LJUBLJANA OPEN 2016 Stadion Stožice (Vojkova cesta 100, 1000 Ljubljana) 11. junij 2016 U-12 (rojeni l. 2004) RAZPORED TURNIRJA /SCHEDULE OF TOURNAMENT: Skupina A: Skupina B: GNK Dinamo Zagreb NK Olimpija NK Brinje HNK Rijeka NK Bravo SK Sturm Graz Sobota / Saturday, 11. Junij 2016 (Stadion Stožice) Predtekmovanje / First group stage: 09:00 09:50 10:40 NK Olimpija – NK Brinje NK Bravo – HNK Rijeka GNK Dinamo – NK Brinje 11:30 12:20 13:10 HNK Rijeka – SK Sturm Graz NK Olimpija – GNK Dinamo Zagreb SK Sturm Graz – NK Bravo 12:30 13:30 14:00 Kosilo/Lunch - HNK Rijeka, NK Brinje Kosilo/Lunch - NK Olimpija, GNK Dinamo Zagreb Kosilo/ Lunch – SK Sturm Graz, NK Bravo Tekme za končne uvrstitve / Matches for final standings : 14:30 15:30 16:30 tekma za 5. mesto /match for 5th place tekma za 3. Mesto / match for 3th place tekma za 1. Mesto / match for 1th place A3: B3 A2:B2 A1:B1 17.30 SKLEPNA SLOVESNOST / CLOSING CEREMONY– razglasitev zmagovalcev in podelitev priznanj TOURNAMENT RULES: Each team can have up to 18 players and 4 companions (staff). Teams play with 11 on-field players (including goalkeeper). All matches will be played based on NZS, FIFA and UEFA rules. Each match will last 2x18 minutes Matches will be played on natural turf. Unlimited substitutions. Referees must be informed and the player substituted can return to field later on. Each team must bring two different playing jerseys (in two different colors). Players are identified based on their football or personal ID (before the tournament). Each team leader must provide a list of his team's players before the tournament starts. Player's jersey numbers and birth dates must be written. (entry form in the attachment) Everyone in the tournament participate on their own risk. The tournament will be played in 2 groups with 3 teams. Each team will play with all the others in its group. What follows, are matches for final standings: first against first, second against second and third against third. In the group stage, the team that wins gets 3 points, while the team that loses receives 0 points. If the result is tied, every team gets one 1 point. If two or more teams are equal on points on completion of the group matches, the following criteria are applied to determine the rankings: o head-to-head result o better goal-difference o more goals given o 5 penalty shoot-out (from 11 meters) If the match for final standings is tied after 36 minutes, penalty kicks (from 11 meters) decide. Each team chooses five (5) players that take the penalty kicks. The matches will be refereed by three (3) referees from DNS Ljubljana. Players will be punished for violent fouls or unsporting behavior with a yellow (caution) or red (player sent-off) cards. Yellow cards are not transferred into next matches. A player who receives two yellow cards on one match is automatically shown a red card. A player, who receives a red card, can't play in the next match. The tournament official has the power to issue an even harsher punishment. All complaints will be solved by the tournament official, which will be named by the tournament host. All complaints or protests must be forwarded to the tournament official, who deals with the matter right away and then issues an obligatory and final decision. The tournament host does not have any responsibility for the personal belongings of the participating teams and players. Prizes and acknowledgements: o all teams receive cups o medals for all players of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd placed team o the best player and goalkeeper of the tournament will receive a special cup o the team with the most »fair play« points will receive a »fair play« cup PROPOZICIJE TURNIRJA: Vsaka ekipa lahko prijavi največ 18 igralcev in 4 spremljevalce. Igralo se bo na velikem igrišču. Posamezna tekma pa bo trajala 2x18 minut. Istočasno za ekipo nastopa 10 igralcev in vratar. Igralo se bo po pravilih NZS, FIFE IN UEFE. Število menjav ni omejeno, menjave so leteče, vendar s privolitvijo glavnega sodnika, igralec, ki je bil zamenjan lahko ponovno vstopi v igro. Vsaka ekipa je dolžna imeti s seboj dve različni barvni garnituri dresov. Igralci se identificirajo na podlagi športne izkaznice ali osebnega dokumenta s sliko (pred tekmo). Vodja ekipe mora pred začetkom turnirja dostaviti spisek igralcev in spremljevalcev. Na spisku morajo biti številka dresa, ki jo posamezen igralec nosi skozi celoten turnir in datum rojstva posameznega igralca. (prijavnica v prilogi) Vsi igralci na turnirju nastopajo na lastno odgovornost. Turnir se igra v 2 skupinah po 3 ekipe, igra vsak z vsakim, nato pa se odigrajo tekme za razvrstitev na turnirju in sicer prvi s prvim, drugi z drugim in tretji s tretjim. Vsaka ekipa za zmago dobi 3 točke, za neodločen rezultat 1 točko in za poraz 0 točk. V primeru enakega števila točk dveh ekip ali več v skupini, o vrstnem redu odloča: 1. rezultat medsebojne tekme 2. skupna razlika v zadetkih 3. večje število doseženih zadetkov 4. izvajanje kazenskih strelov z 11m V primeru neodločenega rezultata na tekmah za končno razvrstitev se izvajajo kazenski streli z 11m (5 igralcev iz vsake ekipe). Vse tekme bodo sodili sodniki z ustrezno licenco. Kazen za igralce se izreče zaradi grobega prekrška ali nešportnega obnašanja. Rumeni karton (javni opomin) in rdeči karton (izključitev iz igre). Rumeni kartoni na posameznih tekmah se ne seštevajo oz. se ne prenašajo na naslednje tekme. Igralec, ki na tekmi prejme drugi rumeni karton, avtomatično prejme rdeč karton (izključitev). Igralec, ki je na tekmi prejel rdeč karton (tudi kot drugi rumeni), ima prepoved nastopanja na prvi naslednji tekmi turnirja. Izključenemu igralcu lahko vodja tekmovanja na podlagi izjave sodnika izreče tudi večjo kazen. Vse morebitne pritožbe rešuje vodja tekmovanja, ki ga imenuje organizator. Vse pritožbe in proteste se posredujejo vodji tekmovanja, kateri zadevo obravnava in sprejme obvezujoči in dokončen sklep. Organizator ne odgovarja za garderobo in osebno lastnino igralcev in udeležencev turnirja. Vabimo vas torej, da se udeležite našega turnirja in s svojo udeležbo poskrbite za zanimiv in družaben turnir. Dodatne informacije in prijave: Dejan Močnik – vodja turnirja E-mail: dejan.mocnik@nk-bravo.si Tel.: +386 41 352 327 Web: www.nk-bravo.si TEAM ENTRY FORM CLUB NAME COACH CONTACT PERSON + MOBILE PHONE E-MAIL Entry Nr. Jersey Nr. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Staff Staff Staff Staff Signature:__________________ SURNAME and NAME DATE OF BIRTH
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