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Ben Maenza, 23, of Tennessee; Troy McLehany, 43, and Dennis McLaughlin, 62, both of Texas; and John Gerlaugh, 58, of Virginia, began their journey at the shores of the Atlantic in St. Augustine, Fla. Their goal is to raise a $1 million, reach Camp Pendleton, just outside San Diego, and touch the Pacific Ocean, which will mark the end of their trip across the United States. Newsletters As they pedal through the sweltering heat, donations go to the Semper Fi Fund, a nonprofit organization committed to raise money so critically injured members in the U.S. Armed Forces have a fighting chance to get back on their feet after war. This organization helped Maenza, a retired Marine, who lost both his legs when a 20pound roadside bomb hit him during his 2010 tour in Afghanistan. Semper Fi quickly visited Maenza when they found out he was injured. They brought his girlfriend and parents to his bedside. Go Entertainment News Crave Food & Cooking eSaver Offers Breaking news alerts Most Popular "They make sure you're never alone in the hospital," Maenza said. Viewed Commented Unlike some other groups, Semper Fi makes a lifetime commitment to war veterans. BUSINESS BULLETIN: Freebirds, Smiling Moose hits with diners Updated 7/8/2012 at 10:18 p.m. Emailed 12 comments "There's a thousand people telling you they're here for you and here's my card, but you never see them again," he said. Semper Fi, which is short for semper fidelis, is a Marine Corps motto that translate to "always faithful." The organization's goal is to faithfully help heroes in need. Texas' new voter ID law hits the courts Updated 7/8/2012 at 10:20 p.m. HEALTH CARE: How will Texas swallow its dose? Published 7/7/2012 at 7:49 p.m. other expenses that stretch a families' budget. 33 comments Truck crashes into railroad crossing structure Updated 7/9/2012 at 9:41 p.m. Semper Fi pays for the staggering cost of hospitalization, treatment expenses and 26 comments Poor face limited health care choices Updated 7/8/2012 at 10:22 p.m. The fund, created in 2004, has given more than $63 million to about 8,000 soldiers and their families. 18 comments 1 comment Photo Galleries Once they leave the hospital, the organization also helps to modify homes to accommodate soldiers with serious disabilities. Maenza said the fund gave him a grant for a car he could drive. "As soon as you hit the door they're here for you," he said. Even though the organization has helped more than 8,000 families, it continues to face a number of challenges. Donations are dwindling and the group has only reached about $119,00 of its goal. The group of men pay their traveling expenses out Mr. Dog fourth annual San Angelo… Good fun, good friends at summer camp GOT GAME: Soccer ladies take the 'pitch' Weather Currently 36-Hour Your Photos of pocket, and 100 percent of the donations they receive goes toward the charity. Currently Today "If everyone we've met donated a $1, we wold have already reached our goal," 88° 91° Gerlaugh said. "We ride for a reason." Fair Wind: E 8mph Gerlaugh, a retired Marine, and his brother-in-law McLaughlin, first got the idea to More Weather » travel across country when they watched "The Bucket List," a movie about two men who take a road trip with a wish list of things they have in mind to do before they die. Gerlaugh and McLaughlin knew they wanted to do something, but didn't know what until they were invited by a few friends to attend a Semper Fi Fund convention in New York. That is where they met Maenza, whose story inspired them to ride cross country. They also recruited their friend, McLehany, and everything fell into place. The group also is accompanied by a trailer driven by Alana Grigsby, McLehany's girlfriend, who keeps the group hydrated and well fed. Gerlaugh also was was in Iraq and Afghanistan from 2007-08, saw young men and woman risk their lives every day. He recalls in Afghanistan a young Marine who risked his life and died to save an Afghan police officer from drowning. When the officer fell into a river, the Marine ran after him, but because of the weight of his gear, the river swept both of them away. "These young men and women risk their lives every day, so we can be successful," Business Directory Search Browse Business: e.g. salon Gerlaugh said. "Freedom is not free." Location: e.g. San Angelo, TX In each state the group has traveled they received a warm welcome, especially in Texas, Gerlaugh said. Their most scariest experience was when a driver who was texting almost hit Maenza on U.S. Highway 87. Fortunately the group quickly told him to move out of the way. 72° San Angelo, TX Search Powered by Local.com Regardless of the obstacles they face they continue to ride. Maenza, who peadals with his hands, said he does it to "inspire people who face something so traumatic that it's not over." To help donate, visit rideforheroes.stayclassy.org. © 2012 San Angelo Standard Times. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Discuss Recommend Print Send Be the first of your friends to recommend this. More from Go San Angelo Death notices, 7/07 Crash sends San Angelo woman to hospital San Angelo receives 0.39 inch of rain Truck crashes into railroad crossing structure Poor face limited health care choices Also in Local News More Daily Chat: "The good ol' days..." 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