International Journal of Business and Management Studies, CD-ROM. ISSN: 2158-1479 :: 2(1):561–581 (2013) c 2013 by Copyright THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL AND INNOVATION: A REVIEW Mohammad Rahmani Karchegani, Saudah Sofian, Salmiah Mohd Amin Universiti Teknologi Malaysia There are many factors that influence firm performance. In order to sustain competitive advantage and increase performance, a firm needs to offer high-quality products at low cost. Many firms have responded to these competitive demands by being innovative in their practices and have shown enough flexibility to meet the expectations of their stakeholders. Economists assert that intellectual capital (IC) is a vital asset that helps organizations to create value in present economic syndrome and enables the organizations to be innovative. IC can boost the organizational performance through knowledge, experiences, skills of employees and also by defining new methods of task performance and being innovative in their processes. Thus, IC of a company indicates the value of ideas and capability of being innovative for a longer period. Many authors have examined the relationship between IC and firm performance. Their finding indicates the existence of positive and significant relationship and this inspires the idea to review the literature on the relationship between innovation and intellectual capital, the topic of this paper. Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Innovation, Firm Performance Overview Structures of organizational resources have shifted from material to intangible assets during the last two decades. Many proponents avouch that the “Product-based Economy” and “Retail Economy” has been converted to the “Knowledge-based Economy” (Alcaniz et al., 2011; Cambra-Fierro et al., 2011; Canibano et al., 2000; Fagerberg et al., 2012; Huang and Kung, 2011; Malhotra, 2000; Nonaka et al., 1996). Economists (Augier and Teece, 2005; Marr, 2005a) claim that “knowledge” and “intellectual capital” is two vital and intangible assets that help organizations to create value and wealth in this “Knowledge-based Economy.” Drucker (1993) asserted that human knowledge leads to innovation and transformation of “Human Society” to a “Knowledge Society.” Recently, Lin and Edvinsson (2011) also stated that “knowledge society” is incredibly accelerating the economic and social development. These knowledge societies are comprised of knowledge workers and according to Drucker (1993) knowledge workers include; knowledgeable executives, employees and professionals who possess the organizational knowledge. Theoretically, IC scholars suggest that IC components; human, structural, and relational capitals are important factors for creating knowledge and innovation (Edvinsson et al., 2004). These both have been known as the two drivers of competitive advantage for increasing financial and non-financial organizational performance (Aas and Pedersen, 2011; Amidon, 1997, 2003a; Andriessen, 2004b; Bontis, 2002; Brown, 2009; Chan, 2009; Ismail, 2005; Kramer et al., 2011; Marr, 2005a; Tayles et al., 2007). Human resource scholars also concluded that intellectual 561 562 Mohammad Rahmani Karchegani et al. capital leads to innovative creation which in turns plays a significant role in influencing firm performance (Santoso, 2012; Sharabati et al., 2010; Spahiü and Huruz, 2012; Wang and Wang, 2012; Wiig, 1997). Amidon (2003b) believes that at the beginning of the third Millennium, innovation is not only the source of competitive advantage but also plays a significant role in the next wave of influence, called “collaborative advantage.” Rose et al. (2009) noted that innovation has been recognized as an important driver of economic growth, and it enables the firms to offer new products and services with better-quality at less price. Edvinsson (2004), Kramer (2011) and Vincent et al. (2005) emphasize that being an innovative is necessary to a firm to create a sustainable competitive advantage in today’s turbulent environment. On the other side, Augier and Teece (2005) believe that if organizations do not have any plans to discover and managing their IC will face unwanted consequences. Based on multidisciplinary literature review of IC, Alcaniz et al. (2011) and Marr (2005b) concluded that the IC concept has emerged with different perspectives such as: Economic, Strategic, Accounting, Finance, Reporting, Marketing, Human resource, Information system, and the Legal perspective. IC and innovation are two crucial and vital resources to increase firm performance (Brown, 2009; Zschockelt, 2009), companies must disclose and manage them in a well manner. In relation to the above, this paper will discuss intellectual capital components that foster innovation in companies in increase firm performance. The paper highlights the relationship between intellectual capital components and organizational innovation , particularly in companies that invest highly in intellectual capital. Intellectual Capital (IC) At the beginning of 21st century, many of the researches have argued that knowledge and intellectual capital play a fundamental role in modern enterprises of knowledge-based economy (Andriessen, 2004b; Bontis, 1999; Dumay, 2011; Edvinsson, 1997; Edvinsson et al., 2004; Erickson and Rothberg, 2009; Marr and Roos, 2005; Roos and Roos, 1997). Stewart (2002) claims that IC is the third ‘big idea’ of the two past decades of management theory besides the total quality management and re-engineering. Thus, enterprises with better IC management have gained a better competitive advantage over those enterprises which relatively place less importance on IC management (Wiig, 1997). In the words, IC is becoming more significant in determining the performance of enterprises in today’s global economic system (Andriessen, 2004a, 2004b; Augier and Teece, 2005; Bontis et al., 2000; Cabrita and Bontis, 2008; Chan, 2009; Díez et al., 2010; Erickson and Rothberg, 2009; Tam, 1997; Zigan and Zeglat, 2010). Starovic and Marr (2005) argue that currently IC is essential to both companies and societies. IC can be a cause of competitive advantage for businesses and encourage innovation (Andriessen, 2004a, 2004b; Edvinsson et al., 2004; Kong, 2010b; Lindgren et al., 2009). Thus, to determine the success of company at all levels intangible assets often plays the most important roles than in material ones (Liu, 2010). According to Roos et al. (1997), the theoretical roots of IC come from two different streams of strategy and management. While the former focus upon the development and leverage of knowledge, the latter focuses on the development of new information systems that measure the value of knowledge. Andriessen (2004b) highlighted some reasons that encourage firms to manage, measure and report their IC: The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Innovation... • • • 563 To improve internal management To improve external reporting To satisfy statutory and transactional factors Skandia as a Swedish insurance company is the first company that provided a complete report on IC in insurance industry. Edvinsson (1997) believes this was because Skandia needed a new logic accounting for the development of knowledge-intensive services. In the Skandia’s report intellectual, capital was defined as the possession of knowledge, applied experiences, organizational technology, customer relationships and professional skills. Skandia breaks IC into two components of human and structural capital. Human capital is not a form of property that can be owned by an enterprise. Its value is attributed to employee training, know- how, and competencies. Structural capital, on the other hand, is dividable into customer capital, and organisational capital and this remains in the possession of enterprise even after employees have left at the end of the day. Later, Holmen (2005) suggested that organisational capital can be further categorized into process capital and innovation capital. Based on the Skandia experience, Edvinsson (1997) formulated IC into three basic insights, that are used in further implementation of IC term as a starting point: • • • IC is s supplementary to financial information; it is not subordinate information. IC is a non-financial capital; it depicts a non-visible difference between book value and value market value. IC is a debt issue, not an asset issue. The IC report of Skandia in 1996 not only was new (Edvinsson, 1997), but also was the first empirical analysis on the relationship between IC and firm performance in insurance industry. According to the Skandia navigator method, this type of report provides a more systematic description of the company’s ability and potential to transform IC into financial capital. Sveiby and Lloyd (1988) reported that IC gained popularity in management literature due to three main reasons. First, the discontent over the 500-years-old system that runs accounting. This system treats accounting as a money-driven system; consequently, financial indicators could end up giving misleading signals about organizations with intensive knowledge basis regarding the maintenance of intangible's assets. Second, the ever-increasing differences that exist between Market Value and Book Value, and third, due to the increased influence of globalization require transparency in business reporting. Andriessen (2004b) views IC as a holistic view of the enterprise. Accordingly, IC is not regarded solely in relation to people (like Human Resource Accounting); it also includes nonvisible assets that are not human (like organizational processes). Since the last fifteen years of Skandia’s report, IC has remained one of the focal terms in business, economics, and humanresource management contexts, despite the fact, the level of disclosure of IC is still low in business annual reports (Bontis and Nikitopoulos, 2002; Chen and Wang, 2010; Petty and Guthrie, 2000). The Saint-Onge model is one of the most popular models for classifying intellectual property. It was developed in the early 1990s, and it splits intellectual capital into three components: human capital, structural capital, and customer capital (Saint-Onge, 1996). Edvinsson extracted two components for intellectual capital; first, human capital which is a combination of knowledge, skill, ability, and innovativeness. Second, structural capital which is 564 Mohammad Rahmani Karchegani et al. the combination of hardware, software, databases, organisational structure, patents, trademarks, and everything other than organisational capability . Andriessen (2001), in a critical analysis of many core competencies concluded that the combination of intangible assets like certain knowledge and skills flourish under the particular organizational culture. Andriessen (2004b) recognizes two main resources for creating value added in companies: capital employed (which is a physical and financial capital), and intellectual capital (which includes human and structural capital). Value added is defined as output (sales revenue) minus the input (everything that comes from outside of the organization). The Organizational Economices Center Development (OECD, 2005) recognizes IC as the economic value of two kinds of capitals, a company possesses, are Structural Capital and Human Capital. Iswatia and Anshori (2007a) argue that intellectual capital is essential to transit from industrial era to information era. Zschockelt (2009) reports that organizational capital is often seen as institutionalized knowledge and codified experience stored in databases, routines, patents, manuals, structures and the likes. Marr and Moustaghfir (2005) assert that there is no agreement on a clear definition and component of IC. Despite, the general acceptance of IC, it is not a one-dimensional construct rather resides at various levels such as the individual, network and organizational level (Bontis et al., 2000; Edvinsson and Malone, 1998; Roos and Roos, 1997; Stewart, 1997). Combining these terms and associating them together would create a platform for a preliminary denotative definition of the elements of IC. Intellectual capacity includes any intangible asset with value that is obtained through learning and experience, which in turn would result in production of wealth. Figure 1 sums up the essential factors of each term, whih make up the technical definition. The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Innovation... Intellectual 565 Relating to the capacity of understanding, reasoning, and thinking Rational Wealt Material Wealth Capital Stock of accumulated Value of accumulated goods Information Skills Experience Awareness Knowledge Consciousness Learning Instruction Assured belief Intellectual Capital Components Unable to be touched Not solid Vague and abstract Intangible Impalpabl Insubstantia Supplementary asset Useful or valuable thing Advantage Assets Resource Item property Figure 1. The Essential Elements of Intellectual Capital. Source: Marr and Moustaghfir (2005) Marr (2005b) shows that IC topic has emerged as a range of perspectives in the multidisciplinary terms of organizational management. This includes economic perspectives, strategic perspectives, managerial perspectives and accounting perspectives where the term “intangible asset" is often used as a synonym for IC (Alcaniz et al., 2011). For example, taking the human resource (HR) approach, intellectual capital relates to expertise, knowledge and employees’ attitude. Accountants tend to focus on intangible properties, which as defined by IASB (2004) 566 Mohammad Rahmani Karchegani et al. are non-financial fixed assets and are not physically substantiated. However, they can be identified and managed by the entity through the legal rights and custody. On the other hand, from a marketing point of view, intangibles like customer satisfaction, brand recognition, etc. are located at the heart of business success. Furthermore, from an Information Systems approach, intellectual capital is described as software applications and also as network capabilities (Marr, 2005b). Consequently, there is no universally accepted definition for IC. In a nutshell, IC is a multidisciplinary concept that has out stretched to many functions and disciplines. Still is has equivocal nature due to multidisciplinary perpectives. In addition, applicable tools for exploiting this concept in organizations are still vague. Based on comparison of numerous IC models, most of the models are based on a more or less similar classification. Logically, the frameworks have indicated that IC is a result of inter-relations among three main components of intangible assets viz: human capital, structural capital and relational capital (Bontis, 2002; Edvinsson and Malone, 1997; Mouritsen et al., 2001; 2000; 1994). Recently, a new element called spiritual capital was also added as the fourth component by Gillett (2002) and Ismail (2005). Thus, current study will consider the above mentioned four IC components described by Meritum (2002) and these are discussed in Table 1: Table 1. Comprehensive of Definition of Intellectual Capital Components. IC Component Human * Capital Structural* Capital Relational* Capital Spiritual** Capital Definition -Is the knowledge that employees take with them when they leave the firm. -It includes the knowledge, skills, experiences and abilities of people. -Some of this knowledge is unique to individual, some may be generic. -Examples are innovation capacity, creativity, know-how and previous experience, teamwork capacity, employee flexibility, tolerance for ambiguity motivation, satisfaction, learning capacity, loyalty, formal training and education. -Is the knowledge that stays within the firm at the end of the working day. -It comprises the organizational routines, procedures, systems, cultures, databases, etc. -Examples are organizational flexibility, a documentation service, the existence of a knowledge centre, the general use of Information Technologies, organizational learning capacity, etc. -some of them may be legally protected and become Intellectual Property Rights, legally owned by the firm under separate title. -Is all resources linked to the external relationships of the firm, with customer, suppliers or R&D and partners. -It comprises that part of Human and Structural Capital involved with the companies relations with stakeholders investors, creditors, customers, suppliers, etc., plus the perceptions that they hold about the company. -Examples of this category are image, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, links with suppliers, commercial power, negotiating capacity with financial entities, environmental activities. The tacit knowledge, faith, belief and emotion embedded in the minds and hearts of individuals within organizational employees that to the overall impact on performance of the firms. Source: * Meritum Guidelines (2002) and ** Mazlan Ismail (2005) Human Capital (HC) Human Capital includes anything associated by the people within the organization. It includes elements such as employees’ tacit knowledge, skills, experience and their attitude (Bontis and The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Innovation... 567 Serenko, 2009). HC can be seen as a primary tool for an organization to learn by influencing the ability to acquire new knowledge (Kang and Snell, 2009). As indicated in Table 2, HC focuses on competencies, attitudes and intellectual agility. Among human capital elements, competency is the most frequently cited element of human capital (Andriessen, 2004a, 2004b; Marr and Moustaghfir, 2005; Roos et al., 2004). Brooking (1996) suggests six elements of human capital: educational levels, job-related licences or qualifications, job-related knowledge, job potential, personality traits and job-related abilities. Ross et al. (1998) in the context of their study described HC as inclusive of the knowledge, skills, attitudes and intellectual agility of employees. However, Stewart (1997) has linked HC with the New Growth Theory as a source of innovation and renewal. Recently, Alcaniz et al. (2011) expressed the advantages HC over the other forms of IC, and thus drove significant implications on how enterprises employ and grow their stocks of human capital. Kang and Snell (2009) argue that domains of specific knowledge and skills can be related to the more effective acquisition and assimilation of new, in-depth knowledge within a narrow range of parameters. This can be connected to exploitation and incremental types of innovation (O'Reilly and Tushman, 2004). The authors state that these can all be related to more exploratory learning, and exploratory organizations are related to more radical innovations. O’Reilly and Tushman (2004) believe that investment in education may reflect a higher ability to create or improve new knowledge and skills. They also highlight that knowledge and skills of employees are basic requirements for generating new and creative ideas. At the same time, scholars concluded that knowledge and skills individually cannot contribute towards innovation. Table 2. Some Definitions of Human Capital. Author/s Definition of HC Roos et al. (1998) -Competence knowledge and skills, -Attitudes motivations and behaviors, -Intellectual agility innovation, imitation, adaptation and packaging -Know-how, Education, Vocational qualification, Work-related knowledge, Occupational assessments, Psychometric assessments, Work-related competencies, Entrepreneurial, Innovativeness, Proactive and , Reactive abilities, Changeability Guthrie and Petty (2000) Bontis (2000) Seetharaman et al. (2002) -Employees’ tacit knowledge, skills, experience and attitude -Employees’ Competence, Know-how, Work-related knowledge, Innovativness, Education Stewart (2004) Management: Education, Experiences, Skills Employees: Education, Experiences, Skills Marr and Moustaghfir (2005) Know-how, Education , Vocational qualification, Work-related knowledge, Occupational assessments, Psychometric assessments, Work-related competencies , Entrepreneurial, Innovativeness, Proactive and reactive abilities, Changeability Structural Capital (SC) Structural or organizational capital is the second component of IC. Scholars believe that SC represents everything of value that is remaining in organization, when the employees have left the workplace, which includes codified knowledge, procedures, processes, goodwill, patents, and culture (Edvinsson and Sullivan, 1996). Scholars state that SC is the organisational competencies which includes organisational routines, procedures, processes, systems, culture, databases, 568 Mohammad Rahmani Karchegani et al. structures and intellectual property. The scholars also believe that SC is an intangible asset that is formed by the intellectual inputs of the firm' employees. Some authors opine that HC creates SC, and that the quality of SC is most likely a reflection upon the quality of HC (Edvinsson and Malone, 1998). However, Stewart (1997) explains that talented individuals do not automatically make a case for smart enterprises and SC strengthens HC for creating value. Actually, Edvinsson and Sullivan (1996) suggested that SC is essential to support employee activities. Further, they believe that SC is the infrastructure firms develop to commercialize their intellectual capital. Cohen and Kaimenakis (2007) state that while firms do not own HC, structural capital belongs in the organization as a whole. It can be reproduced and shared. A good SC will provide a good environment for rapid knowledge sharing, collective knowledge growth, shortened lead times and more productive people (Stewart, 2002). Moon and Kym (2006) state that SC facilitates the use of available knowledge resources. By the empirical study, Ismail (2005) finds out that SC has a significant relationship with HC, RC, and SpC. His finding confirmed Bontis et al. (2000) earlier have been reported that SC is positively associated with RC and HC. Bontis et al. (2000) and Ismail (2005) also finding that SC is positively associated with overall business performance. Some scholars address process capital and innovation capital as parts of structural capital (Edvinsson and Malone, 1997). Therefore, companies utilize SC as a guidance and reference in their operations. Companies also rely on SC to ensure that their functions are consistent with rules, standards and procedures for achieving a company's goals. Table 3 lists the elements of structural capital. Table 3. Some Elements of Structural Capital. Author/s Year Elements of SC Roos et al. (1998) Internal Structure -Patents -Concepts -Models -Administrative System Intellectual property -Patents -Copyrights -Design Rights -Trade Secrets -Trademarks Petty and Guthrie (2000) Marr and Moustaghfir (2005) Seetharaman et al. (2004) Intellectual property _ patents _ copyrights _ design rights _ trade secrets _ trademarks _ service marks -Culture -Spirit of Firm -Copyrights -Trademarks -Patents -Internal Databases -Management Processes External Structure -Relationship with customer and suppliers -Brand names -Company’s reputation and image Infrastructure assets_ -Management philosophy -Corporate culture Management Processes -Information Systems -Networking Systems -Services Infrastructure assets _ management philosophy _ corporate culture _ management processes _ information systems _ networking systems financial relations The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Innovation... 569 Relational Capital (RC) Relational Capital is the third component of IC, which represents the relationship with customers, suppliers, strategic partners and shareholders. The value of RC is determined by the company’s reputation or image (Meritum-Guideline, 2002). Based on Stwart (2002), RC includes network, brand, and customer capital. Further, Bontis (1998), stated that RC or customer capital referred to all the relations the firm has established with its stakeholder groups, such as customers, suppliers, community, and government. Stewart (2002) points out that the purpose of a relationship with these external stakeholders is to turn it into money. While customer and market orientation is important. In this order, Cohen and Kaimenakis (2007) suggest that Market Orientation, which include customer capital is a set of behaviours and processes or an aspect of culture to create a superior customer value. The scholars state that markets orientation is to coordinate the customer’s needs by obtaining and using customer’s information, competitor’s capabilities and provision of other significant market agents and authorities (Keskin, 2006). This integrated effort upon the part of employees across departments of an organization, results in higher or superior performance within an organization. Although, there are many definitions to the brand concept, they are not feasible for brand valuation. For example, Aaker (1991) states that the term “brand” is a set of assets and liabilities linked to a brand’s name and symbol that adds to or subtracts from the value provided by a product or service to a firm and/or that firm’s customers. According to Fernandez (2002), based on the Marketing Science Institute the term “brand” is the strong, sustainable, and differentiated advantage with respect to competitors that leads to a higher volume or a higher margin to the company compared to the situation it would have without the brand. This differential volume or margin is the consequence to the behavior of the consumers, the distribution channel and the companies themselves (Table 4). Table 4: Some Elements of Relational Capital Stewarts (1997) Guthrie and Petty (2000) Saint-Onge (1997) Allee (2000) -Brand -Customers -Network -Brands -Customers -Customer Loyalty -Company Names -Backlog Orders -Distribution Channels -Business Collaborations -Licensing Agreements -Favourable Contracts -Franchising Agreements -Revenue Potential Success -Customer Type -Duration -Reference List -Business relationship with alliances, customers, partners, suppliers, investors and government Spiritual Capital (SpC) Ismail (2005), on his viewpoint on spiritual capital in organizations argues about “characterizing organisational spirituality." It was concluded that the “alignment between the values of management and members is vital to organisational spirituality." Zohar and Marshall (2004) defined spiritual capital as a wealth that helps to make the future of humanity sustainable as well as wealth that nourishes and sustains the human spirit. It is reflected in what a community or an 570 Mohammad Rahmani Karchegani et al. organization believes in, what a community or an organization exists for, what it aspires to, and what it takes responsibility for. Furthermore, Ismail (2005), has contributed to the IC model by adding spiritual capital (SpC) as the fourth component. Ismail (2005) discussed IC based on the Islamic religion belief. According to the author, the Islamic values system emanates from its world view, which is underlined by three fundamental principles of unity, vicegerent and justice. Islamic belief system does not only affect the behavior but also the character of individuals. Thus, from Ismail’s point of view, SpC has known as the tacit knowledge, faith and emotion entrenched in the minds of individuals and in the heart of the organization. This encompasses aspects of organizational vision, direction, guidance, principles, values and culture. This belief system is inevitably founded upon the premise that the individual and organization behave and act with honor, integrity, sincerity, honesty, truth, justice, trust, love, moral and ethics. It also includes motivation, self-esteem, courage, strength, commitment, determination, desire, enthusiasm and team spirit. Another unique dimension is that it focuses on interrelationships, interconnectedness and interdependency for sustainable development from the view to achieve final prosperity and happiness for all. Gillet (2002), introduces three dimensions for Spiritual Capital: emotional energy; heart power; and will power. Emotional energy captures enthusiasm, fun and spontaneity that result in workers who are creative, authentic and productive. Heart power manifests as passion, integrity, caring, courage, trust, and faith among business leaders, employees and customers. Will power is what it takes to get results, i.e. to make it happen. These three complement to together effectively lead to the competitive advantage sought by so many businesses. Following the Skandia practices, Danish firms also started to focus on intellectual capital elements that complement the financial information in their annual reports. Aboody and Lev (2000) argued that the information asymmetry between managers and investors is more acute for investments in IC than for investments in physical and financial assets. Because, IC is unique to specific firms and cannot be inferred by looking at other firms. Beattie and Thomson (2010), through their survey found that firms which are motivated to report IC information by market-related incentives have the opportunity to increase transparency and reduce undervaluation of the firm’s share price. Andriessen (2004b) suggests three key reasons for IC reporting: • • Improving internal management: This is needed to make a further distinction between measurements of the results of past events (retrospective) and improvements to the strategy development process aided by the creation of resource-based view. Improving external communication: IC report will enhance the communication of organizational performance to external stakeholders. Statutory and transactional issues: Mandatory reasons for valuing intangible resources are borne out of the situations in which it is obligatory on conduct valuation exercise. Citable examples are found in transaction pricing, taxation planning and impairment testing. Consistent with this, Kristandl and Bontis (2007) showed that firms engaging in greater IC disclosure have a lower cost of capital. In contrast, IC reporting may create a problem for investors when undertaking share valuation because they have little or no information on the productivity and value changes of IC investments (Beattie and Thomson, 2010). Alcaniz et al. (2011) believe that IC reporting might not only expose the basis of competitive advantage but may provide clues as to a firm’s weaknesses. Revealing this sort of information might provide problems for managers, not only because their competitors can act or perform better, but also The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Innovation... 571 with internal stakeholders, who now realize that, in fact, the business is not performing quite as well as they thought it was. Although substantial investments are made today in IC, the pays off and value will not be visible in the financial accounting until some time later. Through systematic accounting of developments in various areas (such as the customer base, staff competence, and processes), an earlier indication of the company's future performance can be obtained. Measurement of IC and a balanced reporting represent an important milestone in the shift from the “Industrial Era” into the “Knowledge Economy." Innovation Ensuring the economies continuing prosperity and improving productivity is a priority of governments’ executives. These objectives can be met by encouraging innovation among business community. This is particularly important for the more developed economies, which have less scope for growth based on ‘capacity building’ and for cost competition (Dickson, 2007). In this order, in the beginning of 21st centuries, studies have frequently been conducted on organizational innovation with respect to economics, strategic management, human-resource management, and marketing fields. Results of these studies have indicated that innovation is necessary element for sustainable organizational performance (e.g., Aas and Pedersen, 2011; Amidon, 1997, 2003b; Armbruster et al., 2008; Cassia et al., 2007; Gonin et al., 2011; Grajkowska, 2011; Gunday et al., 2011; Gutterman, 1996; Johannessen, 2009; Kiriyama, 2012; Kong, 2010a; Lindgren et al., 2009; Mazzanti et al., 2006; Mel et al., 2009; Nonaka et al., 2003; OECD, 2005; Rhee et al., 2010; Rose et al., 2009; Rosenbusch et al., 2011). Rose et al. (2009) noted that innovation has been recognized as an important driver of economic growth and normally enables the organizations to offer better quality products and services at lower prices. In this direction, Edvinsson (2004), Kramer (2011) and Vincent et al. (2005) stated that this effect is largely attributable to high sustainable competitive advantage. Further, Amidon (2003b) argues that innovation does not only create competitive advantage but collaborative advantage in organizations. Amidon (1997) a prominent author in organizational innovation, suggested five main phases during the process of knowledge innovation. These include: • • • • • The product as an asset; The project as an asset The company as an asset; The client as an asset; Knowledge as an asset; Edvinsson et al. (2004) added, “Future as an asset” on top of this life cycle. Definition, Dimensions and Classifications of Innovation There are various definition and dimensions of organisational innovation in the literature. Armbruster et al. (2008) believe that there is no harmony on a definition of the term ‘‘organisational innovation’’. Jinchveladze et al. (2009) claim that scholars in different areas of 572 Mohammad Rahmani Karchegani et al. study develop their own approaches and identify with the compound phenomenon of organizational innovation. Damanpour and Gopalakishnan (1998) enumerated an early quantitative view on organisational innovation. Based on their definition, organisational innovation encompasses a process that includes the generation, development and introduction of new ideas or practices within organizations. Vincent et al. (2005) however, argued that the focus presented by this definition was not holistic as it was limited to organization level variables and their impact on organizational innovation. His results suggest that the relationships between these antecedents and innovation. Instead, the relationships between these antecedents and innovation have remained relatively stable across multiple studies and contexts. A more comprehensive approach that presents guidelines for collecting and interpreting innovation data is seen in the Oslo Manual. Innovation was defined as the implementation of production and delivery processes with newer and relatively better quality. Interestingly, in a more recent and third edition, this definition was extended to incorporate a new organizational methods in business practices, workplace organization and external relations (OECD, 2005). In this direction, Ngoc Ca (2009) suggested that innovation does not only include various kinds of activities but also requires continuous improvement during the application process. This includes learning activities, which are essential to the effective working within the technology system. To make the concept more operational, the OECD, has proposed that the novelty of innovation should be seen within the context of firms (Mel et al., 2009). Armbruster et al. (2008) stated that innovation can be considered to be a complex phenomenon, including technical (new products, new production methods) and non-technical aspects (new markets, new forms of organization) as well as product innovations (new products or services) and process innovations (new production methods or new forms of organization). Jinchveladze et al. (2009) argued that one distinctive and frequently cited type exists between product and process innovation. “Product Innovation” includes changes in the things (products/services which an organization offers whereas “Process Innovation” includes changes in the ways in which products or services are created and delivered. Ngoc Ca (2009) believes that invention is the initial creation of an idea for a new product or process; whereas, innovation is the first attempt to put an idea into practice. “Radical Innovation” is considered with basic and revolutionary changes, which require a clear departure from existing practices of how things are done and also fundamental adjustments to existing technology or the acquisition of modern technology. “Incremental Innovation” on the other hand, contains minor improvements or just simple changes in how things are done over a long time (Jinchveladze et al., 2009). Some examples of different dimensions of organizational innovation based on various studies that have developed this term include: • Process or Product Innovation (Niehoff et al., 2001) Product innovation involves new or better material goods as well as newer intangible services. Process innovation involves new ways of producing goods and services. • Individual or Organizational Innovation (Niehoff et al., 2001) Individual innovation is a multidimensional cognitive state (the perception of being innovative). Organizational innovation is set of activities and practices of managers leading to increased employees’ contribution towards overall organization’s success. The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Innovation... • 573 Radical or Incremental Innovation (Kang and Snell, 2009; O'Reilly and Tushman, 2004) Radical innovation is associated more associated with generalist, rapid and multi-typical knowledge and skills of employees who could be used across domains. Incremental innovation contains minor improvements or just simple changes in how things are done over a long time. Incremental innovation is related to specializing, in-depth knowledge and skills in one particular domain of employees. • Horizontal or Vertical Innovation (Gancia and Zilibotti, 2005) Horizontal innovation consists of producing a new product that does not displace existing products. Vertical Innovation refers to the situation where the introduction of one product makes an existing product obsolete. • Object-based or Subject-based Innovation (De Jong, 2006) Object-based innovation focused on new-product development, patterns of implementation and diffusion, transfer and classification of technologies, and innovative business development. Subject-based approach focuses on the subjects initiating and implementing innovation. • Product, Process, Marketing or Organizational Innovation (OECD, 2005) Product innovation is the introduction of a good or service that is new or substantially improved. Process innovation is the introduction of a new or significantly improved production. Marketing innovation is the implementation of new marketing methods and introducing significant changes in product design, packaging, product promotion and pricing Organizational innovation is the creation or alteration of business practices, workplace organization and external relations. According to Andriessen (2004b), innovation is known as the “black box” in neoclassical economics, because the complex and holistic nature of innovation makes it difficult to formalize, despite of its important role in economic development. This explains why innovation studies have been highly conducted by various disciplines of social sciences. In the last two decades, a lot of efforts have been taken to formalize innovation into an economic analysis under a branch of economics known as “new growth theories”. However, in practice and for policy purposes, innovation should be looked at holistically (Andriessen, 2004b). Since, the different kinds of innovation have different impacts in various organizational settings. Thus, varying expertise and policy measures may be required to make all of them happen. Innovation and Intellectual Capital Amidon (2003b), as pioneer of the Knowledge Economy Network, in her book titled “the Innovation Superhighway,” presents a revolutionary view of innovation as “nothing more than coming up with good ideas and implementing them to realize their value” (p.16). The author carries this vision forward to define the global imperatives Figure 2: Innovation Cube (Dvir et al. 2002) contributing to a new world order based on intellectual capital. Amidon argues that innovation is not only a “competitive advantage,” in this Millennium, it is also the next wave of influence, tagged “collaborative advantage.” Some other authors such as Edvinsson et al. (2004), 574 Mohammad Rahmani Karchegani et al. Roos et al. (1997), and Zerenler et al. (2008), stated the importance of innovation and renewal in their IC framework. Edvinsson et al. (2004) contributed to the Dvir et al. (2002) model called “Innovation Cube” (Figure 2) by simply introducing the six dimensions for organizational innovation. Their results indicate some direct cause and effect relations between “knowledge reuse” and “invention.” Brown (2009) focused upon the characteristics of IC that foster and carries this vision forward to define the global imperatives Figure 2: Innovation Cube (Dvir et al. 2002) Reuse of Assets -Knowledge assets reuse -Reuse process -Reuse organization -Reuse library use Stakeholder Contribution -Customer -Supplier -Senior management -Production/Delivery -Marketing Exploitation -Market information -Customer orientation -Realization capability Performance -Customer -Supplier -Senior management -Production/Delivery -Marketing Invention of Assets -Creation of new assets -Source of new assets -Invention portfolio -Invention organization and tools Operating Context -Human resource management -IT infrastructure -Organizational structures -Competitive context contributing to a new world order based on intellectual capital. Amidon argues that innovation is not only a “competitive advantage,” in this Millennium, it is also the next wave of influence, tagged “collaborative advantage.” Some other authors such as Edvinsson et al. (2004), Roos et al. (1997), and Zerenler et al. (2008), stated the importance of innovation and renewal in their IC framework. Edvinsson et al. (2004) contributed to the Dvir et al. (2002) model called “Innovation Cube” (Figure 2) by simply introducing the six dimensions for organizational innovation. Their results indicate some direct cause and effect relations between “knowledge reuse” and “invention.” Brown (2009) focused upon the characteristics of IC that foster and develop innovation in both manufacturing and service sectors. The study covered the presence of organizational and individual HC and the availability of organizational networking systems (Table 5). manufacturing and service sectors. The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Innovation... 575 Table 5. Matrix of IC Components and Innovation in Service Sectors Driver of Performance Dimension of IC Intellectual Capital Human Capital Structural Capital Relational Capital (Network Innovation Physical Services Human Services Information Services Observe Variables`` Latent Variables Knowledge that stays with the firm Routines, Processes, Culture, Datasets, R&D Knowledge that stays with employees Skills, experience, ability Knowledge derived from networks Resources linked to external relationships Customers, suppliers, partners Tangible products and networks (e.g. telecommunications and energy - Cross functional or team working -Human Capital Social and individual wellbeing (supported by technology Mass communications, -Management control of process -Innovation process -Extent of networking -Efficiency of the innovation process -Effectiveness (% of revenue from new products) Infomediaries’ (specialized knowledge providers) Source: Brown (2009) Based on the results of Brown’s model (Figure 2.5) in the service sector, processes (SC) have no impact on innovation efficiency despite the strong link with effective revenue share. Team working (HC) has a strong direct relationship to innovation efficiency and a weak relationship in the innovation process. Besides, human capital is a key ‘individual’ factor, which mediates innovation efficiency through team work. While, direct influences of networking (RC) on performance is negligible, networking does have a strong link to the innovation process in new service development (Brown, 2009). Effective team work is associated with better organizational performance, especially with creative and innovative ideas (Tidd et al., 2005). Arguably, two different types of attitudes can be linked to the different skills and knowledge types: In relation to the above, Wu et al. (2008) explored how a firm’s operational mode can reinforce the advantages of intellectual capital on innovation. Their results support the mediating role of IC and the moderating roles of entrepreneurial orientation and social capital on innovation. In addition, Zschockelt (2009) explores the influence of IC on the linkage between human-resource management (HRM) and organizational innovation. The results indicate positive relationships between different single sub-components of IC and innovation. Based on 576 Mohammad Rahmani Karchegani et al. three case studies, Lindgren et al. (2009) presented how to attract and apply IC capabilities to innovate network-level business models. The results of the study indicated that there is a potential to develop a unique IC when companies understand the innovation projects' value proposition. It was also observed that the ability to understand and integrate the other partner's value proposition is significant for the attractiveness of an innovation project. As it is vital for attracting IC, it can greatly improve the results. Jafari et al. (2011) believe that companies invest on innovations with the greater level of intellectual capital development and on industries that have rapid knowledge growth. Additionally, scholars have emphasized on the importance of organizational climate. Much emphasis was placed on fostering facilities that support creativity and innovation as critical for competitive advantages in order to ensure the strength and success of firms. For example, Parker et al. (2003) by employing a meta-analytic review, showed that the organizational atmosphere is characterized by the frequent patterns of behaviors, attitudes and feelings, which are displayed in the daily environment within the organization and the organizational employees directly experience and understand it. The scholars also noted that organizational climate is a multidimensional construct with four dimensions consisting of Autonomy and Control, Degree of Structure, Rewards and Consideration, and Warmth and Support. Furthermore, Imran et al. (2010) find out that organizational climate fosters innovative work behavior (IWB). More research was recommended to develop and test theories related to the relationship between specific climate dimensions in or across model quadrants over a broad range of outcomes (Patterson et al., 2005). Later, Imran et al. (2010) confirmed the importance of the impact of organizational climate on IWB. However, their results do not support the significant role of organizational size on innovative behavior. Their sample consisted of 320 managers from organizations countrywide. In contrast, the results of study by Zschockelt (2009) indicate that there is no clear-cut picture as to which of components of IC are related to organizational innovation. Following the above discussion, it is important to highlight that the different forms of intellectual capital will not be characterized as “strong” or “weak.” Instead, the term “appropriateness” of the different capital forms is more applicable. For example, Leana and Van Buren (1999) posited that a certain form of HC could include highly educated, skilled and knowledgeable people but this might not have an impact on certain types of innovation due to some other reasons. This does not mean that this particular form of HC is weak. It should rather be said that it is inappropriate with respect to achieving certain types of innovation. While, HC of an organization might develop single creative ideas, the actual implementation of new products, processes or services is most of the time dependent on more than one person. Zschockelt (2009) on a more institutional level of analysis, argued that different skill profiles are related to different kinds of innovations. They said that domain-specific knowledge, and skills can be related to the more effective acquisition and assimilation of new, in-depth knowledge within a narrow range of parameters. This can be connected to exploitation and incremental types of innovation (O'Reilly and Tushman, 2004). On the other hand, human capital with its multiple knowledge domains tends to have more various mental models and less cognitive conflict, which makes possible a varied interpretation of problems and situations. Conclusion By realizing and understanding the importance of IC and innovation, companies can improve their competitive advantage. It shows the importance of relationships between IC components The Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Innovation... 577 and innovation and the importance of investment and management of these capitals in organizations. Therefore, top managers of the firm should sustain, protect, develop and manage IC to increase organizational innovation as a creator of competitive advantage for the company. In the light of above discussion, it is suggested that: • • • • • 1. There is a positive significant relationship between intellectual capital and innovation. 2. There is a positive significant relationship between Human capital and innovation. 3. There is a positive significant relationship between Structural capital and innovation. 4. There is a positive significant relationship between Relational capital and innovation. 5. There is a positive significant relationship between Spiritual capital and innovation. References 1. Aaker, D. A. (1991). Management Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name. New York: The Free Press. 2. Aas, T. H., and Pedersen, P. E. (2011). The impact of service innovation on firm-level financial performance. Service Industries Journal, 31(13), 2071-2090. 3. 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