B LEADER-TELEGRAM Obituaries — 2B Death Notices — 3B Local Briefs — 4B City/Region Contact: Local News Editor Gary Johnson ● 715-833-9211 ● 800-236-7077 ● Wednesday September 16, 2009 gary.johnson@ecpc.com Very big deal OPE N I NG OF DOVE H E A LTHCA R E — SOUTH Friendly waves Black bear shot near Cumberland may be state’s largest By Dennis Anderson Star Tribune old, got on the hot trail of the Washburn County. big bear, finding it in a cornAnderson’s bear was shot in field while the hunters and Barron County, in the general What probably will be the other dogs took a break. vicinity of Cumberland. largest black bear shot in Wis“We really just let the young The state Department of Natconsin this fall was taken last dog out to stretch his legs,” ural Resources doesn’t keep weekend by Rhonda Andersaid Cody Fankhauser of records of bears or other anison of Sarona, a fourth-grade Cumberland. mals taken by hunters. But Linda teacher. Rhonda Anderson, Also in the group of avid Olver of the agency said Monday The animal weighed 658 a teacher from that wildlife managers rarely see pounds live weight, 564 dressed. bear hunters was Rich Einum Sarona, posed of Rice Lake. bears in Wisconsin that fieldAnderson was in a four-perwith a 658-pound Anderson’s bear greendress at more than 500 pounds. son party that included her black bear she By Christena T. O’Brien scored 21 10/16 at a taxiderhusband, Brian. They were A bear reportedly weighing shot last weekend Leader-Telegram staff mist on Monday (scorers don’t about 700 pounds was killed hunting behind three Walker in Barron County, reduce the fractions). The Wis- last fall near Menomonie. An hounds and aWhen Plott Cincinnati hound Bennear Cumberland. when the youngest canine in gals quarterback Carsonconsin state record is 22 12/16. Cody Fankhauser See BEAR, Page 3B the bunch,Palmer a mere suffered 6 monthsa severe That bear was taken in 2002 in photo knee injury during a January 2006 playoff loss to the Pittsburgh SteelOPE N I NG OF DOVE H E A LTHCA R E — SOUTH ers, his surgeon called the damage potentially career-ending. But Palmer returned to the football field after surgery and months of rehab that included use of a HydroWorx therapy pool with underwater treadmill cameras that allowed Bengals’ trainers to observe his movements By Dan Holtz as Palmer jogged in neckLeader-Telegram staff deep water, which kept An Eau Claire woman him from overtaxing his who tried to drown knee. three of her children in Residents of the Chipthe Chippewa River in pewa Valley now can August 1992 has been use aT.similar By Christena O’Brientherapy released from her mental pool at staff Dove Healthcare Leader-Telegram commitment. — South, a new stateWhen Cincinnati BenEau Claire County Judge of-the-art rehabilitation gals quarterback Carson Benjamin Proctor granted facility on Highway 93 Palmer suffered a severe Plia Vang’s motion Tuesthat opened Monday. Staff photo by Steve Kinderman from Page 1B knee injury during a Janday to have her commit“I’m very hopeful that Jeff Sauter, aquatics director, demonstrated the HydroWorx therapy pool at Dove Healthcare — South. The pool features uary 2006the playoff loss ment terminated. community — after water between 92 and 94 degrees and a height-adjustable floor that functions as an underwater treadmill. Dove Healthcare — to the Pittsburgh SteelProctor’s order followed watching it be built for 13 South includes the ers, his surgeon called the recommendation of to begin the rehabilitation where Dove Healthcare — itation gym for inpatient months on a very visible following features: the damage potentially ■ Dove Healthcare is Eau Claire psychologist South now stands. Their and outpatient therapy, process, but oftentimes road — has a chance to ■ Three distinctive livhosting a public open career-ending. Harlan Heinz, who examfacility included a pool. which includes a 1996 pain levels and fear of use the building and see ing neighborhoods — house from 3 to 6 p.m. But Palmer ined Vang and concluded His sister also suffers Cadillac to help practice falling impact the ability howreturned a futuristic model Bluebird, Hummingbird Thursday at its new south to start. to the football field after is from cerebral palsy and entering and exiting.continued supervision of that short-term piece and Oriole — that fealocation at 3656 Mall surgery and months of no longer necessary to has benefited from water “Whether you’re the “The pain commonly of long-term care can be ture 50 private rooms, priDrive, off Highway 93 . A rehab thatseen included use said Jim prevent significant risk of driver or the passenger, associated with rehabilita- therapy. and used,” vate bathrooms, a laundry ribbon-cutting is set for of a HydroWorx therapy bodily to herself or you still need to be able to harmroom “It can make an amaztion and a variety of conDeignan, chief executive that can be incorpo3:30 p.m. pool with underwater get in and out of the others. car,” ditions and diseases, (like) ing difference,” said Sauofficer of Dove Healthcare rated into an occupational treadmill cameras that Neither Lutheran Social Deignan said. ter, who has been fielding arthritis and fibromyaland its affiliates, noting therapy regimen and a spa allowed Bengals’ trainers Services, which monitored An apartment setup phone calls from people gia, can be decreased or the entire facility’s design underwater treadmill, he with a fireplace. to observetook his movements release, includes a bathroom,Vang’s bed- conditional said. It also features resis- even eliminated in water interested in taking the another 12 months “We said, ‘Please make as Palmer and jogged neck- of the nor the state Department room and fully stocked tance therapy jets and plunge in the pool thembecause it reduces the thein planning this look and feel like a deep water, whichalmost kept a decade. of Corrections opposed kitchen so people learn to hydromassage. weight bearing on joints.” selves after seeing the project Holiday Inn Express,’ ” termination of the comhim from overtaxing live independently, Deig“Aquatic therapy is well aquatic therapy sign in The pool,his which is part Jeff Sauter, the new mitment, Vang’s attorknee. nan said. known for its amazing of the Transitions Rehafront of the building and facility’s aquatics direcney, Brian Wright of Eau Residents of the ChipAlso included are an bilitation program, is the effects with enhancing tor, has seen firsthand the medical providers interClaire, said. pewa Valley now can array of cardio equipfirst warm-water aquatic recovery and preventested in sending patients effects of water therapy. Eau Claire County Disuse a similar therapy ment, stairs and an overtherapy pool in Wisconsin ing injuries,” Deignan He and his wife, Donna, over. trict Attorney Rich White pool at Dove Healthcare head lift system. with a height-adjustable used to own Unity Health The pool is part of a said. “The fastest way to agreed Vang’s release is — South, afloor new that statefunctions as an & Fitness, which once sat 4,000-square-foot rehabilSee DOVE, Page 4B recover from an injury is appropriate. of-the-art rehabilitation “I believe a termination facility on Highway 93 is warranted,” White said. that opened Monday. Staff photo by Steve Kinderman Vang, 39, filed the “I’m very hopeful that Jeff Sauter, aquatics director, demonstrated the HydroWorx therapy pool at Dove Healthcare — South. The pool features motion to have her comthe community — after water between 92 and 94 degrees and a height-adjustable floor that functions as an underwater treadmill. mitment terminated on watching it be built for 13 to begin the rehabilitation where Dove Healthcare — itation gym for inpatient Jan. 23. She had previously months on a very visible ■ Dove Healthcare is South now stands. Their and outpatient therapy, process, but oftentimes terminated her parental road — has a chance to hosting a public open facility included a pool. which includes a 1996 pain levels and fear of rights. use the building and see house from 3 to 6 p.m. His sister also suffers Cadillac to help practice falling impact the ability According to court how a futuristic model Thursday at its new south to start. from cerebral palsy and entering and exiting. records: of that short-term piece location at 3656 Mall has benefited from water “Whether you’re the On Aug. 3, 1992, Vang “The pain commonly By Dennis old, got Washburn County. of long-term care canAnderson be Drive, off Highway 93on . Athe hot trail of the driver or the passenger, pushed two of her daughStar Tribune bigisbear, finding associated it in a corn-with rehabilitaAnderson’stherapy. bear was shot in seen and used,” said Jim ribbon-cutting set for you still need to be able to ters, ages 3 and 6, into field while the hunters and Barron County,“It in the cangeneral make an amaztion and a variety of conDeignan, chief executive What probably will3:30 be the p.m. get in and out of the car,” other dogs took aditions break. and diseases, the Chippewa River and vicinity of Cumberland. ing difference,” said Sau(like) black bear shot in Wisofficer of largest Dove Healthcare “We really just let the young Deignan said. The state Department of Natthen jumped into the consin this fall was taken last ter, who has been fielding arthritis and fibromyaland its affiliates, noting dog out to stretch his legs,” ural Resources doesn’t keep underwater treadmill, he An apartment setup river while holding her weekend by Rhonda Anderphone calls from people gia, can be decreased or the entire facility’s design said Cody Fankhauser of records of bears or other aniincludes a bathroom, bedsaid. It also features resisson of Sarona, a fourth-grade 19-month-old son. interested in taking the even eliminated in water took another 12 months Cumberland. mals hunters.in But Linda teacher. of the room and fully stocked tance therapy jets and Passers-by rescued the pool thembecause it reduces thetaken byplunge and the planning Also in the group of avid Olver of the agency said Monday The animal weighed 658 kitchen so people learn to hydromassage. them. The boy, Yer Vang, weight bearing on joints.” selves after seeing the project almost a decade. that wildlife managers rarely see pounds live weight, 564 dressed. bear hunters was Rich Einum live independently, Deiglater died at Minneapolis “Aquatic therapy well aquatic therapy The pool,Anderson which is part Jeff Sauter, thebears new in Wisconsin of Riceis Lake. that field- sign in was in a four-pernan said. Children’s Hospital. known of the Transitions of the building and facility’s direcAnderson’s bear green- aquatics dress at more front than 500 pounds. son partyRehathat included her for its amazing Also included are an Vang had an argument bilitation husband, program,Brian. is the They effects medicalweighing providers interhas seen firsthand thereportedly scored 21 10/16 attor, a taxiderwere with enhancing A bear array of cardio equipwith her husband in which first warm-water aquaticthree recovery preventestedwas in sending water therapy. on Monday effects (scorersofdon’t hunting behind Walker andmist about 700 pounds killed patients ment, stairs and an overhe threatened to jump therapy pool in Wisconsin ing injuries,”reduce Deignan He and his wife,last Donna, over. the fractions). The Wishounds and a Plott hound fall near Menomonie. An head lift system. into the river. The threat with a height-adjustable when the youngest canine in fastest consin state is 22 used to 12/16. own Unity Health The pool is part of a said. “The way to record BEAR, Page 3B rehabilbunch, aasmere months fromThat bear was in 2002which in floor thatthe functions an 6 recover & Fitness, once sat See 4,000-square-foot See DOVE, Page 4B See RELEASE, Page 3B an injury is taken New rehab facility offers public use of therapy pool Friendly waves New rehab facility offers public use of therapy pool Woman who tried to drown kids freed Dove/Facility has three neighborhoods Very big deal Black bear shot near Cumberland may be state’s largest Troy Landwehr posed with a lifesize Abraham Lincoln he sculpted out of cheese. Landwehr, who lives near Appleton, will be carving the Oktoberfest logo from a 150-pound block of Cheddar on Friday in Chippewa Falls. Contributed photo to(Cheddar) be (Cheddar) FestFest to be blockblock partyparty CarverCarver has appeared on Letterman show Ifshow has appeared on Letterman You Go If You Go What: Oktoberfest. What: Oktoberfest. By Chris Vetter ble. The soft cheeses theirdon’t hold By Chris Vetter ble. Thedon’t softhold cheeses their Where: 300 Jefferson Ave., ChipWhere: 300 Jefferson Ave., ChipChippewa Falls News Bureau Chippewa Falls News Bureau shape, and an shape, and an pewa Falls — Northern Wisconsin pewa Falls — Northern Wisconsin arm would sag CHIPPEWACHIPPEWA FALLS — Troy arm would sag FALLS — Troy State Fairground. State Fairground. or snap off.” or snap off.” Landwehr, 33, began carving cheese When: 11 a.m. toWhen: 11 p.m. Landwehr, 33, began carving cheese 11Friday a.m. to 11 p.m. Friday sculptures when he waswhen 11. he was 11. Landwehr, Landwehr, and Saturday, 9:30 to 4 p.m. sculptures anda.m. Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. who lives in Landwehr will carve a 150-pound who lives in Sunday. Landwehr will carve a 150-pound Sunday. Freedom, north block of Cheddar cheese into the Cost: $13 for a button, good for Freedom, north block of Cheddar cheese into the for a button, good for Oktoberfest logo Friday at the seventh of Appleton, isof Appleton, is admission all threeCost: days, $13 $8 for Oktoberfest logo Friday at the seventh admission three days, $8 for busy most weekannual German-inspired festival at the a one-day pass. Children 12all and busy most weekannual German-inspired festival at the a one-day pass. ends carving Northern Wisconsin State Fairground. younger are free Friday and Satur- Children 12 and ends carving younger are free Friday and Saturcheese someday with a paid adult. All children He bringsNorthern tools usedWisconsin for carvingState Fairground. cheese day with a adult. paid adult. All children He brings tools used for carving where. Sometimes it’ssomea small sculpare free Sunday with a paid clay, such as knives and wires. where. Sometimes it’s a smallInformation: sculpare free Sunday with a paid adult. ture for a wedding or anniversary clay, such as knives and wires. Call 723-0340 or go “Cheddar works the best because of tureappeared for a wedding or anniversary Information: Call 723-0340 or go party, butofhe also on “The to www.chippewachamber.org/ “Cheddar works the best because the oils and consistencies,” Landwehr party, but he also appeared on “The to www.chippewachamber.org/ the oils and consistencies,” Landwehr said. “The harder cheeses can crumSee FEST, Page 3B oktoberfest. said. “The harder cheeses can crumSee FEST, Page 3B oktoberfest. Deignan said. “That’s what we said, and I think we’ve been able to do that for the most part.” ■ Multiple outdoor fenced-in courtyards and a walking path that surrounds the entire facility — both of which can be used in therapy, Deignan said. ■ The Fireside Bistro in the lobby, where residents and the public can enjoy chefprepared menu items daily. O’Brien can be reached at 830-5838, 800-236-7077 or christena.obrien@ecpc. com.
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