The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd The Federation of Finnish Enterprises Cordially invites to Polish-Finnish Innovation Forum “Research and Innovation: a Powerful Tool for Company Growth “ 8 June 2016, 9.00-17.00 Scandic Marina Congress Center, Helsinki RSVP:, or until 20 May 2016 (number of seats is limited, please indicate number of participants) Research and Innovation are valuable tools for growing and improving your business. We hope Polish-Finnish Innovation Forum will be an excellent platform to exchange opinions and experiences between Polish and Finnish companies and organizations. We warmly invite all companies especially from chemical industry, life science, energy, green technology, bio-economy, clean-tech and waste management sectors. New business opportunities in bio-economy, clean-tech and circular economy will arise from the interplay of industrial value chains. These emerging new value networks demand cross-disciplinary know-how, piloting and demonstration facilities for a fast track to market. VTT will present several concrete ways to add to the company growth potentials at the Polish-Finnish Innovation Forum. Evaluating a new concept or process necessitates running and iterating the process in real-life while keeping track of the techno-economical parameters. Pilot platforms act as a bridge between R&D and industrial operations; they enable quick testing and support industrial investments with knowledge-based information. Most importantly piloting lowers corporate risks and prepares products for market. VTT’s versatile state-of-the-art research infrastructure is a key asset in serving its customers. Along with modern laboratories and top-level characterization tools, VTT R&D infrastructure includes a unique selection of pilot plants serving the major steps of the development chain – all seamlessly integrated with the skilled professionals at VTT and their cooperation network. PROGRAM Moderators: John Kettle, Anna Pełka 08.30 09.00 Registration Opening remarks H.E. Przemysław Grudziński Ambassador of the Republic of Poland 09.10 Key note speech, Ms Lenita Toivakka, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Finland 09.25 Key note speech, Ms Katarzyna Kacperczyk, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland 09.40 Mr Antti Vasara, President & CEO of VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd: VTT scaling up innovations, to grow your business 10.00 Mr Mika Härkönen, The VTT pilot plants for alternative chemical conversions 10.20 Mr Dariusz Wojtaszek, Deputy Director, Economic Promotion Department, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development 10.45-11.15 Coffee Break 11.15 Mr Thomas Palmgren, Director for international Affairs, Federation of Finnish Enterprises 11.45 Mr Michał Gwizda, Partner, Taxand, Polish Consulting Company: EU grants and national funds for R& D and innovations in Poland 2014-2020 12.15 Mr Mikko Utriainen, VTT: Novel process measurements 12.45 – 13.45 Buffet networking Lunch 13.45 Ms Kirsi-Marja Oksman-Caldentey, VTT: Industrial biotechnology and fermentation technologies 14.15 Mr Cezary Błaszczyk, Director of the Department, The National Centre for Research and Development, Director’s Office, Warsaw - financing research projects for the industry 14.45 Mr Pekka Pohjanne, VTT: ProperScan – Life Management of Process Plants 15.15 – 15.45 Coffee Break 15.45 Mr Jouni Hämäläinen, VTT: More value from conventional energy generation 16.15 Panel discussion Moderator: Mr John Kettle, Vice President,VTT Mr Wojciech Komala, Director, Tikkurila , Mr Tomasz Jarmicki, Director of R&D Department, PGE S.A., Synthos (TBC), Mr Daniel Maksym, Director of the Department for Development and Innovation, National Center for Research and Development, Mr Tomasz Zieliński, President of Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry, Mr Jari Rastas, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland, Chairman of the Association of Finnish Enterprises in Turku, Mr Tomasz Nasiłowski, President of InPhoTech. 17.00 Closing remarks 17.30 Networking Cocktail
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