Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the San Francisco Community College District City College of San Francisco OCEAN CAMPUS Multi-Use Building, Room 140 50 Phelan Avenue, San Francisco Thursday, December 13, 2012 Open Session - 6:30 p.m. I. ROLL CALL II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ADOPTION OF AGENDA IV. PUBLIC COMMENT V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES • • VI. October 25, 2012 November 15, 2012 REPORT FROM CONSTITUENT GROUPS Classified Senate: Associated Students: Academic Senate: VII. James Rogers, President Bouchra Simmons, Downtown President Shanell Williams, Ocean President Emanuel Andres, Southeast President Karen Saginor, President UPDATES A. Monthly Financial Report – Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration Peter Goldstein & Chief Financial Officer John Bilmont will present an update on forecast for Fiscal Year 2012-2013, projections for 2013-2014, and status of District Fund balance. B. Update on Progress to Collect Student Fees due at Registration – Dr. Ed Shenk, Interim Vice Chancellor of Student Development, will provide details on actions taken for the current Spring term and for a more permanent adjustment for Summer 2013. In the development of the process to collect fees at point of registration, staff is ensuring that certain groups, such as Dream Act students, Financial Aid recipients and Veterans can still have their fees deferred until funds can be awarded for fee payment. ---------------i *c indicates all resolution agenda items in the right hand column are eligible for consideration as Consent agenda items. Individual items contained in Matrix resolutions with multiple entries can be removed from the consent agenda by request of individual trustees. C. Update on Marketing and Outreach Efforts to Increase Enrollment – Interim Chancellor Dr. Thelma Scott-Skillman will provide details of the marketing plan being implemented by 25th Hour Communications, as well as describe the many initiatives undertaken by the college constituencies and units. See Appendix A. VIII. DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEM A. Accreditation Liaison Officer Gohar Momjian will present an update on the College's progress in preparing the March 15 Show Cause report. Workgroup 14, composed of the Board of Trustees, is responsible for providing initial input to prepare the response to Standard IVB1, the accreditation standard that specifically deals with the governing board. Standard IVB1 states: The institution has a governing board that is responsible for establishing policies to assure the quality, integrity, and effectiveness of the student learning programs and services and the financial stability of the institution. The governing board adheres to a clearly defined policy for selecting and evaluating the chief administrator for the college of the district/system. RECOMMENDATION: The Board will provide guidance and direction in responding to Standard IVB1 (including subsections a-j). B. Dr. Ed Shenk, Interim Vice Chancellor of Student Development, will present a report on the proposed re-organization of the Student Development Division with rationale, summary of focus group input and recommendations for a re-organization of the Division. He will provide a brief power point outlining the key components of the report and the final recommendations. See Appendix B. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Trustees approve the proposed reorganization of the Student Development Division with the understanding that upon further review the Chancellor may make some modifications but will adhere to these basic principles and the anticipated budget savings. Implementation of this proposed structure is subject to any legally required consultation(s) over the effects of the changes in structure. C. Policy Revisions/Additions – The Accrediting Commission strongly recommended the college review, revise and add various policies that reflect best practices in community colleges. The following amended policy is a part of that effort: Board Policy 8.01 – BUDGET PREPARATION AND FISCAL ACCOUNT The preparation and publication of an annual budget of all District funds shall be consistent with existing law and in accordance with a District budget calendar for review, tentative adoption and final adoption. “Budget” includes any tentative, proposed, or final budget required by law. The Chancellor, or other designee, shall prepare and submit to the Board such reports showing the financial and budgetary condition of the District, including outstanding ---------------ii *c indicates all resolution agenda items in the right hand column are eligible for consideration as Consent agenda items. Individual items contained in Matrix resolutions with multiple entries can be removed from the consent agenda by request of individual trustees. obligations, as required by law and as necessary to apprise the Board of fiscal circumstances affecting policy decisions. Budget development shall meet the following criteria: • The annual budget shall support the District’s strategic plans. • Assumptions upon which the budget is based are presented to the Board for review. • Unrestricted general reserves shall be no less than the prudent reserve defined by the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges. • Changes in the assumptions upon which the budget was based shall be reported to the Board in a timely manner. • Budget projections address long term goals and commitments. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Trustees conduct a first reading of the amended board policy 8.01 – Budget Preparation and Fiscal Accountability and provide direction for any modifications to be incorporated before the second reading. IX. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS FINANCE B1 - Approval of Incoming Restricted Funds (Grants and Contract Education) *c (pg. 1) B2 - Approval of Contracts for Expenditures from Restricted Funds as required by Grant Funding or Contract Education *c (pg. 6) B3 - Approval of outgoing unrestricted funds (General Fund) (pg. 20) B4 - Authorization to Conduct a Fall 2013 Study Abroad Program in Paris, France and to Contract with ACCENT International Consortium for Academic Programs Abroad (ACCENT) for Travel and Logistical Program Arrangements (pg. 21) B5 - *c Authorization to Conduct a Spring 2014 Study Abroad Program to Rome and Florence, Italy and to contract with ACCENT International Consortium for Academic Programs Abroad, Ltd (ACCENT) for Travel and Logistical ---------------iii *c indicates all resolution agenda items in the right hand column are eligible for consideration as Consent agenda items. Individual items contained in Matrix resolutions with multiple entries can be removed from the consent agenda by request of individual trustees. *c Program Arrangement (pg. 23) B6 B7 B8 - - - Authorization to Conduct a Spring 2014 Study Abroad Program in Madrid, Spain, and to Contract with ACCENT International Consortium for Academic Programs Abroad, Ltd (ACCENT) for Travel and Logistical Program Arrangements (pg. 25) Authorization to enter into a contract with Insight Investments LLC for purchase of refurbished computers (pg. 27) Authorization for three (3) new construction contracts and one (1) new construction related service contracts that are not more than $60,000. Contracts not subject to the formal bidding requirements of the Public Contract Code. (pg. 28) *c *c *c *c EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES AND SERVICES C1 - Procurement of Equipment, Supplies, Services, Etc., less than $3,000 (pg. 33) *c C2 - Procurement of Equipment, Supplies, Services, Etc., more than or equal to $3,000 *c (pg. 34) C3 - Acceptance of Gifts/Donations (pg. 37) C4 - Disposal of Personal Property with Insufficient Sales Value (pg. 39) *c HUMAN RESOURCES F1 F2 F3 - - - G1-13 - Educational Administrator - Associate Dean Outreach and Recruitment (pg. 42) *c Academic Employees Acceptance of Resignation and/or Resignation with the Intent to Retire (pg. 43) *c Administrative Non-Educational Appointment - Interim Dean Employee Relations - Classification B, Manager V (pg. 44) *c Academic Employees (Faculty) Credit Program/Non-Credit Program, ---------------iv *c indicates all resolution agenda items in the right hand column are eligible for consideration as Consent agenda items. Individual items contained in Matrix resolutions with multiple entries can be removed from the consent agenda by request of individual trustees. District Funded City College of San Francisco Temporary Hourly Assignments – Academic Employees: General Fund, Unrestricted and Amending previously granted Leaves of Absence (pg. 48) H1-3 - *c Academic Employees (Faculty) Credit Program/Non-Credit Program, Categorically Funded City College of San Francisco Temporary Hourly Assignments – Academic Employees *c (pg. 49) SPECIAL S1 X. - Approval of 6 new courses, 10 new course options, and 6 new instructional programs recommended by the College Curriculum Committee (pg. 50) *c ACTIONS ON OTHER RESOLUTION AGENDA ITEMS FINANCE B9 - Award of Soccer Field Pad Contract (pg. 30) B10 - Special Services Contract with Strata Information Group (SIG) to provide Information Technology Consultation at a cost not to exceed $140,000 for fiscal year 2012-2013 (pg. 31) SPECIAL S2 - Authorization to Apply for Grant Funding – Genentech Foundation (pg. 52) S3 - Amend the current master agreement between the San Francisco Community College District and the San Francisco Community College District Bookstore Auxiliary (pg. 54) S4 - Resolution Establishing a Parcel Tax Rate and Authorizing Collection (pg. 56) S5 - City College of San Francisco applauds Rodrigo Santos for his outstanding service as Trustee (pg. 57) ---------------v *c indicates all resolution agenda items in the right hand column are eligible for consideration as Consent agenda items. Individual items contained in Matrix resolutions with multiple entries can be removed from the consent agenda by request of individual trustees. XI. BOARD OF TRUSTEES’ REPORTS XII. CHANCELLOR’S REPORT XIII. CLOSED SESSION ANNOUNCEMENTS - Legal Counsel Scott Dickey XIV. ADJOURNMENT JANUARY MEETING: January 24 – 6:30 P.M. – Regular Board of Trustees Meeting Members of the public shall have an opportunity to speak in accordance with Government Code 54954.3 and Education Code 72121.5. The San Francisco Community College District does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. Persons who wish to request disability-related accommodations including sign language interpreters should contact Leilani Battiste, Title 5 ADA Compliance Monitor, 31 Gough Street, Room 9A, San Francisco, CA 94103, Phone: (415) 241-2294. Please request accommodations as early as possible prior to the date of the Board meeting in order to assure the best possible arrangements. Notice to Public: Periodically, writings that are public records which relate to an agenda item for an open session of a regular meeting of the Board of Trustee are distributed less than 72 hours prior to that meeting. Any such writings are available for public inspection at the time these writings are distributed to at least a majority of the Board. The address where such writings will be available for public inspection is: 50 Phelan Avenue Conlan Hall San Francisco, CA 94112 and 33 Gough Street San Francisco, CA 94103 Copies can be made at the cost of $.15 per page. ---------------vi *c indicates all resolution agenda items in the right hand column are eligible for consideration as Consent agenda items. Individual items contained in Matrix resolutions with multiple entries can be removed from the consent agenda by request of individual trustees. Marketing Jennifer Aries Melissa Aries 25th Hour Communications Design by Graphic Communications student, Whitney Gisvold. Activities in November Brought on board mid-November Assessment What we learned CCSF is filled with faculty and staff who are dedicated to the college, the students, the community, and each other. Recognition Samuel Santos MaryLou Leyba Gohar Momjian Karen Saginor The Plan Email blasts, 2x/week through 1/13/13, to: Current students Started 11/26/12 Stop out students from the last four semesters Started 11/29/12 Assumed management of official CCSF Facebook page Positioned it to become “the place” to get your questions answered and attain pertinent information "Likes" have increased by more than 3,000 in 3 weeks. 25+ students have asked direct questions that have been answered immediately or within 12 hours. The Plan, continued Assumed management of the official CCSF twitter handle. Using as tool for quick communication with students Followers have increased from 2 to 75 and counting Placed print ads in 12 Neighborhood newspapers. Thanks to Alex and Glenn at the San Francisco Neighborhood Newspaper Association "We're graduates of the CCSF journalism program. We'll do as much as we can for CCSF." Launching an official CCSF YouTube channel Working with Francine Podenski & Outreach Office The Plan, continued Launching a Facebook Ad Campaign Research shows that Facebook is the most effective way to reach college and college-aged students with a call to action. Will be targeting ages 16-19 and 20-40 with separate, tailored campaigns Streamlining online application process from Facebook Working with Gohar and Grace Esteban to create a Facebook-specific landing page The goal is to make the application process as easy and quick as possible Researching MUNI Bus Ads with intent to move forward Quick List This is what’s happening right now: Social Media [Facebook and Twitter] Facebook Advertising Campaign Ads in several Neighborhood Newspapers “Dial-A-Student” Phone Banking Thank you SEIU & AFT for your help! Email blasts [Current, Stop Out] BART Outreach Thank you, Tom Blair, Department Chair of Foreign Languages! Tables at BART stations in the city handing out information Quick List, continued This is what’s happening right now: Community Outreach Positive News Stories Student-designed “Open” Postcard mailed to every household in S.F. Design by Graphic Communications student, Whitney Gisvold. Faculty-generated memo to CCSF Community On website and being promoted as Ad on Facebook BEMA-created PSA on the CCSF Homepage Ocean/Phelan Board Fundraising through Whole Foods “Quick Take Thanks” Video Collaboration between Larry Kamer and the Broadcasting Department Example Email Blasts Current Students Subject: The World Series of your Future If the San Francisco Giants can win the World Series twice in three years, you can add another class to your Spring 2013 schedule and succeed. Dominate your future, like the Giants dominated the Tigers! For help with registration, or if you have any questions, you can “Like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. You can also visit the website at or come see us on campus. Ram Pride! See you back here for Spring 2013! Facebook: Twitter: @OfficialCCSF Example Email Blasts Stop Out Students Subject: Re-invest in YOU in 2013. We know the holidays are a busy time for everyone. During the rush, don’t forget to give yourself the greatest gift of all – the gift of education. Come back to CCSF and finish what you started. It will change your life. Classes begin January 14th. Call us at (415) 239-3000 or visit our website at, to get started again. Make 2013 the year you grab hold of your future! Facebook: Twitter: @OfficialCCSF Remember… We are all in this together. We appreciate that everyone is coming together with their own creativity and resources to take action and move CCSF forward. We are CCSF. Thank you! Date: December 13, 2012 B1 Subject: Approval of incoming restricted funds (Grants and Contract Education) (Resolution No. 121213-B1) BACKGROUND: The following contracts have been negotiated on behalf of the District. RECOMMENDATION: Authorization to approve new contracts and modify existing contracts. ORIGINAL GRANTOR/CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION NUMBER ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE ORIGINAL TOTAL AMOUNT 120126-FIO January 1, 2012 $235,000 to December 31, 2012 CHANGE NEW TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED COMMENTS; ORIGINATOR GRANTS A Renewal of Existing Contract Sponsored Programs Foundation of California State University, Humboldt January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013 $235,000 Increase $240,262 contract amount by $5,262 The CCSF Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is receiving an increase of $5,262 in base Small Business Administration (SBA) funding from the Regional Lead Center, Sponsored Programs Foundation of California State University, Humboldt. The funds are for base operations of the SBDC to counsel 500 entrepreneurs per year and to provide 120 seminars at the SBA District Office to 1,500 entrepreneurs per year. CCSF's Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is receiving a renewal of its contract with the Small Business Administration (SBA) funding from the Regional Lead Center, Sponsored Programs Foundation of California State University, Humboldt to continue the program. Funding: SBA Indirect cost rate: 4% (capped by funder) Originator: Joanne Low/ David Dore 121213-B1 – Page 1 of 5 ORIGINAL GRANTOR/CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION NUMBER B New Grant ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE The University Corporation, SF November 15, State 2012 with no expiration date ORIGINAL TOTAL AMOUNT $200 CHANGE NEW TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED COMMENTS; ORIGINATOR GRANT The CCSF Child Development & Family Studies Department, Orfalea Family Center, Ocean Avenue Campus has received a stipend from the University Corporation, SF State for providing a tour for international students from Tokyo, Japan. The monies will be used to purchase supplies & equipment to support the ongoing operation of the child development program. Funding Source: The University Corporation, SF State Indirect cost rate: None Originator: Joanne Low/ Frederick Chavaria 121213-B1 – Page 2 of 5 ORIGINAL GRANTOR/CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION NUMBER ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE ORIGINAL TOTAL AMOUNT New Grant November 1, 2012 to November 30, 2014 $387,023 CHANGE NEW TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED COMMENTS; ORIGINATOR GRANTS C California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) Career and Technology Education Community Collaborative Grant The CCSF Office of Career and Technical Education (CTE) will receive funding from CCCCO to work with the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD). The grant will focus on building a seamless transition from middle school through high school to post-secondary education. CCSF will work closely with SFUSD to build pathways for students to attend college while still in high school, in addition to preparing all students for post-secondary work and the academic and personal challenges they will face. Funding: CCCCO Indirect cost rate: 4% (capped by funder) Originator: Joanne Low/Phyllis McGuire GRANTS D New Contract 121213-B1 – Page 3 of 5 San Francisco Department of Economic and Workforce Development January 1, 2013 to June 30, 2015 $400,000 The San Francisco Department of Economic and Workforce Development (DEWD) received a grant from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Workforce Innovation Fund program. Funding will support the city’s new Information Technology Sector Academy in conducting and scaling pilot projects to test new workforce service delivery practices that are designed to improve outcomes for employers and jobseekers. Pilots will develop local talent through new project-based and alternative training to produce better defined career pathways that help ORIGINAL GRANTOR/CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION NUMBER ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE ORIGINAL TOTAL AMOUNT CHANGE NEW TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED COMMENTS; ORIGINATOR close the skills gap. The CCSF Computer Networking and Information Technology (CNIT) and Computer Science (CS) Departments are subrecipients of the DOL grant and will participate by engaging in projectbased learning curriculum development and course delivery, industry outreach for internship and job placement, and data collection and sharing. CCSF students will have access to job seeking services. Indirect cost rate: 29.5% of personnel costs Originator: Joanne Low/David Yee E New Grant Centers for Disease Control October 1, 2012 to $21,000 (CDC)/Asian Week Foundation September 30, 2013 GRANTS The CCSF Student Health Center is the recipient of a CDC grant, subawarded from the Asian Week Foundation to provide Hepatitis B testing for qualified CCSF students, faculty and staff. The grant will reimburse CCSF for the Hep B lab fee costs. The grant will also pay for publicity, outreach and recruitment efforts to maximize testing, and linkage capacity. The purpose of the grant is to provide more opportunities for people to screen for hepatitis B and prevent liver cancer. Funding: CDC; no indirect Originator: Ed Shenk/Sunny Clark 121213-B1 – Page 4 of 5 RESOLVED: That the Board authorizes the specific amendment to the resolution as indicated in the table, and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: That the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration, and/or their Designees are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents on behalf of the District to effectuate this resolution. 121213-B1 – Page 5 of 5 Date: December 13, 2012 B2 Subject: Approval of contracts for expenditures from restricted funds contracts as required by grant funding or contract education (Resolution No. 121213-B2) BACKGROUND: The following contracts have been negotiated on behalf of the District. RECOMMENDATION: Authorization to approve new contracts and modify existing contracts. ORIGINAL GRANTOR/CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION NUMBER ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE ORIGINAL TOTAL AMOUNT CHANGE NEW TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED 120823-B4-G August 20, 2012 to December 31, 2012 $5,000 Increase contract $6,500 amount by $1,500 and extend end date to February 28, 2013 COMMENTS; ORIGINATOR CONTRACT EDUCATION A RED Consulting As approved by the Board of Trustees in Resolution No.120823-B4-G, the CCSF Office of Contract Education contracted with RED Consulting to provide various occupational health and safety training workshops to employees of San Francisco International Airport. This is to increase the contract by $1,500 and to extend the end date to February 28, 2013. Funding: San Francisco International Airport; fund #129991 Originator: Joanne Low/David Dore 121213-B2– Page 1 of 14 ORIGINAL GRANTOR/CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION NUMBER ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE ORIGINAL TOTAL AMOUNT CHANGE 120628-B5-F July 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012 $4,600 Extend contract end date to March 31, 2013 NEW TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED COMMENTS; ORIGINATOR CONTRACT EDUCATION B Keith Gershon As approved by the Board of Trustees in Resolution No. 120628-B5-F, the CCSF Office of Contract Education entered into a contract with Keith Gershon to provide a 2-day National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) Electrical Safety Training to the Port of San Francisco. This is to modify the existing contract with Keith Gershon to extend the end date to March 31, 2013 with no additional funding. Funding: Port of San Francisco; fund #129991 Originator: Joanne Low/David Dore 121213-B2– Page 2 of 14 ORIGINAL GRANTOR/CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION NUMBER ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE ORIGINAL TOTAL AMOUNT CHANGE NEW TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED COMMENTS; ORIGINATOR CONTRACT EDUCATION C 121115-B1-B As approved by the Board of Trustees in Resolution Nos.121115-B1-B and 121115-B2-A, the CCSF Office of Contract Education is contracting with Meitetsu Travel to deliver three shortterm study programs to students from Japan. 121115-B2-A Dr. Mehdi Moosavi November 7, 2012 $375 to November 28, Palmer College of Chiropractic, 2012 $425 San Jose New Contracts Stanley Belotinsky November 13, 2012 $150 Michitera Koike November 13, 2012 $400 Chuan Taguchi November 8, 2012 $640 – 10, 2012 Iwai Yumi 121213-B2– Page 3 of 14 The Office of Contract Education will extend the contract end date with the named contractors for providing a sports massage workshop to students from Japan. The Office of Contract Education will contract with the named contractors to provide workshops and interpretation services as outlined in the contract. Funding: Meitetsu Travel, Fund #127870 Originator: Joanne Low/David Dore $310 Miho Saito Change end date to December 1, 2012 December 1, 2012 $250 ORIGINAL GRANTOR/CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION NUMBER ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE ORIGINAL TOTAL AMOUNT 100729-B5 110825-B6 120126-B4 August 1, 2010 to $163,134 December 31, 2012 CHANGE NEW TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED COMMENTS; ORIGINATOR GRANTS D Northern California District Council of Laborers, “Laborers Union” Increase contract $172,134 amount by $9,000 The CCSF CityBuild Academy grant is increasing the contract amount of the Professional Service Agreement for the Northern California District Council of Laborers by $9,000 to cover the cost of a salary increase of the laborer specialist employed by Northern California District Council of Laborers “Laborers Union.” The laborer specialist will assist City College instructors and coordinators in providing “hands-on” construction training to students in the CityBuild Academy program. Funding: Mayor’s Office of Economic and Workforce DevelopmentCityBuildAcademy (Fund #125332) Indirect cost rate: 8% (capped by funder). Originator: Joanne Low/Phyllis McGuire 121213-B2– Page 4 of 14 ORIGINAL GRANTOR/CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION NUMBER E 120322-B7-A New Contract ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE ORIGINAL TOTAL AMOUNT Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) January 2, 2013 $90,000 to March 31, 2013 CHANGE NEW TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED COMMENTS; ORIGINATOR GRANTS As approved by the Board of Trustees in Resolution No. 120322-B7-A, the CCSF Advanced Transportation Technology and Energy Initiative (ATTEi) has a contract with El Camino College to provide training to incumbent workers at government and private entities related to Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology. ATTEi will now contract with BART, or a designated BART trainer, to support the training of maintenance personnel with skills related to electric transit vehicle maintenance. Funding: California Employment Development Division (EDD) through El Camino College. Fund #125717 Indirect cost rate: 4% (capped by funder) Originator: Joanne Low/Phyllis McGuire 121213-B2– Page 5 of 14 ORIGINAL GRANTOR/CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION NUMBER ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE ORIGINAL TOTAL AMOUNT 120927-B3-A, Center of Excellence, Chaffey D College December 14, 2012 to June 30, 2013 Not to Exceed $19,090 CHANGE NEW TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED COMMENTS; ORIGINATOR GRANTS F New Contract As approved by the Board of Trustees in Resolution No.120927-B3-A & D, the CCSF Mid-Pacific Information Communications Technologies (MPICT) Center received a 3-year renewal grant with the National Science Foundation (NSF) to continue to promote and assist Information Communications Technology (ICT) education in community colleges in California, Hawaii, and Nevada. To fulfill the agreement, MPICT will contract with the Center of Excellence at Chaffey College to assess the skill demands for ICT workforce and validate the aggregated findings from the statewide survey scheduled to be conducted in November – January 2012. Funds: NSF-MPICT fund #121054; Perkins- ICT Collaborative fund #123677. Indirect cost rate: 29.5% of personnel costs (NSF), 4% (California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office; capped by funder)) Originator: Joanne Low/ Phyllis McGuire 121213-B2– Page 6 of 14 ORIGINAL GRANTOR/CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION NUMBER ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE ORIGINAL TOTAL AMOUNT CHANGE NEW TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED COMMENTS; ORIGINATOR GRANTS G 120726-B7-F 120726-B8-L, M, N, O, P 121115-B4-B California Community Colleges April 18, 2013 Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) Not more than $1,000 The CCSF California Community College Real Estate Education Center (REEC) received funding from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office/Real Estate Endowment Fund to continue its statewide activities. The grant provides for the reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses for the Endowment Board to attend their semiannual meetings. This is a contract to reimburse the Advisory Board members from Southern California to attend the meeting at the California Community College Chancellor’s Office, Sacramento, CA, on Thursday, April 18, 2013. Funding: CCCCO (2012-2013 grant). Indirect cost rate: 4% (capped by funder) Originator: Joanne Low/David Dore 121213-B2– Page 7 of 14 ORIGINAL GRANTOR/CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION NUMBER H ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE ORIGINAL TOTAL AMOUNT NEW TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED COMMENTS; ORIGINATOR GRANTS The CCSF Office of Career and Technical Education (CTE) will enter into the following contracts: 110428-FIO New Contract CHANGE Amanda Gerrie January 1, 2013 $4,000 to March 31, 2013 Amanda Gerrie will assist in multiple areas including professional development for high school to college programs and continued support for the middle school STEPS program. Tutorpedia January 1, 2013 to March 31, 2013 $1,000 Tutorpedia will provide classroom tutoring for students in the California High School Education Exam (CAHSEE) Institute, a dual enrollment program. Funding: CTE Supplemental Fund #123671. Indirect cost rate: 4% (capped by funder) I 110428-FIO 080318-FIO New Contract Richard Kos January 1, 2013 $3,000 to March 31, 2013 Originator: Joanne Low/Phyllis McGuire GRANTS The CCSF Office of Career and Technical Education (CTE) and the GIS (Geographic Information Systems) Center will enter into a contract with Richard Kos for curriculum development, and for the teaching and professional development of SFUSD teachers. Funding: CTE Supplemental/Program Income. 123671 – 60%; 125518 – 40%. Indirect cost rate: 4% (capped by funder) Originator: Joanne Low/Phyllis McGuire 121213-B2– Page 8 of 14 J ORIGINAL GRANTOR/CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION NUMBER ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE ORIGINAL TOTAL AMOUNT 120223-FIO January 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013 $8,000 Carla Trigueros New Contract CHANGE NEW TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED COMMENTS; ORIGINATOR GRANTS The CCSF Office of Career and Technical Education (CTE) will contract with Carla Trigueros to record and track data for the dual enrollment program, assist with production of printed material for the District, and provide support for the dual enrollment website, and other duties as assigned by the counseling staff. Funding: CTE Collaborative Fund #123675. Indirect cost rate: 4% (capped by funder) Originator: Joanne Low/Phyllis McGuire GRANTS K 120628-FIO New Contract Connie Huang January 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013 $5,000 The CCSF Office of Career and Technical Education (CTE) will contract with Connie Huang to provide outreach services to a specific cohort of students at Marshall and Burton High Schools. Funding: CTE Transitions. Fund #121460. Indirect cost rate: 4% (capped by funder) Originator: Joanne Low/Phyllis McGuire 121213-B2– Page 9 of 14 ORIGINAL GRANTOR/CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION NUMBER ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE ORIGINAL TOTAL AMOUNT 110623-B7-F November 5, 2012 to December 14, 2012 $12,500 CHANGE NEW TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED COMMENTS; ORIGINATOR CONTRACT L Julia Taylor New Contract The CCSF Institute for International Students will contract with Julia Taylor to provide 3 courses to students from Hochschule Fresenius, Cologne, Germany. There will be 2 courses in the area of Personnel Psychology and 1 course in the area of Travel and Tourism Management. Funding: Hochschule Fresenius. Fund #125705 Originator: Joanne Low/Minh-Hoa Ta CONTRACT M 121025-B3-A The CCSF Institute for International Students will contract with the named individuals to fulfill the contract with the Supinfo International University. New Contract Angela Blackwell November 13, 2012 to January 31, 2013 $4,400 $7,000 Angela Blackwell and David Babbitz will provide a 9-week ESL course to the students. Barbara Knox $21,400 Barbara Knox will provide 4 nine-week ESL courses. Abigail Ward $21,400 David Babbitz Abigail Ward will provide 4 nine-week ESL courses. Funding: Supinfo International University, Paris, France. Originator: Joanne Low/Minh-Hoa Ta 121213-B2– Page 10 of 14 ORIGINAL GRANTOR/CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION NUMBER ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE ORIGINAL TOTAL AMOUNT CHANGE NEW TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED COMMENTS; ORIGINATOR GRANTS N 080318-FIO New Contract Jennifer Gorospe January 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013 $2,000 As presented in Resolution No. 080318FIO, the CCSF Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Education Center teaches customized workshops on the uses of GIS technology in a variety of sectors. The workshops are fee based and all revenue is used to pay for guest lectures, guest speakers, program coordinators, instructors, and any related software or hardware for the program. The contractor will develop a contact list of potential employers; she will also develop a document detailing the GISEC internship program process to properly run the internship program after the contract expires. Funding: GIS Education Center/Grantfund #125518. Indirect cost rate: 4% (capped by funder) Originator: Joanne Low/Phyllis McGuire 121213-B2– Page 11 of 14 ORIGINAL GRANTOR/CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION NUMBER ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE ORIGINAL TOTAL AMOUNT CHANGE NEW TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED COMMENTS; ORIGINATOR GRANTS O 121025-B3-J New Contracts Lee Riley, MD; UC Berkeley October 12, 2012 $100 Damian Elias, PhD; UC Berkeley October 26, 2012 $150 Norman Matthew Ellinwood, DVM, PhD; University Ames Iowa November 9, 2012 $200 Alan Krakauer, PhD; UC Davis November 26, 2012 $150 The CCSF Biology Department, through a National Science Foundation (NSF) SSTEM grant, contracted with the named speakers. The grant is for scholarships, services and workshop/speakers series for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) students. Dr. Riley lectured on tuberculosis; Dr. Elias lectured on Jumping Spiders; Dr. Ellinwood lectured on Orphan Diseases; and Dr. Krakaurer lectured on Wild Turkeys In Northern California. Funding: National Science Foundation SSTEM; fund #121061. Indirect cost rate: Not allowed by this NSF program. Originator: Joanne Low/David Yee 121213-B2– Page 12 of 14 ORIGINAL GRANTOR/CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION NUMBER P ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE ORIGINAL TOTAL AMOUNT CHANGE NEW TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED COMMENTS; ORIGINATOR CONTRACTS The CCSF Counseling Department, with funding from the Gates Foundation for the Bridge to Success initiative, will contract with the following: 110623-B7A15 111117-B6-C New Contracts Maria Elena Guadamuz January 3, 2013 to June 30, 2013 $35,000 Laurie Scolari December 17, 2012 to June 30, 2013 $10,000 Black Parrot Productions January 10, 2013 Not to Exceed to April 10, 2013 $1,945 Maria Elena Guadamuz will serve as a Research and Evaluation Consultant to support research related to increasing the college-going rates among first-generation college students in San Francisco. Laurie Scolari will serve as a Policy and Grant Institutionalization Consultant to support activities related to the institutionalization of Bridge to Success initiatives that aim to close the achievement gap and increase the college-going rates among first-generation college students in SF. Black Parrot Productions will serve as videographers and editors for a video shoot for a marketing campaign to promote CCSF as a viable option for African American and Latino youth in SF. The Bridge to Success grant guidelines indicate that CCSF must implement a communications strategy plan that includes videos. Funding: Bridge To Success Grant from Gates Foundation/SF Department of Children, Youth, and Family Services (DCYF) is fiscal agent with CCSF as the subrecipient. Indirect cost rate: 5% (capped by funder) Originator: Ed Shenk/ Lindy McKnight 121213-B2– Page 13 of 14 RESOLVED: That the Board authorizes the specific amendment to the resolution as indicated in the table, and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: That the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration, and/or their Designees are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents on behalf of the District to effectuate this resolution. 121213-B2– Page 14 of 14 Date: December 13, 2012 B3 Subject: Approval of outgoing unrestricted funds (General Fund) (Resolution No. 121213–B3) BACKGROUND: The following contracts have been negotiated on behalf of the District. RECOMMENDATION: Authorization to approve new contracts and modify existing contracts. ORIGINAL GRANTOR/CONTRACTOR RESOLUTION NUMBER A New Contract th 25 Hour Communications ORIGINAL CONTRACT DATE November 13 to January 13, 2012 ORIGINAL TOTAL AMOUNT CHANGE NEW TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED COMMENTS; ORIGINATOR th $12,000. 25 Hour Communications will be tasked with increasing student enrollment and creating/communicating messages about CCSF activities (includes creating an immediate tactical marketing plan and developing long term college marketing and recruitment plan). Funding Source: Unrestricted General Fund Originator: Joanne Low RESOLVED: That the Board authorizes the specific amendment to the resolution as indicated in the table, and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: That the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration, and/or their Designees are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents on behalf of the District to effectuate this resolution. 121213-B3 – Page 1 of 1 City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 • (415) 239-3000 DATE: December 13, 2012 B4 SUBJECT: CONTRACTS/GRANTS Authorization to Conduct a Fall 2013 Study Abroad Program in Paris, France and to Contract with ACCENT International Consortium for Academic Programs Abroad (ACCENT) for Travel and Logistical Program Arrangements (Resolution No. 121213-B4) BACKGROUND: ACCENT International Consortium for Academic Programs Abroad, Ltd. (ACCENT) has been successfully providing City College of San Francisco with services for the Study Abroad Programs in Paris, France for 45 semesters, including Fall 2012. CCSF program students and faculty have consistently given ACCENT excellent evaluations. ACCENT is now proposing their services for a semester program offering CCSF credit courses in French Language, French Civilization and Culture, and Art History in Paris, France in Fall 2013 for the period from September 2 to December 6, 2013, with proposed program prices as follows: Fall 2013: September 2 to December 6, 2013 (95 nights) # of Students Program Cost 15-19 participants $7,750 20-25 participants $7,525 The program cost per student includes housing, instruction, excursions, student activities, support services and ground transportation within Paris, and emergency student medical insurance. The costs of these programs are to be borne by the students, and the district shall not expend any funds for transportation, housing, meals and/or incidentals. Students who meet academic and financial criteria are eligible for both state and federal financial aid while participating in a CCSF study abroad program (about 25-30% of CCSF students on average fall into this category), and ACCENT is willing to work closely with the financial aid office at CCSF and make special efforts for delayed payments from students who have successfully applied for financial aid. BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT • DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT • DR. NATALIE BERG • CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO • RODRIGO SANTOS • LAWRENCE WONG • WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. ROBERT AGRELLA, SPECIAL TRUSTEE DR. THELMA SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR ACCENT is the only organization that allows deferred payments (up to 40% of program cost) until mid-semester when financial aid is disbursed, and will offer up to $1,000 in scholarships specifically for CCSF students in the Paris program who fulfill the criteria. ACCENT holds foreign general liability coverage to the amount of $7 million, issued by Calender-Robinson Co., Inc., General Insurance Brokers, and City College of San Francisco will be listed as an “additional insured” on the policy. RECOMMENDATION: RESOLVED: That the San Francisco Community College District approves authorization to conduct a Study Abroad Program to Paris, France, Fall 2013 and to contract with ACCENT International Consortium for Academic Programs Abroad, Ltd, to obtain travel and educational program arrangements, with costs to be borne by the students; and that the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration, and/or their designees are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents on behalf of the San Francisco Community College District to effectuate this resolution. Originator: Joanne Low 121213 B4 Page 2 of 2 City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 • (415) 239-3000 DATE: December 13, 2012 SUBJECT: B5 CONTRACTS/GRANTS Authorization to Conduct a Spring 2014 Study Abroad Program to Rome and Florence, Italy and to contract with ACCENT International Consortium for Academic Programs Abroad, Ltd (ACCENT) for Travel and Logistical Program Arrangement (Resolution No. 121213-B5) BACKGROUND: ACCENT International Consortium for Academic Programs Abroad, Ltd. (ACCENT) has been successfully providing City College of San Francisco with services for the Study Abroad Programs in Florence, Italy for 33 consecutive semesters, and in Rome and Florence for four additional semesters, including Spring 2013. CCSF program students and faculty have consistently given ACCENT excellent evaluations. ACCENT is now proposing their services for a semester program offering CCSF credit courses in Italian History and Art History in Rome and Florence, Italy during Spring 2014 for the period from January 16 to April 18, 2014, with proposed program prices as follows: Spring 2014: January 16 – April 18, 2014 (92 days) # of Students Program Cost 15-19 participants $6,525 20-25 participants $6,250 The program cost per student includes housing, instruction, excursions, student activities, support services, coach transfer between Rome and Florence, and emergency student medical insurance. The costs of these programs are to be borne by the students, and the District shall not expend any funds for transportation, housing, meals and/or incidentals. Students who meet academic and financial criteria are eligible for both state and federal financial aid while participating in a CCSF study abroad program (about 25-30% of CCSF students on average fall into this category), and ACCENT is willing to work closely with the financial aid office at CCSF and make special efforts for delayed payments from students who have successfully applied for financial aid. BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT • DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT • DR. NATALIE BERG • CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO • RODRIGO SANTOS • LAWRENCE WONG • WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. ROBERT AGRELLA, SPECIAL TRUSTEE DR. THELMA SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR ACCENT is the only organization that allows deferred payments (up to 40% of program cost) until mid-semester when financial aid is disbursed, and will offer up to $1,000 in scholarships specifically for CCSF students in the Rome and Florence program who fulfill the criteria. ACCENT holds foreign general liability coverage to the amount of $7 million, issued by CalendarRobinson Co., Inc., General Insurance Brokers, and City College of San Francisco will be listed as an “additional insured” on the policy. RECOMMENDATION: RESOLVED: That the San Francisco Community College District approves authorization to conduct excursions to Florence and Rome, Italy, Spring 2014, and to contract with ACCENT International Consortium for Academic Programs Abroad, Ltd, to obtain travel and educational program arrangements, with costs to be borne by the students; and that the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration, and/or their designees are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents on behalf of the San Francisco Community College District to effectuate this resolution. Originator: Joanne Low 121213-B5 Page 2 of 2 City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 • (415) 239-3000 DATE: December 13, 2012 B6 SUBJECT: CONTRACTS/GRANTS Authorization to Conduct a Spring 2014 Study Abroad Program in Madrid, Spain, and to Contract with ACCENT International Consortium for Academic Programs Abroad, Ltd (ACCENT) for Travel and Logistical Program Arrangements (Resolution No. 121213-B6) BACKGROUND: ACCENT International Consortium for Academic Programs Abroad, Ltd. (ACCENT) has been successfully providing City College of San Francisco with services for the Study Abroad Programs in Madrid, Spain for 11 consecutive spring semesters since Spring 2003, including Spring 2013. CCSF program students and faculty have consistently given ACCENT excellent evaluations. ACCENT is proposing their services for a semester program offering CCSF credit courses in Spanish, Spanish Civilization and Culture, and Art History in Madrid, Spain in Spring 2014 for the period from January 7 to March 29, 2014, with proposed program prices as follows: Spring 2014: January 7 to March 29, 2014 for 81 nights # of Students Program Cost 15-19 $5,975 (student apartments) 15-19 $7,325 (homestay and ½ board) 20-25 $5,750 (student apartments) 20-25 $7,100 (homestay and ½ board) The program cost per student includes housing, instruction, excursions, student activities, support services and ground transportation within Spain, and emergency student medical insurance. The costs of these programs are to be borne by the students, and the district shall not expend any funds for transportation, housing, meals and/or incidentals. Students who meet academic and financial criteria are eligible for both state and federal financial aid while participating in a CCSF study abroad program (about 25-30% of CCSF students on average fall into this category), and ACCENT is willing to work closely with the financial aid office at CCSF and make special efforts for delayed payments from students who have successfully applied for financial aid. BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT • DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT • DR. NATALIE BERG • CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO • RODRIGO SANTOS • LAWRENCE WONG • WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. ROBERT AGRELLA, SPECIAL TRUSTEE DR. THELMA SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR ACCENT is the only organization that allows deferred payments (up to 40% of program cost) until mid-semester when financial aid is disbursed, and will offer up to $1,000 in scholarships specifically for CCSF students in the Madrid program who fulfill the criteria. ACCENT holds foreign general liability coverage to the amount of $7 million, issued by Calender-Robinson Co., Inc., General Insurance Brokers, and City College of San Francisco will be listed as an “additional insured” on the policy. RECOMMENDATION: RESOLVED: That the San Francisco Community College District approves authorization to conduct a Study Abroad Program to Madrid, Spain 2014, and to contract with ACCENT International Consortium for Academic Programs Abroad, Ltd, to obtain travel and educational program arrangements, with costs to be borne by the students; and that the Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration, and/or their designees are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents on behalf of the San Francisco Community College District to effectuate this resolution. Originator: Joanne Low 121213-B6 Page 2 of 2 City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 • (415) 239-3000 DATE: December 13, 2012 B7 SUBJECT: Authorization to enter into a contract with Insight Investments LLC for purchase of refurbished computers (Resolution No.121213-B7) BACKGROUND: Computers have a limited lifespan, typically five to six years. Many of the computers used by employees at City College are more than ten years old and are obsolete. In order to provide functionality, increase productivity, and save energy, these computers must be replaced. As a first step in this process, City College will replace approximately 140 of the oldest computers with refurbished ones. In October 2012 City College solicited quotes from three computer vendors, including OmniPro (our current vendor for new computers). The instructions to vendors were to provide quotes for refurbished two-year old computers of the same model that CCSF already owns with a threeyear warranty. City College received two quotes. OmniPro declined to participate. The quotes received were approximately one-third the cost of a new computer. Based on the quotes provided, City College has determined that Insight Investments LLC has the lowest price per unit. Vendor Desktop Insight Investments LLC $261 CDI Computer Dealers Inc. $309 OmniPro Declined to Participate RECOMMENDATION: RESOLVED: That authorization is hereby given to contract with Insight Investments LLC to purchase refurbished computers for an amount not to exceed $45,000 for the fiscal year 2013. The funding for this purchase is from the general fund and is in the current ITS budget, and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: That the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration and/or their designee are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents on behalf of the District to effectuate this resolution. Originator: Peter Goldstein BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT • DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT • DR. NATALIE BERG • CHRIS JACKSON RODRIGO SANTOS • STEVE NGO • LAWRENCE WONG • WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. ROBERT AGRELLA, SPECIAL TRUSTEE DR. THELMA SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR The Facilities, Infrastructure & Technology Committee on December 5, 2012 reviewed and voted to forward this resolution to the Board with a recommendation for approval. DATE: December 13, 2012 B8 SUBJECT: CAPITAL OUTLAY Authorization for three (3) new construction contracts and one (1) new construction related service contract that are not more than $60,000. Contracts not subject to the formal bidding requirements of the Public Contract Code. (Resolution No. 121213-B8) BACKGROUND INFORMATION: GRANTOR/ CONTRACTOR REQUESTED CONTRACT AMOUNT A Federighi Design Inc. $28,796.17 B Vision Works $57,960.00 C Correction of BR#120927-B1A: Special Testing/Inspection for Annex Collapsible Seating Special Testing/Inspection Consultant (Chinatown/North Beach Center) - BSK Associates Plum Architects D $25,000 $10,000.00 COMMENTS PROJECT BUDGET Provide and install demonstration unit including $150,000 counter, faucet, under counter refrigerator and range for the cooking demonstration classroom in Statler Wing Lecture Room 14. Project to be funded by private funds raised by the Culinary Arts and Hospitality Department. Provide materials and labor necessary for the Culinary $150,000 Arts Department’s remodel of Statler Wing Lecture Room 14 including but not limited to carpentry, electrical, plumbing, painting, repair of student chairs and flooring work. Project to be funded by private funds raised by the Culinary Arts and Hospitality Department. The seating is to be partially constructed in Belgium 145.5M requiring special investigation and controls at that location and follow through when the final assembly is being completed here at the site. It has been determined that one firm with offices in both locations would be the most cost effective method of accomplishing this work. Provide architectural and engineering services for the $150,000 Culinary Arts Department’s remodel of cooking demonstration classroom in Statler Wing Lecture Room 14. Project to be funded by private funds raised by the Culinary Arts and Hospitality Department. TOTAL PROJECT FUNDS COMMITTED WITH THIS ACTION $28,796.17 $57,960.00 145.5M $10,000.00 RECOMMENDATION: RESOLVED: That the Board authorizes and approves the specified new contract as indicated in the table, and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: That the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration, and/or their designee are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents on behalf of the District to effectuate this resolution. Peter Goldstein: Originator City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 415) 239-3000 Date: December 13, 2012 Subject: C1 EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES & SERVICES Procurement of Equipment, Supplies, Services, Etc., less than $3,000 (Resolution No. 121213-C1) BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Listed below is a summary of purchases for equipment, supplies, and services in individual amounts of less than $3,000 that are necessary for the support of District operations, and therefore are recommended for approval by the Board of Trustees. It is certified that the items summarized below are in accord with the Board of Trustees policy and that funds are available to cover payment. These expenditures for the month of November are all charged to budgets already approved by the Board of Trustees in tentative Resolution No. 120628-B1a Adoption of the Annual Budget. RECOMMENDATION: RESOLVED: That approval be hereby given for the procurement of the equipment, supplies, services, etc., totaling $198,662.81 for October 27 – November 26, 2012, individual amounts of less than $3,000 not heretofore approved as summarized and detailed below: November 2012 Direct Payments 91,566.68 Purchase Orders 102,984.58 Travel/Mileage Grand Total: 4,111.55 $ 198,662.81 John Bilmont, Originator 12/13/12 – C1 page 1 BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT DR. NATALIE BERG CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO RODRIGO SANTOS LAWRENCE WONG WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 415) 239-3000 SHARED GOVERNANCE REVIEW: X This resolution does not require review by the Shared Governance System. ___ This resolution requires review by the Shared Governance System for recommendation to the Chancellor. The following Shared Governance body(ies) reviewed this resolution and took action on it on the date indicated: Date Recommended Not Recommended Reviewed Only Academic Senate CAC College PBC Only _________________________________________ required to review this resolution. BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT DR. NATALIE BERG CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO RODRIGO SANTOS LAWRENCE WONG WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 415) 239-3000 Date: December 13, 2012 Subject: C2 EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES & SERVICES Procurement of Equipment, Supplies, Services, Etc., more than or equal to $3,000 (Resolution No. 121213-C2) BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The following departmental requests for the purchase of supplies, equipment, and services have been received and processed (October 27 – November 26, 2012). Investigation indicates that they are necessary for the support of District operations, and therefore are recommended for approval by the Board of Trustees. District personnel exercised review and approval to verify that the items summarized below are in accord with the Board of Trustees policy and that funds are available to cover payment. Supplies, equipment, and services less than $60,000 and representing recurring activities necessary to support and maintain the ongoing activities of the college are authorized in the current fiscal year under either the tentative operating budget resolution 120628-B1a or the Chancellor’s enabling resolution 061121-S4 or both. Supplies, equipment and services greater than or equal to $60,000 may be authorized under the tentative operating budget resolution 120628-B1a. These requests for purchase were anticipated in the formulation of the final operating budget and represent recurring annual outlays for utilities, recurring operating leases like copiers, printing, maintenance services and supplies, etcetera. Supplies, equipment and services greater than or equal to $60,000 not anticipated in the final operating budget or occurring in funds other than the Unrestricted General Fund are authorized under one or more unique board resolutions. The relevant governing board resolutions are annotated in column H in attachment A. RECOMMENDATION: RESOLVED: That approval is hereby given for the procurement of the equipment, supplies, and services, as detailed in Attachment A. Total for November 2012: $ 810,453.33 John Bilmont, Originator BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT DR. NATALIE BERG CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO RODRIGO SANTOS LAWRENCE WONG WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 415) 239-3000 SHARED GOVERNANCE REVIEW: X This resolution does not require review by the Shared Governance System. ___ This resolution requires review by the Shared Governance System for recommendation to the Chancellor. The following Shared Governance body(ies) reviewed this resolution and took action on it on the date indicated: Date Recommended Not Recommended Reviewed Only Academic Senate CAC College PBC Only _________________________________________ required to review this resolution. BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT DR. NATALIE BERG CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO RODRIGO SANTOS LAWRENCE WONG WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 B C D E F G Monthly Vendor Activity For Fiscal Year: 13 Activity Date From: October 27 - November 26, 2012 BR#120628-B1a Vendor $60,000 or above Apple Computer, Inc. Austin Community College CCSF Bookstore CleanSource, Inc. Jones James Omnipro Systems Inc. Ricoh Business Solutions Saflund Peter Strata Information Group VWR International, Inc. ID Fund @00002879 @00014982 0505101 @00003971 @00197165 2871701 @00002946 @00171010 @00003177 @00000056 122302 121048 123675 U 121054 125513, 141030 125510 121044 724059 724006 Year-To-Date (1) Amount $ $ Less than $60,000 3QC, Inc. American Marketing System Inc. Armstrong Medical Industries Inc. Asset Works BSN Sports Bound Tree Medical, LLC CART/Captioning & Reporting Srvs CMS Columbia Dentoform Corp. Columbia Graphics Computerland of Silicon Valley De Carlo Pamela Demetrius Bruce Division of the State Architect Eastern Book Company Enterprise Rent-A-Car Gold Hill Associates, LLC Granicus Inc. Grotegut Richard Guadamuz Maria Haight Elaine Hayward Travel Center Hilton Hotels Jones Sandy McKeever Michael Nichols Consulting Org. Metrics Pacific Coast Trane Service Pasco Scientific Performance Based Ergonomics, Inc. Pro-Dex, Inc. Regents of the Univ. of California Robert E. Simms, LLC Rodas Urdaneta Claudia SAS Institute Inc. SWACC @00174568 @00175876 0237201 @00225447 @00002520 9137701 @00208254 @00197153 0532101 @00251657 *COMPLAND W00009810 W00007136 @00004078 @00004251 @00001488 @00275561 @00248970 @00226245 W99015081 @00237432 @00041289 @00001484 @00229553 @00226250 @00143501 @00203277 1405601 1431001 @00098521 @00275263 @00146878 @00243500 W99184168 9149001 @00004080 H 12/13/12- C2-A Attachment A 85,287.80 127,798.00 426,704.59 70,000.00 172,000.00 212,670.12 288,845.64 70,000.00 125,000.00 74,994.70 1,653,300.85 33,450.91 20,260.00 9,647.82 32,000.00 7,334.70 23,986.41 5,000.00 4,394.34 4,676.44 6,941.84 15,591.18 7,600.00 6,500.00 3,517.46 14,925.00 9,470.80 3,183.61 20,900.00 5,667.00 42,660.00 5,250.00 17,000.00 9,819.99 5,050.00 5,000.00 9,000.00 30,000.00 8,026.15 7,290.24 5,495.00 5,010.16 3,264.00 15,750.00 4,040.00 3,679.00 3,615.32 Previously (2) Reported $ $ 73,590.58 73,672.00 419,530.20 30,000.00 204,100.38 281,169.92 100,000.00 70,831.76 1,252,894.84 15,195.00 4,081.96 4,053.92 2,000.00 9,876.38 337.71 7,200.00 4,265.90 10,400.00 667.00 37,660.00 250.00 6,349.97 1,150.00 495.00 1,040.00 - Net (3) Change $ $ Authority (Comments) (4) (5) 11,697.22 54,126.00 7,174.39 40,000.00 172,000.00 8,569.74 7,675.72 70,000.00 25,000.00 4,162.94 400,406.01 33,450.91 5,065.00 9,647.82 32,000.00 3,252.74 19,932.49 3,000.00 4,394.34 4,676.44 6,941.84 5,714.80 7,600.00 6,500.00 3,179.75 7,725.00 5,204.90 3,183.61 10,500.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 17,000.00 3,470.02 3,900.00 5,000.00 9,000.00 30,000.00 8,026.15 7,290.24 5,000.00 5,010.16 3,264.00 15,750.00 3,000.00 3,679.00 3,615.32 # # # # # # # # # # BR#120628-B1a BR#120628-B5 BR#120628-B1a BR#120628-B1a BR#120927-B4 BR#120628-B1a BR#120628-B1a BR#110825-B6 BR#120726-B1 BR#120628-B1a A 1 2 3 4 5 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 B C D E F Monthly Vendor Activity For Fiscal Year: 13 Activity Date From: October 27 - November 26, 2012 BR#120628-B1a Vendor ID San Francisco Municipal Transportation@00000751 Agency Sanders Ronald W00164690 Silicon Mountain Memory Inc @00132452 SimplexGrinnell LP 1711102 Sms Tech Solutions @00205884 T & B Sports 941595671 TFS-Air Filter Sales and Service 0151702 Terry Jodi @00270194 The College Board @00140230 The Davey Tree Expert Company @00262613 TriMark Economy Restaurant Fixtures 0693401 U.S. Postal Service @00002868 Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co. LLP @00005070 Virco Mfg Corporation 1937001 YBP Library Services @00004564 Yates Hillman W00423844 Grand Total G H 12/13/12- C2-A Attachment A $ Year-To-Date (1) Amount 21,228.00 7,040.00 8,745.25 19,778.78 7,440.00 29,182.01 23,200.00 5,000.00 6,650.00 3,230.00 14,124.96 23,536.91 44,520.00 8,931.10 48,185.00 7,200.00 692,989.38 $ Previously (2) Reported 15,630.00 4,431.87 16,000.00 25,818.01 20,000.00 2,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 41,290.00 4,964.34 40,785.00 282,942.06 $ 2,346,290.23 $ 1,535,836.90 Fund Notes: 1: Year To Date Encumbrances plus Direct Payments for all vendors. 2: Periods prior to current reporting period, Encumbrances plus Direct Payments. 3: Current month activity, Encumbrances plus Direct Payments. 4: Attachment B is available both at the Board meeting for public inspection and on request through the Office of the Vice Chancellor 5: TBD, currently in research. Net (3) Change Authority (Comments) (4) (5) $ 5,598.00 7,040.00 4,313.38 3,778.78 7,440.00 3,364.00 3,200.00 3,000.00 3,150.00 3,230.00 10,624.96 23,536.91 3,230.00 3,966.76 7,400.00 7,200.00 410,047.32 $ 810,453.33 City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 • (415) 239-3000 DATE: December 13, 2012 C3 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Gifts/Donations (Resolution No. 121213-C3) BACKGROUND: San Francisco City College District (SFCCD) Policy Manual Section 8.08 Acceptance of Gifts provides that (1) motor vehicles, (2) aircraft, (3) cash exceeding $250, (4) securities, (5) precious stones, (6) precious metals, (7) goods other than (1) or (2) above with a market value exceeding $1,500, be accepted by the SFCCD only by resolution of the Board of Trustees. WHEREAS: The SFCCD has been tendered the gifts detailed in Attachment A; and WHEREAS: The Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs declares that these gifts will enhance the instructional program of the San Francisco Community College District; RECOMMENDATION: RESOLVED: That the Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration and/or their designees, are hereby authorized to accept the gifts listed on Attachment A for and in the name of the San Francisco Community College District; and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: That upon transfer of legal title of these gifts described in Attachment A, the Secretary of the SFCCD Board of Trustees is directed to notify the donors of acceptance of the gifts by the governing board. Originator: Joanne Low BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT • DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT • DR. NATALIE BERG • CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO • RODRIGO SANTOS • LAWRENCE WONG • WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. ROBERT AGRELLA, SPECIAL TRUSTEE DR. THELMA SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR Resolution No. 121213-C3 Attachment A Description Donor Cash donation to Restore Classes Cash donation to Restore Classes Cash donation to Earth Sciences Department Cash donation to Earth Sciences Department Cash donation to Chinatown/North Beach Campus Cash donation to Associated Students Mission Campus Arnold Kuper Markus Kopius Darrel Hess Market Value (declared by donor) $5,530 $1,026 $2,000 Katryn Wiese $1,000 Hon Wah Cheung $1,000 ADIR Restaurants Corp. dba Pollo Campero UAW Northern Area CAP $500 Cash donation to Associated Students Council Resolution 121213-C3 -- Page 2 of 2 $300 City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 • (415) 239-3000 C4 DATE: December 13, 2012 Subject: DISPOSAL OF EQUIPMENT Disposal of Personal Property with Insufficient Sales Value (Resolution No. 121213-C4) BACKGROUND INFORMATION: It has been determined that the property identified in Schedule A is unsatisfactory, not in serviceable condition, and is of insufficient value to defray the costs of arranging a sale. It is recommended that the property be safely collected and recycled. California Education Code Section 81452 reads in part as follows: “(c) If the Board by a unanimous vote of those members present, finds that the property is of insufficient value to defray the cost of arranging a sale, it may be disposed of in the local public dump.” And The California Department of Toxic Substances Control 2006 Universal Waste Law states that “televisions, computer monitors, laptop computers and most other electronic devices cannot be disposed to the trash. The prohibition of computer monitors in the trash applies to both cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors, and liquid crystal diode (LCD) monitors.” All electronic wastes will be recycled via the College’s agreement with Electronic Recyclers; a State of California certified collector and recycler. RECOMMENDATION: RESOLVED: That authorization is hereby granted to dispose and recycle whenever possible of all unsatisfactory and unserviceable equipment listed on Schedule A, FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: That the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration, and/or their designee are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents on behalf of the College to effectuate this resolution. Originator: Peter Goldstein BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT • DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT • DR. NATALIE BERG • CHRIS JACKSON RODRIGO SANTOS • STEVE NGO • LAWRENCE WONG • WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. ROBERT AGRELLA, SPECIAL TRUSTEE DR. THELMA SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR Disposal Equipment C4-ATTACHMENT Description Dell Server Dell Server Dell Server Dell Server Dell Server HP Switch Manufacturer Dell Dell Dell Dell Dell HP Asset No. 009005 009003 008980 008990 008989 004675 Model No. PowerEdge 2600 PowerEdge 1650 PowerEdge 2650 PoweEdge 2550 PowerEdge 2650 HP Procurve 9304M Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client Zero Client PANO LOGIC PANO LOGIC PANO LOGIC PANO LOGIC PANO LOGIC PANO LOGIC PANO LOGIC PANO LOGIC PANO LOGIC PANO LOGIC PANO LOGIC PANO LOGIC PANO LOGIC PANO LOGIC PANO LOGIC 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$259.00 $259.00 $259.00 $259.00 $259.00 $259.00 $259.00 $259.00 $259.00 $259.00 Appraised Value $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Fund Sousrce Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 • (415) 239-3000 DATE: December 13, 2012 Subject: F1 HUMAN RESOURCES Resignation Educational Administrator Associate Dean Outreach and Recruitment (Resolution No. 121213-F1) BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Resolution 121213-F1 covers the resignation of an educational administrator. RECOMMENDATION: RESOLVED: That the resignation of Laurie Scolari from her employment as Associate Dean Outreach and Recruitment with the San Francisco Community College District be accepted effective close of business November 23, 2012. Originator: Clara Starr BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT • DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT • DR. NATALIE BERG • CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO • RODRIGO SANTOS • LAWRENCE WONG • WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. ROBERT AGRELLA, SPECIAL TRUSTEE DR. THELMA SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 • (415) 239-3000 DATE: December 13, 2012 F2 Subject: HUMAN RESOURCES Academic Employees Acceptance of Resignation and/or Resignation with the Intent to Retire (Resolution No. 121213-F2) The following academic employees have submitted, and the Chancellor has accepted, Resignation and/or Resignation with the Intent to Retire. RETIREMENT Bozina, Robert P. Chan, P. Agnes W. Fernandez, Germania Hawthorne, Mark Klot, Steven Metzgar, Joseph V. Nguyen, Chau Ventura, John Viramontes, Xavier PT FT PT PT FT PT PT PT PT Music ESL Foreign Languages Administration of Justice IDST Older Adults ESL ESL Art 12/19/12 12/19/12 08/31/12 12/19/12 12/19/12 12/19/12 12/19/12 12/19/12 12/19/12 Originator: Clara Starr BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT • DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT • DR. NATALIE BERG • CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO • RODRIGO SANTOS • LAWRENCE WONG • WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. ROBERT AGRELLA, SPECIAL TRUSTEE DR. THELMA SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 • (415) 239-3000 DATE: December 13, 2012 F3 SUBJECT: Human Resources Administrative Non-Educational Appointment Interim Dean Employee Relations - Classification B, Manager V (Resolution No. 121213-F3) BACKGROUND: Resolution 121213-F3 covers an appointment for the position Interim Dean Employee Relations (Office of the Chancellor). Board of Trustees’ approval is required. RECOMMENDATION: RESOLVED: That effective December 14, 2012, appointment not to exceed one year or until a permanent dean is hired, Mickey Branca be appointed Interim Dean Employee Relations – Classified B, Manager V (Office of the Chancellor). Salary shall be in accord with the Non-Educational Administrators’ Salary Schedule, Classification B, Manager V, Step 11. The Interim Dean shall not receive retirement, health, dental, vision, or other fringe benefits. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: That the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration, and/or their designees are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents on behalf of the District to effectuate this resolution. Clara Starr, Originator Attachment BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT • DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT • DR. NATALIE BERG • CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO • RODRIGO SANTOS • LAWRENCE WONG • WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. ROBERT AGRELLA, SPECIAL TRUSTEE DR. THELMA SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR Mickey Branca CO-PRINCIPAL (OWNER) - PEARLDIVING, LLC MANAGEMENT CONSULTING • (10/01 – PRESENT) Nonprofit & Public Sector Specific (Union and Non-Union) Consulting o Negotiate for management in collective bargaining and arbitration. o Conduct Investigations into Employee Grievances, Misconduct and/or Performance Issues. o Coach Board of Directors, Executive and Operational Management on: Employment and Labor Issues Organizational transitions and restructurings Business, operations, financial and human resources management effectiveness. Executive Transition Executive Search o Strategic retreat and other facilitation for Nonprofit Boards and Executive Teams. o Lead Board of Directors and staff through annual business planning processes. o Tailor trainings on finance and fund accounting to Board of Directors. o Manage relationships with public and private funders. o Consult on 501(c)3 formation and dissolution. Perform as Interim Chief Financial, Human Resources, and Administration Officer Comprehensive Organizational assessments focused on: o Organization-wide financial health o Financial leadership o Effective human resources management o Administrative organizational effectiveness o Effective finance operations and systems Restructure balance sheets to facilitate improved financial and organizational performance. Manage Accounting, Payroll and Other System Conversions. • • • • PROFESSIONAL LEGAL EXPERIENCE PRIVATE PRACTICE (PART-TIME) – CONNECTICUT LICENSED • • • • (1/09 – PRESENT) Labor & Employment Wills and Trusts Civil litigation Criminal UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL TRIBUNAL FOR THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA – THE HAGUE Legal Intern • • (9/05-3/06) Submitted article to the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia on international legal issues related to war crimes and violations of humanitarian law in Sudan. o “Why the United States Should But Probably Will Not Endorse an Investigation by the International Criminal Court Into the International Crimes in Darfur,” (submitted with Mickey Branca • • • • • • . Page 2 of 3 application for internship at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, March 2005). Provided legal support to five international criminal attorneys prosecuting three defendants for crimes against humanity and other international crimes in violation of the customs of war. Completed document discovery, disclosure, and trial preparation of 30 prosecution witnesses. Researched and summarized the law of Command Responsibility. Drafted motion on previously adjudicated facts. Summarized witness testimony in preparation for closing of prosecution’s case. Served as second chair to Senior Trial Attorney in court. UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO, SCHOOL OF LAW – SAN FRANCISCO Law Student • • • • • • • • • (8/03-5/05) Completed article entitled “Race, Law & Policy – Gaps in Domestic and International Law for the Protection of Workers of Color” (accepted as writing requirement towards the Juris Doctorate). Completed pro bono research and closing arguments for refugee law attorney on successful asylum claims of three El Salvadoran refugees persecuted for their political opinions. Researched current issues and proposed resolution language to the UN Commission Charter on Human Rights related to current issues of arbitrary detention and border deaths of migrant workers resulting from increasing border security in Spain, Australia, and the United States. [Certified to practice Human Rights Law at The Commission]. o Published article “Border Deaths and Arbitrary Detention of Migrant Workers” (Human Rights Advocates & UN Commission on Human Rights, Geneva, Switzerland, April 2005). Organized USF School of Law community to join FAIR v. Rumsfeld, a grassroots initiative to uphold First Amendment rights of law schools nationally to bar the US military from on-campus recruitment given the latter’s policy of employment discrimination based on sexual orientation [Solomon Amendments]. Provided free legal services to tenants facing unlawful detainer, illegal rent increase, and habitability violations [certified to practice civil litigation]. Lecturer with Professor of International Criminal Law in USF African Studies Program on international criminal legal issues related to war crimes in Rwanda and legal issues related to the ongoing conflict in Democratic Republic of Congo. CORPORATE SECTOR – USA / NORTHERN EUROPE (1/82 – 12/00) Voluntarily transitioned from a diverse executive management career which culminated in a position as Director of Finance of a $250 million division of an internationally recognized management and information systems consulting firm. • FUJITSU CONSULTING – EDISON, NEW JERSEY (11/90-12/00) Director of Finance, Communications Division – Edison, New Jersey (11/99-12/00) Managing Director, Scandinavian Consulting Region – Denmark, Norway, Sweden (2/99-10/99) Director of International Staffing, Operations & Finance – San Francisco (11/95-1/99) Management Consultant to Public & Private Clients – Los Angeles, Boston (11/90-10/95) • GLENDALE FEDERAL BANK – GLENDALE, CALIFORNIA Vice President – Director of Operations & Information Systems Strategic Planning (9/83-10/90) Mickey Branca Page 3 of 3 EDUCATION • • • • University of San Francisco, School of Law Juris Doctorate (May 2005) University of California, Los Angeles – The Anderson Executive School Masters of Management (July 1993) State University of New York, Purchase College Bachelor of Arts with Honors, Political Philosophy (January 1978) PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATIONS • • Member of Connecticut Bar (May 2008) Certified in Public Interest Law Public Interest Clearinghouse, San Francisco (May 2005) COMMUNITY SERVICE & PERSONAL INFORMATION • • • • • • • • • Pro bono Management Consultant to Nonprofits, San Francisco Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center (1/02 – 10/06) Horizons Foundation (7/01 – 9/01) Student Activist: PrideLaw Association, Feminists In Action Together, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, Black Law Students Association (USF School of Law, 8/02 – 5/05) High School Volunteer, Geography & International Relations, San Francisco San Francisco School Volunteers (9/01 – 6/02) Farm Labor Organizer & Director of Volunteers , Long Island, New York (1977-1979) • Documented and Undocumented Workers Language Training: Intensive Spanish • La Escuela Leonesa, Nicaragua, Summer 2003 • Projecto Linguistico Francisco Marroguín, Guatemala, Fall-Winter 2008 Interests: political economics, international travel, cooking, knitting, reading, cycling, hiking, swimming, and camping CLIENTS City College of San Francisco Renne Sloan Holztman Sakai, LLP Leadership Public Schools Pangaea Ella Baker Center for Human Rights 9 Asian American Justice Center 9 Destiny Arts Center 9 Asian Pacific Islander American Health Forum 9 9 9 9 9 REFERENCES UPON REQUEST 9 Earth Island Institute 9 La Familia Counseling Service 9 APPEAL – Asian Pacific Partners for Empowerment, Advocacy, and Leadership 9 ASIAN PACIFIC ISLANDER WELLNESS CENTER 9 Aids Emergency Fund 9 Horizons Foundation City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 • (415) 239-3000 DATE: December 13, 2012 SUBJECT: G1-G13 Academic Employees (Faculty) Credit Program/Non-Credit Program District Funded City College of San Francisco Temporary Hourly Assignments - Academic Employees: General Fund, Unrestricted and Amending previously granted Leaves of Absence (Resolution No.121213-G1-G13) BACKGROUND: These resolutions cover district funded academic employees appointments and/or other related personnel transactions. Unless otherwise indicated in the resolution, appointments are classified as temporary. Board of Trustees approval is required. Information specific to these types of appointments may be reviewed on the City College of San Francisco website at by scrolling down and clicking the specific date under the “Meeting Agendas” column and by clicking the specific item to review in the “Table of Contents” column. When this resolution is posted online, the information specific to these types of appointments is included on subsequent pages within the pdf document. A hard copy of the report will be available at the Board meeting. RECOMMENDATION: RESOLVED: That the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration, and/or their designee are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents on behalf of the District to effectuate this resolution. Originator: Clara Star BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT • DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT • DR. NATALIE BERG • CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO • RODRIGO SANTOS • LAWRENCE WONG • WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. ROBERT AGRELLA, SPECIAL TRUSTEE DR. THELMA SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR G1-G13 December 13, 2012 Page 1 of 10 TEMPORARY HOURLY ASSIGNMENTS RESOLUTION G1a: Full-Time ACADEMIC EMPLOYEES: General Fund, Unrestricted RESOLVED: That the following named persons be appointed to temporary academic assignments for the semester and department shown. Employment is contingent upon adequate class enrollment, possession of applicable minimum qualifications and/or applicable credential, tuberculosis clearance, assignment availability under Article 13-1 of the AFT contract and completion of all District documents necessary to establish eligibility for appointment. Salary shall be in accordance with the appropriate instructional/instructionally related rates as provided by Article 20 of the AFT contract. Total assignments for academic employees shall not exceed the numbers of hours per week per Title V of the California Code of Regulations considered a full-time assignment for regular employees having comparable duties. Assignment Reported as of 11/27/2012 for FULL-TIME FACULTY with Temporary Assignments Name Edwards, Sharon Gee, Procerpina R Mayer, Ann B Nishihira, Robert M Department Biological Sciences Licensed Vocational Nursing Licensed Vocational Nursing Photography Division Credit NonCredit Credit Credit RESOLUTION G1b: Part-Time ACADEMIC EMPLOYEES: General Fund, Unrestricted RESOLVED: That the following named persons be appointed to temporary academic assignments for the semester and department shown. Employment is contingent upon adequate class enrollment, possession of applicable minimum qualifications and/or applicable credential, tuberculosis clearance, assignment availability under Article 13-1 of the AFT contract and completion of all District documents necessary to establish eligibility for appointment. Salary shall be in accordance with the appropriate instructional/instructionally related rates as provided by Article 20 of the AFT contract. Total assignments for academic employees shall not exceed the numbers of hours per week per Title V of the California Code of Regulations considered a part-time assignment for regular and for restricted employees having comparable duties. Total assignments for temporary part-time faculty shall not exceed 67% of the hours per week considered as full-time assignments for regular employees having comparable duties. Assignment Reported as of 11/27/2012 for PART-TIME FACULTY with Temporary Assignments Name Department Division Castro-Rojas, Carmen Health Education Credit Dominia, Rosemarie N Licensed Vocational Nursing Credit Piper, Mark Latin Amer & Latino/a Studies Credit Seifert, Margaret A Nursing Credit Wynne, Patricia Labor and Community Studies NonCredit G1-G13 December 13, 2012 Page 2 of 10 RESOLUTION G2a: Full-Time ACADEMIC EMPLOYEES: General Fund, Restricted RESOLVED: That the following named persons be appointed to temporary academic assignments for the semester, department, and restricted program shown. Employment is contingent upon funds available in the applicable restricted program. Employment is contingent upon adequate class enrollment, possession of applicable minimum qualifications and/or applicable credential, tuberculosis clearance, assignment availability under Article 13-1 of the AFT contract and completion of all District documents necessary to establish eligibility for appointment. Salary shall be in accordance with the appropriate instructional/instructionally related rates as provided by Article 20 of the AFT contract. Assignment Reported as of 11/27/2012 for FULL-TIME FACULTY with Temporary Assignments Name Department Division Grant RESOLUTION G2b: Part-Time ACADEMIC EMPLOYEES: General Fund, Restricted RESOLVED: That the following named persons be appointed to temporary academic assignments for the semester, department, and restricted program shown. Employment is contingent upon funds available in the applicable restricted program. Employment is contingent upon adequate class enrollment, possession of applicable minimum qualifications and/or applicable credential, tuberculosis clearance, assignment availability under Article 13-1 of the AFT contract and completion of all District documents necessary to establish eligibility for appointment. Salary shall be in accordance with the appropriate instructional/instructionally related rates as provided by Article 20 of the AFT contract. Total assignments for temporary part-time academic employees shall not exceed 67% of the hours per week considered a full-time assignment for regular employees having comparable duties. Assignment Reported as of 11/27/2012 for PART-TIME FACULTY with Temporary Assignments Name G1-G13 December 13, 2012 Page 3 of 10 Department Division Grant CONTRACTS Resolution G3: Reassignment RESOLVED: That effective Resolution -G4: Full-Time First Year Contract RESOLVED: That on the effective dates indicated, the following named academic employee be appointed as full-time faculty. Appointment shall be contingent upon verification of satisfactory physical examination, a tuberculosis clearance, and completion of appropriate district documents. Salary shall be in accordance with the current salary schedule (Contract and Regular faculty): NAME DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY REPLACEMENT FOR EFFECTIVE DATES Resolution –G5: Full-Time Temporary RESOLVED: That on the effective dates indicated, the following named academic employee be appointed as full-time, temporary (long-term substitute) faculty. Appointment shall be contingent upon verification of satisfactory physical examination, a tuberculosis clearance, and completion of appropriate district documents. Salary shall be in accordance with the current salary schedule (Contract and Regular faculty): NAME G1-G13 December 13, 2012 Page 4 of 10 DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY REPLACEMENT FOR EFFECTIVE DATES Resolution G5a: Amendment to Resolution RESOLVED: That Resolution No.:120726-G4: Full-Time First Year Contract faculty, be amended in part to show the following: NAME DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY REPLACEMENT FOR EFFECTIVE DATES Extended Opportunity Programs & Services / Ocean Avenue First Year Contract Renato Larin U-6640-1240-6430-C FN9953 08/13/12 Exnteded Opportunity Programs & Services / Ocean Avenue First Year Contract Alvin Jenkins U-6640-1240-6430-C FN9956 08/13/12 CHANGE FROM: AYALA-AUSTIN, Eliazer CHANGE TO: AYALA-AUSTIN, Eliazer Resolution G5b: Amendment to Resolution RESOLVED: That Resolution No.120726-G4: Full-Time First Year Contract faculty, be amended in part to show the following: NAME DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY REPLACEMENT FOR EFFECTIVE DATES Student Health Services / Ocean Avenue First Year Contract Consolidation 125504-6460-1452-6440-S 08/13/12 Student Health Services / Ocean Avenue First Year Contract Consolidation 125504-6460-1452-6440-S FF8979 08/13/12 CHANGE FROM: ERNSTTHAL, Jane CHANGE TO: ERNSTTHAL, Jane G1-G13 December 13, 2012 Page 5 of 10 Resolution G5c: Amendment To Resolution RESOLVED: That Resolution No.:_________-G5: Full-Time Temporary faculty, be amended in part to show the following: NAME DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY REPLACEMENT FOR EFFECTIVE DATES CHANGE FROM: CHANGE TO: Resolution G5d: Temporary Upgrade RESOLVED: That the following named academic personnel be temporarily upgraded to the full-time equivalent workload indicated for the effective dates shown for the 2012-2013 academic year: NAME DUBEROW, David HOUGH, Tonya MASSALSKI, Andrea DEPARTMENT / DIVISION CONTRACT SECTION LOAD EFFECTIVE DATES Chemistry Photography Photography Article 26 Article 26 Article 26 112% 95% 98.8% 08/13/12 – 12/19/12 08/13/12 – 12/19/12 08/13/12 – 12/19/12 Resolution G5e; Amendment To Resolution RESOLVED: That Resolution No.: 120223-G5d: Temporary Upgrade, be amended in part to show the following: NAME CHANGE FROM: CHANGE TO: G1-G13 December 13, 2012 Page 6 of 10 DEPARTMENT / DIVISION CONTRACT SECTION LOAD EFFECTIVE DATES Resolution G5f; Amendment To Resolution RESOLVED: That Resolution No.: 110728-G5d: Temporary Upgrade, be amended in part to show the following: NAME DEPARTMENT / DIVISION CONTRACT SECTION LOAD EFFECTIVE DATES CHANGE FROM: CHANGE TO: FACULTY LEAVE OF ABSENCE & WORKLOAD Resolution G6: Leave of Absence RESOLVED: That for the effective dates shown below the following named academic personnel be granted leave of absence. Name Status Department Contract Section Load Effective Dates Load Effective Dates Resolution G6a: Amendment To Resolution RESOLVED: Leave of Absence, be amended in part to show the following: Name CHANGE FROM: CHANGE TO: G1-G13 December 13, 2012 Page 7 of 10 Status Department Contract Section PRE-RETIREMENT REDUCED WORKLOAD PROGRAM Resolution G7: Reduced Workload (RWL) Pre-Retirement Reduction Program RESOLVED: That the Academic Year indicated the following academic personnel be granted Reduced Workload – CalSTRS Pre-Retirement Reduction (RWL) status at City College of San Francisco, subject to receipt of approval from the State Teachers’ Retirement System, as follows NAME DEPARTMENT TERMS OF DUTY EFFECTIVE DATES Resolution G7a: Amendment To Resolution RESOLVED: That Resolution 040429-G8, Reduced Workload Pre-Retirement Reduction (RWL), be amended in part to show the following: NAME DEPARTMENT TERMS OF DUTY EFFECTIVE DATES CHANGE FROM: Resolution G8: Demise RESOLVED: That effective date shown, the demise of the following named academic personnel be noted for the purpose of record clearance: Name G1-G13 December 13, 2012 Page 8 of 10 Status Department Effective Dates Resolution G9: Name Change RESOLVED: That the name of the following academic employee be changed for record purposes: Name Status CHANGE FROM: CHANGE TO: TENURE REVIEW Resolution G10: Academic Employees Temporary Appointments Tenure Review RESOLVED: That the following academic employees be temporarily appointed to Tenure Review Assignments for the period of January 17, 2012 through May 20, 2012, for the hours indicated. The activity is funded by the District General Fund, Program-C. Salary shall be in accordance with the appropriate salary schedule for instructors. NAME DEPARTMENT PROGRAM HOURS Resolution G10a: Amendment to Resolution RESOLVED: That Resolution 120223-G10, Academic Employees Temporary Appointments Tenure Review, be amended in part to show the following: NAME G1-G13 December 13, 2012 Page 9 of 10 DEPARTMENT PROGRAM HOURS REVISED HOURS DEPARTMENT CHAIR RESOLUTIONS Resolution G11: Amendment To Resolution 120628G12: RESOLVED: That the above resolution be amended in part to show the following: Name Department Reason Resolution G12: Department Chair Stipends RESOLVED: That the following Department Chairperson stipends shall be the stipends amount indicated for the academic year and pro-rated to the days served. Department Name Step Stipend* Resolution G13: Department Chairs Appointments RESOLVED: That the following Department Chairperson stipends shall be the stipends amount indicated for the academic year and pro-rated to the days served. Name G1-G13 December 13, 2012 Page 10 of 10 Department Semesters/Reason Step Stipend* City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 • (415) 239-3000 DATE: December 13, 2012 SUBJECT: H1-H3 Academic Employees (Faculty) Credit Program/Non-Credit Program Categorically Funded City College of San Francisco Temporary Hourly Assignments - Academic Employees (Resolution No.121213-H1-H3) BACKGROUND: These Resolutions cover categorically funded temporary academic employees appointments and/or other related personnel transactions pursuant to the provision of California Education Code #87470. All appointments are classified as temporary, when services are required and funds are provided. Board of Trustees approval is required. Information specific to these types of appointments may be reviewed on the City College of San Francisco website at by scrolling down and clicking the specific date under the “Meeting Agendas” column and by clicking the specific item to review in the “Table of Contents” column. When this resolution is posted online, the information specific to these types of appointments is included on subsequent pages within the pdf document. A hard copy of the report will be available at the Board meeting. RECOMMENDATION: RESOLVED: That the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration, and/or their designee are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents on behalf of the District to effectuate this resolution. Originator: Clara Starr BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT • DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT • DR. NATALIE BERG • CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO • RODRIGO SANTOS • LAWRENCE WONG • WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. ROBERT AGRELLA, SPECIAL TRUSTEE DR. THELMA SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR H1-H3 December 13, 2012 RESOLUTION H1a: TEMPORARY HOURLY ASSIGNMENTS – ACADEMIC EMPLOYEES: Categorically Funded. RESOLVED: That the following named persons be appointed to temporary academic assignments for the semester and department shown. Employment is contingent upon adequate class enrollment, possession of applicable minimum qualifications and/or applicable credential, tuberculosis clearance, assignment availability under Article 13-1 of the AFT contract and completion of all District documents necessary to establish eligibility for appointment. Salary shall be in accordance with the appropriate instructional/instructionally related rates as provided by Article 20 of the AFT contract. Total assignments for academic employees shall not exceed the numbers of hours per week per Title V of the California Code of Regulations considered a full-time assignment for regular employees having comparable duties. Assignment reported as of 11/27/2012 for FULL-TIME FACULTY with Temporary Assignments Name Department Division Grant Brick, Aaron Computer Science Credit Perkins Title 1C 2012-13 #12-C01-04 Clark, Ophelia Education Technology Credit SF CNIT ETD BUS- BTOP Lamha, Carmen Computer Networking & InfoTech Credit SF CNIT ETD BUS- BTOP O'Connell, Daniel J Teachers' Resource Center Credit ABE 321/Workforce Investment 12-13 Persiko, Craig A Computer Science Credit Perkins Title 1C 2012-13 #12-C01-04 Pugh, Robin E Education Technology Credit SF CNIT ETD BUS- BTOP Schatz, Jason M Computer Science Credit Perkins Title 1C 2012-13 #12-C01-04 RESOLUTION H1b: TEMPORARY HOURLY ASSIGNMENTS – ACADEMIC EMPLOYEES: Categorically Funded. RESOLVED: That the following named persons be appointed to temporary academic assignments for the semester and department shown. Employment is contingent upon adequate class enrollment, possession of applicable minimum qualifications and/or applicable credential, tuberculosis clearance, assignment availability under Article 13-1 of the AFT contract and completion of all District documents necessary to establish eligibility for appointment. Salary shall be in accordance with the appropriate instructional/instructionally related rates as provided by Article 20 of the AFT contract. Total assignments for academic employees shall not exceed the numbers of hours per week per Title V of the California Code of Regulations considered a part-time assignment for regular and for restricted employees having comparable duties. Total assignments for temporary part-time faculty shall not exceed 67% of the hours per week considered as full-time assignments for regular employees having comparable duties. Assignment reported as of 11/27/2012 for PART-TIME FACULTY with Temporary Assignments Name Department Division Grant Cox, Carolyn L Teachers' Resource Center Credit ABE 321/Workforce Investment 12-13 Eyestone, Donna M Broadcast Electronic Media Art Credit SF-CBOP BTOP Lardie, Rayne N Teachers' Resource Center Credit ABE 321/Workforce Investment 12-13 Leiva, Isaias A Computer Networking & InfoTech Credit SF-EWD TechSF Initiative 2012-2013 McPeters, Melissa A Transitional Studies NonCredit MOEWD-City Build Academy-Gen Fnd Rosenbaum, Leanna L Instructional Computing Lab Credit Perkins Title 1C 2012-13 #12-C01-04 Thornburg, Janet English As a Second Language Credit Basic Skills 2012-13 Resolution H2: Categorically Funded Full-Time Temporary Assignment H1-H3 December 13, 2012 Page 2 of 5 RESOLVED: That the following named academic employee be appointed to Categorically Funded Temporary Full-Time assignment pursuant to Education Code Section 87470 for the term and year shown. Appointment shall be contingent upon adequate class enrollment, possession of applicable required minimum qualifications and/or applicable credential, tuberculosis clearance, verification of satisfactory physical examination, and completion of appropriate District documents. Salary shall be in accordance with the current salary schedule. Categorically funded as indicated: NAME ABAUNZA, Valerie KOREY, Suzanne MILLER, Wendy DEPARTMENT Career Development Counseling (Assigned to Office of Career and Technical Education) / Evans Campus ACTIVITY Career Technical Education (CTE) Community Collaborative / Pathway / Academic Counseling Coordinator BUDGET Career Technical Education (CTE) – Community Collaborative Project 123675-7175-1240-6840-N 80% CTE – Transitions Grant 121460-7174-1240-0400-C 20% FN9531 EFFECTIVE DATES 01/11/13 – 05/24/13 Vocational Education Project Coordinator CTE – Community Collaborative Project 123675-7175-1220-6840-N 50% CTE-Transitions Grant 121460-7174-1220-0400-C 20% FN9771 01/11/13 – 05/24/13 Industry Driven Regional Collaborative – IDRC 123378-7175-1220-6840-C 80% Advanced Transportation Tech/Energy (ATTE) 123397-7175-1220-6840-N 20% FN9547 01/11/13 – 05/24/13 Fashion / Evans San Francisco Center for Applied Competitive Technologies (SFCACT) Program Coordinator 01/11/13 – 05/24/13 01/11/13 – 05/24/13 01/11/13 – 05/24/13 Resolution H3a: Amendment to Resolution RESOLVED: That Resolution No.: 120726-H2, Categorically Funded, Full-Time Temporary Assignments, be amended in part to show the following: NAME CHANGE FROM: LUCKEY, Bernadine CHANGE TO: LUCKEY, Bernadine H1-H3 December 13, 2012 Page 3 of 5 DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY BUDGET EFFECTIVE DATES Child Development and Family Studies Foster and Kinship Care / Coordinator / Instructor 122605-9210-1422-2100-N – 15% 123260-7334-1422-2100-N – 10% UPFX – Child Development – 75% 08/13/12 – 05/24/13 Child Development and Family Studies Foster and Kinship Care / Coordinator / Instructor 122605-9210-1422-2100-N – 15% 123260-7334-1422-2100-N – 10% UPFX – Child Development – 75% FN9558 08/13/12 – 12/19/12 Resolution H3b: Amendment to Resolution RESOLVED: That Resolution No.: 120726-H2, Categorically Funded, Full-Time Temporary Assignments, be amended in part to show the following: NAME CHANGE FROM: CARRESE, John CHANGE TO: CARRESE, John DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY BUDGET EFFECTIVE DATES Workforce & Economic Development Hotel Project Coordinator Centers of Excellence (COE) 123445-7175-1220-6840-N 40% Bio-Link Next Gen 121009-5153-1220-6020-S 20% Perkins Grant – Career Connection 121459-7173-1220-6470-S 5% Perkins Grant – Outreach 121459-7173-1220-6340-S 15% Perkins Grant – Staff Development 121459-7173-1220-6750-S 10% Perkins Grant – Administration 121459-7173-1220-6750-S 10% FN9661 08/13/12 – 05/24/13 Centers of Excellence (COE) 123445-7175-1220-6840-N 40% Bio-Link Next Gen 121009-5153-1220-6020-S 20% Perkins Grant – Career Connection 121459-7173-1220-6470-S 5% Perkins Grant – Outreach 121459-7173-1220-6340-S 15% Perkins Grant – Staff Development 121459-7173-1220-6750-S 10% Perkins Grant – Administration 121459-7173-1220-6750-S 10% Centers of Excellence (COE) 123445-7175-1220-6840-N 50% Centers of Excellence COE) 123446-7175-1220-6840-N 10% Bio-Link Next Gen 121009-5153-1220-6020-S 20% Perkins Grant – Career Connection 121459-7173-1220-6470-S 5% Perkins Grant – Outreach 121459-7173-1220-6340-S 5% Perkins Grant – Staff Development 121459-7173-1220-6750-S 5% Perkins Grant – Administration 121459-7173-1220-6720-S 5% FN9661 08/13/12 – 09/30/12 Workforce & Economic Development Resolution H3c: Amendment to Resolution H1-H3 December 13, 2012 Page 4 of 5 Hotel Project Coordinator 08/13/12 – 05/24/13 08/13/12 – 05/24/13 08/13/12 – 05/24/13 08/13/12 – 05/24/13 08/13/12 – 05/24/13 08/13/12 – 09/30/12 08/13/12 – 09/30/12 08/13/12 – 09/30/12 08/13/12 – 09/30/12 08/13/12 – 09/30/12 10/01/12 – 05/24/13 10/01/12 – 05/24/13 10/01/12 – 05/24/13 10/01/12 – 05/24/13 10/01/12 – 05/24/13 10/01/12 – 05/24/13 10/01/12 – 05/24/13 RESOLVED: That Resolution No.: 111215-H3b, Categorically Funded, Full-Time Temporary Assignments, be amended in part to show the following: NAME CHANGE FROM: CHANGE TO: H1-H3 December 13, 2012 Page 5 of 5 DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY BUDGET EFFECTIVE DATES City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 • (415) 239-3000 DATE: December 13, 2012 S1 SUBJECT: Approval of 5 new courses, 10 new course options, and 6 new instructional programs recommended by the College Curriculum Committee (Resolution No. 121213- S1) BACKGROUND: Board Policy 6.03 provides that all associate degree credit courses, non-degree credit courses and noncredit courses are to be recommended by the College Curriculum Committee. Any courses that are properly recommended may be implemented only after the Board of Trustees adopts the recommendation. The Curriculum Committee has been established in accordance with section 55002 of the California Code of Regulations, Title 5 Division 6 and is a part of the participatory governance structure overseen by the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs and the Academic Senate. Membership totals 25 and includes students, faculty, classified staff, and administrators. At meetings in Fall 2012, the College Curriculum Committee approved 5 new courses, 10 new distance education addenda, 4 new certificate programs, and 2 new majors. A list of approved courses and programs is attached to this resolution. Board of Trustees approval is sought so that the college may offer these courses and instructional programs at various locations beginning in Spring 2013. The Academic Senate reviewed and approved the proposal on December 12, 2012. RECOMMENDATION: RESOLVED: That the attached list of new courses and institutional programs approved by the College Curriculum Committee are hereby approved by the Board of Trustees of the San Francisco Community College District. Joanne Low, Originator BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT • DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT • DR. NATALIE BERG • CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO • RODRIGO SANTOS • LAWRENCE WONG, ESQ. • WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. ROBERT AGRELLA, SPECIAL TRUSTEE DR. THELMA SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR Art ART 101 "Western Art History" New Distance Education Addendum Behavioral Sciences Anthropology Sociology New Major New Major Broadcast Electronic Media Arts BCST 1000 "Supervised Training for Broadcast Electronic Media Arts" (140 hours) BCST 159 “Digital Media Portfolio” (1 unit) Audio and Video for the Web Business COMP 9000 “Supervised Training of Computer Applications for Business” (90 hours) Computer Science iPhone App Programming Android App Programming CS 260P "Linux Systems Administration Projects" (1 unit) New Permanent Course New Permanent Course New Certificate of Accomplishment New Permanent Course New Certificate of Accomplishment New Certificate of Accomplishment New Permanent Course English HUM 7 "Comparative Religions" Courses with a Laboratory Component New Distance Education Addendum New Distance Education Addendum English as a Second Language Courses with a Laboratory Component New Distance Education Addendum Engineering and Technology Courses in CAD, ELEC, and ENGR with a New Distance Education Addendum Laboratory Component Health Education HLTH 66 "Health Education and Chronic Disease Management" HLTH 97 "Health & Stress in Society" HLTH 201 "CHW Principles & Practice 1" (5 units) HLTH 201 "CHW Principles & Practice 1" New Distance Education Addendum New Distance Education Addendum New Permanent Course New Distance Education Addendum Music Courses with a Laboratory Component New Distance Education Addendum Women's Studies WOMN 20 "Her/His/Ourstories" New Distance Education Addendum City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 • (415) 239-3000 DATE: December 13, 2012 B9 SUBJECT: Award of Soccer Field Pad Contract (Resolution No. 121213-B9) BACKGROUND: The soccer field at the Ocean Campus is surrounded by cement walls and cyclone fences. In an effort to improve safety, a solicitation was prepared to procure athletic wall padding for the field. Information was solicited from the Athletic Department regarding their specific needs for the facility. A competitive bid process was held among athletic pad providers. Responses to RFQ029 ranged from $46,759 to $56,058 for vinyl-covered, weather-resistant wall pads. Promats $46,759 Sports Graphics $56,058 Tiffin Mats – incomplete This contract will be paid for with funds already received from the College’s agreement with Lick Wilmerding High School. RECOMMENDATION: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Trustees authorize the award for purchase and installation of wall padding be made to Promats, the lowest responsible bidder, at $46,759 (inclusive of tax and installation). Originator: Peter Goldstein BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT • DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT • DR. NATALIE BERG • CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO • RODRIGO SANTOS • LAWRENCE WONG • WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. ROBERT AGRELLA, SPECIAL TRUSTEE DR. THELMA SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 • (415) 239-3000 DATE: December 13, 2012 SUBJECT: B10 GENERAL FUND Special Services Contract with Strata Information Group (SIG) to provide Information Technology Consultation at a cost not to exceed $140,000 for fiscal year 2012-2013. (Resolution No. 121213-B10) BACKGROUND: Strata Information Group (SIG) has been providing critical, specialized technical support services for City College related to the implementation of Banner administrative information systems since June 1996. City College requires the help of SIG in several key areas of Banner: to provide database administrator (dba) assistance in preparing the computer environment required to upgrade Banner to the next release; provide dba resources to perform maintenance and assistance in keeping Banner current; and provide management assistance. The cost of these projects will not exceed $140,000 and will be paid for from the General fund. The need for this resolution was created by an unforeseen personnel matter. COMPANY PROFILE PROVIDED BY STRATA INFORMATION GROUP, INC.: “Strata Information Group, Inc. (SIG) is a California corporation based in San Diego and was founded in 1987. SIG's primary objective is to assist colleges and universities in managing information technology to better serve students, faculty, and staff. “SIG provides a wide-range of Information Technology (IT) services which include providing assistance with the selection and procurement processes for new hardware systems and applications software, offering project management services related to the implementation of administrative applications and instructional technology delivery/support systems used by colleges and universities, developing strategic technology plans and providing outsourced IT management. SIG personnel are experienced professionals who possess unique skills and abilities to serve their clients. The SIG team has been providing quality services to higher education for more than 25 years.” RECOMMENDATION: RESOLVED: That authorization be hereby given to contract with Strata Information Group (SIG) to provide consulting and technical support to the College and ITS Department for the period BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT • DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT • DR. NATALIE BERG • CHRIS JACKSON RODRIGO SANTOS • STEVE NGO • LAWRENCE WONG • WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. ROBERT AGRELLA, SPECIAL TRUSTEE DR. THELMA SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR from December 14, 2012 through June 30, 2013 for a total contract cost not to exceed $140,000, and FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: That the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration and/or their designee are hereby authorized to execute any and all documents on behalf of the District to effectuate this resolution. Originator: Peter Goldstein City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 • (415) 239-3000 DATE: December 13, 2012 S2 SUBJECT: Authorization to Apply for Grant Funding- Genentech Foundation (Resolution No. 121213-S2) BACKGROUND: City College of San Francisco (CCSF) has a history of pursuing grants from private foundations and government agencies to enhance student success and strengthen the institution overall in a variety of ways. The Genentech Foundation has invited Bio-Link, CCSF’s National Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Center of Excellence for Biotechnology and Life Sciences, to apply for funding to continue the operations of the Bio-Link Equipment Depot. Board approval is being sought for this application. A summary of the application appears below: Funder: Genentech Foundation Grant Title: Bio-Link Equipment Depot Department: Bio-Link Expected Amount of Funding: Up to $25,000 Duration of Funding: 1 year beginning January 2013 (estimated start) Indirect Rate: Not allowed by funder Description: Genentech provided $50,000 in seed money for the establishment of the Bio-Link Equipment Registry in January 2002 and subsequently awarded an additional $25,000 in 2009 and $25,000 in 2010. The depot has evolved as a Northern California distribution center for donated biotechnology equipment and supplies. The location at the CCSF Airport Campus is ideal for receiving and distributing equipment. Conservatively, over $5,000,000 in supplies and equipment has been distributed to educators throughout Northern California. Annually about 32,000 students directly benefit from the distributed equipment and supplies. Genentech, in partnership with BioLink, received the SF Business Times 2007 Innovator of the Year award for this program. Genentech Foundation funding will support the annual operational costs of the Equipment Depot, which amount to $120,000, all of which is grant-funded. Alignment with CCSF Mission/Program Review: The proposed project aligns with CCSF’s mission in that the equipment supports biotechnology and related programs that, in turn, provide career training. To date, CCSF has been the primary recipient of BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT • DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT • DR. NATALIE BERG • CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO • RODRIGO SANTOS • LAWRENCE WONG • WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. ROBERT AGRELLA, SPECIAL TRUSTEE DR. THELMA SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR equipment and supplies for its biotechnology program, as well as office furnishings throughout the District, in both academic and administrative units. CCSF’s allocation is valued at over $800,000. The most recent Program Review of CCSF’s Engineering Department, which houses the Biotechnology Program, explicitly refers to supporting the pursuit of grants for biotechnology to help keep current with industry needs. To that end, the presence of Bio-Link at CCSF helps leverage significant levels of funding for biotechnology-related programs at the College (see below). Value to the College: Covers 20 hours per week for the site manager at the City College of San Francisco Airport Campus Depot Site, and for 10 hours per week for each of two student interns. Student interns learn computer skills as well as supply organizing skills. As noted above, CCSF has been the primary recipient of equipment, supplies, and furnishings, amounting to over $800,000 to date. The Bio-Link Equipment Depot is just one of many activities and services associated with Bio-Link and, as such, brings regional and national visibility to the College, helping to attract and leverage significant funding for CCSF’s biotechnology program and beyond. Total grant funding for Bio-Link and other directly related CCSF programs from 1998 to present exceeds $18.5 million. RECOMMENDATION: RESOLVED: That the Board of Trustees approve the application for the above-named grant opportunity, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration and/or their designees, are hereby authorized to accept any grant awards resulting from this application and to appropriate all funds as stipulated by the grant award documents. Originator: Dr. Thelma Scott-Skillman with Kristin Charles City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 • (415) 239-3000 DATE: December 13, 2012 S3 SUBJECT: Amend the current master agreement between the San Francisco Community College District and the San Francisco Community College District Bookstore Auxiliary (Resolution No. 121213-S3) BACKGROUND: In 2009 the Bookstores at City College began to experience drastic decreases in textbook sales. Online competition via peer to peer selling and publicity surrounding the exceedingly high cost of textbooks caused a massive change in the textbook marketplace. After 2 years of continuing losses it was clear that by 2013 the bookstore reserves would totally erode. To insure the bookstore survival, the Bookstore Board and then-Chancellor Griffin agreed that the bookstore should explore outsourcing its operations to a private company. The Bookstore Auxiliary asked the companies who operate college and university bookstores to evaluate City College’s stores and suggest improvements that could help bring the Bookstores out of the red.. The consensus was that there was little that could be done without capital, which the bookstore did not have. Ultimately, outsourcing bookstore operations to a private company that could operate the City College Bookstores was most logical solution. During the spring and summer of 2012 the Bookstore manager presented the state of the bookstores to various constituent groups. Presentations were made to the Associated Students Council at Ocean Campus and Executive Council; and the Academic Senate Executive Council and Plenary Session in August. This was done to ensure that the entire CCSF Community was aware of the reasons for potential outsourcing of the bookstore, and to seek input from the college Community regarding their needs and concerns with respect to that potential outsourcing. By this time it was clear that outsourcing was the only viable option for the continued operation of the CCSF Bookstores. At a meeting in September, the Bookstore Auxiliary authorized the Bookstore manager to issue an RFP for Bookstore management services. The RFP was posted on line and was advertised twice in the San Francisco Examiner. Two companies responded to the RFP, Barnes & Noble College and the Follett Higher Education Group. On November 2, following presentations by both proposers, the Auxiliary Board of Directors voted to recommend the Follett Higher Education Group be invited to enter an agreement with the Auxiliary, and to seek modifications to the Master Agreement with the District as necessary in light of the proposed contract. The proposed Follett agreement is a 5 year agreement with options to renew annually. The Bookstore will continue to operate normally – faculty and students will experience no disruption of normal services, all current employees will remain, and the stores at all centers will remain BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT • DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT • DR. NATALIE BERG • CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO • RODRIGO SANTOS • LAWRENCE WONG • WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. ROBERT AGRELLA, SPECIAL TRUSTEE DR. THELMA SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR open. The Follett Agreement will call for many improvements – including an extensive remodeling of the Ocean campus store – to better serve the Community. Outsourcing the Bookstore operations will also benefit the Bookstore by generating revenue to the Auxiliary, which will allow the Auxiliary to fully fund its OPEB liabilities, pay all ongoing expenses, and restore its reserve fund to a level needed to permit restoration to self-operation if the partnership with Follett does not continue after the term of this agreement. In addition to authorizing the extension of the term, and authorizing the outsourcing of Bookstore operations, the Board will also need to authorize the Auxiliary Board to appoint a new executive director. Under the current agreement, the Executive Director is the general manager of the bookstore. In the event operations are outsourced, the general manager will be a private employee, unaffiliated with the District. To insure that the Auxiliary retains complete policy control over bookstore operations, the Executive Director will need to be appointed by the Auxiliary, rather than through holding the general manger position. RECOMMENDATION: WHEREAS: A modern, efficient, high quality bookstore is essential to achieving a desired level of Student Learning Outcomes, and WHEREAS: The San Francisco Community College District Bookstore Auxiliary is not currently in a financial position to operate a high-quality bookstore, and WHEREAS: After extensive exploration and consideration, the San Francisco Community College District Bookstore Auxiliary has determined that outsourcing the bookstore operations is in the best interests of the San Francisco Community College District and the Community it serves. RESOLVED: That the Board of Trustees authorizes the following amendments to the current Master Agreement between the District and the San Francisco Community College District Bookstore Auxiliary: 1. This is amendment number six (6) 2. The term of the master agreement is extended through December 31, 2023. This time frame permits outsourcing the bookstores for up to 10 years 3. The Auxiliary is authorized to enter into an agreement with a vendor to operate the City College Bookstores. This includes authority to select a vendor, choose the terms of an agreement, and decide in the future to continue the agreement, or change the vendor, or return to self-operation of the Bookstores by the Auxiliary. 4. The Auxiliary is authorized to appoint an Executive Director to replace the existing ex-officio director position held by the Bookstore General Manager. FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Chancellor and/or her designee, is hereby authorized to execute any and all documents on behalf of the District to effectuate this resolution. Originator: Peter Goldstein City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 • (415) 239-3000 DATE: December 13, 2012 S4 SUBJECT: SPECIAL Resolution Establishing a Parcel Tax Rate and Authorizing Collection (Resolution No. 121213-S4) BACKGROUND: WHEREAS: On November 6, 2012, 72.9% of the voters in the City and County of San Francisco approved Measure A, which authorizes the San Francisco Community College District (the “District”) to levy a special tax in the amount of seventy-nine dollars ($79.00) on each non-exempt parcel of land within the City and County, each year for eight years; and WHEREAS: The 72.9% “yes” vote on Measure A was well above the two-thirds majority requirement imposed by the California Constitution and Government Code; and WHEREAS: The authority for the imposition of this assessment is found in Article XIIIA of the California Constitution and sections 50075, et seq., of the California Government Code (including section 50079.1); and WHEREAS: The District has the need of the services of the Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector of the City and County of San Francisco in collecting this special tax; and WHEREAS: The Trustees of the District have evaluated the financial needs of the District and have determined that the tax rate of seventy-nine dollars ($79.00) per parcel should be levied. RECOMMENDATION: RESOLVED: That the special tax rate for each parcel within the District be established at seventy-nine dollars ($79.00) beginning with fiscal year 2012-2013, to continue for the period of July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2021; and FURTHER RESOLVED: That the District authorizes the Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector of the City and County of San Francisco to apply the charges at the rate of seventynine dollars ($79.00) per non-exempt parcel for a period of eight years, beginning with the 20122013 tax roll, and continuing through the 2020-2021 tax roll; and FURTHER RESOLVED: That the District authorizes the Office of the Treasurer and Tax Collector of the City and County of San Francisco to collect the special taxes described herein at the same time and in the same manner as the general City and County taxes are collected. Originator: Peter Goldstein BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT • DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT • DR. NATALIE BERG • CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO • RODRIGO SANTOS • LAWRENCE WONG • WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. ROBERT AGRELLA, SPECIAL TRUSTEE DR. THELMA SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR City College of San Francisco 50 PHELAN AVENUE • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 • (415) 239-3000 DATE: December 13, 2012 S5 Subject: City College of San Francisco applauds Rodrigo Santos for his outstanding service as Trustee (Resolution No. 121213-S5) BACKGROUND INFORMATION: WHEREAS: San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee appointed Rodrigo Santos to the City College Board of Trustees, filling the vacancy left by the passing of Milton Marks III; and WHEREAS: Rodrigo Santos, a prominent structural engineer who has served on both the San Francisco Building Inspection Commission and the Workforce Investment Board, joined the Board of Trustees of the San Francisco Community College District during a critical time in its history; and WHEREAS: Rodrigo Santos came to the United States from Ecuador to study engineering and is now a professional engineer who for nearly twenty-five years, started and grew Santos & Urrutia, a small engineering partnership founded in 1988, to one of most successful structural engineering firms in the Bay Area; and WHEREAS: Long time Noe Valley resident, Rodrigo Santos is active in community service projects throughout the City; and WHEREAS: Rodrigo Santos quickly apprised himself fully of the difficult and technical issues that the Board of Trustees and City College are facing; and WHEREAS: Rodrigo Santos was an active and enthusiastic participant in the work of the Board of Trustees during his tenure; and WHEREAS: Rodrigo Santos proved to be a valuable member of the Board of Trustees, serving well the community and the residents of the City and County of San Francisco; and WHEREAS: Rodrigo Santos has demonstrated strong commitment during his tenure of service to addressing the accreditation findings and fiscal challenges, to ensure the long-term sustainability of City College of San Francisco RECOMMENDATION: THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Trustees honor, applaud and thank Rodrigo Santos for his outstanding and exemplary service as a Member of the Board of Trustees. Originators: John Rizzo and Dr. Anita Grier BOARD OF TRUSTEES JOHN RIZZO, PRESIDENT • DR. ANITA GRIER, VICE PRESIDENT • DR. NATALIE BERG • CHRIS JACKSON STEVE NGO • RODRIGO SANTOS • LAWRENCE WONG • WILLIAM WALKER, STUDENT TRUSTEE DR. ROBERT AGRELLA, SPECIAL TRUSTEE DR. THELMA SCOTT-SKILLMAN, INTERIM CHANCELLOR
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