856 Advance Ship Notice Supplier Implementation Guide 856 Advance Ship Notice Implementation Guide 04222011 1 Introduction to EDI 856 Advance Ship Notice Introduction This document provides instructions for implementing the EDI 856 Advance Ship Notice transaction. This document is divided into the following sections: • • • Introduction to EDI – A basic introduction of EDI and the 856. Non-Technical Reference Materials – Includes contact and protocol information. Technical Guidelines – Your IT or technical staff will need this information to successfully implement the 856. While this guide is largely intended for technical personnel, the introductory information allows you to gain a full understanding of why EDI is used and what the benefits are to you. If you are not a technical resource, we recommend you read this introduction prior to turning this guide over to any IT/technical resources who may implement the 856 for your organization. If you have questions about conducting business with Cardinal Health or EDI concerns beyond the 856, please consult the guide Supplier Reference Manual: Pharmaceutical Supply Chain. What is EDI? EDI is an electronic sharing of information in a global standardized format. Traditionally, communications between business partners (like purchase orders or invoices) were conducted on paper and sent via mail or fax. With the advent of electronic file sharing, communicating such information electronically greatly reduces the time and resources required to manage such interactions. ANSI (American National Standards Institute) is the governing organization that establishes EDI standards. Within ANSI, HDMA (the Healthcare Distribution Management Association) establishes standards unique to the health care industry. However, HDMA standards always fall within ANSI standards; they do not conflict with nor negate one another. Ideally, when trading partners use standardized communications in accordance with ANSI and HDMA, communications are automated and efficient. Types of EDI Transactions Cardinal Health supports a range of EDI documents and transmission protocols to transfer information to and from our business partners. In addition, Cardinal Health maintains partnerships with various communication and van providers and complies with both the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Healthcare Distribution Management Association (HDMA) EDI guidelines. Cardinal Health sends and receives EDI data every 30 minutes. Supported EDI document types Document Number Document Description 810 Invoice 844 Chargebacks 845 Bid Award/Price Authorization 849 Chargeback Reconciliation 850 Purchase Order 852 Product Activity Data 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgement 856 Advance Ship Notice 867 Product Transfer and Resale Report 997 Functional Acknowledgement The Importance of the 856 The 856 is critical to timely and seamless receipt of shipments we receive from you. It contains information about items being shipped, including purchase order number, ship date, estimated delivery date, lot number, and supplier DEA number. By receiving a valid and timely 856, Cardinal Health can correctly anticipate shipments you send us. When Cardinal Health doesn’t receive a valid 856 file: • • • Visibility doesn’t exist for incoming shipments Shipments cannot be reconciled with purchase orders. Manual follow-ups, such as phone calls and emails, must take place to resolve the discrepancy. EDI Requirements By the time you are ready to implement the 856, you have already been through new supplier setup and testing. As a reminder about your EDI requirements to do business with Cardinal Health, please keep the following requirements in mind. • Cardinal Health expects the supplier to be fully engaged and compliant with all applicable EDI requirements. Compliance is required within 90 days of becoming a supplier or upon notification of noncompliance. • Suppliers are required to send a 997 within 24 hours of receiving any EDI transmission from Cardinal Health. • Suppliers are required to monitor 997s received from Cardinal Health. If a 997 has not been received or contains faulty data, you must take prompt action to resolve the issue. • Suppliers are required to maintain compatible electronic document version numbers in accordance with Cardinal Health’s current software. EDI Workflow To illustrate the flow between Cardinal Health and our suppliers via EDI, the following flowchart is provided: EDI Benefits The 856 is just one part of an overall EDI implementation with Cardinal Health. Benefits of a successful EDI program save money and time for all involved. EDI saves time and money. When suppliers provide ASN information to Cardinal Health via EDI it reduces the need to make follow-up phone calls for troubleshooting. On average, that reduces the amount of supplier inquires by 57 percent when providing ASN data compared with suppliers who don ‘t. This efficiency alone offsets any cost of the implementation and maintenance, and similar savings should be enjoyed by you with successful ASN implementation. We can proactively reduce the number of unnecessary deductions. Our distribution centers are able to use 856 data to enhance the accuracy of discrepancy reporting and to proactively reduce the number of unnecessary deductions. Successful ASN implementation will improve your NLC Supplier Scorecard. Cardinal Health provides each NLC supplier with a “scorecard”, measuring many aspects of your service level. The ASN is one such grading criterion. By increasing the measures of your service level, you can improve your standing with Cardinal Health. ASN data will become vital to Pedigree requirements in the future. More and more states within the U.S. are requiring pedigree data for certain shipments. ASN's can provide the data necessary to assist with serialized receiving and reduce turnaround time of the product. Our standards are industry standards. Most companies conduct business via EDI, and the terms of EDI are written to universal standards as defined by American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Additionally, Healthcare Distribution Management Association (HDMA) provides valuable guidelines that are specific to our supply chain while staying within the boundaries of larger EDI standards. This means no proprietary formatting is necessary for you to become compliant. Any steps you take to successfully implement EDI with Cardinal Health also may benefit you with your other business partner transactions. Required Fields The next section, the EDI 856 Technical Guidelines, provides the EDI standard and technical documentation for the universal standards. To simplify the process for you, below is a list of the 11 fields that Cardinal Health requires in the 856 transaction. You may want to refer to both this section and the next for complete technical guidelines, but this summary will allow you to focus on exactly what’s needed for a successful 856. All fields below are required by the Cardinal Health Standard. Data Element Business Definition Maps to Technical Guideline… Hierarchical Level Within the ASN Confirmed Ship The date on which the manufacturer has DTM (Date/Time) Segment, Data Shipment Level Date confirmed the item(s) has been shipped Element 374 with a qualifier of to the customer. ‘011’ for Shipped Date and the date in Data Element 373. Estimated The date on which the distributor is DTM (Date/Time) Segment, Data Shipment Level Delivery Date expected to receive the item(s) from the Element 374 with a qualifier of manufacturer. „017„ for Expected Arrival and the date in Data Element 373. Carrier Name The name of the transportation company TD5 (Carrier Details) Segment, Data Element 387. who will deliver the product from origination to destination or the originating carrier's identity. Shipping Location (Ship From) Shipment Level The address or ID # of the location from N101 (Name – Ship From) Segment, Data Element 098 with where the product is being shipped a qualifier of SF for Ship From. (Shipping point). Shipment Level Carrier Tracking The number automatically assigned to REF Segment, Data Element Shipment Level Number every shipment to identify and trace it as 128 contains the qualifier of „CN‟ it travels to its destination. for Carrier’s Reference Number (PRO/Invoice) and Data Element 127 should contain the carrier tracking number. DEA Number / Health Industry Number / D&B® D-U-N-S® Number The DEA number indicates a health care provider’s authority to write prescriptions for controlled substances. The Health Industry Number (HIN) is a unique ID for identifying all trading partners. Go to http://www.hibcc.org/hinsystem.htm to obtain your HIN. A D&B® D-U-N-S® Number is a unique nine-digit sequence recognized as the universal standard for identifying businesses worldwide. Purchase Order The Cardinal Health Purchase Order Number Number; Written authorization for a supplier to ship products at a specified price, which becomes a legally binding contract once the supplier accepts it. NDC Number or The NDC Number or the Universal UPC Number Product Code (UPC) associated with each individual item that is used to place orders. N1 (Name – Ship From) Shipment Level Segment, Data Element 098 with a qualifier of „SF‟ should have Data Element 066 with a qualifier of „1‟.‟9‟.‟11‟ or „21‟ and Data element 067 should contain the supplier unique identifier. PRF (Purchase Order Reference) Segment, Data Element 324. Order Level LIN (Line Identification) Segment, Data Element 234. Item Level Ship Quantity The number of individual pieces shipped SN1 (Item Detail (Shipment)) to its destination. Segment, Data Element 382. Item Level Lot Number The number assigned to a particular batch of product. Expiration Date The date after which the product is not recommended for use. LIN (Line Identification) Item Level Segment, Data Element 235 with a qualifier of „LT‟ for Lot Number and in Data Element 234 the Lot number. DTM (Date/Time) Segment, Data Item Level Element 374 with a qualifier of „036‟ for Expiration date. GS1 – 128 Compliant Bar Codes The unique identifiers applied to each pallet and case should conform to the GS1- 128 standard and to HDMA bar code guidelines. These identifiers should be included within the Advance Shipping Notice (ASN) as prescribed by HDMA EDI guidelines. These are required to help us comply with existing pedigree regulations in multiple states. However, it is not necessary to label cases and pallets of narcotics and controlled drugs with unique identifiers, and these are also not required in the ASN. General Reference Materials Contact Information If you have questions or concerns at any time about any aspect of your EDI Communications with Cardinal Health, please contact us using the following contact information. ECOMMERCE PHONE: (614)757-5334 ECOMMERCE FAX: (614)652-4028 EMAIL: VendorEDI@cardinalhealth.com EC Manager: Layton McCallum; Layton.mccallum@cardinalhealth.com EDI Standards and ISA/GS Information Standards/Version: X12 004010 VAN: GXS or AS2 ISA Header Information Authorization Qualifier: Authorization ID: Cardinal’s Receiver Qualifier: Cardinal’s Receiver ID: Production ID’S 00 (Blank) ZZ CARDINAL Test ID’S 00 (Blank) ZZ CARDINAL TEST Sub-Element Sep: > (Hex 6E) Element Sep: * (Hex 5C) Segment Term: µ (Hex 15) NOTE: We acknowledge all transactions at Group Level within 12 hours of receipt. Please acknowledge any transactions you receive from us in the same manner. GS Identification Information Cardinal Health’s Application Receiver Code: 856 Advance Ship Notice Production Testing CARDINAL CARDINALTEST 8 856 Ship Notice/Manifest SH Functional Group= Purpose: This Standard contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Ship Notice/Manifest Transaction Set (856) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set can be used to list the contents of a shipment of goods as well as additional information relating to the shipment, such as order information, product description, physical characteristics, type of packaging, marking, carrier information, and configuration of goods within the transportation equipment. The transaction set enables the sender to describe the contents and configuration of a shipment in various levels of detail and provides an ordered flexibility to convey information. The sender of this transaction is the organization responsible for detailing and communicating the contents of a shipment, or shipments, to one or more receivers of the transaction set. The receiver of this transaction set can be any organization having an interest in the contents of a shipment or information about the contents of a shipment. Heading: Pos 010 020 Id ST BSN Segment Name Transaction Set Header Beginning Segment for Ship Notice Req M M Max Use 1 1 Repeat Notes Usage Must use Must use Segment Name Req Max Use Repeat 200000 Usage Hierarchical Level Carrier Details (Quantity and Weight) Carrier Details (Routing Sequence/Transit Time) Reference Identification Date/Time Reference M O 1 1 Notes C2/010L C2/010 O 1 Must use O O 2 1 Must use Must use Name Address Information Geographic Location M O O 1 2 1 Hierarchical Level Purchase Order Reference M M 1 1 Hierarchical Level Marks and Numbers M O 1 1 Hierarchical Level Item Identification Item Detail (Shipment) Reference Identification Date/Time Reference M O O O O 1 1 1 >1 1 Segment Name Transaction Totals Transaction Set Trailer Req O M Max Use 1 1 Detail: Pos Id LOOP ID - HL 010 HL 110 TD1 120 TD5 150 REF 200 DTM LOOP ID - N1 220 N1 240 N3 250 N4 LOOP ID - HL 010 HL 050 PRF LOOP ID - HL 010 HL 190 MAN LOOP ID - HL 010 HL 020 LIN 030 SN1 150 REF 200 DTM Must use Used 2 Must use Must use Must use 200000 200000 200000 C2/010L C2/010 C2/010L C2/010 C2/010L C2/010 Must use Must use Must use Must use Must use Must use Must use Used Dependent Summary: Pos 010 020 Id CTT SE Repeat Notes N3/010 Usage Used Must use Notes: 3/010 Number of line items (CTT01) is the accumulation of the number of HL segments. If used, hash total 856 Advance Ship Notice 1 (CTT02) is the sum of the value of units shipped (SN102) for each SN1 segment. Comments: 2/010L 2/010 2/010L 2/010 2/010L 2/010 2/010L 2/010 The HL segment is the only mandatory segment within the HL loop, and by itself, the HL segment has no meaning. The HL segment is the only mandatory segment within the HL loop, and by itself, the HL segment has no meaning. The HL segment is the only mandatory segment within the HL loop, and by itself, the HL segment has no meaning. The HL segment is the only mandatory segment within the HL loop, and by itself, the HL segment has no meaning. The HL segment is the only mandatory segment within the HL loop, and by itself, the HL segment has no meaning. The HL segment is the only mandatory segment within the HL loop, and by itself, the HL segment has no meaning. The HL segment is the only mandatory segment within the HL loop, and by itself, the HL segment has no meaning. The HL segment is the only mandatory segment within the HL loop, and by itself, the HL segment has no meaning. 856 Advance Ship Notice 2 ST Pos: 010 Max: 1 Heading - Mandatory Loop: N/A Elements: 2 Transaction Set Header User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number Element Summary: Ref ST01 Id 143 Element Name Transaction Set Identifier Code Req M Type ID Min/Max 3/3 Usage Must use 4/9 Must use Description: Code uniquely identifying a Transaction Set Code List Summary (Total Codes: 298, Included: 1) Code Name 856 Ship Notice/Manifest ST02 329 Transaction Set Control Number M AN Description: Identifying control number that must be unique within the transaction set functional group assigned by the originator for a transaction set Semantics: 1. The transaction set identifier (ST01) used by the translation routines of the interchange partners to select the appropriate transaction set definition (e.g., 810 selects the Invoice Transaction Set). 856 Advance Ship Notice 3 BSN Pos: 020 Max: 1 Heading - Mandatory Loop: N/A Elements: 6 Beginning Segment for Ship Notice User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To transmit identifying numbers, dates, and other basic data relating to the transaction set Element Summary: Ref BSN01 Id 353 Element Name Transaction Set Purpose Code Req M Type ID Min/Max 2/2 Usage Must use 2/30 Must use Description: Code identifying purpose of transaction set Code List Summary (Total Codes: 65, Included: 1) Code Name 00 Original BSN02 396 Shipment Identification M AN Description: A unique control number assigned by the original shipper to identify a specific shipment Vendor Bill of Lading Number or other Shipment Identifier BSN03 373 Date M DT 8/8 Must use M TM 4/8 Must use Description: Date expressed as CCYYMMDD Document Create Date BSN04 337 Time Description: Time expressed in 24-hour clock time as follows: HHMM, or HHMMSS, or HHMMSSD, or HHMMSSDD, where H = hours (00-23), M = minutes (00-59), S = integer seconds (00-59) and DD = decimal seconds; decimal seconds are expressed as follows: D = tenths (0-9) and DD = hundredths (00-99) Document Create Time BSN05 1005 Hierarchical Structure Code O ID 4/4 Used Description: Code indicating the hierarchical application structure of a transaction set that utilizes the HL segment to define the structure of the transaction set Code List Summary (Total Codes: 61, Included: 1) Code Name 0001 Shipment, Order, Packaging, Item BSN06 640 Transaction Type Code C ID 2/2 Used Description: Code specifying the type of transaction Code List Summary (Total Codes: 446, Included: 1) Code Name AS Shipment Advice Syntax Rules: 1. C0706 - If BSN07 is present, then BSN06 is required. Semantics: 1. BSN03 is the date the shipment transaction set is created. 2. BSN04 is the time the shipment transaction set is created. 3. BSN06 is limited to shipment related codes. 856 Advance Ship Notice 4 Loop Hierarchical Level - Shipment Level Pos: 010 Repeat: 200000 Mandatory Loop: HL Elements: N/A User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To identify dependencies among and the content of hierarchically related groups of data segments Loop Summary: Pos 010 110 120 Id HL TD1 TD5 150 200 220 010 REF DTM Segment Name Hierarchical Level Carrier Details (Quantity and Weight) Carrier Details (Routing Sequence/Transit Time) Reference Identification Date/Time Reference Loop N1 Loop HL 856 Advance Ship Notice Req M O O Max Use 1 1 1 O O O M 2 1 Repeat 2 200000 Usage Must use Used Must use Must use Must use Must use Must use 5 HL Pos: 010 Max: 1 Detail - Mandatory Loop: HL Elements: 4 Hierarchical Level User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To identify dependencies among and the content of hierarchically related groups of data segments Element Summary: Ref HL01 Id 628 Element Name Hierarchical ID Number Req M Type AN Min/Max 1/12 Usage Must use Description: A unique number assigned by the sender to identify a particular data segment in a hierarchical structure '1' HL03 735 Hierarchical Level Code M ID 1/2 Must use Description: Code defining the characteristic of a level in a hierarchical structure Code List Summary (Total Codes: 170, Included: 1) Code Name S Shipment Comments: 1. The HL segment is used to identify levels of detail information using a hierarchical structure, such as relating line-item data to shipment data, and packaging data to line-item data. 2. The HL segment defines a top-down/left-right ordered structure. 3. HL01 shall contain a unique alphanumeric number for each occurrence of the HL segment in the transaction set. For example, HL01 could be used to indicate the number of occurrences of the HL segment, in which case the value of HL01 would be "1" for the initial HL segment and would be incremented by one in each subsequent HL segment within the transaction. 4. HL02 identifies the hierarchical ID number of the HL segment to which the current HL segment is subordinate. 5. HL03 indicates the context of the series of segments following the current HL segment up to the next occurrence of an HL segment in the transaction. For example, HL03 is used to indicate that subsequent segments in the HL loop form a logical grouping of data referring to shipment, order, or item-level information. 6. HL04 indicates whether or not there are subordinate (or child) HL segments related to the current HL segment. 856 Advance Ship Notice 6 TD1 Pos: 110 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: HL Elements: 5 Carrier Details (Quantity and Weight) User Option (Usage): Used Purpose: To specify the transportation details relative to commodity, weight, and quantity Element Summary: Ref TD101 Id 103 Element Name Packaging Code Req O Type AN Min/Max 3/5 Usage Used Description: Code identifying the type of packaging; Part 1: Packaging Form, Part 2: Packaging Material; if the Data Element is used, then Part 1 is always required Code List Summary (Total Codes: 148, Included: 3) Code Name CAS Case CTN Carton PLT Pallet Code List Summary (Total Codes: 55, Included: 2) Code Name 25 Corrugated or Solid 94 Wood TD102 80 Lading Quantity C N0 1/7 Used ID 1/2 Used C R 1/10 Used C ID 2/2 Used Description: Number of units (pieces) of the lading commodity TD106 187 Weight Qualifier O Description: Code defining the type of weight Code List Summary (Total Codes: 51, Included: 1) Code Name G Gross Weight TD107 81 Weight Description: Numeric value of weight TD108 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code Description: Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken Code List Summary (Total Codes: 794, Included: 1) Code Name LB Pound Syntax Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C0102 - If TD101 is present, then TD102 is required. C0304 - If TD103 is present, then TD104 is required. C0607 - If TD106 is present, then TD107 is required. P0708 - If either TD107 or TD108 is present, then the other is required. P0910 - If either TD109 or TD110 is present, then the other is required. 856 Advance Ship Notice 7 TD5 Carrier Details (Routing Sequence/Transit Time) Pos: 120 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: HL Elements: 6 User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To specify the carrier and sequence of routing and provide transit time information Element Summary: Ref TD501 Id 133 Element Name Routing Sequence Code Req O Type ID Min/Max 1/2 Usage Used Description: Code describing the relationship of a carrier to a specific shipment movement Code List Summary (Total Codes: 23, Included: 1) Code Name O Origin Carrier (Air, Motor, or Ocean) TD502 66 Identification Code Qualifier O ID 1/2 Must use Description: Code designating the system/method of code structure used for Identification Code (67) Code List Summary (Total Codes: 215, Included: 1) Code Name 2 Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) TD503 67 Identification Code C AN 2/80 Must use ID 1/2 Used Description: Code identifying a party or other code TD504 91 Transportation Method/Type Code C Description: Code specifying the method or type of transportation for the shipment All valid standard codes are used. (Total Codes: 71) TD505 387 Routing C AN 1/35 Must use Description: Free-form description of the routing or requested routing for shipment, or the originating carrier's identity User Note 1: Suppliers are to provide Carrier Name TD506 368 Shipment/Order Status Code O ID 2/2 Used Description: Code indicating the status of an order or shipment or the disposition of any difference between the quantity ordered and the quantity shipped for a line item or transaction Code List Summary (Total Codes: 102, Included: 2) Code Name CL Complete PR Partial Shipment Syntax Rules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. R0204050612 - At least one of TD502, TD504, TD505, TD506 or TD512 is required. C0203 - If TD502 is present, then TD503 is required. C0708 - If TD507 is present, then TD508 is required. C1011 - If TD510 is present, then TD511 is required. C1312 - If TD513 is present, then TD512 is required. C1413 - If TD514 is present, then TD513 is required. C1512 - If TD515 is present, then TD512 is required. Semantics: 1. TD515 is the country where the service is to be performed. 856 Advance Ship Notice 8 Comments: 1. When specifying a routing sequence to be used for the shipment movement in lieu of specifying each carrier within the movement, use TD502 to identify the party responsible for defining the routing sequence, and use TD503 to identify the actual routing sequence, specified by the party identified in TD502. 856 Advance Ship Notice 9 REF Pos: 150 Max: 2 Detail - Optional Loop: HL Elements: 2 Reference Identification User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To specify identifying information Element Summary: Ref REF01 Id 128 Element Name Reference Identification Qualifier Req M Type ID Min/Max 2/3 Usage Must use 1/30 Must use Description: Code qualifying the Reference Identification Code List Summary (Total Codes: 1503, Included: 2) Code Name BM Bill of Lading Number CN Carrier's Reference Number (PRO/Invoice) REF02 127 Reference Identification C AN Description: Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier Syntax Rules: 1. R0203 - At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required. Semantics: 1. REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in REF02. 856 Advance Ship Notice 10 DTM Pos: 200 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: HL Elements: 2 Date/Time Reference User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To specify pertinent dates and times Element Summary: Ref DTM01 Id 374 Element Name Date/Time Qualifier Req M Type ID Min/Max 3/3 Usage Must use Description: Code specifying type of date or time, or both date and time Code List Summary (Total Codes: 1112, Included: 2) Code Name 011 Shipped 017 Estimated Delivery DTM02 373 Date C DT 8/8 Must use Description: Date expressed as CCYYMMDD Syntax Rules: 1. R020305 - At least one of DTM02, DTM03 or DTM05 is required. 2. C0403 - If DTM04 is present, then DTM03 is required. 3. P0506 - If either DTM05 or DTM06 is present, then the other is required. 856 Advance Ship Notice 11 Pos: 220 Repeat: 2 Optional Loop: N1 Elements: N/A Loop Name User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code Loop Summary: Pos 220 240 250 Id N1 N3 N4 Segment Name Name Address Information Geographic Location 856 Advance Ship Notice Req M O O Max Use 1 2 1 Repeat Usage Must use Must use Must use 12 N1 Pos: 220 Max: 1 Detail - Mandatory Loop: N1 Elements: 4 Name User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code Element Summary: Ref N101 Id 98 Element Name Entity Identifier Code Req M Type ID Min/Max 2/3 Usage Must use Description: Code identifying an organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individual Code List Summary (Total Codes: 1312, Included: 2) Code Name SF Ship From ST Ship To N102 93 Name C AN 1/60 Used X ID 1/2 Must use Description: Free-form name Cardinal Health facility name N103 66 Identification Code Qualifier Description: Code designating the system/method of code structure used for Identification Code (67) Code List Summary (Total Codes: 215, Included: 4) Code Name 1 D-U-N-S Number, Dun & Bradstreet 9 D-U-N-S+4, D-U-N-S Number with Four Character Suffix 11 Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) 21 Health Industry Number (HIN) N104 67 Identification Code C AN 2/80 Must use Description: Code identifying a party or other code User Note 1: This field is either the Cardinal Health facility DEA number or Vendor ShipFrom Identifier Number Syntax Rules: 1. R0203 - At least one of N102 or N103 is required. 2. P0304 - If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required. Comments: 1. This segment, used alone, provides the most efficient method of providing organizational identification. To obtain this efficiency the "ID Code" (N104) must provide a key to the table maintained by the transaction processing party. 2. N105 and N106 further define the type of entity in N101. User Note 1: Both Ship TO and Ship From are required 856 Advance Ship Notice 13 N3 Pos: 240 Max: 2 Detail - Optional Loop: N1 Elements: 2 Address Information User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To specify the location of the named party Element Summary: Ref N301 Id 166 Element Name Address Information Req M Type AN Min/Max 1/55 Usage Must use O AN 1/55 Used Description: Address information N302 166 Address Information Description: Address information User Note 1: Both Ship TO and Ship From are required 856 Advance Ship Notice 14 N4 Pos: 250 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: N1 Elements: 3 Geographic Location User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To specify the geographic place of the named party Element Summary: Ref N401 Id 19 Element Name City Name Req O Type AN Min/Max 2/30 Usage Used C ID 2/2 Used Description: Free-form text for city name N402 156 State or Province Code Description: Code (Standard State/Province) as defined by appropriate government agency N403 116 Postal Code O ID 3/15 Used Description: Code defining international postal zone code excluding punctuation and blanks (zip code for United States) Syntax Rules: 1. C0605 - If N406 is present, then N405 is required. Comments: 1. A combination of either N401 through N404, or N405 and N406 may be adequate to specify a location. 2. N402 is required only if city name (N401) is in the U.S. or Canada. User Note 1: Both Ship TO and Ship From are required 856 Advance Ship Notice 15 Loop Hierarchical Level - Order Level Pos: 010 Repeat: 200000 Mandatory Loop: HL Elements: N/A User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To identify dependencies among and the content of hierarchically related groups of data segments Loop Summary: Pos 010 050 010 Id HL PRF Segment Name Hierarchical Level Purchase Order Reference Loop HL 856 Advance Ship Notice Req M M M Max Use 1 1 Repeat 200000 Usage Must use Must use Must use 16 HL Pos: 010 Max: 1 Detail - Mandatory Loop: HL Elements: 4 Hierarchical Level User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To identify dependencies among and the content of hierarchically related groups of data segments Element Summary: Ref HL01 Id 628 Element Name Hierarchical ID Number Req M Type AN Min/Max 1/12 Usage Must use Description: A unique number assigned by the sender to identify a particular data segment in a hierarchical structure HL02 734 Hierarchical Parent ID Number O AN 1/12 Used Description: Identification number of the next higher hierarchical data segment that the data segment being described is subordinate to HL03 735 Hierarchical Level Code M ID 1/2 Must use Description: Code defining the characteristic of a level in a hierarchical structure Code List Summary (Total Codes: 170, Included: 1) Code Name O Order Comments: 1. The HL segment is used to identify levels of detail information using a hierarchical structure, such as relating line-item data to shipment data, and packaging data to line-item data. 2. The HL segment defines a top-down/left-right ordered structure. 3. HL01 shall contain a unique alphanumeric number for each occurrence of the HL segment in the transaction set. For example, HL01 could be used to indicate the number of occurrences of the HL segment, in which case the value of HL01 would be "1" for the initial HL segment and would be incremented by one in each subsequent HL segment within the transaction. 4. HL02 identifies the hierarchical ID number of the HL segment to which the current HL segment is subordinate. 5. HL03 indicates the context of the series of segments following the current HL segment up to the next occurrence of an HL segment in the transaction. For example, HL03 is used to indicate that subsequent segments in the HL loop form a logical grouping of data referring to shipment, order, or item-level information. 6. HL04 indicates whether or not there are subordinate (or child) HL segments related to the current HL segment. 856 Advance Ship Notice 17 PRF Pos: 050 Max: 1 Detail - Mandatory Loop: HL Elements: 2 Purchase Order Reference User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To provide reference to a specific purchase order Element Summary: Ref PRF01 Id 324 Element Name Purchase Order Number Req M Type AN Min/Max 1/22 Usage Must use Description: Identifying number for Purchase Order assigned by the orderer/purchaser PRF04 373 Date O DT 8/8 Used Description: Date expressed as CCYYMMDD Original Purchase Order Date Semantics: 1. PRF04 is the date assigned by the purchaser to purchase order. 856 Advance Ship Notice 18 Loop Hierarchical Level - Tare/Pack Pos: 010 Repeat: 200000 Mandatory Loop: HL Elements: N/A User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To identify dependencies among and the content of hierarchically related groups of data segments Loop Summary: Pos 010 190 010 Id HL MAN Segment Name Hierarchical Level Marks and Numbers Loop HL 856 Advance Ship Notice Req M O M Max Use 1 1 Repeat 200000 Usage Must use Must use Must use 19 HL Pos: 010 Max: 1 Detail - Mandatory Loop: HL Elements: 4 Hierarchical Level User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To identify dependencies among and the content of hierarchically related groups of data segments Element Summary: Ref HL01 Id 628 Element Name Hierarchical ID Number Req M Type AN Min/Max 1/12 Usage Must use Description: A unique number assigned by the sender to identify a particular data segment in a hierarchical structure HL02 734 Hierarchical Parent ID Number O AN 1/12 Used Description: Identification number of the next higher hierarchical data segment that the data segment being described is subordinate to HL03 735 Hierarchical Level Code M ID 1/2 Must use Description: Code defining the characteristic of a level in a hierarchical structure Code List Summary (Total Codes: 170, Included: 2) Code Name P Pack T Shipping Tare Comments: 1. The HL segment is used to identify levels of detail information using a hierarchical structure, such as relating line-item data to shipment data, and packaging data to line-item data. 2. The HL segment defines a top-down/left-right ordered structure. 3. HL01 shall contain a unique alphanumeric number for each occurrence of the HL segment in the transaction set. For example, HL01 could be used to indicate the number of occurrences of the HL segment, in which case the value of HL01 would be "1" for the initial HL segment and would be incremented by one in each subsequent HL segment within the transaction. 4. HL02 identifies the hierarchical ID number of the HL segment to which the current HL segment is subordinate. 5. HL03 indicates the context of the series of segments following the current HL segment up to the next occurrence of an HL segment in the transaction. For example, HL03 is used to indicate that subsequent segments in the HL loop form a logical grouping of data referring to shipment, order, or item-level information. 6. HL04 indicates whether or not there are subordinate (or child) HL segments related to the current HL segment. 856 Advance Ship Notice 20 MAN Pos: 190 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: HL Elements: 2 Marks and Numbers User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To indicate identifying marks and numbers for shipping containers Element Summary: Ref MAN01 Id 88 Element Name Marks and Numbers Qualifier Req M Type ID Min/Max 1/2 Usage Must use Description: Code specifying the application or source of Marks and Numbers (87) Code List Summary (Total Codes: 20, Included: 1) Code Name GM SSCC-18 and Application Identifier MAN02 87 Marks and Numbers M AN 1/48 Must use Description: Marks and numbers used to identify a shipment or parts of a shipment Must match SSCC-18 number that is sent on shipping label Syntax Rules: 1. P0405 - If either MAN04 or MAN05 is present, then the other is required. 2. C0605 - If MAN06 is present, then MAN05 is required. Semantics: 1. MAN01/MAN02 and MAN04/MAN05 may be used to identify two different marks and numbers assigned to the same physical container. 2. When both MAN02 and MAN03 are used, MAN02 is the starting number of a sequential range and MAN03 is the ending number of that range. 3. When both MAN05 and MAN06 are used, MAN05 is the starting number of a sequential range, and MAN06 is the ending number of that range. Comments: 1. When MAN01 contains code "UC" (U.P.C. Shipping Container Code) and MAN05/MAN06 contain a range of ID numbers, MAN03 is not used. The reason for this is that the U.P.C. Shipping Container code is the same on every carton that is represented in the range in MAN05/MAN06. 2. MAN03 and/or MAN06 are only used when sending a range(s) of ID numbers. 3. When both MAN02/MAN03 and MAN05/MAN06 are used to send ranges of ID numbers, the integrity of the two ID numbers must be maintained. 856 Advance Ship Notice 21 Loop Hierarchical Level - Item Pos: 010 Repeat: 200000 Mandatory Loop: HL Elements: N/A User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To identify dependencies among and the content of hierarchically related groups of data segments Loop Summary: Pos 010 020 030 040 150 200 Id HL LIN SN1 SLN REF DTM Segment Name Hierarchical Level Item Identification Item Detail (Shipment) Subline Item Detail Reference Identification Date/Time Reference 856 Advance Ship Notice Req M O O O O O Max Use 1 1 1 1 >1 1 Repeat Usage Must use Must use Must use Used Used Dependent 22 HL Pos: 010 Max: 1 Detail - Mandatory Loop: HL Elements: 4 Hierarchical Level User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To identify dependencies among and the content of hierarchically related groups of data segments Element Summary: Ref HL01 Id 628 Element Name Hierarchical ID Number Req M Type AN Min/Max 1/12 Usage Must use Description: A unique number assigned by the sender to identify a particular data segment in a hierarchical structure HL02 734 Hierarchical Parent ID Number O AN 1/12 Used Description: Identification number of the next higher hierarchical data segment that the data segment being described is subordinate to HL03 735 Hierarchical Level Code M ID 1/2 Must use Description: Code defining the characteristic of a level in a hierarchical structure Code List Summary (Total Codes: 170, Included: 1) Code Name I Item Comments: 1. The HL segment is used to identify levels of detail information using a hierarchical structure, such as relating line-item data to shipment data, and packaging data to line-item data. 2. The HL segment defines a top-down/left-right ordered structure. 3. HL01 shall contain a unique alphanumeric number for each occurrence of the HL segment in the transaction set. For example, HL01 could be used to indicate the number of occurrences of the HL segment, in which case the value of HL01 would be "1" for the initial HL segment and would be incremented by one in each subsequent HL segment within the transaction. 4. HL02 identifies the hierarchical ID number of the HL segment to which the current HL segment is subordinate. 5. HL03 indicates the context of the series of segments following the current HL segment up to the next occurrence of an HL segment in the transaction. For example, HL03 is used to indicate that subsequent segments in the HL loop form a logical grouping of data referring to shipment, order, or item-level information. 6. HL04 indicates whether or not there are subordinate (or child) HL segments related to the current HL segment. 856 Advance Ship Notice 23 LIN Pos: 020 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: HL Elements: 7 Item Identification User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To specify basic item identification data Element Summary: Ref LIN01 Id 350 Element Name Assigned Identification Req O Type AN Min/Max 1/20 Usage Used Description: Alphanumeric characters assigned for differentiation within a transaction set ASN Line Number or Original PO Line Number LIN02 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier M ID 2/2 Must use Description: Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234) Code List Summary (Total Codes: 477, Included: 4) Code Name N4 National Drug Code in 5-4-2 Format ND National Drug Code (NDC) UI U.P.C. Consumer Package Code (1-5-5) UP U.P.C. Consumer Package Code (1-5-5-1) NDC Number LIN03 234 Product/Service ID M AN 1/48 Must use 2/2 Used Description: Identifying number for a product or service LIN04 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier C ID Description: Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234) Code List Summary (Total Codes: 477, Included: 2) Code Name IN Buyer's Item Number VC Vendor's (Seller's) Catalog Number LIN05 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/48 Used 2/2 Must use Description: Identifying number for a product or service LIN06 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier C ID Description: Code identifying the type/source of the descriptive number used in Product/Service ID (234) Code List Summary (Total Codes: 477, Included: 1) Code Name LT Lot Number LIN07 234 Product/Service ID C AN 1/48 Must use Description: Identifying number for a product or service User Note 1: Lot number is required when applicable to the product type Syntax Rules: 1. P0405 - If either LIN04 or LIN05 is present, then the other is required. 2. P0607 - If either LIN06 or LIN07 is present, then the other is required. 3. P0809 - If either LIN08 or LIN09 is present, then the other is required. 856 Advance Ship Notice 24 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. P1011 - If either LIN10 or LIN11 P1213 - If either LIN12 or LIN13 P1415 - If either LIN14 or LIN15 P1617 - If either LIN16 or LIN17 P1819 - If either LIN18 or LIN19 P2021 - If either LIN20 or LIN21 P2223 - If either LIN22 or LIN23 P2425 - If either LIN24 or LIN25 P2627 - If either LIN26 or LIN27 P2829 - If either LIN28 or LIN29 P3031 - If either LIN30 or LIN31 is present, then the other is required. is present, then the other is required. is present, then the other is required. is present, then the other is required. is present, then the other is required. is present, then the other is required. is present, then the other is required. is present, then the other is required. is present, then the other is required. is present, then the other is required. is present, then the other is required. Semantics: 1. LIN01 is the line item identification Comments: 1. See the Data Dictionary for a complete list of IDs. 2. LIN02 through LIN31 provide for fifteen different product/service IDs for each item. For example: Case, Color, Drawing No., U.P.C. No., ISBN No., Model No., or SKU. 856 Advance Ship Notice 25 SN1 Pos: 030 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: HL Elements: 4 Item Detail (Shipment) User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To specify line-item detail relative to shipment Element Summary: Ref SN101 Id 350 Element Name Assigned Identification Req O Type AN Min/Max 1/20 Usage Used Description: Alphanumeric characters assigned for differentiation within a transaction set ASN Line Number or Original PO Line Number SN102 382 Number of Units Shipped M R 1/10 Must use Description: Numeric value of units shipped in manufacturer's shipping units for a line item or transaction set SN103 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code M ID 2/2 Must use Description: Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken All valid standard codes are used. (Total Codes: 794) Original Purchase Order Unit of Measure SN108 668 Line Item Status Code O ID 2/2 Used Description: Code specifying the action taken by the seller on a line item requested by the buyer All valid standard codes are used. (Total Codes: 26) Syntax Rules: 1. P0506 - If either SN105 or SN106 is present, then the other is required. Semantics: 1. SN101 is the ship notice line-item identification. Comments: 1. SN103 defines the unit of measurement for both SN102 and SN104. 856 Advance Ship Notice 26 REF Pos: 150 Max: >1 Detail - Optional Loop: HL Elements: 2 Reference Identification User Option (Usage): Used Purpose: To specify identifying information Element Summary: Ref REF01 Id 128 Element Name Reference Identification Qualifier Req M Type ID Min/Max 2/3 Usage Must use 1/30 Must use Description: Code qualifying the Reference Identification Code List Summary (Total Codes: 1503, Included: 4) Code Name SE Serial Number REF02 127 Reference Identification X AN Description: Reference information as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier User Note 1: Pedigree Serial Number Syntax Rules: 1. R0203 - At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required. Semantics: 1. REF04 contains data relating to the value cited in REF02. 856 Advance Ship Notice 27 DTM Pos: 200 Max: 1 Detail - Optional Loop: HL Elements: 2 Date/Time Reference User Option (Usage): Dependent Purpose: To specify pertinent dates and times Element Summary: Ref DTM01 Id 374 Element Name Date/Time Qualifier Req M Type ID Min/Max 3/3 Usage Must use Description: Code specifying type of date or time, or both date and time Code List Summary (Total Codes: 1112, Included: 2) Code Name 036 Expiration 208 Lot Number Expiration DTM02 373 Date C DT 8/8 Must use Description: Date expressed as CCYYMMDD Syntax Rules: 1. R020305 - At least one of DTM02, DTM03 or DTM05 is required. 2. C0403 - If DTM04 is present, then DTM03 is required. 3. P0506 - If either DTM05 or DTM06 is present, then the other is required. User Note 1: Expiration Dates are required when applicable to the product type 856 Advance Ship Notice 28 CTT Pos: 010 Max: 1 Summary - Optional Loop: N/A Elements: 1 Transaction Totals User Option (Usage): Used Purpose: To transmit a hash total for a specific element in the transaction set Element Summary: Ref CTT01 Id 354 Element Name Number of Line Items Req M Type N0 Min/Max 1/6 Usage Must use Description: Total number of line items in the transaction set Syntax Rules: 1. P0304 - If either CTT03 or CTT04 is present, then the other is required. 2. P0506 - If either CTT05 or CTT06 is present, then the other is required. Comments: 1. This segment is intended to provide hash totals to validate transaction completeness and correctness. On the 856 document, this value represents the number of HL Segments in the transaction set, not the number of actual line items, as stated in the Transaction Set Summary 856 Advance Ship Notice 29 SE Pos: 020 Max: 1 Summary - Mandatory Loop: N/A Elements: 2 Transaction Set Trailer User Option (Usage): Must use Purpose: To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments) Element Summary: Ref SE01 Id 96 Element Name Number of Included Segments Req M Type N0 Min/Max 1/10 Usage Must use Description: Total number of segments included in a transaction set including ST and SE segments SE02 329 Transaction Set Control Number M AN 4/9 Must use Description: Identifying control number that must be unique within the transaction set functional group assigned by the originator for a transaction set Comments: 1. SE is the last segment of each transaction set. 856 Advance Ship Notice 30
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