Norwegian-Russian collaboration in Master Studies within Environmental Science Tor Hemmingsen University of Stavanger 26-27th May2011 Tromsø Background • St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU) has a long and good background on environmental issues onshore • University of Stavanger (UiS) together with IRIS (International Reasearch Institute of Stavanger) has a long and good background on environmental issues offshore • A request came from St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU) to University of Stavanger (UiS) to apply for a common project to the Foreign Department of Norway in order to establish a Joint Master in Environmental Science for Oil Production • Request for application came in June 2007, and was finished July same year • The project was accepted end of 2007 by the Foregn Department and later coordinated through the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU) 3,4 MNOK for collaboration projecs with St. Petersburg University of Stavanger, Department for Mathematics and Natural Science has received 3.4 million NOK from The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU) for a cooperative project with St.Petersburg State University and IRIS. Fra før har instituttet fått 1.5 millioner kroner fra SIU for oppgradering av personell til PhD ved Kazakstan British Technical University. Prosjektet ”Joint Norwegian-Russian Master of Science program in Geoecological monitoring and rational use of natural resources in the Northern oil and gas production regions” inngår i Norads Russia Program som har en tildelingsramme på 42 millioner kroner fordelt på 15 prosjekter. See (6/11-2007) 3,4 MNOK for collaboration projecs with St. Petersburg forts. - Dette programmet kommer svært beleilig i forhold til det norsk-russiske samarbeidet rundt Shtokman-feltet og vil forhåpentligvis kunne utløse andre nye forskningsprosjekter, sier Tor Hemmingsen. - Formålet med prosjektet er å tilrettelegge en felles strategi for hvordan vi kan ta hensyn til miljø ved olje- og gassproduksjon i Nordområdene. - Målet er å utvikle et felles masterprogram tilpasset olje- og gassindustrien i Nord basert på norsk og russisk kompetanse i tillegg til å utvikle felles forskningsprosjekter innenfor dette området. - Planen er å utnytte begge institusjoners tilbud på masterkurs hvor utveksling av masterstudenter inngår i prosjektet. Dette passer godt inn i profilen for det nye internasjonale studiet ”Environmental Technology” som er til styrebehandling for godkjenning i disse dager, sier Tor Hemmingsen. See (6/11-2007) Contract for collaboration between UiS and St. Petersburg State University Kontrakten ble undertegnet av dekan Nickolay V. Kaledin, Fakultet for geografi og geoøkologi, St. Petersburg State University, og dekan Per Arne Bjørkum, Det teknisknaturvitenskapelige fakultet, UiS. - Dette er et historisk samarbeidsprosjekt mellom to velrenommerte universiteter, sier dekan Nickolay V. Kaledin. - Det åpner for muligheten til å utveksle både studenter og forelesere, og vil utvilsomhet være en basis for å utvikle ny kunnskap gjennom målrettet og hardt arbeid. - Dette er et prosjekt som begge parter vil få stort utbytte av, sier dekan Per Arne Bjørkum. Det vil berøre viktige områder som klima og miljø. To områder som krever stor grad av internasjonalt samarbeid. UiS-prosjektet ledes av Tor Hemmingsen, Institutt for matematikk og naturvitenskap. Dean Nickolay V. Kaledin, left, and dean Per Arne Bjørkum, signed the contract between UiS og St. Petersburg State University Saint-Petersburg State University University of Stavanger “Joint Norwegian-Russian Master of Science program in Geoecological monitoring and rational use of natural resources in the Northern oil and gas production regions” Sponsored by The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU) First Board Meeting at UiS Saint-Petersburg State University and University of Stavanger created joint commission with equal number of representatives and equal responsibility established by each institution The commission is responsible for all the problems in this project and aimed for the program success Joint commision • The Joint commission must meet or confer at least twice during the term • The decisions by the joint commission shall be in accordance with practiced laws and regulation at the partner institutions Omtale av programmet i TU 13/10 University of Stavanger Since 2005 *1912 *1969 UiS has 8500 students and 1200 employed with • a broad specter of studies in technical natural science • extended cooperation with industry in the area with respect to teaching, thesis works and research • main educator of engineers in the region • master in oil related areas like Environmental Engineering, Offshore Technology, and Petroleum Engineering • PhD studies for all Master studies General Information 3 8950 110 8 1228 300 183 92 The total University faculty and staff exceeds 15,000 members The teaching staff of the University exceeds 5,000 people, among them: over 1,000 Professors (Doctors of Science/Art) over 2,000 Associate Professors (Candidates of Science/Art) Today the University has: 20 faculties in 461 buildings over 32,300 students over 2,500 PhD students over 250 post-doctoral students programs in 71 specialities & 31 areas of higher professional education I. P. Pavlov I. I.Mechnikov L.D. Landau A.M.Prokhorov Nobel Prize Winners N. N.Semenov I.Brodsky V.V.Leontiev Eight winners of the Nobel Prize worked or studied at St.Petersburg State University L.V. Kontarovich Our Graduates XXth century Sergey Mironov Boris Gryzlov Alexei Kudrin Sergei Ivanov Vladimir Putin Andrej Fursenko Michael Piotrovsky Vadim Znamenov German Gref Dmitrij Victor Cherkesov Medvedev Vladimir Kramnik Anatoly Karpov Andrei Illarionov Tatiana Kazankina Cooperation Master Program includes four semesters 1. The students shall spend the first semester at their home universities 2. All students shall spend their second semester at SPbSU (Russia) 3. All students shall spend their third semester at UiS (Norway) 4. The location in the fourth semester will depend on subject of their thesis Master's Degree Programme Environmental Monitoring and Nature Management in the Northern Oil and Gas Producing Regions Year 2, Autumn 2011 (at UoS) Year 1, Autumn 2010 (at UoS) Water chemistry 10 ECTS Aquatic ecotoxicology 10 ECTS Natural water systems 10 ECTS Instrumental analysis 10 ECTS Environmental microbiology Environmental regulations and standards and their implementation in the industry 5 ECTS Offshore field development 5 ECTS Internship 5 ECTS 5 ECTS Year 2, Spring 2012 Year 1, Spring 2011 (at SPbSU) Introduction to Russian language 4 ECTS Arctic environment field course 10 ECTS Environmental safety and nature management in the Russian arctic 4 ECTS Geoecological monitoring in oil and gas producing regions 4 ECTS Modern approaches to the assessment of the anthropogenic load on the environment 6 ECTS Environmental project management 2 ECTS Master Thesis 30 ECTS Master projects may be done either at UiS or at SPbSU or at an external institution. Supervision is provided by professors or associate professors at UiS and SPbSU. External thesis projects normally rely on supervision by the external industrial institution. Students study features influence of factories and industrial complexes on an environment Student’s scientific work A collaboration between Russian and Norwegian partners of project Research partners, Russia: - VNIIOkeangeologia - Sevmorgeologia - Proekson JSC Partners Research partner, Norway: -IRIS, BiotaGuard, DNV, SafeClean Industrial partners: Lentransgas (GAZPROM), STATOIL? Outcomes and needs for the Master programme • The outcome is – Well qualified personell with knowledge of environmental issues both in Norwegian and Russian sector – Well qualified personell with knowledge of rules and procedures both in Norwegian and Russian sector – Contact points for further projects abroad – Establishing a good collaboration between Norwegian and Russian R&D at university level – The industry and other companies are invited to sponsor a prolonged Joint Master program between Norway and Russia – Contacts • Tor Hemmingsen (E-mail: • Steinar Sanni (E-mail: Status today • 3 Norwegian students and 5 Russian students will finalize June 2011 - with both Norwegian and Russian professors involved in Master thesis supervision • 8 new students started by August 2010 • The study is financed by SIU until June 2012 – after that support from the industry or other funding will be needed • The main cost is stipends for covering 6 months stay during the study, and eventually cost stay if the Master thesis is done outside the home country • The project receives very good evaluations from SiU and interest in the NAREC group • However, due to the poor economy there is a risk of termination of the project • The involvement from the industry should be strengthened!
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