May 13, 2014 Agenda Regular Joint City Council/ Redevelopment Successor Agency Meeting 130 S Second St., Civic Center Plaza, Chowchilla 6:30 PM Closed Session - 7:00 PM Open Session CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Mayor/Chairman: Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair: Council/Board Members: WALKER CHAVEZ HAWORTH, HEBERT, JACKSON City staff and contract employees present at the meeting will be noted in the minutes. PUBLIC ADDRESS – CLOSED SESSION ITEMS The City Council will call the meeting to order and conduct the roll call. Council will immediately convene into closed session after hearing any public comment on Closed Session. At 7:00pm the Council will recess into Open Session and then resume Closed Session at the end of the meeting to address outstanding items. 6:30 pm CLOSED SESSION This time has been set aside for the City Council to meet in a closed session to discuss matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) and (4). Based on the advice of the City Attorney, discussion in open session concerning these matters would prejudice the position of the City in this litigation. The City Attorney will give an additional oral report regarding the Closed Session at the beginning of the next regular City Council meeting. 1. Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation, Gov Code Section 54956.9 (d)(1) Number of Cases: 3 • Sylvia Rivera, Carmen Barajas, Bobby Cross and Bonnie Andreucci v. City of Chowchilla Madera County Superior Court, Case Number MCV063979 • Mani Group, Inc., dba Chowchilla Biz Place v. City of Chowchilla, California; Jay Varney, as Chief of Police of Chowchilla Police Department, et al. Madera County Superior Court Case Number MCV064517 • City of Chowchilla v. County of Madera, Madera County Superior Court Case Number MCV067610 2. Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation, Gov Code Section 54956.9 (d) (4) Initiation of Litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 Number of cases: 3 3. Conference with Real Property Negotiators, Gov Code Section 54956.8 Property: APN’s 014-020-050 & 014-020-051 Negotiator: Mark Lewis, City Administrator Negotiating Parties: SWBG Investments, LLC Under Negotiation: Price and/or Terms In the event that not all the items on the closed session agenda have been deliberated in the time provided, the City Council may continue the closed session until the end of the regularly scheduled Council Meeting. 7:00 pm OPEN SESSION JOINT CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AGENCY Agenda May 13, 2014 INVOCATION: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: CLOSED SESSION REPORT: CEREMONIAL/PRESENTATIONS – Section 1 Proclamations: • Relay for Life • Building Safety Month PUBLIC ADDRESS This time is reserved for members of the audience to address the City Council/Agency Board on items of interest that are not on the Agenda and are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Council/Agency Board. It is recommended that speakers limit their comments to between 3 to 5 minutes each and it is requested that no comments be made during this period on items on the Agenda. Members of the public wishing to address the Council/Agency Board on items on the Agenda should notify the Mayor/Chairman when that Agenda item is called. The Council/Agency Board is prohibited by law from taking any action on matters discussed that are not on the Agenda, and no adverse conclusions should be drawn if the Council/Agency Board does not respond to public comment at this time. Speakers are asked to please use the microphone, and provide their name. Prior to addressing the Council/Agency Board, any handouts to be provided to City Clerk/Board Clerk who will distribute to Council/Agency Board and appropriate staff. COUNCIL AND STAFF REPORTS – Section 2 2.1 COUNCIL REPORTS: Legislative Items: Oral / Written Reports: Mayor Walker’s Chowchilla Water District report 2.2 COLLABORATIVE AGENCY COMMITTEE UPDATES: 2.3 STAFF REPORTS: Oral / Written Reports: Written/Oral Reports: Items denoted with a are Redevelopment Successor Agency items and will be acted upon by the Redevelopment Successor Agency Board. Agendas for all City Council/Redevelopment Successor Agency meetings are posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at the Civic Center, 130 S. Second St., Written communications from the public for the agenda must be received by Administrative Services no less than 7 days prior to the meeting date. The City of Chowchilla complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA of 1990). The Council Chambers is accessible to the physically disabled. If you need special assistance, please call (559) 665-8615, ext. 102 at least 4 days prior to the meeting. All items listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. For discussion of any Consent Item, it will be made a part of the Regular Agenda at the request of any member of the City Council or any person in the audience. CONSENT CALENDAR - Section 3 3.1 Consideration of Council Minutes from the April 22, 2014 Meeting (Lima) P 7 3.2 Consideration of Council Minutes from the April 26, 2014 Special Meeting (Lima) 3.3 Consideration of General Payments and Payroll for the Month of May 2014 (Briscoe) P 12 3.4 Consideration of Approval of Aerial Fireworks Display at Chowchilla Fairgrounds (Turner) P 18 P 10 JOINT CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AGENCY Agenda May 13, 2014 3.5 Consideration of Council Resolution # -14, Authorization to Issue a Request for Proposal to Seek Pricing or Bids to Complete Phase II of the Police Department Reroofing Project (Varney) P 20 3.6 Consideration of Council Resolution # -14, Authorize the City Administrator to Execute an Agreement with Lars Andersen & Associates to Prepare Plans for Future Edward Ray Park (Benelli) P 23 3.7 Consideration of Council Resolution # -14, Authorize the City Administrator to Execute an Agreement With R3 Consulting Group, Inc., Solid Waste Management Consultant (Benelli) P 26 3.8 Consideration of Approval to Submit Grant Application, Safe Routes to School Active Transportation Program Grant, $500,000 (Benelli) P 29 PUBLIC HEARINGS – Section 4 DEFERRED BUSINESS – Section 5 NEW BUSINESS – Section 6 6.1 Consideration of Adopting the 2014-2015 Council Goals (Lewis) P 32 ANNOUNCEMENTS – Section 7 May 15-18 May 16 May 17 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 26 May 26 May 26 May 27 May 30 May 31 Jun 19 Jun 19 Jun 21 Chowchilla-Madera County Fair – Chowchilla Fairgrounds City Offices Closed 68th Annual Armed Forces Day Parade, Robertson Blvd. 10 AM City Council Meeting – Chowchilla City Hall 7:00 PM Planning Commission Meeting – Chowchilla City Hall 7:00 PM RDA Successor Agency Meeting – Chowchilla City Hall 9:00 AM City Offices Closed – Memorial Day Holiday Memorial Day Remembrance Ceremony, Chowchilla Cemetery 10 AM VFW Flag Pole Dedication, VFW Hall 12 NN City Council Meeting – Chowchilla City Hall 7:00 PM City Offices Closed Motorcycle Racing - Chowchilla Fairgrounds 5:00 PM Chowchilla Lions Club Rib BBQ Fundraiser – Veterans Memorial Park 4:00 PM Sizzlin’ Summer Nights Park Concert – Veterans Memorial Park 7:00 PM The GREAT Chowchilla Yard Sale – RC Wisener Park 8:00 AM ADJOURNMENT NOTICE: Pursuant to Government Code §54954.3(a), public comments may be directed to the legislative body concerning any item contained on the agenda for this meeting before or during consideration of the item. Those wishing to address Council on an item shall be limited to between 3-5 minutes and if a large group, the Mayor may request that individuals provide only new information not presented by another person. Any writing or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the City Clerk’s Counter at City Hall located at 130 S. Second Street, Chowchilla, CA during normal business hours. In addition, most documents will be posted on the City’s website at PUBLIC NOTIFICATION JOINT CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AGENCY Agenda May 13, 2014 I, Joann McClendon, Deputy City Clerk for the City of Chowchilla, declare under penalty of perjury that I posted the above City Council/ Redevelopment Successor Agency Agenda for the meeting of May 13, 2014 at Civic Center, 130 S Second St., Civic Center Plaza, on May 9, 2014 at 11:30 a.m. Joann McClendon ____ _ ______________ Joann McClendon Deputy City Clerk Proclamation IN HONOR OF THE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY’S RELAY FOR LIFE IN CHOWCHILLA WHEREAS, The American Cancer Society is the nation’s largest and most respected voluntary health organization since 1913 and has funded research which has contributed to every known method for detecting cancer and techniques for treating cancer: thereby increasing the cancer survival rates from 10% to over 65%; and WHEREAS, The American Cancer Society is a voluntary community-based coalition of local citizens dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem through financial support and education awareness; and WHEREAS, Relay For Life is the signature activity of the American Cancer Society and celebrates cancer survivors and caregivers, remembers loved ones lost to the disease, and empowers individuals and communities to fight back against cancer; and WHEREAS, all citizens are urged to recognize and participate in this worthy campaign and to show support for those living with cancer, and honor those who have lost their lives to this dreaded disease. WHEREAS, money raised during Relay For Life in The City of Chowchilla, California supports the American Cancer Society’s mission of saving lives and creating a world with less cancer and more birthdays – by helping people stay well, by helping people get well, by finding cures for cancer and by fighting back. NOW, THEREFORE I, RICHARD L. WALKER, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Chowchilla, and on behalf of the City Council and all our citizens, do hereby proclaim May 3-4, 2014 as RELAY FOR LIFE DAYS in Chowchilla. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, RICHARD L. WALKER, Mayor of Chowchilla, have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Chowchilla to be affixed this 13th day of May, 2014 ________________________________ RICHARD L. WALKER, MAYOR City of Chowchilla, County of Madera State of California Proclamation IN HONOR OF BUILDING SAFETY MONTH – MAY 2014 WHEREAS, the efforts by the City of Chowchilla to address the critical issues of safety, energy efficiency, and resilience in the built environment that affect our citizens, both in everyday life and in times of natural disaster, give us confidence that our structures are safe and sound, and; WHEREAS, our confidence is achieved through the devotion of our vigilant city staff; senior building inspector, fire chief, community & economic development director, city engineer, and those construction industry professionals: architects, civil engineers, developers, contractors, tradespeople, and laborers who work to ensure the safe construction of buildings, and; WHEREAS, these public guardians and those dedicated members of the International Code Council, use a governmental consensus process that brings together local, state and federal officials with expertise in the built environment to create and implement the highest-quality codes to protect Americans in the buildings where we live, learn, work, worship, play, and; WHEREAS, the International Codes, the most widely adopted building safety, energy and fire prevention codes in the nation, are used by most U.S. cities, counties and states; these modern building codes also include safeguards to protect the public from natural disasters such as hurricanes, snowstorms, tornadoes, wildland fires and earthquakes, and; WHEREAS, Building Safety Month is sponsored by the International Code Council, to remind the public about the critical role of our communities’ largely unknown guardians of public safety––our local code officials––who assure us of safe, efficient and livable buildings, and; WHEREAS, “Building Safety: Maximizing Resilience, Minimizing Risks” the theme for Building Safety Month 2014, encourages all Americans to be aware of the importance of building safe and resilient construction; fire prevention; disaster mitigation, backyard safety; energy efficiency and new technologies in the construction industry. Building Safety Month 2014 encourages appropriate steps everyone can take to ensure that the places where we live, work, do business, shop, learn, worship and play are safe and sustainable, and recognizes that countless lives have been saved due to the implementation of adopted safety codes by the City of Chowchilla, and, WHEREAS, each year, in observance of Building Safety Month, Americans are asked to consider projects to improve building safety and sustainability at home and in the community, and to acknowledge the essential service provided to all of us by local and state building departments, fire prevention bureaus and federal agencies in protecting lives and property. NOW, THEREFORE I, RICHARD L. WALKER, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Chowchilla, and on behalf of the City Council and all our citizens, do hereby proclaim May 2014 as BUILDING SAFETY MONTH in Chowchilla. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, RICHARD L. WALKER, Mayor of Chowchilla, have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Chowchilla to be affixed this 13th day of May, 2014 ________________________________ RICHARD L. WALKER, MAYOR City of Chowchilla, County of Madera, State of California April 22, 2014 Minutes Regular Joint City Council/ Redevelopment Successor Agency Meeting 130 S Second St., Civic Center Plaza, Chowchilla 6:30 PM Closed Session - 7:00 PM Open Session CALL TO ORDER: 7:01 p.m. ROLL CALL: Mayor/Chairman: Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair: Council/Board Members: WALKER CHAVEZ HAWORTH, HEBERT, JACKSON City staff and contract employees present: City Administrator Mark Lewis, Contract Attorney Jeremy Price, Police Chief Jay Varney, Fire Chief Harry Turner, Finance Director Sharon Briscoe, Community & Economic Development Director Ralph Kachadourian, Engineer/Public Works Director Andrew Benelli, Community Relations Manager Marty Piepenbrok, Deputy City Clerk Joann McClendon. PUBLIC ADDRESS – CLOSED SESSION ITEMS 6:30 pm CLOSED SESSION This time has been set aside for the City Council to meet in a closed session to discuss matters pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) and (4). Based on the advice of the City Attorney, discussion in open session concerning these matters would prejudice the position of the City in this litigation. The City Attorney will give an additional oral report regarding the Closed Session at the beginning of the next regular City Council meeting. 1. Conference with Legal Counsel – Existing Litigation, Gov Code Section 54956.9 (d)(1) Number of Cases: 2 • Sylvia Rivera, Carmen Barajas, Bobby Cross and Bonnie Andreucci v. City of Chowchilla Madera County Superior Court, Case Number MCV-063979 • Mani Group, Inc., dba Chowchilla Biz Place v. City of Chowchilla, California; Jay Varney, as Chief of Police of Chowchilla Police Department, et al. Madera County Superior Court Case No. MCV064517 2. Conference with Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation, Gov Code Section 54956.9 (d) (4) Initiation of Litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9 Number of cases: 3 In the event that not all the items on the closed session agenda have been deliberated in the time provided, the City Council may continue the closed session until the end of the regularly scheduled Council Meeting. 7:00 pm OPEN SESSION INVOCATION: Chief Varney PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Justin White CLOSED SESSION REPORT: None JOINT CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AGENCY Minutes April 22, 2014 CEREMONIAL/PRESENTATIONS – Section 1 Swearing –in of Firefighters Scott George and Daniel Turner PUBLIC ADDRESS Jacki Flanagan invited council to the June Primary Candidate Forum. COUNCIL AND STAFF REPORTS – Section 2 2.1 COUNCIL REPORTS: Legislative Items: Oral / Written Reports: Council Member Haworth, City of Madera had a “shred day”, allowing residents to shred confidential documents. He asked Community Relations Manager Piepenbrok to look into this for Chowchilla. 2.2 COLLABORATIVE AGENCY COMMITTEE UPDATES: 2.3 STAFF REPORTS: Oral / Written Reports: Written/Oral Reports: Community Relations Manager Piepenbrok reported on the Easter Event. He noted there were double the eggs this year. He reported on a memo to Council regarding upcoming events. Police Chief Varney and Fire Chief Turner attended the Madera County Board of Supervisors meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR - Section 3 3.1 Consideration of Council Minutes from the Meeting April 8, 2014 (Lima) 3.2 Consideration of General Payments and Payroll for the Month of May 2014 (Briscoe) 3.3 Consideration of Council Resolution # 49-14, Approval of PG&E Easement Deeds for Rule 20 District 5 Project (Benelli) 3.4 Consideration of Council Resolution # 50-14, Notice of Intention to Levy and Collect 20142015 Lighting and Landscape Maintenance District Annual Assessment (Benelli) 3.5 Consideration of Council Resolution # 51-14, Authorizing Additional Streets to be Included in the Change Order for Presidential Streets Overlay Project (Benelli) Motion by Council Member Haworth, seconded by Council Member Hebert, to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. Motion passed unanimously by roll call vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS – Section 4 DEFERRED BUSINESS – Section 5 NEW BUSINESS – Section 6 JOINT CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AGENCY Minutes April 22, 2014 6.1 Verbal update on the 2014-2015 Budget and of the Strategic Planning Workshop April 26, 2014 (Lewis) Spoke: Jacki Flanagan ANNOUNCEMENTS – Section 7 April 25 April 26 May 1 May 2 May 3-4 May 9 May 13 May 15-18 May 16 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 26 May 27 May 30 City Offices Closed Special Goal Setting Meeting, Council Chambers, 9AM Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast, Faith Hall, 7AM City Offices Closed Relay for Life Chowchilla – Chowchilla Union High School 9AM City Offices Closed City Council Meeting 7PM Chowchilla Fair City Offices Closed Planning Commission 7PM Oversight Board Meeting 9AM City Offices Closed Memorial Day Holiday City Offices Closed City Council Meeting 7PM City Offices Closed ADJOURNMENT Motion by Mayor Walker, seconded by Council Member Hebert to adjourn the April 22, 2014 Regular Joint Council/RSA meeting at 7:47 p.m. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote. ATTEST: APPROVED: Nanci C. O. Lima, MMC City Clerk Richard L. Walker, Mayor April 26, 2014 Minutes Special Joint City Council/ Redevelopment Successor Agency Meeting 130 S Second St., Civic Center Plaza, Chowchilla 9:00 AM Open Session CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Mayor/Chairman: Mayor Pro Tem/Vice Chair: Council/Board Members: WALKER CHAVEZ (arrived at 9:27 a.m.) HAWORTH, HEBERT, JACKSON City staff and contract employees present City Administrator Mark Lewis, Contract Attorney Jeremy Price, Police Chief Jay Varney, Fire Chief Harry Turner, Finance Director Sharon Briscoe, Community & Economic Development Director Ralph Kachadourian, Engineer/Public Works Director Andrew Benelli, Community Relations Manager Marty Piepenbrok, City Clerk Nanci Lima. 9:00 am OPEN SESSION INVOCATION: Mark Lewis PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Bobby Kahn CLOSED SESSION REPORT: There was no closed session. CEREMONIAL/PRESENTATIONS – Section 1 PUBLIC ADDRESS This time is reserved for members of the audience to address the City Council/Agency Board on items of interest that are not on the Agenda and are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Council/Agency Board. It is recommended that speakers limit their comments to between 3 to 5 minutes each and it is requested that no comments be made during this period on items on the Agenda. Members of the public wishing to address the Council/Agency Board on items on the Agenda should notify the Mayor/Chairman when that Agenda item is called. The Council/Agency Board is prohibited by law from taking any action on matters discussed that are not on the Agenda, and no adverse conclusions should be drawn if the Council/Agency Board does not respond to public comment at this time. Speakers are asked to please use the microphone, and provide their name. Prior to addressing the Council/Agency Board, any handouts to be provided to City Clerk/Board Clerk who will distribute to Council/Agency Board and appropriate staff. COUNCIL AND STAFF REPORTS – Section 2 Items denoted with a are Redevelopment Successor Agency items and will be acted upon by the Redevelopment Successor Agency Board. Agendas for all City Council/Redevelopment Successor Agency meetings are posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting at the Civic Center, 130 S. Second St., Written communications from the public for the agenda must be received by Administrative Services no less than 7 days prior to the meeting date. The City of Chowchilla complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA of 1990). The Council Chambers is accessible to the physically disabled. If you need special assistance, please call (559) 665-8615, ext. 102 at least 4 days prior to the meeting. All items listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. For discussion of any Consent Item, it will be made a part of the Regular Agenda at the request of any member of the City Council or any person in the audience. CONSENT CALENDAR - Section 3 Special JOINT CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AGENCY Minutes April 26, 2014 PUBLIC HEARINGS – Section 4 DEFERRED BUSINESS – Section 5 NEW BUSINESS – Section 6 6.1 Goal Setting (All Departments) Spoke: Bobby Kahn Staff reviewed proposed departmental goals with the City Council for fiscal year 2014-2015. ANNOUNCEMENTS – Section 7 May 1 May 2 May 3-4 May 9 May 13 Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast, Faith Hall, 7 AM City Offices Closed Relay for Life Chowchilla – Chowchilla Union High School 9 AM City Offices Closed City Council Meeting 7 PM ADJOURNMENT Motion by Council Member Jackson, seconded by Council Member Hebert to adjourn the April 26, 2014 Special Joint Council/RSA meeting at 12:12 p.m. Motion passed unanimously by voice vote. ATTEST: APPROVED: Nanci C. O. Lima, MMC City Clerk Richard L. Walker, Mayor ITEM #3.3 REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL Council Meeting May 13, 2014 Agenda Section: Subject: Prepared By: Authorized By: Approved By: CONSENT Monthly Invoice Payment Authorization Request Irene Fisher, Senior Accountant Sharon Briscoe, Finance Director Mark Lewis, City Administrator RECOMMENDATION: Approve by minute order, the release of the payments for the invoices shown in the attached listing of invoices. HISTORY / BACKGROUND: Presented this evening is a list of invoices awaiting payment. Included in the list are a number of items related to employee pay, benefits and deductions which have been estimated for future payments. The report issued next month will reflect the actual amounts paid. Certain payments like insurance premiums and the payroll related items cannot be held due to deadlines associated with the payment in order to ensure timely receipt. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Each item shown on the invoice list includes a description of that item and the amount of the invoice. SUPPLEMENT ATTACHED: Invoice listing SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: None INVOICES/PAYMENT COUNCIL MEETING 05/13/2014 VENDOR AECOM AFLAC American Fidelity Assurance Co. American Fidelity Assurance Co. AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride AmeriPride Anderson Pump Co Blue Line Rental Blue Line Rental Breashears, Mike Jr. BSK Associates BSK Associates BSK Associates BSK Associates BSK Associates BSK Associates California State Firefighters Castillo, Juan Manuel CDW Government, Inc. Cen Valley Investigative Svcs. Cen Valley Trucking Cent 21 M&M c/o Sheila Splitt Chem Quip Chem Quip Chem Quip Chem Quip Chowchilla Asphalt Inc Chowchilla Asphalt Inc Chowchilla DoIt Best Chowchilla DoIt Best Chowchilla DoIt Best Chowchilla DoIt Best Chowchilla DoIt Best Chowchilla DoIt Best CEA CEA INVOICE # 37434052 455171 1040052A B138210 1501055190 1501082697 1501082699 1501091360 1501101384 1501101384 1501101385 1501101385 1501101385 1501101385 1501101385 1501101385 1501101385 1501101385 1501101385 1501101385 1501101385 1501101385 1501101385 1501101385 1501101389 1501101390 1501101391 1501101392 1501104373 1501110897 130 940702-0001 940702-0002 40314 A408492 A408769 A409127 A409556 A409690 A409692 7895 1.4802.06 KW06671 14-02 74666 1.1349.06 5286427 5286493 5288897 5289040 1212 1.5118.05 A41690 A41811 A41917 B18603 B18819 B19214 4.18.14 5.2.14 DESCRIPTION Engineering & Design/East side water tank Employee Contribution Section 125/May 2014 Insurance Premiums/May 2014 Supplies/PD Supplies/Animal Shelter Supplies/PD Supplies/PD Supplies / Garage Supplies / Garage Supplies/PW Supplies/PW Supplies/PW Supplies/PW Supplies/PW Supplies/PW Supplies/PW Supplies/PW Supplies/PW Supplies/PW Supplies/PW Supplies/PW Supplies/PW Supplies/PW Supplies / WWTP Supplies/Animal Shelter Supplies/Civic Center Supplies/PD Supplies / Senior center Supplies / WWTP New sumersible pump install @ WWTP Supplies/PW Credit refund/PW Supplies/Water Water Testing WWTP Testing Water Testing WWTP Testing Water Testing Water Testing Annual Membership/Firefighters Deposit refund/8450 Lakeshore Supplies/IT Background Check Supplies/PW Deposit refund/11358 Mission Hills Terr Chlorine/Water Wells; Chlorine/Water Wells; Chlorine/Water Wells; Water Well Chlorine; Refund Air Pollution Bond Water Meter Refund Supplies / S & L Cons Stand Supplies / S & L Cons Stand Graffiti Abatement Supplies Supplies/S & L Cons Stand Supplies / S & L Cons Stand Supplies / Streets Dept Employee Contribution Employee Contribution INVOICE DATE 4/18/2014 4/23/2014 4/21/2014 4/23/2014 2/4/2014 3/18/2014 3/18/2014 4/1/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/18/2014 4/29/2014 4/9/2014 4/10/2014 4/10/2014 4/3/2014 4/10/2014 4/14/2014 4/18/2014 4/25/2014 4/28/2014 4/28/2014 4/8/2014 4/7/2014 3/31/2014 4/24/2014 4/16/2014 5/1/2014 4/4/2014 4/4/2014 4/17/2014 4/17/2014 4/30/2014 4/30/2014 4/14/2014 4/15/2014 4/16/2014 4/14/2014 4/17/2014 4/24/2014 4/18/2014 5/2/2014 AMOUNT $ 1,380.24 530.05 2,283.34 3,862.04 33.18 66.25 33.18 33.18 6.25 45.41 0.39 0.51 0.52 0.75 1.00 1.00 7.16 10.67 12.50 13.05 13.40 14.19 23.28 33.43 15.68 66.25 62.68 33.18 33.68 15.68 7,839.89 88.10 (81.81) 125.85 332.00 65.00 439.00 65.00 546.00 107.00 1,275.00 103.73 41.74 505.00 2,399.76 150.00 (160.00) 787.66 (200.00) 1,536.43 10,000.00 405.46 1.93 14.43 13.23 46.50 4.52 8.96 50.00 50.00 PO # 10025 10064 10104 10107 INVOICES/PAYMENT COUNCIL MEETING 05/13/2014 VENDOR CMMCA CMMCA COEA COEA CPOA CPOA CMRTA Comcast Cop Ware Inc. Cota Cole LLP Cota Cole LLP Cota Cole LLP Cota Cole LLP Cota Cole LLP Dave Christian Const Co Dave Christian Const Co Dave Christian Const Co DOJ/Acc DOJ/Acc B/A DOT DOT Dill, Arla Discovery Door Inc. Discovery Door Inc. Discovery Door Inc. Ernest Packing Solutions Ernest Packing Solutions Ernest Packing Solutions Farmers Hardware Farmers Hardware Farmers Hardware Farmers Hardware Farmers Hardware Farmers Hardware Farmers Hardware Farmers Hardware Farmers Hardware Farmers Hardware Farmers Hardware Farmers Hardware Farmers Hardware Farmers Hardware Farmers Hardware Farmers Hardware Farmers Hardware Farmers Hardware Fastenal Co. Fastenal Co. Fastenal Co. Fastenal Co. Fastenal Co. Fastenal Co. Fastenal Co. Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. Fitness Peak Fitness Peak Forensic Nurse Specialist, Inc INVOICE # 4.18.14 5.2.14 4.18.14 5.2.14 4.18.14 5.2.14 117-2014 4/3/2014 82442 18091 18092 18093 18094 18096 1-Mar 2-Mar 3-Mar 25490 29918 14006284 SL140745 1.4759.08 SO-1338 SO-1338 SO-1338 153744 153744 153744A 11500 11644 11681 11727 11821 11849 11906 12084 12104 12214 14494 20992 21414 21602 21642 FHS20FF-21604 FHSOFF-11648 FHSOFF-21394 CACH05479 CACH05542 CACH05547 CACH05551 CACH05609 CACH05614 CACH05637 983503 983728 984133 985760 5/2/2014 4.18.14 1668 DESCRIPTION Employee Contributions Employee Contributions Employee Contributions Employee Contributions Employee Contribution Employee Contribution Membership Dues Jan - Dec 2014 Supplies/PD Supplies/PD Professional Svcs. Professional Svcs. Professional Svcs. Professional Svcs. Professional Svcs. Presidential Streets Rehabilitation Pjt. 11tn Street Overlay Contract First Street Overlay (C.O. #1) Fingerprinting/Mar 2014 Lab/PD SR99 & SR233 expenditures Signal & Lighting fee Jan-Mar 2014 Deposit refund/589 Spruce Ct Supplies/IT Supplies/IT Supplies/IT Supplies/Airport Supplies/PW Return Items/Airport Supplies / S & L Cons Stand Supplies/PW Supplies / Streets Dept Supplies/Parks Supplies/Parks Supplies / S & L Cons Stand Supplies / WWTP Supplies / Streets Dept Supplies/Parks Supplies / Streets Dept Supplies / S & L Cons Stand Supplies / S & L Cons Stand Supplies/Senior Center Supplies/Parks Supplies / Streets Dept. Supplies/Parks Supplies/Com Dev Supplies / Streets Dept Supplies / Streets Dept Supplies/Parks Supplies / Garage Supplies / Garage Supplies / Garage Supplies / Streets Dept Safety Equipment/Parks Supplies/Water Dept. Supplies/Water Dept. Supplies/Water Dept. Supplies / Water Dept Employee Contribution Employee Contribution PD Case# 14-0111 INVOICE DATE 4/18/2014 5/2/2014 4/18/2014 5/2/2014 4/18/2014 5/2/2014 4/25/2014 4/3/2014 4/1/2014 4/14/2014 4/4/2014 4/4/2014 4/4/2014 4/4/2014 4/21/2014 4/21/2014 4/21/2014 4/2/2014 4/7/2014 4/18/2014 4/14/2014 5/1/2014 4/23/2014 4/23/2014 4/23/2014 3/25/2014 3/25/2014 3/28/2014 4/7/2014 4/9/2014 4/10/2014 4/11/2014 4/14/2014 4/15/2014 4/16/2014 4/21/2014 4/22/2014 4/24/2014 4/7/2014 3/25/2014 4/11/2014 4/18/2014 4/21/2014 4/18/2014 4/9/2014 4/10/2014 4/9/2014 4/23/2014 4/16/2014 4/16/2014 4/21/2014 4/21/2014 4/23/2014 4/8/2014 4/9/2014 4/10/2014 4/17/2014 5/2/2014 4/18/2014 1/31/2014 AMOUNT PO # 295.00 295.00 171.50 171.50 817.00 817.00 110.00 2.08 400.00 8,872.88 133.00 428.69 1,280.46 133.00 349,133.94 10084 101,232.34 10084 34,917.25 10103 81.00 140.00 316.12 1,267.40 5.95 126.31 252.60 252.60 120.05 341.11 (61.30) 5.49 27.02 95.18 10.75 3.94 1.46 41.63 30.71 5.81 24.36 2.89 4.85 31.88 16.72 9.84 1.61 7.50 1.82 7.74 24.81 16.11 9.86 4.01 10.62 15.60 3,568.48 3,761.82 69.31 540.00 140.00 140.00 900.00 INVOICES/PAYMENT COUNCIL MEETING 05/13/2014 VENDOR Forensic Nurse Specialist, Inc Fresno Bee Fresno County Health Gill 76 & Mini Mart Goldfarb & Lipman LLP Grover Landscape Svcs. Inc. Grover Landscape Svcs. Inc. Hi-Tech Emergency Vehicle Horizon Howk Systems Intellipay, Inc. James Palmer Appraisals, Inc. Jenco Companies Jenco Companies Jocelyn E. Roland, PH.D. Lewis, Mark Mace Pest Control Mace Pest Control Madera Co Auditor/Controller Madera Co Auditor/Controller MailFinance Marty Buttram Electric Marty Buttram Electric Merced Sun-Star Meyers Nave Mid Valley Disposal Inc. Mid Valley Disposal Inc. Moy, Ellen Moy, Ellen MuniSvcs. LLC MuniSvcs. LLC Myers Stevens & Toohey & Co In Myers Stevens & Toohey & Co In Myers Stevens & Toohey & Co In Nichols Consulting Occupational Health Centers of O'Dell Engineering Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Office Depot Pacific Plan Review Inc PB Loader Corp Pelcastre, Jesus Platt Electrical Supply Platt Electrical Supply Platt Electrical Supply Platt Electrical Supply Platt Electrical Supply Platt Electrical Supply Platt Electrical Supply Platt Electrical Supply Platt Electrical Supply Platt Electrical Supply Platt Electrical Supply PROtech Security & Electronics PROtech Security & Electronics INVOICE # 1681 T033010509701 IN0191220 1.1031.02 111892 226686 226686 146323 1W056226 6 962 2891 7871 7872 9313 1.3776.03 11564 11564 13-0061 13-0061 H4641464 420 421 1206320 2014030417 Mar-14 345326 FEBRUARY 28,2014 FEBRUARY 28,2014 33465 33595 1119017 1119017 1119017 9820153-14-01 59697353 2683003 678718966001 704292104001 704985195001 706776722001 707205500001 711118401001 711228896001 C10000-14 CM0001447 1.4108.12 B997000 E106236 E115388 E157474 E159075 E161525 E161621 E161632 E209726 E209752 E209937 176838 176838 DESCRIPTION Supplies/PD Employment Ad Water Testing Deposit refund/100 S Chowchilla #A,B,C Professional Svcs. Monthly Landscape service Monthly Landscape service Supplies/Fire Dept. Supplies/Parks Design/ Completion/Well #14 Bank Service Fees Lot appraisal fee/Well #15/water tank site Flooring Rehab Pjt. Flooring Rehab Pjt. Employment screening Refund/Utilities Pest Control Parks Pest Control Senior Center Humane Svcs. Feb 2014 Humane Svcs. Nov 2013 Postage Meter Lease Supplies/Senior Cener Supplies/Parks Employment Ad/Police Sgt professional Svcs. Solid Waste Disposal/March 2014 Dumster/PD Remodel Professional Svcs. Jan/Feb 2014 Professional Svcs. Jan/Feb 2014 Professional Contracted Svcs. Professional Contracted Svcs. Disability Insurance/PD/May 2014 Disability Insurance/PD/May 2014 Disability Insurance/PD/May 2014 Contracted Svcs. Pre Employment Physical Engineering/Sidewalks Supplies/Com Dev Supplies/PW Supplies/IT Supplies/Finance Supplies/PD Supplies/Finance Supplies/Budget Binders Plan Check permit #14-0049 Return parts Credit Deposit refund/804 Trinity Supplies/Parks Supplies / Senior center Supplies / Senior center Electrical supplies / S & L Cons Stand Pjt. Electrical supplies / S & L Cons Stand Pjt. Electrical supplies / S & L Cons Stand Pjt. Return Items/Pjt. Electrical supplies / S & L Cons Stand Pjt. Electrical supplies / S & L Cons Stand Pjt. Electrical supplies / S & L Cons Stand Pjt. Electrical supplies / S & L Cons Stand Pjt. Alarm Maintenance Alarm System Installation INVOICE DATE 3/2/2014 4/10/2014 3/21/2014 5/1/2014 4/14/2014 3/31/2014 3/31/2014 4/22/2014 4/18/2014 4/23/2014 4/30/2014 4/25/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 2/25/2014 4/29/2014 4/15/2014 4/15/2014 4/14/2014 4/14/2014 4/14/2014 4/14/2014 4/14/2014 4/11/2014 4/15/2014 4/30/2014 4/15/2014 2/28/2014 2/28/2014 4/7/2014 4/18/2014 4/28/2014 4/28/2014 4/28/2014 4/28/2014 4/9/2014 4/6/2014 10/18/2013 4/8/2014 4/14/2014 4/17/2014 4/22/2014 4/29/2014 4/29/2014 4/10/2014 4/4/2014 4/7/2014 3/27/2014 4/14/2014 4/15/2014 4/21/2014 4/22/2014 4/21/2014 4/22/2014 4/23/2014 4/29/2014 4/29/2014 4/29/2014 4/22/2014 4/22/2014 AMOUNT 25.00 531.05 426.00 649.95 903.00 380.00 2,155.00 1,091.47 175.10 280,125.00 53.35 2,950.00 14,400.00 1,590.00 425.00 90.55 40.00 40.00 120.00 180.00 523.20 685.00 130.00 220.25 8,331.10 51,429.20 332.15 250.00 6,625.00 817.50 2,825.00 21.50 21.50 430.00 2,700.00 125.00 7,632.00 43.20 148.28 70.49 40.87 148.61 49.38 237.60 225.00 (138.54) 43.03 37.80 521.01 262.84 671.73 284.91 630.34 (1,142.62) 151.11 1,063.31 1,061.10 1,057.42 208.34 270.00 PO # 10056 10096 10108 10108 10093 10094 10094 INVOICES/PAYMENT COUNCIL MEETING 05/13/2014 VENDOR S & W Auto Parts Inc. S & W Auto Parts Inc. S & W Auto Parts Inc. S & W Auto Parts Inc. S & W Auto Parts Inc. S & W Auto Parts Inc. S & W Auto Parts Inc. S & W Auto Parts Inc. S & W Auto Parts Inc. S & W Auto Parts Inc. Safe T Lite of Modesto Self Help Enterprises Self Help Enterprises Slenders, Tony State of California-BOE Tesei Petroleum Inc. Tesei Petroleum Inc. Tesei Petroleum Inc. Tesei Petroleum Inc. TF Tire & Service Toshiba Financial Svcs. Toshiba Financial Svcs. Turner's Towing US BANK (I.M.P.A.C. CAL-CARD) US BANK (I.M.P.A.C. CAL-CARD) US BANK (I.M.P.A.C. CAL-CARD) US BANK (I.M.P.A.C. CAL-CARD) US BANK (I.M.P.A.C. CAL-CARD) US BANK (I.M.P.A.C. CAL-CARD) US BANK (I.M.P.A.C. CAL-CARD) US BANK (I.M.P.A.C. CAL-CARD) US BANK (I.M.P.A.C. CAL-CARD) US BANK (I.M.P.A.C. CAL-CARD) US BANK (I.M.P.A.C. CAL-CARD) US BANK (I.M.P.A.C. CAL-CARD) Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Zoom Imaging Solutions, Inc. Zoom Imaging Solutions, Inc. INVOICE # 32094 32500 32507 32752 32756 32766 32820 32871 CACH05481 CACH05481 304004 CHO12HM-414 CHOADMN-414 1.2537.03 0001 8333 623 4247162 4247754 4248218 4248576 324451 41146464 41161704 14434 BRISCOE-4-22-14 BRISCOE-4-22-14 BRISCOE-4-22-14 BRISCOE-4-22-14 BRISCOE-4-22-14 RALPH4/22/14 LEWIS-4-22-14 LEWIS-4-22-14 LIMA4-22-14 LIMA4-22-14 TURNER-4-22-14 TURNER-4-22-14 9722352938 9723215936 9723215936 9723215936 9723215937 9723215937 9723215937 9723215937 9723215937 9723215937 9723215937 9723215937 9723215937 9723215937 9723215937 9723215937 9723215937 9723215937 9723215937 9723215937 9723215937 9723215937 1324251 1330100 DESCRIPTION Supplies/PD Supplies / Garage Supplies/PD Supplies/Parks Supplies / Garage Supplies/PW Supplies/PD Supplies/PD Supplies / Streets Dept Supplies / Streets Dept Supplies/Garage Contracted Svcs. Contracted Svcs. Deposit refund/2155 Orta Corte Use Tax payable 2013 Supplies/PW Fuel/City Supplies/Unit #152 Supplies/WWTP Supplies/PD Copier Lease 4/15-5/14/14 Copier Lease 4/15-5/14/14 Tow Unit #63 to the Corp yard Cal Card expense Cal Card expense Cal Card expense Cal Card Expenses Cal Card Expenses Cal card expense Cal card expense Cal card expense Cal Card expense Cal Card expense Cal card expense Cal card expense Supplies/Council Service/Council 3/10-4/9/14 Service/Council 3/10-4/9/14 Service/Council 3/10-4/9/14 Cell phones 3/10-4/9/14 Cell phones 3/10-4/9/14 Cell phones 3/10-4/9/14 Cell phones 3/10-4/9/14 Cell phones 3/10-4/9/14 Cell phones 3/10-4/9/14 Cell phones 3/10-4/9/14 Cell phones 3/10-4/9/14 Cell phones 3/10-4/9/14 Cell phones 3/10-4/9/14 Cell phones 3/10-4/9/14 Cell phones 3/10-4/9/14 Cell phones 3/10-4/9/14 Cell phones 3/10-4/9/14 Cell phones 3/10-4/9/14 Cell phones 3/10-4/9/14 Cell phones 3/10-4/9/14 Service/Council 3/10-4/9/14 Copier Service 3/16-4/15/14 Copier Service 3/16-4/15/14 INVOICE DATE 3/31/2014 4/10/2014 4/10/2014 4/17/2014 4/17/2014 4/17/2014 4/18/2014 4/21/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/8/2014 4/3/2014 4/3/2014 4/29/2014 4/18/2014 4/10/2014 4/17/2014 4/22/2014 4/25/2014 3/28/2014 4/20/2014 5/15/2014 4/24/2014 4/22/2014 4/22/2014 4/22/2014 4/22/2014 4/22/2014 4/22/2014 4/22/2014 4/22/2014 4/22/2014 4/22/2014 4/22/2014 4/22/2014 3/23/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/9/2014 4/1/2014 4/15/2014 AMOUNT 78.73 87.97 5.07 23.66 3.81 30.81 68.45 (10.00) (9.91) 9.91 55.62 625.00 1,792.00 89.26 12.36 31.18 828.42 20.37 15.28 346.68 984.84 577.80 60.00 18.95 86.51 824.00 (18.95) 18.95 30.00 9.00 595.00 295.47 350.50 204.12 396.02 4,606.34 48.68 91.24 661.10 38.01 0.22 3.24 6.13 12.25 12.27 13.75 17.31 22.83 26.73 34.31 34.33 36.23 38.01 60.42 86.46 153.75 25.46 26.47 25.73 PO # INVOICES/PAYMENT COUNCIL MEETING 05/13/2014 VENDOR INVOICE # DESCRIPTION Total INVOICE DATE AMOUNT $ 956,789.03 PO # ITEM # 3.4 REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL Council Meeting of May 13, 2014 Agenda Section: CONSENT SUBJECT: Aerial Fireworks Display at Chowchilla Fairgrounds Prepared By: Harry Turner, Fire Chief Approved By: Mark Lewis, City Administrator RECOMMENDATION: Approve aerial fireworks display for July 6, 2014 at Chowchilla Fairgrounds; authorize the Fire Chief to approve necessary documents for display (State and Local Permits). HISTORY / BACKGROUND: For the past few years the Chowchilla Lions Club has provided an annual aerial fireworks display at Berenda Reservoir for Independence Day. Due to dry conditions and lack of available water there will be no water in Berenda Reservoir this year. With no water in the reservoir the Water District Board as well as the Lions Club are hesitant to have the annual fireworks at the reservoir. SITUATION / ANALYSIS: The Chowchilla Lions Club representatives have met with City Staff and staff from Chowchilla Fair to discuss the option to move the fireworks show back to the fairgrounds. During this meeting the reasoning for moving the fireworks display was discussed. In previous years the fireworks have been shot from the southern side of the fairgrounds. With the addition of the race track and racetrack needing the former launch area for pit area as well as the desire for the racetrack promoter to have events on the same day as the fireworks, the location of discharge of fireworks was moved onto airport property to gain the required clearance from public access to the mortars. This modification worked well for years until the FAA further restricted airport uses and no longer would allow fireworks to be shot from the airport. With the fairgrounds, Lions Club, City and Race Promoter working together, the Lions club would like to bring the annual fireworks display back to the fairgrounds. The race promoter has agreed to not have a race event the same day as the fireworks display which will allow the clear and secure area required for the mortars. In placing the mortars on the fairgrounds property alleviates the concerns of the FAA regarding mortars on the airport property. Additional items that were discussed in the above mentioned meeting were: A- The need for the City to post a NOTAM with FAA advising of the aerial fireworks display and its proximity to the airport. B- The City to sweep the taxiway and runway the day after the display to remove any smaller fallout debris on either. C- Lions Club representatives to check and remove any larger debris from the airport that would hinder the normal operation of the airport and/or planes using the airport D- Lions Club to arrange for City application for aerial fireworks display. E- Lions Club contractor (pyrotechnician) to obtain permit from State Fire Marshal’s Office for aerial fireworks display. F- Pyrotechnician to provide insurance to required amounts and name City and Chowchilla Fairgrounds as additional insured’s. G- Fire department representative to inspect and approve mortars for safety and compliance prior to discharge. H- Fire department to provide stand-by service aerial fireworks event. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Staff and equipment costs to sweep taxiway and runway after event. Staff and equipment costs to provide fire inspections and stand-by for event. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: (for Clerk and staff) Verify receipt of City application, State application, and insurance certificates. ITEM # 3.5 REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL Council Meeting of May 13, 2014 Agenda Section: SUBJECT: Prepared By: Authorized By: Approved By: CONSENT Authorization to Issue a Request for Proposal to Seek Pricing or Bids to Complete Phase II of the Police Department Reroofing Project Dave Riviere, Police Lieutenant Jay Varney, Chief of Police Mark Lewis, City Administrator RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City of Chowchilla to begin the Request for Proposal process to seek pricing or bids to complete Phase II of the Police Department reroofing project. HISTORY / BACKGROUND: In 2009 the City began a project to reroof the building due to the poor condition of the roof. Phase I of the project was completed in April of 2010, which consisted of reroofing area one and two on the map provided. Since then the roof has continued to leak in area four, which was not part of Phase I and it is in need of immediate repair. The rain we had April 25, 2014, caused some major leaks in area four (photos attached). During the time since the completion of Phase I, the Police Department requested Public Works to assess the remainder of the roof and recommend what section needed to be repaired next. City Staff completed the assessment and recommended that area four be repaired as soon as possible to avoid further water damage to the building. Since the completion of Phase I the number of reported and repaired leaks to area four has steadily increased. This is a result of the roofing material having exceeded its maximum life expectancy. As the City continues to renovate the building to accommodate the growth needs of the Police Department, it is imperative to replace the roofing material to minimize water damage and extend the usable life of the building. SITUATION / ANALYSIS: An assessment of the remaining areas that need to be reroofed at the police department was done by Public Works staff. As a result of the assessment they recommended that we reroof area four next due to the unserviceable condition of that area of the roof. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The space being renovated was acquired to accommodate additional needs/demands for police services; therefore the funding for this project would be taken from Police Department Impact Fees. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Photos of leakage: COUNCIL RESOLUTION # -14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHOWCHILLA, CALIFORNIA AUTHORIZING TO PROCEED WITH THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL PROCESS SEEKING PRICING OR BIDS TO COMPLETE PHASE II - AREA FOUR OF THE REROOFING PROJECT OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, the City of Chowchilla operates and maintains a municipal police department; and WHEREAS, with the City purchase of the Government Center/Police Department building to accommodate the growth needs of the Police Department it is imperative to replace the roofing material to minimize water damage and extend the usable life of the building; and WHEREAS, phase one of the reroofing project was completed and areas one and two were reroofed; and WHEREAS, City Staff has determined that phase four of the roof is in most need of repair; and WHEREAS, City Staff has determined that the best course of action is to begin the process of seeking requests for proposals be seeking pricing and bids to complete the necessary repairs. NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chowchilla hereby finds and orders as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct. 2. Council authorizes staff to begin the process of requesting proposals by seeking pricing and bids to have the repairs completed for phase two area four of the reroofing project. 3. This resolution is effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Chowchilla on the 13th day of May 2014 by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Richard L. Walker, Mayor ATTEST: Nanci C. O. Lima, MMC City Clerk ITEM # 3.6 REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL Council Meeting of May 13, 2014 Agenda Section: CONSENT SUBJECT: Authorize the City Administrator to Execute an Agreement with Lars Andersen & Associates to Prepare Plans for Future Edward Ray Park Prepared By: Andrew Benelli, City Engineer/Public Works Director Approved By: Mark Lewis, City Administrator RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Administrator to execute a professional services agreement with Lars Andersen & Associates to prepare plans and bid documents for Edward Ray Park. HISTORY / BACKGROUND: The City was awarded a Roberti-Z’berg-Harris grant in 2005 to construct a new park near Eleventh Street and Mariposa Avenue, south of Chowchilla High School. The grant award is for $500,000 and requires a thirty-percent City fund match of $215,000, for a total project cost of $715,000. The grant agreement requires that construction is complete before May 1, 2015. SITUATION / ANALYSIS: On March 24, 2014, City staff issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to hire a consulting firm with experience in park design and construction. Eleven proposals were received from qualified firms. Several staff members reviewed and ranked the proposals. The proposal received from Lars Andersen & Associates was ranked as the best received. Sierra Designs Inc. is also on the team as the landscape architect. Lars Andersen and Sierra Designs have designed several parks including Martin Ray Reilly Park in Fresno, Farmersville City Park in Farmersville, and Heritage Park in Hanford. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Lars Andersen’s fee to design the park and prepare the bid document is $68,893. Their scope also includes surveying work and designing a water main to provide water for the park landscaping. The cost of the design work will be reimbursed by the State from the grant proceeds. The total amount available for the design and construction of this project is $715,000. The concept design of the park that was submitted with the grant application included restrooms, a playground, a picnic pavilion, and basketball courts. Staff estimates that the cost of building the park as shown in the concept drawing will significantly exceed the funds available. Some of the improvements may have to be postponed until more funds become available. Additional funds will be generated when homes are built and the developers pay park impact fees. Staff will also watch for any grant opportunities. SUPPLEMENTS ATTACHED: Resolution Concept drawing for Edward Ray Park COUNCIL RESOLUTION # -14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHOWCHILLA APPROVING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH LARS ANDERSEN & ASSOCIATES TO DESIGN EDWARD RAY PARK AND AUTHORIZINGT THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE ALL RELATED DOCUMENTS WHEREAS, the City of Chowchilla received a grant under the Roberti-Z’berg-Harris Program to construct a new park near Eleventh Street and Monterey Avenue; and WHEREAS, the grant will reimburse the City for seventy percent of the cost of the design and construction of the park up to $715,000; and WHEREAS, staff issued a Request for Proposals and received eleven proposals to design the park; and WHEREAS, Lars Andersen & Associates, was judged as the best qualified consultant to perform the design services based on the experience and qualifications of the staff, the firm and the sub consultants; and WHEREAS, Lars Andersen has offered to perform the work for a not to exceed fee of $68,893 which City staff believes is fair and reasonable. NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chowchilla hereby finds and orders as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct. 2. The City Administrator is hereby authorized to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Lars Andersen & Associates to design Edward Ray Park. 3. The City Administrator is authorized to execute all grant documents required by the State for reimbursement of the expenses from the Roberti-Z’berg-Harris Grant program. 4. This resolution is effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Chowchilla on the 13th day of May 2014 by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Richard L. Walker, Mayor ATTEST: Nanci C. O. Lima, MMC City Clerk Scale: 1" = 100' HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS FACILITIES COMPLEX CITY OF CHOWCHILLA 6.8 ACRE NEIGHBORHOOD PARK ITEM # 3.7 REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL Council Meeting of May 13, 2014 Agenda Section: CONSENT SUBJECT: Authorize the City Administrator to Execute an Agreement With R3 Consulting Group, Inc. Prepared By: Andrew Benelli, City Engineer/Public Works Director Approved By: Mark Lewis, City Administrator RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Administrator to execute a professional services agreement with R3 Consulting Group, Inc. to provide assistance with solid waste management. HISTORY / BACKGROUND: The City entered into an agreement with Madera Disposal Systems, Inc. in August 2012, to provide exclusive solid waste and recycling collection services within the Chowchilla City boundaries. In July, 2013 Mid Valley Disposal purchased all of Madera Disposal’s accounts. The City Council approved assigning the Madera Disposal Agreement to Mid Valley on July 9, 2013. Mid Valley’s contract with the City will terminate on April 1, 2015. There is an option to extend the term of the contract with two, three-year extensions. SITUATION / ANALYSIS: Staff recommends retaining a consultant with expertise in solid waste to assist with the hiring of a disposal company when the current agreement expires. The consultant is also needed to prepare the contract when the new disposal company is selected. They will also help the City negotiate the best rate with the disposal company. Several new State laws have been approved that impact solid waste disposal and recycling. The current law requires that the City diverts 50% of the waste from the landfill. However, the diversion rate must be increased to 75% by 2020. The City must also implement recycling on all commercial and multi-family accounts. It’s important that the new solid waste agreement addresses all of the new State requirements. The consulting firm that is hired will help to prepare a disposal contract that addresses all of the new requirements. City staff issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) on February 27, 2014 that was directed at hiring a consultant with solid waste and recycling expertise. Only two proposals were received. Several staff members reviewed the proposals and selected R3 Consulting Group, Inc. as the firm best qualified to assist the City of Chowchilla. R3’s office is in Roseville, California. They have worked for several cities in the Central Valley including, Merced, Fresno, Sacramento, Windsor, and Elk Grove. FINANCIAL IMPACT: The agreement with R3 Consulting will compensate them on a time and materials basis. Staff recommends allocating $35,000 in the Solid Waste enterprise fund to pay for the consulting services. SUPPLEMENTS ATTACHED: Resolution COUNCIL RESOLUTION # -14 A RESOLUTION OF THR CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHOWCHILLA APPROVING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH R3 CONSULTING GROUP, INC TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE AND EXPERTISE IN SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL AND RECYCLING WHEREAS, the City of Chowchilla has an exclusive solid waste franchise agreement with Mid Valley Disposal; and WHEREAS, the solid waste franchise agreement with Mid Valley terminates on April 1, 2015; and WHEREAS, the State of California has adopted several new laws that require the City to implement more recycling and landfill diversion; and WHEREAS, a consulting firm that has solid waste and recycling expertise is needed to solicit and hire a disposal company when the current exclusive franchise agreement terminates; and WHEREAS, City staff issued a Request for Proposals on February 27, 2014 to hire a consulting firm; and WHEREAS, the City received two proposals from qualified consulting firms and staff judged R3 Consulting Group, Inc. as the best qualified to meet the needs of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chowchilla hereby finds and orders as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct. 2. The City Administrator is hereby authorized to execute a Professional Services Agreement with R3 Consulting Group, Inc. to provide assistant on solid waste operations. 3. This resolution is effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Chowchilla on the 13th day of May 2014 by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Richard L. Walker, Mayor ATTEST: Nanci C. O. Lima, MMC City Clerk ITEM # 3.8 REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL Council Meeting of May 13, 2014 Agenda Section: CONSENT Subject: Authorization to Apply for Safe Routes to School (SRTS)-Active Transportation Program Grant, $500,000 Prepared By: Joanne Upton (Administrative Analyst) Authorized By: Andrew Benelli, City Engineer/Public Works Director Approved By: Mark Lewis, City Administrator RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council approve the grant application submission. If grant is awarded, staff will bring back to Council to accept. HISTORY / BACKGROUND: Active Transportation Program was created by Senate Bill 99 and Assembly Bill 101 to encourage increased use of active modes of transportation, such as biking and walking. ATP is a new grant program, and has $360 Million in funding for 2014. Safe Routes to School projects must directly increase safety and convenience for public school students to walk and/or bike to school. The ATP program goals is to increase biking and walking as a means of transportation, increase safety and travel options for students who aren’t traveling by vehicle and reduce vehicle use and greenhouse gas emissions. A goal is to enhance public health, and ensure that disadvantaged communities fully benefit from the program. SITUATION / ANALYSIS: Staff is applying for $500,000 for a SRTS infrastructure grant which is 100% funded. Staff met with Caltrans District 6, Traffic Investigations, Chowchilla Police Department and Chowchilla Elementary School District for collaboration public input and support. Staff gained Caltrans buyin for Robertson Blvd. improvements and CESD Superintendent is partnering on the grant, as well. City is applying for a SRTS pedestrian facilities infrastructure grant; the grant is due in Sacramento (Caltrans) by May 21, 2014. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Not financial Impact, SRTS Grant is 100% funded. SUPPLEMENTS ATTACHED: Target Area Exhibits (2) City of Chowchilla City Council Strategic Planning Workshop 2014-2015 Police Department Jay Varney, Chief of Police Short Term Goal Objective #1: Complete recruitments to fill previously approved full time employee positions, including filling the 4th sergeant position. Action Plan: Currently one full time police officer, one full time CSO/Dispatcher and one part time CSO/Dispatcher position are unfilled. Recruitments are underway to fill these positions in conjunction with the current promotion process to promote a 4th sergeant. Currently one patrol shift is not supervised by a sergeant. Shift sergeants perform the duties of the patrol officers, plus additional administrative and investigative work during their shifts. Sergeants are also assigned individual areas of responsibility such as range training, taser training, defensive tactics, traffic enforcement, Explorer program, Reserve Program, etc. Projected date of completion: Candidate selection and hiring will be completed by July 1, 2014. Short Term Goal Objective #2: Continue renovation of the Government Center/Police Department building. Action Plan: Conceptual drawings for Phase 1-transition of the court side of the building to PD use, and Phase 2-secure prisoner transport area and parking realignment have been completed. An RFP has been issued and the work completed to refurbish the floor in this side of the building. Some drywall and ceiling work remains to complete the training room renovation. Projected date of completion: Work on Phase 1 is ongoing. Matching grant application to HUD has been submitted and staff anticipates July 2014 as the anticipated timeframe to hear if the request is granted by HUD. Staff is working concurrently with personnel form the CA DGS to determine funding available for upgrade of dispatch equipment to determine if the physical move of dispatch will be best accomplished during the 2014-2015 fiscal year. Cost for attaining this objective: The total cost has not been quantified at this time for the four phases of renovation. All renovation costs can be supported through police development impact fees as the need for additional use is driven by growth and increased service demand. Phase 1 of this project will be the least costly and we anticipate that it can be completed with $100,000, or less. The funding match for the HUD grant is approximately $43,000, and can also be supported by impact fees. Short Term Goal Objective #3: Utilization of web based cameras to improve policing services Action Plan: The City has started a pilot project utilizing web based camera equipment to combat ongoing crime issues within the city limits. Council has approved the purchase of the pilot system that will be test at different locations throughout the city to determine the viability of this or other systems for long term deployment. Staff has begun to make initial contact with business owners within the city to determine what public/private partnerships can be established to broaden the network of available web based camera sites to be used in crime prevention and detection. Projected date of completion: This project will be ongoing throughout the next two fiscal years. Short Term Goal Objective #4: Continue to augment full time staffing with part time CSO and Reserve Officer employees. Action Plan: Based on current service demands and funding available for additional full time personnel, the police department could utilize two part time CSO/Dispatchers and 2 additional Reserve Officers to assist current full time staff. These individuals could also assist with code enforcement, animal control and water issues throughout the city. Projected date of completion: Update- Part time CSO position has not been filled to date. Our current total allotment of reserve officers is five. Two reserve officers are in training, one is currently unavailable having utilized his time allotment and two others are employed full time with other law enforcement agencies which limits their availability. Hiring two additional reserve officers that have greater availability to fill patrol shifts would be beneficial to our service delivery. Cost for attaining this objective: The cost for testing and processing enough candidates to successfully fill two additional positions would be approximately $3,900. Equipment costs would be approximately $4,000 if all new equipment is necessary. Annual salary and supplemental retirement benefit costs would be approximately $44,000 if each new reserve employee were assigned to work 960 hours per year. Short Term Goal Objective #5: Assign a sergeant to each shift and create a senior officer staffing plan based on the Dispersed Leadership Model. Action Plan: Accomplish this by promoting a 4th sergeant from the existing promotion list at mid year adjustment 2013-2014. Implementing the Senior Officer plan in lieu of the current Field Training Officer and Watch Commander model will require input from and bargaining with the POA. The core of this idea is to create something of an intermediary position between police officer and sergeant who would have a consistent assignment set on all four shifts and would be the acting sergeant in the sergeant’s absence. Projected date of completion: This was previously approved by Council in 2014. Implementation of the senior officer program would require input and bargaining with the POA. Completion of this process could be accomplished by June 2015 or sooner if agreement is reached. This promotion and implementation is pending. Cost for attaining this objective: Cost for obtaining this objective would be the difference between the existing police officer’s salary and benefits and their new compensation rate. This is estimated to be $13,000. Some of these funds would be provided by the current 1 hour of overtime per day paid to the watch commander (police officer) who is in charge of a shift in the sergeant’s absence. Funds for at least a portion of the senior police officer program are already budgeted in the FTO special assignment pay that is currently being paid. Long Term Goal Objective #1: Renovation of the Animal Control Shelter Action Plan: Based on current demand, staff will conduct a new needs assessment and determine if the current structure can be appropriately renovated beyond current work. If not staff will again review other options including the city owned site previously investigated as a future home for the animal shelter. Staff has received a cost estimate for a camera system to monitor the existing shelter and will be coming forward to Council with that information once they have adequately reviewed the camera system mentioned earlier in Police Department Goal # 3. Projected date of completion: The following renovations to the Animal Control Shelter have been completed: Heater installed; metal covers that extend to the edge of the exposed kennel portion of the permanent dog runs have been installed, electrical panel has been upgraded to the extent it can based on the current service feed; an additional permanent storage shed has been installed; exterior lighting has been replaced, repaired or upgraded. At this time staff feels that all necessary renovations to the shelter have been completed. Long Term Goal Objective #2: participation Continue to rebuild Chowchilla PAL Action Plan: As the full time employee who was working with our MMA program has moved to a reserve status, we will be looking at alternative methods of delivering this or other programs in addition to wrestling. Projected date of completion: It will take at least 3 years to get PAL to a level of volunteer and fundraising participation that is sufficient for vibrant, longterm programs to be offered. I would anticipate that if this goal is reached by January 2016 we could consider this a success. Update: PAL/Chowchilla Warriors wrestling program continues to grow and had approximately 100 students participating. Another successful tournament was conducted by the coaches and volunteers in February 2014. MMA had between 12 and 24 participating when it was offered. Wrestling has transitioned its high school program to the Chowchilla Athletic Foundation and recently took 3rd place in their conference tournament. Cost for attaining this objective: Currently PAL receives no funding from the City of Chowchilla except for the occasions where on duty personnel assist/participate in PAL events. Fire Department Harry Turner, Fire Chief Short Term Goal Objective #1: A-Increase number of active volunteer firefighters from 17 to approximately 20 B- Preparation and Planning for Paid Personnel Department has continued to make progress on this goal. Within the past year we have added three additional volunteer firefighters. We are continuing to work with our local newspaper to recruit additional volunteers. There is currently one additional person in the application process at this time. Action Plan: A- Since 1980 the number of active volunteer firefighters has fluctuated from approximately 12 to 26. Over the past several years we have experienced a decrease in the number of persons interested in serving in the capacity of volunteer firefighter due to increased demands in time required by OSHA and NFPA for ongoing training. Most find it difficult to commit to the number of hours required. The Chowchilla Fire Department has been working with Madera Adult Education and has made our facility available as a training facility for their firefighter I academy. The City benefits from this arrangement by allowing our local persons interested in becoming a volunteer firefighter to enroll in this class at no cost to them or to the City. Fire Department Short Term Goal # 1 Continued Action Plan Continued We are currently seeking qualified individuals that can devote the time necessary to apply for a position within the fire department. Our current volunteers are actively involved in recommending those individuals that show an interest in the department. We also receive email messages from California State Firefighters Association of those that are interested and have contacted them. We also receive referrals from Merced Junior College from their fire academy. Projected date of completion: Addition of three volunteers within 12 months, then ongoing as needed. Cost for attaining this objective: Approximately $3500.00 per new volunteer. Costs include background check, preemployment physical, structure and wild land protective clothing. Fire Department Short Term Goal # 1 Continued B- With Council approval, Fire Department staff has applied for a grant to fund paid firefighter positions. Had this grant been funded, these additional personnel would have been scheduled to augment fire department response during those periods of least volunteer availability. We would have further used these paid personnel to enhance the current training for our volunteers by making training available when the majority of volunteers are available. These new positions would also have become the primary responders for medical calls within the City, relieving the police department to respond to matters more related to law enforcement. Fire Department staff will develop recruitment criteria and minimum qualifications prior to notice of funding. SAFER grant completed and submitted to FEMA; On April 7, 2014 received notification we were not funded under this cycle. We intend to reapply at the next application period opening. Grant covered costs of six personnel for two years. $1,129,512.00. This was calculated within the grant to provide six full time personnel. Short Term Goal Objective #2: Develop Specifications and Budget for Replacement Fire Engine Since 1991 the City has been able to better replace aging fire engines. We have been able to obtain funds from donations, grants and impact fees to make the current fleet dependable. We currently use a 1968 fire engine as our reserve engine that is placed in service when either of our primary engines is out of service for repairs. The 1968 is now becoming un-serviceable due to age and availability of repair parts. Our 1991 engine is still in good shape and will serve the City for several more years reliably as a reserve engine. In this next budget year preparation we will propose setting aside funds for this next planned replacement.. Within the next few months we will develop specifications and estimated costs for this next replacement. Initial research indicated the replacement cost will be approximately $350,000.00. Action Plan: Develop specification and present with 2014/2015 budget. Projected date of completion: On identification of available funding place order with manufacturer. Delivery date should be approximately 8-12 months from placement of order. Cost for attaining this objective: Staff time only to develop specification. Approximately 100 hours. Estimated cost for new fire engine $350,000.00 Long Term Goal Objective #1: Review and modify, if necessary, plan for relocation of County Fire Department from existing facilities to New facilities at rear of City Fire Station Fire Department staff had made some minor progress on this project as a result of working through the update of our mutual aid agreement with Madera County Fire. Action Plan: As part of the purchase agreement of the government center (police department) the City will add onto the existing fire station to accommodate Madera County Fire Department station 2. There is an agreed upon conceptual plan for this relocation. With the police departments future needed growth, plans and funding will need to be finalized. This new accommodation will provide separate facilities needed by County Fire Department as well as provide some shared space for training and storage by both departments. This will help reduce costs for both agencies by minimizing duplicity. We have begun preliminary discussions with police chief and Madera County Fire Chiefs regarding relocation, impact fees available and other funding sources that may be available to complete project. The implementation of this project will also coincide with current planned expansion of police department. Projected date of completion: 2015-2019 depending on available funding, police department need to expand into area currently occupied by County Fire and growth within City Cost for attaining this objective: Estimated construction cost based on recent projects requiring prevailing wage approximately $1,000,000.00. Long Term Goal Objective #2: Complete Emergency Backup Generator Modifications and Complete Sleeping Accommodations at Fire Station Fire Department staff has completed installation of automatic transfer switch and was able to fund this portion with available homeland security funds through Madera County OES. We are currently working on availability and cost of auto start portion to complete generator portion of this goal. Action Plan: Included in the planning for the building of the current fire station, it was planned to have an emergency generator and auto transfer switch for this facility. To decrease initial costs a small transfer switch was installed and a portable generator placed at the facility. Also as a cost saving measure at the time, was the elimination of the sleeping quarters area that was originally planned. Both of these items could be addressed and potentially included with the addition of the County Fire Department area. Projected date of completion: Same as projection within Goal 1 unless funding becomes available sooner. Cost for attaining this objective: Installation of auto transfer switch and building modifications $200,000.00 Long Term Goal Objective #3: Prepare conceptual plan and location for 2nd Fire Station/ Police Sub-Station Action Plan: In anticipation of annexations and growth, fire department staff will continue to review current 20 year fire department expansion plan and modify considering actual growth areas. In 2005 a growth plan was prepared. With actual growth areas, we will update the plan and make recommendations to accommodate coverage areas and response times to accommodate best service to our citizens. Modified plan will also include additional items as in previous plan such as staffing recommendations based on needed coverage. Some progress has been made. With proposal from City for new well location as well as water storage tank the conceptual location had been changed. The location and design now include the water storage tank and a new City well at the same site. The new location will be in the area of East Robertson Blvd near the eastern City limits. Fire Department staff continues to work with the City Engineer and with water storage tank engineering proposals for location and needs of fire station to accommodate both. Projected date of completion: Anticipate updated plan completion from 6-12 months after proposal for development. Cost for attaining this objective: Staff time and minor consultant services to prepare conceptual design and location. Estimated staff time 200 hours. Conceptual design consult $25,000.00. Fleet Services Short Term Goal Objective #1: Update Service Equipment A; Replace Tire Machine and Wheel Balancer B; Replace Unserviceable Grease Equipment with Pneumatic Grease Gun Goal 1A: City’s current tire machine is in excess of 15 years old. With the continuous changing of tire and wheel design this machine can no longer be used or upgraded to work on current tires and wheels of City equipment. The proposed replacement tire machine and electronic wheel balancer will accommodate these new style wheels and tires as well as the older types we still have in service. Having these pieces of equipment available for City equipment saves considerable time and money versus being dependent on one of our local tire shops. Additionally this equipment will be available when local tire shops can not provide needed service when they are busy or closed. Goal 1B: The City’s last pneumatic grease gun became unserviceable several years ago. Since that time staff has continued to grease all of our City equipment with small hand powered grease guns doing the best they could with available equipment. With the need to improve our maintenance and properly lubricate equipment we need commercial quality lubrication equipment to be more efficient and provide longer life for our equipment. Staff has gone through a number of light duty lubricating devices attempting to maintain equipment. This has proven to be costly and time consuming. Cont’d Goal Objective #1: Update Service Equipment A; Replace Tire Machine and Wheel Balancer B; Replace Unserviceable Grease Equipment with Pneumatic Grease Gun Action Plan: 1A: Replace current tire machine and tire bubble balancer with current and modern equipment that is made to accommodate types and size of tires on current fleet. Staff will obtain competitive pricing and recommend purchase of new equipment. 1B: Replace unserviceable and inoperable lubrication equipment with new commercial quality pneumatic lubrication equipment. Projected date of completion: 1A: Complete price comparison and purchasing within 90 days of budget authorization. 1B: Complete price comparison and purchasing within 90 days of budget authorization. Cost for attaining this objective: 1A: Package pricing estimate is approximately $6,000.00 for both tire machine and balancer. 1B: Approximate cost for new commercial pneumatic lubrication equipment is $1,000.00. Short Term Goal #2: Continued replacement of fleet vehicles through alternative funding such as Air District Funds Continue to apply for alternative funding for replacement vehicles to City Fleet. Use, to the extent possible special funds and grants such as available air district funds similar to those the City has been awarded on at least two occasions. Use these funds for replacement and augmentation of City Fleet. Action Plan: Annually apply for special funds and grants available for fossil fuel reduction programs, electric vehicle programs, emission reduction programs. Complete follow up and purchase and reporting requirements for these funding sources. Use of these funds leaves other City funding sources for uses other than fleet replacement. Projected date of completion: Submit next APCD grant application within 60 days. Then begin purchase as soon as funds are awarded. Cost for attaining this objective: Depending on funding source, If two more vehicles such as the Prius are purchased, air district funding is anticipated to cover the first $20,000.00 of purchase price. Estimated purchase price for these type vehicles has been just slightly over $30,000.00 each. If purchasing additional electric vehicles such as the GEM’s, vehicle cost would be completely covered by air district funds since these vehicles had a cost under $20,000.00 each. Short Term Goal #3: Implement Fleet Management and Work Order Program for Use by all Departments The fleet department has purchased a software program to replace the home made program previously in use within the City. With the increased need and desire to better track maintenance and costs of each piece of City equipment, City staff reviewed several programs and purchased a program that will serve the needs of the City not only for fleet but additional work order needs and cost tracking for other City assets. Action Plan: Complete setup of new program and enter all of City’s rolling stock into program. Then inventory and enter all City owned spare parts inventory along with the costs associated with that inventory. Begin use of program within fleet department first to work out issues, then begin use City wide for fleet maintenance and repairs. Projected date of completion: Enter equipment and inventory assets 4-10 months depending on staff time availability. Begin use of program within fleet department within 12 months. Cost for attaining this objective: Staff time only for data entry. No out of pocket expenses anticipated. Long Term Goal #1: Develop Planned and Workable Fleet Replacement Plan for City Review previous fleet replacement plan that was developed approximately 15 to 20 years ago. Modify plan and develop into realistic and achievable plan. Present to City Council for approval and adoption. Action Plan: Review and develop an achievable fleet replacement plan based on hours of use, total miles and age to plan scheduled replacement of City Fleet. Included in the plan would be all vehicles, tractors, mowers, trailers and trucks. (All Rolling Stock). Once modified present to Council for review and comment. Modify based on Council comments the present for adoption as standard replacement plan. Projected date of completion: One to three years depending on staff time and acquisition of information from departments to determine appropriate replacement schedules. Cost for attaining this objective: Staff Time Only. Long Term Goal Objective #2: Prepare conceptual plan and location for Replacement of fleet garage. Action Plan: The City currently rents the space used for the current fleet garage. With the location being separate from the majority the fleets equipment, this is sometimes problematic to get the equipment to the garage for repairs or maintenance. City staff has developed a conceptual plan for the addition of a new fleet garage located at the City’s corporation yard. This would place the City mechanics at the same location as the majority of the City’s fleet. This proposed new facility would incorporate the City’s needs for repairing and servicing all of the City’s fleet including vehicles, tractors and transit bus’. There is potential partial funding through grants for the transit portion of this project. Projected date of completion: One to four years depending on how soon funding can be identified and allocated to removal of the sub-standard creamery buildings remaining on the Corporation yard property. Cost for attaining this objective: Initial estimates for construction of building are approximately $250,000.00. Additional costs for demolition and site work are approximately $225,000.00 Information Technology Short Term Goal Objective #1: Virtualize servers, purchase network attached storage, and purchase redundant appliance based backup device. A server replacement is required to take advantage of virtualization and updated server operating systems and applications that would reduce the down time for disaster recovery and server maintenance. We will also be able to fully test disaster recovery scenarios using the freed resources. These tests will provide information needed for risk management. The network storage is using hard drives that are nearing end of life, and using technology that is costly to maintain. By replacing our existing storage array with a Network Attached Storage device, we will break the reliance on a server to host the storage, and we can achieve a greater amount of storage for less cost. Appliance backup devices are self-contained backup servers that continuously back data based on configuration. By installing a device at the PD and the Civic Center, short term off-site backups can be accomplished without the use of removable media (Tapes, DVD’s, etc.). Removable media can be used for long term off-site storage of backups. Cont’d Goal Objective #1: Virtualize servers, purchase network attached storage, and purchase redundant appliance based backup device. Action Plan: Evaluate existing technologies and design a server topology to best meet the immediate and future needs of the City. New servers would be installed in a test environment that mimics our current configuration. After successful test, migration to new servers would be performed. A portion of the existing servers would provide a test environment that used to test disaster recovery procedures, and various software updates before implementation into the production environment. Other servers would be used to provide redundancy for some network services, or provide services to some locations that rely on the wireless connection to the existing servers. Projected date of completion: The objective of this goal can be separated into separate actions that can be completed independent of the others. The date of completion is dependent on available of funds. Purchase, Installation and Testing of Servers ~ 3 months Purchase, Installation and Testing of Network Attached Storage ~ 3 months Purchase, Installation and Testing of Backup Device ~ 1 month Cont’d Goal Objective #1: Virtualize servers, purchase network attached storage, and purchase redundant appliance based backup device. Cost for attaining this objective: Currently we have 12 servers performing a range of functions for the city. Past strategies called for a 1-to-1 replacement schedule. Advancements in virtualization technologies make server replacement and maintenance less cost prohibitive, allowing the existing 8 servers to be replaced with 3-4 servers and a NAS (Network Attached Storage) device. The cost for server hardware is estimated at $10,000 per server, and $1000-$1500 for operating system licenses. The Network Attached Server cost is dependent on the amount of storage required. Best practices suggest having two units to balance network traffic, and purchase additional hard drives as needed. The initial cost for each device is $5,000 - $8,000. A Unitrends backup appliance was purchased in 2013 to replace the existing backup software. An additional appliance would be purchased and placed at the Police Department so additional protection can be achieved. The additional appliance estimated cost is $28,000. Total replacement cost is estimated at $82,000 – 90,000. Funding for this would be supplied by Funds/Department based on level of use. Short Term Goal Objective #2: Replace existing employee workstations and update Microsoft Office software. There are 33 remaining computers that require a replacement. These computers will be scheduled to be replaced in five phases, based on level of us. The majority of the existing workstations were purchased in 2006. Projected date of completion: Phase 1 will be completed Feb 2014. Phase 2 will be completed FY 2014, if funds available. Phase 3-5 will be budgeted for completion in FY 14/15. Cost for attaining this objective: The estimated cost for each workstation, including Microsoft Office is $1800. Short Term Goal Objective #3: Upgrade existing Microsoft Exchange software to the latest Enterprise version. The version of Microsoft Exchange that the city currently uses does not support the number of emails that are sent and stored in the City. Projected date of completion: The updated software would require a new server; therefore the update would be done in concurrence with the server replacement in Goal #1. Cost for attaining this objective: The estimated cost for the server software and client licenses is $5,000 - $10,000 Long Term Goal Objective #1: Work with Finance Department to develop a replacement plan for any equipment purchases based on expectant life of equipment or directed replacement schedule. Action Plan: Develop resource allocation expenses based on usage. Develop list of tracked resources. Modify IT Service Credit charged to funds to reflect the replacement schedule. Projected date of completion: The replacement plan would be dynamic and capable of adjustments based on usage of resources. The initial plan would be in place in time for departments to include in their FY ’15/16 Budget year. Cost for attaining this objective: Costs for the development of the plan will be nominal and the overall plan would be developed in-house using existing IT staff. The additional costs triggered by the plan would be supplied by the user departments. The benefits of long term funding for resource replacements is the ability to schedule replacements without it being a burden for departments to fund in all in one year and to ensure the dependability of the technology devices. Long Term Goal Objective #2: Develop IT policies that address service levels requirements for various resources used in the city, and establish training plans for IT personnel to meet those requirements. Action Plan: Identify IT supported resources. Meet with stakeholders of supported resources to determine the required levels of support needed. Develop Service Level Agreements that address department requirements. Service Level Agreements would include policies that address the acceptable methods for users to request help. Develop necessary funding adjustments to meet the Service Level Agreements. Create a written security policy that includes performance of periodic security audits. Create a PC and Server refresh policy. Projected date of completion: Timeline for completion is dependent on number of supported resources, and level of support required. Planned start date would be after the completion of Objective #2. Cost for attaining this objective: Costs for the development of the plan will be nominal and will be handled by existing IT staff. The resulting costs triggered by the resulting plan would be supplied by the user departments. Community Development Ralph Kachadourian, Director of Community & Economic Development Short-Term Goal Objective #1: 2009-2014 Housing Element Certification, Application for 2014 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding, and 2015-2013 Housing Element. Action Plan: a) b) c) d) City Council approved text revisions in January 2014 to the 2040 General Plan Policies addressing policy issues related to Housing Element concerns raised by State Housing & Community Development (HCD) and California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA) to comply with State Housing Law. HCD certified 2009-2014 Housing Element in February 2014. CBDG funding application submitted April 10, 2014. Staff is getting prepared to begin work on the 5th cycle - 2015-2023 Housing Element. Projected date of completion: 5th cycle 2015-2023 Housing Element is due December 31, 2015. Staff will seek limited consultant assistance on preparation of the next housing element. Department budget will support the limited costs associated with its review and completion. Short Term Goal Objective #2: Finding and pursuing all available planning/economic development grant funding opportunities. Action Plan: Continue working with California Consulting and Self-Help Enterprises related to the following grants: 2014 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for housing rehabilitation, first-time home buyer assistance, public improvements, and public services. Available economic development grant funding opportunities for new businesses through the Economic Development Administration (EDA) and as available through CDBG. Other available grants to enhance public services, infrastructure and public facilities. Projected date of completion: Application for 2014 CDBG funding submitted on April 10, 2014. Expect award announcement in July/August. All other grant funding opportunities will be ongoing during 2014-2015. Cost for attaining this objective: Grant funds awarded should cover all staff costs. Short Term Goal Objective #3: Enhanced Economic Development. Action Plan: a) Work with the Madera County Economic Development Commission (MCEDC) in marketing the City to attract new employment based businesses. b) Visit our major businesses (retail, office, industrial) to identify what can be done to help them expand and grow. c) Work with the established non-profit Chowchilla Industrial Development Corporation in identifying opportunities to attract new businesses to the industrial park. d) Work with the current owner and possibly other potential investors in revitalizing the Countrywood Shopping Center. e) Identify incentives to attract new businesses to the shopping centers and to the downtown area. f) Partner with business property owners to assist bringing business to Chowchilla. Projected date of completion: Ongoing efforts with report to the City Council in January 2015. Cost for attaining this objective: Staff time only with major MCEDC staff assistance. Short Term Goal Objective #4: Create new City Zoning and the 2040 General Plan Land Use and Circulation Map diagrams. Action Plan: a) Create a new Zoning Map that will replace the existing map in order to include the Southside, Westside and Northwest-Rancho Calera annexations in 2011 & 2012 of these lands within the city limits. b) Create a new 2040 General Plan Land Use Map and Circulation Map to replace the draft version in 2010. The adopted general plan map currently in use is of a print size with a design layout that is difficult to read and interpret, and the electronic version prepared by the planning consultant is no longer available for staff to update or amend. Projected date of completion: Updated Zoning Map by September 2014 and the new General Plan Map diagrams by December 2014. Cost for attaining this objective: Department budget supports the costs associated with the completion of these maps by Assistant City Engineer and outside engineering firm or Agency that has GIS mapping software. Short Term Goal Objective #5: Annual Review of departmental procedures to enhance quality, clarity and consistency in the processing and approval of various applications. Action Plan: a) Streamline and simplify the current entitlement review process and make adjustments to applications (e.g. Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permit,Tentative Maps) to ensure efficiency and timely processing. b) Review the zoning/building code enforcement process to ensure efficient and timely processing of enforcement actions and inspections (e.g. Notice of Violation, Administrative Citation, and Notice of Abatement). c) Review the current business license review process and continue to ensure the efficient and timely review and processing of business license applications. d) Review the building permit and plan check review process and make adjustments to ensure the continued efficiency and timely processing of all permits applications, plan submittals and inspections. Projected date of completion: Ongoing process Cost for attaining this objective: Staff time only. Long Term Goal Objective #1: General Plan. Review and Updates to the 2040 Chowchilla Action Plan: Review the adopted General Plan, the Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan. a) Identify challenges and opportunities discovered since the Plan was adopted in 2011 and during the processing of various entitlement applications. b) Include in the General Plan Circulation Element the Fig Tree Blvd / State Route 99 overcrossing connecting Chowchilla Blvd. Projected date of completion: This is an ongoing review process for General Plans that are typically reviewed every 5-years. Updates will be though an initiation of general plan amendments to collectively address any revisions or modifications. The amendment process would be through a series of noticed public meetings/study sessions with the Planning Commission. These public meetings should encourage participation by the community at-large, developers and other community stakeholders. The final work product would be brought to the City Council for consideration and ratification. Cost for attaining this objective: The General Fund supports the staff cost associated with the evaluation, modification and amendment process to update the General Plan. Long Term Goal Objective #2: Analyze and recommend various amendments to the Chowchilla Municipal Code. Action Plan: Review the Chowchilla Municipal Code to amend and update various sections of the Zoning Ordinance and other applicable Code sections related to the Department in order to provide the staff and the general public a clearer understanding of the regulations and in a consistent manner in order to better facilitate the processing of project entitlements and other applications. The process will involve reviews by the Planning Commission (for the zoning ordinance) through noticed public meeting/study sessions ultimately leading to formal recommendations by the Planning Commission for City Council consideration and adoption. Other Municipal Code updates will be considered by the City Council. Projected date of completion: Staff continues its daily review of the zoning provisions to determine the necessary text amendments needed. Text amendments will be brought forward incrementally over the next several years to the Planning Commission and City Council. Cost for attaining this objective: The General Fund supports the staff cost associated with the evaluation and modification for each Municipal Code Section. Long Term Goal Objective #3: Develop strategies which strengthen the economic diversity of the Chowchilla community. Action Plan: Initiate the development of a Chowchilla Economic Development Strategic Plan. This plan would include and/or identify: The planning method identifying the City’s strengths, weaknesses, potential opportunities and possible threats. Coordinating the retention and expansion of existing businesses, and the attraction of new businesses within the City; Working with existing businesses to meet their current and future operation, financing and employment needs and incentives in order to retain them in the city, and to assist them in their interactions with local government; Identifying businesses with potential for increased productivity and assisting them with realizing their expansion goals; Recruiting new companies to locate in the City and assisting them with land identification and acquisition, new construction, permitting, financing and other issues. An inventory of commercial and industrial properties and uses; evaluate site readiness and site prioritization, marketing and development of target market statistical characteristics. A clear direction and focus on promoting a business climate. Projected date of completion: Not yet determined. Upon initial start, preparation of a draft strategic plan may take approximately 18 months. Cost for attaining this objective: The development of the strategic plan would utilize current staff which is supported by the General Fund. Additional assistance will come from the Madera County Economic Development Commission under contract with the City. Long Term Goal Objective #4: Monitoring all activities of the California High Speed Rail (HSR) Action Plan: Staff will continue to assist the City in analyzing the potential impacts and mitigation strategies of the High Speed Rail lines to the community. Projected date of completion: Ongoing. Staff will report HSR activities to the Council on a regular basis. Cost for attaining this objective: Staff time only. Administrative Services Finance Division Short Term Goal Objective # 1: Enhance Current Financial Software. Action Plan: Finance will determine how we can upgrade and amend our current system to better meet our needs. Specifically we want to amend our chart of accounts for more consistency, bring our business license and fixed asset management modules online, and enhance our AR module. If we purchase the annual maintenance software support (which we do not currently subscribe to), our system will be upgraded to the current version, and they will assist us in the system amendments and staff training. Project Completion Date: The conversion will take approximately 12 months to complete. Cost for Attaining This Objective: Cost should not exceed $30,000. Short Term Goal Objection #2: Storage of Current Records and Development of Archive. Action Plan: Evaluate existing storage capacity in the Finance office for future housing of current records and the archiving of past financial documents. Locate and examine prior period records and properly archive them. Centralize storage so that records are accessible to staff while being appropriately safeguarded. Projected Date of Completion: The implementation is estimated to take 12 months. Cost for Attaining This Objective: Costs will be largely restricted to office supplies and shelving for archive storage, and staff time. Total cost is not expected to exceed $3,000. Short Term Goal Objective #3: Self Service Bill Pay Kiosk Action Plan: Self service bill pay kiosks offers numerous benefits for bill payers, particularly when considering increased convenience and the ability to pay on time, in real time. In addition, this addresses the concerns of our utility customers, when they need to make payments while we are closed on Fridays. It means that our customers don’t have to stand in long lines, waiting to be served. We can install one onsite, and at other remote locations, such as Savemart, Chowchilla Do It Best, and Rite Aid – which can offer extended hours as well. Projected Date of Completion: Review of options, RFP, etc. could take 12 to 18 months. Cost for Attaining This Objective: Preliminary research indicates that each self-service bill pay kiosk would cost approximately $8,000. Short Term Goal Objective #4: Develop a Mentoring and Succession Plan for Staff Professional Development. Action Plan: Development of short-and long-term strategies and targeted investments in staff to create a quality workplace designed to attract, acquire, and retain quality talent. Conduct desk audits to determine if properly classified. Rewrite job descriptions to more accurately reflect current assignments. Projected Date of Completion: Assessment and implementation will take 12 months. Cost for Attaining This Objective: The evaluation will determine the cost. However a preliminary estimate should not exceed $7,000 Short Term Goal Objective #5: Develop an Audit Program for Transient Occupancy Tax and Business Licenses. Action Plan: Development of policies and procedure and implementation of audit program to ensure that Transient Occupancy Tax and Business Licenses are being accurately reported, and to enhance compliance with these programs within our City. Projected Date of Completion: Assessment and implementation will take approximately nine months. Cost for Attaining This Objective: Development of the program and its implementation will be conducted with existing staff at minimal additional cost to the City. Short Term Goal Objective #6: Implement Existing Checkreader System. Action Plan: Training and implementation of existing Checkreader system. Checkreader scans the check, instantly validates and real time deposits the check. The checks are retained until the bank reconciliation is done and then shredded. Projected Date of Completion: Training and implementation should be completed within three months. Cost for Attaining This Objective: Development of the program and its implementation will be conducted with existing staff at no additional cost to the City. Short Term Goal Objective #7: Provide Remote Access to Shared Drives and Finance Systems for Key Staff. Action Plan: Key staff within Finance, are frequently required to come into their offices, beyond their regularly schedules work schedules, to facilitate meeting Finance Department deadlines. There is concern about their being on location, alone, after dark. It would be beneficial if key staff could have access from the comfort and safety of their homes when required to work additional hours to complete their tasks on a timely basis. Projected Date of Completion: Implementation would take approximately one month, once our internet capacity is capable. Cost for Attaining This Objective: Cost will be determined from IT evaluation. Long Term Goal Objective # 1: Review, Creation and Update of Finance Policies and Procedures Action Plan: Finance needs to conduct a review of all existing policies and procedures for Finance, as well as all grant activities, along with the development of a deskbook for each position. Projected Date of Completion: The update is expected to take 12-18 months. Cost for Attaining This Objective: The update will be implemented with current staff at no additional cost to the City. Long Term Goal Objective # 2: Participation in the GFOA CAFR Program Action Plan: The Governmental Financial Officers Association established the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting(CAFR) Program to encourage and assist local governments to go beyond the minimum requirements of generally accepted accounting principles to prepare comprehensive annual financial reports that evidence the spirit of transparency and full disclosure, and then, to recognize those individual governments that succeed in achieving that goal. To achieve this goal we will need to do the following: Achieve a “clean” opinion on the City of Chowchilla’s financial statements and an “unqualified” opinion on its internal control over financial reporting. Finalize our audit within six months of year end. Submit our report for review by the GFOA. Projected Date of Completion: The entire process is expected to take 24-36 months. Cost for Attaining This Objective: Participation will be implemented with current staff with minimal additional cost to the City. The GFOA review fee is approximately $500. Public Works Andrew Benelli, City Engineer Public Works Director Short Term Goal Objective #1: Improve reliability and redundancy in the water delivery system. Develop water well at Santa Cruz Boulevard and Rose Avenue (Well No. 14). Construct new well on the east side of town with a large storage reservoir. Action Plan: Well No. 14 is currently being built on the corner of Santa Cruz and Rose. Construction is proceeding on schedule and the well should be on-line in June. The new well is designed to pump approximately 1,500 gallons per minute. It will be the one of the largest and most productive wells in the City’s system. The well also has a back-up generator so that it will continue to operate when PG&E cannot provide power. The City’s Water Supply Master Plan recommends construction of 1.35 million gallon storage tank in the Greenhills neighborhood. Well No. 15 will also be constructed with the tank project. The City acquired an option to purchase a two-acre site on the north side of Robertson Boulevard near the east side of the Greenhills Subdivision. However, an landowner that grows almonds across the street from this site drilled a new well. The City’s hydro-geologist determined that the new ag well will compromise the well that the City had planned to build at this site, so a new site is being investigated. One possible location is on South Fig Tree Drive. The City’s hydro-geologist thinks a well at this location will be productive. A test well will be drilled before the land purchase is finalized. Projected date of completion: Well No. 14 is scheduled for completion in June, 2014. The Water Tank and Well No. 15 Project has been delayed because the adjacent landowner drilled a new ag well. The Water Tank is scheduled to be completed in 2016. Cost for attaining this objective: The construction contract for the site improvement at Santa Cruz and Rose (Well No. 14) was awarded to the Howk Systems for $972,680. The total cost of Well No. 14 will be approximately $1.5m. The Water Tank and Well No. 15 Project will cost approximately $2.5m. Short Term Goal Objective #2: Build Legacy Ranch Park Action Plan: The City has received a Roberi-Z’berg-Harris Grant to develop a neighborhood park near 11th Street and Mariposa Avenue. Concept plans have been completed and the environmental documents are approved. A request for proposals has been issued for park design services. Work needs to be done to determine which street improvements will be completed with the park and which improvements will be built when the surrounding neighborhood is constructed. Projected date of completion: The design contract is scheduled to be considered by the City Council on May 13, 2014. The construction is scheduled to begin on August 26, 2014. Cost for attaining this objective: The Roberi-Z’berg-Harris Grant award is for $500,000. The grant requires a $214,000 from the City for matching funds (total project cost $714,000). City staff recommends requesting a matching funds waver from the State. Short Term Goal Objective #3: improve local streets. Complete projects to maintain and Action Plan: Adequate street maintenance has not been performed in recent years. The City purchased a patch truck and a small roller earlier this year. The staff is now filling all of the pot holes and patching the areas where the pavement is deteriorated. The Presidential Street project is nearing completion. This project installed new pavement on several streets in the southeast part of town and also paved parts of 11th Street, 1st Street, 7th Street, and 8th Street. The City has been awarded grants for several sidewalk installations projects. New sidewalks are planed on Lake Street, Monterey Street, 11th Street, Trinity and many other streets. The Lake Street Sidewalk Project is being designed now and is scheduled to start construction in July. The other projects are scheduled for late 2014 and early 2015. The City applied for a CDBG Grant that will install a storm drain pipeline on Humboldt, and repave many of the streets west of the High School. This project will be the first phase of installing a storm drain system to serve the old south side of town. Projected date of completion: The Presidential Street project is scheduled for completion in June, 2014. The Fuller School sidewalk project for schedule for completion in September, 2014. The CDGB Grant is scheduled to be awarded in September, 2014. Construction would start in Spring, 2015. Cost for attaining this objective: The cost of the presidential street project is approximately $860,000. The sidewalk grants require a 12% city match. The CDBG grant does not require matching funds. Short Term Goal Objective #4: Install smart water meters on all water service accounts. Action Plan: The City has received approval to borrow funds from the State Revolving Loan Program to fund installation of water meters. The Loan will be at zero-interest for a twenty-year term. The funds can be used for all work associated with installing water meters on homes where there is not currently a meter. Some meters are being installed now by City staff, but the majority of the meters will be installed by contractors. Projected date of completion: The State has indicated that the loan application is approved but the loan agreement cannot be executed until more funds are available. Cost for attaining this objective: meters citywide is $2.2 million. The estimated cost of installing smart Long Term Goal Objective #1: Improve the State Route 99 / 233 Interchange Action Plan: The Route 99 / 233 Interchange needs to be modified to increase the capacity, reduce accidents, and improve pedestrian safety. There is approximately $12.5 million allocated in Measure T to help fund the work. The City had been working with Caltrans to design a cost effective alternative for the interchange. Caltrans has recommended that the City consider roundabouts as a cost effective alternative. Caltrans has completed the Project Initiation Document (PDIP). And is currently working on the preliminary design and the environmental review. Projected date of completion: Caltrans is scheduled to complete the environmental review in 2016. Construction is scheduled for late 2017. However, unanticipated environmental conditions or funding constraints could delay the project. City staff has asked Caltrans to advance the schedule. Cost for attaining this objective: The project will cost $15 to $20 million to construct. There is $12.5 million allocated for this project in Measure T. The City may also be able to use some Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funds (CMAQ). The State may also contribute some funds. Long Term Goal Objective #3: Increase the capacity of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Action Plan: The City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is certified to process 1.8 million gallons per day (MGD) of effluent. The current flow averages about 0.9 million gallons per day. There have been some months where the average flow was almost 1.0 million gallons per day. Even though the flow is substantially below the permitted flow, the City needs to work on increasing the plant capacity. One reason is that the State requires that the City submits a Master Plan for expansion before the plant reaches 80 percent capacity (1.44 MGD). Another reason to expand the plant is to provide capacity for industrial uses. Many industries discharge over 1.0 MGD and could not locate in Chowchilla with the current plant capacity. The City purchased property several years ago to be used for construction of a new WWTP. The site is on the northwest corner of State Route 152 and Road 11. A preliminary design report was prepared in 2008 that estimated the cost of building a WWTP at this site would be $21 million. A large pipeline was also planned to transport the effluent to the new plant. The cost estimate for the pipeline is about $5 million, so the total cost to get a new plant functioning at this site will be about $26 million. The preliminary design report recommended converting the existing plant to an industrial waste treatment facility. There are not currently any industries that discharge large quantities of wastewater. Staff will be investigating other options to increase the capacity of the WWTP at more affordable costs. One option is to expand at the existing site. The State Regional Board has indicated that they want the facility improved to meet current standards if the capacity is increased. The existing WWTP will be difficult to improve to today’s standards but possibly the Regional Board would agree to a phased replacement (while leaving the existing plant operating) that would cost less. An engineering firm with significant waste water experience needs to be retained to evaluate more cost effective options for increasing the plant capacity. Projected date of completion: A consulting firm will be hired in the next six months to work with the State Regional Board to get an approved master plan. Construction can be completed in three years if funding is available. Cost for attaining this objective: The estimated cost to construct the first phase of the new plant at SR 152 and Road 11 are $26 million. The existing plant can be improved and expanded for $10 to $15 million. Long Term Goal Objective #4: Build new structures at the Corporation Yard Action Plan: The City’s Corporation Yard on First Street is in poor condition. The large buildings were part of the old Danish Creamery facility and are over fifty years old. Staff recommends demolishing the large structures and saving the existing carports and metal buildings. The large structures would be very expensive to refurbish and would still not be well suited to meet the City’s needs. The City has been awarded a grant to construct a new bus maintenance facility. Staff recommends designing and constructing the bus maintenance facility so that it can be expanded when funds are available to serve as the fleet facility for all of the City vehicles. A small office could also be attached to replace the current office building. Projected date of completion: The demolition of the old Danish Creamery buildings is scheduled for September 2015. The construction of the new bus maintenance facility is schedule to start soon after the demolition is finalized. Cost for attaining this objective: The estimated cost to demolish the existing structures is $275k. The City has a grant for $200k to build the bus maintenance facility. The cost of the bus maintenance facility will be approximately $325k. Administrative Services Mark Lewis, City Administrator Short Term Goal Objective #1: Further solidify the City’s improving financial status. Action Plan: During the budget development process, staff will put forward a strategy that will be implemented during the next budget year. Projected date of completion: This action plan will be implemented during the next fiscal year and completed before June 30, 2015. Cost for attaining this objective: Short Term Goal Objective #2: MOU’s re-open Action Plan: The City and the employee groups negotiated two year MOUs in 2013; complete the agreed upon re-opening for possible COLAs. Projected date of completion: This action plan will be implemented during the first six months of the fiscal year and completed before December 31, 2014. Cost for attaining this objective: Short Term Goal Objective #3: Implement City Council and City Department Goals and Objectives Action Plan: Develop Action Plans for each City Council Goal and present to the City Council for approval and follow up with quarterly Council reports which will include the status of the Council Goals and the City Department Goals. Completed, yet ongoing. Long Term Goal Objective #1: Develop New Revenue Sources and Jobs in the Community through Economic Development Action Plan: With assistance from, but not limited to sources such as: Chamber of Commerce, Madera County Economic Development Commission, local business and community members to develop business attraction and development in the City. This will be achieved through the use of economic development strategies and business development plans. Projected date of completion: In the course of the next 2 to 4 years through a focused effort of business and project development, new revenue and jobs will be developed in the community. Progress on the new hotel, annexation complete and development project for Highways 99 &152 is underway, and new market has opened. Marty Piepenbrok Community Relations Manager Short Term Goal Objective #1: Implement strategies that support the eventual achievement of the goals and objectives of the adopted City of Chowchilla Communications Plan. Action Plan: Within the Communications Plan there are many strategies prescribed that collectively support the full implementation of the entire plan. Some of the strategies are short term whereas others will require a longer investment of time and possibly funding to achieve. Staff intends to focus on the more readily attainable shorter term strategies that pertain to each of the three goals of internal communications, public engagement, and stakeholder relationships. A substantial task of this is to formulate enhanced two-way communication and information methodologies that positively affect the positioning of the City as a valued and desired component within the community perspectives and attitudes. Projected date of completion: Staff intends to implement at least five to seven of the approved plan strategies within one year. Since some of the strategies complement or leverage others throughout the plan, all or portions of other strategies may also be achieved concurrently. Cost for attaining this objective: The principal tasks should not require any substantial direct expenditures to implement. Short Term Goal Objective #2: Develop and present new community events to enhance recreational opportunities that contribute to positive stakeholder relationships and community placemaking. Action Plan: Continually research ideas to create a resource file of community event ideas that could potentially be implemented in Chowchilla by the City as well in collaboration with other stakeholder agencies. From the resource file, new events would be created that will have broad community appeal, are attractive to a broad range of ages and interests with a particular focus on multi-generational and family-oriented activities, that are relatively simple to execute, and that would require minimal expenditures but produce a quality attendee experience. As the events are created the concepts will be presented to the City Council for validation and support approval prior to implementation. Projected date of completion: Staff intends to realistically achieve developing three to four new community events within the next two years with the consideration that additional events may be added through collaborative partnerships with other local stakeholder agencies. At a minimum staff intends to produce two new events within the next year. Cost for attaining this objective: The expectation is to create and produce new community events with minimal direct expenditures that are principally offset by event revenues and/or sponsorship contributions. There may be some events that are offered for the “spirit of the community” that may not incur substantial offsetting revenue but enhance the quality of life through the experience for the attendees. Short Term Goal Objective #3: Enhance programs and services for the older residents and improve the internal physical appearance and environment of the Chowchilla Senior Center. Action Plan: With the acquisition of the Chowchilla Senior Center programming in January 2014 it is important that the City strive to improve the look and feel of the facility and at the same time add to the number, types and quality of the programs and services presented at the facility. Complementary to this is the active promotion of the facility and programs to the community to encourage more and stronger participation from the service population and to enhance our outreach to those who could benefit from services provided by and/or through the senior center. Projected date of completion: Staff intends to engage the older residents of the community, both those presently active in the senior programs and those who are not, to ascertain interests and needs for programs and services. Through various methods of outreach at community events, by individual invitation, and by working with local and regional resource stakeholders, staff expects to establish viable and responsive connections to the older residents of the community. These efforts have already been initiated and will be an ongoing project with attainable results achieved within six to eighteen months. Cost for attaining this objective: Expenditures for these tasks are included in the operational budget for the senior center. Long Term Goal Objective #1: Redesign the City of Chowchilla web site in accordance with the strategies of adopted City of Chowchilla Communications Plan. Action Plan: The Communications Plan includes the strategy to improve through redesign the entire City web site that is essentially the same design that was created more than a decade ago. Over time the web site has become cumbersome to navigate, challenging to manage internally, “oldlooking” and does not take advantage of more modern conveniences available for an efficiently and effectively functioning web site to provide important information to our residents and potential visitors. In many ways our poorly designed and functioning web site renders a less-than-desirous view of our agency and potentially the community at-large. Staff intends to acquire updated software that will allow the construction of a new City web site. Complementing that task is an intention to instruct other staff in the processes to manage the web site to create redundancy and backup capabilities to update and grow the web site. Design concepts will be presented to the City Council for consideration and approval prior to implementation. Projected date of completion: Staff intends to begin the redesign within three months of acquiring the necessary updated software. A simpler, but not necessarily, complete web site could be operational within six months of the design concept approval. The full development of the web site could take from 2-4 years to produce because of the amount of information that will have to be created and, in some cases, recreated to function effectively. Cost for attaining this objective: The purchase of the new web design software is part of a Cloudbased software package that has many programs used by the Community Relations Division that is part of an annual subscription with a cost of between $600-$800. Long Term Goal Objective #2: Initiate a cultural arts program with local and regional partnerships. Action Plan: A viable component to developing a strong community lies in the development and fostering of cultural arts. Staff intends to engage local educational districts and organizations, existing local arts groups/clubs, the Madera County Arts Council, and other related agencies and organizations that support the cultural arts. The concept of an “arts group” will be explored to promote its creation in the Chowchilla community that could actively engage residents in the appreciation, education and promotion of the arts. Projected date of completion: Staff intends to engage potentially interested stakeholders within one year and strive to formalize an “arts group” within two years. Cost for attaining this objective: No direct costs are anticipated at this time. Legal Department Jeremy Price, City Attorney Goal: Provide timely and accurate legal advice to the City Council and Staff Maintain clear lines of communication between all members of the City Council and the City Attorney Be active in the League of California Cities organization to insure that the City Council and Staff are informed of new legal developments that affect the City Goal: Be proactive in taking steps that minimize the City’s exposure to liability Provide the City Council training on the Brown Act and Ethics (AB 1234) Ensure that City Staff/Officials receive the required workplace harassment prevention training (AB 1825) City Council 13-14 Goals and Objectives Short Term Goals Marketing Plan Economic Development Staff Morale Improvements –The COLA increase and the proposed Communication Plan will assist in addressing this goal. Public Safety Staffing Economic Development Fair Improve Public Services Parks, roads and public interaction with the City Completion of Sports & Leisure Park restrooms City Council 13-14 Goals and Objectives Long Term Goals Enhance/Improve Robertson Boulevard Youth Programs New 233/99 Overpass Fire Station Water System Improvements Development of Community Communication Plan – Staff is bringing forth a plan for Council consideration February 11, 2014
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