joensuu 12. - 16.7.2016 MONDAY 11.7. 11.7. - 15.7. Kuntokeidas RYMINÄ- A STREET ART EVENT 10 street artists painting the walls of Kuntokeidas with spray paint. Tuesday 12.7. 10.00 - 12.00 Pakkahuone (Rantakatu 2 b) RUPILISKO ROKKAA Nature inspired guided arts- and play workshops for children over 6 years old (in Finnish). 10.00-12.00 Rupilisko 1 13.00-15.00 Rupilisko 2 Pre-registration: 11.00 - 15.00 In front of Restaurant Tuulaaki (at the pier) CHILDREN’S SKATEBOARDING WORKSHOP At the workshop, children can safely learn the basics of skateboarding. Different kinds of skate-and longboards available for testing. Must wear a helmet, bring your own pads! 12.00 - 13.30 Art Museum’s yard (in case of rain, inside Ahjo) ELEMENTIT – A DANCE IMPROVISATION WORKSHOP Learning how to improvise with your own body together or alone. No previous experience needed. Participation fee is optional. 12.00 - 18.00 Botania HIDDEN MUSIC FESTIVAL An open event for acoustic music acts from busking to experimental sound scapes. Come play, have a picnic or find hidden talent under the trees or in the bush. Outdoor garden: free. Inside garden: 9/7/6 €. 18.00 - 22.00 Wanha Aitta POPKAMU – CLUB Folk music in a barn. 18.00 Matti Sakari 19.00 Echo & Cane Explosion 20.15 Mustarinta Free admission. Age limit: 18. 21.00 -> Restaurant Kerubi ILOSAAREN SUVITANSSIT Punk music. 21.00 Sick World 21.45 Nuoret Sankarit 22.30 One hidden frame 23.15 Hero Dishonest Free admission. Age limit: 18. 21.00 - 22.30 Restaurant Sointula LULU-CLUB’S POPKATU-SPECIAL Indiefolk music. 21.00 Sunny & Cloudy 21.45 Nicolas Kivilinna Free admission. Age limit: 18. WEDNESDAY 13.7. 10.00 - 12.00 Pakkahuone (Rantakatu 2 b) RUPILISKO ROKKAA Nature inspired guided arts- and play workshops for children over 6 years old (in Finnish). 10.00-12.00 Norppa 1 13.00-15.00 Norppa 2 Pre-registration: 11.00 - 18.00 Market square stage DIABOLO NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS 11.00-12.00 Minor sets 13.00-15.00 Freestyle 16.00-18.00 Freestyle 14.00 and 17.00 Vapaudenpuisto (the park next to the market square) HULA HOOP DANCING WORKSHOPS Learn how to hula hoop. Either bring your own or borrow one on the spot. No previous experience needed. Participation fee is optional. 12.30 Market square/SMC’s stand LUMI & LASSI DUO Heavy and rock classics played with a ukulele and kantele. 12.00 - 18.00 Art museum’s yard LASTENPOP An event for the whole family, but especially for the kids. Theme: Pre-historic age. Workshops, adventure track, performances, bouncy castles etc. Free admission. 12.00 - 17.00 Art Museum’s workshop: fossiles. 12.30 Library car’s story time (in Finnish). 13.00 Lumi & Lassi duo (music) 13.30 Library car’s story time (in Finnish). 14.00 Announcing the winner’s of the drawing competition 14.10 The sound world of Janne Kalewi Uusiniemi 14.30 Dinosaurs’ ball: singing and playing together 15.00-16.30 Maku’s songkiosk: children will compose lyrics to songs which will be performed in a concert at 17.00 18.00 - 22.00 Wanha Aitta POPKAMU – CLUB Folk music in a barn. 18.00 Sorbattjin 19.00 Ravahus 20.00 Folk and Rockare (SWE) Free admission. Age limit: 18. 21.00 - 01.00 Restaurant Teatteriravintola (at the city hall) JAAKKO TEPPO -NIGHT Older and newer comic songs in the spirit of the master himself. 21.00 4 Wattia 22.15 Markku Purho (magic and standup) 23.15 Kaukolasipartio Free admission. Age limit: 18. 21.00 -> Restaurant Kerubi ILOSAAREN SUVITANSSIT Finnish rap. 21.00 Tsydde 22.00 Ruma 23.00 ASA Free admission. Age limit: 18. 21.00 - 01.00 Restaurant La Barre HALIRAITTI A punkclub organized by heavy metalists. 22.15 Evilnight 23.00 Rutsa 23.30 Bonehunter Free admission. Age limit: 18. THURSDAY 14.7. 11.00 - 16.30 Market square stage TORIPOP The national yoyo championships, folk music and jazz 11.00 The national yoyo championships: ladders 12.00 The national yoyo championships: freestyle 13.00 Folk och Rockare (SWE) 14.15 4 Wattia 15.30 Wili Paavilainen Quartet 16.15 Market square/SMC’s stand KOLOSSUS Acoustic heavy metal. 18.00 - 19.45 Market square stage NUORTEN POP Young local music acts 18.00 Johanna Kovalainen 19.15 Rwanda 20.00 - 21.30 Market square stage SURMAKUJA Heavy metal. 20.00 Maniac Abductor 20.45 Distress of Ruin 12.00 - 18.00 Art museum’s yard LASTENPOP An event for the whole family, but especially for the kids. Theme: Pre-historic age. Workshops, adventure track, performances, bouncy castles etc. Free admission. 12.00-15.00 Art Museum’s workshop: fossiles. 12.15 Duo Emma & Maku: circus-show 14.45 Duo Emma & Maku: circus-show 15,00 The sound world of Janne Kalewi Uusiniemi 15.15 Dinosaurs’ ball: singing and playing together 16.45 Duo Emma & Maku: circus-show 17.15 Ville Karttunen (music) 14.00 - 17.00: Sininen virta (the pedestrian street just next to the market square) POEM KARAOKE Come and present your own version of song lyrics! 17.00 - 18.15 Sirkkalan puisto (the park behind Sokos Hotel Kimmel) PUISTOJOOGA GOES ROCK Guided yoga session (in Finnish). No previous experience needed. Bring your own mat! Participation fee is optional. 14.00 and 17.00 Vapaudenpuisto (the park next to the market square) HULA HOOP DANCING WORKSHOPS. Learn how to hula hoop. Either bring your own or borrow one on the spot. No previous experience needed. Participation fee is optional. 14.00 Workshop (especially for kids between 10-15 year-old) 18.00 - 22.00 Wanha Aitta POPKAMU – CLUB Folk music in a barn. 18.00 3Kulmaa 19.00 Slack Bird 20.00 Tekramütisch Free admission. Age limit: 18. 21.00 - 01.00 Restaurant Teatteriravintola (at the city hall) POPKATU-CLUB A good song can carry you a long way. 21.00 Ilja Teppo Yhteisö 22.15 Huojuva Lato 23.30 Jukka Orma Free admission. Age limit: 18. 21.00 -> Restaurant Kerubi ILOSAAREN SUVITANSSIT Finnish rap. 21.00 Ketjupolttajat 22.00 LEO 23.00 Atomirotta Free admission. Age limit: 18. 10.00 - 11.30 Art Museum’s yard (in case of rain, inside Ahjo) ELEMENTIT – A DANCE IMPROVISATION WORKSHOP Learning how to improvise with your own body together or alone. No previous experience needed. Participation fee is optional. 22.00 - 01.00 Restaurant La Barre SURMAKUJA Metal music. 22.15 Valaja 23.00 Matiäs Goes Metal (roof top terrace) 23.20 Amanita Virosa 00.00 La Pete Roast (roof top terrace) 00.30 Division XIX Free admission. Age limit: 18. 11.00 - 18.00 Market square stage TORIPOP Diabolo and kendama contest, theatre, music plus an award ceremony 11.00 Finnish Kendama Open 12.00 Diabolo national championships: freestyle 13.15 Kruuga- karjalaiset lauluhäät promotion 14.00 Marko Sillanpää ja Uusi Aamu 14.45 Osiris Teatteri: a dance theatre show 16.00 Rytmihäiriköt 17.00 Diabolo and yoyo national championships: award ceremony and final show. 01.00 -> Marks Rockclub SURMAKUJA AFTER PARTY More metal music. 01.45 Embrace the Abandoned FRIDAY 15.7. 11.00 - 19.00 Vapaudenpuisto (the park next to the market square) RYTMIPUISTO Urban music and street culture. DJ’s, open mic, street dance performances, graffiti wall (one for kids, too!). 12.00 - 17.00 Kävelykatu & Sininen Virta (the pedestrian streets right next to the market square) ALANKO KATUTÄHDEKSI? National street performance contest. 12.00 - 15.00 Art Museum Ahjo KARATE MAURI’S KARATE WORKSHOPS Karate workshop for kids between 6-12 years-old. Max. 20 kids per workshop. Pre-registration: workshop.popkatu@ 12.00 Workshop I 14.00 Workshop II 12.00 - 19.00 Vapaudenpuisto (the park next to the market square) WORKSHOPS Different workshops. Participation fees are optional. 12.00-13.30 ACROYOGA: a mix between acrobatics and yoga with a pair. No previous experience needed. Bring your own mat and wear flexible clothes. 14.00 HULA HOOP DANCING: Learn how to hula hoop. Either bring your own or borrow one on the spot. No previous experience needed. 17.00 HULA HOOP DANCING: Learn how to hula hoop. Either bring your own or borrow one on the spot. No previous experience needed. 15.00 - 16.15 Sirkkalan puisto (the park behind Sokos Hotel Kimmel) PUISTOJOOGA GOES ROCK Guided yoga session (in Finnish). No previous experience needed. Bring your own mat! Participation fee is optional. 17.00 - 22.00 Väentalo (across the river) CLUB SYNDROME: SUMMER DESTRUCTION Club Syndrome presents summer rave event at Väentalo. There will be everything from drum&bass to rawstyle and hardcore techno. Free admission. 21.00 - 02.30 Restaurant Teatteriravintola POPKATU-CLUB Ethno, pop, rap, rock and overall weird music on three stages. GLASS TERRACE: 21.00 MeriTuuli 22.15 Electric Banjoland 23.45 Pökö-Pekka & Namu-Liisa 01.15 Ketjupolttajat INNER COURT YARD: 22.30 Sebastian Leino 00.00 Ampiaistehdas 01.15 Ukkosmaine CLUB: Confusing music 23.00 Minttu Hellsten 23.30 Koto 00.15 Fucks & Strings Orchestra 00.35 Leningradin Tykistörykmentti 01.25 Eino Kolppanen 01.35 Stolichnaya Sisters 01.55 Vanha Tyttö Free admission. Age limit: 18. SATURDAY 16.7. 11.00 - 13.00 Kävelykatu & Sininen Virta (the pedestrian streets right next to the market square) ALANKO KATUTÄHDEKSI? National street performance contest 14.00 - 15.15 Sirkkalan puisto (the park behind Sokos Hotel Kimmel) PUISTOJOOGA GOES ROCK Guided yoga session (in Finnish). No previous experience needed. Bring your own mat! Participation fee is optional. 11.00 - 14.30 Market square stage TORIPOP Music acts plus the results of the street performance contest 11.00 Jamstream 12.00 Electric Banjoland 13.15 Kitee International Music and Art Festival plays Nightwish 14.00 Alanko katutähdeksi? –results 22.00 - 04.00 Restaurant Teatteriravintola (at the city hall) RYTMIKLUBI Urban rhythm and club music on three stages. GLASS TERRACE: 23.00 CeeJay, Poutasound plus guests INNER COURT YARD: 22.00 Jätkäjätkät, Funkanomics/DJ FX Farmer (Ger), DJ R1 CLUB: 23.00 Fiktio DJs and guests Tickets at the door: 15€. Age limit: 18.
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