"Mine hjul følger med tiden." Hjul - Health & Rehab 190 Mere information online: www.tente.com TENTE Sengehjul Om TENTE Ubegrænset mobilitet For TENTE gælder kun et mål: TENTEs loso er at kombinere traditionel kvalitet med fremadskuende idéer. Fordi TENTE fremstiller mere end førsteklasses hjul: Vores personale på utallige internationale lokaliteter sikrer mobiliteten for at gøre livet lettere. Erfaring, banebrydende præcision, visionært design og service, som bliver værdsat verden over. Oplev TENTE. TENTE Danmark Dag-til-dag leveringer, der medfører mindre lager for dig Kompetent rådgivning, der sikrer det rigtige valg af hjul første gang Vi tilbyder CAD-service med 3D tegninger i mere end 30 formater 2 4 Mere information online: www.tente.com Serie 5940 LINEA Serie 2940 Drejelige hjul med total-, retnings- eller centralbremse. - Belastning 125 kg - Diameter 100/125/150 mm - DIN-kugleleje - R05, R26, R36 befæstigelse - Hjulfælg: polyamid - Hjulbane: polyuretan - Fås også i elektrisk ledende version Gaffel i kunststof-afDIN-kugleleje høj kvalitet, 2 stk. DIN-kuglelejer som drejekrans Belastning testet -iht. EN 12531 R05 og R36 befæstigelse - Hjulfælg: polyamid - Hjulbane: polyuretan - Fås også i rustfri version Serie 2040 INTEGRAL Drejeligt hjul 125 15 150 15 Bærende gaffel af stål 125 drejekrans, 15 32 DIN-kugleleje som kappe af kunststof 15 12531 32 Belastning testet125 iht. EN 50 Ekspress / På lager Belastning [kg] 130 150 47.5 155 40 150 EAN-nummer Drejelige hjul med total-, ret4031582348330 5940UAP125R05-32 nings- eller centralbremse. 4031582338898 5940UAP150R05-32 - Belastning 100 kg - Diameter 100/125/150 mm - DIN-kugleleje - R05, R26, R36 befæstigelse - Hjulfælg: polypropylen - Hjulbane: TENTEprene - Fås også i elektrisk ledende version Ordre nummer EAN-nummer 40 150 15 32 50 47.5 155 150 5944UAP150R36-32S30OH155 4031582338904 150 15 32 50 47.5 175 150 5944UAP150R36-32S30OH175 4031582350784 Serie 2470 Hjul med total- eller retningsDrejelige eller faste. EAN-nummer - Belastning 40-100 kg 5946UAP125R36-32S30OH130 4031582348385 - Diam. 75/100/125/150 mm 5946UAP125R36-32S30OH150 - DIN-kugleleje 4031582350760 5946UAP150R36-32S30OH155 4031582338928 - Bolthul eller plade 5946UAP150R36-32S30OH175 4031582371260 - Hjulfælg: polypropylen - Hjulbane: TENTEprene - Fås også i elektrisk ledende version bremse. Ordre nummer 40kg 80 - 100kg Apparathjul SerieSerie 2470 Kunststofhjul LEVINA Serie 3470 Ekspress / På lager Belastning [kg] Ekspress / På lager Byggehøjde [mm] Belastning [kg] Udladning [mm] Udladning Byggehøjde[mm] [mm] Gaffel af stål, zink-kromatiseret Drejekrans med dobbelt kuglekrans, hjul boltet i gaffel Belastning testet iht. EN 12530 Centerhul-Ø [mm] Serie 7470 RUSTFRI Centerhul-Ø [mm] Hjulbanebredde [mm] Hjul-Ø [mm] Hjulbanebredde [mm] Hjul-Ø [mm] Gaffel og hjul i kunststof af høj kvalitet Drejekrans med dobbelt kuglekrans Belastning testet iht. EN 12530 Drejelige hjul med totalbremse Hjul med total- ellerEAN-nummer retningsOrdreOrdre nummer nummer EAN-nummer - Belastning 50-100 kg bremse. Drejelige eller faste. 50 100 19 32 - Diam. 11 11 50/75/100/125/150 mm 24 36 69 137 40 100 2470DIK050P30-11 4031582010091 5370UAP100P30-11 4031582347616 - Belastning 160-400 kg 50 100 19 32 - Bolthul 11 13 eller plade 24 36 69 137 40 100 2470DYK050P30-11 4031582334852 5370UAP100P30-13 4031582347623 Diam. 100/125/160/200 mm TENTE Institutionel 100 32 - Hjulfælg: 11 36 137 100 5370XSP100P30-11 4031582359268 polypropylen - DIN-kugleleje GaffelGaffel af presset af32rustfrit stål, zink-kromatiseret, med prene dobbelt drejekrans kuglekrans, med dobbelt hjul36boltet fast i100 100 13 drejekrans 137 5370XSP100P30-13 -stålplade, Hjulbane: TENTE - Bolthul eller plade 4031582359275 kuglekrans, gaffel hjul boltet fast i gaffel 125 støvtætning, 32 - Fås også 11 38 161 100 5370UAP125P30-11 i elektrisk ledende - Hjulfælg: polyamid 4031582347630 Belastning iht. ENiht. 12532 EN 12530 Hjul: UAP Belastning Bemærk godkendt 5370UAP125P30-13 125 testet 32 testet 13 38 161TÜV100 4031582347647 version - Hjulbane: elastisk gummi Pladebefæstigelser, se side 34-35 Transporthjul Drejeligt hjul hjul Drejeligt 32 13 100 32 100 32 100 32 100 32 11 11 13 11 13 Hulafstand [mm] 19 Plademål [mm] Hjul-Ø [mm] 50 Centerhul-Ø [mm] Drejekrans med dobbelt kuglekrans, hjul boltet i gaffel 11 testet50iht. 19 EN 12530 Drejeligt hjul med Belastning totalbremse 24 24 4031582359251 38 4031582359244 4031582363401 EAN-nummer 4031582363418 Drejekrans med dobbelt kuglekrans, hjul boltet i gaffel 69 40 testet2475DIK050P30-11 4031582050073 Belastning iht. EN 12532 69 40 36 137 100 36 137 100 Ekspress / På lager 11 og 161Hjulenes 80 holdbarhed 5370XSP125P30-11 bæreevne overstiger 161 80 5370XSP125P30-13 kravene i den 38 190Europæiske 100 5370UAP150P30-11 standard Gaffel af stål, EN zink-kromatiseret 12531. Ordre5370UAP150P30-13 nummer 38 190DIN100 38 Belastning [kg] Ekspress / På lager 32 Tilbehør, dimensioner og tekniske specifikationer, se side 210 og 211. Byggehøjde [mm] Belastning [kg] 13 Udladning [mm] Byggehøjde [mm] 11 32 Udladning [mm] 32 Pladehul-Ø [mm] Hjulfælg: Polyamid 125 Hjulbane: Polyuretan, 125 DIN-kugleleje 150 Drejeligt hjul med Gaffel af stål, rustfri150 hjulbremse Hjulbanebredde [mm] 8060 - 100kg - 100kg Transporthjul Serie Hjul af rustfrit stål3470 Serie 7470 Hjul-Ø [mm] Hjulbanebredde [mm] Hjul af rustfrit stål Stålhjul Drejelige hjul med total- eller retningsbremse. - Belastning 100 kg 125 15 32 50 40 130 150 - Diam. 75/100/125/150 mm TENTE Institutionel 125 15 32 50 40 150 150 - DIN-kugleleje 150 Gaffel 32 kvalitet, 50 47.5 155 150 Gaffel af15stål,ogzink-kromatiseret, dobbelt kuglekrans, hjul hjul i kunststof afdrejekrans høj med integreret trådfang, alle dele - Bolthul eller plade med boltet fast farve: sølv-grå 150 blå-kromatiseret, 15 i gaffel 32 RAL 7001 50 47.5 175 150 - Hjulfælg: polypropylen Belastning testettestet iht. ENiht. 12530 Belastning EN 12530 - Hjulbane: TENTEprene - Fås også i elektrisk ledende version Drejelige hjul med central-, totalbremse Ordre nummer Gaffel af stål, zink-kromatiseret 130 150 Drejekrans med 5944UAP125R36-32S30OH130 dobbelt kuglekrans, hjul boltet4031582348347 i gaffel 4031582350753 150 150 Belastning testet5944UAP125R36-32S30OH150 iht. EN 12530 40 50 Serie 5320/5370 LEVINA Designerhjul Byggehøjde [mm] Serie 2470 Drejelige hjul med total-, ret32 45 nings- eller centralbremse. 32 45 - Belastning 150 kg - Diameter 125/150/200 mm - DIN-kugleleje - R05, R26, R36 befæstigelse - Hjulfælg: polyamid - Hjulbane: polyuretan - Fås også i rustfri og elek- trisk ledende version Drejeligt hjul med totaleller retningsbremse Bærende gaffel af stål DIN-kugleleje som drejekrans, kappe af kunststof Belastning testet iht. EN 12531 Udladning [mm] Taplængde [mm] Tap-Ø [mm] Hjulbanebredde [mm] Hjul-Ø [mm] Gaffel i kunststof af høj kvalitet 2 stk. DIN-kuglelejer som drejekrans Belastning testet iht. EN 12531 Hospitalssengehjul Drejelige hjul med total-, ret- 150kg nings- eller centralbremse. - Belastning 150 kg Sengehjul Serie LINEA - Diameter 125/150 mm Ordre nummer 2475DYK050P30-11 EAN-nummer 4031582344318 5377UAP100P30-11 4031582369021 5377UAP100P30-13 4031582369038 137 100 5377XSP100P30-11 Mere 36 information og konstruktionstegninger online: www.tente.com 4031582359305 193 36 137 100 5377XSP100P30-13 4031582359312 3 and disinfectants. Compliance with NSF standards permits use in the foods industry particularly in countries such as France and the USA. 5377 / 5 LEVINA Design Castor Excellent performance: Series 5320 / Series 5370 / •Series 5380 solid housing guarantees long life • high quality tread materials ensure exceptional rolling properties • short brake pedal offers easy operaTENTE LEVINA synthetic castors Availab tion andthe smaller radius embody idealswivel balance between 5320 / 5 ultimate the latest • smooth design surfacesand make it easy to clean technology. 5325 • modern castor design enhances of Made of high-grade synthetic mateyour product rial, the castor is largely resistant 5371 / 5 to all currently known detergents and disinfectants. Compliance with Gaffel: Housing: Fordele Advantageous 5377 /5 NSF standards permits use in the Fittings Made of high grade synthetic foods industry particularly in counHousing: Two ball bearings in the swivel ••Advantageous Toprecision DIN-kuglelejer i drejekransen TENTE synthetic castors 2 Availab Gaffel iLEVINA kunststof af høj kvalitet, materials. tries suchthe as France and thebetween USA. head provide a particularly easy af sørger for for speciel nem drejning embody ideal balance stk. DIN-kuglelejer som drejekrans. Made of highball grade synthetic Two precision bearings in the 5320 / 5 •swivel Two precision action ball bearings in the swivel ultimate Housing: design and hjulet Advantageous materials. Belastning testet iht. the EN latest 12531 swivel head. Excellent performance: head provide for a particularly easy technology. 5325 •• The Vedligeholdelsesfri centralbremse Two ball bearings in the central Madeprecision of high grade synthetic action ball bearings • swivel Twomaintenance-free precision inlocking the swivel • solid housing guarantees long life Housing: Made of high-grade synthetic mateswivel head. engages with the toothed interior of the Hjul: •Advantageous Glatte overflader reducerer materials. Wheels: head provide for a particularly easy Bolt hole high quality tread materials ensure •wheel The maintenance-free central locking the castor is largely resistant rim Two precision ball bearings in the ophobning skidt og gør hjulet let •rial, Made of highcentre: grade synthetic 5371 / 5 swivel action af • engages Two precision ball bearings in the swivel UAP Wheel Polyamide exceptional rolling properties with the toothed interior of the toWheels: all currently swivel head. known detergents materials. at rengøre UAP Hjulfælg: Polyamid ••Smooth surfaces reduce the accumulatihead provide for a particularly easy Tread:pedal Polyurethane, wheel rim The maintenance-free central locking disinfectants. Compliance with •and short brake offers easyinoperaTwo precision ball bearings the • on Farven på hjulet kaneasy tilpasses of dirt and allow for clean up UAP Wheel centre: Polyamide swivel action precision ball bearing tion Hjulbane: Polyuretan, 5377 /5 The bolt engages with the toothed interior of the NSF standards permits use in the Wheels: and smaller swivel radius swivel head. • Smooth surfaces reduce the accumulatiTread: Polyurethane, sengerammen UAC industry DIN-kugleleje be fitted wheel rim of the castorcentral foods particularly in coun••The colour can be ordered The maintenance-free locking Wheel centre: Polyamide • smooth surfaces make it easy to clean ofgennemsigtigt, dirt and allow for easy clean up precision balland bearing UAP Wheel centre: Polyamide • toon Et ikke-roterende, such as France the USA. match bed and connecting Mountin withframes thereduce toothed interior of the •tries Tread: Polyurethane, Wheels: • engages Smooth surfaces the accumulatiTread: Polyurethane, modern castor design enhances of UAC Hjulfælg: Polyamid skjold i hjulets center kan bruges •parts The colour of the castor can be ordered UAC Wheel centre: Polyamide accordin wheel rim and allow for easy clean up precision ball bearing on of dirt precision ball bearing your Hjulbane: Polyuretan, UAPproduct Wheel centre: Polyamide totilmatch bed logo frames Excellent performance: at sætte i. and connecting Tread: Polyurethane, stainless stainless, washable •••Aparts transparent, non-rotating in the Smooth surfaces reduce thecover accumulatiTread: Polyurethane, DIN-kugleleje, rustfrit, The colour of the castor can be ordered precision ball bearing UAChousing Wheel guarantees centre: Polyamide equipme • wheel’s Elegant design skaber tillid og • solid long life centre offers space forclean a compaon of dirt and frames allow for easy up Electric conductive, precision ball bearing to match bed and connecting USC vaskbar stainless, washable Tread: Polyurethane, til patienterne •ny Afortrolighed transparent, non-rotating cover in the high quality tread materials ensure • logo, or a different coloured insert to TENTE LEVINA synthetic castors non-marking parts precision ball bearing •advertise The colour of the castor canfor besuch UAC Wheel Wheel centre: Polyamide wheel’s centre offers space aordered compaexceptional rolling properties important properties, as, USC Electric conductive, Fittings embody the ideal balance betw centre: Polyamide USC Elektrisk ledende, stainless, washable to match bed frames and connecting Tread: Polyurethane, ny logo,conductive or a different coloured insert to • short brake •electric A transparent, non-rotating cover in the or washability non-marking ultimate design and the latest Tread: Polyurethane pedal offers easy operaafsmitningsfri parts precision ball bearing advertise important as, tion wheel’s centre offersproperties, space for asuch compaWheel centre: Polyamide USCand Electric conductive, technology. precision ball bearing, smaller swivel radius • Elegant design creates confi dence and Hjulfælg: Polyamid stainless, washable electric conductive or washability ny logo, or a different coloured insert to Tread: Polyurethane non-marking stainless, washable •trust A transparent, non-rotating cover in the Made of high-grade synthetic m • smooth surfaces make it easy to clean with the patientsproperties, such as, Hjulbane: Polyuretan, advertise important precision ball bearing, Wheel centre: Polyamide wheel’s centre offers a compaTENTE LEVINA synthetic castors Availa USC Electric conductive, rial, the castor is largely resistan • Elegant design createsspace confifor dence and • Available modernstainless, castor design enhances of DIN-kugleleje, rustfrit, electric conductive or washability washable Tread: Polyurethane as:ideal ny logo, a different embody the balance between non-marking to all currently known detergen trust withorthe patients coloured insert to your product 5320 vaskbar Bolt hole / precision ball bearing, important properties, such as, ultimate design and the latest Compliance Wheel centre: Polyamide and disinfectants. w • advertise Elegant design creates confidence and 5940 Swivel castor Available as:NSF stainless, washable electric conductive or washability������������������� technology. Tread: Polyurethane standards permits use5325 in th trust with the patients 5944 castor total-particularly ormateKan fåsSwivel som: precision ballwith bearing, foods industry in co Made of high-grade synthetic 5940 Swivel castor • Elegant design creates confidence and Available as:tries directional lock stainless, washable such as France and the USA The bolt/ rial, the castor is largely resistant trust with the patients Fitting 5371 5944 Swivel castor with total- or be fitted to all currently known 5940 Drejeligt hjulwith detergents 5940 Swivel castor 5946 Swivel castor total lock directional lock Available as:Excellent performance: and disinfectants. Compliance with Mountin TENTE LEVINA synthetic castors Availa 5944 Swivel castor with totaloreller 5377 / 5944 Drejeligt hjul med totalNSF standards permits use in the 5946 Swivel castor with total lock • solid housing guarantees long life accordin Wheelsizes: 125 mm and 150 mm Ø 5940 Swivel castor embody the ideal balance between directional lock 5320 / industry particularly in coun foods retningsbremse stainless ultimate design and the castor latest high quality tread materials ensure •150 Load capacity: kg per 5944 Swivel castor or Ø equipme tries such as 125 France and the USA. Wheelsizes: mmwith and total150 mm 5946 Swivel castor with total lock technology. exceptional rolling properties 5325 5946 directional Drejeligt hjul lockmed total- Bolt hole Load capacity: 150 kg per castor Made of high-grade synthetic mate• short brake pedal offers easy ope Electrical conductive performance: Excellent bremse Wheelsizes: 125 mmwith and total 150 mm Ø 5946 castor lock rial, theSwivel castor is largely resistant tion and smaller swivel radius versions can be recognised 5371 / •to solid housing guarantees long life Load capacity: 150 kg per castor all currently known detergents Electrical conductive • smooth surfaces make it easy to by the yellow swivel beaHjulstørrelse: Ø125 ogand 150 mm Wheelsizes: 125 mm 150 mm Ø highdisinfectants. quality tread materials •and The bol Compliance with TENTE LEVINA synthetic castors Availa can beensure recognised ring cover. •versions modern castor design enhances o Belastningsevne: 150 kg. pr. hjul exceptional properties 5377 be fitted NSF standards permits use in the embody therolling ideal balance between Load capacity: 150 kg per castor by the product yellow swivel bea- 5320 // Electrical conductive your particularly coun- Mountin ultimate design and the latest •foods short industry brake pedal offers operaring cover. versions caneasy bein recognised tries as France andradius the USA.bea- accordin technology. 5325 tionsuch and smaller swivel by the yellow swivel Electrical Elektriskconductive ledende stainles ring cover. of high-grade synthetic mate•Made smooth surfaces make it easy to clean versions can be recognised Fittings: version kan kendes Excellent performance: the castor is largely resistant ������������������� by the swivelofbea- equipm 5371 / •rial, modern castor design enhances på detyellow gule kugleleje •to solid housing guarantees long life all currently known detergents cover. Fittings: your productring dæksel. Compliance with highdisinfectants. quality tread materials ensure •and 5377 / NSF standards permits use in the exceptional rolling properties Fittings: Befæstigelser: foods industry particularly in coun• short brake pedal offers easy operatries such as France and the USA. Fitting tionXSand smaller R Fittings: 36-34 R 36-32swivel radius R 05 LINEA Hospital Bed Castor LINEA Hospitalssengehjul LINEA Bed Castor Serie 5940HospitalLEVINA Design Castor Series LINEA HospitalSeries Bed5320 Castor Series 5940 / Series 5370 / Series 5380 Unik Series 5940 LINEA Hospital Bed Castor Unique To increase level og of comfort andfor safety For at øge the komfort sikkerhed Unique Series 5940 for patients, hospital beds shouldvære be asså patienter skal hospitalssenge To increase the level of comfort and safety low as possible. lave som mullige. Unique for patients, hospital beds should be as Therefore, TENTE developed the LINEA low as possible. To increase the level of comfort and safety series of twin wheel castors, with an overDerfor har TENTE udviklet LINEA Unique for patients, hospital beds should beseras Therefore, TENTE the LINEA all height merely a developed fewen millimeters larger ien, dobbelthjul med totalhøjde der low as possible. To increase the level of comfort and safety series ofwheel twin wheel castors, with an overthen the diameter. kun er få milimeter højere end be as for patients, hospital beds should all height merely adeveloped few millimeters larger Therefore, TENTE the LINEA hjul-diameteren. low as possible. then wheelwheel diameter. seriesthe of twin castors, with an overall height merely few millimeters larger Therefore, TENTEadeveloped the LINEA then the wheelwheel diameter. series of twin castors, with an overall height merely a few millimeters larger then the wheel diameter. LEVINA Design Castor Series 5320 / Series 5370 / Series 5380 LEVINA Design Castor Series 5320 / Series 5370 / Series 5380 Sammenligning af overall totalhøjde Comparison of the height 125 mm 150mm mm hjul Wheel-Ø 125 mm Wheel-Ø hjul 150 Comparison of the overall height 125 mm Wheel-Ø 150 mm Wheel-Ø Dette 150 mm hjul har en totalhøjde Comparison of the overall height Thus, a 150 mm hasat andu overall på 155 mm. Detcastor betyder får de 125 mm Wheel-Ø 150 mm Wheel-Ø heightrulleegenskaber of only 155 mm. fra Thisetprovides gode 150 mm Comparison of the overall height Thus, a rolling 150 mm castor has overall smooth properties of an adimensioner 150 mm hjul, men kun indbygnings 125 mm Wheel-Ø 150 mm Wheel-Ø height of only 155 mm. This provides castor with fitting dimensions of a som etakonventionelt 125 mm hjul. smooth rolling a 150 mm Thus, 150 mm castor hasof an overall conventional 125properties mm twin wheel castor. castor with fi tting dimensions of a height of only 155 mm. This provides conventional 125 mm twin castor. smooth rolling properties a 150 mm Thus, a 150 mm castor hasofwheel an overall castor with fi tting dimensions of a height of only 155 mm. This provides conventional mm twinofwheel smooth rolling125 properties a 150castor. mm castor with fitting dimensions of a conventional 125 mm twin wheel castor. Priser design Awardsfor forfremragende excellent Design AwardsAward for excellent for GoodDesign Design International Forum Design for Good Design Awards Award for excellent Design International Forum Design product quality Award for Good Design AwardsHigh for excellent Design Interzum Award International Forum Design High product quality Award for Good Design Interzum Award International Forum Design High product quality Interzum Award High product quality Interzum Award LEVINA Design Castor Series 5320 / Series 5370 / Series 5380 LEVINA Design Castor Series 5320 / Series 5370 / Series 5380 •Excellent smooth surfaces make it easy to clean performance: R 36-34 XS R 36-32 R 05 •• modern castorguarantees design enhances of solid housing long life your product Colours: high quality tread materials ensure • R 36-34 XS R 36-32 R 05 ������������������� Gute Gestaltung exceptional rolling properties Colours: Farver: German Dsigner Club Bolt hole •Rshort brake pedal 36-34 XS R 36-32 offers easy R 05 operaGute Gestaltung tion and smaller swivel radius Fittin Colours: German Dsigner Club • smooth surfaces make it easy to clean The Design Award of the Gute Gestaltung The bo Federal Republic Germany German DsignerofClub •RAL modern castor design enhances of Colours: 9002 RAL 7001 be fitte The Award of the grey-white NOMINATED your productsilver-grey GuteDesign Gestaltung Mount Federal Republic of Germany RAL 9002 RAL 7001 German Dsigner Club 3 grey-white silver-grey accord NOMINATED The Design Award of the Grå-hvid Sølv-grå stainle Bolt hole Federal Republic of Germany RAL 9002 RAL 7001 34 equipm grey-white silver-grey NOMINATED Fittin The Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany 3 RAL 9002 RAL 7001 and disinfectants. Compliance with NSF standards permits use in the foods industry particularly in countries such as France and the USA. ������������� ������������� 5377 / 5 LEVINA Design Castor Excellent performance: solid housing guarantees long life Series 5320 / Series 5370 / ••Series 5380 high quality tread materials ensure exceptional rolling properties • short brake pedal offers easy operaTENTE LEVINA synthetic castors Availab tion and smaller swivel radius embody the ideal balance between • smooth surfaces make it easy to clean 5320 / 5 ultimate design and the latest • modern castor design enhances of technology. 5325 your product Made of high-grade synthetic material, the castor is largely resistant 5371 / 5 to all currently known detergents Gaffel: Robust Housing: Robust and disinfectants. Compliance with Fitting 5377 /5 NSF standards in the Frame made ofpermits pressed use steel, • Den bærende gaffelisermade fremstillet • The castor’s framework of two Bærende gaffel af presset stål, DINfoods industry particularly in counprecision ball bearing in swivel steel pressed halves to withstand theat af to halvdele i presset stål for kugleleje som drejekrans hjulleje, tries France and theogUSA. headsuch andas wheel, Housing: high stress caused by shocks Robust kunne modstå stød påvirkninger kappe kunststof housingafcover made of synthetic Frame of pressed steel, De individuelle Excellent • The The individual partsdele do not deform or plasticsmadeperformance: •• castor’s framework isdeformerer made of two precision ball in swivel break ikke og kan ikketo ødelægges Hjul: steel pressed halves withstand the • solid housingbearing guarantees long life Bolt hole head andLEVINA wheel, synthetic castors TENTE Avail Wheels: • Hjulbanen i syntetisk polyuretan high stress caused by shocks high quality tread materials ensure •housing • The polyurethane treaded synthetic cover made of synthetic embody the ideal balance between er af høj kvalitet og forstærkede exceptional rolling properties wheels are made of do high andor UAP Hjulfælg: Polyamid 5320 UAP Wheel centre: Polyamide • The individual parts notgrade deform plastics ultimate design and the latest råmaterialer reinforced base material Tread: Polyurethane, break Hjulbane: Polyuretan, •short brake pedal offers easy operaThe bol technology. 5325 • Øget kørekomfort med speciel lav precision bearing, tion and smallerball swivel radius Wheels: DIN-kugleleje be fitted • Increased rolling comfort coupled with • The polyurethane treaded synthetic Madewashable of high-grade synthetic mateversion sealed rulle- og drejemodstand Som option i vaskbar •UAP smooth surfaces make itwith easy tover- clean Mountin specially low rolling and swivelling wheels are made of high grade and rial, the castor is largely resistant Wheel centre: Polyamide precision ball bearing available 5371 resistancesbase material sion med forseglet kugleleje accordin reinforced •modern castor design enhances of to allTread: currently known detergents Polyurethane, TENTE LEVINA synthetic castors stainless XSX electric conductive, non-marking your and product disinfectants. Compliance with precision ball bearing, • Increased rolling comfort coupled with embody the ideal balance betwe XSX Elektrisk ledende, equipm Wheel centre: Polyamide 5377 NSF standards permits use in the washable version with sealed specially low rolling and swivelling ultimate design and the latest foodsprecision afsmitningsfri Tread: Polyamide industry particularly in counball bearing available resistances technology. Tread: Polyurethane tries such Hjulfælg: Polyamid as France and the USA. XSX electric conductive, non-marking precision ballof bearing, Made high-grade synthetic ma Fitting Hjulbane: Polyuretan, Wheel centre: Polyamide sealed, washable rial, the castor is largely resistant Excellent performance: DIN-kugleleje, forseglet, Tread: Polyamide to all currentlylong known housing guarantees life detergents • solidTread: vaskbar Polyurethane Available as: andsynthetic disinfectants. wi TENTE LEVINA castorsCompliance Availab quality tread materialsbetween ensure use in the • highprecision ball bearing, NSF standards permits embody the ideal balance 2940 Swivel castor /5 exceptional rolling properties sealed, washable Kan fås som: foods industry particularly 5320 in cou ultimate design and the latest 2944 Swivel castor with totalor • short brake pedal offers easy operatries such as France and theBolt USA. technology. hole 5325 Available as: directional ������������������� tionof and smallerlock swivel radius mate2940 Drejeligt hjul Made high-grade synthetic Excellent performance: 2946 Swivel castor with total lock • smooth surfaces make itresistant easy to clean 2940 Swivel castor rial, the castor is largely /5 2944 Drejeligt hjul med totaleller 5371 • solid housing guarantees to currently known •all modern castor design enhances Thelife bol 2944 Swivel castor withdetergents total- or of long retningsbremse Wheelsizes: andyour disinfectants. Compliance with ensure product be fitted directional quality tread materials • highlock 100standards mm, 125 mm and 150 mm Ø 5377 / 5 NSF permits use in the exceptional rolling properties Mountin 2946 Swivel castorhjul with totaltotal- lock 2946 Drejeligt med Load capacity per castor: foods industrydepends particularly in counaccordin • short brake pedal offers easy opera 125 such bremse kg up toFrance 150 kg and per castor tries as the USA. stainless Wheelsizes: tion and smaller swivel radius Fittin equipm 100 mm, 125• mm and 150 mmmake Ø smooth Hjulstørrelse: Ø100, surfaces 125, 150 mm it easy to cle Excellent performance: Electrical conductive Load capacity depends per castor: •versions modern castor design enhances of 125-150 kg. pr. hjul •Belastningsevne: solidkghousing guarantees long life can be recognised 125 up to 150 kg per castor your product by the yellow dot. materials ensure • high quality tread exceptional rolling properties Elektriskconductive ledende Electrical • short brake pedal offers operaversions can be recognised Bolt hol version kaneasy kendes tion and smaller swivel radius by the yellow dot. på den gule marke• smooth surfaces make it easy to clean ring Fittings: • modern castor design enhances of The b ������������������� your product be fitt Moun Befæstigelser: Fittings: accord stainle Certificeret Fitting Certified equip R 26-28 R 36-34 R 36-32 Dobbelthjul Twin wheel castor Serie 2940 Series Twin wheel castor Series Specifik Specific2940 LEVINA Design Castor • Hjul på markedet for sundhed er • Castors in the health care market have to nødt fulfill til theathighest opfyldedemands de højeste krav Specifi c stability, • Holdbarhed, stabilitet, vaskbarhed • Durability, washability and easy og nem manøvrebilitet er basiskrimanoeuvrability are basic criteria • Castors in the health care market have terier fulfi lltwin the highest demands • to TENTE wheel castors provide low • rollTENTE dobbelthjul har lav rulleand swivel resistance, which in turn • Durability, stability, washability and easy og drejemodstand, hvilket offer a smooth and ride manoeuvrability are comfortable basic criteriabevirker let og komfortabel kørsel • TENTE twin wheel castors provide low roll and swivel resistance, which in turn offer a smooth and comfortable ride Series 5320 / Series 5370 / Series 5380 LEVINA Design Castor Series 5320 / Series 5370 / Series 5380 LEVINA Design Castor Series 5320 / Series 5370 / Series 5380 Priser design Awardsfor forfremragende excellent Design Award for Highest Design Quality presented by the Awards for excellent Design Design-Center North Rhine Westphalia Award for Highest Design Quality presented by the Gute Gestaltung Design-Center German Designer Club North Rhine Westphalia The Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany Gute Gestaltung NOMINATED German Designer Club 4 The Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany NOMINATED 4 Certified R 26-28 R 36-34 R 05 ������������������� R 05 R 36-32 Bolt hole The bol be fitte Mountin accordin stainles equipm 5 and disinfectants. Compliance with NSF standards permits use in the foods industry particularly in countries such as France and the USA. LEVINA Design Castor 5377 / 53 Series 5320 / Series 5370 /Excellent Series 5380 performance: • solid housing guarantees long life • high quality tread materials ensure exceptional rolling properties TENTE LEVINA synthetic castors Availab •embody short brake easybetween operathepedal idealoffers balance 5320 / 5 tion and design smaller swivel radius ultimate and the latest 5325 •technology. smooth surfaces make it easy to clean Made of high-grade synthetic mate• modern castor design enhances of rial, castor is largely resistant yourthe product 5371 / 5 to all currently known detergents and disinfectants. Compliance with 5377 / 5 NSF standards Serie 7040 Series 7040 permits use in the foods industry particularly in coun- Fittings tries such as France and the USA. Gaffel: Housing: INTEGRAL INTEGRAL Serie Series 2040/serie 2040 / Series7040 7040 Solid Solid Serie Series2040 2040 • A robust brake system and a solid • Et robust bremsesystem og en steel housing capable of solid gaffelare er expecially specielt egnet til at resisting stress caused by shock load modstå det slid der opstår via stød belastninger • Outstanding manoeuvrability, and force required, when pushing • minimal Fremragende manøvrebilitet og eta bed, are ensured by the ideal combinaminimum af kraft til at skubbe sention of med, precision ball bearings, gen er sikret med enpolyureideel thane tread and the wheel’s excellent kombination af DIN-kuglelejer, geometry polyuretan bane og hjulets spe• The easygeometri to operate actuation system cielle performs particularly quietder er nemt • Aktiveringssystemet, at betjene, er ekstremt lydløst • Beautifully designed synthetic semi and ultrasonically • cover En are flot snapped designeton kunststofkappe welded. Theypå function bumper, er trykket hjulet as ogaultrasonabsorbing lateral impacts elastically isk svejst. Det fungerer som enand without permanent deformation elastisk fender, der beskytter mod • TENTE INTEGRAL: A symbol for stabisidepåvirkninger lity, long endurance and safety • TENTE INTEGRAL: Et symbol på stabilitet, lang levetid og sikkerhed Gaffel: Housing: LEVINA Design Castor Bærende gaffel af stål, DIN-kugleleperformance: Series 5320 / SeriesExcellent 5370 / Series 5380 precision ball bearing swivel head je som drejekrans oginhulleje, kappe • solid housing guarantees long life Bærende gaffel af stål,steel, DIN-kugleleje Frame made of pressed blue zinc plated, og hulleje, kappe af som drejekrans precision ball bearing in swivel kunststof Frame made of stainless steel, and wheel, kunststof high quality tread materials ensure •af housing cover made of synthetic Bolt hole exceptional rolling properties plastics Hjul: TENTE LEVINA synthetic castors • short brake pedal offers easy operaembody the ideal balance betwe Wheels: tion andHjulfælg: smaller swivel radius UAP UAX Polyamid Wheels:Hjulfælg: Polyamid ultimate design and the latest UAP Wheel Hjulbane: Polyuretan, Hjulbane: Polyuretan, •UAX smooth surfaces make it easy to clean The bolt Wheel centre: Polyamide centre: Polyamide technology. be fitted DIN-kugleleje DIN-kugleleje, forseglet Tread: Polyurethane, •modern castor design enhances of Tread: Polyurethane, Made of high-grade synthetic m Mountin precision ball bearing, sealed your product precision ball bearing rial, the castor is largely resistan accordin XSX Elektrisk ledende, UAX Hjulfælg: Polyamid TENTE LEVINA synthetic castors Availa conductive, non-marking to all currently known detergen stainless UAX Wheel centre: Polyamide XSX electric afsmitningsfri embody the ideal balance between Hjulbane: Polyuretan, Wheel centre: Polyamide and disinfectants. Compliance equipme Tread: Polyurethane, 5320 /w5 Hjulfælg: Polyamid ultimate design and the latest Tread: Polyurethane, DIN-kugleleje, forseglet NSF standards permits use in the precision ball bearing, sealed Hjulbane: technology. 5325 precision ball Polyuretan, bearing, foods industrysealed, particularlyFitting in co XSX electric conductive, non-marking XSX Elektrisk ledende, DIN-kugleleje, forseglet, washable Made of high-grade synthetic matetries such as France and the USA Wheel centre: Polyamide afsmitningsfri the castor vaskbar rial, is largely resistant 5371 / 5 Tread: Polyurethane, Wheelsize: 150 mm Ø detergents to all currently known Hjulfælg: Polyamid Excellent performance: precision ball bearing, sealed, and with long life Loaddisinfectants. capacity: kg each guarantees Hjulbane: Polyuretan, Kan fås som: • 150 solidCompliance housing washable 5377 / 5 NSF standards permits use in the DIN-kugleleje, forseglet, quality tread materialsBolt ensure hole Available as:• high foods industry particularly in counWheelsizes: vaskbar 2040/7040 exceptional Drejeligtrolling hjul properties tries as France and the USA. 2040such / 7040 Swivel castor 2044/7044 Drejeligt hjul med easy ope 125 mm, 150 mm and 200 mm Ø ������������������� • short brake pedal offers 2044 / 7044 Swivel castor with total- radius Hjulstørrelse: 200 mm totaleller retnings- tion and smaller swivel Excellent performance: The bol Load capacity: Ø125, 150 kg 150, per castor or directional lock Belastningsevne: 150 kg. pr. hjul bremse be fitted • smooth surfaces make it easy to c •2046 solid /housing guarantees life 7046 Swivel castor long with total TENTE LEVINA synthetic castors Availa 2046/7046 Drejeligt hjul med Mountin • modern castor design enhances o high quality materials ensure •embody lock the tread ideal balance between totalbremse accordin 5320 / 5 your product exceptional rolling properties ultimate design and the latest stainless •technology. short brake pedal offers easy opera5325 equipm Electrical conductive Elektrisk ledende tion and smaller swivel radius Made of high-grade synthetic mateversions can bekendes recognised version kan the castor isthe largely resistant •rial, smooth surfaces make it easy to clean by yellow swivel bea- 5371 / 5 på den gule markeall currently known detergents •tomodern castor design of ring cover.enhances TENTE LEVINAring synthetic castorswith Availa and Compliance yourdisinfectants. product 5377 / 5 embody the ideal balance NSF standards permits use between in the 5320 / 5 ultimate designparticularly and the latest foods industry in counBefæstigelser: Fittings: technology. 5325 tries such as France and the USA. Made of high-grade synthetic mate- Fitting Excellent performance: rial, the castor is largely resistant 5371 / 5 ������������������� to all currently known detergents • solid housing guarantees long life and disinfectants. Compliance with quality tread materials ensure • high 5377 / 5 NSF standards permits useR 36-32 in the Rexceptional 26-28 R 36-34 rolling properties foods industry particularly in coun• short brake pedal offers easyUSA. operatries such as France and the Bolt hole tion and smaller swivel radius • smooth surfaces make it easy to clean Excellent performance: modern castorguarantees design enhances • solid housing long lifeof The bol product Ryour 05 be fitte • high quality tread materials ensure Certificeret Certified exceptional rolling properties Mounti Farver: accordi •Colours: short brake pedal offers easy opera- LEVINA Design Castor head and wheel, housing cover made of synthetic plastics Hjul: Series 5320 / Series 5370 / Series 5380 LEVINA Design Castor Series 5320 / Series 5370 / Series 5380 LEVINA Design Castor Series 5320 / Series 5370 / Series 5380 Priser forfor fremragende design Awards excellent Design Award for Highest Design Quality presented by the Design-Center North Rhine Westphalia Award for Good Design International Forum Design stainles Fitting equipm tion and smaller swivel radius • smooth surfaces make it easy to clean • modern castor design enhances of your product RAL 9006 ������������������� white-aluminium Hvid-aluminium RAL 9002 grey-white Grå-hvid 5 Bolt hole Fitting 6 The bo TENTE Institutional LEVINA Design Castor LEVINA Designhjul Serie 5380 Series5320/Serie 5320 / Series5370/Serie 5370 / Series 5380 Fås som: Available as: 5320/5370/5380 Drejeligt hjul 5320 / 5370 / 5380 Swivel Castor 5325 5325 Drejeligt hjul Swivel Castor with med hjulbremse wheel brake 5371 / 5381 5371/5381 Swivel Castor with Drejeligt hjul med directional lock retningsbremse 5377 / 5387 Swivel Castor with Drejeligt hjul med total lock 5377/5387 totalbremse Elektrisk ledende versions version Electric conductive feature a yellow clip. har en gul markering Serie 5320 Serie 5370 Gaffel ogand hjulwheels i kunststof af høj Housing are made of kvalitet, snaplås for L51-10, highgaffel grade med synthetic materials, housing blind hole for L51-10, alle delewith blå-kromatiseret Gaffel ogand hjulwheels i kunststof Housing made af of høj kvalitet, medmaterials, dobbelt kuglehigh drejekrans grade synthetic double alle ball dele bearing swivel head, krans, blå-kromatiseret Series 5320 Series 5370 all fittings are blue passivated P41 - 38 x 38 B10 - 11 x 31 S70 - M8 and M10 Hjul: Wheels: Rustfri/vaskbar version Washable versions feature a blue har enclip. blå markering PJO Hjulfælg: PJO Wheel centre:Polypropylen Polypropylene Tread: TENTEprene Hjulbane: TENTEprene (thermoplastic rubber) (termoplastisk gummi), med without threadguard integreret trådfang, glideleje plain bearing PJP Hjulfælg: PJP Wheel centre:Polypropylen Polypropylene Hjulbane: TENTEprene Tread: TENTEprene (termoplastisk gummi), (thermoplastic rubber) withmed integrated threadguards integreret trådfang, precision ball bearing DIN-kugleleje Fittings: Befæstigelse: Bolt hole Bolthul Plate Plade Solid Tap stem Bolthullet tillader med The bolthole allows montering M 10 or M 12 screws be fitted at M12 a laterbolte date. M10 eller Hjulstørrelse: Ø75 mm Wheel size: 75 mm Ø Belastningsevne: 75 kg. pr. hjul Load capacity: 75 kg per castor all fittings are blue passivated Hjul: Wheels:Hjulfælg: Polypropylen PJP PJP Wheel Hjulbane: TENTEprene centre: Polypropylene Tread: TENTEprene gummi), (termoplastisk (thermoplastic rubber) med integreret trådfang, with integrated threadguards DIN-kugleleje precision ball bearing UAP Hjulfælg: PIP Wheel centre:Polyamid Polypropylene Hjulbane: Polyuretan, Tread: Solid rubber med integreret trådfang, with integrated threadguards precision ball bearing DIN-kugleleje UAP Wheel centre:ledende Polyamide XSP Elektrisk Tread: Polyurethane Hjulfælg: Polyamid with integrated threadguards Hjulbane: Polyuretan, precision ball bearing med integreret trådfang, conductive, non-marking XSP Electric DIN-kugleleje Wheel centre: Polyamide Tread: Polyurethane Hjulstørrelse: Ø100,threadguards 125, 150 mm with integrated Belastningsevne: 100 kg. pr. hjul precision ball bearing Serie 5380 Series 5380 Gaffel ogand hjulwheels i kunststof høj kvalHousing made af of high grade synthetic materials, itet, drejekrans med dobbelt kugledouble alle ball dele bearing swivel head, krans, rustfri Mounting plate and solid stems, are available according to DIN 18 867, section 8, for stainless steel castors (Castors for catering equipment). components stainless steel Hjul: Wheels: PJC Hjulfælg: Polypropylen PJC Wheel centre: Polypropylene Hjulbane: TENTEprene Tread: TENTEprene (termoplastisk gummi), (thermoplastic rubber) med integreret trådfang, with integrated threadguards precision bearing, stainless rustfritball DIN-kugleleje UAC Wheel centre:Polyamid Polyamide UAC Hjulfælg: Tread: Polyurethane Hjulbane: Polyuretan, with integrated threadguards med integreret trådfang, precision ball bearing rustfrit DIN-kugleleje stainless Priser for fremragende design Awarded Design Gute Gestaltung Deutscher Designer Club nominated for the Federal Award for Product Design XSC Electric conductive, non-marking XSC Elektrisk ledende Wheel centre: Polyamide Hjulfælg: Polyamid Tread: Polyurethane Hjulbane: Polyuretan, with integrated threadguards med integreret trådfang, precision ball bearing, stainless rustfrit DIN-kugleleje Wheel sizes: Ø100, 125, 150 mm Hjulstørrelse: 100 mm, 125 mm, 150 mm Ø Belastningsevne: 100 kg. pr. hjul Load capacity: 100 kg per castor 8 7 The LINEA range of twin wheel castors by TENTE features the award-winning castor with its superior quality and exclusive design. Manufactured from high grade synthetic materials, it is largely resistant to all currently known detergents and disinfectants. This castor is available in a wide range of versions, giving you the right solution for every use, e. g. • Medical equipment and apparatus • Institutional furniture for collectivity, offices and professional use • Furniture Fås som: LINEA light, Series 5920 Available as: 5920 / 5940 Swivel Castor 5925 / 5945 Swivel Castor with wheel brake 5941 Swivel Castor with directional lock 5947 Swivel Castor with total lock LINEA Designhjul Serie 5920/serie 5940 Made of high grade synthetic 5920/5940 Drejeligt hjulmaterials, Benefits: with blind hole L 51, 5925/45 hjul superior all fittings are blueDrejeligt passivated • Durable materials guarantee med hjulbremse strength • High-quality running surfaces reduce 5941 Drejeligt hjul med friction and guarantee excellent retningsbremse maneuverability 5947 Drejeligt med • Smooth surfaces reduce hjul the accumuare easy to clean lation of dirt and totalbremse Plate Stem with circlip Threaded Stem Series 5320 • Modern, multiple LINEA light, Series award-winning 5920 Serie 5320 Light design to enhance your products Housing are made materials, of Made of and highwheels grade synthetic Wheels: • Technical andL esthetical, personalizahigh grade synthetic materials, with blind hole 51, Gaffel ogWheel hjul i kunststof af høj kvaliwith PJI centre: Polypropylene and adaptation are available housing with blind hole for L51-10, all tion fittings are passivated tet, gaffelTread: medblue snaplås for L51-10, TENTEprene all fittings are blue passivated alle dele blå-kromatiseret (thermoplastic rubber) with plain bearing k YGI Same version, but electrical with conductive, non-marking UAI/UAO Wheel centre: Polyamide Tread: Polyurethane, plain bearing versions Plate Stem with circlip Threaded Stem P41 - 38 x 38 Same B10 version, - 11 x 31 S70electrical - M8 and M10 XSI/XSO but . conductive, non-marking Wheels: Hjul: UAP Wheel centre: Polyamide Wheels: PJI Wheel Polyurethane centre: Polypropylene Tread: PJI Hjulfælg: Polypropylen PJO Wheel centre: Polypropylene Tread: TENTEprene precision ball bearing The LINEA range of twin wheel Hjulbane: TENTEprene eature Tread: TENTEprene (thermoplastic rubber) castors by TENTE features the XSP Same version, but electrical award-winning (termoplastisk gummi), (thermoplastic rubber) plain bearing castor with its suconductive, non-marking without threadguard YGI glideleje perior quality and exclusive design. Same version, but electrical plain conductive, bearingfromnon-marking Manufactured high grade UAP Hjulfælg: Polyamid Wheel sizes – Load capacities: synthetic materials, itPolyamide is largely PJP Wheel centre: Polypropylene UAI/UAO Wheel centre: resistant Hjulbane: Polyuretan, to all currently known 075 mm Wheel Ø – 060 kg perplain castor Tread: TENTEprene Tread: Polyurethane, bearing ������������������� 100 DIN-kugleleje detergents and disinfectants. mm Wheel Ø – 100 kg per castor (thermoplastic rubber) XSI/XSO Same version, but electrical integrated threadguards Thiswith castor is available in a wide conductive, non-marking Hjulstørrelse/belastning: precision ball bearing range of versions, giving you the UAP Wheel for centre: Polyamide right solution every use, e. g. Tread: Polyurethane Ø65: 40-90 kg • Medical equipment and apparatus precision ball Wheel50-80 size: 75 Ø bearing Ø75: kgmm • Institutional furniture for collecXSP capacity: Same75 version, but electrical Load per castor Ø100: 100 kg kg tivity, offices and professional use conductive, non-marking crews • Furniture sign Castor s 5370 / Series 5380 Wheel Castor s 5940 available for atering Wheel sizes – Load capacities: 075 mm Wheel Ø – 060 kg per castor Benefits: 100 mm Wheel Ø – 100 kg per castor • Durable materials guarantee superior strength • High-quality running surfaces reduce friction and guarantee excellent Awarded Design maneuverability • SmoothHigh surfaces reduce the accumuproduct quality lation ofInterzum dirt andAward are easy to clean • Modern, multiple award-winning Gute Gestaltung design to enhance your products Deutscher • Technical and esthetical, personalizaClubare available tion andDesigner adaptation Awarded Design Serie 5940 Series 5940 Electrical conductive versions can be recognised by the yellow swivel bearing cover. Made of high grade synthetic materials, Gaffel og hjul i kunststof af høj kvaprecision ball bearing in the swivel head, litet, DIN-kugleleje i drejekransen, all fittings are blue passivated Fittings: alle dele blå-kromatiseret Wheels: UAP Wheel centre: Polyamide Tread: Polyurethane precision ball bearing Bolt hole stem Bolthul Plade Tap XSP electricalPlate conductive, Solid non-marking Series 5370 SeriesWheel 5940 centre: Polyamide Hjul: Tread:and Polyurethane Housing wheels made ofmaterials, Made of high grade synthetic precision ball bearing The bolt hole allows 10 or M 12 screws high grade materials, precision ball synthetic bearingMin the swivel head, be fitted at a later date. UAC Wheel centre: Polyamide ball swivel head, UAP alldouble fittingsHjulfælg: arebearing blue Polyamid passivated Tread: Polyurethane are bluePolyuretan, passivated all fittings Hjulbane: precision ball bearing, stainless Wheels:DIN-kugleleje XSC electrical conductive, non-marking Wheels: centre:ledende Polyamide UAP Wheel XSP Elektrisk Colours: PJP Wheel centre: Polypropylene Tread: Polyurethane Hjulfælg: Polyamid Tread: TENTEprene precision ball bearing, stainless bearing Hjulbane: Polyuretan, (thermoplastic rubber) XSP electrical conductive, non-marking DIN-kugleleje with integrated threadguards Polyamide WheelWheel sizes –centre: Load capacities: precision ballPolyamid bearing Polyurethane UAC:Tread: Hjulfælg: 100 mm Wheel ball Ø –bearing 100 kg per castor 9002precision RAL 7001Polyuretan, Wheel centre: Polypropylene RALPIP Hjulbane: 125 mm Wheel Øwhite – 110 kg per castor grey white silver Tread: Solid rubber centre: Polyamide UAC Wheel DIN-kugleleje, rustfri withas: integrated threadguards Tread: Polyurethane Available XSP precision Elektrisk precision ballledende bearing stainless ball bearing, 5920 / 5940 Swivel Polyamid Castor XSC Hjulfælg: conductive, non-marking UAPelectrical Wheel centre: Polyamide Hjulbane: Polyuretan, 5925 / 5945 Swivel Castor Wheel centre: Polyamide Tread: Polyurethane with wheelthreadguards brake Tread: Polyurethane DIN-kugleleje, rustfri with integrated precision ball bearing, precision ball bearing 5941 Swivel Castor stainless Hjulstørrelse/belastning: with directional lock XSP Electric conductive, non-marking Wheel sizes – Load capacities: Wheel centre: Polyamide 5947 Swivel Castor Ø100: 100 kg Tread: Polyurethane 100 mm Wheel Ø total – 100lock kg per castor with with integrated threadguards Ø125: 110 kg 125 mm Wheel Ø – 110 kg per castor Ø150: precision 110 kg ball bearing Electrical conductive versions can be recognised Series 5380 by the yellow swivel Housing and wheels made of high bearing cover. grade synthetic materials, doubleledende ball bearing swivel head, Elektrisk Rustfri/vaskbar components version har en stainless versionsteel har en gul markering Fittings: Wheels: Serie 5940 (LowHeight) Height) Series 5940 LH LH (Low For special applications requiring a Til specialle applikationer particularly low height, therehvor are der er brug for speciel lav højde, findes versions with an overall height which denne version, hvor totalhøjden exceeds the wheel diameter by onlykun aerfew millimetres.højere end hjuldiafå milimeter meteren. Wheel Ø 075 mm – Overall mm Hjul Ø height 75 mm078 - Totalhøjde 78 mm Wheel Ø 100 mm – Overall 103- Totalhøjde mm Hjul Ø height 100 mm 103 mm Series 5940 LH (Low Height) Available as: For special applications requiring a UAP Hjulfælg: Polyamid 5940 Swivellow castor particularly height, there are Hjulbane: Polyuretan, 5945 Swivel castor withheight wheel which brake versions with an overall DIN-kugleleje exceeds the wheel diameter by only versions are available with Ø 8 mm aAll few millimetres. XSP Elektrisk ledende and Ø 10 mm holes. Hjulfælg: Polyamid Wheel Ø 075 mm – Hjulbane: Polyuretan, Overall height 078 mm Wheels: DIN-kugleleje Wheel Ø 100 mm – UAP Wheel centre: Polyamide Overall height 103 mm Tread: Polyurethane Hjulstørrelse: Ø75 og Ø100 mm. precision ball100 bearing Belastning: kg. pr. hjul Available as: XSP electrical conductive, non-marking 5940 Swivel castor Wheel centre: Polyamide 5945 Swivel castor with wheel brake Tread: Polyurethane precision ball bearing All versions are available with Ø 8 mm and Ø 10 mm holes. Wheel sizes: 75 mm and 100 mm Ø Load capacity: 100 kg per castor Wheels: UAP Wheel centre: Polyamide Tread: Polyurethane precision ball bearing XSP electrical conductive, non-marking Wheel centre: Polyamide Tread: Polyurethane precision ball bearing Wheel sizes: 75 mm and 100 mm Ø Load capacity: kglock: per castor Wheel brake /100 Total blå markering PJC Wheel centre: Polypropylene Tread: TENTEprene (thermoplastic rubber) The Design Award of the Federal with integrated threadguards Republic of Germany – NOMINATED precision ball bearing, stainless Bolt hole Plate Solid stem Awarded 2nd prize for Universal Home UAC Wheel centre: Polyamide Product Tread: DesignPolyurethane by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Medium-Sized integrated The boltwith hole allows M 10threadguards or M 12Industry screws andfitted Energy North Rhine-Westphalia precision ball bearing be at aoflater date. stainless XSC Electric conductive, non-marking Wheel centre: Polyamide Tread: Polyurethane Colours: Standard Kick pedal Directional lock: Wheel brake / Total lock: Standard Kick pedal Standard Kick pedal 8 5377 / 5 NSF standards permits use in the foods industry particularly in countries such as France and the USA. LEVINA Design Castor Excellent performance: solid housing guarantees long life Series 5320 / Series 5370 / ••Series 5380 high quality tread materials ensure exceptional rolling properties • short brake pedal offers easy operaTENTE LEVINA synthetic castors tion and smaller swivel radius embody the ideal balance between • smooth surfaces make it easy to clean ultimate design and the latest • modern castor design enhances of technology. your product Made of high-grade synthetic material, the castor is largely resistant to all currently known detergents Hjul: Serie 2470 Wheels: Series 2470 and disinfectants. Compliance with NSF standards permits use in the PJO centre: Polypropylene Housing made of pressed steel, PJO Wheel Hjulfælg: Polypropylen Gaffel af stål, zink-kromatiseret, foods industry particularly in counTread: TENTEprene blue passivated, suchHjulbane: drejekrans med dobbelt kuglekrans, tries as FranceTENTEprene and the USA. (thermoplastic rubber) double ball bearing swivel head, (thermoplastisk gummi), hjul boltet fast i gaffel without threadguards, wheel axle with nut glideleje Excellent performance: plain bearing Fås som: •PJH solid housing guarantees longmen life med Samme som PJH Same version as PJO, the PJO, Available Wheels: as: TENTE LEVINA synthetic castors quality tread materials ensure •high stål trådfang but with steel threadguards 2470 Drejeligt hjul 2470 castor embody the ideal balance between exceptional rolling properties PJO Swivel Wheel centre: Polypropylene YGO Same version as PJO, PJO, 2471 Swivel castor with directional lock ultimate design and the latest 2471 Drejeligt hjul med Samme som men •YGO short brake pedal offers easy operaTread: TENTEprene but electricswivel conductive, castor with wheel brake technology. 2475 Swivel retningsbremse tion elektrisk ledende, and smaller radius (thermoplastic rubber) 2477 Swivel castor with totaltotallock Madenon-marking of high-grade synthetic mate2474 Drejeligt hjul med without threadguards, afsmitningsfri •smooth surfaces make it easy to clean 2478 Fixed castor rial, the castor is largely resistant plain eller bearing retningsbremse PIO Wheel centre: Polypropylene •PJP modern castor design enhances of to all Tread: currently known Hjulfælg: Polypropylen Solid rubber,detergents grey, 2475 Drejeligt hjulas the PJO, your product PJH Same version Compliance with and disinfectants. Hjulbane: TENTEprene non-marking, Fittings:but med hjulbremse with steel threadguards standards permits use in the threadguards, NSF (thermoplastisk TENTEwithout LEVINA syntheticgummi), castors 2476 Drejeligt hjul med AllYGO standard foodsplain industry particularly in counSamefittings versionforas the PJO, bearing embodymed DIN-kugleleje the trådfang, ideal balance between and modification. assembling centraleller retningsbremse tries such as France and the USA. but electric conductive, ultimate design and the latest PJP Wheel centre: Polypropylene 2477 non-marking Drejeligt hjul med UAP Hjulfælg: Polyamid technology. Tread: TENTEprene Excellent performance: totalbremse Hjulbane: Polyuretan, PIO Wheel centre: Polypropylene rubber) Made(thermoplastic of high-grade synthetic mate2478 Fast hjul solidwith housing guarantees long life •rial, trådfang, DIN-kugleleje Tread: Solid rubber, grey, threadguards themed castor is largely resistant quality tread materials ensure • high non-marking, ball bearing to all precision currently known detergents XSX Elektrisk ledende, exceptional rolling properties without threadguards, and disinfectants. Compliance with Wheel centre: Polypropylene PIP afsmitningsfri plain bearing NSF standards permits in the • short brake pedal offersuse easy Tread: Solid rubber, grey, opera������������������� foods Hjulfælg: Polyamid Bolt hole Plate industry particularly in countion and smaller swivel radius PJP Wheel centre: Polypropylene non-marking, tries such as France andit the USA. Hjulbane: Polyuretan, • smooth surfaces make easy to clean Tread: TENTEprene with threadguards, • modern DIN-kugleleje, forseglet, (thermoplastic rubber) precision ball bearing castor design enhances of Elektrisk ledende performance: Excellent vaskbar with threadguards your product version kan kendes UAP: centre: Polyamide • solidWheel housing guarantees long life precision ball bearing Tread: Polyurethane på den gule markehigh quality tread materials ensure • Hjulstørrelse: Ø50 - 150 mm Solid stem Wheel Expanding fittings PIP centre: Polypropylene with threadguards ring exceptional rolling properties Belastningsevne: til 100 kg. pr. Tread: Solid rubber, grey, precision ballOp bearing • short brake pedal offers easy operahjul non-marking, Castors with bolt hole fitting can be XSP versionswivel as theradius UAP, tion Same and smaller with threadguards, mounted with standard bolts of any but electric conductive, precision ball bearing • smooth surfaces make it easy to clean length afterwards. non-marking • modern castor design enhances of UAP: Wheel centre: Polyamide your product Tread: Polyurethane Wheel sizes: 050 mm to 150 mm Ø with threadguards Load capacity: precision ball bearing up to 100 kg per castor XSP Same version as the UAP, but electric conductive, ������������������� non-marking Castors for shop fittings and displays Sengehjul/apparathjul Serie Series 2470 Klassisk Institutional castors made of pressed shop fittings and displays LEVINA Design Castor steel are classics in the TENTE product ed duct e ideal ings, ange pes us brake, ls ith re, the ersions ble. ult to ality • Apparathjul stål en klassiker i range. This castor af can be er found in TENTEs produktprogram almost any area. Therefore they are ideal for use exhibition • Deat ershopidelleand til alle formerfittings, for displays and medico-apparater logistics. senge, og anThese castors a substantial range den formoffer for logistikløsninger of versions, based on vi the many types • Med hjulet kan tilbyde tusindSeries 2470 of compatible components. Various vis af kombinationsmuligheder: Housing made of with pressed steel, brake, wheel diameters, or without forskellige hjuldiametre, med og blue passivated, different brake options, and wheels uden bremse, forskellige double ball bearing swivel head, made of high quality synthetics, bremser, with hjul af with kunststof, forskellige wheel axle nut med various tread materials. Furthermore, the typer trådfang. også i availability of electric Derudover conductive versions makes just as: about everything possible. elektrisk ledende versioner Available • be- to If theMed vastmange selectionforskellige makes it difficult 2470 Swivel castor decide, just contact fæstigelser er us. serien komplet. 2471 Swivel castor with directional lock • Hvis de castor mange muligheder gør det We will locate the perfect high-quality 2475 Swivel with wheel brake castor for your application quickly: svært at vælge, så kontakt os 2477 Swivel castor with total lock a robust aesthetic castor with a • ViFixed viland finde det perfekte kvalitets2478 castor long-life. hjul til din opgave: et robust og æstetisk hjul med et langt liv Fittings: All standard fittings for assembling and modification. Befæstigelser: a Bolthul Bolt hole Plade Plate R36-32 R05 stem Solid Expander Expanding fittings R26-28 Castors with bolt hole fitting can be mounted with standard bolts of any length afterwards. Availab 5320 / 5 5325 5371 / 5 Fittings 5377 /5 Series 5320 / Series 5370 / Series 5380 LEVINA Design Castor Series 5320 / Series 5370 / Series 5380 Wheel sizes: 050 mm to 150 mm Ø Load capacity: up to 100 kg per castor Bolt hole Avail 5320 / The bolt be5325 fitted Mountin 5371 / accordin stainless equipme 5377 Avail 5320 / Fittings 5325 5371 / Bolt5377 hole The bolt be fitted Mountin accordin stainless equipme Fittin Bolt hole Fittin The bo be fitt Moun accord stainle equipm Bolt hole The bo be fitt Moun accord stainle equipm ������������������� 7 9 ;,5;,0UZ[P[\[PVUHS The World in Motion. TENTE-ROLLEN GmbH Herrlinghausen 75 D - 42929 Wermelskirchen Germany Phone: +49 (0) 21 96 / 99 – 0 Fax: +49 (0) 21 96 / 99 – 127 e-mail: info@tente.de Internet: www.tente.com Stainless Steel Castors Hjul af rustfrit stål Serie 7470/8470 Series 7470 Hvis et hjul skal i våde For extreme uses anvendes in wet areas, and miljøer eller et hygiene sted hvor der er strenge wherever strict regulations apply, TENTEkrav, Stainless Steel castors hygiejniske er TENTE’s hjulare af the right choice. rustfrit stål det rette valg. Thanks to outstanding technology and Takket gennemprøvet teknologi perfect være craftsmanship, TENTE Stainless Steel castorshåndværk, are immune exceptional og perfekt ertoTENTE’s operating conditions. rustfri stålhjul driftsikre, selv under krævende betingelser. De bliver They show no damage, even in the ikke long term, when exposed toselvom water, de ice, ødelagt eller beskadiget, uctuating temperatures, salt, grease ilang tid udsættes for vand, is, svinor cleaning agents. gende temperaturer, salt, fedt eller rengøringsmidler. Series 7470 Apparathjul i rustfrit stål kan udstyres Housing of Stainless Steel,applikamed hjulmade til mange forskellige double ball bearing swivel head, tioner wheel axle with nut Serie 7470 apparathjul/ 8470 transporthjul Available as: 7470 Swivel castor Gaffel af rustfrit stål, drejekrans med 7478 Fixed castor dobbelt kuglekrans, hjul wheel boltet brake fast i 7475 Swivel castor with gaffel. 7477 Swivel castor with total lock Fås som: 7470/8470 7478/8478 7475 7477/8477 Drejeligt hjul Fast hjul Drejeligt hjul med hjulbremse Drejeligt hjul med totalbremse Befæstigelse: Hjul i 7470 serien: Fittings: Hjul: Wheels: PJO: Plate Plade electric conductive Elektrisk ledende apparathjul Hjulfælg: Polypropylen Hjulbane: TENTEprene (termoplastisk gummi), afsmitningsfri, uden Bolt hole Bolthul trådfang, glideleje Wheels:Hjulfælg: Polypropylen PJC: PJO Wheel Hjulbane: centre:TENTEprene Polypropylene (termoplastisk Tread: TENTEprenegummi) (thermoplastic rubber) afsmitningsfri, med without threadguards, trådfang, DIN-kugleleje, plain bearing rustfri PJH Wheel centre: Polypropylene Tread: TENTEprene Hjulstørrelser: Ø50 til Ø150 mm (thermoplastic rubber) Belastning: Op til 100 kg. pr. hjul with Stainless Steel threadguards, plain bearing PJC i Wheel centre: Polypropylene Hjul 8470 serien: Tread: TENTEprene rubber) grå UFX: (thermoplastic Hjulfælg:Polyamid, with Stainless Steel threadguards, Hjulbane:Elastisk precision ball bearing, gummi, grå, afsmitningsfri, med små stainless trådfang, DIN-kugleleje med gummitætning UFD: Hjulfælg: Polyamid Hjulbane: Elastisk gummi, grå, afsmitningsfri, med små trådfang, rulleleje, rustfri UAD: Hjulfælg: Polyamid, hvid Hjulbane: Polyuretan, blå, afsmitningsfri, rulleleje, rust- fri XSC electric conductive, non-marking Wheel centre: ledende, Polyamide XSC: Elektrisk Tread: Polyurethane, afsmitningsfri withHjulfælg: threadguards, Polyamid precision ball bearing, stainless Hjulbane: Polyuretan, med YGO electric conductive, non-marking trådfang, DIN-kugleleje, Wheel centre: Polypropylene rustfri Tread: TENTEprene (thermoplastic rubber) Hjul til autoklave without threadguards, plain bearing WOG: Hjul af varmebestandigt YGH electric conductive, kunststof af højnon-marking kvalitet, Wheel centre: Polypropylene sort, glideleje, tempera- Tread: TENTEprene turbestandigt fra -20°C (thermoplastic rubber) +200°C. withtilStainless Steel threadguards, UL-94 VO plainOverholder bearing Hjulstørrelse: Wheelsizes: from Ø75050 mmmm to 150 mm Ø Load capacities: upBelastning: to 100 kg per castor 75 kg. pr. hjul UOO: Hjul af polyamid, hvid, glideleje Plade Please ask for our catalogue and visit us online: www.tente.com 04/2011 © Copyright Bolthul Hjulstørrelser: Ø80 til Ø200 mm Belastning: Op til 500 kg. pr. hjul 10 Tente Flyer Edelstahlr.7470 4stg.indd 2 12.04.2011 15:17:00 Uhr and disinfectants. Compliance with NSF standards permits use in the foods industry particularly in countries such as France and the USA. 5377 / 53 LEVINA Design Castor Excellent performance: Swivel castor with lock Seriescentral 5320 / Series 5370 / Series 5380 ;,5;,0UK\Z[YPHS • solid housing guarantees long life • high quality tread materials ensure exceptional rolling properties • short brake pedal offers easy operaTENTE LEVINA synthetic castors Availab tion and smaller swivel radius embody the ideal balance between • smooth surfaces make it easy to clean 5320 / 53 ultimate design andlocking the latest Series 3479 Explanation to the system •P69. modern castor technology. . . / P70. . . : design enhances of 5325 your product Made of high-grade synthetic material, P the 70castor - Qis largely 0 - resistant 11 5371 / 53 to all currently known detergents L 1 13 Hjul: Noise-reduced wheels: Noise-reduced Serie 3470 Industrial Castors and disinfectants. Compliance with Fittings Plate 5377 / 53 NSF standards permitsPolyamide use in the HUR Wheel centre: Hard wheels transfer shocks and bumps Gaffel af stål, zink-kromatiseret, UFR Hjulfælg: Polyamid, grå sizes foods industry particularly in counelastic solid rubber tyre, from unevenmed surfaces directly to the mobile drejekrans dobbelt kuglekrans, Hjulbane: Elastisk as France and the gummi, USA. Tread: Polyamide, container. These thumps are further transfer- tries such støvfang, hjul boltet fast i gaffel grå, afsmitningfri, rulleleje cam roller bearing red to the load carried, hence increasing the perpendicular performance: noise level considerably. This happens during Excellent to thehousing long Fås som: Hjulfælg: Polyamid, solid guarantees long sort life loading and unloading of the delivery trucks •UFR Bolt hole Polyamide tread side of the plate synthetic TENTE LEVINA castors Availa and when the roll containers moved. Hjulbane: Elastisk gummi, • high quality tread materials ensure Elastic solid rubber embodyblå, the ideal balance between 3470 hjul exceptional afsmitningfri, rulleleje rolling properties Therefore,Drejeligt strict noise levels have been set 5320 / cam position ultimate design and the latest Polyamide wheel centre for some Drejeligt areas, suchhjul as residential neighbour- • short 3471 med brake pedal offers easy operaThe bolt technology. 5325 only the use of special noisehoods, and retningsbremse UFP Hjulfælg: Polyamid, tionofand smaller swivel radius grå be fitted size the cam hex hole (SW) Made of high-grade synthetic matereducing Drejeligt castors andhjul wheels 3477 medcan assure that •smooth Hjulbane: Elastisk gummi, make it easy to clean Mountin rial, thesurfaces castor is largely resistant Series 3471 the noise remains under these limits. 5371 / totalbremse grå, DIN-kugleleje accordin • modern castor design enhances of to all currently known detergents We developed various solutions in order to 3478 Fast hjul your and product disinfectants. Compliance with stainless offer the benet provided by a hard wheel 0NSF = automatic reverse touse camin equipme 5377 / UFX Hjulfælg: Polyamid, gråthe standards permits material, and at the same time, the favourable Wheel sizes – Load capacities: position foods industry particularly in coun Hjulbane: Elastisk gummi, Befæstigelser: characteristics of a wheel with a soft tread. 100locking mm Wheel-Ø – 160 kgthe per castor tries such asDIN-kugleleje, France and USA. The grå, forseglet mechanism is activated 125 mm Wheel-Ø – 200 kg per Fittings through the cam via a lever. Modelcastor 0: Excellent performance: The lever Hjul reverses automatically the UOH i polyamid, hvid,tomed LEVINA synthetic castors Availa position: •TENTE solid housing guarantees long life base trådfang i stål, glideleje Schalldruckpegelmessungen Noise level measurement embody the ideal balance between high=quality tread materials ensure •POS Wheel centre: Polypropylene, L0-11 cam bore parallel to latest the longwhite, side 5320 / Messaufbau nach Richtlinie 2000 14Directive EG Measurement setup according to /EC 2000/14 EG ultimate design and the exceptional rolling properties with threadguards, blue, hvid of plate, SW 11 mm 86 UAR Hjulfælg: Polyamid, technology.bearing, noise reduced 5325 • shortroller brake pedalPolyuretan, offers easy opera84 Bolt hole Q0-11 Hjulbane: blå, = cam perpendicular to the long Plade Bolthul Made of high-grade synthetic mate������������������� 82 tion and smaller swivel radius rial, rulleleje of the SWresistant 11 mm theside castor is plate, largely 80 Polypropylene •tosmooth surfaces make it easy totread clean 5371 / all=currently detergents 78 L0-13 cam bore known parallel to the long side •and modern castor design enhances of The bolth UAD Hjulfælg: Polyamid, hvidwith disinfectants. Compliance 76 of plate, SW 13 mm Roller bearing your product be5377 fitted/ 74 standards permits use in blå, the NSF Hjulbane: Polyuretan, Shock absorbing Q0-13 = cam perpendicular to the long 72 foods industry particularly in counmade of Mountin rulleleje, rustfrielement foamed Polyurethane 70 sideasofFrance the plate, SWthe 13 mm tries such and USA. accordin 1 2 3 4 stainless Hjulstørrelse: Ø100 - 200 mm Fitting Excellent performance: equipme HUR 125 POS 125 125 UFR 125 POS/UOT UOR 125 2000 N 2000 N 2500 N 2500 N Belastningsevne: Op til 400 kg. 1 = without automatic reverse to pr. cam Load capacity Load capacity Load capacity Tragfähigkeit Tragfähigkeit Tragfähigkeit Load capacity Tragfähigkeit • solid housing guarantees long life hjul position high quality materials ensure •Wheel sizesmechanism – tread Load capacities The locking is activated exceptional rolling properties 100 mmthe Wheel-Ø through cam via –a 160 lever:kg per castor •125 short brake pedal– offers easy mm Wheel-Ø 200 kg per operacastor Model 1: The lever remains in the set tion and smaller swivel radius Bolt hole position. The lever has to be actuated • smooth surfaces make it easy to clean again to reverse the brake bolt to position 0. castor design enhances of • modern UOT centre: Polyamide, white, The bo your Wheel product L0-11 =with camthreadguards, bore parallel blue, to the long side be fitte ������������������� of plate,ball SWbearing, 11 mm noise reduced precision Mount Q0-11 = cam perpendicular to the long accord Fittin side of the plate,Polyamide SW 11tread mm stainle equipm L0-13 = cam bore parallel to the long side Series 3479. . . P69. . . /P70. . . and 3471. . . P69. . . /P70. . . Industrial castors Transporthjul Serie Series 3470 Swivel castors in ourofseries 3471 series have ahas The development this castor Robust central lock / directional lock. resulted in a standard range that is uni- • TENTE står innovative versally usable for for all types of transport Housing made of pressed steel, kvalitetsprodukuter equipment. blue passivated, • Høje kvalitetsstandarder gennem By using you will nd double balldifferent bearing wheels, swivel head, udvikling og produktion har gjort the right castor for every type of ooring. dustguard, Various tread are available to os til markedsleder wheel axle withmaterials nut choose from.er They cover all operating • TENTE certificeret iht. DIN/ISO requirements, for both ander outdoor 9001 og 14001 ogindoor alle hjul proapplications. Wheels: duceret og testet iht. standarderne EN 12526 EN 12533 UFR/UFP Wheel til centre: Polyamide Series 3470 Tread: elastic-tyre, grey non-marking, Housing made of pressed steel, Stærk without threadguards, blue passivated, UFR = roller bearing double ball bearing swivel head, kan hjul • Med deres robuste design UFP = precision ball bearing dustguard, wheel axle with i 3470 serien belastesnut med op til UER/UEP Wheel centre: Polyamide 400 kg. pr hjul. Alle belastninger er Tread: elastic-tyre, black, testet iht. EN 12532 Availablewithout as: threadguards 3470 Swivel UERcastor = roller bearing Stabil 3471 Swivel with directional lock UEPcastor = precision ball bearing 3477 Swivel castor with total lock • er ikke kun be3478Transportudstyr Fixed castor regnet til at skulle bevæges - ofte Wheelersizes: 125 mm mm at Ø det det også ligetoså200 vigtigt Load står capacity: 250Derfor kg to 300 per castor sikkert. kankgdisse hjul levere med forskellige former for Fittings: bremser • • • • Plate Totalbremse: Både drejefunktion og kørsel er blokeret på samme tid Retningsbremse: Kun drejefunktionen er blokeret, Bolt hole 13 mm så hjulet kan kun køre lige ud LEVINA Design Castor Series 5320 / Series 5370 / Series 5380 LEVINA Design Castor Series 5320 / Series 5370 / Series 5380 dB (A) Swivel castors in our series 3479 have a centrally activated wheel lock, while at the same time inhibiting the swivel action of the swivel fork assembly. Precision ball bearing of plate, SW 13 mm Shock absorbing element madelong of Q0-13 = cam perpendicular to the foamed Polyurethane side of the plate, SW 13 mm Bolt hole wrench size (SW) Prosp TranspGerRollen.indd 9 4 9 The bo Wheel sizes – Load capacities be fitte ������������������� 100 mm Wheel-Ø – 250 kg per castor Mount 21.04.2011 125 mm Wheel-Ø – 300 kg per castor 8:38:46 Uhr accord stainle equipm 11 Prosp TranspGerRollen.indd 4 21.04.2011 8:38:06 Uhr ;,5;,4LKPJHS ;,5;,4LKPJHS ;,5;,4LKPJHS The World in Motion. The TheWorld WorldininMotion. Motion. TENTE-ROLLEN GmbH TENTE-ROLLEN GmbH The World in Motion. Herrlinghausen 75 GmbH TENTE-ROLLEN ;,5;,4LKPJHS LINEA e LINEA ee∙∙lock lock LINEA lock Series 594E LINEA e lock Serie Series 594E Series549E 594E ∙ Series 594E LINEA e∙lock ;,5;,4LKPJHS Advanced Advanced LINEA e·lock is the latest edition of the LINEA e·lock is the latest edition of the proven seriesudgave 5940. Advanced LINEA hospital e·lock isbed the latest edition of the LINEA dencastor seneste proven e•lock hospitalerbed castor series 5940. proven hospital bed castor series What this unique is its5940. af det makes gennemprøvede hospitalshjul, LINEA e·lock is castor the latest edition offully the What makes this castor unique is its5940. fully integrated, motor-controlled locking proven hospital castor series serie 5940. What makes this bed castor unique is its fully integrated, locking Advancedmotor-controlled system. integrated, motor-controlled locking What makes this castor unique is its fully system. I.e. the LINEA 594E islatest not locked athe system. LINEA e·lock is the edition Hvad der gør dette hjul unikt, erby det integrated, motor-controlled locking I.e. the LINEA 594E is not locked byof a The foot-operated switch, but electrically. I.e. the LINEA 594E not locked a proven hospital bediscastor series by 5940. fuldt integrede og system. foot-operated switch, but electrically. electric lock can be motor-kontrollerede activated through The any foot-operated switch, but electrically. The I.e. thelock LINEA 594E is not locked aany electric can becastor activated through bremsesystem. What makes this unique is by its fully of its three interfaces: electric lock can be activated through any foot-operated switch, but electrically. of its three interfaces: LINEA 594Einterfaces: låses ikke med locking en fod- The integrated, motor-controlled of its three electric lock canmen be activated system. betjent bremse, elektrisk.through Den any of its three interfaces: I.e. the LINEA 594E is not locked a elektriske bremse kan aktiveres by genfoot-operated switch, but electrically. The nem en af de tre følgende electric lock can be activated through any interfaces: of its three interfaces: Avanceret Advanced Series 594E a - Designed to customer’s specication a -- Designed to customer’s specication b / cable a -Panel Designed toconnection customer’s specication b Panel / cable connection c b- Radio control --Panel / cable Designed to connection customer’s specication c -aRadio control cb- -Radio Panelcontrol / cable connection c - Radio control Emergency release a - Designed to customer’s specication Emergency release Emergency release - Panel cable connection event/ of a power cut, the castor can aIn-bthe Designet efter kundens specifikation Inc-Emergency the event of a power cut, the castor can -the Radio unlocked. bbe Panel / control kabel forbindelse Inmanually event ofrelease a power cut, the castor can be manually unlocked. emergency will bethe automabe manually cThe -InFjernbetjening the event unlocked. ofrelease a power cut, castor can The emergency release will be automatically reset during the motor’s reference The emergency release will be automabe manually unlocked. tically during reference run as reset soon power ismotor’s available again. Nødudløsning afthe bremse Emergency release tically resetas during the motor’s The release will be reference automarun as emergency soon as power is available again. run as event soon available again.can tically reset as during theismotor’s reference In the of power a power cut, the castor I tilfælde af atunlocked. strømmen afbrydes, kan runmanually as soon as power is available again. be bremsen på hjulet udløses manuelt. The emergency release will be automatically reset during the motor’s reference Denne automatisk run asnødudløsning soon as power vil is available again. blive nulstillet ved motorens opstart, når strømmen igen kommer tilbage. Switching functions Switching functions Indstillingsmuligheder Switching functions Switching functions Switching functions 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 - All castors set to swivel actions (Free) 121 --- Alle hjul kan dreje All castors set to swivel actions (Free) 1 2 3 4 forswivel 2 castors 1 -Directional All castorslock set to actions (Free) Directional lock lock for forfor 2 castor castors 232 -- Retningsbremse 2 hjul Directional 1 2 --Directional lock forswivel 2 castors All castors set to actions (Free) Directional lock 1 castor 3433---1-Retningsbremse for 1action hjul All castors set tofor for xed Directional lock 1 castor 2 Directional lock for 2 castors 4 All castors set to xed action (Total lock) 4 4- Alle hjul er bremset (totalbremse) 1 2 to xed 3action 4 castors set 3-(Total -All Directional lock) lock for 1 castor (Total lock) All castors castors set set to to swivel xed action 14 -- All actions (Free) (Total lock) lock for 2 castors 2 - Directional Fordele 3 - Directional lock for 1 castor 4 - All castors set to xed action Advantages Advantages Retningsbremsen kan aktiveres (Total lock) Advantages - Directional locks can be activated at either enten på sengens betjeningspanel - the Directional locks canon bethe activated operating panel bed or atateither -Advantages Directional locks canstyreenhed be activated either eller via ekstern the operating panel on the bed or control unit operating panel bed or at either - the Directional locks canonbethe activated control unit mod Beskyttet forkert brug via - Protected against incorrect use by anen control unit the operating panel on the bed or “acceleration sensor” - Advantages Protected against incorrect use by sensor incorrect use byan -acceleration Protected against an control unit acceleration sensor Åbner op for nye spændende mu - Opens up new possibilities regarding the acceleration sensor Protected against incorrect use by Directional locks can be activated at either ligheder i design af nye senge an - design Opens up new possibilities regarding the of new beds - Opens up newsensor possibilities regarding the acceleration the operating panel on the bed or design of new beds logisk controller Programmerbar - Programmable logic controllerregarding the design of new beds control unit Opens up new possibilities Ekstremt lavt mekanisk slid - Programmable logic controller - -Does not of involve switching torques logic controller design new beds - Programmable Protected against incorrect use byand an Støjreduceret - switching Does not involve switching torques and acceleration sensor -- Does notforces involve switching torques and Programmable logic controller forces switching Mulighed for integration med eksis - -Extremely level of mechanical wear forces Opens uplow new possibilities regarding the - switching Does not involve switching torques and terende kontrolsystem - Extremely low level of mechanical wear design of new beds - -Noise reduced Extremely low level of mechanical wear switching forces Mulighed for at totalbremse hju- - -Noise reduced Programmable logicof controller -- Noise Extremely low level mechanical lenereduced automatisk efter en givenwear -- Does not involve switching torques and Noise reduced stilstandsperiode switching forces Eliminerer brugen af det kompli- - Extremely low level of mechanical wear cerede stangsystem - Noise reduced Herrlinghausen 75 D - 42929 Wermelskirchen 75 DHerrlinghausen -TENTE-ROLLEN 42929 Wermelskirchen GmbH Germany D - 42929 Wermelskirchen Germany Herrlinghausen 75 Telefon: +49 (0) 21 96 / 99 – 0 Germany The World Telefon: +49Wermelskirchen (0) 21 21in 96 /Motion. / 99 99 –– 127 0 D - 42929 Telefax: +49 (0) 96 Telefon: +49 (0) 21 96 / 99 –0 Telefax: +49 (0) 21 96 / 99 – 127 Germany e-mail: info@tente.de Telefax: +49 (0) 21 96 / 99 – 127 TENTE-ROLLEN GmbH e-mail: info@tente.de Telefon: +49 (0) 21 96 / 99 – 0 Internet: www.tente.com e-mail: info@tente.de Herrlinghausen 75 Internet: Telefax:www.tente.com +49 (0) 21 96 / 99 – 127 Internet: D - 42929www.tente.com Wermelskirchen e-mail: info@tente.de Germany Internet: www.tente.com Telefon: +49 (0) 21 96 / 99 – 0 Housing: Telefax: +49 (0) 21 96 / 99 – 127 Gaffel: Housing: Made of high-grade synthetic materials. Housing: e-mail: info@tente.de Made of high-grade synthetic materials. Two precision ball bearings in the swivel Internet: www.tente.com Made of high-grade synthetic materials. Housing: Gaffel i kunststof af høj kvalitet, 2 Two precision ball bearings in the swivel head. Two precision ball bearings in the swivel Made of high-grade synthetic materials. head. stk. DIN-kuglelejer som drejekrans. head. Two precision ball bearings in the swivel head. Housing: Wheel: Hjul: Wheel: Made ofHjulfælg: high-grade synthetic materials. UAP Wheel centre:Polyamid Polyamide Wheel: UAP: Two Tread: precision ball bearings in the swivel UAP Wheel centre: Polyamide Polyurethane, UAP Hjulbane: Wheel centre:Polyuretan, Polyamide Wheel: head. Tread: Polyurethane, precision ball bearing Tread: Polyurethane, UAPprecision DIN-kugleleje Wheel centre: Polyamide ball bearing precision ball bearing Tread: Polyurethane, Hjulstørrelse: Ø150 mm precision ball bearing Wheel: Belastning: 150 kg pr. UAP size: Wheel centre: Polyamide Wheel 150 mm Ø hjul Wheelcapacity: size: Polyurethane, 150 kg mmper Ø castor Load 150 Wheel Tread: size: 150 mm Ø Load capacity: 150 bearing kg per castor precision ball Fås som: Load capacity: 150 kg per Wheel size: 150 mm Øcastor Load capacity: 150 kg per castor LINEA e•lock Available as: 594E Drejeligt hjul med central-, Available as: Wheel size: mm Ø Available as: eller150 totalretningsbremse LINEA e·lock Load capacity: 150 kg per castor LINEA e·lock Available as: LINEA med fuldt central-, integreret motor 594E Swivel castor totalor e·lock 594E Swivel castor central-, or iseret bremse directional lock with a totalfully inte- 594E Swivel castor central-, total- or LINEA e·lock directional lock with a fully integrated motorized lock. directional lockcentral-, with a fully 594E Swivel castor total-inteor grated motorized lock. Available as: Strømforsyning: grated motorized lock.a fully intedirectional lock with 24 V/DC grated LINEAsupply: e·lockmotorized lock. Power Power supply: 594E Swivel castor central-, total- or 24 V/DC supply: Power 24 V/DCdirectional lock with a fully inte24 V/DC Power supply: grated motorized lock. 24 V/DC Fitting: Befæstigelse: Fitting: Fitting: Power supply: Fitting: 24 V/DC Fitting: Available colours: Available colours: Available colours: Fås i følgende farver: RAL 9002 Grey-white LINEA e-lock 2 Seiter_englisch.indd 2 LINEA e-lock 2 Seiter_englisch.indd 2 LINEA e-lock 2 Seiter_englisch.indd 2 RAL 7001 RAL 7001 Silver-grey RALRAL 70017001 Silver-grey Silver-grey Sølv-grå RAL 7001 Silver-grey RAL 7001 Silver-grey 12 11/2011 Available colours: RAL 9002 RAL 9002 Grey-white RAL 9002 Grey-white RAL 9002 Grey-white Grå-hvid RAL 9002 Grey-white 11/2011© © Copyright 11/2011 Copyright 11/2011 © Copyright Copyright ©11/2011 © Copyright Available colours: 03.11.2011 07:55:38 03.11.2011 07:55:38 03.11.2011 07:55:38 e-drive 1 TENTE Medical Det 5. hjul til hospitalssenge og industrielle vogne e-drive 1 Se fremad e-drive til industrielle vogne lettere at skubbe dine hospitalssenge eller vogne? likationer kan bruges til en lang række transportvogne, som f.eks: Kernen i drivsystemet er en DC gear- The drive wheel is mounted centrally to Platformsvogne the bed and equipped with the LINAK Pakkevogne CUDM control unit. Madleveringsvogne Vasketøjsvogne In standby, the e-drive is powered up to maintain the flexibility in the patient room. Bogvogne Fordele ved e-drive 1 Start and drive assistance for hospital and care beds Leder du efter hjælp til at gøre det TENTE’s e-drive 1 til industrielle appForward-looking The average weight has doubled TENTE har patient taget udfordringen op og around the globe since Hospital designet en motor der1980. kan hjælpe. and care bed manufacturers responded to this and introduced beds with higher safe Gør arbejdet nemmere workloads on the market. Nursing staffoverfører must be able to easily move motor, der kraften til drivhjuthese beds although the assisterer loads are higher. let. e-drive 1 systemet For this reason, developed the brugeren med we at flytte senge oge-drive vogne1 System in cooperation with LINAK. med tung last på en nemmere måde. Ud over den lettere håndtering vil Makes work easier der også være en tidsbesparelse og The core of forårsaget this drive system a DC gear sygedage af højisstress kan motor that transmits its power to the drive minimeres. wheel. The TENTE e-drive 1 system assists the user to move beds with heavy loads in e-drive til hospitalssenge an easier way. The starting and moving in forward and backwardpatientvægt direction as well Den gennemsnitlige er as the stopping is clearly facilitated. fordoblet siden 1980. Producenter af hospitals- og plejesenge imødekom In addition to producere the easier handling, time dette ved af senge der can be saved and days of user sickness kunne klare mere belastning. Det caused the highsenge stress og canden be byrde er betyderbytungere minimised. direkte blevet videregivet til personalet på hospitalerne: sygeplejersker og portører. I samarbejde med LINAK er der udviklet et styresystem der kan integreres med eksisterende senge. If theOEM-kunder drive system is the drive For eractivated, der mulighed for wheel is lowered to the floor and the kun at købe selve motoren og selv e-drive facilitates lave styring. Nårthe dustart-up. køber et komplet system, består det af: The e-drive 1 System is designed for indoor use on level floors. e-drive 1 motor Betjeningsenhed Housing: Kontrolsystem Made of pressed steel, zinc plated Batterimodul Oplader Wheel: UFF Wheel centre: Solid rubber, non-marking, Shore: 63 A Wheel size: 125 mm Ø Ubesværet start, kørsel og stop af tunge senge og vogne Advantages Nemmere manøvrebilitet -Effortless starting and stopping Ved brug af e-drive sparesofder tid heavy medical beds Høj-kvalitets system, lige klar til brug = plug-and-play - Easier manoeuvrability Vedligeholdelsesfri Ved hjælp af e-drive -Applying the e-drive savesreduceres time risikoen for skader og sygedage minimeres - High-quality tested system for immediate service Tekniske data: - Maintenance-free Byggehøjde: 170 mm -Længde: Lowers the risk of injuries 280 and mm minimises days lost through user Bredde: 188 mm sickness Højde (tilbagetrukket): 140 mm Max. overkørselshøjde: +/- 30 mm Gulvtryk: 400 N Vægt: 3 kg Beskyttelsesgrad: IPX4 Drivmotor: Strømtilslutning: Drejningsmoment: Rotationshastighed: Udgang: Nominel strøm: Max. hastighed: Støjniveau (kørsel) 24 V DC 4 Nm 174,49 min/-1 73,1 W 7,0 A 4 km/t 45 dB (A) Servomotor: Strømtilslutning: Drejningsmoment: Rotationshastighed: Udgang: Nominel strøm: Støjniveau (switch): 24 V DC 4 Nm 35,29 min/-1 14,8 W 3,5A 80 dB (A) Gaffel: Gaffel af galvaniseret stål Hjul: UFF: Hjulfælg: Polyamid Hjulbane: Elastisk gummi, afsmitningsfri, shore 63 A Hjul-Ø: 125 mm 13 Find hjulet hurtigt Billedindeks Find hjulet hurtigt 38-44 Stolehjul 45-67 Møbelhjul TENTE Produktprogram Find hjulet hurtigt Billedindeks Billedindeks 38-44 Stolehjul 38-44 Stolehjul 45-67 Møbelhjul 68-113 Designhjul 114-152 Apparathjul l 45-67 Møbelhjul 45-67 Møbelhjul 114-152 Apparathjul Apparathjul hj l 68-113 Designhjul 68-113 Designhjul Apparathjul hj l 114-152 114-152 Apparathjul Apparathjul 153-155 Hjul til y-trolleys Apparathjul hj l 68-113 Designhjul 114-152 Apparathjul 68-113 Designhjul 68-113 Designhjul 114-152 Apparathjul 114-152 Apparathjul 153-155 Hjul til y-trolleys 153-155 Hjul til y-trolleys 156-162 til indkøbsvogne 163-175 Hjul Hjul af rustfrit stål Løse hjul ustfrit stål 176-181 øbsvogne 156-162 Hjul til indkø 156-162 Hjul til indkøbsvogne 156-162 Hjul til indkøbsvogne 176-181 Løse hjul 163-175 Hjul 163-175 af rustfrit Hjul stål af rustfrit stål 163-175 Hjul af rustfrit stål 176-181 Løse hjul Løse hjul 176-181 176-181 hjul 192-200 Løse Hospitalssengehjul 163-175 Hjul af rustfrit stål stål 163-175 Hjul af rustfrit 201-209 Plejesengehjul 176-181 Løse hjul 176-181 Løse hjul 192-200 Hospitalssengehjul 201-209 Plejesengehjul 214-262 Trans 192-200 Hospitalssengehjul 201-209 Plejesengehjul 214-262 Transporthjul 201-209 Plejesengehjul 214-262 263-267 Hjul til renovationssystemer 268-277 Hjul af rustfrit stål novationssystemer 268-277 Hjul af rustfrit stålTransporthjul l hjj l h Sengehjul 214-262 Transporthjul 263-267 263-267 Hjul til renovationssystemer Hjul til renovationssystemer hjj l h Sengehjul 263-267 Hjul til renovationssystemer 263-267 Hjul tilHjul renovationssystemer 263-267 til renovationssystemer Transporthjul thj hj l 278-291 Løse hjul Løse hjul 294-337338-357 Sværlasthjul 268-277 Hjul 268-277 af rustfrit Hjul stål af rustfrit stål hjj l h Sengehjul Transporthjul thj hj l Transporthjul thj hj l Transporthjul thj hj l 268-277 Hjul af rustfrit stål hjul 278-291 Løse 294-337 Sværlasthjul 268-277 Hjul af rustfrit stål stål 268-277 Hjul af rustfrit 278-291 Løse hjul 294-337 Sværlasthjul 294-337 Sværlasthjul 358-361 338-357 Løse 338-357 hjul Løse hjul 358-361 Sværlasthjul l hj l Sværlasthjul l hj l 358-361 358-361 Sværlasthjul l hj l Sværlasthjul l hj l Individuelle dele og specialløsninger dele og Sspecialløsninger i ll i i Individuelle ll i 338-357 Løse hjul 338-357 Løse hjul 338-357 Løse hjul 8 358-361 Mere information online: www.tente.com 358-361 358-361 14 NTEGRAL ;,5;,0UK\Z[YPHS eries 2040 / Series 7040 lid Industrial castors TENTE Service Ikke er gratis, Seriesmange 3470 ting i livetSeries 2040 men... Series 7040 0 Befæstigelser dB (A) robust brake system and a solid Housing: Housing: • TENTE stillerofalle tegninger rådgivning gratis til rådighed forCastors dig Noise-reduced wheels: The are development this castor series Noise-reduced Industrial eel housing expecially capable ofoghas Frame made of stainless steel Frame made of pressed steel, • Med 100 forskellige 2D- og 3D tegninger på tusindvis resulted inover a standard rangeload thatformater is uni- af sisting stress caused by shock HUR Wheel centre: Polyamide Hard wheels transfer shocks and bumps versally usable for all types of transport af forskellige hjul, slipper du for meget arbejde. precision ball bearing in swive blue plated, elastic solid rubber tyre, fromzinc uneven surfaces directly to the mobile equipment. • Vores tegninger er lige ind i dine projekttegninger utstanding manoeuvrability, andklar til at sætte and wheel, precision ball bearing swivel Tread: Polyamide, container. These thumps areinfurther transferSeries By 2040 Series 7040hence increasing the using differentwhen wheels,pushing you will nd roller bearing red to the load carried, housing cover made of synthe inimal force required, a head and wheel, the right castor for every type of ooring. noise level considerably. This happens during plastics ed, are ensured by the ideal combinahousing cover made of synthetic plastics Various tread materials are available to loadingHousing: and unloading of the delivery trucks Housing: Polyamide tread on of precision ball bearings, polyurechoose from. They cover all operating and when the roll containers moved. Wheels: Elastic solid rubber requirements, for bothsteel, indoor and outdoorWheels: ane treadmade and the wheel’s excellent Frame made ofhave stainless Frame of pressed Therefore, strict noise levels been setsteel, applications. Polyamide wheel centre precision bearing in swivel head eometry for some areas, such ball as residential neighbourblue zinc plated, UAX Wheel centre: Polyamid UAP Wheel centre: Polyamide hoods, and only the use of special noiseand wheel, precision ball bearing in swivel Tread: Polyurethane, he easy toSeries operate reducing castorsPolyurethane, and wheels can assure that 3470 actuation system Tread: housing cover made of synthetic head and wheel, the noise remains under these limits. precision ball bearing, s erforms particularly Housing madequiet of pressed steel, precision ball bearing plastics housingblue cover made of synthetic plastics We developed various solutions in order to passivated, XSX electric conductive, non eautifully double designed synthetic offer the benecentre: t provided Polyamide by a hard wheel ball bearing swivelsemi head, UAX Wheel material, and at the same time, the favourable Wheels: dustguard, wheel axle with nut centre: Polyamid Wheel sizes – Load Wheel capacities: Wheels: over are snapped on and ultrasonically Tread: Polyurethane, 3D PDF-filer characteristics of a wheel with a soft tread. Polyurethane, 160 kg per castor elded. They function aPDF-filer, bumper, precision ball bearing, sealed 100 mm Wheel-Ø –Tread: Vores helt nye as 3DPolyamide er vores nyeste opfindelse. Hjulet i centre: filen kan Polyamide drejes, UAX Wheel UAP Wheel centre: 125 mm Wheel-Ø – 200 kg per castorbearing, s precision ball bsorbing lateral impacts elastically and og hjulet kan skilles Available as: forstørres, formindskes, farve-ændres ad i de dele det er Tread: Polyurethane, Tread: Polyurethane, XSX electric conductive, non-marking washable ithout permanent deformation samlet af - Hjul, 3470 Swivel castorgaffel og bolte. precision ball bearing, sealed precision ball bearing Wheel centre: Polyamide 3471 Swivel castor with directional lock Schalldruckpegelmessungen Noise level measurement POS Wheel centre: Polypropylene, white, ENTE INTEGRAL: A castor symbol Tread: Polyurethane, 3477 Swivel withfor totalstabilock Wheelsize: 150 mm Ø XSX nach electric conductive, non-marking Messaufbau Richtlinie 2000 14Directive EG Measurement setup according to /EC 2000/14 EG UAX Wheel centre: Polyamide with threadguards, blue, 3478 Fixed castor y, long endurance and safety 86 precision ball bearing, sealed, Wheel centre: Polyamide capacity: 150 kg each rollerLoad bearing, noise reduced Tread:Know-how Polyurethane, 84 washable Tread: Polyurethane, 82 precision ball bearing, sealed Passende forbindelser precision ball bearing, sealed, AvailablePolypropylene 80 as: tread 78 XSX electric conductive, non-markingWheelsizes: washable 2040 / 7040 Swivel castor 76 Fittings:centre: Polyamide Wheel Roller bearing 125 mm, 150 mm and 200 mm Ø 74 Shock absorbing 2044 / 7044 Swivel castor wi 72 Tread: Polyurethane, Wheelsize: 150 mm Ø element made of tilkg alleper opgaver LoadBefæstigelser capacity: 150 castor foamed Polyurethane 70 or directional loc precision ball bearing, sealed, 1 apparat 3 er 4befæstigelse i praksis capacity: 150 kghjulets each For at Load få et til2at bevæge sig, 2046 / 7046 Swivel castor wi washable grænsen mellem dig og os. HUR 125 POS 125 125 UFR 125 POS/UOT UOR 125 lock Available as: Plate Bolt hole 13 mm Wheelsizes: 2040 / 7040 Befæstigelsestypen afgøres Swivel på den enecastor side af produktetsWheel funktionalisizes – Load capacities 125 mm, 150 mm and 200 mm Ø tet og på den anden side af produktionseffektiviteten hos kunden. 100 mm Wheel-Ø – 160 kg per castor condu 2044 / 7044 Swivel castor with totalElectrical Ved hjælp af gennemtestede og innovative koncepter tilbyder TENTEWheel-Ø – 200 kg per castor Load capacity: 150 kg per castor 125 mm Ekspanderbefæstigelse, Bolthul Firkantplade or directional lock versions can be den optimale løsning på ethvert krav: En holdbar forbindelse, der rund og rkantet by the yellow sw sikrer hjulet en /hurtig og sikker montering. 2046 7046 Swivel castor with total ring cover. lock 2500 N Load capacity Tragfähigkeit 2000 N Load capacity Tragfähigkeit 2000 N Load capacity Tragfähigkeit 2500 N Load capacity Tragfähigkeit UOT Wheel centre: Polyamide, white, Konstruktionen på det apparat, hvor hjulet skal befæstiges, er with threadguards, blue, afgørende for befæstigelsesdelene, såsom montageplade, bolte eller precision ball bearing, noise reduced indstikstappe. Ud over disse standardbefæstigelser, ndes der også ekspanderende rørbefæstigelser til specialformål. Til apparater med Polyamide tread centralbremsesystem ndes der befæstigeleselementer med integrerede bremsesystemer. Electrical conductive Fittings: versions can be recognised by the yellow swivel beaPrecision ball bearing ring cover. Shock absorbing element made of Tapbefæstigelse, rund og Tap med centralbremsesyStift med klemring foamed Polyurethane rkantet hvilken befæstigelse, man Ligegyldigt, beslutter sig for, er det vigtigt, stem at man ved monteringen er opmærksom på, at apparatet hviler på R 26-28 R 36-34 hjulets anlægsplade. Kun hvis apparatet hviler på apparatets anlægsplade, kan den maksimale belastningsevne opnås. Fittings: R3 Wheel sizes – Load capacities kg per castor kg per castor 4 ards for excellent Design Prosp TranspGerRollen.indd 4 Tal med os, hvis ønsket går i retning af en anden befæstigelsestype 100 mm Wheel-Ø – 250 end de her nævnte. Vi er til at stole på, hvad angår udvikling 125afmm Wheel-Ø – 300 individuelle løsninger og værktøj til produktionen. En opringning er R 05 nok. R 26-28 R 36-34 R 36-32 Certified Reduktionshylse til tapbefæstigelse Rørindstikshylse til stift med klemring Colours: 15 21.04.2011 8:38:06 Uhr Med hjul fra TENTE opnår du følgende: • Dag-til-dag leveringer, der medfører mindre lager D - 42929 Wermelskirchen Tlf. 70 10 82 10 Germany Fax. 70 10 Phone: +4981(0)10 21 96 / 99 ñ 0 Mail. info@tente.dk Fax: +49 (0) 21 96 / 99 ñ127 Web: e-mail:www.tente.dk info@tente.de Internet: www.tente.com 02/2011 TENTE-ROLLEN GmbH TENTE P.O. Box A/S 50 14 30 Birkemosevej 32 D - 42907 Wermelskirchen 8361 Hasselager Herrlinghausen 75 © Copyright for dig • Kompetent rådgivning, der sikrer det rigtige valg af hjul første gang • Vi tilbyder CAD-service i mere end 30 formater
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