d re P e s r e F on re P es s r e nd F s hm o d re P re s e F s e ic m n P e o r d s r R h e F c n s m e i P e o r d r R h e F c n m e i P e o r d r R h e F c n m e i P o r d R h e F c n m e i o r d R h F c n m August 21-23, 2014 B1 Section B Richmond Free Press Happenings Free School Physicals * Personality: Channing J. Martin Spotlight on United Way Richmond-Petersburg chair Channing J. (for Joseph) Martin understands challenges. He faces plenty in his fulltime position as a corporate attorney specializing in environmental law at the Williams Mullen law firm, where he is a partner. But perhaps his biggest challenge is in his volunteer role — chairman of the board of United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg. Twelve years ago, when he chaired the annual fundraising campaign, United Way had little problem raising more than $21 million. In the campaign that ended June 30, United Way received donations just shy of $14 million from more than 37,000 givers. An indication of the challenge ahead is the fact that revenues for the umbrella charity group have dropped 11 percent since 2011. “We used to be the only game in town,” says the 61-year-old Midlothian resident. “Now there is more competition for charitable dollars.” He said other organizations are now running workplace campaigns, the fundraising mainstay of United Way. And he says young people, more attuned to social media, have little allegiance to and less knowledge of the contributions that United Way makes to the community. Mr. Martin says United Way is aggressively working to improve results in the next fundraising campaign that will begin after Labor Day. He says the board has set up three task forces, including focusing on creating a Young Leaders Society “to involve more young people in what we do.” Another task force is working to build United Way’s ability to reach people through technology, he says. The third is doing a top-to-bottom review of the way the giving campaign is conducted. He remains passionate about the need for United Way to raise money for programs that meet specific objectives. He says the group’s community agenda and its targeted focus of using donations to meet a community need assures donors their gifts are having an impact. A close-up of this week’s Personality, Channing J. Martin: income area, we know that homelessness is not solved only by providing temporary housing. People also need tools to get a household-sustaining job and to maintain financial stability. One of our strategies (the THRIVE Collaborative) is to fund programs that teach people how to budget, save and manage their money so they can afford permanent housing. mize opportunities for people to learn more, earn more and lead safe and healthy lives. When and why I became involved with United Way: I first got involved in the late 1980s through the annual United Way campaign. I wanted to be involved with a group that meets basic human needs, and United Way used a community-wide approach. When elected and length of term: Chair-elect, 2012-2014; chair, 2014-2016. Has United Way changed how it meets community needs: We’ve been helping people for over 90 years. That commitment has not changed, but the way we are meeting it has. Last year, we adopted a new Community Impact Agenda with input from volunteers and professionals all across the community. The agenda has three broad community goals in the focus areas of Income, Education and Health. Our all-volunteer Community Building Committee then developed measurable outcomes to achieve under each goal and specific strategies to achieve each goal. We are now in the process of asking community partners to make application for community grants to implement those strategies and help achieve those goals. Can you give an example of one of the strategies: In the Why should someone give to United Way: To help people in need and to bring about systemwide change in how that is done. Donors obtain real value by giving to United Way. United Way has volunteer action councils that carefully consider which organizations are best able to help people. And we fund specific, defined programs our action councils have determined will meet a community need. Why United Way is still needed: A strong United Way acts as the mortar binding together the many organizations and entities that seek to help people and solve community problems. Total contributions from community in 2013-2014: Total contributions and other revenue for our 2013-2014 fiscal year were approximately $13.6 million. Contributions came from more than 37,000 caring individuals and 220 generous companies, plus lo- Spring Fling? USE FREE CODE 3271 for other local numbers call 1-888-MegaMatesTM 24/7 Customer Care 1(888) 634-2628 18+ ©2014 PC LLC 3271 How I find time to serve as a partner in a top law firm and chair United Way’s board: The answer is sleep less and work on weekends. It’s important to give back and help others. That’s something my parents taught me. Purpose of United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg: To mobilize people, multiply investments and maxi- House Southside Near McGuire VA Medical Center 804-643-9011 ee th We provide diagnostic, preventive, and restorative dental care for infants, children, adolescents, and patients with special needs using some of today’s most advanced dental technology, equipment, and materials. Nuestros empleados hablan espanol. We invite you to visit our kid friendly office in Historic downtown Richmond. Call us for an appointment today. House 332 Grayson Street n d s o a re t h e i r t Randy Adams, D.D.S. Henrico Providence Park Annex 2 BR, 1 Bath, Living Room, Kitchen, Utility Room, Fenced Backyard, $550 Total Electric, month Freshly Painted 804-643-9011 Board Certified Pediatric Dentist Board Certified Special Care Dentist Brandon Allen, D.D.S. 300 W. Broad St. Richmond, VA 23220 PH: 804.780.2888 FAX: 804.643.1916 www.richmonddentistryforchildren.com Effect of the economy on the campaign: According to a study by United Way Worldwide, we are happy to discover that the downward giving trend since 2009 is slowing down. The economy is improving and that means people are able to give more. We are fortunate to live in a region full of caring and generous people who come together and lend a hand to others every day. What United Way plans to do to improve results: We’re Vernon J. Harris Medical & Dental Center 719 N. 25th Street Richmond, VA 23223 804-420-1289 cahealthnet.org Live ce rman Perfo ung y b Yo arles e Ch Princ zy” “Nut el Meet g Squirr in ly the F Come share an evening with your community and prepare your children for a successful school year. • • • • Health Screenings Dental Screenings HIV Testing Affordable Care Act Education and Enrollment Assistance • • • Bounce House Give Aways and Raffle Food, Fun and more! We Are the Heart of the Community Sponsored by: CAPITAL AREA HEALTH EDUCATION CENTER * All must bring Immunization records and photo ID. If insured please bring insurance card. Continued on B2 REACH FOR MORE @ ’s RichmondThe Block #Rock Community Festival Saturday August 23rd 10 am – 1 pm Do you want a career instead of a job? A profession instead of a trade? Bryant & Stratton College can help you “REACH FOR MORE” starting this fall. We will help you get the education you need to start a Great Career In Business, Healthcare, Hospitality or the Legal Field. Find out more at our Rock The Block Community Festival*. We’ll have food, games, prizes and more. Plan to bring your kids! *Tag all of your social media posts with #Rocktheblock You must RSVP to attend this FREE event. Call us now or register online at Eventbrite.com, enter: Rock the Block Community Festival. Bryant & Stratton College Personal Education. Lifetime Success.® Since 1854 Yellow Ribbon 804.745.9080 io us a The first 100 kids to get a physical will receive a free backpack filled with school supplies. cal governments, schools, and federal government agencies. Program Participant Richmond Children are p re c Thursday, August 28 4 – 8pm Richmond 804.404.9800 Certified by SCHEV to operate in Virginia. Family: Married with three children. 2 BR, 1 Bath, Living Room, Dining Room, $650 Kitchen, Gas Heat, month Fenced Yard Back-to-School Health Fair www.bryantstratto n.edu Looking for a Alma mater: Washington and Lee University, bachelor’s degree, 1975; juris doctor, 1979. 2906 Decatur Street CAHN presents our 1st Annual Community Onsite childcare For more information about our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program, and other important information, please visit our website at www.bryantstratton.edu/disclosures. d re P e s r e F on re P es s r e nd F s hm o d re P re s e F s e ic m n P e o r d s r R h e F c n s m e i P e o r d r R h e F c n m e i P e o r d r R h e F c n m e i P o r d R h e F c n m e i o r d R h F c n m Richmond Free Press B2 August 21-23, 2014 Happenings Nighttime is party time in Richmond By Ashley Myrick Party hearty has taken on a new meaning in Richmond for young adults. More and more spots are catering to the 21-and-older crowd — giving a new zing to the city’s nightlife. From newcomers like Infuzion and Vanquish Restaurant & Cigar Lounge to The Hipp in Jackson Ward and longtime mainstays like Mansion 534 on the VCU campus, the options have exploded. Underneath its staid mask, Richmond long had a party side, particularly during the heyday of Jackson Ward when shows and clubs were going full blast. For older adults, there are still remnants of that time, particularly in the private clubs like Club 533, the Regulars, the Military Retirees and the Die Teufel or Devil’s Club that still roar on the weekends. While teens still struggle to find welcoming outlets, it’s a different world for those who have crossed the drinking-age threshold. Travel into Downtown after 10 p.m., particularly as the weekend looms, and it’s easy to find places like Paradise Lounge on North 5th Street where 20-somethings are lining up to party. From the Fan to Carytown, restaurants like the New York Deli and Balliceaux are drawing their share of people out for a good time. Like many of the spots, Vanquish at 1005 E. Main St. seeks to mix up its offerings, even holding a “Bollylwood Night” at times. Last month, Petersburg rapper Trey Songz, held his album release party at the venue. Club Infuzion is making a party name for itself in Scott’s Addition, west of the Boulevard and best known for its factories, offices and wholesale outlets. “I like a place where I can have a great time,” said Michael Vonn, 22, a fan of the club at 1401 Roseneath Road. Meanwhile, hookah lounges also have found a niche in Richmond for those who want to experience Middle Eastern traditions. One popular example: Off The Hookah, a combination restaurant, nightclub and hookah lounge in Shockoe Slip. For Brandi Johnson, a 21-year-old senior at Virginia Union University, the place to go is still Mansion 534 on Harrison Street near the Siegel Center. “I usually see a lot of people I know,” she said. The club’s owner and operator, Nathaniel A. Dance III, son of Petersburg Delegate Rosalyn R. Dance, seems to have the magic touch. While other clubs have come and gone, his club continues to be a favorite party spot. Other spots that are garnering attention include The Broadberry, at the corner of Broad and Mulberry streets, that seeks to be a venue for up-and-coming bands. “You have got to check that place out; there’s always a different band to hear,” said Cole Andrews, 23, of the venue that opened earlier this year. Latin beats in Byrd Park Photos by James Haskins/Richmond Free Press Denae Shepperson and her daughter, Raina, dance to the rhythmic beat. Below, William Holliday and Abby Toro enjoy the jazz and salsa sounds. And Vanessa Galvez and Alex Adams display some fancy footwork. They all were part of a diverse audience of fun-lovers Saturday at the Latin Jazz and Salsa Festival at Dogwood Dell in Byrd Park. The festival featured 2013 Grammy Award winner Marlow Rosado, Ismael Rivera, Jr. and Herbie Martinez and Orchestra. This was the seventh edition of the jazz event that the city’s Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Facilities hosts. Virginia Beach Africana festival this weekend Enjoy funk, jazz and soulful tunes. Learn about African-American traditions and culture. And do it against the backdrop of ocean waves crashing onto the Virginia Beach shore. That’s what organizers are hoping will lure big crowds to the second annual Virginia Beach Africana 2014. The three-day event is designed to be fun, educational and family friendly, according to organizers — and mostly free and open to visitors. The event is scheduled to begin Friday, Aug. 22, and continue through Sunday, Aug. 24. Location: Atlantic Avenue, between 23rd and 25th streets. Entertainment will be a main attraction. Headliners are to include soul group Rose Royce on Friday, the legendary George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic on Saturday and jazzy Norman Connors on Sunday. About 30 acts are scheduled to perform at Johnise Dupree/Richmond Free Press Reunion fun Members of the Class of 1984 happily line dance at their 30-year high school reunion. The Aug. 16 gathering brought together former classmates from the era when the city had combined high schools, Armstrong-Kennedy, JeffersonHuguenot-Wythe and Marshall-Walker. Location: Aqua Lounge in Shockoe Bottom. Personality: Channing J. Martin Continued from B1 conducting a review of how we run the campaign, including how to increase the use of technology and social media. We’re also creating a Young Leaders Society to involve more young people in what we do. Finally, we’re working hard to increase awareness of United Way’s role. Why I’m passionate about United Way: We help people, young and old, not just by meeting basic human needs, but with a community-wide system of how those needs are assessed and met. First volunteer position: President of the Richmond Jaycees, 1984-1985. Best late-night snack: Ice cream (my biggest weakness). If I were to choose another career in life, I would: Probably have tried to run my own company. Next goal: I’ve been involved with leadership of the 10,000-member environmental law section of the American Bar Association for many years. If the stars align, I hope I’ll be chair in the next few years. After that? Perhaps retirement. That would allow me to complete a book I’ve been writing for years, but have never had time to finish. the festival. Also on tap: A beachside art show and a history exhibit showcasing 30 African- American icons. Details: (757) 754-5697 or www. africanavirginiabeach.com. d re P e s r e F on re P es s r e nd F s hm o d re P re s e F s e ic m n P e o r d s r R h e F c n s m e i P e o r d r R h e F c n m e i P e o r d r R h e F c n m e i P o r d R h e F c n m e i o r d R h F c n m Richmond Free Press August 21-23, 2014 B3 Faith News/Directory Ministers begin focusing on mental health Free Press staff, wire reports Mental health is no longer a taboo topic for churches. In the Richmond area, Dr. Marlon Haskell and the 200-member Baptist ministers group he leads are putting mental health education on the front burner. And it didn’t take the recent suicide of legendary comedian Robin Williams to spur the Baptist Ministers Conference of Richmond and Vicinity to action, Dr. Haskell, right, said. “Last year, we started looking at mental illness as a group and for our parishioners,” said Dr. Haskell, president of the conference and pastor of Chicago Avenue Baptist Church on South Side. Dr. Haskell, who has experience with people close to him who have dealt with mental illness, invited a professional to speak to the conference about mental conditions that are pervasive in the community. “It used to be taboo to talk about it a lot,” Dr. Haskell said. “But, we’re discovering it takes more than just saying, ‘Have a blessed day,’ to help those with mental illness. “It’s something that can’t just be prayed away,” Dr. Haskell added. “You need people with professional experience to treat people with mental illness. You also need to surround mentally ill people with a lot of support.” Tamara Warren Chinyani agrees. She’s a veteran instructor with a first aid program that educates people about the signs of mental illness and about what to do before professional help arrives. She said African-Americans have long viewed severe depression and other mental illnesses as indicating spiritual weakness. “We’re changing that paradigm,” said Ms. Chinyani, who educates church members using a church-based program that the National Council for Behavioral Health has developed called Mental Health First Aid. The national council launched the program after reviewing data on mental health that showed a particularly strong need in the African-American community. African-Americans are 20 percent more likely than white people to report instances of serious psychological stress, according to the U.S. Office of Minority Health. Also, 8.3 percent of African-American teens attempt suicide, a rate 2 percent higher than their white counterparts, data show. Bishop William Young and his wife, Dianne Young, of Memphis, Tenn., are pioneers in knocking down taboos on mental health, with a particular focus on educating church members about suicide warnings. Since 2007, they have hosted an annual conference in Memphis on suicide and the role the black church can play to reduce such deaths. They founded the conference after a member of their congregation shot herself on the grounds of their church, the Healing Center 141-year-old church clears $1M debt By Joey Matthews The Rev. Louis G. Jones lit a fire inside his church’s sanctuary Sunday. Instead of running from the building, congregants at Gravel Hill Baptist Church stood and cheered. The nearly 300-member house of worship on South Side held a ceremonial mortgage-burning ceremony. The 141-year-old church celebrated the retirement of its $1 million church debt. Location: 2600 Gravel Hill Road off Forest Hill Avenue. “We put a metal pan on the floor at the altar and lit a copy of the mortgage papers,” said Rev. Jones, 67. The pastor said the ceremony took place at the church’s regular 10 a.m. service. Rev. Jones said the church made its last payment on its 20-year mortgage in June. He said First Virginia Bank loaned Gravel Hill $1 million in 2001 to construct its new house of worship. After demolishing the old sanctuary, the church worshipped at Huguenot High School. The congregation moved into its new sanctuary at the same site in 2002. The current church building has a seating capacity for about 360 people. It also includes a fellowship hall, kitchen and meeting rooms. Rev. Jones said the church was able to pay off its mortgage early by “paying $30,000 and above every year above the regular payment.” Back-to-school festival A Christian outreach center in Henrico County will host an outdoor community back-to-school festival from 1 to 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 23. The site: The Unity Community Outreach Center, 298 Cedar Fork Road, near Fairfield Commons mall on Nine Mile Road. Purpose 828, a Christian hip-hop group, is scheduled to perform and free school supplies will be distributed, according to Pastor Myron D. Davis, president of the nonprofit center and leader of Unity Faith Fellowship Church. The program is open to the public. Details: unitycommunityoutreachcenter@gmail.com or (804) 385-5715. Healing is for today! It is your time and season…. Rev. Louis G. Jones, left, pastor of Gravel Hill Baptist Church. He said he and other church staff did without pay increases for several years to slice the debt. He praised church members for being vigilant in paying down the debt. Don’t miss your opportunity for healing. Matthew 10:1 New Deliverance Evangelistic Church 1701 Turner Road, North Chesterfield, Virginia 23225 (804) 276-0791 fax (804)276-5272 www.ndec.net Remember... At New Deliverance, You Are Home! See you there and bring a friend. Rev. Pernell J. Johnson, Pastor Service Times Sunday Church School 9:45AM Worship 11:00AM Tuesday Bible Study 12:00PM Wednesday Youth & Adult Bible Study 7:00PM Prayer & Praise 8:15PM Van Transportation Available, Call 804-794-5583 11:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Every 3rd Sunday 2nd Sunday, 11 a.m. Mon. 6:30 p.m. Tues. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Wed. 7:45 p.m. Wed. 4:30 p.m. Wed. 6:00 p.m. Thurs., 11:45 a.m. Dr. Levy M. Armwood, Pastor Dr. Wallace J. Cook, Pastor Emeritus Garland Avenue Baptist Church Celebrates Virginia Union University Day Recognizing her 150th Anniversary Sunday, August 24, 2014 • 11:00 a.m. Virginia Union University offers “ The Promise of a Limitless Future ” Meet Student Athletes of the University! Preacher: Dr. Jeffery O. Smith, Ed. D, Pastor Garland Avenue Baptist Church Come to Garland for Dynamic Preaching, Inspiring Music, A Fulfilling and Spiritually Enhanced Worship Experience And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. King James Version (KJV) 13800 Westfield Dr., Midlothian, VA 23113 804-794-5583 • www.firstbaptistchurch1846.com “The People’s Church” “Pastor and People United in Greater Ministry” Rev. Jones, Gravel Hill’s pastor of more than 18 years, also commended Charles Williams, Finance Commitee chairman, and Stephen Scott, chairman of the board of trustees, for leading debt retirement efforts. FirstM iBaptist Church dlothian 216 W. Leigh St. • Richmond, Va. 23220 • Tel: 804-643-3366 Fax: 804-643-3367 • Email: ebcoffice1@comcast.net • web: ebcrichmond.org 2700 Garland Avenue, Richmond, Va. 23222 (804)321-1372 www.garlandavenue.org Sunday August 31, 2014 Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. … and Listen to our Radio Broadcast Sundays at 10:15 a.m. on WCLM 1450 AM 1858 Healing And Living Waters Ministry 2300 Cool Lane Richmond, Virginia 23223 804-795-5784 (Armstrong High School Auditorium) Reverend Dr. Lester D. Frye Pastor and Founder Ebenezer Baptist Church Sunday Worship Sunday Church School Service of Holy Communion Service of Baptism Life Application Bible Class Mid-Week Senior Adult Fellowship Wednesday Meditation & Bible Study Homework & Tutoring Scouting Program Thursday Bible Study Full Gospel Baptist Church. Fifty people attended the first meeting in 2007, and about 500 attended last year, said Bishop Young, who called the conference an effort to “end the silence on an issue that has been right before us all the time.” In Texas, a foundation is investing $850,000 to enable at least 10 African-American churches to educate members on mental health issues over the next three years. These efforts indicate African-Americans may be becoming less fearful of being cut off from their families or losing their jobs for pursing mental health assistance or of becoming unwitting test subjects in case studies. The Rev. Frankey Grayton of Edgewood Baptist Church in Washington exemplifies the new approach from churches. His congregation is developing an action plan to give more attention to mental health. That includes offering in-house counseling to the bereaved, divorced and unemployed and doing more to determine when congregants might need professional help. Bishop G. O. Glenn D. Min., Founder Mother Marcietia S. Glenn First Lady Sunday 8 a.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Worship Service Wednesday Services Senior Citizens Noonday Bible Study Every Wed. 12noon-1pm Sanctuary - All Are Welcome! No Wednesday Night Bible Study during the month of August Saturday 8:30 a.m. Intercessory Prayer You can now view Sunday Morning Service “AS IT HAPPENS” online! Also, for your convenience, we now offer “full online giving.” Visit www.ndec.net. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Hebrew 12:14 (KJV) Tune in on sunday morning to wTvr - channel 6 - 8:30 a.m. sunday Tv Broadcast wTvZ 9 a.m. Norfolk/Tidewater Thursday & Friday radio Broadcast wrEJ 1540 am radio - 8:15 a.m.- 8:30 a.m. THE NEw DElivEraNcE cHrisTiaN acaDEmy (NDca) ENROLL NOW!!! Accepting applications for children 2 yrs. old to 3rd Grade Our NDCA curriculum also consists of a Before and After program. Now Enrolling for our Nursery Ages 6 weeks - 2yrs. old. For more information Please call (804) 276-4433 Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm d re P e s r e F on re P es s r e nd F s hm o d re P re s e F s e ic m n P e o r d s r R h e F c n s m e i P e o r d r R h e F c n m e i P e o r d r R h e F c n m e i P o r d R h e F c n m e i o r d R h F c n m Richmond Free Press B4 August 21-23, 2014 Faith News/Directory Sharpton urges Ferguson citizens to be ‘disciples of justice’ Free Press wire reports FERGUSON, Mo. The Rev. Al Sharpton hopes the Michael Brown case will help change the way police engage the African-American community in this Missouri community and elsewhere. “Michael Brown is going to change this town,” he told a massive crowd that clapped and shouted in response at Sunday services. Hundreds filled the pews of Greater Grace Church. More crowded into the foyer, and hundreds remained on the parking lot unable to enter, all in a show of support for the African-American teenager who was shot by a police officer Aug. 9. Rev. Sharpton announced a future march in Washington on policing. He criticized the militarization of police, saying they have acted in Ferguson as if they are “at war with … citizens.” He urged the crowd to start showing up at the polls to vote and make a difference. “Nobody can go to the White House unless they stop by our house,” he said. “We’ll be here until justice is achieved.” In addition to Rev. Sharpton, Capt. Ronald S. Johnson of the Missouri Highway Patrol, who took charge of security operations in Ferguson last week, also was on hand to offer support to the slain youth’s family, as was U.S. Rep. William Lacy Clay, D-St. Louis. “I want you to know these parents are not going to cry alone, they’re not going to stand alone,” Rev. Sharpton said in speaking of the teen’s parents who were also at the church. “We’ve had enough.” Benjamin Crump, the Brown family’s lawyer, also took the podium. “We’re here to talk about justice,” said Mr. Crump. “We’re here to stand up for our children, because if we don’t stand up for our children, nobody will stand up for our children. They just want what anyone else would want if their child was shot in broad daylight.” When Capt. Johnson of the Highway Patrol spoke he compared the dead teen to his own son. “When this is over, I’m going to go into my son’s room, my black son, who wears his pants sagging, wears his hat cocked to the side, got tattoos on his arms. But that’s my baby,” Capt. Johnson said. “Michael is going to make it better for our sons, so they can be better men.” Mr. Crump told supporters not to lose focus amid news that the teen is alleged to have robbed a convenience store just before the shooting. He called the allegations Thomas Edmonds Jr., 68, pioneer in Richmond retail Thomas Henry “Tea” Edmonds Jr. drew attention when he began waiting on white customers at the Spotless store on Hull Street. While it’s no big deal these days, black retail clerks were still extremely rare in 1964 in Richmond, particularly in white-owned stores in the then bustling business district near the Manchester Courthouse. Then 19, Mr. Edmonds got his shot when the Spotless store manager took a liking to the friendly, outgoing, well-dressed young man, his sister, Deborah Green, said. “The manager taught my brother about selling,” Ms. Green said, and “he was a natural.” Mr. Edmonds’ pioneering role in Richmond retail history is being remembered after he succumbed to illness Monday, Aug. 11, 2014. He was 68. His life was celebrated Tuesday, Aug. 19, in the chapel of Watkins Funeral Home on Christian Gooden, St. Louis Post-Dispatch/Associated Press The Rev. Al Sharpton leads worship Sunday during a service for the Michael Brown family at the Greater Grace Church in Ferguson, Mo. an attempt to assassinate the teen’s character. Rev. Sharpton came in with the Brown family, who received a standing ovation. The teen’s mother, Lesley McSpadden, overwhelmed by the response, bowed her head, breaking down in tears. As at previous forums, Rev. Sharpton urged demonstrators protesting Michael Brown’s � � North Side. Mr. Edmonds went on to sell clothing at Fine’s Men’s Shop. When people found out that he sewed and tailored his own clothes, his customers asked him to tailor their clothes, Ms. Green said. He sold men’s clothing at Fine’s and other stores before joining the staff at Standard Furniture in the late 1970s. Mr. Edmonds collected weekly and monthly payments from customers for more than 32 years before he retired two years ago, said Wayne Mason, co-owner of Standard. “We have three generations of families who have been our customers, and he knew many of them,” Mr. Mason said. Mr. Edmonds’ survivors also include Brenda Farrow-Edmonds, his wife of 44 years, six children, two brothers, two other sisters, eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Moore Street Missionary Baptist Church 1408 W. Leigh Street • 358-6403 Dr. Alonza Lawrence Pastor Sundays death to do so in a peaceful manner. He also urged Ferguson residents to take to the streets with bright yellow T-shirts, calling themselves “Disciples of Justice,” or DJs, to help contain any violence on the streets. But not everyone was happy with Rev. Sharpton’s speech. “He always wants to hush us without handling the whole situation,” said Zsazzi Powell, 27, a stay-at-home mother in Ferguson. “We’re tired of all the pacifying.” fÑÜxtw à{x jÉÜw Riverview Baptist Church 2604 Idlewood Avenue Richmond, Va. 23220 (804) 353-6135 www.riverviewbaptistch.org Rev. Dr. Stephen L. Hewlett, Pastor Rev. Dr. Ralph Reavis, Sr. Pastor Emeritus To advertise your church events in the Richmond Free Press call 644-0496 SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 A.M. Church School 8:45 A.M. Morning Worship 10:00 A.M. Wednesdays New Mercies Ministry 6:00 A.M. Mount Olive Baptist Church Rev. Darryl G. Thompson, Pastor 2014 Theme: The Year of Increase Sundays Church School & New Members Class 8:30 a.m. One Powerful Worship Service through Sunday, September 14, 2014 Funerals & Cremations Tuesdays Noon Day Bible Study Wednesdays Prayer and Praise 6:30 p.m. Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Please be sure to join us each Sunday for a time of passionate worship in praising God. 115 E. Brookland Park Blvd., Richmond, Virginia 23222 Toll-Free: 1-888-603-3862 | Phone: 804-321-9095 Fax: 804-321-1033 | www.scottsfuneralhome.com 1127 North 28th St., Richmond, VA 23223-6624 • Office: (804) 644-1402 Dr. Sylvester T. Smith, Pastor “There’s A Place for You” 22 E. Leigh Street, Richmond, VA 23219 • 643-3825 thesharonbaptistchurch.com • Rev. Dr. Paul A. Coles, Pastor Sunday, August 24, 2014 8:00 a.m. .... Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. .... Sunday School 11:15 a.m. .... Morning Worship Wednesdays 7-8 p.m. .... Bible Study Thursdays Bible Study Summer Break Reconvene 9/4/14 Sundays: Morning Worship Church School Morning Worship 8 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 11 A.M. Thursdays: Unity Sundays (2nd Sundays) Church School Morning Worship 8:30 A.M. 10 A.M. Bible Study is now on summer break and will reconvene in October. Youth Emphasis Sunday Good Shepherd Baptist Church Sharon Baptist Church Worship Opportunities 8775 Mount Olive Ave., Glen Allen, Va. 23060 (804) 262-9614 Phone (804) 262-2397 Fax www.mobcva.org Richard A. Lambert, Sr., President/CEO “The Church With A Welcome” Dr. Kirkland R. Walton, Pastor 10:00 a.m. Over time, some things change. But, our tradition of providing service of the highest caliber has remained the same for over 100 years while serving Richmond and surrounding areas with dignity and excellence. Mission Statement: People of God developing Disciples for Jesus Christ through Preaching and Teaching of God’s Holy Word reaching the people of the Church and the Community. St. Peter Baptist Church Tuesday Sunday 10:30 AM Bible Study 9:30 AM Church School 6:30 PM Church-wide Bible Study 11:00 AM Worship Service 6:30 PM Men's Bible Study (Each 2nd and 4th) (Holy Communion Thursday each 2nd Sunday) Wednesday (Following 2nd Sunday) 6:30 PM Prayer Meeting 11:00 AM Mid-day Meditation Sunday, August 24, 2014 Emphasis during 11 a.m. service Come enjoy a fun-filled fellowship lead by our Youth Ministry. 2040 Mountain Road • Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 Office 804-262-0230 • Fax 804-262-4651 • www.stpeterbaptist.net Triumphant Baptist Church 2003 Lamb Avenue Dr. Arthur M. Jones, Sr., Pastor (804) 321-7622 Church School - 9:30 a.m. Worship Service - 11:15 a.m. Thirty-first Street Baptist Church everence e with elevanc R ing Dr. Morris Henderson, Senior Pastor bin m o ❖ C SUNDAYS Church School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. ❖ WEDNESDAYS Bible Study 12:00 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. Bible Study: Tuesday - 9 a.m. Wednesday - 7 p.m. Prayer Services: Wednesday (1st & 3rd ) 7 a.m. Every Wednesday 8 p.m. Communion - 1st Sunday Sixth Baptist Church Theme for 2014: Becoming a Five-Star Church of Excellence I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil. 4:13 We Are Growing In The Kingdom Sunday, August 24, 2014 As We Grow The Kingdom with Word, Worship and Witness 11am Divine Worship Message by Pastor Bibbs Under the Tent Sermon Revival and Concert Series (Inside if too hot) ❖ MONDAY-FRIDAY Nutrition Center and Clothes Closet 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. 823 North 31st Street Richmond, VA 23223 (804) 226-0150 Office www.31sbc.org Thursday, August 27, 2014 – 7pm Senior Choir In Concert and Generational Mixer Open Forum August: Family, Fellowship and Fun Month Series: Celebrating God and The Psalms #4 Rev. Dr. Yvonne Jones Bibbs, Pastor Twitter sixthbaptistrva 400 South Addison Street, Richmond, Va. 23220 (near Byrd Park) Facebook sixthbaptistrva (804) 359-1691 or 359-3498 Fax (804) 359-3798 www.sixthbaptistchurch.org d re P e s r e F on re P es s r e nd F s hm o d re P re s e F s e ic m n P e o r d s r R h e F c n s m e i P e o r d r R h e F c n m e i P e o r d r R h e F c n m e i P o r d R h e F c n m e i o r d R h F c n m Richmond Free Press August 21-23, 2014 B5 Legal Notices City of Richmond, Virginia CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the City of Richmond Planning Commission has scheduled a public hearing, open to all interested citizens, on Tuesday, September 2, 2014 at 1:30 p.m. in the Fifth Floor Conference Room of City Hall and the Council of the City of Richmond has scheduled a public hearing on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber on the Second Floor of City Hall, located at 900 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia, to consider the following ordinances: Ordinance No. 2014-168 To authorize the special use of the properties known as 3409 Williamsburg Avenue, 4300 Williamsburg Avenue and 116 Nicholson Street for the purpose of a brewery, upon certain terms and conditions. The subject properties are located within the City’s M-1 Light Industrial zoning district. The M-1 district permits breweries, but limits their production to no more than 100,000 barrels of beer per year. The applicant would like the ability for a prospective brewery to brew in excess of 100,000 barrels of beer per year on the subject properties. The subject properties are designated for industrial development in the City’s Master Plan south of Gillies Creek, which includes a wide variety of manufacturing, processing, warehousing and distribution uses. The portion of the property north of Gillies Creek is located within the Downtown Plan and is designated as part of the Urban Center Area by the Plan. The Urban Center Area is characterized by a dense mix of office space, apartments, and retail located in four- to six- story brick buildings that front the street. The Plans do not establish any residential densities for the properties. Ordinance No. 2014-169 To authorize the special use of the property known as 108 Nicholson Street for the purpose of a brewery, upon certain terms and conditions. This property is one of several properties proposed to be used for brewery operations. The subject properties are located within the City’s M-1 Light Industrial zoning district. The M-1 district permits breweries, but limits their production to no more than 100,000 barrels of beer per year. The applicant would like the ability for a prospective brewery to brew in excess of 100,000 barrels of beer per year on the subject properties. This property is designated for industrial development in the City’s Master Plan south, which includes a wide variety of manufacturing, processing, warehousing and distribution uses and does not establish any residential densities for the property. Interested citizens who wish to speak will be given an opportunity to do so. Copies of the full text of all ordinances are available by visiting the City Clerk’s page on the City’s Website at www.Richmondgov. com and in the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 900 East Broad Street, Suite 200, Richmond, VA 23219, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Jean V. Capel City Clerk City of Richmond, Virginia, CITY COUNCIL Public Notice Notice is hereby given that the City of Richmond Planning Commission has scheduled a public hearing, open to all interested citizens, on Tuesday, September 2, 2014 at 1:30 p.m. in the Fifth Floor Conference Room of City Hall and the Council of the City of Richmond has scheduled a public hearing on Monday, September 8, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber on the Second Floor of City Hall, located at 900 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia, to consider the following ordinances: Ordinance No. 2014-153 To authorize the special use of the property known as 122 West Leigh Street for the purpose of a private museum, upon certain terms and conditions. The applicant is proposing to renovate the former Leigh Street Armory and convert the building into a private museum which will become the new home for the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia. The proposed addition will also include a café and gift shop that will be patronized by visitors and operate during normal museum business hours. The museum also plans to offer exhibit and banContinued on next column Continued from previous column Continued from previous column quet space for rent to the public for special events. This proposed use is not allowed in the underlying R-6 Single-Family Attached Residential zoning district. The applicant is therefore requesting a special use permit. The proposed improvements and design of the addition were approved by the Commission of Architectural review on September 24, 2013. The site is in an R-6 Single Family Attached Residential zoning district which does not allow privately-owned museums. The City of Richmond’s Downtown Master Plan identified the project site and surrounding area as a “General Urban Area”(3.19). The Plan also encourages the “adaptive re-use of historic and architecturally significant buildings to ensure preservation and retention of essential elements of community character.” This proposal will not alter the density of the subject property. originally adopted by City Council on September 10, 2007, expired on July 1, 2014. This ordinance would reauthorize the original CUP with a deadline of July 1, 2017 for filing final plans. The Master Plan Land Use Map designates this property as an Economic Opportunity Area. Appropriate uses in the portion of the Economic Development Area south of Midlothian Turnpike may include light industrial, office, institutional, and/or retail. The Master Plan states that high density housing as a secondary use would also be appropriate. Ordinance No. 2014-157 To conditionally rezone a portion of the property known as 6508 Jahnke Road (also known as the Bliley Property) from the R-2 Single-Family Residential District to the R-53 Multifamily Residential District (Conditional) and the remaining portion of such property from the R-2 Single-Family Residential District to the R-7 Single- and Two-Family Urban Residential District (Conditional), upon certain proffered conditions. The proposed rezoning with the accompanied proffers would allow for a density of approximately 6.9 dwelling units per acre when considering the entire site. The Richmond Master Plan designates this property as a SingleFamily (Low Density) Housing Opportunity Area (HOA). The Single-Family (Low Density) designation establishes a residential density of up to 7 dwelling units per acre. The HOA designation indicates that the site is appropriate for residential development consistent with the underlying land use plan designation of single family residential. Ordinance No. 2014-158 To authorize the special use of the property known as 6400 Jahnke Road for the purpose of authorizing certain identification signage, upon certain terms and conditions. This would authorize a neighborhood monument sign at the intersection of Jahnke Road and the proposed German School Road extended. The proposed sign will be approximately 11 feet wide and two feet in height with a masonry base approximately 30 feet wide and 6 feet in height. The Richmond Master Plan designates this property as a Single-Family (Low Density) Housing Opportunity Area (HOA). Ordinance No. 2014-159 To authorize the special use of the property known as 4900 Augusta Avenue for the purpose of certain identification signage, upon certain terms and conditions. The existing RO-2 Residential Office zoning district permits wall signs up to 12 square feet for street frontages of less than 100 feet. The proposed sign is just over 50 square feet. The City of Richmond’s Master Plan designates this property as Transitional Office. Ordinance No. 2014-160 To amend Ord. No. 201285-85, adopted June 11, 2012, which authorized a special use of the property known as 25 and 27 North Belmont Avenue, to permit the use of the property as a restaurant, upon certain terms and conditions. The City of Richmond’s Master Plan recommends Singlefamily (Medium Density) land use for the property. The Master Plan defines the primary uses for this category as single-family and two-family detached and attached dwellings at densities of 8 to 20 units per acre, and includes residential support uses such as schools, places of worship, and neighborhood parks, among others. Ordinance No. 2014-161 To authorize a Preliminary Community Unit Plan permitting the development of a residential community not to exceed four hundred (400) single-family detached and single-family attached dwelling units on approximately 117.88 acres of land located at 6903 Midlothian Turnpike, upon certain terms and conditions. The CUP, Continued on next column Interested citizens who wish to speak will be given an opportunity to do so. Copies of the full text of all ordinances are available by visiting the City Clerk’s page on the City’s Website at www.Richmondgov. com and in the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 900 East Broad Street, Suite 200, Richmond, VA 23219, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Jean V. Capel City Clerk ADOPTION Order of Publication Commonwealth of Virginia City of Richmond Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Commonwealth of Virginia, in re crystal angel turner-deveraux Children’s Home Society of Virginia v. Unknown Birth Father The object of this suit is to: Pursuant to VA.Code 63.2-1205 and 63.2-1250, Children’s Home Society of Virginia is requesting that the Court terminate the residual parental rights of the unknown birth father, whose identity and whereabouts are unknown, and transfer custody of the infant, Crystal Angel TurnerDevereaux, d/o/b 3/12/14 to the Children’s Home Society of Virginia with the right to place the infant for adoption. It is ORDERED that the defendant Unknown Birth Father appear at the abovenamed Court and protect his or her interests on or before September 17, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. Sherry A. Fox, Esq. ThompsonMcMullan, PC 100 Shockoe Slip Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 698-6231 ( Divorce 8 VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF HANOVER ALONDRAS SAUNDERS, Plaintiff, v. ELIZABETH MOORE, Defendant. Case No.: CL14001787-00 ORDER OF PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to obtain a divorce from the bond of matrimony from the defendant on the ground of living separate and apart without any cohabitation and without interruption for a period exceeding twelve months. It is ORDERED that the defendant, whose whereabouts are unknown, appear here on or before the 24th day of September, 2014, at 9:30 a.m. and protect her interests. A Copy Teste: FRANK D. HARGROVE, JR., Clerk I ask for this: Dorothy M. Eure Counsel for Plaintiff VSB# 27724 8460 Mount Eagle Road Ashland, VA 23005 (804) 798-9667 VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF HANOVER JEFFREY BYRD, Plaintiff, v. STEPHANIE BYRD, Defendant. Case No.: CL14001719-00 ORDER OF PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to obtain a divorce from the bond of matrimony from the defendant on the ground of living separate and apart without any cohabitation and without interruption for a period exceeding twelve months. It is ORDERED that the Continued on next column Continued from previous column Continued from previous column Continued from previous column Court of the City of Richmond on June 23, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Tower Building Properties, L.L.C., et al., Case No. CL13-2772-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 607 North 30th Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF HANOVER REFLECTION RUSHING, Plaintiff, v. CHRISTOPHER RUSHING, Defendant. Case No.: CL14001720-00 ORDER OF PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to obtain a divorce from the bond of matrimony from the defendant on the ground of living separate and apart without any cohabitation and without interruption for a period exceeding twelve months. It is ORDERED that the defendant, whose whereabouts are unknown, appear here on or before the 4th day of September, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. and protect his interests. A Copy Teste: FRANK D. HARGROVE, JR., Clerk I ask for this: Dorothy M. Eure Counsel for Plaintiff VSB# 27724 8460 Mount Eagle Road Ashland, VA 23005 (804) 798-9667 Ordinance No. 2014-166 To authorize the special use of the property known as 613 North Lombardy Street for the purpose of permitting up to thirteen (13) dwelling units, upon certain terms and conditions. The special use permit would authorize a residential density of 94 units per acre in an existing building. The City of Richmond’s Master Plan designates this property as Community Commercial, which does not establish any residential density ranges but does include office, retail, personal service, and other commercial and services uses, intended to provide the shopping and service needs of residents of a number of nearby neighborhoods or a section of the City. Ordinance No. 2014-156 To rezone the properties known as 1308 Sherwood Avenue and 1213, 1215, 1217, 1219, 1221 and 1223 Brookland Parkway from the R-3 Single-Family Residential District to the I Institutional District. The Richmond Master Plan designates this property for Institutional uses, which include places of worship, private schools, universities, museums, hospitals and other care facilities. Continued from previous column defendant, whose whereabouts are unknown, appear here on or before the 11th day of September, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. and protect her interests. A Copy Teste: FRANK D. HARGROVE, JR., Clerk I ask for this: Dorothy M. Eure Counsel for Plaintiff VSB# 27724 8460 Mount Eagle Road Ashland, VA 23005 (804) 798-9667 VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF HANOVER PATRICIA KING, Plaintiff, v. DEVON ROBINSON, Defendant. Case No.: CL13002055-00 ORDER OF PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to obtain a divorce from the bond of matrimony from the defendant on the ground of living separate and apart without any cohabitation and without interruption for a period exceeding twelve months. It is ORDERED that the defendant, whose whereabouts are unknown, appear here on or before the 5th day of September, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. and protect his interests. A Copy Teste: FRANK D. HARGROVE, JR., Clerk I ask for this: Dorothy M. Eure Counsel for Plaintiff VSB# 27724 8460 Mount Eagle Road Ashland, VA 23005 (804) 798-9667 VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF HANOVER CAROLINE MUSHI, Plaintiff, v. ARNETTE JOHNSON, Defendant. Case No.: CL14001734-00 ORDER OF PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to obtain a divorce from the bond of matrimony from the defendant on the ground of living separate and apart without any cohabitation and without interruption for a period exceeding twelve months. It is ORDERED that the defendant, whose whereabouts are unknown, appear here on or before the 4th day of September, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. and protect his interests. A Copy Teste: FRANK D. HARGROVE, JR., Clerk I ask for this: Dorothy M. Eure Counsel for Plaintiff VSB# 27724 8460 Mount Eagle Road Ashland, VA 23005 (804) 798-9667 VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF HANOVER RHONDA CHAMBERLAIN, Plaintiff, v. RICKY CHAMBERLAIN, Defendant. Case No.: CL14-48 ORDER OF PUBLICATION The object of this suit is to obtain a divorce from the bond of matrimony from the defendant on the ground of living separate and apart without any cohabitation and without interruption for a period exceeding twelve months. It is ORDERED that the defendant, whose whereabouts are unknown, appear here on or before the 4th day of September, 2014, at 9:00 a.m. and protect his interests. A Copy Teste: FRANK D. HARGROVE, JR., Clerk I ask for this: Dorothy M. Eure Counsel for Plaintiff VSB# 27724 8460 Mount Eagle Road Ashland, VA 23005 (804) 798-9667 PROPERTY COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 607 North 30th Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA E000-0632/031 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Continued on next column For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 914 North 4th Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA N000-0070/013 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on May 19, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Tower Building Properties, L.L.C., et al., Case No. CL13-1037-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 609 North 30th Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on June 23, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Tower Building Properties, L.L.C., et al., Case No. CL13-2909-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 910-912 North 2nd Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on June 23, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Premier Investment Properties, L.L.C., et al., Case No. CL13-4182-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 914 North 4 th Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Continued on next column Continued on next column Continued on next column For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 609 North 30th Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA E000-0632/032 For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 910-912 North 2nd Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA N000-0068/017 Continued from previous column Special Commissioner For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 1012 North 32nd Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA E000-0723/008 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on January 27, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Tower Building Properties, L.L.C., et al., Case No. CL13-3018-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 1012 North 32nd Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 1125 North 31st Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA E000-0722/034 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on May 19, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Premier Investment Properties, L.L.C., et al., Case No. CL12-3570-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant Continued on next page d re P e s r e F on re P es s r e nd F s hm o d re P re s e F s e ic m n P e o r d s r R h e F c n s m e i P e o r d r R h e F c n m e i P e o r d r R h e F c n m e i P o r d R h e F c n m e i o r d R h F c n m B6 August 21-23, 2014 Richmond Free Press Legal Notices Continued from previous page Continued from previous column Continued from previous column to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 1125 North 31st Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 1208 North 32nd Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA E000-0721/014 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on May 9, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Clayton Investment Group, L.L.C., A Cancelled Virginia Limited Liability Company, et al., Case No. CL13-5086-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 1207 North 21st Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on May 19, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Tower Building Properties, L.L.C., et al., Case No. CL13-3622-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 1208 North 32nd Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes Continued on next column Continued on next column For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 1207 North 21st Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA E000-0557/020 For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 1214 North 32nd Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA E000-0721/010 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on June 23, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Premier Investment Properties, L.L.C., et al., Case No. CL12-3572-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 1214 North 32nd Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner For More Information Contact: Continued on next column Continued from previous column Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 1220 North 33rd Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA E000-0802/001 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on February 24, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Eric L. Burrell, et al., Case No. CL13-3873-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 1220 North 33rd Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 1307 f/k/a 1305 ½ North th 27 Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA E000-0622/019 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on May 19, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Premier Investment Properties, L.L.C., et al., Case No. CL13-2915-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys AsContinued on next column Continued from previous column Continued from previous column Continued from previous column set Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 1307 f/k/a 1305 ½ North 27th Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 1724 North 28th Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA E000-0864/002 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on June 23, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. L.V. Lawrence as Trustee of the LMT Land Trust Under Agreement Dated November 1, 2009, et al., Case No. CL11-5663-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 1427 North 22nd Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on May 19, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Tower Building Properties, L.L.C., et al., Case No. CL13-2910-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 1724 North 28th Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations Continued on next column Continued on next column For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 1427 North 22nd Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA E000-0708/028 For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 3008 1st Avenue, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA N000-1058/004 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on November 18, 2013 in the matter City of Richmond v. Xavier Brown, a/k/a Xavier Valentine Brown, et al., Case No. CL13-3243-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 3008 1st Avenue, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Continued on next column Continued from previous column Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 3412 1st Avenue, a/k/a 3412 First Avenue, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA N000-1167/006 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on May 19, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Tower Building Properties, L.L.C., et al., Case No. CL13-27711, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.13965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 3412 1st Avenue, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 318 Mitchell Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA N000-0223/034 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on January 27, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Frank Vohradsky, et al., Case No. CL13-5004-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at Continued on next page d re P e s r e F on re P es s r e nd F s hm o d re P re s e F s e ic m n P e o r d s r R h e F c n s m e i P e o r d r R h e F c n m e i P e o r d r R h e F c n m e i P o r d R h e F c n m e i o r d R h F c n m Richmond Free Press August 21-23, 2014 B7 Legal Notices Continued from previous page Continued from previous column Continued from previous column 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 318 Mitchell Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 809 Pebble Court, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA C006-0329/030 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on January 27, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Vance T. Manning, et al., Case No. CL13-3523-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 319 East Ladies Mile Road, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on May 19, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Christopher Jones a/k/a Christopher Eugene Jones, et al., Case No. CL13-3769-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 809 Pebble Court, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may Continued on next column Continued on next column For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 319 East Ladies Mile Road, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA N000-1553/015 For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 1270 Moore Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA N000-0619/084 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on February 24, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Audrey L. Pack, et al., Case No. CL13-4446-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 1270 Moore Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 Continued on next column Continued from previous column COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 1403 ½ a/k/a 1405 Spotsylvania Street, f/k/a 1403 ½ and 1405 Spotsylvania Street (formerly Stewart Street), RICHMOND, VIRGINIA E000-0608/015 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on November 18, 2013 in the matter City of Richmond v. Calvin H. Seaton, Jr., et al., Case No. CL13-3431-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 1403 ½ a/k/a 1405 Spotsylvania Street f/k/a 1403 ½ and 1405 Spotsylvania Street (formerly Stewart Street), Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner Continued from previous column Continued from previous column Continued from previous column Continued from previous column more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner 3969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner OF 2709 Q Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA E000-0476/006 For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 2024 Sledd Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA N000-0530/001 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on October 15, 2013 in the matter City of Richmond v. Premier Investment Properties, L.L.C., et al., Case No. CL12-3579-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 1708 Hickory Street, Richmond, Virginia, and Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on January 27, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Fatima Ibrahim a/k/a Shehu Mustafa Ibrahim, et al., Case No. CL13-3430-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 1923 Bainbridge Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on May 19, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Douglas R. Sanger, Jr., et al., Case No. CL13-5503-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 2024 Sledd Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.1- Continued on next column Continued on next column Continued on next column For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 1708 Hickory Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA N000-0364/031 For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 1923 Bainbridge Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA S000-0297/026 For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 2202 Joplin Avenue, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA S007-1030/009 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on January 27, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Ella L. Nobles a/k/a Ella Louise Nobles, et al., Case No. CL13-4132-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 2202 Joplin Avenue, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE Continued on next column Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on October 15, 2013 in the matter City of Richmond v. Premier Investment Properties, L.L.C., et al., Case No. CL12-3822-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 2709 Q Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 3112 East Marshall Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA E000-0730/014 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on February 24, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Ernest Nelson, et al., Case No. CL13-4434-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 3112 East Marshall Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Continued on next page d re P e s r e F on re P es s r e nd F s hm o d re P re s e F s e ic m n P e o r d s r R h e F c n s m e i P e o r d r R h e F c n m e i P e o r d r R h e F c n m e i P o r d R h e F c n m e i o r d R h F c n m B8 August 21-23, 2014 Richmond Free Press Legal Notices/Employment Legal NoticesOpportunities Continued from previous page Continued from previous column Continued from previous column Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner rights against the defaulting Purchaser, including costs of resale and any deficiency resulting from resale. Gregory A. Lukanuski Special Commissioner For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 10230 Pondera Road, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA C001-0616/022 Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on February 24, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. Rubin Woodson a/k/a Ruben Woodson, et al., Case No. CL13-5209-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 3312 P Street, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated Pursuant to an Order of Sale entered in the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond on June 23, 2014 in the matter City of Richmond v. J. Farrar Pace a/k/a Joseph Farrar Pace, Sr., et al., Case No. CL13-4734-1, a suit for the sale of real estate for delinquent taxes pursuant to Section 58.1-3965, et seq. of the Code of Virginia, the undersigned Special Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction at Motleys Asset Disposition Group, 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road, Richmond, Virginia 23234, on September 23, 2014, at 4:00 p.m., the real estate together with any improvements thereon, known as 10230 Pondera Road, Richmond, Virginia, and more particularly described in the above mentioned court file. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A bidder’s deposit of $2,500.00 or 20% of the purchase price, whichever is greater, will be required in cash, certified check or such other form as the Special Commissioner may in his sole discretion determine. A buyer’s premium of 10% of the successful bid will be added to equal total purchase price. All bidders shall be required to certify by affidavit that they do not own, either directly or indirectly, any real estate with outstanding Notices of Code Violations under local environmental, zoning and building code law, or delinquent real estate taxes, other taxes or any other finance related matter related to the City of Richmond. The property is being sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties, subject to the rights of any person in possession and to all easements, liens, covenants, defects, encumbrances, adverse claims, conditions and restrictions, whether filed or inchoate, to include any information a survey or inspection of the property may disclose. Conveyance will be made by either a Special Commissioner’s Deed and/ or a Special Warranty deed, with adjustment of real estate property taxes made as of the date of confirmation of the sale. All settlement, recordation fees and prorated taxes are to be paid by Purchaser. Risk of loss shall be upon Purchaser from time of confirmation by the Circuit Court. In the event the tax delinquent property is subject to a Notice of Code Violation under the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, city zoning codes or environmental codes, the high bidder shall be required to submit a written work schedule and plan to abate all code violations which shall be approved by the appropriate department, in its sole discretion. The acceptance of the bid by the Special Commissioner shall not be construed as limiting any powers vested in the City. Additional terms may be announced at the time of sale. The successful bid is subject to confirmation by the aforementioned Circuit Court pursuant to Section 58.13969 of the Code of Virginia. Settlement shall occur at the time of the confirmation by the Circuit Court, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE; otherwise, the Special Commissioner may require the Purchaser to forfeit the deposit and seek other legal or equitable Continued on next column Continued on next column For More Information Contact: Gregory A. Lukanuski, Esquire 900 East Broad Street, Suite 300 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7940 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF 3312 P Street, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA E000-0878/014 Tim Dudley Motley’s Asset Disposition Group 3600 Deepwater Terminal Road Richmond, Virginia 23234 Main Office Number: (804) 232-3300 Real Life Ministries is looking for a pastor. Visit http://goo.gl/uQHdOm for announcement and details for applying. The City of Richmond expressly reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The successful bidder shall reimburse the City for all costs incurred in connection with the advertisement of this ordinance in accordance with section 15.2-2101 of the Code of Virginia and shall post the bond required by the ordinance. Job Openings currently available in the city of Richmond and surrounding counties. www.phri.com http://eservices.ci.richmond. va.us/applications/ c l e r k s t r a c k i n g / g e t P D F. asp?NO=2014-151 REQUEST FOR BIDS For Lease, Franchise, Right and Privilege To Use 600 North 5th Street In the City of Richmond 804-377-2670 ext. 901 Please address any questions or bids to: The City of Richmond is seeking bids for the lease, franchise, right and privilege to use certain property located at 600 North 5th Street for parking in accordance with a certain Agreement and Deed of Parking Lease, for an initial term of 5 years with the lessee’s option to renew for up to seven 5-year renewal terms, subject to certain responsibilities to be imposed by lease and subject further to all retained rights of the City of Richmond. All bids for the lease hereby offered to be granted shall be submitted in writing to the City Clerk’s office by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, September 8, 2014. Bids will be presented to the presiding officer of the Council of the City of Richmond on Monday, September 8, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. in open session Jean V. Capel, City Clerk City of Richmond 900 East Broad Street, Suite 200 Richmond, Virginia 23219 (804) 646-7955 COUNTY OF HENRICO, VIRGINIA Proposals to Provide Engineering Services for Strawberry Hill Subbasin (SH-53) Sewer Rehabilitation. Pursuant to RFP # 14-9643-8CE, is due by 2:00 p.m. September 24, 2014. The Request for Proposal is available at: http://www.co.henrico.us/ purchasing/ REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The University of Virginia seeks a firm to provide: Spark Plasma Sintering System To view a copy of RFP #FF081514 go to Procurement Services Site: http://www.procurement. virginia.edu/main/public postings/RFP.html, or email fff3x@virginia.edu MANAGER OF LOGISTICS AND PRODUCTION This position is located in the facilities logistics department and supports the mission with various duties. The incumbent is responsible for managing the staff and operations of the Logistic Department and acts as consultant to all other departments for logistics and purchasing issues. A copy of the full text of the ordinance is on file in the City Clerk’s office, and the full text of the ordinance and lease to be executed is available at: BIDS Continued on next column and shall then be presented by the presiding officer to the Council and be dealt with and acted upon in the mode prescribed by law. TransiT sysTem GENERAL UTILITY Starting Rate: $15.78 per hour Closing Date: August 28, 2014 GRTC Transit System seeks a detailed oriented individual, 21 years of age or older, who can work independently and in a team environment to perform various vehicle service duties. This position requires weekend and weekday availability. The hours will vary depending on shift. High school education required. Must have, at a minimum, a valid Virginia Class B CDL Learners Permit with P Endorsement required. Candidates must have a good driving record with a point balance of five (5) or better and must be able to pass a background check along with a pre-employment drug test and a DOT physical. Candidates may apply online at www. ridegrtc.com. No paper applications accepted. GRTC is an equal opportunity employer with a drug-free work environment. To advertise in the Richmond Free Press call 644-0496 Ad Sales Executive (Richmond Metro Area) SEALED BID SALE SALE OF REAL ESTATE RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Sealed bids will be accepted by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) in the office of the Property Management Assistant Program Manager located at 1750 N. Main Street, Suffolk, VA 23434, until, but no later than, September 16, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. for the following property: The subject property is located at 6540 Midlothian Turnpike, Richmond, VA 23225 and on the corner of Carnation Street. The shape is generally rectangular, containing 9,461 SF or 0.217 acre. The property has approximately 115’ of frontage along Midlothian Turnpike, 80’ along Carnation Street, and is zoned B-3, General Business. The property is encumbered by a variable width Dominion Virginia Power Easement and a variable width Verizon easement. Bids must be submitted in the manner prescribed in the “Instruction to Bidders” available from VDOT, accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or money order in the amount of 10% of the bid as a deposit. The successful bidder’s deposit will be applied toward the purchase price. All others will be returned. Closing shall occur within 60 days after approval of sale. The value placed on this parcel is $71,000. Employees of VDOT, their immediate families or any person employed with the valuation and/or acquisition of this property are ineligible to bid. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. The property is being sold “as is” with conveyance by deed without warranty. For further information and proposals, contact VDOT at the above address or call Jacqulyn M. Holland at 757-925-2641. For questions or additional information email: alice.braswell-jones@vdot. virginia.gov. All bids must be submitted on the Bid Proposal Form by the stated deadline for consideration. The Richmond Free Press is looking to fill an advertising sales position immediately that is open for a gogetter who knows the Richmond Metro area. Familiarity with ad agencies who represent clients in the Richmond area market a plus. Reliable transportation. Must possess effective verbal and communication skills. Salary + quarterly bonus upon meeting benchmarks set by the employer. Send your resume along with a letter of interest with emphasis on past ad sales achievements and skills, including salary requirements to: advertising@rich mondfreepress.com No phone calls. The Incumbent will contribute to the production of the quality Unit Hour by leading and managing the Supply, Equipment Management, Make Ready and pharmaceutical supply areas of the organization. The incumbent will have responsibility for leadership in equipment care as well as vehicle cleanliness, managing inventory and ordering of supplies, decontamination and vehicle and equipment borne infection control issues. To apply, please visit www.raaems.org to submit an application no later than 5:00PM Monday, August 25, 2014. EOE/AAP The City of Richmond is seeking to fill the following positions: Deputy Director II - Economic Support & Independence 27M00000459 Social Services Continuous Deputy Director II - Children, Families & Adults 27M00000546 Social Services Continuous Deputy Fire Chief of Operations 42M00000421 Fire Continuous Operations Technical Support Representative - PC Break Fix Tech 20M00000012 Information Technology Apply By: 8/31/2014 Planner II 05M00000107 Planning and Development Review Apply By: 08/31/2014 Trades Supervisor I - Water Maintenance 35M00000231 Public Utilities Apply By: 8/31/2014 ****************** For an exciting career with the City of Richmond, visit our website for additional information and apply today! www.richmondgov.com EOE M/F/D/V PRIME SPACE AVAILABLE in the historic Imperial Building Downtown Richmond, Virginia 973 – 1,575 sq. ft. Call (804) 400-1772 to learn about our LEASING SPECIALS ■ Fantastic natural lighting ■ Impressive granite and metal Lobby ■ Convenient and safe Parking ■ Within walking distance to great restaurants and two post offices ■ Minutes away from the State Capitol, City Hall and the federal, state and city courts For more information, call (804) 400-1772
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