (in the foyer by the ballrooms). It will have an alphabetical list of Attending MW*C 31 members by badge name to mark with a push-pin when you leave a message in the index card box with alphabetical dividers. When you check messages, please remove the pin by your name. Please do not leave messages for Lori & Gordon there; please leave any messages for Lori & Gordon at MW*C Registration or in the Con Suite, as these are the areas where they can usually be found. Either Lori or Gordon (if not both) will be available on site during convention hours throughout the weekend. The hotel phone extension for MW*C Registration is 1141. There will be a designated area by MW*C Registration for postings seeking roommates or rides. There will be designated areas for official announcements, and for announcements of parties, etc.. Flyers will be in the Atrium (see flyer rules on Page 3). Please only post in designated areas and with low-tack material and keep the newly remodeled hotel looking nice. ‘Zine Reading Room The ‗Zine Reading Room will be in the Valencia Club. It is the place to find the Fan Q ballot box, the Silent Bid Auction to raise money for the Fan Fund, and its main function: member access to the con‘s collection of fanzines, including old & new ‗zines from over 25 fandoms, in a quiet and comfortable environment. Take a break from the con and relax with old & new literary friends. We hope to have as many Fan Q nominees as possible. The ‗Zine Room also ―advertises‖ ‗zines for sale at the con (with notations as to location of the dealers). Permanent loans are always welcomed, but bulk donations may only be accepted on Sunday evening between 9-11pm. Please let Jan Gosnell know if you will be loaning ‗zines. MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 4 The ‗Zine Room needs GoFers, especially during ―regular‖ daily hours and late night duty. Please volunteer (you don‘t have to be an official GoFer) – the hours the ‗Zine Room can be open depends on the number of available GoFers! SF/Media Fan Fund The SF/Media Fan Fund helps send a fan to a convention he/she would otherwise be unable to attend. There were no nominees for 2011. We will have nomination forms for 2012 available at MW*C registration. Susan Graham was the 2010 Fan Fund recipient and will be attending MW*C 31 this year. The Silent Bid Auction (located in the ‗Zine Reading Room) is the main money raising event for this con charity. Donated items can & have included ‗zines, books, music cassettes/DCs, videos (VHS/DVD), T-shirts, posters & a mixed bag of fannish collectibles. Come look at the items displayed & bid (there is also a cash donation box). Please drop off items for auction by 4pm Saturday. Items received after that will be held for next year. The Silent Auction begins Friday at Noon & ends 11pm Sunday. Winners must pick up & pay for their items by 3pm Monday. Grateful thanks to Joyce Muskat, author of the classic Star Trek episode ―The Empath,‖ for her generous donations of auction items & to everyone who donates, nominates, votes & purchases items! Support the Fan Fund! Fan Quality Awards Good Luck to all the nominees & thanks to everyone who nominated. Voting deadline is 10 PM Saturday. If you are hand-carrying ballots for non-attending members/others, you must deliver them directly to Jan Keeler (do NOT put them in a ballot box — such ballots will be invalid). Certificates will be handed out at the Fan Q Award ceremony at 6pm Sunday in University 1. Fannish Video Awards will also be announced. The lists of winners will be posted at the con, printed in the Post-Con PR & on the MW*C website. Masquerade We‘d love to have you in the Masquerade! Entry forms will be available at con registration & in the Con Suite (563) after con reg closes. Please bring completed forms to the Con Suite. Andre will be available at the con to answer any questions. There will be a (non-mandatory) run-through on Saturday afternoon for those who want to familiarize themselves with the set-up. Please get the entry forms to Andre by 4pm Saturday. We‘re not too formal about costume rankings and humor is always encouraged. Those with hall costumes/cosplay/RPers are encouraged to enter. The Masquerade starts Saturday 10pm, so please be by the Ballroom by 9:45 so Andre can get the entries sorted. Blood Drive The MW*C Blood Drive will be held in the Grand Ballroom A/B Saturday fromn 9am-3pm. Relax, read a ‗zine & quite likely save a life. If you have n ot donated blood since the end of March you should be eligible again by the con. If you can‘t donate, volunteer! We can probably fid a way for you to help out for a while. There will be a raffle; all donors are encouraged to sign up for a chance to win prizes in exchange for their precious bodily fluids. One of the prizes will be a MW*C 32 membership Donors will get Red Cross t-shirts as well. MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 5 Fannish Video Room As entries have fallen off in recent years, we have changed a couple rules. Entrants no longer need to be MW*C members, and there is no longer a 15 time limit on total individual or group entries. MediaWest*Con 31 Fannish Video Competition Rules Who May Enter: Anyone who can get their videos to us in time. Time Limits: There will be no specific time limit, or limit of number of entries (unless we get considerably more entries than we have been). Tape/DVD Preparation: All entries must be in VHS or DVD format. The entry should be the only material on the cassette/disk and should begin within a few seconds of starting the tape/disk. Mature, Gen, and Slash videos must be on separate cassettes/disks. Slash includes samesex relationships (Queer As Folk, Will & Grace, Oz, etc.). Videos that more than hint about a physical relationship (Slash or Gen) should be labeled Mature. Entry Procedures: Producers should send Sheryl the list of videos (in the order they appear on the tapes/disks) and specify Song/Title, Fandom/Multi-Fandom, Category, Mature, Gen, or Slash, and total running time of tape/disk. Please include producer names and contact info. If an entry has not been completed prior to that time, producers must be ready to provide the following information for each individual video: Song/Title, Fandom/Multi-Fandom, Category, Gen or Slash, if Mature (adult) content, and total running time of tape. Slash and Mature videos should be on separate tapes/disks from Gen (general audience) videos. Tape/disk entry info deadline is 11pm Thursday. All tapes and disks must be in the hands of the video competition organizer by 5 pm, Friday. Failure to follow entry rules may result in disqualification of all videos by that producer or group. There will be Gen, Mature, and Slash divisions for the categories below. There will be no award in categories in which there are no competing entries. Slash and Mature videos will be shown in separate groups, both groups will be shown after 9pm. The Mature rating includes videos of all orientations that are of an adult nature. This would include such "steamy" examples as the Bunnies from Hell "Addicted to Love" Wiseguy video of a dozen years ago (it certainly raised the ambient room temperature back in the old Waverly Room...). Also included would be songs with questionable lyrics, such as "Big Balls" from KOBA-TV -- which was ostensibly about large spheres, but was clearly intended to be a double entendre RE, ahem, manly endowment. These Mature tapes/disks should be placed on a separate tape/disk, for showing in a separate session after 9pm. The time limit per entry remains 15 minutes per producer, Mature, Slash, and Gen videos combined. Slash and Mature vids will be shown in separate groups, but both groups will be shown after 9pm. This will allow those who do not want to see Slash to leave after Mature vids are played. If a producer has any question about the rating of a particular video, there will be a screening session Thursday evening in the Fannish Video HQ (my room). It will be open to all producers who want to talk about video topics (not just ratings); this is the place to see if that "artsy" video really says what you want it to. Definitions of Categories: Song Interpretation: The basic type of fannish video. The action interprets the title and/or lyrics of the song. This category is divided into Single fandom and Multi-Fandom entries. Outstanding examples of song interpretation are "In the Living Years" (Magnum, P.I.) by California Crew, "Hotel California" (The Prisoner) by Bunnies from Hell, "Holding Out for a Hero" (Multi-Fandom) from a number of producers. Constructed Reality: This type of video edits together video clips to create an all-new storyline. To date, most have been Multi-Fandom, although there was a very fine Wallace & Gromit single medium constructed reality created to "Something Strange is Happening." Examples are "Centerfield" (multi-baseball game), and "Bohemian Rhapsody" (the detectives convention) -- both by California Crew. Humorous: These videos are intentionally funny, and can be either single Fandom or Multi-Fandom. Con Dog's "Just When You Need Someone to Turn To" (Beauty & the Beast to the tune of the Sheba cat food MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 6 commercial) and California Crew's "Trigger Happy" (Multi-Fandom gun footage, including the best use of the royal Moldavian wedding massacre sequence from Dynasty) are outstanding examples. Original: As the name implies, this is for the occasional foray into original video production. Less than 10% of the video may be "quoted" material from media sources. The subject matter should be of general fannish interest. California Crew created a video to the tune of "Pressure" about a weekend spent editing a fannish video. Credits: With the rise in video software for personal computers, credits have become more and more sophisticated. This category includes opening and closing credits, as well as any credits between videos. Video Box/DVD Jewel Case: This category may be entered by anyone with a video box or jewel case. There need not be any music videos entered. The inclusion of this category was prompted by the outstanding graphic work of Steele, Inc. -- Atlanta Division in boxing their Remington Steele videos. Flyer: In years past, California Crew and Steele, Inc. -- Atlanta Division have created their own flyers to publicize the contents of their competition videos, independent of the schedule postings of the Fannish Video Competition. We decided to add this Category to the 2000 MW*C Competition to promote creativity among video fen. As with Video Box/Jewel Case, an entrant need not have any actual video(s) to show. This would be an excellent way to showcase that killer video concept that you never got around to making. Entries in the Flyer category would be displayed outside the Fannish Video Room for all to enjoy. What Happens Next: Competition videos are shown three times over the course of the convention. They are "premiered" during Friday Night Videos, then shown once each on Saturday and Sunday. The order of play is varied during each showing so that no video suffers (or shines) in comparison to any other played before or afterward. Also, the videos are scheduled at different times of day to accommodate as many fans as possible. Gen, Slash, and Mature vids will be scheduled separately; Slash and Mature vids will be shown after 9 pm. Balloting: Ballots will be available Friday night. Fans may list their favorite three videos in all categories. Three points are awarded for each first place vote, two points for second, and one point for third. In case of a tie for first place in any category, the video receiving the most first place votes will win. Ballots are due at Noon on Monday. Entry "Fee": There is no monetary fee for entering videos in the competition. However, assistance in manning the room is still needed. Security Security is located in the Coat Room across from the Ballrooms. Hours of operation are Friday NoonMidnight and 8am-Midnight the rest of the con. The Lost & Found is also located in Security. Security personnel will wear badges marked ―Security.‖ In case of emergency, the Security in-house phone extension is 2111. Please do not ask to use the phone at Security except for emergencies. Security plans to use channel 14, so would appreciate attendee with handheld radios to stay off that frequency. Lost & Found Lost & Found items should be brought to Security (see above) or the Con Suite (563) when the Security area is closed. There will be a charge of $15 to replace lost membership badges. Star Wars Role Play FORCES OF THE EMPIRE wants you! Join us in the IMPERIAL ROOM for mayhem, and taking over the world. Join us for the fun times in the world of Star Wars. MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 7 Host Hotel: Causeway Bay Hotel/Convention Center Everyone on the hotel waiting list was accommodated, just days before the convention! If you need a room, check with the hotel; one just might be available! The hotel has been extensively remodeled. Please show your appreciation of these much needed improvements. No posting on painted walls or wallpaper, wood, or anything that might be easily damaged. Please note the times listed on CWB closed circuit TVs are times the facilities are booked, not the MW*C programming schedule. We will not be doing live in-house broadcasts of events. Attendees staying at CWB who need to return to the Lansing airport upon hotel departure should contact the front desk ASAP to make shuttle arrangements. If you plan on requesting a late check-out, please let them know ASAP as well. The new TVs have multiple hookups for VCR/DVRs, etc., so assistance should no longer be required. If you are staying at CWB with a pet, you must register it with the front desk and will be charged the professional cleaning fee (this removes pet hair/dander and the possibility of allergic reactions for the next guest). For those with dogs, there are designated dogwalk area (see map on back of Program Book) with scoops & trashcans. Baggies and some cleanup materials (in case of accidents) are available at MW*C Registration. Do not leave pets loose in your room without supervision. Be considerate of the hotel or pets may be banned in the future. Remember — the hotel has been newly remodeled! This includes carpeting, so again, especally if you have dogs, be sure to exercise them frequently enough to avoid accidents! If you want your room made up early, look for maids around 8-9am & let them know. And don‘t forget to tip them! The hotel warns their fire alarms are exceedingly sensitive — please be careful if you intend to burn incense or otherwise potentially stress the system. All alarms are treated as real until proven otherwise & false alarms can prove costly. The fire code prohibits the use of hotplates, microwave, etc. in rooms. This is a safety issue. The hotel will operate on a one-for-one dirty towel exchange — whenever you need a clean towel, just request one from housekeeping and turn in the dirty one. This helps avoid peak usage. Pool Hours: 7am-11pm daily. Room Service Hours: 7:30am-9:30pm Thursday through Saturday; 9am-9:30pm Sunday; 7:30am-2pm & 5pm-9:30pm Monday. Hummingbird‘s has also been remodeled and shares the same hours as Room Service. Recycle Trash bins will be set up throughout the convention area. Recycling bins will also be provided at various locations for clean, recyclable cans and bottles (Michigan has a 10 cent deposit on soda pop bottles & cans). NOT RECYCLABLE are juice or water containers. Please separate trash & returnables & put them in the proper bins. The planet thanks you & so do we! PostNet Jim & Brenda Clark, owners of PostNet in Okemos, MI, and their staff will be available at MediaWest*Con 31 once again this y ear to assist with packing & shipping needs. Look for them in their usual spot near Con Registration & the Dealers Room during the hours indicated below: Sunday: Noon – 3:30pm; Monday: 10am – 1:30pm MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 8 MediaWest*Con 31 Door Decorating Door decorating is a long time tradition at MW*C, it is easy and fun to do. If you haven't decorated your door before, this is a great year to try it! Due to remodeling the hotel has asked us to limit our decorating to the doors only. No walls next to the doors. No ceiling hanging anythings. Call it old school, call it a return to our origins, call it whatever you like but please respect their request so that we are allowed to continue to have a door decorating competition. We will have a ―MW*C Members Favorite‖ award! Paper will be provided for you to write down your favorite room number, place it in the ―MWC Members Favorite‖ Ballot Box (at registration) no later than 10am Sunday morning and the winner will be posted as noon on Sunday. Yes, this could be mistaken for a ―stuff the ballot box‖ game; I‘m hoping that instead you will vote only once for your favorite door. Rules: Registration will be required. Forms will be available at con registration. Judging will take place between 5pm Saturday and noon Sunday. Overall judging will be based on the following criteria: Artistic Impression (pretty), Cleverness, Humor, Originality, Technical/Complexity, and Workmanship (neatness counts). Awards will be certificates of recognition. General Info: Measurements for Con Hotel Doors (See illustration): (A) Total Height: 78.5" (B)Total Width: 35" (F) Doorknob/Lock Box: 9" x 3.5" (Note: can be on left or right side of door.) (C) From top of Doorknob box to top of Door: 33" (D) From Bottom of Door to bottom of Doorknob Box: 36.5" (E) Far Edge of Door to Doorknob box: 30.75" Peephole is centered about 20" below top of door. (Please note all measurements are approximate. No two doors are exactly alike, as with all things built and/or installed by humans there is variation in the finished product.) Doors are veneer covered wood. Please use only low-tack tape, like blue painter's tape (preferred) or masking tape, to attach things to doors. Do not use Scotch tape, it may remove the finish from the door. Door frames are metal, made up of several pieces of stacked molding, consider using magnets to attach items to the door frames. Judging Request: Alem is looking for 3-5 people who are willing to judge the door decorating competition. What is required: * Willingness to meet up with the others sometime between 5pm Sat night and 9am Sunday morning to judge the doors (we will all walk together to do the judging). *You cannot be staying in a room that wants to have their door judged in the competition (you can still decorate!, just not compete). *You do NOT need to be staying at the hotel to participate in the judging. You just need a cell phone or some other way for me to contact you the weekend of the con to schedule the judging. If interested in judging, please e-mail Alem@aemiscATyahooDOTcom with contact info and your interest. MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 9 TREK is the word... Gordon has been inspired to write a parody of Star Trek 11 (i.e. reboot) with music from Grease! Volunteers are still needed for roles, as well as musical accompaniment and stage ninjas. Contact Gordon. As it is a musical, most parts involve singing, though some more than others. We need a CHORUS of at least 3 people, who appear as various characters at various times (Vulcans, Cadets, Romulans, etc.) and back up the other cast members. Cast: Roberto Orci, JJ Abrams, Alex Kurtzman, Jimmy Kirk, Spock (his younger self), Nero, Spock 1 (his older self), Cadet Uhura, Capt. Christopher Pike, Cadet McCoy, Cadet Sulu, Scotty. Assistance with costuming is also welcomed. So if you can lend such things or can make such things quickly and cheaply, we want to hear from you! Be there or be square! Party Suite MW*C provides space, at no cost to all its members, to host parties or other events in the Party Suite. This is just to let you know that the following parties have been slotted into the schedule. We still have plenty of space left, so if you want to throw together a party, or an informal gathering... FRIDAY, May 27 2:00 – 4:00 PM Afternoon Tea (LOTR) - Mrs. Underhill & Danny SATURDAY, May 28 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM - Informal Shabbat Service and Pot-luck Lunch (dairy/vegie)- Peter Cooper 1:00 – 3:00 PM The Professionals Party - Sally Hadden 3:00 – 5:00 PM Fannish Bake Sale to Fight Cancer - Chat Noir and Ctrimonkee SUNDAY, May 29 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM - Brunch with the Strachey-Callahans (Donald Strachey Mysteries Party) – adult Candy Apple 1:00 – 3:00 PM Magnificent 7 Writer's Luncheon (slash friendly) – Laramee 3:00 – 5 PM 31 Flavors of Fandom Ice Cream Social – MediaWest*Con 31 7:00 – 9:00 PM The Nag‘s Party – horse fun - Dawn McLevy Miscellanea The Anarchist Ladies Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society is having its annual shop hop to Kean's and Everlasting Stitches on Saturday, May 28 at 1pm. The Celtic Tunnel Party will be held again on Sat. evening starting around 8pm. until ?, Room Number to be announced. Fun! Fellowship! Nainaimo Bars (and other Canadian Chocolate )! Donate Toiletries: Yes, there will be a collection of toiletries by the Eastern Michigan Tunnel Council (although we don't use the name too much anymore, it is the name of the group) for our personal care bundles. At the con, there will be collection boxes in the Fanzine Reading Room and at the Celtic Rose Perfumery room dealer. That room number will be announced at the con -- watch for the flyers. The focus of our personal care bundles/products has changed somewhat. We are now working with homeless groups, particularly homeless veterans and especially homeless women vets. Because of this we're adding feminine hygiene products to our usual list of needed items. The full list of needs is: "travel" size soaps, shampoos, conditioners, hand lotion, and toothpaste; as well as new toothbrushes, new washcloths and, if you wish, new hair combs and brushes and feminine hygiene products. Any donations of these items will be welcome but, please--no glass bottles or "family" size containers. We can't use these and they will be regretfully refused. With thanks to all those who help us to help others. MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 10 Seeks „Zines: Alas, my quest continues for these long-out-of print Star Trek (the Original Series) ‗zines: Star Trek Showcase #4 (Sharon Emily, Holy Roller Press), When Two Worlds Collide (ScoT Press), Beyond Dreams #5 (Beyond Dreams Press), Festival (Beyond Dreams Press), and The KiScon Zine 2004 (Beyond Dreams Press), respectively... Can the esteemed membership of MediaWest*Con 31, please, provide any leads? Thank you very much! Lana Raymond, 27 Lark Avenue, White Plains, New York 10607 Con Photos: We would like to see any photos & videos of con events for possible inclusion online or in the Post-Con PR. – Lori & Gordon Samoyed News: New addition to the SFX pack: Dbl Helix Artic Cross Nu Blood At SFX (Sookie), our 6 month old female. And Poppy's litter of 3 boys, 3 girls, born was April 18, and Dawn's litter of 2 boys, 1 girl, was born April 27. Sadly, our old girl Samantha (AKC/CKC Ch./UKC multi-BIMBS Gr. Ch. SFX Dreamchaser, WS, HCT, CGC, TDI) left us May 20; she was 13. Local Flavors Hummingbird‘s (Causeway Bay Hotel‘s in-house restaurant) & Room Service Hours: 7:30am-9:30pm Thursday through Saturday; 9am-9:30pm Sunday; 7:30pm-2pm & 5pm-9:30pm Monday There are many food choices in the surrounding area. South of CWB on S. Cedar is Burger King, Ingcredible (Chinese), McDonald‘s, Tim Horton‘s,Subway,Sir Pizza, Hungry Howie‘s (pizza), China East Buffet, Flap Jack; north on S. Cedar is Ponderosa, Wendy‘s, KFC, Aldaco‘s (Mexican), Golden Wok, Biggby Gourmet Coffee, Boston Market, Finley‟s Family Restaurant, Tim Horton‟s, Applebee‘s, Pizza Hut, Arby‘s, Fazoli‘s Italian, Bob Evans, Sushi Blue, Hunan Express, Taco Bell, Burger King; off Edgewood is Steak N Shake, Submarina, Texas Roadhouse, Hooter‟s; on S. Pennsylvania is Kewpie‘s, Blimpie‘s, Country Skillet. Our friend Richard Langstaff is chef at Grumpy‘s Diner at the cornter of S. Pennsylvania & Mt. Hope, north of CWB. Phone is 853-1034. Restaurants in boldface above have ads in the Program Book, including ―MW*C Megabucks‖ coupons. Some places may have unadvertised deals if you show your MW*C badge or go in costume — ask ‗em, and suggest they advertise with us if they didn‘t this year! See displays in the Atrium for menus & other local info. Meijer, Gordon Food Service (GFS), Sam‘s Club, Target, Aldi, and Kroger all have groceries. Free Rides: Van shuttles to Meijer & Kroger graciously provided by Shaheen Chevrolet, running approximately every 30-45 minutes from 11am-4pm Thursday, and 10am-1pm Friday. Pet Care Pet Supplies Plus is located north of CWB on S. Pennsylvania & lives up to its name; they also welcome pets on leash or in arms to browse. There are other pet supply stores locally, most notably Soldan‘s on S. Martin Luther King Blvd. Lansing Veterinary Urgent Care is located at 3276 E. Jolly Rd., phone 393-9200. They are open 24 hours. Comprehensive Animal Hospital is open 24 hours at 4410 S. MLK Blvd., but call first at 393-8888. MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 11 MediaWest*Con 31 Membership List Please remember that the listings below are how names should appear on the membership badges. If you are getting PRs by mail, your legal name will be on your address label, as we've had problems with the PO not delivering to fannish names. If you have some legitimate reason for not wanting your legal name on your address label (i.e. personal security issues) please let us know. If more than one MediaWest*Con attendee is at the same address, and you'd prefer getting only one copy of each Progress Report, please let us know, and we'll do our best to avoid sending extra copies! Please bring any discrepancies to Lori and Gordon's attention immediately (although listing errors sometimes occur in the process of converting data to text)! Additionally, please notify us immediately of any changes-of-address (including area code changes)! IF YOUR ZIP CODE WAS MISSING, OR YOU CAN ADD YOUR ZIP PLUS 4 NUMBERS, PLEASE UPDATE US! The more complete and accurate your address label is, the more efficiently your Progress Reports will reach you! Thank you. This following lists all MediaWest*Con 31 members/changes since May 15. Fannish pseudonyms and Apocryphals are alphabetized as best we could (the Canadian Post Office preference for all caps confuses the database, as does all lower case & parentheses). If there is a “@” on your mailing label there is a problem with your PRs in PDF bouncing -- PLEASE update your e-mail addy ASAP! The numbers you see for Attending members should all have the left-most digit lopped off in regards to counting actual bodies. It's just our method of tracking membership categories: memberships between 1-99 constitute Staff, 100-299 are Apocryphal, 300-499 are Supporting, 500-699 are GoFer, 700-999 are Other, 1000 & up are Attending. 1223 Calico Holland OH 1461 Karen Mitchell Chillicothe OH 1458 Mary Dixon Kokomo IN 1063 Marcia Muehlbach St. Louis MO 1459 Harimad Cheboygan MI 1457 Debra Sykes Madison MS 1460 LoriMcKeever Chillicothe OH 31 Flavors of Fandom Ice Cream Social In keeping with the 31 Flavors of Fandom theme, there will be an Ice Cream Social Sunday (sundae?) 3pm – 5pm in the Party Suite. Cost will be $5.75 per person, and will be catered by CWB with an ice cream sundae bar with a variety of toppings. Yum! Space is limited, so tickets will only be available in advance at MW*C Registration. MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 12 Art Show: Artists & Agents Art Show is in Ballroom E. Karen Klinck will probably start taking in art as soon as the room is set up on Thursday. Look for posted hours. If you need early check out, remember you will need to arrange for it when you check in your art! Otherwise, pick up & check out is Monday AM. Control & bid sheets will be available In the Art Show, along with S hooks & clips for hanging art. As usual, we will try to accommodate any additional artists on a space available basis. There is no QSP (Quick Sales Price) & no minimum bid sales after the auction. NO PETS in the Art Show, please! Artists/Agents will be paid when they pick up unsold art at checkout & will get a copy of the control sheet with all sale prices. Art Show: Patrons Art Show is in Ballroom F. Art Show will be open for viewing Friday 7pm-10pm (or later if posted); Saturday 10am– 10pm (or later if posted) & Sunday 10am–4pm. The Art Auction is Sunday 7pm in Ballroom A/B/C/D & generally runs until midnight. Monday is pick-up/check-out only. You must wear your MW*C membership badge to enter the Art Show. There will be a bag-check area for bulky purses, backpacks, etc. NO PETS in the Art Show, please. DO NOT TOUCH the art. Don‘t handle it, take it down, or pick it up. Be extra careful with costumes or props. Costumes can swirl and knock over art & fragile items. You break it, you buy it. Also be careful just backing up; you an back into someone, or lose your balance and fall on art. BIDDING: Bid sheets are carbonless forms, so use your Program Book or carry a piece of cardboard & a pen (both available at the Art Show desk) to make it easy to write your bids on the bid sheets. Please write legibly, with your whole name & membership number (& please be consistent, as sold items are grouped under the winning bidder‘s NAME during the auction). Keep track of your bids (use your Program Book!). Once written, a bid must be honored. All bids must be in whole dollar amounts. Items marked NSF are NOT FOR SALE. Do not bid on NSF items. The first written bid must be no less than the minimum bid specified. Additional bids must be greater than the previous bid. It will take 3 written bids to go to auction unless otherwise posted. If a piece does not o to auction & you made the last (or only) written bid, it is your responsibility to pick up & pay for the item after the auction. A list will be posted of items going to auction, in the intended auction order. The list may be posted in sections as it is assembled, so don‘t panic if you don‘t see your bid items on a partial list. During the Voice Auction, the winning bidder (if present) will get a copy of the bid sheet (noting the high bid). DON‘T LOSE IT. This will be your receipt to pick up the piece. No additional sales will be made after the auction. We will set up for payment & pick-up during the auction, and Monday morning until Noon. Buyers will get an itemized list of their purchases. Payment may be made in cash, personal check (made payable to MediaWest*Con), or in Travelers Checks (please leave the ―pay to‖ line blank so we can sign them directly over to the artists). We cannot accept any credit card payments. Publishing rights are NOT included in the sale of any artwork unless so designated. Print Shop: Prints will be displayed in the Art Show & may be purchased any time during Art Show viewing hours at the Art Show desk (just give them the information on the prints you want). Prints will not be available after the auction. Vote: Ballots will be available to vote for Art Show Awards. Awards will be announced at the Auction. Parents/Guardians: We do not censor adult themes in the Art Show & Auction. Attendees with children may wish to preview the Art Show to determine if they wish to restrict their charges‘ entry to the Art Show or Auction. MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 13 Welcome to the MediaWest*Con 31 Dealer Room! Ballrooms F/G/H/I/J We hope you enjoy browsing and buying and find just what you want whether it be a highly anticipated ‗Zine, a new fannish Tee, a unique item of jewelry or costume clothing, a coveted piece of fannish art expertly crafted in one of a plethora of media by one among the legion of talented artists and craftspersons or any other of the quirky, custom, and just plain fun items offered by our incredible group of dealers. We look forward to seeing you there throughout the con! Anna and Debra Barber -- MediaWest*Con 31 Dealer Room Coordinators Jane Edgeworth -- Invaluable Assistant to the Dealer Room Coordinators NEW SALES HOURS – INCLUDING SOME IN THE EVENING MW*C 31 DEALERS ROOM HOURS Friday: Noon – 5:30 PM & 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM Sunday: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday: 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 14 MediaWest*Con 31 Dealers Room 01 Reincarnated Jewels/Hidden Gems Estate Sales "Margaret Basta, Jan Feldmann and Laura Basta-Sandler." "Custom designed gemstone & costume jewelry... Antique, vintage & restored estate pieces reincarnated into something quite remarkable - many with a fannish bent that you won't find anywhere else - at least not at our prices. Sterling silver and gold. Cats, Dogs, Celtic, SCA, Kitsch, Old School, New Age, many Religions & more. Vintage clip earrings! We even have a collection of vintage men's cufflinks. We're proud to provide a source for those who love the just plain weird, the magnificent & the not-quite-magnificent tacky treasures of yesteryear, or for those who might need a gift for the mundane or a snuggle or a muggle. We are also accepting consignments of jewelry for future conventions & craft fairs. Stop by the table for details. We're right by the dealer's room entrance. Reincarnated Jewels/Hidden Gems Estate Sales brought to you by Laura Basta-Sandler, Jan Feldmann and Margaret Basta is the primary financial support for the Orphan Zine Table. 02-05 Orphan „Zine Table "Margaret Basta, Laura Basta-Sandler, the Gang of Jans & assorted loyal minions." "Where you can find fan fic unplugged! Where it is cheaper to buy a 'zine that to use your own printer to print out an unedited Internet version. Where all the fan fic sites on the web cannot compete with the joy of owning your very own hot and steamy 'zine with a Sue Lovett or Jean Kluge cover! Kate & Richard! Anna & her Visitors! Napoleon & Ilya! Bodie & Doyle! Jack & Daniel. K/S! Laura & Remington! etc. etc. etc. Where you can sell your premiering and new 'zines for FREE! Or sell your used 'zines, in order to make space for all the new stuff that you just have to have from MWC*31! A place to feed your obsessions even though you know that drugs would be the cheaper hobby, especially after the mover gives you a quote for moving you and your zine collection across country! The Orphan 'Zine Table -- where you can find intriguing new 'zines, great old 'zines, memorably bad Mary Sue 'zines, the really, really, really cheap 'zines, & lots of other interesting items of fannish interest including DVDs, CDs, T Shirts, books, movie stuff, & art work. We also are home to the Fannish Garage Sale, where you can dump, er, donate fannish items in need of a good home to be sold for the benefit of the Fan Fund! New items appearing daily!" 06-07 Ashton Press Ann Wortham/Leah Rosenthal "New/Used ‗zines (gen, ship & slash), calendars, photos, cartoons, music vids, new/used books, comics, trading cards & more. Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis, Supernatural, Highlander, Blake 7, & more" 08-09 Holzheimer's Distribution MaryLee Holzheimer "MaryLee Holzheimer Holzheimer's sells a variety of cool & unique items along with photographs, autographs & toys. We also offer a large collection of photographs that feature MEN, some shirtless &/or wet. Need we say more? Check us out at THANKS! 10-12 Earth Wisdom Music and Clothing. Minda Hart The best T-shirts in the known universe--also magic dresses that become 6 dresses; silk & velvet jackets; buttons & pouches. Also at 13 The Looney Bin Alesia Tom/Shelagh C "The Looney Bin (est. 2004) is dedicated to bringing you the finest fannish magnets, luggage tags & jewelry. We also offer fashion accessories, & used ‗zines. We may have some other unusual goodies too! Never know what you may find here. Stop by & say ""hello!""" MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 15 14 Digital Originals Mike Cole Velocity Girl #2 Ready to Rumble Smerd's Book of ABC's; No# 6 The next cartoon collection; 15 Temujin Studio Suzanne & Scott Rosema "We have fantastic art & amazing stained glass. Don't forget--we do commissions!! So come, talk & let us put some terrific art in to your life." 16 Brenda's Bargain Bazaar & Barter Bar Brenda Gasahl Intergalactic Garage Sale: Even I don‘t know what all I have! Brend Gasahl, 2344 Arbor Ave., Muskegon MI 49441, 231/759-6146 17-19 AWIT Press Sian1359 "Autographs, photographs, licensed shirts and ‗zines" 20 CelticHeart Designs Terri and Sue Castles "Visit CelticHeart Designs for made to order calendars, notebooks, bookmarks & ‗zine marks. We have hundreds of pictures to choose from all your favorite fandoms." 21 Bearly Spaced Enterprises - The ORIGINAL Media Bears! K. Rae Travers "Hand Made, one at a time, to order, Media Character Bears. From Andromeda to Zorro and everything in between. Stop by and Customize YOUR BEARY own bear! " 22 Chicago Station gallimaufry" Jeanne DeVore "LJ/DW Icon pins, handcrafted goodies, used books and ‗zines, 23 Jackdaw Creations accessories." Jan Kraft & Jeanne DeVore "Handmade beaded jewelry, knitwear and 24 > 3Dbud Sally Budd 25 Kate Nuernberg "Small prints of Original Artwork; all matted; some framed with hand etching by 3Dbudd. Many fandoms include NCIS, Leverage, Merlin, MFU, Mag7, Supernatural, White Collar, Dexter, Torchwood and Who." 26 BAJdesigns Bruce Jaffe Starscapes and alien landscapes a specialty!" "Original artwork on magnets, tile coasters, boxes, cups & bags. 27 Fourth Generation Costumes Andrea Brown year! Bodices, skirts, capes, shirts, coats, dresses and hats." "HUGE selection of hairsticks & clips this 28-29 Ravenwing Wearable Art Darlene Ney (Cancelled due to illness) 30 Sleeping Cat Books Patricia Vilmur "Used ‗zines, books and magazines." 31 In Focus Design/Sam's Knot Twisted Sue Powell leftovers & Hand Woven Designs by Sam Powell 32 Wandering Paintbrush Studio Recycled treasures and other eclectic Sophia Kelly-Shultz > MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 16 33 Custom Color Buttons Randy Kaempen "What is Custom Color Buttons? Well, for the past 25 years, we've been making personalized buttons out of pictures & phrases of your choosing. From font to text size to paper color, all of it is up to you. Stop on by and we'll make your ideas into something that is truly a Custom Color Button!" 34 Empire Books Jean Lorrah NEW Sime~Gen books by Jean Lorrah. Never before published. Also various fannish artifacts & items useful to fans 35-36 Fannish Enterprises Susan Ross Moore "Please stop by the Fannish Enterprises table and say hello! I've been absent the past two years, and this could be my final MediaWest*Con. Buy a few buttons, check out our other stuff, and by all means, look at our new embroidered items! All of our goods are also available on our web site: 37 Pethouse Press Wendy Karmell Pins and used ‗zines 38 > Wendy Myers & Sue Kelley "Custom made jewelry designed by Sue Kelley; handcrafted jewelry boxes, custom made fandom bookmarks; also used ‗zines" 39 > Kathleen Resch T'hy'la #'s 29 and 30! Slash Fanzines; primarily Kirk/Spock. New to MW*C: The K/S fanzines 40 boojums Press Paula Smith "Historical Gay Romance: EPIC Award-winning Ransom, its sequels Winds of Change, Eye of the Storm, and NEW novel in the series Home Is The Sailor. Also contemporary m/m novel Walking Wounded, & new pro M/M romance, Tangled Web; all by Jan Lindner (writing as Lee Rowan). Also other M/M pro novels. Classic ‗zines, memorabilia, and silver jewelry" 41 Seth 42 > Karen River 43-44 Spacial Anomaly Gallery Nicole Pellegrini 45 > "Used ‗zines, DVD's, books & ?. A little of this & a little of that" Darlene Shread Purveyor of Fine Monsters > 46 Behalf Zines Barbara Halfen "Gently used fanzines, hardbacks & paperbacks, CD's, DVD's; agenting for Deborah J. Laymon's premiering Criminal Minds ‗zine." 47 What On Earth Emma Abraham & Sue Wargo "Badges, luggage tags, and other laminated items made to order; also jewelry, magnets, and various other fannish & sundry items that strike our fancy" 48 Golden Lily Press Jeanne Gold ―‗Zines, bookmarks (Supernatural), keychains (Supernatural & Dr Who), Supernatural Trading Cards; used ‗zines. New this year: Blood Brothers 4! Other ‗zines for Supernatural, LOTR, SG-1, Atlantis, Magnificent 7, bookmarks (Supernatural, Doctor Who, White Collar), keychains (Supernatural & Dr Who), Doctor Who DVDs, Supernatural Trading Cards; used ‗zines & books" MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 17 49 Area 51 Janice Tuckett Cat Nappers and Pet related merchandise 50-51 "Dreamspinner Press...Where Dreams Come True!" Anne Regan "Dreamspinner Press is an independent publisher specializing in gay romantic fiction with print, eBook, and audiobook titles. We publish everything from short stories to full-length novels and multi-novel series in genres including contemporary, historical, mystery and suspense, science fiction, fantasy and paranormal, BDSM/kink, steampunk, transgender, Western, and humor, along with our own Bittersweet Dreams and Timeless Dreams lines. Find us at, or follow us on Facebook, Goodreads, LibraryThing, and Twitter." 52 > Flamingo Specializing in Starsky & Hutch ‗zines and fannish items & 53 > Suzan Lovett Art Prints 54 Light & Shadow Press/Moonglow Zine Productions TigerTyger/Kath Moonshine "Light & Shadow Press and Moonglow Zine Productions has over a decade of award-winning slash fan-fiction in PotC, LotR, Orlando Bloom fic, TS, SG-1, S&H, & Pros available for your pleasure. Stop by our table for man-loving mind candy. Be sure to look for The Fields of Evermore, Part III by Tiger Tyger, featuring a stunning Kirk & Spock color cover by Lorraine B as well as California Boys, the second novel in the Kentucky Sons universe by Glow. Also premiering, Love Noir: a Donald Strachey Slash ‗Zine with cover art by Lorraine B and interior illo by Jean Kluge." 55 The Blackfly Group and Friends Katherin Green "A little bit of this and that, with a touch of whimsy - used ‗zines, collectibles, Manga and misc. fannish items. Your chance to buy one of those cute knitted aliens and new for this year, rainbow angels." 56 Requiem Publications Bast "Publisher of ‗zines from many fandoms (primarily slash, but gen/adult also), as well as original gay fiction zines. Also contact me at" 57-59 Random Fandom Stuff Wynde "We sell hard to find TV Shows on DVD. Also new & used ‗Zines, custom fandom related labels & other fandom related stuff." 60-61 Pins and Moore! Pam Moore "Fannish pins, cat pins, dog pins, other animal pins and fantasy pins for reasonable prices plus lots of other fun jewelry! Italian charms for bracelets & watches - customizable. Ask about the multiple purchase discount!" 62 "Arandur Productions, Ltd. and A Larger Playground Press" Seren Kennard "The Arandur Productions, Ltd. dealers' table is proud to host the premiere of SHIPPED FIRST CLASS, Issue #3, from A Larger Playground Press, showcasing a variety of multi-media stories and art in celebration of hot heterosexual relationships. A few copies of Issue # 1 and # 2 should also be available for those who missed out on them last year. If you truly believe that variety is the spice of life, stop by for a visit and share your fandom passions with our friendly, eager, madcap staff." MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 18 MediaWest*Con 31 Hall Dealers HALL *fannish jewellery* Patricia Poole "Semi-precious stones set in sterling, bead strands/findings for crafters, and a few surprises. Over 75 different types of stones this year, and at least 50% more stuff than 2010! New for 2011: rings, size 5 - 11, but each one-of-a-kind; polished gemstones donut pendants on cord; and some jaw dropping pieces privately imported from Thailand. Bargain hunters: look for the ""Tray A Day"" specials!" HALL Moving Sale! Rayhne "For Sale: sweatshirts, t-shirts, beanie babies, books, comic books, fanzines, scripts, fandom stuff, and more!!!!" HALL Tarot Readings by Susan Susan L Williams "A Tarot reader for more than 20 years, Susan was the first licensed Tarot reader in her hometown. This year, she's offering 2 different readings: the Celtic Cross, to explore current issues in your life; & Past Life, to discover who you used to be, which may offer insight into who you are now (or not; the cards have a will of their own). $25 per reading. Please sign up for an appointment on the cling sheet posted on Susan's door, or grab her in the halls to set up a time" Premiering ‘Zines 6-7 Ashton Press Fallen # 2 Supernatural Slash 6-7 Ashton Press Pretense 11 Stargate SG-1 Slash 6-7 Ashton Press Redemption 10 Stargate SG-1 Gen 6-7 Ashton Press Route 666 # 4 Supernatural Gen 6-7 Ashton Press Send Me an Angel Supernatural Slash 17-19 AWIT Press Auburn's Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves Stargate Atlantis/SG-1 AU > 34 Empire Books To Kiss or to Kill, and The Story Untold professional Sime~Gen Gen/ Adult 45 Behalf Zines for The Laywoman's Occasional Press Appointment in Georgetown Criminal Minds Gen/Adult 61 Arandur Productions for A Larger Playground Press Shipped First Class # 3 multi-fandom Gen MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 19 MediaWest*Con 31 Program Index Please note that any additional changes to scheduling will be posted. Be sure to consult the grid for all open discussions, where you just show up and begin a discussion with other fans who show up. EVENTS ART AUCTION Sun, Ball A- D, 7:00-11:00 PM BLOOD DRIVE, Sat, Ball A-B, 10:00 AM-2:00 PM DEAD DOG PANEL, Mon, Ball A-D, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM FAN Q‟s, Sun, Univ 1, 6:00 PM MASQUERADE, Sat, Ball A-D, 10:00 PM PLAY, Sat, Ball A-D, 7:00-9:00 PM ACTORS Benedict Cumberbatch: With a name like Cumberbatch, he has to be good! C02, Fri, Univ 1, 5:00 PM Christian Bale: Let‘s discuss his Oscar-winning role in The Fighter as well as his other films. C14, Fri, Univ 1, 6:00 PM Jensen Ackles: Let‘s drool over, er, discuss this talented actor C12, Fri, Univ 4, 8:00 PM John Barrowman: The latest adventures of the remarkable Mr. Barrowman. C04, Sat, Univ 2, 1:00 PM Life with the Frys: A talk about Stephen and Mrs. Fry. C06, Sun, Ball C, 1:00 PM Mark Sheppard: Mr. Everywhere! C07, Sun, Univ 4, 2:00 PM The Everyman Actor: Which actors do you think can do it all – and do it well? (aka Nathan Fillion, etc.) Your chance to introduce other fans to hidden gems. C11, Sun, Ball A, 1:00 PM FANDOM / FAN FICTION A History of Fan Fiction: When was the first fanfic written anyway? E01, Sat, Univ 2, 11:00 AM Are TPTB too involved with the fans? E45, Sat, Ball C, 12:00 PM Asexuality and Fandom: How does the current trend in media portrayals of asexuals change things E65, Fri, Ball D, 1:00 PM Canonically gay vs. slash: Which do you find more fulfilling and why? (/) E02, Sat, Univ 3, 11:00 AM Comic Con: Both San Diego and NYC. Share your tips for surviving these incredibly huge events, plus share your tales. F01, Sun, Univ 1, 10:00 AM Crossing the Line: Can A Hero Break, Spindle, or Mutilate the Law to get a Criminal? E03, Sun, Univ 3, 8:00 PM Crossovers: Discuss crossover combos and making them work logically and when the oddest combos work in surprising ways E04, Sun, Univ 2, 3:00 PM Fandom: Has technology like the Internet (Facebook, LJ, Twitter) & mobile devices (cell phones, IPads, EBook readers) had an adverse effect on fandom? Lower con attendance? Fewer fan publications and art? E08, Sun, Ball D, 3:00 PM Femmeslash: General discussion of the Genre.(/) E10, Sun, Univ 2, 8:00 PM Hawaii 5-O, Romance vs. Bromance of Danno and Steve: Bring the peaceful discussion. E62, Sun, Univ 4, 5:00 PM He‟s not dead, Jim! Bringing a beloved character back after TPTB have killed them off. E57, Sat, Univ 2, 6:00 PM Historical Accuracy: How much do you care if they get it right? If they get it wrong, does it spoil your enjoyment of the project? E58, Sun, Univ 3, 6:00 PM MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 20 Is printed matter on the way out? Do you prefer a real book or a Kindle E12, Sat, Univ 1, 5:00 PM Kink panel: This was so much fun last year, let‘s do it again! General Discussion of kink in fanfic. *adult Discussion E14, Fri, Univ 2, 5:00 PM Magnificent 7 – Canon led to fanon? – or where did they get THAT idea? What story started which fanon idea? E15, Sun, Ball C, 5:00 PM Magnificent 7 – Gen fic – Multiple AU‟s – Which Aus do the characters translate to well? Story recommendations and share plot bunnies. E16, Fri, Ball A, 4:00 PM Magnificent 7 Fanfic: Gen, what‘s the appeal? Share favorite stories and sites, offer plot bunnies. E17, Sat, Univ 1, 3:00 PM Magnificent 7 Slash fic – general discussion. Favorite pairings, story recs, site recs – bring your favorites list. E18, Fri, Ball A, 5:00 PM NCIS Fanfic Recs – bring your list of favorite NCIS fiction to share with others! E60, Sun, Ball A, 11:00 AM No, you can‟t reattach his head with a stapler. Medical accuracy in fanfic E67, Sun, Ball D, 1:00 PM Open Writing: Bring a notebook and pen, or laptop, and write for a full hour E20, Fri, Ball B, 4:00 PM Over 40 and still into fandom: Why we‘re still in fandom and we have no plans of leaving. E21, Sun, Ball D, 11:00 AM Professionals and Hurt/Comfort. What is it about the lads that just invites h/c, in both canon and fanon. E23, Sun, Ball B, 10:00 AM Pros: What Clinches It for Me. What moments in the show convinced you that Bodie and Doyle were truly together? (/) E24, Fri, Ball C, 1:00 PM Remembering Stephen J. Cannell - 1941-2010: A look back at Cannell's 40+ television series and nearly 20 novels E25, Sat, Univ 4, 4:00 PM Secret Agents and Slash. Pros, UNCLE, I Spy, why do so many classic secret agent and espionage shows lend themselves to slash? (/) E26, Fri, Ball B, 3:00 PM Sentinel: The future in fic – What‘s left to explore? E66, Sun, Univ 1, 12:00 PM Sherlock Holmes BBC H/C Recs: sharing your favorite Sherlock H/C fanfics from the BBC series E28, Fri, Univ 1, 3:00 PM Slash Authors: What role does feedback play in your writing? How important is it? (/) E30, Mon, Univ 2, 10:00 AM Stargate Atlantis H/C Recs: Bring your list of favorite stories this year and share with others. E31, Sun, Ball C, 11:00 AM Stargate Atlantis: McShep – now that they‘re back on Earth, how will the relationship develop? (/) E32, Fri, Ball D, 3:00 PM Stargate Rare Pairings: Mitchell and Miko, Ronon and Dusty, McKay and Abby (NCIS). E61, Sat, Univ 3, 6:00 PM Supernatural H/C Recs: sharing your favorite Supernatural H/C fanfics E33, Sat, Ball A, 4:00 PM Television as Therapist: Have you ever used a movie, show or character to work out your psychological issues vicariously? E64, Sat, Ball A, 5:00 PM The Disappearance of Mankind‟s Desire to Explore has Vanished: … has the human race become so tranquilized by modern television writing that we don‘t want to go anywhere except our armchairs. E34, Sat, Univ 3, 7:00 PM The Man from UNCLE – How`, and will, a feature film change the fandom? E59, Sat, Univ 3, 8:00 PM Threesomes=OT3s: Let‘s talk about our favorite OT3s and writing them! (/) E35, Sun, Univ 2, 2:00 PM Trauma in Fanfiction: How real do you want it to be? E36, Fri, Ball B, 5:00 PM MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 21 TV Shows on DVD - Has your favorite series still not come out on DVD. Come discuss cult classics that haven't been released commercially. E37, Sun, Univ 1, 8:00 PM TV Shows on DVD - Has your favorite series still not come out on DVD. Come discuss cult classics that haven't been released commercially E37, Sun, Ball D, 10:00 AM What is there a difference between shows that you just like to watch and those that you also enjoy the fandom? E38, Mon, Univ 2, 11:00 AM Why is hurt/ comfort so important in your stories? E39, Sat, Univ 3, 4:00 PM Writer‟s Block: Reasons why you stall out on a story, and the means to banish that block and finish your fic. E40, Sun, Univ 3, 10:00 AM FILM 3-D Movies: Are they are good or bad thing? B02, Fri, Univ 2, 4:00 PM Comics into movies: Which films succeed, which fail miserably, and should Hollywood create NEW superheroes instead? B04, Sun, Univ 2, 11:00 AM Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part I: Did breaking up the book into two films work? B05, Fri, Univ 1, 7:00 PM Hobbit Movies: What‘s happening? B07, Sun, Univ 4, 4:00 PM Legion: Sancte Michaelango, protect us. B18, Fri, Ball C, 5:00 PM Lord of the Rings: Elijah Wood turned 30 in January; what are he and the other LOTR actors up to now? B09, Fri, Ball C, 4:00 PM Love Never Dies - Genius or Abomination? Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Phantom of the Opera" sequel. B01, Fri, Ball A, 1:00 PM Man from UNCLE, The: Discussion about the upcoming feature film. B20, Sat, Ball B, 5:00 PM Movie Guilty Pleasures. A panel about the lesser known movies out there. Little known Sci-Fi and Fantasy films, new and old. May also include Foreign and Art House movies to look for. Also, gems from Netflix. Bring your suggestions. B10, Sat, Ball D, 1:00 PM Movie Remakes and Reboots. What worked and what didn‘t. B11, Sun, Univ 4, 8:00 PM Star Trek (2012): The latest news and production developments about the second film in the reboot series. B12, Fri, Ball C, 6:00 PM Superheroes. Discuss the latest crop of films on Green Lantern, Batman, Spiderman and more. B14, Sun, Univ 3, 2:00 PM Twilight: Aimed toward teenagers, do adults like to watch the franchise? B15, Sat, Univ 1, 6:00 PM We‟re all doomed! Discuss your favorite end-of-the-world movies, from the old B&W days up to the latest. B16, Sat, Ball D, 3:00 PM Why I prefer one-dimensional characters, or, the incredible allure of the animated movie (How to Train Your Dragon, MegaMind, etc.) over live-action films. Is it the animation, or just better writing? B17, Sat, Univ 3, 10:00 AM LITERATURE Andre Norton: Yup! Found a new site with downloadable old material. D01, Sat, Univ 1, 2:00 PM Black Stallion: There's a new book coming out. And the change in the series. D03, Sat, Univ 3, 12:00 PM British Naval Fiction: Age of Sail Patrick O‘Brian, C.S. Forester, Dudley Pope, Alexander Kent, etc. D04, Sat, Univ 4, 1:00 PM Comic Books: What are you reading, what are your favorite finds, both indie and mainstream. D19, Fri, Univ 3, 3:00 PM MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 22 Favorite Childhood Books: What's out of print, what's been reissued, what should we all track down? D07, Sat, Univ 4, 8:00 PM Horse Fiction: Discussion of the old and new. D09, Sun, Univ 4, 3:00 PM Jim Butcher's THE DRESDEN FILES: How is the novel series doing after "killing off" its main character? D10, Sun, Univ 4, 7:00 PM M/M Genre Fiction Recs:. Let‘s share our favorite original fantasy/sci-fi, mystery, romance, whatever, writers and stories; please include where-to-find if possible. D20, Fri, Ball D, 6:00 PM Pern: A serious discussion about the series. D12, Sat, Univ 2, 3:00 PM Pern: The latest book, DragonGirl. D13, Sun, Univ 1, 1:00 PM Romance Novels: Favorite titles and authors D14, Sun, Univ 2, 10:00 AM Sime~Gen universe by Jacqueline Lichtenberg & Jean Lorrah D15, Sun, Ball D, 4:00 PM MISCELLANEOUS EXO: Planets and the search for new worlds H14, Sun, Univ 2, 5:00 PM NASA: What‟s next? H13, Sat, Univ 2, 4:00 PM TELEVISION 24: What kind of day is Jack Bauer currently having? A175, Sun, Ball A, 12:00 PM A&E‟s Hoarders: Is this show about hoarding entertaining, or do you think you could be a candidate for the series? A001, Fri, Univ 3, 4:00 PM Amazing Race: Revisiting seasons 17 and 18 (―Unfinished Business‖) A002, Sat, Univ 4, 6:00 PM Are the networks killing themselves? Half-year hiatuses, constant time-shifting. Is your show a victim of these practices and does it kill your enthusiasm to even watch? A004, Fri, Ball B, 6:00 PM Being Human (SyFy Channel): Are Aidan & Bishop just another Nick Knight & Lacroix? A005, Fri, Univ 2, 3:00 PM Big Bang Theory: More pals for Penny; having introduced Sheldon to non-geek friendship, how‘s it going with Amy Farrah Fowler? A008, Sun, Ball B, 4:00 PM Boardwalk Empire: General discussion (Steve Buscemi love god?) A010, Sat, Univ 1, 10:00 AM Bones: Discuss the latest season. A012, Fri, Univ 1, 8:00 PM Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Being of Sound Mind and Body. Even if you don't accept the S8 comics as canon, what do you think of the last will and testament of one Rupert Edmund Giles? A182, Sun, Univ 4, 6:00 PM Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Rupert Giles, R.I.P. Joss Whedon brutally offed Giles at the conclusion of the S8 comics, the bastard. Come celebrate the life of the greatest Watcher who ever lived A180, Fri, Ball B, 7:00 PM Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Who Needed Who. There is no question that Buffy needed Giles. But what about Giles? Was Buffy Giles' redemption? A183, Sat, Univ 1, 8:00 PM Burn Notice: General discussion of the latest season. A014, Sat, Univ 1, 11:00 AM Cape, The: How many sources can we identify? Batman, sure, but then? A017, Sun, Ball B, 2:00 PM Caprica: Unnecessary addition to the Galactica canon, or a fascinating look at the days before Apollo, Starbuck and Boomer? A018, Fri, Ball A, 6:00 PM Cartoon Network: What‘s good on this channel? Share your favorites? A019, Mon, Univ 3, 11:00 AM Castle: General discussion of the latest season. A020, Sat, Univ 1, 12:00 PM Castle: It‘s been long enough. Can‘t they get together and be like Nick and Nora? A021, Sat, Univ 2, 2:00 PM Castle: Relationship progression - Are you satisfied with how the relationship between Beckett and Castle as progressed? A022, Mon, Univ 1, 11:00 AM Chuck: General discussion of the latest season. A025, Sun, Univ 3, 7:00 PM MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 23 Cooking shows: Cake Wars, etc. Which is your favorite reality show dealing with food. A026, Fri, Univ 3, 5:00 PM Criminal Minds: Has the show survived the cast changes? A027, Fri, Univ 1, 1:00 PM Criminal Minds: What the heck has happened to our show? Compare earlier seasons with the past two years A028, Sat, Univ 1, 1:00 PM CSI, the franchise: The series spawned a revolution on TV with procedural crime shows, but does it still have it? Discussion/dissection of all three CSIs. A031, Sun, Univ 2, 6:00 PM Dirty Jobs: Can't get enough of Mike Rowe? Come discuss the most recent new episodes and tell us about your favorites! A033, Fri, Univ 2, 8:00 PM Doctor Who: A look back at the 11th Doctor‘s first season – what did you think of Matt Smith? A034, Sat, Univ 2, 10:00 AM Doctor Who: Toasting the Brigadier and Sarah Jane. Remembering Nicholas Courtney and Elisabeth Sladen A177, Sun, Ball D, 5:00 PM Donald Strachey Mysteries: A general discussion of the movie series (/) A035, Sat, Univ 2, 7:00 PM Donald Strachey Mysteries: What do you think Donald‘s and Timmy‘s childhoods were like? (/) A038, Fri, Univ 2, 1:00 PM Donald Strachey Mysteries: Why do you think Timothy really left the seminary? (/) A040, Fri, Univ 2, 2:00 PM Dual Survival: Dave the Hunter/Code the Hippie Housewife (/) A174, Sat, Univ 2, 8:00 PM Emergency!: Johnny and Roy. Why is this series still entertaining after all these years? A042, Mon, Univ 1, 10:00 AM Eureka: Is the alternate universe change working for you? A043, Sat, Ball D, 4:00 PM Event, The: How is the series progressing, and where the heck is it on NBC? A044, Fri, Univ 3, 2:00 PM Fairly Legal: A light piece of fluff, or are you tuning in for just Richard Dean Anderson‘s guest spots? A046, Mon, Univ 3, 10:00 AM Fannish/Canon OCs .. Yes! They can be Awesome and No, they should not all be branded as Mary Sue or Gary Stu. A048, Sat, Ball D, 12:00 PM Firefly returns? This cult favorite returns to basic cable. Can it revive the fandom? A049, Fri, Ball A, 7:00 PM Forget the show, I like the commercials! Sometimes the commercials are more fun than the show you‘re watching. Share your favorites. A051, Sun, Ball D, 2:00 PM Fringe: Peter and Olivia, alternate universes, is a fan-dream come true? A052, Sun, Univ 1, 7:00 PM Game of Thrones: Did this HBO miniseries do justice to the George RR Martin‘s novels? A054, Sat, Univ 1, 7:00 PM Ghost Hunters: General discussion of this SyFy series. A056, Sat, Univ 4, 12:00 PM Ghost Hunting: You‘ve seen the shows, now learn to do it yourself, or share ideas. A168, Sun, Univ 1, 11:00 AM Glee: Fellow Gleeks, celebrate the show! A057, Sun, Ball A, 2:00 PM God on TV: Is prime time setting a good example? A058, Sat, Univ 4, 3:00 PM Gone too soon? Which shows were bad ideas, bad execution or bad casting? A059, Sat, Univ 1, 4:00 PM Harry's Law: Quirky Kelley, or a little less? Not as much as Ally or Boston Legal, not as serious as The Practice. Do we like it? A061, Sat, Univ 4, 10:00 AM Haven: has it done justice to the original Stephen King novel The Colorado Kid? A062, Fri, Univ 3, 8:00 PM Hawaii Five-O: A look back at the history of this venerable franchise, from exotic police procedural to hunky cops in the tropics. A063, Fri, Univ 3, 1:00 PM Hawaii Five-O: Book ‗em, Danno. What works in this new remake, what doesn‘t? A064, Sat, Univ 2, 12:00 PM House and Cuddy? Has this relationship strengthened the show, or made it jump the shark? A067, Fri, Ball C, 2:00 PM MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 24 Human Target: Okay, Guerrero is on the good guys‘ side, but is his constant killing of people with bombs, etc. a bit unnerving? A070, Sun, Univ 4, 1:00 PM Infested!, Fatal Attractions & Monsters Inside Me: What‘s so fascinating about such icky topics on TV shows, and which segments were your favorites? A071, Sat, Ball D, 2:00 PM Laramie Why is this show still gaining fans after all these years A074, Fri, Ball A, 2:00 PM Law & Order: How are the Los Angeles and London spin-offs compared to New York City? And what about SVU and CI? A176, Sat, Univ 4, 7:00 PM Leverage: Great writing, great plots, great characters. Slick and smartly presented. Why is it the best ensemble cast on telly (or not!). A077, Sat, Univ 3, 3:00 PM Leverage: The Con is On! How did season three stack up to the first two? Where to now? A078, Sun, Univ 2, 1:00 PM Magnificent Seven Crossovers A080, Sun, Ball C, 3:00 PM Magnificent Seven: What is it with the scruffy bunch that keeps us coming back for more? A081, Sat, Univ 3, 2:00 PM Medium: Discuss the end of this series. A082, Sun, Ball C, 12:00 PM Medium: They killed Joe! The BASTARDS! How does this affect syndication, DVD sales and the universe? A083, Fri, Univ 4, 1:00 PM Mentalist, The: Will Patrick ever catch his nemesis? A084, Fri, Univ 4, 6:00 PM Merlin. General discussion of this SyFy series. A086, Fri, Univ 3, 7:00 PM NCIS: A general discussion of the latest season. A088, Sat, Ball C, 3:00 PM NCIS: What do you think caused this show to become #1; did something change? A089, Fri, Univ 1, 4:00 PM NCIS-Los Angeles: Does the spinoff work? A090, Sun, Ball A, 10:00 AM Pro Wrestling: WWE, TNA, ECW, WCW, NXT and the talented men & women behind the initials A171, Sun, Univ 3, 12:00 PM Professionals, The: Fandom overview, general discussion, on fanfic, zines, and more A094, Sun, Ball B, 3:00 PM Professionals, The: Hurts So Good. What's your favorite hurt/comfort story? (/) A096, Fri, Ball D, 7:00 PM Professionals, The: When Bodie Met Doyle. Was it love at first sight or did sparks fly? How did the lads go from strangers to the close-knit pair we first saw. (/) A097, Fri, Univ 4, 5:00 PM Professionals: Secret Agents or Secret Police. Are Bodie and Doyle really the good guys? A098, Sun, Univ 1, 5:00 PM Quirky characters or psychopaths and sociopaths? How far is too far? (Parker, Eliot, Dexter, etc.). A100, Fri, Univ 4, 3:00 PM Remember WENN: General Discussion of the series A102, Sat, Univ 2, 5:00 PM Royal Pains: General discussion of this series. A104, Sun, Univ 2, 4:00 PM Science Fiction on TV: Is there any really good sci-fi left, or is Sharktopus the vision of the future? A106, Sat, Ball D, 5:00 PM Sentinel, The: What was the first moment that screamed ―slash‖ to you? (/) A108, Fri, Univ 2, 6:00 PM Sherlock (BBC series): General discussion. A110, Sun, Univ 3, 4:00 PM Sherlock (BBC): Welcome to the 21st Century, Mr. Holmes. Was Sherlock made to live in the information age? (/) A111, Sun, Ball D, 12:00 PM Sherlock (BBC/PBS Mystery): It was like the miniseries was written just for us! What pushed your buttons about the modern day reboot of the world's greatest detective? A113 , Sat, Ball C, 5:00 PM Sherlock Holmes: An enduring legend. From Conan Doyle through Rathbone and Brett to Downey and Cumberbatch – why Sherlock Holmes still captivates us. A115, Fri, Univ 1, 2:00 PM Sherlock: Autistic, sociopathic, or just rude? A116, Fri, Univ 4, 4:00 PM MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 25 Sixties War Series: What are your favorites, and what keeps you in the fandom? A172, Sat, Ball C, 11:00 AM Smallville: Discuss the series finale. Did it do justice to the whole series? A120, Sun, Ball C, 2:00 PM Sons of Anarchy: Was the last season a wild ride or total crap? A122, Sun, Ball C, 10:00 AM Spartacus-Gods of the Arena: Great historical romp, or do you just watch it for the not very-clad guys? A123, Sun, Univ 2, 7:00 PM Stargate Atlantis: the paperback novels. Do they make up for the lack of the series, and what do you think of the six part ―Legacy‖ series? A124, Fri, Ball D, 2:00 PM Stargate Atlantis: What are the cast up to nowadays? One word: SyFy! A125, Sat, Ball D, 11:00 AM Stargate Universe: Not your usual Stargate. Was that the problem? A167, Sun, Univ 4, 10:00 AM Stargate: Where does the future of this franchise lie? Is there any hope for movies? A129, Sun, Univ 3, 3:00 PM Starsky & Hutch and The Professionals: Cultural examination of the two countries and similarities and differences on how they presented their crime fighters to the viewers. A130, Fri, Ball B, 2:00 PM Starsky & Hutch: A love story – what are the slashiest moments in the series? (/) A131, Fri, Univ 2, 7:00 PM Starsky & Hutch: Fandom overview, general discussion, on fanfic, zines, and more. A132, Sun, Univ 4, 12:00 PM Starsky & Hutch: The first time – hearts and flowers – or hot and heavy? (/) A133, Sun, Ball C, 4:00 PM Supernatural: A positive discussion about season six. A134, Sun, Univ 3, 1:00 PM Supernatural: How much and in what awys have Sam and Dean changed from the beginning of season one ro the end of season six? A173, Fri, Ball C, 7:00 PM Supernatural: Season 6 – Titanic, meet iceberg (or, the season Becky would have written) A164, Sat, Univ 4, 11:00 AM Supernatural: Who are you and what have you done with the real Castiel? A166, Sun, Univ 3, 11:00 AM Supernatural: Who is your favorite character and why. A135, Fri, Ball B, 1:00 PM Supernatural: Why haven‘t monsters/demons/etc. taken over the world? Because a rock could outthink them A165, Fri, Univ 4, 2:00 PM SyFy movies: Tacky, trashy but a guilty pleasure. Discuss the best and the worst you‘ve seen. A136, Sat, Univ 3, 1:00 PM Things That Go Bump in the Night: Urban Fantasy from the Dresden Files to Supernatural. Come and talk about your favorite shows and authors in this increasingly popular genre A139, Sat, Ball D, 10:00 AM Tin Man: General Discussion of the Sci Fi Miniseries A140, Sun, Ball B, 11:00 AM Top Gear UK: Do you watch for the cars or the hosts? A142, Sun, Univ 3, 5:00 PM Torchwood: Miracle Day (aka The New World). Rebooting the franchise or flogging a dead horse? A145, Sat, Univ 4, 5:00 PM What do you look for in a TV series? A154, Fri, Ball C, 3:00 PM What Would Emma Pillsbury Wear: Admiring (and shopping!) the fashion of Glee A155, Sun, Univ 1, 4:00 PM White Collar: How has the relationship between Peter and Neal changed this season? A160, Fri, Univ 3, 6:00 PM White Collar: Is there room for non-slash fans in the White Collar fan base? If so, where are the rest of you? A157, Fri, Ball A, 3:00 PM Worst Series Finales of All Times: How much does it matter to your memories of the show? A162, Sat, Univ 3, 5:00 PM GAMES Gaming 101: Share your knowledge of the latest games with your fellow gamers. G01, Sun, Ball A, 3:00 PM Whose Line is it Anyway - Live 2-hour Improv - Featuring audience participation and suggestions J04, Sun, Ball A, 4:00-6:00 PM MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 26 World of Warcraft: Not just for college kids out to trash their GPAs! How to have fun with WoW and still have a life. G03, Sun, Univ 2, 12:00 PM WEB / VIDEO / ROLE PLAYING (also see Workshops) Basic Ebook Conversion for Fan-fiction: Tips and tricks on getting your fic ready to convert to eReader formats, programs to use, archives and downloaders that may do it for you H03, Fri, Ball D, 5:00 PM Choosing an EReader - With so many readers out there let us help you choose the right one for you. Or at least narrow down your choices H04, Fri, Ball D, 4:00 PM Facebook: Pros and cons. Do you use it for family, or your fannish friends, or both? And just how do you deny a friend request without hurting feelings? F02, Fri, Univ 4, 7:00 PM Has the digital revolution hurt or helped your fandom? Did you start collecting your fandom on audio cassettes in the 70‘s and discover VHS in the 80‘s, next came DVD and now Blu-Ray. With streaming becoming the main new main stay will you be able to collect shows or movies? What about the choices the new technology gives us, like or dislike? H07, Sun, Univ 1, 3:00 PM Live Journal Prompting and fic fest communities: These have gotten really popular in the last couple years. Let‘s talk about our favorites and share some you frequent! F03, Sat, Univ 4, 2:00 PM OMG did you RT that? Or, do you use Twitter and what‘s good about it, what‘s just awful. F05, Sun, Univ 4, 11:00 AM Roleplaying on Live Journal with Fannish OCs (or canon characters): Do you play? What games, characters do you play? Let‘s discuss F06, Sun, Ball B, 5:00 PM There's an App for That: Talk up your favorite and/or fandom apps F09, Sat, Ball B, 4:00 PM Vidding - Discussion of Last Night's [Friday] Vid Premieres H08, Sat, Ball C, 10:00 AM When is technology TOO much? F11, Sat, Univ 1, 9:00 PM WORKSHOPS Advanced Ebook Conversion & Mgmt: Indepth look at preparing & converting fanfiction for ereaders, & the Calibre ebook mgmt program. Open to PC, Mac, & Linux users J01, Sat, Ball C, 1:00-2:00 PM Holy Mother Grammatica: A funny thing happened on my way to a sentence? What‘s the funniest thing you (or someone else) never meant to write? J02, Sat, Ball C, 4:00 PM How to Write a Better Story J05, Sun, Ball B, 12:00-2:00 PM Stitch and Bitch H12, Sun, Univ 1, 2:00 PM MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 27 MediaWest*Con 31 Panel Schedule The job of the panelists is to discuss the topic, and ensure that everybody (on the panel and in the audience) has a chance to speak. Audience participation is actively encouraged. Empty slots may be used first-come first-serve at the convention. Please check the atrium area for any updates. Unless otherwise noted, all panels are Gen. FRIDAY, May 27 Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball A: Ball B: Ball C: Ball D: 1:00 PM A027 - Criminal Minds: Has the show survived the cast changes? L Wexler A038 - Donald Strachey Mysteries: What do you think Donald‘s and Timmy‘s childhoods were like? (/) Candy Apple A063 - Hawaii Five-O: A look back at the history of this venerable franchise, from exotic police procedural to hunky cops in the tropics. TL Bogolub A083 - Medium: They killed Joe! The BASTARDS! How does this affect syndication, DVD sales and the universe? MA Schmidt, J Lorrah B01 - "Love Never Dies" - Genius or Abomination? Andrew Lloyd Webber's "Phantom of the Opera" sequel. Druidwolf, Barb A135 - Supernatural: Who is your favorite character and why. GreenWoman, LaraMee, Isis E24 - Pros: What Clinches It for Me. What moments in the show convinced you that Bodie and Doyle were truly together? (/) FJBryan, PRZed E65 – Asexuality and Fandom: How does the current trend in media portrayals of asexuals change things Mirnell 2:00 PM Univ 1: Univ 2: A115 - Sherlock Holmes: An enduring legend. From Conan Doyle through Rathbone and Brett to Downey and Cumberbatch – why Sherlock Holmes still captivates us. Druidwolf, S Ballasch A040 - Donald Strachey Mysteries: Why do you think Timothy really left the seminary? (/) MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 28 Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball A: Ball B: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball A: Ball B: Ball C: Candy Apple A044 - Event, The: How is the series progressing, and where the heck is it on NBC? L Wexler A165 – Supernatural: Why haven‘t monsters/demons/etc. taken over the world? Because a rock could outthink them Isis A074 - Laramie Why is this show still gaining fans after all these years Skye Rutherford, PJS A130 - Starsky & Hutch and The Professionals: Cultural examination of the two countries and similarities and differences on how they presented their crime fighters to the viewers. Kat, Tex the Tall One A067 - House and Cuddy? Has this relationship strengthened the show, or made it jump the shark? (open discussion) A124 - Stargate Atlantis: the paperback novels. Do they make up for the lack of the series, and what do you think of the six part ―Legacy‖ series? L Shadle, Elyse 3:00 PM E28 - Sherlock Holmes BBC H/C Recs: sharing your favorite Sherlock H/C fanfics from the BBC series Yum@, Katya, Brate, Penfold A005 - Being Human (SyFy Channel): Are Aidan & Bishop just another Nick Knight & Lacroix? (open discussion) D19 - Comic Books: What are you reading, what are your favorite finds, both indie and mainstream. M RaindancerStahl A100 - Quirky characters or psychopaths and sociopaths? How far is too far? (Parker, Eliot, Dexter, etc.). Tex the Tall One A157 - White Collar: Is there room for non-slash fans in the White Collar fan base? If so, where are the rest of you? C Schlein, K Nelson, L Greco, G Blog E26 - Secret Agents and Slash. Pros, UNCLE, I Spy, why do so many classic secret agent and espionage shows lend themselves to slash? (/) Kat, PR Zed A154 - What do you look for in a TV series? Isis, J Lorrah MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 29 Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball A: Ball B: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball A: E32 - Stargate Atlantis: McShep – now that they‘re back on Earth, how will the relationship develop? (/) Kimber, L Townsend 4:00 PM A089 - NCIS: What do you think caused this show to become #1; did something change? L Wexler B02 - 3-D Movies: Are they are good or bad thing? TL Bogolub, J Bishop A001 - A&E‟s Hoarders: Is this show about hoarding entertaining, or do you think you could be a candidate for the series? D McLevy, G Blog, Weasel A116 - Sherlock: Autistic, sociopathic, or just rude? S Ballasch E16 - Magnificent 7 – Gen fic – Multiple AU‟s – Which Aus do the characters translate to well? Story recommendations and share plot bunnies. LaraMee, PJS E20 - Open Writing: Bring a notebook and pen, or laptop, and write for a full hour Shelley B09 - Lord of the Rings: Elijah Wood turned 30 in January; what are he and the other LOTR actors up to now? SL Williams H04 - Choosing an EReader - With so many readers out there let us help you choose the right one for you. Or at least narrow down your choices Wynde 5:00 PM C02 - Benedict Cumberbatch: With a name like Cumberbatch, he has to be good! J DeVore, Mirnell, Signe E14 - Kink panel: This was so much fun last year, let‘s do it again! General Discussion of kink in fanfic. *adult Discussion M Savage, Shelley A026 - Cooking shows: Cake Wars, etc. Which is your favorite reality show dealing with food. TL Bogolub A097 - Professionals, The: When Bodie Met Doyle. Was it love at first sight or did sparks fly? How did the lads go from strangers to the close-knit pair we first saw. (/) FJBryan E18 - Magnificent 7 Slash fic – general discussion. Favorite pairings, story recs, site recs – bring your favorites list. MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 30 Ball B: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball A: Ball B: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: GreenWoman, LaraMee E36 - Trauma in Fanfiction: How real do you want it to be? V Byers, Kimber B18 - Legion: Sancte Michaelango, protect us. Isis H03 - Basic Ebook Conversion for Fan-fiction: Tips and tricks on getting your fic ready to convert to eReader formats, programs to use, archives and downloaders that may do it for you Wynde 6:00 PM C14 – Christian Bale: Let‘s discuss his Oscar-winning role in The Fighter as well as his other films. (open discussion) A108 - Sentinel, The: What was the first moment that screamed ―slash‖ to you? (/) Candy Apple A160 - White Collar: How has the relationship between Peter and Neal changed this season? C Schlein, G Blog A084 - Mentalist, The: Will Patrick ever catch his nemesis? L Wexler A018 - Caprica: Unnecessary addition to the Galactica canon, or a fascinating look at the days before Apollo, Starbuck and Boomer? (open discussion) A004 - Are the networks killing themselves? Half-year hiatuses, constant time-shifting. Is your show a victim of these practices and does it kill your enthusiasm to even watch? Signe B12 - Star Trek (2012): The latest news and production developments about the second film in the reboot series. (open discussion) D20 - M/M Genre Fiction Recs:. Let‘s share our favorite original fantasy/sci-fi, mystery, romance, whatever, writers and stories; please include where-to-find if possible. (open discussion) 7:00 PM B05 - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part I: Did breaking up the book into two films work? L Wexler, TL Bogolub, Signe, G Blog A131 - Starsky & Hutch: A love story – what are the slashiest moments in the series? (/) Candy Apple, Flamingo MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 31 Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball A: Ball B: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: A086 - Merlin. General discussion of this SyFy series. MA Schmidt F02 - Facebook: Pros and cons. Do you use it for family, or your fannish friends, or both? And just how do you deny a friend request without hurting feelings? (open discussion) A049 - Firefly returns? This cult favorite returns to basic cable. Can it revive the fandom? (open discussion) A180 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Rupert Giles, R.I.P. Joss Whedon brutally offed Giles at the conclusion of the S8 comics, the bastard. Come celebrate the life of the greatest Watcher who ever lived. Chevron17 A173 – Supernatural: How much and in what ways have Sam and Dean changed from the beginning ot season one to the end of season six? R Leason, R Cassell A096 - Professionals, The: Hurts So Good. What's your favorite hurt/comfort story? (/) (open discussion) 8:00 PM A012 - Bones: Discuss the latest season. (open discussion) A033 - Dirty Jobs: Can't get enough of Mike Rowe? Come discuss the most recent new episodes and tell us about your favorites! (open discussion) A062 - Haven: has it done justice to the original Stephen King novel The Colorado Kid? (open discussion) C12 - Jensen Ackles: Let‘s drool over, er, discuss this talented actor (open discussion) SATURDAY, May 28 Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: 10:00 AM A010 - Boardwalk Empire: General discussion (Steve Buscemi love god?) MA Schmidt A034 - Doctor Who: A look back at the 11th Doctor‘s first season – what did you think of Matt Smith? Druidwolf, B Nachison B17 - Why I prefer one-dimensional characters, or, the incredible allure of the animated movie (How to Train Your Dragon, MegaMind, etc.) over live-action films. Is it the MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 32 Univ 4: Ball AB: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball AB: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: animation, or just better writing? TL Bogolub A061 - Harry's Law: Quirky Kelley, or a little less? Not as much as Ally or Boston Legal, not as serious as The Practice. Do we like it? L Wexler BLOOD DRIVE H08 - Vidding - Discussion of Last Night's [Friday] Vid Premieres SIDIC A139 - Things That Go Bump in the Night: Urban Fantasy from the Dresden Files to Supernatural. Come and talk about your favorite shows and authors in this increasingly popular genre Isis, Rubygirl29, J Curtin 11:00 AM A014 - Burn Notice: General discussion of the latest season. K Nelson, L Greco E01 - A History of Fan Fiction: When was the first fanfic written anyway? J Wells E02 - Canonically gay vs. slash: Which do you find more fulfilling and why? (/) Candy Apple A164 - Supernatural: Season 6 – Titanic, meet iceberg (or, the season Becky would have written) Isis BLOOD DRIVE A172 – Sixties War Series: What are your favorites, and what keeps you in the fandom? LaraMee, PJS A125 - Stargate Atlantis: What are the cast up to nowadays? One word: SyFy! L Shadle, Elyse 12:00 PM A020 - Castle: General discussion of the latest season. Tex-The Tall One A064 - Hawaii Five-O: Book ‗em, Danno. What works in this new remake, what doesn‘t? TL Bogolub D03 - Black Stallion: There's a new book coming out. And the change in the series. D McLevy A056 - Ghost Hunters: General discussion of this SyFy series. Candy Apple MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 33 Ball AB: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball AB: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: BLOOD DRIVE E45 - Are TPTB too involved with the fans? Isis A048 - Fannish/Canon OCs .. Yes! They can be Awesome and No, they should not all be branded as Mary Sue or Gary Stu. Druidwolf, M Savage, E McCullough 1:00 PM A028 - Criminal Minds: What the heck has happened to our show? Compare earlier seasons with the past two years C Schlein, K Yost, Tex the Tall One C04 - John Barrowman: The latest adventures of the remarkable Mr. Barrowman. J DeVore A136 - SyFy movies: Tacky, trashy but a guilty pleasure. Discuss the best and the worst you‘ve seen. Isis D04 - British Naval Fiction: Age of Sail Patrick O‘Brian, C.S. Forester, Dudley Pope, Alexander Kent, etc. PJS, L Townsend BLOOD DRIVE J01 - Advanced Ebook Conversion & Mgmt: Indepth look at preparing & converting fanfiction for ereaders, & the Calibre ebook mgmt program. Open to PC, Mac, & Linux users Wynde B10 - Movie Guilty Pleasures. A panel about the lesser known movies out there. Little known Sci-Fi and Fantasy films, new and old. May also include Foreign and Art House movies to look for. Also, gems from Netflix. Bring your suggestions. J Bishop 2:00 PM D01 - Andre Norton: Yup! Found a new site with downloadable old material. D McLevy, L Shadle A021 - Castle: It‘s been long enough. Can‘t they get together and be like Nick and Nora? L Wexler, MA Schmidt A081 - Magnificent Seven: What is it with the scruffy bunch that keeps us coming back for more? GreenWoman, LaraMee F03 - Live Journal Prompting and fic fest communities: These have gotten really MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 34 Ball AB: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball AB: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball A: popular in the last couple years. Let‘s talk about our favorites and share some you frequent! E McCullough, M Savage Tear Down J01 - Advanced Ebook Conversion & Mgmt (continued) A071 - Infested!, Fatal Attractions & Monsters Inside Me: What‘s so fascinating about such icky topics on TV shows, and which segments were your favorites? Elyse, TL Bogolub 3:00 PM E17 - Magnificent 7 Fanfic: Gen, what‘s the appeal? Share favorite stories and sites, offer plot bunnies. LaraMee, Tex the Tall One D12 - Pern: A serious discussion about the series. D McLevy, L Shadle, TL Bogolub A077 - Leverage: Great writing, great plots, great characters. Slick and smartly presented. Why is it the best ensemble cast on telly (or not!). Kat A058 - God on TV: Is prime time setting a good example? GreenWoman, S Ballasch Tear Down A088 - NCIS: A general discussion of the latest season. K Nelson, L Greco B16 - We‟re all doomed! Discuss your favorite end-of-the-world movies, from the old B&W days up to the latest. Isis, Elyse 4:00 PM A059 - Gone too soon? Which shows were bad ideas, bad execution or bad casting? Tex the Tall One H13 - NASA: What‟s next? J Hillman, P Richards E39 - Why is hurt/ comfort so important in your stories? Druidwolf, Kimber E25 - Remembering Stephen J. Cannell - 1941-2010: A look back at Cannell's 40+ television series and nearly 20 novels - Hosted by Scott Clark, past editor of The Cannell Files E33 - Supernatural H/C Recs: sharing your favorite Supernatural H/C fanfics * Penfold, Katya, Brate, Yum@, LaraMee MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 35 Ball B: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball A: Ball B: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: F09 - There's an App for That: Talk up your favorite and/or fandom apps Shelley J02 - Holy Mother Grammatica: A funny thing happened on my way to a sentence? What‘s the funniest thing you (or someone else) never meant to write? SL Williams A043 - Eureka: Is the alternate universe change working for you? G. Blog 5:00 PM E12 - Is printed matter on the way out? Do you prefer a real book or a Kindle V Byers, J Lorrah A102 - Remember WENN: General Discussion of the series E McCullough, M Savage, Shelley A162 - Worst Series Finales of All Times: How much does it matter to your memories of the show? Isis, L Wexler, MA Schmidt, S Ballasch A145 - Torchwood: Miracle Day (aka The New World). Rebooting the franchise or flogging a dead horse? (open discussion) E64 – Television as Therapist: Have you ever used a movie, show or character to work out your psychological issues vicariously? LaraMee B20 – The Man from UNCLE: Discussion about the upcoming feature film. GreenWoman, C Walker A113 - Sherlock (BBC/PBS Mystery): It was like the miniseries was written just for us! What pushed your buttons about the modern day reboot of the world's greatest detective? K Yost, Penfold, SIgne A106 - Science Fiction on TV: Is there any really good sci-fi left, or is Sharktopus the vision of the future? TL Bogolub 6:00 PM B15 - Twilight: Aimed toward teenagers, do adults like to watch the franchise? L Wexler E57 – He‟s not dead, Jim! Bringing a beloved character back after TPTB have killed them off. Khylara E61 – Stargate Rare Pairings: Mitchell and Miko, Ronon and Dusty, McKay and Abby (NCIS). Kimber, L Townsend MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 36 Univ 4: Ball AD: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball AD: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball AD: Univ 1: A002 - Amazing Race: Revisiting seasons 17 and 18 (―Unfinished Business‖) S Clark, REW Set-up 7:00 PM A054 - Game of Thrones: Did this HBO miniseries do justice to the George RR Martin‘s novels? (open discussion) A035 - Donald Strachey Mysteries: A general discussion of the movie series (/) Candy Apple E34 - The Disappearance of Mankind‟s Desire to Explore has Vanished: … has the human race become so tranquilized by modern television writing that we don‘t want to go anywhere except our armchairs. Sahav A176 - Law & Order: How are the Los Angeles and London spin-offs compared to New York City? And what about SVU and CI? G Blog PLAY (TREK is the word…) 8:00 PM A183 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Who Needed Who. There is no question that Buffy needed Giles. But what about Giles? Was Buffy Giles' redemption? Chevron17 A174 – Dual Survival: Dave the Hunter/Code the Hippie Housewife (/) (open discussion) E59 – The Man from UNCLE – How`, and will, a feature film change the fandom? (open discussion) D07 - Favorite Childhood Books: What's out of print, what's been reissued, what should we all track down? (open discussion) PLAY (cont.) 9:00 PM F11 - When is technology TOO much? (open discussion) MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 37 10:00 PM Ball AD: MASQUERADE SUNDAY, May 29 Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball A: Ball B: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball A: 10:00 AM F01 - Comic Con: Both San Diego and NYC. Share your tips for surviving these incredibly huge events, plus share your tales. L Shadle, Elyse D14 - Romance Novels: Favorite titles and authors S Ballasch, TL Bogolub E40 - Writer‟s Block: Reasons why you stall out on a story, and the means to banish that block and finish your fic. Candy Apple, Druidwolf, LaraMee A167 - Stargate Universe: Not your usual Stargate. Was that the problem? Isis A090 - NCIS-Los Angeles: Does the spinoff work? L Wexler E23 - Professionals and Hurt/Comfort. What is it about the lads that just invites h/c, in both canon and fanon. PR Zed, FJBryan A122 - Sons of Anarchy: Was the last season a wild ride or total crap? Broohilda E37 - TV Shows on DVD - Has your favorite series still not come out on DVD. Come discuss cult classics that haven't been released commercially (open discussion) 11:00 AM A168 - Ghost Hunting: You‘ve seen the shows, now learn to do it yourself, or share ideas. P Grant B04 - Comics into movies: Which films succeed, which fail miserably, and should Hollywood create NEW superheroes instead? TL Bogolub A166 - Supernatural: Who are you and what have you done with the real Castiel? Isis F05 - OMG did you RT that? Or, do you use Twitter and what‘s good about it, what‘s just awful. Mirnell E60 – NCIS Fanfic Recs – bring your list of favorite NCIS fiction to share with others! MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 38 Ball B: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball A: Ball B: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: (open discussion) A140 - Tin Man: General Discussion of the Sci Fi Miniseries E McCullough, M Savage E31 - Stargate Atlantis H/C Recs: Bring your list of favorite stories this year and share with others. Elyse, L Townsend E21 - Over 40 and still into fandom: Why we‘re still in fandom and we have no plans of leaving. GreenWoman, J Wells, S Ballasch 12:00 PM E66 – Sentinel: The future in fic – What‘s left to explore? Tany Z G03 - World of Warcraft: Not just for college kids out to trash their GPAs! How to have fun with WoW and still have a life. Crimson Quills A171 – Pro Wrestling: WWE, TNA, ECW, WCW, NXT and the talented men & women behind the initials Khylara A132 - Starsky & Hutch: Fandom overview, general discussion, on fanfic, zines, and more. Kat, Flamingo A175 - 24: What kind of day is Jack Bauer currently having? G Blog J05 – How to Write a Better Story (2 hours) C Walker A082 - Medium: Discuss the end of this series. J Well, L Wexler A111 - Sherlock (BBC): Welcome to the 21st Century, Mr. Holmes. Was Sherlock made to live in the information age? (/) J DeVore, Tex the Tall One, Signe 1:00 PM D13 - Pern: The latest book, DragonGirl. D McLevy, L Shadle A078 - Leverage: The Con is On! How did season three stack up to the first two? Where to now? Tex the Tall One A134 - Supernatural: A positive discussion about season six. LaraMee, Brate, Penfold, JJJunky, Gatejunkie MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 39 Univ 4: Ball A: Ball B: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball A: Ball B: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: A070 - Human Target: Okay, Guerrero is on the good guys‘ side, but is his constant killing of people with bombs, etc. a bit unnerving? PR Zed C11 - The Everyman Actor: Which actors do you think can do it all – and do it well? (aka Nathan Fillion, etc.) Your chance to introduce other fans to hidden gems. Druidwolf, Signe J05 – How to Write a Better Story (continued) C06 - Life with the Frys: A talk about Stephen and Mrs. Fry. Mirnell, Rayhne E67 - No, you can‟t reattach his head with a stapler. Medical accuracy in fanfic Karita Wyr, Kimber, Vivian Byers 2:00 PM H12 - Stitch and Bitch J DeVore E35 - Threesomes=OT3s: Let‘s talk about our favorite OT3s and writing them! (/) M Savage B14 - Superheroes. Discuss the latest crop of films on Green Lantern, Batman, Spiderman and more. TL Bogolub C07 - Mark Sheppard: Mr. Everywhere! Rayhne A057 - Glee: Fellow Gleeks, celebrate the show! GreenWoman A017 - Cape, The: How many sources can we identify? Batman, sure, but then? L Wexler A120 - Smallville: Discuss the series finale. Did it do justice to the whole series? J Wells A051 - Forget the show, I like the commercials! Sometimes the commercials are more fun than the show you‘re watching. Share your favorites. S Ballasch, Elyse 3:00 PM H07 - Has the digital revolution hurt or helped your fandom? Did you start collecting your fandom on audio cassettes in the 70‘s and discover VHS in the 80‘s, next came DVD and now Blu-Ray. With streaming becoming the main new main stay will you be able to collect shows or movies? What about the choices the new technology gives us, like or dislike? Sahav E04 - Crossovers: Discuss crossover combos and making them work logically and when MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 40 Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball A: Ball B: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball A: Ball B: Ball C: Ball D: the oddest combos work in surprising ways E McCullough, M Savage A129 - Stargate: Where does the future of this franchise lie? Is there any hope for movies? (open discussion) D09 - Horse Fiction: Discussion of the old and new. D McLevy G01 - Gaming 101: Share your knowledge of the latest games with your fellow gamers. (open discussion) A094 - Professionals, The: Fandom overview, general discussion, on fanfic, zines, and more Kat, PR Zed A080 - Magnificent Seven Crossovers LaraMee, Tex the Tall One, PJS E08 - Fandom: Has technology like the Internet (Facebook, LJ, Twitter) & mobile devices (cell phones, IPads, E-Book readers) had an adverse effect on fandom? Lower con attendance? Fewer fan publications and art? GreenWoman, Mirnell 4:00 PM A155 - What Would Emma Pillsbury Wear: Admiring (and shopping!) the fashion of Glee Shelley A104 - Royal Pains: General discussion of this series. C Schlein, L Wexler, G Blog A110 - Sherlock (BBC series): General discussion. Mirnell, S Ballasch. Penfold B07 - Hobbit Movies: What‘s happening? SL Williams J04 - Whose Line is it Anyway - Live 2-hour Improv - Featuring audience participation and suggestions Scott Clark and REW A008 - Big Bang Theory: More pals for Penny; having introduced Sheldon to non-geek friendship, how‘s it going with Amy Farrah Fowler? MA Schmidt A133 - Starsky & Hutch: The first time – hearts and flowers – or hot and heavy? (/) Candy Apple, Flamingo D15 - Sime~Gen universe by Jacqueline Lichtenberg & Jean Lorrah J Lorrah MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 41 Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball A: Ball B: Ball C: Ball D: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball AD: Univ 1: 5:00 PM A098 - Professionals: Secret Agents or Secret Police. Are Bodie and Doyle really the good guys? PR Zed, FJBryan H14 - EXO: Planets and the search for new worlds P Richards A142 - Top Gear UK: Do you watch for the cars or the hosts? Mirnell, Shelley, PJS, E62 – Hawaii 5-O, Romance vs. Bromance of Danno and Steve: Bring the peaceful discussion. Kimber J04 (continued) F06 - Roleplaying on Live Journal with Fannish OCs (or canon characters): Do you play? What games, characters do you play? Let‘s discuss E McCullough, M Savage E15 - Magnificent 7 – Canon led to fanon? – or where did they get THAT idea? What story started which fanon idea? LaraMee, Tex the Tall One A177 - Doctor Who: Toasting the Brigadier and Sarah Jane. Remembering Nicholas Courtney and Elisabeth Sladen G Blog 6:00 PM FAN QUALITY AWARDS and FANNISH VIDEO AWARDS A031 - CSI, the franchise: The series spawned a revolution on TV with procedural crime shows, but does it still have it? Discussion/dissection of all three CSIs. Weasel E58 – Historical Accuracy: How much do you care if they get it right? If they get it wrong, does it spoil your enjoyment of the project? Khylara A182 - Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Being of Sound Mind and Body. Even if you don't accept the S8 comics as canon, what do you think of the last will and testament of one Rupert Edmund Giles? Chevron17 Set-up 7:00 PM A052 - Fringe: Peter and Olivia, alternate universes, is a fan-dream come true? (open discussion) MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 42 Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball AD: Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Univ 4: Ball AD: A123 - Spartacus-Gods of the Arena: Great historical romp, or do you just watch it for the not very-clad guys? (open discussion) A025 - Chuck: General discussion of the latest season. (open discussion) D10 - Jim Butcher's THE DRESDEN FILES: How is the novel series doing after "killing off" its main character? (open discussion) ART AUCTION 8:00 PM E37 - TV Shows on DVD - Has your favorite series still not come out on DVD. Come discuss cult classics that haven't been released commercially. (open discussion) E10 - Femmeslash: General discussion of the Genre.(/) (open discussion) E03 - Crossing the Line: Can A Hero Break, Spindle, or Mutilate the Law to get a Criminal? (open discussion) B11 - Movie Remakes and Reboots. What worked and what didn‘t. (open discussion) ART AUCTION (continues to Midnight) MONDAY, May 30 Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Ball AD: 10:00 AM A042 - Emergency!: Johnny and Roy. Why is this series still entertaining after all these years? (open discussion) E30 - Slash Authors: What role does feedback play in your writing? How important is it? (/) Candy Apple A046 - Fairly Legal: A light piece of fluff, or are you tuning in for just Richard Dean Anderson‘s guest spots? L Wexler DEAD DOG PANEL MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 43 Univ 1: Univ 2: Univ 3: Ball AD: 11:00 AM A022 - Castle: Relationship progression - Are you satisfied with how the relationship between Beckett and Castle as progressed? (open discussion) E38 - What is there a difference between shows that you just like to watch and those that you also enjoy the fandom? Candy Apple A019 - Cartoon Network: What‘s good on this channel? Share your favorites? (open discussion) DEAD DOG PANEL MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 44 MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 45 MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 46 MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 47 MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 48 MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 49 MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 50 Keep track of you Art Show Bids, friend‟s room numbers, etc…. Or just doodle! MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 51 MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 52 New for 32 Haven't you always wanted to be next door to the other people in your fandom? Or get a connecting room with your friends? Now you can! As an experiment for MediaWest*Con 32, the early hotel reservation request form will have a place to designate a "group" that you would like to be near. How will this work? People in rooms that would like to be near each other should choose a name for their "group" (for example, Blake 7 fans, Spike's Minions, Friends of <insert name>. Go ahead, get creative!). Every form submitted in that group should put the same name on the "group" line. The forms do not have to be submitted at the same time, as long as the "group" name on them is identical. The early hotel reservation request forms will be processed as usual. After the rooms are confirmed, the "groups" will be pre-blocked near each other in the hotel to the limit that this is possible. The hotel will make every effort to put groups together, but is not able to absolutely guarantee that. If you wish to be in connecting rooms, the two rooms become a "group" and both forms should have the same unique name on the "connecting with" line. Remember that all connecting rooms have a king bed in one room and two queen beds in the other and plan accordingly. You may only select ONE "group" to be blocked with, which means you must choose to either put a group name on the "group" line OR put a "group" name on the "connecting with" line. If you put a name in both places, the "group" will override the "connecting with" information. A "group" request will also override any other block request such as "quiet" or "dealers." Neither the hotel nor MediaWest*Con can guarantee that all requested rooms in a group will be successful in the early hotel reservation request process and being in a group does not increase your chances of getting a room. The hotel also no longer wants credit card info on the reservation form (due to cards expiring, security issues, etc.), but you will still need to give them that info later to secure a room. Also, members will no longer need to request VCR hookups as the new TVs have a variety of inputs. Any questions? Contact Carol Lynn at MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 53 Early CWB Reservation Request Procedures for MediaWest*Con 32 1. You must first be registered as an attending member of MediaWest*Con 32. 2. Fill out the CWB reservation request form as indicated. Please DO NOT list the primary name also as guest sharing room. Please list the MW*C 32 membership numbers (NOT membership numbers from MW*C 31) of all listed as guests sharing rooms. Those listed as guests sharing rooms should NOT submit separate forms. Please indicate the qualifying relationship of anyone listed as guest sharing the room who is not a MW*C 32 member (parent, child, spouse, etc.). Those requesting adjoining or connecting rooms should submit those forms together, putting the same identifying name on the ―Group‖ line. A reservation request from is required for each separate guestroom. 3. Some rooms will be set aside for those with physical disabilities: if you qualify for this exception, you must still submit a reservation request form, check off the ―physical hardship‖ box and provide documentation of your qualifying medical condition (handicapped parking permit, doctor‘s note, etc.). You must provide such documentation even if you also did so in previous years as neither CWB nor MW*C keep medical documents on file from previous years. Those claiming physical hardships must also select a ticket number (or have a ticket number selected for them), which will determine the order in which physical hardship claims are processed. 4. Early reservation requests will be processed by CWB in order determined by the number of the randomly selected ticket attached to the form. Each MW*C 32 member attending MW*C 31 may select their own tickets; MW*C 32 members who do not attend MW*C 31 will have tickets randomly selected for them. Please keep a record of the ticket number on your form and include it in any inquiry on your hotel status 5. Reservation request forms will be collected for MW*C 32 registration during MW*C 31, by mail at 200 E. Thomas St., Lansing, MI 48906-4046, and by FAX at 517-372-0738. An online reservation request form will be available on the MW*C website ( after the conclusion of MW*C 31. Reservation requests for MW*C 32 will NOT be accepted at the hotel front desk during MW*C 31, or at the hotel by mail or FAX, nor will CWB take reservations by phone. 6. Forms must be received by July 1, 2011 (a month after MW*C 31) to be included in the early reservation request process. After the membership information on the forms is verified, the forms will be turned over to the hotel; CWB will process the forms in the order determined by the attached ticket numbers. CWB will send out confirmations to the primary name on each reservation request at the top of your form; you may wish to make a photocopy of your form and ticket stub to expedite any later inquiries. Two-part tickets will be provided so you may keep one for your reference. CWB will also send notices to the primary name on each form of those who follow the early reservation request procedure and do not immediately receive room reservations that they remain on the MW*C 32 member preference list; they will be notified as rooms become available prior to MW*C 32, unless they notify the hotel they wish to be removed from the waiting list. Additional Reservation Requests New member may be added to the MW*C 32 member preference list after the early reservation request deadline by the following procedure: 1. Fill out the CWB reservation request form as indicated above. 2. No ticket number is required; reservation requests received after the early reservation request deadline will be added to the waiting list in the order received. 3. Mail the form to 200 E. Thomas St., Lansing, MI 48906-4047 or FAX it to 517-372-0738. An online reservation request form will be available on the MW*C website ( after the conclusion of MW*C 32. DO NOT mail or FAX the form to CWB; CWB will NOT take reservations by phone for MW*C 32. The MediaWest*Con 32 hotel reservation request procedure was created with the full knowledge and cooperation of the Causeway Bay Hote1 management. NOTE: CWB is expecting to become a Best Western by next year. Only the franchise affiliation is changing, not the ownership or management. MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 54 MediaWest*Con 32 -- May 25-28, 2012 MediaWest*Con is the definitive gathering of SF/Media fandom, held each Memorial Day Weekend in Lansing Michigan. MediaWest*Con is sponsored by T‟Kuhtian Press as a celebration of the diversity of SF/Media fandom, run by fans, for fans, and is staffed entirely by volunteers. MediaWest*Con traditionally features the Art Show and Auction, Fanzine Reading Room. Fannish Videos, Masquerade, Dealers‘ Room, SF/Media Fan Fund, Fan Quality Awards, a Con Suite (AKA Hospitality Suite) and a Party Suite, and many, many panels on a wide variety of topics representing many areas of interest. Programming is determined by member input and participation; a form for suggesting topics will be included in a future Progress Report. Programming is intended for an adult audience; we do not censor adult themes in panel topics or in the Art Show. We have no official guests. The name MediaWest*Con is a service mark of MediaWest*Con. Once again, MediaWest*Con 32 will be held in Lansing, Michigan on Memorial Day Weekend, May 2528, 2012. As always, programming will be determined by member input and participation. We urge you to register early, so you can participate in planning for MW*C 32. Memberships will be available to MW*C 31 members at MW*C 31 registration (see postings for day & time). Due to increased costs in postage, bank charges, etc., the cost of Attending membership for people outside the US will be slightly higher. MW*C 31 members may receive a discounted rate of $40/$45 for those outside the US for MW*C 32 Attending membership if registration is dated through June 30, 2011. Attending memberships for all others (including MW*C 31 members after June 30) is $45/$50 outside the US through Dec. 31, 2011. All Attending memberships postmarked after Dec. 31, 2011 are $55/$60 outside the US, until either Attending membership limits of 900 is reached or May 1, 2012, whichever comes first. NO MEMBERSHIPS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR. Memberships are NOT transferable. Memberships are subject to acceptance. GoFers receive a greatly discounted membership rate of $15 (as low as Supporting!) for working a minimum of 10 hours during the four days of the con. We will try to accommodate specific scheduling requests based on the order they are received. Supporting memberships are $15. All non-attending Art Show participants must be at least Supporting members. Supporting members will receive all Progress Reports and other membership materials, will be entitled to nominate and vote for Fan Q‘s, as well as be eligible for a discount on Attending membership to next year‘s con. Apocryphal memberships are $1, for live animals, stuffed animals, or alternate identities. Single day passes and children‘s memberships are NOT available. Babes in arms and children in direct control of parents or guardians at all times do not need memberships; if a child is old enough to be on his/her own, they need an Attending membership. PAYMENT: Checks should be made payable to MediaWest*Con, in US funds from US banks only, please; money orders should be made out to Lori Chapek-Carleton. Credit card payments will only be accepted online through PayPal. See details on the MW*C website ( IMPORTANT: Be certain to list your address including ZIP + 4 & phone number including area code. You may be listed under a fannish name if you wish, but we must also have your legal name for our records. Only the fannish name will be printed in PRs, but we will print legal names on the mailing labels unless you have a legitimate reason not to (such as personal security issues), as we have had problems with the PO not delivering to fannish names — and please remember what name you are registered under, so we can find you next year! Mail memberships to: MediaWest*Con 32, 200 E. Thomas St., Lansing MI 48906-4047 USA Online information is also available at For other info, e-mail: We will try to accommodate all membership changes (new memberships, converting from Supporting to Attending, or from Attending to Supporting, etc.) received up to the May 1 deadline. Attending members who are unable to attend may be switched to Supporting, $15 will be held for the conversion, and the balance they paid will be refunded; after the first Progress Report is mailed, full refunds will only be made in cases of personal hardship. No membership changes or refunds will be made after the May 1 deadline. MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 55 MediaWest*Con 31 Flavors of Fandom – May 27-30, 2011 – Page 56
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