Common-Place Handbook page 7-1 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) 7. Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) This Chapter contains general information about UIB. UIB information is also contained in other Chapters, including: • IEVS Applicant System, UI/DI Match, [Refer to “UIB/DIB Match,” page 4-10.] • IEVS Applicant System, EDD Match, [Refer to “EDD Wage Match,” page 4-14.] • IEVS Applicant System, EDD Real-Time Match, [Refer to “EDD Real-Time Match,” page 4-17.] • On-line Applicant IEVS Inquiries; UI, DI, and EDD Wage and Employment Summary, [Refer to User’s Guide to State Systems Handbook, “IEVS Applicant System,” page 13-1.] • UIB Benefit Table, [Refer to Chart Book, “UIB Weekly Benefit Amount,” page 7-4.] 7.1 Telephone Claim Filing 7.1.1 Background Effective June 2, 1998, EDD implemented telephone claim filing in Santa Clara County. • Persons applying for UIB must phone EDD to file a claim. EDD does not process walk-in applications for UIB or walk-in requests for printouts/verifications. • EDD mails all appropriate notices to claimants, regarding the status of their claim. Applicants are to be reminded that it is important to keep all of the EDD notices they receive. 7.1.2 Telephone Verification Policy Applications and verification requests must be initiated by the claimant, by phone. EWs should not make direct calls to EDD’s telephone claim filing number to request information about an individual’s claim status. EWs are to verify UIB/DIB status by using: • Verifications provided by the client. (The claimant can phone EDD to request verification, as needed.) Update #14-12 Revised: 05/21/14 page 7-2 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) Common-Place Handbook • CalWIN IEVS Applicant and/or Recipient Report Abstracts • The EDD Real-Time Match screen through MEDS. When clarification is needed to authorize benefits and it is not readily available from any other source, the applicant/recipient may call EDD from the district office and request that the EDD claims representative talk to the EW assigned to the task. • Information received from a collateral phone contact must be carefully documented on the CalWIN Maintain Case Comment window. • Written verification must be provided. Set up an alert to follow-up on written documentation within 30 days. When UIB information is not available from another source, the EW assigned to the taks may access EDD’s automated Check Information System to obtain information about the last check issued. [Refer to “Telephone UIB Check Information,” page 7-9, for more information.] 7.1.3 How to Apply The following methods may be used for filing or reopening Unemployment Insurance (UI) claims: Applying Online (Recommended Method)- Go to to apply for UI or re-open a UI claim online. It is secure, reliable, and the fastest way to file a claim. File by mail or Fax - Using the paper application, the client is able to complete online, and print it or print out the application and had write the answers. The application can be mail or fax to EDD for processing. Automated Self Service - America’s Job Center of California - Effective June 8, 2009, a new telephone line is available for actual “check” information and at One-Stop Career Center locations. The automated self-service system can be used by clients who do not need to speak to a representative. Information is available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. The web site is and there are 6 America’s Job Center of California locations in Santa Clara County as follows: (1) North San Jose, America’s Job Center 1901 Zanker Road San Jose, CA 95134 Level of Service: Comprehensive Telephone: (408) 216-6200 Revised: 05/21/14 Update #14-12 Common-Place Handbook page 7-3 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) (2) San Jose One-Stop 1601 Foxworthy Avenue San Jose, CA 95118 Level of Service: Comprehensive Telephone: (408) 794-1100 (3) Morgan Hill Satellite One-Stop 17666 Crest Avenue Morgan HIll, CA 95037 Level of Service: Comprehensive Telephone: (408) 776-8248 (4) Work 2 Future One Stop Gilroy Center 7800 Arroyo Circle, Suite A Gilroy, CA 95020 Level of Service: Comprehensive Telephone: (408) 846-1480 (5) NOVA Job Center 505 West Olive Avenue, Suite 550 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Level of Service: Comprehensive Telephone: (408) 730-7232 Web Site: (6) CTC Partner Affiliate 749 Story Road San Jose, CA 95122 Telephone: (408)213-0961 File by Telephone - Individuals may file or re-open a UI claim over the phone with an EDD customer service representative from 8:00 AM to Noon, Monday - Friday. This service is not available on State holidays. Customer service representatives at the EDD Information Call Centers also handle missed appointments, appeals, overpayments and UIB claim information calls. An interactive voice response system also provides UIB check information and general UIB information from 6:00 AM to midnight Monday - Saturday, and from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM on Sunday. The telephone numbers listed below can be called for unemployment insurance services. There are separate telephone numbers for English, Spanish, Chinese, and Vietnamese speaking customers. A separate telephone number is also available for customers who call using a Teletypewriter (TTY): Update #14-12 Revised: 05/21/14 page 7-4 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) Common-Place Handbook • Customer Services representative: • English - 1-800-300-5616 • Spanish - 1-800-326-8937 • Chinese - 1-800-547-3506 or 1-866-303-0706 • Vietnamese - 1-800-547-2058 • Deaf and hard of hearing callers -(TTY) -1-800-815-9387 The local number automatically connects with the EDD call center in Oakland. Recorded messages will guide the applicant through the first part of the automated system. An EDD customer representative will then enter the claim information into the EDD system during the telephone interview. If additional information is needed, the interview will be stopped and the claimant will be instructed to call back when all information is available. The claimant must provide all necessary information to EDD, including their: • Name (name(s) used while working) • Social Security Number • Mailing and residence address and telephone number • State Issued Driver’s License or ID card number, if they have one • Alien Registration Number (if not a U.S. Citizen) • LAST employer information including: • Last day worked • Whether employed full-time or part-time • Mailing Address and Zip code of employer • Phone Number including area code of employer • Reason no longer employed • Employment history for last 18 months • If employed outside of California during the past 19 months, all employers’ names and complete mailing addresses • If in the military during the last 19 months, their DD 214 Member 4 Revised: 05/21/14 Update #14-12 Common-Place Handbook page 7-5 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) • If a Federal claim, wage and separation information, from Standard Form 8, "Notice to Federal Employees About Unemployment". • Benefits received or expected to be received from a former employer including • • • • Wages Pension payments Holiday pay Vacation or sick pay • Ability to work and availability for work. 7.1.4 What Happens to the Claim The claim information is entered into the EDD system during the telephone interview. EDD determines, by computer, whether the individual has sufficient earnings history to be eligible. • A “Notice of Unemployment Insurance Award” (DE 429Z) notice will be mailed from Sacramento to the claimant within 24 hours. Note: The DE 429Z only provides potential claim information. It does not show a disqualification, i.e. voluntary quit. If there is an issue, EDD will schedule an appointment for a phone interview. • The claim is assigned to an EDD office for processing, based on the last two digits of the individual’s SSN. • All further contact, including resolution of a claim dispute (adjudication), is conducted by scheduled telephone interviews. • If the claimant is found eligible for UIB, he/she must return a “Continued Claim” (DE 4581) form for each week he/she is claiming benefits. If the forms are not returned by the specified time, benefits will be lost. • All UIB checks are mailed to the claimant. The mailing time must be considered when anticipating UIB. Update #14-12 Revised: 05/21/14 page 7-6 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) 7.2 Common-Place Handbook Basics of UIB Eligibility Types of Claims The type of UIB claim filed depends on the type of employer and where the claimant worked: Type of Claim Filed: If the Claimant: Regular California Claim Worked in California in a job covered by the unemployment insurance law. Federal Claim Was in civilian work for the federal government or as a member of the Armed Forces (benefit costs are paid from federal funds). Interstate Claim Has earnings in another state, the CA. EDD office will transfer the claimant to another person on the interstate filing system. The other state is responsible for processing the claim. (Benefits may also be claimed from Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Canada and the District of Columbia.) REMINDER: Out-of-state claims do not show up on IEVS or on the EDD Real-Time Match. Combined Wage Claim Has earnings in more than one state in specified periods. Normally, the claim must be filed in whichever state has more earnings. If the California wages are higher, then the claim will be processed here, and the wages from the other state will be included. NOTE: Former inmates of California State Penal Institutions may be eligible based on work performed or time spent in training during their confinement. Conditions of Eligibility Employees eligible for UIB must meet the following conditions of eligibility: • Be totally or partially unemployed. • Be physically able to work. • Be available for and actively seeking work as directed. Revised: 05/21/14 Update #14-12 Common-Place Handbook page 7-7 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) • Be registered for work with EDD. • Not be disqualified from voluntarily quitting a job or being terminated for cause. • Be a U.S. Citizen or have permission to work from the U.S. Government. • A former inmate must have spent enough time at work or in training to have the equivalent of $1500 earnings at a rate of $2.30 per hour during the base period to be eligible. This is approximately 653 hours of work or training. • Must file a weekly “Continued Claim” (DE 4581) form with the EDD office for each week benefits are claimed. Payments These rules apply to UIB payments when UIB eligibility rules are met and the claimant has completed and mailed in their weekly claim form: • The first payment on a new California claim is usually issued within 3 weeks after filing. • For interstate claims, the first payment will normally be issued after the other state receives the claim. • Payments are issued after the week(s) have ended and the completed claim form is received. • No payment is made in advance. • UIB is normally paid by mail every two weeks. • An individual who works less than full-time may still be eligible for benefits. The first $25 or 25 percent of their total earnings (whichever is greater) will not be counted. The remaining amount will be deducted from the weekly benefit amount. Ineligibility for UIB UIB may NOT be available to persons who have had earnings for various reasons. If there is an issue, such as a voluntary quit or a discharge, it is assigned to an office and an appointment for a telephone interview is scheduled. General Update #14-12 Revised: 05/21/14 page 7-8 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) Common-Place Handbook information regarding ineligibility and/or reduction of benefits is provided below. When further clarification of an individual’s claim status is needed, advise the claimant to contact EDD. Status/Situation: Description: Amount paid is less than the weekly benefit amount. The following reasons may apply: Penalty Information was withheld or false information was given. The individual will not receive UIB for a specified period of time, generally 5 - 10 weeks. There are penalties with an overpayment and penalties without an overpayment. Disqualification The individual is not entitled to UIB, i.e. due to a job quit or was fired from their last job. • An overpayment is being adjusted. (The claimant may be at fault, or not at fault.) • CA Child Support Intercept. • The individual is receiving workers’ compensation, retirement pay, or a pension. • Earnings. To be eligible, he/she must work again, earn at least five times their weekly benefit amount and have a new qualifying reason. 7.2.1 Determining the Base Period The day the individual calls EDD is the application date. A claim begins on the Sunday of the week it is filed, and it lasts for one year. Weekly benefits may be paid for up to 26 weeks, depending on the amount of earnings. Normally, another claim cannot be filed until the benefit year of the first claim ends, even though the individual has received all benefits and he/she is still unemployed. If the date the benefit year begins is more than one year ago, then there is no current claim. Exception: The Extended Benefits program becomes effective only when the unemployment rate is very high. This program pays additional benefits to those who qualify and have collected all the money in their regular claims and who are not eligible for any other UIB Claims. EDD notifies individuals by mail and/or through the media when they become potentially eligible for these benefits. Revised: 05/21/14 Update #14-12 Common-Place Handbook page 7-9 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) The claimant's base period is a 12-month period which is based on the month the claim was filed. The quarter with the highest earnings determines the weekly benefit amount of UIB: IF the beginning date of the claim is in... THEN, The base period is the 12-month period that ended the previous... February, March or April May, June or July August, September or October November, December or January September 30 December 31 March 31 June 30 For a UIB claim to be valid, the individual must have at least $1,300 in earnings in one quarter of their base period or at least $900 in earnings in the highest quarter and total base period earnings of 1.25 times their high quarter earnings. [Refer to Chart Book, “UIB Weekly Benefit Amount,” page 7-4, for the Weekly Benefit Amount Table.] 7.3 Verification Documents and Procedures There are various documents and procedures for verifying UIB application, UIB status and/or UIB amounts. Information regarding the various forms and their usage is listed below. 7.3.1 Telephone UIB Check Information A UIB claimant can call EDD to access check information, using the EDD UIB information local telephone number. It provides information about the last UIB check issued. EWs may access this system when needed to determine anticipated income, and the information is not available from another source. [Refer to “How to Apply,” page 7-2 for EDD telephone numbers.] If the automated telephone information is used as a UIB verification, it must be documented on the CalWIN Maintain Case Comments window. Identifying information, the individual’s SSN and the weekly benefit amount, must be entered on the telephone key pad, following automated recorded instructions. Check information is not available on this system until ten days after the claim has been filed. If there is a payment history, the automated check information system provides: Update #14-12 Revised: 05/21/14 page 7-10 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) Common-Place Handbook • The date the last check was paid, • The amount paid, and • The ending date of the period covered by the last check. (Please allow up to 5 days for mail delivery.) If there is NO payment history, the recorded message will say “Our records do not show a recent claim payment for that SSN.” 7.3.2 “A Guide to Benefits and Employment Services” DE 1275-A Information EDD sends the claimant the handbook when the claim is filed. It contains: • General UIB information, and • Claimant responsibilities. It is NOT a UIB verification document. 7.3.3 “Pre-Claim Computation” Information and Procedures The “Pre-Claim Computation” is a computer printout which gives the earnings history for the base period which corresponds to the date of the claim.The printout identifies a potential claim, gives the maximum award amount and the weekly benefit amount; however IT DOES NOT VERIFY THAT A CLAIM HAS ACTUALLY BEEN FILED (adjudication). Example: If a claim was filed in December 2009, the printout will show the earnings reported for the base period of July 2008 through June 2009. Verification Usage The printout verifies potential UIB eligibility and the potential weekly benefit amount. Revised: 05/21/14 Update #14-12 Common-Place Handbook page 7-11 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) Note: It does not verify that the individual has actually applied for UIB. It does verify whether there are sufficient earnings to file a claim and, therefore, whether a UIB application is required for CalWORKs/Medi-Cal eligibility. 7.3.4 “Notice of Unemployment Insurance Award” Printout Information and Procedures The “Notice of Unemployment Insurance Award” printout (DE 429Z) is mailed to the claimant from Sacramento within 24 hours after a claim is filed. The "Notice of Unemployment Insurance Award" provides. • • • • • • • Name and SSN of the claimant Claim Beginning Date Claim Ending Date Maximum Benefit amount Weekly benefit amount Total Wages Highest Quarter Earnings The back of the DE 429Z form gives a definition/explanation of the information shown on the front of the form. Note: If there is a potential disqualification or other issue, a telephone interview will be schedule. Dividing the maximum award amount by the weekly benefit amount will give the number of weeks of potential benefits, up to 26 weeks. Verification Usage The printout verifies: • Application for UIB • Potential eligibility • Weekly benefit amount Update #14-12 Revised: 05/21/14 page 7-12 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) 7.3.5 Common-Place Handbook “Payment History” Information and Procedures The claimant can request a “Payment History” from EDD at any time. The printout gives basic information regarding the most recent claim, including: • Payment history • Disqualifications information, including reasons Verification Usage The printout can be used to verify: • • • • • • • • Current benefit amount. Disqualification and the reason. Beginning date of benefit year. Number of weeks of benefits available if paid at maximum rate. Weekly maximum benefit amount. Total maximum benefits available in the benefit year. Recent payment history. Priority information regarding the current status of the case. Codes from the Determination Code table [Refer to “Determination Codes,” page 7-12], indicate reason for disqualification or denial or change in benefits. Note: The recent Payment History is also available in the CalWIN "View IEVS-PVS Report". The PVS report is received monthly through an interface between EDD and CalWIN for persons receiving UIB. [Refer to Search IEVS Recipient Reports in the CalWIN OLUM for instructions on how to access the PVS report.] 7.3.6 Determination Codes Determination Codes used by EDD to indicate the reason for denial or disqualification are as follows: DETERMINATION SYMBOLS Revised: 05/21/14 SYMBOLS CODE SECT. DEFINITION AA 1253C NOT ABLE OR NOT AVAILABLE Update #14-12 Common-Place Handbook page 7-13 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) DETERMINATION SYMBOLS 7.3.7 SYMBOLS CODE SECT. DEFINITION AL 1264’ ALIEN (WAGE CREDITS) ATH 1253.4’ ATHLETE (WAGE CREDITS) BR 1253.5’ NOT ABLE PART OF WEEK CSE 1253.3’ CLASSIFIED SCHOOL EMPLOYEES CVN 1263A FORFEITURE - CONVICTION SEC.2101 ESW 1253E FAILURE TO SEEK WORK FS 1257A WILLFUL MISSTATEMENT OF FACTS 1263B WITHHELD TO OBTAIN BENEFITS IHE 1253.3’ HIGHER EDUCATION EMPLOYEE IRR 1253A FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH REGULATIONS MC 1256’ DISCHARGE FOR MISCONDUCT NR 1253B NOT REGISTERED FOR WORK NRD 1260’ NOT REGISTERED DURING DISQ. PT 1279’ PART TOTAL WAGES LESS THAN WBA SD 1261’ SUCCESSIVE DISQUALIFICATIONS SW 1257B REFUSAL OF SUITABLE WORK TD 1262’ TRADE DISPUTE VQ 1256’ VOLUNTARY QUIT WITHOUT GOOD CAUSE VGS 1252’ WAGES EQUAL OR OVER WBA WC 1255.5’ WORKERS’ COMPENSATION DE 507 Information and Procedures The DE 507 may be obtained using the DE 8720 procedures. [Refer to “ECC 586-A, the Claimant Abstract,” page 7-15]. The DE 507 gives the UIB reported earnings for a previous five quarter period. The two most recent quarters will not be on the form. • If no wage or claim date is on file, the form will be blank. Update #14-12 Revised: 05/21/14 page 7-14 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) Common-Place Handbook • If a UIB or DI claim has been filed, the claim information will show on the lower portion of the form. • EDD may also return a DE 4989, Employer Address Slip. This form will give the name and address of any employer who reported payment of wages to the Social Security number on the DE 8720 in the latest calendar quarter of record. The employer's name is abbreviated. When necessary, the EW can check with the IEVS unit to determine the full name of the employer. Verification and Usage This form provides information on: • Longer earnings history than reported on the IFD 440 (ECS 155). The IFD 440 (ECS 155) only gives one quarter, the DE 507 gives five quarters.) • Earnings history earlier than reported on the IFD 440 (ECS 155). Note: Because the earnings history is by quarter, additional information from the employer is necessary for overpayment computations. How to read a DE 507 • Cycle Date — The date the DE 507 was processed in the EDP Section at EDD. • Quarter Ending — The last month of the quarter in which wages shown were earned. • Employer Name — A maximum of ten characters may be used to identify the employer. • Employer Name — The first initial and the last name of the employee. A maximum of six characters may be used to identify employee's last name as reported by the employer. • Earnings — The earnings of an employee during the period shown in the corresponding calendar “Quarter Ending” column (Item 4). • DI High Quarter Earnings — The earnings upon which DI benefits may be paid. These earnings are based upon monies paid into the wage plan selected and automatically computed when an employment claim is filed. • Process Date — The date an initial claim or other claim transaction took place. Revised: 05/21/14 Update #14-12 Common-Place Handbook page 7-15 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) • Claim Date — In most instances, this date will be the benefit year beginning date which is the first day of the valid claim period. • Office Number — The number of the FO in which the claim was assigned. The last (bottom) office listed is the office with the most recent claim, and the office in which the claimant's file is assigned. • Type of Flag — The following symbols might appear indicating the type of claim filed: • • • • UI — Unemployment Insurance Benefits (regular) UCFE — Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees UCX — X-Military Unemployment Compensation for X-Military TE —Training Extension • If the claimant is not currently drawing benefits, the following symbols will be listed: • Usr Disq— Unserved Disqualification • Ins Earn — Earnings insufficient to establish a claim 7.3.8 ECC 586-A, the Claimant Abstract Information and Procedures This form is a computer printout requested from Sacramento EDD. It is requested by the DE 8720 process [Refer to “DE 8720/DE 8720A, Request for Abstracts From EDD,” page 7-16]. It is returned from Sacramento within a week to ten days. It provides the following provides UIB information, not DIB: • UIB payment history, up to 48 months • Maximum benefit and weekly benefit amount Verification and Usage For most purposes, this form has been replaced by the IEVS PVS 040. The ECC 586-A is most useful in getting an extended (48 months) record of UIB payments without requiring the recipient’s cooperation. The PVS 040 only gives a three months' record. • Maximum benefit amount Update #14-12 Revised: 05/21/14 page 7-16 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) Common-Place Handbook • Weekly benefit amount • Date benefit is issued for. (This is not necessarily the actual date of issuance.) • Amount actually paid for the period ending on the issue date • Part-time earnings which are taken into account in computing the amount of UIB for the period. 7.4 DE 8720/DE 8720A, Request for Abstracts From EDD 7.4.1 Purpose The “Request For Wage, Claim and Address Information” (DE 8720) is used to obtain UIB/DIB payment history, wage and claim information, and the employer address from the Employment Development Department (EDD) when it is not available from another source. An additional form, the “Request For Wage Information” (DE 8720A) is used only when wage information for specific quarter(s) is needed. The County is billed for this information. Therefore, the DE 8720 and DE 8720A are to be used ONLY when the needed information is NOT available from another source, such as the CalWIN IEVS Applicant/Recipient report abstracts, the EDD real-time match screen or automated telephone system. 7.4.2 Completion Instructions for the DE 8720 The DE 8720 is a key-entry document and must be completed carefully and legibly. Follow the instructions below when completing the DE 8720, using black ink. ITEM INSTRUCTIONS Case Name/ Number Enter the case name and number at the top of the form above, “Request For Wage, Claim and Address Information”. #1 The mailing address is preprinted. #2 ALWAYS COMPLETE YOUR RETURN ADDRESS INCLUDING YOUR WORKER NUMBER. It may be the only information allowing EDD to return the DE 8720 to you should it need to be corrected. Revised: 05/21/14 Update #14-12 Common-Place Handbook page 7-17 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) ITEM INSTRUCTIONS # 3a Print your name. # 3b Enter your telephone number. # 3c Enter the date you are completing the form. # 4a Customer Code: Always enter “DE55043”. (This is the code that EDD has assigned to track requests for information from all counties.) # 4b Preparer Code (For County Internal Use - To direct Abstracts back to you.) Box 1-2 Enter the Alpha/Numeric Code designating your District Office Assistance Application Center (AAC) A5 Benefit Service Center (BSC) A7 Continuing Benefit Services (CBS) A6 Collections DE Foster Care/Adoptions E9 General Assistance (GA) R1 IEVS/CROP Unit DJ North County D8 Quality Control/Quality Assurance QC/QA South County DL Staff Development AD VMC DM Clinics DC, DK, DM, DN, DP, DQ & DV, as appropriate Box 3 Enter your Unit Number Box 4 Enter your Worker Number EXAMPLE: Worker # A6E5 at 1870 Senter Road would enter “A6E5”. # 5a - 5i • Select one or more options by entering an “X” in the box next to the appropriate items. At least one of the boxes listed in item 5 must be checked. • If certain information is not needed, leave the corresponding box blank. • All requested information will be produced for all the Social Security Numbers listed in item 6. #6 Enter the Social Security Number (SSN) of all persons for whom information is being requested. For each SSN listed, all available information will be sent as requested. If you suspect the recipient may be working under a child's SSN, that SSN should also be entered. Update #14-12 Revised: 05/21/14 page 7-18 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) Common-Place Handbook Mailing Address Send or batch the DE 8720 for mailing according to your district office procedure. Forward to: State of California Employment Development Department P.O. Box 826880 Sacramento, CA 94280-0001 Attn: Document Management Group, MIC 96 7.4.3 Purpose (DE 8720A) The DE 8720A is only used to request wage information for specific quarter(s). 7.4.4 Completion Instructions (DE 8720A) The DE 8720A is a key-entry document and must be completed carefully and legibly, using black ink. Follow the instructions below when completing the DE 8720A. ITEM INSTRUCTIONS Case Name/ Number Enter the case name and number at the top of the form above, “Request For Wage Information”. # 1 - # 4b Follow the “Completion Instructions” on the previous pages for the DE 8720, as the header information is the same on both forms. #5 Wage Quarter Requests: To request current and/or archived (old) earned wage data, you must enter the starting and ending year and quarter information for the period that wage data is needed. Use the following quarter indicators in the “Q” boxes: “1” January/February/March “2” April/May/June “3” July/August/September “4” October/November/December Revised: 05/21/14 Update #14-12 Common-Place Handbook page 7-19 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) ITEM INSTRUCTIONS # 5a NOTE: “CC” Boxes = Century; “YY” Boxes = Year FROM CCYYQ: Enter the starting year and quarter for which earned wage data is being requested. TO CCYYQ: Enter the ending year and quarter for which earned wage data is being requested. When only one quarter of wage data is needed, the “TO” CCYYQ is the same as the “FROM” CCYYQ. # 5b Enter the SSN of the individuals for whom wage data is being requested. # 6a/6b Completion instructions for Items 6a and 6b are the same as for Items 5a and 5b above. Items 6a and 6b allow you to request earned wage data for different quarters, for the same (or for different) SSNs than those entered in 5a and 5b. # 7a/7b Completion instructions for Items 7a and 7b are the same as for Items 5a and 5b above. Items 7a and 7b allow you to request earned wage data for different quarters, for the same (or for different) SSNs than those entered in 5a, 5b, 6a and 6b. 7.4.5 Mailing Address Send or batch the DE 8720A for mailing according to your district office procedure. Forward to the: Sate of California Employment Development Department P.O. Box 826880 Sacramento, CA 94280-0001 Attn: Miscellaneous Mail Desk, MIC 96 Note: Form DE 8720 and DE8720A are both online and can be accessed by going to: • • • • SSA Internet Microsoft Intranet Explorer Clicking on the Forms tab Clicking on the Department tab Clicking on the DEBS Forms Library. Update #14-12 Revised: 05/21/14 page 7-20 Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) Revised: 05/21/14 Update #14-12 Common-Place Handbook
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