בס " ד ד י נ א כט פ ון ה אפע נ ונ ג פ א ר ח ו ל י י ש ראל LET THERE BE REFUAH HELPLINE רפ וא ה העלפל י י ן Chinese Auction 2016 Auction drawing - July 12 א הארציגע רוף טייערע הארציגע שוועסטער! איר האט יעצט א זעלטענע געלעגנהייט :צו 'דערלייכטן' און אריינברענגען האפענונג אין די הערצער פון אזויפיל אידישע קינדער ,חולי ישראל לרפו"ש און זייערע פינסטערע משפחות! טאג טעגליך קלינגען ליידער די טעלעפאנען אינעם אפיס פון "רפואה העלפ-ליין" ,ווען אויף די אנדערע זייט רעדט א צעבראכענער טאטע ,א מאמע ,א מאן\פרוי ,אדער גאר א קינד פון עמיצן וואס נויטיגט זיך דריגענד אין הילף .מיר לייגן צו אן אויער און מיר שטייען צוהילף מיט וואס מעגליך, צב"ש; רעפוירל ,ריסורטש ,ראט ,פינאנציעלע הילף ,באגלייטונג ,שתדלנות, שפיטאל לעיזאן ,סופפארט און מיט וואס ס'פעלט זיך נאר אויס פאר רפואה והצלת נפשות בס"ד. Every day, the phones in the Refuah Helpline office ring continuously. At the other end of every answered call is a father, mother, spouse or child of someone in desperate need of medical guidance. We listen, advise, research, educate, guide, accompany, liaise, drive and otherwise support thousands of seriously ill patients and their families each year. We connect with top doctors and open doors to the best medical facilities and treatment centers. Refuah Helpline’s years of expertise ensures that patients have access to the latest research and cutting edge treatment options. But we cannot do it without your help. מיט א בליק אויף צוריק אויפן לעצטן יערליכן בודזשעט שטעלט זיך ארויס אז מיר האבן ב"ה באוויזן צו דערלייכטן די אויגן פון פילע משפחות אין צייט פון קלעם ,אבער עס האט אריינגעצויגן אין קרוב צו ( 1.5אנדערהאלבן) מיליאן דאללאר! היי-יאר האבן זיך די טעלעפאן- רופן געהעכערט ,עס זענען ליידער צוגעקומען אסאך מער קעיסעס, און זעלבסטפארשטענדליך אז אויך די הכנסות מוזן קריטיש וויכטיג געהעכערט ווערן. For its unwavering commitment to help patients facing medical crisis and to serve as a patient advocate for members of the community. דערפאר ביטע שליסט אייך אן אינעם היי-יעריגן פארטי און רעזערווירט אייער זיץ ביים רייכן גאלא-עווענט ,כדי צו העלפן 'אויפלייכטן' די חולי ישראל און נויטבאדערפטיגע משפחות צווישן אונז. מיר קענען אייך נישט גענוג באדאנקען פאר אייער הילף און שטיצע ביז אהער ,און מיר האפן זייער אז איר וועט אונז אויך אצינד אנטקעגנקומען און ארויסנעמען אייער חלק אינעם יעצטיגן 'טשייניז-אוקשן' צו ברענגען 'ליכטיגקייט' פאר אידישע קינדער! השי"ת זאל העלפן אז די גרויסע זכותים פון רפואה און הצלת נפשות זאלן אייך ביישטיין אפגעהיטן צו ווערן מכל צרה ומחלה ל"ע ,און איר זאלט באגליקט ווערן מיט שמחות און נחת ,הצלחה און סייעתא דשמיא אויף טריט און שריט. MONTEFIORE IS THE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL FOR ALBERT EINSTEIN COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Westchester Hudson Valley Bronx doingmoremontefiore.org Dear Friend of Refuah Helpline, You have in your hands the means through which to help bring the light of hope to cholei Yisroel. מיר שטייען שטענדיג גרייט ארויסצוהעלפן און ח"ו נישט אפזאגן די הארצרייסנדע רופן פון די פארווייטאגטע חולי ישראל ל"ע און זייערע משפחות ,אבער ניין! מיר קענען דאס נישט אליינס! מיר דארפן וויכטיג אייער ווארימע הילף! MONTEFIORE IS PROUD TO SUPPORT REFUAH HELPLINE A LETTER FROM OUR FOUNDER מיט דאנקבארע געפילן חנה בריינדל לאנדא We must continue to answer the calls! Last year’s operating budget was close to one and a half million dollars. As the number of calls increase, our financial needs rise as well. By joining in this year’s Let There Be Light auction and attending our exciting gala events, you will be lighting the light of hope for cholei Yisroel. We cannot thank you enough for your financial support and the chizuk it provides. While it is our fervent wish that the phones fall silent, know that until such time, you are playing an essential role in bringing refuah to those in need. May you and your family be gebentched with gezint and kol tuv, With gratitude, Chana B. Landau 3 / LIGHT Refuah Helpline 2016 די נאכט פון האפענונג פאר חולי ישראל E ENJOY A M O C ENS URE D TO G GHT O HOME WITH A BRI יערליכע פארטי 'לע"נ הרה"ח ר NIGHTofLIGHT BE ליין לאדענט אייך צו די- רפואה העלפ- Refuah Helpline יעריגע פארטי-די היי איז געווידמעט LE SMI ! אהרן יושע ע"ה בן הרה"ח ר' יחזקאל גליק שליט"א שו"ב Chinese Auction For an evening of invigorating and inspiring speakers, exciting program and uplifting entertainment! CHOICE OF OR May 31, 2016 June 1, 2016 אי"ה דינסטאג פ' בחוקתי תשע''ו הבעל"ט אי"ה מיטוואך פ' בחוקתי תשע''ו הבעל"ט 7:00 reception - 8:00 Program J O I N O U R Lavish Gala Dinner FOOD STATIONS: FIRST NIGHT ONLY SALAD STATION CARVING DRINK STATION STATION STATION AN ELEGANT 5 COURSE MEAL 845.774.1330 Reserve Today! STATION FISH an extravagant experience featuring Gala Dinner requires RESERVATIONS and a donation of $180 special group rates of 3 or more for $150 each SHAWARMA GRILL STATION A DRAMATIC LIVE Reservations: 7:30 pm - 8:15 Program J O I N O U R Grand Annual Event Enjoy a distinctive affair with upscale cuisine, a variety of sumptuous desserts and French service. Girls are welcome with a min. donation of $20. SURVIVAL INSTINCTS: and came out stronger than ever. 6:30 Bedford Cor. Ross St. & Bedford Cor. Wallabout א באס פון וויליאמסבורג וועט ארויספארן דינסטאג און צוריק נאך די פארטיMay 31 *reservation to the Lavish *צו די גאלא דינער Gala diner is required 5 / LIGHT Refuah Helpline 2016 בית רחל פאראדייס איך ערווארט אייך פערזענליך צו באגריסן חנה בריינדל לאנדא באסעס וועלן ארומפארן לויט די חתונה רוט אנגעהויבן דינסטאג 8:00 און מיטוואך פון7:00 פון דורכאויס די פארטי און צוריק נאך די פארטי אן אויסוואל פון ווערטפולע מתנות פאר יעדע דאנעישאן $100 פון העכער (Available both nights at party only while supplies last) EXCLUSIVE FREE SURPRISE RAFFLES for the Gala Event & Annual Party guests. LIGHT Refuah Helpline 2016 \4 WHEN THE DOCTORS GIVE UP WE NEVER LOSE HOPE! 7 / LIGHT Refuah Helpline 2016 LIGHT Refuah Helpline 2016 \6 יעדע מעגליכע קוואל פון ליכטיגקייט ווערט גענוצט צו באלייכטן דעם מצב פאר חולי ישראל AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL \8 LIGHT Refuah Helpline 2016 There is 9 / LIGHT Refuah Helpline 2016 REFUAH HELPLINE PROV R A E IDE SY I D H T MORE THAN $1,550,000 Financial aid & medical expenses: 24/7 emergency answering service Food and meals for hospitalized patients and families Gifts for doctors & staff Transferring critically ill patients to better facilities sometimes by flight Emergency surgical procedures for patients with inadequate insurance coverage Additional opinions: 2nd & sometimes 3rd or more opinions IN L CE IFE S N A T AVING MEDICAL ASSIS Airfare for out of state appointments Chazak Individualized support groups Accompany a patient to a crucial medical appointment. Office, Administration, Secretarial: • Medical Referrals • Mental Health referrals • • Patient Advocacy Crisis intervention • • • Retrieval of medical reports, Pathology slides, ultrasounds, films, scans etc. Evaluate treatment options with patient and family • Hospital Liaison and inpatient care Arranging flights and appointments for out of state treatments Ongoing conferences with doctors and medical professionals Insurance and coverage advice Research for additional trials and procedures for seriously or terminally ill patients. Connections to doctors all over the world for rare diagnoses • • • Step by step advice & support for patients & families with ongoing medical conditions Guidance for procuring second opinions • Expedite appointments 11 / LIGHT Refuah Helpline 2016 • • • Weekly conferences with doctors regarding new treatments and options for patients with cancer. FedEx & UPS express shipping of medical documents and scans for doctors review Lodging for patients and family for out of state treatments Our budget includes a 24 member administrative team Phone system and an upgraded computer network. Shipping food to patients who need to travel out of state for medical care Advanced Research Department LIGHT Refuah Helpline 2016 \ 10 D O C T O R E N D O R S E M E N T S : בס"ד חזק סופארט גרופעס Chazak Support Groups Support | Guidance | Education | Encouragement | Parent Networking A Division of Refuah Helpline Getting the right solutions to important medical problems is essential for quality care. Refuah Helpline does just that. I am proud to be associated with this organization. The staff is very pleasant and competent and a pleasure to deal with. Sheldon Marc Feldman, M.D., FACS Michael Eric Zenilman, M.D. Vivian L. Milstein Associate Professor of Surgery, Breast Surgical Oncology, Chief, Breast Surgery Division, Columbia University Medical Center Vice Chair and Regional Director of Surgery, Washington DC Region Refuah Helpline is an extraordinary program which helps patients in need of expert medical care. They provide a level of timely advocacy, support and compassion that is unparalleled in it’s scope and commitment. Truly a blessing to help patients navigate through frightening health issues. Dealing with Refuah Helpline is truly an honor. Their unmatched devotion and determination in accomplishing the impossible amazes me. The Barry A. Salky Professor of Surgery Chief, Garlock Division of General Surgery Director, Bariatric Surgery Program Program Director, Laparoscopic Surgery Fellowship Louis R Kavoussi, M.D. Refuah Helpline is an outstanding organization. They truly care about the patients they serve as evidenced by their focus and perseverance in finding the best doctor for each individual's problem. They demonstrate excellence in communication with both patients and clinicians. It is impressive that patients routinely praise Refuah Helpline during our office visit. It is an honor to work with individuals who effectively put patients first. 13 / LIGHT Refuah Helpline 2016 ?ווילט איהר ווערן א מעמבער ביי איינע פון די גרופעס Only members of an assigned group will receive invitations and/or reminder calls Daniel M. Herron, MD, FACS Wadbaum Gardiner Professor and Chairman of Urology, The Smith Institute for Urology, Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine Refuah Helpline's individualized and strictly confidential support groups provide valuable guidance, encouragement and peer support to mothers, spouses and patients facing medical challenges. Marc Levitt, M.D. Surgical Director, Center for Colorectal and Pelvic Reconstruction, Pediatric Surgery, Nationwide Children’s Hospital. 700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43205 USA I have been so impressed with Refuah Helpline’s medical knowledge, efficiency, and effectiveness in connecting a unique patient need with the right physician. And, this is all done with compassion and empathy. They consistently live up to the charge that to save one life saves generations. Refuah Helpline is a tremendously valuable service for patients who need a quick referral for any type of healthcare problem. Refuah works closely with the doctor to coordinate and expedite whatever evaluations and treatments are needed. When I get a call from Refuah, I know that the patient will get the care they need quickly, and can be assured of compassionate and high-quality treatment. Strictly Confidential! Thomas Roland Jr., M.D. Mendik Foundation Chairman, OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery, Professor Otolaryngology and Neurosurgery, NYU Langone Medical Center זיך איינצושרייבען ביי איינס אדער עטליכע גרופעס ביטע צייכענט אן און שרייבט אריין אייער אינפארמאציע Mothers of medically involved Mothers of hearing impaired Mothers of placed children Mothers of children on the autistic spectrum/ PDD Mothers of children with ADD/ ADHD Mothers of children with Down syndrome Mothers dealing with preemie challenges Mothers of children with developmental delays Mothers of children with congenital heart defect (in conjunction with YL Hearts) Seizure disorder seminar for parent, spouse or patient Luncheon for challenged adult Brain Injuries / TBI NEW Physically challenged Bereaved mothers Bereaved daughters Celiac disease symposium Emotional awareness seminar PPD/ pre and postpartum depression Allergy & Asthma Seminar Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EOE) Symposium Cancer Coping Network Cancer survivors Patient or spouse on treatment Mothers of the cancer challenged child Name__________________________________________Phone ____________________________Cell _____________________________ To register please submit your application via: All support groups are held in Refuah Helpline's conference rooms. MAIL IN PERSON FAX EMAIL FOR ANY QUESTIONS Refuah Helpline 9 Meron Drive unit #104 Monroe NY 10950 Bring to the party and drop off at the designated box. 845.215.0189 chazak@ refuahhelp.org Please call at 845.782.2000 LIGHT Refuah Helpline 2016 \ 12 FOR 36 MONTHS SIENNA 2016 LEASE OR R A F F L E G R A N D Sponsored By: Brooklyn: 718-363-8686 Upstate: 845-363-8686 נתנדב ע"י הרה"ח אלימלך הכהן דייטש הי'ו וזגתו מרת פערל לאה תחי' לע"נ אביו מוה"ר יעקב צבי בן מרדכי יהודה הכהן דייטש ע"ה נפ' ט"ז חשון תשע"ו לפ"ק 36 $ נתנדב לע”נ מרת רחל איצקאוויטש בת ר’ שלמה ע”ה RAFFLE 2 10 $ Luxuriate in Florida for a week. Includes round trip Private villa accomodations and quality luggage set. *Restictions may apply. $5,000 Gift Card Sponsored by: RAFFLE 1 10 $ Sponsored By: Sponsored By: Palisades נתנדב לרפואת אברהם יוסף בן מרים Hardwood Flooring C. L. Farkas 845.656.2397 נתנדב לע”נ שרה ב"ר אלתר ישעי' ע”ה נתנדב לע”נ דוד יודא ב"ר אברהם שלמה גרינפעלד ע”ה RAFFLE 3 RAFFLE 4 10 $ $4000 Value $2000 towards Scraping $2000 towards Painting $1,000 Gift Card A shopping spree with $1,000 gift card at Woodbury Commons! 10 $ 'נתנדב לע”נ הרב הצדיק ר חיים זנוויל ב"ר משה זצ"ל אדמו"ר מריבניץ RAFFLE 6 10 $ UP TO $10,000 Value Plan and customize your well-deserved vacation: International round trip "upper class" tickets for 2, car rental, 7 day hotel stay, (VIP airport service if applicable). *Some restrictions may apply. נתנדב לזכות למצוא זיווג הגון בקרוב ע"י הרוצה בעילום שמו $2,000 Visa Card The ultimate gift with limitless choice. Receive a $2,000 gift card to swipe and swipe! RAFFLE 5 10 $ Sponsored By: נתנדב לע”נ מרדכי נחום ב"ר יעקב משה ע”ה נתנדב לע"נ הרה"ג אברהם מאיר יעקב ז"ל ב"ר יוסף זאב מויזקאפף נ"י RAFFLE 8 10 $ $1,000 Value The most luxurious designer linen, dust ruffles & matching pillows, will give you an excuse to stay in bed RAFFLE 7 Give your little girl hours of fun and pleasure with an American GirlTM doll of her choice along with a $250 gift card to dress her up! 10 $ לרפואת מרדכי זאב בן חנה הי"ו RAFFLE 10 10 $ $1000 Value Develop your kids' fruitful imagination with the entire selection of Mitzva Mentchies that will ensure to keep them busy for hours! $1,200 Value Closet Makeover Want a dream closet? We'll build it for you! RAFFLE 9 10 $ RAFFLE 12 10 $ $3,600 Cash Spend as you wish and fill your hearts desire. נדבת לרפואת מרדכי זאב בן חנה הי"ו $2,500 Gift Card :yb derosnopS RAFFLE 11 10 $ Placesettings 845.782.3761 845.537.1387 RAFFLE 14 10 $ Get a complete luxury Lenox China Set to service 18! Who will you invite first? Priceless! Gift yourself the zechus of sponsoring a day at Refuah Helpline. Staff of 24 Employees, 300 + Calls Daily RAFFLE 13 10 $ 10 Branch Leichter נדבת מו'''ה אביגדור 'מאנדעל הי''ו וזוגתו תחי לזכות ולרפואת מרת חי' טשבע בת בלומא פראדל לרפואה שלימה Actual Photos RAFFLE 16 10 $ $10,000 Value Simply stunning. Enhance your shabbos or Yomtov table! $1,000 Value Make your bedroom or your kids room uniquely yours. RAFFLE 15 10 $ RAFFLE 18 10 $ $1,200 Value Time to upgrade: Dinette décor with 6 dinette chairs and glass table OR children's room Young America crib and dresser. $1,200 Gift Certificate Get the newest filtered gadgets and electronics at New York's ultimate tech store. RAFFLE 17 10 $ נתנדב לע"נ הרה"ג אברהם מאיר יעקב ז"ל ב"ר יוסף זאב מויזקאפף נ"י RAFFLE 20 10 $ Bugaboo 21 cu. Ft. Frost Free Upright Freezer & a $200 Gift card at your meat market! Bugaboo carriage is the perfect choice for you and your baby! RAFFLE 19 10 $ Sponsored By: נתנדב לע”נ מרת רחל איצקאוויטש בת ר’ שלמה ע”ה RAFFLE 22 10 $ $1,000 $500 at our Men's Department $500 at our Regular Store A step in the right direction. Splurge on quality footwear for your entire family! 845.434.7000 $1,000 Value Enjoy a well deserved weekend retreat for your family at the Raleigh Hotel &Resort. RAFFLE 35 21 10 $ נתנדב לע”נ הילדה רויזא בת יבלחט”א ר’ בן ציון דוד הי”ו RAFFLE 24 10 Actual Photo $500 at $ 4719 13th Avenue 718.972.6124 $500 at RAFFLE 23 $3,600 Value Dazzle with your new stunning ….. by Golden Palace! 10 $ Sponsored By: Sponsored By: לע"נ מוה"ר ישראל משה בן ר' אליקים צבי ע"ה .ה.ב.צ.נ.ת RAFFLE 26 10 $ $1,000 Value Adittional devices for every yidishe home! Camera, Sansa clip MP3 player, Cordless phone, Stereo, & CD Player. $1,000 Value Bake and cook up a storm! Bosch machine, Braun Procesor and 2 cookbooks. RAFFLE 25 10 $ נתנדב לע”נ חנה בת ר' יהודא דוד ע”ה RAFFLE 28 10 $ $1,000 Credit Decorate your dining room , bedroom, living room, Etc. with the newest luxury designer window treatment! $1,000 Value Luxury kimpeturin heim of your choice. 1 week stay at Aishes Chayil or Aim B'Yisroel or $1,000 towards a vacation of your choice. Recuperate and enjoy! RAFFLE 27 10 $ Sponsored By: RAFFLE 30 10 $ Matresses W/ quality bedding Set of top quality custom designed Mattresses with box springs. Nothing is more luxurious than a great night's sleep! RAFFLE 29 $1,000 Gift Certificate Indulge in the latest seforim, books, cd's, and more! 10 $ נתנדב לע”נ מרת רחל איצקאוויטש בת ר’ שלמה ע”ה Sponsored by: WILLAMSBURG נתנדב לע"נ ריזל רוזא געלבשטיין ע”ה ב"ר שלמה יעקב נ"י RAFFLE 31 RAFFLE 32 10 $ $1,000 Value Spoil yourself for 4 nights in one of the luxurious trump hotels, enjoy uncompromising hospitality service, world renowned spas, breathtaking views, to relax and rejuvenate. $5,800 Value Leichter & Tray. Enhance your Shabbos table with this grandiose 8 branch leichter & matching tray. 10 $ RAFFLE 34 10 $ Girl's Package »» »» »» »» Metallic Twin Doll Stroller with Chica and Chico Twin Dolls 18" NY Doll with High Quality Hair Hello Kitty Collection Kids Activity Rug 27x48 »» »» »» »» Doll Bassinet Stroller with Matching Carriage Bag Doll House OR Step 2 Kitchen Games and more Boy's Package RAFFLE 33 »» »» »» »» »» »» Remote Car Magic Show Motor Scooter 14 Chanel Radio Take-a-Part Motorized Machine Sansa Clip »» »» »» »» »» »» Spell Right by Torah Education Garage Drone Tonka Car Carrier Playmobile Lego Set Games 10 $ נתנדב לע”נ הרה"ח ר' שלמה יעקב ב"ר בנציון געלבמאן ע”ה RAFFLE 36 10 $ Fullfill your children's dream as they browse, choose and then play for hours & hours . Choice of books, puzzles, games , dolls, bikes, Etc.! Non stop building! Keep your kids of all ages occupied for hours. Variety of Clics, Playmags magnetic blocks, lego,knex & many more. RAFFLE 35 10 $ Sponsored By: RAFFLE 38 10 $ $2,000 Value Enhance your shabbos or Yomtov table with this impressive sterling silver vase Magnificent Strand of pearls נתנדב לע"נ בילא ב"ר יצחק פרענקל ע"ה RAFFLE 37 10 $ SPLIT THE P T 1 for $10 - 3 for $20 Jackpot 1 for $10 - 3 for $20 Increase your chances of winning with 5 entries into each raffle. value of close to $100,000 All raffle drawings - including split the pot & jackpot - will be held on July 12 Split the Pot starts at $3 ,000 Light up your wallet with some extra cash... נתנדב לע"נ חנה ב"ר יודא דוד ע"ה 55 / LIGHT Refuah Helpline 2016 RAFFLE 39 10 $ Decision » »העלפט מיר מאכן די שווערע » »העלפט מיר דורכצוגיין די שווערע טריטמענט » »העלפט מיר פארשטיין מיין מצב איך זאל וויסן וואס איך האב צו טוען » »העלפט מיר דורכגיין די קריזיס וואס טוט ראונירען מיין שטוב קריטיש וויכטיגע טעסט, דאקטער וויזיט,» »העלפט מיר באצאלן די אפאראציע » »העלפט מיר בארואיגן די ארומיגע משפחה אינשורענס/» »העלפט מיר טרעפן א דאקטער לויט מיין דיאגנאז איידער איר באשליסט אייער Donation – PrePledge הערט זיך גוט צו ווי א פארקלעמט הארץ בעט זיך צו אייך ) ברידער אדער שוועסטער, נאנטע,(מעגליך אייער באקאנטע HURRY! PLEDGE OR PREPAY BEFORE Prepay * or drop-off your donation at: Mrs. Blimy Chaim (Itzkowitz) 845-782-3139 - 26 Ruzhin Rd. #301 Mrs. Dina Faigy Schwartz (Weiser) 845-781-4347- 3 Yoel Klein BLvd #204 Mrs. Ruchel Devora Spielman (Frankel) 845-782-0356 - 9 D.A. Wieder Blvd. #102 Mrs. Brucha Sima Fulop (Frankel) 845-782-0883 - 11 Eahal Ct. #104 Mrs. Malky Fisch (Halpert) 845-782-8077 - 21 Dinev Road # 101 Mrs. Devora Reizy Braver (Katz) 845-782-4467 - 9 Lemberg Court #103 לויט אייער אויסוואל,* מיר וועלן אריינלייגן אייער ראפעל טיקעטס פון פאראויס Please send your CC info & completed order form to: 57 / LIGHT Refuah Helpline 2016 845.215.0189 party@refuahhelp.org www.refuahhelp.org AND ENTER A DRAWING TO WIN THE Bonus Raffle Add some oomph & style to your home 24 hour Refuah party line 845.774.1330 Order your tickets electronically: MAY 29TH For reservations to the Gala Dinner call: 24 hour Refuah party line: 845.774.1330 $1000 credit at your favorite LIGHTHING SHOP or receive $500 cash נתנדב לע”נ הרב הצדיק ר' חיים זנוויל ב"ר משה זצ"ל אדמו"ר מריבניץ Restrictions apply LIGHT Refuah Helpline 2016 \ 56 DONATION & R AFFLE TICK E T S S BONU E L RAFRFLY BIRD A FOR E ECIAL SP DAY 1:00 9TH MAY 2 SUN age See p DONATION & RAFFLE TICKETS Choose from an unprecedented array of desirable raffles with a value of close to $100,000! PM 56 ORDER FORM Make selection below by checking the applicable number. If you want more than one ticket of any item write numbers in box below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Dazzling Jewels Florida Vacation Shopping Spree Home Makeover Swipe Away Grand Getaway 7 8 9 10 11 12 All Prize Ticket $10 $10 1 $20 2 $30 3 $36 4 $50 6 $100 13 1 $150 22 1 1 by group of 3 $180 30 1 1 $250 1 in each 39 tickets 2 2 $36 Grand Ticket bonus Early Bird raffle Bonanza Valuable door prize Entitles you to Gala Dinner: Princess Dream Linen Cpmplete Closet Mania Mitzva Kinder Gold n' Diamonds 13 14 15 16 17 18 A day at Refuah Helpline Gracious Hostess Linen n' more linen Silver Glimmer Ultimate Technology Dinette Decore 22 23 24 $360 65 3 2 $500 100 4 3 $720 180 5 3 $1000 250 8 3 19 20 21 Wheel in Style Load Up Weekend Getaway Shoe In Gems Best Dressed Kids 25 26 27 28 29 30 Balabustas Best More Electronics Recuperate Window Treatment Judaica for all Rest Assured 31 32 33 34 Shine Bright Trump Stay Boy's Wish Girl's Wish 35 36 37 38 Building Blocks Toys Toys Toys... Lustrous Pearls Simply Stunning 39 Easy Cash ! Split the pot Jackpot $36 GRAND RAFFLE Available at the party only EXCLUSIVE SURPRISE RAFFLES for the Gala Event & Annual Party guests. 1 for $5 - 3 for $10 Donation $ Jackpot $ Split the Pot $ Grand Raffle $ Total $ Grand Raffle Ticket 1 for $36 Please make checks payable to: Refuah Helpline 9 Meron Dr #104 Monroe, NY 10950 Sponsored By: What's in your Wallet | 2 for $60 | 4 for $100 Split the Pot 1 for $10 3 for $20 Jackpot 1 for $10 3 for $20 Gala Dinner Reservation Name_________________________________________________ Telephone__________________________________________ און$100 פאר א נתינה פון מער באקומט איר אן אויסוואל פון א ווערטפולע מתנה Address________________________________________________ City__________________ State__________Zip_____________ Not included in raffle packages. Name__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address________________________________________________________________________________________________Phone ________________________________________________________________________ Not responsible for typographical errors. Some prizes may vary from photo. 59 / LIGHT Refuah Helpline 2016 Your Donation: Raffle drawing will be held on July 12th. Visa MasterCard Discover Exclusive Party Raffles* 1 for $5 3 for $10 Not included in Chinese auction Amex Credit Card: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Exp. _______ / _______ C V V__________ Check Enclosed - Amount $__________ Receipt Requested - Your contribution is tax deductible די טשייניז אוקשן ביכל איז געספאנסערט געווארן לע''נ האשה החשובה מרת לאה בת הר''ר )שלום (גראסבערג אשת הרה''ח אהרן פרענקל ני''ו LIGHT Refuah Helpline 2016 \ 58 LIGHT A G L I M P S E A T T H E איבערגעגעבענע, הארציגע, חשובע,צו אונזער געטרייע עמו"ש,הייליגע חבריא קדישה פון רפואה העלפליין ווען אלע ימים וואלטן געווען טינט און אלע זאמד,גלייבט מיר ווייס איך נישט צי עס וואלט געווען געניג צו,וואלט געווארן פאפיר .באשרייבן אייער ווערק איך ווייס נישט,רפואה העלפליין מיט זייער געטרייע הייליגע שטאב זענען מיר שולדיג א ריזיגע דאנק פארן מלך, באמת...ווי אנצוהויבן וואס האט אין דעם פינסטערן דור אונז איבערגעלאזט,מלכי המלכים אזעלכע געטרייע אידישע קינדער וואס זאלן פארלייכטערן די .צובראכענע געמיט פון טויזנטער טויזנטער אידישע קינדער השי"ת זאל ענק ווייטער שטארקן בגוף ונפש איר זאלט קענען .ווייטער אנגיין מיט אייער עבודת הקודש בס"ד באמת נישט שייך צו לויבן ווי שטארק מיר זאלן ...פרובירן און ווילן SOME OF THE 100'S OF LETTERS WE RECEIVE IN OUR MAILBOX EVERY YEAR! ,אלעמאל און איבעראל שטענדיג גרייט , אין יעדע צייט- שעה24 ,מיט אזויפיל געניטקייט Some people seem to specialize, In doing thoughtful deeds. Before you ask, they understand Your problems & needs. They help because they want to They find joy in being kind. And making others happy Is the first thing on their minds. They make this world a better place By practicing the art Of reaching out to others And giving from the heart. Thank you so much! May you always be so happy as you make others. Our feelings of Hakaros Hatov to Refuah Helpline for all that you did for us & our family member e”h knows no bounds. It is obvious that this is not a job for you, but rather a ‘passion to help every Yiddishe Nashama suffering‘. You helped in every way you can, early morning or late in the evening, Shabbos or Yom Tov. You were always there with a listening ear, guiding us in a most delicate and reassuring way through a nightmare of an illness. You helped us take the first step and led us till the last breath. You never gave up or let us give up! May you Hashem help you in your work that you love to do most – Helping Yidishe Kinderlach with your Avoidas hakoidesh in your very special way ad bevias goel tzedak bb”a. ,מיט אזויפיל חכמה באגלייט ,מיט אזויפיל געטריישאפט REFUAH HELPLINE You were a constant source of encouragement Your professional guidance, crucial in every challenging moment. Thanks to your kindhearted financial, physical and emotional assistance. Our mother e”h benefitted from optimal medical care with no hindrance! May Hashem forever guide you in your vast expertise and grant you tremendous success, To continue with your strength to assist Am Yisroel with the talents you posses. In the merit of these immeasurable mitzvas that you engage in do selflessly. May Hashem bless you with kol tov and send the ultimate geila immediately! ,מיט אזויפיל וויסנשאפט ,איך שטיי און טראכט ,מיט עהרע איך בארטאכט ,און א תפילה צום רבוש"ע שריי איך אויס מיט עקסטאז נישט פארהאן די ענדלאזע,נישט פארהאן קיין אפשאצונג ,פרייז ,"רבוש"ע בלויז דו ביסט ביכולת צו באצאלן דערפאר !"ונאמן הוא בעל מלאכתך שישלם לך שכר On behalf of our practice families & staff I would like to thank you for the tremendous work that you do in helping our patients obtain the best possible medical care. Not only do you provide outstanding advice in regards to specialists, but you go the extra mile to help in getting timely appointments and then follow up with us to make sure patients are properly cared for. I commend you for the wonderful chesed that you do for our community and wish you hatzlacha in your continued endeavors. May הקב''הcontinue to bless you with the means to assist Klal Yisroel in this vital area. With regards, GJ, MD, MPH LIGHT Refuah Helpline 2016 \ 60 Always n TimeTM 845.783.3300 For locals call: 783.3000 / 783.8130 Mount Sinai Health System Salutes Mount Sinai Health System Mount Sinai Health System Refuah Helpline Salutes Salutes And acknowledges its great service to the community Proud to support Refuah Helpline. Refuah Helpline Refuah Helpline And Kenneth L . Davis, M.D. President and CEO acknowledges its great service to the community And acknowledges its great service to the community Kenneth L. Davis, M.D. President and CEO 63 / LIGHT Refuah Helpline 2016 Kenneth L. Davis, M.D. President and CEO Advancing care. Here. wmchealth.org Westchester Medical Center Health Network includes: WESTCHESTER MEDICAL CENTER I MARIA FARERI CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL I BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CENTER I MIDHUDSON REGIONAL HOSPITAL GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL I BON SECOURS COMMUNITY HOSPITAL I ST. ANTHONY COMMUNITY HOSPITAL HEALTHALLIANCE HOSPITAL: BROADWAY CAMPUS I HEALTHALLIANCE HOSPITAL: MARY’S AVENUE CAMPUS I MARGARETVILLE HOSPITAL John Theu John Theurer CanCer C CanCer CenTer John Theurer John Theurer CanCer CenTer CanCer CenTer your community - in a comfortable setting care closefor to home World class cancer your community - in a comfortable setting close to home Hackensack University Medical Center, with its prestigious John Theurer Cancer Center, is the highest ranked Cancer Hospital in New Jersey by U.S. News & World Report. natIonally ranked toP 50 cancer hosPItal 4 consecutIve years World class cancer care for Hackensack University Medical Center, with its prestigious your community - in a comfortable John Theurer Cancer Center, is the highest ranked Cancer Hospital in New Jersey by U.S. News & World Report. setting close to home Hackensack University Medical Center, with its prestigious John TheurernatIonally Cancer Center,ranked is the highest ranked Cancer Hospital in New Jersey by U.S. & World Report. toP 50 cancerNews hosPItal 4 consecutIve years John Theurer Cancer Center is a place of life and hope, where our physicians are hard at work refining disease treatments and creating novel therapies. our more than 30 oncologists in 14 dedicated specialties boast a worldclass education, training at the world’s best institutions and double and triple board certifications. IntroducIng John theurer cancer center at PalIsades MedIcal center World class cancer care fo your community - in a com Located in the new outpatient pavilion on setting close to home river road overlooking the hudson river and new York City skyline. The new 9,600-square-foot center features consultation with disease-specific cancer specialists and access to top diagnostic and treatment technologies.Hackensack University Medical Center, with it World class cancer care for John Theurer Cancer Center, is the highest ra IntroducIng receive the same world class World class cancer care for Patients John theurer cancer center your community - available in a for comfortable cancer care over 25 years Hospital in New Jersey by U.S. News & World at PalIsades center your MedIcal community - in a comfortable our hackensack location. setting closeatto home Located in the new outpatient pavilion setting close toonhome is a place of natIonally ranked John Theurer Cancer Center IntroducIng life and hope, where our physicians are cancer river road overlooking the hudson river JTCancerCenter.org toP 50 cancer hosPItal John theurer center hard at work refining disease treatments and new York City skyline. 4 consecutIve years at PalIsades MedIcal center and creating novel therapies. The pavilion new 9,600-square-foot center John Theurer Cancer Center is a place of Located in the new outpatient on 92 Second Street, our more than 30 oncologists in features consultation with disease-specific Hackensack University Medical Center, with its prestigious ranked IntroducIng life and hope, where our physiciansnatIonally are river road overlooking the hudson river Hackensack, NJ 07601 14 dedicated specialties boast a worldcancer specialists and access to top toP 50 cancer hosPItal John theurer cancer center Hackensack University Medical Center, with its prestigious hard at work refining disease treatments and new York City skyline. John Theurer Cancer Center, is the highest ranked Cancer 551.996.5900 4 consecutIve years atdiagnostic PalIsadesand MedIcal center class education, training at the world’s treatment technologies. and creating novel therapies. John Theurer Cancer Center,Hospital is the highest ranked in New JerseyCancer by U.S. News & World Report. best institutions and double and 7650 River TheCenter new 9,600-square-foot center John Theurer Cancer is triple a place of Located in the new outpatient pavilion onRoad, Suite 200, Patients receive the same world class Hospital in New Jersey by U.S. News & World Report. North Bergen, NJ 07047 board life and hope, where our physicians are river road overlooking the hudson river our more than 30 oncologists in certifications. features consultation with disease-specific cancer care for over 25 years hard at work refining disease treatmentsand access and new Cityavailable skyline. 201.464.0008 A member of the Hackensack University Health Network 14 dedicated specialties boast a worldcancer specialists to York top and creating novel therapies. at our hackensack location. class education, training at the world’s diagnostic and treatmentThe technologies. new 9,600-square-foot center our more than 30 oncologists in features consultation with disease-specific best institutions and double and triple 14 dedicated specialties boast a worldspecialists Patients receive the samecancer world class and access to top board certifications. class education, training the world’s and treatment technologies. JTCancerCenter.org canceratcare available for diagnostic over 25 years best institutions and double and triple at our hackensack location. Patients receive the same world class natIonally ranked toP 50 cancer hosPItal 4 consecutIve years © 2015 John Theurer Cancer Center board certifications. 92 Second Street, JTCancerCenter.orgHackensack, NJ 07601 551.996.5900 JTCancerCenter.org 92 Second Street, Hackensack, NJ 07601 © 2015 John Theurer Cancer Center 551.996.5900 7650 River Road, Suite 200, North Bergen, NJ 07047 201.464.0008 © 2015 John Theurer Cancer Center © 2015 John Theurer Cancer Center 7650 River Road, Suite 200, North Bergen, NJ 07047 92 Second Street, 201.464.0008 Hackensack, NJ 07601 cancer care available for over 25 years at our hackensack location. natIonally ranked toP 50 cancer hosPItal 4 consecutIve years 7650 River Road, Suite 200, North Bergen, NJ 07047 201.464.0008 our more than 30 oncologists 14 dedicated specialties boast natIonally ranked IntroducIng class education, training at the toP 50 cancer hosPItal John theurer cancer center IntroducIng best institutions and double an 4 consecutIve at PalIsades board MedIcal center John years theurer cancer center certifications. at PalIsades MedIcal center John Theurer Cancer Center is a place of Located in the new outpatient pavilion on life of and hope,Located where our physicians are river John Theurer Cancer Center is a place in the new outpatient pavilion onroad overlooking the hudson river refining disease treatments new York City skyline. life and hope, where our physicians hard are at work river road overlooking the hudson and river JTCancerCenter.org and creating and novel therapies. hard at work refining disease treatments new York City skyline. The new 9,600-square-foot center and creating novel therapies. our more than 30new oncologists in The 9,600-square-foot center features consultation with disease-specific 14 dedicated features specialties boast a worldcancer specialists and access to top our more than 30 oncologists in consultation with disease-specific 92 Second Street, class education, training at the and world’s 14 dedicated specialties boast a worldcancer specialists access to topdiagnostic and treatment technologies. Hackensack, NJ 07601 best institutions and double and triple technologies. class education, training at the world’s diagnostic and treatment 551.996.5900 Patients receive the same world class board certifications. best institutions and double and triple cancer care available over 25Suite years Patients receive the same world class 7650 for River Road, 200, board certifications. North Bergen, NJ 07047 at our hackensack location. cancer care available for over 25 years 201.464.0008 at our hackensack location. A member of the Hackensack University Health Network 551.996.5900 A member of the Hackensack University Health Network A member of the Hackensack University Health Network John Theurer Cancer Center is life and hope, where our physi hard at work refining disease t and creating novel therapies. © 2015 John Theurer Cancer Center JTCancerCenter.org JTCancerCenter.org apriil_15 1_Layout 1 4/28/2015 12:40 PM Page 1 For parents with young patients For parents with young patients Cohen Children’s Medical Center is not just a hospital wing or floor dedicated to pediatrics. We are far more. We are a complete system of care that combines a pediatric hospital with outpatient care and a wide range of specialty pediatric practices for infants children andChildren’s adolescents.Medical Center is not just a hospital wing or floor Cohen dedicated to pediatrics. We are far more. Our pediatric team’s mission is to see that children receive the compassionate, quality system care they needthat in acombines comfortable, kid-friendly We are a complete of care a pediatric hospital with just for them. environment created outpatient care and a wide range of specialty pediatric practices for infants children and adolescents. Built from the kid up - Cohen Children’s was designed with Our pediatric mission is toand seeitthat children the children and theirteam’s families in mind, offers many receive activities and compassionate, quality care they need in a comfortable, kid-friendly features that provide comfort when it’s needed the most. environment created just for them. Built from the kid up - Cohen Children’s was designed with children and their families in mind, and it offers many activities and features that provide comfort when it’s needed the most. Orange OrangeRegional Regional proudly proudlysupports supports our community! our community! The special amenities include: n Comfortable private rooms n Playrooms and family lounges n Overnight accommodation in child’s room n Cholim Room stocked with food from Satmar Bikur Cholim special amenities include: TheBirkur n Superior level of expertise and technology for a wide range of npediatric Comfortable care private rooms n Playrooms and family lounges n Overnight accommodation in child’s room at: www.CohenChildrens.com For more n information Birkur Cholim visit Roomus stocked with food from Satmar Bikur Cholim n Superior level of expertise and technology for a wide range of pediatric care For more information visit us at: www.CohenChildrens.com 707 East Main Street Middletown, New York 10940 845-333-1000 • www.ormc.org 707 East Main Street Middletown, New York 10940 A member of the Greater Hudson Valley Health System 845-333-1000 • www.ormc.org A member of the Greater Hudson Valley Health System Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital with excellence in health care C o N g r at u l at e S C o N g r at u l at e S a h h e l p l i n e RRe ef fuu a h h e l p l i n e NewYork-Presbyterian/ NewYork-Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital on their efforts to connect patientsoffers and families Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital on their efforts to connect patients and families NewYork-Presbyterian/ with excellence in health care withand excellence in health care exceptional care for infants, children, adolescents. Affiliated Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital C o N g r at u l at e S with Columbia University College of Physicians and CSurgeons, o N g r a t uthe l at e S R e f u Ra ehf uhaehl ph le ilnp el i n e hospital attracts patients from across the country and around the NewYork-Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children’s HospitalNewYork-Presbyterian/ offers NewYork-Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital offers world. The hospital is home to renowned programs inMorgan congenital Stanley Children’s Hospital exceptional care for infants, children, and adolescents. Affiliated exceptional care for infants, children, and adolescents. Affiliated on University their efforts to connect patients andC othe families N g r at u l at e S with Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, heart disease, organ transplantation, pediatric surgery, pediatric on their efforts to connect with Columbia University College of Physiciansin and Surgeons, the patients and families with excellence health care withand excellence in health care hospital attracts patients from across the country around the sickle cell urologic hospitalcancer, attracts patients fromdisease, across theneurology, country and around the world. The hospital is home to renowned programs in congenital world. The hospital is home to renowned programs inoncongenital reconstruction, neuromuscular disorders, andto connect patients and families their efforts heart disease, organ transplantation, pediatric surgery, pediatric with excellence in health care heart disease, organ transplantation, pediatric surgery, pediatric trauma care, and also healthcare cancer, sickle cell offers disease,special neurology, urologic cancer, sickle cell disease, neurology, urologic NewYork-Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children’s NewYork-Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital offers Hospital offers reconstruction, neuromuscular disorders, and programs for neighboring communities. reconstruction, neuromuscular disorders, and exceptional care for infants, children, and adolescents. Affiliated exceptional care for infants, children, and adolescents. Affiliated NewYork-Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children’s offers NewYork-Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital offers exceptional care for infants, children, andHospital adolescents. trauma care, and also offers special healthcare Affiliated with Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, the hospital attracts patients from across with Columbia University College Physicians and Surgeons, the trauma care, and offers special healthcare exceptional care forof infants, children, and adolescents. Affiliated with Columbia University College oftoalso Physicians and Surgeons, the the country and around the world. The hospital is home renowned programs in congenital heart disease, organ programs for neighboring communities. with Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, hospital attracts patients from across the country and around the the transplantation, pediatric surgery, pediatric cancer, sickle cell disease, neurology, urologic reconstruction, neuromuscular programs for neighboring communities. Refuah helpline Fareri Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Medical Center to to Maria Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital Westchester Centerisisnow nowhome home morethan than 3.6 3.6 million million people. Medical CenterCenter is the only all- only a more people.AsAsthetheregion's region's Westchester Westchester Medical is the Traumaand and Tertiary/Quaternary Tertiary/Quaternary Care we we specialty children's hospitalhospital in the region. Trauma CareCenter, Center, specialty children's in the As region. A provide the most advanced level of care and home to the area’s only pediatric intensive provide the most advanced level of care and home to the area’s only pediatric intensi medicine to tens of thousands of people each year. care/critical care unit, pediatric medicine to tens thousands of people eachand year. transplant c a r e /program, c r i t i c aLevel l c aI rTrauma e u n iand t , burn pediatr From trauma andofburn care, heart, transplant From transplant program, Level I Trauma n e utrauma r o s uand r g eburn r y ,care, O rheart, t h o ptransplant e d i c s ,and center, Pulmonology and otolaryngology, cardiacand bu nH e ue rmoa st uo rl go eg ry y/ O , nOc ro tl ho og py e ad ni cd s , catheterization center, Pulmonology otolaryngology, program and and its regional neonatal cardi care unit, program quipped and withitsthe latest neona H Gastroenterology, e m a t o l o gAdvanced y / O nOB/Gyn c o l otogthe y only a n d intensive catheterization regional all-specialty Children's Hospital in the New Yorkonly diagnostic and interventional Mariathe late Gastroenterology, Advanced OB/Gyn to the intensive care unit, technologies, quipped with metropolitanChildren's area, quipped theNew latest Children’sand Hospital cares fortechnologies, the area’s Mar all-specialty Hospitalwith in the York Fareri diagnostic interventional diagnostic and interventional technologies, seriously ill and injured kids. Maria Fareri metropolitan area, quipped with the latest mostFareri Children’s Hospital cares for the area Westchester Medical Center is now one of the Children's Hospital is committed to providing the diagnostic and interventional technologies, verymost ill andcare. injured kids. Maria Fare finest medical institutions in the nation. best inseriously family-centered Westchester Medical Center is now one of the Children's Hospital is committed to providing t finest medical institutions in the nation. very best in family-centered care. theprograms countryforand around across the the country and around the disorders,hospital and traumaattracts care, andpatients also offers from specialacross healthcare neighboring hospital attracts patients fromcommunities. NewYork-Presbyterian/Morgan Hospital world. TheStanley hospital isChildren’s home to renowned programs in congenital The hospital is home to renowned programs in congenital world. The hospital is home to renowned world. programs in congenital heart disease, organ transplantation, pediatric surgery, pediatric heart disease, organ Hospital transplantation, pediatric surgery, pediatric NewYork-Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children’s 3959 heart Broadway 1-800-245-KIDS NewYork-Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital disease, organ transplantation, pediatric surgery, pediatric sickle cell disease, neurology, urologic cancer, sickle cellcancer, disease, neurology, urologic New York, NY3959 10032 nyp.org/kids/morganstanley Broadway 1-800-245-KIDS disorders, and 3959 Broadway cancer, sickle cell 1-800-245-KIDS disease, neurology,reconstruction, urologic neuromuscular New York, NY 10032 nyp.org/kids/morganstanley reconstruction, neuromuscular disorders, and trauma care, and also offers special healthcare New York, NY 10032 nyp.org/kids/morganstanley reconstruction, neuromuscular disorders, and for neighboring trauma care, andprograms also offers special communities. healthcare trauma care, and alsoprograms offers special healthcare for neighboring communities. NewYork-Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital programs for neighboring communities. 3959 Broadway New York, NY 10032 Westchester Medical Center | 100 Woods Road Valhalla, New York 10595 | (914) 493-7000 1-800-245-KIDS nyp.org/kids/morganstanley NewYork-Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital Westchester Medical Center | 100 Woods Road Valhalla, New York 10595 | (914) 493-7000 B"H Vladimir Zelenko M.D, P.C. Board Certified in Family Medicine Primary Care, Urgent Care, Specialty Care 745 Rt. 17M, Suite 770, Monroe, N.Y 10950 845-782-0000 New updates and services at Dr. Zelenko's Medical Center Dr. Edward Kleinman M.D. Board Certified in Allergy And Immunology Medicine Downstate Medical Center Dr. Bushra Mina M.D Board Certified in Pulmonary (lung) medicine Lenox Hill Hospital Treats asthma, COPD, chronic cough Dr. Bradley Schwack M.D Board Certified in Surgery NYU Medical Center Lap-Band, Gastric Sleeve, General Surgery Dr. Eli Neiman D.O Board Certified in General Neurology, Seizure and Headache Medicine Mayo Clinic Trained Dr. Ira Roth M.D Board Certified in Cardiology Lenox Hill Hospital Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch LMFT Licensed Therapist Treats Anxiety, Depression, OCD Marriage Counseling, Trauma Dr. David Schwalb M.D. Board Certified in Urology Westchester Medical Center Gitty Blachman RDN, CDN Licensed Dietician / Nutritionist Leah Rubchinski PA-C Licensed Physician Assistant Dr. Anthony lorio D.P.M, M.P.H. Board Certified in Podiatry Dean School of Podiatry NYC Foot Surgery, General Podiatry Dr. Israel Berkowitz M.D. Board Certified in Cardiology Lenox Hill Hospital Dr. Reuvan Cooper M.D. Board Certified in Pediatric Cardiology Long Island Jewish Hospital Naftali Minzer PA-C Licensed Physician Assistant Natalya Khaimov ARDMS Attention! BioReference Laboratories located at 70 Gilbert St, Monroe, NY will offer services at Dr. Zelenko's Monroe location. Dr. Zelenko's welcomes patients at his Monsey office Licensed Ultrasound Technician abdominal, pelvic, thyroid, carotid and venous Doppler Dov Markowitz PA-C Licensed Physician Assistant Available after hours for urgent care from 6 pm to 11 pm, call 845-587-4166 Patients from 3 month and up, most insurances accepted with no PCP required Patients from 10 to 120 years old are welcome Raffles with a value of close to $100,000! at: Bais Rochel Paradise - 5 Israel Zupnik Dr. - Monroe, NY 10950 ALL RAFFLES ONLY 10 $ Grand Raffle Not Included Project by: DART MEDIA 845 782 6558 Looking forwaourd to greeting y personally! Chana Brandel Landau Chinese Auction May 31 - June 1 | Raffle drawing July 12. Refuah Helpline 9 Meron Dr #104. Monroe, NY 10950
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