Performance Comparision of Carry Select Adders

International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science
ISSN: 2455-9024
Performance Comparision of Carry Select Adders
Nithin Bidare Puttaraju1, Adithya2
1, 2
Electronics and Communication, Global Academy of Technology, Karnataka, India-560098
Email address:
Ripple Carry Adder consists of cascaded ―N‖ single bit full
adders. Output carry of previous adder becomes the input
carry of next full adder. Therefore, the carry of this adder
traverses longest path called worst case delay path through N
stages. Figure 1 shows the block diagram of ripple carry
adder. Now as the value of N increases, delay of adder will
also increase in a linear way. Therefore, RCA has the lowest
speed amongst all the adders because of large propagation
delay but it occupies the least area.
Abstract—Adder is a digital circuit that performs addition of
numbers. To perform fast arithmetic operations, carry select adder
(CSLA) is one of the fastest adders used in many data-processing
processors. The structure of CSLA is such that there is further scope
of reducing the area, delay and power consumption. Simple and
efficient gate – level modification is used in order to reduce the area,
delay and power of CSLA. Based on the modifications, 8-bit, 16-bit,
32-bit architectures of CSLA are designed and compared. In this
paper, conventional CSLA is compared with Modified Carry select
adder (MCSLA) and proposed CSLA, in terms of area, delay and
power consumption. The result analysis shows that the proposed
structure is better than the conventional CSLA.
Keywords— Adder, carry select adder (CSLA), modified CSLA
(MCSLA), proposed CSLA (CSLA), data processing processors.
Adders are not only used in the arithmetic logic unit, but also
in other parts of the processor, where they are used to
calculate addresses, table indices and similar applications.
Some other applications of adders are in Multiply –
Accumulate (MAC) structures. Adders are also used in
multipliers, in high speed integrated circuits and in digital
signal processing to execute various algorithms like FFT, IIR
and FIR. Now a days, design of low power, area efficient high
speed data path logic systems are the most substantial areas in
the research of VLSI design. On the basis of requirements
such as area, delay and power consumption some of the
complex adders are Ripple Carry Adder, Carry look-Ahead
Adder and Carry Select Adder. Ripple Carry Adder (RCA)
shows the compact design but their computation time is
longer. Time critical applications make use of Carry LookAhead Adder (CLA) to derive fast results but it leads to
increase in area. But the carry select adder provides a
compromise between the small areas but longer delay of RCA
and large area with small delay of Carry Look Ahead adder [1]
This paper presents a comparative analysis of various adders
and proposed design of CSLA by sharing Common Boolean
Logic and modified CSLA using Binary to Excess-1
Converter (BEC). Both these adders show less area, delay and
power than other adders.
This paper is organized as follows: In section I Types of
adders is shown, section A. deals with Ripple Carry Adder
section B. deals with modified CSLA, section C. explains
about Proposed CSLA using common Boolean logic. II
Results are analyzed in section III and Conclusion in section
Fig. 1. 4-bit ripple carry adder
The basic idea of this work is to use Binary to Excess- 1
converter (BEC) instead of RCA with Cin=1 in conventional
CSLA in order to reduce the area and power. [2], [3] BEC
uses less number of logic gates than N-bit full adder structure.
To replace N-bit RCA, an N+1 bit BEC is required. Therefore,
Modified CSLA has low power and less area than
conventional CSLA. CSLA has been chosen for comparison
with modified design using BEC as it has more balanced
delay, less area and low power [4]. Regular CSLA also uses
dual RCAs. In order to reduce the area and power, the design
is modified by using BEC instead of RCA with Cin=1.
Therefore, the modified CSLA occupies less area and low
power. Further also, the parameters like delay, area and power
can be reduced
Fig. 2. Conventional carry select adder
A. Ripple Carry Adder
Nithin Bidare Puttaraju and Adithya, ―Performance comparision of carry select adders,‖ International Research Journal of Advanced
Engineering and Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 73-75, 2016.
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science
ISSN: 2455-9024
By sharing Common Boolean Logic (CBL), a circuit of
CSLA is proposed. This proposed design is better than all the
other adders in respect of area, delay and power consumption
C. Proposed CSLA Using Common Boolean Logic
To remove the duplicate adder cells in the conventional
CSLA, an area efficient CSLA is proposed by sharing
Common Boolean Logic (CBL) term as shown in figure 5.The
truth table shown in table I of a single-bit full-adder indicates
that output sum (S0) is Ex-OR of inputs A and B when carry
initial is logic ―0‖ while output S0 is Ex-NOR of inputs A
and B when carry initial is logic ―1‖ as illustrate as two red
circles in truth table. The improved CSA can be implemented
by using this technique of sharing the common Boolean logic
term in summation generation.
B. Modified CSLA
The main idea of this work is to use BEC instead of RC
with carry Cin=1 in order to reduce the area and power of
conventional CSLA. BEC [3] is a circuit used to add 1 to the
input numbers. Circuit of BEC as shown in figure 3. Goal of
addition is achieved using BEC together with the multiplexer
as shown in figure 4.One of the input of 8:4 MUX gets as its
inputs(B3,B2,B1andB0) and another input of MUX is BEC
output. Boolean expressions of 4-bit BEC are listed below
X1= B0^B1
TABLE I. Truth table of single bit full adder, where the upper half part is the
case of Cin=0 and the lower half part is the case of Cin=1
Fig. 3. 4-bit binary to excess-1 converter
The main idea of this work is to use BEC instead of RCA
with Cin=1 in order to get the reduced area and power
consumption of the conventional CSLA. To replace the Nbit
RCA, N+1 bit BEC is required
Fig. 5. Internal structure of the proposed area-efficient carry select adder is
constructed by sharing the common Boolean logic term
Hence we need to use Ex-OR gate and INV gate to
generate the output sum signal pair. Sum output either the ExOR or the Ex-NOR could be selected using the multiplexer
with select line as previous carry signal. The truth table also
reveals that output carry (C0) is AND of A, B inputs when
initial carry is logic ―0‖ while C0 is OR of A, B when initial
carry is logic ―1‖.Same previous carry as select line to second
multiplexer is used to select the carry output of the first stage
which would act as select line of the multiplexers in the
second stage. As both sum generation and carry generation is
carried out in parallel therefore there exist some
competitiveness in speed also the power consumption reduces
as duplication of the hardware doesn’t exist in improved CSA
as in case of the conventional This method replaces the Binary
Fig. 4. 4-bit binary to excess-1 logic with 8:4 multiplexer
Thus, modified CSLA is designed such that it occupies
less area and has low power than conventional CSLA.
Nithin Bidare Puttaraju and Adithya, ―Performance comparision of carry select adders,‖ International Research Journal of Advanced
Engineering and Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 73-75, 2016.
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science
ISSN: 2455-9024
to Excess-1 converter add one circuit by common Boolean
logic. As compared with modified CSLA, the proposed
structure is little bit faster. Internal structure of proposed
CSLA is shown in figure 5.
Modified CSLA
Proposed CSLA
42.65 NS
The radix-8 multiplier is designed by using Carry Select
Adder, Modified Carry Select Adder and Proposed CSLA
Using Common Boolean Logic, and area occupied is
compared with Carry Select Adder, Modified Carry Select
Adder and Proposed CSLA Using Common Boolean Logic
Among these three designs adders using CSLA Using
Common Boolean Logic is having less area occupied than
compared to adders using Carry Select Adder, Modified Carry
Select Adder The propagation delay can be further reduced by
using different combination of adders and also work can be
done to reduce the area occupied and power dissipation.
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Nithin Bidare Puttaraju and Adithya, ―Performance comparision of carry select adders,‖ International Research Journal of Advanced
Engineering and Science, Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 73-75, 2016.