Microwave Absorption Behavior of Ceramic Composites in X-Band Region

International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science
ISSN: 2455-9024
Microwave Absorption Behavior of Ceramic
Composites in X-Band Region
Ramakant Sharma1, S. K. Srivastava2
1, 2
R. G. Govt. P. G. College Ambikapur, Sarguja (C.G.) India
Email address: 1rks740058@gmail.com
Abstract— A Theoretical investigation was conducted to examine the
microwave absorption characteristics of La & Fe doped sample in XBand. The sample is made by solid state ceramic method. Reflection
transmission and absorption loss were calculated from sample using
impedance concept as a function of frequency. The length of layer of
sample are equal length are placed in parallel. The absorption losses
are depending on frequency and doping concentration.
1. It is the assumed that all the n constituents have same
number of chemical constituents per unit volume of the
sample then each section of sample may have equal length.
Let ε1, ε2, ε3,…. εn., μ1, μ2, μ3, …………… μn, and σ1, σ2, σ3,
denote the usual medium parameters
(Permittivity, Permeability and conductivity) for n
constituents, respectively. Further, let η1, η2, η3,……………. ηn,
denote the characteristic impedance of individual sections. For
calculating the various propagation parameter to cases have
been taken separately, namely (i) Normal incidence and (ii)
oblique incidence.
Keywords— Millimeter waves, reflection coefficient, transmission,
absorption loss.
Recently considerable attention has been paid to evaluate the
absorption characteristic of microwave in ceramic system. It
affects the microwave and millimeter waves both in phase and
amplitude. Earlier work investigated the limit in cascaded
from and determined the reflections transmission coefficient
and power loss. In the present paper an attempt has been made
to evaluate the absorption loss of microwave while
propagating through media having different chemical
constituents. Utilizing the transmission line concept equation
has been developed to evaluate the reflection coefficient,
transmission coefficient and absorption loss.
B. Normal Incidence
Figure 1 is the transmission line equivalent of a Sample in
medium. In this, each section is characterized by a type of
sample. The incident signal is divided into n equal parts.
If a microwaves is indicate at the interface, then transmission
coefficients for each sample can be written as:
 21
20 
T1  
 exp( 1 L)
1  0 1  0 
Where L is length of sample
 22
20 
T2  
 exp( 2 L)
2  0 2  0 
A. Theoretical Consideration
 23
20 
T3  
 exp( 3 L)
3  0 3  0 
 Geometry of problem: The prepared sample of Ba and La
doped Ceramic Material have been link in cascaded
determined the power loss using transmission line model.
The geometry of the problem has defined in following
figure 1.
 2n
20 
Tn  
 exp( n L)
n  0 n  0 
Putting the value of
1 
,2  0 ,3  0 ,n  0
1 
1 
2 
2 
2 
1  j
, 2 
1  j
1 
21 
2 
2 2 
3 
n 
2 
2 
1  j
 ,......... n 
1  j
3 
2 3 
n 
2 n 
Following are obtained,
2  r1 
 2 
1  
T1 
exp   j
1  j
 L
2 
21  
 1 
  r1  1 
3 
Fig. 1.
The length of sample with contain n types of chemical
constitutes is taken. Since the waves are incident through
mediums. Which has sparsely chemical constitutes it is quite
logical to represent the entire length of the sample into n
section in parallel having n different constitutes as show in fig
Ramakant Sharma and S. K. Srivastava, “Microwave absorption behavior of ceramic composites in X-Band region,” International Research
Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 64-69, 2016.
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science
ISSN: 2455-9024
T2  
T3  
Tn  
 exp   j 2
2 
 2
 r2  1 
2  r2
 
 L
 
2  r3 
 2 
3  
exp   j
1  j
 L
2 
2 3  
 3 
 r3  1 
 exp   j 2 1  j  n  L 
 
2 
2 n  
 n 
 rn  1 
1  j
2 2
2  rn
cos  n  1 
 0 , Propagation constant for free space = j.2π/γ0
The Maxwell’s equation for dielectric medium having
permittivity, ε is given as:
 
  H  Jc 
  E  j E  j 
 1  E
 j
Where 1 
 A1 
  0
 B1 
R1 
 A1 
  0
 B1 
(  j )
 
 
The Propagation constant offered by the lossy dielectric
sample is given by
 1 
  { j (  j )}2
A1  B1
A1  B1
  j
j (  j ) (  j )
B1  1 
tanh  1 L 
 r1
Similarly for
A  B3
A  Bn
A2  B2
, R3  3
,......Rn  n
A2  B2
A3  B3
An  Bn
  j
If the electromagnetic wave incident at an angle θ with the
direction of propagation, the effective characteristics
impedance offered by the various sections of dielectric sample
can be given by
 cos  n
n  n
 n  j n
θn = angle of refraction for nth section of sample
σn = conductivity for nth section of sample
n = 1,2,3, …………..
If θ1, θ2, θ3, …….. θn denote the angle of refractions of
each section then transmission coefficient from equation (1)
will be.
 21
20  1 cos1L
T1  
1  0 1  0 
Putting the value of
A1  1 
tanh  1 L 
 r1
An  1 
Bn  1 
0 
R2 
denotes the complex effective permittivity
of the lossy dielectric medium. The characteristics impedence
of such sample will be:
C. Reflection Coefficients
The reflection coefficients for n La and Fe sample are
calculated as:
 z  
z 
R1  1 0   1 0 
z1  0  z1  0 
0 
0  0 tanh  1 L 
 r1 
 r1
z1 
 
 0 0 tanh  1 L 
 r
 1
0 
 0 sin 
tanh  n L 
 rn
tanh  n L 
 rn
0 
 0 cos
and 1 
 1cos
( 0  j 0 )
( 1  j1 )
Following are obtained,
Similarly reflection coefficients can also be obtained as:
T1 
D. Oblique Incidence
In this case, the electromagnetic wave is incident at an
angle θ of surface and the sample. Then, θn will be the angle of
refraction through the interface.
γn sin θn = γn sin θ (from Snell’s Law)
T2 
4 1 0  1  j1  0  j 0  cos 0 cos1
[ 1  0  j1  cos1   0  1  j1  cos0 ]2
4 1 0  2  j 2  0  j 0  cos0 cos 2
[ 2  0  j 0  cos 2   0  2  j 2  cos0 ]2
exp[ 1 cos1L]
exp[ 2 cos2 L]
Ramakant Sharma and S. K. Srivastava, “Microwave absorption behavior of ceramic composites in X-Band region,” International Research
Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 64-69, 2016.
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science
ISSN: 2455-9024
T3 
Tn 
4 3 0  3  j 3  0  j 0  cos0 cos3
[ 3  0  j 0  cos3   0  3  j 3  cos0 ]2
4 n 0  n  j n  0  j 0  cos0 cos n
[ n  0  j 0  cos n   0  n  j n  cos0 ]2
exp[ n cos n L] (16)
r 
j n
 2 
tan h  j
1 
 n
 rn
 L cos  n 
In Order to derive the equivalent dielectric constant, the
distribution of chemical constitutions having permittivity εs
embedded in back ground sample of permittivity ε 0 (air)10,
will be considered.
 eff 
 0 (1  2n0 v  s   0 ) / { s  2 0 }
{1  vn0 ( s   0 ) /  s  2 0 }
(1  vt y1 )
 m12
The equation (6.18) can be modified to
 (1  2vt y)
 eff  0
(1  vt y )
(   0 )
y s
( s  2 0 )
vt = total volume of n0 Chemical constitutes in unit volume
of sample the total volume of the number of chemical
constitute in unit volume of sample is related to the visibility
as 8
vt 
vr '
Where v is v-volume of each sample and r’ is constant
having value 1.07.
The transmission coefficient for sparsely distributed
chemical constitute can be obtained by combined by
combining equations (5) and (19) as;
 2m 
 2 
3  
T3  
 exp   j
1  j
 L
2 m32  
 3 
  m3  1 
 2m 
 2
Tn  
 exp   j
 n
  mn  1 
n  
1  j
 L
2 mn2  
Similarly the, reflection coefficient is given by
B  A1
R1  1
B1  A1
 2 
 1  
A1  1  tanh  j
1- j
 L
m12  
 1
 1  
 2 
B1  1  m1 tanh  j
1  j
 L
2 m12  
 1 
N=1, 2, 3, …………..
 0 (1  2vt y1 )
 2m 
 2 
1  
T1  
 exp   j
1  j
 L
2 m12  
  m1  1 
 1 
 2m 
 2 
2  
T2  
 exp   j
1  j
 L
2 m22  
 2 
  m1  1 
B  A3
B  An
B  A1
B  A2
R1  1
; R2  2
; R3  3
; Rn  n
B1  A1
B2  A2
B3  A3
Bn  An
j n 
 2 
An  1 
tan h  j
1 
 L cos  n 
 rn
n 
Similarly reflection coefficients can also be obtained as:
 Z  
R1   1 0 
 Z1  0 
0 1  tan h  1 L 
 r
  A
 0 1
Z1  
(1   r tan h  1 L)
Bn  1 
2  r 
eff 
2 
1  j
T1  
exp  j
1 
2 reff
(  reff  1)
exp[ 3 cos3 L] (15)
R2 
B2  A2
B2  A2
Rn 
Bn  An
Bn  An
An  1 
 2 
 n  
tanh  j
1  j
 L
2 mn2  
 n 
 2 
 n  
Bn  1  mn tanh  j
1  j
 L
2 mn2  
 n 
In general total power dissipated (Pabs) within these
sections can be calculated by utilizing the concept of energy
balance. For general case the absorbed power can be written
Pabs  Pinc (1  R  T )
It may be mentioned that while dealing with transmission
in the sample we have taken the sample separately in the
system and the value of R and T are calculated taking the
same input in each case. It is therefore, logical that to get the
Ramakant Sharma and S. K. Srivastava, “Microwave absorption behavior of ceramic composites in X-Band region,” International Research
Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 64-69, 2016.
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science
ISSN: 2455-9024
effective value of R and T, 3E has to be considered as the
input to the system. Therefore,
Eref     Ein
T 
Etrans     Ein
Therefore, power absorbed
Pabs  Pinc (1  R  T )
The values of transmission coefficient (T), reflection
coefficient (R) and absorption loss were calculated using
equations (5), (6), (7), (9), (10), (20), (21), (22), (23) (24), (25)
for different values of frequencies, angle of incidence, and
visibility. The typical values of permittivity were
 r1   3.776  j 0.20  ,  r2   4.021  j 0.214  ,
Fig. 4. Variation of reflection and transmission coefficient with frequencies
for different sample
 r   4.495  j 0.255  , 1  2  3  1, and
 1  2 105 mho / mt ,  1  2 104 mho / mt
for ceramic Material. The data obtained are shown is figure 2
to figure 8.
Fig. 5. Variation of Absorption loss with frequency for different sample
Fig. 2. Variation of transmission coefficient with frequencies
Fig. 6. Variation of reflection and transmission coefficient with volume for
different frequencies
Fig. 3. Variation of transmission coefficient with frequencies
Ramakant Sharma and S. K. Srivastava, “Microwave absorption behavior of ceramic composites in X-Band region,” International Research
Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 64-69, 2016.
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science
ISSN: 2455-9024
increasing angle of incidence, it attain minimum value near 75
of angle of incidence and thereafter rises. There are a clear
Brewster’s phenomena around 750 of angle of incidence.
Similarly, transmission coefficient also corroborates the
Brewster’s Phenomena as given in figure 8. The absorption
loss also decreases with increasing angle of incidence and
minimum value is near 750 figure 9. This is due to increasing
frequency which raises significantly the effective conductivity
and dissipation factor.
Here the reflection and transmission coefficient for
different sample have been calculated separately and then for
overall System. The figures (2), (3), (4) reveal that with
increasing frequency reflection coefficient increases whereas
the transmission coefficient decreases. Further the loss due to
absorption is found to increase with increasing frequency
(Figure 5). The entire phenomenon can be explained as
For zero volume the sample is almost completely packed with
chemical particles. Any lossy dielectric medium will have a
Fig. 8. Variation of transmission and reflection coefficients with angle of
incidence for different frequencies (oblique incidence)
Fig. 7. Variation of absorption loss with visibility for different frequencies
The imaginary part of which is a function of conductivity
and frequency. It may be mentioned that there are two types of
loss mechanism which attenuate the wave in addition to
reflection loss. First, the conductivity of the dielectric
contributes the loss of energy in the form of heat. Secondly the
dipoles created due to the polarization process experience
certain amount of friction (damping) force when they flip back
and forth in alternating electromagnetic fields. Consequently,
these dipoles extract energy from the impressed field which is
dissipated in the form of heat. Since the losses due to
dielectric conductivity and polarization damping force are in
the form of dissipated heat it is logical to represent the two
losses in terms of conductivity. The effective conductivity:
 eff   "
dissipation factor
Fig. 9. Variation of absorption loss with angle of incidence for different
 eff    "
tan  
 '
 '
The reflection coefficient increases with increasing
frequency whereas, transmission coefficient decreases with
increasing frequency figure 3. This is in accordance with the
fact that sparsely distributed particles can be taken embedded
in the sample will be between the dust particles. The Variation
of reflection and transmission coefficients is also shown in
figure 7. This is due to the fact that at low visibilities particle
concentration is very high which renders the effective
permittivity of the dusty medium nearer to dust particle
It is clear that increasing frequency enhances the effective
conductivity and loss tangent of the medium. These in turn,
raise the effective absorption loss along with reflection in the
system. This justifies the increase in absorption loss with
increasing frequency. It may therefore, be concluded that it is
the polarization damping force that predominantly controls the
loss in the medium, when frequency of the propagating signal
is increased. The reflection coefficient decreases with
Ramakant Sharma and S. K. Srivastava, “Microwave absorption behavior of ceramic composites in X-Band region,” International Research
Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 64-69, 2016.
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science
ISSN: 2455-9024
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Ramakant Sharma and S. K. Srivastava, “Microwave absorption behavior of ceramic composites in X-Band region,” International Research
Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 64-69, 2016.